Agile Testing Condensed - A Brief Introduction

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Agile Testing Condensed:

A Brief Introduction

Janet Gregory and Lisa Crispin

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This version was published on 2019-09-24

ISBN 978-1-9992205-0-1

This is a Leanpub book. Leanpub empowers authors and

publishers with the Lean Publishing process. Lean Publishing is
the act of publishing an in-progress ebook using lightweight tools
and many iterations to get reader feedback, pivot until you have
the right book and build traction once you do.

© 2019 Janet Gregory and Lisa Crispin


SECTION 1: Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 1: What Do We Mean by Agile Testing? . . . . . 2

Continuous testing models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Ten principles for agile testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Testing manifesto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Agile testing definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Chapter 2: Whole-Team Approach and Agile Testing Mind-

set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Focus on quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
How teams deal with defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Multiple perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Chapter 3: Test Planning in Agile Contexts . . . . . . . . . 12

The team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Planning across levels of detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Planning for regression testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

SECTION 2: Testing Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Chapter 4: Guiding Development with Examples . . . . . 19

Example-based methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Why examples help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
This is your foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Chapter 5: Enabling Collaboration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Collaborate with customers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Impact mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Ask questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Example mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Build trust using visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Chapter 6: Explore Continuously . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Personas, jobs, and roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Workflows and tours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Risks and value to the customer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Explore in pairs or groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Charters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Executing, learning, steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Additional techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Leverage tools for effective exploring . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Chapter 7: Testing Quality Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Defining quality attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Mitigating risks by collaborating early . . . . . . . . . . 39
Planning for pre-release testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Planning for later learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Regulatory compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Chapter 8: Testing in DevOps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Continuous delivery and deployment . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Testing in production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Monitoring and observability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
New technology brings us new capabilities . . . . . . . . 48

SECTION 3: Helpful Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Chapter 9: The Agile Testing Quadrants . . . . . . . . . . . 50

What tests in what order? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Using the quadrants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Defining “Done” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Find the models that fit your context . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Chapter 10: Visualizing a Test Automation Strategy . . . . 57

Using visual models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
The classic test automation pyramid . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Automated tests as living documentation . . . . . . . . . 60
Extending the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Shared responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

SECTION 4: Agile Testing Today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Chapter 11: A Tester’s New Role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Testers are quality glue for a team . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
An agile tester’s professional journey . . . . . . . . . . . 66
The fascinating path of evolving as testers . . . . . . . . 68
Be all that you can be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Start with a conversation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
The world doesn’t need more checkers . . . . . . . . . . 72
Lisa’s and Janet’s thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Chapter 12: Ingredients for Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Success factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Confidence-building practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Paths to success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Resources for Further Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Getting Shared Understanding - Collaboration . . . . . . 89
Exploratory Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
DevOps, Monitoring, Observability . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Test Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

About the Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93



Our books always involve a community effort. Many thanks to our

colleagues who contributed their visions of how the tester role is
evolving in Chapter 11. We are going for a short book here, so we
can’t individually thank all the people from whom we keep learning
new ideas and concepts to apply in our own work and transfer to
more people, but please know that we are grateful.
More gratitude to the people who reviewed our draft manuscript
and gave us such helpful feedback, including Mike Talks, Nikola
Sporczyk, Lena Pejgan Wiberg, Pascal Stiefel, Barbara Zaleska,
Bertold Kolics, Carol Vaage, and our copy editor Erica Hunter.
Thanks so much to Constance Hermit for letting us use her wonder-
ful drawings in Chapter 12, and Jenn Sinclair for her line drawings
that we use so much.
A special thanks to José Diaz and Johanna Rothman for their lovely
And last but not least, we truly do appreciate our husbands, Jack
Gregory and Bob Downing, who are always there with a glass of
wine when we need one.

Foreword by José Díaz

Life leads you to your goal. Who would have thought back in 2009
when I started the first Agile Testing Days (ATD) that I would write
the foreword to a book by the Agile Testing Queens, even though
Janet and Lisa have been part of the ATD ensemble ever since. I’m
very happy and honored that they asked me to do so.
Agile Testing Condensed is in line with the two previous books
of Janet and Lisa. This time they shed light into the corners
and explore the edges of testing and quality in agile projects −
short, concise, spot-on and right from the hearts of two women
who dedicated their careers and life to share their knowledge and
advance the activity of testing into an agile profession. It contains
insightful examples and anecdotes and is fun to read. Both authors
share their practical experiences and invite readers to retrace their
journey through numerous projects. They take you by the hand for
a walk through this challenging and beautiful world of agile testing
and explain it to you. It is a treasure chest, for you and your team.
I recommend not only this inspiring book but also their true-to-
work life training “Agile Testing for the Whole Team.”
The book crowns their work of the last 20 years, in which they
have dealt intensively with the agile world and its community.
Their countless projects, trainings, workshops, keynotes, talks, we-
binars, lean coffees, coaching, open spaces, mentoring sessions, and
conversations are condensed into this book and make its content
so practical and worthwhile. This book is a must read for anyone
considering a journey into the world of agile (including managers).
It is made for you and me. With a lot of love! Let’s enjoy it!

Foreword by Johanna Rothman

Author of Create Your Successful Agile Project

You may have read Janet and Lisa’s other books about agile testing.
Those books are much more than just agile testing. I strongly
recommend you read them.
This book, Agile Testing Condensed, focuses on how to create an
environment in which the team − and especially the testers − can
succeed. The book offers plenty of sources in books, articles, and
blog posts that help reinforce the idea and offer you, the reader,
ways to think about the issue.
Each chapter contains gems − that’s the condensed part − that can
help guide your thinking about testing and quality.
For example, too many teams think testing is about how a tester
tests a specific feature. Instead, there’s a section that helps everyone
think about the product and how to plan the testing effort across
the various levels of the product.
Another example is how they remind us about collaboration. From
pairing to explore, to working in triads to define stories, testers
I loved the section, “Testers are quality glue for a team.” So true,
and too few testers and teams take advantage of that glue.
If you’re wondering about how to be an agile tester, or if you’re not
sure if you need testers on your agile team, read this book − a short
and quick read that will pay dividends for a long time.

Why this book?

Our goal with this book was to create a small, concise, easy-to-read
book that anyone could pick up to get a basic understanding on
how to succeed with testing and build a quality culture in an agile
context. Our first two (much larger) books go into more depth and
feature real-life stories from practitioners. We refer to those books

• Agile Testing, which is Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for

Testers and Agile Teams, 2009
• More Agile Testing, which is More Agile Testing: Learning
Journeys for the Whole Team, 2014

This book is not an introductory testing book. There are many great
resources available to learn the basics of testing, test automation,
DevOps, and other topics. You can find some good links in our
bibliography. Similarly, this is not a basic introduction to agile
development. It is for readers who are on teams adopting agile or
those who want to know how testing and quality fits into agile
development and are looking for guidance, such as managers or

How to read this book

You are welcome to start in any section, or read individual chapters
based on what you want to learn. Each chapter is self-sufficient,
although we may refer to other chapters.
Use it as a pocket guide to agile testing to keep handy as you work.
When you get stuck and need inspiration, or when your team is
wondering about a testing challenge, look through this book for
ideas. When you want to get more in-depth, check out our other
Throughout the book, you’ll find hints that will give you ideas
about how to approach a specific problem.
SECTION 1: Foundations
In this first section, we share our definition of “agile testing.”
The heart of agile testing involves the whole team in testing and
building quality into our product. There’s a big mindset shift as the
team learns to prevent defects rather than relying on testers as a
safety net to catch them.
New agile teams learn to slice big features into small, incremental
chunks and deliver small changes frequently. At the same time, they
must keep the big picture in mind to maintain customer happiness.

• Chapter 1: What Do We Mean by Agile Testing?

• Chapter 2: Whole-Team Approach and Agile Testing Mindset
• Chapter 3: Test Planning in Agile Contexts
Chapter 1: What Do We
Mean by Agile Testing?
Over the years we’ve been asked many times how to define “agile
testing.” We have included our “definition” of agile testing in the
last part of this chapter, but there are many factors that go into that
definition. Some of the practices that help support teams in their
journey toward success are:

• Building quality in: teams focus on preventing misunder-

standings about feature behavior as well as preventing defects
in the code
• Guiding development with concrete examples: using prac-
tices like acceptance test-driven development (ATDD), be-
havior-driven development (BDD), or specification by exam-
ple (SBE)
• Including testing activities such as having conversations to
build shared understanding; asking questions to test ideas and
assumptions; automating tests; performing exploratory test-
ing; testing for quality attributes like performance, reliability,
and security; and learning from production usage
• Using whole-team retrospectives and small experiments to
continually improve testing and quality and find what works
in their context

We’ll elaborate on the above practices throughout this book. We do

not consider them to be “best practices” because we know they are
ever evolving.
Chapter 1: What Do We Mean by Agile Testing? 3

Continuous testing models

Testing is an integral part of software development, along with
coding, operations, understanding customer needs, and more. We
like the models that represent a continuous or holistic testing ap-
proach. One of our favorites is the approach that Ellen Gottesdiener
and Mary Gorman use in their book Discover to Deliver, 2012.
Shown in Figure 1.1., the development process represents an infinite
loop, confirming continuously – which is how we really develop
software. We learn about a feature that our customers want, we
build and deliver it, and then we learn how the customers actually
use it. We use that feedback to decide what to build (or remove)

Figure 1.1: Discover to Deliver loop © 2015 by EBG Consulting

Dan Ashby took a similar approach using the diagram below

(Figure 1.2) in his blog post as he talks about testing in DevOps¹.
This model shows that testing is an integral part of DevOps. We go
into more detail on this subject in Chapter 8.
Chapter 1: What Do We Mean by Agile Testing? 4

Figure 1.2: Continuous testing in the DevOps loop

We like terms like continuous testing or holistic testing and rec-

ognize that each team needs to adapt them for their own unique

Ten principles for agile testing

In Agile Testing, we introduced the idea of 10 Principles for Agile
Testers. We realize now that these principles are not necessarily just
for testers but for anyone in the team. We wrote these principles at
a time when most testers were still part of a testing team with a
phased and gated project, and the testing was at the end – after all
the coding was “finished.”
These principles still apply today for anyone on an agile team
wanting to deliver the highest-quality product they can.

• Provide continuous feedback.

• Deliver value to the customer.
• Enable face-to-face communication.
• Have courage.
• Keep it simple.
Chapter 1: What Do We Mean by Agile Testing? 5

• Practice continuous improvement.

• Respond to change.
• Self-organize.
• Focus on people.
• Enjoy!

Testing manifesto

We’ll finish this chapter with this “testing manifesto²” created by

Karen Greaves and Samantha Laing. Their manifesto reflects the
mindset shift needed for a successful agile testing approach. We test
throughout the development process, we focus on preventing bugs,
we test much more than functionality, and the whole team takes
responsibility for quality. You will find these principles reflected
throughout all our books. Anytime your team is stuck on a quality
or testing problem, reflect on these principles to find a way to move
ahead. (Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3: The testing manifesto

Chapter 1: What Do We Mean by Agile Testing? 6

Agile testing definition

The simplest definition that we’ve come up with for what we mean
by agile testing is the following:

Collaborative testing practices that occur continuously,

from inception to delivery and beyond, supporting fre-
quent delivery of value for our customers. Testing ac-
tivities focus on building quality into the product, using
fast feedback loops to validate our understanding. The
practices strengthen and support the idea of whole-team
responsibility for quality.

It takes a while to digest, and you can look at our blog post³ for
more details.
Chapter 2: Whole-Team
Approach and Agile
Testing Mindset
Many software teams still use a phased-and-gated, linear approach
to delivering software. People in a given role are siloed on specific
teams, and they hand work off from one team to the next. The test
or QA team is seen as responsible for ensuring quality, usually at
the very end of the process and right before delivery to production,
when it’s too late to do much to improve quality.
In agile development, we break down the siloes and turn devel-
opment into a continual, iterative process. The whole delivery
team works together to build quality in throughout the process.
By “whole team,” we usually mean the delivery team – the people
who are responsible for understanding what to build, building it,
and delivering the final product to the customer.

Figure 2.1: A single team

Chapter 2: Whole-Team Approach and Agile Testing Mindset 8

In larger organizations, even those that have adopted agile princi-

ples and practices, there may be more than one team working on
a product, such as an independent database team, user experience
team, or other product team. In these cases, the whole-team defi-
nition extends to mean whoever you need to deliver the product.
The DevOps movement has made the inclusion of operations in the
delivery more visible. Janet refers to the people outside the delivery
team as an extended family.

Figure 2.2: Multiple teams

Focus on quality
The whole-team approach means that all team members are re-
sponsible for the quality of their product. Part of this responsibility
is ensuring that testing tasks are completed alongside the rest of
the development tasks. When the goal is to deliver the highest
quality possible, rather than deliver faster, the team builds a solid
foundation of practices. To achieve that quality level, teams manage
their workload so that they have time to learn core practices such
as test-driven development (TDD) and exploratory testing. They
also take time to learn the business domain and build relationships
with business experts to identify features with the most business
Chapter 2: Whole-Team Approach and Agile Testing Mindset 9

value and then implement them as simply as possible. Over time,

by focusing on quality, teams do begin to be able to work faster.

Figure 2.3: Your business value delivered as expected

There are several areas that require a change in how team members
approach development. When the whole team is responsible for
quality of the product as well as quality of the process, each team
member needs to be proactive in solving problems. For example,
everyone on the team can help figure out what is most valuable
to customers. They work to deliver just enough of that value in
small increments to learn how the customer uses that capability.
By creating these quick feedback loops, the team can focus their
testing on the features that are most valuable to the customer.
Each team needs to discuss and agree on a “valuable Definition
of Done” (DoD). That should include how the team plans to deal
with defects found in the code. DoD must include testing, and the
question that needs to be asked is, “What types of testing do you
mean?” In Chapter 9, we cover the agile testing quadrants and
answer that question. DoD needs to be understood in the same way
by every team member.

How teams deal with defects

One big mindset shift for testers is adopting a team approach to
fixing defects. In More Agile Testing, we talk about focusing on pre-
Chapter 2: Whole-Team Approach and Agile Testing Mindset 10

venting defects rather than finding them after coding is complete.

When the whole team concentrates on building quality into the
product by using practices like acceptance test-driven development
and thinking about constraints around quality attributes, it can go
a long way to reducing the number of defects found in the code.
Many teams practice zero defect tolerance. This means zero known
defects escape an iteration or story completion. To make this
work, teams must have fast feedback from testing activities so
that any defects found can be fixed immediately. Once found, the
programmers write one or more executable test(s), correct the code
so the test(s) passes, and perform exploratory testing if needed. The
team can then forget about it, knowing that they have corrected the
Quite often, this philosophical change in approach helps to change
an adversarial environment to a cooperative environment.

Multiple perspectives
Team members have different viewpoints, skill sets, and perspec-
tives. We find that by using all perspectives, we have a better
understanding of risks involved when delivering a feature. For ex-
ample, designing for testability helps turn examples of desired and
undesired software behavior into executable tests. Team members
become generalized specialists − that is, they may be experts in one
or two areas but are able to contribute to the team’s common goals
in a variety of ways.
Some examples:

• Testers may be experts at testing the product but can con-

tribute to understanding the features and stories by asking
questions to uncover hidden assumptions.
• Programmers can perform exploratory testing on their own
code before checking in their code.
Chapter 2: Whole-Team Approach and Agile Testing Mindset 11

• Product owners execute acceptance tests on every story.

In Chapter 11, we’ll talk a bit more about a tester’s role and how it
may change for agile teams.
Chapter 3: Test Planning
in Agile Contexts
One of our top seven success factors from Agile Testing is “Don’t
Forget the Big Picture.” Teams often get caught up in building,
testing, and delivering the small increments − which we encourage
− and forget about how that small slice fits into the system or how
it works toward solving the business problem.
To plan testing activities effectively, a team needs to consider its
context. To understand your context, think about three aspects of
it: the team, the product, and the levels of detail of your system.

The team
Not all teams are created equal. If you’re on a small, co-located
team, you have an ideal situation for easy communication. You
have a good chance of learning each other’s values and sharing
them. It’s a sweet spot for delivering a great product, and planning
is much easier. Teams can easily understand the next feature and
dig down into story and task level planning.
However, many people work in large, globally distributed organi-
zations. That brings on different challenges. Larger organizations
have multiple projects and many teams. When they adopt agile,
they often replace the silos based on role, such as developers and
QA, with Scrum or feature team silos.
When many large teams work in the same code base, integration
can become a huge challenge. Teams may need specialists such as
performance, security, and reliability testers, but there may not be
Chapter 3: Test Planning in Agile Contexts 13

enough of them to go around to all the cross-functional teams. It’s

even hard to make all these issues and challenges visible. Release-
level planning is particularly challenging in this environment but
is critical to delivering new capabilities to customers.
No matter what the context, the delivery team must take respon-
sibility for planning and completing all testing activities, even if it
means bringing in specialists. If they have dependencies, they need
to work with other teams to manage or eliminate those dependen-
cies, preferably before coding starts. That said, adjustments need to
be made to suit each unique context.

The product
The level of quality that your stakeholders want depends on your
product as well as the type and amount of testing that might be
required. For example, a content management system used only by
internal users has different priorities than medical device software.
Each has a different environment in which they dwell and involves
different risks.
Consider the size of your product, how many people use it, or
whether it is integrated with external applications. Think about
how the product is delivered and the risk associated with the
delivery mechanism. For example, if the organization is hosting its
own web application, it has much more control about when and
how often the product is updated. Or if the product needs to work
on many devices such as phones, how do updates happen without
interrupting regular usage?
One of the main purposes of testing is to identify and mitigate risks
– to the user and to the business. Obviously, this plays a big part
in how you plan your testing. This is one reason why delivery
teams need to learn the business domain and work closely with
business experts. Domain expertise helps when it comes to planning
what to test. Does your team have a really good idea of how the
Chapter 3: Test Planning in Agile Contexts 14

product is used? Do all team members have domain knowledge?

Collaborating with product and business experts helps the delivery
team find optimal ways to build capabilities that your customers
There are many things to consider around your product domain. It
is not only the software you are testing; it is the product that your
end users depend on.

Planning across levels of detail

Testing across multiple levels (Figure 3.1) requires extra planning.
Release cycles usually start by determining what might be delivered
in the first “learning release.” Perhaps only part of a feature will
be delivered. Features are broken into stories and prioritized so
the team knows which to deliver first. It’s important that the
team understands the big picture before they bring stories into an
iteration. When developers work on a story, they’re more focused
on making sure individual tasks are completed. Testers sometimes
fall into the trap of thinking only of the story they are testing, so
reminders of the big picture are important.

Figure 3.1: Levels of detail for planning

Chapter 3: Test Planning in Agile Contexts 15

Release/feature level

Teams need to understand how each delivered story may affect

the big picture, especially in larger or global organizations. Every
release could be made up of many features, which in turn may
be made up of many stories and tasks that have an impact on the
system as a whole.
In large organizations with multiple teams all working on the same
product, one of the problems we often see is that teams tend to
become “siloed.” They forget to talk to other teams to solve possible
Figure 3.2 shows the importance of a test approach that includes
all teams working toward a single product release. To give a big
picture of test coverage, consider bringing people from different
teams together to create a testing mind map or a feature test matrix
(details in More Agile Testing) that encompasses the product.

Figure 3.2: Planning for multiple teams

Remember, one size does not fit all, so make allowances for the size
and number of your teams, where they are located, how work will
be coordinated among teams, and whether all the skills needed for
testing are available to each team.
Ideally, activities are coordinated with other teams as feature
development progresses. However, it is important to note that a
more finalized product may be needed for things like adding final
screenshots to user or training documentation. Or, because it’s not
Chapter 3: Test Planning in Agile Contexts 16

usually a quick process to deploy a patch for a mobile application,

additional testing may be needed where the whole team explores
the newest version one more time.

Hint: Do not make the mistake of having testers and

perhaps operations staff wrapping up the pre-deploy
endgame while developers start new stories. Just like
development, preparing for delivery should be a whole-
team effort.

Story level
At this level, it doesn’t matter whether teams are time-boxing their
iterations or working in a flow-based method such as Kanban.
Start with high-level acceptance tests (see Chapter 4: Guiding
Development with Examples for details). Get examples to increase
shared understanding of the story and turn those examples into
tests. If the tests are written before coding happens, they help guide
the development and prevent defects.

Hint: Consider what exploratory test charters might

be needed (see Chapter 6). Think about the product’s
constraints and what that means for testing quality
attributes (Chapter 7).

As teams plan testing and discuss implementation for each story,

details about testing emerge. Create new examples and tests to
reflect what has been learned about the story.

Task level
Programmers use Test-Driven Development (TDD) to write low-
level (unit) tests prior to each small piece of code. Some program-
mers call it Design-Driven Development since it helps them to
Chapter 3: Test Planning in Agile Contexts 17

design their code for testability. These tests are relatively easy to
write, and they run quickly and give fast feedback to the team. They
form much of the base of the test automation pyramid model we
discuss in Chapter 10: Visualizing a Test Automation Strategy.

Planning for regression testing

Regression testing is about making sure the system does what it
did yesterday. Contemporary practices for delivering small changes
to production frequently leave no time for full manual regression
checking, so the test automation is created as the product is devel-
oped. Test automation should be part of each story, especially at
the service layer (see Chapter 10). If a story changes functionality,
be sure to include tasks to change the existing tests.
Automated regression tests allow us to have confidence in our
product with fast feedback. Many (if not all) of the tests run as
part of continuous integration (CI). Some teams schedule slower
tests to run less often. For example, running them several times a
day instead of every build. Using release feature toggles to “hide”
changes from production users allows teams to do some testing
activities asynchronously as they continually deploy to production.
The feature is “turned on” in production when all testing is com-
pleted (see Chapter 8: Testing in DevOps).
You’ll find more information about this in Chapter 23: Testing and
DevOps in More Agile Testing.
SECTION 2: Testing
In this section, we dive into core practices for agile testing. Using
concrete examples to guide development is one of the most effective
ways to build confidence in each new change. We share ways to
help team members in different roles learn to collaborate to build
quality into the product. Exploratory testing is another core confi-
dence-building practice in which the whole team should engage.
Agile teams often fall into the trap of only testing for functionality
− how each feature or capability should behave. There are many
other important quality attributes that we need to test, which we
also cover in this section.
DevOps and continuous delivery are hot topics today. We look at
how testing and testers fit in and help their team succeed with those

• Chapter 4: Guiding Development with Examples

• Chapter 5: Enabling Collaboration
• Chapter 6: Exploratory Testing
• Chapter 7: Testing Quality Attributes
• Chapter 8: Testing in DevOps
Chapter 4: Guiding
Development with
The idea of using examples to guide development of features and
stories has been used by many teams for years. We see it as a
tried-and-true, valuable approach. Leading practitioners continue
to find new ways to help teams succeed with these techniques: for
example, Matt Wynne’s example mapping (see more in Chapter 5).
Concrete examples of desired and undesired system behavior help
teams build a shared understanding of each feature and story. This
enables them to build the right thing with fewer story rejections
and shorter cycle time from start to production deploy. Testers
contribute by asking for these concrete examples and using them
to create executable tests that guide development. They can be the
voice of experience at leading these conversations.

Example-based methods
There are a few variations for building features and stories based
on examples. Behavior-driven development (BDD) is the one that
Janet hears most teams claim they use. BDD, first introduced by
Daniel Terhorst-North, captures example scenarios in a natural, do-
main-specific language. The “Given/When/ Then” syntax describes
preconditions, some trigger action, and resulting post-condition. As
developers write the production code, they are likely to automate
some or all the scenarios to help know when they’ve delivered what
the customer wants.
Chapter 4: Guiding Development with Examples 20

Writing these scenarios may sound easy, but it takes practice to

simplify tests so that there really is only one thing being tested. See
Figure 4.1 for an example.
Acceptance test-driven development (ATDD) is similar. It is a
more generic form of guiding development with examples without
strict language or rules. Most people use ATDD for functional
tests, although requirements for other quality attributes, such as
security or accessibility, can be included. One ATDD approach
we’ve used is to capture at least one high-level example of desired
or “happy path” behavior and at least one example for each type
of misbehavior as the team plans the story. Testers and other team
members elicit more detailed examples as coding proceeds on the
story. At least some of the examples are turned into executable tests
that help the team decide when they’re done.
Figure 4.1 shows a progression starting with slicing the feature
into stories. The blue bubbles are done as part of story readiness
workshops, backlog refinement, or “three amigos” discussions.

Figure 4.1: Acceptance test-driven development (ATDD)

Teams practicing Specification by Example (SBE) start by identify-

ing goals around the story using an approach like impact mapping
(See more in Chapter 5). The team then elicits key examples,
which become the specifications, during a specification workshop.
As development proceeds, examples are refined and turned into
Chapter 4: Guiding Development with Examples 21

executable specifications to validate the product frequently. These

executable examples, as with BDD and ATDD, become living
documentation of the application. When Gojko Adzic coined the
term Specification by Example, he deliberately did not use the word
“test” to describe any of the activities.

Why examples help

Looking at each new capability from a variety of perspectives
helps a team be more likely to pinpoint the value customers get
from each new capability. That diversity helps each team member
overcome unconscious biases and “think outside the box.” When
each stakeholder is asked for concrete examples of system behavior,
teams look at those examples, and it’s easy to see discrepancies. It
is also easier to dig down to the minimum specific value of what
customers need and enables teams to deliver “just enough” of the
right thing.
We’ll show you what we mean by using an example scenario.
Story: As a Canadian shopper, I want to give the cashier cash and I
expect the correct change so that I only pay the right amount for my
groceries. The cash register reports the correct amount of change to
Scenario: The happy path where the shopper gives more than the
amount of the groceries and receives the correct change.

Given I am a Canadian shopper and have purchased

groceries worth $4.97,
When I give the cashier $5.00,
Then I expect to get $0.05 change.

Note: By using this example, a business rule that the team may
not have considered is that in Canada, there are no pennies in use,
Chapter 4: Guiding Development with Examples 22

so the number is rounded up or down, and change is given to the

nearest nickel (0.05).
One of Janet’s favorite ways to show examples is in a tabular
format. It quickly shows what you are missing and what people
are thinking as they have the discussion. Each line can become a
test. Figure 4.2 shows this format for the scenario we used above.

Figure 4.2: Example of a tabular format of using concrete examples

There are so many good ways to structure conversations where

teams can elicit examples. Jeff Patton’s story mapping⁴ helps the
entire team walk their user’s journey through their product. We
like to capture specific business rules as well as examples that
illustrate them with example mapping. Structured conversations
using Ellen Gottesdiener and Mary Gorman’s 7 product dimen-
sions⁵ ensure teams get examples of many different aspects of value.
Any technique that promotes face-to-face collaboration in small
cross-functional groups is worth trying. See Chapter 7 in More Agile
Testing for more details and stories.

This is your foundation

Getting delivery and business team members together to gather
examples is key to delivering value to customers at a frequent
and sustainable pace. It enables teams to build the all-important
shared understanding before they start coding. It helps everyone
Chapter 4: Guiding Development with Examples 23

stay grounded in reality. The concrete examples become executable

tests that ensure we build the right thing and that thing keeps
working correctly into the future until customers want to change

Hint: When you find yourself in a hand-wavy discus-

sion about requirements for a feature or an argument
over how a certain capability should behave, STOP.
Ask for an example. Even better, get the group to start
drawing examples on the whiteboard (real or virtual).
You’ll save lots of time and get closer to building the
right thing.
Chapter 5: Enabling
Collaboration within a team and between teams is one of the
cornerstones that make agile teams successful. However, we find
that many teams have no idea how to get started with building
those relationships. In this chapter, we will talk about a few very
simple practices that can help you and your team get traction.

Collaborate with customers

Let’s start with collaborating with the customer – usually repre-
sented by a product owner. If teams don’t understand what problem
the customer is trying to solve, they may solve the wrong one. It is
essential that teams work with their customer to understand their
true needs.
First, we strongly suggest that everyone on the team understands
the domain. This can be accomplished by working closely with end
users, asking for examples or scenarios, or even drawing pictures
on whiteboards to understand differences and clarify meanings.
Questions such as these will make the customer consider the usage
and the associated risk.

“How will you use this?”

“What’s the worst that can happen?”

Testers can facilitate developer-customer communication, but it’s

important not to get in the way. We call the practice of getting a
Chapter 5: Enabling Collaboration 25

tester, a programmer, and a business expert (product owner, product

manager, or business analyst) together to talk about a user story,
the “Power of Three.” George Dinwiddie refers to it as the Three
Amigos⁶. It is a powerful way to build shared understanding about
stories, features, and how they fit into the product.

Hint: Gather the tester, programmer, and business ex-

pert, and perhaps one or two other roles, together any-
time a question comes up. For example, a developer pair
is working on a new story, and one of the business-
facing tests fails. They go talk to a tester and say they
think the test is expecting the wrong behavior. That’s
the time to grab a product owner and have a three-way
discussion. This quick conversation saves so much time
later trying to fix a defect that made it into the code.

Depending on the product and the type of features being developed,

more perspectives may be needed, such as from a UX designer, a
data expert, or an operations expert.

Figure 5.1: Invite the right people

Impact mapping
Frameworks such as impact mapping⁷ are helpful in deciding what
features we should build and maybe even determine what the
priority should be. Start with the goal of a feature (the “why”). Then
Chapter 5: Enabling Collaboration 26

identify who might help us achieve that goal and who might get in
our way. For each “who,” ask how they might help or hinder us
in achieving the goal (those are the impacts). Lastly, think about
what deliverables might result from each impact (the “what”). This
exercise helps the team understand the big picture and the reasons
behind what they are developing.

Figure 5.2: Impact mapping

It answers the question “How will we know if this feature achieves

the goal after we release it?”

Ask questions
It’s common that a feature planning meeting starts with a discus-
sion about how to implement the feature. Sometimes the product
owner has come with her own ideas: “Take the same code as we use
for discount codes and make them negative amounts so we can add
surcharges.” (Yes, Lisa had that exact experience.) It is important
not to let that happen – start with the why.
When you get together with a business stakeholder such as a
product owner to talk about upcoming features, the first question
to ask is, “Why are we doing this feature?” Other good questions:
“What problem will this solve for the business, the customer, or the
end user?”
Chapter 5: Enabling Collaboration 27

QA stands for “Question Asker” – an idea we got from Pete Walen.

Testers routinely ask questions that nobody else thinks of asking, so
if you don’t have a tester on the team, try designating a question-
asker role.
Experienced teams often build quality criteria into the way they do
work. For example, if they want to prevent security issues such as
cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection, it is probably built into
the architecture of the system.
However, in our experience, business stakeholders often assume
incorrectly that the technical team already knows what quality
attributes are important − attributes like how many concurrent
users will be using the product, what devices need to be supported,
or how fast the perceived response time of an application needs to
be. See Chapter 7 for more on quality attributes.
Asking specific as well as open-ended questions help expose hidden

• “Is it possible we could implement this feature and not solve

the problem?”
• “What will users do before using this feature?”
• “What will they do afterwards?”

Example mapping
Matt Wynne introduced us to the idea of example mapping⁸, and we
found it to be a great way to explore a new feature and the value it
should deliver. Work with the product owner or other stakeholders
about the business rules in a “Power of Three” type discussion.
Business rules are great places to start exploring a feature, since
they can help us slice a feature into stories as well as get a shared
understanding of how the feature should behave.
Chapter 5: Enabling Collaboration 28

Matt Wynne’s example-mapping technique is a highly effective

basis for this type of conversation because concrete examples
are used to help clarify our understanding of the rules. As the
conversation continues, keep the main goal in mind, and focus on
the value the feature delivers to customers and end users. Teams
often find that more business rules are exposed as a result of using
real examples.

Figure 5.3: Example mapping

Using example mapping to elicit business rules, examples, and

questions that need answering is an effective way to make sure the
larger team starts on the same page when they plan the iteration.

Build trust using visibility

Testing allows teams to identify risks so customers can make the
best decisions, which in turn builds trust. When the team asks for
their input, customers gain confidence that they will get working
We can use mind maps, flow diagrams, context diagrams, state
Chapter 5: Enabling Collaboration 29

diagrams, or other tools to look at dependencies and ripple effects

of each new feature. If our features aren’t easily understood and
used by everyone, they can’t provide the intended value. Keeping
an eye on the big picture is one strength that testers bring to agile
Drawing on a whiteboard while discussing a story is a proven way
to optimize communication. Getting up and moving helps people
think and learn.

Hint: Grab a marker and some cards, stickies, a white-

board. Get people to stand up and actively participate by
drawing or moving index cards or sticky notes around.

Figure 5.4: Use visibility to create trust

If there are remote participants, use online collaborative tools to

help. Our teams have found that using mind maps, either on a
physical whiteboard or via a real-time collaborative tool such as
Mindmup, can be extremely effective in helping to identify the
unknowns and find creative solutions.
These types of visual aids enable teams to ask better and more
focused questions. Anytime the team encounters a problem, they
find a way to make it visible, so that they can start thinking of
experiments to make the problem smaller.
Chapter 6: Explore
More agile teams are finding value in exploratory testing, but
it’s still a new or unknown idea to many teams. We’ll start by
explaining the purpose of exploratory testing and what’s involved.
In Explore It!, Elisabeth Hendrickson defines exploratory testing as
“…simultaneously designing and executing tests to learn about the
system, using your insights from the last experiment to inform the
In exploratory testing, a person interacts with the system and
observes actual behavior, designing small experiments. Based on
what they learn, they adapt the experiment and continue to learn
more about the system. In the process, they may make surprising
discoveries, including implications of interactions that no one had
considered. Exploratory testing exposes misunderstandings about
what the software is supposed to do.
Testers, programmers, or other team members who perform ex-
ploratory testing need to be open to observe, learn, use critical
thinking skills, and challenge expectations. The goal of exploratory
testing is to reduce risk and gain confidence in the product. There
are no scripts or lists of expected outputs. Instead, a goal is iden-
tified, with resources (or variations), and a mission. Team mem-
bers take notes as they explore and learn and debrief with other
team members and business stakeholders later. As a result of an
exploratory testing session, the tester may show any bugs found to
teammates or propose new features or stories that may be needed.
Exploratory testing is a disciplined approach to testing. It is not
to be confused with ad hoc testing, which is done without any
Chapter 6: Explore Continuously 31

planning or documentation, or monkey testing, which entails enter-

ing random inputs and random actions to see what breaks. Think
about the difference between wandering randomly (perhaps lost)
and exploring thoughtfully (to gain insight and with a purpose).
We’ll introduce a few techniques that might help you explore with

Personas, jobs, and roles

Testing a new product with a fresh set of eyes is a gift! There are not
as many preconceptions about how the product should behave, and
people’s confirmation bias is not as strong. A new pair of eyes are
better able to observe the product objectively, although of course
everyone has unconscious cognitive biases. Lisa has noticed that
when she pairs with new testers on her team, they immediately
notice bugs that have been there all along, but nobody else could
“see” them!
Assuming a persona⁹, or a role, enables a team member to test
a product they know inside and out with a fresh perspective;
unconscious cognitive biases such as inattentional blindness¹⁰ and
confirmation bias¹¹ can be overcome.
A persona is a fictitious user the team creates with characteris-
tics such as age, educational background, experience, personality
quirks, profession, and so on. Some teams have a defined set of
personas representing their target customer base that they use as
they design new features. Figure 6.1 shows a hacker type of persona
that you could use for testing.
Chapter 6: Explore Continuously 32

Figure 6.1: Hacker persona

Combining personas with jobs or roles is even better for ex-

ploratory testing. Here’s an example.

Jill, an executive assistant, is 30 years old, always in a

hurry with too much to do, and looks for shortcuts as
she uses the product. Test your team’s hotel reservation
application as Jill, who is booking a hotel at the last
minute for her boss.

When a tester assumes Jill’s persona, she’s likely to use the feature’s
capabilities in a different way than she normally would. For exam-
ple, she might discover that clicking on the submit button multiple
times out of impatience causes duplicate reservations.

Workflows and tours

A common way to explore is to go through expected workflows
or user journeys in the application. Start with one journey and
then explore variations on it. In that hotel-booking application,
an obvious journey is searching for a specific location and date
range for a certain number of guests, choosing a room, and entering
address information to confirm. A variation on that approach
would be to try to enter an address from a different country.
Does the form accept multiple formats for postal code? Does it do
validation on the postal code versus the street address?
Chapter 6: Explore Continuously 33

Another popular approach is to use tours. Compare it to taking

a tour in a travel destination. As a tourist, if you go to Paris,
you might like to see several landmarks: the Eiffel Tower, the
Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, or maybe even Notre Dame cathedral.
Once you’ve done that, repeat the tour but go to the sights in a
different order. Things may look different! The same thing happens
in software. Trying the landmark tour¹² uses different features and
capabilities in different orders and may cause unexpected behavior.

Hint: Search for “exploratory test tours” on the inter-

net and you’ll find many different ideas – we suggest
designing your own.

Figure 6.2: Landmark tour

Risks and value to the customer

Teams often overlook business risks or what is of value to a
customer. Exploratory test sessions can be designed to focus on
these aspects to uncover hidden assumptions. Asking the question,
“What is the worst thing that can happen?” may expose a risk that
needs exploring. For example, if theft of customer data is a huge
risk, then the team wants to spend extra time exploring the security
aspects of the product.
The flip side of risk is value, so ask, “What is the best thing that can
happen?” and explore around that business value.
Chapter 6: Explore Continuously 34

Explore in pairs or groups

Exploring can happen at any time. Programmers may explore dur-
ing coding to shorten their feedback loop for visual issues, or testers
may explore for browser compatibility. However, we recommend
pairing with someone to get the most out of the experience (Figure

Figure 6.3: Pairing

One way to explore at the feature level is with groups. One of Lisa’s
teams often got people together for ad hoc or exploratory test ses-
sions for extra confidence on major or risky features. Collaborating
to test concurrency issues is a great example of this. More eyes on
the problem means better chances of something being found.
Much like mob programming, mob testing¹³ can be used for ex-
ploratory testing. This means there is one driver (a role that rotates
every few minutes) with multiple people helping by asking ques-
tions or making suggestions. Multiple perspectives may uncover
impacts to other parts of the system.

In her book Explore It! Elisabeth Hendrickson details how to
use charters for effective exploratory testing. Charters help you
organize the information you need to learn about your application
Chapter 6: Explore Continuously 35

into appropriately focused time-boxed sessions. These work well in

combination with personas, jobs, and roles.
Elisabeth’s template looks like this:

Explore <target>
With <resources>
To discover <information of value to someone>

Considering the resources (or types of variations, as Janet likes to

think of them) that are going to be used is a good way to start
writing a charter. For example, security testing may need to test
various format exploits. A charter can be written to explore several
pages in the UI with these exploits. The following example shows
one possibility.

Explore the user signup page for 30 minutes

With cross-site scripting exploits
To discover any vulnerabilities

We like to time-box our sessions to help with focusing the charter.

One simple way to do this is to add the time limit to the charter
itself, as in our previous example.
Lisa likes to introduce people to exploratory testing by having them
get into small groups to test toys and games for young children.
They first create a persona, such as: “Judy is a very strong, active
four-year-old.” Then they test a game designed for ages 3−6 with a

Explore the game as Judy

Using all her energy, unexpected movements, and strength
To discover whether the game is safe for her age group
Chapter 6: Explore Continuously 36

If they’re able to break off a small piece that’s a choking hazard,

the game may not be safe. That’s a different way to test than if you
simply used the game as your adult self.
There are other ways to write charters. Some teams use mind maps,
while others use mnemonics or simply write a sentence about what
they want to explore.

Executing, learning, steering

People often get stuck trying to write or execute their first charter.

Hint: We suggest that if you find yourself in this posi-

tion (stuck), don’t think too hard the first time. Write
it, then try it. Use your observation skills, your critical
thinking, and your intuition.

As charters are executed, the explorer learns and can write new
charters. We also encourage notetaking. One advantage to pairing
is that the person not driving can write the notes. We also believe
that debriefing with other team members after the exploration is
key to learning and sharing information.

Additional techniques
Other techniques help us “think outside the box.” For example,
Mike Talks has his “Oblique Testing” cards¹⁴ that can help the
tester down a path that might not have been considered otherwise.
Beren van Daele’s TestSphere¹⁵ cards also get testers thinking and
talking about their testing in different ways. As human beings, our
unconscious biases can keep us from seeing important problems.
Using cards like this can offset those biases and help teams be more
Chapter 6: Explore Continuously 37

Leverage tools for effective

Exploratory testing is human-centric, but automated scripts or tools
can be used to generate test data or to set the scene. Other tools
can assist exploring as well. For example, emulators can be used
for embedded or mobile devices, although real devices do need
to be tested and explored as well. Resources like log files can be
used to spot “silent” failures or potential data loss. For example,
one of Janet’s teams started highlighting warnings to make them
more visible, which exposed a major issue in how one method was
used incorrectly. Tools like recorders can keep track of what pages
have been visited or what data was used, so it can be replayed if
something unexpected was found.
Chapter 7: Testing
Quality Attributes
Quality attributes − or as some people like to call them, non-
functional requirements − are often overlooked when discussing
a new feature or story. A quality attribute defines the properties
under which a feature must operate. Rather than thinking about
them as an “add-on,” we prefer to think of them as a constraint the
team must consider with every feature or story.

Defining quality attributes

Two main types of quality attributes that need to be considered are
development and operational attributes. Development attributes
include code maintainability, code reuse, and testability − the
“how” we develop our code. That’s internal or technology-facing
quality and is owned by the software delivery team.
When people talk about quality attributes, they usually mean
the operational attributes. Ellen Gottesdiener and Mary Gorman
classify some of the quality attributes in Figure 7.1 as operational
or development attributes.
Chapter 7: Testing Quality Attributes 39

Figure 7.1: Quality attributes meta model

Many of these quality attributes are technology-facing (see Chapter

9: Agile Testing Quadrants for an explanation). If the business
stakeholders don’t understand them well, the delivery team can
help them set the appropriate quality levels for each attribute.

Mitigating risks by collaborating

Every product or organization has unique needs and risks that
need to be assessed. By considering what quality attributes are
important to your customers, the team can talk about the risks for
the product. For example, Janet worked on a team where reliability
was the most important quality attribute (although not the only
one). The team asked themselves, “What do we need to be able to
prove reliability?” When answering the question, the organization
realized they needed to invest in a complete reliability testing
environment where the build could be deployed at the end of every
iteration to run a complete set of automated tests along with some
exploratory tests. The team worked to get the automated tests and
simulations working with every story.
Some teams think about their quality attributes after they deliver
the functionality, and they create stories for the “non-functional”
requirements. This is generally not a good idea because it may
mean having to go back and re-do the architecture or code design.
Chapter 7: Testing Quality Attributes 40

These attributes may in fact be higher priority than functional

or behavioral requirements. Valuable functionality in some areas
doesn’t overcome lack of security or performance in some business
domains. Teams that wait too late in the cycle to test these attributes
(often during the endgame just before release) hit a total roadblock.
These types of issues are usually design issues and can’t be fixed
that late in the release cycle.
As a delivery team, be proactive. Don’t wait for the product owner
to start the conversation. She’s probably thinking about feature
capabilities and taking quality attributes for granted. As a team,
consider which aspects of quality are most valuable to customers
and the business. A good way to start is by drawing a context dia-
gram of the proposed new feature to see how it interacts with other
capabilities or systems. Knowing the dependencies and potentially
fragile areas early means there is enough time to make the right
design decisions and ensure the team has the necessary technical
knowledge. The team might plan to do a spike (an experiment or
investigation story) to explore potential designs and architecture.
Release or feature planning offer great opportunities to ask business
stakeholders questions like these:

• What’s the worst thing that can happen after we release this
capability? Does that make it high risk?
• Is it ok if the system or a system capability is down for
some amount of time? If not, what is the maximum time or
percentage of time it can be down?
• For a web-based app, what browsers might customers use?
• Can we assume that customers will be using mobile devices?
Would that include phones and tablets, and does that mean
both Apple and android? What about ……?
• How will we know if the feature is successful once we release
Chapter 7: Testing Quality Attributes 41

Planning for pre-release testing

Some quality attributes might require more testing immediately
before the release when all components of the feature set are
connected. For example, the team may do load or performance
testing in a staging environment to get a final baseline. If the team
uses blue/green deploys¹⁶ in a cloud infrastructure, they may do
this testing on the idle production environment.
Teams can use release feature toggles and other techniques to
hide new features from customers until they test various quality
attributes in production. Once they are confident in the level of
quality for all aspects of the feature, they can toggle the feature
on. (See more on testing in production in Chapter 8: Testing in

Planning for later learning

Asking that last question − How will we know if the feature is
successful once we release it? − is a great way for the team to talk
about the purpose of the new feature and how they can measure
whether it meets the desired goals. Provisioning data for analytics
tools needs to be planned into the stories for each feature. At the
story level, think about how the team can monitor the system to
measure usage and quality of the attribute. The team may need
new tools for appropriate logging and monitoring.
At the task level, the programmers should be thinking about in-
strumenting the code so that the team can measure with automated
tests or monitoring tools (see Figure 7.2). The solution might be as
simple as running an optimizer on a new database query or using a
static analysis tool to check that the code meets accessibility stan-
dards. A more holistic approach, such as instrumenting every event
Chapter 7: Testing Quality Attributes 42

in the code so that production issues can be quickly pinpointed and

fixed, may be appropriate.

Figure 7.2: Task board with future in mind

Regulatory compliance
Regulatory compliance isn’t always deemed a quality attribute, but
like the quality attributes we’ve mentioned, you need to consider it
from the beginning. Compliance does not necessarily mean stacks
of documents, but there is usually extra work involved for the team,
and it’s wise to plan early.
Organizations need to work together with auditors and regulatory
agencies to understand what information is required to show
compliance. It is important that everyone has the same vision of an
appropriately disciplined approach. For example, if the team has
automated tests that run every day and the tests provide living
documentation in the form of test results, can those be used as
evidence to support the approach or coverage? Both of us have
worked with teams that needed to show compliance (medical
devices and financial) and did it with very little “extra” work. See
Chapter 21, “Agile Testing in Regulated Environments” in More
Agile Testing for more examples and information.
Chapter 8: Testing in
Software development has always included the process of getting
new changes to the software into production for customers to use.
In the past, much of this process was manual. There are new tools
and practices for creating software artifacts and deploying them
into test and production environments. But the basic process is
the same. Teams have many testing activities to help them feel
confident about the changes they make to their production product.
There are new terms for some of this testing, but basic testing skills
are still relevant.
The DevOps movement grew out of the idea that some orga-
nizations had embraced agile development but left their entire
operations staff out of the transition. It’s also a result of the move
to cloud-hosted applications and infrastructure as code replaced
command line interfaces. Roles have adapted. Operations special-
ists learn how to code. Programmers take responsibility for their
code even after it is in production, instead of throwing it over the
wall to operations.
Testers also adapt their own skills and activities. They contribute
in many ways, such as helping to design the automated test suites
that provide reliable and valuable information, optimizing the
delivery pipeline, and testing infrastructure code to ensure reliable
Chapter 23 in More Agile Testing goes into detail about how
operations specialists can help the delivery team improve quality by
setting up test environments, helping to implement test automation
frameworks, generating test data, and more.
Chapter 8: Testing in DevOps 44

Continuous delivery and

Teams practicing continuous delivery (CD) have a deployable
release candidate each time a new change is committed to the
code repository and subsequently passes successfully through a
deployment pipeline. The pipeline starts with continuous integra-
tion, which may include automated test suites at different levels
such as unit, API, and full workflow through the user interface. It
may include other steps such as static code analysis for automated
deployments to various environments. The business stakeholders
can decide to deploy the release candidate to production and may
do so many times per day. Figure 8.1 shows an example of a
continuous delivery pipeline.

Figure 8.1: Continuous delivery pipeline

Continuous deployment (also CD) is the same process, except that

each successful release candidate automatically deploys to produc-
tion. Figure 8.2 shows an example of a continuous deployment
Chapter 8: Testing in DevOps 45

Figure 8.2: Continuous deployment pipeline

This sounds as scary as testing in production if you haven’t done it

before. If you release multiple times per day, how can you possibly
fit in all the testing that you need to do? Human-centric testing,
whether tests the team hasn’t automated yet or testing activities like
exploratory and accessibility testing, is as much a part of a delivery
pipeline as automated tests.
The key is recognizing the difference between deploying and
Thanks to techniques such as release feature toggles, it’s possible
to hide changes from customers until all necessary testing is com-
pleted. Testing can be done asynchronously.
Continuous delivery or deployment represents a high standard
of achievement for a team. Delivery team members and business
stakeholders need to create a shared understanding of each feature
and story to be delivered. The developers master ways of hiding
features from some (or all) customers until they are ready to
release that feature. The delivery pipeline must be fast in order to
potentially deploy daily or multiple times per day. That requires
a good infrastructure, which means more code to build and test.
There are many new skills to master. When each team member
Chapter 8: Testing in DevOps 46

brings their T-shaped skills¹⁷ and everyone collaborates, the team

can more easily solve problems and continue to shorten their
feedback loops represented in the pipeline.

Testing in production

At one time, the term “testing in production” sounded like “Throw

the code into production and let the customers find the bugs
and tell us,” or “Let’s test in production and hope that we don’t
affect anybody’s account.” Sadly, some teams did just that. Today,
the words “testing in production” have a less fearful connotation.
Testing in production has become a necessity in many cases, but it
does not mean releasing poor quality code and letting customers
find the bugs!
Testing in production helps companies in multiple ways. It’s usually
impossible to create a test environment that looks exactly like
production. There is no easy way to really know what the software
will do until it’s in the production environment.
Techniques such as release feature toggling enable teams to “turn
on” specific functionality to specific customers to get quick feed-
back. Sometimes this is called a learning release or minimal viable
product (MVP). A/B testing may be the most well-known testing-
in-production technique, showing different designs to different
people and judging which lead to the most “click-throughs” or sales.
Sophisticated analytics and tracing can show details such as how
an individual user navigates through the application, or aggregate
statistics like what percentage of customers are using a specific
capability. Removing unused features can be just as important as
adding popular new ones, since every line of code has a mainte-
nance cost and adds risk. Testing in production is about monitoring
and observing.
Chapter 8: Testing in DevOps 47

Monitoring and observability

The importance of monitoring system health in production has ex-
isted as long as software systems have logged pertinent information
about events in the system. Teams can set up alerts for certain types
of errors or for exceeding an error budget − for example, “Post an
alert when the number of 503 errors goes up by 10% over average.”
When alerted, team members dig into the log files and analytics to
investigate the problem so they can resolve it.
Professional testers know that it’s not possible to predict all the
possible errors that can occur in production! In recent years, this has
given rise to a new practice called observability, often referred to as
“o11y,” representing the 11 characters between the ‘o’ and the ‘y’ in
the English alphabet. Teams that practice o11y instrument and log
every single event in their production code so it can be analyzed
by appropriate tools when needed. Using tools and experiments,
teams study information from structured log data, metrics, and
traces to learn different things about their product than what can
be learned in a test environment. This is an area where testers, with
their ability to notice unusual patterns and identify risks, contribute
value. As Abby Bangser¹⁸ has said, it is a form of tool-assisted
exploratory testing.
Observability lets teams respond quickly when a user reports a
problem that the team has never seen before, or when system
metrics show unusual patterns indicating a potential problem. The
structured log data enables the team to trace user activity and
quickly identify where the system started behaving incorrectly.
This allows teams to revert a change or deploy a fix, often in a
matter of minutes. This ability to recover so quickly from produc-
tion failures lets the team release these continual small changes to
the product fearlessly, and it’s what makes continuous delivery or
deployment a safe practice.
Chapter 8: Testing in DevOps 48

New technology brings us new


In the past few years, “big data” storage has become affordable
even for small companies. Teams can log information about every
event that occurs in any test or production environment. Power-
ful technology, including artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
learning (ML), has sped up processing and analysis of these huge
amounts of data. We can quickly learn how customers are using
our products, discover problems before they do, and quickly recover
from failures.
Testing in production is just one part of any team’s approach to
building quality into their product. They still plan and execute all
the appropriate testing activities along with writing the production
code. They can also observe production use and run risk-free tests
in production to add another level of confidence and reliability.
Figure 8.3 is a wonderful graphic by Cindy Sridharan from her
article Monitoring and Observability¹⁹, and represents how teams
test trying to simulate production, monitor for predictable failures
in production, and use observability to catch anything that slips
through those other quality-driven efforts.

Figure 8.3: Cindy Sridharan’s testing, monitoring, and observability

SECTION 3: Helpful
We have found visual models an essential ingredient in helping
teams plan and execute all necessary testing activities and formu-
late an effective test automation strategy. In this section, we explain
how to use the Agile Testing Quadrants to identify all the types of
tests that are needed for each new feature set or story, and make
sure they are done when they are the most effective. Then we look
at how to use visual models such as the Test Automation Pyramid
to guide team conversations about a realistic automation strategy
that works for their context.

• Chapter 9: The Agile Testing Quadrants

• Chapter 10: Visualizing a Test Automation Strategy
Chapter 9: The Agile
Testing Quadrants
Brian Marick first wrote about the agile testing quadrants (Figure
9.1) in 2003, when Lisa and Janet were trying to figure out how to
talk about testing to the agile community, especially the testers. At
that time, most of the agile folks were discussing only “customer
tests” and “programmer tests.” A lot of teams were focused only
on functional acceptance tests – how the features should behave.
Today, this is still a potential pitfall for teams transitioning to agile.
The quadrants gave us a way to discuss all the different types of
testing that a team might need to consider. They help us see the big
The agile testing quadrants are a taxonomy of different types of
testing. We use it as a thinking tool to help teams discuss what
testing activities they might need and make sure they have the right
people, resources, and environments to perform them.

Figure 9.1: Agile Testing Quadrants

Chapter 9: The Agile Testing Quadrants 51

Tests on the left-hand side are those that guide development, the
ones that are written before coding happens or concurrently as
coding proceeds. The tests on the right-hand side are those that
critique (evaluate) the product after coding is complete. Tests on
the left help prevent defects. Tests on the right find defects in the
code or perhaps identify missing features.
The top half of the quadrants focuses on tests that are readable
by business stakeholders. These tests answer the question, “Are
we building the right thing?” The bottom half includes tests that
are written by and for technical team members. The business
stakeholders probably care about the end results, but they would
not try to read the tests. The top half is about external quality as
defined by the business. The bottom half is about internal code or
infrastructure correctness.
The quadrants are numbered for ease of reference. The four quad-
rants are labeled as:

• Quadrant 1 (Q1): Technology-facing tests that guide devel-

• Quadrant 2 (Q2): Business-facing tests that guide develop-
• Quadrant 3 (Q3): Business-facing tests that critique the prod-
• Quadrant 4 (Q4): Technology-facing tests that critique the

The agile testing quadrants model helps teams think through test-
ing activities that are needed to give confidence to the product they
are building. It also helps to build a common testing language with
the team and with the organization if used to help communicate
across teams. Janet’s favorite thing about this model is that it not
only represents a holistic view into testing but also makes the whole
team’s responsibility for testing activities visible.
Chapter 9: The Agile Testing Quadrants 52

Each team has its own distinct combination of business domain,

product, skills, product maturity, technical stack, regulatory over-
sight, and more. The model can be applied to represent the testing
required in each context. In Figure 9.2, we share some typical types
of tests that might be found in each quadrant.

Hint: Remember: Use these examples as a guideline. It’s

a tool, not a rule, and there are lots of gray areas. Your
team’s context is unique, and your quadrants should be
too. Apply the model to the testing you need to do.

Figure 9.2: Examples of testing types for the quadrants

What tests in what order?

We have numbered the quadrants 1, 2, 3, 4 simply for ease of
reference. It’s a mouthful to say “Business-facing tests that guide
development,” so we say, “Quadrant 2” or “Q2.” The numbers are
not intended to represent that the types of testing activities should
be done in that order. As the team plans their testing, they will
think about the appropriate time to do each testing activity.
Here’s an example. A team decides to start using a new architecture
for the new features going forward. They need to be sure that
Chapter 9: The Agile Testing Quadrants 53

the architecture will scale appropriately to accommodate a certain

number of users and a potential load on the system. The team does
a “spike,” which means they write some throw-away code solely
for the purpose of testing out the architecture. They do load and
performance testing on the “spike” to see if it meets response time
requirements and remains stable. If they’re satisfied, they delete
the spike and start working on stories for a new feature, this time
following their usual development practices. If they’re not satisfied,
they may re-think the architecture and repeat the process.
For feature development, most teams probably start in Q2. They
might draw prototypes on paper and show them to potential
customers. The delivery and business team might have a story-
mapping or specification workshop to discuss features and slice
them into stories. During backlog refinement or story-readiness
workshops, the team can use activities such as example mapping
to extract more details.
Once the team starts developing a story, they work on tests from
Q1, writing unit tests as part of test-driven development. They may
simultaneously be working on story tests in Q2. If enough of a
feature is delivered to explore, they may move into Q3 testing.
However, if security is the number one concern for the business and
customers, security testing in Q4 may be prioritized over functional
story testing from Q2. Each team finds their own way of working,
and it may change for different types of features or projects.

Using the quadrants

Janet and Lisa have seen teams use the quadrants in many ways.
Some teams put a poster on the wall with the blank quadrants. As
they plan a new feature or release, they talk about all the testing
they’ll need and write each type in the appropriate quadrant. They
use it as a reminder about what they need to do or what they may
have forgotten.
Chapter 9: The Agile Testing Quadrants 54

Quadrant 1

Teams can also use the quadrants to talk about what tests should
be automated. Q1 tests are typically automated by the developers
writing the production code. Many teams practice test-driven de-
velopment (TDD), writing a small unit test for some small piece
of functionality, then the code to make that test pass. Q1 tests are
designed to run quickly since they test such a small area of code
and generally don’t include interaction with other layers of the
application or databases. They give teams the fast feedback needed
to make changes to the code quickly and fearlessly.

Quadrant 2

The business-facing tests that guide development in Q2 are an

important foundation for most teams. Product owners, developers,
testers, and others meet frequently to plan features and stories.
They may use techniques such as example mapping to elicit busi-
ness rules for each story along with the examples that illus-
trate them. Teams practicing behavior-driven development (BDD),
acceptance test-driven development (ATDD), or specification by
example (SBE) turn these into scenarios that specify behavior as
executable tests. These scenarios can be automated as the code is

Quadrant 3

Tests in Q3 tend to be human-centric, learning whether the deliv-

ered stories and features provide the intended value to customers.
Automation may be used to facilitate this testing via data or state
setup. It’s becoming more common for teams to do exploratory
testing in production, using release feature toggles to “hide” new
features from customers until testing is complete. Q3 tests include
forms of testing in production such as monitoring analytics to
Chapter 9: The Agile Testing Quadrants 55

learn what really happens and how customers use the features.
Information learned from Q3 testing feeds back into Q2, often
resulting in creating new stories or features.

Quadrant 4

Many Q4 tests depend on automation and tools, but some may

require additional testing. For example, the automated tools for
accessibility (often shortened to “a11y,” representing the starting
and ending letters and the number of letters in between) testing
are still not as effective as manual exploratory testing for those
capabilities. Results of these tests often feed back into Q1 activities
as the team changes the code design to improve various quality
attributes. Monitoring performance and errors in production, or
testing for recoverability, can also be considered a type of testing
that falls into Q4. Today’s technology has made it feasible and safe
to test in production. This doesn’t mean that we let customers find
bugs for us but that we learn for sure how the code behaves in a
true production environment. (Details on testing in production can
be found in Chapter 8.)

Defining “Done”

Use the quadrants to define what “Done” means to your team.

Many teams struggle when trying to decide what testing should
be included in that definition. In Chapter 3, we talked about levels
of detail, and those levels apply here. Instead of defining “Done,”
we encourage teams to be more specific and call it “Story Done.”
Testing that can be included in “Story Done” would likely be all of
Q1, all of Q2, and perhaps some of Q3 like exploratory testing.
Go one step further and define “Feature Done,” which would
include all testing for stories, but perhaps also includes tests like
user acceptance testing (UAT) and exploratory testing at the feature
Chapter 9: The Agile Testing Quadrants 56

level. We recommend that all quality attributes that could not be

tested at the story level should be performed at the feature level.
You may even choose to define “Release Done.” That would
include every test that applies in your context, from every quadrant.

Hint: Remember, when we talk about “done-ness” at

story, feature, and release levels, we are not mandating
that tests be done in a certain order. Rather, consider
which tests guide development (prevent defects) and
which ones are critiquing the product (finding defects
in the code).

Figure 9.3: Finding and “fixing” bugs

Find the models that fit your context

Many teams have found the agile testing quadrants useful in
planning their testing activities. Others have adapted the quadrants
model to better suit their needs, and there are many useful varia-
tions on the quadrants. You can find Chapter 8 from More Agile
Testing available for download on agiletester.ca²⁰, and it includes
several adaptations of the quadrants. Check our resources list for
Whatever model works best for you, be sure to keep it visible and
use it to stimulate conversations about how to continually improve
your testing.
Chapter 10: Visualizing a
Test Automation
Test automation is a constant challenge for software teams ev-
erywhere. Many teams still have no automated regression tests.
Some teams feel they’ve mastered the process, but then they update
their product to incorporate new technology that their existing
automation tools can’t handle. They often struggle to maintain a
balance between value and maintenance cost.
Wherever an individual team is on its automation journey, it’s
helpful to take a step back and think about priorities and what
improvements to focus on next. This chapter is not meant to
give you an extensive introduction into automation but to show
how using visual models can help teams design their automation

Using visual models

Getting the whole team involved in formulating a strategy for
addressing different automation needs and executing that strategy
is key to succeeding with automation. Visual models help guide
these conversations.
The agile testing quadrants model covered in Chapter 9 can help
teams plan their automation strategy as they discuss the different
types of testing that are needed, as well as what skills, tools, and
infrastructure they will need to complete it. In this chapter, we look
Chapter 10: Visualizing a Test Automation Strategy 58

at some additional models that can help teams find a successful

automation strategy.

Hint: Remember, these are thinking tools, to be used

to start conversations about how your team wants to
automate tests.

The classic test automation pyramid

Mike Cohn’s test automation pyramid has helped many teams since
the early 2000s. We’ve adjusted it slightly since then (Figure 10.1)
to make our intent clear, including the cloud bubble on top to
represent that not all regression tests can be automated. Sometimes
we need human-centric tests, which include exploratory tests (ET).

Figure 10.1: Classic Test Automation Pyramid

This model helps teams understand that in most contexts, it pays

to automate tests at the most granular level of the application as
possible, to provide adequate protection against regression failures.
Teams that practice test-driven development (TDD) build up a solid
base of unit- and component-level tests that help guide code design.
These tests run very fast, so they give the team quick feedback.
With most applications, testing interactions between different lay-
ers of the architecture is required. For example, business logic
Chapter 10: Visualizing a Test Automation Strategy 59

usually requires interaction with the database. Doing as much

automation of this type at the service or API level without going
through a user interface (UI) is generally the most efficient way.
Some regressions only occur when two or more layers of the
application are involved. That may require workflow tests through
the UI that involve the server, database, and/or an external system.
In most contexts, it’s best to minimize the number of end-to-end
workflow tests. These tests run slowly, are often the most brittle,
and usually require the most maintenance. The cloud at the top of
the pyramid includes human-centric activities such as exploratory
testing and other tasks that can’t be automated.
The test automation pyramid helps us think of ways to “push tests
lower,” maximize the regression tests that are isolated to one part
of an application, and minimize those that involve multiple parts
of the system. When teams plan testing for a feature, they can look
at the pyramid to see where each test can most appropriately be
The classic pyramid is not meant to imply that there is a certain
number or percentage of automated tests at each level. Seb Rose
envisions the model a bit differently, as shown in Figure 10.2.

Figure 10.2: Seb Rose’s version of the pyramid, number of tests vs. test coverage

Seb’s model clarifies that what makes a test more expensive is

the number of layers of the application it requires to execute. For
Chapter 10: Visualizing a Test Automation Strategy 60

example, it’s possible to have a unit-level test of the UI that does not
involve any other layers of the application. It’s possible to use TDD
for each isolated layer of the application, whether it’s the server,
the API, the UI, or a microservice.
There have been many adaptations of the pyramid model (and yes,
the classic one is really a triangle) over the years. Chapter 15 of
More Agile Testing includes several adaptations, including those
from Alister Scott and Sharon Robson.
Teams that have automated tests can draw the “shape” of their
pyramid to visualize where their current tests fit. Many teams start
out with mostly UI tests and an “upside-down” pyramid or “ice
cream cone²¹.” Others may have an hourglass. None of these shapes
are necessarily wrong, but if the current automation doesn’t meet
the team’s needs, the visuals can help picture what changes are
Conversations around a visual model help teams that are just
starting their automation efforts decide their eventual goal and
their first priorities.

Automated tests as living

The time, cost, and effort that goes into automating different
types of tests at different levels of the application are not the
only considerations when putting together an automation strategy.
Another consideration is remembering who needs to be able to
read and understand the tests. Seb Rose’s Test Automation Iceberg
(Figure 10.3) reminds us that one of the most valuable attributes
of automated tests is the living documentation that they provide.
They’re always up to date because the team keeps them passing all
Chapter 10: Visualizing a Test Automation Strategy 61

the time, so you can tell at any given time exactly what your system

Figure 10.3: Seb Rose’s test automation iceberg

Those portions of the iceberg above the waterline are tests that
are business readable, while those below are not (are written in
a technical language). The amount of tests will vary by team; for
example, Lisa worked on a team whose product was intended for
other delivery teams. Everyone on the team including the product
owner could understand the automated regression tests written in
low-level code. They didn’t need “business-readable” tests. In other
domains, it’s critical that business stakeholders can understand the
acceptance tests. This model helps remind us to think about what’s
needed in the team’s context.

Extending the model

Even the most diligent automated regression test coverage may
fail to identify some regression failures. No test environment is
exactly like production. Some bugs may be found via “testing in
production,” as discussed in Chapter 8.
In her book A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps, Katrina Clokie
presents her DevOps bug filter. It’s a helpful visual showing that
unit tests can only filter out the small bugs, while different levels of
Chapter 10: Visualizing a Test Automation Strategy 62

integration and end-to-end tests detect progressively bigger ones.

To find the fully formed bugs, teams need logging, alerting, and
monitoring for their production system.

Shared responsibility
We encourage teams to share the responsibility of testing the
business rules and higher levels of integration at the API level.
Testers should also have visibility into the unit and component
tests written by developers. As a team member, it’s important to
understand your team’s applications and the inner workings when
approaching your automation strategy.
Because automating tests through the UI tends to be more time-
consuming, there’s a temptation to hand that off to a separate
automation team or have the testers on the team take full respon-
sibility for it. We recommend that the developers, who are good at
writing efficient, maintainable code, work together with the testers,
who are good at specifying test cases, to automate tests through the
UI as well as all other layers above the base level of the pyramid.
Remember, like all the other models, the test automation pyramid
is a guide. Teams that get members in all roles together to ask
questions, chat about the answers, draw on the whiteboard, and
design experiments have the best success with automation. Visual
models like the examples in this chapter help teams talk about why
they’re automating tests, what their biggest automation pain points
are, how people with different skills could help, and what their next
experiments should be. In our experience, a step-by-step approach
works best.
SECTION 4: Agile Testing
The basics of agile testing − such as using the whole-team approach,
guiding development with examples, and collaborating across roles
to build quality in − are as effective today as they were 20 years ago.
Is there anything we need to change to meet today’s challenges? In
this section, we share what some leading agile testing practitioners
see changing for the role of testers. We’ll wrap up with a bunch of
ingredients to help teams succeed with agile testing.

• Chapter 11: A Tester’s New Role

• Chapter 12: Ingredients for Success
Chapter 11: A Tester’s
New Role
Many teams struggle with only one tester as part of the team – or
even worse, a tester who supports more than one delivery team.
If the tester is the only one doing testing activities, it generally
creates a bottleneck. Agile teams who deliver changes to production
at every iteration (or even more frequently if they’re implementing
continuous delivery) cannot afford to have a single tester to do all
the testing.
We can’t predict the future, but it is informative to look around
to see how a tester’s role is changing. We asked other experienced
agile testing coaches and trainers to find out what their thoughts
are about the changing role of a tester. These different perspectives
may help you understand how testers and teams can adapt and help
build a quality culture.

Testers are quality glue for a team

Alex Schladebeck – Germany

When I started out, the tester role in a team (if the tester was
even a part of the team) was often to be solely responsible for UI
automation and manual testing. Over the last 12 years, I’ve seen a
huge diversification of the role, and always in a context-dependent
way based on how the team operated. I see testers working on more
automation tasks, even pairing at the unit level with developers. I
see them being involved at all process points. I see them organizing
mob testing sessions with the team to perform exploratory testing.
Chapter 11: A Tester’s New Role 65

I see them campaigning for better feedback loops. I’ve even seen
testers start to fix bugs or implement features.

Make connections

For me, this diversification and role-blurring is a huge freedom and

a great responsibility. It means that we have to ask ourselves, “How
do I, my skills, and my potential to learn best fit into this team’s
context?” We become very much “quality and communication
glue,” identifying and filling in the gaps in any team.
I’ve started using the term “embedded quality engineer” or “em-
bedded quality consultant” for this role. The problem with the
title “tester” is that it contains the name of one of the many
activities we do, so you hear questions like, “If everyone is involved
in testing, why do we need a tester?” or statements like, “The
developers are automating tests, so we don’t need a tester role.”
Testing is just one of the many things that a tester does. In my
opinion, we need to fight against the idea that an agile team should
consist of “chimeras”: a mix of different roles, or a Swiss-Army-
knife team member that can do everything: requirements, UX, test,
security, front and backend. Agile teams need to be diverse and
cross-functional, and that means we need people with different
backgrounds, interests, and specializations, without any one person
being a silo or bottleneck. I think that’s a balance that is achievable.
I see the tester role as consisting of multiple activities. There
are things that have always been part of the role, like working
with stakeholders, bringing expertise to test activities, pairing
with developers and other testers, supporting the product owner,
Chapter 11: A Tester’s New Role 66

organizing and adapting the overall quality strategy, getting good

test data, and identifying risk. I think there will be even more tasks
that can be taken on or supported by testers in the future. Some
of these might be: working with the team to ensure testability
and observability for testing and monitoring in production, asking
questions of the production system to explore how it is being used,
honing our performance and teaching skills for exploratory testing,
helping the team to focus on value (and sometimes on minimalism,
i.e., the value of something not done). I also see testers starting to
add “team health” to their quality attributes, looking out for the
communication and stress levels of the team as a whole. These are,
after all, things that can affect quality greatly.
In short, I believe that the tester role remains important. They are
the person in the team whose main priority is quality. They are
also the person with the passion for quality and testing, and they
advocate and champion for them.

An agile tester’s professional


Paul Carvalho – Canada

When I coach agile teams, I help the whole team learn to work
together and build upon each others’ strengths. A product owner
brings business and industry knowledge, a programmer brings
strong coding and development skills, a designer brings insights
into the user’s perspective and experience, and a tester brings
something of value to the table as well.
A tester’s professional journey starts with moving away from
accidental and random testing, to thoughtful design of tests through
models, techniques, and other specialized skills and knowledge.
Agile puts a strong focus on working closely with others, so testers
need to get out of their heads when thinking about testing and find
Chapter 11: A Tester’s New Role 67

their voice to help other team members understand the many ways
to generate quality information about the systems in development.
A great agile tester spends more time with a whiteboard marker
in hand and pairing with other team members than anything else.
It’s about helping the rest of the team to see and understand more
about the system, before the system is built. “Build Quality In” is
more than a slogan; it is a reality that great testers can help enable
on high-performing collaborative teams.


An agile tester’s professional journey progresses from random,

haphazard testing, to understanding the techniques and design of
good testing, to finding a voice and expressing these ideas so they
may help elevate the rest of your team’s performance.
As a tester, aim to enhance and grow everyone’s understanding of
the systems and solutions through thoughtful exploration. If you
let go of the notion that you must be the one to write test cases
or program automation, think about where your unique skills and
insights can help carry your team.
Chapter 11: A Tester’s New Role 68

The fascinating path of evolving as


Claudia Badell – Uruguay

As testers, we can contribute and add value from different perspec-

tives: as facilitators and evangelists toward testing and quality in a
product team, as coaches, as test consultants, as experts at certain
types of testing (usability testing, accessibility testing, security
testing, performance testing, among others), and more. Testers are
no longer seen as gatekeepers for quality, so we can be seen and
valued as quality advocators.
Nowadays, it is more and more frequent that testers are part of
the development team and make contributions from the beginning
of the development process. In my experience, the role of a tester
in this context is evolving. Besides performing testing activities to
support manual testing and automated checks, testers collaborate
to build bridges within the team in order to reach a common
understanding and engagement about testing. They also define,
follow up, and adjust the testing strategies to be applied by the
whole team. In addition, they share and evangelize their knowledge
of testing within the team.
As technology, methodologies, and processes evolve and teams
and communities mature, I believe it is important for us to have
a proactive attitude to adapt to such changes. The future will
bring new challenges and opportunities. Depending on the context,
different skills and different testing activities may be needed, but
in my experience, there are core skills that are necessary to keep
pace with software development.
Chapter 11: A Tester’s New Role 69

Experiment and find new opportunities

These skills are:

• be eager to learn and try new experiments to enhance testing

strategies in the team.
• be an excellent question asker throughout the product life-
cycle. Depending on the type of information that we gather,
questions can be formulated in different ways. They can be
made verbally or in writing, so clear and well-structured
communication skills are important. They can also be made
programmatically; for example, if we wanted to check certain
responses between two services, technical skills are impor-
• have modeling skills as a way of understanding what to test
and defining testing strategies that cover the different aspects
that are needed.
• have some degree of technical knowledge to collaborate in
defining testability aspects of the solution while the software
is being developed − for example, to support unit testing and
automated integration testing.
• have a sharing and collaborative attitude.

We are in an exciting time where we can shape part of our future.

How are you getting prepared for it?
Chapter 11: A Tester’s New Role 70

Be all that you can be

Mike Talks – New Zealand

Over the last six years, my test team has gone from a single group
working on one waterfall project at a time to individuals working
across multiple teams.
There’s a lot of talk about a whole-team approach to quality and
testing, but testers as specialists are looked to lead in this space.
That means creating a first-pass approach at a new story or feature,
but it is also important to facilitate a discussion with the larger team
about these approaches to gain feedback and explore the approach.
It also means if a testing task is too onerous for testers to complete
alone, they can help organise a division of labor among willing
team members.
I find a frequent candidate for this is cross browser/device testing.
We often test stories in the iteration using our core devices but will
occasionally visit our product on a much broader range of items.
This is where the team and their fresh sets of eyes can help, and a
little bit of organization from the tester can make a huge difference.
Although most conversations about testing a product happen within
your team, it’s also useful to “catch up” with others in the same
disciplines to share ideas and what’s been working on other teams.
This can also turn into mentoring to help individuals deal with
specific problems as well as become more daring to try new ideas.

Be all you can be

Chapter 11: A Tester’s New Role 71

Start with a conversation

Kathleen Naughton – United States

Software testing has simultaneously evolved and stood still. It has

evolved to the point that some organizations have reduced the
number or even eliminated testers on their teams. It has stood
still because these same organizations have struggled to value the
specialty skills a tester brings to teams.
In my experience, where testers have been reduced or eliminated,
the teams have tried to fill in by moving closer to TDD practices
so that they have a large number of automated unit tests. They
try to do some intra-team testing (testing each other’s code) and
rely heavily on their continuous delivery pipeline to execute their
automated tests. What often ends up being missed are the integra-
tion and user experience tests that are essential for high-quality
products. If there are testers in these organizations, they are present
to do manual testing after the code is finished. Any insights or
suggestions made by these testers tend to be deprioritized in the
product backlog in deferment to feature development.

Be relevant and influence those around you

I believe an essential skill that testers need to be relevant is being

able to read and understand code. This allows them to understand
what unit tests or other automated tests are checking and enables
the identification of testing gaps that the tester can fill. It also allows
for reduction in test overlap. If there are already unit or integration
Chapter 11: A Tester’s New Role 72

tests present, the testing approach can be more targeted at the end-
user activities that are not covered. Another essential skill I believe
is needed might be considered a soft skill. The skill of having con-
versations with programmers about their unit and integration tests
is powerful. These conversations can lead to influencing design
decisions that in turn enable higher-quality deliverables. Bringing
knowledge about how to have crucial conversations enables the
whole team to produce better software.

The world doesn’t need more


Aldo Rall – New Zealand

Testing has evolved over the years, and the industry has developed
test engineering skills and practices, although not smoothly. I think
we have entered an era of testing enlightenment, and there is a big
shift in how organizations and testers now think of the testing role.
I observe an increasing movement toward the importance of skills.
The more skills an individual has, the more valuable they become
for a team or organization. Those individuals with skills that
span beyond test engineering skills only are the ones that can
contribute more than someone who has a basic set of test design
and execution skills. This idea is emphasized by the thinking
about generalizing specialists as discussed by Scott Ambler (http:// or T-
Shaped Skills as discussed by Lisa and Janet in their books. If you
want to future-proof your career, build your test engineering skills,
as well as skills outside the traditional world of testing. Forget
about titles; in ten years’ time it is not going to mean much to
anyone if you were called “test engineer,” “test specialist,” “tester,”
“test analyst,” or “verification engineer.” Skills are ultimately more
Chapter 11: A Tester’s New Role 73

valuable than collected job titles; I have certainly found that true
in my own career.

T-shaped skills

I would look at a holistic approach characterized by inclusive “and”

conversations. The best example I can think of is to combine your
collection of skills in unique ways that suits your specific context,
knowing that even that will change. How can you combine a set of
test engineering and analysis skills in a given situation? How can
you combine a set of negotiating skills with teaching skills? How
can you combine different test engineering skills together to obtain
better test coverage? Think “and.”
I believe one of the key skills a modern practitioner must have is
the ability to understand a context, understand its changing nature,
and adjust accordingly. The true masters of the future workplace
will be those who will be able to observe a context, apply the fit-
for-purpose combination of skills, and then continually adjust the
combination of skills as the context evolves. That intuition takes
time to develop, and it is a constantly changing domain. Learning
new skills will enrich the capability and the value that such a person
brings to organizations and teams.
We bring many different skills than just test engineering skills. I
would like to suggest that we consider (by unashamedly borrowing
from others) a multifaceted approach. Call it the “Holistic agile
testing skills” or “The ten thinking hats of agile testing,” or whatever
else makes sense to you. Some of these facets might be:
Chapter 11: A Tester’s New Role 74

• Consultant: Yes, sometimes we will have to “consult” inside

our team or with another team to help solve problems and
• Test engineering specialist: We have to know our testing
onions from shallots. We require good and solid test engi-
neering skills.
• Agile scholar: Keep studying and learning about agile, bring
ideas to the team, and experiment.
• Coach: We have great opportunities to coach the team or even
co-workers (inside and outside the team). This is a life skill,
in my opinion.
• Mentor: Sometimes we have to mentor someone in testing.
• Facilitator: Sometimes we just need to step into the role of
facilitator for a decision, discussion, explanation, etc.
• Change agent: We may sometimes bring about change and
upheaval, advocate a new practice/technique/method to ex-
periment with and learn from.
• Leader: Yes, we may sometimes be required to step up and
perform leadership in/on behalf of the team.
• Teacher: That goes without saying, especially if there is a
shortage of testing skills in the team/organization.
• Business domain scholar / defender of common sense / big
picture thinker: Sometimes it is good to step away and see
the forest from the trees.

Lisa’s and Janet’s thoughts

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading other people’s thoughts about
what they consider to be a tester’s role. Now we’ll share ours.
We’ve encouraged testers to help their non-tester teammates learn
testing skills. When the whole team takes responsibility for quality
and testing, every team member needs some grounding in testing
skills. To accomplish this, we’ve identified skills we recommend
that testing specialists should learn.
Chapter 11: A Tester’s New Role 75

Use your thinking skills

• collaboration skills to participate actively in practices like

mind mapping or example mapping
• facilitation skills to help team members communicate better,
facilitate meetings such as retrospectives, facilitate work-
shops to help non-testers learn testing skills
• teaching skills to share their knowledge with other team
• coaching skills to help the team identify problems and design
experiments for improvements
• communication skills to give and receive feedback effec-
tively (see Chapter 4, “Thinking Skills for Testing,” in More
Agile Testing for additional information)

We see a growing need for testers to act as test consultants for

their teams. Many teams have a low ratio of dedicated testers to
developers and other non-testing roles. We testers can add more
value by helping everyone have the competencies needed to do
essential testing activities. Everyone on the team will think more
about testing and be more conscious of the need to build quality in
from the start.
Chapter 12: Ingredients
for Success
Each agile software delivery team travels its own learning journey.
Our goal is to continually improve our ability to deliver value
to our customers frequently, while maintaining our business’s
desired standard of quality. Each team is doing this with a unique
combination of business domain, software product, technology
stack, frameworks, and practices.
Over the years, we have found that among all these differences,
certain ingredients for success benefit every team.

Success factors
In our first book, Agile Testing, our summary chapter comprised
seven success factors we thought were necessary (although not
sufficient) to be successful in delivering a quality product. It is easy
to get over-whelmed by planning and executing testing activities
during short delivery cycles. Below is a short list of key success
factors and core agile testing practices to guide your teams.

“Whole-team approach”

Elisabeth Hendrickson taught us that “testing is an activity, not a

phase.” Testing is an integral part of software development, along
with coding and so many other activities. With this perspective, it
is easy for everyone to help with testing tasks as necessary.
Chapter 12: Ingredients for Success 77

Testers can teach other team members skills like eliciting concrete
examples of desired and undesired behavior from business experts,
evaluating different quality attributes, or doing exploratory testing.
Programmers can help testers understand the system architecture
to get better testing or even teach them basic coding constructs.
Each team member can transfer some of their deep skills to other
team members, regardless of role.
When teams realize that testing and quality are a team problem,
they can incorporate their diverse skillsets and develop an atmo-
sphere of trust and safety, as well as create a learning environment
where they can experiment and continually improve.

Drawing by Constance Hermit

Agile testing mindset

Testers are no longer the “quality police,” determining “go/no-go”
decisions. Testers or team members who are performing testing
activities can explain the risks and impacts of test results so that
the business can make an informed decision about releasing to
As a team member with an agile testing mindset, it means you’re
inquisitive and want to learn more about everything to help you
do your job. It means that you apply agile principles and values.
It means collaborating with the technical and business team mem-
bers, keeping the big picture in mind as you put the small feature
increments together. You’re focused on bug prevention, so you
don’t have to spend so much time finding bugs later.
Chapter 12: Ingredients for Success 78

Drawing by Constance Hermit

Automate your regression tests

There are a few things to remember when your team starts to
automate. It is a team problem, so think “whole team” and collab-
orate to automate at all levels. Programmers are good at writing
code, testers are good at specifying tests, and people with other
specialized skills on the team can help with test data, infrastructure,
and more. The test automation pyramid is a good visual model to
form and evolve the team’s automation strategy. By keeping the
tests simple and easy to maintain, a team can work toward having
enough regression tests to give them confidence about releasing.
Test automation is a check to ensure that you haven’t forgotten to
change something, i.e., it is a change detector. A good automation
strategy gives you the time to perform exploratory testing to find
issues before your customer does.

Provide and obtain feedback

Successful software development depends on fast feedback. Teams
need to know right away if a change has caused an unintended
failure. They want to know how customers react to a new feature.
Testers are central to creating and continuing to shorten the various
Chapter 12: Ingredients for Success 79

feedback loops, including creating automated tests, engaging in

exploratory testing, and observing production usage to learn how
customers use the product.

People also need feedback for themselves so they can find more
ways to add value. Listening and observing skills are key.

Hint: As you collaborate with other team members, ask

them what gaps you can fill and how you can contribute
more effectively.

Build a foundation of core practices

There are core practices that have proven effective in helping teams
build quality into their product.

• Every team needs continuous integration to successfully

deliver software at a frequent cadence over time. Each time
a team member commits a change to the source code control
repository, it should kick off a build process that integrates all
code changes and verifies them with automated tests. Every
team has a deployment pipeline to create a release candidate
and deploy it to a test or production environment – even if it
includes manual stages.
• Many teams still struggle to have reliable test environments
that resemble production as much as possible and allow them
to easily control which build version is deployed. Today’s
Chapter 12: Ingredients for Success 80

cloud infrastructure provides even more options to create

temporary test environments to test a specific build version
and automatically deploy new versions to permanent test
• Technical debt is like credit card debt; it continues to grow
if only the minimum amount or part of the interest is paid.
The technical debt continues to grow if the team doesn’t take
time to refactor code, create adequate automated regression
tests, upgrade frameworks, and manage other necessary in-
frastructure. Over time even the smallest code change poses
large risks and requires much time spent with manual testing
tasks. Invest the time to manage technical debt in the code
and in your automated tests.

• Small, frequent changes are generally less risky than large,

infrequent ones. Less can go wrong, and failures can be
quickly diagnosed. Teams that slice big feature ideas into
small “learning releases” and even smaller stories are more
likely to deliver what their customers want in a timely
• Coding and testing are part of one process. This is the core
of the whole-team approach to testing and quality. Testing
and coding happen together, hand in hand, from feature idea
to evaluating the feature in production.
• Synergy between practices comes from doing all these core
practices together. Test-driven development, collective code
ownership, and continuous integration ensure consistency
and fast feedback. Refactoring depends on having automated
Chapter 12: Ingredients for Success 81

regression tests. Agile practices are tried and true and are
designed to be done all together.

Collaborate with customers

Testers speak the domain language of business stakeholders and
the technical language of delivery team members. Getting the right
people together when a conversation is needed about how a feature
should behave or how a design should look is also important.
Testers can help product owners articulate business rules for each
story and illustrate them with concrete examples. This is one of the
most valuable ways testers contribute on teams.

Look at the big picture

While agile teams focus on small changes and small slices of
features at any given time, they also need to keep the big picture in
mind. Testers are talented at identifying what parts of the system
might be affected by a particular small change, and they have a
customer’s perspective.
The agile testing quadrants model goes a long way toward helping
the team keep the big picture in mind as they plan testing activities.
Exploratory testing is an example of a testing activity that can
uncover unexpected consequences of a new application capability.
We have good ways to analyze how customers are using our
product. This all helps us focus on delivering the right value.

Confidence-building practices
In our second book, More Agile Testing, we identified some core
testing practices that help teams build the confidence needed to
frequently release changes to production. These practices are espe-
cially important as more teams move toward continuous delivery
or continuous deployment.
Chapter 12: Ingredients for Success 82

Use examples
Concrete examples of how an application capability should behave
help everyone on the team understand the business rules. These
examples can be turned into tests that guide development. They
can be automated so the team knows when it’s done with a story
or feature. The automated tests become part of regression test suites
that provide quick feedback on whether a new change has affected
existing production behavior. Examples help teams stay on track.

Exploratory testing
Automating regression tests leaves more time for exploratory test-
ing, one of the best ways to find the “unknown unknowns” that
could cause dire production failures. Programmers can learn to
do exploratory testing on each story before they deem their work
“finished.” This is another fast feedback loop. Everyone on the team
can learn and use exploratory testing skills. They will not only
identify unexpected problems but will also find missing capabilities
that feed back into new feature ideas.

Feature testing
It’s essential to test at all levels of detail. Because agile teams focus
on the story, they need to remember to also test at the feature level.
An important part of this is identifying what the feature really
needs to include. Testers can help figure out what is valuable to
customers by asking questions concerning what the business should
drop in favor of delivering other highly valuable features.
Chapter 12: Ingredients for Success 83

Continual learning

Team success depends on psychological safety, trust, and time to

learn. The team needs to work together to identify the biggest
obstacle to delivering their desired level of quality, whether it’s
inadequate test automation, feedback that takes too long, or build-
ing features that nobody wanted. Then they can design small
experiments to start overcoming that obstacle. Testers can help the
team learn to build quality in by transferring testing skills. Other
team members can help testers ramp up their T-shaped skills so
they can contribute in more ways.

Context sensitivity

Every team is working within its unique context. The size of the
company, the business domain and its regulatory environment, the
technology involved, infrastructure needs – these are just some
considerations for a team as it considers how to improve its ability
to deliver value to customers frequently. Don’t adopt a tool or
practice because it’s what Google or Facebook does – use what is
appropriate for your context.
Chapter 12: Ingredients for Success 84

Keep it real

Testers excel at providing feedback. It can be difficult to deliver bad

news. But it’s important to stay grounded in reality. If a change
is risky and the team hasn’t adequately mitigated that risk with
testing and other activities, business stakeholders need to know.
Testers can act as consultants to help everyone on their team
improve their testing skills and be able to make quality concerns
visible to the business. When the team experiences bottlenecks with
testing, make it visible, make it a team problem to solve. It can be
tempting to gloss over issues to keep the business executives happy,
but they won’t be happy if customers experience pain.
It is also important for team morale to know they can say no. For
example, “No, we can’t take in any more stories,” or “No, we can’t
add a new story unless you remove one of the others.” Keep it real!

Paths to success
We know there are a lot of testers and teams out there who feel
stressed, especially on teams that are still transitioning to using
agile development values, principles, and practices. For example,
management hasn’t yet figured out how their role needs to change
and may demand more frequent deliveries and impose unrealistic
deadlines. The testing still must be done, and in too many cases,
testers still bear total responsibility for all testing activities. We’d
like to think there is some magic silver bullet tool out there that will
solve all our problems, but we know that’s not reality!
Turning testing problems into problems for the whole delivery
team to address is vital to learning how to build quality into
your products and achieving sustainable success. These key success
factors and confidence-building practices provide a framework to
help the team decide its next steps along a path to improvement.
Chapter 12: Ingredients for Success 85

In our experience, it takes years for a delivery team to achieve

their desired level of performance and quality. We might add an
eighth key success factor: patience! Frequent team retrospectives
(we recommend at least one a week for new teams) are also key
in identifying the biggest quality-related problem and designing a
small experiment to start chipping away at it. The diverse skills and
experience in a cross-functional team makes solving those problems
much easier.

An example

The team is frustrated because the product owner rejects a high per-
centage of the stories they deliver. The constant re-work, sometimes
days after the team thought the story was “finished,” is slowing
them down. Cycle time − the time from when they start working
on a story to when it is deployed to production − is much longer
than they’d like. What key success factor can help?
The whole-team approach is obvious. Let’s get the whole team, or a
representative group including all roles, together to discuss it. What
confidence-building practice would help? When the product owner
rejects a story, it’s usually because the behavior of that part of
the application is not what she wanted. The team misunderstood
the requirements. The team is continually learning (one of the
confidence-building practices), and one of the testers has just
learned about example mapping. They decide to experiment with
example mapping to see if it will build better shared understanding
of each story. They hypothesize that example mapping will reduce
story rejection rate by 20% over the next two weeks, resulting in a
10% savings of average cycle time.
They measure and experiment to see if their hypothesis is true.
In this real example, the experiment was a success. The goals for
reduction in rejection rate and cycle time were exceeded. Within
two months, rejection rate and cycle time were both reduced by
50%. The team found more benefits from example mapping as it
Chapter 12: Ingredients for Success 86

helped with specifying scenarios to guide development in the form

of behavior-driven development tests. But if the experiment had
failed, the team would have designed another experiment, guided
by the success factors and confidence-building practices.
When our own teams feel stuck on a problem, we fall back on the
key success factors and confidence-building practices, along with
the ten principles for agile testing in Chapter 1, to help us plan our
next steps. They will guide us along our learning journey as we
improve our ability to get small, valuable changes to our customers
frequently and sustainably.

Thank you for reading, and we hope you are successful in your own
Ad hoc testing: An informal testing activity where one looks for
bugs in a non-structured way without any advance plan.
Context diagram: A high-level diagram that represents all external
entities that may interact with a system, including other systems,
environments, and activities.
Customer: Extreme programming (XP) uses the term “customer”
to refer to a business stakeholder, product person, or end user
who meets with the programming team to set priorities, answer
questions, and make decisions about feature behavior. In contem-
porary agile teams, the term can represent any and all business
stakeholders, product team members, end users, and anyone who
helps guide development and accept delivered stories.
Endgame: The endgame is the time before release when the deliv-
ery team applies the finishing touches to the product. Not a bug-fix
or “hardening” period, it is an opportunity to work with groups
outside of development to help move the software into produc-
tion. Examples of endgame activities include additional testing of
database migrations and installation.
Iteration: Time box used for planning, with the intent that there is a
“potentially shippable product” by the end. The Scrum term for this
is “sprint.” Planning in two-week timeframes is a common practice
today, even in teams doing continuous delivery and deploying to
production more often.
Kanban: A planning approach derived from Lean manufacturing
in which teams work in a flow-based manner. They use work-in-
progress (WIP) limits, pulling new stories in that are “ready,” to fill
a newly empty WIP slot. The team plans, as needed, a few new
stories at a time.
Glossary 88

Learning Release: The first release(s) delivered to a customer in

order to get feedback to learn and adjust (
Mind map: A visual diagram used as a brainstorming tool, espe-
cially when multiple people are collaborating at once. It starts with
a concept, idea, or topic in the root node, with ideas connected to
the root node and to each other as they are generated. Mind maps
can work well for test planning and other activities.
Pairing (pair programming, pair testing): Two people working side
by side at the same workstation, preferably with two mirrored
monitors, two keyboards, and two mice, to write production or
test code or do other testing activities. Having two people, each
with a different perspective and skill set, helps catch problems
immediately and reach better solutions. In strong-style pairing, one
person, the navigator, is free to observe and suggest ideas, while the
other person acts as the “driver”; the driver/navigator roles switch
State Diagram: A visual technique used to give an abstract descrip-
tion of the behavior²² of a system²³ in response to various events.
This behavior is analyzed and represented as a series of events that
can occur in one or more possible states.
Test-driven Development (TDD): In test-driven development, the
programmer writes and automates a small unit test, which initially
fails, before writing the minimum amount of code that will make
the test pass. The code is refactored as needed to meet acceptable
standards. The production code is made to work one test at a
time. TDD, also known as test-driven design, is more of a code
design practice than a testing activity, and helps build robust, easily
maintainable code.
Resources for Further
Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams, and
More Agile Testing: Learning Journeys for the Whole Team, Lisa
Crispin and Janet Gregory, https://agiletester.ca²⁴
Bibliography from More Agile Testing, digitized by Kristine Corbus


Getting Shared Understanding -

Discovery: Explore behavior using examples, Seb Rose and Gáspár
Nagy, 2017,
User Story Mapping: Building Better Products Using Agile Software
Design, Jeff Patton, O’Reilly Media, 2014.
Resources for Further Learning 90

Impact Mapping, Gojko Adzic,

“Experiment with Example Mapping,”
“Introduction to Example Mapping,” Matt Wynne, https://cucumber.
“Three Amigos Strategy,” George Dinwiddie, https://www.agileconnection.
“Our team’s first mobbing session,” Lisi Hocke, https://www.lisihocke.
“The Driver-Navigator in Strong-Style Pairing,” Maaret Pyhäjärvi,
Strong-Style Pair Programming and Mob Programming Guidebook,
Maaret Pyhäjärvi,

Exploratory Testing
Explore It: Reduce Risk and Increase Confidence with Exploratory
Testing, Elisabeth Hendrickson, 2013,
Exploratory Testing, Maaret Pyhäjärvi,

DevOps, Monitoring, Observability

A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps, Katrina Clokie, https:
“Testing in production the safe way,” Cindy Sridharan, https://
Resources for Further Learning 91

“Monitoring and observability,” Cindy Sridharan, https://medium.

“Charity Majors on Observability and Understanding the Opera-
tional Ramifications of a System,” InfoQ interview with Charity
Google Site Reliability Engineering,
“What is Chaos Engineering²⁵?” Joe Colontonio (includes link to
podcast with Tammy Butow),
“Tracing vs Logging vs Monitoring: What’s the Difference?” Chrissy

Test Automation
“Keep your automated tests simple and avoid anti-patterns,” Lisa
“Test automation: Five questions leading to five heuristics,” Joep
“Powerful test automation practices,” parts 1 and 2, Lisa Crispin and
Steve Vance,
“Test Suite Design,” Ashley Hunsberger,
Accelerate: The Science of Lean and DevOps, Nicole Forsgren, et al,
Resources for Further Learning 92

“Analyzing automated test failures,” Lisa Crispin, https://www.
“The Testing Iceberg,” Seb Rose,
“Lower level automation and testing? Be more precise! The automa-
tion triangle revisited again!” Toyer Mamoojee, https://toyerm.
The Team Guide to Software Testability, Ash Winter and Rob
About the Authors
Janet Gregory is an agile testing coach and process consultant with
DragonFire Inc. Her peers voted her as the Most Influential Agile
Testing Professional Person in 2015. Janet specializes in showing
agile teams how testing practices are necessary to develop good
quality products. She teaches agile testing courses worldwide and
enjoys spending her summers in the mountains outside Calgary.
Lisa Crispin has been spreading agile joy to the testing world
and testing joy to the agile world for two decades and her peers
voted her as the Most Influential Agile Testing Professional Person
in 2012. Her current interests include helping teamssucceed with
continuous delivery and deployment and she is a testing advocate
working at mabl to explore leading practices in testing in thesoft-
ware community. Lisa lives with her husband, donkeys, cats and
dogs in beautiful Vermont.
Janet and Lisa are authors of Agile Testing Condensed: A Brief
Introduction (2019), More Agile Testing: Learning Journeys for the
Whole Team (2014), Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers
and Agile Teams (2009), the LiveLessons Agile Testing Essentials
video course, and “The Whole Team Approach to Agile Testing” 3-
day training course offered through the Agile Testing Fellowship.
Together, they founded the fellowship to grow a community of
practitioners who care about quality.
Janet Gregory: janetgregory.ca²⁶ Twitter: @janetgregoryca
Lisa Crispin: lisacrispin.com²⁷ Twitter: @lisacrispin
Agile Testing Fellowship: agiletestingfellow.com²⁸ agiletester.ca²⁹

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