EN LISEGA Catalog 2020 72
EN LISEGA Catalog 2020 72
EN LISEGA Catalog 2020 72
spring components
Selection criteria for spring
hangers and supports
Permissible force variation Spring rates Design type
The permissible force variation from cold In order to offer the largest possible The choice of a suitable design type is
load (installation load) to hot load (oper- field of application while at the same dependent on the respective support con-
ating load) is limited internationally by the time complying with these specifications, figuration and/or installation conditions.
common specifications for pipe system LISEGA spring components are divided
calculations to max 25% of the operating into 5 travel ranges with correspondingly Economical size
load. In principle however, it is depend- different spring rates. The following selection procedures can be
ent on the pipe system calculations. followed to determine the most economi-
Extra-long springs cal component size:
Maximum travel Travel ranges 4 and 5 belong to the
To avoid functional variations through ‘extra-long spring travel’ category and
instability from springs with long travel, should only be used after careful con-
maximum travel of 50mm should not, as sideration of the travel and variability,
a rule, be exceeded. especially in sensitive, ‘soft’ pipe systems.
Spring hangers type 21, spring hangers type 25 for seating, spring supports type 29, angulating spring supports type 20
In cases where a smaller ‘E’ dimension than that of type 29 ..1. is required,
we recommend the use of telescopic spring support type 29 .. 2. (see p. 2.17).