1 - CE523 - Python Programming - II - CE - Sem5 - Batch2019-2023
1 - CE523 - Python Programming - II - CE - Sem5 - Batch2019-2023
1 - CE523 - Python Programming - II - CE - Sem5 - Batch2019-2023
Detailed Syllabus
Sr. Hours
Name of chapter and details
No. Allotted
3 Data Analytics
NumPy Library – Introduction and Installation of NumPy, NumPy Arrays,
Array creation using built-in functions, Attributes and Methods, Array
manipulation, Indexing and Iterating 5
Pandas Library – Introduction to Pandas, Pandas Series, Data Frame,
Importing and Exporting data with CSV, JSON files, Manipulating a Data
Total 14
4. Data Visualization
Introduction to Matplotlib, Types of Charts, Legends, annotations and style, 05
Plotting directly from Pandas Data Frame and NumPy Arrays
5. Web Scraping
Introduction to Web Scrapping, Use of Web Scrapping, Retrieving Web
Pages, Parsing Web Pages, Beautifulsoup Package, Tweet Scrub,
Amazon Screen Scrapper, Mailmerge
6. GUI Programming
Introduction to GUI, Tkinter Programming, Tkinter Widgets, Frame, Various
Buttons, Label, Entry, List Box, Menu, Text, tkMessageBox, Standard 03
Attributes of GUI
Total 14
Reference Books:
• Title: “Introduction to Computing and Problem Solving with Python”
Author(s): Jeeva Jose and P. Sojan Lal
• Title: “Python: The Complete Reference”
Author(s): Martin C. Brown
• Title: “Learning Python
Author(s): Mark Lutz
• Title: “Python for Data Analysis”
Author(s): Wes McKinney
Additional Resources
• https://docs.python.org
• https://www.w3schools.com/python/
• https://www.programiz.com/python-programming/tutorial
• http://www.numpy.org/
• http://pandas.pydata.org/