Notes Module 1-3

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Module 1: ICT in the Context of Global Communication i.

What is Information and Communications Technology? j.

 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) often

deals with the use of different technologies such as
mobile phones, telephones, computer, Internet, and Web 2.0 or The Social Web
other devices, as well as software and applications to
locate, save, send, and manipulate information. • Allows users to interact with the page, the user may be
 Empowering ICT is important for its innovative uses able to comment or create a user account. Most website
impacts our daily lives. that we visit today are Web 2.0.
 It has affected our ways of communicating, made our
lives more convenient, and assisted countries towards
their modernization plans.

The World Wide Web

• The World Wide Web is an information system on the

Internet that allows documents to be connected to other
documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to
search for information by moving from one document to
• It was invented by Tim-Berners Lee in 1989.
• The World Wide Web browser software, such as
Microsoft's Internet Explorer/Edge, Mozilla Firefox,
Opera, Apple's Safari, and Google Chrome, let users
navigate from one web page to another via the
hyperlinks embedded in the documents.
• These documents may also contain any combination of
computer data, including graphics, sounds, text, video,
multimedia, and interactive content that runs while the
user is interacting with the page.
• The Web has enabled individuals and organizations to
publish ideas and information to a potentially large
audience online at greatly reduced expense and time


Web 1.0 or The Web

• It is the first stage of the World Wide Web evolution. It
is a flat or stationary page since it cannot be

manipulated by the user.
Webpages are static and not interactive. You can’t post,
comments or create an account.



g. Encyclopedia Britannica
h. Trio Healthcare Group


c. Siri’s Apple Voice Recognition

Web 3.0 or Semantic Web

• The semantic web provides a framework that allows

data to be shared and reuse to deliver web content
specifically targeting the user.
• Search Engine will learn about you and your habits
from each search you perform and will gather details
about you from your previous activities like likes and
social postings and present the answers as per your
• Semantics – ability of Web technologies to understand
and interpret human-generated content.
• The aim of Web 3.0 is to have machines understand the
user’s preferences to be able to deliver web content
specifically targeting the user. LESSON 1.1: ONLINE PLATFORMS AND SITES
• The Internet can predict the best possible answers to
your question by learning from your previous choices. ICT in the Philippines

Philippines is dubbed as the “ICT Hub of Asia” because of huge messaging, telephony (Voice over Internet Protocol or
growth of ICT-related jobs, one of which is BPO, Business VoIP), two-way interactive video calls, and the World Wide Web
Process Outsourcing, or call centers. In a data gathered by the with its discussion forums, blogs, social networking, and online
Annual Survey of Philippines Business and Industries in 2010, shopping sites. Internet is the global system of interconnected
the ICT industry shares 19.3% of the total employment computer networks that uses the Internet protocol suite
population. (TCP/IP) to communicate between networks and devices.

When the internet was fully commercialized in 1995, it has Social Media Platform
tremendously impacted culture and commerce, including the - is a computer-mediated tools that allow large group of people
rise of near instant communication by email, instant to create, share or exchange information, interest and the
messaging, telephony (Voice over Internet Protocol or information shared can be in the form of ideas, pictures, videos,
VoIP), two-way interactive video calls, and the World Wide Web or anything that you want to create and share to virtual
with its discussion forums, blogs, social networking, and online communities. It can be in the following platforms:
shopping sites. Internet is the global system of interconnected
computer networks that uses the Internet protocol suite a. Social Networks
(TCP/IP) to communicate between networks and devices. These sites allow you to connect with other people with the
same interests or background.
Social Media Platform Example: Facebook
- is a computer-mediated tools that allow large group of people
to create, share or exchange information, interest and the b. Bookmarking Sites
information shared can be in the form of ideas, pictures, videos, These are sites that allow you to store and manage links to
or anything that you want to create and share to virtual various websites and resources.
communities. It can be in the following platforms: Example: Pinterest

a. Social Networks c. Social News

These sites allow you to connect with other people with the These are sites that allow users to post their own news items or
same interests or background. links to other news sources.
Example: Facebook Example: digg

b. Bookmarking Sites d. Media Sharing

These are sites that allow you to store and manage links to These are sites that allow you to upload and share media
various websites and resources. content like images, music, and video. Media sharing sites can
Example: Pinterest be specific for video sharing, photo sharing, slide sharing, social
bookmarking, and gaming.
c. Social News Example: YouTube and Instagram
These are sites that allow users to post their own news items or
links to other news sources. e. Microblogging
Example: digg These are sites that focus on short updates from the user.
Those subscribed to the user will be able to receive these
d. Media Sharing updates. Posts are brief that range typically from 140 – 200
These are sites that allow you to upload and share media characters.
content like images, music, and video. Media sharing sites can Example: Twitter
be specific for video sharing, photo sharing, slide sharing, social
bookmarking, and gaming. f. Blogs and Forums
Example: YouTube and Instagram These are websites that allow users to post their content. Other
users can comment on the said topic.
e. Microblogging Example: Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr
These are sites that focus on short updates from the user.
Those subscribed to the user will be able to receive these
updates. Posts are brief that range typically from 140 – 200 LESSON 2:
characters. Online Safety, Security and Netiquette
Example: Twitter
The internet is the guiding technology of the Information
f. Blogs and Forums Technology Age just as the electrical engine was of the
These are websites that allow users to post their content. Other Industrial Age. In these times, more and more people are
users can comment on the said topic. already engaged in the use of technology. These people who are
Example: Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr raised in a digital, media-saturated world are called digital
natives. No doubt, the Internet has been very useful to us but
with the rise of instant messaging, chat rooms, emails and
LESSON 1.1: ONLINE PLATFORMS AND SITES social networking sites, it can also bring trouble - from
cyberbullying to more serious Internet dangers, including
ICT in the Philippines exposure to sexual predators. Thus, INTERNET SAFETY is
Philippines is dubbed as the “ICT Hub of Asia” because of huge
growth of ICT-related jobs, one of which is BPO, Business There's almost no limit to what you can do online. The Internet
Process Outsourcing, or call centers. In a data gathered by the makes it possible to access information quickly, communicate
Annual Survey of Philippines Business and Industries in 2010, around the world, and much more. Unfortunately, the Internet
the ICT industry shares 19.3% of the total employment is also home to certain risks, such as malware, spam, and
population. phishing. If you want to stay safe online, you'll need to
understand these risks and learn how to avoid them.
When the internet was fully commercialized in 1995, it has
tremendously impacted culture and commerce, including the Online safety refers to the practices and precautions that
rise of near instant communication by email, instant should be observed.
YOUR HOME PHONE This shared information is
TYPE OF INFORMATION RISKS NUMBER more risky than sharing
your personal phone
FIRST NAME There is still a risk in number. Scams usually use
sharing your first name. this information to deceive
Chances are, a hacker you, one of which is when a
already knows plenty of stranger pretends to know
stuff about you even if you your parents or pretends to
only give out your first be you.
name. You cannot just walk
in a room and start YOUR BIRTHDAY Letting know your birthday
introducing yourself to is probably a must if you
everyone. You do not know want to get as many gifts as
whom you can come across possible. But having it in
with. your profile makes you
vulnerable to identity theft.
LAST NAME If sharing your first name is
a small risk, having both
your first and last is a There are numerous delinquencies that can be committed on
riskier. You will be the internet such as stalking, identity theft, privacy violations,
vulnerable to being and harassment.
searched for using search
engines, which include To avoid these online crimes, follow the following online safety
image search. Matching a measures:
name with a face can led to  Never give any personal information out about yourself
several cybercrimes like over the internet.
identity theft.  Do not give any banking or sensitive information unless
you are sure that it is a reputable business having a
MIDDLE NAME Sharing just your middle secure service. To make sure that you are in a secured
name is probably not the network, the website address should begin with
riskiest of this shared “https://’ as opposed to “http://”. Never access your
information, but sharing accounts by following an email link, instead type your
your entire full name would URL by yourself.

CURRENT AND PREVIOUS Most people who steal

SCHOOL(S) identities study their
subject. They can use this
information for verification

YOUR CELLPHONE Your cellphone number

NUMBER should never be posted over
the Internet. The Internet is
a public place. It is the
same as posting your
number on a billboard.

WHO YOUR MOTHER AND Risky, yet not as risky as

FATHER ARE posting their full names,
especially your mother’s
 Never open messages or attachments from someone you
maiden name. In fact, if you
do not know.
have already encountered
 Regularly review your privacy settings in your online
many websites that require
accounts to make sure you are not sharing important
your mother’s maiden name
personal information.
as an answer to a secret
 When using a public computer terminal, be sure to
question whenever you lose
delete your browsing data before leaving.
your password.
 Keep your software updated to avoid security holes.
WHO YOUR SIBLINGS ARE This a huge risk, especially  Do not download or install software or anything on your
if you have younger computer or cell phone that is unknown to you.
siblings. Strangers may
pretend or use their identity Netiquette is a combination of the words network and etiquette.
to dupe you. It is a set of rules for behaving properly online. Below are the 10
rules of netiquette:
YOUR ADDRESS Hopefully you answered no
to this one. Giving the THE CORE RULES OF NETIQUETTE
Internet your number is one
thing, giving them your RULE 1: Remember the human.
address is a whole other RULE 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that
level. It would be much you follow in real life.
easier for criminals to find RULE 3: Know where you are in cyberspace.
you. RULE 4: Respect other people’s time and bandwidth
RULE 5: Make yourself look good online.
RULE 6: Share expert knowledge.
RULE 7: Help keep flame wars under control.

Flame war is a series of flame posts or messages in a thread

that are considered derogatory in nature or are completely off-
topic. Often these flames are posted for the sole purpose of
offending or upsetting other users. The flame becomes a flame
war when other users respond to the thread with their own
flame message.

RULE 8: Respect other people’s privacy.

RULE 9: Don’t abuse your power.
RULE 10: Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes.

Lesson 3: Effective Internet Research

The Internet has made our lives easier especially in terms of The Internet has made our lives easier especially in terms of
doing research. By browsing the internet, we can access doing research. By browsing the internet, we can access
limitless topics. Web-based catalogs are available in many limitless topics. Web-based catalogs are available in many
libraries to assist researchers in locating printed books, libraries to assist researchers in locating printed books,
journals, government documents and other materials. The journals, government documents and other materials. The
biggest obstacle facing all researchers on the internet is how to biggest obstacle facing all researchers on the internet is how to
effectively and efficiently access the vast amount of information effectively and efficiently access the vast amount of information
available (The Internet: Research Tools, 2013). available (The Internet: Research Tools, 2013).

Lesson 3.1: Searching the Web Lesson 3.1: Searching the Web

There are billions of information on the web and it is a There are billions of information on the web and it is a
challenge for us to truly find which information is reliable and challenge for us to truly find which information is reliable and
relevant. Here are some tips you may use to be able to look for relevant. Here are some tips you may use to be able to look for
relevant and reliable sources: relevant and reliable sources:

Search Engines are websites used for retrieval of data, files, or Search Engines are websites used for retrieval of data, files, or
documents from data bases. Some search engines we use today documents from data bases. Some search engines we use today
are: are:

Anatomy of a URL Anatomy of a URL

A URL is one type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). It is a A URL is one type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). It is a
generic term for all types of names and addresses that refer to generic term for all types of names and addresses that refer to
objects on the world wide web. Knowing the URL endings will objects on the world wide web. Knowing the URL endings will
give you clues to who is sponsoring the website and help give you clues to who is sponsoring the website and help
evaluate the sources. evaluate the sources.

Search Skills and Tools Search Skills and Tools

1. Boolean Logic – narrows, broadens, or eliminates search 1. Boolean Logic – narrows, broadens, or eliminates search
term. term.
A. Boolean “or” – this operator will find pages that include A. Boolean “or” – this operator will find pages that include
either of the search terms either of the search terms
Example: A or B Example: A or B
B. Boolean “and” – this operator will retrieve only pages B. Boolean “and” – this operator will retrieve only pages
containing both terms containing both terms
Example: A and B Example: A and B
Lesson 3: Effective Internet Research C. Boolean “not” – this operator will find pages that do not
include search term immediately following it.
Ex. A not B
2. Phase Searching – is used to search for famous quotes, 2. Phase Searching – is used to search for famous quotes,
proper names, recommendations, etc. It encloses the phrase in proper names, recommendations, etc. It encloses the phrase in
quotation marks. quotation marks.
Ex. “Jane Doe” “To be or not to be” Ex. “Jane Doe” “To be or not to be”
3. Plus (+) – indicates that the word after the sign is a required 3. Plus (+) – indicates that the word after the sign is a required
word must be found in search. Example: +fire word must be found in search. Example: +fire
4. Minus (–) sign – indicates to exclude a word from your search 4. Minus (–) sign – indicates to exclude a word from your search
that is not required on the result. Example: Jaguar speed –car that is not required on the result. Example: Jaguar speed –car
5. Ampersand (@) is used to find social tags. Example: 5. Ampersand (@) is used to find social tags. Example:
@SteveJobs @SteveJobs
6. Hashtag (#) is used to find popular hashtags. Example: 6. Hashtag (#) is used to find popular hashtags. Example:
#LawOfClassroom #LawOfClassroom
7. Finding Documents – using the filetype refines the search 7. Finding Documents – using the filetype refines the search
for documents on the web. for documents on the web.
o filetype:pdf o filetype:pdf
o filetype:doc o filetype:doc
o filetype:xls o filetype:xls
8. Searching Site – the sites find webpage from a website. 8. Searching Site – the sites find webpage from a website.
o Ex.: National Geographic information in Australia o Ex.: National Geographic information in Australia
o Search: Australia site: o Search: Australia site:

Lesson 3.3: Evaluating Sites Lesson 3.3: Evaluating Sites

The web provides access to some excellent information and can The web provides access to some excellent information and can
also give access to those that are irrelevant and outdated. Here also give access to those that are irrelevant and outdated. Here
is some checklist that you can use to evaluate your website: is some checklist that you can use to evaluate your website:

1. Authority. It reveals that the person, institution or agency 1. Authority. It reveals that the person, institution or agency
responsible for a site has the qualifications and knowledge to do responsible for a site has the qualifications and knowledge to do
so. Evaluating a web site for authority: so. Evaluating a web site for authority:

a. Authorship: It should be clear who developed the site. a. Authorship: It should be clear who developed the site.

b. Contact information should be clearly provided: e-mail b. Contact information should be clearly provided: e-mail
address, snail mail address, phone number, and fax number. address, snail mail address, phone number, and fax number.

c. Credentials: the author should state qualifications, c. Credentials: the author should state qualifications,
credentials, or personal background that gives them authority credentials, or personal background that gives them authority
to present information. to present information.

d. Check to see if the site supported by an organization or a d. Check to see if the site supported by an organization or a
commercial body commercial body


C. Boolean “not” – this operator will find pages that do not o
include search term immediately following it.
Ex. A not B

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