Objective Questions:
1. What is the total no. of tables present in the data?
3. How many categorical columns are there in the data? [Search about
categorical and continuous data, and try to answer this question]
4. The data consists of some inconsistent and missing values so ensure that the
data used for further analysis is cleaned.
5. Using the LookUp functions, fill up the countries in the original data using the
country code.
9. What is the average number of voters for the restaurants in each country
according to the data?
10. Calculate the average rating for all the restaurants that have price_range < 4
and provide online delivery. Use only the “IF” function, Logical Operators, and
Aggregation functions to solve this problem. [Note: Don’t use Conditional
aggregation in this question.]
11. Using Conditional formatting highlight the rows of restaurants that are located
in the countries or cities that you’ve suggested to the management for
opening new restaurants.
13. How can you create an array formula in Excel or Google Sheets to count the
number of restaurants listed that do not offer online delivery, are in the lowest
price range, and have an average cost for two people less than or equal to
250 Indian Rupees?
Subjective Question:
1. Suggest a few countries where the team can open newer restaurants with
lesser competition. Which visualization/technique will you use here to justify
the suggestions?
2. Come up with the names of States and cities in the suggested countries
suitable for opening restaurants.
5. Come up with the names of restaurants from the recommended states that
are our biggest competitors and also those that are rated in the lower
brackets, i.e. 1-2 or 2-3.
7. According to our current data, should we go for online delivery and table
booking? Does that affect the customer’s ratings?
8. Should the team keep the rate of cuisines higher? Will that affect the
feedback? According to our data are the rates of cuisines and ratings,
9. What is the distribution of the number of restaurants of different price ranges
in all the countries?
10. Explain your approach in brief for suggesting countries/cities in order to open
new restaurants, if the objective and subjective questions would have been
given to assist you. [you have to give bullet pointers in order to answer
this question]