Zinc Contamination Decreases The Bacterial Diversity of
Zinc Contamination Decreases The Bacterial Diversity of
Zinc Contamination Decreases The Bacterial Diversity of
Received 5 June 2002 ; received in revised form 17 October 2002; accepted 29 October 2002
Around half a million tonnes of biosolids (sewage sludge dry solids) are applied to agricultural land in the United Kingdom each year,
and this may increase to 732 000 t by 2005/6. The heavy metals contained in biosolids may permanently degrade the microbial decomposer
communities of agricultural soils. We used amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis of the extractable bacterial fraction to compare
the diversity of a zinc-contaminated soil (400 mg kg31 Zn; pH 5.7 and 1.36% Corg ) with that of a control soil (57 mg kg31 Zn; pH 6.2 and
1.40% Corg ) from a long-term sewage sludge experiment established in 1982 at ADAS Gleadthorpe. Comparison of the restriction
fragment length polymorphisms of 236 clones from each soil suggested that the stress caused by zinc toxicity had lowered bacterial
diversity. There were 120 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in the control soil, but only 90 in the treated soil, a decrease of 25%. While
the control soil had 82 single-occurrence OTUs the contaminated soil had only 52. The fall in diversity was accompanied by a decrease in
evenness. The most abundant OTUs in the contaminated soil (which tended to be common to both soils) accounted for a higher
proportion of clones than in the control. The most dominant OTU, in both soils, belonged to the Rubrobacter radiotolerans group of the
high G+C Gram-positive bacteria. The data was also used to develop efficient sampling strategies.
? 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords : Sewage sludge; Zinc; Heavy metal; Ampli¢ed ribosomal DNA restriction analysis ; Bacterial diversity ; Sampling strategy
1. Introduction tural land [2]. Furthermore, following the ban, at the end
of 1998, on sludge disposal at sea and tighter restrictions
Sewage sludge is a valuable source of plant nutrients on direct discharges to watercourses, re-direction of sludge
and organic matter, but may contain concentrations of to agricultural land in Britain is predicted to increase to
heavy metals which limit its acceptability for application 732 000 t dry solids per year by 2005/06 [2].
to agricultural land. Consequently, maximum permitted Heavy metals impose a chronic stress upon the decom-
metal concentrations in soils receiving sewage sludge poser subsystem, and a variety of experimental systems
have been laid down in European Community Directive and regimes have been investigated. These have included
86/278/EEC [1]. The potential scale of the problem is high- short- versus long-term microcosm incubations and dosing
lighted by the amounts involved. In 1996/97, 520 000 t of with a single metal or a combination of metals with or
sewage sludge dry solids, equivalent to about 50% of UK without the simultaneous addition of organic matter. Dif-
sludge production, were applied to 80 000 ha of agricul- ferences in soil pH, organic matter content, cation ex-
change capacity, temperature and moisture content intro-
duce further variability [3,4]. Giller et al. ([4], see also [5])
caution that it would be foolish to automatically assume
* Corresponding author. Tel. : +44 (208) 223 4061 ; that a simple, negative relationship exists between stress
Fax : +44 (208) 223 4959.
and diversity in microbial communities [6^8]. Even so,
E-mail address : mo¡ett@uel.ac.uk (B.F. Mo¡ett).
studies of the impact of heavy metals upon bacterial di-
Present address: Institute of Water and Environment, Cran¢eld versity in soil have shown a uniformly negative in£uence
University, Silsoe, Bedfordshire MK45 4DT, UK. (e.g. [9^13]).
0168-6496 / 02 / $22.00 ? 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII : S 0 1 6 8 - 6 4 9 6 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 4 4 8 - 8
The principal aim of this work was to test, in accord 2.2. Isolation of extractable bacterial fraction
with Odum’s predictions [14], whether bacterial diversity of
an agricultural soil will decrease and dominance increase The extractable bacterial fraction was obtained from
in response to the stress caused by zinc contamination 50 g of soil using the method of Ste¡an et al. [17], but
associated with sludge applications. The zinc-contaminat- omitting polvinylpolypyrrolidone to increase cell recovery
ed soil formed part of a long-maintained ¢eld experiment rates. In order to remove organic contaminants and extra-
where equilibrium has e¡ectively returned and where var- cellular DNA, the crude bacterial pellet was then twice
iations in soil properties between plots are small. Bacterial suspended in 100 ml of cold 0.1% sodium hexametaphos-
diversity was measured using ampli¢ed ribosomal DNA phate^0.1% sodium pyrophosphate (at pH 8.5 as recom-
restriction analysis (ARDRA) of two large clone libraries. mended by Torsvik et al. [18]). The pellet was also washed
A second aim was to use the clone libraries to develop a twice with Chrombach bu¡er (330 mM Tris^HCl, 1 mM
strategy for optimising sampling. That is, a method of EDTA at pH 8.0), after which it was stored at 320‡C.
using interpolation with preliminary results to predict
the least laborious ¢nal combination of replicates and 2.3. DNA extraction and puri¢cation
cording to the manufacturer’s guidelines, except that in the distribution of bacterial groups recovered using in-
transformants were selected with 25 Wg ml31 of both am- direct versus direct extraction, apart from the former pos-
picillin and methicillin. sessing about twice the relative abundance of Q-Proteobac-
teria, while Frostegafird et al. [23] showed that during direct
2.5. Digestion and sequencing of clones extraction at least 75^90% of added DNA remained in the
soil, with the larger fraction the worst a¡ected. PCR-based
Cloned sequences were ampli¢ed with vector-speci¢c methods contribute several potential sources of error,
primers M13f-40 (5P-GTTTTCCCAGTCACGAC-3P) and some of which are unquanti¢able. These include contam-
M13r (5P-GGAAACAGCTATGACCATG-3P). The cy- ination from DNA originating from the reagents [24],
cling conditions used were 3 min incubation at 96‡C fol- PCR ampli¢cation bias [25], chimera formation [26] and
lowed by 35 cycles of 94‡C for 1 min, 57‡C for 1 min and variation in 16S rDNA copy number between bacterial
68‡C for 1 min 30 s. A ¢nal 2 min extension at 68‡C species [27]. The physico-chemical similarity of the sam-
completed the programme. ples, combined with their parallel processing, would have
To ensure symmetrical excision of inserts all restriction limited the e¡ects of some of the systematic sources of
terial population in each sample. Of course, this ignores respectively, which was 40^60% higher than the unsludged
biases in the methods or di¡erences in gene copy number. control. However, a previous study found that the amount
of zinc released by a weak extractant, 0.1 M CaCl2 , was
3.3. Comparison of clone library diversity in control and 11.5 times higher [29]. Sandaa et al. [9] recorded a marked
zinc-contaminated soils reduction in bacterial diversity in a clay loam containing
Zn, Cu, Ni and Cd at 102, 21, 11 and 0.6 mg kg31 dry soil,
Collector’s curves of the OTUs identi¢ed in the two respectively, and Huysman et al. [30] found that in copper-
soils are shown in Fig. 1. Out of the 236 clones analysed contaminated loamy sands and sandy loams resistance to
in each soil, 120 OTUs were identi¢ed in the sludged con- metals among aerobic bacteria was discernible at only 20
trol and 90 in the zinc-amended and sludged soil, a de- mg Cu kg31 , one seventh the current EU limit.
crease of 25%. The decrease in diversity was accompanied The eight sequenced clones from the most abundant
by a decrease in evenness. While the control soil was pre- OTU, common to both soils, possessed a mean sequence
dominantly composed of rare OTUs (86% of them were similarity of 89%. All were high G+C Gram-positive bac-
represented by only one or two clones) the polluted soil teria of the Rubrobacter radiotolerans group and most
Clones per OTU
OTUs common to both soils
Fig. 2. Distribution of clones among 42 OTUs common to both the zinc-contaminated (dark bars) and the control soils (light bars).
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