Booklet Project

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This project list or anything in it is for informational purposes only and shall not form the basis of any contract or
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investors should consider such factors in consultation with a professional advisor of their choosing when
deciding if an investment is appropriate.

Jakarta Investment Center has prepared this presentation based on information available to it, including
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warranty, express or implied is provided in relation to the fairness, accuracy, correctness, completeness
or reliability of the information, opinions or conclusions expressed herein. Financial projections included in
this project list should not be considered a comprehensive representative of the Project’s cash generation

The financial information included in this presentation is preliminary, unaudited, and subject to revision.
The financial projections are preliminary and subject to change; Jakarta Investment Center undertakes no
obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that
arise after the date made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. Inevitably, some assumptions
will not materialize, and unanticipated events and circumstances may affect the ultimate financial results.
Projections are inherently subject to substantial and numerous uncertainties and to a wide variety of
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Any financial model included in this project list does not purport to present operations in accordance with
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The information contained in this project list is subject to amendment from time to time. Investors should
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implication of entering into a partnership or contract for any of these projects.

For more projects, please visit our website


DKI Jakarta with a total population of ~11 million and GDP

of IDR 2,840 trillion (2019) is the highest contributor to
the Indonesian National GDP at 17.17% (2020). Between
2017 and 2019, Jakarta’s economy grew rapidly at around
6% annually, exceeding the national growth rate of 5%.
The network of neighboring cities around Jakarta is home
to 22 million people, accounting for another 9% of the
Indonesian National GDP.

Despite the resilient economic growth that the city was

able to sustain in the face of COVID-19, the pandemic has
exposed several key development areas that Jakarta can
continue to improve on. As such, the Jakarta government
has chosen “Urban Health” as the theme for its inaugural
Jakarta Investment Forum. This theme extends beyond
the healthcare industry and encompasses the shared
goal of improving the quality of life for Jakarta’s 11 million
people. The Jakarta Capital City Government has chosen
“Jakarta Urban Program” as the theme for its inaugural
Jakarta Investment Forum. This theme aims to synergize
efforts between the positive growth of the investment
climate and the direction of the development of Jakarta in
order to accelerate the implementation of infrastructure
development. Achieving this goal requires a collaborative
effort between the Jakarta government and the private
sector, through a sustainable and robust public private
partnership scheme. JIF 2021 is a platform to showcase
exciting projects that the Jakarta government is currently
working on, opening opportunities for private sector
players to invest in and benefit from. In total there are 10
projects, six at the market sounding phase and four ready
to offer showcased in JIF. This booklet contains the ready
to offer projects.

For enquiries pertaining to any of the projects listed below,

please email us at We look
forward to working with you. 3
Project #1

MRT Retail Area

(Bundaran HI)

Ready to Offer 4
Executive Summary

Communal Elevation Area (Skylight)

MRT Station Interior View 1 MRT Station Interior View 2

MRT Jakarta is looking for a partner-investor to build and operate a highly marketable and
profitable underground retail area in Bundaran HI.

This retail area will be integrated with Bundaran It will also be a part of the first TOD under MRT
HI MRT station, the busiest station in downtown Jakarta. The partnership scheme is to open for
Jakarta. With a total area of 3,100 m2, Bundaran discussion between MRT Jakarta and potential
HI retail area will set the milestone as the first investors.
underground retail area in Indonesia.

Project Value:
USD 4M – 4.5 M

Background of
MRT Retail Area (Bundaran HI) Project

Jakarta Retail Area Market Statistics3 MRT Jakarta has become one of the most popular
public transportation systems with approximately
Market Location IDR/m2 (monthly) 800,000 passengers monthly in 2020, targeted to
Primary 984,500 triple in 2021. Having the COVID-19 pandemic under
control will also contribute to exponential growth
Secondary 681,400 in passenger numbers in the upcoming years. With
increasing passenger numbers, dominated by the
Overall Retail Average 807,700 young population, there is a rising trend for a more

connected development. TOD is an integrated urban area connected to the excellent transit service to
the rest of the city as part of its TOD plan, MRT Jakarta is planning to build an underground MRT retail area
connected to the Bundaran HI MRT Station. With the exponential growth of MRT passenger numbers, this
commercial space will be a highly attractive investment opportunity with significant growth in the future.

Project Offering
Project Information
Project Type BOT / Concession

Total Project Cost USD 4M – 4.5 M

Investment Opportunity Equity investment
Project IRR 16%
Source of Revenue Commercial area rental fee, advertisement space rental fee

Current Ownership PT MRT Jakarta

Current Status FS completed

Expected Start Date TBD
Land Area 3,100 m2

Location Bundaran HI, Central Jakarta 6
Indicative Project Structure

Concession fee (upfront) All assets transfer

+ service fee (monthly) to MRT Jakarta
(After concession
period ends)

BOT Agreement
Construction Payment

Strategic Partner
EPC Contract

concession period)


Strategic Partner EPC

Rental fee Advertising space

Rental Rental rental fee
agreement agreement

Retail area tenants Advertisement space


MRT Jakarta will enter into a BOT agreement by the strategic partner. The strategic partner is also
with a strategic partner, which will be valid over expected to split a certain amount of service charge
a concession period. An upfront concession fee collected from its tenants to MRT Jakarta. At the end
will be paid by the strategic partner as part of the of the concession period, all assets and licenses will
agreement. During this period, all assets, licenses, be transferred back to MRT Jakarta, and all profit
profits pertaining to the project will be fully owned afterwards will be entirely owned by MRT Jakarta.

Financial Analysis
MRT Retail Area (Bundaran HI) Project
Revenue Analysis (2022-2038)

Construction will take two years to complete, making on monthly bases from tenants. Another significant
first revenue booking in 2023. In total, 1,416 m2 is revenue stream comes from advertising space,
available for rent. It is assumed that the rental fee will which will be at IDR 7 billion in 2024 and will grow
be IDR 500k / month / per m2 and service charge by 3% annually because of rental price adjustment.
will be IDR 100k / month / per m2 in 2024. Annual All revenue streams will continue until the end of the
revenue will steadily increase due to annual rental fee BOT concession period, which is expected to end in
increases of 3%. Service fee will also be collected 15 years from the agreement signing date.

MRT Retail Area (Bundaran HI) Project

Cashflow Analysis (2022-2038)

Cash flow is expected to be negative in the first two years during the construction process, before turning positive in
2023. This stable cash flow improvement results in a breakeven period of eight years.

Other Important Financial Parameters

Project IRR 16%

Payback Period 8 years

WACC 12.5%

NPV IDR 15.4 Billion (USD 1.1 million) 8
About the Project Owner
PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta (PT MRT Jakarta)
was established on June 17, 2008, as a Limited
Liability Company with most shares owned by the
Jakarta government. PT MRT Jakarta’s scope of
activities include the construction, operation, and
maintenance (O&M) of MRT infrastructure and
facilities, as well as property/ business development
and management in stations and surrounding areas,
including depots and TODs.

Other Information
Apart from being part of the first TOD development
under MRT Jakarta, Bundaran HI retail area will also
be the first integrated underground retail area
in Indonesia, clearing the path for more similar
developments in the future.

Contact Information
Mr. Aditya Laksmana
Rail Business Partnership Dept. Head
Mr. Nicodemus Winata
Business Expansion Division Head

Project #2
LRT Kelapa Gading –
Jakarta International

Market Sounding 10
Executive Summary
LRT station

LRT Rolling Stock Inside view of LRT

Jakarta Propertindo is looking for an investor to build the LRT Phase 2A in North Jakarta, stretching over
8 km from Kelapa Gading to Jakarta International Stadium (JIS). JIS is a world-class modern soccer
stadium currently being built by Jakarta Government with completion target in 2022.

This LRT route is strategically important to support Comprising of six stations, construction will take
transportation management of the stadium. two years to complete and will be connected
By 2025, 71,358 passengers are expected to to the existing LRT network. One of the Jakarta
commute using LRT Phase 2A, making it one of the government’s top priority projects, potential
most attractive public transportation projects. support provided by the government includes
fare subsidies, availability payments, and land

Project Value:
IDR 6.6 trillion / USD 455 million

LRT phase 2A (Britama - JIS) Route Map

Boulevard Sunter Gelanggang Sunter

Britama JIS
Kelapa Gading Timur Remaja Barat

Project Offering

Project Information
Project Type EPC + F (contract preferred, however still open for discussion)

Total Project Cost IDR 6.6 trillion / USD 455 million (USD 1 = IDR 14,500)

Investment Opportunity Debt financing (open for discussion)

Source of Revenue Fares, Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Public Service Obligation (PSO)

Current Ownership PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro)

Current Status Land cleared; Feasibility study completed

Expected Start Date 2022

Length 8 km (6 stations)

Location Kelapa Gading – JIS (North Jakarta) 12
About the Project Owner

PT Jakarta Propertindo
(Jakpro) was established in
2000 after a merger between
PT Pembangunan Pluit Jaya
and PT Pembangunan Pantai
Utara Jakarta.

It acts as the Jakarta government’s property sub-

holding company. Since its establishment, Jakpro has
been involved in prominent development projects
such as Pluit modern area development and Pulomas
integrated area. In 2005, Jakpro expanded its
business to infrastructure with the construction of
toll roads, reservoirs, and other projects. Pursuant
to Jakarta governor regulation no 154/2017, Jakpro
has been given the right to manage Transit Oriented
Development areas as the main operator.

Other Information
LRT Phase 2A will connect to the existing LRT Phase 1 (Kelapa Gading – Velodrome), which was completed
in 2018. Jakpro is also exploring the possibility of building Phase 3A, stretching from JIS to Rajawali (North
Jakarta) and 2B stretching from Velodrome to Klender (East Jakarta), altogether are listed as national
strategic projects.


Rajawali Sunter

Kemayoran Pegangsaan
Pulo Mas
Equestrian Park
dan Velodrome

Indutrial Estate

Pondok Bambu Rekreasi

Cipinang Indah
Mayoritas Residensial

Halim Komersial

LRT Fase 1
LRT Fase 2 dan 3

Jakpro is also seeking investors for LRT construction 2A phase construction in 2022, all three phases’
phase 2B, and phase 3 (A + B). Project value of both developments are executed separately and will end
project is estimated at IDR 6.9 trillion (phase 2B) and in 2031.
IDR 14.2 trillion (for phase 3A +3B). Starting with

LRT Development Schedule

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031

2A 2B 2A 3 2B 3

Altogether, LRT Jakarta phase 2 and phase 3 will target

Construction Begins to serve 320k passengers daily, with a total route length
coverage of 28.8 kilometers. This makes LRT Jakarta as one
of national strategic projects.
Construction Ends

Contact Information
Mr. Riangga Galih
Manager Commercial and Administration
Email: 14
Project #3
MRT Phase 4
(Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
– Fatmawati)

Market Sounding 15
Executive Summary
MRT Rolling Stock

Proposed MRT Station Proposed MRT Railway

A highly attractive mega project, MRT Jakarta is looking for an investor to build a new corridor,
stretching over 12 km from Fatmawati to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) (Phase 4).

Located in South Jakarta, this corridor is Phase 4 aims to engage the private sector
expected to gain high ridership (approx. as an active player in developing the railway
124,000 passengers per day) as it passes infrastructure and supporting infrastructure
through population-dense areas and the urban such as TOD.
railway is integrated with (LRT Jabodebek and
KCI – Commuter line).

Project Value:
USD 2M - 2.5M 16
Project Offering

MRT Phase 4 (Fatmawati – TMII) Route Map

Warung Tanjung Raya Tanah Kampung Taman

Fatmawati Antasari Ampera Jati Barat
Bogor Merdeka Rambutan Mini

12 km

Project Information
Project Type EPC + F; G2G financing; Open for discussion

Total Project Cost USD 2M - 2.5M

Investment Opportunity Equity or debt financing

Source of Revenue Fare revenue, TOD revenue, PSO

Current Ownership PT MRT Jakarta

Project Status Pre-Feasibility Study

Expected Start Date 2023

Length 12 km (10 stations + 1 depot)

Location Fatmawati (South Jakarta) – TMII (East Jakarta)

Other Information
MRT Phase 4 will have 10
stations, seven of which
will be built underground.
Overall, Phase 4
construction is expected
to take seven years to
complete, and commercial
About the Project Owner operation will commence in
PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta (PT MRT
Jakarta) was established on June 17, 2008,
as a Limited Liability Company with the
majority of shares owned by the Jakarta
government. PT MRT Jakarta’s scope
of activities include the construction,
operation and maintenance (O&M) of
MRT infrastructure and facilities, as well
as property/ business development and
management in stations and surrounding Contact Information
areas, including depots and TODs.
Mr. Aditya Laksmana
Rail Business Partnership Dept. Head
Mr. Nicodemus Winata
Business Expansion Division Head
Email: 18
Project #4

Treatment Facility
Bantar Gebang

Market Sounding 19
Executive Summary

Waste piling up in Bantar Gebang Waste being sent to Bantar Gebang WtE Project

Jakarta, the major waste producer in Indonesia, is intensively seeking solutions to treat and
reduce the waste in its main landfill, Bantar Gebang. One of the most feasible solutions is to
develop an Intermediate Treatment Facility (ITF) in Bantar Gebang.

ITF reduces waste by utilizing appropriate, The Jakarta government will support the
proven, and environmental friendly project by providing waste supply and
technology. One of the options for waste tipping fees. Investors who can provide
processing methods at ITF Bantar Gebang suitable land for this project will be highly
alongside the Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) considered.
Plants (see next project in this booklet)
is Waste-to-Energy (WtE) Facility. The
produced energy can be used as new
source of electricity for the surrounding

Project Value:
IDR 3.8 – 4.2 trillion / USD 262 – 290 million 20
WtE facility in Copenhagen, Denmark

Project Offering

Project Information
Project Type BOT/BOO (open for discussion)
Total Project Cost IDR 3.8 – 4.2 trillion / USD 262 – 290 million (USD 1 = IDR 14,500)

Source of Revenue Tipping fees and energy sales (electricity)

Current Ownership Department for Environment Affairs DKI Jakarta

Project Status Development stage, Pre-FS verification

Expected Start Date 2022 (3 years)

Land Area 5 – 6 ha (provided by investor)

Location Bantar Gebang, Bekasi

About the Project Owner
Department for Environment Affairs
DKI Jakarta is responsible for air, water,
and waste management. The ITF and
RDF plants (see next project in this
Other Information booklet) are part of the integrated
As the major waste producer in the country,
waste management solution in Bantar
Jakarta disposes of 7,500-9,000 tons of Gebang.
waste daily as more than 1,200 trucks dump
their loads every day to Bantar Gebang, the
only landfill owned by the Jakarta government.
Unfortunately, without any optimum waste
reduction in the city, the landfill is predicted
to reach its maximum height by 2022. This
condition has pushed the government to
consider industrial-scale waste treatment
initiatives and attract potential parties to
solve Jakarta’s waste problem. At the national
level, Indonesia’s Environmental and Forestry
Ministry is planning to support and incentivize
future possible operators of this initiative
by providing facilities, subsidies, and other
financial alternatives. Contact Information
Mr. Asep Kuswanto
Head of the Environmental Department
Email: 22
Project #5

Refuse Derived Fuel

Plant Bantar Gebang

Market Sounding 23
Executive Summary

Bantar Gebang Landfill Workers sorting waste in Bantar Gebang RDF Plant Proposal

Jakarta, as the major waste producer in Indonesia, is intensively seeking solutions to treat
and reduce the waste in its main landfill, Bantar Gebang, which is predicted to run out of
space by 2022. One of the most feasible solutions is to build a Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)
plant in Bantar Gebang.

Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) is the output The Jakarta government will support this
of converting municipal solid waste into project by providing waste supply and
fuel using Mechanical and Biological tipping fees. Investor who can provide
Treatment (MBT) or Mechanical Treatment suitable land will be highly considered.
(MT). This fuel can be used as an alternative
fuel for energy intensive industries in
operating factory / machines, such as
cement industries and power plants.

Project Value:
IDR 1.5 trillion / USD 104 million 24
Project Offering

RDF plant in Bangkok, Thailand

Project Information
Project Type BOT/BOO (open for discussion)

Total Project Cost IDR 1.5 trillion / USD 104 million (USD 1 = IDR 14,500)

Source of Revenue Tipping fee and sales of RDF

Current Ownership Department for Environment Affairs DKI Jakarta

Project Status Preliminary stage

Expected Start Date 2022 (2 years)

Land Area 7.5 ha (provided by investor)

Location Bantar Gebang, Bekasi

About the Project Owner
Department for Environment Affairs
DKI Jakarta is responsible for air, water,
and waste management. The ITF and
RDF plants (see previous project in this
booklet) are part of the integrated waste
management solution in Bantar Gebang.
Other Information
As the major waste producer in the country,
Jakarta disposes of 7,500-9,000 tons of waste
daily. The annual waste production rate has
grown 36% over the last five years with 79% of
total waste produced sent to landfills. Bantar
Gebang, the only landfill in Jakarta, currently
reaches 45 meters in height (the safety limit
is 10 meters). This leads to higher safety risks,
including pollution to the environment and
explosion due to high methane content (an
explosion occurred at Jawa Barat’s Leuwigajah
Landfill in 2005). According to Jakarta’s
environmental department, less than 20% of
waste in Jakarta has been reduced / treated.
The Indonesia government (Coordinating
Ministries of Maritime and Investment) is has
been encouraging the local governments to Contact Information
implement the RDF Plant as the alternative
solution for waste treatment.
Mr. Asep Kuswanto
Head of the Environmental Department
Email: 26
Project #6

Transit Oriented
Pegangsaan Dua

Market Sounding 27
Executive Summary

Initial Design LRT Depot TOD Area

Pegangsaan Dua has been designated as a transit- oriented area located in North Jakarta and is
the beginning of the development of the LRT Line in the future. Pegangsaan Dua is also part of
the North Jakarta Regeneration Corridor, an arc of key development projects across the north of
the city.

Pegangsaan Dua TOD is a series of land The main vision from Depot Development is to
development projects, which comprises two transform Depot into a destination by improving
stages, the Depot and the Wider Area. The pedestrian accessibility, environment, and
Depot is a multistory mixed-use development security. The permanent development of Depot
while the Wider Area is 160 Hectares of could blend residential, commercial, cultural,
integrated and livable urban renewal. and community spaces functionally integrated
into the district, enabling land-use synergies.
The Depot development will be built above the
LRT Depot In Pegangsaan Dua. It will be the Jakpro is open for partner to offer new ideas
new commercial and urban residential centre including the stages of Depot development and
in North Jakarta with ease of commute. preparation of the Depot feasibility study.

Project Value:
USD 103-106 million 28
Project Offering

TOD Proposal

Project Information
Project Type Direct finance; joint operations (KSO); Open for discussion

Total Project Cost USD 103-106 million (USD, 2020 prices)

Sales of residential, commercial area rental fee, office area

Source of Revenue rental fee, advertisement space rental fee

Current Ownership Jakarta Propertindo

Project Status Preliminary stage

Expected Start Date -

Land Area ±10 ha

Location Pegangsaan Dua, North Jakarta

Other Information
Currently, Pegangsaan Dua mainly consists
of industrial land that may become a focus
for urban renewal, and a driver of demand for
housing. Pegangsaan Dua’s accessibility resulting
suitability for development and could be the key to
development for North Jakarta.

About the Project Owner

PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) was established in
2000 after a merger between PT Pembangunan
Pluit Jaya and PT Pembangunan Pantai Utara
Jakarta. It acts as the Jakarta government’s
property sub-holding company. Since its
establishment, Jakpro has been involved in
prominent development projects such as Pluit
modern area development and Pulo Mas integrated
area. In 2005, Jakpro expanded its business to
infrastructure with the construction of toll roads,
reservoirs, and other projects. Pursuant to Jakarta
governor regulation no 154/2017, Jakpro has
been given the right to manage Transit Oriented
Development areas as the main operator.

Contact Information
Mr. Riangga Galih
Manager Commercial and Administration
Email: 30
Project #7
Retail Development
(Fatmawati Station)

Market Sounding 31
Executive Summary

Retail development at the Fatamawati Fatmawati station will be using the façade
station is highly marketable and profitable motif as a building element. The motif is
property business within MRTJ TOD are. applied to the arrangement of perforated
With a total net leasable area of 1.207 m2 panels which are the second skin of the
and gross floor area of 2.500 m2. building. The façade motif is inspired by the
Besurik Batik fabrics vary in various shapes
and colours.

Project Value:
USD 2M-2.5M 32
Project Offering

Project Information
Project Type BOT

Total Project Cost USD 2M – 2.5 M

Source of Revenue Commercial area rental fee, advertisement space rental fee

Current Ownership PT MRT Jakarta

Project Status Preliminary stage

Expected Start Date 2022

Gross Floor Area 2.500 m²

Land Area
Retail Net Leasable Area : 1.207 m2

Location Fatmawati, South Jakarta

Other Information
Fatmawati station is part of MRT
Jakarta phase 1 (Bundaran HI-
Lebak Bulus) which connects
the north and south line with
an average monthly ridership
of 3,077,684 and the highest
average daily ridership of 93,165.

About the Project Owner

PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta (PT MRT
Jakarta) was established on June 17, 2008,
as a Limited Liability Company with most
shares owned by the Jakarta government.
PT MRT Jakarta’s scope of activities
include the construction, operation, and
maintenance (O&M) of MRT infrastructure
and facilities, as well as property/ business
development and management in stations
and surrounding areas, including depots
and TODs.

Contact Information
Mr. Aditya Laksmana
Rail Business Partnership Dept. Head
Mr. Nicodemus Winata
Business Expansion Division Head
Email: 34

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