Gr.4G Term 3 Worksheets

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Grade 4 Geography Term 3 Worksheets

Food that people eat Date: __________________

Word bank:

Source - the places, people or things from where something comes

Processed food - food from plants and animals that is changed in some way

Study the pictures and answer the questions

Picture 1: Picture 2:

Picture 3: Picture 4:

1. Place the correct picture under the correct heading

Food from animals Food from plants

2. Paste pictures of four products of milk and name it:

Ways in which people get their food Date: ______________

Word bank:
Farmer: Grow crops or look after animals

Study the pictures and answer the questions.

Picture 1: Picture 2:

Picture 3: Picture 4:

Picture 5: Picture 6:

1.Fill in where the picture 1-6 belong:

Buying food/selling food Getting food, keeping animals Hunting/ fishing food from

2. Which picture shows a person buying a lot of processed food? ____________________

3. Which picture shows that the food is fresh? ______________________

4. Write down a caption for each picture: buying, growing, fishing, collecting, hunting, and selling

Picture 1 : Picture 4:

Picture 2: Picture 5:

Picture 3: Picture 6:

Difference between subsistence and commercial farming Date: _________________

FIGURE A: Types of farming

Picture 1: Picture 2: Picture 3:

Subsistence farmer - A farmer Commercial farmers - Growing food in towns and
who grows just enough food farmers who produce enough cities- people grow plants for food
and keeps just enough animals food to sell to factories, shops in backyards, on rooftops, in old
to feed his or her family. and markets car tyres and in used tin cans.
People also grow plants for food in
some school, hospital and prison

Picture 4: Picture 5:
Stock farmer - a farmer who Specialise - to concentrate on
doing one thing, like growing
keeps animals
only one crop or keeping only
one type of animal.

Study FIGURE A and answer the following questions:

1. List 5 types of crops that we can find on a subsistence farm.

_______________________ _________________________ ____________________
_______________________ _________________________

2. To who do commercial farmers sell their products? (Name 3) ______________________

___________________________ _________________________

3. Name 4 places where people grow food in towns and cities? _____________________

_________________________ _________________________ ____________________

4. Does a subsistence farmer sell the food they grow or animals they keep? ______________

Give a reason for your answer. _______________________________________________

5. Why would it be beneficial for you to grow your own vegetables if you live in a town or city?




Make use of FIGURE B and C to answer the following questions:

1. Which of the two FIGURES is an example of commercial farming? ______________________

2. What extra expenses do the farmer have in FIGURE C. (Name any 3)




3. Name three differences between commercial and subsistence farming.

Subsistence farming Commercial farming

Locations of main crop and stock farming in South Africa Date: ________________

Word bank
. Cash crops: Crops are grown to be sold to generate cash.
Climate: Type of weather a place experience over the years.
Hail: Water drops of rain turn ice to form ice drops
South Africa is a big country and there is different farming in different areas of the country. There are certain plants and
animals that flourish in certain places. Farmers must keep climate and hail in mind when they want to cultivate a certain
type of fruit. Farms are near cities and towns to transport their fresh products to shops daily.

FIGURE D: Different kinds of crops in South Africa

Study FIGURE D and answer the following questions:

1. Look for your province. What is grown in your province?
________________________ _____________________________
2. What food can we make from:
a. Sunflowers: ____________________ ____________________ _________________________
b. Wheat: ____________________ ____________________________
c. Sugar cane: _______________________________________________

3. Why do you think are milk farms and vegetable farms close to towns and cities?
4. Name two farm animals that are on the map. _____________________________________
5. Which two provinces cultivate wheat? __________________________________________
6. Which two provinces cultivate sugar cane? ______________________________________

7. Are the following statements true or false:

a. Vegetable farms are near cities, because there isn’t hail near cities : _____________
b. The North-West province is famous for his tropical fruits: ___________
c. There are lots of cows in the Eastern Cape: ____________
d. The Western Cape has grape- and ostrich farms: ____________
e. Corn is not cultivated in the Free State: ___________

FIGURE E : Case study on Mango farmer Date: ______________

Study FIGURE E and answer the following questions.










Fruit farming in South Africa Date: ______________________

There are many different types of fruit in our country:

 Subtropical fruit grows in hot areas with lots of rainfall. Bananas, paw-paws, pineapples, mangoes and avocado
are subtropical fruit.
 Deciduous fruit grows on plants that lose their leaves during winter. Apples, peaches, pears and grapes are
deciduous fruit.
 Citrus fruits have thick skins that can easily peel off and ripens in the winter. Oranges, grapefruit, lemons and
clementine are citrus fruits.
South Africa has different climates and that is why there is many different kinds of fruit. On a commercial farm there are
usually apples, pears, prunes, pineapples, oranges and bananas.

FIGURE F : Case study of a Grape and wine farm in Western Cape

Mr. Andrew has a grape farm near Paarl in the Western Cape. Mr. Andrew has two-hectare land for table grapes
and 20 hectares for wine grapes (one hectare is as big as one soccer field). The table grapes are huge juicy
grapes for eating purposes and wine grapes are pressed to make wine. Mr. Andrew sells his wine grapes to a
nearby wine company and exports his table grapes to other countries.
Grapes grow on plants that we call vineyards vines. To ensure all the vineyard vines get enough water, Mr.
Andrew gives it water. Water leaks out of small pipes directly onto each vineyard vine.
Mr. Andrew spends a lot of money on fertilizer. There are 20 full time workers on the farm and during harvest
season there is extra workers to help pick the grapes. Mr. Andrew has two tractors. He bought a spray machine to
spray the vineyard vines with pesticides to protect against diseases. Mr. Andrew also has a truck to transport the
grapes to the Paarl.
Make use of FIGURE F to answer the following questions:
1. Is this farm a commercial- or subsistence farming? Give a reason for your answer._______________________
2. Name the crop that is cultivated on this farm. __________________________________
3. List six expenses that Mr. Andrew have: ________________________ ________________________
________________________ _______________________ _____________________ _________________
4. How does Mr. Andrew make money out of the farm? ______________________________________________
5. How many workers are there on the farm? ___________________
6. Why are there extra workers sometimes?
7. Explain the difference between table grapes and wine grapes.

Stock Farming Date: ______________
In addition to growing food crops, South Africa also farms with animals for food. Livestock farmers also keep animals
such as sheep, goats, cows and pigs. Some livestock farmers are poultry farmers. Poultry farmers keep animals such
as chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks.

FIGURE G: Animals for food

1. Make use of FIGURE G to complete the following table:

Food product Animal


2. Complete the following tables. Name large stock animals, small stock animals and poultry animals

Large stock Small stock Poultry

FIGURE H : Different animals in every province

Make use of FIGURE H to answer the following questions

1. Which province has the most beef cattle farms? ___________________________________

2. Which province has the most dairy cattle farms? ___________________________________

3. Which province has the most sheep farms? ______________________________________

4. Which province has the most goat farms? _______________________________________

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