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Leadership Competencies
Competencies Affecting
Affecting Projects
Projects in
Riaz Ahmed
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the chapter
Leadership and organizational culture are linked to project performance. The culture of
the organization exerts an influence on the leader and shapes the actions and competen-
cies of the leader with the passage of time. For last few decades, project management has
extensively been involved in management of projects but still projects are not guaranteed
to be successful in various organizational environments. There are certain factors affect-
ing management of projects in different situations where the competence of project lead-
ership is one of the key factors. This chapter employed different keywords and methods
for selection of articles synthesizing findings and research gaps of earlier studies. This
chapter offers certain limitations and future directions for researchers. The outcomes of
this chapter are expected to advance the body of knowledge and help the practitioners in
the field of leadership and project management.
1. Introduction
Early management and leadership studies viewed the organization as a gateway to leader-
ship [1] and in many cases both the terms had been used interchangeably [2, 3]. However,
the contemporary literature considers the two concepts different from each other, though
with some overlapping boundaries. Leadership is a social relationship where people allow
individuals to influence toward organizational change. Leaders have a vision that they can
communicate and execute by guiding people into a positive relationship enabling change and
growth in organizations. Leadership is process to achieve a common goal where an individual
influences a group of individuals. Leadership encourages discussion and debate to guide the
© 2016 The Author(s). Licensee InTech. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
© 2018 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative
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Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
124 Organizational Culture
The purpose of this chapter is to explore earlier studies on project manager’s leadership
competencies to synthesize their key findings and future directions for the researchers. A
few literature review studies focused on identifying personality and leadership style of the
project manager as a success factor [12] and exploring how performance of leadership in proj-
ect management determines project outcomes [3]. This chapter was guided by the following
research questions: (a) What are key leadership competencies explored in literature? (b) What
are the key findings of studies on project manager’s leadership competencies? and (c) What
are future directions suggested by earlier research studies?
2. Literature review
The project manager’s role has changed from directing or managing to leading and therefore, a
project manager needs to have requisite leadership competencies and skills [57]. Project manage-
ment studies have highlighted the significance of project manager’s leadership competencies in
achieving project success [13, 58] and therefore, the researcher has identified a number of leader-
ship competencies required for a project manager. Leadership competencies in project manage-
ment literature have been classified into three main categories including intellectual competencies
(IQ), managerial competencies and emotional competencies by different researchers [12, 14–17].
The intellectual competencies refer to intelligence, ability of understanding the work, per-
forming problem solving and cognitive activities such as connecting and applying relevant
concepts, systematic thinking and recognizing patterns [15, 17]. Accordingly, three types of
intellectual competencies identified in the literature [12, 18], are presented in Table 1.
Managerial competencies of a project manager play a crucial role in projects and these require
a project leader to be able to provide consistent motivation to his or her team, encouraging
Leadership Competencies Affecting Projects in Organization 125
Critical analysis and It relates to collection of appropriate information from an array of resources, investigation
judgment of facts, determining merits and demerits, concrete assessment and decision making and
understanding the effects of assumptions made [19–21].
Vision and This refers to innovation and imagination of a leader who has a clear vision of future course,
imagination prioritizes work accordingly and anticipates the implications of changes on implementation of
his or her vision [19–21].
Strategic perspective It involves a broader view of issues and their implications in which a leader investigates
a broader spectrum of relationships, strikes a balance between near-term and long-term
considerations, discovers opportunities and threats, pays attention to requirements of
stakeholders and realizes the effects of external factors [19–21].
Resource management This relates to planning ahead, organizing the resources and coordinating them efficiently
and effectively. Moreover, it also involves establishing clear objectives; converting
long-term goals into action plans; monitoring and evaluating staff’s work regularly and
effectively; and giving honest feedback.
Engaging It requires a leader to be a lively and enthusiastic communicator who engages others
communication and wins support. It also includes clear communication of instructions and vision to
staff. Further, these communications are tailored to the audience’s interests and focus.
In addition, leader’s communication style inspires staff and audiences and conveys
approachability and accessibility.
Empowering Empowering means giving the staff autonomy and encouraging them to take on personally
challenging and demanding tasks. It encourages them to solve problems; produce
innovative ideas and proposals; and develop their broader vision. Empowering also
means encouraging a critical faculty and a broad perspective, as well as encouraging the
challenging of existing practices, assumptions and policies.
Developing It requires a leader to believe that others have potential to take on ever more-demanding
tasks and roles, encourages them to do so. Therefore, a leader develops their competencies;
invests time and effort in coaching them so they contribute effectively and develop
themselves; and identifies new tasks and roles to develop them. The leader believes that
critical feedback and challenge are important and ensures direct reports have adequate
Achieving A leader must involve significant risks as opportunity to get advantage and make decision.
The core business issues and their likely impact on success of any project or organization
are considered by the leader while making futuristic decisions. The leaders prefer to choose
such activities that contribute toward the organization and its performance. Further, a
leader shows an unwavering determination to achieve objectives and implement decisions.
them to attain excellence and quality in their performance, looking for ways to improve pro-
duction and standards. According to the literature, managerial competencies have dimen-
sions which are presented in Table 2.
The person’s ability to perceive, identify and manage his or her emotions as well as understand-
ing and regulating those of others are the basis for the emotional competencies. A certain level
126 Organizational Culture
A leader has cognitive (managerial) and cathectic (emotional and motivational) functions.
Aristotle’s view was that a leader must build relationships with the team, advocate a moral
vision, and induce by logic to manage actions. The concept of leadership has evolved over last
80 years and resulted in six leadership theories which are presented in Table 4.
Competency theory is a blend of all earlier theories as it encompasses emotional intelligence,
behaviors and traits in terms of competencies [8, 22]. Therefore, leadership Competencies
are the skill set, knowledge and behavior through which different organizations assess
and develop the leader within the organization. The research on leadership gave rise to
Self-awareness Self awareness is about the leader’s own capability and feelings which helps to recognize
and manage activities in a way that one experience that one can manage. It includes
awareness of one’s own feelings and the capability to recognize and manage these in
a way that one feels that one can control. Therefore, leader requires a certain level of
capability of self-belief to control one’s emotion and manage their activities to efficiently
perform in working environment.
Emotional resilience Emotional resilience requires a leader to perform consistently in a range of situations
under pressure and adapts behavior appropriately. Moreover, he or she balances the
needs of the situation and task with the needs and concerns of the individuals involved.
Further, a leader focuses on strategy to cope with personal challenges or criticism to
achieve better results.
Intuitiveness Intuitiveness is a capability of leaders to develop their decision making and effective
implementation of decisions. The decisions made by intuitiveness leaders should be clear
even though presented with ambiguous or incomplete information.
Interpersonal sensitivity Leaders with interpersonal sensitivity should be aware of the perceptions of others to
make decisions and propose solutions. This competency demands that a leader should
be aware of others achievements and commitments to actions or decisions. The leaders
should actively listen for their constructive inputs and criticism.
Influence The leaders encourage views of others based on understanding of their position and
stature. The leaders appreciate to listen to the perspective of others and provide rational
for change in organization.
Motivation Motivation competency pertains to having drive and energy to achieve clear results
and make an impact. It requires a leader to balance short- and long-term goals with a
capability to pursue demanding goals in the face of rejection or questioning.
Trait theories These theories remained famous until 1940s which said that successful leaders possessed
similar traits and assumed that leaders are born not made.
Behavioral theories Behavioral theories were prominent from 1940s to 1960 and said that leaders adopted some
specific behaviors and thus leaders could be made.
Contingency theories These theories remained center of focus during 1960s and 1970s and suggested that success
of a leader was dependent on situation.
Visionary or The visionary school of thought was famous from 1980s to 1990s and these theories
charismatic theories were based on the studies of effective business leaders who introduced a change in their
Emotional intelligence These were famous during late 1990s and these suggested that it was the emotional
theories intelligence that had more effect on leader’s personal performance as well as that of his or
her team, rather than leader’s intellectual capability.
Competency theories These theories gained popularity during late 1990s and these focused on the competencies
of successful leaders rather than their traits, as was the case of the trait theories, and therefore
these theories suggested that one could learn the competencies [13] and thus leaders could
be made [12, 14, 15, 17].
six leadership theories that evolved over a period of the last 80 years [12, 14, 15]. These
theories have been adopted in all aspects of management, including organizational man-
agement and project management, with necessary adjustments specific to these areas. The
most recent of these theories is the competency theory of leadership that gained popularity
during late 1990s.
The use of different tools and techniques has not helped in reducing the failure rate in proj-
ects. This situation has allowed the focus to shift from technology, techniques and hard skills
to soft skills and leadership as a solution to the problem of project failure. Leadership compe-
tencies involved in effective management of projects can be classified at four different levels.
Project managers tend to have multiple skills and competencies to more competitive and
prominent because traditional managerial skills are not enough for effective business in func-
tional or matrix based organization. Such skills and competencies are essential for project
managers to perform activities effectively because a project manager’s job is more demand-
ing and tend to deal with uncertain circumstances. Classification of competencies at level of
managing self is presented in Table 5.
Project managers act as a role model for the team members who establish an environment of
honesty and provide opportunity for continuous learning. Project managers should possess
good interpersonal skills and the need to focus on developing skills of the people involved
in the project. In project environment, a leader provides flexible environment and encourage
128 Organizational Culture
Integrity/honesty A leader behaves in an honest, fair, and ethical manner and shows consistency in words
and actions also exhibit high standards of ethics.
Interpersonal skills These skills require a leader to treat others with courtesy, sensitivity, and respect. He or
she considers and responds appropriately to the needs and feelings of different people
in different situations.
Continual learning Continual learning refers to assessing and recognizing own strengths and weaknesses
and pursuing self-development.
Resilience It refers to dealing effectively with pressure; remaining optimistic and persistent, even
under adversity and recovering quickly from setback.
Oral communication Leader makes clear and convincing oral presentations, listens effectively and clarifies
information as needed.
Written communication A leader writes in a clear, concise, organized, and convincing manner for the intended
Flexibility Flexibility means a leader is open to change and new information and rapidly adapts to
new information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles.
Problem solving This competency ensures that a leader identifies and analyzes problems; weighs
relevance and accuracy of information; generates and evaluates alternative solutions;
and makes recommendations.
problem solving approach. Oral and written communication of a leader in the project should
be clear, concise and convincing.
A lot of risks and uncertain circumstances are associated with projects during the life cycle. To
cater such types of risks and situations, project manager must be able to manage the people
though managerial and leadership skills. Every stage of a project or situation requires dif-
ferent leadership skills or competencies. Classification of competencies at level of managing
people is presented in Table 6.
For effective management of projects, a project leader must be competent to manage the people
and involved in recruitment and selection process of team members. The selected workforce
must be on the basis of need those should be able to achieve the mission and targets of the
organization. The project leader should focus on differences and values of people at work-
place in addition to appreciating constructive criticism and listening differences of opinions.
Project manager ensures the public interest and develop the abilities of their team members.
Leadership competence of a project manager does not mean that project would be successful
but it increases the likelihood of project success. Project manager’s both management and
Leadership Competencies Affecting Projects in Organization 129
Human capital It refers to building and managing workforce based on organizational goals, budget
management considerations, and staffing needs. A leader ensures employees are appropriately recruited,
selected, appraised, and rewarded; takes action to address performance problems and
manages a multi-sector workforce and a variety of work situations.
Leveraging diversity This competency requires a leader to focus on differences and values of individuals at
workplace. This focus of leaders in organization helps to achieve the visions and mission. The
leaders have diversity and leverage to achieve organization outcomes.
Conflict management Conflict management one of the key issue at workplace. A leader appreciates constructive
criticism and welcome to listen differences of opinions from others. The leader avoids
confrontation at workplace and encourages resolving conflicts or disagreements through
constructive discussion
Public motivation Leaders show commitment to serve the public and ensure that needs of the public are
fulfilled. These leaders focus on public interest aligned with organizational objectives and
Developing Developing is an ability of leaders to develop the team members who perform to contribute
toward the organization. Leaders with developing approach provide continuous feedback
to improve performance and provide opportunities of formal and informal organizational
Programs are combination of multiple projects in an organization with short-term and long
term objectives. Project leader motivate and guide the team members to achieve organiza-
tional goals and objective through effective implementation of programs. Classification of
competencies at level of managing programs is presented in Table 8.
Project leader ensures effective use of technology and keep up to date on technological
advancement for achieving high results and managing financial constraints. To ensure
effective management of programs and achieve common goals, project leader encourages
creativity and innovation, develop strategic partnerships, and identify internal and external
130 Organizational Culture
Team building Leaders build their team through commitment, feeling pride, and establishing environment
of trust. Leaders with strong team building abilities always extend cooperation and motivate
team member to achieve desired goals.
Customer service Leaders prefer to meet the expectations of both internal and external customers. Leaders
consistently deliver high quality product or services to the customer for improving their
organizational performance.
Technical credibility Leader’s technical competency refers to understanding of appropriate skills, knowledge,
policy and procedures. Leaders ensure to meet the technical demand of customer based on
their specialized expertise.
Accountability Leaders hold themselves accountable for achieving high quality, timely, and cost effective
outcomes. To meet the objectives, a leader set priorities, accept the responsibilities in case of
any mistakes, delegates work to the team, and ensure compliance with defined procedures
and rules.
Decisiveness A leader considers the impact and implications of decisions made to achieve the desired
objectives in an organization. Leader ensures to take timely and effective decision based on
available information.
Negotiation Negotiation is competency of a leader to persuade others; build consensus through give and
take; gain cooperation from others to obtain information and accomplish goals. Negotiation
is one of the key skills of a leader to satisfy the customer or any stakeholder.
Technology management A leader keeps up-to-date on technological developments, makes effective use
of technology to achieve results and ensure access to and security of technology
Financial management This competency refers to understanding the organization’s financial processes;
preparing, justifying and administering the program budget. It also involves
overseeing procurement and contracting to achieve desired results; monitoring
expenditures and using cost–benefit thinking to set priorities.
Creativity/innovation It pertains to developing new insights into situations; questioning conventional
approaches; encouraging new ideas and innovations; designing and implementing
new or cutting edge programs/processes.
Partnering A leader develops networks and builds alliances; and collaborates across
boundaries to build strategic relationships and achieve common goals.
Political savvy Political savvy helps leader to identify the internal and external politics that impact
the work of the organization. As a result, he or she perceives organizational and
political reality and acts accordingly.
Source: developed by the author based on review of literature.
3. Research methods
In this chapter, those articles were considered for review which must be published in the
English and peer reviewed journal. Furthermore, specific searching keywords were used
to identify relevant articles published on project manager’s leadership competence during
Leadership Competencies Affecting Projects in Organization 131
2005–2017 from different databases including Web of Science, Emerald, Taylor & Francis,
Science Direct, SAGE, IEEE, etc. The searched articles were scrutinized to avoid any duplica-
tion. Then only those studies were included which discussed project manager’s leadership
theory either qualitatively or quantitatively.
4. Results of research
Based on extensive literature review, findings and research gaps of earlier studies published
from 2005 to 2017 on project manager’s leadership competence are summarized in this section.
Project managers focused on task-oriented, intellectual, managerial and emotional competen-
cies to enhance the likelihood of project success, summary of which is presented in Table 9.
The researcher suggested more research should be conducted on leadership competencies
involving all key project stakeholders during data collection. Situational and emotional theories
Tabassi et al. (2016) • Leadership competencies directly impact • Leadership behavior could be further
[23] the success criteria for sustainable building enhanced by integrating additional
projects and intellectual competencies constructs, such as situational theories,
of project managers can play the most emotional and social dimensions as well as
significant role in sustainable building the moderating roles of education, experi-
achievements. ence and gender of leaders.
Ahadzie et al. • From the senior management perspective, • Conceptual, tender, procurement and opera-
(2014) [24] project managers must possess leadership tional phases of the project lifecycle may be
competences toward ensuring effective considered by further research work.
management at the design phase of the
Galvin et al. (2014) • There is a need to apply literature review • Limiting the participants to a maximum of
[25] and surveys for subsequent exploration of 10 questions per survey, assigning a lim-
the importance of leadership competen- ited timeframe to collect, gather, analyze,
cies, management techniques, and styles and report survey results.
of leadership that project managers
• A larger sample size is certain to make the
effectively employ to manage teams and
results statistically more significant.
Medina and • Need to redefine project manager’s • Participants, excluding project manager or
Medina (2014) [26] long-term strategic competence project team member roles, may provide a
management. deeper understanding of HRM in projects.
• Need for inclusion of project manager’s • Identify the relationship between project
HRM (human resource management) manager’s involvement in HRM practices,
practices in project management theories motivation, and project success.
• There is a need for a projects perspective in
HRM literature to improve the perfor-
mance of organizations.
132 Organizational Culture
Müller et al. (2012) • Positive correlation exists between EQ • Future research may use the competence
[20] (emotional intelligence), IQ (intellectual school of leadership and the Leadership
competencies), and MQ (managerial compe- Dimension Questionnaire (LDQ) approach
tencies) competencies, and project success. derived at industry, sector, or country
• The presence of project complexity as a
moderator variable lowered the signifi- • Further studies in assorted cultures or
cance of the relationship between project disciplines may enlighten other aspects of
manager’s leadership competencies and complexity in projects on account of new
project success. questions.
Anantatmula • Study found that defining roles and respon- • Further exploration of project leadership
(2010) [28] sibilities is the foremost step for managing roles for different types of projects and
and leading projects successfully. different industries to be taken up by
increasing the data size and diversity of
• The leadership and technology roles
could be different based on the disposi-
tion of project characteristics and the • In addition, this model should be used in
industry. various projects and different industries to
validate and confirm these results.
• Leadership roles could be industry-specific
due to differing industry-specific work
cultures and competitive environments.
Battilana et al. • Mixture of leadership competencies might • The following questions merit further
(2010) [29] influence the amount of emphasis leaders exploration:
put on each of the three key activities
• Do leaders need to emphasize all change
associated with the implementation of
implementation activities to successfully
planned organizational change, which
implement change?
requires further investigation.
• Are the leaders who do so the most
• In the absence of leaders who are effective
at both task-oriented and person-oriented
behaviors, employing multiple changes • Answers to these questions are likely to
with complementary competencies vary depending on the type of change and
might be an effective way to address the the type of organization in which change is
implementation process. implemented.
Müller and Turner • Leadership competencies directly correlate • The differences to be looked into by project
(2010) [21] with project success measures. type, industry, and geography.
• Competencies in managing resources • The complexity of the human personality
and the strategic perspective of the provides features and rich avenues for
project manager, in particular, correlate further research, which can help academics
with the majority of success measures in to understand the project phenomenon,
projects. and practitioners to become more success-
ful in delivering projects.
• Attitudes directly correlate with project
success (namely customer and end-user
Leadership Competencies Affecting Projects in Organization 133
Dulewicz and • The results support the use of leadership • Further research should investigate interac-
Higgs (2005) [19] assessment and development for identify- tions between follower commitment and
ing potential in both public and private leader performance via self-appraisal.
sector organizations.
• Dimensions of leadership to be closely
• The selection of leaders should become linked to various aspects of commitment.
more accurate and development actions
contained in the LDQ may report more
focused relevance.
Table 9. Summary of findings and research gaps on project manager’s leadership competencies.
should be integrated to conduct research in all phases of project life cycle. Roles and respon-
sibilities should be clearly defined in the project and a larger sample size may be collected for
research other than project managers and team members. Leadership competencies should
be considered at the time of appointment of project managers and their impact on projects at
different industry, sector, or country level needs to be explored. The role of project leadership
should also be considered by quantitative studies at the level of a cross-section of industries
and countries.
at senior, middle and lower levels can be different in different projects. Summary of findings
and research gaps on project manager’s leadership styles is presented in Table 10.
Larsson et al. • Project managers’ leadership style can • Appropriate project managers leadership
(2015) [33] affect project performance and it is a styles should be identified for different situa-
significant project success factor. tions with different characteristics to optimize
Moynihan et al. • A direct relationship exists between trans- • Future research may find insignificant or a
(2012) [34] formational leadership and performance negative relationship between transformational
management success. leadership and other forms of performance
information use.
• Transformational leadership can observe
a powerful but indirect role in “setting the
table” for the success of important manage-
ment processes such as performance
Shibru and • A strong correlation exists between the • Further research should consider other indus-
Darshan (2011) components of transformational leadership trial sectors and other leadership outcomes, i.e.
[35] and subordinate satisfaction with the effectiveness, extra effort, commitment, and
leader. ‘organizational citizenship’.
Limsila and • Leadership styles adopted at the senior • The research findings can be verified by using
Ogunlana management level can be different from other instruments to measure leadership
(2008) [36] those adopted at the professional to techni- behaviors and personal competencies or to
cian or worker level. employ several instruments simultaneously
and results can then be contrasted.
• Transactional leadership is chosen to
lead technicians or site workers and
may need to adopt transformational
leadership when dealing with other
Chan and Chan Found strong link between transformational • Potential effects of the relationships between
(2005) [37] and transactional leadership in organizations leadership styles and outcomes, at the
and project environments in the context of company level using qualitative data through
construction industry. focus group interview. Plus there is the need
for exploration to produce more interesting
and rich data.
Table 10. Summary of findings and research gaps on project manager’s leadership styles.
Leadership Competencies Affecting Projects in Organization 135
There is a need of greater commitment among project manager and human resource
department. Managerial, personality and emotional intelligence competencies of project
managers along with other characteristics and attitude are helpful in projects. Summary of
findings and research gaps on project manager’s emotional competencies is presented in
Table 11.
Montequin et al. • Most successful project managers possess • Managerial and personality profiles
(2015) [40] common core traits, such as extrover- should be connected to correlate person-
sion, rational judging and structured ality types to leadership styles.
Obradovica et al. • A positive relationship exists between • There is a need for further research to
(2013) [41] project managers’ emotional intelligence probe for a greater commitment among
and their professional success. both the human resource sections and
project managers.
• Improving project managers’ emotional
intelligence is significantly beneficial for
the organization, project and team success,
and project management field.
Ying et al. (2012) [42] • The significance of emotional intel- • Future studies should consider larger
ligence toward leadership effectiveness is sample sizes to examine intelligence
important and there is a need to maintain competencies of individual rather than
a balanced interaction between emotions highlight the significance of specific
and intellect. competencies.
• Project leaders may be trained to use a
combination of emotional intelligence
based competencies and a transformational
leadership style for increased effectiveness.
Clarke (2010) [43] • A number of significant correlations • Identify the extent to which project
exist between emotional intelligence (EI) manager’s competencies associated
measures and the dependent measures with emotional intelligence related
examined in the study. Overall EI scores abilities actually account for variations
were all found to be positively correlated in project outcomes. Plus the signifi-
with the project manager competence cant relationships found in the study
associated with teamwork and managing can be replicated using much larger
conflicts. populations.
Table 11. Summary of findings and research gaps on project manager’s emotional competencies.
136 Organizational Culture
Fung (2014) [45] • Project manager’s leadership roles are • Future studies may include project team
important influencing criteria of project team members as part of respondents to evaluate
effectiveness. their views regarding project manager’s
leadership roles in developed countries.
Yang et al. • Teamwork only partially mediates the link • Develop different models to validate and
(2013) [46] between transactional leadership and project compare the efficacy through case studies.
• Determine which style of project leader-
ship is best suited for project goals and
benefits that leadership competencies offer.
Kuen et al. • Empirically supported factors for project • Success factors of project management
(2009) [47] management are senior management support, were established to develop a new area for
project mission, project team competency, further studies to ensure its potential for
client acceptance and effective communication. future sustainable housing.
Malach-Pines • Significant positive correlations were found • Findings to be extended to other types of
and Dvir (2008) between project manager’s intuition and high projects with varied cultural, industrial and
[48] project uncertainty as well as complexity. organizational settings.
• Several correlations were found both between
certain personality traits and certain project
types, and between certain personality traits
and project success.
Müller and • Team satisfaction played a critical role for all • The concept of project complexity is not
Turner (2007) results measures. Experienced project manag- yet well comprehended and needs further
[49] ers appeared to have intuitively set priorities exploration.
with utmost significance.
• The multitude of cultures may have an
• Certification was not a sufficient contributor in adverse effect on project results and should
high performing projects. be addressed in future research.
• The importance assigned to team and end-user
satisfaction influences almost all reported
success measures.
Aronson et al. • Teamwork links leader personality to project • Data on a single project may be gathered
(2006) [50] performance. from multiple sources.
• Leader personality depends on the level of • Personality responses may be collected
uncertainty that operating projects possess. from leaders and performance rating data
may be gathered from the senior manager
• Need to re-consider hiring criteria and the
overseeing the project.
provision of training for project leaders
Table 12. Summary of findings and research gaps on project manager’s teamwork competencies.
Leadership Competencies Affecting Projects in Organization 137
Shokrzadesh et al. • A strong positive relationship exists • Managerial roles should take account of
(2012) [52] between roles and knowledge management variables of knowledge based on roles
processes. and industry, other than energy sector,
for organizational benefit.
• Managers can exhibit knowledge oriented
roles toward employees and knowledge
management practices.
• The role of managers as a knowledge
facilitator encourages knowledge sharing
within organizations.
Anantatmula and • Importance and impact of some of the • Establish the importance and effective-
Thomas (2010) [53] factors contributing to the performance of ness of each factor in the model. Establish
global projects vary depending upon the dependency relations using statistical
industry in which they were executed. methods.
• Moreover, project management practices • Initiate research that should validate the
of global projects differ from traditional, model.
co-located, and internal projects.
Curran et al. (2009) • Findings indicated some implications for • Future research requires an examination
[54] managerial practices. Projects may suffer of the leadership style in cooperative
from the bureaucratic hurdles that require projects involving different knowledge
staffing of comparably strong project bases or types of knowledge.
• Furthermore, projects in which a low degree
of trust among members is expected should
be led using a dominant leadership style.
Kaulio (2008) [55] • Courses in project management tend to • Future research should address three
have a bias toward the rational and plan- perspectives including leadership, co-
ning perspective, comprising a number of worker, and the organizational setting.
techniques and tools.
• There should be a re-balancing of the course
content toward more leadership issues,
such as dyadic leadership and organiza-
tional politics at least in the curriculum of
advanced courses.
Dolfi and Andrews • Optimism in project managers is an impor- • Future research should explore optimism
(2007) [56] tant attributes as only 7% of “optimists” and and its impact on project management
60% of “pessimists” in the survey negatively workplace.
rated their work environment.
• Findings suggest training and personal
development of project managers to
better cope with unique project work
Table 13. Summary of findings and research gaps on project manager’s knowledge competencies.
138 Organizational Culture
Project manager’s emotional competencies associated with projects that account for variation
in project outcomes needs to be explored using larger populations. Improving emotional com-
petencies of project managers are beneficial for learning organization and achieving project
success. Emotional intelligence competencies help project managers to encourage teamwork
and manage conflicts.
The project manager should clearly identify roles of team members and encourage teamwork.
In projects, teamwork is one of the key success factors which should be looked at from the
outset in each project. Teamwork establishes links between project manager’s leadership com-
petence and project performance. Project managers must take care of the team to best satisfac-
tion level and act as a mentor. Summary of findings and research gaps on project manager’s
teamwork competencies is presented in Table 12.
More research is required to check whether project team members have different perspectives
on the project than a project manager. Project team members should be considered as respon-
dents to evaluate the project manager’s leadership role in different sectors and countries. Best
leadership styles for team members need to be identified that can be suited in multi-culture
Project managers should share the vision and knowledge among team members to transform
the idea into reality through projects in a collaborative environment. The project manager
should possess knowledge oriented and goal oriented competencies to ensure successful
implementation of projects. The success of most of the projects depends on the capacity of
the industry in which they are executed and project management practices employed. Project
managers should focus on training and personal development of team members which help
to cope with the unique project environment. Summary of findings and research gaps on
project manager’s knowledge competencies is presented in Table 13.
Managerial roles of project managers should be considered at industry level and the role of
knowledge leaders in cross-functional both at individual and group level can be considered
by the researchers and organizations. Different bases or types of knowledge need to consider
along with different leadership styles in cooperative projects.
Among many other success factors that affect project’s success, leadership is one of the key
contributing factors. A project manager, who acts a project leader, if have a set of requisite
competencies in different organizational culture, including intellectual competencies (IQ),
managerial competencies, (MQ) and emotional competencies (IQ) increases the likelihood
of project success. However, the literature reveals that different project environments and
conditions require a project manager to demonstrate appropriate leadership competencies
that best suits for a particular culture and situation. Project manager as a project leader should
be competent enough in managing self, managing people, managing project, and managing
programs. On the other hand, the project manager needs to learn such leadership competen-
cies applicable in different organizational culture for effective management of projects.
This chapter explores the extensive literature on project manager’s leadership competencies,
but still there are certain limitations. These leadership competencies explored in this chapter
are related to projects and future research should consider reviewing such leadership compe-
tencies from other disciplines. The scope of this chapter was to highlight findings and future
gaps of studies published on project manager’s leadership during the last one decade. Future
gaps highlighted in this chapter provide avenues for researchers to conduct further research
in order to fill those gaps. Future studies may consider conducting the Systematic Literature
Review and Meta Analysis studies on similar topics to provide further insights in the body
of knowledge. Finally, this chapter is review based analyses of research studies and in future
empirical studies may be conducted to analyze the findings of previous studies.
Author details
Riaz Ahmed
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