Speculations On Dogon Iconography
Speculations On Dogon Iconography
Speculations On Dogon Iconography
Yr IDIT!llllt
Nil i· iIIEll,TRlll
HII held by the average tribesman . The superficial L5- q uite compli-
!IMIIII l,tcll
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c.ired e11ougJ:i .
As in the Old Testament' s Genesis . in lhe beginning I.here
was logos O.I' power in the form of A.m m1i, the Creator God .
T hen there was a vasl egg called by the Dogon udiuw tai. the
" egg of the world," whi.ch con1aincd nhc. germ!> of o bjccti\l·c
reality . "Thi!> seed. quickened by lln i11tern al vibration. hllrs~
lhe cn ...·cloping !>h.eath and emerges to reach lhc uttermost
confines of the universe" (Griaule and Di,i:tetk:n 19-54;84) .
The vibration occurrc<l ins.even pulse£ along which the gemu
formed in ,s,egments of increas ing h:ng1h (Fig. 1 ). 1he las1 of
which ibmke the integument of the egg and establi~hed itself as
an eighth step. The cxiension of the scvenlhi vibration into a
l.ff1 1 T!-.E 0030H EGG or -1-l [ w:>::to· 'l'l P-1 PRIIWrJOI",_ ~·1Bf10:TIONS
new 011der caused. it lo become the firs• pulse in u new !!od
fir(,;,·; i (:)l.>,( ;",..M (JF Tt-<E LAW) IF, r,.F :.. CJ06f).}j ~II I K_; cnlargtng seiie: , a continual progression e:lpresstve of the