Class 7 Chap 9 Notes

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Wakad, PUNE (2022-23)

Sub – Computer Class - VII
Chapter 9-Cyber Threats and Security

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. A Stalker can be an online stranger or a person known to
the targeted person.
2. Cyberbullying is an Act of harming or harassing through
information technology in a deliberate manner
3. A virus is a program or set of programs that disrupts the
normal functioning of a computer.
4. Firewall is a security system that protects your computer by
preventing the unauthorised users from gaining access to it
through the network or Internet.
5. In biometrics, a person is identified by retinal scan,
fingerprints, voice recognition, etc.
B. State True or False.
1. A cookie is a text message given to a web browser via web
server. True
2. To protect data and important information, strong password
should be used. True
3. The decryption software is used to produce the encrypted
text. False
4. The program file virus damages the boot sector of a hard
disk or floppy drive. False
5. Identity theft refers to the act of stealing and misusing
someone's personal information. True
C. Application based questions.
1. Arnav’s computer hangs frequently as it has a virus in it.
Which software will you suggest him to install in order to
solve this problem?
Ans: Arnav can install antivirus software like McAfee, Quick
2. Sumit’s computer is not working properly. The executable
files and programs with extensions like .com,.exe,.drv,.sys,
etc. On his PC have got infected. Which type of a virus has
entered into his computer?
Ans: Program File Virus
D. Select the correct option.
1. What is the full form of a virus?
a. Vital Information Resources Under Seize
b. Various Information Resources Under Seize
c. Vital Information Resources Under size
2. Which of the following is a combination of boot sector and
program file virus?
a. Boot Sector Virus b. Multipartite Virus c. Polymorphic
3. A ________________virus is associated with the
application software, like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
a. Network b. Program File c. Macro
4. _______________ is a computer program that is designed
to identify, prevent, and remove viruses from a computer?
a. Antivirus b. Decryption c. Firewall
5. What do you call the process that converts the electronic
data into a form that cannot be easily understood by
a. Decryption b. Encryption c. Translation

E. Answer the following questions.

1. What is cybercrime? Give an example.
ANS: A Cybercrime is any illegal activity done through the
internet, for example, identity theft; where somebody steals
your email id or password and uses it to send fake emails to
people containing false information about a product or
winning a lottery, etc.

2. What is difference between cyberstalking and cyberbullying?

ANS: Cyberstalking: when an attacker harasses a victim
through emails, social media, chat rooms, blogs, instant
messaging, etc, it is called cyberstalking. A stalker can be an
online stranger or a person known to the target in person in
time was talking
Cyberbullying: It is an act of harming or harassing through
information technology in a deliberate manner. This includes
insulting remarks and threatening messages sent by email,
spreading rumours about the person either by emails or
social networking sites, posting embarrassing photos and
videos to hurt the person, making derogatory remarks against
gender, race, religion or nationality.

3. What is phishing?
ANS: It is an act of sending an email to user; misleading him
to believe that it is from a trusted person or organisation. The
user is asked to visit a website in which he is asked to update
or validate his personal details such as username, password,
and credit card details. In this way the operators of the fake
website commit crimes in your name after stealing your

4. What is cyber extortion?

ANS: It is a crime in which the victim is attacked first and then
forced to pay money to stop further attacks. Cyber extortion
may be done by blocking system resource of the victim by
some Ransomware or Denial Of Service attack. Hacked
emails are used to commit this crime.

5. Mention any two ways in which you can protect your system.
ANS: Antivirus and firewall
6. Define the term ‘forgery’.
ANS: It is an act of imitating or making a false copy of a
document like Birth Certificate, Driving License, Currency
notes, Cheque Book, Passport, Postage/Revenue Stamps,
Mark sheet, etc. with an intent to check an individual or
organisation. Special software, Scanners, and other devices
are used to recreate these documents and proceed with the
intended scam.

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