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University of the People

Degree Audit Report 3/7/2024 14:47

Student ID S441697
Student name Khizar Hayat
Program Business Administration- Associate Degree
Program Year 2024
Prepared 3/7/2024 14:47

Institutional Requirements

Required Number of Credits

Has the individual earned a minimum of 60 credit hours No
Number of earned credits 0
Academic Standing
Has the individual earned a minimum 2 CGPA No
Has the individual earned a minimum 2 CGPA in the courses in the major No
Below Term Limit Threshold
Has the individual had the status of Enrolled-Active for 50 or fewer terms Yes
Has the individual declared a major area of study Yes

At least one requirement has not been satisfied

No Proctored Courses

This section includes 1 Requirement
Has the individual completed the proctoring requirements for the courses....................... No
Number of proctored courses earned ......................................................................................................................... 0

- 1. Proctored courses - all are required

Not completed
BUS 2201 Principles of Marketing
BUS 2202 E-Commerce
ENGL 1102 English Composition 2
MATH 1201 College Algebra
MATH 1280 Introduction to Statistics

No Major Required

This section includes 2 Requirements

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University of the People

1. Major core courses - all are required -

Not completed

- 2. Other required courses – at least 1 course is required

Course List

No General Education

This section includes 8 Requirements

- 1. Foundational/Learning & Research Fundamentals - all courses are

Not completed

- 2. Writing - all courses are required

Not completed

- 3. Foundational/Mathematical Sciences - at least 6 credits are required

Course List

- 4. Values & Ethical Reasoning - 1 course is required

Course List

- 5. Civilization Studies, Culture and Belief - 1 course is required

Course List

- 6. Disciplinary area/Humanities - at least 1 course is required

Course List

- 7. Disciplinary area/Social & Behavioral Sciences - at least 1 course is

Course List

- 8. Disciplinary area/Natural Sciences & Technology - at least 1 course is

Course List

No Electives

This section includes 1 Requirement

- 1. General Education, Major & cross major electives - at least 1 course is

Course List

Other Completed Courses (not part of the audit)

ENGL 0008 Intermediate English 2 (EAP) 0 B

BUS 1101 Principles of Business Management
BUS 1102 Basic Accounting
BUS 1103 Microeconomics
BUS 1104 Macroeconomics

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University of the People

BUS 2201 Principles of Marketing

BUS 2202 E-Commerce
BUS 2203 Principles of Finance 1
BUS 2204 Personal Finance
BUS 2207 Multinational Management
BUS 1105 Business Communications
UNIV 1001 Online Education Strategies
ENGL 1102 English Composition 2
MATH 1201 College Algebra
MATH 1211 Calculus
MATH 1280 Introduction to Statistics
PHIL 1404 Ethics and Social Responsibility
HIST 1421 Greek and Roman Civilization
AHIST 1401 Art History
ENGL 1405 World Literature
PHIL 1402 Introduction to Philosophy
ECON 1580 Introduction to Economics
POLS 1503 Globalization
PSYC 1111 Introduction to Health Psychology
PSYC 1205 Emotional intelligence (EI)
PSYC 1504 Introduction to Psychology
SOC 1502 Introduction to Sociology
BIOL 1121 Biology 1 for Health Studies Majors
BIOL 1301 Introduction to Biology
ENVS 1301 Introduction to Environmental Sciences
AHIST 1401 Art History
BIOL 1121 Biology 1 for Health Studies Majors
BIOL 1122 Biology 2 for Health Studies Majors
BIOL 1301 Introduction to Biology
CS 1101 Programming Fundamentals
CS 1102 Programming 1
CS 1103 Programming 2
CS 1104 Computer Systems
CS 2203 Databases 1
CS 2204 Communications and Networking
CS 2205 Web Programming 1
CS 2301 Operating Systems 1
CS 2401 Software Engineering 1
ECON 1580 Introduction to Economics
ENGL 1405 World Literature
ENVS 1301 Introduction to Environmental Sciences
HS 2211 Human Anatomy & Physiology
HS 2212 Infectious Diseases
HS 2611 Nutrition
HS 2711 Community and Public Health 1: Health Education and
HS 2712 Community and Public Health 2: Preventative Medicine &
Social Determinants of Health
MATH 1211 Calculus
MATH 1281 Statistical Inference
MATH 1302 Discrete Mathematics
POLS 1503 Globalization
PSYC 1111 Introduction to Health Psychology
PSYC 1205 Emotional intelligence (EI)
PSYC 1504 Introduction to Psychology
SOC 1502 Introduction to Sociology


NO=Requirement not completed

OK=Requirement completed

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University of the People

IP=In progress;"OK" until course(s) completed satisfactorily

OR=One requirement/Sub-requirement must be completed
TC = transferred credit
x Sub-requirement not completed
+ Sub-requirement completed or in progress
* Sub-requirement not required; courses apply

This report is an unofficial working copy of a student's progress toward an academic degree at UoPeople. This report has been
prepared to assist you in determining your academic progress and plan your studies.
Graduation certification of degree requirements is subject to the approval of the Office of the University Registrar. Questions about
the report should be directed to the student's program advisor.


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