Joyce Maneno Beja
Joyce Maneno Beja
Joyce Maneno Beja
July, 2018
I thank God for granting me good health from the beginning to the end of this
supervisors Prof. Stephen Muoki Joshua and Dr. Tsawe-Munga Chidongo for their
guidance throughout the study. I also thank the late Professor Beja Karisa who
provided insightful comments at the initial stage of this study. To Rev. John
Mwambire, Rev. Jackson Ngombo and the late Rev. Albert Fondo, I say thank you for
your spiritual guidance and support in the process of conducting this study. I sincerely
thank members of the Mothers’ Union who voluntarily participated in the focus group
discussions and provided the necessary data for this study. Not forgetting the head
teacher Madamani primary, Mr. Stephen Charo for his support.I also thanks
Mr.Ndegwa for his editorial work on this thesis. I thank my family for their support
The study sought to establish the contribution of the Anglican Church of Kenya
Mothers Union (MU) on women, in developing family life at St. Thomas church in
promoting family life. The study analyzed the role that Mothers’ Union plays in
improving family life. The study has evaluated MU activities in the church in regard
to improve family life and sought to establish the challenges that the mothers face in
their efforts towards improving family life. The study employed African Women
Theologies (AWTs), as Theoretical Framework. This study adopted the term African
within the Anglican Church who often meet to `discuss family issues. The study
acquired data from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data was collected
well as oral interviews with key informants. These were complimented by Focus
materials. The study found out that, the role of women ministry in the Church is not
limited to service delivery where they engage in worship, and prayers. In addition,
they also participate in the cleaning of the church and occasionally offering food and
drinks to guests in the Church. The study also established that the success of the MU
is due to their huge membership. On the other hand, the Mothers’ Union (MU) is also
regarded as a social organization due to its support systems to the vulnerable people in
the society. Its economic activities are all aimed at improving family life. The study
thus proposed that the church should acknowledge them and increase participation of
DECLARATION .................................................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................... vi
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................ ix
LIST OF PLATES ...................................................................................................................x
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .......................................................................... xi
OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS .................................................................. xii
CHAPTER ONE ......................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY ...................................................................................1
1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the Study ................................................................................................1
1.3. Research Objectives ........................................................................................................4
1.3.1. General Objectives .......................................................................................................4
1.3.2. Specific Objectives .......................................................................................................5
1.4. Research Questions ..........................................................................................................5
1.5. Scope and Limitation of the Study ................................................................................5
1.6. Rationale of the Study .....................................................................................................6
1.7. Study Structure .................................................................................................................6
LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................................................8
1.8. Church and Women Organizations ................................................................................8
1.9. Women as Mothers and Wives in African Context ...................................................12
1.10. The Anglican Mothers’ Union of Kenya ..................................................................13
1.11. Theoretical Framework. ..............................................................................................16
1.12. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..............................................................................19
1.12. Research Design...........................................................................................................19
1.12.1 Study Area ..................................................................................................................20
1.12.2 Research Participants ................................................................................................20
1.12.3 Sampling Procedure and Technique ........................................................................21
1.12.5 Primary Data ..............................................................................................................22
Table 2: Social Activities of the Mothers Union on the Talent Week ......................... 42
Plate 5: St. Thomas Mothers’ Union Choir performs on Sunday Church Service ...... 52
Rev Reverend
SA South Africa
UN United Nations
Church Women These are women in the church focusing on their roles
as women both in and outside the church
inhabits or performs
1. Introduction
women organization and the Anglican Mothers’ Union of Kenya. On reviewing of the
literatures, the chapter provides the researcher with the means of getting into the
chapter has also discussed the theory applied in the study. The study has used the
role of MU in improving the living standards of their families. It also discusses the
methodologies that were applied in the study .Being qualitative the study, has used
Women organizations in the Church, especially in Africa, are initiatives that form
special networks that seek to support women in order to improve family life
standards1 Organizations formed by women in the church play significant roles that
stretched from social, economic and spiritual welfare2. In Africa, women in the
church account for about 50% of the human population.3It can be argued that
resources and opportunities, which then permeates to the development of the whole
Gerald Were,”Women and Development in Africa”, Journal of East Africa Research and
Development,1995,vol 15,pp.4-7
society.4 Women initiatives in the church enable them to identify their concerns, and
work in teams to achieve their goals. These forums also provide appropriate
organizations also create more awareness, and help to build confidence in society for
positive changes.
The Anglican Church Mothers’ Union is a women’s organization within the Anglican
ethics is on mutual respect and collaboration. Its governance, leadership and programs
are driven by members within their own communities.5 Its activities are church
oriented, particularly providing for Mothers’ Union families financially, socially and
woman, Mary Sumner in 1876 in the Church of England, Parish of Old Alresford near
Winchester, where her husband was a rector. She was inspired to start the movement
after the birth of her first grandchild, remembering her own difficulties when she was
first a mother. Sumner wanted to bring mothers of all social classes together to
provide support to one another and to be trained in motherhood something which she
saw as a vocation.6 Mary Sumner addressed women passionately about the power of
mothers to change the family, community, and nation at large in a church congress in
they went back to their Parishes they established this organization.8From a very
humble beginning, the Mothers’ Union has spread its tentacles globally. The
Gerald Were,”Women and Development in Africa”, Journal of East Africa Research and
Development,1995,vol 15,pp.4-7
Mothers union-org/our focus/marriage.http:www//.accessed on 12 th Feb 2015.
Mothers union-org/our focus/marriage.http:www//.accessed on 12 th Feb 2015.
Mothers union-org/our focus/marriage.http:www//.accessed on 12 th Feb 2015.
Mothers union-org/our focus/marriage.http:www//.accessed on 12th Feb 2015.
organization supports its members and local communities through prayers, social
In the Anglican Church of Kenya, Mothers’ Union was started in 1918 with first
wanted to improve the family life of the local African women in the church and the
love revealed through loving, respect and flourishing relationship through programs,
campaigning, community outreach and prayers. This was an expression of Christ love
among women in the Church. To the Mothers, the expression of Christ love was the
greatest commandment.10 From its inception in Kenya, the Mothers’ Union strived to
promote stable family life from parenting group’s, health, education, relief services to
Church. It has a national office which co-ordinates all the activities of its member’s
nation-wide. Each Diocese has a committee which, with the assistance of the
Union include; widows who are above 45 years; single mothers, young mothers and
married mothers. In order for one to be admitted, she has to be trained by women
fellowship group.
The St. Thomas church which is the heart of this study, is located in Kilifi Town of
Kilifi County. It has a population of about 700 members.12 Currently the Church has
about 70 Mothers’ Union members. The objectives of the Mother’ Unions at St.
Thomas are quite linear and similar to the parent body in the Church of England.
Mothers union-org/our focus/marriage.http:www//.accessed on 12 th Feb 2015.
Good News Bible; Matthew 22:36-40, Mark 12:31.
11 office/mother’union.http:www//.accessed on 13 th Feb 2015.
Telephone interview.Mr.Shukuran Maghudho, a church deacon st.Thomas Church Kilifi .on 2nd may 2015.
However, the activities vary in context from one region to another as dictated by the
local circumstances.13
The existence of the Mothers’ Union in St.Thomas Church in Kilifi County is as old
as the church herself, having been initiated in 1960.The Mothers’ Union in the
economically, socially and even spiritually. Despite its long presence and activity
program to achieve its objective to its members and the society at large, its impact has
remained minimal.
The roles and the activities of the Mothers’ union to a large extend need to be felt as
an initiative that helps to improve the living standards of the society. What is
observed as per now is a gap of poor level of life that supposedly can be filled by the
programs and partnering with other likeminded agencies to foster positive impact not
only to its members but also to the church and the society at large. Therefore this
study sought to determine the impact of the Mothers’ Union roles and activities
The aim of this study was to examine the role of the Anglican Church Mothers’ Union
Interview: Mrs.Mwambire; Mother’s Union Leader at St. Thomas church on
23rdMarch 2015 at 2pm.
c) To establish the challenges that the Mothers’ Union at St. Thomas Church face
a) What role does the Mothers’ Union at St. Thomas church play in improving
family life?
c) What challenges does the Mothers’ Union at St. Thomas church face as they
This study sought to establish the role played by the M.U towards improving family
life. The Mothers’ Union in the ACK St. Thomas church, strives through various
ways in achieving its objectives. The study was conducted in Kilifi at St. Thomas
Church. The M.U is a national women organization in the Anglican Church of Kenya
and Kilifi County in general; however this study was only limited to St. Thomas
church, due to distance coverage of the other ACK churches and the financial
constrains that the research was likely to face. Thus this study was only focusing on
how the MU at St. Thomas Church in Kilifi strives in achieving its goals.
Women play an important social, economic and spiritual role in the lives of people
generally in Africa. The M.U in St Thomas church, being a women union in the
church aims at achieving its objectives through its activities. The evaluation of the
activities of the M.U might help the women in this Union with some suggested ways
The achievement of these objectives might lead to women’s stable life, which might
improve the family living standards and hence improve the living standards of the
This study is divided into five chapters, elucidating the question about the role of the
mothers’ Union in improving family life. The first chapter of the study set the mood
questions, and the significance of the study, a review of related literature to the
research problem the methodology used to acquire data. It examined the research
design, data collection methods and data analysis techniques. The second Chapter of
the study discusses a brief history of the mothers union within the Anglican Church. It
then narrows down to analyse the contribution of the Mothers’ Union (MU) at St.
Thomas in Kilifi County. This Chapter strengthens the research problem setting by its
findings on the role and activities of the Mothers’ Union geared towards Church
growth and family stability at large. Chapter three touches on some of the challenges
being encountered by the mothers’ union (MU) in its endeavour to serve the church
and the society. Some of which are contributed partly by the patriarchal nature of
Anglican Church. Finally Chapter five gives a summary of the study findings,
recommendations, a critique of the Mothers’ Union, conclusions and areas for further
research. Generally, this chapter brings out the insights that have been generated from
The position of Christian women in the mainstream Churches such as Anglican and
Catholic in Africa today is not very different from what it was two decades ago.
However, this is because the history of the church has been one of reinforcing
patriarchal values in the society. Despite this, some churches have made great strides
in the last ten years to ensure greater participation by women in its decision-making
bodies. Carol Gilligan has shown that women perceive the world differently from
men, and that they see the world as a web of relationships in which individuals can be
women are valuable in the sight of the society. They not only bear life, but also
nurture it.15 John Mbiti.16 Observes further that in the traditional African life women
played a significant role in the religious activities as they offered prayers for their
families in particular and their communities in general. The current study examines
the contribution of women within the church by focusing on the Mothers’ Union as a
Regina Scheyvens 17
argues that women’s organization help them to identify their
concerns and work to achieve more powers. She explained how women get
opportunities for attaining leadership and management skills in the societies. Her
society. She observes that women in the church can be given leadership position in
Carol G. (1982). In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development,
Cambridge MA, Harvard U.P.
John.S.M, African Religious and Philosophy. Nairobi: EAEP. 1969 pp 69-83
Regina S. (2003). Church Women Groups and Empowerment of Women in Solomon Island. Oceania.
Published in ocean.
the society and manage to perform well.18 However, Regina was silent on how
women in the church can involve themselves in various projects to better their family
Mary Hurt19 focuses on women involvement in church leadership within the Catholic
Church. She argues that even if ordination of women priest were denied, there was
full participation of women in the church ministry. Hurt observed that women can
play equal roles to their male counterparts when considered for ordination. She,
however, did not discuss the roles of church women organizations in improving their
family living standards. This study analyzed the activities of the church women
ministries or organizations such as the Mothers’ Union (M.U) in the Anglican Church
Agnes Abuom argues that women, who are less educated, earn less, own less, and
are less presented in most economic and political sphere. According to her, female
education is recognized as one of the critical path to promote social and economic
improving women’s living standards and the whole society at large. She further
argues that women can have access to education like men, and be able to have better
lives due to what they will be earning. She, however, did not discuss how women in
Regina S.(2003). Church Women Groups and Empowerment of Women in Solomon Island. Oceania. Pubished
in Ocean
Mary .E. H., (2009). Women Church: feminist Concept religious commitment women’s movement; Vol 25,
No1, pp85-98, India University Press Publication.
Agnes Aboum (2001) Women’s Issues in Health and Education ; Published in United Kingdom.
family life; socially, economically and spiritually apart from education. The current
study analyzed the contribution of Mothers’ Union (M.U) in improving family life.
Elaine Howard argues that the place of women in the church has broadened
considerably. She argues that, changes in women’s role and in the economy provided
a societal context for women expecting greater opportunities in all spheres. According
to her, women have personal identity account in the church. She, however, did not
discuss on how church women can involve themselves in various projects that enables
them to improve their family living standards. Therefore, this research discussed how
church women involved themselves in various projects to improve their family living
women’s roles were very diverse in the church of God and that testimony would be
heard from women of the call of God to preach the Gospel. Roebuck argues on the
licenses were supplied to women who engaged in the ministry of the word of God. 25
Women who hold those certificates served in the church of God in many capacities,
concentrated much on the women serving in the church as ministers of the gospel.
Elaine Howard. (2005). Different Identity Accounts For Catholic Women .A review of Religious Research :
Vol 47 ,No 2(Dec 2005)pp135-149.Religious Research Association Inc Publisher.
David.Roebuck (2012). Theology Today: Opportunities and Limitations for women ministers in the church
of God-A Pentecostal Denominations Vol 68:pp393-403
However, he was silent on how women in the church could also serve outside the
church through various activities/projects for the betterment of the society. This study,
therefore analyzed the activities that church women do both in and outside the church
In South Africa, in the Methodist Church, there was a women’s organization formed
called Manyano with an objective of meeting frequently to pray together and teach
young women converts skills like sewing, washing laundry so that they become
women self–help organization in Natal province which had the same objective of
Gathogo 28writes on women church leadership in Kenya and observed succinctly that
patriarchal values which focus on the consultation of the male gender. Further, they
observed that culture; level of education and poverty determine their level of decision-
Berverly H. (2004) The Manyano Movement in South Africa; .Empowering women for gender equity No, 61
pp3-4. Taylor & Francis Publisher Ltd.
Julius M.Gathogo (2008). “The Struggle Against Patriarchalism in Kenya (1980-
1992,”StudiaHistoriaeEcclesiasticae, South Africa, (April 2008, XXXIV), 265-288
Maina&Ndemo (2007:118-130 )
The African tradition exalts the dignity and vocation of a woman as mother and wife
as central to the family. Oketch 30observes that the woman is the unifying principle in
the African community. She is not only a mother and the wife of one man, but as such
she shares a central position in the cultural life of African society. 31 Oduyoye32 points
that women were valuable in the sight of the society in African Traditional Religion.
She argued further that in the traditional African life; women played a significant role
in the religious activities as they offered prayers for their families in particular and
Phiri observes that when Christianity came to Africa, it came as a male-dominated
religion. Therefore, anything that was incompatible with this perspective was not
accepted. This tradition fitted well within the African situation, where the woman was
again seen as subservient to men. Therefore, women’s duties in the Anglican Church
societies and the missionary practices that gave them a service delivery importance.35
James36 argues that the domestication of women’s duties in the church seems to have
developed from traditional indigenous African societies and the missionary times.
James, A Oketch,. (2014). Woman as Mother and Wife in the African Context of the family in the light of John
Paul II’s Anthropological and Theological foundations.PublishedPhd thesis. The Catholic University of
America, p.2
Mercy A.Oduyoye, (1995). Daughters of Anowa: African Women and Patriarchy. Mary Knoll:
Isabel,A. Phiri, (1997). Doing Theology in Community: The case of African Women Theologians in The
1990‟s.Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 99 (68-76).
Julius M.Gathogo. (2008). “The Struggle against Patriarchalism in Kenya (1980-
1992,”StudiaHistoriaeEcclesiasticae, South Africa, (April 2008, XXXIV), 265-288.
James, R. M. (2003). Factors that hinder women’s participation in Theological education in Kenya,
(Unpublished PhD Thesis).Kenyatta University, Kenya.PG.77
This study examined the Mothers’ Union and tried to establish whether it was
established to deliver services for men or to liberate and reconstruct the African
progress of women in Africa. It is such attitude that was entrenched in the church
during the missionary era and post-colonial period where ordination of women into
community development.
Anglican Communion which was started back in 1876 by Mary Sumner of the
Kanyoro, M. (2001). Engendered Communal Theology: African Women’s contribution to Theology in the 21 st
Century, in Njoroge N. and Musa W. D. (eds) Talitha Cum! Theology of African Women. Pietermaritzburg:
Cluster Publications, 159 - 174.
Florence. N.Wanjohi,. (2013). The Ministry of the Church in supporting Bereaved Families: The case of
Anglican Church of Kenya, Diocese of Kirinyaga, Kirinyaga County. Unpublished M.A thesis Kenyatta 117.
The missionary women worked hard to include Kenyan women in the shaping of the
Church in Africa. Therefore, the introduction of the Mothers’ Union gave the African
woman a status in the church which they did not have before due to patriarchy. Thus,
Phiri correctly observes that women saw themselves as co-workers with the Lord
Wasike and Okemwa 41 observes that a number of factors influence the role of women
from such grounds that Mercy Oduyoye 42argues that the role of women in the church
mirrors their role in society in which the church finds itself. This partly explains why
the core objectives of the Mothers’ Union (MU) focus on family life and marriage.
views the Mothers’ Union as one of the key components of the Church in fellowship.
For instance the Mothers’ Union of Mt. Kenya South Diocese holds prayers from
parish level to diocesan level, where women gather for prayers and community
Jane. N .Njoroge, (1992).Women of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa Kenya, 1891-1991.Reformed
World, 42(4).PP 1-3
Phiri, Isabel Apawo (1997). Women Presbyterianism and Patriarchy/Religious Experience of Chewa Women
in Central Malawi. Limbe: Assemblies God Press.PP.97-99.
Anne. W Nasimiyu,. (1990). “African Women’s Legitimate role in Church Ministry”, in J.N.K Mugambi & L
Magesa (eds) The church in African Christianity: Innovative essays in Ecclesiology. Nairobi: Initiative
Publishers (PP 57-69), Kanyoro, Musimbi & Njoroge Nyambura (Eds). (1996). Groaning in Faith Women in
the Household of God. Nairobi: Acton Publishers. James, R. M. (2003). Factors that hinder women’s
participation in Theological education in Kenya, (Unpublished PhD Thesis). Kenyatta University,
Kenya.PG.77, and Okemwa P.F. (2007).An assessment of Responses Towards African Women’s Theology in
Selected Institutions Kenya.(Unpublished Ph.D Thesis). Kenyatta University, 319.
Mercy .A.Oduyoye., (1995). Daughter of Anowa: African Women and Patriarchy. New York: Orbis Books.
Ack-Mt. Kenya South org/diocese. Accessed on 20th February, 2015
empowerment. Similarly, Wanjohi. Observes that the Mothers’ Union had been
inviting facilitators who talk on different topics ranging from health, and nutrition to
family issues. She further observed that the Mothers’ Union has initiated
developmental projects such as rental houses and shops in Nairobi and its
Similarly, the Mothers’ Union in Kirinyaga Diocese has a vision of being a responsive
life, women spiritual life as mothers and wives, parents and leaders in the African
society. In addition, it deals with women economic empowerment and ensures social
cohesion in the church.46 The works of Wanjohi is significant to the current study
since she analyzed how the Mothers’ Union has been in the forefront in bereaving
The Mothers’ Union at St. Stephen Cathedral church in Nairobi has played a critical
role in the church and general welfare of the members. The union was established
with the aim of advancing Christian teachings in the sphere of marriage and family
life. Its purpose was to be concerned with all that strengthens and preserves the
institution of marriage and general welfare of the Christian family. The motto of the
organization is derived from Philippians 4:13 which states that ‘I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me.’47 The union deals with women and economic
Florence. N.Wanjohi,. (2013). The Ministry of the Church in supporting Bereaved Families: The case of
Anglican Church of Kenya, Diocese of Kirinyaga, Kirinyaga County. Unpublished M.A thesis Kenyatta
Florence.N.Wanjohi,(2013). The Ministry of the Church in supporting Bereaved Families: The case of
Anglican Church of Kenya, Diocese of Kirinyaga, Kirinyaga County. Unpublished M.A thesis Kenyatta
46 .Accessed on 20th Feb 2015.
Mothers St.Stephens .Accessed on 20th Feb 2015.
outreach programs to those not in the church through ‘merry go round savings and
credit schemes.’ They are also engaged in other activities like feeding the hungry,
defined as a concern for and deep understanding of the experience of women in Africa
theology as:
which the female humanity and the male humanity shape a balance community within
which each and every person experiences a fullness of becoming.51 According to her,
feminism is not a word for the female, but of all who are conscious of the true nature
temperaments etc. It calls for inclusion of women into the community and women’s
48 on 20th Feb 2015.
Stevi Jackson& Jackie Jones (1988): Contemporary Feminist Theory: Edinburgh university press publisher.
Isabela.A. Phiri. (2004a). African Women’s theologies in the new millennium, Agenda: Empowering women
for gender equity pg.16
experience of becoming an integral part in the community.52 Her analysis points to the
resources within the African tradition that can empower and strengthen women and
their organizations Vis a` vis Mother’s Union (MU). According to Oduyoye. There
were provisions within the African tradition not only for the protection of women, but
also for their involvement, participation and contribution to the wellbeing of the larger
community.53 She affirms that tradition contained and still does contain elements that
can inspire women’s struggle to affect the kind of changes they want to see within
Oduyoye observes that traditional norms regulating marital family and social life were
not totally neglectful of women’s issues and especially their well-being. The tradition
made provisions to ensure that cultural practices and expectations would not be in
favor of one group to neglect or exclusion of the other.55 According to her, the task of
the church is therefore, to shift through the traditional stipulations and/or regulations
with the goal of uncovering those aspects that promote the well-being of all members
liberative and reconstructive discourses where God – ‘the one we worship is seen and
Gathogo observes that African Feminist Theology (AFT) emerged out of the need to
create a forum in seeking to liberate African women from the oppressive structures in
Mercy.A.Oduyoye.(2005).The Will to Rise. Women traditions and the church in Africa. Wipy and Stock
Fulgence M.Nyengele. (2004). African women’s Theology: Gender relations and family systems theory.
Peterlsng publishing INC. New y York.
Teleki, A.R., (2001). Rediscovering Ataa Naa Nyonmo -The Father-Mother-God in Nyambura Njoroge and
Musa W Dube (eds). Talitha Cum! Theologies of African Women, Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications, 148 -
both the society and the religious institutions, and especially the Church.58
Mothers Union, the church offered a platform for women to participate and make
decisions in matters affecting them and the larger community. As Mercy Oduyoye
puts it all humanity must participate in bringing a balanced community in terms of
community as they strive to achieve the objectives of the union. The others union
addresses some of the issues that adversely affect women more negatively than their
issues. It also seeks to highlight the strategies for women in addressing some of these
issues. This study therefore analyzed how the Mother’s Union is engaging its
Julius M,Gathogo, (2008). “The Struggle against Patriarchalism in Kenya (1980-
1992,”StudiaHistoriaeEcclesiasticae, South Africa, (April 2008, XXXIV), 265-288.
Isabela.A. Phiri.(1997). Doing Theology in Community: The case of African Women Theologians in The
1990s.Journal of Theology for Southern Africa 99 (68-76) , 11 - 22.
Potgieter, S.(1996). Church Praxis and Women who remain within the church in Kanyoro, M.R and Njoroge,
N. Groaning in Faith: African Women in the Household of God. (Nairobi: Acton Publishers, 17 - 26.
Isabela.A. Phiri. (1996). Marching, Suspended and Stoned: Christian Women in Malawi, in
Kenneth R. Ross (ed.) God, People and Power in Malawi: Democratization in Theological Perspective. Gweru:
Mambo Press, 67 - 79
Mercy A.Oduyoye..(2005).The Will to Rise.Women Traditions and the Church in African.Wipy and stock
data in relation to the purpose of the research.63 Data and facts are basis for
generated from women at St. Thomas church argues that such knowledge should not
from action may limit the workability of such knowledge. Adding his voice Smith
observed that such an approach in a qualitative study undervalue local knowledge and
information about the role of the Mothers’ Union within the Anglican Church of
Kenya. Their participation was important since it was part of local knowledge and
Through a descriptive approach, the study analyzed the activities of the Mothers’
important to contend here that this study also focused on women’s participation in
policy and decision making processes since it took seriously the complex
document analysis, guided and informal interviews were used to supplement the
Kothari, C.R. (2004) Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New age International (P) Ltd
Publishers. Daryaganj, New Delhi.
Greenwood, D.J., & Levin, M. (1998) Introduction to Action Research: Social Research for Social Change.
London: Sage publications. p.77
Smith, L.T. (2005). On Tricky Ground: Researching the Native in the Age of Uncertainty. In N.K. Denzin&
Y.S. Lincoln (eds). The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (3rdedpp 85-108). London. Sage publications.
The study was conducted at St. Thomas church in Kilifi County, Malindi diocese of
the Anglican Church of Kenya. The map below shows the location of St. Thomas
square kilometers and is the thirteenth largest county in Kenya.66 It lies on Latitude
3°32'0" North and Longitude 39°41'0" East.67 It borders Tana River County to the
North and Taita Taveta County to the west while Mombasa and Kwale County to the
south. On the other hand, Malindi Diocese was established in 2014 and St. Thomas
Mugenda and Mugenda 68 observes that research participants refers to the entire group
of individuals or items under consideration in any field of study or inquiry and have
common attributes. Therefore, the primary research participants’ of the study were
women of the Anglican Church who were members of the Mothers’ Union at St.
Thomas church. During the study they preferred to be called ‘Mothers of Christ’ as a
sign of the place of women in the kingdom of God. The Mothers’ Union had up to 70
active members being led by three coordinators, however due to availability of the
Mothers’ Union members only 40 members were sampled for the study The second
group of research participants involved Lay Readers, and the clergy. They were
selected for the study so that they could give their assessment of the Mothers’ Union
. on16th Aug. 2016.
67 on16th Aug. 2016.
Mugenda, O., &Mugenda, A. G., (1999) Quantitative & Qualitative Approaches .African Center for
Technology Publishers.
The sampling method according to Mugenda and Mugenda.69 Refers to the techniques
employed by the researcher in selecting the items to be considered for the study in
terms of participants. In keeping with the research question, the study sampled 40
members of the Mothers’ Union (MU), the study sampled three members of the clergy
out of five. The other clergies had gone for further studies. Five Lay Readers were
sampled out of ten again due to availability. The selection of these categories of the
participants was that they are part of the church administration. They could give their
to Focus Group Discussion and in-depth semi-structured interviews with the leaders
of the group. Using purposive sampling technique, five members of the clergy and
five Lay Readers were identified for interviews. The respondents for the Focus Group
Discussion were randomly selected. The sampled categories enabled the research to
collect quality date as the percentage of the respondents was more than 50%.
Table 3.1 below shows the categories of respondents sampled for the study
Mugenda, O., &Mugenda, A. G., (1999) Quantitative & Qualitative Approaches .African Center for
Technology Publishers
design to generate data. Therefore, the primary methods of data collection used in this Interviews
Interviews were the most appropriate method of engaging the Lay Readers, Clergy,
and top leaders of the Mothers’ Union (M.U.) since it were suitable for generated
which involved 2 leaders of the Mothers’ Union (MU), 5 Lay Readers and 3 clergy.
During field work, it was not easy to get all the respondents on time as thoughts of as
some were engaged in work and could only be accessible during the weekends. Based
on such a tight schedule, the researcher conducted four interviews at night while the
according to their ages. Majority of the members were selected from the following
age brackets; (25-35), (36-46 and 50) years and above. This is because age factor
compared with the older mothers. Therefore, in each age bracket, the researcher
Creswell, J. W. (2003)Research design: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches
(Second ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publication. p.62
interviewed five members. Also interviewed were two leaders of the Mothers’ Union
in the church. This is because these leaders are the administrators of the union. In
addition they run and co-ordinate the activities of the Mothers’ Union (MU). A
consent form was signed by both parties before the beginning of each session of the
interview. Later, a follow-up interview with probing question was conducted for
Focus Group Discussion means sharing perceptions, experiences, ideas and opinions
and creating collaborative towards transformation.71As noted earlier, this study has
in collecting data from women organizations such as the Mothers’ Union (MU).Since
the approach is predicated on the understanding that despite the exclusion of women
from the church leadership structures and policy making processes, they can develop
the capacity to engage in dialogic processes that not only creates policies which
enhances their well-being but also lead to their transformation.72The languages used
in collecting the data was Kiswahili, English and local language “Kigiriama” since the
participants were conversant with any of the three languages mentioned. The study
employed this approach because it created the much needed space for exchange of
Hope, A., &Timmel, S., (1995).Training for Transformation. A Handbook for Community Workers, Book 1
Zimbabwe. Mambo Press.
Irine A. Ayallo (2012). Public policy Dialogue for Socially Inclusive for Public policy Making processes in
Kenya: The Role of Anglican Church of Kenya. Unpublished PhD thesis, Auckland University of Technology.
ideas among members of the Mothers’ Union (MU). Focus Group Discussion is
Scholars such Kamberlis and Dimitriadis they observe that they are collective
Therefore, in the course of the study, the researcher conducted two FGDs with
members of the Mothers’ Union (M.U.). All the meetings were held within the
Church premise. During the discussions, the researcher divided the members to three
groups made up of thirteen members, while one group had fourteen members. The
researcher utilized this method of soliciting data since it had ‘a goal of eliciting
also created an affirming atmosphere such that every person participated and gains the
confidence to contribute their experiences and insights within the workshop.75 FGD,
provided spaces whereby the participants did not simply answer the questions asked
but reflected on the questions, discussed underpinning issues, and planned a way
forward with regards for further discussion. Equally, the researcher was able to
capitalize on group dynamics and the explicit use of the group interaction to generate
data and insights that would be unlikely to emerge without the interaction
found in a group. The group interaction was directed; moderated, monitored and
with the small groups of about thirteen members of the Mothers’ Union (M.U)
Kamberlis, G. &Dimitriadis, G. (2005) Focus Groups: Strategic Articulations of Pedagogy, Politics and
Inquiry. London. Sage 288
Puchta, C., & Potter, J. (2004) Focus Group Practice. London; Thousand Oaks: SAGE. p.6).
Irine .A.Ayallo,.(2012). Public policy Dialogue for Socially Inclusive for Public policy Making processes in
Kenya: The Role of Anglican Church of Kenya. Unpublished PhD thesis, Auckland University of Technology.
Keith .F. Punch (2011), Introduction to Social Research :Qualitative and Quantitative Research Aproach.
SAGE Publishers.
according to their age, employment status, and years of service in the church. This is
because the employed and the unemployed have different life styles. The researcher
also had discussion with 20 employed members and 20 unemployed members of the
Union on the role of the Mothers’ Union (M.U) towards improving family living
standards. The researcher also had a discussion with the top leadership/coordinators of
amount and most insightful kinds of information since the researcher becomes an
attending meetings of the Mothers’ Union in the church premise and at their home
fellowships to find out how they manage the organizations. This was quite important
as the researcher got individual respondents testimonies on the impact of the Mothers’
practices, how they acted and interacted with others during the meetings. In
addition, the researcher was able to take some photos of the projects they have Questionnaires
of the Mothers’ Union sampled for the study. The questionnaires created the much
needed space for members to write their views and suggestion confidentially. The
Creswell, J. W. (2003) Research design: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches
(Second ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publication. p.62.
data from the questionnaires was triangulated and presented in form of tables with
The second source of data was carried out through textual analysis of secondary
archives, journal articles and Newspapers with written information about women
organizations such as the Mothers’ Union (M.U). The minutes of the Mothers’ Union
(MU) were of great significance to the study since they clearly indicated the activities
and programs that the group had implemented over a span of 20 years. The
documentary data was particularly valuable in answering the question about church
organizations and how their activities correspond to the general purpose of the church
in nurturing family life. However, it came to the researcher’s understanding that little
has been written about the Mothers’ Union of the Anglican Church of Kenya, and that
their work while others such as Eleanor Higgs wrote journal articles. That this study is
among the first comprehensive work on the Mothers’ Union (MU) is no doubt and
What is intriguing is that while the Mothers’ Union (MU) which was established in
Kenya in 1918 and has been in existences for over 50 years little has been done
later. This is not an isolated case as women have formed one of the most excluded
groups in Africa and that their discourses are not considered as of public interest
secondary materials on the Mothers’ Union (MU) is a reflection of the place and
are assigned to the same category by different observers or by the same observer on
different occasions. However, the ability of research to produce reliable and valid
interviews should be able to yield consistent results over time. Equally, they
should also be able to represent accurate views of the population under study.
Therefore, the researcher took time to document the responses of the study
participants through a digital voice recorder. This was later followed by a horizontal
analysis of data where several respondents were asked the same question and similar
responses were categorized and divergent views were analyzed independently. This
was motivated by the fact that; if the same participants were interviewed again
under the same methodology, their responses to the questions would be consistent to
The interview schedule served as a guide in directing the questions that were
asked to participants and the interview sequence was designed to check for
consistency of claims made through each respondent's story. In doing so, the
researcher had to observe the study respondents body language apparently to note
Hammersley, M. (1992). What’s Wrong with Ethnography: Methodological Explorations.
London: Routledge. Pg. 67.
Golafshani, N. (2003). ‗Understanding Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research.‘ The
Qualitative Report. 8, 597-607.
trivial, but often crucial, pauses, overlaps or body movements.81 Therefore, the
researcher utilized sufficient steps to ensure that personal subjectivity, bias and
beliefs that could affect the conclusions are noted avoided in the analysis.82
Data analysis according to Denzin and Lincon.83 Refers to the process of inspecting,
cleaning, transforming and modeling data in order to retrieve useful information for
the study. They further argue that qualitative data analysis and interpretation should
summarizing the essential features and relationship of data in order to generalize and
determine patterns of behavior and particular outcome of the study. Since primary
data was generated inform of words, the researcher employed inductive data analysis
technique which involved coding data from the field and transcribing oral interviews
to verify meanings.85
During oral interviews session the researcher recorded the information through a
digital recorder. Equally, field notes were also edited for completeness and
consistency before further analysis. Data generated from the field were reported in
light of the research objective: ‘to examine the role of the Anglican Church Mothers’
Union in improving family life using St. Thomas church as a case study.’ In order to
achieve the set objectives research questions were derived from the many objective on
the role of Mothers’ Union (MU) in improving family life. From the coded categories
Silverman, D. (2001). Interpreting Qualitative Data: Methods for Analysing Talk, Text and Interaction.
London: Sage 33.
Leedy, P. D. (2000). Practical Research. Planning and Design. 7th edition. New Jersey and
Ohio: Merrill Prentice Hall.
Denzin, N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S, (2005).The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research (3rded) Thousand
Oaks.SAGE Publications
Denzin, N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S, (2005).The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research (3rded) Thousand Oaks.
SAGE Publications.
Miles, M.B., &Huberman, A.M. (1994) Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook of New
Methods. Thousand Oaks, Sage.
of data and transcribed interviews, themes were developed which were analyzed in
light of the theoretical framework and secondary literatures. This was not an easy task
to the study. In the process of this analysis themes were developing independently as
the researcher analyzed the activities of the Mother’s Union (MU) in improving the
The study data was presented after the analysis in form of themes and pictures/photos
illustrating key projects initiated by the Mothers Union. In addition, pictures /photos
of the Mothers Union (M.U) projects such as the making detergents, and pictures of
the Mothers Union (M.U) members during focus group discussion were used for data
All the ethical issues pertaining to this study were highly considered. The researcher
conducted the study after being granted ethical permission from the Ethics and
Review committee of Pwani University (ERC). The study was conducted carefully,
interview an informed consent form was signed by both parties as a sign of agreement
to participate voluntarily in the interview activity. The information from the parish
was handled with confidentiality. Participation in the small group discussion was
voluntary. Real names of the members who participated in the interviews and the
small group discussion were only used with their permission or else letters were used
Keith F. Punch (2011) Introduction to Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Research Approaches.
Sage Publishers.
Every research project has its own challenges and therefore, the researcher anticipated
some of the setbacks, the researcher was likely to encounter in the field, some of
which came to pass. The planning and organizing for the Focus Group Discussion
became a major challenge due to unavailability of some members. The researcher had
to postpone the meetings twice due to lack of quorum. This forced the researcher to
seek for some help from the clergy who urged the members to participate. Later, the
researcher came to understand that the concept of the FGD was misunderstood by
members who felt that probably the researcher was working for Non-Governmental
Organization (NGOs) and that the data was for financial gain. However, when they
realized that it was for their own benefit and research purposes they attended the
subsequent meetings.
In any discussions there are power inequalities that when not properly checked can
pose a serious challenge to a researcher and the participants. In order to address such
challenges the researcher addressed the women as Mothers and emphasized on the
church and African societies. This broke the existential gaps brought about by
employment, age, social status, tribe and political ideologies among them. Therefore,
their issues by sharing their experiences and opinions on the Mothers’ Union (MU).
1.17. Conclusion
The chapter has given a background of women organizations of the Anglican Church,
church women groups do in the church, thus gave a direction to my area of study.
However they have overlooked the roles of or the responsibilities of church women
groups in and outside the church on how to make their families and the society at
large better. It is from such basis that this research, therefore, proposes to examine the
roles of church women groups (M.U) in improving the living standards of their
families both socially, financially and spiritually. This was discussed in light of
This chapter has also discussed the methodological tenets that were employed in the
study. As a qualitative study various methods were used to gather data such as
journal articles and archival materials containing minutes of the Mothers’ Union
(MU). These methods enabled the researcher to gather quality data that was
triangulated to form the thematic analysis of this study. The primary respondents that
formed part of the study group included the clergy, lay leaders and members of the
Mothers’ Union (MU). The next chapter of the study is a thematic analysis of the
Mothers Union activities, roles towards the improvement of the family living
2.1. Introduction
Church of Kenya (ACK). The chapter also determines the growth and expansion of
the St. Thomas Mothers’ Union and its roles that cut across social, economic, spiritual
and political spheres of life. In a nut shell, Women's involvements in activities aimed
at community development are discussed. The chapter argues that the activities of the
Mothers’ Union empower them against the backdrop of patriarchy and discrimination
within the church. To this end, the chapter critiques the relevance of African feminist
The Anglican Church in Africa has developed rapidly partly due to efforts of Church
women’s spirituality.87 Women organizations are known for providing platforms and
convectional shelter under which women can share their narratives of oppression and
call upon Gods intervention upon their lives and society in general. As noted in
Chapter one of the study, the Mothers’ Union was started by a daughter in law of
Bishop C.R. Sumner of the Winchester Diocese, Mary Sumner back in 1876. Mary
Sumner as a young mother felt that women had a responsibility of rising up Christian
families. Their aim and purpose was to strengthen and maintain marriage and
Beverly Hadded. (2002). "The Mothers' Union in South Africa: Untold Stories of Faith, Survival and
Resistance," in Phiri, Isabel, Devakarsham Betty Govinden and Shrojini Dabareds. Her Stories: Hidden
Histories of Women of Faith in Africa, Pietermaritzburg: Cluster publication.
and leadership within the Anglican Church at local and national levels.88
colonial history of the country where the white race dominated the Africans in all
spheres including religion. Galia Sabar.89 Observes that the first branch of the
Mothers’ Union in Kenya was established by Mrs. Mary Stewart Lawford, the wife of
the British District Commissioner at Fort Hall Diocese in 1918. The membership was
since they confined their scope primarily to social activities of religious nature. By
and large, the Mothers Union (MU) remained racially exclusive organization
Mothers’ Union (MU) during the colonial period was designed on race identity that
designated whiteness both from African and European perspectives. Higgs correctly
observes that the mutually constitutive nature of whiteness and Christianity for
women in colonial Kenya was a major factor underlying the initial exclusion of
African women from Christian women’s organizations.92It is prudent to note that the
Eleanorq.T. Higgs. (2015) the Mothers Union in Kenya 1955-2015. SOAS, University of London.
Sabar, G., (2002). Church, state, and society in Kenya: From mediation to opposition 1963-1993.New York:
Frank 56
Cordelia Moyse, C., (2009). A history of the Mothers’ Union: Women, Anglicanism and globalisation1876-
2008. also Moyse, Cordelia (2013). ‘Mothers’ Union: From Victorian village to global
village.’ In Kwok, P.,ed. Anglican women on Church and mission. London: Canterbury Press
Galia Sabar. (2002). Church, state, and society in Kenya: From mediation to opposition 1963-1993.New
York: Frank 56.
Eleanor.T.Higgs,.(2015). ‘Becoming “multi-racial”: The Young Women's Christian Association in Kenya,
1955-1965.’ In B.J. Glimps and T. Ford, eds. Gender and diversity issues in religious-based institutions and
organizations. IGI Global.
Mothers Union in Kenya coexisted side by side with Young Women’s Christian
Association (YWCA) which was under the leadership of Sibella Burns and Gladys
Beecher, the wife of the Bishop of Mombasa Diocese. Mrs. Beecher became one of
Gladys Beecher using her position as the vice president of YWCA and upbringing
among the Agikuyu community allowed African women to join the Mothers’ Union
(MU). According to Wanjiku Kinuthia, the pioneer African Mothers’ Union in Kenya
began on 4th March 1956 following a meeting that took place at Mongolia Church in
the Diocese of Mt. Kenya South in Central Kenya following a meeting convened by
Mrs. Gladys Beecher. However, the annual convention of 1957 that brought over 26
white East African women’s organizations, including the MU and the YWCA
emphasized on the participation of African women. Deanne Van Tol argues that this
annual meeting played a significant role in encouraging white women to emulate the
activities of Gladys Beecher among the Agikuyu women and begins including them in
instrumental in laying the foundation for establishment of the Mothers ' Union (MU)
among African women in Kenya. Later, she held numerous women convention at
Nairobi and even invited international speakers such as Mrs. Fisher; the wife of the
Harley, V.,(1995). Rickshaw to jets: A history and anecdotes of the Kenya YWCA, 1912-1965.London: Vera
Harley/YWCA of England and
Van Tol, D., (2013, June). ‘“Mutual action for the good of all”: Gender, race, and voluntary work in late
colonial Kenya.’ Paper presented at the 5th European Conference on African Studies: African dynamics in a
multi polar world, Lisbon, 6-8.
Upon the retirement of Archbishop Beecher and the coming of Right Rev. Festo
Olang as the new head of the province of Kenya, Mrs. Oseri Olang became the leader
of the Mothers’ Union (MU) organization in Kenya with the support of other bishop’s
wives until her retirement in 1979. Other heads of the Mothers Union that followed
include Mrs. Mary Kuria (1980-1994), Mrs. Alice Kavula Nzimbi (2002-2009), Mrs.
Rhoda Luvuno Wabukhala (2012-2016), and current Mrs. Esther Sapit wife of Rev.
Jackson Ole Sapit.95 With the support of these women the Mothers Union (MU) grew
from a very humble beginning at Mwongoiya to the entire country. This has been
Bible study meetings. This has been complimented by annual Provincial convention
of all Mothers Union groups countrywide. The vibrant Mothers’ Union (MU) in the
national, civic and community life.96This is a clear pointer that the position of the
Mothers Union (MU) within the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) was being felt
across the country, and that the then Anglican Archbishop David Gitari felt that it was
The Mothers' Union in Kilifi at St. Thomas church is seen as a women ministry in the
church as well as an organization within and outside the church. As a women ministry
in the Church, it has been assigned with the responsibility of family welfare. This is
Read more at Anglican Church of Kenya (n.d) Archbishops. church
head..http://www.accessed on 13th march2017.
David.M. Gitari & et al. (2002).Eight Great Years: Achievement of the Ministry of
Archbishop David Gitari. Provincial Liturgical Editor; pg 56-57.
bring up children to Christian life and to care for the families met by adversity.97
economic and political conditions that can hinder the developments of the church and
objectives. The Mothers’ Union (MU) contributes to the growth of the Church
uphold Christ's teaching on the nature of marriage and to promote its wider
creating and maintaining stable families. These include teaching the young women on
the value of marriage, creating awareness on issues that affect women directly such as
family planning, HIV and AIDs among others. In a face to face interview with a MU
“As M.U. union members we work as a team, inspiring each other during fellowship.
We discuss issues of our children, spouses, and look for alternative ways of how to
handle family and social problems. We for example through the Vicar organize for
seminars and invite speakers to come and talk to our youth and us as mothers about
family planning, HIV and AIDS in order to become responsible people in the church,
society and to our own families. Sometimes the M.U. through our Vicar is invited to
Anglican Church of Kenya, (2006).The Mothers Union. Accessed on 14 th October, 2016.
One to one interview with Mrs.Ruth Vinya ,the chairperson of MU st.Thomas church on 22 nd Oct 2016 at her
home mabirikani.Kilifi town.
The MU at St. Thomas church do hold teachings sections where the elderly MU
members have a teaching section with the teenagers and the young mothers/women on
various issues in life such as the values of marriage. The teens are guided and
activities, choosing good friends among others. This compliments what Hale-Benson
argues in his book that good parents know who their children’s friends are. They
invite them over to get to know them better. Many parents program the peer group for
their children and may sometimes even select the people who they want their children
to interact with.99 The Mothers’ Union therefore, takes this responsibility of guiding
the teens from their church and sometimes invites teens from other denominations.
community outreach and prayers. The organization works through volunteer members
to create a lasting change for families100. In a FGD held on 21st, Nov 2016 at the
church premise, Linnet an elderly MU member puts that “the young mothers need to
be taught and reminded on the values of marriage, so that they can be good managers
of their own homes as wives and mothers. Her sentiment compliments what Regina
confidence to determine the development path they may wish to follow. This
Benson. Hale.(1985), Conference on the Black Family. Olivet Institutional Baptist Church,
Cleveland ,and the United Way Serviceof Cleveland.
100 office,mothers’union:htm//: Accessed on 13th Feb 2015.
Reginna Scheyvens:Church women Groups and Empowerment of Women in Solomon island
Ocean published in Oceania 2003.
challenges positively. Rita, a young mother in the discussion affirmed that the
teaching have assisted her to treat her husband who seemed to be difficult to be
understood according to the wife. She affirmed that she attempted to separate with her
husband, but the fact that she is a devoted Christian and according to the Bible
teaching, that A man shall leave his mother and father and hold first to his wife and
2.3.3 Hospitality
Hospitality refers to the relationship between a guest and a host, where in the host
receives the guest with goodwill including the reception and entertainment of guest,
vulnerable.’ This expression is also reminiscent of Christ’s words that, “He who saves
his life loses it and whosoever loses it finds it”105. To Gathogo, African hospitality
expresses the African sense of communality. But Gathogo goes further to argue that
the word ‘hospitable’ to Africans is associated with grace, to be associated with divine
name; for God is also described as ‘gracious’ among the Africans. To be hospitable,
Information from members of the M.U. is that they normally show this in the church
first. “It is our responsibility as M.U. in the church to participate in the furnishing of
Genesisb2:24 The Gideon International Bible version
Desmond .Tutu, N. (1989)The words of Desmond Tutu. (London: Hodder and Stoughton) pg. 69.
Mark 8:34-35. The Gideons International Bible version.
the pastors house, welcome visitors in the church by preparing meals or snacks in case
play an active role in helping people whose life has been met with adversity. These
have been evident on their response to the sick, orphans, widows and other vulnerable
people in the society. “We the M.U. have been visiting the sick either at the hospital
or at home. On 14th June 2016, for example, we visited Mama Joyce who was unwell
and admitted in Kilifi District Hospital, we encouraged and prayed for her.”107
According to this research, the mother’s social activities parallels well with Mbiti’s
summary of the philosophy underlying the African way of life, thus: “I am, because
we are; and since we are, therefore I am.108It is on this basis that the women initiated
healing ministry where they pray for the sick and the bereaved family members as
they express their unity in times of need ‘tuko na wewe (Swahili for “you are not
alone”). In addition, they respond to those who have had tragedies in the society such
as accidents. The late Revered Albert Fondo described women as more merciful and
concerned to the wellbeing of members of the society.109 It is from such basis that they
provide support and information for mothers on matters relating to public health and
This research established from the Vicar and focus group discussions that the
Mothers’ Union formed a social initiative of caring for the elderly in the community.
Interiew with Ruth Vinya on 11th sept 2016 at her home, Mabirikani in Kilifi town at 3.40 PM.
Interiew with Ruth Vinya on 11th sept 2016 at her home, Mabirikani in Kilifi town at 3.40 PM.
John.S. Mbiti. (1969) African Religions and Philosophy, pg. 108.
Rev. Albert Fondo(Now deceased) in an oral interview with the researcher on 13 th January, 2017 at Kilifi
Their argument towards this initiative was that, some elderly people have been
abandoned by their families and are vulnerable to early death suppose they do not
receive care. What they said in the focus groups is that; they have not established
homes or day care centers, but are keen in supplying food, clothing and water to the
aged members of the community. The M.U. according to an interview with Grace
Kabibi also works with widows and single parents in their different needs. Kabibi
noted that; “M.U. organizes for fellowships for mothers including those who are
bereaved and makes sure they get the necessary assistance required” This is all about
improving family life standards by overcoming problems that face mothers in their
families. In addition, the M.U. offers counseling services to families and individuals
that have been affected by drugs and encouraging them to live a Christian life.
The role played by M.U. in Kilifi is crucial to the church and society due to the help
offered, also to broken families who later reunite. This is supported by Galia Sabar.110
Who has the view that such ‘guidance’ and support on women, is part of the Anglican
Church’s wider efforts to help African women ‘improve their daily lives’.
Two members; Lizzy and Lilian explained that, Mothers’ Union takes marriage
seriously and works to make sure that families are in harmony. In order to strengthen
marriages, the Mothers’ Union (MU) through the guidance of the priest keeps on
church is to be a learner especially in the public worship. He says, “It may seem
Sabar, G.(2002). Church, state, and society in Kenya: From mediation to opposition 1963-1993.New York:
Frank 56-57.
obvious to us as women should be taught God’s Word, since women are spiritually
equal to Christ and the commands of the New Testament are to all111.
Those who have not solemnized their marriages in church are also encouraged to do
so in the church. The Vicar, and in the focus group discussions, show that every year,
they organize for mass wedding services and provide requirements such as
entertainment and paying for the marriage certificate. Occasionally, they organize for
educative drama festivals that mostly portray how a good Christian woman and a
mother should conduct herself in society, in the church activities in order to be a role
model. These social activities have contributed to qualitative and numerical growth of
the church.
Another important social activity of the Mothers Union (MU) is the talent week held
in the month of August annually. During the week, members of the Mothers Union
(MU) visit the pastor’s house on Monday to do cleaning and have a fellowship
together. They too carry food stuffs to the pastor. On Tuesday, they visit the sick in
the hospital. Ruth Njoroge, the chair lady of the Mothers Union (MU) in an interview
with the researcher explained that they usually conduct hospital visits such as, Kilifi
General Hospital, Pwani Medical Clinic, and pray for the sick.112 Upon prayers, some
of them get well. They also have a program of visiting each other as M.U. members
each Wednesday of the week for fellowship and prayers. (Also known as the Home
Bible Church HBC, or Home Cells) On Thursday all members of MU meet at the
church as from 5.00pm for the same purpose of fellowship. The Mothers conduct
J.macArthur: New Testament Commentary 1 Timothy: Chicago moody press;1995,p83
Ruth Njoroge (Chairperson Mothers Union (MU) in an oral interview with the researcher on 6 th December,
2016 at Kaya in Kilifi Town.
family while Sunday they conduct the three services of the day.113
The women activities in the church are in line with what Mary Hurt argued in her
study that even if ordination of women were denied in the church, there was full
women participation in the church ministry114. The table 2.1 below gives a summary
of the social activities of the Mothers Union during the talent week.
Days Activity
1 Monday Service to the clergy & fellowship
2 Tuesday Hospital healing fellowship
3 Wednesday Home fellowship
4 Thursday Church fellowship
5 Friday Communal cleaning of the church
6 Saturday Family fun day
7 Sunday Special service led by members of
the Mothers’ Union (MU)
Data from the questionnaires that were supplied for inquiry indicate that, the Mothers
Union considers the aspect of strong economy as key; in that it builds up families and
society to live comfortable life. Poor economy in any country affects the health and
reduces dignity of families. Abject poverty hinders women from enjoying the
Christian values and teachings and makes members to be dependent. This dependency
eventually results to gender biasness where inequalities start to emerge. The most
vulnerable group affected by gender inequality and access to assets are women in
Ruth Njoroge (Chairperson Mothers Union (MU) in an oral interview with the researcher on 6th
December, 2016 at Kaya in Kilifi Town
Mary .E. H., (2009). Women Church: feminist Concept religious commitment women’s movement ;Vol 25,
Poverty within Africa affects women and children disproportionately. The St. Thomas
M.U. according to feedback has been determined to address the problem of gender
inequalities and poverty through initiating a number of projects that aim at poverty
alleviation. The involvement of the Mothers Union in such activities is not an isolated
case in Kenya.
lives to one or more of small, local, and informal women’s groups. Such groups
functioned through the pooling of their members’ labor and resources, allowing
women to work together to pursue larger scale projects such as building houses and
large scale farming.116 The Mothers Union (MU) projects aimed at poverty alleviation
stretch from table banking, coconut farming, detergent making, and poultry keeping
David .M Gitari, D.M. &et al., (2002).Eight Great Years: Achievement of the Ministry of Archbishop David
Gitari. Provincial Liturgical Editor; pg 44.
Francis, E., (1995). ‘Migration and changing divisions of labour: Gender relations and
economic change in Koguta, western Kenya.’ Africa 65 (2), pp197-216.
their resources for a common purpose. Women meet on weekly basis to give their
savings/contributions in a round table. By the end of the year they are expected to
divide the weekly collections to members. The mothers are also allowed to get soft
loans against their shares/weekly total contributions. According to the treasurer of the
MU, Beatrice Kasichana, the soft loans are given in accordance to the member
If a member contributes much, qualifies to get a big loan and vice versa. The loans are
paid within duration of six month with minimal interest of 5%. Hellen Mnyazi in an
interview with the researcher observes that she educated her daughter to secondary
level through loans she got from the Mothers Union (MU).117Similar sentiments were
shared by Felister Kariuki and Grace Mbaru who correctly argued that the Mothers
Union (MU) has been of great help to them since the organization managed to pay her
hospital bills when she fell sick and went for treatment.118
some contributions of amount varying from Kenya shillings 300 to 500 and the total
collection is handed over to one woman for development purposes. 119 The merry-go
round collections are conducted every Sunday after the Kiswahili service. Both table
banking and merry go-round concepts are based on indigenous philosophies of ubuntu
Hellen Mnyazi in an oral interview with the researcher on 8 th December, 2016 at St. Thomas, ACK in Kilifi
Felister Kariuki and Grace Mbaru in an oral interview with the researcher on 8 th December, 2016 at St.
Thomas, and on 16th December, 2016 at Marembo in Kilifi Town respectively.
Naomi Kenga in an oral interview with the researcher on 16 th December, 2016 at Marembo in Kilifi Town.
express this communalistic approach to life. To use Agiriama (read African) proverb;
mwanemwane yagonya nyoka which says: “disunity only signifies failure or the
Swahili proverb; kidole kimoja hakivunji chawa (one finger cannot kill lice).” It
means, no one’s own, as an individual, it signifies unity is strength. One needs others
for advice, teaching, rebuke, correcting and training above other things (cf. 2 Timothy
wealth comes by working together.120 It means that for a society to prosper, co-
operation and mutual support are keys to success. This co-operation is to start from a
house/family, clan, and tribe to the whole nation. It cuts across all spheres of life. This
agrees with Christ’s caution that a house divided cannot stand (Matthew 12:25). The
Mothers’ Union (MU) demonstrated that African cultural resources are rich in the
Other projects that the Mothers Union (MU) has initiated include detergent making,
poultry keeping; kitchen project (jiko la mama) and upcoming projects involve dairy
farming and guest house. The Mothers Union, kitchen project also known in
church to visitors and members of the congregation. The researcher observed that the
Mothers are expected to feed the guests of the church as well as members of the
congregation on special occasions, for instance if a bishop of the Diocese visits the
church or if it is a family Sunday or during the talent week on Aug. The concept of
Julius Gathogo, (2001) The Truth about African Hospitality: Is there hope for Africa? (Mombasa: The Salt),
pg. 21.
sharing food together as members of the church is part and parcel of fellowship. John
during one’s life. The Mothers Union through its self-sustaining projects; training and
empowerment have built a strong and credible constituency for development that has
improved family lives in Kilifi. Thus the Mothers’ Union is a clear example of the
ministry of women in the church and a proof to the argument that women are pillars
of the church.122
women’s dominating the church in terms of populace has not merited them to
dominate leadership; instead men have often been taking leading positions. John
considered to be God’s plan for women in the church.123 He laments that “the
traditional doctrines are being swept away by the floods ties of evangelical Feminism.
Churches, schools and seminaries are rapidly abandoning truth they have held since
their inception”.124 He claims that Biblical passages on women’s roles were being
actually interpreted and ignored because of the alleged ant-female bias of the Biblical
authors or dismissed as the additions of later redactors. He wrote that this is Satan’s
plan to entice women away from their God created role in the family, church and
society. The aim of this study is not to analyze the factors behind the preponderance
John Mbiti,S., (2002) “A person who Eats Alone Dies Alone: Death as a Point of Dialogue Between African
Religion and Christianity” in Mwakabana, HAO (ed.) Crises of Life in African Religion and Christianity
(Geneva: The Lutheran World Federation),pg. 83.
Mwangi N.M.,(2011).Women ministry in the Church at the grassroots Level: A case study of the Anglican
Church of Kenya in Ngiriambu Archdeaconry of the Diocese of Kirinyaga. Unpublished M.A project,
University of Nairobi, pg 82.
J.MacArthur; New Testament Commentary 1Timothy: Chicago moody press,1985.p 77-90.
J.MacArthur; New Testament Commentary 1Timothy: Chicago moody press,1985.p 77-90.
of women over men in the Church or the great disparity evident in leadership rather it
examines their religious contribution towards the growth and development of the
Feminist scholarship shows that African women in the church, for generations, have
not been accepted for the ordained ministry and high level church positions. The trend
is drastically changing and women are taking leadership while others are joining the
Church of Kenya for example. Ordination and other position of leadership, according
narrow down the work of women in the church to one type of service. According to
Lavinia Byrne in ‘Women at the altar’ argued that women role in the proclamation of
the good news is characterized by; catechizing to the catechumens and Christians,
visiting families, the poor, the sick and outcasts, involvement in retreat and
To nurture spirituality of individuals and the Church in general, St. Thomas, Mothers
Union (MU) have in their capacity been engaged in annual conventions, home and
church fellowships, (Sundays). During session with focus groups, it was established
that; the home fellowships are held every Thursday of the week rotating from one
member to another.
2.5.1 Training
The Anglican Church MU at St. Thomas church is allowed to conduct the service in
the church only after attending training for a certain period of time. David Roebuck
Byrne, L.(1994) Women at the Altar, IBVM, London.
argues that within the broader Pentecostal denominations women’s roles were very
diverse in the church of God, and that testimony would be heard from women of the
Christ and his apostle’s. According to him church women were recognized as
deaconesses and licenses were supplied to women who engaged in the ministry of the
word of God. Women who hold those certificates served in the church of God in
In an interview with vicar at the church premise, the researcher observed that MU
Saturdays .This was observed to be on the first and last Saturday of every month in
the afternoons.129 The women were trained on the procedural conduct of the services.
Eligible members are those whose families are members of the Anglican Church. This
according to the vicar is for efficiency of the family and the church at large.
The training of the MU was only done to the married members/mothers whose
marriages were solemnized in the church. The single mothers/women were not
trained. The married women attend the training for a period of six months
consecutively after that period they qualify to conduct a service. In an oral interview
with Grace Karisa, she affirmed that, Lynet Shaha and her qualified and was eligible
David.G. Roebuck: Theology Today: Opportunities and Limitations for women ministers in the
church of God-A Pentecostal Denominations (2012.)Vol 68:pp393-403.
David.G. Roebuck: Theology Today: Opportunities and Limitations for women ministers in the
church of God-A Pentecostal Denominations (2012.)Vol 68:pp393-403.
Interview with the Vicar at St. Thomas church premise on 13th sept 2016.
in conducting the services in either Revival or Swahili service which commence from
7.00am to 9.00 am and 11.30am to 1.30pm respectively. The women only conduct the
Home based fellowships are also known as home cells or home units .These are
congregation members of the MU is addressed. The members within the home cell are
In the FGD, held on 3rd Aug 2016 at Mama Liner’s home, where the members had
met for home fellowship, the members affirmed that at these fellowships or home
cells they share the word of God, pray together and share their challenges too. 132 The
researcher observed that, in these home fellowships the MU sometimes do share a cup
of tea or a meal. The members air out their challenges as women and mother
The leaders take the complains from their members to the church and the church
respond to those complains accordingly. For instance, Lillian Baya argued that the
church had borrowed some cash from the MU kit of which by then the church had not
return the money. The church borrowed the money during the visit by the bishop at
the church. Their leader in that home cell, Christine Kambi took the matter to the
Face to face interview with Grace on 21st march 2017 at her home Marembo in kilifi town.
Coombs ,B.(1999). A Guide to Practical Pastoring Tony bridge: Sovereigh 124-135.
Bible , Act 2:46-47, Good News Bible
During the home fellowships, the members do carry foodstuffs to the member whose
home would be used for fellowships. The venue for the fellowship rotates .The home-
based fellowships are being held every Thursdays from 5.00pm to 6.00pm. The MU at
St. Thomas church has five home based fellowships. The researcher managed to
support to the MU. Members of these fellowships are usually the first to offer any
support to their members even before the church intervene in case a member is in
great need. For instance Mama Grace who belongs to prison home cell, when she lost
her husband, the MU members in her home cells, were the first to assist and mourn
with her “ kuomboleza” even before the church gave its condolence to mama
Mothers Union (MU) also has their own choir that entertains church members through
Magudho (Church elder) in an interview with the researcher observes that they sing to
teach preach, inform, build, correct, guide, and console the worshippers. 134 Another
important aspect is the annual convention where they invited guest speakers to
activities has contributed immensely to the growth and stability of the church.
Plate 5: St. Thomas Mothers’ Union Choir performs on Sunday Church Service
The direct participation of the Mothers Union in political activities has been very
development. That the Mothers Union of the Anglican Church of Kenya has avoided
political debates since colonial times with only few instances in post-colonial era.
Galia Sabar characterizes the work of the MU after 1955 as personal, professional,
and political, but nevertheless claims that the MU ‘never became a political body.’135
Higgs while writing on the Mothers Union argues correctly that MU cannot be
(MYWO), however, its socio-economic activities are political as they are aimed at
social justice and political issues largely designed to benefit rural and marginalized
are expanding the definition of the term political in a broader sense than what has
been defined by Sabar; that define political organizations in light of elections, voting
and democracy. The study finds Higgs understanding of the Mothers Union
interesting as she examines the Mothers Union from a feminist lens and argues that
the exclusion of women’s organizations such as the ‘Mothers Union’ from the realm
of the political has served to delegitimize their individual and collective activities,
Sabar, G., (2002). Church, state, and society in Kenya: From mediation to opposition 1963-1993.New York:
Frank Cass; pg.57.
Higgs, E.T. (2015) The Mothers Union in Kenya 1955-2015. SOAS, University of London .Pg 1-12.
Sabar, G., (2002). Church, state, and society in Kenya: From mediation to opposition 1963-1993.New York:
Frank Cass. Pg.142,
assuming that they lack the serious and systematic character of (men’s) political
attention to the material and discursive relationships between ‘spheres’ that might
The Mothers Union, St. Thomas Church have not expressed an explicit political
stance in the post-colonial period apart from one incident when it demonstrated
against a private developer who wanted to grab church parcel of land meant for
development activities. However, having broadened the concept of the term political,
it is evident that the Mothers Union has played a significant role in the political
transformation of the country.MU has provided the much needed space of integration
and construction of solidarities’ among women at the grass root level.139 It has
encouraged its members to participate fully in voting during the General elections. Put
male-dominated church communities to come together and assert their own priorities.
The power exerted by the Mothers Union has motivated most representatives from
political parties to attend special MU meetings to speak to the members and answer
2.7. Conclusion
The Chapter has established that the Mothers Union (MU) roles stretched from social,
spiritual, economic and political. Their socio-spiritual concerns range from prayers
mainly home fellowship, the spiritual wellbeing of children, religious education and
the training and support of mothers, as well as an active role in social issues of the day
Higgs, E.T. (2015) the Mothers Union in Kenya 1955-2015. SOAS, University of London. Pg 1-12.
Friedman Sabar.(1996).Ahistorical Exploration Published by the Jonhs Hopkins United Press.
which included teachings on family planning, alcohol and drug abuse among others.
They also offer guidance and counseling services to those in adversity such as the
bereaved and widows. In terms of economic roles, the mothers engage in income
generating activities such as chicken rearing, coconut project and detergent making.
This is facilitated by table banking concept where they contribute some money and
invest in income generating projects. Political activities of the Mothers Union are
limited. However, the socio-economic activities they engaged in are driven mainly by
politics of the country. Despite their engagement in the activities and projects they
have, MU faces challenges in its efforts. The next chapter explains the challenges that
3.1. Introduction
This chapter sought to establish the challenges facing the development agenda of the
Mothers’ Union. The chapter also highlights the hindrances that women facing in
their participation in and outside the church in realizing the objectives of the
towards improving family life and even unable some women to service their loans
The Mothers Union has faced a number of challenges which have slowed down its
operations and service delivery to the church and society. From the questionnaires
From Table 3.1 above, majority of the respondents 80 percent (32 out of 40) cited
was rated at 75 percent (30 out of 40), a half of the members are unemployed while
the rest are either employed in different sectors or engaged in small business
enterprises within Kilifi. Women record much higher than men for inactivity. There
are more women than men that are economically inactive. One of the reasons for
inactivity for women is looking after the family and or home. 140 Rampant absenteeism
was cited as a challenge as 70 percent (28 out of 40) of the respondents argue that
sometimes they failed to pass key resolutions due to lack of quorum.30 percent (12
out of 40) argues that the absenteeism was motivated by house hold responsibilities.
However, some respondents about 60 percent (24 out 40) argues that lack of technical
made some projects to fail such as the poultry project. Others thus 57.5 percent (23
out of 40) cited patriarchy as a ‘hidden problem’ that the Mothers Union has been
The style/the woman-blog-with Jane martin.http:www. Accessed on 26th July 2017.
facing. About 45 percent (18 out of 40) of the respondents argues that ignorance led to
conflicts over leadership that was rated at 25 percent (10 out of 40). Inadequate
support from the church leadership was also cited as a challenge. About 47.5 percent
(19 out of 40) correctly observed that the church leadership' did not 'recognize the
The late Rev. Samuel Mangi,141 argued that women’s attempt to secure loans for the
that some men consider their wives as powerless, backwards, illiterate and
inconsiderate when applying for loans for the church’s development. The researcher
observed that, from the secondary sources the individual members are legible to
acquire loan depending on their contribution .A member is given a loan thrice of her
contribution or savings, as every giving is recorded. The loan is repaid with an interest
of 5% within three months. On the other hand, women who have secured loans from
the Mothers Union kitty for their individual development have failed to service their
loans arguing that their husbands diverted the funds for their personal use. The study
and the principal beneficiaries of women efforts and hard work. Jacinta
victims which subjugate them to patriarchy, limiting their action as social actors.
Samuel Mangi Mueni in an oral interview with the researcher on 27 th January, 2017 at Matanomanne.Kilifi
Susan. Rakoczy. (2004) In Her Name: Women Doing Theology. Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications pg
Jacinta. Ndambuki. (2010) Discursive Representation of Women’s Interests and Needs in Makueni District -
Kenya .Unpublished PhD thesis of University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, pg.170
Interviewer R, observed that she did not service her loan after her husband of 40 years
disappeared with the money with another woman. She argued further that it became
very difficult to open up about the issue to members since it would signify that she
has failed as a mother to build a stable Christian family. 144 A similar argument was
advanced by the late Rev. Albert Fondo when he noted that some Christian women
and especially Mothers Union (MU) members are afraid to open up about their
marital problems for fear of being gossiped about it and ridiculed by other
religious ideologies” which pacify them for advocating for their emancipation. The
researcher found Susan Rakoczy.147 To be very candid as she argues that women
generally appear in society and the church “as support systems for males, used for the
The executive treasurer of the Mothers Union, Linet Banda argues that due to
agenda.148 This was supported by 80 percent (32 out 40) of the respondents. However,
Christine Kahindi former member of the Mothers Union (MU) argues that financial
leadership rank made many middle class women who were supportive of the union to
Interviewer R, in an oral interview with the researcher on 8 th December, 2016 at St. Thomas, ACK in Kilifi
Rev. Albert Fondo (Now deceased) in an oral interview with the researcher on 13 th January, 2017 at Kilifi
Mercy.A Oduyoye. (2001).Introducing African women’s theology. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.
Susan. Rakoczy,. (2004) In Her Name: Women Doing Theology. Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications pg
Linet Banda in an oral interview with the researcher on 8th December, 2016 at St. Thomas, ACK in Kilifi
pull out.149 This was disputed by the secretary general Elizabeth Kasichana and
Felister Kariuki who read malice in such accusations against the union. According to
them, some women being led by Kahindi joined the union with a patronizing attitude
due to their middle class status which could not be tolerated by majority of
members.150 From the questionnaires filled by the respondents, corruption was not
mentioned as a problem but that does not negate the observation of Christine Kahindi
as Linet Shaha and Naomi Kenga also argues that leadership wrangles due to financial
The late Rev. Albert Fondo in an interview with the researcher also expressed that
of the Mothers Union was due to conflict among leaders which made some to
withdraw their membership.152 However, Hellen Mnyazi refutes this claim arguing
that during the week days many members are engaged in economic generating
activities and that the attendance on Sundays has been commendable over the years.
The researcher attended two meetings during the week days and managed to meet just
a third of the membership while on another attendance on Sunday, the number was
Christine Kahindi, in an oral interview with the researcher on 13 th November, 2016 at St Thomas ACK in
Kilifi Town.
Elizabeth Kasichana and Felister Kariuki in an oral interview with the researcher on 20th November, and 8th
December, 2016 at St. Thomas ACK in Kilifi Town.
Linet Shaha and Naomi Kenga in an oral interview with the researcher on 8 th and 16th December, 2016 at St.
Thomas, ACK in Kilifi Town.
Rev. Albert Fondo (Now deceased) in an oral interview with the researcher on 13th January, 2017 at Kilifi
must be present and this explains why some projects like the guest house have taken
long to be implemented.153
The Church local leadership was accused of not cooperating or giving sufficient
support to the Mothers Union (MU). About 47.5 percent (19 out of 40) observes that
the church leadership' did not 'recognize the significance of women's contributions in
the church. Although the spouse of the clergy was one of the executives leaders of the
Mothers Union, there was a perception that the male association that Anglican Mens
Association (KAMA) was in competition with the Mothers Union. The male clergy
were accused of calling for women meetings without involving the Mothers Union
The church leadership was accused of failing to offer technical expertise in terms of
financial management and resource mobilization which made some projects to freeze.
Hellen Myanzi in an interview with the researcher argues that harambee which was
convened to raise funds for the Mothers Union (MU) was pushed forward several
times until the guest of honor declined to come due to confusion.154 Members of the
Mothers Union (MU) felt that the church is prioritizing KAMA projects at the
expense of women development agenda. I suggest here that the Anglican Church has
not overcome the structural and societal barriers that hinder women from holistic
Hellen Mnyazi in an oral interview with the researcher on 8 th December, 2016 at St. Thomas, ACK in Kilifi
In the foregoing discussion on challenges facing the Mothers Union (MU), it is rather
significant to observe that Anglican Church is still stuck on the colonial legacies of
exclusion and marginalization of one gender over the other. This reinforces Phiris’
argument that for African women, gender issues are overlaid by the legacies of racist
imperialism and colonialism and that these, combined with the work of the
Phiri continues to argue that emphatically the legacy of these historical processes has
Kenya that of gender subordination and exclusion156. Such binary tensions, however,
have been particularly serious for the subordinated female subject position and
cautions of such tensions as she argues that men should not view women projects as a
challenge to their hegemony. For instance, she argues that gender ideology is not
The Mothers Union (MU) is considered by the church leadership as service ministry
of the church based on the role that the women have played over the years. To them
performing peripheral roles in the Christian religious praxis is part of their objective
and mission as wives and mothers of the church. Rose Kahaso, a teacher and a
Isabella.A.Phiri,(2004a). African Women’s theologies in the new millennium, Agenda: Empowering women
for gender equity pg. 17.
Mercy.A.Oduyoye,.. (2001).Introducing African women’s theology. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.
member of the Mothers Union, argues that women occupy positions of authority and
leadership but men have limited their full participation through a gendered allocation
of duties which exclude them from policy formulation and decision making. 158 On the
other hand, the Mothers Union training manual is outdated and reinforces gender
stereotypes that consider mothers as nurtures and cares of the sick and vulnerable
Despite the challenges discussed above, the Mothers Union (MU),at St.Thomas
first as family leaders, the church and the society at large. The development initiated
by the Mothers Union does not target family members only but the society at large.
3.3. Conclusion
The chapter has established a number of challenges that the Mothers’ Union face both
in the church and the society at large. These challenges include: leadership wrangles,
inadequate finances and unlimited support from the church. Other challenges that
effectively to achieve its goal. Some of these challenges such as the male dominance,
as African, the women have adhered to this and thus moving slowly with their
activities. Therefore the next chapter critically explores how the women have been
entangled by the African culture and tradition that has made the Mothers Union to
Rose Kahaso Beja in an oral interview with the researcher on 16 th December, 2016 at Marembo in Kilifi
4.1. Introduction
This chapter gives a brief critique of the African Women Theologies in light of the
Mothers’ Union. African Women Theologies focus on liberating women from socio-
cultural forces that tend to dehumanize and oppress women in the society. The chapter
also tends to determine whether the MU at St. Thomas church have managed to
liberate itself from the socio-cultural forces as it determines through its roles and
also known as Circle).This initiative was midwife by Mercy Amba Oduyoye.159 The
socio-cultural forces that tend to dehumanize and to oppress them - hence barring
them from being fulfilled as true images of God (Imago Dei)160 According to Musa
Dube, The Circle is the space for women from Africa to do communal theology. She
goes on to assert that “... a circle of women describes those who are seated together,
who are connected and who seek to keep the interconnectedness of life.”161 This study
considers the Mothers Union as a circle of women in Africa who have come together
to debate on issues affecting their families, children, sons and daughters and to
The central question here is whether the Mothers Union creates a forum
that can liberate African women from the oppressive structures in both the society and
the religious institutions, and especially the Church? In an attempt to answer this
question; the study incorporates the ‘concept of Mothers’. I have borrowed this
Union (MU) within Anglican Church and the society. 162 Chigumira asserts that
African Feminism is intertwined on Motherism which is the source for the survival
and harmony of the African family throughout the past. He further observed that
motherhood has been the heart of African art, literature (especially women's writing),
culture, psychology, oral traditions, and experiential philosophy, even in the post-
objective of the Mothers Union in the development of the church. Anne Nasimiyu-
reflects on what she considers to be the legitimate roles of the African women as
mothers in the Church.164 She writes that Christian women have for centuries seen the
church as a place for service and w here they exist as mothers for others.165
being a Mother is the preferred and cherished self-identity of many African women.166
Biologically, many African women prefer siring many children as a way of legalizing
Gibson. Chigumira,. (2011).Mary as an Inspiration for the Empowerment of Southern African Christian
Women Disproportionately Infected/Affected by HIV/AIDS. Unpublished PhD thesis of The University of
Ann. W. Nasimiyu,.(1998) “African Women’s Legitimate Role in Church Ministry”, in J.N.K .Mugambi,
Laurent Magesaeds.The Church in African Christianity, Innovative Essays in Ecclesiology, Nairobi Acton
Publishers, 1998
Oyeronke, Oyewumi., (2003) Abiyamo: Theorizing African Motherhood’ in Jenda: A Journal of Culture and
African Women Studies, Issue 4, 3.
and strengthening their marriages and societal relationships.167 The Anglican Church
has an empowering role through the Mothers Union but at the same time a
elsewhere in the world is discriminatory and exclusive. Whereas Anglican women are
encouraged to join Mothers Union (MU) and participate in its activities; the
constitution does not permit widows to become full members of the Mother’s
Union.168 According to Florence Wanjohi,169 they are only eligible for associate
membership and only on the condition that “they should have lived a pure life for a
period of not less than five years since their husband’s death”.
On the other hand, unmarried mothers and childless women are not eligible to join the
Mothers' Union, on the grounds that these women represented 'an infringement of the
duties and ideals of Christian Motherhood and therefore they can only serve as
nature of the African society when it came to questions of marriage and moral
behavior. But at the same time it reflects the church stance on the sanctity of
marriage. According to, Grace Kahindi, the Mothers' Union saw itself as the guardian
of traditional family life and any deviation from Christian principles is not tolerated
In addition, associate members cannot vie for or hold any office in the Mothers’
Anglican Church of Kenya, (2006).The Mothers on 14th October, 2016.
Florence. N.Wanjohi, (2013). The Ministry of the Church in supporting Bereaved Families: The case of
Anglican Church of Kenya, Diocese of Kirinyaga, Kirinyaga County. Unpublished M.A thesis Kenyatta
University pg 119.
Shukran Magudho.(church elder) in an oral interview with the researcher on 9th sept,2016 at Kilifi town.
Face to face interview with Grace Kahindi, a MU member at St. Thomas church Kilifi on 23 rd Sept 2016.
the union.
For Shukrani Magudho, women often become single mothers for reasons far beyond
society.172 Even though the Mothers Union (MU) allows fellowship for all women but
organization need to be liberative and reconstructive to such women since the African
culture is already working against them and that the church can sympathize with them
takes up the responsibility for rearing, educating, and launching the careers of many
children regardless of their status in the society or church. The ‘mothers’ share
information helpful in the upbringing of the children. For Sudarkasa, the respect due
to such a mother is not diminished due to the fact that she is not the birth-giver.173The
Mothers Union while incorporating African cultural resources can revise the
Shukrani Magudho (Church elder) in an oral interview with the researcher on 9 th September, 2016 at Kilifi
Sudarkasa, Niara., (2004). ‘Conceptions of Motherhood in Nuclear and Extended Families, with Special
Reference to Comparative Studies Involving African Societies’ in Jenda: a Journal of Culture and African
Women Studies, Issue 5,(2), 14.
Even though African Women Theologies provides a holistic paradigm for the
development of the African woman (social, economic and spiritual development), the
Despite the fact that women and mothers have played a significant role in the
development of St. Thomas Church since its formation in 1959, not a single woman
has been ordained into priesthood. Henceforth, the Mothers’ Union (MU) as a women
ministry in the church cannot realize its full potentiality due to the imbalance in the
church structure in terms of leadership. The church needs “to acknowledge and favor
the proper and necessary participation of women in the cultural life of the society”.
According to Faith Ngunjiri, there are at least three ways that motherhood and
leadership are connected: motherhood gives the women a social status and credibility
motherhood generates leadership; and through their own mothers and grandmothers,
the women leaders learn a brand of leadership based on service, fellowship and
humility.174 African Feminist Theologies (AFT) is theologies for all genders as their
concerns are geared towards building a fair and just society. Men, women and
children cannot be excluded in it as the mothers aspire to build stable families, and
Faith.N.Wamburi,. (2012) Tempered Radicals: Black Women’s Leadership in the Church and Community
The Mothers' Union is a women organization which recognizes that African women
have an important role to fulfill as wives and mothers in the society. The Mothers’
Union (MU) also believed that women have a worthwhile contribution to make to
servant leadership for social justice in the public domain and find fulfillment in
serving others. Within the Church circles, the Mothers’ Union (MU) has strengthened
women quest for salvation and eternal life as a community of believers. It has also
promoted their pursuit for peace, reconciliation and harmony in the society. In
addition, it has quenched their search for identity as Christian women in a dynamic
society among others. But above all, the study contends that women who actively
their desire to serve God by utilizing the so called ‘feminine’ skills of nurturing and
caring to attract more people to Christ towards the growth and development of the
4.3. Conclusion
This chapter has reviewed African Women Theologies (AWTs) and established that,
African Women Theologies (AFT) are theologies for all genders as their concerns are
geared towards building a fair and just society. By and large, it was found that
through the Mothers’ Union (MU), the Church developed quickly and has drawn to
women from social cultural forces that oppress women in the society. This is evident
as the MU has faced patriachical challenges as they engaged in their activities and
projects towards achieving its goal. Having established what the AWTs advocates, the
activities of the MU as well as the challenges which the MU faces in its effort to
achieve its objectivities. Despite its commitment and positive contributions to the
society, the MU has overlook issues that triggers their movement. Therefore, the
proceeding chapter has given brief critique of the Mothers’ Union as a women
5.1. Introduction
This chapter presents the summary of findings with reference to study objectives and
the conclusions drawn from these findings. It also presents recommendations and
suggestions for further areas of research. This was an explorative study of the
contribution of the Mothers’ Union towards improving family life: A study of St.
Thomas church Kilifi. It specifically attempted to examine the role of the Mothers’
Union, and the activities which they engage in improving family life and development
of the church. It also sought to establish the challenges facing the development agenda
of the Mothers’ Union (MU). This study analyzed the mothers’ Union by
enrich the purpose and object of the Mothers Union (MU) on its service to the church
and society. This study utilized a descriptive survey design where women filled the
questionnaires and also gave narratives of their experiences as mothers and wives in
the church and society. African Women Theologies (AWT) as articulated by the
5.2. Role and Activities of the Mothers’ Union (MU) in improving Family Life
The study observed that the Mothers Union (MU) has been an expression of African
hospitality in the Church and society. This hospitality as expressed by the Mothers’
Union (MU) speaks about humaneness, gentleness, and hospitality what Desmond
addition, they engage in charity work and social activities to promote conditions in
society favorable to stable family life and protection of vulnerable children as Mrs.
Vinya puts “As M.U. union members we work as a team, inspiring each other during
fellowship. We discuss issues of our children, spouses, and look for alternative ways
The study also established that the Mothers Union (MU) has also taken initiative to
care for the elderly in the community. In addition to helping the elderly; the Mothers
are also working hand in hand with widows and single parents in their different needs.
For instance it was noted that they organize for fellowships for mothers including
those who are bereaved and assisting one another to overcome problems that face
mothers in their families. According to Oduyoye, there were provisions within the
African tradition not only for the protection of women, but also for their involvement,
participation and contribution to the wellbeing of the larger community177 The study
argues that all these are undertaken in the wider framework of helping those met with
In line to its mandate of upholding Christ teachings on the nature of marriage; and to
promote its wider understanding, the study established that the Mothers’ Union (MU)
has initiated a number of activities within and outside the church aimed at creating
and maintaining stable families. In particular the study observed that they teach the
young women on the value of marriage, creating awareness on issues that affect
Desmond.N.Tutu, (1989).The words of Desmond Tutu.(London: Hodder and Stoughton), 69.
One to one interview with Mrs Ruth Vinya, the Chairman of MU St. Thomas Church
Mercy. A.Oduyoye,. (2005).The Will to Rise. Women traditions and the church in Africa.Wipy and Stock
women directly such as family planning, infidelity; and HIV and AIDs among others.
In addition to that, the Mothers’ Union also organizes seminars and workshops where
guest speakers share their experiences with women on various topics of interest to the
women. The study observes that such seminars and workshops breaks boredom and is
significant in the development of the Church. This confirms the argument of Therese
that women organizations such as the Mothers’ Union (MU) are not only meant to
bring new energy into congregational life, but also offering occasional alternatives to
The study established that the Mothers’ Union (MU) members have upheld religious
exists within the church and the family. Equally, the entertainment done by women
and children through their church choir during service as reflected in their dynamism
has pulled many people in the church. This is undertaken to ensure that they show a
good example to other mothers on the values of bringing up children in faith and love
of the church. Moreover; they strive to promote stable family life within local
The study analyzed some of the development activities of the Mothers’ Union (MU)
and established that most of the activities aimed at building stable families by
improving their spiritual and religious life, eliminating economic challenges that
Therese( 1989), A history of the Women’s ordination movement in the U.s Roman Catholic Church.:
creates poverty and engaging in political activities that improves the well-being of the
society. The study established that the socio-economic activities of the Mothers’
interest and activity in the society. In addition; the women have used the Mothers
Union (MU) to negotiate for power and agency in the backdrop of patriarchal
The study also observed that the economic activities that the Mothers Union (MU)
members engaged in stretched from detergent making, poultry keeping; and kitchen
project (jiko la mama). The study found the kitchen project also known in Swahili as
members of the congregation. The concept of sharing food together as members of the
church is part and parcel of their fellowship. This confirms Mbiti’s observation that if
The study also established that the adoption of table banking and merry go-round
uplifting them against poverty, oppression, and diseases such as HIV and AIDS. The
study observed that table banking and merry go-round concepts are based on
is from such grounds that the Mothers Union (MU) members have managed to grow
John .S. Mbiti. “A person who Eats Alone Dies Alone: Death as a Point of Dialogue Between African
Religion and
Christianity” in Mwakabana, HAO (ed.) Crises of Life in African Religion and Christianity (Geneva: The
Lutheran World Federation, 2002), 83.
The study observed that the Mothers’ Union (MU), in their efforts to improve family
life and stability, they have conceptualized African Women theologies (AWTs) as
mothers to champion for their emancipation from the social, religious, economic and
political conditionality that impoverished them. The study acknowledges that African
Feminism is intertwined on Motherism which is the source for the survival and
Chigumira that motherhood has been the heart of African art, literature, culture,
The study established that the political activities of the Mothers’ Union (MU) are
not engaged in rigorous political activities although sometimes they invite political
Cordelia Moyse that the Mothers’ Union (MU) is a typical reflection of other colonial
Christian women’s organizations of British origin since they confined their scope
primarily to social activities of religious nature. The St. Thomas, Mothers’ Union
(MU) is a reflection of this heritage where religious activities and family issues are of
Gibson Chigumira,(2011) Mary as an Inspiration for the Empowerment of Southern African Christian
Women Disproportionately Infected/Affected by HIV/AIDS. Unpublished PhD thesis of The
University of Birmingham.
5.4. Challenges facing the Mothers’ Union in their efforts to improve Family Life
This study also sought to determine some of the challenges hindering women
participation in the Church, and even achieving its objectives. The study established
that the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) is still stuck on the colonial legacies of
exclusion and marginalization of one gender over the other. This is well illustrated by
the St. Thomas Church where men dominated all key departments of the church while
the Mothers’ Union (MU) was merely seen as a service ministry to the Church. For
instance the Mothers’ Union (MU) members complained that their activities were
viewed as secondary to those of KAMA; therefore, they received little support from
the church leadership. The study further argues that the legacy of these historical
subordination and exclusion. This reinforces the arguments of Isabella Phiris that for
African women, gender issues are overlaid by the legacies of racist imperialism,
patriarchy and colonialism.181The St. Thomas Church, Mothers’ Union (MU) has not
economically and politically. Thus the MU have been submissive to their husband,
encouraging patriarchy in the area. The MU being a church women organization and
From the baseline data, the study observed that unemployment and inadequate
finances also hindered the women from implementing some of the projects geared
towards improving family life. In addition, some women were unable to service their
loans borrowed from the groups account worsening the already bad financial situation
Isabella .A. Phiri,. (2004:17) Feminist Theologhy in South African. Published by Indian University press
of the Mothers’ Union (MU).The study also noted that rampant absenteeism from
weekly meetings by members of the Mothers’ Union (MU) slowed down the decision
making process due to lack of quorum. The study observed that the women argued
To suffice also was lack of expertise and ignorance in running of organization. It was
observed that the top leadership of the Mothers’ Union (MU) had no prior education
experience in the Church. This was worsened by leadership wrangles with allegations
The MU of the Anglican Church to some extend it has assisted women to better their
lives and manage their families; however the MU ought to review its membership and
the patriachical values that have somehow made the women to be submissive to the
women organization in the ACK. Its members undertaking initiative with women.
against women. Mothers’ Union consists of members whose marriages have been
blessed by the church. The MU is structured in such a way that the wife of the
Since the MU aim is to promote and support women to be “good mothers and wives “,
it seeks to develop Christian values and foster positive altitudes among families. Due
Esther Mombo.(1998) Resisting ‘Vumilia’ theology. The Church and violence against women in Kenya.
to its strong emphasis on the ‘tradition family’, the membership is only for the
mothers. Therefore the single mothers do not benefit from the Mothers’ Union
because they are not married. It is high time the Anglican Church revised its
constitution on the Mothers’ Union so that issues such as single parenthood should be
Issues such as violence against women should be given a priority with the MU and
other church groups. However, like the mainstream church MU is given an impression
that its members are not violated and if they are, it is because the individual (the
mother) has a problem in managing her family. It is in this relation that members of
the mothers’ union retain membership, conceal issues such as marital rape, wife
one would prefer leaving a family thus rendering a woman separated or divorced,
which is contrary to the group’s goal. This means few women develop courage to
Mombo183 argues that there conflict between encouraging women participation in the
MU. The Mothers’ union and their enforcement of patriarchal values lead to “vumilia
Theology”. This theology is implied to sermons and speeches given during occasion
virtues of motherhood.
Esther Mombo.(1998) Resisting ‘Vumilia’ theology. The Church and violence against women in Kenya.
In many Christian prayers meeting, which have taken roots in religious revivals
,women are perpetuating their own oppression by accepting that they must suffer and
toil as was ”destined” in the Bible . Women for example unwilling to act against their
This kind of understanding has led to many women to interpret violence against them
as “walking in the footstep of Christ” or bearing the cross”. Women spend much of
their time praying for their molester to “change” or “repent”. Most women do not
reveal mistreatment either because they are not trusted or the church is silent.
Mombo184 observes that the Anglican Church of Kenya has denied the existence of
marital rape. A national task force looking at laws relating to women observed that
the law shielded various forms of violence. In reaction to this the Archbishop
challenged the Antony General by arguing that he was interfering with social lives of
In light of the major findings that emerged from this study, the following
To the Anglican church of Kenya, the study noted that women received little support
from the male clergy in the Church. Therefore, this study argues that since mother’s
experiences and concerns are different from men’s, the Church needs to offer them
The study also noted that, the Anglican Church Mothers’ Union membership is
limited to married mothers only. The study therefore recommends that the Mothers’
Union constitution be revised so that women/mothers who are not married can also
On the other hand, to the St. Thomas Church, members of the Mothers’ Union (MU)
felt that projects of the men association (KAMA) were given more priority than their
own projects. The study recommends for mutual harmony and cooperation within the
The church should acknowledge and favor the proper and necessary participation of
To the Mothers’ union, the study noted that the Mothers’ Union (MU) was seen as a
complimentary social group in the Church contrary to its objectives. Therefore, this
study recommends that the Mothers Union (MU) should not only view their union as
This study considers the Mothers’ Union (MU) as a women ministry in the Church
and as social organization in the society. Thus its roles and activities were analyzed
from the two perspectives. First the study suggests that further research should be
organization within the Anglican Church, a research should be conducted with dense
Secondly, the study suggests that the biographical analysis of notable founder
members of the Mothers’ Union (MU) in Kenya also deserves serious study since
This was an exploratory study on the contribution of the Mothers’ Union (MU)
towards improving family life in Kilifi. The study established that the Mothers’ Union
(MU) as a Christian women organization (CWO) used resources from their faith, and
culture to bring change and transformation in the Church and society. The Mothers’
Union (MU) through empowerment and education of their members, they have
managed to negotiate positions of leadership in the Church and society. The study
established that the women using their social networks and new identity as Mothers as
well as leaders they have managed to challenge hegemonic forces within African
culture and in the wider society to work towards justice, peace and reconciliation,
political and economic emancipation. This has contributed immensely to the general
The study also established that the role performance by the Mothers Union (MU)
and family size. This partly had an impact on their social relations within the group
which created some internal tensions and leadership wrangles. This was worsened by
inadequate finances and lack of expertise which hindered the implementation of some
projects such as the construction of guest house. The study also observed that too
much emphasis on religious instruction since the Mothers’ Union (MU) members are
expected to obey the moral and social teachings of the Church overshadowed some of
Nevertheless, the study argued that the Mothers Union (MU) through its self-
constituency for development that has improved family lives in Kilifi. Thus the
Mothers’ Union is a clear example of the ministry of women in the church and a proof
to the argument that women are pillars of the church. Since, they have provided the
the grass root level.185 This study observed that Mothers Union (MU) has contributed
communities a space to come together and assert their own priorities. The power
exerted by the Mothers’ Union has motivated most representatives from political
circles to attend special Mothers’ Union (MU) conventions to speak to the members
The study employed African Women Theologies (AWTs) as a holistic paradigm for
However, it established that the church rigid male dominated structure is still an
impediment to women progress. It was observed that since the establishment of St.
Thomas Church in 1959, not a single woman has been ordained into priesthood as
compared to other churches in Kirinyaga diocese where many women have been
ordained as priests. This has partly hindered the development and growth of the
Mothers Union (MU) as a women ministry in the church. Since, it cannot realize its
full potentiality.9
Sabar-Friedman (2002): 382; Sabar, G. Church, state, and society in Kenya: From mediation to
opposition 1963-1993.New York: Frank Cass
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promote family life have empowered women socially, economically spiritually and
even politically through involvement in church activities; and that there has been a
remarkable impact in the church due to women's participation. However, the study has
established that the constitution of the Mothers’ Union needs to be revised so that it
can fit to the contemporary life. The goals and membership of the MU, should be
revisited to satisfy the contemporary life of its members and the society at large. In
addition, it could be deduced that the Mothers Union (MU) represents liberated
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Oral Interviews
2) Christine Shaha in an oral interview with the researcher on13th November, 2016
4) Felister Kariuki in an oral interview with the researcher on 8th December, 2016 at
5) Grace Mbaru, in an oral interview with the researcher on 16th December, 2016 at
7) LilianYusto in an oral interview with the researcher on 8th December, 2016 at St.
8) Linet Banda in an oral interview with the researcher on 8th December, 2016 at St.
9) LinetShaha in an oral interview with the researcher on 8th December, 2016 at St.
10) Naomi Kenga in an oral interview with the researcher on 16th December, 2016 at
11) Rev. Albert Fondo (Now deceased) in an oral interview with the researcher on
12) Rev. Samuel MangiMueni in an oral interview with the researcher on 27th
13) Rose KahasoBeja in an oral interview with the researcher on 16th December, 2016
14) Ruth Njoroge (Chairperson Mothers Union (MU) in an oral interview with the
15) ShukraniMagudho (Church elder) in an oral interview with the researcher on 9th
I am Joyce Beja, post graduate student at Pwani University pursuing a Master of Arts
field work research as a fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree.
My research is on. “Mothers’ Union and family life: A critical assessment with
reference to St. Thomas church Kilifi County.” The main purpose of this field study
Therefore with your permission, I will collect data through oral interviews and focus
group discussion with the members of the Mothers Union. With all my sincerity, I
enough information relevant to the subject of study. The information you will give
shall be handled with confidentiality and only for the purpose of this study. In case
emerging issues during the study please don’t hesitate to contact my supervisor(s)
Prof. Muoki and Dr. Tsawe Munga Chidongo of Pwani University or the Ethics
in this study voluntary and may as well withdraw in the course of the study without
Sign…………………………………… Date………………………………….
Sign……………………………………. Date…………………………………….
Part I: Introduction
I am Joyce Beja, a Master of Arts degree student in the Department of Philosophy and
on.“Mothers’ Union and family life: A critical assessment with reference to St.
Thomas church Kilifi County.” The main purpose of this field work is to gather
you to voluntarily participate in the interview(s) and that your views will be used for
Professional Qualification……………………………………………………………
Occupation: ……………………………………………………………………………
(Note: This is a completely voluntary interview and no one is under any obligation to
answer the questions is not comfortable with.)
2) What roles do you play as a member of the M.U in order to realize the objectives
of the union?
4) What significance does the Mothers Union has to your family as a member?
5) What are some of the challenges that you face as a member of the M.U in striving
7) Are there specific activities or projects done by the Mother’s Union in and
8) Have you been actively participating towards the activities of the Mother’s
10) How beneficial is Mother’s Union activities or projects to your family and the
society at large?
Part I: Introduction
I am Joyce Beja, a Master of Arts degree student in the Department of Philosophy and
“Mothers’ Union and family life: A critical assessment with reference to St. Thomas
church Kilifi County.” The main purpose of this field work is to gather relevant
voluntarily participate in the interview(s) and that your views will be used for the
Respondents’ Name:
Professional Qualification…………………………………………………………
Occupation: ………………………………………………………………………
(Note: This is a completely voluntary interview and no one is under any obligation to
2) Are there any norms that guide the membership of this organization? Which are
6) When was each activity established and how is it done? How is the supervision
of each activity?
7) Advocacy is one of the key areas to help any group of people realize its goals.
What is the church doing to champion for this women group in its area of
8) What challenges do you face as an administrator in making sure that the Union
9) As an administrator, what measures have you put towards the above mentioned
10) Economic challenges facing developing countries have seen many families
11) What role is the church playing in supporting the Mother’s union in this Church
12) How significant is this women group to both the church and the community at
Part I: Introduction
I am Joyce Beja, a Master of Arts degree student in the Department of Philosophy and
“Mothers’ Union and family life: A critical assessment with reference to St. Thomas
requesting you to voluntarily participate in the discussion (s) and that your views will
Date of
(Note: This is a completely voluntary interview and no one is under any obligation to
answer the questions is not comfortable with.)
4) Has there been any assistant to curb the challenges you have been facing? If
Lack of awareness on issues concerning women, their families and the society
at large can be a great challenge to women. What specific measures has the
terms of finance, are made to contribute more than the unemployed. Has this
5) How important is this M.U to the church and to the community at large?
How has the union activity help you as members to improve the living
{Conducted with the unemployed members of the Mothers Union (MU) of St.
1) Why did you decide to be a member of this women group in this church?
Are there specific activities of the mother’s union? If yes, which are they?
As members how effective have you been participating towards the activities of
this union?
In case of any contribution towards the activities of this union. How have you
What are some of the challenges you have been facing as you participate in these
In most cases people who are not employed are less fortunate ,for instance in
given leadership positions .What actions has the mother’s union or the church
taken to ensure that these people are given the opportunities to exercise their
talents in leadership?
4) How have these activities of the mother’s union help you to improve the living
5) Is this church women group important to you as members, to your families and