4hk1 6hk1
4hk1 6hk1
4hk1 6hk1
ISUZU DIESEL ENGINE (4HK1, 6HK1) . . . . . . . . 1A-3 Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-81
Precautions on Service Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-3 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-87
Main Data and Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-11 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-93
Cylinder Head Cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-14 Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-100
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-14 Special Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-100
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-15 Piston, Connecting Rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-102
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-16 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-102
Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-18 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-102
Inlet Cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-20 Disassembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-103
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-20 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-109
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-21 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-111
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-22 Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-113
Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-24 Special Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-113
Turbocharger and Exhaust Manifold . . . . . . . . . . 1A-25 Flywheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-114
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-25 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-114
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-26 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-114
Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-27 Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-116
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-28 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-116
Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-32 Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-118
Timing Gear Train . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-35 Special Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-118
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-35 Front Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-119
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-36 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-119
Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-38 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-120
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-40 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-121
Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-51 Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-123
Special Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-52 Crankshaft Front Oil Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-125
Rocker Arm Shaft ASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-53 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-125
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-53 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-125
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-53 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-127
Disassembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-54 Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-132
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-56 Special Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-132
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-57 Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-133
Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-58 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-133
Camshaft ASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-59 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-133
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-59 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-134
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-60 Special Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-137
Disassembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-61 Crankshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-138
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-63 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-138
Fixing torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-65 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-138
Special Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-65 Disassembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-140
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-66 Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-140
Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-68 Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-140
Valve Stem Seal, Valve Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-69 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-145
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-69 Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-149
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-69 Special Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-149
Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-70 Cylinder Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-151
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-71 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-151
Special Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-73 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-151
Cylinder Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-74 Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-152
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-74 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-153
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-74 Lubrication System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-156
Disassembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-78 Precautions on Service Work . . . . . . . . . . . . .1A-156
Function Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-157
Special Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-158
Oil Port Cover ASM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-159
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-159
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-159
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-159
Oil Cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-161
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-161
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-162
Disassembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-163
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-163
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-164
Oil Pan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-167
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-167
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-167
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-167
Oil Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-170
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-170
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-170
Disassembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-171
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-171
Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-172
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-173
Oil Pressure Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-177
Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A-177
1. Cast The Engine Model 2. Stamp An Engine Number
1. Stamp An Engine Number
Tightening torque:
1. Rocker Arm Rocker arm adjustment screw 22 N m (16 lb ft)
2. Bridge Cap nut
3. Bridge Bridge adjustment screw nut 22 N m (16 lb ft)
Adjustment table (4HK1)
Cylinder No. 1 2 3 4
Valve arrangement IN EX IN EX IN EX IN EX
No. 1 cylinder
Compression top dead center position
No. 4 cylinder
Compression top dead center position
Tighten the terminal nuts alternately in order to
prevent imbalance in tightening because they are
Do not tighten the nuts too tightly because it leads
to damage to the terminal stud.
Install the cylinder head cover.
Refer to the Cylinder Head Cover.
Compression pressure inspection
Warm-up the engine.
Remove a negative terminal of the battery and
remove all the glow plugs.
Remove the harness connector for the fuel injector
built on the lower head cover (no fuel will be
injected). Name
1. Fuel Injection Harness Connector
When the harness connector is removed, ECM judges
Install the negative terminal of the battery.
that it broke down and DTC is recorded. Upon
completion of measurement, never fail to clear memory Turn on the starter to emit foreign matter within the
of ECM. cylinders.
(For how to clear memory of ECM, refer to the Engine Install an adapter and a gauge of a compression
Control System Section) gauge of the special tool.
Compression pressure MPa (psi) / 200 rpm
Standard 3.24 (469)
Limit 2.26 (327)
Differences among
294 kPa (43)
the cylinders
To keep engine speed at 200 rpm or more, use fully
charged batteries.
Remove a compression gauge of the special tool.
Remove a negative terminal of the batteries.
Install a harness connector for the fuel injector built
on the lower head cover.
Install all the glow plugs.
Tightening torque: 20 N m (15 lb ft)
Install the negative terminal of the battery.
Main Data and Specifications
Special tool
Compression gauge
Compression gauge
Compression gauge
1. Head Cover 3. Head Cover Case
2. Gasket 4. Gasket
1. Head Cover 3. Head Cover Case
2. Gasket 4. Gasket
1. Remove the head cover.
2. Remove the gasket.
4HK1 4HK1
Name Name
1. Head Cover 1. Head Cover Case
2. Fuel Injector Harness Connector
1. Head Cover Name
1. Head Cover Case
3. Remove the fuel injector harness connector. 2. Fuel Injector Harness Connector
4. Remove the head cover case.
5. Remove the gasket.
1. Install the gasket on the lower cover.
2. Install the head cover case.
Tightening torque: 4HK1: 18 N m (13 lb ft),
6HK1: 13 N m (9.6 lb ft)
3. Install the fuel injector harness connector.
Caution: 4HK1
Push it in thoroughly until the claws of the lock raise.
1. Head Cover Case
2. Fuel Injector Harness Connector
1. Head Cover Case
2. Fuel Injector Harness Connector
Inlet Cover
1. Case ASM 3. Inlet Pipe Gasket
2. Inlet Cover 4. Inlet Pipe
1. Case ASM 3. Inlet Pipe Gasket
2. Inlet Cover 4. Inlet Pipe
Removal 4HK1
1. Remove the common rail.
Refer to the Common Rail in the fuel system
2. Remove the inlet pipe.
3. Remove the case ASM.
6HK1 Caution:
Be careful not to forget to fasten the bolt indicated
with an arrow.
Tighten up the stud part together with the common
1. Install the inlet cover.
Apply the liquid gasket (ThreeBond 1207C or
equivalent) by using a bead diameter of 2.5 5.5
mm (0.1 0.2 in) along a groove of the inlet cover.
1. Oil Feed Pipe 5. Turbo Charger ASM
2. Water Return Pipe 6. Exhaust Adapter
3. Exhaust Manifold 7. Oil Return Pipe
4. Water Feed Pipe
1. Oil Feed Pipe 4. Exhaust Adapter
2. Exhaust Manifold 5. Oil Return Pipe
3. Turbo Charger ASM
1. Loosen the radiator drain cock to drain coolant.
(4HK1 only)
2. Remove the air intake duct from the turbocharger
and the air cleaner.
3. Remove the charge air pipe from the turbocharger
and the charge air cooler.
4. Disconnect the front exhaust pipe.
5. Remove the EGR pipe.
6. Remove the oil feed pipe.
7. Remove the oil return pipe.
8. Remove the water feed pipe. (4HK1 only)
Remove the water return pipe. (4HK1 only) 6HK1
Name Name
1. Water Return Pipe 1. Exhaust Manifold
2. Turbocharger
9. Remove the heat protector on the turbocharger. 3. Exhaust Adapter
10. Remove the exhaust adapter bolts.
11. Remove the four turbocharger clamping nuts.
12. Remove the turbocharger from the exhaust Inspection
manifold. Inspection of exhaust manifold
13. Remove the exhaust manifold. Inspect the plane surface of the plane on which the
4HK1 manifold and the cylinder head are to be installed.
If the plane surface exceeds the limit, replace it.
1. Exhaust Manifold
2. Turbocharger
3. Exhaust Adapter
Axial play mm (in)
Standard 0.06 0.09 (0.0024 0.0036)
Limit 0.11 (0.0043)
1. Oil Outlet
2. Oil Inlet
1. Put the gasket in to install the exhaust manifold.
4HK1: Tighten up with the 2 nuts and 6 bolts
according to the order given on the figure.
Do not tighten up too much because it hampers
expansion and contraction due to the heat from the
Wheel shaft and bearing clearance
Use a dial gauge to measure the clearance between
the wheel shaft and the bearing.
Clearance mm (in)
Standard 0.056 0.127 (0.0022 0.0050)
Limit 0.14 (0.0055)
Clearance mm (in)
Standard 0.10 0.17 (0.0039 0.0067)
Limit 0.205 (0.0081)
4HK1 4HK1
1. Exhaust Manifold
2. Turbocharger
3. Exhaust Adapter
1. Water Feed Pipe
1. Oil Return Pipe
1. Idle Gear B Shaft 7. Rear Oil Seal
2. Idle Gear A 8. Flywheel Housing
3. Idle Gear B 9. Slinger
4. PTO Idle Gear 10. Crankshaft Position Sensor
5. PTO Idle Gear Cover 11. Oil Pan
6. Flywheel 12. Fuel Supply Pump
1. Idle Gear B Shaft 7. Rear Oil Seal
2. Idle Gear A 8. Flywheel Housing
3. Idle Gear B 9. Slinger
4. PTO Idle Gear 10. Idle Gear A Shaft
5. PTO Idle Gear Cover 11. PTO Idle Gear Shaft
6. Flywheel 12. Oil Pump
1. Remove the cylinder head cover.
Refer to Cylinder Head Cover.
2. Remove the rocker arm shaft ASM.
Refer to Rocker Arm Shaft ASM.
3. Remove the camshaft ASM.
Refer to Camshaft ASM.
4. Remove the cylinder head ASM.
Refer to the Cylinder Head.
5. Remove the fuel supply pump ASM.
Refer to Fuel Supply Pump in the fuel system 6HK1
Special tool
Crankshaft stopper: 5-8840-2230-0 (EN-47680)
Special tool
Slinger remover:
1-8521-0027-0 (For 4HK1 and 6HK1)
5-8840-2360-0 (For 4HK1)
8-9439-6858-0 (For 6HK1)
* 4HK1 is shown for illustration. 1. Measurement of idle gear backlash
13. Remove the flywheel housing. Apply a dial gauge on the teeth of the idle gear to
be measured and move the gear to right and left
lightly to read how much the dial gauge shook
(never fail to fix the gear).
2. Measurement of end clearance of the idle gear.
Outside diameter of idle gear shaft mm (in)
Insert a thickness gauge between the idle gear and
the thrust collar to measure a clearance. Standard 29.959 29.980 (1.179 1.180)
Limit 29.80 (1.173)
If the measurement exceeds the limit, replace
either the idle gear or the thrust collar.
External diameter of the idle gear A shaft mm (in)
Axial play of idle gear mm (in) Standard 39.959 39.975 (1.573 1.574)
Standard 0.080 0.140 (0.003 0.006) Limit 39.80 (1.567)
Limit 0.20 (0.008)
Outside diameter of idle gear shaft mm (in) Clearance between the idle gear and the mm (in)
Standard 29.959 29.980 (1.179 1.180)
Standard 0.020 0.062 (0.0007 0.0024)
Limit 29.9 (1.177)
Limit 0.200 (0.0079)
External diameter of the idle gear A shaft mm (in)
Clearance between the idle gear A and the mm (in)
Standard 49.950 49.975 (1.967 1.968)
Limit 49.9 (1.965)
Standard 0.025 0.075 (0.0010 0.0030)
Limit 0.200 (0.0079)
Tightening torque: 31 N m (23 lb ft)
Clearance between the idle gear and the mm (in) After installation, apply engine oil to the shaft.
Standard 0.020 0.062 (0.0007 0.0024)
Limit 0.200 (0.0079)
1. Idle Gear
2. Thrust Collar
3. Bolt
1. Idle Gear C 6. Crankshaft Gear
2. Camshaft Gear 7. Oil pump Drive Gear
3. Idle Gear B 8. Fuel Supply Pump Gear
4. PTO Gear 9. Idle Gear A
5. PTO Idle Gear
Put the idle gear and the shaft together and install
it on the location given on the figure and tighten up
with the specified torque.
Special tool
Oil seal installer kit: 5-8840-2703-0 (J-43282)
Oil seal setting tool: 8-94396-856-0
Apply engine oil to the oil seal lip.
Do not allow engine oil to come in contact with the
outside oil seal and felt ring.
Insert the oil seal (1) into the adapter (2).
Insert the oil seal sleeve (3) to the adapter.
Tighten the center bolt until the sleeve comes into
contact with the adapter stopper.
6HK1 13. Rotate the crankshaft to make the No. 1 cylinder
meet the compression TDC.
14. Remove the oil drain adapter.
15. Install the O-ring on the fuel supply pump and
make the slits with an arrow meet and with the stud
bolt as a guide, install the fuel supply pump
When removing the fuel supply pump, if the stud
bolt on the cylinder block side loosens, or the stud
bolt is replaced, apply the Loctite No. 262 on the
side where the stud bolt is to be buried before
Tightening torque:
1st step = 78 N m (57 lb ft)
2nd step = 60
3rd step = 60
1. Plug Hole
2. Alignment Mark
16. Install the oil drain adapter ASM on the plug hole
and tighten with the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 6 N m (53 lb in)
Apply engine oil over the O-ring nice and thin and
install it.
1. Adapter
2. O-Ring
Torque Specifications
Special Tool
Illustration Tool Number/Description
Crankshaft stopper
Slinger remover
Oil seal installer kit
Oil seal setting tool
1. Remove the cylinder head cover.
Refer to Cylinder Head Cover.
2. Remove the rocker arm shaft ASM.
Along with the camshaft bracket, remove the
rocker arm shaft ASM.
Because the bolt(s) shown on the figure is are 6. Remove the camshaft bracket to take the shaft out.
designed to fix the rocker arm shaft, do not remove
it for now.
Caution: 1. Camshaft Bracket
Pay full attention so as not to drop the bridge cap in the 2. Rocker Arm
gear case of the rear part of the cylinder head or the 3. Wave Washer
hole into which oil pours back in the front. 4. Rocker Arm
5. Rocker Arm Bracket
6. Camshaft Bracket
Disassembly 7. Rocker Arm Shaft
1. Remove the camshaft bracket.
2. Remove the rocker arm. 7. Check if the oil hole is clogged of the camshaft
bracket (on the rear side).
3. Remove the wave washer.
4. Remove the rocker arm.
5. Remove the rocker arm bracket.
Disassemble according to the order (2) (4)
1. Install the rocker arm shaft ASM.
If the bridge cap comes off, apply engine oil over
the inside of the bridge cap and put it together with
the bridge.
Pay full attention so as not to drop the bridge cap in the
gear case of the rear part of the cylinder head or the
hole into which oil pours back in the front.
Tightening torque:
Bolt (3) = 56 N m (41 lb ft)
Nut (1), Bolt (2), (4) = 27 N m (20 lb ft)
Nut (1) (4) and Bolt (10) (13) = 27 N m (20 lb ft)
Bolt (5) (9) = 56 N m (41 lb ft)
1. Camshaft Bracket Fixing Nut
2. Camshaft Bracket Fixing Bolt
3. Rocker Arm Bracket Fixing Bolt
4. Rocker Arm Shaft Set Bolt
Adjustment of valve clearance
Refer to Function Check.
2. Install the cylinder head cover.
Refer to Cylinder Head Cover.
Torque Specifications
Camshaft ASM
1. Bearing Cap 3. Knock Pin
2. Bearing 4. Camshaft Gear
1. Bolt 7. Sub Gear
2. Washer 8. Dish Spring
3. Gear 9. Snap Ring
4. Pin 10. Pin
5. Spring 11. Camshaft
6. Pin
Removal Caution:
Put the removed bearings in order with a tag, for
1. Remove the cylinder head cover.
example, by cylinder.
Refer to Cylinder Head Cover.
2. Remove the rocker arm shaft ASM.
Refer to Rocker Arm Shaft ASM.
3. Remove the camshaft bearing cap.
4. Remove the bearing upper.
5. Remove the camshaft ASM.
6. Remove the bearing lower.
Disassembly 1. Snap Ring
1. Remove the scissors gear ASM. (6HK1) 2. Dish Spring
3. Sub Gear
Fix the hexagon portion of the camshaft in a vise
4. Spring
using a mouth ring. Use snap ring pliers to remove
5. Camshaft Gear
the sub gear.
2. Remove the camshaft gear.
Take care not to damage to the cam portion and the Remove the fastening bolts of the camshaft gear
journal portion of the camshaft. and put the block of wood in a puller to remove the
camshaft gear.
1. Wood
Be careful not to damage the cam and journal parts
when tightening up the gear.
1. Snap Ring Assemble onto the cylinder head.
2. Dish Washer
3. Sub Gear
4. Spring
5. Camshaft Gear
Special Tool
Illustration Tool Number/Description
Scissors gear spring
Installation 4HK1
1. Rotate the crankshaft to make the No. 1 cylinder
meet the compression TDC.
1. Bridge Cap
2. Bridge
Pay full attention so as not to drop the bridge cap in the
gear case of the rear part of the cylinder head or the
hole into which oil pours back in the front. Caution:
Do not reuse the removed oil seal.
6. Remove the split collar.
Apply compressed air over the cylinder from the
glow plug holes to keep the valve at the home Inspection
Check the valve spring.
Use a replacer to compress the valve spring to Caution:
remove the split collar. Check the valve spring visually and if there is clear
damage or wear-out, replace it.
Special tool 1. Free length
Valve spring replacer: 5-8840-2621-0 (J-43263)
Measure free length of the spring and if it is shorter
Pivot: 8-9439-6862-0 (EN-46721)
than the specified limit, replace the spring.
1. Install the valve stem oil seal.
Apply engine oil over the peripheral part of the
valve guide and install the oil seal by using a valve
stem seal installer.
After installing the valve stem oil seal, check if it is
inserted nice and deep and the oil seal is not tilted or
the garter spring has not come off.
3. Tension
Use a spring tester to compress the spring to the
installation height. Measure tension of the
compressed spring. If the measurement is lower
than the limit, replace the spring.
Special tool 3. Install the spring upper seat.
4HK1 4. Install the split collar.
Valve stem seal installer: 8-9439-6815-0 (EN-47685) Apply compressed air over the cylinder from the
6HK1 glow plug holes to keep the valve at the home
Valve guide oil seal installer: 5-8840-2625-0 (J- position.
Use a replacer to compress the valve spring and
install the split collar.
Special tool
Valve spring replacer: 5-8840-2621-0 (J-43263)
Pivot: 8-9439-6862-0 (EN-46721)
Paint mark 5. Apply engine oil over the bridge and install it.
Pay full attention so as not to drop the bridge cap in the
gear case of the rear part of the cylinder head or the
hole into which oil pours back in the front.
1. Spring Pitch
2. Paint Mark
Special Tool
Illustration Tool Number/Description
Valve spring replacer
Pivot ASM
1. Bridge Cap
2. Bridge
Valve guide oil seal
Cylinder Head
Caution: Removal
To avoid electric shock;
1. Drain the coolant.
Set the switch to the OFF position and disconnect
battery negative cable before checking or repairing the 2. Remove the engine harness.
fuel injector, wiring or/and connectors. 3. Disconnect the front exhaust pipe.
4. Remove the turbocharger.
Refer to the Turbocharger and Exhaust Manifold.
5. Remove the left-hand EGR adapter and right-hand
EGR pipe.
6. Remove the EGR water feed pipe.
7. Remove the EGR water return pipe.
8. Remove the EGR cooler.
9. Remove the water feed pipe for coolant water for
the EGR cooler and the water return pipe.
1. Harness Bracket
2. Harness Connector
3. Fuel Injector Terminal Nut
4. Nozzle Leak-Off Pipe
Name Name
1. High Pressure Pipe 1. Water Bypass
2. Leak-Off Pipe
20. Remove the EGR valve and EGR valve connector.
19. Remove the water bypass hose from the cylinder 21. Remove the cam angle sensor connector.
head side.
22. Remove the rocker arm shaft ASM.
Remove the engine coolant temperature sensor Refer to Rocker Arm Shaft ASM.
23. Remove the camshaft ASM.
4HK1 Refer to Camshaft ASM.
24. Remove the bridge cap carefully so that it does not
fall into inside the engine.
25. Remove the bridge.
Store the removed bridge and bridge cap so that they
can be placed in their original locations.
26. Remove the glow plug connector.
27. Remove the glow plug.
1. Water Bypass
28. Remove the injection pipe clip, and remove the 31. If you have difficulty in removing the fuel injector,
injection pipe. set the fuel injector remover in the fuel injector,
4HK1 tighten the attachment part on the joint of the leak-
off pipe and pull out the fuel injector upward.
Special tool
Fuel injector remover: 5-8840-2826-0 (EN-46720)
Sliding hammer: 5-8840-0019-0 (J-23907)
When removing an fuel injector ID code, be sure to
attach the cylinder number.
When pulling out the fuel injector using a special tool,
check that the fuel injector sleeve does not come off.
1. Fuel Injection Pipe
2. Fuel Injection Pipe Clip
1. Sliding Hammer
2. Fuel Injector Remover
3. Fuel Injector ASM
1. Fuel Injection Pipe Caution:
2. Fuel Injection Pipe Clip Attach a cylinder number to the removed fuel injector
when storing it.
29. Remove the common rail. Be sure not to make the nozzle touch something.
Remove the common rail pressure sensor
Special tool
Valve spring replacer: 5-8840-2621-0 (J-43263)
Pivot: 8-9439-6862-0 (EN-46721)
Remove the special tool, then remove the upper
sheet and springs.
Special tool
Nozzle sleeve remover: 5-8840-2623-0 (J-43265)
Be sure not to scratch the bottom side of the
cylinder head.
Do not reuse the removed nozzle sleeve.
Carefully remove sawdust in the screw groove.
1. Nozzle Sleeve
Improper installation
Defective tightening of the cylinder head.
Winding seal surface of the cylinder block.
a. Damage on the screw surface or extracted
cylinder head bolt due to extra tightening torque
Replace suspicious bolt.
b. Inside the combustion chamber, glow plug hole.
Check whether there is a crack between the
valve seats and in the cylinder head of the
exhaust port part, and replace the cylinder head
if there is serious damage or crack. Check the
collar if necessary.
1. Nut
Gap mm (in)
Assembly standard 0.020 (0.00079)
0.057 (0.00224)
Usage limit 0.1 (0.0039)
Valve seat
Remove carbon, water stain and others on the
under surface of the cylinder head.
Install the valve in the cylinder head.
Measure the depth of the valve from the under
surface of the cylinder head, using a depth
gauge or straight edge ruler.
If the value exceeds the limit, replace the valve
insert or the cylinder head ASM.
Measure the contact width of the valve seat. If Repair of the seat surface
the seat contact surface has a scratch or is
Remove carbon from the surface of the valve
rough, or if the abrasion of the contact surface
exceeds the limit, modify or replace it.
Use a seat cutter to minimize the scratch and
Contact width of the valve seat mm (in) other roughness (15/45/75 -blade), thereby
returning the contact width to the standard
Standard Limit value.
Intake valve 2.5 (0.0984) 3.0 (0.1181)
Exhaust valve 2.0 (0.0787) 2.5 (0.0984)
Remove only scratches and roughness, and do not cut
the surface too much.
Use the free adjustment valve cutter pilot.
Contact surface of the valve seat
Do not let the valve cutter pilot waver inside the valve
If the contact surface of the valve seat is guide.
defective, modify it or replace the valve, valve
guide and valve seat altogether.
Angle of the contact Exhaust side of 4HK1 and
surface: 6HK1: 45
Intake side of 6HK1: 30
Remove the valve seat insert
Arc-weld the entire inner diameter of the valve
seat insert.
Cool the valve seat insert for two to three
minutes. Contraction fur to cooling makes it
easier to remove the valve seat insert.
Remove the valve seat insert, using a screw
driver. Be sure not to hurt the cylinder head.
Remove compound completely after grinding.
1. Arc-Weld
2. Valve Seat Insert
3. Screw Driver
Do not apply too much pressure with the press.
Attach compound on the valve seat surface, rotate the
valve and hit it lightly to grind them, and confirm that it
Replace the valve seat insert has even contact all round.
Name Name
1. Press 1. Cylinder Head
2. Attach Compound 2. Oil Seal Installer
3. Valve Seat
2. Install the bridge guide.
Apply engine oil on the outer diameter of the guide,
Reassembly then use the installer to hammer it into the depth of
the finishing part of the hole of the cylinder head.
1. Install the oil seal. (Note: the height of the bridge guide is about
Install on the surface of injection pipe insert. 37.5 mm (1.48 in) from the upper surface of the
Hammer it in so that the seal does not incline.
Special tool
Caution: Bridge guide installer: 5-8840-2626-0 (J-43268)
Be sure not to hurt the rip. Engine oil
Special tool
Oil seal installer: 5-8840-2627-0 (J-43269)
3. Nozzle sleeve
Install the O-ring on the nozzle sleeve, apply
engine oil.
1. Apply Seal Material
2. O-Ring Name
1. Punch Bar
Install the nozzle sleeve on the cylinder head, 2. Ball
insert the guide sleeve. 3. Guide Sleeve
4. Nozzle Sleeve
Use the guide sleeve to push in so that the nozzle 5. Bracket
sleeve fully contacts with the under surface of the 6. Bolt
cylinder head.
4. Install the valve guide.
Insert the sleeve and fix it with the tighten and bolt.
Hammer in the valve guide from the upper surface
Insert the ball (bearing steel ball 9.525 mm of the cylinder head, using the valve guide
0.375 in) into the guide sleeve, attach the punch replacer.
bar and hammer out the ball.
Leave the cylinder head floating so that the ball
comes off from the under surface.
Special tool Special tool
Valve guide replacer: 5-8840-2628-0 (J-43272) 4HK1
Valve stem seal installer: 8-9439-6815-0 (EN-47685)
Valve guide oil seal installer: 5-8840-2625-0 (J-
5. Install the valve stem oil seal. 7. Install the valve spring.
Apply engine oil on the outer diameter of the valve Install the valve spring with the paint mark or the
guide, use the valve stem seal installer to install narrower side of the spring pitch on the under side
the oil seal. (the cylinder head side).
After installation of the valve stem seal, confirm that the Paint mark
oil seal is not inclining and the garter spring is in place.
Intake side Light blue
Exhaust side Yellow
1. Spring Pitch
2. Paint Mark Name
1. Idle Gear C
8. Install the spring upper seat. 2. Shaft
9. Install the split collar.
11. Install the idle gear C cover.
Use a replacer to compress the valve spring and
install the split collar. Apply liquid gasket (Loctite 262 or 962T) on the
outer diameter of the idle gear C cover, use the
Special tool sealing cup setting tool to hammer it in so that the
Valve spring replacer: 5-8840-2621-0 (J-43263) measurements follow the drawing.
Pivot: 8-9439-6862-0 (EN-46721)
Special tool
Sealing cup installer: 5-8840-2222-0 (EN-47690)
1. Thermostat
Name Install the heat protector.
1. Distance Tube
2. Conical Spring
Tightening torque: 10 N m (87 lb in)
3. Nut
16. Install the inlet cover.
Tighten the exhaust manifold in the order Apply liquid gasket (ThreeBond 1207C or
described in the drawing. equivalent) in accordance with the groove of the
inlet cover, with the bead diameter of 2.5 mm
Tightening torque: 34 N m (25 lb ft) (0.0984 in) ~ 5.5 mm (0.2165 in).
Do not tighten it too much so that it hinders extraction
and contraction of the manifold due to heat.
Tighten the stud bolts (6) and (9) jointly with the
common rail.
1. Grade Recognition Hole
Tightening torque:
M14 bolt (4HK1: 1 ~ 18, 6HK1: 1 ~ 26)
1st step = 98 N m (72 lb ft)
2nd step = 147 N m (108 lb ft)
3rd step = 30 ~ 60
M10 bolt (4HK1: 19, 20; 6HK1: 27, 28)
4th step = 38 N m (28 lb ft)
Use a stud bolt for (4HK1: 16).
Special tool
Angle gauge: 5-8840-0266-0 (J-45059, KM470-B)
Be sure not to hurt the head gasket when installing it.
1. Fuel Injector ASM
2. Fuel Injector Tighten Bolt
Move it up and down to check if it moves smoothly.
12. Apply a thin coat of engine oil inside the bridge
cap, install it.
Tighten the terminal nuts alternately in order to
prevent imbalance in tightening because they are
20. Install the fuel injector harness connector from
inside, tighten the harness bracket with the
designated torque. Do not tighten the nuts too tightly because it leads
to damage to the terminal stud.
Tightening torque: 48 N m (35 lb ft)
26. Connect the exhaust pipe.
Connect the front exhaust pipe and tighten to the
specified torque.
1. Fuel Injector
2. Fuel Injector Harness
3. Fuel Injector Terminal Nut
1. EGR Adapter
2. Water Return Pipe
3. EGR Cooler
4. EGR Pipe
5. Water Feed Pipe
Special Tool
Illustration Tool Number/Description Illustration Tool Number/Description
Valve stem seal installer
Sliding hammer
5-8840-2628-0 J-43267
J-43272 Valve guide oil seal
Valve guide replacer installer
Valve spring replacer
Angle gauge
5-8840-2624-0 8-9439-6862-0
J-43266 EN-46721
Nozzle sleeve installer Pivot ASM
5-8840-2626-0 5-8840-2222-0
J-43268 EN-47690
Bridge guide installer Sealing cup installer
Oil seal installer
Nozzle sleeve remover
Fuel injector remover
1. Snap Ring 5. Connecting Rod
2. Piston 6. Piston Pin
3. Bearing 7. Piston Ring
4. Connecting Rod Cap
1. Remove the oil pan.
Refer to Oil Pan.
2. Remove the cylinder head cover.
Refer to Cylinder Head Cover.
3. Remove the rocker arm shaft ASM.
Refer to Rocker Arm Shaft ASM.
4. Remove the camshaft ASM.
Refer to Camshaft ASM.
5. Remove the cylinder head.
Refer to the Cylinder Head.
6. Remove the connecting rod cap.
Sort the removed bearings according to cylinders by
using tags.
Be sure not to damage the oil jet and cylinder liner
when pushing out the connecting rod.
Sort the disassembled piston pins, pistons and
connecting rods together in the order of cylinders.
Sort the bearings in the order of cylinders when reusing
them so that they will not be confused with the bearing
of other cylinders.
1. Remove the piston ring.
Use ring pliers to remove the piston ring.
Sort the piston rings in the order of cylinders when
reusing them so that they will not be confused with the
pistons and piston rings of other cylinders.
4. Remove the connecting rod from the piston.
5. Piston
Clean carbon carefully that is adhered to the head
of the piston and the groove of the piston ring.
Do not use wire brush to clean the piston because it
scratches the piston.
Inspect the piston with eyes for cracks, burns and other
excessive wear, and replace it if there is any
6. Measure the gap between the piston and the inner
diameter of the cylinder liner.
Cylinder liner inner diameter Gap between the piston and the inner mm (in)
Use a cylinder bore dial indicator to measure the diameter of the cylinder liner
liner inner diameter both in the thrust and radial
directions in the designated position. Standard 0.082 0.130
(0.0032 0.0051)
Measurement position (from the upper surface of
the cylinder block) 6HK1
1. 20 mm (0.79 in) 2. 110 mm (4.33 in)
3. 190 mm (7.48 in) Piston diameter mm (in)
Measure the liner inner diameter based on the Standard 114.974 114.989
average value of the actual measurement values (4.52652 4.52711)
on 6 positions.
Gap between the piston and the inner mm (in)
Cylinder liner inner diameter mm (in) diameter of the cylinder liner
115.021 115.050 (4.52838 4.52952) Standard 0.042 0.066
(0.00165 0.00259)
If it is found that the gap between the cylinder liner
inner diameter and the piston exceeds the standard
value, replace the piston or cylinder liner.
1. 20 mm (0.79 in)
2. 110 mm (11.00 cm)
3. 190 mm (19.00 cm)
7. Piston replacement
Piston outside diameter
You do not need to select grades because there is
Use a micrometer to measure the outside diameter
only one grade for each of the piston and the
of the piston in the right angle to the piston pin in
cylinder liner inner diameter.
the designated position.
If you replace the cylinder liner, you must select
Measurement position (from the upper surface of the cylinder block (1, 2, 3) because there are two
the piston) 82 mm (3.2 in). types of the liner outer diameter.
Refer to Cylinder Block if you replace the cylinder
4HK1 liner.
9. Inspect the piston pin. Inspect to make sure that there is a resistance to
Inspect the piston pin with eyes for cracks, the extent which the piston can push the piston pin
scratches and other damages, replace it if lightly in normal temperatures.
If it feels a large looseness or instability in normal
Use a micrometer to measure the outer diameter temperatures, replace the piston or piston pin.
of the piston pin. If the measured value exceeds
the limit, replace the piston pin.
Standard 0.004 0.017 (0.00016 0.00067) Use the bench press to replace the bush.
Limit 0.04 (0.0016)
Special tool
Connecting rod bushing replacer: 5-8840-2340-0
11. Remove the bushing. (EN-47682)
Set the collar, connecting rod and collar on the
setting bar as shown in the drawing.
1. Bolt
2. Connecting Rod Bushing Replacer
Install the bearing cap and tighten the bolt with the
designated torque.
Apply molybdenum disulfide on the screw part and
the bearing surface.
Connecting rod bearing cap bolt torque: N m (lb ft) 14. Select the connecting rod bearing.
1st step 39 (29) Refer to the bearing selection table when installing
a new connecting rod or replacing bearings in use.
2nd step 60
3rd step 30 Select and install the bearing, paying attention to
the large edge hole diameter of the connecting rod.
Do not rotate the crankshaft.
1. Install the bush
Place the connecting rod bushing replacer base on
the bench press, set the connecting rod and
tighten the fixation bolt.
Special tool
Connecting rod bushing replacer: 5-8840-2340-0
1. Top And Back Recognition Boss
2. Big End Diameter Grade Mark
3. Cylinder Number
Adjust the oil hole of the connecting rod and the oil
hole of the bush, and use the bench press to install
the bush.
1. Grade Identification Color
Name Name
1. Setting Bar 1. Snap Ring
2. Connecting Rod 2. Front Mark
3. Nut 3. Forging Mark (Projecting)
4. Collar
5. Bushing 4. Apply enough engine oil on the piston pin, push it
6. Collar in the piston and the connecting rod small edge.
5. Use snap ring pliers to install the snap ring.
After installing the new bush, use a grinder to
machine the pin hole so that the pin clearance Caution:
equals the standard value. Make sure that the snap ring is installed in the ring
groove properly. Make sure that the connecting rod
moves smoothly.
1. Oil ring
2. Second Ring Installation
3. Top Ring 1. Install the connecting rod bearing.
Install the bearing on the connecting rod, apply
engine oil on the bearing.
Be sure not to make the connecting rod touch the
oil jet when pushing in the piston.
Be sure not to hurt the inside of the liner when
pushing in the piston.
1. Oil ring
2. Second Ring
3. Top Ring
Note that the shapes are different for top ring and
second ring. (Second ring has undercut)
Special tool Special tool
Piston ring compressor: 5-8840-9018-0 (J-8037) Angle gauge: 5-8840-0266-0 (J-45059, KM470-B)
Make sure that the crankshaft rotates smoothly.
1. Top And Back Recognition Boss
2. Big End Diameter Grade Mark
3. Cylinder Number
Tightening torque:
1st step = 39 N m (29 lb ft)
2nd step = 60
3rd step = 30
Torque Specifications
Special Tool
Illustration Tool Number/Description Illustration Tool Number/Description
EN-47682 1-8522-1029-0
Connecting rod bushing Piston ring setting tool
Piston ring compressor
Angle gauge
1. Flywheel Housing 3. Washer
2. Flywheel ASM 4. Crankshaft Position Sensor
Removal 4HK1
1. Remove the starter motor.
Remove the ground cable of the starter motor.
3. Remove the washer and flywheel. 4. Take out the ring gear.
Install the crankshaft stopper to the starter Put a bar on the ring gear and hit it with a hammer
installing portion of the flywheel housing. to remove it.
Make sure that the stopper is properly fitted and
engaged with the ring gear.
Inspection Installation
1. Visual check 1. Install the ring gear.
Inspect the flywheel friction surface for cracks and After heating the ring gear with a gas burner
damages, and replace it if it has abnormality. equally, install it in the flywheel.
Inspect the tooth part of the ring gear, replace the In the case of shrinkage cooling of the ring gear,
ring gear if it has damage or serious wear. maintain the flatness by applying weight of 68.6 kN
(15,400 lbf).
2. Measurement of the friction surface
Measure the depth of the flywheel friction surface. Caution:
Install the ring gear so that the side with a pattern
Adjust it if the measured value is within the faces forward.
standard value and the limit. Shrink fit the ring gear to the flywheel.
Make sure that flywheel and ring gear adhesion is
If the measured value exceeds the limit, replace
the flywheel.
Tightening torque:
1st step = 78 N m (58 lb ft)
2nd step = 120 150
Special tool
Crankshaft stopper: 5-8840-2230-0 (EN-47680)
Angle gauge: 5-8840-0266-0 (J-45059)
Special Tool
Illustration Tool Number/Description
Crankshaft stopper
Angle gauge
Front Cover
1. Adjusting Plate 7. Crankshaft Pulley
2. Generator 8. Water Pump ASM
3. Front Cover 9. Fan Belt
4. Oil Pan Gasket 10. Water Pump Pulley
5. Oil Pan 11. Spacer
6. Front Oil Seal 12. Fan ASM
1. Remove the front oil seal.
Refer to Crankshaft Front Oil Seal.
2. Remove the oil pan.
Refer to Oil Pan.
3. Remove the water pump.
Refer to the Water Pump in the cooling system
4. Remove the front cover.
Remove the generator adjust plate.
Install within seven minutes after applying liquid
Apply liquid gasket so that it does not adhere to the O-
1. O-Ring
1. Install the front cover.
Clean the cylinder block front surface. In particular,
remove liquid gasket leaked during installation of
the crankcase.
Tightening torque
Oil relief valve: 39 N m (29 lb ft)
1. Bolt: L = 35
2. Bolt: L = 25
3. Bolt: L = 65
4. Bolt: L = 30
5. Oil Relief Valve
Tightening torque
Front cover bolts (13 bolts): 18N m (13 lb ft)
Tighten bolt with (*) mark together with the adjust
plate of the generator.
Tightening torque
Stud bolt for water pump: 12.7 N m (9.4 lb ft)
Torque Specifications
Removal 4HK1
1. Drain coolant.
2. Remove the starter.
Disconnect the starter ground cable.
Make sure that the stopper is properly fitted and
engaged with the ring gear.
1. Felt
2. Slinger
3. Oil Seal
Be sure to replace the slinger and oil seal as a set.
11. Remove the front slinger.
Use the slinger remover to remove the front
Special tool
Slinger remover:
1-8521-0027-0 (For 4HK1 and 6HK1)
5-8840-2360-0 (For 4HK1)
8-9439-6858-0 (For 6HK1)
1. Install the front slinger using installer, setting tool.
Special tool
Oil seal installer kit: 5-8840-2703-0 (J-43282)
Oil seal setting tool: 8-94396-856-0
Install the slinger (1) to the end of adapter (2).
Install the adapter to the crankshaft (3).
Install the slinger sleeve (4) to the adapter. Tighten
the center bolt (5) until the sleeve comes in contact
with the adapter stopper.
Be sure to replace the slinger and oil seal as a set.
2. Install the crankshaft front oil seal.
Press fit the oil seal using an oil seal installer,
setting tool.
1. Adapter
Apply engine oil to the lip of the oil seal and place it
on the front side adapter.
Put the front side adapter ring in the sleeve and fix
the sleeve on the adapter with the center bolt and
Name a washer.
1. Oil Seal
2. Adapter (Front) Tighten the bolt until the sleeve touches the
3. Adapter Ring (Front) adapter to press fit the front oil seal.
4. Fixing Bolt
5. Sleeve (Front)
6. Washer (Front)
7. Center Bolt
1. Oil Seal Name
2. Adapter Ring 1. Adapter Ring
3. Sleeve 2. Sleeve
4. Bolt and Washer 3. Adapter
4. Oil Seal
Special Tool
Illustration Tool Number/Description Illustration Tool Number/Description
Oil seal installer kit
Crankshaft stopper
Oil seal setting tool
Slinger remover
1. Flywheel 2. Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal
1. Remove the flywheel.
Refer to the Flywheel.
2. Remove the crankshaft rear oil seal.
Remove the oil seal off with a screwdriver or the
like avoiding damage to the oil seal contact surface
on the flywheel housing and the shaft.
1. Felt
2. Slinger
3. Oil Seal
3. Use the slinger remover to remove the slinger.
If the oil seal has been removed, both the oil seal and
slinger must be replaced as a set.
Special tool
Slinger remover:
1-8521-0027-0 (For 4HK1 and 6HK1)
5-8840-2360-0 (For 4HK1)
8-9439-6858-0 (For 6HK1)
1. Install the front slinger using installer, setting tool.
Special tool
Oil seal installer kit: 5-8840-2703-0 (J-43282)
6HK1 After pressing in the slinger, make sure that the
Oil seal setting tool: 8-94396-856-0 distance between crankshaft end surface and the
Install the slinger (1) to the end of adapter (2). slinger is A as specified.
Install the adapter to the crankshaft (3).
Install the slinger sleeve (4) to the adapter. Tighten
the center bolt (5) until the sleeve comes in contact
with the adapter stopper.
Distance (A): 17.3 0.3 mm (0.7 0.01 in) 1. Adapter (Rear)
Distance (B): 10.8 0.1 mm (0.4 0.004 in) 2. Fixing Bolt
6HK1 3. Center Bolt
4. Sleeve (Rear)
5. Collar (Rear)
6. Adapter Ring (Rear)
7. Oil Seal
Special tool
Oil seal installer kit: 5-8840-2703-0 (J-43282)
Oil seal setting tool: 8-94396-856-0
Put a collar on the fixing bolt and mount the
Be sure to replace the slinger and oil seal as a set.
adaptor onto the crankshaft.
2. Install the crankshaft rear oil seal.
Press-fit the rear oil seal using an oil seal installer,
setting tool.
Apply engine oil to the lip of the oil seal and place it
in the rear side adapter.
Put the rear side adapter ring in the sleeve and put
the sleeve on the adapter and fix with the center
1. Rear Part of The Crankshaft
2. Oil Seal
3. 4HK1: 7.8 0.3 mm (0.31 0.012 in),
6HK1: 7.5 0.15 mm (0.3 0.006 in)
4. Collar
5. Adapter Ring
6. Sleeve
* 4HK1 is shown for illustration. 7. Adapter
3. Install the flywheel.
1. Sleeve
Refer to the Flywheel.
2. Adapter Ring
Slinger remover
Oil seal installer kit
Oil seal setting tool
the replacer holes (arrowed holes in the figure). 15. Remove the lower thrust bearing.
4HK1 16. Remove the lower crankshaft bearings.
Special tool
Crankshaft gear puller: 8-9439-6819-0 (EN-41222)
1. Remove the gear.
1. Alignment Mark
Remove the gear using a gear puller.
Special tool
Crankshaft gear puller: 8-9439-6818-0 (EN-47684) Inspection
1. Thrust clearance
Set a dial gauge as shown and measure the
crankshaft thrust clearance.
Measure the thrust clearance before dismounting.
1. Install the gear.
Heat the gear to 170 250 C (338 482 F) and
install it aligning the groove on the gear with the
pin on the crankshaft.
Insert the gear at one push into the flange with its
end side with the alignment mark S facing
outward. If you are fitting the gear while it is cold,
beat the gear in until it impinges on the end using
the installer.
Turn the crankshaft about 30 to allow the bearings to
settle in.
Tightening torque:
M14 bolt 4HK1: (1 10), 6HK1: (1 14)
1st step = 98 N m (72 lb ft)
2nd step = 132 N m (97 lb ft)
3rd step = 30 60
M10 bolt 4HK1: (11 27), 6HK1: 15 39)
4th step = 37 N m (27 lb ft)
Tighten bolts from 1 to 10 (M14) and confirm that
they are tightened to a torque of 142 N m (105
lb ft) or more.
Special tool
Angle gauge: 5-8840-0266-0 (J-45059, KM470-B)
Do not rotate the crankshaft after tightening the
Loosen the bolts and gently remove the
* 4HK1 is shown for illustration.
Measure the widest part of the Plastigauge
flattened by tightening the crankcase to determine
the clearance.
If the journal oil clearance exceeds the limit, 4. Measure the journal and the crank pin diameters
replace the main bearings altogether or the and uneven wear.
crankshaft. Measure outer diameters of the journal and the pin
and calculate differences between the maximum
Remove the plastigauge from the bearing and and the minimum values. Take measurements at
crank pin. four positions for both the journal and the pin.
Inspection of crankshaft
Check the crankshaft journal and crank pin
surfaces for wear and damage. Check the oil seal
contact surface for excessive wear and damage.
3. Crankshaft run-out
Carefully set the crankshaft on the V block. Slowly
turn the crankshaft to measure the run-out. If the
crankshaft run-out exceeds the limit, replace the
Standard 0.06 or less (0.0024 or less) Journal #1, 2, 4, 5 81.905 81.925 81.85
(3.22460 3.22538) (3.222)
Limit 0.45 (0.018)
Journal #3 81.891 81.911 81.85
(3.22408 3.22483) (3.222)
Pin 65.902 65.922 65.850
(2.59456 2.59535) (2.5925)
Tufftriding (soft nitriding treatment) is applied to
enhance strength of the crankshaft. Therefore, you
shall not polish the surface of the crankshaft.
1. Upper Bearing
2. Oil Gallery
3. Grade Identification Color
4. Oil Groove
5. Lower Bearing
6. Grade Identification Color
Bearing selection table
1. Install the crankshaft upper bearing.
Install the upper bearing in the cylinder block and
apply oil.
When replacing the crankshaft bearings, select grades
referring to the Crankshaft Bearing Grade Selection.
Do not apply oil to the bearing installation surface on
the cylinder block and external surface of the bearing.
Apply Molybdenum Disulfide to M14 bolts threads 6HK1
and setting faces and tighten them to the specified
tightening torque in the sequence shown.
3rd step = 30 ~ 60
M10 bolt 4HK1: (11 ~ 27), 6HK1: (15 ~ 39)
Special tool
Angle gauge: 5-8840-0266-0 (J-45059, KM470-B)
Special Tool
Illustration Tool Number/Description Illustration Tool Number/Description
8-9439-6818-0 8-9439-6819-0
EN-47684 J-41222
Crankshaft gear puller Crankshaft gear installer
Angle gauge
Cylinder Block
You need not select cylinder liner bore grade since the
liners are only available in one size.
6. Cylinder block upper face warpage
Pull out the cylinder liners and remove water stains
on the cylinder block.
Clean up and blow with compressed air the cylinder
block and the cylinder liners before installing them.
Lubrication System
Precautions on Service Work Avoid excessive or insufficient coating volume.
Note that seizure may occur in case of excessive
During each disassembly, remove the old gasket
coating due to clogging of the oil gallery and oil jet,
adhering to each part and mating part completely
and oil and water leakage may occur if the coating
using a scraper at the location, where the fluid
is insufficient.
gasket is to be used, clean the traces of oil,
moisture, and dirt completely using waste cotton Always, the start and end of the application should
and apply the specified new fluid gasket at each be overlapped.
Explanations on functions and operation
The lubrication system uses the filter element
combined with a full flow bypass, water-cooled oil
cooler, and oil jet for piston cooling.
Lubricating system diagram
Function Check 7. Stop the engine.
Oil pressure check 8. Remove the oil pressure gauge.
1. Check whether the engine oil is contaminated with 9. Install the oil pressure switch.
dirt, light oil, or water. If contaminated with dirt, 10. Start the engine and check for oil leakage.
light oil, or water (after examining the cause and
taking the appropriate measures for light oil or Engine oil
water contamination), replace the oil. Ensure the engine is at a level ground. Before
2. Check the engine oil level. The oil level should be starting the engine or when 5 minutes or more
between the two holes of the level gauge. If the oil have elapsed after stopping the engine, check the
level is insufficient, replenish it. engine oil volume using the level gauge. The
3. Remove the oil pressure switch on the oil filter volume is appropriate if the engine oil is between
body. the upper and lower limits of the level gauge.
Replenish the engine oil, if level is below the lower
4. Install the oil pressure gauge on the oil filter body.
limit. Also, check for contamination of the engine
Special tool
Oil pressure gauge: J43620-20
Hose: J43630
Connector (4HK1 only): J43630-14
Oil pressure testing adapter (4HK1 only): EN-46333
1. Oil Pressure Testing Adapter (4HK1 only)
2. Connector (4HK1 only)
3. Hose
4. Oil Pressure Gauge
5. Warm the engine. 1. Upper Limit
6. Measure the oil pressure, to check whether it is 2. Lower Limit
more than 343 kPa (50 psi) at 2000 rpm.
Engine oil leakage
In the lift up condition, confirm that there are no
leaks from the cylinder head cover and oil pan.
Special Tool
Illustration Tool Number/Description
Oil pressure gauge
Oil pressure testing
1. Oil Pressure Switch 3. O-Ring
2. Oil Port Cover
1. Remove the oil pressure switch.
2. Remove the oil port cover.
3. Remove the O-ring.
1. Install the O-ring on the oil port cover.
1. O-Ring
2. O-Ring
2. Install the oil port cover on the cylinder block and
tighten it to the specified torque.
Tightening torque:
4HK1 48 N m (35 lb ft)
6HK1 39.2 N m (29 lb ft)
1. Bolt M10X L = 80
2. Bolt M10X L = 25
Oil Cooler
1. Bypass Hose 5. Fuel Supply Pump
2. EGR Cooler Water Return Pipe 6. EGR Cooler Water Feed Pipe
3. Oil Cooler 7. Suction Pipe
4. Common Rail
1. EGR Cooler Water Return Pipe 4. Fuel Supply Pump
2. Oil Cooler 5. Suction Pipe
3. Common Rail
1. Remove the common rail.
Refer to the Common Rail in the fuel system
2. Remove the fuel supply pump.
1. Bypass Hose Disassembly
2. EGR Cooler Water Return Pipe 1. Remove the element mounting bolts.
3. EGR Cooler Water Feed Pipe
2. Remove the element.
4. Suction Pipe
3. Remove the O-ring.
* 4HK1 is shown for illustration.
Name Name
1. Suction Pipe 1. Element
2. EGR Cooler Water Return Pipe 2. O-Ring
1. O-Ring
* 4HK1 is shown for illustration. 2. O-Ring
3. Liquid Gasket
1. Element Align the oil cooler holes with the cylinder block
2. O-Ring studs.
Install the oil cooler and glow plug controller
bracket to the cylinder block.
Installation Tighten the bolts to the specified torque in the
1. Install the oil cooler ASM. order shown in the illustration.
Apply liquid gasket (ThreeBond 1207B or Tightening torque: 24 N m (18 lb ft)
equivalent) to the flange surface groove (cylinder Liquid gasket quickly hardens.
block). Bead diameter must be between 2 and 4 Make it complete within 7 minutes after
mm (0.008 and 0.16 in). applying the liquid gasket.
Refer to the illustration for the offset position (no
more than 1 mm (0.04 in)). 4HK1
Install the O-rings (1) and (2) to the oil passage
inlet and outlet. Do not allow the liquid gasket to
contact the O-ring.
6HK1 6HK1
Oil Pan
Removal Installation
1. Drain engine oil. 1. Install the oil pan.
2. Remove the oil pan. At the seam between the cylinder block and the
front cover with the flywheel housing, apply the
liquid gasket (4H: ThreeBond 1207B or 6H:
1207C) to a bead diameter of 3 mm.
Apply the liquid gasket and install the oil pan within
7 minutes.
4HK1 4HK1
6HK1 6HK1
Oil Pump
* 4HK1 is shown for illustration. 1. Remove the driven gear and shaft.
12. Remove the idle gear A. 2. Remove the split pin.
3. Remove the spring.
4. Remove the ball.
1. Install the ball.
2. Install the spring.
3. Install the split pin and fold it according to (1).
1. Measure the clearance between the gear and the
inner wall of the oil pump body.
Measure the clearance between the gear and oil
pump body using a thickness gauge.
5. Install the oil pan.
Refer to Oil Pan.
6. Install the rear seal of the crankshaft.
Refer to Rear Oil Seal of Crankshaft.
7. Install the flywheel.
Refer to the Flywheel.
8. Install the fuel supply pump ASM.
Refer to Fuel Supply Pump in the Fuel System
9. Install the cylinder head ASM.
Refer to Cylinder Head Cover.
10. Install the camshaft ASM.
Refer to Camshaft ASM.
11. Install the rocker arm shaft ASM.
Refer to Rocker Arm Shaft ASM.
12. Tighten the cylinder head cover.
Refer to Cylinder Head Cover.
Circuit check
1. Turn the starter switch to ON.
2. Disconnect the oil pressure switch connector, and
confirm that the oil pressure-warning lamp lights
when the connector on the harness side is
If the warning lamp does not light up, check the
circuit between the meter and the oil pressure
switch, and repair the disconnected locations.
Cooling System 1B-1
Cooling System
Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-2
Precautions on Service Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-2
Function Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-5
A List of Defective Phenomena . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-7
Main Data and Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-7
Water Pump (4HK1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-8
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-8
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-8
Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-9
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-10
Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-11
Water Pump (6HK1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-12
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-12
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-14
Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-16
Disassembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-17
Inspection and Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-18
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-19
Thermostat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-22
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-22
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-22
Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-22
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-23
Drive Belt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-24
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-24
Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-24
Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-26
1B-2 Cooling System
Cooling System
Precautions on Service Work Explanations on functions and operation
WARNING: Cooling water system
Do not remove the radiator cap when the cooling water The cooling water system, which is the forced
is at high temperature. Steam or boiling water will gush circulation system, consists of a water pump,
out and you may be burnt. To open the radiator cap, thermostat, and radiator as its main components. The
cover the cap with a thick cloth when the cooling water oil in automatic transmission is cooled due to the
is cool, release the pressure by slowly turning the cap, cooling water in the radiator.
and then remove the cap.
1. Water Jacket 10. Reservoir Tank
2. Drain Plug 11. Air Bleeding Plug
3. Oil Cooler 12. Water Outlet Pipe
4. Water Pump 13. Thermostat (2 units)
5. Drain Cock 14. Thermometer Unit
6. Radiator 15. Bypass Route
7. Cooling Fan 16. Turbocharger
8. Radiator Cap 17. EGR Cooler
9. Heater Core
Cooling System 1B-3
1. Water Jacket 8. Radiator Cap
2. Drain Plug 9. Reservoir Tank
3. Oil Cooler 10. Water Outlet Pipe
4. Water Pump 11. Thermostat (2 units)
5. Drain Cock 12. Thermometer Unit
6. Radiator 13. Bypass Route
7. Cooling Fan 14. EGR Cooler
1B-4 Cooling System
Water pump
The water pump, which uses the centrifugal impeller
system, is driven by the engine fan belt.
1. Jiggle Valve 4. Gasket
2. Stamp Mark (Valve Initial Opening Temperature) 5. Piston
3. Valve
1. About the engine coolant concentration
Take the concentration corresponding to the
minimum temperature because the freezing
temperature varies according to the
concentration of the engine coolant.
Use only genuine Isuzu engine coolant.
Use engine coolant with a mix ratio in the range
of 30 to 60% because over heating is likely to
occur if the ratio is greater than 60% and
corrosion prevention is inadequate if the ratio is
less than 30%.
1. Antifreeze Hydrometer
2. Radiator
Engine overheats
Engine overcools
1. Fan 4. Fan Belt
2. Spacer 5. Water Pump ASM
3. Water Pump Pulley 6. Gasket
1. Drain the coolant.
2. Remove the four mounting bolts and then the fan
ASM and spacer, water pump pulley.
Cooling System 1B-9
Name Name
1. Fan 1. Water Pump
2. Spacer
3. Water Pump Pulley 5. Remove the gasket.
4. Bolt
3. (2) and (3) that tighten the setting plate and water Inspection
pump together. Loosen the adjusting bolts (1) in 1. Appearance check
the generator and remove the fan belt. Check for cracks or damage in the pump body.
Check for cracks and corrosion in the impeller.
Check for water leakage from the seal unit.
If you find abnormalities, replace with the water
pump ASM.
2. Bearing nut check
Rotate the fan center while pushing it along the
radial direction. Confirm that there is no
abnormal noise and no excessive play.
If you find abnormalities, replace with the water
pump ASM.
1. Adjusting Bolt
2. Lock Nut
3. Bolt
1. Fan ASM
2. Spacer
3. Water Pump Pulley
4. Bolt
7. Pour coolant.
1. Adjusting Bolt
2. Lock Nut
3. Bolt
1. Bolt
2. Washer
3. Rubber mount
4. Rubber mount
5. Guide tube
6. Fan guide
1. Adapter 4. Bypass hose
2. Fan pulley 5. Water duct
3. Water pump 6. Water duct
1. Bolt
2. Washer
3. Rubber mount
4. Rubber mount
5. Guide tube
6. Fan guide
1B-16 Cooling System
Torque Specifications
Cooling System 1B-17
1. Center 9. Shaft
2. Dust cover 10. Water pump body
3. Snap ring 11. Dowel pin
4. Bearing 12. Seal unit
5. Bearing 13. Impeller
6. Spacer 14. Gasket
7. Bearing 15. Cover
8. Washer 16. Bolt
1B-18 Cooling System
1. Remove the rear cover from the water pump body. Inspection and Repair
2. Use a remover 1-8521-0062-0 to remove the Make the necessary adjustments, repairs and part
impeller from the water pump. replacements if excessive wear or damage is
3. Use a puller to remove the water pump center. discovered during inspection.
4. Remove the dust cover and snap ring.
Water pump impeller
5. Remove the water pump shaft with ball bearings.
Use a plastic hammer to lightly tap on the water 1. Check the impeller for corrosion.
pump shaft from the impeller side.
To prevent damage to the water pump shaft, place soft
brass or copper sheets between the base plates and
the water pump shaft.
1B-20 Cooling System
Position the pump shaft with bearings to the 4. Install the seal unit to the water pump body.
water pump body. Press in the seal unit to the specified position
Use a bench press to gradually press the water using a bench press and installer 1-85220-047-
pump shaft into the water pump body. 0.
Seal unit installation position A:
Do not drive the bearing into position with a hammer or 11.0 11.6 mm (0.433 0.457 in)
similar object. Bearing damage will result.
Impeller remover
Seal unit installer
1B-22 Cooling System
1. Drain the coolant. Prepare the container for
discharging and use it for replenishment when
mounting the thermostat. Set the discharge of
cooling water such that the water does not flow out
of the thermostat housing.
2. Disconnect the water outlet pipe.
3. Remove the thermostat.
4. Remove the gasket from the thermostat.
Place the thermostat in water and increase the
temperature while stirring it sufficiently.
Measure the temperature when the valve is just
opened and when it is fully open.
Cooling System 1B-23
Installation 6HK1
1. Mount the gasket on the thermostat and mount it at
the position shown in the figure.
The thermostat with the jiggle valve (A) is
installed to the left side of the engine. The jiggle
valve faces the rear of engine.
Fit the thermostat gasket ensuring that it does
not come out of and on top of the external
housing on the cylinder head side.
1. Thermostat
Drive Belt
1. Crankshaft Pulley 5. Adjusting Bolt
2. Generator Drive Belt 6. Lock Nut
3. Bolt 7. Adjusting Plate
4. Generator 8. Water Pump Pulley
1. Crankshaft Pulley
2. Bolt
3. Generator
4. Adjusting Bolt
5. Lock Nut
6. Water Pump Pulley
7. Generator Drive Belt
1B-26 Cooling System
Torque Specifications
Fuel System
Fuel System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-2
Precautions on Service Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-2
Special Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-9
Special Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-9
Fuel Filter ASM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-10
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-10
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-10
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-10
Fuel Filter Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1C-11
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1C-11
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1C-11
Special Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1C-11
Fuel Injector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-12
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-12
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-13
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-16
Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-20
Special Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-21
Fuel Supply Pump. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-22
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-22
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-23
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-24
Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-27
Common Rail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-28
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-28
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-29
Disassembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-31
Reassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-32
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-32
Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1C-35
1C-2 Fuel System
Fuel System
Precautions on Service Work Immediately after removing the fuel hose and/or
fuel pipe, carefully tape vinyl bags over the
Parts of the fuel system such as the internal part of the
exposed ends of the hose or pipe.
fuel injector, holes and clearances that form passages
for fuel are finished to a very high degree of accuracy. If parts are to be replaced (fuel hose, fuel pipe,
They are therefore highly sensitive to foreign matter etc.) do not open the new part packaging until
and the entry of foreign matter could cause damage to installation.
the fuel passage. Therefore, effective measures should Discard gaskets and O-rings and replace them with
be taken to prevent the entry of foreign matter. new ones.
If water removal agent is used in the fuel then it will Work procedure
absorb moisture in the light oil and may cause rust. The fuel opening must be quickly sealed when
Therefore, do not use water removal agent in the fuel removing the fuel pipe, injection pipe, fuel injector,
tank. fuel supply pump, and common rail.
When servicing the fuel system, every precaution must
be taken to prevent the entry of foreign material into the The eyebolts and gasket must be stored in a clean
system. parts box with a lid to prevent adhesion of foreign
Before beginning the service procedure, wash the
fuel line and the surrounding area. Fuel leakage could cause fires. Therefore, after
finishing the work, wipe off the fuel that has leaked
Perform the service procedures with clean hands. out and make sure there is no fuel leakage after
Do not wear work gloves. starting the engine.
1. Common Rail 5. Fuel Tank
2. Fuel Filter 6. Supply Pump
3. Electromagnetic Pump 7. Fuel Injector
4. Pre-fuel Filter 8. Leak-Off Pipe
Fuel System 1C-3
Be careful foreign material does not into the fuel
system, because the precise fuel system is used.
Common rail
1. Flow Damper 3. Pressure Sensor
2. Pressure Limiter
1C-4 Fuel System
1. Flow Damper 3. Fuel Inlet
2. Pressure Limiter 4. Pressure Sensor
Fuel System 1C-5
Fuel supply pump
1. Fuel Temperature Sensor 4. Camshaft Key
2. Suction Control Valve 5. Camshaft Nut
3. High Pressure Pipe
1C-6 Fuel System
1. Fuel Temperature Sensor 3. High Pressure Pipe
2. Suction Control Valve 4. Camshaft Key
Fuel System 1C-7
Fuel injector Fuel filter
Name Name
1. Terminal Stud 1. Priming Pump
2. Part for Mounting Leak Off Pipe 2. Air Bleed
3. O-ring 3. Case
4. Part for Mounting Injection Pipe 4. Drain Plug
5. Parts Number
6. ID Code Plate
Function check
Air bleeding
1. Before starting the engine
a. Fit a tray below the fuel filter (below the air
bleed plug).
b. Loosen the plug adequately and operate the
priming pump more than 20 times until the fuel
near the plug overflows.
c. Tighten the plug, and operate the priming pump
more than 10 times until it is filled with fuel.
After waiting for approximately a minute, loosen
the plug and bleed out the air in the fuel filter.
(This work must be repeated a minimum of
three times until no more air comes out from the
d. Tighten the plug firmly and wipe the fuel in the
surrounding area. Operate the priming pump
(10 to 15 times) till it is filled with fuel and then
send fuel to the engine.
1C-8 Fuel System
2. After starting the engine
a. Start the engine by rotating the starter without
depressing the accelerator pedal.
b. After starting, maintain the idling rotation for 5
c. Slowly rotate the idling control knob clockwise
and maintain it for 3 minutes.
d. Fully depress the accelerator pedal and
increase the rotations to maximum. (Repeat
this operation several times)
e. Rotate the idling knob counterclockwise and
return to idling mode.
If the air bleeding work is insufficient then it could lead
to faults in the engine. Therefore, the procedures after
starting the engine should always be implemented.
Water drain
It is designed that the float inside of the water
sedimenter floats when water accumulates.
When the float level goes up to the aluminum body
section, be sure to drain the water.
Special Tool
Illustration Tool Number/Description
Fuel pressure/vacuum
gauge adapter
Fuel pressure/vacuum
gauge ASM
1C-10 Fuel System
1. Priming Pump
2. Air Bleed
3. Case
4. Drain Plug
1. Remove the feed hose and the return hose from
the fuel filter and plug it so that the fuel does not
flow out.
2. Remove the bolts for mounting the fuel filter.
3. Remove the fuel filter ASM.
1. Install the fuel filter ASM.
2. Install the bolts for mounting the fuel filter.
3. Install the feed hose and the return hose.
4. Bleed out the air.
Refer to Fuel System.
Fuel System 1C-11
Main filter wrench
1. Priming Pump
2. Air Bleed
3. Case
4. Drain Plug
1. Assemble the Fuel Filter element.
2. To simplify air bleed, fill light oil in the case.
3. Tighten the case by hand. During this process take
adequate care that the light oil that is inside does
not flow out.
4. Use the filter wrench and tighten rotating by 1/3 to
1C-12 Fuel System
Fuel Injector
Fuel System 1C-13
1. Fuel Injection Pipe Clip 7. EGR Adapter
2. Fuel Injection Pipe 8. EGR Cooler
3. Fuel Injector Leak-Off Pipe 9. EGR Valve
4. Fuel Injector 10. Cylinder Head Cover
5. Fuel Injector Clamp 11. Fuel Injector Harness Bracket
6. Fuel Injector Clamp Bolt 12. Fuel Injector Terminal
6HK1 1. Cylinder Head Cover
1. EGR Adapter
2. EGR Valve
1. Harness Bracket
2. Harness Connector
3. Fuel Injector Terminal
4. Fuel Leak Off Pipe
Fuel System 1C-15
9. Remove the fuel injection pipe clips and the
injection pipes.
1. Sliding Hammer
2. Remover
3. Fuel Injector ASM
Do not tamper with the electromagnetic portion of
the fuel injector. Reduced electromagnetic function
Name will result in injector failure.
1. Fuel Injection Pipe
2. Pipe Clip Recording Fuel Injector Flow Rate Information from
the QR plate on the replaced injector housing;
10. Loosen the fuel injector clamp fixing bolts and Record all numbers of replaced fuel injector's from QR
remove the fuel injectors. plate.
If the fuel injectors are difficult to remove, use the fuel
injector remover. Install the fuel injector remover to the
leak-off pipe attachment part on the fuel injector. Use a
sliding hammer to force the fuel injector clamp off the
fuel injector.
Do not remove the fuel injector sleeve.
Special tool
Fuel injector remover: 5-8840-2826-0 (EN-46720)
Sliding hammer: 5-8840-0019 (J-23907)
1C-16 Fuel System
3. Install the fuel injector clamps to the cylinder head.
4. Temporarily tighten the clamp bolts.
5. Apply a thin coat of engine oil to the outer surface
of the fuel injector side sleeve nuts.
6. Install the fuel injector pipes to the position shown
in the illustration.
7. Use a spanner to carefully the sleeve nuts until the
fuel injector pipes contact the fuel injector and
common rail.
8. Tighten the fuel injection pipe clips to the specified
1. QR Plate
2. Fuel Injector Flow Rate
3. Fuel Injector
Install each of the fuel injectors on its original position.
(the cylinder from which it was removed)
1. Install a new gasket and O-ring to each of the fuel
injector clamps. Refer to the illustration.
* 4HK1 is shown for illustration.
1. Fuel Injection Pipe
2. Pipe Clip
1. Gasket
2. Fuel Injector
3. Bolt
4. Fuel Injector Clamp
11. Install the nozzle leak off pipes together with the
new gaskets. Tighten the pipes to the specified
Do not overtighten the nuts. Damage to the terminal
studs will result.
* 4HK1 is shown for illustration.
12. Install the fuel injector harness connectors. Work
from the inside out.
13. Install the harness bracket and tighten the bolts to
the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 4HK1: 48 N m (35 lb ft)
6HK1: 22 N m (16 lb ft)
1C-18 Fuel System
Tightening torque: 24 N m (17 lb ft)
1. Fuel Injector * 4HK1 is shown for illustration.
2. Harness
3. Terminal Nut
1. EGR Adapter
2. EGR Valve
16. Install the gasket to the cylinder head cover.
17. Install the cylinder head cover and tighten the bolts 20. Attach the engine harness connectors. Each
to the specified torque. composite connector should make a loud click
Tightening torque: 4HK1: 18 N m (13 lb ft) when it is securely attached.
6HK1: 13 N m (9.6 lb ft) Before Programming the Fuel Injector Flow Rate
DO NOT program the fuel injector flow rate unless you
are directed by a service procedure or you are directed
by a service bulletin. Programming the fuel injector at
any other time will not permanently correct a customers
Ensure the following conditions are met before
programming the ECM.
System voltage for machine
There is no charging system concern. All
charging system concerns must be repaired
before programming the ECM.
Battery voltage is greater than 12 volts but less
than 16 volts. The battery must be charged
before programming the ECM if the battery
voltage is low.
A battery charger is NOT connected to the
machines battery. Incorrect system voltage or
* 4HK1 is shown for illustration. voltage fluctuations from a battery charger may
cause programming failure or ECM damage.
1. Cylinder Head Cover Turn OFF or disable and system that may put a
load on the machines battery.
18. Install the gasket to the EGR valve and tighten the The ignition switch is in the proper position. DO
bolts to the specified torque. NOT change the position of the ignition switch
during the programming procedure, unless
Tightening torque: 24 N m (17 lb ft) instructed to do so.
19. Install the gasket to the EGR adapter and tighten All tool connections are secure.
the bolts to the specified torque. RS-232
Fuel System 1C-19
The connection at the data link connector
(DLC) is secure.
Voltage supply circuit
DO NOT disturb the tool harness while
programming. If an interruption occurs during the
programming procedure, programming failure or
ECM damage may occur.
Surrounding environment
Surrounding temperature must be between 0
and 50 C during the programming procedure.
Excessively low or high temperature may cause
the programming failure or ECM damage.
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) on the tool
harness and ECM may cause the programming
failure or ECM damage.
Fuel Injector Flow Rate Programming Procedure
1. Connect the scan tool to the data link connector.
2. Connect the RS-232 to the scan tool and PC.
3. Start TIS 2000 and select the Service
Programming System (SPS).
4. In the "Select Diagnostic Tool and Programming
Process" screen, select the following menu.
Diagnostic tool "Pass-Thru".
Select Programming Process "Reprogram
ECU Location on the Machine.
Then, follow the SPS screen instructions.
5. Ensure that ALL programming contents are
entered correctly and were programmed
successfully by turning OFF the ignition for 30
6. Using the scan tool to check each programmed
fuel injector flow rate.
7. Start the engine and let idle.
8. Inspect for a proper engine running condition and
for no DTCs. Refer to the Diagnostic System
Check Engine Control if needed.
1C-20 Fuel System
Torque Specifications
Sliding hammer
Fuel injector remover
1C-22 Fuel System
Name Name
1. Fuel Supply Pump 1. Fuel Supply Pump
2. O-ring 2. O-ring
3. Fuel Supply Pump Bracket 3. Fuel Supply Pump Bracket
Take care not to twist the O-ring.
1. Fuel Supply Pump
2. Fuel Supply Pump Gear
3. Nut
Fuel System 1C-25
4. Apply white paint to the top of the fuel supply pump 6HK1
gear tooth directly above the stamped O mark.
Refer to the illustration.
1. Plug Hole
2. Alignment Mark
* 4HK1 is shown for illustration.
In order to make the fuel supply pump characteristic
Name learn into the ECM, let the engine idle until warm-up. If
1. Oil Drain Adapter the fuel system DTC' stored in the meantime, once
2. O-ring clear DTD and warm-up the engine again.
Common Rail
1. Fuel Leak Off Pipe 6. Injection Pipe Clip
2. Fuel Pipe 7. Injection Pipe (#1 to #4)
3. EGR Valve 8. Common Rail
4. EGR Cooler 9. Common Rail Bracket
5. EGR Adapter
Fuel System 1C-29
1. Fuel Leak Off Pipe 5. EGR Adapter
2. Fuel Pipe 6. Injection Pipe Clip
3. EGR Valve 7. Injection Pipe (#1 to #6)
4. EGR Cooler 8. Common Rail
Parts of the fuel system such as the internal part of the Cover the removed fuel hose with a lid, keep it
fuel injector, holes and clearances that form passages facing upward and secure it using wire, etc.
for fuel are finished to a very high degree of accuracy.
They are therefore highly sensitive to foreign matter Note:
and the entry of foreign matter could cause damage to Cover the areas exposed during part removal to
the fuel passage. Therefore, effective measures should prevent the entry of foreign material into the fuel
be taken to prevent the entry of foreign matter. system.
3. Disconnect the connected of common rail pressure
sensor, and all the connectors.
4. Remove the EGR valve and the EGR adapter.
1. Remove the air intake pipe. 5. Tape the EGR case holes shut to prevent the entry
Disconnect the connector for the intake air of foreign material.
temperature sensor.
2. Remove the fuel leak off hose from the leak off
1C-30 Fuel System
4HK1 4HK1
6HK1 6HK1
Name Name
1. EGR Adapter 1. Fuel Injection Pipe
2. EGR Valve 2. Pipe Clip
6. Remove the injection pipe clip and remove the 7. Remove the fuel pipe.
injection pipes.
Note: Cover the areas exposed during part removal to
Cover the areas exposed during part removal to prevent the entry of foreign material into the fuel
prevent the entry of foreign material into the fuel system.
system. 8. Remove the clip and the fuel leak off pipe.
Cover the areas exposed during part removal to
prevent the entry of foreign material into the fuel
Fuel System 1C-31
Name Name
1. Fuel Leak Off Pipe 1. Common Rail Bracket (4HK1)
2. Common Rail
1. Remove the fuel pressure limiter.
1. Fuel Leak Off Pipe
Do not grasp the pressure sensor, during the
common rail removal procedure.
Take care not to damage the connector unit of the
pressure sensor.
1C-32 Fuel System
6HK1 6HK1
Name Name
1. Common Rail 1. Common Rail
2. Pressure Sensor 2. Pressure Sensor
3. Pressure Limiter 3. Pressure Limiter
Reassembly Installation
1. Install the fuel pressure limiter. 1. Tighten the common rail bracket to the specified
Tightening torque: 172 N m (127 lb ft) torque. (4HK1)
Tightening torque: 19 N m (14 lb ft)
2. Tighten the common rail to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 4HK1: 19 N m (14 lb ft)
6HK1: 25 N m (18 lb ft)
Do not grasp the pressure sensor, during the
common rail removal procedure.
Take care not to damage the connector unit of the
pressure sensor.
Fuel System 1C-33
Tightening torque 4HK1 (2): 18 N m (13 lb ft) Apply a thin coat of engine oil on the periphery of
6HK1 (2): 10 N m (7.4 lb ft) the sleeve nut on the fuel injector side and
4HK1 (3): 12 N m (104 lb in) assemble.
6HK1 (3): 14.2 N m (125 lb in) 4HK1
4HK1 (4): 8 N m (69 lb in)
4HK1 (7): 6 N m (52 lb in)
6HK1 (7): 8.8 N m (78 lb in)
4. Tighten the fuel pipe (5) using the mounting sleeve
nut and the specified torque.
Tightening torque (6): 44 N m (33 lb ft)
(8): 44 N m (33 lb ft)
1C-34 Fuel System
6HK1 6HK1
Name Name
1. Fuel Injection Pipe 1. EGR Adapter
2. Pipe Clip 2. EGR Valve
Engine Electrical 1D-1
Engine Electrical
Service Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-2
General Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-2
Charging System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-3
General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-3
Generator (4HK1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-5
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-5
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-6
Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-6
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-7
Starting System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-14
General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-14
On-vehicle Service: Starting System . . . . . . . .1D-15
Starter (4HK1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-16
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-16
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-17
Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-17
Main Data and Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-18
Preheating System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-26
Glow Plug Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-26
Precautions on Service Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-27
A List of Defective Phenomena . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-27
Main Data and Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-28
Starter (6HK1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-29
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-29
Sectional view (reference) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-30
Output Characteristic (reference). . . . . . . . . . .1D-31
Disassembly and Inspection of Starter. . . . . . .1D-32
Assembly of Starter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-38
No Load Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-42
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-42
Generator (6HK1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-43
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-43
Charging Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-43
Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-44
Disassembly and Inspection of Generator . . . .1D-45
Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-49
Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-51
Bench Testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-52
Trouble Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-53
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1D-53
1D-2 Engine Electrical
Service Precautions
General Procedure
When fasteners are removed, always reinstall them at
the same location from which they were removed. If a
fastener needs to be replaced, use the correct part
number fastener for that application. If the correct part
number fastener is not available, a fastener of equal
size and strength (or stronger) may be used. Fasteners
that are not reused, and those requiring thread locking
compound will be called out. The correct torque value
must be used when installing fasteners that require it. If
the above conditions are not followed, parts or system
damage could result.
Engine Electrical 1D-3
Charging System
General Description
The main charging system components are the
batteries, the generator and the battery discharge
indicator light circuit. The generator is a 120-amp,
selfrectifying type with a built-in regulator. The battery
discharge indicator light is mounted in the instrument
1. Generator 8. Plate
2. Lower Mount Bolt 9. Bolt
3. Nut 10. ACG Adjust Bolt
4. Spring Washer 11. Sliding Piece
5. Washer 12. Washer
6. Bracket 13. Adjust Nut
7. Bracket Mount Bolt
1D-4 Engine Electrical
Maintenance Electrical Tests
The most common indication of charging system Before performing the following generator electrical
troubles is an undercharged or overcharged battery. tests on the vehicle, be certain that the system wiring is
Since the battery itself may be defective, the first step not defective and generator belts are not slipping. Also,
should be to check its condition as described under the battery must be fully charged for a valid test of the
Diagnosis of Battery. In the case of an undercharged charging system.
battery, check for battery drain caused by grounds or Notice:
by accessories left turned on. To avoid damage to the vehicle electrical system,
Keep the generator and all other electrical system always observe the following precautions:
terminals clean and tight. A loose or badly corroded Do not polarize the generator.
terminal connection will create excessive resistance in
Do not short across or ground any of the terminals
the system and result in hard starting, dim lights etc.
in the charging circuit except as specifically
Inspect the generator system at regular intervals and
instructed herein.
correct any potential causes of trouble before machine
performance is affected. NEVER operate the generator with the output
terminal open-circuited.
Diagnosis of Charging System
Be sure the generator and battery have the same
Trouble in the charging system will be evidenced as ground polarity.
one or more of the following three conditions:
When connecting a charger or booster battery to
1. The battery discharge warning light will stay on. the vehicle battery, connect negative to negative
2. An undercharged battery as evidenced by slow and positive to positive.
cranking. 1. With the engine control switch ON and engine not
3. An overcharge, or overvoltage, condition. running, connect a voltmeter from terminal E to
ground. The voltmeter should show 0 volts.
Undercharged Battery 2. With the engine control switch ON, and engine
Inspection not running, connect a voltmeter from terminal B
1. Accessories to be sure none were left on for to ground. The voltmeter should read at least 24
extended periods. volts.
2. Drive belt for proper tension. Refer to Generator 3. With the engine control switch ON and the engine
Drive Belt later in this section. not running, connect a voltmeter from white wire
side of the connector to ground. The voltmeter
3. The ECM main relay has been ON stuck at the should show 24 volts.
ignition switch OFF position. (Battery voltage is
consumed.) 4. With the engine control switch ON and the engine
not running, the charge light should be on. This
4. Refer to Diagnosis of Battery earlier in this shows that the other circuit in the connection is
section. working.
5. Wiring and connections for corrosion or looseness. 5. With the engine running and the headlight high
Overcharge (or Overvoltage) condition beams turned on, read the voltage at the B post
A charging rate in excess of 29.5-volts for a prolonged on the generator. The voltmeter should read at
period may cause early electrical system failure. least 24 volts.
Blown fuses. light bulbs burned out, and even battery 6. If steps 1 through 4 are not OK, check connectors
failure may result. If this condition exists, test the in the harness for looseness or corrosion and
generator as described under Generator Output Test retest.
later in this section. 7. If step 5 voltage is low, substitute a known good
regulator and test again. If the voltage is still low,
Noisy Generator bench test the generator.
1. Drive pulley for looseness.
2. Mounting bolts for looseness.
3. Bearings for dirt, damage, or wear.
Generator noise may also be caused by worn or
damaged diodes and/or starter.
Engine Electrical 1D-5
Generator (4HK1)
Battery negative cable.
1. Electrical wiring at the generator.
2. Loosen the adjust nut.
3. Loosen the ACG adjust bolt.
4. Loosen the lower mount bolt.
5. Drive belt
1D-6 Engine Electrical
6. Generator. 2. ACG Adjust bolt.
3. Adjust nut.
Installation Tightening torque:
Lower Mount Bolt 76 N m (56 lb ft)
1. Generator.
Tightening torque: 4. Electrical wiring at the generator.
Lower Mount Bolt 127 N m (94 lb ft) Battery negative cable.
Torque Specifications
Engine Electrical 1D-7
Specifications Connector terminal
1. R Terminal
2. L Terminal
Internal connections
1D-8 Engine Electrical
Disassembly of generator
Disassembly Procedure
1. Screw 13. Collar
2. Cover 14. Ball Bearing
3. Through Bolt 15. Rotor Assembly
4. Rotor, Front Bracket Assembly 16. Screw
5. Nut, Washer 17. Field Coil Assembly
6. Pulley 18. Stator Assembly
7. Fan 19. Holder
8. Collar 20. Regulator Assembly
9. Screw 21. Bolt (B terminal)
10. Retainer 22. Condenser
11. Ball Bearing 23. Rectifier Assembly
12. Front Bracket Assembly is the reverse order of disassembly.
Engine Electrical 1D-9
Inspection and repair of generator 3. Diode for initiating excitation, Resistor
Check the continuity between connector terminals
1. Diode
R and L with a tester (at 100 range). Normal
Check the continuity of forward and inverse
diodes and resistors show low resistance in
directions with a tester. Normal diodes show low
forward direction and high resistance in inverse
resistance in forward direction and high resistance
in inverse one.
Judge that they are faulty other than those above.
Judge that they are faulty other than those above.
4. Field coil
2. Condenser
Charge the condenser with a tester (at 1000 To judge the insulating condition of field coil,
range), and connect a tester lead inversely. Judge measure between the protrusion portions and core
it as normal if the needle on a meter deflects a little of the coil with a tester (at 1000 range). Judge
and returns to the original position. as faulty if it has continuity.
Judge that they are faulty other than those above.
1D-10 Engine Electrical
Measure between the protrusion portions of field Judge as normal if there is continuity between N
coil with a tester, and judge as normal if the lead of stator coil and three leads.
resistance is about 6.7 (20 C).
6. Bearing
5. Stator coil Check if the bearing rotates smoothly or has no
To judge the insulating condition of stator coil, noise.
measure between the stator coil and core with a If the result of the inspection is unsatisfactory,
tester (at 1000 range). Judge as faulty if it has replace the bearing.
Engine Electrical 1D-11
Performance test
In the performance test of generator, connect as
follows and measure the regulated voltage and output
Actual wiring diagram for performance test of IC regulator built-in generator
Disassembly Procedure
1. Voltmeter 5. Clamp Tester Ammeter
2. R Terminal 6. Battery 24 V
3. L Terminal 7. Variable Resistor
4. Charging Lamp 24 V-3 W
Action to be
Trouble symptom Trouble location Trouble cause
Charging is Wiring and Open or short circuit, disconnection
impossible. ammeter
Generator. Open circuit, short to ground, short circuit in each coil Replace
Broken diode Replace
Regulator Defective regulator. Replace
Poor contact in terminal of regulator Repair
Insufficient Wiring Open or short circuit, looseness in connection Repair
Generator. Looseness of generator driven belt Repair
Layer or short circuit in field coil Replace
Layer or short circuit in stator coil Replace
Defective diode Replace
Poor contact in each terminal Repair
Regulator Defective regulator. Replace
Poor contact in terminal of regulator Repair
Excessive Regulator Defective regulator.
Unstable charging Wiring Intermittent contact or nearly disconnected connection
current in wiring
Generator. Looseness of generator driven belt Repair
Short circuit or nearly disconnected connection in field
Short circuit or nearly disconnected connection in stator
Poor contact in each terminal Repair
Regulator Defective regulator. Replace
Poor contact in terminal of regulator Repair
Noisy generator Generator. Improper installation of generator Repair
Defective bearing Replace
Contact of rotor core and stator core Repair
Defective diode Replace
Short circuit in stator coil Replace
1D-14 Engine Electrical
Starting System
General Description
1. Starter 3. Ground Cable
2. Nut 4. Bolt
Keep the starters exterior clean. Remove corrosion
from the terminals, leads, and connectors.
Tighten the starter to engine mounting bolts and the
electrical cable retaining nuts.
Engine Electrical 1D-15
Diagnosis of Starting System If the voltage is less than 0.5 volt, measure the voltage
at the battery cable terminal on the starter. If the
No Cranking, No Sound voltage is 18 volts or more, repair the starter. If the
Discharged batteries. Turn on the headlights and voltage is less than 18 volts, clean and tighten the
check the brightness. If the headlights are dim, positive cable connections. If the voltage is still less
charge the batteries. Check for the cause of the than 18 volts, replace the positive cable.
discharged batteries.
Sulfated battery terminals. Turn on the headlights. On-vehicle Service: Starting System
The headlights will be bright. Attempt to start the
engine. The headlights will be very dim or go out. Maintenance
Clean all the battery terminals and cable ends.
Keep starter terminals and all other terminals in the
A starter that draws too much current. electrical system clean tight. A loose or corroded
Starter relay wont work. Attempt to start and listen connection or terminal will cause excessive resistance
for a click at the starter relay. If there is no click, in the system that will result in hard starting. At regular
check the starter relay control terminals with a test intervals, inspect the starting system to locate and
light. If the test light shows that power is getting to correct potential causes of trouble before the system
the starter relay, check the ground circuit with the performance is affected. Starting motors do not require
test light. If the ground circuit is OK, replace the lubrication.
starter relay.
Engine control switch start circuit wont close.
With the engine control switch turned to start,
check the starter relay with a test light. If the test
light doesnt come on, check the starter circuit at
the engine control switch with the test light. If the
test light comes on, check the harness for an open
and repair. If the test light does not come on,
replace the engine control switch.
Starter relay power circuit isnt closing. Attempt to
start. The starter relay clicks. Check the
secondary terminals with a test light. If the test light
lights on the battery side only, replace the starter
relay. If the test light lights on both terminals, check
for an open at the starter.
Starter clicks when start is attempted. Check all
power connections for corrosion. Clean
connections if corrosion is present. Terminal on
starter should have at least 18 volts on it when
cranking the engine. If voltage is OK, replace the
Starter (4HK1)
1. Battery negative cable from the battery.
2. Cables and electrical leads from the starter.
3. Two mount nuts.
4. Starter.
Engine Electrical 1D-17
Installation 3. Cables and electrical leads to the starter.
1. Starter 4. Battery negative cable to the battery.
2. Two mount nuts.
Tightening torque:
Mount nuts 82.4 N m (60 lb ft)
Torque Specifications
1. Starter Relay 3. Motor
2. Battery 4. Magnetic Switch
1. Clip Ring 15. Ball
2. Pinion Stopper, Pinion, Spring 16. Rubber Bushing
3. Lead Wire 17. Plate
4. Bolt 18. Spring
5. Magnetic Switch 19. Pin
6. Screw 20. Holder
7. Bolt 21. Shift Lever
8. Rear Bracket 22. E Clip
9. Brush Holder ASM 23. Overrunning Clutch ASM
10. Yoke ASM 24. Internal Gear
11. Armature 25. Washer
12. Cover 26. Drive Shaft ASM
13. Packing 27. Front Bracket ASM
14. Idle Gear Assembly is the reverse order of disassembly.
Engine Electrical 1D-21
Inspection and repair of starter Contact Point Check
Service limit of contact point is judged by damaged
1. Magnetic switch
condition on contact surface in the following procedure.
Never perform operational check on magnetic
Measure the load current on starter. Replace it if
switch as single unit.
voltage drop between terminals B and M is 0.3 V or
Inspection of coil more per 100 A.
Check the pressure coil C1 and holding coil C2 for
open circuit using a tester. Caution:
Check the continuity between magnetic switch and Use a digital voltmeter to measure voltage drop. Using
M terminal. It has open circuit if no continuity. an analog voltmeter may damage itself.
(Resistance approx. 1.6 )
2. Armature
Supply 24 V between M terminal of magnetic Bentness measurement of shaft
switch and case, push the plunger by hand, and Measure with a dial gauge, and repair or replace if
then release it. It is normal if it is not sucked. Coil is bentness is 0.05mm or more.
defective if it is sucked.
Perform this while the magnetic switch is set up.
1D-22 Engine Electrical
Inspection of commutator Inspection of armature coil
Check the surface of commutator. File the Using a growler tester, put probe on a armature
surface smooth with No.400 to 600 sand paper core. It is normal if probe does not vibrates.
if it is rough. Repair with a lathe if deflection is Check with a tester. It is normal if there is no
0.1mm or more. continuity between commutator and shaft.
1. Repair is needed
2. Improper repair
3. Good
4. Overrunning clutch
Outside diameter of commutator
Measure the outside diameter of commutator with Rotate the pinion by hand. It is normal if it is
a slide-caliper. If the measured value is less than rotated smoothly in one direction only.
the limit, replace it. Check the pinion tooth surface. Replace if it has
worn or damage.
Standard Limit If the entire overrunning clutch is soaked in liquid when
32.4 31.4 washing it, internal grease flows out, causing seizure.
Engine Electrical 1D-23
6. Bearing
Check if the bearing outer race rotates smoothly by
5. Reduction gear
Check the reduction gear. It is normal if it has no
7. Brush height
Measure the brush height. If it is less than the limit,
replace the brush.
Standard Limit
17 18 10
1D-24 Engine Electrical
Handling of starter
1. Precautions on handling
Improper gap between pinion and ring gear causes
faulty mesh. (Gap 2 Ñü 5mm)
Also, the front bracket is installed on the engine
side securely.
Be sure to turn off the battery switch before
removal/installation of stater.
Tightening/inserting wiring must be performed
properly. Improper work causes starting trouble
due to high contact resistance.
2. Precautions on starting
Be careful with charging status of battery.
Insufficiently-charged battery causes starting
After checking engine starting, turn off the stater
switch immediately.
One continuous use should be less than 10
seconds. If re-starting is needed, wait until the
pinion stops completely.
If the starter does not stop rotating when the starter
switch is turned off, turn off the battery switch
immediately. In this case, check the wiring, switch,
Engine Electrical 1D-25
Trouble countermeasure
Preheating System
Glow Plug Replacement
Installation Procedure
1. Install the glow plug.
Tightening torque: 20 N m (15 lb ft)
2. Install and tighten the glow connector with the
designated torque.
Tightening torque: 1.2 N m (9 lb ft)
3. Install the EGR valve and the EGR adapter.
1. EGR Adapter
2. EGR Valve
1. EGR Adapter
2. EGR Valve
Use a set of four glow plugs from the same
Item Model
Preheating device model Glow plug
Glow plug rated voltage/ current (V-A) 23 3.5
Engine Electrical 1D-29
Starter (6HK1)
1. Through Bolt 8. Pinion
2. Bearing 9. Bearing
3. Rear Bracket 10. Front Bracket
4. Brush Holder 11. Gear
5. Magnetic Switch 12. Yoke
6. Shift Lever 13. Armature
7. Gear Shaft
Engine Electrical 1D-31
Output Characteristic (reference)
1D-32 Engine Electrical
Disassembly Procedure
1. Snap Ring 16. Plate
2. Stop Ring 17. Packing
3. Pinion 18. Packing
4. Pinion Spring 19. Plate
5. Lead Wire with Terminal 20. Planetary Gear
6. Screw 21. Lever
7. Magnetic Switch 22. E-shaped Retaining Ring
8. Screw 23. Overrunning Clutch
9. Through Bolt 24. Internal Gear
10. Rear Bracket 25. Washer
11. Yoke Assembly 26. Gear Shaft
12. O-Ring 27. Front Bracket
13. Brush Holder 28. Bearing
14. Armature 29. Washer
15. Ball 30. Brush
Engine Electrical 1D-33
Before disassembling the starter, put alignment
marks on each magnet switch, yoke front bracket
and rear bracket to facilitate re-assembly.
Remove the pinion within 10seconds since heat is Name
generated during electric discharge. 1. Pinion
2. Clutch Shaft
3. Snap Ring
4. Stop Ring
5. Pipe
6. Pinion Spring
3. Remove the nut on M terminal of magnet switch
and remove the lead wire with terminal.
Tightening screw is tight. Use a shock driver to loosen.
4. Remove the brush holder-tightening screw and
through bolt.
Then, remove the rear bracket and O-ring
Do not reuse the removed O-ring.
Also, do not reuse also O-ring on tightening screw.
2. Apply the pipe, which just fits the stop ring, on the 5. Apply a socket (outside diameter 32mm) on a
ring and tap the pipe with a hammer to remove the commutator of armature.
stop ring toward the pinion side once. Then, slide the brush on the socket to yoke
Then, remove the snap ring and remove the stop assembly and O-ring.
ring, pinion and pinion spring. This facilitates to re-assemble.
Caution: Caution:
Do not reuse the snap ring. Do not reuse the removed O-ring.
6. Remove the brush from brush holder by pulling up
the brush spring, and then remove the brush
7. Remove the armature.
Remove a bearing using a general puller.
8. Remove the plate in planetary gear and remove
the packing.
Then, remove the packing and plate on the lever
9. Remove the internal gear, gearshift, overrunning
clutch and lever as a unit from front bracket.
1D-34 Engine Electrical
10. Remove the lever. Check the armature coil for grounding (faulty
insulating) with a circuit tester.
Caution: Replace the armature if grounding is present.
Remember the direction of lever.
11. Remove the two E-shaped retaining ring.
To remove the overrunning clutch, rotate the spline
by one tooth to remove it from gearshift assembly.
Do not reuse removed E-shaped retaining ring.
12. Remove the internal gear.
In this time, take out one washer which adjusts
axial play of gearshift.
3. Brush
1. Good Measure the length of the brush.
2. Insulating If it is worn to the limit, replace the brush holder
3. Commutator Segment assembly on the brush holder as a unit and only
4. Defective brush on the yoke assembly side.
Make sure the brush moves smoothly in the brush
Check the gears for wear or damage. holder. Also, check the brush spring pressure.
Replace the armature if fault is present.
Check the bearings for noise, rattle or grease
2. Field coil
Check the coil for open circuit with a circuit tester.
Replace the yoke assembly if open circuit is
1D-36 Engine Electrical
Check the brush holder for grounding (faulty
insulating) with a circuit tester.
Clean the brush holder before checking.
Replace the brush holder assembly if the
continuity is present when putting one probe of
circuit tester to brush holder plate (metal part) and
another one to insulated holder.
5. Front bracket
Check the bearing and oil seal, and replace the
front bracket assembly (including bearing, oil seal)
if faulty.
6. Internal gear and planetary gear
Check the internal gear and planetary gear, and
replace them if excessive wear or damage is
Name present.
1. Brush Length 7. Lever
2. Insulated Holder It the portion which contacts the overrunning
switch is worn, the protruded position of pinion will
4. Overrunning clutch and pinion be faulty.
Hold the housing of overrunning clutch by hand. (Refer to 4. Assembly section to adjust the
Make sure that the pinion can be rotated by hand protruded position of pinion.)
with a light resistance in one direction and cannot
be in the opposite direction. Replace the
overrunning clutch if faulty.
Check the pinion, and replace it if wear or scratch
is present.
Grease is present in overrunning clutch. Do not use
wash oil or cleaning agent for cleaning.
Wipe off stain on overrunning clutch with a cloth.
1. Worn Part
Engine Electrical 1D-37
8. Magnetic switch
Check the continuity between the M terminal and
the body, and replace the magnet switch if no
continuity is present.
Then, make sure that no continuity is present
between B terminal and M terminal. Replace the
magnet switch if continuity is present.
1. M Terminal
2. S Terminal
3. B Terminal
1D-38 Engine Electrical
Assembly of Starter
Assembly diagram: Assemble in the order of the numbers.
Assembly Procedure
1. Brush 16. Ball
2. Washer 17. Armature
3. Bearing 18. Brush Holder
4. Front Bracket 19. O-Ring
5. Gear Shaft 20. Yoke Assembly
6. Washer 21. Rear Bracket
7. Internal Gear 22. Through Bolt
8. Overrunning Clutch 23. Screw
9. E-shaped Retaining Ring 24. Magnetic Switch
10. Lever 25. Screw
11. Planetary Gear 26. Lead Wire with Terminal
12. Plate 27. Pinion Spring
13. Packing 28. Pinion
14. Packing 29. Stop Ring
15. Plate 30. Snap Ring
Engine Electrical 1D-39
1. Lubricant locations and tightening torque
Lubricant locations
Shown in
the Lubricant locations Lubricant agent
A Sleeve bearing and ball Molycote AG650
B Clutch shaft sliding surface MULTEMP 6129
C Spline portion and sliding portion of gearshift MULTEMP 6129
D Sliding portion of lever and overrunning clutch Molycote AG650
E Armature shift gear, planetary gear, internal gear Molycote AG650
F Under pinion MULTEMP 6129
G Outer surface of armature bearing (tiny amount) MULTEMP 6129
H Oil seal MULTEMP 6129
I Surface of plunger (tiny amount) MULTEMP 6129
2. Axial play of armature shift Pass the gear shaft through washer, internal gear
Adjustment is unnecessary (assemble the ball into and overrunning clutch. Then move the
a tip of shaft.) overrunning clutch by one tooth of spline to make
3. Axial play of gear shaft sure that the clutch cannot be pulled out.
Adjustment is unnecessary Assemble the E-shaped retaining ring.
Appropriate gap will be obtained automatically
when one washer (removed in step 12 of Caution:
disassembly procedure) is inserted between Do not reuse removed E-shaped retaining ring.
internal gear and gearshift.
4. Assembly of gearshift
1D-40 Engine Electrical
If assembling the E-shaped retaining ring prior to
the overrunning clutch, the clutch cannot be
assembled. Be careful with it.
1. Pinion
2. Clutch Shaft
Name 3. Snap Ring
1. Overrunning Clutch 4. Stop Ring
2. Washer 5. Pinion Spring
3. Gear Shaft
4. E-shaped Retaining Ring 6. Check of the pinion protruded position
5. Internal Gear After assembling the starter, check the protruded
position of pinion.
5. Assembly of pinion How to measure and adjust
Assemble the pinion spring, pinion and stop ring to Connect the starter to battery.
clutch shaft in this order, then assemble the snap When closing the switches SW1 and SW2, the
ring to the groove of clutch shaft at the end. pinion move forward to the cranking position
Then, pull strongly the stop ring toward the snap and the armature rotates.
ring side with a gear puller and fix both of them. Then, open the switch SW2 to stop the
armature rotating.
Assemble the pinion before assembling the
magnet switch to front bracket.
Do not reuse the removed snap ring.
Engine Electrical 1D-41
Push into or pull back a tip of the crankshaft
lightly by hand and measure the moving
distance of it.
Adjust by using one or two packings (0.5mm) of
magnet switch and front bracket so that this
measurement value is between 0.5 2.0mm.
If this adjustment cannot be done, replace the
1. Battery 24 V
1D-42 Engine Electrical
No Load Test
1. After adjusting the protruded position of pinion,
connect the starter as shown in the illustration
Use a thick electric wire and tighten the connected
portion securely.
2. Close the switch and read the speed, current and
1. Battery 24 V
2. Ammeter
3. Voltmeter
Generator (6HK1)
Charging Circuit
1. Field Coil 5. Key Switch
2. Stator Coil 6. Battery 24 V
3. Diode Trio 7. IC Regulator
4. Charging Lamp 8. Generator
Charging circuit and internal circuit are shown in the illustration above.
Charging system consists of IC regulator built-in generator, battery, charging lamp and wires to connect them.
1D-44 Engine Electrical
1. Rear Bracket 6. Rotor
2. IC Regulator 7. Bearing
3. Bearing 8. Pulley
4. Rectifier 9. Front Bracket
5. Stator 10. Coil Assembly (Field Coil)
This generator has no brush. terminal (for direct current output), L terminal and R
Main parts are a rotor, stator, rectifier assembly, front terminal.
bracket, rear bracket, IC regulator, bearing, pulley and The L terminal is connected to field coil. Therefore, as
so on. well as R terminal, it becomes input terminal for
Moving parts are a rotor and pulley. A field coil is initiating excitation current until the generator starts to
secured to rear bracket. generate electric power.
Six main diodes and two additional diodes are used to It also provides function as output terminal. (Current
convert three-phase alternating current, generated in capacity is 1 A.)
stator coil, into direct current. Among six main diodes, The charging lamp will be off if the voltage on L
there are three positive diodes and three negative terminal reaches battery voltage.
diodes. Both bearings are sealed, therefore periodic lubricant is
In addition, three tiny diodes, called trio diode, are used not necessary.
to supply field current. IC regulator cannot be disassembled. Handle it as
This generator has three terminals, which are B assembly.
Engine Electrical 1D-45
1. Nut Washer 9. Ball Bearing
2. Pulley, Fan 10. Screw
3. Collar 11. Cover
4. Through Bolt 12. Rectifier Assembly
5. Front Bracket 13. Regulator Assembly
6. Ball Bearing 14. Stator Assembly
7. Retainer 15. Field Coil Assembly
8. Rotor Assembly
1D-46 Engine Electrical
1. Nut Washer 10. Ball Bearing
2. Pulley, Fan 11. Field Coil Assembly
3. Key 12. Connector Set
4. Collar 13. Screw
5. Through Bolt 14. Terminal Set
6. Front Bracket 15. Cover
7. Ball Bearing 16. Rectifier Assembly
8. Retainer 17. Regulator Assembly
9. Rotor Assembly 18. Stator Assembly
1. Ball
Do not lose the tube.
1D-48 Engine Electrical
1. IC Regulator 8. Cap
2. Rectifier 9. Nut
3. B terminal 10. Terminal Bolt
4. Terminal Bolt 11. Terminal Bolt
5. B terminal 12. Terminal Bolt
6. Cap 13. Rectifier
7. Nut
Engine Electrical 1D-49
1. IC Regulator 4. B terminal
2. Terminal Bolt 5. Tube
3. Nut 6. Rectifier
1. Stator
Check visually for damage, loose connection and
discoloration of coil.
Check the continuity between two lead wires of Name
stator coil with a circuit tester. Replace the stator if 1. Stator Coil Lead
no continuity is present.
Check the continuity between lead wire of stator
coil and core with a circuit tester. Replace the
stator if continuity is present.
1D-50 Engine Electrical
2. Rotor 4. Rectifier assembly
Check the bearings for noise, rattle or grease Check the continuity between positive diode,
leakage (wipe off if tiny amount of grease). additional diode positive heat sink on positive side
Replace it if faulty. It is easier to check for noise and four diode terminals with a circuit tester.
and rattle when it is press-fitted into shaft than The positive diode has short circuit if continuity is
when it is a single unit. present in both directions. Replace the rectifier
The positive diode has open circuit if no continuity
is present in both directions. Replace the rectifier
Negative diode and additional diode on negative
Check the continuity between negative heat sink
and four diode terminals with a circuit tester.
The negative diode has short circuit if continuity is
present in both directions. Replace the rectifier
The negative diode has open circuit if no continuity
is present in both directions. Replace the rectifier
Diode trio (three tiny diodes)
Check the continuity in both directions with a circuit
The diode is faulty if continuity is present in both
directions or no continuity is in both directions.
Name Replace the rectifier assembly.
1. Stator Coil Lead
2. Core
3. Coil assembly
Measure the resistance between terminal portions
with a circuit tester.
Replace the coil assembly if the value is out of
specified value.
1. Diode Terminal Portion
2. Positive Diode
3. A Part of Negative Diode
5. Front bearing
Check the bearings for noise, rattle or grease
leakage (wipe off if tiny amount of grease).
Name Replace them if faulty. It is easier to check for
1. Terminal noise and rattle when the bearing is press-fitted
2. Terminal Portion into bracket than when it is a single unit.
Engine Electrical 1D-51
6. Regulator
The regulator cannot be checked with a circuit
tester. After re-assembling the generator, check it
to make sure that regulator controls the voltage for
Assembly can be performed in the reverse order of
disassembly. However, be careful with the following.
1. Lubrication is not necessary. Bearing is filled with
grease and is sealed.
Keep a bearing with resin band for rotor shaft away
from oil. Wipe off oil on bearing box area of rear
bracket. Oil may cause creep.
2. Use a high temperature solder (melting point:
230 C).
Using a soldering iron (with 180 270 watt),
soldering must be performed quickly (within five
seconds) not to heat the rectifier.
3. Tightening torque
Pulley fixing nut:
132 162 N m {13.5 16.5 kgf cm}
Through bolt:
12.8 18.6 N m {1.3 1.9 kgf cm}
Bearing retainer fixing screw:
2 5.3 N m {20 54 kgf cm}
Coil assembly fixing screw:
2 5.3 N m {20 54 kgf cm}
Rectifier fixing screw:
2 5.3 N m {20 54 kgf cm}
Regulator fixing screw:
2 5.3 N m {20 54 kgf cm}
Nut for B terminal bolt:
4.9 8.7 N m {0.5 0.9 kgf cm}
4. Assembly of rear bracket to stator assembly and
front bracket to rotor assembly
The rotor bearing and rear bracket are engaged
tightly. Heat the bearing box area of rear bracket to
50 60 C prior to assembly.
After re-assembling the generator, rotate the pulley
to confirm that the rotor rotates smoothly.
1D-52 Engine Electrical
Bench Testing 4. Set the generator speed to approx. 5000 rpm and
read an ammeter. If the value is 5 A or less, read
Bench testing is performed as follows.
indication on a voltmeter. This is regulated voltage.
If an ammeter shows 5 A or more, keep charging
Regulated voltage check
for a while until it shows below 5 A or replace the
1. Wire as shown in the illustration. battery with full-charged one.
Use an ammeter with 100 A rating and a voltmeter If regulated voltage is out of specified value,
with 30 V rating. replace the regulator.
Exhaust System and Turbocharger
EGR System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1F-2
Precautions on Service Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1F-2
Explanations on Functions and Operation . . . . . 1F-2
EGR Valve and EGR Cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1F-3
Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1F-3
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1F-3
Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1F-4
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1F-4
Torque Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1F-5
Exhaust System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1F-6
A List of Defective Phenomena . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1F-6
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1F-6
Table of Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1F-7
Turbocharger Structured Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1F-8
Disassembly and Inspection of Turbocharger . . . . 1F-9
Assembly of Turbocharger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1F-15
Measurement Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1F-20
Other Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1F-20
1F-2 Exhaust System and Turbocharger
EGR System
Precautions on Service Work Explanations on Functions and Operation
Perform EGR related assembly according to the usual Re-circulate a part of the exhaust gas of the EGR
procedure of temporarily fitting and then permanently system in the intake manifold. Reduce the combustion
tightening the parts so that unnecessary stresses are temperature and inhibit NOx generation since inert
not applied on the parts. gases may be mixed up in the intake air.
An electronic control system is used in this EGR to
balance the requirements of operability and low
emissions. A DC motor is operated using the control
current of the Engine Control Module (ECM) to control
the EGR.
Refer to the chapter on Engine Control System for
details on fault diagnosis of the EGR system.
1. EGR Cooler 3. EGR Valve DC Motor
2. Engine Control Module (ECM)
Exhaust System and Turbocharger 1F-3
1. EGR Adapter 4. EGR Pipe
2. Cooling Water Pipe (out) 5. Cooling Water Pipe (in)
3. EGR Cooler 6. EGR Valve
1. Drain the coolant.
2. Disconnect the EGR valve connector.
3. Remove the EGR pipe.
1F-4 Exhaust System and Turbocharger
2. Install the EGR cooler.
Temporarily fit the EGR cooler to the bracket.
Temporarily tighten the bolts.
3. Install the EGR adapter.
Temporarily fit the EGR adapter between the EGR
cooler and exhaust manifold.
Temporarily tighten the bolts.
4. Install the EGR pipe.
Insert the gasket between the two ends of the EGR
pipe and temporarily fit it.
Temporarily tighten the bolts.
During temporary assembly, tighten the nuts
* 4HK1 is shown for illustration. and bolts to the specified torque in the order
shown in the illustration.
1. EGR Adapter
2. Cooling Water Pipe (out)
3. EGR Cooler
4. EGR Pipe
5. Cooling Water Pipe (in)
After removing the EGR valve and EGR adapter, seal
so that foreign matter does not enter.
Installation Name
1. Mount the EGR valve. 1 ~ 9 Show the Order of Tighten Bolts and Nuts.
Insert the gasket and temporarily fit the EGR valve. Tightening torque
Notice: 1, 2: 28 N m (21 lb ft)
Temporarily tighten the bolts. 3, 4, 5, 6: 24 N m (17 lb ft)
Exhaust System and Turbocharger 1F-5
Torque Specifications
Exhaust System
A List of Defective Phenomena
Vibration or rattling noise from the exhaust system
Clogging of exhaust system
Exhaust leakage or noise
Vibration or rattling noise from the exhaust system
Table of Specifications
Nominal Assembly
Item Service limit
dimension specifications
Turbine shaft Axial play (mm) 0.06 0.09 0.11
Radial play (mm) 0.10 0.17 0.205
Journal outside diameter (A) (mm) 11.380
Sealing groove width (B) (mm) 1.33
Runout (mm) 0.11
Sealing Turbine side (bearing housing) (F) (mm) 17.03
insertion part Compressor side (seal plate) (H) (mm) 14.05
Oil thrower Sealing groove width (G) (mm) 1.52
Bearing Bearing housing inner diameter (B) (mm) 16.11
housing Thrust bearing inside diameter for (L) (mm)
press-fit portion
Thrust Bearing pad height at compressor side (J) (mm) 0.0 0.060
Thrust collar thickness (K) (mm) 2.950
1F-8 Exhaust System and Turbocharger
1. Turbine Housing 6. Seal Plate
2. Heat Protector 7. Compressor Impeller
3. Floating Metal 8. Seal Ring
4. Oil Thrower 9. Seal Ring
5. Compressor Housing 10. Turbine Shaft
Exhaust System and Turbocharger 1F-9
Disassembly Procedure
1. Compressor Housing 10. Seal Ring
2. Nut 11. Gasket
3. Compressor Impeller 12. Heat Protector
4. Seal Plate 13. Thrust Bearing
5. Oil Thrower 14. Thrust Collar
6. Seal Ring 15. Snap Ring
7. G Coupling 16. Floating Metal
8. Turbine Housing 17. Thrust Bearing
9. Turbine Shaft 18. Bearing Housing
1F-10 Exhaust System and Turbocharger
Disassembly 1. Compressor housing
Put alignment marks between the compressor
Inspection Prior to Disassembly housing and the seal plate, and tap the
Measurement of axial play of turbine shaft compressor housing to drive it out.
Liquid gasket is applied to the mating surfaces of
Axial play mm the compressor and the seal plate.
Assembly specifications 0.06 0.09
Service limit 0.11
Take care not to damage the impeller during removal of
the compressor housing.
If it exceeds the service limit, check the thrust
metal, the thrust bushing, and the oil thrower.
Measurement of radial play of turbine shaft 1. Alignment Mark
Do not use a wire brush.
Exhaust System and Turbocharger 1F-11
Washing of turbine housing
Soak in the cleaning solvent to remove the foreign
1. Left-hand Thread
9. Turbine shaft
4. Seal plate
Hold the heat protector lightly by hand, and take
Loosen the pot small screw.
out the turbine shaft.
Lightly tap the bearing housing in the seal plate
If it is hard to remove, lightly tap the compressor-
with a wooden hammer.
side shaft end with a wooden hammer.
Liquid gasket is applied to the mating surfaces of
Washing of turbine shaft
the seal plate and the bearing housing.
Soak in the cleaning solvent until the foreign
matters soften, and clean it with a plastic scraper
or hard brush.
Do not use a wire brush.
Foreign matters remaining on the surface causes
the unbalance of weight. Therefore, wash it
Take care not to damage the floating metal contact
surface of the shaft and the seal ring groove.
5. Oil thrower
Remove the oil thrower from the seal plate.
6. Seal ring; oil thrower
7. G coupling
Loosen the nut and remove the G coupling from
the turbine housing and the center housing.
8. Turbine housing
Remove the center housing from the turbine
1F-12 Exhaust System and Turbocharger
10. Seal ring Impeller
Remove the seal ring from the turbine shaft. Check the impeller for scratch, dent or crack.
11. Gasket
12. Heat protector
Remove the heat protector from the bearing
13. Thrust bearing (compressor side)
Loosen the Plate small screw with a screwdriver,
and remove the thrust bearing and the thrust collar.
14. Thrust collar
15. Snap ring
Remove the turbine-side snap ring with snap ring
16. Floating metal
Draw out the floating metal from the bearing
17. Thrust bearing (turbine side)
Using a brass bar, push out the compressor-side
floating metal from the turbine-side bearing
housing, together with the thrust bearing. Heat protector
Check the heat protector for damage, thermal
Caution: deformation or corrosion.
while pushing out with a bar, take care that they do
not run on to damage the snap ring.
Removal of snap ring (also to be done after step
Remove the 2 snap rings from the bearing housing
with snap ring pliers.
18. Bearing housing
Compressor housing
Check the compressor housing for crack or
damage, and replace if defective.
Turbine shaft
Measure the journal outer diameter of the turbine
shaft, and the groove width of the seal ring
insertion part.
Thrust collar
Measure the thrust collar thickness (K), and
replace with new one if it exceeds the service limit.
Seal plate
Inspection of damage on the seal plate,
measurement of inner diameter of the seal ring
insertion part
Thrust bearing
Inner diameter of the seal mm Replace the compressor-side and the turbine-side
ring insertion part thrust bearings with new ones.
Service limit
Floating metal
H 14.05
Replace the floating metal with new one.
1F-14 Exhaust System and Turbocharger
Bearing housing
Check the casting surface for peeling from
oxidation-deterioration, dent or crack. Replace with
new one if faulty.
Location Service limit
Bearing housing inner diameter (B) 16.11
Turbine-side seal ring insertion (F) 17.03
Turbine-side thrust bearing (L) 23.02
press-fit part inner diameter
G coupling
Replace with new one.
Seal ring
Replace with new one.
Check the bolts for deformation, and replace with
new ones if faulty. Also, replace the Plate small
screw with new one.
Exhaust System and Turbocharger 1F-15
Assembly of Turbocharger
Assembly diagram: Assemble in the order of the numbers.
Assembly Procedure
1. Bearing Housing 10. Gasket
2. Snap Ring 11. Turbine Housing
3. Floating Metal 12. G Coupling
4. Thrust Bearing 13. Seal Ring
5. Seal Ring 14. Oil Thrower
6. Heat Protector 15. Seal Plate
7. Turbine Shaft 16. Compressor Impeller
8. Thrust Collar 17. Nut
9. Thrust Bearing 18. Compressor Housing
1F-16 Exhaust System and Turbocharger
1. Bearing housing
Check that the bearing housing is free of damage
and foreign matters.
2. Snap ring
Install the 2 snap rings to the bearing housing with
snap ring pliers.
After assembling the floating metal (turbine side),
install the snap ring at the position shown in the
1. Apply Oil.
4. Thrust bearing
a. Press-fitting of turbine-side thrust bearing
Press-fit the turbine-side thrust bearing into the
bearing housing.
Position the pawl of the turbine-side thrust
bearing for more than 2 mm apart from the
existing press-fitting part.
Do not press the thrust bearing pad surface
during press-fitting.
1. Turbine-Side Floating Metal
The press-fit pressure must be between 215.6
3. Floating metal N {22.0 kgf} and 1862 N {190 kgf}.
Apply oil to the floating metal, and assemble it to After press-fitting, remove the dust powder
the bearing housing. using vacuum.
After securing it with a snap ring, assemble the
compressor-side floating metal.
Place the snap ring with its rounded-side facing to
the floating metal.
Assemble the inner snap ring with its end gap
facing to the oil outlet-direction of the housing, to
prevent it from blocking the oil path.
Assemble the turbine-side snap ring to the housing
with its end gap facing to the direction as shown in
the illustration.
Apply oil to the floating metal before assembly.
Name 1. Apply Oil.
1. Common Tolerance
9. Thrust bearing
5.Seal ring
Apply engine oil to the metal portion of the thrust
Insert the seal ring to the turbine shaft. bearing, and insert it to the bearing housing.
Use new seal ring. Apply Loctite to the Plate small screw threads, and
6.Heat protector install it using torque screwdriver.
Install the heat protector to the bearing housing. Tightening torque: 3.7 N m (0.38 kgf m)
7.Turbine shaft
Apply engine oil to the journal portion of the turbine
shaft, and insert it from the turbine side of the
bearing housing.
Take care not to damage the floating metal with the
turbine shaft. Also, insert with the end gap of the
seal ring facing to the oil inlet side so that its core
matches with the turbine shaft.
1. Apply Oil.
10. Gasket
Set the gasket to the turbine housing, and install it
to the bearing housing.
1F-18 Exhaust System and Turbocharger
11. Turbine housing
Assemble by aligning the phase of the turbine
housing and the bearing housing with the turbine
housing positioning pin and the bearing housing
1. Approx. 60
2. Approx. 60
3. Torque Wrench
12. G coupling Hammering procedure
a. Check that it does not run on the turbine 1) Using a metal hammer (Approx. 250g in
housing or the bearing housing. weight), lightly tap 2 to 3 times (same place),
b. Tighten temporarily to the specified torque from the outer portion toward the center.
using a torque wrench. 2) Do not hammer the G coupling directly. Place
Tightening torque: 83 N m (8.5 kgf m) brass bar between as shown in the illustration.
1. Approx. 13
2. Hammer
3. G Coupling
4. Bearing Housing
5. Gasket
6. Heat Shield Plate
7. Turbine Housing
Exhaust System and Turbocharger 1F-19
13. Seal ring 17. Nut
Install the seal ring to the oil thrower. Attach the box spanner to the turbine-side shaft
Use new one. end of the turbine shaft, and tighten the nut.
14. Oil thrower The nut is left-hand thread. Make sure the turning
Insert the oil thrower into the seal plate.
Insert with the end gap of the seal ring facing to the Tightening torque: 7.8 N m (0.80 kgf m)
oil inlet side. 18. Compressor housing
15. Seal plate Apply liquid gasket to the compressor-side flange
Apply liquid gasket to the turbine-side flange surface of the seal plate. Illustration shown in the
surface. Application thickness 0.1 0.2 mm (B) previous page (A)
Application thickness 0.1 0.2 mm
ThreeBond No. 1207
ThreeBond No. 1207
Install the seal plate to the bearing housing.
Apply Loctite (B) to the Pot small screw threads, Align the alignment marks that marked during the
and install it using torque screwdriver. disassembly, and assemble the compressor
housing to the seal plate.
Tightening torque: 23 N m (2.3 kgf m)
Tightening torque: 7.9 N m (0.81 kgf m)
Measurement Tool
Other Material
Name Usage
Besco super engine oil Floating metal sliding portion
Thrust bushing sliding portion
Thrust bearing sliding portion
Turbine shaft journal portion
ThreeBond No. 1207 Housing installing surface of the seal plate
Flange of the compressor housing
Loctite No. 242 Seal plate tightening screw thread
Introduc tion
This Troubleshooting Manual describes the structure and the troubleshooting of
electronic control fuel injection system (common rail type) in 4HK1 and 6HK1
industrial engines.
Use this manual sufficiently to perform service work properly and quickly.
This manual describes about engine-related trouble diagnosis, and is closely related
to the machine trouble diagnosis. Always refer to both manuals for the trouble
This manual consists of the following contents. This section How to use this manual
describes about abbreviations and instructions to use this manual. Therefore, if you
are familiar with Isuzu manuals, start with Precautions on service work and Basic
procedure of trouble diagnosis.
6W 6U 6H 4H 4J
PCV Controls the fuel pressure feed of supply pump.
SCV Controls the fuel pressure feed of supply pump.
CMP sensor Detects camshaft position of engine (used for identifying cylinder.)
G sensor Detects cam position of supply pump (used for identifying cylinder.)
CKP sensor Detects crankshaft position (used for engine control in general.)
10D-7 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
About colors of wirings
All harnesses are identified by using different colors of
claddings. The harness for the main circuit in a certain
electrical system is identified by using a single color,
while the harness for the sub circuit uses a color in
stripes. Sizes and colors coding in a wiring diagram are
as follows.
1. Single color
2. Color stripe
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-10
10D-13 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Step 1 Confirm the users complaint
Organize the trouble conditions using a check list.
About types of system trouble diagnosis
System diagnostic method is a standardized method to
repair all the electric/electronic (E/E) systems. The
faults in E/E system often occur in the following stages,
different from general machine fault.
1. Early stage of fault;
1. Trouble symptom
2. Frequency of trouble occurrence / trouble
1. It may be impossible to reproduce the trouble
symptom at a service shop.
10D-15 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-16
Pre-inspection Trouble Diagnosis
Output components:
Output components are diagnosed if their responses to
commands from control units are relevant. Check
whether there are open circuit and the values exceed
the range.
Though the following does not include all the output
components to be confirmed, these circuits are
Suction control valve (SCV)
Lamp, relay control
Magnetic valve
Diagnosis lamp
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-18
About DTC indicated by blinking of diagnosis lamp If there is intermittent (intermittent trouble)
While the engine stops, both the current and past DTCs The trouble situation not occurring constantly is called
are displayed. intermittent (intermittent trouble). Perform the following
While the engine is operated, the lamp illuminates only steps to solve the intermittent trouble.
if the current DTC occurs. 1. Check the DTC information and data display.
2. Evaluate symptom and situation explained by the
How to read DTC by trouble display monitor
When a DTC occurs, it is displayed on trouble display 3. Check the circuits or the electric system
monitor on the machine. components using check sheet or other methods.
How to read DTC by a scan tool
If the trouble is not detected
DTC can be read using a scan tool.
In this case, the machine is judged as it operates
Note: properly. The condition explained by the customer may
Refer to Trouble diagnosis with scan tool, be the normal condition. Confirm the customers
Operation procedure for work procedure. complaint comparing with the condition of the machine
to that of another machine. That condition may mean
If the DTC (diagnostic trouble code) is stored an intermittent trouble. Confirm the complaint in the
situation the customer explains before returning the
Perform service correctly according to the specified machine to the customer.
DTC chart.
1. Confirm the complaint again.
If the complaint can not be fully detected or
If there is no DTC
identified, the machine must be diagnosed again.
Select symptom from the diagnostic chart according to Confirm the complaint one more time. The
symptom. Complete the service following diagnostic complaint may be an intermittent trouble as
procedure. You may also perform inspection by defined in If there is intermittent, but it may also
referring function diagnosis. be possible that the machine is normal.
2. Repair and confirm.
If there is no applicable symptom If the problem is confirmed, repair it. Confirm that
1. Confirm the complaint in detail. the machine operates properly and the symptoms
2. Create diagnostic plan. are corrected. This includes test on the machine or
3. Use wiring diagram and principle of operation. other procedures to confirm that the trouble is
Ask for technical support when repair history is solved under following conditions:
available for similar case. Connect technicians Confirm by testing in the situation that the
knowledge with the effective usage of available service customer described.
information. If DTC is diagnosed, reproduce the situation
found while the DTC is set, and confirm the
repair by checking a scan tool data.
10D-19 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Confirmation after repair About confirmation of machine repair
It is effective for confirmation of machine repair to use
Confirmation of machine repair on-board diagnosis (OBD) system check. Mechanic
If an electronic control system is repaired, it is should perform the following steps to diagnose the
necessary to confirm that repair is properly performed machine after repair.
after the repair work. If this confirmation is not properly 1. Review and record the DTC (diagnostic trouble
performed, it may happen that the diagnosis lamp code) or scan tool data used in diagnosis.
comes on again or a trouble in operability occurs in the 2. Clear the DTC.
course of delivering the machine to the customer. 3. Operate the machine based on scan tool data.
Especially as for intermittent (trouble), it is needed to
4. Confirm the DTC status information of specified
reproduce and confirm the situation according to the
DTC used in diagnosis until the diagnostic test
customers complaint.
relating that DTC is performed by control unit.
In the case of confirmation of repair by on-board
diagnosis (OBD) system check, performing these steps
is extremely important. Failure to perform these steps
may require unnecessary repair.
Confirmation of powerful electric wave transmitter; if Do not install mobile communication equipment
faults are found in these items, inform a customer of the with high output.
following check items as required.
An antenna should be installed as far away from Caution:
control unit/sensors or electrical systems on the If confirming repair using on-board diagnosis
machine as possible. system check, perform the following steps. If not
following these steps, unnecessary repair may be
Antenna codes should be installed more than 20
cm away from control units/sensors or electrical
systems on the machine as possible. Review and record the scan tool data related to
DTC which is diagnosed.
Do not put the antenna codes and other wire
together. Keep the antenna codes as far away from Clear the DTC.
other wire as possible. Operate the machine while checking the
When installing an additional equipment, follow its relevant scan tool data.
installation manual to install it securely.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-20
How to clear DTC Clear with ECM (intermittent trouble)
The DTC stored in ECM will be cleared if the same one
Clear of DTC is not valid within 20 ignition cycles.
The DTC, which have been stored in the engine control
module (ECM) upon trouble occurrence, will not be
erased even if the faulty parts are repaired, unless it is
compulsory cleared in the following procedure.
Refer to the machines manual for the locations
of memory clear switch and diagnosis switch.
Perform the same procedure to clear memory
regardless of forms of switches (switches,
connectors). (ON = Connection, OFF =
10D-21 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Trouble diagnosis with scan tool
About scan tool
There are scan tools for each machine manufacturer
and the scan tool (Tech2) for Isuzu, and they have
different display method respectively.
The scan tools for the machine manufacturer with CAN
communication display only the physical value in data
1. Tech2 and scan tool with KW communication
2. Scan tool with CAN communication
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-22
About scan tool display
Refer to the relevant page by each machine manufacturer for the difference of data display in KW or CAN viewed
from ECU.
10D-25 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Function of Tech2 Utilizing this mode, reproduce and record the
conditions claimed by the customer to identify the
Data display data fault.
This displays conditions recognized and controlled by The trigger type allows to record the data of the
ECM at each items. time when DTC is displayed.
The values of display items is described in typical data The stored data can be replayed with a domestic
of Tech2 data list. power supply.
The contents of display items describe about data.
Confirm the data history before replacement of ECM.
(Data confirmation) Then, upload the data to the Tech2.
After replacement of ECM, download data from Tech2
to new ECM.
Actuator test
Perform each test to check the operation or function of
appropriate parts for faults.
When giving instruction to ECM from test screen, set
the select switch of the Tech2 adapter to 2 position.
Each test may not performed if the machine, engine
operation status, coolant temperature, vehicle
speed, switch status, gear position, etc. does not
meet conditions or if DTC is detected.
To find the cause of trouble, perform this snapshot to
review the data.
The snapshot can record the data list menu and
plot a graph.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-26
Components of Tech2
1. PCMCIA card 4. DLC cable
2. SAE 16/19 adapter 5. Tech2
3. Power cable
10D-27 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Each part of Tech2
1. Softkeys 10. Fastening bar of VCI module
2. Selection keys (Arrow keys) 11. Connector of DLC cable connection
3. Action keys (YES, NO, ENTER, EXIT) 12. Connector for AC adapter connection
4. Function keys (F0 F9) 13. PCMCIA card insertion slot with cover
5. Help key (?) 14. PCMCIA card release button
6. Control keys (PWR / SHIFT) 15. Connector for external communication (RS-232
7. Wide stand port)
8. Display area (LCD) 16. Connector for external communication (RS-485
9. Machine communication interface (VCI) module port)
Use of the external power (AC power) does not
allow to utilize the applications.
Connection of power
1. Battery cable 2. Power socket cable (AC/DC adapter)
10D-31 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Battery cable Caution:
This cable should be used, in the case where no power If the card is not inserted properly and the unit is
is supplied even when the Tech2 is connected to the switched on, NO PCMCIA CARD INSERTED will
machine through the machine DLC cable, or where the appear. If that is the case, turn off the power and
machine works with a higher voltage than the operating redo the insertion of the PCMCIA Card.
voltage of the unit. When connecting the cable, pay
heed to the polarities of the clamps. (The black clip of
the cable is to be connected to the negative terminal of Check to see whether the DLC cable is fitted with an
the battery and the red clip to the positive terminal.) adapter compatible with the machine.
Caution: Note:
In the case of a 24-V machine, connect to battery on Before connecting the cable to the machine, verify
the body ground side to take out 12 V. that the key switch is in the OFF position.
In the case of a 24-V machine, connect to battery on
the body ground side to take out 12 V.
Connecting method varies depending on each
machine. Refer to the machines manual. The
following description is for the machine with DLC.
Be sure to use the power socket cable adapted to
local standards. Otherwise, it may result in failure
of Tech2 or power socket cable due to different
voltage and current depending on regions.
Check to see whether the VCI module is securely
inserted and whether the fastening latch bar of the VCI
module is located on the left-hand end.
Attach the DLC cable and fasten it by tightening the two
lock screws.
Check to see whether the slot (upper side) has this card
inserted with its Tech2 label side up.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-32
6. Turn the ignition switch to ON and press the PWR Display of POST results:
key of the Tech2. If the test ends normally, Pass will appear and one
7. Check the display of the Tech2. short sound will be heard.
If the test ends abnormally, Fail will appear and three
short sounds will be heard.
If the LED fails to come on, it means a
malfunction of the LED, not a malfunction of
the SHIFT key.
Absence of sound means a malfunction of the
Sound Transducer*1, but the unit can be used
as is, without any problem.
*1. Sound Transducer: The sound is intended
to indicate the completion of a data setup or an
error in a setup.
Be sure to turn off the power of Tech2 when
installing/removing the PCMCIA card.
Operation procedure
The Tech2 is designed to automatically conduct a self-
function test every time it is started. Immediately after
the unit has been switched on, the SYSTEM
INITIALIZING message will appear. During this period,
POST (Power-On Self Test) is carried out, and if the
test ends normally, a sound will be issued at the
completion of the test. Simultaneously, the LED of the
SHIFT key will momentarily come on. This is also Pass: Normal
meant to check the normality of the LED. Fail: Abnormal
Only for UART, SCI, RTC, and CLKMEM in
particular, the test result may appear as Fail
without this meaning any trouble. For Fail above,
refer to Tech2 Self Test in Tool Options.
4. Highlight bar
Main Menu
F0: Diagnostics
Allows the user to check data, including Tech2-
compatible DTC (Diagnostics Trouble Codes), Data
Display, Snapshot, Miscellaneous Tests, etc., by
selecting a machine ID and System.
DTC: Shows the contents and situation of DTC
stored in the controller of the system.
Data Display: Shows the input/output data to/from
the machine controller under test. Since the
displayed data varies from a system to another, and
besides, most of the items do not have their
guidance standard values installed, it is necessary
to first check what the displayed data means.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-34
Snapshot: Allows to record and display the data of Tech2 Self Test: Performs troubleshooting on the
malfunctions occurred. The displayed data not only functions of the main unit.
includes the one corresponding to the moment when
a malfunction occurred, but also those that existed Caution:
before and after the occurrence of the malfunction. It While this function is under execution, do not
also provides the function (Plot) to draw graphs. connect the unit to the machine!
F1: Service Programming System (SPS) Set Clock: Sets the internal clock of the Tech2.
Set Unit: Switches between the Metric system and
the English system.
Except industrial engine.
Set Contrast: Adjusts the brightness of the display.
F2: View Capture Data F4: Down Load Up Load Help
Allows to review data recorded under Snapshot of F0: The function to upload/download data (DTC, Snapshot,
Diagnostics. etc.) acquired through the Tech2 to/from a PC, and the
F3: Tool Options Help function to render assistance in case the operation
Offers the function to make settings for the Tech2 main encounters a hitch.
unit, to display POST (Power On Self Test) results, and
to perform detailed tests (PCB, VCI).
10D-35 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Diagnostic procedure
1. When the Tech2 is switched on, the software
version and the model year applicable to the
software will also be shown. Confirm the display
and press [ENTER].
Select the model year of the relevant machine by
checking VIN of each machine.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-36
5. Press the function key [F0] or bring the cursor to
[F0: Engine] by operating the selection keys ( ).
And then, press the [ENTER] key.
Pressing [EXIT] key in the steps 3 to 9 will return you to
the Main Menu screen.
DTC check
1. Select F0: Diagnostic Trouble Codes on the
Engine screen.
If DTC stored
10D-39 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Snapshot Snapshot
1. Select F2: Snapshot on the Engine screen. Snapshot is intended to save information received by
the machine controller during its execution. It provides
an effective means to analyze data generated when the
machine encounters a trouble. Use of this function
enables the user to focus on the situation in which the
trouble took place, without having to view all the data
for suspected malfunctions. The Tech2 is capable of
holding two different Snapshot data. This ability of
storing two different Snapshot data allows to compare
Good and Bad machine states with each other. Since
these data are saved on a first-in, first-out basis, the
first Snapshot data (of older date/time) stored on the
PCMCIA card will be lost as it is overwritten when a
third data comes in. Therefore, be sure to set the
internal clock of the Tech2 precisely before starting the
Tech2. If a given data must not be erased, highlight that
data and choose the softkey Write Protect. This
prevents the data from being overwritten. Pressing the
softkey Clear cancels the protect.
Snapshot is available in the following 2 types:
2. Choosing F2: Snapshot, the following menu is
Snapshot: To be chosen in the Snapshot Menu.
F0: Manual Trigger Quick Snapshot: To be chosen through the softkey
F1: Any Code on the Data Display screen.
F2: Single Code The Snapshot Data will not be lost even when the
F4: Beginning Tech2 is switched off, because the data is saved on the
F5: Center PCMCIA card.
F6: End
About trigger type:
Choosing the Trigger Type Menu allows to check the
cause that triggered [Snapshot]. [Snapshot] is executed
when there is one of the three causes of occurrence.
F0: Manual Trigger:
Pressing the softkey Trigger saves data.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-40
F1: Any Code: 2. Move the highlight bar to the data you want
Data is saved in case any trouble code is issued. replayed, and press the [ENTER] key. The data will
be replayed.
F2: Single Code:
Data is saved in case the specified trouble code is
10D-41 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
2. Bring the highlight bar to the parameter you want Explanation of Plot data displayed
plotted in a graph, as with Select Items, and
press the [ENTER] key.
3. The selected parameter can be identified by the
Softkey functions
Choose the More on the snapshot graph display
Move : Allows to view changes of data preceding
the display screen.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-42
Move : Allows to view changes of data following 2. Pressing the softkey Select Frame causes the
the display screen. following screen.
Trigger Frame: Displays a trigger point.
More: Switches the displayed softkeys.
Choose the More on the plot display screen.
Zoom In: Shows the abscissa by enlarging it (each
press doubles the display).
Zoom Out: Shows the abscissa by reducing it
(each press halves the display).
Over View: Shows the entire frame.
More: Switches the displayed softkeys.
Choose the More on the plot display screen.
Time / Frame conversion: Switches the value in
More: Switches the displayed softkeys.
Select frame
Select frame setup procedure
1. Press softkey Select Frame.
First Frame: First frame No. and data acquisition
time from Trigger Point (calculated backward).
Last Frame: Last frame No. and data acquisition
time from Trigger Point (integrated).
Go To Frame: Entering a frame No. allows to view
its data.
+/ : Only the sign is displayed.
3. 1 entered via keys in the Go To Frame area.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-44
5. Send the instruction to RPCV and check the data 5. Send instruction to each injector (set to OFF by
list. softkey on Tech2 screen) to stop the injector, and
check the variation of engine speed.
6. If variation of data list is proper value, RPCV is
judged as normal. 6. If the engine speed varies when the injector stops,
electrical circuit of that injector is judged as normal.
Injector balance test If the engine speed does not vary when the injector
This test is performed to confirm that proper electric stops, electrical circuit of that injector or injector
signal is sent to injector while the engine is running. body is judged as faulty.
10D-45 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
5. Send instruction to each injector (set to ON by 4. Select the Glow Plug Relay.
softkey on Tech2 screen), and check the operation
sound of injector.
After injector control test, the key switch must be
turned to OFF once to restart.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-46
Test procedure Sample use of snapshot data replay
1. Connect the Tech2 to the machine DLC. 1. Turn on the power.
2. Start the engine and run it at idle.
3. Select the Device Control.
4. Select the EGR Control.
2. Press [ENTER].
Softkey functions
1. Choose the softkey More on the Snapshot
Replay screen
5. Press the softkey Continue on the display screen.
Select Items: Chosen to fix and display a
parameter (up to 5 parameters).
Plot: Draws a graph (Up to 3 parameter items).
Select Frame: Allows to specify a frame No.
and to move a parameter to the specified frame.
More: Switches the displayed softkeys.
2. Choose More out of the 4 softkeys on the display
Auto Reverse: Allows to view changes of data
of each frame.
Stop: Stops a frame in motion.
Auto Forward: Allows to view changes of data
of each frame.
More: Switches the displayed softkeys.
3. Choose More out of the 4 softkeys on the display
First Frame: Allows to view the top data frame.
Trigger Frame: Allows to view a triggered
Last Frame: Allows to view the last data frame.
More: Switches the displayed softkeys.
4. Choose More out of the 4 softkeys on the display
Units: Changes the unit (speed/temperature).
Previous Frame: Allows to view changes of
data by reversing it, frame No. by frame No.
Next Frame: Allows to view changes of data by
feeding it forward, frame No. by frame No.
More: Switches the displayed softkeys.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-48
5. Choose More out of the 4 softkeys on the display Tech2 self test menu
screen. F0: Automated Main PCB and VCI
DTC: Shows the frames in which a Trouble Automatically executes function tests on the Main PCB
Code was issued, in the range from the top and VCI modules.
frame to the displayed frame.
F1: Automated Main PCB
Previous DTC-Chg: Shows the frames in which
Automatically executes function tests on the Main PCB
a Trouble Code was issued, in the range before
the displayed frame.
Next DTC-Chg: Shows the frames in which a F2: Automated VCI
Trouble Code was issued, in the range after the Automatically executes function tests on the VCI
displayed frame. module.
More: Switches the displayed softkeys. F3: Selectable Main PCB
6. Choose More out of the 4 softkeys on the display Allows to check detailed information on the PCB
screen. module test items.
The Snapshot Replay screen is restored. F4: Selectable VCI
Allows to check detailed information on the VCI module
Difference in operation of Snapshot Data Replay:
test items.
The operations of Snapshot Data Replay under F2:
View Captured Data are somewhat different from F5: Power On Self Test Results
those of Replay (softkey function Review Data) under Displays POST test results again.
F2: Snapshot. Be careful not to confuse them.
Set clock
Tool options Operation procedure:
Tool Options is the function to conduct a detailed test, in 1. Choose the F2: Tool Options and press [ENTER].
case communication cannot be established with the 2. Choose the F1: Set Clock and press [ENTER].
machine at the time of setup of the Tech2 or at the time 3. Display the Set Real-Time Clock screen. Move
of Power On Self Test (POST). the cursor to the item you want changed by
operating the selection keys ( ), and press the
Tool option menu [ENTER] key.
F0: Tech2 Self Test
Allows to conduct a test that assists with the Note:
diagnostics of the Tech2 itself. Normally the Self Test Each press on the [ENTER] key will increment the
function need not be executed, since the Tech2 numeric value one by one, but it will not exceed the
conducts the Power On Self Test (POST) every time it preset maximum value.
is switched on. If the POST demonstrates any trouble,
4. After all the values have been entered, press the
the results of the POST can be checked choosing the
softkey Set Clock and the changes will be saved.
Self Test menu.
F1: Set Clock
Resets the date and time of the Tech2. Before exiting
this menu, press the softkey Set Clock to save the
F2: Set Unit
Switches the unit between the English and the Metric
F3: Set Contrast
Changes the screen contrast (lighter or darker). The
change will be saved even after the Tech2 is switched
10D-49 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Set units Rewrite setting of Q-key correction data by
Operation procedure: Tech2
1. Choose the F2: Tool Options and press [ENTER]. Q-key, Injector code label is attached to the cylinder
2. Choose the F2: Set Unit and press [ENTER]. head cover. It is used for rewriting and registering the
3. Display the Set Unit screen, and move the cursor ID.
to the item you want changed by operating the
selection keys ( ), and press [ENTER] key.
4. When the setup is complete, press the [EXIT] key
to save the current setting.
It will take effect next time the Tech2 is switched on.
1. Engine number
2. Typical engine model
3. Q-key information
4. Injector information
There is the injector code on the top of injector as well.
When replacing the injector, register its code.
* Metric
Temperature: C Speed: km/h
* English
Temperature: F Speed: MPH
Step 2
Choose the menu F0: Diagnostics with , (up/
down) keys or F0 (function) key, and press Step 4
[ENTER]. Choose the menu (Off-Road) Industrial Engine
with , (up/down) keys, and press the [ENTER]
10D-51 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Step 5 Step 7
Choose F0: Engine in Menu with , (up/down) Press the softkey Confirm.
keys or F0 (function), and press [ENTER]. The ignition is ON at this time.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-52
Step 8 Step 10
Press the softkey Confirm. Choose the menu F0: Q-key correction with ,
This displays the ECU ID information. (up/down) keys or F0 (function) key, and press
Step 9
Choose the menu F4: Programming with , (up/ Step 11
down) keys or F4 (function) key, and press Choose the menu F2: Service mode with , (up/
[ENTER]. down) keys or F2 (function) key, and press
F0: Uploads the three-point Q-key data stored
in the ECM to the Tech2.
* Registers the data when replacing ECM.
F1: Writes the three-point Q-key data
temporarily stored in the Tech2 to the ECM.
* Registers to the ECM after replacing
F2: Any data can be written. However,
password and ID are required.
10D-53 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Step 12 Step 12-2
Password input screen If the password you have entered is correct, press
This procedure will end automatically if the the softkey [Okay].
registration is not completed within 30 seconds. Enter the password within 30 seconds. Failure to
The message Time Over appears. enter the password within 30 seconds will return to
Step 11.
Step 12-1
After entering the password, press [ENTER] key. Step 13
The password for 04/6H is SLN6HU2. After completing the password registration, ID
Entering the password other than SLN6HU2 will registration will be performed.
return to the previous menu. The value +5+ appeared in the screen below will
be counted down. Press the function key [ENTER]
before the value becomes +4+. This changes the
value to +0+.
* If the value becomes +3+, the registration will
be invalid.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-54
Step 13-1 Step 15
Ask the machine manufacturers service center or Isuzu Displays the three-point Q-key data in the ECM.
Industrial Engine Dept. service section for a password.
1. To modify the Q-key data, press the softkey
Note: Change.
The clock of Tech2 must be correctly set.
Step 15-1
If the Q-key correction data you have entered is
correct, press [ENTER] key.
Step 14 1. The entry conditions are as follows.
When the ID code matches, the following screen Conditions:
will appear. C/Rail system entry setting is 1 15.
Press the softkey Next. TIS system entry setting is 1 8.
This step can be performed only when the engine
speed is 0 rpm.
10D-55 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Step 15-2 Step 15-4
If the Q-key correction data you have entered is To go to Step15-5, modify the Q-key data within the
correct, press the softkey Program. set value and press the softkey Program.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-56
Step 17 Injector ID code (No. 1 cylinder No. 6
When the writing of data completes, the following cylinder) registration setting using Tech2
screen will appear.
Q-key, Injector code label is attached to the cylinder
This indicates that the result of comparison of
head cover. It is used for rewriting and registering the
entered data with that written in the EEPROM of
the ECM is in good condition.
Step 17-1
1. Engine number
If the entered Q-key data in Step 15-1 does not 2. Typical engine model
correspond to that written in the EEPROM of the 3. Q-key information
ECM, the following message will appear. 4. Injector information
Pressing the softkey [End] returns you to Step 11.
There is the injector code on the top of injector as well.
When replacing the injector, register its code.
Step 2
Choose the menu F0: Diagnostics with , (up/ Step 4
down) keys or F0 (function) key, and press Choose the menu (Off-Road) Industrial Engine
[ENTER]. with , (up/down) keys, and press the [ENTER]
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-58
Step 5 Step 7
Choose F0: Engine in Menu with , (up/down) Press the softkey Confirm.
keys or F0 (function), and press [ENTER]. The ignition is ON at this time.
10D-59 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Step 8 Step 10
Press the softkey [Confirm]. Choose the menu F1: Injector ID code with ,
This displays the ECU ID information. (up/down) keys or F1 (function) key, and press
Step 9
Choose the menu F4: Programming with , (up/ Step 11
down) keys or F4 (function) key, and press Choose the menu F1: ID code registration with ,
[ENTER]. (up/down) keys or F1 (function) key, and press
F0: Displays the Injector ID codes (hereinafter
called ID code) of Cyl.1-Cyl.6.
Allows you to confirm the ID code after
F2: Uploads (transfers) the ID code (No. 1
cylinder No. 6 cylinder) registered in the
ECM to Tech2 to store in its memory.
F3: Allows you to download (batch registration)
the uploaded ID codes from Tech2 to the
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-60
Step 12 Step 12-2
Press the softkey [Next].
As an example, the vehicle will be checked
whether it is in the condition (engine stopped) that
the ECM requests during ID registration.
Step 12-3
You need to enter the ID on the following display.
ID code is number of year. The following conditions
must be met.
Step 12-1 Conditions:
The following display appears while checking if the 1. The time setting of Tech2 matches with the
engine speed is 0 rpm. calendar.
When the engine speed is 0 rpm, it will take you to 2. Press the function keys (F0 F9) to enter.
Step 13.
10D-61 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Step 13 Step 15
Choose the cylinder (No. 1 cylinder No. 6 ID code registration (data entry)
cylinder) you want to register the ID code with , 1. The cursor is positioned at M (model code) in
(up/down) keys, and press the [ENTER] key. the default setting.
As an example, this describes about No. 1 cylinder. MCD0 D1D2
2. At this point, enter the model code (MC) and ID
code (D0) in this order.
Entering with the function keys (F0 F9) will
automatically move the cursor to the right.
However, if you enter with , (up/down)
keys, you need to move the cursor with the
arrow (left/right) keys.
3. Entered data must be within $00 $FF.
You can enter 0 9 with the function keys (F0
F9), or 0 Z with , (up/down) keys.
4. For VC17 (China), BCC code needs to be
entered. NK3 request
Tech2 calculates the entered data and displays
the following message.
When entered ID code (QR) is out of the set
Writing unable
When entered BCC code is out of the set
Step 14 value:
Writing unable
To register the ID code, press the softkey
When the ID code (QR) does not correspond
to BCC code:
The ID code for Cylinder1 (No. 1 cylinder) selected Writing unable
at Step 13 is shown here.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-62
Step 15-1 Step 15-3
1. The model code (MC) for VC25 is $5A, the Tech2 If you have entered incorrectly (D7:$EG), do the
specifies to register (write) $5A automatically. following.
However you may also enter. 1. After pressing [ENTER] key as with Step 15-1,
Tech2 calculates the BCC code (BC) and registers press the softkey [Program]. This cause the
automatically. error message Invalid data Try again! to
Therefore, you do not need to enter. appear.
2. After entering the ID code input data byte (MC-D9), 2. Set the data entry limit judgment.
press [ENTER] key. Judgment condition: Data (1 byte) meets the
following condition.
MSB:$F Data LSB:$F
The following error message will be displayed
until the value that meets the condition is
Step 15-2
If the ID code you have entered is correct, press
the softkey [Program].
If you want to quit the program (registration), press
the softkey [Abort] or press [EXIT] key.
10D-63 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Step 17 Step 18
When the ID code entered in Steps 15-1 and 15-3 Pressing [EXIT] key returns you to Step 11.
corresponds to that registered in the ECM, the
following message will appear. Also, if you want to
register ID again, press the softkey [Yes]. This
returns you to Step 13, and allows you make
registration as before. Pressing the softkey [No]
will take you to Step 18.
This completes the ID code registration.
Step 17-1
When the ID code entered in Steps 15-1 and 15-3
does not correspond to that registered in the ECM,
the following message will appear.
Pressing the softkey [End] returns you to Step 11.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-64
ID code upload (Tech2) Step 12
Step 11 Pressing the softkey [Yes] updates the ID codes of
No. 1 cylinder No. 6 cylinder stored in the ECM,
This step 11 describes ID code registration
to the Tech2.
continued from the step right before.
Pressing the softkey [No] returns you to Step 11
1. Choose the menu F2: ID code upload (Tech2) without uploading the data.
with ţ, Š(up/down) keys or F2 (function) key, Upload is the function to transfer the registered ID
and press [ENTER]. code from ECM to Tech2 to store the data in it.
Step 11-1
Step 12-1
10D-65 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Step 12-2 Step 12-4
When the ID code registered in the ECM Pressing the softkey [Confirm] returns you to Step
corresponds to that uploaded to the Tech2, the 11.
following message will appear.
Upload is completed.
Pressing the softkey [Confirm] returns you to Step
Step 12-3
When the ID code registered in the ECM does not
correspond to that uploaded to the Tech2, the
following message will appear.
Pressing the softkey [Confirm] returns you to Step
In this case, the uploaded ID code will be erased.
Therefore, perform upload again. The message
shown in Step 12-4 will appear.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-66
ID code download (Tech2) Step 12
Step 11 Press the softkey Confirm.
This step 11 describes ID code registration As an example, the vehicle will be checked
continued from the step right before. whether it is in the condition (engine stopped) that
the ECM requests during ID registration.
1. Choose the menu F3: ID code download (ECM)
with ţ, Š(up/down) keys or F2 (function) key,
and press [ENTER].
Step 12-1
The following display appears while checking if the
engine speed is 0 rpm.
Step 11-1
When the engine speed is 0 rpm, it will take you to
Step 13.
10D-67 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Step 12-2 Step 13-1
The following display appears when the engine Registration is started from No. 1 cylinder (INJ.#1)
speed is not0 rpm. to No. 2 cylinder (INJ.#5) and the ECM in the order.
In this case, stop the engine as instructed in the The status for registration (writing) of data to ECM
message, and try again from Step 1. will appear.
The message in the screen changes in the order of
No. 1 cylinder (INJ.#1) and No. 2 cylinder (INJ.#5).
When it is abnormal, the registration repeats 3
Step 13
Pressing the softkey [Yes] downloads (registers)
the uploaded ID codes (Cyl.1-Cyl.6) to the ECM.
Pressing the softkey [No] returns you to Step 11.
Download is the function to register (write) the Step 13-2
stored (uploaded) ID codes (No. 1 cylinder No. 6 When the downloaded ID code corresponds to that
cylinder) in the Tech2 to the ECM. ID is registered registered (written) in the ECM, the following
from No. 1 cylinder to No. 6 cylinder in the order. message will appear. Download (registration) is
Pressing the softkey [Confirm] returns you to Step
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-68
Step 13-3
When the downloaded ID code does not
correspond to that registered (written) in the ECM,
the following message will appear.
Pressing the softkey [Confirm] returns you to Step
10D-69 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
How to use TIS 2000
1. Turn on the power to start-up Windows. 5. Select the language to be used, and click the
2. Insert the distribution CD-ROM into the CD-ROM Next.
drive of PC.
3. The following screen will appear in approx. 10
* If the screen does not appear, open the file of
Autorun.Exe in the CD-ROM.
4. When the Welcome screen appears, click the
Icons to be displayed
The following icons are used for data display.
Uploads the snapshot data from the floppy disk or hard disk.
Displays the data parameters in graph and list (up to 3 parameter items for graph display).
Trigger of record: Moves to the trigger position and displays the snapshot.
Regeneration in forward direction: Replays all the snapshot in the forward direction.
5. Selected parameter is shown in graph form, in the Fig. 6: Graph Parameters window
right hand of the data parameter on the screen.
2. Click the graph icon, and select the parameter you
wish to view from the list. Change the graph
category as required.
3. Perform the same procedure for the 2nd to 6th
parameters with graph icons.
4. Clicking the [OK] button displays the graph.
[TIS2000 end]: Quits all TIS 2000 applications to return to the Windows desktop screen.
[Select page]: Returns to the initial page of TIS 2000 without quitting applications currently
used. The applications currently used run in the background.
[Vehicle data]: Starts [Vehicle data display] function. This displays all the vehicle information.
[Executed applications end]: Quits the application currently used to return to the initial page of
TIS 2000.
Software download
Fig. 2: Selection of diagnostic tool to be updated and 2. Either double-click the relevant software version
update mode and language, or click the Select button to select.
The software you have chosen appears on the
Check the selected location and click Next. An right hand of the screen. To compare current
explanation appears as Reading information of software with selected software of the diagnostic
diagnostic tool. tool, click the mark on the right hand of the screen.
3. Clicking the [Download] button starts updating.
6. The Software Update Confirmation screen 4. Transmitting Software appears on the screen to
appears on the PC. tell the transmission status.
Also, the stored contents of the current Tech2 and 5. When the transmission completes, Transmission
stored data after transmitting diagnostic software is completed will appear on the screen. Click the
appear on the screen. Click the [Continue] to go Close button to quit the application. The selected
on. software has been transmitted to the diagnostic
7. Transmitting Software appears on the screen to tool.
tell the transmission status.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-78
TIS 2000 navigation
TIS 2000 application can be operated using the following icons.
[TIS2000 end]: Quits all TIS 2000 applications to return to the Windows desktop screen.
[Select page]: Returns to the initial page of TIS 2000 without quitting applications currently
used. The applications currently used run in the background.
[Vehicle data]: Starts [Vehicle data display] function. This displays all the vehicle information.
[Executed applications end]: Quits the application currently used to return to the initial page of
TIS 2000.
1. Injector checker body 3. Test harness for 4-cylinders
2. Test harness for 6-cylinders
Main switch
This is used to switch ON and OFF of injector checker
Be sure to turn it to OFF before removing/installing
Battery lamp
This comes on when the battery (9V) in the body gets
low (7.2V or less).
If the battery lamp comes on, replace the battery as
soon as possible. (Refer to Battery Replacement)
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-80
When using the main switch, it comes on
momentarily due to voltage change. If the battery
lamp does not come on when using the main
switch, check the battery. Replace it if it gets low
(7.2V or less).
One rotation of cylinder selection switch allow
to check twice for each cylinder. At the third
time or later, turn the selection switch left back
to the original position and start to check.
Do not turn the selection switch excessively
after it is turned to stopper.
Precautions on handling the body
Start switch The body is a precision equipment. Do not drop
This is used to stop the cylinder selected by the cylinder it or make a high impact on it.
selection switch. Injection of selected cylinder stops The body is drip-proof type. However, avoid
approx. 2.4 seconds. using it in rainy day or operating with wet
hands to prevent water from entering through
Operation lamp connector connection.
This comes on while injector is checked (approx. 2.4 Power for the body must be supplied from
seconds) after starting button is pressed. internal battery, not from external one.
Prevent foreign matter from entering into the
Note: body while replacing battery.
Do not use any switches and operate the machine Do not use screws to tighten battery holder
while the lamp comes on. Otherwise, diagnosis except original ones. This may cause body
result is not correct. damage or battery damage and electric
Do not disassemble the body in any
Holders are used to hang or fix the body. They are circumstances. Contact the machine
tightened on the body. To use the holders, loosen the manufacturer or ISUZU Industrial Engine
screws to move. Service Dept. if it is faulty.
Note: Injector test
When using or storing holders, be sure to
1. Check the DTC.
tighten them to fix.
If DTC unrelated to injector is detected, repair or
Be careful not to tighten screws excessively.
check to eliminate the faults before test.
This may damage the body.
10D-81 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
2. Turn the key switch to OFF. Note:
3. Disconnect the injector connector from engine on Be careful not to let the metal parts of connector
the machine. (4-cylinder: one, 6-cylinder: two) contact glow plug connector while connecting the
4. Connect the test harness to the engine side. 5. Connect the test harness to the body.
Be careful not to let the metal parts of test
harness and connector contact glow plug
connector. Protect it with cloth to prevent short
during test of key switch.
Do not connect wrong connector. (Confirm the
identification tape (red) before connecting.)
DTC will be detected if disconnecting or
connecting the harness with the key switch to
ON. Turn it to OFF during work.
Do not operate the body and the machine while the
operation lamp comes on.
For work procedure, refer to Engine section in
the service manual.
DTC will be detected if disconnecting or connecting
the harness with the key switch to ON. Turn it to
OFF during work.
Battery Replacement
1. Remove the two screws on the side of the body.
10D-83 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
4. Disconnect the connector from battery, and replace
the battery.
Prevent foreign matter from entering in while
removing the battery.
Do not tighten the battery holder screws
Do not replace the battery holder screws with
other than original ones.
Be sure to use specified battery.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-84
How to use flush tool
1. Breaker box 2. Adapter harness
Be sure to turn off the key switch before the
connectors are disconnected.
1. Breaker box 3. ECM
2. Adapter harness 4. To machine-side harness
1. Breaker box
2. ECM
3. Digital multi-meter
1. Breaker box
2. ECM
3. Digital multi-meter
1. Breaker box
2. ECM
3. Oscilloscope
During inspection and measurement, interference
of measurement lead on breaker box or mistaking
terminal to be measured may cause damage to
ECM or sensors. Work with extreme care.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-88
About engine control (common rail) system EGR (Exhaust gas recirculation)
General and detailed description in engine control Idle speed control
system The engine control system also has the following
system control functions other than engine control.
The engine control system is electronic control system
which maintains optimum combustion status of engine QOS (Quick On Start) system
all the time according to operating conditions. It Engine speed signal output
consists of the following components. Self-diagnosis function
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common CAN (Controller Area Network) communication
rail type) (SAE J1939/21, SAE J1939/11)
10D-89 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
About fuel injection correction
ECM calculates the basic injection amount based on
the signals from accelerator position sensor, boost
pressure sensor, CKP sensor, CMP sensor, etc. It
regulates the opening/closing period of SCV or electric
conduction of injector according to the common rail
pressure, engine coolant temperature, etc. at this time,
to correct the optimum injection timing and injection
About starting Q correction
ECM performs starting Q correction when the engine
speed is less than the starting Q threshold value at
engine starting.
Also, ECM cannot perform starting Q correction or start
the engine when the engine speed is less than the
lowest speed that system can recognize, since it does
not recognize engine rotation.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-92
System schematic diagram
10D-93 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-94
Fuel system
Fuel is supplied from fuel tank to supply pump, then
supplied to common rail after pressurized by the pump.
At this time, the system operates the suction control
valve (SCV) by the signal from ECM to control fuel
amount supplied to common rail.
1. Common rail 5. Fuel tank
2. Fuel filter 6. Supply pump
3. Electromagnetic Pump 7. Injector
4. Pre-filter
EGR (Exhaust gas recirculation) On 4HK1-TC and 6HK1-TC machines, the EGR system
Exhaust Gas Recirculation system is abbreviated to has the check valve to stop backward flow of EGR gas
EGR system. It recirculates part of exhaust gas into and flows it in one way direction, leading to increase the
intake manifold to mix an inert gas with intake air. This amount of EGR.
leads to lower the combustion temperature to limit
emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOx).
It controls amount of EGR by opening/closing the EGR
valve installed between exhaust manifold and intake
manifold. It determines amount of EGR, based on the
engine speed and load rate on engine (fuel injection
amount), and operates the EGR valve to control the
amount of EGR.
The cooling system (EGR cooler) equipped on the EGR
gas passage allows to cool down high temperature
EGR gas and mix it with new air to lower the
combustion temperature further, resulting in limiting
NOx effectively (Cooled EGR).
10D-95 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
EGR control
ECM operates the motor according to engine speed,
engine load, etc. to control amount of EGR valve lift.
Amount of valve lift is detected by EGR position sensor.
The dark color area in the figure shows that the valve
lift amount is large, and the darkest color area shows
that the valve lift amount is almost 100%.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-96
Idling control UP
At warm-up operation, using the Idling control selector While pressing the UP side of switch, the engine
switch allows to control the lowest idling speed. Also, speed increases, resulting in increasing the idling
using the Idling control selector switch allows to speed.
automatically set the lowest idling speed to the DOWN
optimum value according to engine coolant While pressing the DOWN side of switch, the engine
temperature. speed decreases, resulting in decreasing the idling
speed. However, the idling speed does not decrease
Note: below the lowest speed.
Since specifications vary depending on each The engine speed controlled by idling control switch is
machine. Available functions also vary. stored in ECM when the key switch is turned to OFF.
The same speed can be achieved at the next operation.
Idling control selector switch
Using the Idling control selector switch allows to Speed limit control
switch the idling control function.
Speed limit control means that the engine control
Idling control switch module (ECM) controls fuel injection amount, based on
vehicle speed signal and engine speed, so that the
Using the Idling control switch allows to control the machine speed does not exceed the setting value.
idling speed. The vehicle speed signal is sent from vehicle speed
sensor to pulse matching box. The pulse matching box
corrects the signal to match with the machine, and
Refer to the machines manual for the locations of
sends it to ECM, meter, etc. The ECM recognizes the
idling control selector switch and idling control
engine speed by the signal from crankshaft position
(CKP) sensor.
The highest speed varies depending on engine
model, machine specifications and warm-up
condition of engine.
10D-97 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Check for speed limit control
To check whether the speed limit control on the
machine is active, check blinking of diagnosis lamp.
1. Turn the key switch to OFF.
2. Turn the key switch to ON.
3. Diagnosis lamp illuminates for 15 seconds and
then blinks three times.
If it does not blink, the speed limit control is not
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-98
Preheating control
QOS (Quick On Start) system
The ECM determines the period required for glow (pre-
glow, glow, after-glow), and operates the glow relay and
QOS indicator lamp. QOS system allows to make the
starting at cold weather easier and reduce white smoke
and noise at starting. When turning the key switch to
ON, the ECM detects the engine coolant temperature
by signal from engine coolant temperature (ECT)
sensor and changes the period for glow so that the
proper starting conditions can be achieved all the time.
Also, after-glow function allows to stabilize idling
immediately after starting.
Engine Control Module (ECM) The ECM monitors the information sent from various
sensors all the time and controls each system of the
About functions of ECM
powertrain. The ECM performs the diagnostic function
Note: of the system, detects operational problems of the
Refer to the machines manual for the locations of system, gives a warning through diagnosis lamp to a
ECM. driver and stores DTC (diagnostic trouble code). The
area where the trouble occurred can be identified by
the DTC to assist a mechanic to perform repair work.
The ECM sends the voltage of 5 V to supply the power
to various sensors or switches. The ECM controls the
output circuits by controlling the ground or power
supply circuit through a certain device.
10D-99 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
ECM voltage Removal of ECM
The ECM energizes standard voltage to various 1. Turn the key switch to OFF.
switches and sensors. The resistance value of the ECM 2. Disconnect the battery cable from negative
is quite high so that the ECM can energize a voltage terminal.
like this. The voltage actually applied to the circuit is 3. Remove the parts (relay etc.) around the ECM to
low, and it does not sometimes comes on even if the facilitate removal of it.
test light is connected to the circuits. The voltmeter
4. Disconnect the ECM connector from ECM. (81-pin,
usually used in a service shop may not indicate a
40-pin connectors)
correct reading because the input impedance is too low.
A digital multi-meter which has an input impedance of 5. Loosen the installing bolts (nuts) and remove the
10 M (e.g. 5-8840-2691-0) should be used to get an ECM.
correct reading of the voltage.
Installation method and locations vary depending
Electrically erasable programmable read only
on each machine. Refer to the machines manual.
memory (EEPROM)
EEPROM has programs which is necessary for ECM to Installation of ECM
control the operation of powertrain and information for
Install the ECM in the reverse order of removal.
EGR valve position learning is required after replacing
If fault is found in the EEPROM, replace the ECM.
the ECM.
Examples of programs to control powertrain and
information for calibration in ECM are the following 1. Turn the key switch to ON.
items. 2. Turn the key switch to OFF.
Engine model 3. Leave as it is for 10 seconds.
Engine number Failure to perform the EGR valve position learning may
result in detection of DTC for EGR.
ECM part number
DTC About ECM power off
Learning value for interval correction of cylinders
The power supply inside the ECM does not go off for
QR about 10 seconds after turning the key switch OFF. If
Q-key the ECM power needs to be off such as for memory
Learning value for EGR correction clear, wait for more than 10 seconds after turning the
key switch OFF.
Precautions on ECM service work
Be sure to use the ECM with the part number
corresponding to the machine.
If performing welding on the machine,
disconnect the battery cable from the negative
terminal beforehand.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-100
Engine component location diagram
(Component location, its form and parts to be used vary
depending on each machine.)
10D-101 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
1. Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor 8. Suction control valve (SCV)
2. Overheating switch 9. Fuel temperature (FT) sensor
3. Common rail pressure sensor 10. Boost temperature sensor
4. Engine oil pressure sensor 11. Boost pressure sensor
5. CKP sensor 12. Injector
6. CMP sensor 13. Glow plug
7. EGR valve
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-102
Supply pump SCV (suction control valve)
4HK1 4HK1
6HK1 6HK1
Name Name
1. SCV 1. SCV
2. Fuel temperature (FT) sensor
3. Feed pump The SCV (suction control valve) is installed onto supply
pump section and controls pressure feed of fuel
The supply pump pressurizes fuel using engine output, (discharge amount) to common rail. The engine control
and pressure-feeds fuel to common rail. Supply pump module (ECM) regulates period of electric conduction
has also SCV (suction control valve), fuel temperature of SCV to regulate the fuel discharge amount.
(FT) sensor and feed pump.
Note: Do not replace the SCV.
For work procedure, refer to Engine section in
If it is faulty, replace it as supply pump ASM.
the service manual.
10D-103 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
4HK1 Fuel temperature (FT) sensor
Do not replace the FT sensor.
If it is faulty, replace it as supply pump ASM.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-104
Common rail Flow damper
4HK1 4HK1
6HK1 6HK1
Name Name
1. Common rail 1. Common rail
2. Common rail pressure sensor 2. Common rail pressure sensor
3. Pressure limiter 3. Pressure limiter
4. Flow damper 4. Flow damper
The common rail receives fuel from supply pump, holds The flow damper is installed onto outlet port to each
the common rail (fuel) pressure and distributes fuel to injector of common rail, limits pressure pulsation in
each cylinder. The common rail has common rail common rail and prevents over-injected fuel from
pressure sensor, flow damper and pressure limiter. injector. When the flow damper operates, fuel supply to
injector is stopped.
For work procedure, refer to Engine section in Removal
the service manual. Do not replace the flow damper.
If it is damaged, replace it as common rail ASM.
10D-105 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Pressure limiter Common rail pressure sensor
4HK1 4HK1
6HK1 6HK1
Name Name
1. Common rail 1. Common rail
2. Common rail pressure sensor 2. Common rail pressure sensor
3. Pressure limiter 3. Pressure limiter
4. Flow damper 4. Flow damper
The pressure limiter operates to release the pressure in The common rail pressure sensor is installed onto
common rail when the pressure becomes extremely common rail, detects fuel pressure in common rail,
high. converts the pressure into the voltage signal and sends
it to engine control module (ECM). Voltage becomes
Removal higher as pressure becomes higher, and lower as one
Do not replace the pressure limiter. does lower. ECM calculates the actual common rail
If it is damaged, replace it as common rail ASM. pressure (fuel pressure) based on the voltage signal
sent from sensors and uses it for fuel injection control
Do not replace the common rail pressure sensor.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-106
If it is damaged, replace it as common rail ASM. Injector
The injector is installed onto cylinder head section and
6HK1 is controlled by engine control module (ECM) to inject
fuel. The ECM raises the voltage for operating injectors
internally, energizes to injector, and regulates period of
electric conduction of injector to control fuel injection
amount and injection timing.
For work procedure, refer to Engine section in
the service manual.
10D-107 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is The crankshaft position (CKP) sensor is installed onto
installed onto engine block, and the thermistor changes flywheel housing and produces the CKP signal when
the resistance according to the temperature. the convex portion of flywheel passes the sensor. The
Resistance is low at high engine coolant temperature engine control module (ECM) distinguishes the
and high at low engine coolant temperature. The cylinders by the CMP signal input from CMP sensor,
engine control module (ECM) energizes the voltage (5 determines the crank angle and uses it to control fuel
V) to the ECT sensor through pull up resistance, and injection and calculate the engine speed. These
calculates engine coolant temperature based on controls are performed, usually based on CKP signal.
change of voltage to use for various controls such as However it is done by CMP sensor if the CKP sensor is
fuel injection etc. If the resistance is low (temperature is faulty.
high), the voltage becomes low; if the resistance is high
(temperature is low), the voltage becomes high. Removal
Disconnect the connector, and remove the 10mm-
Removal mounting bolt and sensor.
Disconnect the connector and remove it with
19mm-wrench 4HK1
Installation 6HK1
Apply Loctite 572 before installing it.
Tightening torque: 19.6 29.4 N m {2 3 kgf m}
Tightening torque: 14.7 24.5 N m {1.5 2.5
kgf m}
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-108
Camshaft position (CMP) sensor 4HK1
The camshaft position sensor is installed onto the rear Apply a coat of engine oil to the O-ring.
of cylinder head and produces the CMP signal when Tightening torque: 7.8 2N m {0.8 0.2kgf m}
the cam portion of camshaft passes the sensor. The
engine control module (ECM) distinguishes the
cylinders by the CMP signal input from CMP sensor,
determines the crank angle and uses it to control fuel
injection and calculate the engine speed. These
controls are performed, usually based on CKP signal.
However it is done by CMP sensor if the CKP sensor is
Scissors gear is installed to the cam gear of 6HK1
engine. When the cam gear has been removed,
ensure that the scissors gear is installed properly.
Disconnect the connector, and remove the 10mm-
mounting bolt and sensor.
10D-109 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Engine oil pressure sensor 6HK1
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-110
The barometric pressure sensor is installed onto the EGR position sensor
machine side and converts the barometric pressure into
voltage signal. The ECM calculates barometric
pressure by voltage signal and performs fuel injection
amount correction (high-altitude correction) etc. by
barometric pressure.
Refer to the machines manual for the location of
barometric pressure sensor.
Do not disassemble the EGR position sensor. If it is
faulty, replace it as EGR valve ASM.
Refer to the machines manual for the location of
intake air temperature (IAT) sensor.
10D-111 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
The boost temperature sensor is installed onto the EGR
The boost pressure sensor uses the pressure hose
valve upstream side of intake manifold. The sensor is
between the boost pressure sensor and intake pipe,
thermistor type. The resistance in the sensor changes
detects boost (intake air pressure), converts the
as the temperature changes.
pressure into the voltage signal and sends it to engine
control module (ECM). Voltage becomes higher as Removal
pressure becomes higher, and lower as one does
Disconnect the connector and remove it with
lower. ECM calculates the boost (intake air pressure)
based on the voltage signal sent from sensors and
uses it for fuel injection control etc.
Disconnect the connector, and remove the two
10mm-mounting bolts, hoses and sensor.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-112
4HK1 DLC (data link connector)
Refer to the machines manual for the locations of
Diagnostic switch
The diagnosis switch shorts the DLC terminals No. 1
and No. 4 (or No. 5) to make the diagnosis lamp blink to
indicate DTC.
Refer to the machines manual for the locations and
form of diagnosis switch.
Note: Note:
Refer to the machines manual for the locations of Refer to the machines manual for the locations of
diagnosis lamp. mode selector switch.
10D-113 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Wiring diagram of engine control module (ECM)
(*: Refer to the machines manual for fuse capacity.)
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-114
10D-115 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Pin arrangement of engine control module (ECM)
81-pin connector
40-pin connector
Starter for ECM control, glow circuit
(*: Specifications (fuse current value etc.) vary depending on each machine. Refer to the machine manual.)
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-120
10D-121 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-122
Starter for safety relay, glow circuit
(*: Specifications (fuse current value etc.) vary depending on each machine. Refer to the machine manual.)
10D-123 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
CAN, GND, DLC circuits
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-124
10D-125 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
(*: Specifications (fuse current value etc.) vary depending on each machine. Refer to the machine manual.)
Injector circuit
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-126
SCV circuit
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-128
pressure sensor circuit
10D-129 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
(*: Specifications vary depending on each machine. Refer to the machines manual.)
CKP sensor, vehicle speed sensor, fuel temperature sensor, engine coolant temperature sensor, engine oil
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-130
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-132
10D-133 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Idling selector switch, idle up switch, idle down switch, mode map switch circuit
(*: Specifications (fuse current value etc.) vary depending on each machine. Refer to the machine manual.)
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-134
Memory clear switch, engine stop switch circuit
(*: Specifications (fuse current value etc.) vary depending on each machine. Refer to the machine manual.)
10D-135 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Engine harness location
1. Engine coolant temperature sensor 8. SCV
2. Overheating switch 9. Fuel temperature sensor
3. Common rail pressure sensor 10. Boost temperature sensor
4. Engine oil pressure sensor 11. Boost pressure sensor
5. CKP sensor 12. Injector
6. CMP sensor 13. Glow plug
7. EGR position sensor
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-136
10D-137 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
E75 E98
Terminal Terminal
Number Number
1 Boost pressure sensor GND 1 CKP +
2 Boost pressure sensor Vout 2 CKP GND
3 Boost pressure sensor Vcc
E76 Terminal
Number 1 CMP shield
1 Engine oil pressure sensor GND 2 CMP GND
2 Engine oil pressure sensor Vout 3 CMP +
3 Engine oil pressure sensor Vcc
E80 Terminal
Number 1 Common rail pressure sensor GND
1 EGR Vcc 2 Common rail pressure sensor Vout
2 EGR hall sensor W 3 Common rail pressure sensor Vcc
3 EGR hall sensor V
4 EGR hall sensor U
5 EGR GND Terminal
6 EGR motor W
1 SCV Hi
7 EGR motor V
2 SCV Lo
8 EGR motor U
Terminal Number
1 Boost temperature sensor GND
2 Boost temperature sensor +
2 ECT +
3 ECT meter E164
Terminal 1 Overheating switch
1 Fuel temperature sensor GND H1
2 Fuel temperature sensor + Terminal
1 Glow
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-138
H6 H20
Terminal Terminal
Number Number
1 SCV Lo 1 CKP +
3 Fuel temperature sensor + 3 CKP shield
4 ECT meter 4 CMP +
6 Overheating switch 6 CMP shield
7 ECT +
8 Boost pressure sensor Vcc
Terminal 9 Engine oil pressure sensor Vcc
10 Engine oil pressure sensor Vout
1 EGR hall sensor U
11 Engine oil pressure sensor GND
2 EGR hall sensor V
12 Common rail pressure sensor Vcc
3 EGR hall sensor W
13 Common rail pressure sensor Vout
14 Common rail pressure sensor GND
5 EGR motor U
15 Boost temperature sensor +
6 EGR motor V
16 Boost pressure sensor Vout
7 EGR motor W
17 Boost pressure sensor GND
H12 19
Terminal 20
2 Terminal
3 Injector power supply 2
1 Glow
4 Injector power supply 1
5 OS INJ3 signal H94
6 OS INJ2 signal
7 OS INJ4 signal Number
8 OS INJ1 signal 1 Injector power supply 1
9 2 Injector power supply 2
10 3 Injector power supply 2
11 4 Injector power supply 1
12 5 OS INJ1 signal
6 OS INJ4 signal
7 OS INJ2 signal
8 OS INJ3 signal
10D-139 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Cylinder head
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-140
1. Engine coolant temperature sensor 8. SCV
2. Overheating switch 9. Fuel temperature sensor
3. Common rail pressure sensor 10. Boost temperature sensor
4. Engine oil pressure sensor 11. Boost pressure sensor
5. CKP sensor 12. Injector
6. CMP sensor 13. Glow plug
7. EGR position sensor
10D-141 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-142
E75 E98
Terminal Terminal
Number Number
1 Boost pressure sensor GND 1 CKP +
2 Boost pressure sensor Vout 2 CKP GND
3 Boost pressure sensor Vcc
E76 Terminal
Number 1 CMP shield
1 Engine oil pressure sensor GND 2 CMP GND
2 Engine oil pressure sensor Vout 3 CMP +
3 Engine oil pressure sensor Vcc
E80 Terminal
Number 1 Common rail pressure sensor GND
1 EGR Vcc 2 Common rail pressure sensor Vout
2 EGR hall sensor W 3 Common rail pressure sensor Vcc
3 EGR hall sensor V
4 EGR hall sensor U
5 EGR GND Terminal
6 EGR motor W
1 SCV Hi
7 EGR motor V
2 SCV Lo
8 EGR motor U
Terminal Number
1 Boost temperature sensor GND
2 Boost temperature sensor +
2 ECT +
3 ECT meter E164
Terminal 1 Overheating switch
1 Fuel temperature sensor GND H1
2 Fuel temperature sensor + Terminal
1 Glow
10D-143 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
H6 H20
Terminal Terminal
Number Number
1 SCV Lo 1 CKP +
3 Fuel temperature sensor + 3 CKP shield
4 ECT meter 4 CMP +
6 Overheating switch 6 CMP shield
7 ECT +
8 Boost pressure sensor Vcc
Terminal 9 Engine oil pressure sensor Vcc
10 Engine oil pressure sensor Vout
1 EGR hall sensor U
11 Engine oil pressure sensor GND
2 EGR hall sensor V
12 Common rail pressure sensor Vcc
3 EGR hall sensor W
13 Common rail pressure sensor Vout
14 Common rail pressure sensor GND
5 EGR motor U
15 Boost temperature sensor +
6 EGR motor V
16 Boost pressure sensor Vout
7 EGR motor W
17 Boost pressure sensor GND
H12 19
Terminal 20
2 Terminal
3 Injector power supply 2
1 Glow
4 Injector power supply 1
5 OS INJ3 signal H94
6 OS INJ2 signal
7 OS INJ4 signal Number
8 OS INJ1 signal 1
9 2 OS INJ1 signal
10 3 Injector power supply 1
11 OS INJ6 signal 4 Injector power supply 2
12 OS INJ5 signal 5
6 OS INJ3 signal
7 OS INJ5 signal
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-144
2 OS INJ6 signal
3 Injector power supply 2
4 Injector power supply 1
6 OS INJ4 signal
7 OS INJ2 signal
10D-145 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Connector list
No. Connector Face No. Connector Face
E-27 E-75
#1 injector (Silver)
E-29 E-76
E-31 E-80
E-33 E-90
#4 injector (Silver) (Blue)
E-35 E-93
E-37 E-98
E-56 E-112
(Gray) (Black)
E-57 E-113
(Gray) (Gray)
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-146
E-114 H1
(Black) (Black)
E-161 H-6
(Brown) (Gray)
E-162 H-6
E-163 H-8
(Gray) (Black)
E-164 H-8
FB-124 H-12
(Black) (Gray)
FL-150 H-12
FL-269 H-20
10D-147 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
H-20 (ECM
H22 (Injector
(White) (Gray)
H22 (Injector
(White) (Gray)
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-148
Interview Inspection to comprehend the trouble symptom and diagnose properly based on a
customers complaint.
OBD system check Inspection to identify defective point of engine control system (inspection
Diagnosis lamp illumination Inspection when diagnosis lamp does not come on when starter switch is turned
circuit system check ON.
Diagnosis lamp blinking circuit Inspection when diagnosis lamp does not blink (remains on) when diagnostic
system check switch is turned ON.
Scan tool power supply circuit Inspection when scan tool (Tech2) does not operate.
system check
Scan tool communication Inspection when scan tool (Tech2) cannot communicate with ECM.
circuit system check
Starting circuit system check Inspection when starter does not operate.
Starting system check Inspection when starter operates but engine does not start.
Fuel system check Inspection when relevant points to fuel system may be faulty (inspection
Intake system check Inspection when relevant points to intake system may be faulty (inspection
Exhaust system check Inspection when relevant points to exhaust system may be faulty (inspection
EGR control system check Inspection when relevant points to EGR may be faulty (inspection procedure).
QOS control system check Inspection when relevant points to QOS (glow) may be faulty (inspection
CAN communication check Inspection when fault relevant to machine control unit and CAN communication
between scan tool and ECM may exist.
Machine-side check Inspection when fault relevant to machine function (inspection procedure) may
In the subsequent part of this manual, scan tool indicates scan tools including Tech2.
10D-149 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
OBD system check
About OBD system check Note for OBD system check
OBD system check is systematic method to check the Important:
problems which caused by engine control system If there is no complaint for operationality, never
malfunction. It is the first procedure of all complaint perform this diagnostic step unless otherwise
diagnosis for operationality. Use of this diagnostic step instructed in other items.
properly enables to shorten the diagnosis period and to Before the diagnosis, check the service
prevent unnecessary replacement of proper parts. information.
Never erase DTCs unless otherwise instructed
Test description
in the diagnostic step.
2. Communication disability with scan tool is caused by If fault is found in the engine starting system,
fault in the communication circuit between each ECU refer to Electrical system in the service
and scan tool. manual Engine section.
4. If DTC is detected, proceed to the relevant DTC
Ensure the battery is fully charged.
diagnosis by referring to the list of DTC. If more than
one DTC is detected, start with the one with smallest Make sure the battery cable is normal and
DTC number unless otherwise instructed in the securely connected.
diagnostic step. Make sure the ground cable of ECM is
connected to the proper position securely.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR. Check the repair,
and Go to OBD
Is the procedure completed? system check.
Replace the ECM.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR. Check the repair,
and Go to OBD
Is the procedure completed? system check.
10D-153 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Diagnosis lamp blinking circuit system check
7 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-162
Starter safety relay control
(*: Specifications (fuse current value etc.) vary depending on each machine. Refer to the machine manual.)
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
Test description
Numbers below indicate step numbers in the chart.
4. If the SCV-LOW circuit is shorted to ground, the SCV
drive current will not be more than 900mA.
5. If the engine starts with the SCV connector
disconnected, SCV system may be faulty. Also, if the
engine does not start, the fuel system may be faulty.
6. Check the signal and operation of each sensor and
1. Common rail 5. Fuel tank
2. Fuel filter 6. Supply pump
3. Electromagnetic Pump 7. Injector
4. Pre-filter
8 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
6 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
1. Reed valve
2. EGR Valve
3. Exhaust side
4. Intake side
Circuit description
The ECM operates the EGR valve based on engine
speed, engine coolant temperature, intake air
temperature, fuel injection amount, and barometric
pressure. The EGR motor drives the EGR valve, and
the EGR position sensor detects the EGR valve
opening angle.
EGR hysteresis
10D-177 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
QOS system check
(*: Specifications (fuse current value etc.) vary depending on each machine. Refer to the machine manual.)
Does the QOS indicator lamp come on? Go to Step 12. Go to Step 8.
1. Turn the key switch to OFF.
2. Remove the QOS indicator lamp.
8 3. Check the QOS indicator lamp for blow
Is the trouble detected? Go to Step 9. Go to Step 10.
1. Replace the QOS indicator lamp.
2. Turn the key switch to ON.
9 3. Check the QOS indicator lamp.
Does the QOS indicator lamp come on? Go to Step 7. Go to Step 10.
1. Disconnect the ECM connector.
2. Measure the resistance between the QOS
10 indicator lamp terminal and the harness 10M or more
between ECM and the ground.
Is the resistance specified value? Go to Step 7. Go to Step 11.
Repair the QOS indicator lamp terminal-to-
11 ECM harness.
Is the procedure completed? Go to Step 7.
10D-179 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when Behavior when Diagnos
DTC DTC set condition judgment from
code description detected DTC is set trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P0090 247 SCV drive Open/short Main relay power When SCV drive Approx. 2 Engine stall and/or ON *2
system open circuit of supply voltage is current exceeds sec. engine blow up are
circuit, +B SCV/ 18V or more. specified value possible
short or harness DTC P1630 is not for 2 seconds or depending on the
ground short detected. more, or when condition of open/
SCV drive duty is difference short circuit.
between 10 between target Black smoke
90%. and actual emitted, excessive
current exceeds output
specified value Back-up:
for 2 seconds or Limited injection
more. amount 3 (multi-
injection stopped)
Target RP upper
limit (80MPa)
P0107 71 Barometric Open/short Key switch input Barometric Approx. 5 Due to back-up ON *2
pressure circuit/ voltage is 18V or pressure sensor sec. equivalent to
sensor fault deterioration more. voltage is lower 2500m
(low voltage of sensor or DTC P1630 or than 0.5 V. Black smoke
fault) harness P1632 is not emitted at high
detected. altitude
Output shortage
at low altitude
pressure default
setting (80 kPa)
EGR stopped
P0108 Barometric Short circuit Key switch input Barometric Approx. 4 Due to back-up ON *2
pressure in sensor or voltage is 18V or pressure sensor sec. equivalent to
sensor fault harness more. voltage is more 2500m
(high voltage DTC P1630 or than 3.8 V. Black smoke
fault) P1632 is not emitted at high
detected. altitude
Output shortage
at low altitude
pressure default
setting (80 kPa)
EGR stopped
P0112 22 Intake air Short circuit Key switch input Intake air Approx. 4 Not in particular ON *2
temperature in sensor or voltage is 18V or temperature sec. Back-up:
sensor fault harness more. sensor voltage is Intake air
(low voltage DTC P1630 or less than 0.1 V. temperature
fault) P1632 is not default setting
detected. (at starting: 10 C,
at running: 25 C)
EGR stopped
P0113 Intake air Open/short Key switch input Intake air Approx. 4 Not in particular ON *2
temperature circuit/ voltage is 18V or temperature sec. Back-up:
sensor fault deterioration more. sensor voltage is Intake air
(high voltage of sensor or DTC P1630 or more than 4.95 V. temperature
fault) harness P1632 is not default setting
detected. (at starting: 10 C,
3 minutes or more at running: 25 C)
has elapsed after EGR stopped
starting engine.
10D-183 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when Behavior when Diagnos
DTC DTC set condition judgment from
code description detected DTC is set trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P0117 23 Engine Short circuit Key switch input Engine coolant Approx. 4 Start ability ON *2
coolant in sensor or voltage is 18V or temperature sec. deteriorates at low
temperature harness more. sensor voltage is temperatures or
sensor fault DTC P1630 or less than 0.1 V. black smoke
(low voltage P1633 is not emission is
fault) detected. possible, output
depending on
default setting
(at starting: 20 C,
at driving: 80 C)
EGR stopped
P0118 Engine Open/short Key switch input Engine coolant Approx. 4 At normal ON *2
coolant circuit/ voltage is 18V or temperature sec. temperature: Black
temperature breakage of more. sensor voltage is smoke emission,
sensor fault sensor or DTC P1630 or more than 4.85 V. greater engine
(high voltage harness P1633 is not combustion noise
fault) detected. possible.
3 minutes or more During idling at low
has elapsed after atmospheric
starting engine. temperatures:
Rough idling,
engine stall, white
smoke emission
default setting
(at starting: 20 C,
at driving: 80 C)
EGR stopped
P0182 211 Fuel Short circuit Key switch input Combustion Approx. 4 Operationality is ON *2
temperature in sensor or voltage is 18V or temperature sec. affected.
sensor fault harness more. sensor voltage is Back-up:
(low voltage DTC P1630 or less than 0.1 V. Fuel temperature
fault) P1633 is not default setting
detected. (at starting: 20 C,
at running: 70 C)
P0183 Fuel Open/short Key switch input Combustion Approx. 4 Not in particular ON *2
temperature circuit/ voltage is 18V or temperature sec. Back-up:
sensor fault breakage of more. sensor voltage is Fuel temperature
(high voltage sensor or DTC P1630 or more than 4.85 V. default setting
fault) harness P1633 is not (at starting: 20 C,
detected. at running: 70 C)
3 minutes or more
has elapsed after
starting engine.
P0192 245 Common rail Short circuit Key switch input Common rail Nearly Engine blow up ON *2
pressure in sensor or voltage is 18V or pressure sensor simultane Back-up:
sensor fault harness more. voltage is less ous to Specified back-up
(low voltage DTC P1630 or than 0.7 V. fault value (depending
fault) P1635 is not occurren on the machine
detected. ce manufacturer)
P0193 Common rail Open/short Key switch input Common rail Nearly Engine stall ON *2
pressure circuit/ voltage is 18V or pressure sensor simultane possible
sensor fault breakage of more. voltage is more ous to Output lowering
(high voltage sensor or DTC P1630 or than 4.5 V. fault Back-up:
fault) harness P1635 is not occurren Specified back-up
detected. ce value (depending
on the machine
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-184
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when Behavior when Diagnos
DTC DTC set condition judgment from
code description detected DTC is set trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P0201 271 Open circuit Open/short Main relay power No injector 1 Approx. 3 Intensive engine ON *1
in injection circuit in supply voltage is monitor input sec. vibration, rough
nozzle #1 electrical 18V or more. signal exists. idling, output
drive system wiring No. 1 70 rpm or more lowering, blow up
cylinder DTC P0611, P126 fault
injector or P0201 is not Back-up:
detected. Injection for
cylinder #1
stopped, EGR
P0202 272 Open circuit Open/short Main relay power No injector 2 Approx. 3 Intensive engine ON *1
in injection circuit in supply voltage is monitor input sec. vibration, rough
nozzle #2 electrical 18V or more. signal exists. idling, output
drive system wiring No. 2 70 rpm or more lowering, blow up
cylinder DTC P0611, fault
injector P1261 or P0202 is Back-up:
not detected. Injection for
cylinder #2
stopped, EGR
P0203 273 Open circuit Open/short Main relay power No injector 3 Approx. 3 Intensive engine ON *1
in injection circuit in supply voltage is monitor input sec. vibration, rough
nozzle #3 electrical 18V or more. signal exists. idling, output
drive system wiring No. 3 70 rpm or more lowering, blow up
cylinder DTC P0611, fault
injector P1261 or P0203 is Back-up:
not detected. Injection for
cylinder #3
stopped, EGR
P0204 274 Open circuit Open/short Main relay power No injector 4 Approx. 3 Intensive engine ON *1
in injection circuit in supply voltage is monitor input sec. vibration, rough
nozzle #4 electrical 18V or more. signal exists. idling, output
drive system wiring No. 4 70 rpm or more lowering, blow up
cylinder DTC P0612, fault
injector P1262 or P0204 is Back-up:
not detected. Injection for
cylinder #4
stopped, EGR
P0219 543 Overrun Engine Key switch input When the engine Approx. 1 Output lowering ON *2
speed voltage is 18V or speed exceeds sec. Back-up:
abnormally more. setting value Limited injection
high (depending on amount 1
the machine Limitation is lifted if
manufacturer) the speed
P0237 32 Boost Open/short Key switch input Boost pressure Approx. 3 Operationality is ON *2
pressure circuit/ voltage is 18V or sensor voltage is sec. affected.
sensor fault breakage of more. less than 0.1V. Back-up:
(low voltage sensor or DTC P1630 or Specified back-up
fault) harness P1634 is not value (depending
detected. on the machine
P0238 Boost Short circuit Key switch input Boost pressure Approx. 3 Black smoke ON *2
pressure in sensor or voltage is 18V or sensor voltage is sec. emitted
sensor fault harness more. more than 4.9V. Back-up:
(high voltage DTC P1630 or Specified back-up
fault) P1634 is not value (depending
detected. on the machine
10D-185 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when Behavior when Diagnos
DTC DTC set condition judgment from
code description detected DTC is set trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P0335 15 Crank Open circuit CMP sensor Cam signal exists When Output lowering, ON *1
sensor fault in sensor/ pulse is normal. but no crank trouble white smoke
(no signal) wiring DTC P0335, signal. occurs 14 emission, intense
P0336, P0340, out of 21 engine vibration
P0341 or P1345 is samples. possible
not detected. Engine stall
Engine is running. possible (restart is
possible when cam
sensor is normal.)
Control based on
cam when cam
sensor is normal
P0336 Crank Broken CMP sensor Number of pulse When Output lowering, ON *1
sensor fault teeth/ pulse is normal. for crank signal is trouble white smoke
(signal fault) unnecessary DTC P0335, mismatched. occurs 14 emission, intense
signal mixed P0336, P0340, out of 21 engine vibration
(such as P0341 or P1345 is samples. possible
short circuit not detected. Engine stall
with other Engine is running. possible (restart is
wiring) possible when cam
sensor is normal.)
Control based on
cam when cam
sensor is normal
P0340 14 Cam sensor Open circuit Key switch input Crank signal When Behavior does ON *1
fault (no in sensor/ voltage is 18V or exists but no cam trouble not change during
signal) wiring more. signal. occurs 7 engine running.
Crank pulse is out of 8 After engine
normal. samples. stalls, engine will
DTC P0335, not start.
P0336, P0340, Back-up:
P0341, P1345, or Engine running
P1635 is not based on crank
detected. when it is normal
Engine is running. After engine stops:
Unable to identify
cylinder (unable to
P0341 Cam sensor Broken Key switch input Number of pulse When Behavior does ON *1
fault (signal teeth/ voltage is 18V or for cam signal is trouble not change during
fault) unnecessary more. mismatched. occurs 7 engine running.
signal mixed Crank pulse is out of 8 After engine
(such as normal. samples. stalls, engine will
short circuit DTC P0335, not start.
with other P0336, P0340, Back-up:
wiring) P0341, P1345, or Engine running
P1635 is not based on crank
detected. when it is normal
Engine is running. After engine stops:
Unable to identify
cylinder (unable to
P0380 66 Glow relay Open/short Key switch input No glow relay When Operationality is ON *1
fault circuit/ power supply monitor signal trouble not affected.
damage of voltage is higher exists against occurs 25 Back-up:
relay or than 16 V but lower glow relay drive out of 30 Back-up: No back-
harness than 32 V. indication. samples. up action
P0381 67 Glow lamp Open/short Key switch input Glow lamp drive When Operationality is ON
fault circuit/ voltage is 18 V or indication signal trouble not affected.
damage of more. is unmatched occurs 25 Back-up:
lamp or DTC P0381 is not with glow lamp out of 30 Back-up: No back-
harness detected. monitor signal. samples. up action
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-186
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when Behavior when Diagnos
DTC DTC set condition judgment from
code description detected DTC is set trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P0487 44 EGR Open/short Main relay input EGR position Approx. 3 Operationality is ON *1
position fault circuit/ voltage is 18V or output signal is sec. not affected.
(Brushless damage of more. abnormal. Back-up:
specification) sensor DTC P1630 or Instruction to fully
harness P1635 is not close EGR valve
P0488 45 EGR valve Trouble/ DTC P1630, Difference Approx. Operationality is ON *2
control fault open circuit P1635, P0487, between target 10 sec. not affected.
or valve P0488, or P1635 is valve lift and Back-up:
engage/ not detected. actual position is Instruction to fully
stuck in Main relay voltage more than 20%. close EGR valve
drive motor is between 20
side 32 V.
between target
EGR opening
angle and actual
one is 20% or less.
P0522 294 Engine oil Open/short Key switch input Engine oil Approx. 4 Operationality is ON *1
pressure circuit/ voltage is 18V or pressure sensor sec. not affected.
sensor fault breakage of more. voltage is less Back-up:
(low voltage sensor or DTC P1633 is not than 0.1V. Back-up: No back-
fault) harness detected. up action
P0523 Engine oil Short circuit Key switch input Engine oil Approx. 4 Operationality is ON *2
pressure in sensor or voltage is 18V or pressure sensor sec. not affected.
sensor fault harness more. voltage is more Back-up:
(high voltage DTC P1633 is not than 4.85V. Back-up: No back-
fault) detected. up action
P0601 53 ROM fault ROM fault ROM is faulty. Engine stopped ON *2
Engine stopped
P0603 54 EEPROM EEPROM EEPROM is Operationality is ON *2
fault fault faulty. not affected.
Back-up: No back-
up action
P0606 51 CPU fault CPU fault Sub-CPU detects Nearly Output lowering ON *2
main CPU fault in simultane Back-up:
100 msec after ous to Limited injection
key switch ON. fault amount 2 (multi-
(SUB-CPU resets occurren injection stopped)
CPU.) ce SUB-CPU stops
Sub-CPU detects Nearly Unable to start ON Diagnose
main CPU fault in simultane Back-up: d for
100 msec after ous to Limited injection 100msec
key switch ON. fault amount 2 (multi- only after
(SUB-CPU resets occurren injection stopped) KEY-ON.
CPU.) ce SUB-CPU stops
52 CPU Sub-CPU 480 msec or more RUN-SUB pulse Nearly Output lowering ON *2
monitoring fault has elapsed after does not change simultane Back-up:
IC fault key switch ON. for 20 msec or ous to Limited injection
Key switch input more. fault amount 1
power supply occurren
voltage is higher ce
than 16 V.
10D-187 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when Behavior when Diagnos
DTC DTC set condition judgment from
code description detected DTC is set trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P0611 34 Charge ECU charge Main relay power When charge Approx. Intensive engine ON *2
circuit fault circuit 1 fault supply voltage is circuit bank 1 1.5 sec. vibration, rough
(bank 1) (internal 18V or more. voltage inside idling, output
burnout, ECU is low. lowering, blow up
open circuit, fault, engine stall
etc.) are possible.
Common 1 stop
(#1, #4 cylinders
stopped), EGR
P0612 Charge ECU charge When charge Approx. Intensive engine ON
circuit fault circuit 2 fault circuit bank 2 1.5 sec. vibration, rough
(bank 2) (internal voltage inside idling, output
burnout, ECU is low. lowering, blow up
open circuit, fault, engine stall
etc.) are possible.
Common 2 stop
(#2, #3 cylinders
stopped), EGR
P0650 77 Check Lamp fault Key switch input No check engine Approx. Operationality is Does *2
engine lamp voltage is 18V or lamp monitor 1.5 sec. not affected. not
fault more. signal exists. Back-up: come
DTC P0650 is not Back-up: No back- on.
detected. up action
P1093 227 No pump Fuel leakage Key switch input Actual rail Approx. 5 Intense engine ON *1
pressure (large voltage is 18V or pressure is 50 sec. vibration, rough
feed (fuel amount) more. MPa or more idling, output
leakage) 1200 rpm or more lower than target lowering, blow up
Duty to SCV is rail pressure. fault, black smoke
33% or less, or emitted, engine
pressure feed is stall, and
28000mm 3/sec or excessive output
more. are possible.
DTC P0192, Back-up:
P0193, P1093, Limited injection
P0090, P1291, amount 3 (multi-
P1292, or P1635 is injection stopped)
not detected. Target RP upper
limit (80MPa)
P1095 225 Pressure Pressure Key switch input Pressure limiter Approx. 1 Output lowering, ON *1
limiter open limiter is voltage is 18V or is opened. sec. hunting
opened. more. Back-up:
DTC P1095, Limited injection
P0192, P0193, amount 1
P1630, or P1635 is
not detected.
50 rpm or more
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-188
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when Behavior when Diagnos
DTC DTC set condition judgment from
code description detected DTC is set trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P1112 295 Boost Open/short Key switch input Boost Approx. 4 Operationality is ON *2
temperature circuit/ voltage is 18V or temperature sec. not affected.
sensor fault breakage of more. sensor voltage is Back-up:
(low voltage sensor or DTC P1634 is not less than 0.1 V. Back-up: No back-
fault) harness detected. up action
P1113 Boost Short circuit Key switch input Boost Approx. 4 Operationality is ON *2
temperature in sensor or voltage is 18V or temperature sec. not affected.
sensor fault harness more. sensor voltage is Back-up:
(high voltage Coolant more than 4.95V. Back-up: No back-
fault) temperature is up action
50 C or more.
3 (or 5) minutes
have passed after
engine starting
(depending on the
DTC P1634 is not
P1173 542 Overheat Overheat Key switch input Coolant Approx. 5 Operationality is Does *2
condition voltage is 18V or temperature is sec. not affected. not
more. more than 120 C. Back-up: come
DTC P1630, Back-up: No back- on.
P1633, P0117, or up action
P0118 is not
Under operation
P1261 158 Injection Open/short Main relay power No injector 1 and Approx. 3 Intensive engine ON *1
nozzle circuit in supply voltage is 4 monitor input sec. vibration, rough
common 1 injector 18V or more. signal exists. idling, output
drive system common 1- 70 rpm or more lowering, blow up
fault side None of the fault
electrical following DTC sets Engine stall is
wiring, EDU are detected; DTC possible.
output part P0611, P1261 and Back-up:
fault P0201; DTC Common 1 stop
P0611, P1261 and (#1, #4 cylinders
P0202; DTC stopped), EGR
P0611, P1261 and stopped
P1262 159 Injection Open/short Main relay power No injector 2 and Approx. 3 Intensive engine ON *1
nozzle circuit in supply voltage is 3 monitor input sec. vibration, rough
common 2 injector 18V or more. signal exists. idling, output
drive system common 2- 70 rpm or more lowering, blow up
fault side None of the fault
electrical following DTC sets Engine stall is
wiring, EDU are detected; DTC possible.
output part P0612, P1262 and Back-up:
fault P0204; DTC Common 2 stop
P0612, P1262 and (#2, #3 cylinders
P0205; DTC stopped), EGR
P0612, P1262 and stopped
10D-189 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when Behavior when Diagnos
DTC DTC set condition judgment from
code description detected DTC is set trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P1271 24 Accelerator Difference in Key switch input Difference in Approx. 3 1 system fault...No Does *1
sensor 1-2 opening voltage is 18V or opening angle sec. back-up not
comparison angle more. between 2 system fault... come
fault between DTC P1630, accelerator Accelerator on.
accelerator P1631, P1271, sensors 1 and 2 opening angle is
sensors 1-2 P1277, P1278, is 45% or more. controlled to 0%.
is 45% or P1282, or P1283 is Back-up:
more. not detected. 1 system fault...No
2 system fault...
opening angle is
controlled to 0%.
P1277 Accelerator Open/short Key switch input Accelerator Approx. 1 1 system fault...No Does *1
sensor 1 circuit/ voltage is 18V or sensor 1 voltage sec. back-up not
fault (low breakage of more. is lower than 0.2 2 system fault... come
voltage fault) sensor or DTC P1630, V. Accelerator on.
harness P1277, or P1631 is opening angle is
not detected. controlled to 0%.
1 system fault...No
2 system fault...
opening angle is
controlled to 0%.
P1278 Accelerator Open/short Key switch input Accelerator Approx. 1 1 system fault...No Does *1
sensor 1 circuit/ voltage is 18V or sensor 1 voltage sec. back-up not
fault (high breakage of more. is more than 4.9 2 system fault... come
voltage fault) sensor or DTC P1630, V. Accelerator on.
harness P1278, or P1631 is opening angle is
not detected. controlled to 0%.
1 system fault...No
2 system fault...
opening angle is
controlled to 0%.
P1282 Accelerator Open/short Key switch input Accelerator Approx. 1 1 system fault...No Does *1
sensor 2 circuit/ voltage is 18V or sensor 2 voltage sec. back-up not
fault (low breakage of more. is lower than 0.2 2 system fault... come
voltage fault) sensor or DTC P1630, V. Accelerator on.
harness P1282, or P1631 is opening angle is
not detected. controlled to 0%.
1 system fault...No
2 system fault...
opening angle is
controlled to 0%.
P1283 Accelerator Open/short Key switch input Accelerator Approx. 1 1 system fault...No Does *1
sensor 2 circuit/ voltage is 18V or sensor 2 voltage sec. back-up not
fault (high breakage of more. is more than 4.9 2 system fault... come
voltage fault) sensor or DTC P1630, V. Accelerator on.
harness P1283, or P1631 is opening angle is
not detected. controlled to 0%.
1 system fault...No
2 system fault...
opening angle is
controlled to 0%.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-190
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when Behavior when Diagnos
DTC DTC set condition judgment from
code description detected DTC is set trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P1345 16 Cam sensor Camshaft Key switch input Correct cam When Behavior does ON *1
out of phase gear/ voltage is 18V or pulse does not trouble not change during
crankshaft more. exist in crank gap occurs 7 engine running.
gear DTC P0335, position. out of 8 After engine
installing P0336, P0340, samples. stalls, engine will
angle is out P0341, P1345, or not start.
of phase, or P1635 is not Back-up:
damage in detected. Specified back-up
gear. CMP sensor value (depending
pulse is normal. on the machine
Crank pulse is manufacturer)
P1625 416 Main relay Open/ Key switch input Main relay Approx. 2 Engine does not ON *2
system fault ground short voltage is 18V or system voltage is sec. start.
(Not enter) circuit in more. 1V or less with Back-up:
harness, DTC P1630 is not main relay coil Back-up: No back-
relay OFF detected. output ON. up action
anchoring 3 seconds or
more has elapsed
after key switch
Main relay drive
indication ON
Harness +B DTC P1625 or Relay does not Approx. 5 Vehicle power ON *1
short, relay P0606 is not cut off despite of sec. supply cannot be
ON detected. main relay coil shut off.
anchoring output OFF Back-up:
indication. Back-up: No back-
up action
P1630 36 A/D A/D A/D conversion Immediat Output lowering, ON *2
conversion conversion failure ely Black smoke
fault fault emitted
Analog sensor
system default
Limited injection
amount 3 (multi-
injection stopped)
Target RP upper
limit (80MPa)
10D-191 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when Behavior when Diagnos
DTC DTC set condition judgment from
code description detected DTC is set trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P1631 55 Voltage fault Power DTC P1630 is not Key switch power Approx. Accelerator ON *2
in 5-V power supply detected. supply voltage is 0.5 sec. opening angle is
supply 1 wiring short Key switch input 5.5V or more, or controlled to 0%.
to sensor, or power supply 4.5V or less, Back-up:
breakage in voltage is between when battery Same to
element/ 16 32 V. voltage is accelerator sensor
circuit for between 16V fault
power 32V.
P1632 Voltage fault DTC P1630 is not Key switch power Approx. Due to back-up ON *2
in 5-V power detected. supply voltage is 0.5 sec. equivalent to
supply 2 inside ECM. Key switch input 5.5V or more, or 2500m
power supply 4.5V or less, Black smoke
voltage is between when battery emitted at high
16 32 V. voltage is altitude
between 16V Output shortage
32V. at low altitude
Same to
pressure and
intake air
sensor fault
P1633 Voltage fault DTC P1630 is not Key switch power Approx. Startability ON *2
in 5-V power detected. supply voltage is 0.5 sec. deteriorates at low
supply 3 Key switch input 5.5V or more, or temperatures or
power supply 4.5V or less, black smoke
voltage is between when battery emission is
16 32 V. voltage is possible, output
between 16V lowering or
32V. operationality is
affected depending
on conditions.
Same to coolant
temperature, fuel
temperature, and
oil pressure sensor
P1634 Voltage fault DTC P1630 is not Key switch power Approx. Operationality is ON *2
in 5-V power detected. supply voltage is 0.5 sec. affected.
supply 4 Key switch input 5.5V or more, or Back-up:
power supply 4.5V or less, Same to boost
voltage is between when battery pressure and boost
16 32 V. voltage is temperature
between 16V sensor fault
P1635 Voltage fault DTC P1630 is not Key switch power Approx. Engine blow up, ON *2
in 5-V power detected. supply voltage is 0.5 sec. output lowering,
supply 5 Key switch input 5.5V or more, or black smoke
power supply 4.5V or less, emission, engine
voltage is between when battery stall are possible.
16 32 V. voltage is Back-up:
between 16V Same to rail
32V. pressure sensor
fault and EGR
position sensor
U2104 84 CAN Bus CAN Key switch input Bus-off is At 3 sec. Set to idle speed. ON *3
fault communicati voltage is 12V or detected. continuou Back-up:
on fault more. sly Running at 1500
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-192
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when Behavior when Diagnos
DTC DTC set condition judgment from
code description detected DTC is set trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
U2106 85 CAN timeout CAN DTC U2104 is not CAN data At 1 sec. Set to idle speed. ON *3
fault communicati detected. reception does continuou Back-up:
on fault Key switch input not complete at a sly Specified back-up
voltage is 12V or set time. value (depending
more. on the machine
Even if the DTC has restored normally, the diagnosis
lamp and back-up mode are not restored in the ignition
cycle that the DTC is detected. After turning the key
1. DTC is detected.
2. Returned to normal.
1. DTC is detected.
2. Repair and inspection
3. Returned to normal.
10D-193 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
When the DTC has recovered to normal in the ignition
cycle that the DTC is detected, the back-up mode will
be recovered normally, but the diagnosis lamp does not
go off.
1. DTC is detected.
2. Returned to normal.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-194
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when DTC set Behavior when Diagnos
DTC judgment from
code description detected DTC is set condition trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P0087 227 No pump Common rail 900 rpm or more Actual rail Approx. 3 Intense engine ON *1
pressure pressure pressure is sec. vibration, rough
feed (fuel does not 15Mpa or less at idling, output
leakage) increase to 900rpm or more. lowering, blow up
the required fault, black smoke
area. emitted, and
excessive output
are possible.
Limited injection
amount 3 (multi-
injection stopped)
Target RP upper
limit (80MPa)
P0088 118 Common rail Common rail Key switch input Rail pressure is Approx. 5 Intense engine ON *1
pressure pressure voltage is 18V or more than 185 sec. vibration, rough
fault abnormal more. MPa. idling, output
(1st stage) increase DTC P0088, lowering, blow up
P0192, P0193, or fault, black smoke
P1635 is not emitted, and
detected. excessive output
Actual rail are possible.
pressure is 2 MPa Back-up:
or more, and 70 Limited injection
rpm or more. amount 3 (multi-
injection stopped)
Target RP upper
limit (80MPa)
Common rail Common rail Key switch input Common rail Approx. 5 Intense engine ON *1
pressure pressure voltage is 18V or pressure fault sec. vibration, rough
fault abnormal more. (1st stage) is idling, output
(2nd stage) increase DTC P0088, completed, and lowering, blow up
P0192, P0193, or rail pressure is fault, black smoke
P1635 is not more than 190 emitted, and
detected. MPa. excessive output
Actual rail are possible.
pressure is 2 MPa Back-up:
or more, and 70 Limited injection
rpm or more. amount 3 (multi-
injection stopped)
Target RP upper
limit (80MPa)
P0089 151 Common rail Common rail Key switch input Actual rail Approx. 5 Intense engine ON *1
pressure pressure voltage is 18V or pressure is 40 sec. vibration, rough
fault abnormal more. MPa or more idling, output
(Excessive increase DTC P0089, higher than lowering, blow up
pressure P0192, P0193, or target rail fault, black smoke
feed in P1635 is not pressure. emitted, and
pump) detected. excessive output
Coolant are possible.
temperature is Back-up:
60 C or more, and Limited injection
375 rpm or more. amount 3 (multi-
Duty to SCV is injection stopped)
40% or more, or Target RP upper
SCV target limit (80MPa)
pressure feed is 90
mm3/sec or less.
10D-195 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when DTC set Behavior when Diagnos
DTC judgment from
code description detected DTC is set condition trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P0090 247 SCV drive Open/short Main relay power When SCV drive Approx. 2 Engine stall and/or ON *2
system open circuit of supply voltage is current exceeds sec. engine blow up are
circuit, +B SCV/ 18V or more. specified value possible depending
short or harness DTC P1630 is not for 2 seconds or on the condition of
ground short detected. more, or when open/short circuit.
SCV drive duty is difference Black smoke
between 10 between target emitted, excessive
90%. and actual output
current exceeds Back-up:
specified value Limited injection
for 2 seconds or amount 3 (multi-
more. injection stopped)
Target RP upper
limit (80MPa)
P0107 71 Barometric Open/short Key switch input Barometric Approx. 5 Due to back-up ON *2
pressure circuit/ voltage is 18V or pressure sensor sec. equivalent to
sensor fault deterioration more. voltage is lower 2500m
(low voltage of sensor or DTC P1630 or than 0.5 V. Black smoke
fault) harness P1632 is not emitted at high
detected. altitude
Output shortage at
low altitude
pressure default
setting (80 kPa)
EGR stopped
P0108 Barometric Short circuit Key switch input Barometric Approx. 5 Due to back-up ON *2
pressure in sensor or voltage is 18V or pressure sensor sec. equivalent to
sensor fault harness more. voltage is more 2500m
(high voltage DTC P1630 or than 3.8 V. Black smoke
fault) P1632 is not emitted at high
detected. altitude
Output shortage at
low altitude
pressure default
setting (80 kPa)
EGR stopped
P0112 22 Intake air Short circuit Key switch input Intake air Approx. 4 Not in particular ON *2
temperature in sensor or voltage is 18V or temperature sec. Back-up:
sensor fault harness more. sensor voltage is Specified back-up
(low voltage DTC P1630 or less than 0.1 V. value (depending
fault) P1632 is not on the machine
detected. manufacturer)
P0113 Intake air Open/short Key switch input Intake air Approx. 4 Not in particular ON *2
temperature circuit/ voltage is 18V or temperature sec. Back-up:
sensor fault deterioration more. sensor voltage is Intake air
(high voltage of sensor or DTC P1630 or more than 4.95 temperature default
fault) harness P1632 is not V when 3 setting
detected. minutes or more (at starting: 10 C,
3 minutes or more has elapsed at running: 25 C)
has elapsed after after starting EGR stopped
starting engine. engine.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-196
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when DTC set Behavior when Diagnos
DTC judgment from
code description detected DTC is set condition trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P0117 23 Engine Short circuit Key switch input Engine coolant Approx. 4 Start ability ON *2
coolant in sensor or voltage is 18V or temperature sec. deteriorates at low
temperature harness more. sensor voltage is temperatures or
sensor fault DTC P1630 or less than 0.1 V. black smoke
(low voltage P1633 is not emission is
fault) detected. possible, output
lowering depending
on conditions.
Specified back-up
value (depending
on the machine
P0118 Engine Open/short Key switch input Engine coolant Approx. 4 At normal ON *2
coolant circuit/ voltage is 18V or temperature sec. temperature: Black
temperature breakage of more. sensor voltage is smoke emission,
sensor fault sensor or DTC P1630 or more than 4.85 greater engine
(high voltage harness P1633 is not V. combustion noise
fault) detected. possible.
3 minutes or more During idling at low
has elapsed after atmospheric
starting engine. temperatures:
Rough idling,
engine stall, white
smoke emission
temperature default
(at starting: 20 C,
at driving: 80 C)
EGR stopped
P0182 211 Fuel Short circuit Key switch input Combustion Approx. 4 Operationality is ON *2
temperature in sensor or voltage is 18V or temperature sec. affected.
sensor fault harness more. sensor voltage is Back-up:
(low voltage DTC P1630 or less than 0.1 V. Specified back-up
fault) P1633 is not value (depending
detected. on the machine
P0183 Fuel Open/short Key switch input Combustion Approx. 4 Not in particular ON *2
temperature circuit/ voltage is 18V or temperature sec. Back-up:
sensor fault breakage of more. sensor voltage is Fuel temperature
(high voltage sensor or DTC P1630 or more than 4.85 default setting
fault) harness P1633 is not V. (at starting: 20 C,
detected. at running: 70 C)
3 minutes or more
has elapsed after
starting engine.
P0192 245 Common rail Short circuit Key switch input Common rail Nearly Engine blow up ON *2
pressure in sensor or voltage is 18V or pressure sensor simultane Back-up:
sensor fault harness more. voltage is less ous to Specified back-up
(low voltage DTC P1630 or than 0.7 V. fault value (depending
fault) P1635 is not occurren on the machine
detected. ce manufacturer)
P0193 Common rail Open/short Key switch input Common rail Nearly Engine stall ON *2
pressure circuit/ voltage is 18V or pressure sensor simultane possible
sensor fault breakage of more. voltage is more ous to Output lowering
(high voltage sensor or DTC P1630 or than 4.5 V. fault Back-up:
fault) harness P1635 is not occurren Specified back-up
detected. ce value (depending
on the machine
10D-197 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when DTC set Behavior when Diagnos
DTC judgment from
code description detected DTC is set condition trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P0201 271 Open circuit Open/short Main relay power No injector 1 Approx. 3 Intense engine ON *1
in injection circuit in supply voltage is monitor input sec. vibration, rough
nozzle #1 electrical 18V or more. signal exists. idling, output
drive system wiring No. 1 70 rpm or more lowering, blow up
cylinder DTC P0611, P126 fault, output
injector or P0201 is not lowering
detected. Back-up:
Injection for cylinder
#1 stopped, EGR
P0202 272 Open circuit Open/short Main relay power No injector 2 Approx. 3 Intensive engine ON *1
in injection circuit in supply voltage is monitor input sec. vibration, rough
nozzle #2 electrical 18V or more. signal exists. idling, output
drive system wiring No. 2 70 rpm or more lowering, blow up
cylinder DTC P0611, fault
injector P1261 or P0202 is Back-up:
not detected. Injection for cylinder
#2 stopped, EGR
P0203 273 Open circuit Open/short Main relay power No injector 3 Approx. 3 Intensive engine ON *1
in injection circuit in supply voltage is monitor input sec. vibration, rough
nozzle #3 electrical 18V or more. signal exists. idling, output
drive system wiring No. 3 70 rpm or more lowering, blow up
cylinder DTC P0611, fault
injector P1261 or P0203 is Back-up:
not detected. Injection for cylinder
#3 stopped, EGR
P0204 274 Open circuit Open/short Main relay power No injector 4 Approx. 3 Intensive engine ON *1
in injection circuit in supply voltage is monitor input sec. vibration, rough
nozzle #4 electrical 18V or more. signal exists. idling, output
drive system wiring No. 4 70 rpm or more lowering, blow up
cylinder DTC P0612, fault
injector P1262 or P0204 is Back-up:
not detected. Injection for cylinder
#4 stopped, EGR
P0205 275 Open circuit Open/short Main relay power No injector 5 Approx. 3 Intensive engine ON *1
in injection circuit in supply voltage is monitor input sec. vibration, rough
nozzle #5 electrical 18V or more. signal exists. idling, output
drive system wiring No. 5 70 rpm or more lowering, blow up
cylinder DTC P0612, fault
injector P1262 or P0205 is Back-up:
not detected. Injection for cylinder
#5 stopped, EGR
P0206 276 Open circuit Open/short Main relay power No injector 6 Approx. 3 Intensive engine ON *1
in injection circuit in supply voltage is monitor input sec. vibration, rough
nozzle #6 electrical 18V or more. signal exists. idling, output
drive system wiring No. 6 70 rpm or more lowering, blow up
cylinder DTC P0612, fault
injector P1262 or P0206 is Back-up:
not detected. Injection for cylinder
#6 stopped, EGR
P0219 543 Overrun Engine Key switch input When the engine Approx. 1 Output lowering ON *2
speed voltage is 18V or speed exceeds sec. Back-up:
abnormally more. setting value Limited injection
high (depending on amount 1
the machine Limitation is lifted if
manufacturer) the speed
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-198
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when DTC set Behavior when Diagnos
DTC judgment from
code description detected DTC is set condition trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P0237 32 Boost Open/short Key switch input Boost pressure Approx. 3 Operationality is ON *2
pressure circuit/ voltage is 18V or sensor voltage is sec. affected.
sensor fault breakage of more. less than 0.1V. Back-up:
(low voltage sensor or DTC P1630 or Boost pressure
fault) harness P1634 is not default setting
detected. (150kPa)
Boost pressure
P0238 Boost Short circuit Key switch input Boost pressure Approx. 3 Black smoke ON *2
pressure in sensor or voltage is 18V or sensor voltage is sec. emitted
sensor fault harness more. more than 4.9V. Back-up:
(high voltage DTC P1630 or Boost pressure
fault) P1634 is not default setting
detected. (150kPa)
Boost pressure
P0335 15 Crank Open circuit CMP sensor Cam signal When Output lowering, ON *1
sensor fault in sensor/ pulse is normal. exists but no trouble white smoke
(no signal) wiring DTC P0335, crank signal. occurs 14 emission, intense
P0336, P0340, out of 21 engine vibration
P0341 or P1345 is samples. possible
not detected. Engine stall
Engine is running. possible (restart is
possible when cam
sensor is normal.)
Control based on
cam when cam
sensor is normal
P0336 Crank Broken CMP sensor Number of pulse When Output lowering, ON *1
sensor fault teeth/ pulse is normal. for crank signal trouble white smoke
(signal fault) unnecessary DTC P0335, is mismatched. occurs 14 emission, intense
signal mixed P0336, P0340, out of 21 engine vibration
(such as P0341 or P1345 is samples. possible
short circuit not detected. Engine stall
with other Engine is running. possible (restart is
wiring) possible when cam
sensor is normal.)
Control based on
cam when cam
sensor is normal
10D-199 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when DTC set Behavior when Diagnos
DTC judgment from
code description detected DTC is set condition trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P0340 14 Cam sensor Open circuit Key switch input Crank signal When Behavior does not ON *1
fault (no in sensor/ voltage is 18V or exists but no trouble change during
signal) wiring more. cam signal. occurs 7 engine running.
Crank pulse is out of 8 After engine stalls,
normal. samples. engine will not start.
DTC P0335, Back-up:
P0336, P0340, Engine running
P0341, P1345, or based on crank
P1635 is not when it is normal
detected. After engine stops:
Engine is running. Unable to identify
cylinder (unable to
P0341 Cam sensor Broken Key switch input Number of pulse When Behavior does not ON *1
fault (signal teeth/ voltage is 18V or for cam signal is trouble change during
fault) unnecessary more. mismatched. occurs 7 engine running.
signal mixed Crank pulse is out of 8 After engine stalls,
(such as normal. samples. engine will not start.
short circuit DTC P0335, Back-up:
with other P0336, P0340, Engine running
wiring) P0341, P1345, or based on crank
P1635 is not when it is normal
detected. After engine stops:
Engine is running. Unable to identify
cylinder (unable to
P0380 66 Glow relay Open/short Key switch input No glow relay When Operationality is not ON *1
fault circuit/ power supply monitor signal trouble affected.
damage of voltage is higher exists against occurs 25 Back-up:
relay or than 16 V but lower glow relay drive out of 30 Specified back-up
harness than 32 V. indication. samples. value (depending
on the machine
P0381 67 Glow lamp Open/short Key switch input Glow lamp drive When Operationality is not
fault circuit/ voltage is 18 V or indication signal trouble affected.
damage of more. is unmatched occurs 25 Back-up:
lamp or DTC P0381 is not with glow lamp out of 30 Back-up: No back-
harness detected. monitor signal. samples. up action
P0487 44 EGR Open/short Main relay input EGR position Approx. 3 Exhaust gas is ON *1
position fault circuit/ voltage is 18V or output signal is sec. affected.
(Brushless damage of more. abnormal. Back-up:
specification) sensor DTC P1630 or Instruction to fully
harness P1635 is not close EGR valve
P0488 45 EGR valve Trouble/ DTC P1630, Difference Approx. Exhaust gas is ON *2
control fault open circuit P1635, P0487, between target 10 sec. affected.
or valve P0488, or P1635 is valve lift and Back-up:
engage/ not detected. actual position is Instruction to fully
stuck in Main relay voltage more than 20%. close EGR valve
drive motor is between 20
side 32 V.
between target
EGR opening
angle and actual
one is 20% or less.
P0522 294 Engine oil Open/short Key switch input Engine oil Approx. 4 Operationality is not ON *1
pressure circuit/ voltage is 18V or pressure sensor sec. affected.
sensor fault breakage of more. voltage is less Back-up:
(low voltage sensor or DTC P1633 is not than 0.098 V. Back-up: No back-
fault) harness detected. up action
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-200
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when DTC set Behavior when Diagnos
DTC judgment from
code description detected DTC is set condition trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P0523 294 Engine oil Short circuit Key switch input Engine oil Approx. 4 Operationality is not ON *2
pressure in sensor or voltage is 18V or pressure sensor sec. affected.
sensor fault harness more. voltage is more Back-up:
(high voltage DTC P1633 is not than 4.85 V. Back-up: No back-
fault) detected. up action
P0601 53 ROM fault ROM fault ROM is faulty. Engine stopped ON *2
Engine stopped
P0603 54 EEPROM EEPROM EEPROM is Operationality is not ON *2
fault fault faulty. affected.
Back-up: No back-
up action
P0606 51 CPU fault CPU fault Sub-CPU Nearly Output lowering, ON *2
detects main simultane hunting
CPU fault in 100 ous to Back-up:
msec after key fault Limited injection
switch ON. occurren amount 2 (multi-
(SUB-CPU ce injection stopped)
resets CPU.) SUB-CPU stops
Sub-CPU Nearly Unable to start Diagnose
detects main simultane Back-up: d for
CPU fault in 100 ous to Limited injection 100msec
msec after key fault amount 2 (multi- only after
switch ON. occurren injection stopped) KEY-ON.
(SUB-CPU ce SUB-CPU stops
resets CPU.) CPU.
52 CPU Sub-CPU 480 msec or more RUN-SUB pulse Nearly Output lowering ON *2
monitoring fault has elapsed after does not change simultane Back-up:
IC fault key switch ON. for 20 msec or ous to Limited injection
Key switch input more. fault amount 1
power supply occurren
voltage is higher ce
than 16 V.
P0611 34 Charge ECU charge Main relay power When charge Approx. Intensive engine ON *2
circuit fault circuit 1 fault supply voltage is circuit bank 1 1.5 sec. vibration, rough
(bank 1) (internal 18V or more. voltage inside idling, output
burnout, ECU is low. lowering, blow up
open circuit, fault, engine stall
etc.) are possible.
Common 1 stop
(#1, #2, #3 cylinders
stopped), EGR
P0612 34 Charge ECU charge When charge Approx. Intensive engine ON
circuit fault circuit 2 fault circuit bank 2 1.5 sec. vibration, rough
(bank 2) (internal voltage inside idling, output
burnout, ECU is low. lowering, blow up
open circuit, fault, engine stall
etc.) are possible.
Common 2 stop
(#4, #5, #6 cylinders
stopped), EGR
P0650 77 Check Lamp fault Key switch input No check engine Approx. Operationality is not Does *2
engine lamp voltage is 18V or lamp monitor 1.5 sec. affected. not
fault more. signal exists. Back-up: come
DTC P0650 is not Back-up: No back- on.
detected. up action
10D-201 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when DTC set Behavior when Diagnos
DTC judgment from
code description detected DTC is set condition trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P1093 227 No pump Fuel leakage Key switch input Actual rail Approx. 5 Intense engine ON *1
pressure (large voltage is 18V or pressure is 50 sec. vibration, rough
feed (fuel amount) more. MPa or more idling, output
leakage) 1200 rpm or more lower than target lowering, blow up
Duty to SCV is rail pressure. fault, black smoke
33% or less, or emitted, engine
pressure feed is stall, and excessive
28000mm 3/sec or output are possible.
more. Back-up:
DTC P0192, Limited injection
P0193, P1093, amount 3 (multi-
P0091, P0092, injection stopped)
P1291, P1292, or Target RP upper
P1635 is not limit (80MPa)
P1095 225 Pressure Pressure Key switch input Pressure limiter Approx. 1 Output lowering ON *1
limiter open limiter is voltage is 18V or is opened. sec. Back-up:
opened. more. Limited injection
DTC P1095, amount 1
P0192, P0193,
P1630, or P1635 is
not detected.
50 rpm or more
P1112 295 Boost Open/short Key switch input Boost Approx. 4 Operationality is not ON *2
temperature circuit/ voltage is 18V or temperature sec. affected.
sensor fault breakage of more. sensor voltage is Back-up:
(low voltage sensor or DTC P1634 is not less than 0.1 V. Back-up: No back-
fault) harness detected. up action
P1113 Boost Short circuit Key switch input Boost Approx. 4 Operationality is not ON *2
temperature in sensor or voltage is 18V or temperature sec. affected.
sensor fault harness more. sensor voltage is Back-up:
(high voltage Coolant more than Back-up: No back-
fault) temperature 50 C 4.95V. up action
or more, or 3 (or 5)
minutes have
passed after
engine starting
(depending on the
DTC P1634 is not
P1173 542 Overheat Overheat Key switch input Coolant Approx. 5 Operationality is not Does *2
condition voltage is 18V or temperature is sec. affected. not
more. more than Back-up: come
DTC P1630, 120 C while Back-up: No back- on.
P1633, P0117, or engine is up action
P0118 is not operated.
Under operation
P1261 158 Injection Open/short Main relay power No injector 1, 3, Approx. 3 Intensive engine ON *1
nozzle circuit in supply voltage is 5 monitor input sec. vibration, rough
common 1 injector 18V or more. signal exists. idling, output
drive system common 1- 70 rpm or more lowering, blow up
fault side None of the fault
electrical following DTC sets Engine stall is
wiring, EDU are detected; DTC possible.
output part P0611, P1261 and Back-up:
fault P0201; DTC Common 1 stop
P0611, P1261 and (#1, #2, #3 cylinders
P0202; DTC stopped), EGR
P0611, P1261 and stopped
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-202
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when DTC set Behavior when Diagnos
DTC judgment from
code description detected DTC is set condition trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P1262 159 Injection Open/short Main relay power No injector 2, 4, Approx. 3 Intensive engine ON *1
nozzle circuit in supply voltage is 6 monitor input sec. vibration, rough
common 2 injector 18V or more. signal exists. idling, output
drive system common 2- 70 rpm or more lowering, blow up
fault side None of the fault
electrical following DTC sets Engine stall is
wiring, EDU are detected; DTC possible.
output part P0612, P1262 and Back-up:
fault P0204; DTC Common 2 stop
P0612, P1262 and (#4, #5, #6 cylinders
P0205; DTC stopped), EGR
P0612, P1262 and stopped
P1271 24 Accelerator Difference in Key switch input Difference in Approx. 3 1 system fault...No Does *1
sensor 1-2 opening voltage is 18V or opening angle sec. back-up not
comparison angle more. between 2 system fault... come
fault between DTC P1630, accelerator Accelerator opening on.
accelerator P1631, P1271, sensors 1 and 2 angle is controlled
sensors 1-2 P1277, P1278, is 45% or more. to 0%.
is 45% or P1282, or P1283 is Back-up:
more. not detected. 1 system fault...No
2 system fault...
Accelerator opening
angle is controlled
to 0%.
P1277 Accelerator Open/short Key switch input Accelerator Approx. 1 1 system fault...No Does *1
sensor 1 circuit/ voltage is 18V or sensor 1 voltage sec. back-up not
fault (low breakage of more. is lower than 0.2 2 system fault... come
voltage fault) sensor or DTC P1630, V. Accelerator opening on.
harness P1277, or P1631 is angle is controlled
not detected. to 0%.
1 system fault...
No back-up
2 system fault...
Accelerator opening
angle is controlled
to 0%.
P1278 Accelerator Open/short Key switch input Accelerator Approx. 1 1 system fault...No Does *1
sensor 1 circuit/ voltage is 18V or sensor 1 voltage sec. back-up not
fault (high breakage of more. is more than 4.9 2 system fault... come
voltage fault) sensor or DTC P1630, V. Accelerator opening on.
harness P1278, or P1631 is angle is controlled
not detected. to 0%.
1 system fault...No
2 system fault..
opening angle is
controlled to 0%.
P1282 Accelerator Open/short Key switch input Accelerator Approx. 1 1 system fault...No Does *1
sensor 2 circuit/ voltage is 18V or sensor 2 voltage sec. back-up not
fault (low breakage of more. is lower than 0.2 2 system fault... come
voltage fault) sensor or DTC P1630, V. Accelerator opening on.
harness P1282, or P1631 is angle is controlled
not detected. to 0%.
1 system fault...No
2 system fault...
Accelerator opening
angle is controlled
to 0%.
10D-203 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when DTC set Behavior when Diagnos
DTC judgment from
code description detected DTC is set condition trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P1283 24 Accelerator Open/short Key switch input Accelerator Approx. 1 1 system fault...No Does *1
sensor 2 circuit/ voltage is 18V or sensor 2 voltage sec. back-up not
fault (high breakage of more. is more than 4.9 2 system fault... come
voltage fault) sensor or DTC P1630, V. Accelerator opening on.
harness P1283, or P1631 is angle is controlled
not detected. to 0%.
1 system fault...
No back-up
2 system fault...
Accelerator opening
angle is controlled
to 0%.
P1345 16 Cam sensor Camshaft Key switch input Correct cam When Behavior does not ON *1
out of phase gear/ voltage is 18V or pulse does not trouble change during
crankshaft more. exist in crank occurs 7 engine running.
gear DTC P0335, gap position. out of 8 After engine stalls,
installing P0336, P0340, samples. engine will not start.
angle is out P0341, P1345, or Back-up:
of phase, or P1635 is not Specified back-up
damage in detected. value (depending
gear. CMP sensor on the machine
pulse is normal. manufacturer)
Crank pulse is
P1625 416 Main relay Open/ Key switch input Main relay Approx. 2 Engine does not ON *2
system fault ground short voltage is 18V or system voltage sec. start.
(Not enter) circuit in more. is 1V or less with Back-up:
harness, DTC P1630 is not main relay coil Back-up: No back-
relay OFF detected. output ON. up action
anchoring 3 seconds or
more has elapsed
after key switch
Main relay drive
indication ON
Harness +B DTC P1625 or Relay does not Approx. 5 Vehicle power ON *1
short, relay P0606 is not cut off despite of sec. supply cannot be
ON detected. main relay coil shut off.
anchoring output OFF Back-up:
indication. Back-up: No back-
up action
P1630 36 A/D A/D A/D conversion Immediat Output lowering, ON *2
conversion conversion failure ely Black smoke
fault fault emitted
Analog sensor
system default
Limited injection
amount 3 (multi-
injection stopped)
Target RP upper
limit (80MPa)
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-204
Fault Recovery
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when DTC set Behavior when Diagnos
DTC judgment from
code description detected DTC is set condition trouble occurs is lamp
period failure
P1631 55 Voltage fault Power DTC P1630 is not Key switch Approx. Accelerator opening ON *2
in 5-V power supply detected. power supply 0.5 sec. angle is controlled
supply 1 wiring short Battery voltage is voltage is 5.5V to 0%.
to sensor, or between 16V or more, or 4.5V Back-up:
breakage in 32V. or less. Same to accelerator
element/ sensor fault
circuit for
P1632 Voltage fault DTC P1630 is not Key switch Approx. Due to back-up ON *2
in 5-V power power detected. power supply 0.5 sec. equivalent to
supply 2 Battery voltage is voltage is 5.5V 2500m
between 16V or more, or 4.5V Black smoke
inside ECM. 32V. or less. emitted at high
Output shortage at
low altitude
Same to barometric
pressure and intake
air temperature
sensor fault
P1633 Voltage fault DTC P1630 is not Key switch Approx. Startability ON *2
in 5-V power detected. power supply 0.5 sec. deteriorates at low
supply 3 Battery voltage is voltage is 5.5V temperatures or
between 16V or more, or 4.5V black smoke
32V. or less. emission is
possible, output
lowering or
operationality is
affected depending
on conditions.
Same to coolant
temperature, fuel
temperature, and oil
pressure sensor
P1634 Voltage fault DTC P1630 is not Key switch Approx. Operationality is ON *2
in 5-V power detected. power supply 0.5 sec. affected.
supply 4 Battery voltage is voltage is 5.5V Back-up:
between 16V or more, or 4.5V Same to boost
32V. or less. pressure and boost
temperature sensor
P1635 Voltage fault DTC P1630 is not Key switch Approx. Engine blow up, ON *2
in 5-V power detected. power supply 0.5 sec. output lowering,
supply 5 Battery voltage is voltage is 5.5V black smoke
between 16V or more, or 4.5V emission, engine
32V. or less. stall are possible.
Same to rail
pressure sensor
fault and EGR
position sensor fault
U2104 84 CAN Bus CAN Key switch input Bus-off is At 3 sec. Set to idle speed. ON *3
fault communicati voltage is 20V or detected. continuou Back-up:
on fault more. sly Specified back-up
value (depending
on the machine
U2106 85 CAN timeout CAN DTC U2104 is not CAN data At 1 sec. Set to idle speed. ON *3
fault communicati detected. reception does continuou Back-up:
on fault Key switch input not complete at sly Specified back-up
voltage is 20V or a set time. value (depending
more. on the machine
10D-205 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
About recovery from failure *2
There are three modes for recovery from failure. When the DTC has recovered to normal condition in the
To clear the fault indication displayed on the monitor of ignition cycle that the DTC is detected, the diagnosis
the machine, one more ignition cycle may be needed lamp and back up mode will also be recovered.
after the following ignition cycle.
Even if the DTC has restored normally, the diagnosis
lamp and back-up mode are not restored in the ignition
cycle that the DTC is detected. After turning the key
1. DTC is detected.
2. Returned to normal.
When the DTC has recovered to normal in the ignition
cycle that the DTC is detected, the back-up mode will
be recovered normally, but the diagnosis lamp does not
go off.
1. DTC is detected.
2. Repair and inspection
3. Returned to normal.
1. DTC is detected.
2. Returned to normal.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-206
DTC: P0087 (Flash code 227)
Common rail low pressure fault (No pressure feed in supply pump)
1. Common rail 5. Fuel tank
2. Fuel filter 6. Supply pump
3. Electromagnetic Pump 7. Injector
4. Pre-filter
10D-207 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Description of circuit
The engine control module (ECM) monitors the
pressure inside of common rail based on the signal
from common rail pressure sensor. If the pressure is
low, ECM controls the SCV of supply pump to increase
the pressure inside of common rail. If fuel supply to the
supply pump is insufficient or the supply pump is faulty,
the pressure inside of common rail cannot be
The conditions to clear the MIL/DTC
The current trouble turns to past trouble (history)
when the condition is out of the range from DTC
set condition (recovery from failure).
The check engine lamp will go off after the code
turns to past trouble and the key switch is turned
OFF then ON again.
Using the scan tool, or memory clear switch and
diagnostic switch operation enables to clear DTCs.
Diagnostic aid
Followings are suspected as the cause.
Name Injector internal trouble
1. Fuel pump strainer Supply pump internal trouble
2. Pre-fuel filter Fuel system pipe fault (fuel leakage, clogging,
3. Electromagnetic pump filter crush, etc.)
4. Main fuel filter Fuel filter fault (clogging)
5. Gauze filter Fuel tank fault (clogging)
Filter clogging in the fuel system may establish the DTC Pressure limiter trouble (operation under specified
set condition. Check as required. pressure, degradation of sealability)
ECM trouble
Preconditions when DTC is set Common rail pressure sensor trouble
900 rpm or more
Test description
DTC set condition
Numbers below indicate step numbers in the chart.
Actual rail pressure is 15MPa or less for 3 seconds or 5. When rise of fuel level or diesel fuel odor is
more. confirmed, fuel leakage in the injector portion may be
the cause of the DTC detection.
Action taken when DTC is set 9. If the Common rail pressure sensor displays more
Check engine lamp comes on. than the specified value when the common rail
pressure sensor connector is removed, the circuit
Back-up mode beyond the sensor is normal including ECM.
Limited injection amount 3 (multi-injection stopped)
5 Note:
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
8 Note:
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
13 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
14 EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
21 Note:
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
1. Sensor ground
2. Sensor signal
3. Sensor power supply Name
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
Characteristics of common rail pressure sensor
1. Common rail 5. Fuel tank
2. Fuel filter 6. Supply pump
3. Electromagnetic Pump 7. Injector
4. Pre-filter
10D-215 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
6 Note:
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
7 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
1. Sensor ground
2. Sensor signal
3. Sensor power supply
10D-219 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
DTC: P0089 (Flash code 151)
Common rail pressure fault (Excessive pressure feed in supply pump)
1. Common rail 5. Fuel tank
2. Fuel filter 6. Supply pump
3. Electromagnetic Pump 7. Injector
4. Pre-filter
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-220
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
9 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
Name Name
1. Power supply 1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Signal machine
3. GND 2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
Characteristics of common rail pressure sensor
1. Disconnect the coupling connector, and check the
sensor from engine harness connector.
2. Disconnect the connector from sensor, and short
the wiring of sensor connector.
3. Check the harness from coupling connector for
open circuit.
If both steps 1 and 2 are faulty, repair the
harness. Check from step 1 again.
If only step 1 is faulty, replace the sensor.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-224
DTC: P0090 (Flash code 247)
SCV drive system open circuit, +B short or ground short
7 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. SCV
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
10D-229 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
On-board check of sensors If both steps 1 and 2 are faulty, repair the
harness. Check from step 1 again.
If only step 1 is faulty, replace the sensor.
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
10 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Power supply
2. GND
3. Signal
10D-235 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Breaker box inspection procedure
Perform the inspection in the following procedure if
there is such an instruction to use breaker box in the
step. After inspection, return to the diagnostic step.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Power supply
2. GND
3. Signal
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-242
Characteristics of barometric pressure sensor Breaker box inspection procedure
The output voltage of barometric pressure sensor Perform the inspection in the following procedure if
changes according to the barometric pressure. there is such an instruction to use breaker box in the
The scan tool with CAN communication displays a fixed step. After inspection, return to the diagnostic step.
value when the value exceeds the threshold voltage.
Therefore, judge as it is more than the threshold value if
the value of 40kPa or 127kPa is not changed.
When error occurs, error value (127kPa) is displayed.
The following illustration shows the correlation between
physical value and voltage displayed in the scan tools
with CAN communication.
Tech2 and scan tools with KW communication can
display both voltage and physical value.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Signal
2. GND
10D-247 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Characteristics of intake air temperature sensor
The output voltage of IAT sensor changes according to
the intake air.
The scan tool with CAN communication displays a fixed
value when the value exceeds the threshold voltage.
Therefore, judge as it is more than the threshold value if
the value of 40 C or 120 C is not changed.
When error occurs, error value (214 C) is displayed.
The following illustration shows the correlation between
physical value and voltage displayed in the scan tools
with CAN communication.
Tech 2 and scan tools with KW communication can
display both voltage and physical value.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-248
Breaker box inspection procedure
Perform the inspection in the following procedure if
there is such an instruction to use breaker box in the
step. After inspection, return to the diagnostic step.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
10D-249 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
DTC: P0113 (Flash code 22)
Intake air temperature sensor fault (high voltage fault, open circuit or short to power
supply circuit)
11 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
10D-255 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Breaker box inspection procedure
Perform the inspection in the following procedure if
there is such an instruction to use breaker box in the
step. After inspection, return to the diagnostic step.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
9 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Sensor ground (for engine control)
2. Sensor signal (for engine control)
3. Sensor signal (for meter)
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-262
Breaker box inspection procedure
Perform the inspection in the following procedure if
there is such an instruction to use breaker box in the
step. After inspection, return to the diagnostic step.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
10D-263 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
DTC: P0118 (Flash code 23)
Engine coolant temperature sensor input is high (open circuit and short to power supply).
(*: Specifications vary depending on each machine. Refer to the machines manual.)
6 Important:
If the ECT sensor circuit is shorted to the
power supply circuit, the sensor may be
11 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
17 Important:
If the ECT sensor circuit is shorted to the
power supply circuit, the sensor may be
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
10D-269 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. GND
2. Signal
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-274
Breaker box inspection procedure
Perform the inspection in the following procedure if
there is such an instruction to use breaker box in the
step. After inspection, return to the diagnostic step.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
1. Coupling connector between engine the
10D-275 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
DTC: P0183 (Flash code 211)
Fuel temperature sensor fault (high voltage fault, open circuit or short to power supply
(*: Specifications vary depending on each machine. Refer to the machines manual.)
11 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
10D-281 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. GND
2. Signal
3. Power supply Name
1. Breaker box
About common rail pressure sensor 2. DMM
10D-287 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
About common rail pressure sensor About common rail pressure sensor
1. GND
2. Signal
3. Power supply
10D-293 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Breaker box inspection procedure
Perform the inspection in the following procedure if
there is such an instruction to use breaker box in the
step. After inspection, return to the diagnostic step.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-296
Description of circuit
The injector performs fuel injection. The injector is
installed in the engine head. The engine control module
(ECM) controls the fuel injection amount and timing by
controlling the energizing time to the injector. Also, it
generates the voltage for injector operation and
energizes the pressurized voltage (more than 100 V) to
the injector. For injector operation, the voltage applied
to the injector will be sent back the to the ECM through
injector as a signal, and the ECM controls this signal.
10D-297 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Cylinder No. and injection order Name
4HK1 1. Cylinder No. 1
2. Cylinder No. 2
3. Cylinder No. 3
4. Cylinder No. 4
5. Cylinder No. 5
6. Cylinder No. 6
7. Cylinder block
8. Engine front
Back-up mode
Refer to List of diagnostic trouble code and About
recovery from failure in this section for recovery from
9 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
10D-301 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
10D-303 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Description of circuit
The injector performs fuel injection. The injector is
installed in the engine head. The engine control module
(ECM) controls the fuel injection amount and timing by
controlling the energizing time to the injector. Also, it
generates the voltage for injector operation and
energizes the pressurized voltage (more than 100 V) to
the injector. For injector operation, the voltage applied
to the injector will be sent back the to the ECM through
injector as a signal, and the ECM controls this signal.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-304
Cylinder No. and injection order Name
4HK1 1. Cylinder No. 1
2. Cylinder No. 2
3. Cylinder No. 3
4. Cylinder No. 4
5. Cylinder No. 5
6. Cylinder No. 6
7. Cylinder block
8. Engine front
Back-up mode
Refer to List of diagnostic trouble code and About
recovery from failure in this section for recovery from
9 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-308
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-310
Description of circuit
The injector performs fuel injection. The injector is
installed in the engine head. The engine control module
(ECM) controls the fuel injection amount and timing by
controlling the energizing time to the injector. Also, it
generates the voltage for injector operation and
energizes the pressurized voltage (more than 100 V) to
the injector. For injector operation, the voltage applied
to the injector will be sent back the to the ECM through
injector as a signal, and the ECM controls this signal.
10D-311 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Cylinder No. and injection order Name
4HK1 1. Cylinder No. 1
2. Cylinder No. 2
3. Cylinder No. 3
4. Cylinder No. 4
5. Cylinder No. 5
6. Cylinder No. 6
7. Cylinder block
8. Engine front
Back-up mode
Refer to List of diagnostic trouble code and About
recovery from failure in this section for recovery from
9 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
10D-315 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
10D-317 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Description of circuit
The injector performs fuel injection. The injector is
installed in the engine head. The engine control module
(ECM) controls the fuel injection amount and timing by
controlling the energizing time to the injector. Also, it
generates the voltage for injector operation and
energizes the pressurized voltage (more than 100 V) to
the injector. For injector operation, the voltage applied
to the injector will be sent back the to the ECM through
injector as a signal, and the ECM controls this signal.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-318
Cylinder No. and injection order 6HK1
Name 1. Cylinder No. 1
1. Cylinder No. 1 2. Cylinder No. 2
2. Cylinder No. 2 3. Cylinder No. 3
3. Cylinder No. 3 4. Cylinder No. 4
4. Cylinder No. 4 5. Cylinder No. 5
5. Cylinder block 6. Cylinder No. 6
6. Engine front 7. Cylinder block
8. Engine front
Fuel injection order is 1 3 4 2.
Fuel injection is performed to each cylinder in the order
of 1 5 3 6 2 4.
9 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
11 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
Description of circuit
The injector performs fuel injection. The injector is
installed in the engine head. The engine control module
(ECM) controls the fuel injection amount and timing by
controlling the energizing time to the injector. Also, it
generates the voltage for injector operation and
energizes the pressurized voltage (more than 100 V) to
the injector. For injector operation, the voltage applied
to the injector will be sent back the to the ECM through
injector as a signal, and the ECM controls this signal.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-324
Cylinder No. and injection order Back-up mode
Injection for cylinder #5 stopped, EGR stopped
The conditions to clear the MIL/DTC
The current trouble turns to past trouble (history)
when the condition is out of the range from DTC
set condition (recovery from failure).
9 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
Description of circuit
The injector performs fuel injection. The injector is
installed in the engine head. The engine control module
(ECM) controls the fuel injection amount and timing by
controlling the energizing time to the injector. Also, it
generates the voltage for injector operation and
energizes the pressurized voltage (more than 100 V) to
the injector. For injector operation, the voltage applied
to the injector will be sent back the to the ECM through
injector as a signal, and the ECM controls this signal.
10D-329 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Cylinder No. and injection order Back-up mode
Injection for cylinder #6 stopped, EGR stopped
The conditions to clear the MIL/DTC
The current trouble turns to past trouble (history)
when the condition is out of the range from DTC
set condition (recovery from failure).
9 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
Key switch input voltage is 18V or more. If the intermittent trouble is suspected, followings may
be the cause.
DTC P1630 or P1634 is not detected.
Improper connection of harness connector
DTC set condition Defective harness routing
Boost pressure sensor voltage is 0.1V or less for 3 Worn harness cladding
seconds or more. Wire disconnection inside harness cladding
Following inspections are necessary to detect these
Action taken when DTC is set causes.
Fault indication* is displayed on the monitor of the Improper connection of harness connector and
machine or diagnosis lamp comes on. (* Nothing is ECM connector
displayed depending on the machine Poor connection of terminal from connector
manufacturer) Unmatched terminals are fitted.
Damage of connector lock
Back-up mode Poor contact between terminal and wire
Specified back-up value (depending on the Damaged harness
machine manufacturer) (4HK1) Visually check the harness for damage.
Boost pressure default setting (150kPa) (6HK1) Check the relevant items on the scan tool data
Boost pressure correction/EGR stopped (6HK1) display while moving the connector and the
harness which are related to the sensor. The
Recovery from failure variation of the display indicates the faulty part.
Refer to List of diagnostic trouble code and About
recovery from failure in this section for recovery from Test description
failure. Numbers below indicate step numbers in the chart.
3. In the case of current trouble, the MAP (manifold
The conditions to clear the MIL/DTC absolute pressure) sensor displays less than the
The current trouble turns to past trouble (history) specified value. If more than the specified value,
when the condition is out of the range from DTC identify the cause by referring to Diagnostic aid.
set condition (recovery from failure). 5. If MAP (manifold absolute pressure) sensor
The diagnosis lamp will go off after the code turns displays more than the specified value when terminals
to history code and the key switch is turned OFF between the boost pressure sensor connector are
then ON again. shorted, the circuit beyond the sensor is normal
including ECM.
10 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Sensor ground
2. Sensor signal
3. Sensor power supply
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-340
Characteristics of boost pressure sensor Breaker box inspection procedure
The output voltage of boost pressure sensor changes Perform the inspection in the following procedure if
according to the boost pressure. The scan tool with CAN there is such an instruction to use breaker box in the
communication displays a fixed value when the value step. After inspection, return to the diagnostic step.
exceeds the threshold voltage. Therefore, judge as it is
more than the threshold value if the value of 40MPa or
350MPa is not changed.
When error occurs, error value (508MPa) is displayed.
The following illustration shows the correlation between
physical value and voltage displayed in the scan tools
with CAN communication.
Tech2 and scan tools with KW communication can
display both voltage and physical value.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
6 Important:
If the boost pressure sensor circuit is shorted
to the power supply circuit, the sensor may be
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
16 Important:
If the boost pressure sensor circuit is shorted
to the power supply circuit, the sensor may be
1. Sensor ground
2. Sensor signal
3. Sensor power supply
10D-347 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Breaker box inspection procedure
Perform the inspection in the following procedure if
there is such an instruction to use breaker box in the
step. After inspection, return to the diagnostic step.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. GND
2. Power supply
10D-353 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
6HK1 6HK1
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-354
On-board check of sensors If both steps 1 and 2 are faulty, repair the
harness. Check from step 1 again.
If only step 1 is faulty, replace the sensor.
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
10 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. GND
2. Power supply
10D-359 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
6HK1 6HK1
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-360
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
11 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
13 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
Name Name
1. Shield 1. CMP sensor
3. +
About CKP sensor and CMP sensor signals
4HK1 4HK1
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-366
6HK1 Breaker box inspection procedure
Perform the inspection in the following procedure if
there is such an instruction to use breaker box in the
step. After inspection, return to the diagnostic step.
1. CKP signal
2. CMP signal
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
10 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
12 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Shield
3. +
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-372
6HK1 6HK1
Name Name
1. CMP sensor 1. CKP signal
2. CMP signal
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
10D-373 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
13 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
14 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
5 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Position sensor power supply (5 V)
2. Position sensor signal W
3. Position sensor signal V Name
4. Position sensor signal U 1. Breaker box
5. Position sensor ground 2. DMM
6. Motor drive W
7. Motor drive V
8. Motor drive U
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-388
On-board check of sensors 3. Check the harness from coupling connector for
open circuit.
If both steps 1 and 2 are faulty, repair the
harness. Check from step 1 again.
If only step 1 is faulty, replace the sensor.
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
6 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
10D-393 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
EGR valve check Breaker box inspection procedure
Perform the inspection in the following procedure if
there is such an instruction to use breaker box in the
step. After inspection, return to the diagnostic step.
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Sensor ground
2. Sensor signal
3. Sensor power supply Name
1. Breaker box
Characteristics of engine oil pressure sensor 2. DMM
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-400
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
11 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Sensor GND
2. Sensor signal
3. Sensor power supply Name
1. Breaker box
Characteristics of engine oil pressure sensor 2. DMM
10D-407 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
4 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
4 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
4 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
8 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
8 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
14 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
1. Common rail 5. Fuel tank
2. Fuel filter 6. Supply pump
3. Electromagnetic pump 7. Injector
4. Pre-filter
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-426
Action taken when DTC is set
Name Fault indication* is displayed on the monitor of the
1. Fuel pump strainer machine or diagnosis lamp comes on. (* Nothing is
2. Pre-fuel filter displayed depending on the machine
3. Electromagnetic pump filter manufacturer)
4. Main fuel filter
5. Gauze filter Back-up mode
Filter clogging in the fuel system may establish the DTC Limited injection amount 3 (multi-injection stopped)
set condition. Check as required. Target RP upper limit (80MPa)
5 Note:
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
8 Note:
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
17 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
1. Sensor ground
2. Sensor signal
3. Sensor power supply
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-432
4. Install the removed parts, and check again from
Step 1.
1. Electromagnetic Pump
2. + terminal
3. terminal
1. Fuel inlet port
2. Fuel outlet port
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
1. Common rail 5. Fuel tank
2. Fuel filter 6. Supply pump
3. Electromagnetic Pump 7. Injector
4. Pre-filter
10D-435 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
1. Fuel pump strainer
2. Pre-fuel filter
Diagnostic aid
Followings are suspected as the cause.
Air mixed in the high-pressure fuel pipe.
Injector internal trouble
Supply pump internal trouble
Fuel system pipe fault (clogging etc.)
10D-437 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Fuel filter fault (temporary clogging due to waxing Test description
at low temperatures, improper tightening of filter Numbers below indicate step numbers in the chart.
cartridge, etc.) 7. When rise of fuel level or diesel fuel odor is
Fuel tank fault (temporary clogging, air mixed due confirmed, fuel leakage in the injector portion may be
to fuel shortage, air mixed due to modified fuel pipe the cause of the DTC detection.
for additional tank etc.) 11. If the Common rail pressure sensor displays more
Pressure limiter trouble (operation under specified than the specified value when the common rail
pressure, degradation of sealability) pressure sensor connector is removed, the circuit
ECM trouble beyond the sensor is normal including ECM.
Common rail pressure sensor trouble
Running out of fuel
2 Note:
Bleeding air from fuel must be
performed correctly, following the
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
Bleed air completely after the parts are
replaced. If air bleeding is not
17 sufficient, P1095 may be detected due
to overshoot of fuel pressure.
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
Is the procedure completed? Go to Step 18.
10D-441 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
If the display of DMM is not specified value,
ECM side wiring, wrap-around in ECM or
short circuit may be the cause.
If it is specified value, ECM side wiring is
normal. Go to Step 13. Go to Step 9.
1. Sensor ground
2. Sensor signal
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-442
Breaker box inspection procedure
Perform the inspection in the following procedure if
there is such an instruction to use breaker box in the
step. After inspection, return to the diagnostic step.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
10D-443 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
DTC: P1112 (Flash code 295)
Boost temperature sensor fault (low voltage fault, ground short)
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
About boost temperature sensor The following illustration shows the correlation between
physical value and voltage displayed in the scan tools
with CAN communication.
Tech2 and scan tools with KW communication can
display both physical value and voltage.
1. Signal
2. GND
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
9 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Signal
2. GND
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-456
Characteristics of boost temperature sensor
The output voltage of boost temperature sensor
changes according to the boost temperature. The scan
tool with CAN communication displays a fixed value
when the value exceeds the threshold voltage.
Therefore, judge as it is more than the threshold value if
the value of 40 C or 120 C is not changed.
When error occurs, error value (214 C) is displayed.
The following illustration shows the correlation between
physical value and voltage displayed in the scan tools
with CAN communication.
Tech2 and scan tools with KW communication can
display both physical value and voltage.
10D-457 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Breaker box inspection procedure
Perform the inspection in the following procedure if
there is such an instruction to use breaker box in the
step. After inspection, return to the diagnostic step.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
Description of circuit
The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is
installed in the thermostat housing. The ETC sensor is
the thermistor-type sensor, and the value of resistance
and output voltage change according to the engine
coolant temperature. As the engine coolant
temperature increases, the resistance becomes small,
and the voltage lowers. The ECM detects the engine
coolant temperature based on the signal from the ECT
sensor to perform various controls.
The ECM sets the DTC when it judges that the engine
coolant temperature exceed certain level based on the
signal from the ECT sensor.
10D-459 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Main trouble symptom The conditions to clear the MIL/DTC
Output lowering The current trouble turns to past trouble (history)
Fuel flow is regulated during overheat when the when the condition is out of the range from DTC
temperature exceeds 108 C. set condition (recovery from failure).
The diagnosis lamp will go off after the code turns
to history code and the key switch is turned OFF
then ON again.
Using the scan tool, or memory clear switch and
diagnostic switch operation enables to clear DTCs.
Diagnostic aid
If the intermittent trouble is suspected, followings may
be the cause.
Improper connection of harness connector
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Sensor GND (for engine control)
2. Sensor signal (for engine control)
3. Sensor signal (for meter)
Breaker box inspection procedure
Characteristics of ECT sensor Perform the inspection in the following procedure if
The output voltage of ECT sensor changes according there is such an instruction to use breaker box in the
to the engine coolant temperature. The scan tool with step. After inspection, return to the diagnostic step.
CAN communication displays a constant value when
the value exceeds the threshold voltage. Therefore,
judge as it is more than the threshold value if shown as
40 C or 120 C.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
Refer to the machines manual for installing
position of the idling control switch.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
10D-469 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
23 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
25 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
10D-479 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
23 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
25 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
10 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
10 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
About AP sensor
Refer to the machines manual for installing position of
the AP sensor.
10D-503 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Characteristics of AP sensor Breaker box inspection procedure
Perform the inspection in the following procedure if
there is such an instruction to use breaker box in the
step. After inspection, return to the diagnostic step.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
10 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
10 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
About AP sensor
Refer to the machines manual for installing position of
the AP sensor.
10D-513 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Characteristics of AP sensor Breaker box inspection procedure
Perform the inspection in the following procedure if
there is such an instruction to use breaker box in the
step. After inspection, return to the diagnostic step.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
1. GND
2. Power supply
10D-517 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
6HK1 4HK1
Name Name
1. Signal 1. CMP sensor
2. GND
3. Power supply
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-518
About CKP sensor and CMP sensor signals
1. CKP signal
2. CMP signal
10D-519 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
DTC: P1625 (Flash code 416)
Main relay fault
(*: Specifications (fuse current value etc.) vary depending on each machine. Refer to the machine manual.)
5 Refer to the machines manual for installing
position and installation/removal
procedures of the main relay.
13 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
19 Refer to the machines manual for installing
position and installation/removal
procedures of the main relay.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
1. Coupling connector between engine the
2. Machine harness
3. Sensor connector
4. Engine harness
Main trouble symptom Refer to List of diagnostic trouble code and About
recovery from failure in this section for recovery from
Output lowering failure.
Black smoke emitted
The conditions to clear the MIL/DTC
DTC set condition
The current trouble turns to past trouble (history)
Analog/digital conversion failure when the condition is out of the range from DTC
set condition (recovery from failure).
Action taken when DTC is set The diagnosis lamp will go off after the code turns
Turns the diagnosis lamp ON. to history code and the key switch is turned OFF
then ON again.
Using the scan tool, or memory clear switch and
diagnostic switch operation enables to clear DTCs.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
7 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
7 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
7 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
7 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
7 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
11 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
10D-547 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
1. Breaker box
2. DMM
Symptom Description
Engine start failure Crank speed is slow.
Crank speed is normal but engine does not start (no first
Engine starts (first combustion exists) but cannot maintain
stable engine speed, or no blow up.
Engine stall Engine cranks but take long time before start. It operates
eventually, or starts but stops immediately.
Engine hunting, rough idling Engine idle speed is rough, or idle speed changes. In a more
severe case, engine or machine vibrates. In any serious
situations, the engine stalls.
Engine output shortage, lag down Engine output is lower than expected, and output does not
change with the accelerator lever (throttle lever) released,
engine response deteriorates.
Exhaust gas contains a lot of white smoke. A lot of white smoke emitted while running.
Exhaust gas contains a lot of black smoke. A lot of black smoke emitted while running.
Noise Abnormal sound occurs from the engine.
Fuel consumption deteriorates. Fuel consumption is remarkably more than that indicated in
the machines manual. The situation shown here is that the
problem is not found on the machine side and the engine
needs to be checked.
Oil consumption deteriorates. Oil consumption is remarkably lower than that indicated in the
machines manual. The situation shown here is that the
problem is not found on the machine side and the engine
needs to be checked.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-554
Engine start failure
Pre-inspection Fuel system is free from oil leakage, and pipe is
Before using this paragraph, perform the OBD system not damaged or dent.
check and check all the following items. Intake system parts for fault.
Check if excessive load is applied to the machine Exhaust system parts for fault.
ECM and diagnosis lamp operate properly. Diagnostic aid
Check the DTC. If the crank sensor is faulty, crank more than 60rpm
Scan tool data shows normal operating range. for 14 seconds or more since it is not judged on
cranking for less than 14 seconds.
Check the condition of the machine to identify the
applicable symptom from List of trouble Fuel system fault (run out of fuel, frozen fuel, air
symptom. Perform the procedure described in the mixed in fuel pipe, faulty filter [clog in main filter,
symptom chart. gauze filter], pipe fault, fuel quality, fuel tank
[foreign matter, fuel suction fault])
Check with the customer if correct engine oil and
fuel are used. Intake system fault (clogging in filter, intake pipe
fault, etc.)
Visual check Supply pump fault (no fuel pressure feed)
Careful visual check is required for some symptom Common rail fault (flow damper or pressure limiter
procedures. By this inspection, the problem can be is activated, degradation of sealability)
corrected without performing further inspection, and Injector fault (no fuel injection)
time can be saved. System down due to trouble
This inspection includes the following items. Engine body fault
This inspection includes the following items. (seizure, compression pressure shortage, other
There is no dirt or clogging in fuel filter. mechanical trouble)
There is no poor contact in connector (it must be ACG trouble
connected with click sound). Especially for CKP Machine side related equipment trouble
sensor and CMP sensor. (oil pressure pump etc.)
The terminal voltage of battery is not low. Effect of commercial electrical equipment (radio,
Wire is connected, tightened or cut properly. lamp, etc.)
Commercial accessory power supply is not ECM trouble
bifurcated from ECM power supply. (body, power supply, ground, etc.)
ECM ground is not contaminated and installed to Check the connector for poor contact, the harness
the proper position securely. for fault such as wear or bend, and the wire inside
Pipes and hoses relevant to fuel, air and oil are the harness for loosened wire causing short circuit
free of crack or twist, and are properly connected. to other circuits. Also, perform the function
Thoroughly check for any oil leakage and clogging. diagnosis to check the operation and control of
each part. Repair if faulty.
9 Note:
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
10 Note:
Refer to the machines manual for charge
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
16 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
2 Note:
Refer to the machines manual for check
and repair.
3 Note:
Poor contact in the connector, especially
CKP sensor and CMP sensor, causes
engine stall. It must be connected with click
4 Note:
Refer to the machines manual for charge
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
2 Note:
Refer to the machines manual for check
and repair.
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
8 Note:
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
20 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
22 after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
4 Note:
Refer to the machines manual for check
and repair.
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
15 Note:
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
17 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
19 after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
9 Note:
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
13 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
11 Note:
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
EGR valve position learning is required
after replacing or rewriting the ECM.
Refer to Engine Control System, Engine
control module (ECM), Installation of ECM
in this section for learning of EGR.
5 Note:
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
12 Note:
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
1. Exhaust pipe 6. Secondary EGR cooler
2. To intercooler 7. From intercooler
3. From air cleaner 8. EGR valve
4. EGR duct 9. EGR duct
5. Primary EGR cooler 10. EGR duct
Check the above intake/exhaust system for fault such as clogging, crush or breakage.
Besides the inspection location of engine body, check the air cleaner, intercooler and muffler.
10D-581 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Oil consumption deteriorates.
Pre-inspection Visual check
Before using this paragraph, perform the OBD system Careful visual check is required for some symptom
check and check all the following items. procedures. By this inspection, the problem can be
Oil consumption varies depending on handling of corrected without performing further inspection, and
each machine. Check the machine manufacturers time can be saved. This inspection includes the
measure of oil consumption (A). following items.
Measure of oil consumption/hour If bluish-white smoke is emitted continuously while
Measure of oil consumption for engine alone: engine running.
4/100 hours If blow-by gas is emitted.
Check the actual oil consumption (B). If oil is mixed in the coolant.
Actual oil consumption /hour Pipes and hoses relevant to oil are free of crack or
Refer to the list of inspection and maintenance twist, and are properly connected. Thoroughly
items of the operation manual for proper inspection check for any oil leakage and clogging.
depending on the operation time. Lubrication system is free from oil leakage, and
If the operation time exceeds 3000 hours, inspect pipe is not damaged or dent.
by referring to the machines manual. Intake system parts for fault (turbocharger check).
ECM and diagnosis lamp operate properly.
Check the DTC. Diagnostic aid
Check the condition of the machine to identify the Intake system fault (rise/decline of oil, excessive
applicable symptom from the table of contents. blow-by gas)
Perform the procedure described in the symptom Engine body fault (oil combustion, excessive blow-
chart. by gas)
Check with the customer if correct engine oil and Also, perform the function diagnosis to check the
fuel are used. operation and control of each part. Repair if faulty.
Use the operation mode mentioned in the
machines manual to make comparison.
Explain this to the
Is the oil consumption within specified value? customer. Go to Step 2.
Check for oil leakage. Repair or replace the
2 faulty part.
Is the procedure completed? Verify repair. Go to Step 3.
Check if bluish-white smoke is emitted while
engine running.
3 If it is emitted only at the starting, go to
Exhaust gas contains a lot of white smoke.
Is bluish-white smoke emitted? Go to Step 4. Go to Step 6.
Check the blow-by gas quantity.
Is it more than the specified value? Go to Step 7. Go to Step 5.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-582
8 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
9 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
10 For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
11 Note:
For work procedure, refer to Engine
section in the service manual.
Special tool
Tool No. Tool No.
Illustration Illustration
Tool name Tool name
Injector checker
Digital multimeter
Scan tool
Terminal remover
Weather pack terminal
Breaker box
Engine module
programming system
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-584
JCB ISUZU DTC description Fault JCB ISUZU DTC description Fault
P Code P Code indicati P Code P Code indicati
on on on on
monitor monitor
P1262 P1262 COMMON2 (Harness or P1113 P1113 Boost temperature
injector harness) circuit sensor open circuit
P1112 P1112 Boost temperature
P0183 P0183 Fuel temperature sensor sensor short circuit
circuit high input
P0219 P0219 Overrun
P0182 P0182 Fuel temperature sensor
P1173 P1173 Overheat
circuit low input
P0603 P0603 EEPROM fault
P1095 P1095 Pressure limiter is
operated. P0601 P0601 ROM fault
P1094 P1094 Fuel leakage (small P0606 P0606 CPU monitoring IC fault
amount) or (supply pump
or injection system)
control malfunction
P1093 P1093 Fuel leakage (large
P0087 P0087 Common rail pressure
low pressure fault (No
pressure feed in supply
P0193 P0193 Common rail pressure
sensor circuit high input
P0192 P0192 Common rail pressure
sensor circuit low input
P0090 P0090 Common rail pressure
control adjusting valve
circuit fault
P0201 P0201 No. 1 injector injector
circuit fault
P0202 P0202 No. 2 injector injector
circuit fault
P0203 P0203 No. 3 injector injector
circuit fault
P0204 P0204 No. 4 injector injector
circuit fault
P0205 P0205 No. 5 injector injector
circuit fault
P0206 P0206 No. 6 injector injector
circuit fault
P1625 P1625 Main relay circuit stuck
open or stuck closed
P0522 P0522 Oil pressure circuit open
P0523 P0523 Oil pressure circuit short
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-586
List of DTC that vary depending on the machine manufacturer
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when Judgment Behavior when Diagnos
DTC DTC set condition from
code description detected DTC is set Time trouble occurs is lamp
P0192 245 Common rail Short circuit Key switch input Common rail Nearly Engine blow up ON *2
pressure in sensor or voltage is 18V or pressure sensor simultane Back-up:
sensor fault harness more. voltage is less ous to Rail pressure
(low voltage DTC P1630 or than 0.7 V. fault feedback control
fault) P1635 is not occurrenc stopped
detected. e Limited injection
amount 2 (multi-
injection stopped)
EGR stopped
Switches the
control to SCV
compulsory drive.
P0193 Common rail Open/short Key switch input Common rail Nearly Engine stall ON *2
pressure circuit/ voltage is 18V or pressure sensor simultane possible
sensor fault breakage of more. voltage is more ous to Output lowering
(high voltage sensor or DTC P1630 or than 4.5 V. fault Back-up:
fault) harness P1635 is not occurrenc Rail pressure
detected. e feedback control
Limited injection
amount 2 (multi-
injection stopped)
EGR stopped
Switches the
control to SCV
compulsory drive.
P0219 543 Overrun Engine Key switch input When engine Approx. 1 Output lowering ON *2
speed voltage is 18V or speed is more sec. Back-up:
abnormally more. than 210 rpm. Limited injection
high amount 1
Limitation is lifted if
the speed
P0237 32 Boost Open/short Key switch input Boost pressure Approx. 3 Operationality is ON *2
pressure circuit/ voltage is 18V or sensor voltage is sec. affected.
sensor fault breakage of more. less than 0.1V. Back-up:
(low voltage sensor or DTC P1630 or Boost pressure
fault) harness P1634 is not default setting
detected. (150 kPa)
Boost pressure
EGR stopped
P0238 Boost Short circuit Key switch input Boost pressure Approx. 3 Black smoke ON *2
pressure in sensor or voltage is 18V or sensor voltage is sec. emitted
sensor fault harness more. more than 4.9V. Back-up:
(high voltage DTC P1630 or Boost pressure
fault) P1634 is not default setting
detected. (150 kPa)
Boost pressure
EGR stopped
P1113 295 Boost Short circuit Key switch input Boost Approx. 4 Operationality is ON *2
temperature in sensor or voltage is 18V or temperature sec. not affected.
sensor fault harness more. sensor voltage is Back-up:
(high voltage Coolant more than 4.95V. Back-up: No back-
fault) temperature is up action
50 C or more.
5 minutes or more
has elapsed after
starting engine.
DTC P1634 is not
10D-587 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when Judgment Behavior when Diagnos
DTC DTC set condition from
code description detected DTC is set Time trouble occurs is lamp
P1345 16 Cam sensor Camshaft Key switch input Correct cam When Behavior does not ON *1
out of phase gear/ voltage is 18V or pulse does not trouble change during
crankshaft more. exist in crank gap occurs 7 engine running.
gear DTC P0335, position. out of 8 After engine
installing P0336, P0340, samples. stalls, engine will
angle is out P0341, P1345, or not start.
of phase, or P1635 is not Back-up:
damage in detected. Engine running
gear. CMP sensor pulse based on crank
is normal. when it is normal
Crank pulse is After engine stops:
normal. Unable to identify
cylinder (unable to
U2104 84 CAN Bus CAN Key switch input Bus-off is At 3 sec. Set to idle speed. ON *3
fault communicati voltage is 20V or detected. continuou Back-up:
on fault more. sly Running at 1500
U2106 85 CAN timeout CAN DTC U2104 is not CAN data At 1 sec. Set to idle speed. ON *3
fault communicati detected. reception does continuou Back-up:
on fault Key switch input not complete at a sly Running at 1500
voltage is 20V or set time. rpm.
*1, *2, *3: Refer to About failure restoration in List of diagnostic trouble code.
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when Judgment Behavior when Diagnos
DTC DTC set condition from
code description detected DTC is set Time trouble occurs is lamp
P0112 22 Intake air Short circuit Key switch input Intake air Approx. 4 Not in particular ON *2
temperature in sensor or voltage is 18V or temperature sec. Back-up:
sensor fault harness more. sensor voltage is Intake air
(low voltage DTC P1630 or less than 0.1 V. temperature default
fault) P1632 is not setting
detected. (at starting: 10 C,
at running: 25 C)
EGR stopped
P0117 23 Engine Short circuit Key switch input Engine coolant Approx. 4 Start ability ON *2
coolant in sensor or voltage is 18V or temperature sec. deteriorates at low
temperature harness more. sensor voltage is temperatures or
sensor fault DTC P1630 or less than 0.1 V. black smoke
(low voltage P1633 is not emission is
fault) detected. possible, output
lowering depending
on conditions.
temperature default
(at starting: 20 C,
at running: 80 C)
EGR stopped
P0182 211 Fuel Short circuit Key switch input Combustion Approx. 4 Operationality is ON *2
temperature in sensor or voltage is 18V or temperature sec. affected.
sensor fault harness more. sensor voltage is Back-up:
(low voltage DTC P1630 or less than 0.1 V. Fuel temperature
fault) P1633 is not default setting
detected. (at starting: 20 C,
at running: 70 C)
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-588
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when Judgment Behavior when Diagnos
DTC DTC set condition from
code description detected DTC is set Time trouble occurs is lamp
P0192 245 Common rail Short circuit Key switch input Common rail Nearly Engine blow up ON *2
pressure in sensor or voltage is 18V or pressure sensor simultane Back-up:
sensor fault harness more. voltage is less ous to Rail pressure
(low voltage DTC P1630 or than 0.7 V. fault feedback control
fault) P1635 is not occurrenc stopped
detected. e Limited injection
amount 2 (multi-
injection stopped)
EGR stopped
Switches the
control to SCV
compulsory drive.
P0193 Common rail Open/short Key switch input Common rail Nearly Engine stall ON *2
pressure circuit/ voltage is 18V or pressure sensor simultane possible
sensor fault breakage of more. voltage is more ous to Output lowering
(high voltage sensor or DTC P1630 or than 4.5 V. fault Back-up:
fault) harness P1635 is not occurrenc Rail pressure
detected. e feedback control
Limited injection
amount 2 (multi-
injection stopped)
EGR stopped
Switches the
control to SCV
compulsory drive.
P0219 543 Overrun Engine Key switch input When engine Approx. 1 Output lowering ON *2
speed voltage is 18V or speed is more sec. Back-up:
abnormally more. than 2300 rpm. Limited injection
high amount 1
Limitation is lifted if
the speed
P0380 66 Glow relay Open/short Key switch input No glow relay When Operationality is ON *1
fault circuit/ power supply monitor signal trouble not affected.
damage of voltage is higher exists against occurs 25 Back-up:
relay or than 16 V but lower glow relay drive out of 30 Back-up: No back-
harness than 32 V. indication. samples. up action
P1113 295 Boost Short circuit Key switch input Boost Approx. 4 Operationality is ON *2
temperature in sensor or voltage is 18V or temperature sec. not affected.
sensor fault harness more. sensor voltage is Back-up:
(high voltage Coolant more than 4.95V. Back-up: No back-
fault) temperature is up action
50 C or more, or 3
minutes or more
has elapsed after
starting engine.
DTC P1634 is not
P1345 16 Cam sensor Camshaft Key switch input Correct cam When Behavior does not ON *1
out of phase gear/ voltage is 18V or pulse does not trouble change during
crankshaft more. exist in crank gap occurs 7 engine running.
gear DTC P0335, position. out of 8 After engine
installing P0336, P0340, samples. stalls, engine will
angle is out P0341, P1345, or not start.
of phase, or P1635 is not Back-up:
damage in detected. Engine running
gear. CMP sensor pulse based on crank
is normal. when it is normal
Crank pulse is After engine stops:
normal. Unable to identify
cylinder (unable to
10D-589 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Flash DTC Item to be Preconditions when Judgment Behavior when Diagnos
DTC DTC set condition from
code description detected DTC is set Time trouble occurs is lamp
U2104 84 CAN Bus CAN Key switch input Bus-off is At 3 sec. Set to idle speed. ON *3
fault communicati voltage is 20V or detected. continuou Back-up:
on fault more. sly Running at 1350
U2106 85 CAN timeout CAN DTC U2104 is not CAN data At 1 sec. Set to idle speed. ON *3
fault communicati detected. reception does continuou Back-up:
on fault Key switch input not complete at a sly Running at 1350
voltage is 20V or set time. rpm.
*1, *2, *3: Refer to About failure restoration in List of diagnostic trouble code.
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-590
About wiring diagrams
There are some sensors which are not connected to the ECM depending on the machine.
Check the specifications of the machine, since some sensors input/output to ECM via CAN communication.
The areas with screening indicate that are not connected to the ECM.
10D-591 Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type)
Electronic control fuel injection system (Common rail type) 10D-592