The Divine Nature and The Sin Nature - Booklet 2018
The Divine Nature and The Sin Nature - Booklet 2018
The Divine Nature and The Sin Nature - Booklet 2018
Copyright 1985,1993,2001,2007
Crossroads Full Gospel
International Ministries
Bracketed comments following some scriptures assist the reader in understanding the intended
meaning of these verses
We acknowledge the additional works of the various Scholars and Bible Commentaries used in
conjunction with the College material. This is not to say that we agree with all their theology,
but we certainly value their contribution to the Body of Christ.
Published by:
Crossroads Publications
10681 Princes Highway
Victoria 3280
THE DIVINE NATURE............................................................1
THE FALL OF MANKIND..................................................1
THE SIN NATURE...............................................................5
ROMANS CHAPTER SIX.................................................10
ROMANS CHAPTER SEVEN...........................................13
NATURE ?..........................................................................15
EDUCATING OF THE SPIRIT..........................................19
SALVATION OF THE SOUL.............................................24
GOD’S LOVE IN ACTION................................................26
THE SELFISH NATURE...................................................27
THE DIVINE NATURE......................................................31
THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY PERSON..........................35
GENESIS 3:6 And when the woman (Eve) saw that the
tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the
eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took
of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her
husband with her; and he (Adam) did eat.
Note: “Adam was permitted to eat of the fruit of every tree in the
garden but one, which was called ‘the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil,’ because it was the test of Adam’s obedience. By it Adam
could know good and evil in the divine way through obedience; thus
knowing good by experience in resisting temptation and forming a
strong and holy character while he knew evil only by observation
and inference. Or he could ‘know good and evil,’ in Satan’s way, by
experiencing the evil and knowing good only by contrast. - Ed. The
prohibition to taste the fruit of this tree was enforced by the menace
of death.” 1
(underlines added)
“. . .Adam could know good and evil in
the divine way through obedience; thus
knowing good by experience in resisting
temptation and forming a strong and
holy character while he knew evil only
by observation and inference. . .”
Before the Fall, Adam and Eve each had a human nature that was
energized by God’s Divine Nature. After the Fall, both lost access to
the Divine Nature, and acquired in its place the sin nature. The
ability to know right from wrong could then only come through their
Therefore after the Fall, man knew good but could not really
experience the good he knew in a Divine way, only at a human level
without the Divine Nature. His conscience bore witness to his
knowledge of good in certain areas. Sometimes the conscience can
be enhanced through receiving righteous input, or alternatively
become seared (hardened) so that it is unable to function as it should,
being unable to recognize good as good and evil as evil. Factors
which influence the development of the conscience include culture,
exposure to sin, education on righteous matters and maturity
(growing up intellectually). Eve was deceived (which was still no
excuse), but Adam knowingly transgressed his conscience - and
Adam, not Eve, was man’s federal head.
Adam was created as a perfect man with no sin nature. Rather,
he was a partaker of the Divine Nature. Adam was designed by God
so that his human nature would be at one with the Divine Nature,
giving him the power to both desire and then do as God willed. As a
free-willed being, however, he still had to yield to this Nature. He
was empowered to do this naturally, having no sin nature to wrestle
with, and therefore not needing to exert willpower against it.
Nevertheless His will was involved, as it is with us today, as the
trigger by which we can live in the grace of God - to do right by
God, so that our joy will be full. By Adam’s will he could yield to
the will of God or, as in the case of the tree, do as he desired which
was to yield to sin.
“. . .After the Fall, man knew good but
could not really experience the good he
knew in a Divine way, only at a human
level without the Divine Nature. . .”
The Cross of Calvary is the cross-road we should come to
every morning, before we start the day. Every day we should
remember the Cross, what Jesus accomplished there and who we are
because of it. This is where we were born again, where we became
new creations in Christ - but only after a funeral had taken place for
the old man. We are now new creations, new men and women
raised, after the death of the old man, into “newness of life.” This
new man whom we now are, has been given access to a new nature,
the Divine Nature, so we can be at one with God in spirit (our human
nature being energized by the Holy Spirit) and truth:
We can now overcome sin through this new Nature given by the
grace of God. It works through us as we yield to the Holy Spirit,
believing and reckoning to our account that this miraculous change
has taken place. We have been transferred spiritually from darkness
and death into light and life. This has taken place not only in a
positional sense, but as we say “Yes” to God in the course of our
lives, then the empowerment to live the saved life is made available
to us through the grace of the Divine Nature. This takes place as it
enmeshes with our human nature, thus providing us with the energies
and graces to both desire God’s will and then to do it (Philippians
Only through focusing our faith on what happened at Calvary
can we begin a journey with Christ which provides us with today’s
answers, and the power needed to live a righteous life. Indeed the
Christian is meant to live in complete dependence upon God so that
through His power we can keep the sin nature dethroned. Then our
carnal desires will not hold sway, and we will thus please Him in our
daily walk, giving Him the glory for all that is righteous in our lives.
Note: The sin nature can only be enthroned in our flesh - it can
never touch the regenerated spirit of the person who remains in
progressively receives God’s truth and so comes to line up with His
mind and His thinking.
The last installment of our salvation concerns our physical
body and will occur on the day that the Lord comes back for His
Church. Called the “blessed hope” (Titus 2:13), this is the time of
the Rapture. On that day, all who are in Christ will receive a
glorified body, the same as Jesus received when He was raised from
the dead (1 Corinthians 15:52-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18).
of course, in our mind and will not impact in any way upon our
regenerated spirit.
So it is in this state that we have entered, in our minds, into
spiritual darkness. This state provides us with what is known as “the
sin nature” - which can be defined as man thinking in spiritual
darkness. For the unsaved, this state is perpetual. For the Christian,
this is an optional state because we have an alternative.
The sin nature empowers man to sin when he does not seek to
embrace God’s Word of truth concerning the matters of life about
which God has spoken.
The sin nature also contains a “gravitational factor” or spiritual
weight which seemingly makes it easier to sin in the area of accepted
thought or embraced thinking. The more one meditates on wrong
thinking with the intent to embrace it, seemingly the greater the
gravitational pull which is exerted. So with more meditation comes
greater pull (gravity) toward sin and with less meditation comes less
pull (gravity) towards sin. As has been said before, the battleground
regarding sin is always located in the mind.
relation to accepted and embraced thought, by ourselves, in isolation
from God.
We were thus created not with a defect, but with an inbuilt need
to rely on God at all times. Even though we are free-willed beings,
we cannot reach our potential in any way without our Creator’s
influence on our thinking (Isaiah 55:7-9). We were created to
function in relationship with Him and dependence upon Him.
When man stepped away from the graces of God’s influence, the
sin nature - spiritual darkness - flooded into his life. The sin nature
was not created by God because God does not create evil.
Without God’s influence, we live with the sin nature, and as we
operate in isolation from God, from this nature flows all manner of
evil intent. When man remains in, or places himself into this dark
place, then dark thoughts emerge. When man has no connection to
God in his thinking, he is immersed in spiritual darkness. In this
state the sin nature dominates his life as he follows after his flesh
(Galatians 5:19-21).
Man is a free-willed being with ethical and moral accountability
to his Creator. Without God’s influence, however, he is unable to
discern, in a true sense, his responsibilities to his God and his fellow
man. He is unable to correct himself or self-regulate because he is
engulfed by the darkness in his mind and cannot think at a Godly
The only possible answer to man’s dilemma came through
God’s grace and mercy. God in His love sent a Saviour into this
world for this world. In fact God Himself, the second member of the
Trinity, entered this temporal world, becoming flesh (John 1:14) and
dying as a man for us.
So it can be seen that man without the spiritual restraints of
God’s truths will be empowered to sin when the opportunity arises,
and the sin nature will come alive in that opportunity.
When man enters into the dark cave of self, he becomes self-
absorbed and self-centred. By himself, and according to whatever he
may think, there are no moral restraints to obstruct or impede him.
Sin’s opportunity arises when man focuses on his own thoughts and
desires to the point of accepting and embracing them so as to act
upon them.
The power to sin comes from man’s unrestrained mind -
operating without God’s influence. Sin is therefore the result of man
thinking by himself so as to embrace thinking which is at odds with
Man acts in accordance with the nature with which he was born,
and when given opportunity to sin will do so. In the Word we find
man described as a sinner by nature:
MARK 7:22 Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit,
lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride,
MARK 7:23 All these evil things come from within, and
defile the man (the heart of man is not good but evil).”
Without the guiding moral light of God’s truth and the grace
that accompanies it, man is defenceless against the onslaught of the
sin nature that ravages his character and lays waste to his soul.
us through the Divine Nature. Let us now read Kenneth Wuest’s
expanded translation of Romans 6:1-14:
ROMANS 6:7 For the one who died once for all stands
in the position of a permanent relationship of freedom
from the sinful nature.
In Romans Ch.6 the Holy Spirit reveals the workings of what
happens at the conversion of a sinner, and how we are to take
advantage of this new-found position in Christ.
Then in Romans Ch.7 the Holy Spirit reveals through Paul’s life
his failings, even after his conversion.
another. He is somewhat of an automaton, not quite a machine, but
yet a human being without self-determination in his spiritual life. He
has the desire to do good but no power to put that desire into
practice. He rebels against doing evil, but does not have the power
to keep from sinning. He fights as one that blindly beats the air. He is
in a spiritual fog. He does not understand his experience, for he is
acting involuntarily.
Romans can be likened to a great factory. The sixth chapter
takes us to the floors where the machinery is located. There we have
the mechanics of the Spirit-filled life, namely, the power of sin
broken and the divine nature implanted. The eighth ushers us into
the basement where the power to operate that machinery is
generated. There we have the dynamics of the Spirit-filled life, the
power of the Holy Spirit. Chapters twelve to sixteen take us to the
upper floors of the factory where the finished product is on display.
Chapter seven is the monkey wrench which, if it falls into the
machinery, interferes with its working and thus prevents the
production of the finished product. That monkey wrench in the
Christian life is self-dependence. All the resources of the Holy Spirit
are there to put down sin and produce a Christ-like life, but they are
not appropriated because the believer is depending upon self.” 2
(underlines added)
“. . .The Divine Nature is implanted in us
at the new birth, through the internal
presence of the Holy Spirit bringing this
grace to us. . .”
with our human nature and we will receive the energies and graces
we need to do the will of God. As we focus on the Word of God, in
the power provided by the Divine Nature, we will come to think as
God thinks, which is to have “the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians
2:16). Our minds are renewed in this way through the faith God
develops in us - as we cooperate with Him. What is required is our
yielding and His grace! If we do not yield to the Holy Spirit, we will
not gain the spiritual power we need to walk in His righteous ways.
To yield and receive empowerment through the Divine Nature is to
live in the “newness of life” spoken of in Romans 6:4. The potential
to love as God loves was imparted to us at regeneration through
Divine connection. We are only able to love as God loves with His
help. To obtain His help, His empowerment, we need to take
advantage of the Divine Nature, of which we are partakers, by
submitting ourselves to the Holy Spirit. Then through this
empowerment we can walk in righteousness so that “henceforth we
should not serve sin” (Romans 6:6).
which our spirit had been immersed. This darkness had blocked the
Lord from fellowshipping with us in the way He desired. Even when
we are saved, however, if the sin nature remains enthroned or
engaged, it will block God from communicating with us in those
areas it affects. The sin nature must be dethroned if we are to have
any proper spiritual communion with God. As this becomes a reality,
God will also be able to deposit “good treasure” (e.g. knowledge of
God’s will, truth, wisdom of God) into our hearts.
So because all darkness (which causes the state of sin) has been
washed out of our spirit by God’s presence, we now have the
potential both to communicate with Him and to allow Him to deposit
good treasure into our hearts. However, even today, God can only
communicate with us, as Christians, and lead us, IF we will to listen
to Him. We also need to position ourselves or ready ourselves to
hear the Lord’s voice, through proper spiritual focus.
To hear the voice of the Lord (to perceive the leading of the
Spirit, which could come in the form of inner conviction or a
knowing within), we need to be committed to renewing our minds
with the Word of God with all diligence. We also need to be
committed to fellowshipping with the Lord on a daily basis.
His Divine Nature, energizing our human nature, will not only give
us the desire to do God’s will, these graces will empower us to do so.
As a baby needs to grow, so too does our spirit - for the same
principle applies.
“. . .Only by receiving the nourishment of
God’s Word can our spirit become
educated (come to be at one with the
Divine Nature), and therefore strong and
mature enough to direct us wisely. . .”
no longer have any ascendancy over the Believer, because he or she
is saved from “sin.” To walk in victory, however, faith in Christ and
His finished work at the Cross must be our central focus. We also
need a total dependency on Him, and the Spirit’s empowerment in
our daily Christian walk if we are to experience ongoing
sanctification. It is something we cannot achieve by the self-efforts
of the flesh, otherwise called willpower.
Once your mind is renewed in any area, this makes possible the
next step:
view but it will consider only one course of action, that which is in
accordance with the Word of God. The renewed mind puts all its
trust in God’s Word, for it has grasped knowledge which has been
revealed by the Holy Spirit. The renewed mind does not even
consider, in its analysis, anything else, no matter what others may
say or do. This occurs to the point where one becomes dependent
upon this renewal in any area so that we are able to “prove what is
that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2).
The renewed mind gives us only one answer to a problem. It is
after this renewal that we, through the Divine Nature, will have the
strength to say “Yes” to God’s will, thereby saying “No” to the
world, the flesh, the devil and natural circumstances. If unrenewed,
the mind will side with the flesh and natural circumstances. If
renewed, the mind speaks forth God’s Word and sides with the
regenerated spirit which is empowered through the Divine Nature.
This gives the voice of truth a strong means of expression. However,
even with a mind which is renewed in any area, the Christian still
needs to make a decision to act upon this renewal, and not to heed
the dictates of the flesh or the natural realm. This action necessitates
the person using their will. The will is the trigger, and the Divine
Nature is the source of power needed to effect change.
Divine Nature, will result in the continual process of “ongoing
sanctification” in the Saint’s life - until the day they go home to be
with the Lord.
As we have said, the regenerated spirit, also called “the
legitimate self,” wants to please God. Man was originally created in
God’s image, and before the Fall, man would originally have had an
all-consuming desire to please God. When a Christian is empowered
by the graces and energies of the Divine Nature, their spirit-man will
again have the holy desire and power to do God’s will. This is a
righteous and holy yearning (Romans 8:5-6).
A baby has a strong inbuilt desire for food. The baby does not
know much about this food, but when it is fed, its desire will be
satisfied. Our regenerated spirit can be likened to this baby. It has a
desire to be fed on spiritual food - it does not know much about this
food, but when it does receive spiritual food, the desire of the spirit-
man is satisfied. As we then continue to feed our spirit on good food,
it will grow and mature, and its voice will become stronger. With the
Divine Nature giving us the spiritual energy and graces needed, our
spirit will have a holy desire to do God’s will.
As we have said, through renewing our minds and acting on this
renewal in faith (through the Divine Nature of which we are
partakers), we will come to discover and to walk in God’s will for
our lives.
Positionally, all this happened at the Cross and was legally
imparted to us the day we were born again. Experientially, however,
many do not live in the victory Christ won for us at Calvary. Once
again, the condition of many Christians is, in many areas of their
lives, far removed from their legal position.
In relation to the salvation of the soul, the Word therefore exhorts
God’s nature is love - in fact the Word tells us that God is love
(1 John 4:8).
God’s love is not passive but expresses itself in action - and
God’s love in action manifests itself in total commitment and
Jesus showed the Divine Nature that was within Him through
His works of faith and love. By His actions, Jesus was saying, “It
doesn’t matter what you do to Me - you can kick Me, spit on Me,
whip Me, you can do what you like to Me, but I’m still going to love
you, I am even going to die for you.” Even on the cross Jesus
displayed this love:
gives. Only then can the graces and energies of the Divine Nature
flow into our human nature so that the works we do will please the
While unregenerated, we were unable to live in the true, heart-
nature of God. This was because we still had, in our spirit, the selfish
nature which is part of the sin nature that Adam passed on to all
mankind. Scripture clearly shows us the tyranny of the sin nature in
our unregenerated state, a state in which we lived to gratify the
cravings of our sinful nature and follow its desires and thoughts.
The potential to live in the power of the Divine Nature resides
in every “born again” Believer, for we are, in Christ, partakers of the
Divine Nature. The devil tries to deceive people into believing they
are living in love, and even finding favour with God, merely by
doing good works and not harming anyone. (Remember that we are
saved by grace, not works (Ephesians 2:8; 2 Timothy 1:9.) Without
Jesus in his life, man will have a selfish motive behind most of that
which he does. The reason for this is that man is inherently evil
(Jeremiah 17:9). The sad part is that people do not even realize their
motives are selfish, or self-centered.
respond to an indwelling conscience in regard to moral issues. While
the shadow of the image of God has substance, however, it lacks the
power to turn good actions into holy (righteous) actions. This is
because without God’s grace (and therefore help), we will lack the
empowerment which only comes from the enthroned Divine Nature -
the graces of which are absorbed into our human nature so that we
can think as God thinks and act accordingly. So the shadow of the
image is a form, but lacks the spiritual power to fulfill its
inclinations. Man’s intent, therefore, is full of the desire to satisfy
and fulfill self, for every “good work” done outside of Christ is done
in the context of self-rule.
In fact if anything is done in the name of the Lord, it must be
done in faith if it is to please Him. This involves following the
leading of the Holy Spirit with regard to that work and its timing.
Proper holy faith consists of the union of belief and trust which
comes through the grace of His Divine Nature. Therefore the person
believing and trusting must be at one, through yielding to the Holy
Spirit, with the Divine Nature within - and so absorbing the holy
energies and graces of this nature. Anything less than this may
constitute belief but not holy faith. What makes it holy? The Divine
Nature does this - God’s grace at work in, with and through us. In
other words we need to depend totally on God’s grace at work in us,
through being vessels yielded to His will, not ours. Works involving
self alone will never gain God’s favour or approval, and will be of no
eternal benefit.
PHILIPPIANS 2:5 Let this same attitude and purpose
and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus.
Let Him be your example in humility (Amp.)
ROMANS 6:3 Do you not know that all we who were
placed in Christ Jesus, in His death were placed?
“. . .The Divine Nature is meant to
become the power plant of our emotional
outlook and moral thinking. As we yield
to the Holy Spirit, we gain the graces that
give us spiritual and emotional energy
and therefore a passion and a strength to
do God’s will. . .”
of the human race to create man to be complete only as He shares the
energies of His Divine Nature with him. Adam lost this source of
completeness and wholeness with God. Those who followed Adam
were likewise deficient. Through the Cross, God restored what sin
had taken from man, namely the grace of His Divine Nature.
The Saint is then able, as he seeks and finds, to embrace God’s
Word and will through and by God’s Divine graces. In this way, “the
image of God” that man was originally created with is restored via
the Cross of Calvary - through the graces of God’s Divine Nature.
Man cannot do it by himself for he is powerless to overcome sin or
walk in righteousness without God’s enablement.
Man was created in the image of God. In order for that image
to gain proper expression, however, the created being must draw
from a power source that would cause him (the creation) to move in
the potential set forth for man to aspire to. Primarily, therefore, the
Divine Nature is the power source that would produce in man an
ability within to flow, walk and run in righteousness. It is this Divine
connection that is fused to the repentant born-again Believer at the
Cross, bringing the graces of God to his heart to order his thinking
and therefore his ways.
GENESIS 1:27 So God created man in His own image,
in the image of God created He him; male and female
created He them.
person’s conscience will become seared so that they may even reach
a point where they feel no sense of guilt at all, their conscience
having become alienated from their thinking processes.
Concerning the heathen, there are even people who can murder
fellow human beings without a second thought, feeling no guilt at all
in regard to their actions. Others allow Satan to pervert their thinking
to the extent that they “call evil “good” and good “evil” ” (Isaiah
5:20). This is quite prevalent in society today where those who stand
up for God’s moral laws are often criticized and despised. For
instance, vocal and militant sections of the community promote the
cause of homosexuality as a valid alternative lifestyle, abortion as the
rightful choice of every woman, and euthanasia as an act of mercy
rather than the terrible devaluation of human life.
Even the unsaved who try to live according to their conscience,
and who do not habitually commit serious sin, still have the sin
nature permanently enthroned in their hearts. Even if they try to live
by good moral principles, they are doomed to failure in regard to
pleasing God - for good works will not satisfy Him. Man can only be
released from the bondage of sin through spiritual regeneration,
giving him the potential to please God through Spirit-led and
empowered works. Christians with the Divine Nature imparted
through Divine connection have the potential to live in righteousness
as they purpose to harmonize their wills with God’s will. It is
therefore the potential of every Believer, regardless of their culture,
background or circumstances, to live in this “newness of life.” No
one is excluded, but this potential can only be realized through Christ
and in Christ.
The potential of every person is a transformed life. Therefore
we are to be careful how we walk. We should be careful how we treat
people, saved or unsaved, because every person has been invited into
the Kingdom. We all began as sinners and are equal before God.
His grace has been extended to all, and no-one is better than another.
The scriptures tell us many times over:
MATTHEW 22:39 . . . You shall love your neighbour as
yourself (even if your neighbour hates you or is
1 Smith’s Bible Dictionary.
2 Wuest K.S., Word Studies From The Greek New
Testament, Golden Nuggets From The Greek New
Testament, pg.63.