Spiratec-Steam Trap monitoring-SB-S34-01-EN-Is9

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Steam trap monitoring

Why monitor steam traps?
Spirax Sarco continues to advise on the efficient use of steam and its associated plant to many organisations in Industry
and Commerce. This service provides the proper association needed between products and systems so that energy is
used as effectively and efficiently as possible around the plant.
One such product is the steam trap - an essential part of any steam system, releasing hot condensate from the process
for recovery and use elsewhere on the plant.
Today's steam trap is the product of over 100 years of development and is more reliable now than ever before. But
failures will inevitably occur, and when they do, you will probably want to know - fast.
Why? Because a failed steam trap is a potential for saving money!
A steam trap can block or leak. Blockages can increase production times and reduce performance, steam leaks will lose
energy and jeopardise safety.
Fast and correct identification of trap failure is the key to:
Saving process energy. Optimising process performance. Optimising safety levels.
Thereby reducing:
Productivity costs and times. Steam raising cost. Emission loss from boiler plant.
Environmental impact. Maintenance costs. Repair costs.
The need to save money is real and obvious. The need to save energy now is no less important than ever before. Some
reasons for doing so remain the same. Some, such as environmental legislation, require us to adopt new ideals about the
way we use energy. Whatever drives you to meet these objectives, Spirax Sarco can help!
Any steam management system should include steam trap monitoring as a basic tool to reduce waste, costs, and
environmental liability. Whether this is conducted manually or automatically will depend on the size of the site, the
number of traps, the number of personnel, and the urgency of repair.

The cost of ignoring leaking steam traps?

Steam leaks are costly in both a financial and environmental sense and therefore need prompt attention to ensure your steam
system is working at its optimum efficiency with a minimum impact on the environment. For example, for each litre of heavy
fuel oil burned unnecessarily to compensate for a steam leak, approximately 3 kg of CO2 are emitted to the atmosphere.

Steam traps can have different sized orifices to suit different conditions. If a trap leaks steam, the amount wasted will depend
on the size of the trap and the steam pressure. The cost of waste will also depend on the number of traps and the operating
time. A simple example is given below.

Table 1 Typical steam wastage and annual costs due to leaking steam traps
Trap size Average orifice size Steam loss (kg / h) Typical annual cost £000s
in steam traps (mm) 6 bar g 14 bar g 32 bar g 6 bar g 14 bar g 32 bar g
DN15 3.0 8 19 43 13 32 72
DN20 5.0 24 53 119 40 89 200
DN25 7.5 55 121 270 92 203 453
DN40 10.0 98 214 478 164 359 802
DN50 12.5 152 335 747 255 562 1 254
A process plant has 200 steam traps of which 10% fail annually. The average trap size is DN20 and the steam pressure is 14 bar g.
The plant runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 50 weeks a year = 8 400 hours a year
Average number of traps failing over a year (10% of 200) = 20 traps
From the chart, the steam loss per trap = 53 kg / h
Steam loss per year for the total plant = 20 x 53 x 8 400 tonnes per annum
Steam wasted each year = 8 900 tonnes.
The cost of overlooking leaks: If the overall cost of steam for this plant were £10 per tonne, the direct cost of ignoring these
leaking steam traps would be £89 000 each year, equivalent to well over a million litres of fuel oil!
The cost to the environment is that over 3 000 tonnes of CO2 would be dumped into the atmosphere. The 'global 'Kyoto'
is designed to curb environmental waste, and National agreements are designed to incur energy taxes on inefficient plant.
Note: Leaking steam also has to be replaced with chemically treated water. A costly operation.

The cost of ignoring blocked steam traps?

Water will not be removed from the process, with the result that both safety and performance are compromised. In the case of
the latter, the cost will depend on the process. In the case of the former the cost can prove incalculable.
The answer is an effective monitoring procedure

In order to reduce fuel costs, emission surcharges, and maximise process efficiency, it is important that four simple
measures are taken:

Steam trap failures are identified soon after they occur.

Steam trap failures are identified correctly - without proper means, it is easier to wrongly identify a working
trap than correctly identify a faulty one.
Steam trap failures are corrected as soon as they are identified.
The monitoring system can meet the above three criteria, accurately, repeatedly, and continuously.

There are many types of steam trap monitoring devices on offer. Only one satisfies all four of the above considerations.
It is permanently fitted, constantly guarding against leaks and waterlogging and giving an immediate and correct response
to fault conditions.

The answer is Spiratec

R1C automatic
trap monitor

R16C automatic
trap monitor


Steam trap with

integral sensor

R1 remote test point

Spirax Sarco Limited

11 1

10 2

9 3

R12 remote test point

8 4

7 5

Spirax Sarco Limited


Spirax Sarco

Type 30 hand
held indicator
The Spiratec system
Where does the Spiratec system fit?

A typical installation showing a

steam trap with integral sensor
draining a distribution main.

The steam trap is fitted with a Spiratec sensor,

which can be checked manually or

How does the Spiratec system work?

The hub of the Spiratec system is a sensor capable of distinguishing between steam and condensate.
It can be part of a trap or a separate chamber.

If the steam trap is operating correctly, the sensor will be immersed in hot condensate. If the steam trap is
leaking, it will be immersed in steam. If the steam trap is blocked, it will be immersed in cool condensate.

As the sensor is permanently fitted in the heart of the trap, it is continually alert to any trap malfunction.

Faults can be identified manually or automatically, and locally or remotely.

Whatever method suits your system, nothing could be simpler, more foolproof or cost effective.

 Trap failed Trap failed

OK Leaking Blocked
Sensor in hot condensate Sensor in steam Sensor in cool condensate

User benefits
● Immediate indication of 'correct operation', 'trap waterlogged' or trap 'leaking steam'.

● Trap status indicated by coloured lights - no skilled labour needed.

● Separate chambers or integral sensor options to suit all steam trap system applications.

● Compatible with BEMS / EMS/SCADA system for efficient system monitoring.

● Reduced energy losses and improved system efficiency leading to increased profits.

● Remote test points allow inaccessible traps to be monitored during trap surveys.
Selecting a Spiratec system
Manual Automatic Automatic
hand held monitoring continuous monitoring continuous monitoring
steam leak steam leak steam leak and waterlogging
detection detection detection

Advantages: Advantages: Advantages:

Cheap to install. Local or remote diagnosis. Local or remote diagnosis.
You choose when to monitor. Fully automatic diagnosis. Fully automatic diagnosis.
Faults positively identified. Continuous assessment. Continuous assessment.
Local or remote diagnosis. Faults positively identified. Faults positively identified.
Leaks and blockages diagnosed.

Steam trap Steam trap Steam trap

with with with standard
standard standard WLS1 sensor
SS1 sensor SS1 sensor
PT2 or PT3 PT2 or PT3 PT2 or PT3
plug tail PT1 plug tail plug tail

plug tail R1C

R1 remote R1
Spirax Sarco Limited

R1C automatic trap

test point R1C automatic trap
monitor for a single
monitor for a single
PT1 steam trap
steam trap
plug tail



hand held SCADA
Spirax Sarco Spirax Sarco


Steam trap Steam trap Steam trap

with with with standard
standard standard WLS1 sensor
SS1 sensor SS1 sensor

PT2 or PT3 PT2 or PT3 PT2 or PT3

plug tail plug tail plug tail
11 1

R12 remote test

10 2

9 3

8 4

point for up to
7 5

Spirax Sarco Limited

12 inacessible
R16C automatic trap R16C automatic trap
monitor for up to monitor for up to
Type 30 16 steam traps with 2


16 steam traps with 2



hand held a 16 x16 'cascade'

6 6

a 16 x16 'cascade'
7 7
Spirax Sarco 8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13

14 14

option - see page 10 option - see page 10

15 15
16 16
Steam monitoring equipment
Traps Sensors

pressure and
steam traps


Quick fit SS1

steam traps Sensor used for steam leak monitoring


steam traps

Float /
steam traps      

Sensor used for both
steam leak and waterlogging monitoring

Plug tails Monitors
and remote test points



R1 and R12
For manual testing Type 30
of inaccessible traps Hand held monitor
with indicator cable.

PT1 Automatic monitor of
leak sensors and waterlog sensors.
Provides local /remote visual status
plus repeater signal to EMS / SCADA system.

Monitor of leak sensors and leak / waterlog sensors.
Provides remote visual status plus
repeater signal to EMS / SCADA system.
Application Selection of steam traps
Application Steam trap sensor Sensors
Boiling pans - fixed BP or IFT SS1
Boiling pans - tilting IBP SS1
Canteen Boiling pans - pedestal IBP or IFT SS1
Steaming ovens IBP SS1
Hot plates IBP or IFT SS1
Bulk oil storage tanks IFT WLS1
Line heaters IFT WLS1
Oil transfer / Outflow heaters IFT WLS1
Tracer lines IBP or ITD SS1
Jacketed pipes IBP or ITD SS1
Hospitals Autoclaves and sterilisers IBP or IFT WLS1
Drying coils (continuous) IFT, ITD or IBP WLS1
Drying coils (grid) IBP or ITD WLS1
Industrial Drying cylinders IFT WLS1
Multi-bank pipe dryers IFT, IBP or ITD WLS1 Leak only SS1
Multi-cylinder sizing machines IFT WLS1
Garment presses ITD or IFT SS1
Laundry Ironers and calenders IFT, IBP or ITD WLS1
equipment Dry cleaning machines IFT or ITD SS1
Tumble dryers IFT WLS1
Multi-platen presses
(parallel connections) ITD or IFT WLS1
Presses Multi-platen presses
(series connections) ITD WLS1
Tyre presses IBP, ITD or IFT WLS1
Boiling pans - fixed IFT, ITD or IBP WLS1
Boiling pans - tilting IFT WLS1
Brewing coppers IFT WLS1
Digesters IFT or ITD WLS1
Process Evaporators IFT WLS1
Hot tables IBP, ITD or IFT SS1
Retorts IFT WLS1
Bulk storage tanks IFT WLS1
Vulcanisers IFT or ITD WLS1
Calorifiers IFT WLS1
Heater batteries IFT WLS1
Space Radiant panels and strips IFT or ITD WLS1
Radiators and convection cabinets IBP or IFT SS1
Overhead pipe coils IBP or IFT SS1
Horizontal runs IFT or ITD WLS1
Steam Separators IFT or ITD WLS1 Leak and
mains Terminal ends IFT or ITD WLS1 waterlogging
Header drainage IFT or ITD WLS1 WLS1
Process vats
(rising discharge pipe) IBP, IFT or ITD WLS1
Process vats
(discharge pipe at base) IBP, IFT or ITD WLS1
and vats Small coil heated tanks
(quick boiling) IBP or IFT SS1
Small coil heated tanks
(fast boiling)

and monitoring equipment
Plug tails
Plug tails EMS /
from trap or
Manual or from trap to Remote Monitor to
test point
Automatic test point test point SCADA
to monitor

Traps — — No
accessible PT1
Type 30
Hand held unit
PT2 Single
Traps non-
accessible No

or PT1
Multi Type 30
or PT3 R12 Hand held unit


— —

Single R1C
or PT3

— —

Multi R16C
or PT3

The plug tail

— — is an integral part of Yes
the WLS1 sensor
Single R1C

Multi R16C

The plug tail

— — is an integral part of Yes
the WLS1 sensor

Diode pack

Product details and dimensions (For further details on steam traps with

R16C automatic trap monitor

The R16C automatic trap monitor enables up to 16 steam traps to be continuously monitored. If they are all working
correctly a single green light is illuminated. If one or more of the steam traps is passing steam, then the corresponding
red 'fail' light is illuminated and the green light is extinguished. If one or more of the steam traps is blocked with dirt or
has failed closed then the corresponding orange 'waterlogging' light is illuminated and the green light is extinguished.
The waterlogging option can be disabled for any of the traps if desired.

Both the waterlogging temperature and the steam/condensate conductivity threshold levels can be easily altered to
suit specific installation requirements.

The R16C can easily be incorporated into most computerised management systems. It can also be made tamper-
proof. It can be sited considerable distances away from the sensor chambers.

The unit can be installed on a cascade basis. One 'master' box will monitor up to 16 x R16C 'local' boxes. A red light on
the 'master' box will indicate which 'local' box is registering a faulty trap. Inspection of that 'local' box will then identify the
specific trap.

Orange lights Set point indicator for

to indicate trap threshold settings to
blockage / allow site conditions to
waterlogging be matched

Red lights to
indicate trap
leaking steam Multi-function

Green light to The R16C alerts

indicate all traps you to steam trap
working normally problems as soon
as they occur

IP65 enclosure

Red light indicates Anti-tamper

a trap problem indicator light

The R16C steam trap monitor is available for 90 - 240 Vac or 24 Vac supplies and for either wall mounting or panel mounting.
The box is ABS plastic and has an IP65 enclosure rating, when fitted with suitable cable glands.

Wall mounting Panel mounting

201 169 192 139 40

138 145 140

Weight 1.88 kg Dimensions (approximate) in mm Weight 1.66 kg

integral sensors types; IFT, ITD and IBP please see other literature).

R1C automatic trap monitor

The R1C will monitor the performance of a single The R1C requires a 24 Vdc supply and is available with either npn
or pnp output. The enclosure is cast malleable iron and has an IP65
steam trap. It will indicate whether the trap is
enclosure rating when fitted with suitable cable glands.
operating correctly, passing live steam or has failed
closed. It does this by means of coloured status 109 35
lights on the unit. 66

Analogue and digital outputs allow it to be connected

directly to BEMS / EMS or SCADA systems to M20 x 1.5 - 6H Ø 25.4
indicate steam trap status remotely.

Dimensions (approximate) in mm

Red light indicates trap leaking steam.

Orange light indicates trap blockage / waterlogging.
Green light indicates trap working correctly.

Type 30 indicator and remote test points

The Type 30 indicator is simply plugged in and removed as each trap is tested, making it ideal for steam trap
surveys. It will immediately indicate which traps are leaking steam. It is convenient to use when traps are within easy
reach. In roof trusses, floor ducts and other awkward places, remote test points are the solution.

Where remote test points are used a heat resistant plug tail is permanently connected to the sensor in the sensor
chamber or the steam trap and then wired to a test point (single or 12-way) sited at any convenient position. Trap
checking is carried out by plugging the Type 30 indicator into the test point instead of the sensor.

The Type 30 indicator is a hand held, portable, battery operated instrument with an enclosure rating to IP20.
It is supplied complete with 1.25 m cable.

R1 remote test point

for a single inaccessible trap

Type 30

Dimensions / weights (approximate) in mm and g

Height Width Depth Weight
Type 30 157 62 25 130
R12 120 80 55 300
R12 remote test point
for up to 12 inaccessible traps R1 80 82 55 200
Sensors in chambers
For steam traps outside the scope of the intrap range, separate sensors can be fitted in the pipeline.
The same benefits apply as for the inline traps.

TD42 steam trap shown with separate sensor chamber

Range and options

ST14 Steel ST16 Stainless steel ST17 SG iron
Screwed BSP or NPT, socket weld Screwed BSP or NPT, socket weld
Flanged BS 4504 PN40, Flanged BS 4504 PN40, Screwed BSP or NPT
ANSI 150 and 300, BS 10 tables H and J ANSI 150 and 300, BS 10 tables H and J

Dimensions / weights (approximate) in mm and kg

Size ½" ¾" 1" 1½" 2" ½" ¾" 1" ½" ¾" 1"
DN15 DN20 DN25 DN40 DN50 DN15 DN20 DN25 - - -
A 75 75 120 252 252 75 75 120 72 72 120
A1 130 150 185 393 393 130 150 185 - - -
B 101 101 120 215 215 101 101 120 89 89 120
C 23 23 28 45 45 23 23 28 23 23 28
D ½" ½" ¾" 1" 1" ½" ½" ¾" - - ¾"
Scr 0.82 0.82 2.20 22.0 22.0 0.82 0.82 2.20 1.2 1.2 2.2
Flg 2.30 2.80 4.60 27.5 29.0 2.30 2.80 4.60 - - -




Spirax-Sarco Limited, Charlton House, Cheltenham,

Gloucestershire, GL53 8ER, UK
T +44 (0)1242 521361
F +44 (0)1242 573342
E enquiries@uk.spiraxsarco.com

© Copyright 2006. Spirax Sarco is a registered trademark of Spirax-Sarco Limited.

SB-S34-01-EN-ISS 9 Some products, services or solutions may not be available in certain markets.

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