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Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

National Testing Service Pakistan
(Building Standards in Educational & Professional Testing)

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National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing


National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

2 Quantitative Ability
The Quantitative section measures your basic mathematical skills,
understanding of elementary mathematical concepts, and the ability to reason
quantitatively and solve problems in a quantitative setting. There is a
balance of questions requiring basic knowledge of arithmetic, algebra,
geometry, and data analysis. These are essential content areas usually
studied at the high school level.

The questions in the quantitative section can also be from

• Di screte Quanti tative Questi on

• Quanti tative Compari son Questi on
• Data Interpretati on Questi on etc.

The distribution in this guide is only to facilitate the candidates. This

distribution is not a part of test template, so, a test may contain all the
questions of one format or may have a random number of questions of
different formats.

This chapter is divided into 4 major sections. The first discusses the syllabus
/contents in each section of the test respectively and the remaining three
sections address the question format, guide lines to attempt the questions in
each format and some example questions.

2.1 General Mathematics Review

2.1.1 Arithmetic

The following are some key points, which are phrased here to refresh your
knowledge of basic arithmetic principles.

Basic arithmetic

• For any number a, exactl y one of the fol l owi ng i s true:

o a i s n egativ e
o a i s z ero
o a i s posi ti ve

• Th e on l y nu m ber th at i s equ al to i ts opposi te i s 0 (e. g.

a = − a only if a = 0 )

• If 0 i s m ul ti pli ed to any oth er n um ber, i t will m ak e i t zero ( a × 0 = 0 ) .

• Product or quoti ent of two numbers of t h e same si gn are al ways posi ti ve

and of a d i fferent si gn are al ways negati ve. E. g. i f a po si ti ve number i s
mul ti pli ed to a negati ve number the r esul t wi ll be nega ti ve and i f a
negati ve number i s d i vi ded by another ne gati ve number the r esul t will be
posi ti ve.

S ee th e f oll owi n g tables f or all com bi n ati ons.

National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
+ ÷ or × + = +

+ ÷ or × − = −

− ÷ or × + = −

− ÷ or × − = +
• The sum of two posi tive numbers i s al ways posi ti ve.

• The sum of two negative numbers i s al ways negati ve.

• S u btracti ng a number from another i s the same as ad di ng i ts opposi te

a − b = a + (−b)
• The reci pro cal of a number a i s a

• The produc t of a number and i ts reci procal i s al ways one

a× =1
• D iv i di n g by a n u m ber i s th e same as m u l ti pl yi n g by i ts reci procal
a ÷b = a×
• Every i n teger has a fini te set of factor s (di v i sors) an d an i nfi ni te set of
m u l t i p l i e r s.

• If a and b are two i ntegers, the f oll owi n g four terms are synonyms
o a i s a divisor o f b
o a i s a factor o f b
o b i s a divisible b y a
o b i s a multiple o f a

They al l mean that when a i s divi ded by b there i s no r e m a i n der .

• Posi ti ve i n tegers, other than 1, have at l east two posi tive factors.

• Posi ti ve i n tegers, other than 1, whi ch have exactl y two factors, are known
as p r i m e nu m b e r s.

• Every i n teger greater than 1 that i s not a pri m e can be wri tten as a product
of pri m es.
T o f i n d t h e p r i m e f a c to r i z a ti o n of a n i n t e g e r , fi n d a n y t w o f a c t o r s o f t h a t
number, i f both are pr i m es, you are done; i f not, continue factorizati on
until each factor i s a pri m e.
E. g. to fi nd the pri m e factori z ati on of 48, two factors are 8 and 6. Both of
them are not pri m e numbers, so conti nue to factor them.
Factors of 8 are 4 and 2, and of 4 are 2 and 2 (2 × 2 × 2).
Factors of 6 are 3 and 2 (3 × 2).
S o the number 48 ca n be wri tten as 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 3.

• Th e Leas t C om m on Mu l ti pl e (LCM) of tw o in tegers a a n d b i s th e sm all est

i n teger which i s di vi sibl e by both a and b, e. g. the LCM of 6 and 9 i s 18.

National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
• The Greatest Common Di vi sor (GCD) of tw o integers a and b is th e largest
i n teger which di vi des both a and b, e. g. the GCD of 6 and 9 i s 3.

• The produc t of GCD an d LCM of two i n tegers i s equ al to th e prod u cts of

n u m bers i tsel f . E. g. 6 × 9 = 54
3 × 18 = 54 (where 3 i s GCD and 18 i s LCM of 6 and 9).

• Even numbers are al l the mul ti ples of 2 e. g. (… , −4, −2, 0, 2, 4, …)

• Odd numbe rs are all integers no t di vi si bl e by 2 ( … , −5, −3, −1, 1, 3, 5, … )

• If two i n tegers are bo th even or both odd, t h ei r sum and di fference are

• If one i n teger i s even and the other i s odd, thei r sum and di fference are

• The produc t of two i n tegers i s even unl ess both of them are odd.

• When an equati on invol v es more than one operati on, i t i s i m portant to

carry them out i n the correct order. The correct order i s Parentheses,
Exponents, Mu l ti pli cati on an d Div i si on , Add i ti on an d Subtracti on, or just
the fi rst l etters PEM D AS to remember th e proper or der.

E x p o n e n ts a nd R o o ts

• Repe ated a ddi ti on of the same number i s indi cated by mul ti pli cation:
17 + 17 + 1 7 + 17 + 17 = 5 × 17

• Repe ated mul ti pli cation of the same number i s i n di cated by an e x ponent:
17 × 17 × 17 × 17 × 17 = 17

In the expressi on 17 , 17 i s called base and 5 i s the e x p o n e n t.

1 n
• For any number b: b = b and b = b × b × … × b, where b i s used n ti mes
as factor.

• For any numbers b an d c and po si tive integers m and n:

o b m b n = b m+n
o n
= b m−n
o (b m ) n = b mn
o b m c m = (bc) m

• If a is negative, a i s posi ti v e i f n i s ev en , an d n egati v e i f n i s odd.

There are t w o numbers that sati sf y the equati on x = 9 : x = 3 a n d x = −3 .


The posi ti ve one, 3, is call ed the (pri nci pal ) square root of 9 and i s denoted

by symbol 9. Cl earl y, each perfect square has a square root:

0 = 0, 9 = 3, 36 = 6 , 169 = 13 , 225 = 25 etc.

National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
• For any posi tive number a there i s a posi tive number b that sati sfi es the

equati on a =b.

• For any positive integer,

( a )2 = a × a = a .

• For any posi tive numbers a and b:

a a
ab = a × b and
b b

a+b ≠ a + b

as 5 = 25 = 9 + 16 ≠ 9 + 16 = 3 + 4 = 7

• Al th o u g h i t i s al w a y s t r u e t h a t
( a )2 = a , a2 = a is true only if a i s

posi ti ve as
(−5) 2 = 25 = 5 ≠ −5
• F o r a n y n um b e r a ,
an = a 2 .

• For any number a, b and c:

a(b + c) = ab + ac a(b − c) = ab − ac

and i f a≠0

(b + c) b c (b − c) b c
• = + = −
a a a a a a

I ne qua li ti e s

• For any number a and b, exactl y one of the foll owi n g i s true:
a>b or a=b or a < b.

• F o r a n y n um b e r a a n d b , a > b means that a − b is po siti v e.

• F o r a n y n um b e r a a n d b , a < b means that a − b is n egati v e.

• F o r a n y n um b e r a a n d b , a = b means that a − b is z ero .

• The symbol ≥ means greater than or equal to and the symbol ≤ means l ess
than or equal to. E.g. the statement x ≥ 5 means that x can be 5 or any
number gr eater than 5.
The statem ent 2 < x < 5 is an abbrev i ati on of 2 < x and x < 5 .

• A ddi ng or subtracti n g a number to an i n equali ty preserves i t.

• If a<b, t h en a + c < b + c and a − c < b − c .

National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
e. g.
5 < 6 ⇒ 5 + 10 < 6 + 10 and 5 − 10 < 6 − 10

• A ddi n g i n equ al i ti es i n sam e di r ecti o n pr eser v es i t:

a < b and c<d, then a+c <b+d .

• Mul ti pl yi n g or di vi di ng an i n equali ty by a posi ti ve number pres e rves i t. If

a b
a < b and c i s a posi tive number, then a×c < b×c and <
c c.
• Mul ti pl yi n g or di vi di ng an i n equali ty by a negati ve number reve rses i t. If
a b
a < b and c i s a negati ve number, then a×c > b×c and >
c c.
• If si des of an i n equality are both posi ti ve and both ne gati ve, taki ng the
reci procal reverses th e i n equali ty .

• If 0 < x < 1 and a i s pos i t i v e , t h en xa < a .

• If 0 < x < 1 and m and n are integers wi th m>n, t h en xm < xn < x .

• If 0 < x < 1, t h en x > x.

1 1
>x >1
If 0 < x < 1 , then x and x

Pro per ties of Ze ro

• 0 i s the only number that i s nei ther negati ve nor posi ti ve.

• 0 i s smal l er than every posi tive number and great er than every negati ve

• 0 i s an even i n teger.

• 0 i s a m ul ti pl e of ev ery i n teger.

• For every number a :

a + 0 = a and a − 0 = a .

• For every number a : a×0 = 0.

• For every posi ti ve i n teger n : 0n = 0 .

• For every number a (incl udi ng 0): a ÷ 0 and are undefi n ed symbol s.

• For every number a (other than 0): 0÷a = = 0.

National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
• 0 i s th e only n u m ber th at i s equ al to i ts opposi te: .
0 = −0
• I f t h e p r o d u c t o f t w o o r m o r e n u m b e r s i s 0 , a t l e a s t on e o f t h e m i s 0 .

Properties of One
For any number a : a ×1 = a a n d = a .
• For any number n : 1n
= 1 .

• 1 i s the di vi sor of every i n teger.

• 1 i s the small est posi ti ve i n teger.

• 1 i s an odd i n teger.

• 1 i s n ot a pri m e.

Fractions and Decimals

• Wh en a w h ol e i s di vi ded i n to n equ al parts, each part i s cal l ed on e n th of

the whol e, wri tten . For ex am pl e, i f a pi z z a i s cu t (di vi ded) i n to 8 equ al
sli ces, each sli ce i s one ei ghth ( ) of the pi zza; a day is di vi ded i n to 24
eq ua l h o u r s , s o a n h ou r i s one tw e nt y -fourt h ( ) of a day and an inch i s
one twel fth ( ) of a f o ot. I f one work s for 8 hours a d a y , he works e ig ht
twenty-fourth ( ) of a day . If a hock ey sti ck i s 40 i n ches l on g, i t
m e a s u r e s f o r t y t w e l f th s ( ) of a f o ot.
1 1 8 40
• The numbe rs such as , , and , in w hi ch one i n teger is w ri tten
8 24 24 12
over the second i nteger, are called fr actio n s . The center li ne i s call ed the
fracti on bar. The number abov e the bar i s call ed the n u m e r a to r , a n d t he
number bel ow the bar i s call ed d e n o m i n a t o r .

• The denom i nator of a fracti on can never be 0.

• A f r a c ti o n , s u c h a s , in whi ch the denomi nator i s greater than
n u m e r a t o r , i s k n o w n a s a proper fraction . Its val u e is l ess than one.
• A f r a c ti o n , s u c h a s , i n whi ch t he de nomi na t or i s l ess t ha n nume ra t or, i s
k n o w n a s an improper fraction . Its val u e is greater t h an one.

National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
• A f r a c ti o n , s u c h a s , in whi ch the denomi nator i s equal to the nu merator,
i s al s o k n ow n a s a n im proper fraction . B u t, Its v al ue i s o n e.
• Every fracti on can be express ed i n deci mal form (or as a whol e number) by
di vi di ng the number by the denomi nator.
3 3 8 48 100
= 0.3, = 0.75, = 1, = 3, = 12.5
10 4 8 16 8
• Unli ke the exampl es above, when most fracti ons are converted to deci mal s,
the di vi si on does not termi n ate, after 2 or 3 or 4 deci mal pl aces; rather i t
goes on forever wi th some set of di gi ts repeati n g i t.
2 3 5 17
= 0.66666..., = 0.272727..., = 0.416666..., = 1.133333...
3 11 12 15

National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
• To compar e two deci mal s, fol l ow these rules:

o Whi chever number ha s the great er number to the l eft of the deci mal
poi n t i s greater: si nce 11 > 9, 11. 000 1 > 9. 8965 an d si nce 1 > 0,
1. 234 > . 8 . (Recal l that i f a deci mal i s wri tten wi thout a number on
l ef t of deci m al poi n t, y ou m ay assu m e th at a 0 i s th ere, so, .8 =
0. 8).
o If the numbers to th e l eft of the deci mal poi n t are eq ual , proceed as

• If the numbers do no t have the same number of di gits to the right

of the deci mal poi n t, add zeroes to the end of the shorter one to
make them equal in l ength.
• Now compare the numbers i gnoring the deci mal point.
• For examp l e, to compare 1. 83 and 1. 823, add a 0 t o the end of
1. 83 forming 1. 830. Now compare them, thi n ki ng of them as whol e
numbers wi thout decimal poi n t: si nce 1830 > 182 3, then 1.830
>1. 823.

• There are t w o ways to compare fracti ons:

o Convert them to deci mal s by divi ding, and use th e method al ready
descri be d to compar e thes e d e ci mal s. For exampl e to compa re
1 2 1
and , convert them t o deci mal s. = 0.4 and = 0.25 . N o w , a s 0. 4
4 5 4
2 1
> 0. 25, > .
5 4
2 1
o Cross mul ti pl y the fracti ons. For exampl e to comp are and ,
5 4
cross m u l ti pl y :
2 1 2 1
Since 2 × 4 > 1× 5 , then >
5 4 5 4.
• Whi l e compari n g the fracti ons, i f they have same the denom i nators, the
3 2
fracti on with the l arger numerator i s greater. For exampl e > .
5 5
• If the fr actions h ave the same numer ator , the fr acti on with the
3 3
s m a l l e r d e n o m i n a tor i s g r e a te r . F o r exa m p l e > .
5 10
• Two fracti ons are ca ll ed e q u i v a l e n t f r a c t i o n s i f bo th o f th em h av e sam e
deci mal value.
1 5
• For exampl e, = as both of these are equal to 0. 5.
2 10
• A n oth er w ay to ch eck th e equ i val en ce of tw o f racti ons i s to cross-m u l ti pl y.
If both of t h e pro duct s are s ame , the fracti ons are eq ui val ent. For Exampl e,
2 6
to compar e with , cr o ss-m u l ti pl y. Si n ce 2 ×15 = 6 × 5 , both of the
5 15
fracti ons are equi val ent.
• Every fracti on can be reduce d t o l owest terms by di vi ding the numerator
and d enomi nator by thei r greate st common di vi sor (GCD ). If the GCD i s 1,

National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
the fracti on i s al ready i n l owest terms. F or exampl e to reduce , di vi de
both numerator and denomi nator by 5 (w hi ch i s GCD of 10 and 15). Thi s
will reduce the fracti on to .
• To m u l ti ply tw o f r acti o n s, m ulti pl y th ei r n u m er ato r s an d m u l ti pl y th ei r
3 4 3 × 4 12
denomi nators. For exampl e × = = .
5 7 5 × 7 35
• T o m u l ti pl y a n u m b e r t o a fra ct i on, wri te t ha t numb e r a s a fra ct i on whose
3 3 7 3 × 7 21
denomi nator i s 1. For exampl e ×7 = × = = .
5 5 1 5 ×1 5
• Wh en a probl em requ i res y ou to f in d th e f racti on of a n u m ber, m u l ti pl y that
fracti on with the number. For exampl e, to fi nd two fi fth ( ) of 200,
2 2 200 400
× 200 = × = = 80
m u l ti pl y : 5 5 1 5/ .
a b a b
• T h e r e c i p r o c a l o f a f r act i o n i s a no t h e r fraction si nce × =1
b a b a
• To di vi de one fracti on by the other fract i on, mul tipl y the reci procal of
22 11 22 7 2
di vi sor wi th the di vi dend. For exampl e,
÷ = × = = 2.
7 7 7 11 1
• To add or subtract the fracti ons wi th same denomi nator, add or subtract
numerators and keep the de nomi nator. Fo r
4 1 5 4 1 3
exampl e + = and − = .
9 9 9 9 9 9


• The word p e r c e n t means hundredth. We use the symbol % to express the

word p e r ce n t. For exampl e “15 percent” m eans “15 hundredths” and can be
wri tten wi th a % symbol , as a fracti on, or as a deci mal . 20% = = 0.20 .
• To convert a deci mal to a percent , move the deci mal poi n t two places to the
ri ght, adding 0s i s necessary, and add the percent sy mbol (%).
For exampl e, 0. 375 = 37. 5% 0. 3 = 30% 1. 25 = 125 % 10=10 00%

• To convert a fracti on to a percent , fi rst convert that fracti on to deci mal ,

than use the method stated abo v e to convert i t to a percent.

• To convert a percent t o a deci mal , move the deci mal poi n t two pl aces to the
l eft and remove the % symbol . Add 0s i f necessary.
For exampl e, 25% = 0. 25 1% =0. 01 100% = 1

• You shoul d be famili ar wi th the foll owi n g basi c conversi ons:

1 5 1 2
= = 0.50 = 50% = = 0.20 = 20%
2 10 5 10

National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
1 3
= 0.25 = 25% = 0.75 = 75%
4 4

• For any positive integer a : a % of 100 i s a.

• For any positive numbers a and b : a% of b = b% of a

actual change
• The perc en t change i n the quantity i s
× 100% . For exampl e:
original amount
If the pri ce of a l amp goes from Rs. 80 to R s. 100, the actual i n crease i s
20 1
Rs. 20, and the percen t i n crease is × 100% = ×100% = 25% .
80 4
• If a < b , the percent i n crease i n goi n g from a t o b i s al ways greater than
percent de crease i n goi ng from b to a .

• To i n crease a number by k% , m ul tipl y i t by 1+ k% , and to dec rease a

number by k % , m ul ti pl y it by 1 − k % . For ex ampl e, the val u e of an
i n vestment of Rs. 20,000 after 2 5% i n crease i s
20, 000 × (1 + 25%) = 20, 000 × (1.25) = 25, 000 .

• If a number i s the resu l t of increasi ng another number by k% , to find the

ori gi n al n um ber di v i de i t by 1 + k % , and i f a nu mber i s th e resu l t of
decrea si ng another number by k % , to fi nd the ori ginal number, di vi de i t by
1− k% .
For exampl e, The government announced an 20% i ncre a se i n sal ari es. I f
after the i ncrement, The sal ary of a parti cular empl oyee i s Rs. 18, 000,
w h at w as th e or i gi n al sal ar y ?
current salary 18, 000 18, 000
Ori gi n al sal ary (i n Rs.) =
= = = 15, 000
1 + percent increase 1 + 20% 1.20

Ra tio s and Proportions

• A rati o i s a fracti on that compares two quanti ti es that are measured i n the
s a m e u n i t s . Th e f i r s t q u a nt i t y i s t he nume ra t or a nd t he se con d qua nt i t y i s
denomi nator. For exampl e, i f there are 16 boys and 4 gi rl s, we say that the
rati o of the number of boys to the numbe r of gi rl s on the team i s 16 to 4,
or . Th i s i s of ten w ri tten as 16: 4. S in ce a rati o i s j u st a f racti on , i t can
be reduc e d or converted to a deci mal or a perce n t. The Foll owi n g are
di fferent ways to expr ess the sa me r ati o:

16 to 4 , 16 : 4 , 16 , 4 , 0.25 , 25%
4 1
• If a set of obj ects i s di vi ded i nto two gro u ps i n the rati on a:b , then the
fi rst group contai ns of the total objects and si mi l arl y the second group

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contai ns of th e to tal num ber of obj ects. Th i s rul e appli es to ex t ende d
rati os, as well . If a set i s di vi ded i n to three groups i n the rati o a :b:c , t h en
the fi rst group contai ns of the total objects, and so on.

• A proporti on i s an equati on that states that two rati os are equi val ent. Since
4 10
rati os are just fracti ons, any equati on such as = i n w h i ch each si de i s
6 15
a si ngl e fracti on i s proporti on. Thi s propo rti on states that 4 rel ates to 6 i n
same rati o as 10 rel ates to 15.
a c
• For each proporti on of the form = , ad = bc . Thi s property c an be us ed
b d
to sol v e proporti ons for unknowns (vari ables). For e x ampl e: “If 3 orange s
cost Rs. 5, how many oranges can you buy for R s. 100”. T o sol v e thi s
probl em we have to set up a proporti on. If the nu mber of oranges for
Rs. 100 i s x , then:
3 x 3 × 100
= ⇒ 3 × 100 = x × 5 ⇒ x = ⇒ x = 60
5 100 5
A v e ra ge s

• The a v e r a g e of a set of n numbers i s the sum of those number s di vi ded by

sum of n numbers Sum
average = or si mply A=
n n
the techni cal name for these ki nd of averages i s A ri thmeti c Mean.

• If you know the average of n numbers, mul ti pl y that average w i th n to get

the s u m o f n u m b e r s .

• If all the numbers i n a set are the same, then that number i s the average .

• Assume that the average of a set of numbers i s A. If a new number x i s

added to that set, the new average wi ll be;

o G r e a t er i f x i s g r e a t e r t h a n t h e e x i s t i n g a ve r a g e
o S m a l l e r i f x i s s m a ll e r t h a n t h e e x i s t i n g a v e r a g e
o Unchanged if x is e q ual to th e existing average

• A ri thmeti c sequenc e i s an order ed set of numbers, such that, the di fference

between tw o consecuti v e numbers i s the same.

• If there i s an ari thmeti c sequen ce of n ter m s, then the averag e cal cul ati on
can be made si mpl e by usi n g these rul es.
o The avera g e of the te rms i n that sequ ence wil l be the mi ddl e t erm,
i f n i s odd.
o If n i s even, the average wi ll be the average of two mi ddl e terms.

2.1.2 Algebra

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Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
Polynomia ls

• A monomi al i s any number or va ri abl e or product of n u mbers an d vari abl es.

For exampl e
3, − 4, x, y, 3x, − 2 xyz , 5 x 3 , 1.5 xy 2 , a 3b 2 are al l monomi al s.

• The number that appears i n fron t of a vari abl e i n a monomi al is cal l ed the
coeffi ci ent. The coef fi ci ent of 5x3 is 5. If there is no number, the
coeffi ci ent i s ei ther 1 or –1, beca use x means 1x and − x means − 1x .

• A p o l y n o mia l i s a m on o m i al o r t h e s u m o f t w o o r m or e m o n o m i al s . E ac h
m o n o m i al th a t m a k e s u p t h e p o l y n o m i al i s cal l e d a t e r m o f t h a t pol y n o mi al .

• If a pol y nom i al h as on l y on e term i t i s a si m pl e m on om i al , i f i t h as tw o

term s, i t is k n ow n as bi n omi al an d i f i t h as th ree term s, it i s call ed
tri n omi al.

• Two terms are cal l ed li ke terms if they differ only i n thei r coeffi cients. 5x3
and −2x3 are like terms, whereas, 5x3 and 5x 2 are not.

• If li k e term s are i n vol v ed i n a pol y n omi al, th ey can be com bi n ed, by ad di n g

thei r coeffi ci ents, to make that pol y nomi al simpler. The pol y nomial
3x 2 + 4 x + 5 x − 2 x 2 − 7 i s equivalent to the pol y nomi al x + 9 x − 7 .

• A ll l aw s of ari th m eti c are al so ap pl i cabl e to pol y n omi als. Most i m portan t of

t h em i s PEMD A S .

• Pol y nomi als can be adde d, subt racted, mul ti pli ed or di vi ded.

• To add two pol y nomi al s, put a plus si gn between them, erase the
parenthes e s, and combi n e li ke terms.

Example :
What i s the sum of 5 x 2 + 10 x − 7 and 3x 2 − 4 x + 2 ?

S o l u tio n :
(5 x 2 + 10 x − 7) + (3 x 2 − 4 x + 2)
= 5 x 2 + 10 x − 7 + 3 x 2 − 4 x + 2
= 8x2 + 6 x − 5
• To subtract two pol y nomi al s, reverse the si gns of subtrahend, and add two
pol y nomi als as done before.

Example :
S u btr a c t 3x 2 − 4 x + 2 from 5 x 2 + 10 x − 7

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S o l u tio n :
(5 x 2 + 10 x − 7) − (3 x 2 − 4 x + 2)
= (5 x 2 + 10 x − 7) + (−3x 2 + 4 x − 2)
= 5 x 2 + 10 x − 7 − 3 x 2 + 4 x − 2
= 2 x 2 + 14 x − 9
• To m u l ti pl y m on om i al s, fi rst m ul ti pl y th ei r coef f i ci en ts, an d th en m u l ti pl y
thei r vari abl es by addi ng the exponents.

Example :

What i s the product of

3x 2 yz from
−2x 2 y 2 ?

S o l u tio n :
(3 x 2 yz )(−2 x 2 y 2 )
= (3 × −2)( x 2 × x 2 )( y × y 2 )( z )
= −6 x 4 y 3 z

• To m u l ti pl y a m on omial by a poly n om i al , j ust m u l ti pl y each ter m of th e

pol y nomi al by the monomi al .

Example :

What i s the product of 3x from

3x 2 − 6 xy 2 + 2 ?

S o l u tio n :
(3 x)(3x 2 − 6 xy 2 + 2)
= (3 x × 3 x 2 ) − (3 x × 6 xy 2 ) + (3 x × 2)
= 9 x 3 − 18 x 2 y 2 + 6 x

• To m u l ti pl y tw o bi n omi al s, m ul ti pl y each term of fi r st bi n omi al by each ter m

of second bi nomi al, th en add th e resul ts.

Example :

What i s the product of

3x + y from
3x 2 − 6 xy 2 ?

S o l u tio n :
(3 x + y )(3 x 2 − 6 xy 2 )
= (3 x × 3 x 2 ) + (3 x × (−6 xy 2 )) + ( y × 3 x 2 ) + ( y × (−6 xy 2 ))
= (9 x 2 ) + (−18 x 2 y 2 ) + (3x 2 y ) + (−6 xy 3 )
= 9 x 2 − 18 x 2 y 2 + 3x 2 y − 6 xy 3

• The three most i m portant bi nomi al products are:

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( x − y )( x + y ) = x 2 + xy − xy + y 2 = x 2 + y 2
( x + y )( x + y ) = x 2 + xy + xy + y 2 = x 2 + 2 xy + y 2
( x − y )( x − y ) = x 2 − xy − xy + y 2 = x 2 − 2 xy + y 2
Memori zi ng these can save a l ot of cal cul ation ti me duri ng the test.

• To di vi de a pol y nomi al by a monomi al , di vid e e a c h t e r m o f t h e p o l y n o mi al

b y t h e m o n o m i al .

Example :

Wh at i s the qu oti en t i f
32 x 2 y + 12 xy 3 z i s di vi ded by
8xy ?

S o l u tio n :
32 x 2 y + 12 xy 3 z 32 x 2 y 12 xy 3 z 3
= + = 4 x + y 2 z (by reducing the terms)
8 xy 8 xy 8 xy 2

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Solving Equations and Inequalities
• The basi c pri n ci pl e in sol vi n g equati ons and i n equali ti es i s th at you can
m an i pu l ate th em i n an y w ay as l on g as y ou do the same thin g to both
sides. For exampl e you may add a nu mber to b o th si des, or you may
di vi de or mul ti pl y both si des wi th same number etc.
• By usi n g the foll owi n g six-step metho d, you can sol v e most of the
equati ons and i n equ ali ti es. The method i s expl ained wi th the hel p of a n
exampl e.
Example :
if x + 3( x − 2) = 2( x + 1) + 1 , w h at is th e v al u e of x?
S o l u tio n :
Step What to d o … Example
1 Get ri d of fracti ons and Mul ti pl y each si de by 2 to get :
deci m al s by m u l ti pl yi n g x + 6( x − 2) = 4( x + 1) + 2
both si des by the LCD .
2 Get ri d of all parenth eses x + 6 x − 12 = 4 x + 4 + 2
by sol vi n g th em .
3 Combi n e li ke terms on 7 x − 12 = 4 x + 6
each si de.
4 By addi ng and subtra cti n g 4 x from
S u btr a c t each si de to get:
get al l the v ari abl es on
one si de (mostl y l eft). 3 x − 12 = 6
5 By addi ng or subtra cti n g A dd 12 to each si de to get:
get al l pl ai n numbers on 3 x = 18
the other si de.
6 D ivi de both si des by the D ivi de both si des by 3 to ge t:
coeffi ci ent of the vari abl e. x=6
(If you are deal i n g wi th
an i n equali ty and you
di vi de wi th a ne g ati ve
number, remember to
reverse th e i n equali ty. )
• When you have to so l v e one vari abl e and the equat i on/i nequali ty i nvol v e
more than one vari abl e, treat all other vari abl es as pl ai n numbers an d
apply the six-step method.
Example :
if a = 3b − c , w h at is th e v al u e of b in term s of a and c?
S o l u tio n :
Step What to d o … Example
1 There ar e no fracti ons and
deci mal s.
2 There are no parenth eses.
3 There are no li ke terms.
4 By addi ng and subtra cti n g get Rememb er there i s onl y one
all the variabl es on one si de.
v a r i a b l e b , w h i ch i s on on e
si d e onl y.
5 By addi ng or subtra cti n g get Re me mb e r we a re
all pl ai n numbers on the con si deri ng a and c as
other si de. p l a i n n u mb e r . A d d c to
each si de to get:
a + c = 3b

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6 D ivi de both si des by the D ivi de both si des by 3 to
coeffi ci ent of the variabl e. get:
• It i s not necessary to foll ow these steps i n the order s peci f i ed. Some ti mes
i t makes the probl em much easi er, i f you change the o rder of these steps.

Example :
If x − 4 = 11 , w h at i s th e v al u e of x -8?

S o l u tio n :
Goi n g i m medi atel y to step 5, ad d 4 to each si de to get: x = 15 . Now
subtract 8 from both si des to ge t: x −8 = 7 .

• D oi n g the same thi n g on each side of an eq uati on does n o t mean doi n g the
same thi n g to each term of the equati on. Th i s i s very i m portant if you are
doi n g di vi si ons, or deali n g wi th exponents and roots.

Example :
If a>0 and a 2 + b2 = c2 , w h at i s th e v al u e of a i n term s of b and c.

S o l u tio n :
a 2 + b 2 = c 2 ⇒ a 2 = c 2 − b 2 . Now you can’t take a square r oot of each term
to get a = c − b . You must take the squa re root of each si de:
a = c −b
2 2 2
⇒ a = c −b 2 2

• A n oth er type of equ a ti on i s th at i n w hi ch th e v ari abl e appears i n ex pon en t.

These e qua ti ons are basi call y solved by i n cepti on.
x +3
If 2 = 32 , w h at i s th e v al u e of 3x + 2 ?
S o l u ti o n :
2 x +3 = 32 ⇒ 2 x +3 = 25 ⇒ x+3=5 ⇒ x = 2.

Now as x = 2, yo u c a n g e t
x = 2 ⇒ x + 2 = 4 ⇒ 3x + 2 = 34 = 81

• A system of equati ons i s a set of two or more equati ons havi ng tw o or more
vari abl es. To sol v e such equati ons, you must fi nd the val u e of each
v a r i a b l e t ha t w i l l m a ke e a c h e q u at i o n t r u e .

• To sol v e a system of equati ons, add or subtract them to get a third

equati on. If there are more than two equati ons you can just add them.

Example :
x + y = 10 and
x − y = 10 w h at i s th e val u e of

S o l u tio n :

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x + y = 10
x− y = 2
Add two equati ons:
2x = 12 ⇒ x = 6
Now repl aci n g x wi th 6 i n the fi rst equati on:
6 + y = 10 ⇒ y=4

• If you know the val u e of one va ri abl e i n a system of t w o equati ons, you can
use thi s val u e to get the value of the other vari able. As i t i s done i n the
previ ous questi on.

Word problems
• To so l v e w o r d pr o b l em s, f i rst tran sl ate th e probl em f rom E n gli sh to
Al gebra. Whi l e transl ati n g, use vari abl es to re pre sent unknowns. Once
transl ated, i t i s easy to sol v e them usi n g the techni ques you have l earned
i n pr ev i ou s secti on s.
• Fol l owi n g E n gl i sh to A l gebra dicti on ary will be h el pfu l i n tran sl atin g w ord
probl ems to al gebrai c expressi ons.

English words Symbol
Is, was, will be, had, has, will Equals =
h av e, i s equ al to, i s th e sam e as
Plus, more than, sum, increased A ddi ti on +
by, adde d to, excee ds, recei v ed,
g o t , o l d e r t h a n , f ar t h e r t h a n ,
greater tha n
Mi nus, fewer, less tha n , S u btr a c t i o n −
di fference, decre ased by,
subtracte d from, younger tha n ,
gave, l ost
Ti m es, of , produ ct, m u l ti pli ed by Mu l ti pl i cation ×
D ivi ded by, quoti ent, per, for D ivi si on a
÷ or
More than, greater th an Inequal i ty >
A t l east In equ al i ty ≥
Few er th an , l ess th an In equ al i ty <
A t m ost In equ al i ty ≤
What, how many, etc. U n k n o w n qu a n t i t y x
(Some variabl e)

o The sum of 5 and some number is 13. 5 + x = 13
o Javed was two years younger than Saleem. J = S −2
o Bilal has at most Rs.10,000. B ≤ 10000
o The product of 2 and a number exceeds that
number by 5 (is 5 more than that number). 2N = N + 5
• In word probl ems, you must be sure about what you are answer i n g. Do not
answer the wrong questi on.

• In pr obl em s i n v ol vi n g ages, r em em ber that “years ago” means you need t o

subtract, and “years from now” means you need to add.

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• Di stance probl ems all depend on three vari ati ons of the same formul a:
o distance = speed × time
speed =
o time
time =

Example :
H ow m u ch l on ger, i n secon ds, i s requ i red t o dri v e 1 m il e at 40 m il es per
hour than at 60 miles per hour?

S o l u tio n :
The ti me to dri v e at 40 mi l es per hour can be cal culated as
1 1 3 30
time1 = hours =
× 60 3 m i n u t e s =
× 60 seconds =
40 40 2 2
90 seconds

The ti me to dri v e at 60 mi l es per hour can be cal culated as

1 1
time2 = hours =
× 60 minutes = 1× 60 seconds = 60 seconds
60 60
difference = time1 − time2 = 90 − 60 = 30 seconds.

2.1.3 Geometry

L i ne s a nd Ang le s

• A n angle is formed a t the i n tersecti on of two li ne segments, rays or li nes.

The poi n t of i n tersecti on i s call ed the ve r te x. A ngl es are measured i n
degr ees.

• A n gl es are cl assi fi ed accordi n g to thei r degree measur es.

• A n acute angl e measures l ess than

• A r i g h t angl e measures 90°

• A n o b tu s e angl e measures more than 90° but l ess than 180°

• A strai ght angl e measures 180°

• If two or more angl es combi n e together t o form a strai ght angl e, the sum
of thei r measures i s 180° .

a° + b° + c° + d ° = 180°

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• The sum of all the measures of all the angl es around a poi n t i s 360°

a° + b° + c° + d ° + e° = 360°

• When two li nes i n tersect, four angl es are formed, two angl es i n each pai r of
opposi te a n gl es are call ed vertical angles . V e r ti c a l a n g l e s , f o rm e d b y t h e
i n tersecti on of two lines, have equal measures.

a=c and b=d

• If one of the angl es formed by the i n tersecti on of two li nes i s a ri ght angl e,
then all four angl es are ri ght angl es. S u ch li nes are call ed perpendicular
li nes

a = b = c = 90
• In th e f i gu r e bel o w a li n e l di vi des the angl e i n tw o equal parts. Thi s li ne i s
sai d to bisect the angl e. The other li ne k bi sects another line i n to two
equ al parts. Th i s li n e i s sai d to bi sect a li ne.

• Two l ines are sai d to be p a r a l l e l, i f they never i n tersect each other.

However, if a thi rd line, call ed a t r a n s v e r s a l, i n tersects a p ai r of paral l el
li nes, ei ght angl es are formed. A n d the rel a ti onshi p among thes es angl es i s
shown i n th e foll owi ng di agram.
• - All four acute angl es ar e equal
• - A ll four obtuse angl es are equal
b=d = f =h
• - The sum of any pai r of acute and
obtuse angl e is 180° , e. g.

a + d = 180°, d + e = 180°, b + g = 180° etc.


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• In any triangl e, the sum of the measures of the three angl es i s 180° .

x + y + z = 180

• In an y tri an gl e:
o The l o ngest si de of triangl e i s opposi te the largest angl e.
o The shorte st si de i s opposi te the small est angl e.
o Si des wi th the same l ength ar e opposi te th e angl es w i th the sa me

• Tri angl es are cl assi fi ed i n to three di fferent ki nds wi th respect to th e

l engths of si des.
o S c a l e n e : in whi ch al l three si des are of di fferent l engths.
o I s o s c e l e s: i n w hi ch tw o of the si des of tri angl e are equa l i n
l ength, the thi rd i s different.
o E q u i l a te ra l: i n w hi ch all th ree si des are eq u al i n l en gth .

• Tri angl es are al so cl assi fi ed wi th respect t o the angl es.

o A c u t e t r i a n g l e : i n whi ch all three angl es are acute.
o O b tu s e tr i a n g l e : i n whi ch one angl e i s obtuse and t w o are acute.
o Right tr ia ngle : Thi s has one ri ght and two acute angl es.

• In a ri ght tri angl e, the opposi te to the ri ght angl e i s known as h y p o t e n u se

and i s the longest si de. The other two si des are cal l ed l e g s .

• In any ri gh t tri angl e, the sum of the measures of the two acute angl es i s
90° .

• By Pythagorean Theorem, the sum of squares of the l engths of l egs of a

ri ght tri angl e i s al ways equal to the square of l ength of hypotenuse.

a 2 + b2 = c2
• In any tri angl e, the sum of any two si des i s al ways greater tha n the thi rd
one. A n d the di fference of any two si des i s al ways less than the thi r d one.

a+b > c and a −b < c

• The p e r i me t e r of a tri an gl e i s cal cu l ated by addi n g th e l en gth s of al l the

si des of that tri angl e.

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perimeter = a + b + c
area = bh
• Th e area o f a tri an gl e i s cal cul ated by th e f orm u l a: 2 where b is
the base of the tri angle and h i s th e h e i g h t o f t h e t r i angl e.
o A n y si d e o f t r i an g l e can be t a k e n a s t he b a se .
o Hei ght i s th e al ti tude (perpen di cul ar) drawn to the base from i ts
opposi te vertex.
o In a ri ght tri angl e any l eg could be taken as the base, the other
will be the al ti tude.

Q uadr i late ral an d o the r Po lygo ns

• A p o l y g o n i s a cl osed geometri c fi gure, made up o f li ne segments. The

li ne segm ents are c all ed s i d e s an d th e en d poi n ts of l i n es ar e cal l ed
ve r tice s (pl u ral of ve r te x). Li nes, i n si de the pol y gon, drawn from one
vertex to the other, are cal l ed diagonals .

• The sum o f the mea sures of t h e n angl es i n a pol ygon wi th n si des is

(n − 2) ×180° .

• In any quadri l ateral, the sum of the measures of the four angl es i s 360° .
• A r e g u l a r p o l y g o n i s a pol y gon i n w hi ch all of th e si des ar e of th e sam e
l en gth . In an y reg u l ar pol y gon , th e m easu re of each i n teri or an gl e i s
(n − 2) × 180° 360°
and the measure of each exteri or angl e i s .
n n

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• A p a ra l l e l o g ra m i s a speci al qu adr i l ater al , i n w hi ch bo th pai r s o f o ppo si te
si des are p arall el . The Foll owi n g are some p roperti es of parall el ogram.

o Lengths of opposi te si des are e q ual . AB = CD and AD = BC

o Measures o f opposi te angl es are equal . a = c and b = d
o Consecuti ve angl es add up to 180° . a + b = 180° , b + c = 180° etc.

o The two di agonal s bi sect each ot her. AE = EC

and BE = ED
o A di agonal di vi des the paral l elogram i n to two tri angl es that are

• A re ctangle i s a parall el ogram in whi ch all four angl es are ri ght angl es. It
has all the properti es of a parall el ogram. In addi ti on i t has the foll owi n g
properti es:
o The measu re of each angl e i n a rectangl e is 90° .
o The di agon al s of a rectangl e are equal i n l ength.

• A square is a rectangl e that has the foll owing addi ti onal properti es:
o A square has all i ts sides equal i n l ength.
o In a square, di agonals are perpendi cul ar to each other.

• To cal cul ate the area, the foll owing formul as are requi red:
o For a parall el ogram, Area = bh , where b i s the base a n d h i s the
h e i gh t .
o For a rectangl e, Area = lw , where l i s th e l en gth an d w i s the
o For a square, Area = s 2 , where s is t he si d e of t he squa re .

• Per i m eter f o r an y po l ygo n i s th e su m o f l en gth s, o f all i ts si des.

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• A circle co nsi sts of all the poi n ts that are the same di stance from one fi xed
poi n t call ed the c e n t e r . Th at di stan ce i s call ed th e r a d i u s of a ci rcl e. Th e
word radi us i s al so used to re p r esent any of the l i ne se gment s joi ni n g the
center and a poi n t on the ci rcl e. The pl ural of radi us i s r a d i i.

• A n y t ri an g l e , s u c h a s CED i n the figure, formed by connecti n g the end

po i n ts o f tw o r adii , i s an i so sceles.

• A l i n e s e g m e n t , s u c h a s ED i n the di agra m above, both of w h ose end

poi n ts are on a ci rcl e i s cal l ed a c h o r d .

• A chord th at pass es t h rough the center of the ci rcl e is cal l ed the d i a m e t e r

of the ci rcle. The l ength of the di ameter i s al w ay s do u bl e th e r adi u s o f th e
ci rcl e. The di ameter is the l ongest cord that can be dr awn i n a circl e.

• The total l ength arou nd a ci rcle i s known as the circumference o f t h e

c i r c l e.

• The rati o of the ci rcumference t o the di ameter i s al ways the sa me for any
ci rcl e. This rati o i s denoted by the symbol π (pronounced as pi ).
• π= ⇒ C = π d ⇒ C = 2π r where C i s the ci rcumference, d i s the di ameter
and r i s the radi us of the ci rcl e.
• Value of π i s appr o x i m atel y 3.14

• An arc consi sts of two poi n ts i n a ci rcl e and al l the poi n ts between them.
E . g . PQ i s an arc i n the di agram.

• A n angl e whose verte x i s at the center of the ci rcl e i s call ed the central
angle .
∠PCQ i n the di agram above i s a central angle .

• The de gree measure of a compl ete ci rcl e i s 360° .

• The de gree measure of an arc i s the measure of the central angl e that
i n tercepts i t. E. g. the degr ee me asure of PQ i s equal to the measure of
∠PCQ i n the di agram above.

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• If x i s the degre e mea sure of an arc, i ts l ength can be cal cul ated as C,
where C i s the ci rcumference.
• The area o f a ci rcl e can be cal cul ated as π r2 .
• The area of a sector formed by the arc and two radii can be
calculated as A , where A is the area of a circle.

2.2 Discrete Quantitative Questions

These are standard multiple-choice questions. Most of such questions require you to do some
computations and you have to choose exactly one of the available choices based upon those
computations. This section will teach you the basic tactics to attempt such questions.

2.2.1 Question format

Each question will consist of a question statement and the choices labeled from A to E. The
number of choices may vary from 2 to 5, but exactly one choice will be correct for each

2.2.2 How to attempt?

Following are some tactics, which will lead you to the correct answer.

• Whenever you know how to answer a questi on di rectl y , just do i t. The

tacti cs shoul d be used onl y when you do not know the exact sol u ti on, and
you just want to eli mi n ate the choi ces.

• Rem em b er th at n o pr obl em r equ i r es l en gth y or di fficu l t com pu tati on s. If

y ou f i n d y ou r sel f doin g a l ot of com pl ex a r i th m eti c, th i n k agai n. You m ay
be goi n g i n the wrong di recti on.

• Whenever there i s a questi on wi th some unknowns (vari abl es), repl ace
them wi th the appro p ri ate numeri c val u es for ease of cal cul ati on.

• When you need to repl ace vari abl es wi th val u es, choose easy-to-us e
numbers, e. g. the number 1 00 i s app ropri ate i n most per cent-rel ate d
probl ems and the LCD (l east common denomi nator) i s best sui ted in
questi ons that i n vol v e fracti ons.

• A ppl y “back-sol vi n g” whenever you know what to do to answer the questi on

but you want to avoi d doi n g algebra. To understan d thi s tacti c read the
f o l l o wi n g exampl e:

On Monday , a storeo wner recei v ed a shi pment of bo oks. On Tuesday, sh e

sol d hal f of them. On Wedn esday after two more were so l d, she had
exactl y 2/5 of the books l eft. How many were i n the sh i pment?
(A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) 40 (E) 50
now by this tacti c:
Assume that (A) i s the correct answer, i f so; she must have 3 books on
Wedne sday . But 2/5 of 10 are 4, so, (A ) i s i n correct;
Assume that (B) i s the correct answer, i f so; she must have 8 books on
Wedne sday . 2/5 of 20 are 8, so, (B) i s the correct cho i ce, and as there may

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be onl y one correct c h oi ce, there i s no nee d to che ck for remai n ing choi ces.
Thi s tacti c i s v er y h elpf u l w hen a norm al al gebrai c sol uti on f or the probl em
i n v ol v es com pl ex or l en gth y cal cu l ati on s.
• If you are not sure how to answer the questi on, do not l eave i t
unanswered. Try to eli mi n ate absurd choi ces and gue ss from the remai n ing
ones. Most of the ti mes four of the choi ces are absu rd and you r answer i s
no l onger a guess.

Man y th i ngs m ay h e l p y ou to real i z e th at a parti cu l ar ch oi ce i s absu rd.

S ome of them are li sted bel ow.

o The answe r must be posi ti ve but some of the choi ces are nega ti ve
so el imi n ate all the negati ve ones.
o The answer must be even but some of the choi ces are odd so
el i mi n ate all th e odd ch oi ces.
o The answe r must be l ess then 100, but some of the choi ces are
greater tha n 100 (or any other val u e) so eli mi n ate all choi ces that
are out of range.
o The answe r must be a whol e number, but some of the choi ces are
fracti ons so eli mi n ate all fracti on s.
o These are some exampl es. Th ere may be numero u s si tuati ons
where you can appl y thi s tacti c and fi nd the correct an swer even i f
you do not know the ri ght way to sol v e the probl em.

Example questions with solutions

The fol l owing are som e exampl es , whi ch will hel p you to master t h ese typ es of
questi ons.

If 25% of 220 e qual s 5. 5% of X, what i s X?
(A ) 10 (B) 55 (C) 100 (D ) 110 (E) 1000

S i nce 5. 5% of X eq ual s 25% of 220, X i s much gre ater than 220. S o , choi ces
A , B, C, and D are immedi ately eli mi n ated becaus e these are not l arger than
220. A n d the correct answer i s ch oi ce E.

(Note: An important point here is that, even if you know how to solve a problem, if
you immediately see that four of the five choices are absurd, just pick the remaining
choice and move on.)
S ci ence students choose exact l y one of three fi el ds (i . e. medi cal sci ences,
engi neeri n g sci ences and computer sci ences). If, i n a col l ege, three-fi fths of
the studen ts choose medi cal sciences, one -forth of the remai n i ng students take
computer s ci ences, wh at p e r c e nt of the students tak e engi neeri n g sci ences?
(A) 10 (B) 15 (C) 20 (D) 25 (E) 30

The l east c ommon de nomi nator of 3/5 an d 1/4 i s 20, so assume that ther e ar e
20 student s i n that coll ege. Then the number of students cho osi ng medical
sci ences i s 12 (3/ 4 o f 20). Of the remai n i n g 8 stud ents, 2 (1/ 4 of 8) ch oose
computer sci ences. The rema i ni n g 6 choose engi n eeri n g sci ences. As 6 is
30% of 20, the answer i s E.

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If a school cafeteri a needs C cans of soup each week for each student an d
there are S students, for how many weeks will X cans of soup l ast?

( A) C X/ S (B ) X S /C (C) S /C X (D) X/C S (E ) C SX

Repl ace C, S and X wi th three easy to use numbers. Let C=2, S = 5 and X=20.
Now each student wi ll need 2 c ans per we ek and the re are 5 st udents, so 10
cans are need ed p er week and 20 cans wi ll l ast for 2 weeks. Now put thes e
val u es i n ch oi ces to find the correct one.
The choi ce s A , B, C, D and E b ecome 8, 50, 1/ 8, 2 and 200 r espec ti vel y. So
the choi ce D represen ts the correct answer .

2.3 Quantitative Comparison Questions

Some of the questi ons i n the Quanti tati ve secti on of the test may be
quanti tati ve compari son questi ons. The Fol l owi ng text wi ll expl ai n you the
format and techni ques u need to attempt th e questi ons of thi s format.

2.3.1 Question format

Such ques ti ons consist of two quanti ti es, one i n co l u mn A and the other i n
col u mn B. You have to compare the two quanti ti es. The i n form ati on
concerni ng one or bot h quanti ti es i s presented b efore them. Only the foll owi n g
four choi ces will be given:

A. Th e qu an ti ty i n col u mn A i s greater
B. Th e qu an ti ty i n col u mn B i s greater
C. The two quanti ti es i n both col u mn s are equ al
D. Th e rel ati on sh i p can not be det er m i n ed f rom th e i n f ormati on giv en

And as it is clear from the choices, only one will be correct at one time. Your job is
to choose one of them after careful comparison. The following text explains some
simple tactics to attempt such questions.

2.3.2 How to attempt

Whenever you encounter a quanti tative compari son questi on, the foll ow i n g
gu i del i n es w ill h el p you to fi n d th e cor r ect an sw er qu i ck l y.

• If the questi on i n volves some vari abl es, repl ace them wi th appropri at e
numbers. Here are some gui deli n es i n choosi ng an appropri ate number:
o The very best number s to use are –1, 0 and 1.
o Often fracti ons between 0 and 1 are useful (e. g. 1/2, 3/4 etc. ).
o Occasi onally, “l arge” numbers s u ch as 10 or 100 can be used.
o If there i s more than one vari able, i t i s permi ssi bl e to repl ace ea ch
wi th the same number .
o Do not i mpose any un-speci f i ed condi ti ons on numbers. Cho ose
t h e m r a n d o m l y.
• Eli mi n ate the choi ces and choos e from the remai n i n g ones. For exampl e If
you found the quanti ti es ever equal , the correct choi ce coul d never be A or
B , so, eli mi n ate A and B .
• A quanti tati ve compari son question can be treated as a n equati on or
i n equali ty. Ei ther:
Column A < Column B, or
Column A = Column B, or

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Column A > Column B
So, you can perform si mi l ar operati on on both col u mns to si mplify the
probl em j u st as i n equ ati on s (or i n equ ali ti es).

m > 0 and m ≠ 1

m2 m3

• In thi s exampl e di vide both the quanti ti es by m2. Thi s will change
c o l u m n A to 1 a n d c o l u m n B t o m . N o w t h e c o m p a r i s o n i s v e r y s i m p l e ,
as w e k n o w th at m i s gr eater th an 0 an d can n o t be 1. S o th e
r el ati o n ship i s n o t determ i nable usi ng the current inf orm ati on. m can
be both gr eater than 1 or betwe en 0 and l ess than 1.

2.3.3 Example questions with Answers and

Example 1:
A student earned a 7 5 on each of her fi rst three
math tests and an 80 on her f ourth and fi fth

A v erage after 4 tests A v erage after 5 tests

A. Th e qu an ti ty i n col u mn A i s greater
B. Th e qu an ti ty i n col u mn B i s greater
C. The two quanti ti es i n both col u mn s are equ al
D. Th e rel ati on sh i p can not be det er m i n ed f rom th e i n f ormati on giv en
R emem b e r y o u w a n t t o k n o w whi ch a v e ra g e i s hi g h e r, not wh a t t he a v e ra g es
are. A f ter 4 te sts, t he averag e i s cl earl y l ess than 80, so an 80 on th e fi fth
test had to rai se the average. S o the answer i s choice (B).

Example 2:

The ti me i t takes t o The ti me i t takes to

dri v e 40 mil es at 35 dri v e 35 mil es at 40
mph mph
A. Th e qu an ti ty i n col u mn A i s greater
B. Th e qu an ti ty i n col u mn B i s greater
C. The two quanti ti es i n both col u mn s are equ al
D. Th e rel ati on sh i p can not be det er m i n ed f rom th e i n f ormati on giv en

Once agai n there i s no need for cal cul ati on, as the sp eed i n col u mn B i s higher
than that in col u mn A. It i s obvi ous that i t will take less ti me to travel shor ter
di stance at a greater spee d. S o the val u e in col u mn A i s l arger. The answer i s
opti on (A).

Example 3:

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20 5
2 5
A. Th e qu an ti ty i n col u mn A i s greater
B. Th e qu an ti ty i n col u mn B i s greater
C. The two quanti ti es i n both col u mn s are equ al
D. Th e rel ati on sh i p can not be det er m i n ed f rom th e i n f ormati on giv en
 20  20  5 
  = =5   = 5 =5
 2  4  5
S qu a r e eac h c o l u m n : and . S o bo t h c o l u m ns a r e
equal and the answer i s choi ce (C).
Example 4:

13 y 15 y

To sol v e th i s questi on, subtract

13 y from both col u mns to get
13 y − 13 y = 0 f o r
c o l umn A an d
15 y − 13 y = 2 y
for column B. A s there are no restri ctions,
2 y can
be grea ter than, l ess than or equal to 0. So the correct choi ce i s (D).

2.4 Data Interpretation Questions

These ques ti ons are based on th e i n formation that i s present ed i n the form of
a graph, chart or tabl e. Most of the data i s presente d graphi call y. The most
common types of gra phs are l i ne gra phs, bar gr aphs and ci rcl e graph s. Th e
objecti v e of such que sti ons i s to test you r abi li ty to understan d and anal yze
stati sti cal data.

2.4.1 Question Format

Data i n terpretati on questi ons al ways appear i n sets , you are present ed wi th
some data i n any format (chart , graph or tabl e), an d you wi ll then be as ked
wi th some questi ons about that data.

The fol l owing exampl e expl ai ns the format of such questi ons.


Question 1:
What i s the average sal e, i n milli on Rs., for the peri od 199 4-20 00?
(A) 5.5 (B) 6.0 (C) 7.0 (D) 8.0
(E) 8.5

Question 2:

For which year, the percentage increase in sales from the previous year is the greatest.
(A) 1995 (B) 1996 (C) 1999 (D) 2000
(E) 2001

2.4.2 How to attempt

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• Do not try to answer such ques ti ons i mmedi atel y, fi rst of all read th e
present ed data car efull y. You must be ve ry cl ear ab out the dat a and i ts
meani n gs even before readi n g the fi rst questi on.

• Do not confuse numbers wi th percents. Thi s confusion i s most li kely to

occur whe n data i s pres ented i n pi e graphs. F or exampl e i n the
foll owi n g graph

Sales in million Rs.

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Now i t woul d be a great mi stake here to thi n k that sales of “TVs & VCRs” is
15% mor e than the sal es of Computers i n 2001 by XYZ Corporati o n. To
× 100 = 60%
k n o w t hi s y o u h a v e to c a l c ul a t e i t a s 25 .
• Try to avoi d un-necessary cal cul ati ons. Most of the questi ons coul d
easi l y be sol v ed by observati on and e s ti mati on. Use esti mati on to
el i mi n ate th e choi ces, if you are not abl e to fi nd th e correct answer
wi thout calcul ati on. For exampl e to sol v e “Questi on 1” present e d i n the
exampl e at the start of thi s secti on, i f you are not sure of the correc t
answer, you can then try to cut down the number of possi bl e choi ces by
observati o n. You a r e bei n g asked to tel l the percentage i n crease.
Where as, i n year 2000, the sal e i s decrea si ng i n stead of i n creasi ng, so,
y ou can i mm edi atel y el i mi n ate ch oi ce (D ) i n th at qu esti on .

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• Your answers must be ba sed upon the i n formati on present ed i n the
gi ven charts and grap hs. If your knowl edge contradi c ts any of t h e dat a
present ed, i gnore what you know and sti ck to the presente d da ta. The
present ed data shoul d be the onl y base for your cal cul ati ons and
esti mati ons.
• A lways use the prope r uni ts, there may b e some qu esti ons that ask you
to compar e di fferent data i tems possi bl y from di fferent data s ets. Be
careful about the uni ts used to repres ent t h e data.
• Because gr aphs and c h arts pres ent data i n a form that enabl e s you to
readi l y see th e rel ati on sh i ps am on g v al u es an d to m ak e qu i ck
compari sons, you shou l d al ways try to vi su ali z e you answer i n th e same
format as the original data was presented.
• Be sure th at your answer i s reasonabl e. For exam pl e, the pr ofi t coul d
never i n crease the act u al sal es, or the ex p enses coul d never be negati ve
etc. While answering the questi on, fi rst of al l el i mi n ate su ch u n -
reasonabl e choi ces, an d then choose from the remai n i n g ones.

2.5 Practice exercise

1 What i s the average of posi tive i n tegers from 1 to 100 i n cl usive?

( A ) 49
( B ) 49. 5
( C ) 50
( D ) 50. 5
( E ) 51

2 If
x + y = 6, y + z = 7, and x+ z =9, what is the average of x, y and z?
11 11 22
( D ) 11 (E) 22
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 3

3 In the di agram bel ow, li nes l and m are not para ll el.

If A repres ents the a v erage me asure of al l the ei ght angl es, what i s the val ue
of A?
(A) A = 45
(B) 45 < A < 90
( C ) A = 90
( D ) 90 < A < 180
( E ) A = 180

4 Asl am has 4 ti mes as many books as Sal m an and 5 ti mes as ma ny as Javed.

If Jav ed h as m ore th an 40 b o ok s, w h at is th e l east n u m ber of book s th a t
A s l a m c o uld h a v e?

( A ) 200 (B) 205 (C) 210 (D ) 220 (E) 24

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5 Asl am i s now 3 ti mes as ol d as Javed, but 5 years ago, he was 5 ti mes as
J a v e d w a s . H o w ol d i s A s l a m n ow ?

( A ) 10 (B) 12 (C) 24 (D ) 30 (E) 36

6 Ifx% o f y i s 10, w h at i s y?

Answer Key
1 D
2 A
3 A
4 D
5 D
6 C

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3 Analytical Ability
3 . 1 . 1 Q u es t i o n f o r m a t

Each anal yti cal reasoni n g questi on i s a l ogi cal puzzl e, based on a gi ven s et of
condi ti o ns. Li ke mathemati cal questi ons, these qu esti ons have exactl y one
c o rrect a n s w e r , w hi ch i s w h a t you ne e d t o se l ect .

A nalyti cal reasoni ng questi ons are presente d in groups of four or five
questi ons. Each gr oup i s bas ed on a s h ort passa ge fol l owed by a se t of
condi ti ons. Occasi onall y , there are gra ph s and tabl es i n stead of a pass age.
To underst and the g eneral format of the questi on, consi der the foll owi n g
exampl e.

Question 1-4:
As part of thei r sports physi cal, seven college athl ete s  F, G, H , I, J, K an d L
 are bei ng wei ghed. In announci ng the resul ts of the physi cal exams, the
coach has gi ven the foll owi n g informati on.
i. None of the athl etes is exactl y the same wei ght as another athl ete.
ii . K i s heavi er than L, but li ghter than H.
iii . I i s h eavi er th an J
i v. Both F and G are heavi er than H.
1 Ea c h o f t h e f o l l o wi n g c o u l d b e t rue E XC E PT
A. F i s th e h eav i est.
B. G i s th e h eav i est.
C. I i s th e h eav i est.
D. More than three athl etes are hea v i er than K.
E. More than three athl etes are l i ghter than K.
2 Whi ch of the foll owing, i f true, woul d be suffi ci ent to deter m i n e whi ch
athl ete i s the li ghtest?
A. I i s th e h eav i est
B. I i s li ghter than K
C. K i s heavi er than J
D. J i s h eavi er th an K
E. Exactl y fi ve students are li ghter than F.
3 If J i s heavi er than F, how many di fferent ranki n gs by wei ght, of the athl et es
are possi bl e?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5
4 I f H i s h e av i e r t h a n I, w hi c h o f t h e f o l l o wi n g C A N N O T b e t r u e ?
A. I’s wei ght is equal to the averag e of F’s wei ght and G’s wei ght.
B. I’s wei ght is equal to the average of K’s wei ght and L’s wei ght
C. J’s wei ght is equal to the average of K’s wei ght and L’s wei ght
D. J i s the second li ghtest.


1. E 2. D 3. C 4. A

3.1.2 How to attempt

• S i mpli fy the i n formation by usi ng abbr evi ati ons and symbol s. The fi rst
step i s to stri p away al l of the excess ver bi age from the gi ven passage
and then t o abbrevi ate the rem ai ni n g key words wi th si ngl e l etters. For
exampl e, in the que sti on statement “fi v e musi ci ans  a bas si st, a
drummer, a gui tari st, a pi ani st, and a trumpeter  are perfor mi ng i n a
tal ent show”, you shoul d i mmedi atel y abbrevi ate them B, D , G, P and T.

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You can use abbr evi ated l etters t o repres en t a whol e sentence al s o. You
shoul d use symbol s to represen t condi ti ons. You may devel op your own
sy m bol i c con v en ti on s f or th i s. Th e o bj ecti v e i s to co n v ert th e probl em
i n to n otation s, so th at, i t i s easil y u n derstan dabl e. Th e f ol l owin g i s a
basi c set of symbol s, whi ch are most commonl y used.
‘A ’ represe n ts the statement “A kbar i s goi ng”.
‘B’ repres e n ts the statement “Babur i s goi ng”.
Me a n i n g Example s
~ Not ~A A k bar i s not goi n g. Or you can say,
“i t i s not the case that Akbar i s
goi n g”.
∧ And A ∧ B A k bar and Babur are goi n g.
A ∧ ~B A k bar i s goi n g and Babur i s not
goi n g.
∨ Or A∨B A k bar or Babur i s going.
A ∨ ~B A k bar i s goi n g or Babu r i s not goi n g.
→ If, then A →B If A k bar i s goi n g then Babur i s goi n g.
(A ∧ B ) If A k bar and Babur are goi n g, then
→S S al eem i s goi n g.
↔ If an d on l y i f A ↔B B abu r i s g o i n g, if an d o n l y i f Ak bar i s
goi n g.
• Before l earni ng the ta cti cs to att empt an a n al yti cal reasoni n g questi on,
you must be fami li ar wi th some basi c l ogi c facts, which are ex pl ai ned i n
the foll owing text. Consi der A and B are two statements.
o A i s tru e mean s ~ A i s f al se.
o ~ A i s tr u e m ean s A i s f al se.
o ( A ∧ B ) i s t ru e m e a ns bot h A a nd B a re t rue .
o ( A ∧ B ) i s t ru e m e a n s e i t h e r A o r B o r b o t h a r e f a l s e .
o (A ∨ B) i s true means ei ther A or B or both are true.
o (A ∨ B) i s fal se means both A and B are fal se.
o ~ ( A ∧ B ) i s equ i v al en t to (~ A ∨ ~ B ) .
o ~ ( A ∨ B ) i s equ i v al en t to (~ A ∧ ~ B ) .
o I f ( A → B ) i s tru e t h e n
If A is true B is also true.
I f A i s f al se B m a y b e t r u e o r f a l s e .
o I f ( A → B ) i s fal se th en A i s tru e and B i s f al se.
o (A → B ) i s equ i v al en t to (~ B → ~ A )
o (A ↔ B ) i s t r ue m e a n s :
If A i s tr u e B i s tr u e.
If A i s f al se B i s f al se.
o (A ↔ B ) i s f al se m ean s:
I f A i s t r u e B i s f al s e .
If A i s f al se B i s tru e.
o (A ↔ B ) i s equ i v al en t to [(A → B ) ∧ ( B → A ) ] .
• Y o u m u s t b e f a m i l i a r wi t h the most common types of a n al yti cal
reasoni n g questi ons. The foll owi n g four types occu r more frequentl y
than the others, and when you see them, you shoul d i mmedi atel y know
what you need to do t o answer them.
o W h i c h o f th e fo l l o w i ng c o ul d be t rue? I f o nl y o n e o f t h e
answer choi ces coul d be true, th en each of the other four choi ces
must be fal se; that i s, each one must vi olate at l east one of the
gi ven condi ti ons.

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o Which of the follo wing must be true? Si nce onl y one of the
answer choi ces must be true, th en for eac h of the choi ces, ei ther
i t i s f al se or i t i s possi bl y (bu t n ot def i n i tel y ) tru e. You h av e to
choose only that choice whi ch i s defi ni tel y true.

o Which of the following cannot be true? Si nce only one of the

answer ch oi ces cannot be true , then eac h of the o ther choi ce s
coul d be t rue. The correct a n swer i s the onl y choi ce, which
v i ol ates at l east on e of th e gi v en con di ti on s or i s oth erw i se
i n c o n si st e n t w i t h w h a t y o u k n o w m u s t b e t r u e .
o H o w m a n y p o s s i b i l i t i e s a r e t h e r e ? Th is qu esti on ask s, “ H ow
many di fferent way s are th ere to sati sfy all of the gi ven
condi ti ons?” Here, you must systemati call y count or list al l of the
possi bi li ti es that do not vi ol ate any of the condi ti ons.

• Identi fy the key words that s erv e to l i m i t the si tuati on. Certai n words
are cri ti cal to your understa n di ng of the si tuati on. Be sure to
i n corporate your symbol s. Some frequentl y used key words are li sted
bel ow:

A f t er All Always A t l ea s t At most

Before But Can be Cannot be Consecuti ve
No fewer
D i f f er en t D i r ec tl y Each N o more t ha n
Onl y Possi bl e Enti r e Every Exactly
Except Fewer Fi rst If If and onl y i f
Immedi atel y Impossi bl e Last Least Most
Mu s t be Same Some Th e Lea s t Th e Mos t
Unl ess Small est Greatest None

Note that certai n key words have onl y one functi on, to ru l e out a
potenti al ambi gui ty.

• E li mi n ati n g th e ch oi ces i s alw ay s a good str ategy . Wh il e eli mi n ati n g th e

ch oi ces, f irst of al l , el i mi n ate th ose w h i ch are ru l ed ou t by i n di v i du al
condi ti ons: Then work through the remai n ing choi ces.

• Study condi ti ons, not merel y for what they state but a l so for what they
i m ply . C ertai n an al yti cal reason i n g qu esti on s resem bl e th e i nferen ce
questi ons you fi nd in the readi n g comprehensi on secti on. To answer
them corre ctl y , you must understand not onl y what the condi tions state
ex pl i ci tl y , bu t al so wh at th ey im pl y .

• Often the key to ans w eri n g anal yti cal reasoni n g ques ti ons i s to organi ze
the given information in a list or table.
• On some a n al yti cal reasoni n g questi ons, an excel l ent way to deal wi th
th e i n f ormati on i s to draw a sim pl e di agram , pi ctu re, or m ap. Th i s is
parti cu l arly h el pf u l w h en y ou are deal i n g w i th th e ph y si cal or tem poral
order of t h i n gs. It i s much easi er to tel l whether person A can be
seated op p o si te perso n B i f you have sketc h ed a di agram of the tabl e; i t
i s e a s i e r t o k n o w w h e t he r pe rs on C i s ol der or y ounge r t ha n p e rson D i f
you have entered al l of the gi ven i n formati on on a ti me li ne; and i t i s
easi er to d etermi n e whether town E i s east of town W i f you have drawn
a si mpl e map.

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3.1.3 Example questions with Answers and


Questions 1-5:
Six actors ---- Bob, Carol , Dave Ed, Frank, and Grace audi ti on for a part i n an
off-Broadway pl ay. The au di tions wi ll take pl ace o v er four c o nsecuti v e days,
starti ng on a Thursda y . Each actor wi ll have one au di ti on; the days on w h i ch
t h e d i f f e r e n t a c t o r s w i l l a u d i ti o n m u s t con form to th e f oll owi n g con di ti on s.

i. At l east one audi ti on will take place each day.

ii . No more than two audi ti ons will take pl ace on any day.
iii . No more than thr ee audi ti ons wil l take pl ace on any two
consecuti v e days.
i v. Bob’s audi ti on must take pl ace on S aturday.
v. Carol ’s audi ti on must take pl ace on the same day as another
audi ti on.
vi. Frank’s au di ti ons must take pl ace on th e day bef ore Grac e’ s
audi ti on.
vii. Dave’s audi ti on must take pl ace on a day after Ed’s au di ti on.

1 If onl y one audi ti on takes pl ace on Thurs day whi ch actor coul d have tha t
audi ti on?
( A ) Bob (B) C a r o l (C) Dave (D)Frank (E) Grace

2 If Bob’s an d Frank’s audi ti ons are on the same day, whi ch of th e foll owi ng
must be true
( A ) Dave’s audi ti on will take pl ace on Thursday
( B ) Dave’s audi ti on will take pl ace on Fri day
( C ) Grace’s au di ti on wi ll take pl ace on Thursda y
( D ) C a r o l ’ s a u d i ti o n wi l l take pl ace on Sunday
( E ) Ed’s audi tion will take pl ace on Sunday

3 If the di rector deci des to hol d two audi ti ons on Thursday and two on
Sun d a y , h ow m a n y a ct o r s woul d b e e l i gi bl e t o a ud i t i on on Fri da y ?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D ) 4 (E) 5

4 If Ed and Grace have thei r audi ti ons on the same day whi ch of the foll owi n g
must be true?
( A ) Ed’s audi tion will take pl ace on Thursday.
( B ) Frank’s audi ti on wi ll take pl ace on Fri day.
( C ) C a r o l ’ s a u d i ti o n wi l l t ak e p l a c e o n S a t u r d a y .
( D ) Grace’s au di ti on wi ll take pl ace on Saturday.
( E ) C a r o l ’ s a u d i ti o n wi l l t ak e p l a c e o n S u n d a y .

5 If Ed’s au di ti on i s on Saturday, whi ch of the foll owi n g actors cann ot

audi ti on on the same day as any other actor?
( A ) Bob ( C ) Ed (E) Gr
(B) Carol (D)Frank ace

Questions 6-10:
Duri ng the fi rst hal f of the year, from January through June, the chai rperson of
the mathe m ati cs dep artment wi ll be on sa bbati cal . The dean of the col l ege has
asked each of the si x professors i n the de partment -- - Arkes, Borofsky, Chang,
Denture, Hobbes, a n d Le e--- to serve a s acti ng c h ai rperson duri ng one of

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those mon ths. The mathemati ci ans can deci de th e order i n whi ch they will
serve, subject onl y to the foll owing cri teri a establ i shed by the dea n .
i. Chang will serve as chai rperson in February.
ii . Arkes wi ll serve as chai rperson before Hobbes does.
iii . Borofsky and Dexter wil l serve as chai rpersons i n consecuti v e

6 Whi ch of th e foll owi ng professor s coul d serve as chai rperson i n January?

(A) Borodfsky ( B ) Chang (C) D ex t er ( D ) Hobbes (E) Lee

7 In how many ways can the sch edul e be made u p i f Lee has to serve a s
chai rperson i n May?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(E) 6

8 I f Le e s e r v e s i n A p ril , a l l o f t h e fol l o wi n g c o u l d b e t r u e E X C E P T
( A ) A r k e s s e r v e s i n J a n u ar y
( B ) Hobbes ser v es i n march
( C ) B o r o f s k y ser v e s i n may
( D ) B o r o f s k y ser v e s i n J un e
( E ) Hobbes ser v es i n June

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9 If B o r o f sk y ser v es i n May , w h at i s th e l atest m on th i n w hi ch A rk es coul d
(A) January
( B ) February
( C ) March
( D ) A pr i l
( E ) June

1 0 W h i c h o f th e f o l l o wi ng C A N N O T b e t r u e ?
( A ) A rkes and Lee serv e in consecuti v e months.
( B ) Lee and Ho bbes s erve i n consecuti v e months.
( C ) Hobbes an d D exter serve i n consecuti v e months.
( D ) Arkes and Chang serve i n consecuti v e months.
( E ) Borofsky and Chang serve i n consecuti v e months.

Solutions 1-5:
Fi rst express each of the condi tions symboli cally:
B , C, D, E, F , a n d G : 1 a u d i t i o n e a c h
Days: Thu, Fri , Sat, Sun
Each day: 1 or 2 audi ti ons
2 consecuti v e days: 2 or 3 audi tions
B=Sat Cx F< G E<D
1 A vi ol ates the condi ti on that Bob’s audi ti on wi ll take pl ace on Satu rday
(B=Sat). B vi ol ates the condi ti on that Carol ’s audi ti on cann ot be the onl y
audi ti on on a parti cul ar day (C x). Choi ces C and E are i m possi bl e. Si nce
Dave’s audi ti on must take pl ace on a day af ter Ed’s au di ti on (E<D) and Gra ce’s
audi ti on mu st take pl ace on a day after Frank’s audi ti on (F<G) nei ther can
take pl ace on Thursday. Onl y choi ce D does not vi ol ate any of the gi ven
condi ti ons, so thi s i s the correct answer.
2 The condi tion that Bob’s and Fra n k’s audi tions are on the same day compl etel y
determi n es the sched ul e. They must take pl ace on S aturday (B=S at). To
avoi d having more than three audi ti ons on two consecuti v e days, there can be
onl y one au di ti on on Fri day and one on Sunday, whi ch means there wi ll be two
on Thursda y . S i nce Frank must have to pr eced e Gra c e (F<G), G race’s au di ti on
w i l l t a k e p l a c e o n S u nda y . Si n c e E d m u s t preced e D ave, Ed’s aud i ti on will take
pl ace on Thursday an d Dave’s a u di ti on on Fri day. Finall y, Carol ’s audi ti on will
be the se cond audi ti on on Thursday. The fi nal schedul e is “C and E on
Thursday, D on Fri day , B and F on Saturday and G on Sunday”. Only choi ce B
i s consi stent wi th this schedul e, so “B” i s th e correct choi ce.
3 Si nce onl y one audi tion can take pl ace on Fri day, i t cannot be Carol ’s (C x ) ;
and, of course, i t cannot be Bob’s (B = Sat). Any of the other four actors
co u l d au di ti o n o n Fri day as i n di cated i n th e f o ll o wi n g sch edu l es:
E/F on Thu, D on Fri, B on Sat, C/G on Sun
C / F o n T h u , E o n F ri , B o n S a t , D / G o n S un
C / E o n T h u, E o n F ri , B o n S a t , D / G o n S un
E / F o n T h u , G o n F ri , B o n S a t , C / D o n S un
So the correct choi ce i s D.
4 Th e on l y sch edu l e th at f u lf il s the con di ti ons i s “ F on Th u , E /G on Fri, B on S at,
a n d C / D o n S u n ”. O nl y c h o i c e E i s consi stent wi th this schedul e.
5 Si nce Ed and Bob’s audi ti ons are both taki ng place on Saturday, elimi n ate
choi ces A and C. Since Carol e must audi ti on on the same da y as another
acto r , eli mi n ate B . Fi n all y , si n ce D av e’s au di ti o n m ust tak e pl ace o n S u nday
(E < D), Frank’s audi ti on must take pl ace on Thursda y and Grac e’s audi ti on on
Fri day (F < G). E l im i n ate ch oi ce D . Th e com pl ete s ch edu l e i s: “ C /F on T h u , G
o n F r i , B / F o n S a t , a nd D o n S u n. ”
Solutions 6-10:
Let A , B, C, D, H, L represents pr ofessor names.
C=February, A<H, B<<D and D<<B

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6 On l y ch oi ce E i s th er e, w h i ch does n ot v i ol ate an y of th e con di ti on s, so i s th e
correct cho i ce.

7 Wi th C serv i n g i n Febru ary a n d L i n May , th e on l y con secu ti v e m on th s

avail abl e for B and D are Mar ch and Apri l . Then si nce A must serve i s befo re H
i n June. There are t w o possi ble schedul e s, depen di n g on the order of B and D ,
so the correct choi ce i s B.

8 If L serves i n A pril, the consecu ti v e months avail abl e for B and D are May and
June; so c h oi ces C and D coul d be true. Si nce A must serve be fore H, choi ces
A and B m u s t b e t r u e , o nl y c hoice E ca nnot be t rue .
9 S i nce A must serve before H d oes, A can n o t s e r v e i n J u n e . C an A s e r v e i n
A pr i l ? N o , bec a u s e t h en , D w o u l d s er v e i n J u n e ( B < < D o r D < < B) , a n d a g a i n A
woul d not precede H. The l atest that A coul d serve i n March, whi ch coul d
occur i n t he f i n al o r der : L, C , A, D , B a n d H .
1 0 The onl y pr ofessors that can serve i n Janu ary are A and L, so, one of th em
must serve i n January, and nei ther serves i n February . So choi ce A cannot be

3.2 Logical Reasoning

Each l ogi cal reasoni n g questi on requi res you to anal yze an argu ment prese n ted i n
a short pa ssage. Oft en you are asked ei th er to fi nd a concl u si on that i s a l ogi cal
consequen ce of the p assage, or to choose a statemen t that, if true, strengt h en or
weakens the argumen t.

3.2.1 Question format

Logi cal reasoni n g questi ons are based upo n a passa g e cal l ed argument. Y ou have
to anal yze the argument presen ted i n the passage. The passa ge i s foll owed by a
questi on. Occasi onall y , there i s more than one questi on rel ated be the same
passage. No matter what the nu mber i s, th e questi ons al ways ai m at your abil i ty
to underst and the co ncl usi on reached by t he author of the pas sage, and to gi ve
argument and contra arguments . Logi cal reasoni n g questi ons are a l ot l ike readi ng
comprehen si on questions i n a verbal secti on.

For each logi cal reasoni n g questi on, the ar gument i s foll owed by a mul ti choi ce
questi on. The choi c es are si mpl e statem ents. Mos tl y the questi on statement
begi ns wi th the phrase “whi ch of the foll owi n g statements”. Here are a few
exampl es:
• Wh i ch o f th e f o ll o wi ng statem en ts i s an assum pti on on w hi ch the concl usi on
o f th i s ar gu m en t i s based?

• Whi ch of the foll owi ng statemen ts i denti fi es a fl aw i n the reaso n i n g of this


• Wh i ch of th e f oll owi ng statem e n ts can be m ost reason abl y i n ferred, f rom

the statem ents i n the gi ven passage?

• Whi ch of th e foll owi ng stateme n ts, if true, woul d most seri ousl y, weaken
the argument offered?

• Whi ch of th e foll owi ng statemen ts, if true, woul d strengthen the concl u si on
i n the precedi n g argu ment?

• Whi ch of the fol l owing statem en ts woul d be the most i m portant to know to
eval uate the argument gi ven in the prec edi n g para graph? Every l ogi cal
reasoni n g questi on does not fi t thi s mol d, but you shoul d try.

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3.2.2 How to attempt
• Wh i l e attem pti n g l ogical reason in g qu esti o n s, y ou sh ou l d read t h e qu esti on
statement before readi n g the argument. Then you shoul d anal yze th e
argument present ed i n the passage. You must know what aspect of the
argument you are to concentrat e on, and f ocus on i t. By thi s, you will not
be unneces sari ly wasti n g your time.
• You must be abl e to spot the questi on type by readi n g the questi on
statement. If you do thi s, you will be better a bl e to approach th e
argument in hand. T h e f o l l ow i n g s i x cat e g o r i e s a r e t h o s e w h i ch m o st
commonly occur:

1 Assumption: Questi ons that test your abi li ty to recogni z e the premi ses on
w h i c h a n ar g u m e n t i s b a s e d , o f t e n t a k e t h e f o l l o wi n g f o r m s :
o The concl u si on above depends on whi ch of th e foll owing
assumpti ons?
o The author of the pa ssage abo v e makes whi ch of the fol l owi ng
assumpti ons?
o In the pas sage a bove, the author assumes whi ch of the fol l owi ng
statement to be true?

2 Inference: Questions, whi ch test your abi li ty to go beyon d the auth or’s
expl i ci t statements an d see what these stat ements i mpl y, may be worded l i k e
o It can be i n ferred from the passage a bove that the auth or
bel i ev es that …
o Wh i ch of th e f oll owi ng i s i m pli ed by th e p assage a bo v e?
o From the informati on above, whi ch of the foll owi n g i s the most
reasonabl e i nference?

3 Conclusion: Questi ons that test your abi li ty to determi n e what cl ai m can
l ogi call y be made on the basi s of evi dence in the pass age above?
o If the statements ab ove are true, whi ch of the followi ng i n a
concl u si on that can be properl y drawn?
o The stat ements i n the passag e, i f true, best supports whi ch of the
f oll owi n g con cl u si on s?

4 Central Point: Questi ons that test your abili ty to understan d the
t h r u s t o f an a r g u m e n t .
o The stat e m ent si ted abov e conveys whi ch of the fol l owing
proposi ti ons?
o The author of the passage above argues that…
o Whi ch of the foll owing expres ses t he poi nt t he aut hor of the
passage above makes?

5 Support: Questi ons that tes t your abili ty to recogni z e whether an

asserti on supports or undermi nes an argument.
o Whi ch of the foll owi n g, i f true, best supports t h e author’ s
concl u si on?
o Wh i ch o f t h e fol l owi ng , if t rue , most we a k e ns t he a ut ho r ’s
concl u si on?

6 Argument Evaluation: Questions that test your ability to judge

an argument.
o Wh i ch o f th e f o l lo w i n g i den ti fi es a f l aw i n th e speak e r ’s
reasoni n g?
o Whi ch of the foll owi ng woul d be most i m portant to know when
eval uati ng the accuracy of the argument above?

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• Do not try to ski m th e passage, read each argument carefully. It i s not
enough to have a general i dea about the argument; you must be a bl e t o
analyze it very carefully.

• You must fi nd the concl u si on of the argu ment, whi ch the author cl aims to
have reached. That most common si tuati ons are as foll ows:
o The concl u si on i s the l ast sente n ce of the passage, often starti ng
by words such as so, therefore, thus, hence, consequ entl y etc.
o The concl u si on i s the fi rst sentence of the passage foll owed by
the suppor ti n g evi dence.
o Occasi onally, the concl u si on i s not present i n the passage; i n this
case, the questi on asks you to i denti fy the concl u si on.

• Pay parti cul ar attenti on to signal words such as accordi n gl y, for this
reason, hence, al though, but, except, i n contrast, neverthel ess, unli k e etc.

• E li mi n ati n g th e ch oi ces i s alw ay s th e best s trategy i f you do n ot k n ow w h at

the correc t answer i s. Thi s process wi ll el i mi n ate some obv i ous wrong
ch o i ces. A n d y o u w ill be abl e to m ake an edu c ated gu e s s f r o m the
remai n ing ones.

• Every argument i s based upon c ertai n assumpti ons made by the author. If
an argume nt’s basi c premi ses a r e sound, t h e argume nt i s strengthene d. If
an argument’s basi c premi ses are fl awed, the argu ment i s weakened. In
support q u esti ons, where you have t o deci de about w eakeni n g or
strengtheni n g the qu esti on, pinpoi nt what the argument assumes. Then
compare th at assumpt i on wi th the answer c h oi ces. If the ques ti on asks you
to fi nd the choi ce, whi ch most strength ens the ar gument, l ook for the
choi ce that i s most in keepi n g wi th the ar gument’s basi c assumpti on. If
the questi on asks you to choose the choi ce that most weakens the
argument, l ook for the ans w er that casts the most do ubt on th at
as s u m p t i o n .

• S om e l ogi cal r eason i ng qu esti on s ar e esse n ti al ly mi ni an al y ti cal r eason i n g

questi ons, so, be famili ar wi th all of the important l ogi cal facts and ap pl y
whenever neede d. Exampl e questi ons wi th Answers and Expl anati ons

3.2.3 Example Questions with Answers and Explanations

Questions 1-2:
The mi crowave oven has beco me a stan dard a ppl iance i n many ki tchens, mai nl y
becau se i t of f ers a f a st w ay of c ook i n g f ood. Yet, so m e h om eo w n ers bel i ev e th at
th e o v en s ar e sti l l no t co m pl et el y saf e. Mi cr o w av es, th er ef o r e , sh o u l d n o t be a
standard a ppl i ance until they have been c arefull y researched a n d teste d.

1 Wh i ch of th e f ol l owin g, i f tru e, w ou l d m ost w eak e n th e con cl u si on of th e

p assa g e a b o v e ?

( A ) Homeowners, often purchase i tems despi te k n owi n g th ey m ay be u n saf e.

( B ) Those hom eowners i n doubt abo u t mi crowav e safety o u ght not to purchas e
m i c r o w a v es.
( C ) Research a n d testi n g of home appl i ances sel dom reveal s safety hazards.
( D ) Mi crowaves are not as dangerous as steam irons, whi ch are used i n al most
every home.
( E ) Homeowners often purchase i tems that they do not need.

2 Whi ch one of the foll owi n g, if true, would most strengthen th e concl u si on of
the passag e above?

( A ) Homeowners often doubt the adverti se d s a f e t y o f al l n e w a p p l i an c e s .

( B ) Speed of food prepar ati on i s not the onl y concern of today’s ho meowner.
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( C ) Modern ho meowners have more free ti me than ever before.
( D ) Food prepa rati on has become al most a sci ence, wi th more compli cated and
i n v ol v ed r eci pes.
( E ) Many mi crowave ovens have bee n found to l eak radi oacti v e el ements.

3 Years a go, a pol l concl u ded th at there a re more t el evi si ons than there are
bathtubs i n Ameri can homes. No doubt that fact remai n s today, especi all y i n
li ght of the growi n g p opul ari ty of home co mputers. Now, i n addi ti on to owni ng
tel evi si ons for entertai nment, more and more famili es are purchasi ng TV
moni tors for use wi th a personal computer. We can sa fel y guess that there are
sti ll m an y m or e peop l e star i n g at a pi ctu r e tu be th a n si n gi n g in th e sh ow er .
W hi c h o f th e f o l l o wi ng s t a t e me n t s ca n b e infe rre d from t his p a ssa ge ?
( A ) Personal computers probabl y cost l ess than i n stall ing a shower or bathtub.
( B ) Peopl e can wash themsel v es wi thout a tu b or shower, but they cannot
watch tel evi si on unl ess they own a tel evi sion set.
( C ) TV moni tors will work wi th personal computers i n pl ace of regul ar
computer monitors.
( D ) As many computers a re sold today as tel evi si on sets a few years ago.
( E ) More t el evisi on moni tors are no w used wi th personal computers than ar e
used to watch commerci al tel evisi on broadcasts.

4 Some sci en ti sts have proposed that, over two hundred mi lli on years ago, one
gi ant l and mass, rather than vari ous continents and i sl ands, covers one thi rd
of the earth. Long before there was any human l ife, and over vast peri ods of
ti me, i sl ands and con ti n ents dri fted a part. Austral i a was the fi rst to s epar ate,
w h il e S ou th A m eri ca an d A f ri ca w ere l ate i n spl i tti n g apart. S o m e i sl an ds, of
course, were formed by vol canoes and wer e never pa rt of the gr eat l and m ass.

A ll the followi ng would support t h e author’s cl ai m EXCEPT

( A ) Many of th e pl ants of the S outh A m eri can rai n forests are marke dl y si mil ar
t o t h o s e o f A f ri c a n r ai n f o r e s t s .
( B ) Australi a has more an i m al s that are not found i n any other conti n ent than
have several of the much l arger conti n ents.
( C ) V o l cani c i sl an ds li k e H aw aii h ave ecosy st e m s v ery di f f eren t f rom th ose of
conti n ental l ands wi th the same average te mperature.
( D ) Th e pl an ts of si mil ar con di ti on s in S ou th Am eri ca h ave l ess i n com m on w i th
t h o s e o f A u s t r a l i a t ha n w i t h t h ose o f A s i a, A f ri c a o r E u r o p e .
( E ) Th e pr i m i ti v e l an gu ages o f A u str al i a ar e u n li k e th o se o f A f r i ca, w hi ch
resembl es those of South Ameri ca.
5 Every S aturday, A mi r has pi zza for l u nch and th en goes t o the movi es.
If the stat ement abo v e i s true, whi ch of the foll owi n g statement s must al so be
1 If it is not Saturday, than Amir is not having pizza for lunch and is not
goi n g to the movi es.
2 If A mi r has pi zza for lunch and then goes t o the movies, i t i s S aturday.
3 I f A m i r h as p i z z a f o r l u n c h , b u t d o e s n o t g o t o t h e m o v i e s , i t i s n o t a
S a t u r da y .
(A) 1 onl y
(B) 2 onl y
(C) 3 onl y
(D)1 and 2 only
(E) 2 and 3 only

6 A n tif r eez e l o w er s th e m el ti n g po i n t o f an y l i qui d to w h i ch i t i s add ed so th at

th e l i qui d w ill n ot f reez e i n col d w eath er. It i s com m on l y u sed to m ai n tai n th e
cool ing system i n automobi l e radi ators. Of course, the weather may become
so col d that even anti freeze is not effecti v e, but such a severe cl i mati c
con di ti on rarel y occu rs i n w ell -trav el ed pl aces.

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Whi ch of the foll owi ng can be d educe d from the pass age?
( A ) Wel l -traveled pl aces h ave means of transportati on other than automobi l es.
( B ) A ntifreeze does not l ower the mel ti n g poi n t of certai n li qui ds i n extreme
con di ti on s.
( C ) Severe cl imati c condi ti ons rarely occur.
( D ) It i s not often that many travel ers who use anti freeze have thei r cooli ng
system freeze.
( E ) A n tifreeze rai ses the mel ti n g point of some li qui ds.

1 The concl u si on of the pass age i s that, because of safety co ncerns, more
research a n d testi n g ought to be done b efore mi crowaves be come standard
h ou seh ol d appl i an ces. If , h ow ever, researc h an d testi n g are i n ef f ecti v e m ean s
of di scerning safety probl ems (as choi ce C says), th en resear ch and tes ti n g
w ou l d be i rrel ev an t. Th i s cri ti ci sm seriou sl y w eak en s th e con cl u si on. So
cho i ce C i s t h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r.

2 If many mi crowave ovens have been found to l eak radi oacti ve el ements (as
choi ce E says), then the concl u sion  that mi crowaves shoul d not be stan dard
appl i an ces u n ti l th ey are m or e caref u l l y resear ch e d an d tes t ed  i s f u r th er
strengthen ed becaus e more safety concerns need to be addr ess ed. So, choi ce
E i s the correct answer.

3 Though Ch oi ces A and B may w el l be true , they can n ot be i n ferred from the
i n formati on i n the passage. B u t choi ce C can be i n ferred si nce, “more and
more fami li es are pur chasi ng TV moni tors for use wi th a per son al computer.”
TV moni tors must work wi th these computer s, otherwi se, peopl e woul d not buy
them for th at purpos e. Choi ces D and E may or may not true, but they are not
i n ferences from the passage, si mpl y addi ti onal i nform ati on. So, the correct
choi ce i s C.

4 If Australia was the fi rst conti nent to separate, i t woul d foll ow that i ts flora
an d f au n a w ou l d dev el op i n i sol ati on ov er a l on ger peri od of ti m e. Si milarl y ,
we may expect the pl ants and ani m al of South Ameri ca and Afri ca that
sep a ra t ed l at e r , t o b e m o r e a l ik e . C hoi ce s A, B , a nd D sup port t he se i deas .
Th e s epar a tel y dev el oped i sl ands ar e di f f er en t at i s al so i n accor d w i th th e
passag e. However the l anguage s of all the conti n ents woul d have devel ope d i n
i sol ati on, si nce man di d not evol ve until after the break-up of the l andmass,
and i t i s surpri si ng th at Afri can and South Ameri can l anguages are si milar.
Human li keness or di fferences ar e i rrel evant to the cl ai ms of the passa ge. S o
choi ce E i s the correc t answer.

5 Th i s l ogi cal r eason i n g qu esti on i s v er y eas y as soon as y ou ex p r ess th e gi v en

statement symbol i cally. “If i t is Saturday, then Amir has Pi zza and goes t o
Movi es” transl ates a s
S → ( P ∧ M ) . Th i s i s equ i v al en t to
~ ( P ∧ M ) →~ S ,
(~ P∨ ~ M ) →~ S . S o if
w hi ch i s equ i v al en t to ei ther P or M i s fal se, then S is
fal se. Therefore, 3 is true, neither 1 nor 2 are true. S o, the correct choi ce i s

6 Choi ce D is the correct answer. Si nce severe cl i m ati c condi ti ons rarel y occur
i n well -travel ed pl aces, i t i s not necess a ril y true that “It i s not often that
many travel ers who use anti freeze have thei r cooli n g systems freeze. ” Choi ce
A menti ons other means of transportati on, whi ch is not addressed i n the
p a s s a g e . C h o i c e B ref e r s to “ cer tai n ” l i qui ds.

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4 Verbal Ability
The pur po se of the Verbal Test i s to eval uate and anal yze your Engl i sh
comprehen si on and understandi ng towards the l anguage. The questi ons will be
basi call y asked to judge th e s entence co mpl eti on, anal ogy and cri ti cal readi n g
skill s. The questi ons of different types i.e. about sentence compl eti on and
anal ogy testi n g will be asked ra ndoml y . The ques ti ons about t h e cri ti cal readi n g
however will be asked separatel y .

4.1 About the Verbal Questions

As al ready di scussed, thi s section will consi st of the foll owi n g types of questi ons
i . e. sen tence com pl et i on , an al ogy an d th e cri ti cal readi n g. Th e detai l abou t each
secti on i s as bel ow ;

4.1.1 Sentence Completion

The que sti ons that come under thi s category are pr ovi ded wi th vari ous choi ces.
You are as ked to co mpl ete the sentences by fil li n g i n the bl an ks wi th th e most
sui tabl e choi ce.
The questi ons for sen tence c ompl eti on can be rel ated to any of the other a reas of
study i . e. sci ence, l i terature, history, geography etc but the subject matter woul d
not hi nder your l anguage a bi li ti es. You ar e asked to compl ete t h e sent enc e wi th
the use of correct gra mmar or vocabul ary.

These questi ons try to det ermi n e your abili ty to rec o gni z e the correct se ntence
structure, ri ght grammar and how you make the corre ct choi ce of vocabul ary .

Techniques for Sentence Completion

For the se ntence co mpl eti on a few choi ces are gi ven that co ul d be sel ected for
compl eti ng the sente n ces. Only one choice i s correct out of the several choi ces.
You have t o compl ete the sente n ce by sel ecti n g the correct ch oi ce accordi n g to
the gramm ar or voca bul ary. For maki ng the ri ght ch oi ce you can benefi t from the
foll owi n g techni ques;

• After you read the i n compl ete s entence do not l ook at the choi ces. Try to
t h i n k a b o ut t h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r y o u r s e l f. If you think that you have
compl eted the sent ence and found the cor rect choi ce you can c onsul t your
li st of choi ces. If th e answer you thought match es one of the choi ces
menti oned i n the li st that i s most probabl y the ri ght choi ce to be marked.
If i t does not mat ch wi th the choi ce you can l ook for a synonym
repl acem e n t. Thi s tacti c i s very h el pf ul i n fi n di n g th e ri gh t an sw er, it
prevents y ou from confusi n g yoursel f wi th the wrong choi ces.

• Do not select the choi ce hastil y. Even i f you are satisfi ed wi th your choi ce
try to substi tute i t wi th the other choi ces so that you are more sati sfi ed
wi th your deci si on. Someti mes the other choi ce fi ts more appr opri atel y to
the senten ce.

• When you are asked to compl ete a sent en ce, whi ch has two spaces to be
fill ed i n , try to put th e fi rst word of every choi ce i n the fi rst bl ank. Note
down the choi ce that you fi nd best. Now for the second bl ank try every
second ch oi ce of al l choi ces. Note the choi ce that you think i s most
appropri at e. Check i f the two sel ected choi ces are matchi ng one of t h e
gi ven pai r of choi ces. If i t does then s el ect i t as your correct ch oi ce, i f not
then consider thi s pai r as a wron g choi ce and try wi th the other choi ces.

• If you fi nd di ffi cul ty in maki ng sense out o f certai n words an d y ou are not
very familiar wi th them you can try to ma ke a gue ss wi th reference to the
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context of the sentence. Try to break the word into vari ous parts and
anal yze i ts meani n g e.g. i f you do not know the meani n g of the wor d
“ ci vili z ati on ” break i t i n to tw o i. e. ‘ci vili z e’ an d ‘ati on ’ n ow y ou m ay k n ow
the meani n g of ci vi lize and thro ugh the term ‘ati on’ you can m ake out th at
the word i s a noun of ci vili ze. If you fi nd the word unfamili ar wi th prefi x es
and suffi xes di vi de the word i n to i ts part s e. g. prer ecordi ng. Thi s word
consi sts of both prefi x and suffix. You can break the word l ike pre-recor d -
i n g. Here you know that pre me ans before, record means to stor e and -i ng
i s a term of conti nuous tense. So you can fi nd thi s break up of words qui te
hel pful in maki ng out the ri ght sense. If none of the techni que works try
maki ng a gu ess wi th reference to the context.

• When l ong and compl ex sente n ces confuse you then try to break th at
sentence i nto smal l er more sen tences by rephrasi ng i t. After you di vi de i t
compare wi th the origi nal sentence to avoi d any mi sinterpretati on. If you
are sati sfi ed read the small er sentences to get the i de a more cl earl y.

Example Questions

1. Mul tan _______ ___ _ a very hot cli m ate.

A . Has
B. Have
C . Has been
D . Wi th
2. On e of th e l east ef f ecti v e w ay s of sorti n g i nf ormati on is learn i n g
____ ___ __ i t.
A . Repea t
B. Repeati n g
C. To repeat
D . h o w r epea t

3. S al m an fi ni shed____ ____ __ tw o of hi s publ i shed composi ti ons before

h i s t w el f t h b i r t h d a y .
A . W ri t t e n
B . W ri t i n g
C . T o w ri te
D. Wrote

4. S ofi a ____ ____ __ col l ect stamps, but now she has other i n terests.
A. Used to
B . W a s u se d t o
C. Used to be
D . U s i n g to

5. After pass i n g through a gr eat trauma o f her hus band’s death, she
____ ___ __ _ hard to achi eve mental rel axation.
A. Struggled
B. Struggling
C. Struggle
D . T o s t r ug g l e

6. In partners hi p wi th Paki stan, S outh Korea _____ ___ __ __on Motor way.
A. Helped worked
B. H el p i n g w o r k
C. Helped working
D . T o h el p w o r ki n g

7. We wil l wait i f you ______ ___ _ go.

A. Wanted to
B. Want
C. Want to
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D. Wanting to

8. If I had more ti me I _____ ___ __ __ checke d my paper.

A . W o ul d h a v e
B . W o ul d
C. Would had
D . W i l l h av e

9. I thought that he___ _ ____ ___ c omi ng today.

A. Has been
B. Is
C. Was
D. Has

10. That profes sor enjoys teachi ng and ___ ___ ____ _.
A . W ri ti n g
B . W ri t t e n
C . T o w r i te
D . W ri t e

11. Just ____ _ ____ _the f il es on my tabl e.

A . Let
B . Lea v e s
C. Stay
D . Lea v e

12. Thank you for _____ _ ____ me y our book.

A. B o r r ow i n g
B. Len d i n g
C. B o r r o w ed
D. Had lent

13. ____ ___ __ ___ di sco very of insuli n, it was not possi bl e to treat
di abetes.
A . P ri o r
B . B e f o r e to t h e
C. Prior to the
D. To prior the

14. D i stri bute the handouts ____ ___ ____ th e candi dates.
A. Between
B . A m on g
C. To
D. In

15. Onl y _________ wer e present at the semi nar.

A. a few people
B. a l i t t l e p e o p l e
C. a f e w p e o p l e s
D . t he l i t t l e p e o p l e

Answer Key

1. A 9. C
2. C 10. A
3. B 11. D
4. A 12. B
5. A 13. C
6. C 14. B
7. C 15. A
8. A
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4.1.2 Analogy Questions

Anal ogy means si mil ari ty i n exam pl es or descri bi n g likeness bet w een two or more
words. Th ese questi ons ask th e read er t o anal yze the rel ati onshi p between two
w o rd s i n a p a i r a n d l o o k f o r a n ot he r si mila r or e q ui v a l ent pa i r of word s. You ar e
provi ded w i th fi ve other pai r s of words. You are ex pected to match the ori gi n al
pai r, w h i ch i s gi v en in th e qu es ti on w i th on e of th e pai rs i n th e gi v en ch oi ces on
the bas es of si mil ar rel ati onshi ps betwe en them. Thi s exerci se or such qu esti ons
try to det e rmi n e your basi c understandi ng towards v ocabul ary and your a bi li ty to
recogni z e t h e rel ati onshi p betwe en words. Some que sti ons may al so ask you to
sel ect a sui tabl e antonym for a gi ven word.

Techniques for Analogy Questions

For the anal ogy questi ons you can foll ow the gui del i nes menti oned bel ow;

• Do not read the choi ces before you have anal yzed the rel ati onship between
the pai r of words, yoursel f . Try to understa n d the words more
appropri at el y and think on whi ch basi s the rel ati onshi p between the wor ds
i s f o r m e d . A f t e r y o u r e a c h a co ncl usion read the gi ven choi ces afterwards
to get a pr oper match wi th another pai r havi ng the same rel ati on shi p.

• W h e n y o u f i n d y o u r s e l f s t u c k w i t h a w o r d o f d i f fi cu l t vo c a b u l ar y , d o n o t f e e l
confused. Try to understand i ts meani n g reference to the context or i f i t i s
som e w h a t f a m i l i a r t r y t o re me mbe r w h e r e a n d w h e n y o u h e a r d t h e w o r d
before. It can be a gr eat hel p.

• Someti mes you fi nd that there is more than one pai r that fi ts well to the
questi on and i s appropri ate for the choi ce, gi v e the ori gi n al pai r a l i ttle
more thought so that you can further study the relati onshi p between t h e
words and narrow i t down to a more di sti n ct one. After you have been
successful i n fi ndi n g a cl oser re l ati on shi p you can n ow scruti n ize the two
other pai rs that confused you earli er. Repeati n g the same proc edure wi th
these word s woul d prove useful .
• Do not get caught up by the tri cks of the test makers. Someti mes the
questi ons are provi ded wi th very tri cky and dodgi ng choi ces that mi sgui de
g r e a t l y . T ry t o t h i n k o f e v e r y c h o ice more speci f i cally and narrowl y.

• If you are famili ar wi th the parts of sp eech and t h ei r nature, i t can b e

benefi ci al in maki ng a more sensi bl e choi ce. Remember i f the words i n the
ori gi n al pai r are a noun and a n adjecti v e, the cor rect choi ce you make
shoul d al so contai n the words i n the sam e grammat i cal order. Otherwi se,
your choi ce i s wrong. So, i f you are conf used wi th two pai rs and cannot
choose the correct c h oi ce you can easi l y l ook at thei r grammati cal orde r
and gi ve preference to the one, whi ch matches the ori gi n al one.

• Exclude the choice from your consideration that you think is

incorrect, e.g. the choices that do not have the same grammatical
unit as of the original pair cannot match the original pair in anyway.
Spend more time on considering the more possible choices.

• You should know about the various kinds of analogies that are more
frequently asked. Some of the common analogy types are as

i. Synonyms
Some words are linked together in a pair which means the same or
has a similar dictionary definition.e.g Pretty- Beautiful

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ii. Describing Qualities
Some pairs have some words in which one word describes the other
word. Heavy- Rain

iii. Class and Member

Some pairs have words which are based on class and member basis
e.g. Electronics-Radio

iv. Antonyms
Some pairs consist of the words that are opposite to each other
Love- Hate

v. Describing Intensity
Some pairs consist of the words in which one describes the
intensity of the other e.g.

vi. Function
In some pairs a word describes the function of the other word e.g.

vii. Manners
Some words in a speech describe the manners and behavior e.g.

viii. Worker-Workplace
Some pairs in a word describe the profession and its workplace e.g.

Example Questions


(A) Depth : Trench

(B) Shade : Tree
(C) Weight : Age
(D) Speed : Highway
(E) Mineral : Mine


(A) Comatose : Consciousness

(B) Serene : Composure
(C) Erudite : Knowledge
(D) Adroit : Skill
(F) Invigorate : Energy


(A) Proselyte : Spark plug

(B) Panhandler : Kill
(C) Embezzler : Abduct
(D) Cynosure : Magnet
(F) Morass : Catalyst
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(A) Therapy : Thermometer

(B) Oblivion : Obvious
(C) Liturgy : Literature
(D) Image : Imagine
(E) Bowl : Bowdlerize


(A) Rapacious : Clothing

(B) Gluttonous : Food
(C) Altruistic : Money
(D) Vegetarian : Meat
(E) Controversy : Reconcile


(A) Author : Bibliography

(B) Episode : Series
(C) Coach : Team
(D) Dancer : Agile
(E) Poetry : Prose


(A) Home : Live

(B) School : Daily
(C) Water : Cold
(D) Clothes : Socks


(A) Zebra : Giraffe

(B) Stationery: Pencil
(C) Book : Cap
(D) Tree : Wood


(A) Fat : Thin

(B) Stupid : Idiot
(C) Rough : Surface
(D) Beautiful : Diary

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in

meaning to the word in capital letters.


(A) Twist
(B) Intimidate
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(C) Encourage
(D) Straighten
(E) Supply


(A) Modern
(B) Alien
(C) Ornamental
(D) Natural
(E) Conceal


(A) Curative
(B) Injurious
(C) Medicinal
(D) Practical
(E) Slander


(A) Amused
(B) Unequivocal
(C) Contorted
(D) Dissimilar
(E) Lax


(A) Dependent
(B) Concomitant
(C) Appendix
(D) Primary
(E) Buffet


(A) Wicked
(B) Dazzling
(C) Mediocre
(D) Honorable
(E) Bawdy

Answer Key

1. A 4. D 7. C 10. C 13. B
2. A 5. B 8. B 11. B 14. D
3. A 6. B 9. A 12. B 15. E

4.1.3 Critical Reading Questions

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Questi ons rel ated to cri ti cal readi n g try to j u dge your readi n g skill s and how you
understand and i n terpret what you read. The paper i n cl udes a few passages that
ask answeri ng questi ons rel ated to the pass age.

Techniques for Critical Reading Exercises

There are a few techniques related to the Critical Reading Questions that
prove to be a good guideline for solving such questions.

• Do not read the questions before reading the whole passage. Try to
skim through the whole passage and then read the questions to look
for a more specific answer. Read the passage quickly with
understanding but do not panic. Try to analyze what the whole
passage is about and what the author really intends to convey.
While reading mark the lines where you think the passage carries the
most important points. These strategies would definitely help you
find the answers.

• When you find yourself stuck with a question, do not waste your time
on it and go ahead for the next questions. Sometimes, answering
other questions guide you about the earlier question. But, if you still
do not find the answer mark it for doing in the end more calmly,
having enough time to think.

• Try to familiarize yourself with the types of critical reading

questions. Once you know the nature of such questions, you will be
able to find the answers more quickly even when you are reading the
passage. The examples of some commonly asked questions are as

o Central Idea
Mostly, questions are asked to explain the central idea or main
theme of the whole passage, which analyzes how you skim
through it. Sometimes, the opening and closing lines can give you
a better clue about answering such questions properly.

o Specific Details
Sometimes to analyze your scanning abilities you are asked to
answer some specific details about the passage. Such questions
are about ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘which’ and ‘who’. You can get the
answers of this kind of questions from the area of the passage
which you marked in the first reading, where you think the most
important and informational remarks of the author lies.

o Making Inferences
Most of the questions ask you to infer from the passages, making
your opinion about what is said in the paragraph, implying
meaning and making your own point of view. These questions try
to assess your judgment; you must be clear in your mind about
what the author is referring to and then make your own opinion
according to your understanding and comprehension. Read and
think about all the choices and analyze each of it logically
according to your comprehension rather than the author’s point of
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o Meaning in Context
Some selected words from the passage are pointed out to explain
them with reference to the context to check your reading
comprehension. Sometimes the word that describes something in
a dictionary portrays it the other way when it appears in the
context. The test tries to judge your ability to make sense of the
word in the context.

o Author’s Approach
Some questions ask you to explain the mood in which the author
is writing whether it is sarcastic, humorous, witty, sad etc. When
you are asked questions like these you can look for certain
expressions, words, phrases or exclamations, which describe the
tone, mood or style of the author. The feelings of the writer are
mostly exhibited through choice of words. While answering these
questions read the message carefully observing particularly the
use of words.

o Title Selection
Some passages ask for selecting a title that best suits the
passage. Remember that the chosen title should not be narrowly
or broadly selected. Try to avoid choosing those titles that
describes only one or two paragraphs but the one, which is
applicable to the whole passage and portrays it best.
Example Questions
Passage I:
We are profoundly ignorant about the origins of language and have to
content ourselves with more or less plausible speculations. We do not
even know for certain when language arose, but it seems likely that it goes
back to the earliest history of man, perhaps half a million years. We have
no direct evidence, but it seems probable that speech arose at the same
time as tool making and the earliest forms of specifically human
cooperation. In the great Ice Ages of the Pleistocene period, our earliest
human ancestors established the Old Stone Age culture; they made flint
tools and later tools of bone, ivory, and antler; they made fire and cooked
their food; they hunted big game, often by methods that called for
considerable cooperation and coordination. As their material culture
gradually improved, they became artists and made carvings and engravings
on bones and pebbles, and wonderful paintings of animals on the walls of
caves. It is difficult to believe that the makers of these Paleolithic cultures
lacked the power of speech. It is a long step Admittedly, from the earliest
flint weapons to the splendid art of the late Old Stone Age: the first crude
flints date back perhaps to 500,000 B.C., while the finest achievements of
Old Stone Age man are later than 100,000 B.C.; and, in this period, we can
envisage a corresponding development of language, from the most
primitive and limited language of the earliest human groups to a fully
developed language in the flowering time of Old Stone Age culture.

How did language arise in the first place? There are many theories about
this, based on various types of indirect evidence, such as the language of
children, the language of primitive societies, the kinds of changes that
have taken place in languages in the course of recorded history, the

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behavior of higher animals like chimpanzees, and the behavior of people
suffering from speech defects. These types of evidence may provide us
with useful pointers, but they all suffer from limitations, and must be
treated with caution. When we consider the language of children, we have
to remember that their situations are quite different from that of our
earliest human ancestors, because the child is growing up in an
environment where there is already a fully developed language, and is
surrounded by adults who use that language and are teaching it to him.
For example, it has been shown that the earliest words used by children
are mainly the names of things and people (“Doll,” “Spoon,” “Mummy”):
but, this does not prove that the earliest words of primitive man were also
the names of things and people. When the child learns the name of an
object, he may then use it to express his wishes or demands: “Doll!: often
means “Give me my doll!” Or “I’ve dropped my doll: pick it up for me!”;
the child is using language to get things done, and it is almost an accident
of adult teaching that the words used to formulate the child’s demands are
mainly nouns, instead of words like “Bring!”’ “Pick up!”; and so on.

1 The main idea of this excerpt is

A. to provide evidence of the origin of language.
B. to present the need for language.
C. to discuss how early man communicated.
D. to present the culture of early man.
E. to narrate the story of English.
2 Theories of the origin of language include all of the following
A. Changes occurring through the years.
B. The need to communicate.
C. Language of children.
D. The first man’s extensive vocabulary.
E. Communication among primitive men.

3 The purpose of the discussion of the word, “Doll,” is intended to

A. Trace the evolution of a noun.
B. Support the fact that naming things is most important.
C. Indicate how adults teach language to children.
D. Show the evolution of many meanings for one word.
E. Evince man’s multiple uses of single words

4 The implication of the author regarding the early elements of

language is that
A. There were specific real steps followed to develop our language.
B. Care must be exercised when exhuming what we consider the roots
of language.
C. We owe a debt of gratitude to the chimpanzee contribution.
D. Adults created language in order to instruct their children.
E. Language was fully developed by primitive man.

5 If we accept that primitive man existed for a very long period of

time without language, then we may assume that
A. Language is not necessary to man’s existence.
B. Language developed with the developing culture of primitives.
C. Primitives existed in total isolation from one another.
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D. Children brought about a need for language.
E. Mankind was not intended to communicate.

6 After a reading of this article, one might infer that

A. Society creates problems with language.
B. Language is for adults to instruct children.
C. Society uses language to improve itself.
D. With the evolution of language came wisdom.
E. Language brings power.

Answer Key

1. A 2. D 3.C 4. B 5. B 6. E

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Q. How to take NTS Online Test?

You will go through the following screen shots to learn how to take NTS Online test.

Step: 1

This is the first screen named as Candidate Login Screen. You will enter your Candidate ID and
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Step: 2
You will see Test Instructions’ Screen after you successfully login. Please read the instructions
carefully to avoid any confusion during the test. After reading the instructions, press Start Test
button on center bottom of the page.

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Step: 3
After you click on the Start Test button your test starts and a page appears which shows your first
question of the test. Each question has various choices, if you know the answer you can select the
correct choice for your answer and press Next Question button. You can also add this question
in the Pass Box to answer it at some another stage. You will also find some additional information
about your test on this page. This information includes:

• Total Number of Questions in the Test

• Total Number of Questions Answered by you
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Step: 4
If you place a question in Pass Box you will notice that the Questions in Pass Box field will
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Step: 5
If you want to answer the questions in Pass Box, simply click on Questions in Pass Box link at
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question you want to answer.

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Step: 6
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Step: 7
You have attempted all questions and now this last screen will show your detailed result.

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Q. How is NTS Online Test different from paper-based Test?

For the Paper-based Test,

• A pencil, eraser and a sharpener is required to attempt the paper-based test.

• You can make the changes in the answer that you have already marked.
• The announcement of results is delayed than the online tests.
• You have to fill in a separate answer sheet to mark your answers.

Where as for the Online Test,

• No stationery items are required to attempt online test.

• If you want to attempt a question at the end, you can place it in the Pass Box for
attempting later.
• You can not reattempt a question that you have already answered.
• As soon as you finish the test, the result is displayed on the screen.
• In case of a system failure during the test, you will have to log-in again and the
test will start from the same question where you had left. No information will be
lost while the system was unavailable.

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Q. How Can I Ask for Result Reporting?

Your result is reported to you right after you finish your test. You are given the
certificate fifteen days after the conduct of the test of the last batch. If you still do not
get the result you can Contact Us. You can also visit the website of NTS to check your
result. The final result is sent to you by email.

Q. Is There Any Negative Marking While Scoring?

There is no negative marking for wrong answers. However the negative marking may be
activated if it is required by the allied institute or organization.

Q. What are the Rules and Regulations that apply to me in the Test Center
when taking the Online General Test?

Rules and Regulations:

• If you do not appear with the Identity Card (NIC) on the Test Center, you will not be
allowed to take the test.

• The test will be given on the day and at the scheduled time. You are asked to observe
punctuality. Arriving late at the center may disqualify you from taking the test.

• You are not allowed to bring any testing aids inside the test center. Nothing, except
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• You are not allowed to smoke, eat or drink inside the test center.

• No discussion or any form of communication with the fellow candidates is allowed

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• You will also not be allowed to leave the test center without the permission of the

• Test centers do not have large waiting areas. Friends or relatives who accompany you
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• You will be required to sign the attendance sheet before and after the test session and
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• If you need to leave your seat at any time during the test (which shall only be allowed
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• Repeated unscheduled breaks will be documented and reported to NTS. NTS reserves
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• If at any time during the test you believe that you have a problem with your test, or
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NOTE: The rest of the queries regarding the test format, contents and other
procedures have almost the same answers as of the paper based tests, given

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Note: The sample papers do not include quantitatively the same number
of questions as there would be in the actual papers. They are merely
meant to provide conceptual guidance to the users or prospective

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Drill Test I

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I Choose the correct answer for each

question and shade the
Quantitative No. Of corresponding CIRCLE on the
10 answer sheet
Section Questions

1. The number of degrees through which the hour hand of a clock moves in 2 hours and
12 minutes is

A. 66
B. 72
C. 732
D. 723
E. None of these


2. A cylindrical container has a diameter of 14 inches and a height of 6 inches. Since

one gallon equals 231 cubic inches, the capacity of the tank is approximately

A. 2-2/7 gallons
B. 4 gallons
C. 1-1/7 gallons
D. 2-2/7 gallons
E. None of these


3. A train running between two towns arrives at its destination 10 minutes late when it
goes 40 miles per hour and 16 minutes late when it goes 30 miles per hour. The
distance between the two towns is

A. 720 miles
B. 12 miles
C. 8-6/7 miles
D. 12-7/7 miles
E. None of these

4. If the base of a rectangle is increased by 30% and the altitude is decreased by 20%
the area is increased by

A. 25%
B. 10%
C. 5%
D. 1%
E. 4%
5. If the sum of the edges of a cube is 48 inches, the volume of the cube is

A. 512 inches
B. 96 cubic inches
C. 64 cubic inches

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D. 698 cubic inches
E. None of these


6. A certain triangle has sides, which are, respectively, 6 inches, 8 inches, and 10
inches long. A rectangle equal in area to that of the triangle has a width of 3 inches. The
Perimeter of the rectangle, expressed in inches, is

A. 11
B. 16
C. 22
D. 23
E. 24


7. The cube of 1/3 is

A. 3/9
B. 3/27
C. 1/81
D. 1/27
E. 1/9


8. In general, the sum of the squares of two numbers is greater than twice the product
of the numbers. The pair of numbers for which this generalization is not valid is

A. 8,9
B. 9,9
C. 9,10
D. 9,8
E. 8,10


9. A piece of wire 132 inches long is bent successively in the shape of an equilateral
triangle, a square, a regular hexagon, a circle. The plane surface of the largest area is
included when the wire is bent into the shape of a

A. Circle
B. Square
C. Hexagon
D. Triangle
E. Line

10. If pencils are bought at 35 cents per dozen and sold at 3 for 10 cents the total
profit on 5 1/2 dozen is

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A. 25 cents
B. 35 cents
C. 27 1/2 cents
D. 28 1/2 cents
E. 31 1/2 cents

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II Choose the correct answer for

each question and shade the
No. Of
ANALYTICAL 20 corresponding CIRCLE in the
Section answer sheet

For question 1 to 4

Three adults—R, S, and V—will be traveling in a van with five children—F, H, J, L, and M.
The van has a driver's seat and one passenger seat in the front, and two benches behind
the front seats, one bench behind the first. Each bench has room for exactly three
people. Everyone must sit in a seat or on a bench, and seating is subject to the
following restrictions: An adult must sit on each bench. Either R or S must sit in the
driver's seat. J must sit immediately beside M.

1. Which of the following can sit in the front passenger seat?

A: J
B: L
C: R
D: S
E: V

2. Which of the following groups of three can sit together on a bench?

A: F, J, and M
B: F, J, and V
C: F, S, and V
D: H, L, and S
E: L, M, and R


3. If F sits immediately beside V, which of the following CANNOT be true?

A: J sits immediately beside S.

B: L sits immediately beside V.
C: H sits in the front passenger seat.
D: F sits on the same bench as H.
E: H sits on the same bench as R.

4. If S sits on a bench that is behind where J is sitting, which of the following must be

A: H sits in a seat or on a bench that is in front of where M is sitting.

B: L sits in a seat or on a bench that is in front of where F is sitting.
C: F sits on the same bench as H.
D: L sits on the same bench as S

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E: M sits on the same bench as V.


For question 5 to 9
The principal of a school is forming a committee. There are to be five members: three
teachers, chosen from Mr. J, Ms. K, Ms. L, Mr. M, and Mr. N; and two students, chosen
from O, P, Q, and R. The composition of the committee must conform to the following
conditions: Ms. J will serve only if R is also on the committee. Ms. L will not serve
unless Ms. K and O also serve. Neither Mr. M nor Mr. N will serve without the other. If
P serves, neither Q nor R can serve.

5. Which of the following is an acceptable committee?

A: J, L, M, N, O
B: K, L, N, O, P
C: K, M, N, O, R
D: L, M, N, O, R
E: M, N, O, P, Q


6. How many different committees could include Mr. J and Q?

A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
D: 4
E: 5


7. If Q and R are both on the committee, who else must be on the committee?

A: J
B: K
C: L
D: M
E: O


8. If M is not on the committee, each of the following must be on the committee EXCEPT

A: J
B: L
C: O
D: Q
E: R

9. In how many different ways can the principal select an acceptable committee?

A: Fewer than 3
B: 3
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C: 5
D: 7
E: More than 7


For question 10 to 13

A contractor will build five houses in a certain town on a street that currently has no
houses on it. The contractor will select from seven different models of houses—T, U, V,
W, X, Y, and Z. The town's planning board has placed the following restrictions on the
contractor: No model can, be selected for more than one house. Either model W must
be selected or model Z must be selected, but both cannot be selected. If model Y is
selected, then model V must also be selected. If model U is selected, then model W
cannot be selected.

10. If model U is one of the models selected for the street, then which of the
following models must also be selected?

A: T
B: W
C: X
D: Y
E: Z


11. If T, U, and X are three of the models selected for the street, then which of the
following must be the other two models selected?

A: V and W
B: V and Y
C: V and Z
D: W and Y
E: Y and Z


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12. Which of the following is an acceptable combination of models that can be
selected for the street?

A: T, U, V, X, Y
B: T, U, X, Y, Z
C: T, V, X, Y, Z
D: U, V, W. X, Y
E: V, W, X, Y, Z


13. If model Z is one model not selected for the street, then the other model NOT
selected must be which of the following?

A: T
B: U
C: V
D: W
E: X


For question 14 to 16

Seven children—F, J, K, M, R, S, and T—are eligible to enter a spelling contest. From

these seven, two teams must be formed, a red team and a green team, each team
consisting of exactly three of the children. No child can be selected for more than one
team. Team selection is subject to the following restrictions: If M is on the red team, K
must be selected for the green team. If F is on the red team, R, if selected, must be on
the green team. R cannot be on the same team as S. J cannot be on the same team as

14. Which of the following can be the three members of the Red team?

A: F, J, and K
B: F, R, and T
C: J, K, and T
D: K, M, and R
E: M, R, and T

15. If M and F are both on the red team, the green team can consist of which of the

A: J, K, and R
B: J, S, and T
C: K, R, and S
D: K, R, and T
E: R, S, and T


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16. If M is on the red team, which of the following, if selected, must also be on the
red team?

A: F
B: J
C: R
D: S
E: T


For question 17 to 20

A mail carrier must deliver mail by making a stop at each of six buildings: K, L, M, O, P,
and S. Mail to be delivered are of two types, ordinary mail and priority mail. The
delivery of both types of mail is subject to the following conditions: Regardless of the
type of mail to be delivered, mail to P and mail to S must be delivered before mail to M
is delivered. Regardless of the type of mail to be delivered, mail to L and mail to K must
be delivered before mail to S is delivered. Mail to buildings receiving some priority mail
must be delivered, as far as the above conditions permit, before mail to buildings
receiving only ordinary mail.

17. If K is the only building receiving priority mail, which of the following lists the
buildings in an order, from first through sixth, in which they can receive their mail?

A: L, K, P, S, O, M
B: L, K, S, P, M, O
C: K, L, P, M, S, O
D: K, P, L, S, O, M
E: O, K, L, P, S, M


18. If L, M, and S are each receiving priority mail, which of the following lists the
buildings in an order, from first to sixth, in which they must receive their mail?

A: K, L, P, S, O, M
B: L, K, O, P, S, M
C: L, K, S, P, M, O
D: M, L, S, P, K, O
E: S, L, M, P, K, O

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19. If the sequence of buildings to which mail is delivered is O, P, L, K, S, M and if S
is receiving priority mail, which of the following is a complete and accurate list of
buildings that must also be receiving priority mail?

A: O, L
B: O, P
C: P, L
D: P, M
E: O, P, L, K

20. If only one building is to receive priority mail, and, as a result, O can be no
earlier than fourth in the order of buildings, which of the following must be the building
receiving priority mail that day?

A: K
B: L
C: M
D: P
E: S

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III Choose the correct answer for each

question and shade the
VERBAL No. Of corresponding CIRCLE in the
20 answer sheet
Section Questions

Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that
something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered words or
sets of words. Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the
sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

1. Florence Nightingale was ___ in the development of modern medicine, ___ such
practices as sanitization of hospital wards and isolation of actively infected

A. a collaborator…rejecting
B. a maverick…protesting
C. an innovator…initiating
D. a pioneer…criticizing
E. an individualist…standardizing


2. As a journalist who works to overturn erroneous convictions, Griffin Nicholson

was opposed to the court ruling ___ appeals for inmates who might be ___ .

A. barring…culpable
B. curbing…exonerated
C. encouraging…innocent
D. scrutinizing…eligible
E. shielding…esteemed

3. Linda Greenhouse's articles for the New York Times are an outstanding example
of ___, capsulizing prose into a necessarily limited space.

A. Callousness
B. Brevity
C. Intuition
D. Propriety
E. Fortitude

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4. Roberto Clement was seen as ___ during his life because of both his selflessness
on the baseball field and his humanitarian work in his native Nicaragua.

A. An individualist
B. a grandstander
C. a sybarite
D. an altruist
E. an opportunist


5. His habit of spending more than he earned left him in a state of perpetual------
but he------------hoping to see a more affluent day.

A. indigence: persevered in
B. confusion: compromised by
C. enervation: retaliated by
D. motion: responded


6. Known for his commitment to numerous worthy causes, the philanthropist

deserved------ for his-----------.
A. recognition: folly
B. blame: hypocrisy
C. reward: modesty
D. credit: altruism


7. You should --------this paragraph in order to make your essay more-----.

A. Delete, succinct
B. Enlarge, redundant
C. Remove, discursive
D. Revise, abstruse


8. A------glance pays-----attention to details.

A. Furtive: meticulous
B. Cursory: little
C. Cryptic: close
D. Keen: scanty


Each question below consists of a related pair of words or phrases, followed by

five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best
expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.

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A. Diatribe: familial
B. Satire: pungent
C. Panegyric: laudatory
D. Eulogy: regretful



A. Colonel: martinet
B. Dancer: balletomane
C. Singer: chorus
D. Trooper: rifle



A. Harbor: concealment
B. Palisade: display
C. Stronghold: defense
D. Cloister: storage


A. Humdrum: excitement
B. Chronic: timeliness
C. Ecstatic: decay
D. Diligent: industry



A. Vex: enrage
B. Vindicate: condemn
C. Regret: rue
D. Appall: bother


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A. Chevrons: army
B. Oscar: movie star
C. Power: glory
D. blue ribbon: cooking



A. Kindness: obedience
B. Authority: sanction
C. Usage: submission
D. Tradition: novelty


A. Vitality: inevitable
B. Empathy: sympathy
C. Importune: construct
D. Imply: simplify


A. Truculent: merciful
B. Sadden: pitiful
C. Evaporate: mournful
D. Penetrate: sorrowful


A. Aver: attribute
B. Divert: turn
C. Apprise: appraise
D. Stultify: enliven


Read the passages and answer the questions given at the end:

Recent technological advances in manned undersea vehicles have overcome some of the
limitations of divers and diving equipment. Without vehicles, divers often become
sluggish and their mental concentration was limited. Because of undersea pressure that
affected their speech organs, communication among divers was difficult or impossible.
But today, most oceanographers make observations by the means of instruments that
are lowered into the ocean or from samples taken from the water direct observations of
the ocean floor are made not only by divers of more than seven miles and cruise at the
depth of fifteen thousand feet. Radio equipment buoys can be operated by remote
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control in order to transmit information back to land based laboratories, including data
about water temperature, current and weather.
Some of mankind’s most serous problems, especially those concerning energy and food,
may be solved with the help of observations made by these undersea vehicles.

19. With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?

A. Recent technological advances.

B. Communication among divers.
C. Direct observation of the ocean floor
D. Undersea vehicles


20. Divers have problems in communicating underwater because?

A. The pressure affected their speech organs

B. The vehicles they used have not been perfected.
C. They did not pronounce clearly
D. The water destroyed their speech organs.

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Drill Test II

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Choose the correct answer for
No of each question and shade the
Quantitative 10
Questions corresponding CIRCLE in the
answer sheet

1. A piece of wood 35 feet, 6 inches long was used to make 4 shelves of equal length. The
length of each shelf was
A. 9 feet, 1 1/2 inches
B. 8 feet, 10 1/2 inches
C. 7 feet, 10 1/2 inches
D. 7 feet, 1 1/2 inches
E. 6 feet, 8 1/2 inches

2. The tiles in the floor of a bathroom are 15/16 inch squares. The cement between the tiles
is 1/16 inch. There are 3240 individual tiles in this floor. The area of the floor is
A. 225 sq. yds.
B. 2.5 sq. yds.
C. 250 sq. ft.
D. 22.5 sq. yds
E. 225 sq. ft.


3. A man bought a TV set that was listed at $160. He was given successive discounts of
20% and 10%. The price he paid was
A. $129.60
B. $119.60
C. $118.20
D. $115.20
E. $112.00


4. Mr. Jones' income for a year is $15,000. He pays 15% of this in federal taxes and 10%
of the remainder in state taxes. How much is left?

A. $12,750
B. $9,750
C. $14,125
D. $13,500
E. $11,475


5. The radius of a circle which has a circumference equal to the perimeter of a hexagon
whose sides are each 22 inches long is closest in length to which one of the following?
A. 7
B. 21
C. 14
D. 28
E. 24


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6. If a, is a multiple of 5 and b = 5a, which of the following could be the value of a + b?

I. 60 II. 100 III. 150

A. I only
B. III only
C. I and III only
D. II and III only
E. None of these

7. Which of the following expressions has the greatest value?

A. 4 × 4÷4+4
B. 4 ÷ 4×4+4
C. 4 × 4–4×4
D. 4 ÷ 4+4×4
E. 2 ÷ 2+2×2


8. If (a + 3) / 5 is an integer, what is remainder when ‘a’ is divided by 5?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
9. The integral part of logarithm is called
A. Characteristic
B. Mantissa
C. Solution
D. Root
E. None of these

10. On the y-axis, the x-coordinate is
A. 1
B. ∞
C. zero
D. -∞
E. –1


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II Choose the correct answer for

each question and shade the
ANALYTICAL No. Of corresponding CIRCLE in the
20 answer sheet
Section Questions

For question 1 to 3

A volunteer uses a truck to pick up donations of unsold food and clothing from stores
and to deliver them to locations where they can be distributed. He drives only along
a certain network of roads. In the network there are two-way roads connecting each
of the following pairs of points: 1 with 2, 1 with 3, 1 with 5, 2 with 6, 3 with 7, 5
with 6, and 6 with 7. There are also one-way roads going from 2 to 4, from 3 to 2,
and from 4 to 3. There are no other roads in the network, and the roads in the
network do not intersect. To make a trip involving pickups and deliveries, the
volunteer always takes a route that for the whole trip passes through the fewest of
the points 1 through 7, counting a point twice if the volunteer passes through it
twice. The volunteer's home is at point 3. Donations can be picked up at a
supermarket at point 1, a clothing store at point 5, and a bakery at point 4.
Deliveries can be made as needed to a tutoring center at point 2, a distribution
center at point'6, and a shelter at point 7.

1. If the volunteer starts at the supermarket and next goes to the shelter, the first
intermediate point his route passes through must be

A: 2
B: 3
C: 5
D: 6
E: 7


2. If, starting from home, the volunteer is then to make pickups for the shelter at
the supermarket and the bakery (in either order), the first two intermediate
points on his route, beginning with the first, must be

A: 1 and 2
B: 1 and 3
C: 2 and 1
D: 2 and 4
E: 4 and 2


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3. If, starting from the clothing store, the volunteer next is to pick up bread at
either the supermarket or the bakery (whichever stop makes his route go
through the fewest of the points) and then is to go to the shelter, the first two
points he reaches after the clothing store, beginning with the first, must be

A: 1 and 2
B: 1 and 3
C: 4 and 2
D: 6 and 2
E: 6 and 4


For question 4 to 5

There are seven cages next to each other in a zoo. The following is known about the
cages. Each cage has only one animal, which is either a monkey or a bear. There is
a monkey in each of the first and last cages. The cage in the middle has a bear. No
two adjacent cages have bears in them. The bear’s cage in the middle has two
monkey cages on either side. Each of the two other bear cages are between and
next to two monkey cages

4. How many cages have monkeys in them?

A: 2
B: 3
C: 4
D: 5
E: 6


5. The bear cage in the middle must have

A: No other bear cage to its left

B: No monkey cage on its right.
C: A bear cage to its left and to its right
D: Other bear cages next to it.
E: No monkey cage to its left.

For question 6 to 8

A nursery class in a school has a circular table with eleven seats around it. Five girls
(Kiran, Lado, Maryam, Omera and Parveen) and five boys (Farhan, Ghaus, Haris,
Imdad and Jahangir) are seated around the table. None of the girls are seated in a
seat adjacent to another girl. Kiran sits between Farhan and Ghaus, and next to
each of them. Jahangir does not sit next to Imdad.

6. Which of the following is a possible seating order around the table?

A: Empty seat, Farhan, Kiran, Ghaus, Lado, Omera, Haris, Imdad, Parveen, Jahangir,
and Maryam.
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B: Empty seat, Farhan, Kiran, Ghaus, Lado, Jahangir, Parveen, Omera, Imdad,
Maryam, Haris.
C: Empty seat, Farhan, kiran, Ghaus, Omera, Jahangir, Parveen, Imdad, Maryam,
Haris, Lado.
D: Empty seat, Omera, Farhan, Kiran, Ghaus, Lado, Jahangir, Imdad, Parveen,
Haris, Maryam.
E: Empty seat, Maryam, Farhan, Kiran, Ghaus, Lado, Jahangir, Perveen, Imdad,
Omera, Haris.


7. If Lado, Haris, Maryam, Jahangir, and Ghaus are seated in that order, which of
the following is a correct completion of the seating order after Ghaus?

A : Kiran, Farhan, Omera, Imdad, Parveen, empty seat.

B : Kiran, Farhan, Imdad, Omera, empty seat, Parveen
C : Farhan, Parveen, Kiran, Imdad, Omera, empty seat.
D : Kiran, Farhan, Parveen, Imdad, empty seat, Omera.
E : Kiran, Farhan, Omera, empty seats, Parveen, Imdad.


8. If Jahangir leaves his seat and occupies the empty seat, his new seating position
would be between:

A : Farhan and Kiran

B : Maryam and Ghaus
C : Kiran and Ghaus
D : Imdad and Lado
E : Parveen and Lado


For question 9 to 11
Four telephone operators (Abid, Baqir, Chauhan, and Daud) each have to perform
duties at the telephone exchange on four different days, Thursday through Sunday.
The following is known about their duty schedule: Chauhan has his duty day before
Abid. Daud has his duty day later than Baqir.

9. Which of the following is a possible order of duty days for the four operators?

A: Chauhan, Daud, Abid and Baqir.

B: Daud, Chauhan, Abid, and Baqir.
C: Baqir, Chauhan, Daud and Abid.
D: Abid, Chauhan, Daud and Baqir.
E: Abid, Baqir, Daud and Chauhan.

10. If Chauhan has his duty day on Saturday, who must have his duty day on

A: Either Abid or Daud.

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B: Daud
C: Abid
D: Either Baqir or Daud.
E: Baqir.


11. Each of the following is possible EXCEPT:

A: Chauhan has his duty on Thursday.

B: Baqir has his duty on Thursday.
C: Daud has his duty on Saturday.
D: Baqir has his duty on Sunday
E: Abid has his duty on Sunday.


For question 12 to 13
There are 12 seats facing the blackboard in a classroom, four seats
(A1, A2, A3 & A4) in that order are in row A, the first row from the blackboard.
Immediately behind row A is row B with four seats (B1, B2, B3 & B4) in that order.
Immediately behind row B, is the last row C with four seats (C1, C2, C3 & C4) in that
order. Six students attend the class the following is known about there seating
arrangement: Ejaz sits exactly in front of Comil, Seat A2 is always unoccupied Daud
does not sit next to Farhat, Gharuy sits in seat A4 Hamid does not sit in seat B4 All
the seats in row C always remain empty

12. If Daud sits in seat B3, then Farhat must sit in seat:

A: A3
B: A1
C: B4
D: B2
E: C2

13. Suppose that Hamid and Ejaz are sitting in seats A1 and A3 respectively, then it
CANNOT be true that seat:

A: B1 is occupied by Daud.
B: B2 is empty
C: B1 is empty
D: B3 is OCCUPIED BY Comil
E: B4 is empty


For question 14 to 17

The principal of a school is forming a committee. There are to be five members:

three teachers, chosen from Mr. J, Ms. K, Ms. L, Mr. M, and Mr. N; and two students,
chosen from O, P, Q, and R. The composition of the committee must conform to the
following conditions: Ms. J will serve only if R is also on the committee. Ms. L will
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not serve unless Ms. K and O also serve. Neither Mr. M nor Mr. N will serve without
the other. If P serves, neither Q nor R can serve.

14. Which of the following is an acceptable committee?

A: J, L, M, N, O
B: K, L, N, O, P
C: K, M, N, O, R
D: L, M, N, O, R
E: M, N, O, P, Q


15. How many different committees could include Mr. J and Q?

A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
D: 4
E: 5


16. If Q and R are both on the committee, who else must be on the committee?
A: J
B: K
C: L
D: M
E: O


17. In how many different ways can the principal select an acceptable committee?
A: Fewer than 3
B: 3
C: 5
D: 7
E: More than 7


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For question 18 to 20

Three adults—R, S, and V—will be traveling in a van with five children—F, H, J, L,

and M. The van has a driver's seat and one passenger seat in the front, and two
benches behind the front seats, one bench behind the other. Each bench has room
for exactly three people. Everyone must at in a seat or on a bench, and seating is
subject to the following restrictions: An adult must sit on each bench. Either R or S
must sit in the driver's seat. J must sit immediately beside M.

18. Which of the following can sit in the front passenger seat?
A: J
B: L
C: R
D: S
E: V


19. Which of the following groups of three can sit together on a bench?
A: F, J, and M
B: F, J, and V
C: F, S, and V
D: H, L, and S
E: L, M, and R


20. If F sits immediately beside V, which of the following CANNOT be true?

A: J sits immediately beside S.
B: L sits immediately beside V.
C: H sits in the front passenger seat.
D: F sits on the same bench as H.
E: H sits on the same bench as R.


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Choose the correct answer for each
question and shade the corresponding
20 CIRCLE in the answer sheet
Section Questions

Each sentence below has one or two blanks; each blank indicates that
something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered words or
sets of words. Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the
sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

1. Surprisingly enough, it is more difficult to write about the--------than about the--

-and strange.

A. specific, foreign
B. abstract, prosaic
C. commonplace, exotic
D. simple, routine


2. A-----response is one that is made with----------.

A. stupid, fear
B. speedy, alacrity
C. sure, slowness
D. harmful, grimaces


3. A----is a-------.

A. norm, standard
B. criterion, mistake
C. discipline, school
D. doctrine, follower


4. It is widely believed that a nuclear war could ____ enough smoke and dust to
block out the sun and freeze the earth.

A. billow
B. extinguish
C. generate
D. duplicate
E. decimate

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5. Consumption of red meat has ____ because its fat content has become a
worrisome and ____ matter.

A. abated ... dubious

B. skyrocketed ... stressful
C. abounded ... divisive
D. stabilized ... newsworthy
E. declined ... controversial

6. It takes ____ character to ____ the extremities of the arctic region.

A. an unflappable ... sustain

B. a dictatorial ... brook
C. a Spartan ... negotiate
D. an inimitable ... resist
E. a nomadic ... espouse


7. Consumers refused to buy meat products from the company because of rumors
that the water supply at the meat processing plant was ______; the rumors,
however, were quite ______, with no hard evidence to back them up.

A. uninspected .. reckless
B. contaminated .. unsubstantiated
C. impure .. damaging
D. misdirected .. scandalous
E. unscrupulous .. vicious

8. Many kinds of harmful viruses are unhindered when passing through different
parts of the host organism; indeed, there are few organic substances which such
viruses’ cannot______.

A. undermine
B. disseminate
C. aerate
D. exterminate
E. perforate

9. Their conversation was unsettling, for the gravity of their topic contrasted so
oddly with the ______ of their tone

A. uniqueness
B. rapidity
C. lightness
D. precision
E. reverence

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10. Throughout the animal kingdom, ____ bigger than the elephant.

A. whale is only the

B. only the whale is
C. is the whale only
D. only whale is the
E. whale is only


Each question below consists of a related pair of words or phrases, followed

by five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best
expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.


A. dream : sleep
B. anger : madness
C. smile : amusement
D. face : expression
E. impatience : rebellion



A. construction : building
B. boy : girl
C. danger : red light
D. iceberg : titanic
E. arise : lay down



A. performance : artist
B. exhibition : art
C. play : actor
D. operetta : singer
E. rock : role


A. felon : criminal
B. enemy : associate
C. pacifier : agitator
D. winner : loser
E. friend : foe

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For Question 15-20 read the following passage:

A popular theory explaining the evolution of the universe is known as the Big Bang
Model. According to the model at some time between twenty billion years ago, all
present matter and energy were compressed into a small ball only a few kilometers
in diameter. It was, in effect, an atom that contained in the form of pure energy all
of the components of the entire universe. Then, at a moment in time that
astronomers refer to as T = 0, the ball exploded, hurling the energy into space.
Expansion occurred. As the energy cooled most of it became matter in the form of
protons, neutrons and electrons. These original particles combined to form
hydrogen and helium and continued to expand. Matter formed into galaxies with
stars and planets.

15. Which sentence best summarizes this passage?

A. The big band theory does not account for the evolution of the universe
B. According to the Big Bang Model, an explosion caused the formation of the
C. The universe is made of hydrogen and helium
D. The universe is more than ten billion years old
16. According to this passage when were the galaxies formed?

A. Ten Billion Years ago

B. Fifteen billion Years ago
C. At T = 0
D. Twenty billion years ago
17. The word “compressed” in the passage could best be replaced by

A. Excited
B. Balanced
C. Reduced
D. Controlled
18. It may be inferred that

A. Energy and matter are the same

B. Protons, neutrons, and electrons are not matter
C. Energy may be converted into matter
D. The galaxies stopped expanding as energy cooled


19. The word “it” in the passage refers to

A. Energy
B. Space
C. Expansion
D. Matter

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20. The environment before the Big Bang is described as all the following EXCEPT

A. Compressed matter
B. Energy
C. All the components of the universe
D. Protons, electrons and neutrons


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Drill Test III

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I Choose the correct answer for each
question and shade the
Quantitative No. Of corresponding OVAL in the answer
20 sheet
Section Questions

1. If the pattern of dots shown above is continued so that each row after Row One
contains 1 dot more than the row immediately above it, which row will contain 12

A. Seven
B. Eight
C. Nine
D. Ten
E. Twelve


2. Each of Steve's buckets has a capacity of 11 gallons, while each of Mark's

buckets can hold 8 gallons. How much more water in gallons can 7 of Steve's
bucket's hold compared to 7 of Mark's buckets?

A. 3
B. 7
C. 21
D. 24
E. 56

3. Two integers have a sum of 42 and a difference of 22. The greater of the two
integers is

A. 22
B. 25
C. 28
D. 31
E. 32


4. The average of five numbers is 34. If three of the numbers are 28, 30 and 32,
what is the average of the other two?

A. 40
B. 50
C. 60
D. 70
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E. 80


5. In the figure above, what is the value of x?

A. 30
B. 40
C. 50
D. 80
E. 100


6. In a certain cake, two straight cuts (made along two different radii) succeed in
removing 4/15 of the total cake. What is the central angle in degrees of the
piece cut?

A. 26
B. 60
C. 85
D. 92
E. 96


7. If an equilateral triangle and a square have the same perimeter, what is the ratio
of the length of the sides of the equilateral triangle to the lengths of the sides of
the square?

A. 3:4
B. 4:3
C. 1:4
D. 1:3
E. 3:1

8. If 2 and 4 each divide q without remainder, which of the following must q divide
without remainder.

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A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 8
E. It cannot be determined from the information given.


9. The ratio of boys to girls in a certain classroom was 2 : 3. If boys represented

five more than one third of the class, how many people were there in the

A. 15
B. 25
C. 30
D. 45
E. 75


10. Let xy = z, where x,y,z and nonzero numbers. If x is multiplied by 3 and z is

divided by 3, this is equivalent to multiplying y by

A. 1/9
B. 1/3
C. 1
D. 3
E. 9


11. If 5x = 3, then (5x + 3)² =

A. 0
B. 9
C. 18
D. 36
E. 81


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12. If the postal charges for a package are 62 cents for the first five ounces and 8
cents for each additional ounce, what is the weight of a package for which the
charges are $1.66? (Assume there are 16 ounces in one pound)

A. 1.05 pounds
B. 1.1 pounds
C. 1.125 pounds
D. 1.25 pounds
E. 1.5 pounds

13. If m/n = .75, then what is 3m + 2n?

A. 0
B. 8
C. 14
D. 17
E. 24


14. Which is greater?

Column A Column B
(10/4) / (3/2) * (3/7) (3/4) * (10/7) / (3/2)

A. if the quantity in Column A is greater

B. if the quantity in Column B is greater
C. if the two quantities are equal
D. if there is no relationship between these two quantities
E. if the relationship cannot be determined from the information given


15. Which of the following has a graph that is symmetric to the x-axis

A. y=x
B. y = x2 + 3
C. y2 = x
D. y = x3 – x
E. y != x


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16. The prime factors of 96 are:

A. 2 and 3
B. 6 and 8
C. 2, 3 and 4
D. 8 and 12
E. 3 and 9


17. 8 are what percent of the 6?

A. 1.25
B. 75
C. 125
D. 133.333
E. 150

18. 2- 3 =

A. -8
B. 8
C. -6
D. -1/8
E. 1/8


19. If x + 1 < 3x + 5, then

A. X > -2
B. x < -2
C. x = 0√√√√
D. x<2
E. x>2


20. Which of the numbers cannot be represented by a repeating decimal?

A. 11/9
B. 23/7
C. √3
D. 4 1/3
E. 2


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Choose the correct answer for each
question and shade the
No. of corresponding CIRCLE in the answer
Reasoning 15
Questions sheet
The office staff of the XYZ Corporation presently consists of three bookkeepers (L, M and
N ) and five secretaries (O, P, Q, R and S). Management is planning to open a new office
in another city sending three secretaries and two bookkeepers from the present staff. To
do so they plan to separate certain individuals who do not function well together. The
following guidelines were established to set up the new office:

(a) Bookkeepers L and N are constantly finding faults with one another therefore should
not be sent together to the new office.
(b) N and P function well alone but not as a team. They should be separated.
(c) O and R have not been on speaking terms for many months. They should not go
(d) Since O and Q have been competing for a promotion, they should not be in one team.
Based on the information given above find the correct answers to the following Questions:
1. If M insists on staying back then how many combinations are possible?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. None


2. If L is to be moved as one of the bookkeepers, which of the following CANNOT be a

possible working unit?



3. If N is sent to the new Office which member of the staff CANNOT be sent?

A. O
B. M
C. Q
D. R

4. If O is sent to the new office then which of the following is a possible team?


5. If both N and Q are moved to the new office, how many combinations are possible?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
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D. 1


6. A map representing countries R, S, W, X, Y and Z is to be drawn. Adjacent countries

cannot have the same color in the map.
The countries adjacent to each other are as follows:

Each of R, S, X and Y is adjacent to W.

X is adjacent to Y.
Each of R and S is adjacent to Z.

If X is the same color as Z then it must be true that

A. W is a different color from any other country.

B. S is a different color from any other country.
C. X is the same color as Y.
D. S is the same color as X.


Two statements, labeled I. & II, follow each of the following questions. The
statements contain certain information. In the questions you do not actually
have to compute an answer, rather you have to decide whether the information
given in the statements I. and II. is sufficient to find a correct answer by using
basic mathematics and every day facts?

7. A long distance runner has just completed running 28 miles. How long did it take him to
finish the journey?

I. His record speed is 8.25 miles per hour.

II. His average speed through the journey was 8 miles per hour.

A. Statement I. ALONE is sufficient but II. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
B. Statement II. ALONE is sufficient but I. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
C. Statements I. and II. TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question but
NEITHER of them is sufficient ALONE.
D. Statements I. and II. COMBINED are NOT sufficient to answer the question and
additional information is needed to find the correct answer.

8. Captain of the national cricket team has to be the most popular member of the team.
Who is the captain of Pakistan’s national cricket team?
I. Waqar is the best player on the team.
II. Waseem is the senior-most member.

A. Statement I. ALONE is sufficient but II. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
B. Statement II. ALONE is sufficient but I. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
C. Statements I. and II. TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question but
NEITHER of them is sufficient ALONE.
D. Statements I. and II. COMBINED are NOT sufficient to answer the question and
additional information is needed to find the correct

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9. In a BCE class at CIIT, 30 boys and 10 girls registered Calculus II. How many boys
passed the course?
I. 5 students could not pass.
II. There were 2 girls who obtained A grade.

A. Statement I. ALONE is sufficient but II. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
B. Statement II. ALONE is sufficient but I. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
C. Statements I. and II. TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question but
NEITHER of them is sufficient ALONE.
D. Statements I. and II. COMBINED are NOT sufficient to answer the question and
additional information is needed to find the correct answer.


10. A horse ran 100 miles without stopping. What was its average speed in miles per hour?
I. The journey started at 8 PM and ended at 4 AM the following day.
II. The horse ran 20 miles per hour for the first 50 miles.

A. Statement I. ALONE is sufficient but II. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
B. Statement II. ALONE is sufficient but I. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
C. Statements I. and II. TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question but
NEITHER of them is sufficient ALONE.
D. Statements I. and II. COMBINED are NOT sufficient to answer the question and
additional information is needed to find the correct answer.


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11. How much time will computer a need to solve 150 problems?
I. The computer needs 50 seconds to solve one problem.
II. Computer never takes more than 60 seconds to solve a problem.

A. Statement I. ALONE is sufficient but II. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
B. Statement II. ALONE is sufficient but I. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
C. Statements I. and II. TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question but
NEITHER of them is sufficient ALONE.
D. Statements I. and II. COMBINED are NOT sufficient to answer the question and
additional information is needed to find the correct answer.


12. How many pencils does Raheel have?

I. He bought two boxes each containing 10 pencils.

II. He lent two pencils to Khaleel

A. Statement I. ALONE is sufficient but II. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
B. Statement II. ALONE is sufficient but I. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
C. Statements I. and II. TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question but
NEITHER of them is sufficient ALONE.
D. Statements I. and II. COMBINED are NOT sufficient to answer the question and
additional information is needed to find the correct answer.

13. In a certain farm there are 47 goats. How many large brown goats are there?

I. 16 of the goats are large.

II. There are 18 brown goats in the farm.

A. Statement I. ALONE is sufficient but II. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
B. Statement II. ALONE is sufficient but I. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
C. Statements I. and II. TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question but
NEITHER of them is sufficient ALONE.
D. Statements I. and II. COMBINED are NOT sufficient to answer the question and
additional information is needed to find the correct answer.
14. Can there be more than 200 pictures in a 60-page book?

I. There is at least one picture in each page.

II. There are no more than 3 pictures in any page.

A. Statement I. ALONE is sufficient but II. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
B. Statement II. ALONE is sufficient but I. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
C. Statements I. and II. TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question but
NEITHER of them is sufficient ALONE.
D. Statements I. and II. COMBINED are NOT sufficient to answer the question and
additional information is needed to find the correct answer.

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15. If P > Q and R > S, then, P + R > Q + S. Is X > Y?
I. X + A > Y + B
II. A > B

A. Statement I. ALONE is sufficient but II. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
B. Statement II. ALONE is sufficient but I. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
C. Statements I. and II. TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question but
NEITHER of them is sufficient ALONE.
D. Statements I. and II. COMBINED are NOT sufficient to answer the question and
additional information is needed to find the correct answer.


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III Choose the correct answer for each
question and shade the corresponding
VERBAL CIRCLE in the answer sheet
Section No of

Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicates
that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five
lettered words or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words
that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the
sentence as a whole.

1. Although its publicity has been ___, the film itself is intelligent, well-acted,
handsomely produced and altogether ___

A. tasteless … respectable
B. extensive … moderate
C. sophisticated … moderate
D. risqué … crude
E. perfect … spectacular

2. The Inuit natives of Alaska's North Slope worry that ___ oil exploration might
___their sensitive natural environment.

A. additional…assist
B. current…bolster
C. curtailed…shatter
D. unregulated…damage
E. controlled…reassess

3. Ants live in colonies based on ___; each member contributes to the good of all by
actively working with others in performing necessary tasks.

A. Heredity
B. Individualism
C. Cooperation
D. Reasoning
E. Instinct

Each question below consists of a related pair of words or phrases, followed

by five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best
expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.

A. running : jumping
B. investigating : discovering
C. reading : writing
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D. dancing : swimming
E. talking : listening


A. breakfast : dinner
B. yesterday : tomorrow
C. Sunday : Saturday
D. night : dawn
E. arise : lay down



A. gravity : pull
B. watercolor : paint
C. accident : death
D. worm : reptile
E. arrive : home

7. RUN : RACE ::

A. walk : pogo stick

B. swim : boat
C. fly : kite
D. sink : bottle
E. repair : automobile


Read the passages and answer the questions asked at its end.

Almost a century ago Alfred Binet, a gifted psychologist, was asked by the French
Ministry of Education to help determine who would experience difficulty in school. Given
the influx of provincials to the capital, along with immigrants of uncertain stock, Parisian
officials believed they needed to know who might not advance smoothly through the
system. Proceeding in an empirical manner, Binet posed many questions to youngsters
of different ages. He ascertained which questions when answered correctly predicted
success in school, and which questions when answered incorrectly foretold school
difficulties. The items that discriminated most clearly between the two groups became,
in effect, the first test of intelligence.

Binet is a hero to many psychologists. He was a keen observer, a careful scholar, an

inventive technologist. Perhaps even more important for his followers, he devised the
instrument that is often considered psychology's greatest success story. Millions of
people who have never heard Binet's name have had aspects of their fate influenced by
instrumentation that the French psychologist inspired. And thousands of
psychometricians — specialists in the measurement of psychological variables — earn
their living courtesy of Binet's invention.

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Although it has prevailed over the long run, the psychologist's version of intelligence is
now facing its biggest threat. Many scholars and observers — and even some
iconoclastic psychologists — feel that intelligence is too important to be left to the
psychometricians. Experts are extending the breadth of the concept — proposing much
intelligence, including emotional intelligence and moral intelligence. They are
experimenting with new methods of ascertaining intelligence, including some that avoid
tests altogether in favor of direct measures of brain activity. They are forcing citizens
everywhere to confront a number of questions: What is intelligence? How ought it to be
assessed? And how do our notions of intelligence fit with what we value about human
beings? In short, experts are competing for the "ownership" of intelligence in the next

8. According to the passage, which of the following is most similar to the "barometer"
developed by Binet?

A. The S.A.T. or other standardized college admission test.

B. The written portion of a driver's license test.
C. Open tryouts for a varsity athletic team
D. An electronic scan of brain-wave activity.
E. The trivia questions of a game show.

9. The author suggests which of the following about "citizens everywhere"?

A. They do not have a sufficiently accurate definition of intelligence to evaluate

recent scientific developments.
B. They stand to benefit from recent progress in the scientific assessment of
C. The experiments they are performing with new methods of intelligence
measurement are valuable and interesting.
D. They are at odds with the experts over who should have the right to define
E. Traditionally they have not given careful consideration to some important
issues concerning intelligence.

10. As used in line # 8, "discriminated" most nearly means

A. equalized
B. predetermined
C. showed favoritism
D. displayed intolerance
E. distinguished


National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

Drill Test IV

National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

I Choose the correct answer for each

question and shade the
Quantitative No. Of corresponding CIRCLE in the
20 answer sheet
Section Questions

1. If the length of BC is twice the length of AC, what are the coordinates of B where

A. (x,2y)
B. (-x,2y)
C. (2x,y)
D. (-2x,y)
E. (-2x,2y)

2. The average of five numbers is 34. If three of the numbers are 28, 30 and 32, what
is the average of the other two?
A. 40
B. 50
C. 60
D. 70
E. 80

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3. In the figure above, rectangle AEJL has been divided into 8 congruent squares with
each of the 8 squares having an area of 16. What is the length of
AE + MF + LG+ AL + BK + CJ + DH + EG?

A. 32
B. 44
C. 88
D. 128
E. 176


4. For any positive integer x, #x = x²/3 and &x = 9 /x. which of the following is an
expression for the product of #x and &x?

A. 3x
B. x
C. 1
D. x3/64
E. 27 x3


5. In a certain town, p gallons of gasoline are needed per month for each car. How
long will q gallons last at this rate given that there are r cars in town?

A. pr/q
B. qr/p
C. r/pq
D. q/pr
E. pqr


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6. Let xy = z, where x,y,z are nonzero numbers. If x is multiplied by 3 and z is divided
by 3, this is equivalent to multiplying y by

A. 1/9
B. 1/3
C. 1
D. 3
E. 9


7. If x, y, and z are different positive odd integers and x + y + z = 11, what is the
greatest possible value of z?

A. 10
B. 9
C. 8
D. 7
E. 6


8. If the postal charges for a package are 62 cents for the first five ounces and 8 cents
for each additional ounce, what is the weight of a package for which the charges are
$1.66? (Assume there are 16 ounces in one pound)

A. 1.05 pounds
B. 1.1 pounds
C. 1.125 pounds
D. 1.25 pounds
E. 1.5 pounds


9. What fraction of two weeks is 24 minutes?

A. 1/120
B. 1/336
C. 1/840
D. 1/2880
E. 1/20160


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10. If the vertices of a triangle are at (0,0), (-3, 4) and (3, 4), what is the area of the

A. 4
B. 6
C. 12
D. 14
E. 18


11. A water-tank has a base with dimensions 2 feet by 6 feet. If a cube with each side 1
foot is totally immersed in the water, how many inches will the water rise? (12inches
= 1 foot)

A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 8
E. It cannot be determined from the information given


12. In the figure above, the quadrilateral ABCD is a trapezoid with x = 2. The diameter
of each semicircle is a side of the trapezoid. What is the sum of the lengths of the
four drawn semicircles? (Round to the nearest whole number.)

A. 13
B. 16
C. 19
D. 22
E. 31


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13. If n + 3 = n x 3, then n =

A. 0.5
B. 1.5
C. 2
D. 2.5
E. 3

14. If an equilateral triangle and a square have the same perimeter, what is the ratio of
the length of the sides of the equilateral triangle to the lengths of the sides of the

A. 3:4
B. 4:3
C. 1:4
D. 1:3
E. 3:1


15. A restaurant has a special whereby both parents can eat for $20 and each child can
eat for $5. Assuming a family group consists of both parents and at least one child,
what is the maximum number of family groups that could have attended given that
the restaurant took $115?

A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3
E. 2


16. Which of the following points lays in the interior of the circle whose radius is 10 and
whose center is at the origin?

A. (-9, 4)
B. (5, -19)
C. (0, -10)
D. (10, -1)
E. (0,15)


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Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

II Choose the correct answer for each

question and shade the
Analytical No. Of corresponding CIRCLE in the answer
15 sheet
Reasoning Questions
17. If the perimeter of the rectangle ABCD is 14, what is the perimeter of ∆BCD?

A. 7
B. 12 A B
C. 7 + √29
D. 86
E. It cannot be determined from D C
the information given.


18. The roots of ax2 + bx + c = 0 are real only if

A. b2 – 4ac ≥ 0
B. b2 – 4ac = 0
C. b2 + 4ac = 0
D. b2 – 4ac < 0
E. b2 – 4bc < 0


19. The two numbers, whose sum is -13 and product -30, are

A. 2, 15
B. 2, -15
C. -3, 10
D. 3, 10
E. -3, -13

20. Let A = total area of five circles of radius r and let B = total area of three circles of
radius s. If A = B, then r / s =

A. 3/5
B. √3 / √5
C. 3π / 5
D. √(3π) / √5
E. 3π


Two statements labeled I & II, follow each of the following questions. The statements contain
certain information. In the questions you do not actually have to compute an answer, rather you

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have to decide whether the information given in the statements I. and II. is sufficient to find a
correct answer by using basic mathematics and every day facts?

1. What day of the week is today?

I. Today is March 25.

II. Akram left Pakistan on Wednesday.

A. Statement I. ALONE is sufficient but II. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
B. Statement II. ALONE is sufficient but I. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
C. Statements I. and II. TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question but
NEITHER of them is sufficient ALONE.
D. Statements I. and II. COMBINED are NOT sufficient to answer the question and
additional information is needed to find the correct answer.


2. Can any of the four rivers be more than 300 meters wide?

I. The narrowest of the four rivers is 240 meters wide.

II. Average width of the four rivers is 300 meters.

A. Statement I. ALONE is sufficient but II. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
B. Statement II. ALONE is sufficient but I. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
C. Statements I. and II. TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question but
NEITHER of them is sufficient ALONE.
D. Statements I. and II. COMBINED are NOT sufficient to answer the question and
additional information is needed to find the correct answer


3. If it is raining then there must be clouds. Are there clouds?

I. It is not raining.
II. It rained yesterday.

A. Statement I. ALONE is sufficient but II. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
B. Statement II. ALONE is sufficient but I. ALONE is not sufficient to answer this
C. Statements I. and II. TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question but
NEITHER of them is sufficient ALONE.
D. Statements I. and II. COMBINED are NOT sufficient to answer the question and
additional information is needed to find the correct answer.


Read the passage to answer the question 4-5

A map representing countries R, S, W, X, Y and Z is to be drawn. Adjacent countries
cannot have the same color in the map. The countries adjacent to each other are as
Each of R, S, X and Y is adjacent to W.
X is adjacent to Y.
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Each of R and S is adjacent to Z.

4. Which of the following countries can be the same color as W?

A. S
B. X
C. Y
D. Z


5. Which of the following is a pair of countries that can be the same color?

A. R and S
B. S and W
C. W and X
D. X and Y
Questions 6 to 11 depends on the following passage

A college president wishes to select four members of a faculty-student committee as special

representatives to meet with the college's board of trustees.
The faculty-student committee consists of eight members four of which (F, G, H and I) are faculty
members whereas the other four (R, S, T and U) are students.
The president can select any four of the eight committee members as long as the following rules
are observed:
The four representatives must consist of exactly two faculty members and two students.
Either F or G must be one of the representatives but F and G both cannot be the representatives.
If R is a representative then H must also be a representative.
If T is a representative then G cannot be a representative.
6. If T is a representative but H is not a representative then the whole group can be
determined if it were also true that:

A. F is a representative.
B. I is a representative.
C. R is not a representative.
D. U is not a representative.

7. If R is a representative then which of the following CANNOT be a representative?

A. H
B. I
C. S
D. T

8. If G is a representative then which of the following can be the other three representatives?

A. F, S and U
B. H, I and R
C. H, R and S
D. I, R and U

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9. If neither S nor U is a representative then which of the following is the pair of faculty-
member representatives?

A. F and G
B. F and H
C. F and I
D. G and H

10. If G, I and S are representatives then which of the following must also be a

A. H
B. R
C. T
D. U


11. If F and I are representatives then which of the following is not a representative?

A. I
B. S
C. U
D. R


Questions 12 to 14 depends on the following passage

At a congress of the Ruling Party, the seven top party leaders, who are all cabinet
ministers, are seated on a platform in order of rank the Prime Minister being in the
center. The closer a person is to the Prime Minister; the higher is his/her rank.
Moreover, a person sitting on the right of the PM outranks the one sitting equidistant on
the left of the PM. The seven leaders are T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z.
Y is four places to the left of the Minister of Agriculture, who is two places to the right of
U’s neighbors are T and the Minister of Agriculture.
Z is two places to the left of W.
The Ministers of Education, Mining and Culture are seated together, in order, from left to
The remaining Ministers are those of Social Welfare and Defense.

12. The fifth ranking person in the party hierarchy is:

A. Z, the Minister of Mining
B. Y, the Minister of Culture
C. W, the Prime Minister.
D. X, the minister of Defense.


13. How many of the seven party leaders outrank the Minister of Education?
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A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6


14. The lowest ranking Minister is

A. Minister of Social Welfare.
B. Minister of Defense.
C. Minister of Education.
D. Minister of Mining.


15. “A meadow in springtime is beautiful, even if no one is there to appreciate it.”

This statement would be a logical opposite to which of the following claims?
A. People will see only what they want to see.
B. Beauty exits only in the eyes of the beholder.
C. Beauty does not depend on seasons.
D. The greatest pleasure available to mankind is the contemplation of


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III Choose the correct answer for each
question and shade the
VERBAL No. Of corresponding CIRCLE in the answer
10 sheet
Section Questions

Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicates that
something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered words or
sets of words. Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the
sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
1. Some illnesses such as smallpox, which have been almost eliminated in the United
States are still ____ in many places abroad.
A. discussed
B. prevalent
C. scarce
D. unknown
E. hospitalized


2. A recent study indicates that the crime rate in the United States remains ____ and
that one in three households ____ some form of major crime in any year
A. incredible ... witnesses
B. astronomical ... experiences
C. simultaneous ... perpetrates
D. unsuccessful ... initiates
E. defeated ... prosecutes


Each question below consists of a related pair of words or phrases, followed by

five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best
expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.

A. settle : argument
B. incorporate : company
C. send : correspondence
D. rescue : victim
E. recycle : newspaper

A. peacemaker : conflict
B. artifact : anthropologist
C. game : referee
D. dispute : mediator
E. disease : pathologist


Read the passages and answer the questions given at its end:

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We are profoundly ignorant about the origins of language and have to content ourselves
with more or less plausible speculations. We do not even know for certain when
language arose, but it seems likely that it goes back to the earliest history of man,
perhaps half a million years. We have no direct evidence, but it seems probable that
speech arose at the same time as tool making and the earliest forms of specifically
human cooperation. In the great Ice Ages of the Pleistocene period, our earliest human
ancestors established the Old Stone Age culture; they made flint tools and later tools of
bone, ivory, and antler; they made fire and cooked their food; they hunted big game,
often by methods that called for considerable cooperation and coordination. As their
material culture gradually improved, they became artists and made carvings and
engravings on bones and pebbles, and wonderful paintings of animals on the walls of
caves. It is difficult to believe that the makers of these Paleolithic cultures lacked the
power of speech. It is a long step Admittedly, from the earliest flint weapons to the
splendid art of the late Old Stone Age: the first crude flints date back perhaps to
500,000 B.C., while the finest achievements of Old Stone Age man are later than
100,000 B.C.; and, in this period, we can envisage a corresponding development of
language, from the most primitive and limited language of the earliest human groups to
a fully developed language in the flowering time of Old Stone Age culture.

How did language arise in the first place? There are many theories about this, based on
various types of indirect evidence, such as the language of children, the language of
primitive societies, the kinds of changes that have taken place in languages in the
course of recorded history, the behavior of higher animals like chimpanzees, and the
behavior of people suffering from speech defects. These types of evidence may provide
us with useful pointers, but they all suffer from limitations, and must be treated with
caution. When we consider the language of children, we have to remember that their
situations are quite different from that of our earliest human ancestors, because the
child is growing up in an environment where there is already a fully developed language,
and is surrounded by adults who use that language and are teaching it to him. For
example, it has been shown that the earliest words used by children are mainly the
names of things and people (“Doll,” “Spoon,” “Mummy”): but, this does not prove that
the earliest words of primitive man were also the names of things and people. When
the child learns the name of an object, he may then use it to express his wishes or
demands: “Doll!: often means “Give me my doll!” Or “I’ve dropped my doll: pick it up
for me!”; the child is using language to get things done, and it is almost an accident of
adult teaching that the words used to formulate the child’s demands are mainly nouns,
instead of words like “Bring!”’ “Pick up!”; and so on.

5. The main idea of this excerpt is

(A) to provide evidence of the origin of language.
(B) to present the need for language.
(C) to discuss how early man communicated.
(D) to present the culture of early man.
(E) to narrate the story of English.


6. Theories of the origin of language include all of the following EXCEPT

(A) changes occurring through the years.
(B) the need to communicate.
(C) language of children.
(D) the first man’s extensive vocabulary.
(E) communication among primitive men.

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7. The purpose of the discussion of the word, “Doll,” is intended to

(A) Trace the evolution of a noun.
(B) Support the fact that naming things is most important.
(C) Indicate how adults teach language to children.
(D) Show the evolution of many meanings for one word.
(E) Evince man’s multiple uses of single words

8. The implication of the author regarding the early elements of language is that
(A) There were specific real steps followed to develop our language.
(B) Care must be exercised when exhuming what we consider the roots of
(C) We owe a debt of gratitude to the chimpanzee contribution.
(D) Adults created language in order to instruct their children.
(E) Language was fully developed by primitive man.


9. If we accept that primitive man existed for a very long period of time without
language, then we may assume that
(A) language is not necessary to man’s existence.
(B) language developed with the developing culture of primitives.
(C) primitives existed in total isolation from one another.
(D) children brought about a need for language.
(E) mankind was not intended to communicate.


10. After a reading of this article, one might infer that

(A) society creates problems with language.
(B) language is for adults to instruct children.
(C) society uses language to improve itself.
(D) with the evolution of language came wisdom.
(E) language brings power.


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Answer Keys to
Drill Tests

National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

Section-I Quantitative

1. B C D E
15. A B C E
2. A B C D E
16. A C D E
3. A C D E
17. A B C E
4. A B C D
18. A B D E
5. A B D E
19. A C D E
6. A B D E
20. A B C D
7. A B C E
8. A C D E
Section-III Verbal
9. B C D E
1. A B D E
10. A B D E
2. A B D E
3. A C D E
Section-II Analytical Reasoning
4. A C D E
5. B C D E
1. A C D E
6. A B C E
2. A B C E
7. B C D E
3. A B C D
B C 8. A C D E
4. A D
9. A B C E
5. A B D E
10. A B D E
6. B C D E
11. A B D E
7. A C D E
12. B C D E
8. A B C E
13. B C D E
9. A B C E
14. A C D E
10. A B C D
15. A C D E
11. A B D E
16. A C D E
12. A B D E
E 17. A B C E
13. A C D
18. A B C E
14. A B C D
19. A B C E
20. B C D E

National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

Section-I Quantitative

1. A C D E
15. B C D E
2. A C D E
16. A B D E
3. A B C E
17. A B C E
4. A B C D
18. A C D E
5. A C D E
19. A B C E
6. A B D E
20. A B C D
7. A B C E
8. A C D E
Section-III Verbal
9. A B D E
1. A B D E
10. A B C E
2. A C D E
3. B C D E
Section-II Analytical Reasoning
4. A B D E
5. A B C D
1. A C D E
6. A B D E
2. B C D E
7. A C D E
3. A C D E
A B 8. A B C E
4. D E
9. A B D E
5. A B D E
10. A C D E
6. A B C D
11. A B D E
7. B C D E
12. A B D E
8. A B C D
13. A C D E
9. A B D E
14. A B C D
10. A B C D
15. A C D E
11. A B C E
16. A B D E
12. B C D E
B 17. A B D E
13. A C D
18. A B D E
14. A B D E
19. B C D E
20. A B C E

National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

Section-I Quantitative

11. B C D E
1. A B C E
12. A B D E
2. A B D E
13. A B C E
3. A B C D
14. A C D E
4. B C D E
15. A B C E
5. A C D E

6. A B C D
Section-III Verbal
7. A C D E
1. B C D E
8. A B C D
2. A B C E
9. B C D E
3. A B D E
10. B C D E
4. A C D E
11. A B C E
5. A B C E
12. A B D E
6. B C D E
13. A B C E
7. A B D E
14. A B D E

A B D E 8. B C D E
B C D E 9. A B C D
A B C E 10. A B C D
18. A B C D

19. B C D E

20. A B D E

Section-II Analytical Reasoning

1. A B C E

2. A B D E
3. B C D E

4. A B C E

5. A B C E

6. B C D E

7. A C D E

8. A B C E

9. A B C E

10. B C D E

National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
Section-I Quantitative

11. A B C E
1. A B C E
12. B C D E
2. B C D E
13. A B C E
3. A B D E
14. A B D E
4. B C D E
15. A C D E
5. A B C E

6. B C D E
Section-III Verbal
7. A B C E
1. A C D E
8. A B D E
2. A B C D
9. A B D E
3. A B C E
10. A B D E
4. A B C E
11. B C D E
5. B C D E
12. A C D E
6. A B C E
13. A C D E
7. A B D E
14. A C D E

A B D E 8. A C D E
B C D E 9. A C D E
A B C D 10. A B C D
18. B C D E

19. A C D E

20. A C D E

Section-II Analytical Reasoning

1. A B C E

2. A B D E
3. A B C E

4. A B C E

5. B C D E

6. A B C E

7. A C D E

8. A B D E

9. A C D E

10. A B C E

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Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing


Note: The Sample Test does not include quantitatively the same number
of questions as there would be in the actual papers. They are merely
meant to provide conceptual guidance to the users or prospective

National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

I Choose the correct answer for each

question and shade the
VERBAL No. Of corresponding CIRCLE in the answer
15 sheet
Section Questions

Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicates
that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five
lettered words or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words
that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the
sentence as a whole.

1. Despite the millions of dollars spent on improvements, the telephone system in India
remains ________ and continues to ___________ the citizens who depend upon it.

A. Primitive…inconvenience
B. Bombastic...upset
C. Suspicious...connect
D. Outdated...elate
E. Impartial...vex

2. Unlike the images in symbolist poetry which are often vague and _______ , the
images of surrealist poetry are startlingly ________ and bold.

A. extraneous...furtive
B. trivial...inadvertent
C. obscure...concrete
D. spectacular...pallid
E. symmetrical…virulent

3. A good trial lawyer will argue only what is central to an issue, eliminating
___________ information or anything else that might __________ the client.

A. Seminal...amuse
B. Extraneous...jeopardize
C. Erratic...enhance
D. Prodigious...extol
E. Reprehensible…initiate

4. Pollen grains and spores that are 200 millions old are now being extracted from
shale and are ____________ the theory that the breakup of the continents occurred
in stages; in fact, it seems that the breakups occurred almost __________ .

A. refining...blatantly
B. reshaping...simultaneously
C. countermanding...imperceptibly
D. forging...vicariously
E. supporting...haphazardly

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Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
Each question below consists of a related pair of words or phrases, followed by
five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best
expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.


A. viciousness : attack
B. calamity : repair
C. qualification : employ
D. induction : discharge
E. therapy : confuse


A. eternal : temporality
B. convincing : decision
C. gargantuan : size
D. ancient : value
E. prototypical : affection


A. tenacious : astonishment
B. juvenile : maturity
C. classic : cultivation
D. eccentric : discrimination
E. delusional : insanity


A. feint : intention
B. secrecy : stealth
C. geniality : amiability
D. travesty : insight
E. refinement : innovation

Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in

meaning to the word in capital letters.


A. chivalrous
B. perfect
C. predictable
D. hidden
E. backward


A. collide
B. succumb
C. threaten
D. divide
E. despise
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A. authoritative
B. dissolute
C. bereft
D. sensitive
E. taxing


A. skullduggery
B. reluctance
C. interment
D. bellicosity
E. specificity

Read the passages and answer the questions asked at its end.

Art, like words, is a form of communication. Words, spoken and written, render
accessible to humans of the latest generations all the knowledge discovered by the
experience and reflection, both of preceding generations and of the best and foremost
minds of their own times. Art renders accessible to people of the latest generations all
the feelings experienced by their predecessors, and those already felt by their best and
foremost contemporaries. Just as the evolution of knowledge proceeds by dislodging and
replacing that which is mistaken, so too the evolution of feeling proceeds through art.
Feelings less kind and less necessary for the well-being of humankind are replaced by
others kinder and more essential to that end. This is the purpose of art, and the more
art fulfills that purpose the better the art; the less it fulfills it, the worse the art.

13.The author develops the passage primarily by

A. theory and refutation

B. example and generalization
C. comparison and contrast
D. question and answer
E. inference and deduction

14.According to the author, knowledge is

A. evolutionary and emotional

B. cumulative and progressive
C. static and unmoving
D. dynamic and cyclical
E. practical and directionless

15.According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT:

A. Art is a form of communication.

B. Art helps to refine sensibilities.
C. Art is a repository of experience.
D. Real art can never be bad.
E. Art is a progressive human endeavor.

National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies
Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
Choose the correct answer for
each question and shade the
Analytical No. Of
20 corresponding CIRCLE in the
Reasoning Questions
answer sheet

Questions 16-19 are based on the following.

The Western Derby is a race held annually at Bayshore Racetrack. There are eight
gates at the racetrack, but only seven horses are entered in this race—Julius
Caesar, King's Bounty, Longshot, Man Among Boys, Nocturnal, Odyssey, and
Phantom. One of the gates is left empty. The horses are at the gate, waiting for the
race to begin.

Gate 1, on the inside of the racetrack, is occupied.

Phantom is at a gate inside of Nocturnal.
The number of gates separating Julius Caesar and King's Bounty equals the number
of gates separating Longshot and Man among Boys.
Nocturnal and Odyssey are next to each other.

16. If Odyssey is at Gate 2, which of the following must be true?

A. Nocturnal is at the innermost gate.

B. King's Bounty is at the outermost gate.
C. A horse occupies the outermost gate.
D. Phantom is at the innermost gate.
E. The outermost gate is not empty.

17.Which of the following is a possible assignment for the horses, from the inside to
the outside?

A. Phantom, King's Bounty, Julius Caesar, Odyssey, Nocturnal, Man Among

Boys, Longshot, vacant
B. vacant, Phantom, Julius Caesar, Longshot, King's Bounty, Man Among Boys,
Nocturnal, Odyssey
C. Longshot, Man Among Boys, Nocturnal, vacant, Phantom, Odyssey, King's
Bounty, Julius Caesar
D. Julius Caesar, King's Bounty, Longshot, Phantom, vacant, Man Among Boys,
Nocturnal, Odyssey
E. Phantom, Julius Caesar, Nocturnal, vacant, Odyssey, King's Bounty,
Longshot, Man Among Boys

18.If Julius Caesar is at Gate 6, King's Bounty is at Gate 7, and Odyssey is at Gate
4, which of the following must be true?
I. Longshot is at Gate 1.
II. Nocturnal is at Gate 5.
III. Man Among Boys is at Gate 2.
IV. Gate 8 is vacant.

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A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. II and IV only
D. I, II, and III only
E. I, II, III, and IV

19. If Julius Caesar and King's Bounty are at the second and fourth gates,
respectively, all of the following can be true EXCEPT

A. Phantom is at Gate 1
B. Man Among Boys is at Gate 3
C. Longshot is at Gate 6
D. Odyssey is at Gate 7
E. Nocturnal is at Gate 7

20.Studies have shown that families who install smoke detectors and own fire
extinguishers have a reduced risk of losing a child in a house fire. Therefore, no
family who installs smoke detectors and owns a fire extinguisher will lose a child
in a house fire.

Of the following, the best criticism of the argument above is that the argument
does not

A. take into account the possibility of losing a child in a house fire despite all
precautionary measures
B. indicate that fire extinguishers are effective during early stages of a fire
C. cite the fact that smoke detectors have proven to be effective in waking
sleeping children during a house fire
D. differentiate between the two major causes of house fires: cooking and
E. take into account that families who buy smoke detectors are also more likely
to purchase fire insurance

21.LSD is a drug known to cause synesthesia, a phenomenon in which sensory input

somehow becomes interchanged in the brain: a person with synesthesia might
smell a symphony, hear sun light, or taste a pinprick. While most cases are drug
induced, some people suffer from synesthesia in various forms since birth.

Which of the following can be most safely inferred from the information above?

A. Synesthesia is not always a drug-induced phenomenon.

B. Some great artists of this century have been known for their synesthetic
C. LSD is an addictive drug.
D. Synesthesia is rarely bothersome to those who experience it.
E. Synesthesia at birth is a result of mothers who have tried LSD.

22.Palindromes are easier to solve than acrostics, but acrostics are more difficult to
create than palindromes. Rebuses are more difficult to solve than acrostics, yet
rebuses are easier to create than palindromes.

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Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
If the above information is true, then it must also be true that

A. acrostics are more difficult to create than rebuses

B. palindromes are more difficult to solve than rebuses
C. rebuses are easier to solve than acrostics
D. acrostics are easier to create than rebuses
E. rebuses are easier to solve than palindromes

Questions 23-25 are based on the following.

A university has a procedure for registering and recording complaints. Due to

strict bureaucratic regulations, the following system of passing complaints must be

A is the first registrar to receive all incoming complaints.

F is the recorder and final administrator to handle a complaint.
Personnel B, C, D, and E may pass complaints only as follows:
A to B
B to either C or D
C to either B or E
D to C
E to either D or F

23.Which is an acceptable path for a complaint to follow, passing from A?

A. B to C to D to F
B. B to D to C to F
C. B to C to E to F
D. B to E to F
E. D to C to F

24.If a complaint is received and is handled by each personnel member only one
time, which of the following could be one of the passes?

A. A to C
B. C to B
C. C to F
D. D to C
E. E to D

25.Between which two personnel may a complaint pass by means of two different
paths without any duplication of passes?

A. B to E
B. C to D
C. C to E
D. D to B
E. E to B

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Questions 26-31 are based on the following.

In a baseball field, one team can practice at a time. There are seven teams—the
Aces, the Bears, the Cubs, the Ducks, the Eagles, the Falcons, and the Giants.
The baseball field is open seven evenings a week from Monday to Sunday
(Sunday being considered the last day of the week), and the allocation of
practice times is governed by the following rules:

On any evening, only one team can play.

The Aces must practice on Monday.
The Ducks practice exactly one day before the Falcons practice.
The Falcons practice exactly one day before the Giants practice.
The Cubs and the Bears must practice earlier in the week than the Eagles.

26.The latest day in the week that the Bears can practice is

A. Tuesday
B. Wednesday
C. Thursday
D. Friday
E. Saturday

27.If a person went to the baseball field on three consecutive evenings, he or she
could see which of the following teams in the order listed?

A. the Falcons, the Giants, the Cubs

B. the Falcons, the Giants, the Ducks
C. the Aces, the Ducks, the Cubs
D. the Bears, the Cubs, the Falcons
E. the Ducks, the Eagles, the Falcons

28.One week, the Cubs practiced on Wednesday and the Ducks practiced the next
day. That week, the Bears must have practiced on

A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Friday
D. Saturday
E. Sunday

29.If the Giants practice on Thursday, the Eagles and the Ducks must practice on
which days, respectively?

A. Sunday and Tuesday

B. Saturday and Tuesday
C. Friday and Wednesday
D. Wednesday and Thursday
E. Tuesday and Monday

30.If the Falcons practice on Saturday, the Eagles must practice on what day?

A. Tuesday

Building Standards in Education and Professional Testing 136

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B. Wednesday
C. Thursday
D. Friday
E. Sunday

31.The practice schedule has to adhere to which of the following?

A. The Ducks practice earlier in the week than the Eagles.

B. The Falcons practice on a later day than the Eagles.
C. The Falcons practice earlier in the week than the Giants.
D. The Cubs practice earlier in the week than the Ducks.
E. The Bears practice earlier in the week than the Cubs.

32.Wine, cheese, butter, and raisins are all examples of early techniques to preserve
food. In modern times, food scientists have developed other techniques such as
dehydration, hermetic sealing, and radiation. Of these, radiation is the most con-
troversial because preliminary studies have shown that radiation alters the
natural chemical bonds in fruits and vegetables. Instead of providing salutary
effects, eating radiated produce may well introduce irritating chemicals into the
body, creating a possible health hazard.

Which of the following, if true, supports the conclusion that eating radiated
produce poses a possible health hazard?
A. Radiation affects only those chemical bonds associated with water, that is,
hydrogen and oxygen.
B. Radiation kills microorganisms that hasten food decay.
C. The radiation-induced bonds are unlike any of those found in non-radiated
D. Certain microorganisms, namely those found in yogurt cultures, are essential
for proper digestion.
E. Radiation has no effect on foods preserved by drying.

33.Blue Blood, Inc., is a private blood products company that buys blood only from
qualified donors. To qualify, a person must weigh at least 105 pounds, must not
have taken malaria medication in the last three years, must never have had
hepatitis, and must never have used intravenous drugs. Blue Blood nurses know
that traveling has an effect on the possibilities for blood donation: Everyone who
travels to Malaysia is required to take malaria medication; no one who enters
Singapore can have ever used intravenous drugs; everyone traveling to Gorisimi
gets hepatitis.

Which of the following situations would not automatically disqualify a person

from selling blood to Blue Blood?

A. traveling to Malaysia two years ago

B. having once weighed 110 pounds and now weighing 95 pounds
C. being denied admission to Singapore
D. traveling to Gorisimi five years ago
E. using intravenous drugs that were legal at the time

Building Standards in Education and Professional Testing 137

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
34.Before marriage, couples should be tested for AIDS and any other sexually
communicable diseases. Negative results will guarantee the health and safe-ness
of their marriage.

Which of the following is an assumption of the argument in the passage


A. Current state laws require couples who are planning to get married to be
tested for infectious disease in order to prevent possible health problems in
the future.
B. There are many infectious diseases that can be sexually transmitted from
one individual to another.
C. Fortunately even if a test proves positive for a communicable disease,
couples can still lead healthy marriages by taking the proper precautions.
D. Due to advances in medical research over the years, infectious diseases that
used to be fatal can now be effectively treated.
E. All the diseases detectable through testing have no incubation period and the
results of these tests can immediately indicate whether or not the individual
has the disease.

Question 35 is based on the following.

Nine athletes attend a sports banquet. Three of the athletes—}, K, and L—are varsity
football players; two of the athletes—M and N—are varsity basketball players. The
other four athletes— O, P, Q, and R—belong to the hockey club. All nine athletes will
be seated at three small tables, each seating three athletes. The athletes must be
seated according to the following rules: O and J do not sit at the same table.

P sits together with at least one of K or M.

There can be at most only one football player at a table.

There can be at most only one basketball player at a table.

35.Suppose just one varsity athlete sits at a certain table, and that athlete happens
to be J. If so, who else sits with J?

A. P, Q
B. P, R
C. Q, R
D. O, Q
E. O, P

Building Standards in Education and Professional Testing 138

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

Choose the correct answer for

No of each question and shade the
Quantitative 15
Questions corresponding CIRCLE in the
answer sheet

36.If √y = 9, then y2 - √y =

A. √3-9
B. 0
C. 9-√3
D. 6552
E. 6561

37.If (x+3)/6 = 12/(x+4), what is the positive value of x?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. √60
E. 12

38.Cindy wants to paint her office. She can buy three cans of the same-priced paint
and three identical brushes for $21, or she can buy four cans of the same paint
and one brush for $22. How much does a can of paint cost?

A. $2
B. $3
C. $4
D. $5
E. $6

39.Which of the following must be true?

I. (25 - 81) = (5 - 9) (5 + 9)
II. 7(9 + 6) = 7(9) + 7(6)
III. 6 ÷ (3 - 1) = (6 ÷ 3) - (6÷1)

A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and II only
E. I, II, and III

40.The sum of a and 9 - 2a is less than 8. Which of the following is (are) the
value(s) of a?

I. a<-1
II. a< 1

Building Standards in Education and Professional Testing 139

Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
III. a>1

A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and II only
E. I and III only

41.Susan is having a party. At 7:00 P.M., guests begin arriving at a uniform rate of
8 people every 15 minutes. If this pattern continues, how many guests will have
arrived by 9:30 P.M.?

F. 10
G. 20
H. 40
I. 64
J. 80

42.For positive integers p and q, if p2 + 2q2 = 41, and 2p2 +q2 = 34, then p2 =

A. 2.5
B. 7
C. 3
D. 9
E. 16

43.If a:b is 7:6 and 3b:2c is 2:3, what is c/a ?

A. 14/27
B. 7/9
C. 6/7
D. 9/7
E. 27/14

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Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
44.In the figure above, if the radius of the circle is 8, and triangle TRS is inscribed
in the circle, then the length of arc TRS is

A. 16π/3
B. (32 π)/3
C. 16 π
D. (128 π)/3
E. 64 π

45.For developing pictures, XYZ Photo Lab charges a service fee of $3 for every
order it receives in addition to a printing fee. If the order consists of 12 pictures
or less, the printing fee per picture is $0.36. If the order consists of more than
12 pictures, the printing fee per picture is $0.24. What is the total cost per
picture for an order consisting of 30 pictures?

A. $0.11
B. $0.24
C. $0.34
D. $0.46
E. $3.24

46.Lisa found an easy way to add up a sequence of positive even integers with an
even number of terms. She formed pairs of equal sums by adding the first
integer to the last, the second integer to the next-to-last, and so on. She then
computed the total by adding these equal sums. If the total Lisa obtained was
930, how many terms were there in the sequence of positive even integers if
the sequence started with the number 2?

A. 30
B. 39
C. 40
D. 60
E. 465

47.December is the busiest month at Lamont's Gift Shoppe, where sales in

December are 40 percent higher than average. If sales in February are typically
20 percent lower than average, what is the ratio of February sales to December

A. 1:2
B. 4:2
C. 4:5
D. 4:7
E. 6:7

48.How many 4-digit numbers are there that consist of only odd digits?

A. 20
B. 625
C. 1,024
D. 4,500
E. 5,000

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Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing

49.For some integer m, let [m] be defined by the equation {m} = m (1- m). If n +
1 = {n + 1}, then n =

A. -2
B. -1
C. 0
D. 1
E. 2

50.Box A and box B have 6 cards each. Each card is marked with one integer, 1
through 6. Both boxes can have more than one card with the same integer, but
the sum of all the integers in each box must be 18. Two of the cards in box/1
are 6's and two of the cards in box B are 5's. If one card is drawn from box A
and one from box B, but neither a 6 nor a 5 is drawn, what is the largest pos-
sible sum of the integers on the cards drawn from the two boxes?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 7
D. 8
E. 12

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