Post Graduation Diploma Brochure 2023
Post Graduation Diploma Brochure 2023
Post Graduation Diploma Brochure 2023
Table of Contents Page No.
About CNLU 01
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Message from the Vice Chancellor’s Desk
- Justice Mridula Mishra
We found many students seeking quality short term courses in the above areas and therefore took the
initiative to launch these courses to address learning gaps among students and young professionals.
These courses have been designed specially keeping in mind the practitioners perspective and
therefore has incorporated experiences as well as experts from the field to contribute in the teaching
of these courses.
These courses are of a duration of one year. The courses are designed to allow students interaction
and discussion in the classes, with experts as well as workshops and writing assignments to deepen
their understanding and hone their practical skills.
The Human Rights course has both international and national dimensions but it focuses also on
institutions involved in protection of human rights as well as on human rights of vulnerable groups.
In this way, it encompasses all dimensions of human rights and increases its learning value with
engagement with subject experts and field practitioners.
The course on Cyber law is well designed for students as well as practitioners and cyber experts. It
touches upon the various cyber crimes as well as latest developments in the field of internet and
technology like artificial intelligence, block chain and big data.
Intellectual Property Law course is also designed for practitioners as well as students with special
emphasis on processes of registration of various Intellectual property rights and covers some of the
newest forms of intellectual property like geographical indications.
Corporate Social Responsibility is one of the most important sources of funding from NGOs and we
feel that it is imperative that NGOs as well as corporates build their understanding of CSR for the
effective use of these funds in nation building. Hence this course is designed to equip NGOs with
practical skills of engaging with funding through corporate social responsibility and corporate
Children are foundation of our society and are critical in nation building. The course in child rights
seeks to equip child rights practitioners as well as students interested in working with children, with
skills and knowledge essential to work with children.
We welcome all prospective students to explore our courses and take this great opportunity of
learning and skill generation.
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Message from P. G. Diploma Course Director
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The university has started following five P. G. Diploma Courses of one academic year
duration :
Administrative Set up :
P. G. Diploma Course Committee Position
1. Vice-Chancellor, CNLU cum-Patron-in-
2. Registrar, CNLU Patron
Office of the P. G. Diploma Course : Room No. 27, First Floor, Academic Block-2,
Chanakya National Law University, Nyaya Nagar, Patna.
Email ID :
Note : Please visit our University website regularly for any updates.
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Admission Procedure:
Willing candidate will have to apply through following Google form link:
The candidate shall make the payment of ₹500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) through
following Payment Gateway Link, which is non-refundable :
Important Dates:
Last date for the receipt of application with enclosures : Tuesday, the 30th May, 2023
Date of Publication of Selection List : Tuesday, the 20th June, 2023
Counselling and Admission : Wednesday-Friday, the 05 th – 07th July, 2023
Commencement of Classes : Saturday, the 08 th July, 2023 (Two days
in a week Friday & Saturday. Classes
will be in the evening shift)
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Candidates for POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA course will be selected by the Admission Committee
on the basis of merit of Under Graduate Course.
The reservation will be provided as per the Bihar (in admission in educational institutions)
Reservation Act, 2003 (Bihar Act No. 16 of 2003):
5% of the Seat shall be reserved for SAP candidates and it shall have
Horizontal Reservation
10% of the seat shall be reserved for Economically Weaker Section as per Govt. of Bihar
Notification Dated 26.02.2019
62 (Sixty Two)
Total Seats in each Post Graduate Diploma
31 Seats : General + EWS.
31 Seats : Reserved (SC/ST/EBC/BC/WBC/EWS)
FEE STRUCTURE Rs.15000/- (Rs. Fifteen Thousand only)
Re-admission fee for Re-Registered (Students who are repeating
Students the Semester)
The medium of instruction and examination shall be in English only.
The teaching methods at the Post Graduate Diploma level aim at the promotion of inter – disciplinary
approach and practical appreciation of problems. In addition to the lecture method, classroom
teaching, seminars, tutorials, assignments, clinical experience, fieldwork, legal research and legal
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writing will be used. In courses which need cooperative teaching, several teachers and experts will be
involved to maximize the learning potential of the students.
An Examination Committee will be constituted by the Vice-Chancellor to supervise/monitor
the evaluation of Post Graduate Diploma Courses.
The examination shall be conducted internally. The teacher who offers the course shall frame
the question paper and it will be moderated by a Moderation Committee. Concerned teachers
will look after the performance of the students. If a course is offered by more than one teacher,
the setting of question paper and evaluation will be done jointly.
No Student shall be permitted to take the examination in any of the courses if he / she has not
attended at least 60% of the classes in every semester.
Promotion from one semester to another is allowed only if the candidate passes the semester
examination as a whole. However, a candidate who has failed in not more than two courses in a
semester may be promoted to the next semester. Under such circumstances, the candidate has to re-
register for the courses. A sum of ₹2000/- will be collected as Re-registration Fee from such candidate.
Maximum of Five (5) marks, in each course, shall be assigned to regularity in attendance.
Maximum of Twenty (20) marks shall be assigned for Project Work in Each Paper out of which a
maximum of Fifteen (15) marks for written project and Five (5) marks, in each paper, will be allotted
to presentation/viva voce.
The assignment on a problem shall be allotted by the concerned faculty at the beginning of the
Semester and students are expected to complete the same within the prescribed time. The
modalities of the assignment including evaluation shall be decided by the concerned faculty.
The project assignment is intended to develop skills of inquiry, analysis, interpretation, legal
writing and critiquing.
Seventy (75) marks shall be assigned for the End Semester Examination of a comprehensive
nature conducted by the end of each Semester.
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The modalities of the question papers of the End Semester Examination will be decided by the
concerned faculties and informed to the students beforehand.
Students, who wish to apply for re-evaluation of answer scripts of the End Semester
Examination, are required to make an application to the Controller of Examinations, within
the notified date, after the declaration of result. For re-evaluation, a fee of ₹1000/- per paper
has to be deposited within the prescribed time. The result/marks obtained in re-evaluation
shall be final. In no case the request for re-evaluation shall be entertained after the expiry of
the notified period.
The performance of the students in all the courses shall be evaluated on a Seven Point Scale
with the corresponding Grade Values:
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related course work assignment in the said Course. The distribution of marks for
attendance shall be as hereunder:
Up to 67 to 75 on Medical and other grounds 0
75-79 1
80-84 2
85-89 3
90-94 4
95-100 5
The students who have been detained for want of attendance and/or promoted but declared
ineligible to appear in the examination for want of attendance shall have to comply with the
following conditions:
The students who are detained for want of attendance in more than two papers will be
admitted as lateral entry after paying the Fee of ₹5000/- in addition to the Re-
admission Fee of ₹3000/-.
The students who have been promoted to the next higher year will be given the facility
of attending remedial enabling classes in those subject/s in which he/she was
debarred for want of attendance, provided that such student has attended minimum
50% of classes in the concerned subject and has made a payment of ₹4000/- per subject
where the facility of remedial classes is extended.
Notwithstanding anything contained in the clauses above, where a student has not
attended minimum 50% of classes in the concerned subject, he/she shall pay the
Course Fee of that Semester applicable at the time in addition to the Re-admission Fee
in order to be eligible for attending the remedial classes.
The remedial classes shall be held in the second half and shall be engaged by the
respective faculty.
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is arrived at by dividing the sum of the products of
Grade Values and the Course Credits in each Course by the total number of Credits in all the
A Candidate shall be eligible for the award of the POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA only when
he / she has completed all the prescribed courses only when he/she has successfully
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completed all the prescribed Eight (8) Courses with a total of 32 Credits and obtained a CGPA
at 4.00 out of 7.00.
b. The student shall be given an opportunity, oral and written, to present his/her case
before the Unfair Means Committee.
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Paper Name of the Paper Credits
1. Understanding the concept of Human Rights : Origin 100 4
and Evolution
2. Human Rights of Women and Children 100 4
3. Basis Concepts of Liberty, Equality, Justice and Rule of
100 4
4. The Constitution of India and Human Rights and Duties 100 4
Paper Name of the Paper Credits
National Commissions/State Commissions in India to
1. 100 4
Protect Human Rights
Human Rights of Vulnerable Groups :
i. Rights of Persons Belonging to Minorities
ii. Rights to Refugees and Migrant Workers
2. 100 4
iii. Indigenous People and Human Rights,
iv. Human Rights of Prisoners
v. Rights of Physically Disabled
UNO & other International Organization and Human
3. 100 4
4. Dissertation 100 4
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Paper Name of the Paper Credits
Constructing Childhood: Meaning and Development
- Childhood as a natural process
- Childhood as a social process 100 4
- Childhood Development Theories
- The Legal Definition and Meaning of childhood
- Case Study
Situational Analysis of Children in India with special
reference of the state of Bihar
- Vulnerabilities of Children in India
2. - Special Challenges in the state of Bihar 100 4
- Situational Analysis of Children in India and in
the state of Bihar
- Case Study
Child Rights: International Law Framework
3. - ICCPR 100 4
Laws relating to children in India and their inter
linkages I
- Constitution and rights of Children
4. - Civil laws and Children 100 4
- Criminal Law and Children
- Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act,
1986 and rules
Paper Name of the Paper Credits
Child Rights: International Law Framework II
- International Humanitarian Law
1. - International Refugee Law 100 4
- International Criminal Law
- Regional Legal Regimes
Laws relating to children in India and their inter
2. linkages II 100 4
- Protection of Children from Sexual Offences
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Act, 2012 and rules
- Juvenile Justice (care and Protection of
Children) Act, 2015 and rules
- Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 and
- Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act
- Others- PC- PNDT Act, CPCR Act, ITPA and
2021 Bill
Policies relating to children in India and in Bihar
- Social Policies of Central Government
- Social Policies of State of Bihar
3. 100 4
- Governance and Child Rights- advocacy,
- Case Study
4. Dissertation 100 4
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Paper Name of the Paper Credits
1. Fundamentals of CSR 100 4
2. Emergence of CSR: History and current scenario 100 4
Stakeholders: Organization, Government, Society and
3. 100 4
Regulatory Environments
4. Corporate Social Responsibility Process 100 4
5 Workshops
Governance and Legal Framework for NGO’s
Development Planning and Proposal Writing
CSR Audit : Impact and Valuation
Paper Name of the Paper Credits
1. CSR Implementation, Governance and Monitoring 100 4
2. CSR Projects and Programmes 100 4
3. Development: Issues and Perspective 100 4
4. Dissertation 100 4
5. Workshops CREDIT CREDIT
Fiscal Management CREDIT CREDIT
Human Resource Management and Communiqué in NON NON
Endowment Raising
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Paper Name of the Paper Credits
- Meaning, origin and concept of cyberspace
- Inherent characteristics of cyberspace, physical
1. space vs cyberspace 100 4
- Legal issues involved in cyberspace
- UNCITRAL Model on Electronic Commerce
- IT Act and its Amendments
- Significance of signature
- Legal aspect of Digital Signature
2. 100 4
- Concept of Electronic Signature
- Electronic signature vs Digital Signature
Concept of E-Contracts and its types
Laws on E-Contracts: IT Act & other laws
Meaning and concept of E- Commerce,
3. 100 4
E-Commerce under IT Act,2000
Issues and challenges of E-Commerce.
Meaning and concept of E- Governance,
E- Governance under IT Act,2000
- Cyber Crimes - Definitions - Nature
4. - Types of Cyber Crimes 100 4
- Cyber offences covered under the Information
Technology Act, 2000
- Cyber offences and other laws (IPC, POCSO etc.)
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Paper Name of the Paper Credits
- Meaning and concept of intermediary
1. 100 4
- Liability of intermarry under the IT Act
- Recent developments
- Copyright issues in cyberspace
- Indian legal protection of copyright in cyberspace
- Trademarks in cyberspace
2. 100 4
- Concept of domain name and its types
- Domain name disputes and passing off
- Trademark protection in cyberspace-Indian
- Conceptual framework of Data in Cyberspace
3. - Legal framework of data protection 100 4
- Concept of privacy
- Privacy concerns of cyberspace
- Law relating to Privacy
- Cloud Computing
- Big Data
4. 100 4
- Block Chain and Crypto Currencies/Virtual
- Internet of Things
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
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Paper Name of the Paper Credits
1. IPR Jurisprudence (Conventions, TRIPS, WIPO, WTO) 100 4
2. Indian Copyrights Act, 1957 & The Design Act, 2000 100 4
Patents Act 1970 & Semi-conductor, Integrated Circuit
3. 100 4
Layout design 2000
4. Trade Marks ACT 1999 & GI Act 1999 100 4
Paper Name of the Paper Credits
Plant Variety and Farmers Rights Act 2000 &
1. 100 4
Biodiversity Act
2. Biotechnology Law & Forest Dwellers Rights Act 2006 100 4
Intellectual Property Management & IP, CPA and
3. 100 4
4. Dissertation 100 4
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Professor (Dr.) Nishtha Jaswal has also served as Professor of Law in Punjab University,
Chandigarh. She was awarded various medals during her academic career. She has written more
than 10 books on various subjects like Human Rights, Environmental Law, Company Law etc. She
has published extensively in the field of Human Rights, Environmental Law, Constitutional Law,
Company Law in reputed national & international journals. She has the teaching experience of 33
years and Research experience of 35 years. She has delivered lectures at various Judicial Training
Programmes, governmental training programmes and in UGC sponsored refresher and
orientation courses.
Professor Ved Kumari is former Dean and Head, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. She began
teaching law in 1983 and has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in the University of Delhi,
Jammu University in India, and Vanderbilt University (USA), supervised LL.M. dissertations and
Ph.D. Theses. She has written many books and innumerable articles in national and international
She is the Fellow of Commonwealth Judicial Education Institute, Canada (2010); Commonwealth
Fellow at Warwick University, UK (1998); and Fulbright Fellow at Vanderbilt University, USA (1997).
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She spent one year in Russia doing research on the Law and Advocacy in Relation to Children in
Russia as part of her sabbatical leave in 2005.
Professor Ved Kumari’s areas of primary academic interest are juvenile justice, criminal law, gender
discrimination, clinical education, judicial training and various other aspects of Human Rights. Prof. Ved
Kumari headed the Delhi Judicial Academy as its Chairperson during 2009 - 2011. She is the first and
perhaps the only woman academic to hold such a prestigious position. She initiated several landmark
changes in the teaching and training of judges during her tenure.
Prof. (Dr.) Priti Saxena has the teaching experience of 32 years and research experience of 29 years. Her
areas of specialisation in Human Rights, Constitutional Law, Law and Technology etc. She has
published extensively in the field of Human Rights in reputed national and international journals. She
regularly delivers lectures at various educational and training institutes throughout India. She has been
awarded many a times for her academic pursuit.
Prof. (Dr.) V. K. Ahuja has done a Certificate Course on Law Teaching and Legal research Skills from
Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University, United Kingdom. He has served as Professor In-charge of Law
Centre-II, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi (2017-2020) and Joint Director of Delhi School of Public
Policy and Governance, established under Institute of Eminence (IOE), University of Delhi. His teaching
experience is more than 30 years. He regularly delivers lectures at various educational and training
institutes throughout India and abroad, UGC academic staff college. He has authored, edited and co-
edited various books on Human Rights, Legal Research Methodology etc.
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Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Kumar Sinha
Director, The Indian Law Institute, New Delhi
Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Kumar Sinha did LLM from the University of Nottingham, UK. His areas of
specialisations include Human Rights, Constitutional Law, International Humanitarian Law,
International Refugee Law etc. He has published extensively in the field of International Human
Rights and Humanitarian Refugee Law in reputed national and international Law journal. He also
serves as a member of editorial boards of various reputed national and international journals. He
regularly delivers lectures at various educational and training institutes throughout India and
abroad, UGC academic staff college. He has authored, edited and co-edited various books on
Human Rights, Criminal Law, Legal Research Methodology etc.
Professor (Dr.) K.V.S. Sharmais the Vice-Chancellor of Maharashtra National Law University,
Aurangabad. Earlier, he was the Professor of Law at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad.
Prof. Sharma has been the Consumer Law Chair Professor at Ministry of Consumer Affairs, New
Delhi. Prof. Sharma is awarded the “Best Teacher’s Award” from State Government of Telangana
on 5th September, 2018.
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He was nominated as a Presiding Arbitrator in a dispute between NTPC and Singareni Collieries
Ltd. SEBI nominated him as a Panel Arbitrator in National Commodity and Derivative Exchange
Ltd and also Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX). He was nominated as a Permanent Arbitrator by
Water Health India Pvt., Ltd. in all disputes between the company and various Panchayats in India.
He has guided more than hundred LLM dissertations and three scholars secured PhDs under his
guidance. He wrote Modern Law of Insurance in India wherein foreword was given by N.A.
Palkiwala, Published by Lexis Nexis Butterworth India Ltd.; Criminal Law wherein foreword was
given by Justice B.P. Jeevan Reddy, Former Supreme Court Judge and former Chairman, Law
Commission of India, Published by Lexis Nexis Butterworth India Ltd.; Law of Contract
Administration and Tender, foreword was given by Justice Madan B. Lokur, former Judge,
Supreme Court of India, Published by Thomson Reuters Corporation.
He was also Chief Editor for Business Law Text Book, Published by Telugu Academy, State
Government of Andhra Pradesh which is a prescribed text book for B.Com., and BBA students in
Telangana and Andhra Pradesh States.
Mr. Hemanth Madegowda heads the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) vertical at
Bangalore International Airport Limited (BIAL). He is a social scientist with more than 15 years
of experience in the Indian Development Sector. He has been instrumental in evolving
distinctive public-private partnership model in the education sector for augmenting learning
ecosystem of Government Schools by integrating stakeholder management strategies. He has
comprehensive exposure in conceptualizing, implementing and monitoring Skill Development
He has setup more than 10 Multi Skill Training Institutes for different target groups at various
places in India. As Head of Social Initiatives at Landmark Group, he developed the Population
based Screening program for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) catering into more than
Three Lakh beneficiaries annually. He is the Convenor for CSR Committee of Confederation of
Indian Industries (CII), Karnataka and Member of Board of Studies, Department of Economics
at St. Joseph’s University.
Mr. Hemanth has completed his M S at London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE),
Londonand M A in Social Work from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai.
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Prof. Dr. Sudhir Gavhane
Acclaimed Academician, Quality Assessor & Media — ICT Expert
Dr. Sudhir Gavhane possesses rich university level experience of four decades. He is the former
VC of Y. C. Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU).He has higher education quality assessor
of NAAC for the last 15 years& has held various reputed positions in the past including:
Founding VC, MGM University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
Dean & Director, Liberal Arts, Science & Commerce, MIT-World Peace University, Pune.
Professor & Head, Department of Mass Communication & Journalism, Dr. Babasaheb
Ambedkar Marathwada University.
Director, Institute of Open & Distance Learning, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada
Director, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Research Centre Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Marathwada University, Aurangabad.
Vice-Chancellor, Yeshwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University.
He has various publications to his names including Patrakarita: Shod & Bodha (Book on
Journalism), Gramin Patrakarita (Book of Monogram on Rural Journalism) and Patrakarita
Vichar & Vyawahar (Journalism: Thoughts & Practice) in Marathi. Newspaper Economics,
South Asian Social Research Publication, Press Monopoly in India and South Asian Social
Research Publication in English language.
He is the recipient of many International awards as well as Honorary D. Litt. From George
Washington University of Peace, USA; Honorary Doctorate from Swiss School of Business &
Management, Geneva, Switzerland; and, International Academic Leadership Award by
Unicaribbean Businees School, Africa. Presently, he is the Chief Academic Advisor of Imperial
English UK for developing world. He is also Chief Innovation & Education Advisor of the
World Innovation Network (WIN).
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CA Kamal Garg
[B. Com (H), FCA, DISA (ICAI)], Insolvency Professional
CA. Kamal Garg is a Fellow Member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)
and a First Class Commerce Baccalaureate from Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of
Delhi. He has also qualified post qualification course on Diploma in Information System Audit
(DISA) conducted by ICAI. Besides this he is also an Insolvency Professional registered with
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI). He has also qualified Certificate Course on
BRSR conducted by ICAI. He was also the member of Board of Studies (BOS) Study Material
Research Group of NIRC of ICAI and a special invitee member of Accounting Standards Board
(ASB), Financial Reporting Review Group of FRRB-ICAI and Ind-AS (IFRS) Implementation
Committee of ICAI. He was also nominated as a special invitee member to the Committee on
Banking, Insurance and Pension of NIRC of ICAI. He is also the resource person for Peer
Review Board (PRB), Corporate Laws and Corporate Governance Committee (CLCGC) and
Committee on Financial Market and Investors’ Protection (CFMIP) of ICAI. He has also
addressed on IFRS for the members of ‘National Board of Accountants and Auditors, Tanzania,
East Africa.
He is also an author of over a dozen of books and commentaries on and including ‘IFRS and Ind
AS Concepts and Applications’, ‘Borrowings, Loans and Investments by the Companies – Law,
Accounting and Taxation’, ‘NFRA – Law and Practice’ ‘Standards on Auditing – a Practitioner’s
Guide’, Series of Books on Companies Act, 2013, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’, ‘Guide to
Tax Audit u/s 44AB’, ‘CARO, 2016 and 2020’, ‘Handbook on Company’s Balance Sheet and
Profit & Loss Account under Schedule III, ‘Handbook on Internal Auditing’, ‘Consolidated
Financial Statements’, 'Interim Financial Reporting', ‘Guide to International Taxation’ published
by leading publishing houses Wolters Kluwer and Bharat Law House Private Limited.
He possesses a rich industry experience in the areas of Corporate Laws (like Companies Act,
FEMA, Taxation, Foreign Collaborations, Joint Ventures, etc.), Audits and Management
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Jyotsna Belliappa
Founder & Director — Social Impact Assessment, Bluesky Sustainable Business
Ms. Belliappa founded Bluesky Sustainable Business, an Independent CSR Impact Assessment
Body which is accredited by NABCB, Quality Council of India. A certified social auditor from
the Austrian Standards Institute on ISO 26000: Guidance on Social Responsibility, Jyotsna has
rich global experience of more than 25years + in consulting large corporates in identifying
relevant ESG metrics, developing ESG frameworks, and producing credible Sustainability
Reports ISO 26000 and NGRBC.
Before setting up Bluesky, Jyotsna managed the social and environmental risk in the South
Asian supply chain of 2 trans-national companies- Marks & Spencer plc & The GAP Inc. As a
Social Auditor, she has audited more than 4000 manufacturing units for social issues.
Jyotsna is a regular speaker in national and international forums and Industry bodies on ESG -
with a special focus on the "Social" of ESG. Communicating clearly and consistently across
cross-functional stakeholders internally and externally has helped her make inroads in
establishing trust across different constituencies on the topic of Sustainable Development. She is
a certified Independent Director and has been a member of the Board and CSR Committee of
prestigious corporate.
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Hrishikesh Thakur
Consultant, World Bank
Hrishikesh is a Social Development Professional with 7+ years of experience working with State
governments and International organisations in Community Development, focusing on Livelihood
and Rural Governance. Currently, he is working as a Consultant with the rural enterprise team of The
World Bank.
He did his LL.M. and Ph.D. from the University of Delhi. Before joining Law School, BHU in
2006, he was serving as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, National Law University, Jodhpur. He has
also served as a Lecturer at Law Centre II, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi.
He is the Coordinator of the Placement Committee and has been in-charge of the Moot Court
Committee at BHU. He has presented and attended more than 25 national and international
conferences and seminars. He has 35 publications to his credit till date, including 2 books namely,
“Contemporary Issues in International Law (Environment, International Trade, Information
Technology and Legal Education)” and “Neighbouring Rights under Copyright Law”.
His areas of interest include Intellectual Property Laws and Alternative Dispute Resolution &
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He was the warden of Chanakya Hostel for Boys, BHU. He was the Guest Editor at NUSRL
Journal of Law and Policy. His well-known articles include The Status of Phonogram Producers under
Indian Copyright Law, Jnl of Intellectual Property Law & Pract., Volume 5, Number 6, June 2010
published in Oxford Journals London. Law Relating to International Commercial Arbitration in India,
YEAR BOOK OF PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW, Vol. 8, 2006 published in European Law
Publishers & Swiss Institute of Comparative Law. Status of Copyright Societies in India: Statutory
Monopoly Further Strengthened, IFE Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol. 1No.1, 2014,
published by Department of International Law, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria and
many more.
Dr. Athira P. S
She was awarded PhD in Law from the Department of Law, University of Kerala, for her
doctoral thesis on "Stem Cell Research: Legal Dimensions". She completed her LL.M. in Constitutional
and Administrative Law on merit scholarship, securing First Rank with Distinction from the
Department of Law, University of Kerala and her LL.B with Second Rank from the University of
Kerala. She was awarded the SachivothamaShashtiabdapurthi Memorial Prize Gold Medal, Justice
Muthunayagom Memorial Prize, Justice T Krishnan Nair Memorial Gold Medal Endowment, Justice
M. Fathima Beevi Endowment and Malloor K. Govinda Pillai Gold Medal for Law from the
University of Kerala.
She has been an invited speaker and delegate in many international forums such as the International
Research Conference held under the aegis of the National University of Singapore and the 49th Asia-
Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference (APACPH) 2017, held in Yonsei
University International Campus, Korea. She has to her credit many publications in reputed
International and National Law Journals. She has participated as resource person in training
programmes as well as international and national seminars conducted by organizers such as the
Institute for Shipboard Education and University of Virginia, Ministry of Electronics and Information
Technology, Vellore Institute of Technology School of Law, Department of Law, University of Kerala,
School of Legal Studies, CUSAT among others. She has also presented peer-reviewed papers in
international and national seminars and has attended UGC refresher courses and several faculty
development programmes.
She had participated in moot courts during her graduation and won prizes for presentation as well as
memorials in international and national Moot court competitions.
During her tenure in NUALS, she has organized many academic programmes including international
and national seminars, workshops, essay competitions, IP-specific talk shows etc, as the Director of
the Centre for Intellectual Property Rights. Even prior to that she had organized the first of its kind
national seminar in Kerala, on the legal status and rights of sexual minorities.
She is a member of the NUALS Research Committee and is a Research Guide in the University. She is
a member of the UG Board of Studies, and also been in the organizing committees of many
institutional programmes such as Annual Convocations and Moot Court Competitions.
As the Faculty-in-charge of Alumni NUALS, she had organized the First Alumni Meet of the
University in November, 2017.
Her areas of interest include Intellectual Property Law, Health and Bioethics, and Equality of Rights.
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Professor (Dr.) Naresh Kumar Vats
Professor of Law & Dean Academics
Prof. (Dr.) Naresh Kumar Vats, joined as Professor of Law at Rajiv Gandhi National University of
Law, Punjab (Patiala) (on Five Year Contract) on December 22, 2018 joined as Regular Professor of
Law from April 28, 2022. Worked as Registrar, RGNUL, Punjab with effect from January 01, 2019 to
April 28, 2022 and presently working as Professor of Law and Dean Students Welfare.
Prior to joining at RGNUL, Punjab as Professor of Law & Registrar, Professor Vats has worked as
Head of Department of Law; Founder Chairman CPGLS; Head-Center of IPR; and Proctor. Professor
Vats has also taught Intellectual Property Laws, Family Law, Commercial Arbitration Mechanism
and Cyber Law at Undergraduate and Post-Graduate course at Maharashtra National Law
University, Nagpur; National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam; Institute of Law,
Kurukshetra University; BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong-Bangladesh; and Institute of
Law and Research (formerly National Institute of Law) Faridabad, Haryana.
He has worked in various capacities i.e. REGISTRAR, Secretary & Member General Council,
Executive Council, Academic Council, Academic and Planning Board, Finance Committee, at RGNUL
Punjab; HoD Law, Founder Chairman-Center for Postgraduate Legal Studies, Head-Center for IPR
and Proctor at MNLU, Nagpur; Head-Center for IPR Studies, Controller Examinations, Chief
Warden, State Public Information Officer, Convener-Exam and Result Moderation, Faculty i/c –
Hostel & Campus Welfare, Member of Academic Council, Ph.D. Research Committee, Clinical Legal
Aid, Anti-Ragging, Faculty Co-ordinator of Internship at NLUJAA; Chairman Department of Law &
Associate Professor at BGC Trust University Bangladesh and Convener-Admission, Placement &
Training, Discipline, IQAC, Superintendent Examination and Warden at Kurukshetra University.
He has delivered many Special Lectures on Artificial Intelligence, IPR, Family Law, Taxation and
Business Law in MBA course, Refresher Course in Kurukshetra University, BPSMV, Khanpur Kalan,
NATD-Nagpur, RGNIIPM-Nagpur etc. He has also acted as Co-organizing Secretary of National
Seminar and campus of Rural Lok Adalat and Legal Aid Clinic, Coordinator of WIPO-India Summer
School 2017 between WIPO-Geneva, RGNIIPM, Nagpur and MNLU, Nagpur, and will be hosting
WIPO-India Summer School 2018 in the Month of July 2018.
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Dr. Nidhi Hriday Buch
Ph.D. (Intellectual Property Rights), PG Diploma, LL.M., LL.B., B.A., GSLET, UGC-NET
Assistant Professor of Law & Head, Placement and Internship Division & Centre for IPR
Mr. Shishir Tiwari is Assistant Professor at the Department of Law, North-Eastern Hill
University (NEHU). Prior to joining NEHU, he was Legal Consultant at the South Asian Regional
Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Mr. Tiwari holds Master
Degree in Law (LL.M.) from Banaras Hindu University and Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in
International Law from the prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University. He qualified UGC-NET in
the year 2007 and was also holder of UGC Junior Research Fellowship (JRF).
His areas of research interest include International Law; International Environmental Law;
International Humanitarian Law; International Criminal Law; International Migration Law;
Cultural Heritage Law; and Law, Science and Technology. Currently, he is teaching Public
International Law, Information Technology Law (Cyber Law); and Banking Law to the
undergraduate students and International Environmental Law; and Refugee Law to the
postgraduate students of the Department of Law, NEHU.
Mr. Tiwari has one book and 10 research articles to his credit. He has participated and
presented research papers in more than 25 international & national conferences, seminars and
workshops. He has also participated in the Advance International Humanitarian Law South Asian
Academics Training (AISAAT) Programme in March 2014. Under the MHRD- UGC e-PG
Pathshala Project (a project to develop e-content in 71 subjects at postgraduate level), he has
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contributed a module to the ‘International Human Rights Law’ paper of the ‘Law’ subject. As an
organizing secretary, he has successfully organized one day National Seminar on ‘e-Governance,
Cyber Crimes, Cyber Security and Cyber Laws: Contemporary Issues and Challenges’, which was
jointly organized by the Department of Law, NEHU and North Eastern Council, Ministry of
Development of North Eastern Region, Government of India, Shillong. He has also co-ordinated
two days programme on the ‘Dissemination on International Humanitarian Law’ for law students
at the Department of Law, NEHU in collaboration with ICRC, Regional Delegation, New Delhi. He
has spoken as resource person and panellist respectively at programmes organized by various
institutions including National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam; Himachal Pradesh
National Law University, Shimla; Meghalaya State Judicial Academy; North Eastern Police
Mr. Tiwari is a Member of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law and the
Asian Society of International Law. He is an Associate Member of the Indian Society of
International Law. He is a Member of the Forum UNESCO-University and Heritage Network
(FUUH) from September 2010 (This Forum has been created by UNESCO in 1995 and jointly
managed by UNESCO and Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain). He is a member of the
Executive Council of the All India Law Teachers Congress (AILTC). He is also a Core Committee
Member of the Meghalaya Chapter of the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural heritage
He has regularly been invited as Judge at various moot court competitions, notable among
them are Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition (India Round) and Surana and
Surana National Trial Advocacy Moot Court Competition. He is also on the Editorial Board of the
Bi-annual refereed journal ‘National Journal of Comparative Law’.
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