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Q1 LE TLE 7 Lesson 7 Week 7

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Quarter 1
Lesson Exemplar Lesson

for TLE 7
Lesson Exemplar for TLE Grade 7
Quarter 1: Lesson 7 (Week 7)
SY 2024-2025

This material is intended exclusively for the use of teachers participating in the implementation of the MATATAG K to 10 Curriculum during the School
Year 2024-2025. It aims to assist in delivering the curriculum content, standards, and lesson competencies. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution,
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Development Team

• Jean A. Arellano, MSME (Mariano Marcos State University)

• Emilio Aguinaldo, MTE (Philippine Normal University — Manila)
• Regie Boy B. Fabro, PhD (Mariano Marcos State University)

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Philippine Normal University
Research Institute for Teacher Quality
SiMERR National Research Centre

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A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of using productivity software


B. Performance The learners perform the utilization of productivity tools in a safe and responsible manner

C. Learning Learning Competency

Competencies The learners shall be able to create presentations with hyperlinks and action buttons
and Objectives
Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners shall be able to:
1. create a presentation using hyperlinks and action buttons

D. Content Presentation Software

● Hyperlinks
● Action Buttons

E. Integration SDG 4: Quality Education

SGD 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure


Action Buttons. (n.d.). GCFGlobal.org. https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/powerpoint/action-buttons/1/

Add hyperlinks to slides. (n.d.). https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/add-a-hyperlink-to-a-slide-239c6c94-d52f-480c-99ae-
Hyperlinks. (n.d.). GCFGlobal.org. https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/powerpoint2016/hyperlinks/1/
Writtenhouse, S. (2022c, October 21). How to create action buttons in Microsoft PowerPoint. How-To
Geek. https://www.howtogeek.com/834212/how-to-create-action-buttons-in-microsoft-powerpoint/


A. Activating Prior DAY 1

Knowledge 1. Short Review
Ask students to answer the following:
1. What are the seven (7) rules in creating a presentation?
2. What is a Master Slide?
2. What is the function of Motion Paths?
3. What is the importance of the Animation Pane?

2. Feedback (Optional)

B. Establishing 1. Lesson Purpose Show a sample presentation

Lesson Purpose Ask the students the following questions: with hyperlinks and action
1. What did you notice in the presentation? buttons to the students. Ask
2. What particular feature is in the presentation that enables a user to jump them the questions.
from one slide to another without following the order of the slides.
3. Do you find this feature helpful in achieving an effective presentation? Today, we’ll learn how to make
our presentations more
2. Unlocking Content Vocabulary interactive using hyperlinks
and action buttons. Think of
Hyperlink - A hyperlink is a link added to a text or image that, when clicked, takes the
these tools as ways to guide
user to a new page or document. your audience through your
Action Button – it is an object on a slide that performs action when clicked such
story, allowing them to explore
as jumping to another slide or document.
different parts of your
presentation seamlessly.

C. Developing and SUB-TOPIC: 1 – Hyperlinks

Understanding 1. Explicitation Ask these questions to
Whenever you use the Internet, you use hyperlinks to get from one webpage to students:
another. To make it easier for people to click on a web URL or email address you
offer in your PowerPoint presentation, you may format it as a hyperlink. It' is 1. What are some instances
also possible to link to files and other slides within a presentation. You can link where you might use a
to a webpage, or to a new document or a place in an existing document. hyperlink in your presentation?

At the end of this lesson, you shall be able to use Hyperlink command in order 2. How can action buttons
to link a slide to files and other slides within a presentation, and also link to a improve the user experience in
webpage, a new document or existing document or an e-mail address. your presentation?

2. Worked Example
Guided Practice:
● Link to a website: Before you give the activity to
1. Select the text, shape, or picture that you want to use as a hyperlink to the students, you must first
make it active. discuss the following:
2. Go to Insert tab from the Ribbon and from the Links group, click Link
3. The Insert Hyperlink dialog box will appear. 1. Activity Title: Using
4. Select Existing File or Web Page, and add the: Hyperlink
▪ Text to display: Type the text that you want to appear 2. Materials needed:
as hyperlink. Computer and Microsoft
▪ ScreenTip: Type the text that you want to appear when the user PowerPoint presentation or
hovers over the hyperlink. This is optional other presentation software
▪ Current Folder, Browsed Pages, or Recent Files: From the list, 3. Objective: To create a
select the file where you want to link to. presentation with hyperlink
4. Instructions

▪ Address: If you have not selected a location and file above, type or
insert the URL for the web site or for the file you want to link to.
▪ Select OK.

● Link to a place in a document, new document, or email address

1. Select the text, shape, or picture that you want to use as a hyperlink to
make it active.
2. Go to Insert tab from the Ribbon and from the Links group select Link.
The Insert Hyperlink dialog box will appear.
▪ Place in This Document: Link to a specific slide in your
▪ Create New Document: Link from your presentation to another
▪ E-mail Address: Link a displayed email address to open up a
user's email program.
3. Fill in the Text to display, ScreenTip, and select or insert the slide, file
or e-mail address where you want to link to.
4. Select OK.

● Change the color of a hyperlink

Most hyperlink color is blue, but
you can change the color if you like.
1. Select the hyperlink (text) that
you want to re-color.
2. On the Home tab of the Ribbon,
select down arrow next to
the Font Color button to open
the menu of colors.
3. Select the color you want for the
hyperlink. You will see the new
color to the hyperlink.

● Test the hyperlink
Once you are done inserting the link, you can
test it (in Normal view) by right-clicking the
hyperlink and selecting Open Link.

3. Lesson Activity
1. Open the PowerPoint presentation with the filename: “My Presentation”.
2. The presentation should have at least 10 slides.
3. Make sure that the slides have appropriate images, shapes or graphics to
compliment the presentation.
4. Select a text or image in a slide and link it to a webpage. The text or image
must be related to the content of the webpage you will link to.
5. Put the appropriate label for the Text to Display and Screen Tip Text for
that link.
6. Select a text or image in a slide and link it to an existing file. The text or
image must be related to the content of the file you will link to.
7. Put the appropriate label for the Text to Display and Screen Tip Text for
that link.
8. Select a text or image in a slide and link it to a slide within your
presentation. Make sure that the content of the two slides are related.
9. Put the appropriate label for the Text to Display and Screen Tip Text for
that link.
10. Select a text or image in a slide and link it to an e-mail address.
11. Put appropriate label for the Text to Display and Screen Tip Text for that

12. Format your presentation as needed.
13. Make sure to always apply the 7 rules in creating a presentation when
formatting and finishing your presentation.
14. Use the “Save As” command to save your work and use “My Link” as the
filename. You should now have a new presentation file.
Before introducing today’s
lesson, you may first have a
DAY 3 review of the knowledge and
SUB-TOPIC: 2 – Action Buttons skills they have gained from the
previous lesson.
1. Explicitation
A PowerPoint presentation can be made more interactive and user-friendly for Gather students’ ideas by
the audience by adding Action Buttons to the slides. These buttons can make asking them the questions.
the presentation easier to browse and give the impression that the slides are web
Think carefully about how your audience will use your PowerPoint
presentation before adding action buttons. Should the action buttons take up a
large amount of space at the bottom or side of the slides, or should they be
clearly visible?
How will the buttons be used by the audience? and will using action buttons
for navigation simply make the point of your presentation clearer?
After you have the answers to these questions, you may incorporate action
buttons into your presentation with the confidence that the viewer will benefit
rather than become confused.

2. Worked Example
Guided Practice:
● Adding Action Button
1. Select the slide where you would like to insert the Action Button.
2. Go to the "Insert" tab from the Ribbon and select the "Shapes" drop-
down arrow. At the bottom of the list, you will see the options for Action
3. Select the one that best matches the action you want to perform.
4. When your cursor changes to a crosshair symbol, use it to drag and draw
the shape to the slide.

5. If needed, you can also resize the button by dragging a corner or edge.
6. Once you draw the action button, the "Action Settings" box
automatically appears.
7. Use the "Mouse Click" tab to
assign an action for when
you click the button. Or, use
the "Mouse Over" tab to
assign an action for when
you hover your cursor over
8. You can choose to hyperlink
the button, trigger a
program, run a macro, or
use an object linking and
embedding (OLE) object
● Hyperlink To: Use
the drop-down list to select what you would like to link to, such
as the next slide, last slide, a custom show, URL, or file.
● Run Program: Use the "Browse" button to select the program you
want to open.
● Run Macro: Use the drop-down box and select a macro from the
list. If you do not have any macros in the presentation, this option
is in gray mode.
● Object Action: If you have an OLE object, use the drop-down box
to choose the action. If you are not using an OLE object, this
option is in gray mode.
9. When you are done with the settings, click OK.

● Edit an Action Button

1. If you want to edit the action, select the button, shape, or image. Then, go
to the "Insert" tab from the Ribbon and click the "Action” command from
the Links group.
2. Make necessary changes and click "OK".

● Test the Action Button in Your Slideshow
1. Once you add your action button, you may now give it a try to make sure
it works as you expect.
2. Go to the slide containing the action button and select the "Slide Show"
3. Choose "From Current Slide" on the left side of the ribbon.
4. You will then see your presentation starting with the slide containing the
action button.
5. Either click the button or hover your cursor over it, depending on the
setup you picked in order to let you jump to the file or the slide that you
linked to.

3. Lesson Activity
Before you give the activity to
Instructions: the students, you must first
1. Open the PowerPoint presentation with the filename: “My Link”. discuss the following:
2. Insert an outline slide in the presentation, preferably after the Title slide. 1. Activity Title: Using
3. Insert a “Go Home” Action Button to all slides except the Title Slide Action Button
(because this serves as your Home slide for this activity) 2. Materials needed:
4. Place the Home button at the lower left or lower right depending on your Computer and Microsoft
preference. PowerPoint presentation or
5. Use “Mouse Over" so that when you hover your cursor over it, it will other presentation software
automatically lead you to the link without clicking the mouse. 3. Objective: To create a
6. Insert a “Go Back or Previous” button to all slides except the Title slide. presentation with action
7. Place this button beside the Home button. buttons
8. Every time you click the Go Back button from each slide, it must lead you 4. Instructions
to the previous slide.
9. Insert a “Go Forward or Next” button to all slides except the Title slide.
10. Every time you click the Go Forward button from each slide, it must lead
you to the next slide.
11. Format and finalize your presentation. Make sure to apply the “7 Rules in
Creating a Presentation” when finalizing the presentation.
12. Save the changes you have made to the “My Link” file.

D. Making DAY 4
Generalizations 1. Learners’ Takeaways
In this week’s lessons, I have learned that in order to create effective
presentations I must do the following:

2. Reflection on Learning


A. Evaluating 1. Formative Assessment The choice of topic could

Learning Instructions: depend on you in order to make
1. Create an effective and professional-looking PowerPoint presentation the activity more
using the topic that was given by your teacher. contextualized. It could be
2. Your presentation must have at least 8 slides. based on the current situation
3. It must also have a properly formatted Master Slide. and activities of your class or
4. Aside from text, images and shapes must also be placed in the the school, the community,
presentation. locally or internationally.
5. Use animations and set the effects using the animation pane.
Choose the top 10 with the best
6. Choose any of the text, image or shapes (at least 2 objects) and apply
output and you may require
motion paths. them to present in class. This is
7. Create an Outline slide (preferably after the Title slide) containing all the important so that other
list of slide titles, in bullet form. students may acquire new
8. Use Hyperlink to link the text in the outline slide to the slide containing knowledge and skills from the
the information. Do this to all the text (titles) in the Outline slide. model outputs.
9. Use also a Hyperlink to link a text or an image to a webpage and another
text or image to link to an e-mail address.
10. Insert a “Go to Home”, “Go Back”, “Go Forward” Action Buttons to all
the slides except the title slide. These buttons must take you to the right
slides of your presentation.
11. Make necessary formatting and make sure to apply the “7 Rules of
Creating a Presentation”.
12. Save your work and use “Best Presentation Ever” as the filename.
13. Be ready for an output presentation.
2. Homework (Optional)

B. Teacher’s Note observations on The teacher may take note of

Remarks any of the following Effective Practices Problems Encountered some observations related to
areas: the effective practices and

strategies explored problems encountered after
utilizing the different strategies,
materials used, learner
materials used engagement and other related

learner engagement/ Teachers may also suggest

interaction ways to improve the different
activities explored/ lesson

C. Teacher’s Reflection guide or prompt can be on: Teacher’s reflection in every

Reflection ▪ principles behind the teaching lesson conducted/ facilitated is
What principles and beliefs informed my lesson? essential and necessary to
Why did I teach the lesson the way I did? improve practice. You may also
consider this as an input for
▪ students the LAC/Collab sessions.
What roles did my students play in my lesson?
What did my students learn? How did they learn?

▪ ways forward
What could I have done differently?
What can I explore in the next lesson?


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