80211bb 2023
80211bb 2023
80211bb 2023
Telecommunications and Information Exchange between Systems
Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—
Specific Requirements
Developed by the
LAN/MAN Standards Committee
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IEEE Std 802.11bb™-2023
(Amendment to IEEE Std 802.11™-2020
as amended by IEEE Std 802.11ax™-2021,
IEEE Std 802.11ay™-2021,
IEEE Std 802.11ba™-2021,
IEEE Std 802.11az™-2022,
IEEE Std 802.11-2020/Cor 1-2022, and
IEEE Std 802.11bd™-2023)
Developed by the
LAN/MAN Standards Committee
of the
IEEE Computer Society
Authorized licensed use limited to: Lan Savodnik. Downloaded on July 15,2024 at 12:56:47 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Abstract: Modifications to existing physical layers (PHYs) and the medium access control layer
(MAC) that enable transparent operation of IEEE 802.11 over the light in the 800 nm to 1000 nm
band are specified in this amendment. This amendment specifies PHYs that provide bidirectional
operations that achieve a minimum and maximum throughput of 10 Mb/s and 9.6 Gb/s,
respectively, as measured at the MAC data service access point (SAP), and facilitate
interoperability among solid-state light sources with different modulation bandwidths.
Keywords: IEEE 802.11™, IEEE 802.11bb™, LC, light communication, MAC, medium access
control, PHY, physical layer
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At the time this amendment was sent to the IEEE SA Board for approval, the IEEE 802.11 Working Group
had the following members:
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Ravi Gidvani Manoj Kamath Jeff Liu
James P. Gilb Mahmoud Kamel Jianfei Liu
Sachin Godbole Srinivas Kandala Jianhan Liu
Tim Godfrey Kyu-Min Kang Ying Liu
Bo Gong Sugbong Kang Yong Liu
Fumihide Goto Assaf Y. Kasher Vyacheslav Loginov
Niranjan Grandhe Oren Kedem Miguel Lopez
Michael Grigat Richard H. Kennedy Mikael Lorgeoux
Xiangxin Gu John Kenney Hanqing Lou
Romain Guignard Stuart J. Kerry Hui-Ling Lou
Lakshmikanth Guntupalli Naseem Khan Kaiying Lu
Yuchen Guo Evgeny Khorov Liuming Lu
Muhammad Kumail Haider Nilesh Khude Yuxin Lu
Robert Hall Jeongki Kim Kurt Lumbatis
Mark Hamilton Myeong-Jin Kim Chaoming Luo
Chong Han Namyeong Kim Lily Lv
Jonghun Han Sang Gook Kim Mikhail Lyakh
Xiao Han Sanghyun Kim Li Ma
Zhiqiang Han Yongho Kim Mengyao Ma
Thomas Handte Youhan Kim Girish Madpuwar
Christopher J. Hansen Patrick Kinney Jouni K. Malinen
Daniel N. Harkins Akira Kishida Hiroshi Mano
Edward Harrison Shoichi Kitazawa Roger Marks
Brian D. Hart Arik Klein Marcos Martinez Vazquez
Abdullah Haskou Andrey Klimakov Sebastian Max
Victor Hayes Jarkko Kneckt Morteza Mehrnoush
Jerome Henry Geonjung Ko Ezer Melzer
Marco Hernandez Yoshihisa Kondo Ebubekir Memisoglu
Lili Hervieu Michail Koundourakis Simone Merlin
Guido R. Hiertz Aleksandra Kozarev Jun Minotani
Ryuichi Hirata Bruce P. Kraemer Khashayar Mirfakhraei
Duncan Ho Manish Kumar Apurva Mody
Jay Holcomb Aleksey Kureev Dignus Jan Moelker
Oliver Holland Jin-Sam Kwak Bibhu Mohanty
Hung-Tao Hsieh Young Hoon H. Kwon Pooya Monajemi
Chien-Fang Hsu Massinissa Lalam Michael Montemurro
Chunyu Hu Zhou Lan Leo Montreuil
Mengshi Hu James Lansford Juseong Moon
Guogang Huang Brice Le Houerou Hitoshi Morioka
Lei Huang Hong Won Lee Hiroyuki Motozuka
Po-Kai Huang Hyeong Ho Lee Robert Mueller
Jeorge Hurtarte Jae Seung S. Lee Wisnu Murti
Mostafa Ibrahim Nancy Lee Andrew Myles
Tetsuo Ido Wookbong Lee Yukimasa Nagai
Tetsushi Ikegami James Lepp Kengo Nagata
Hirohiko Inohiza Ilya Levitsky Gaurang Naik
Yasuhiko Inoue Joseph Levy Hiroki Nakano
Salvador Iranzo Bo Li Junyoung Nam
Eduardo Izquierdo Guoqing Li Vamadevan Namboodiri
Insun Jang Jialing Li Sai Shankar S. Nandagopalan
Timothy Jeffries Jianhui Li Sharan Naribole
Eunsung Jeon Qinghua Li Karim Nassiri Toussi
Chenhe Ji Yanchun Li Patrice Nezou
Jia Jia Yiqing Li Boon Loong Ng
Jinjing Jiang Yunbo Li An Nguyen
Allan Jones Dong Guk Lim Paul Nikolich
Vincent Knowles Jones IV Taesung Lim Yujin Noh
Myung Cheul Jung Wei Lin Hyun Seo S. Oh
Ishaque Ashar Kadampot Zinan Lin Hiraku Okada
Carl W. Kain Erik Lindskog Hassan Omar
Naveen K. Kakani Chenchen Liu Michael Orlovsky
Der-Zheng Liu
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Stephen Orr Jonathan Segev Lochan Verma
Masatomo Ouchi Yongho Seok Sindhu Verma
Satoshi Oyama Ankit Sethi Sameer Vermani
Basak Ozbakis Julien Sevin Santiago Vicent Colonques
Ozlem Ozden Zengin Rubayet Shafin Pascal Viger
Saju Palayur Kunal Shah Chao Chun Wang
Stephen Palm Stephen J. Shellhammer Hao Wang
Thomas Pare Ian Sherlock Huizhao Wang
Jatin Parekh Shimi Shilo Lei Wang
Eunsung Park Ulrich Sinn Pu Wang
Minyoung Park Graham K. Smith Qi Wang
Glenn Parsons Muhammad Sohaib Solaija Steven Qi Wang
Abhishek Patil Ju-Hyung Son Xiaofei Wang
Gaurav Patwardhan Robert Sosack Yi-Hsiu Wang
Eldad Perahia Sudhir Srinivasa Roy Want
Anthony Pesin Ivan Startsev Lisa Ward
James E. Petranovich Athanasios Stavridis Matthias Wendt
Albert Petrick Max Stepanov Menzo M. Wentink
Brian Petry Adrian P. Stephens Leif Wilhelmsson
Charlie Pettersson Noel Stott Hao Wu
Riku Pirhonen Paul Strauch Kanke Wu
Ron Porat Hang Su Tianyu Wu
Dinakar Prabhakaran Hongjia Su John Wullert
Srinath Puducheri Jung Hoon H. Suh Bo Xiao
Rethnakaran Pulikkoonattu Takenori Sumi Liangxiao Xin
Rajat Pushkarna Bo Sun Yan Xin
Emily H. Qi Li-Hsiang Sun Qi Xue
Saira Rafique Sheng Sun Ruifeng Xue
Kapil Rai Yanjun Sun Hassan Yaghoobi
Alireza Raissinia Yingxiang Sun Aiguo Yan
Enrico-Henrik Rantala Dennis Sundman Zhongjiang Yan
Oded Redlich Frank Suraci Bo Yang
Kiran Rege Mineo Takai Jay Yang
Dror Regev Danny Tan Lin Yang
Mor Reich Yusuke Tanaka Mao Yang
Meriam Rezk Jesus Gutierrez Teran Rui Yang
Maximilian Riegel Francois Thoumy Steve T.S. Yang
Mark Rison Bin Tian Xun Yang
Joerg Robert Alexander Tolpin Yunsong Yang
Benjamin Rolfe Takada Tomoyuki Kazuto Yano
Sayak Roy Payam Torab Jahromi James Yee
Bahareh Sadeghi Alejandro Torrijo Peter Yee
Takenori Sakamoto Solomon B. Trainin Yongjiang Yi
Kazuyuki Sakoda Tsung-Han Tsai Takahiro Yokoyama
Mohamed Salem Genadiy Tsodik Homin Yoo
Hanadi Salman Yuki Tsujimaru Jeonghwan Yoon
Sam Sambasivan Halise Turkmen Yuki Yoshikawa
Stephan Sand Kiran Uln Christopher Young
Shivraj Sandhu Makoto Umehara Heejung Yu
Ioannis Sarris Paul Unterhuber Jian Yu
Naotaka Sato Yoshio Urabe Mao Yu
Sigurd Schelstraete Richard D. Van Nee Fangchao Yuan
Sebastian Schiessl Allert Van Zelst Salah Eddine Zegrar
Martin Schmidhammer Prabodh Varshney Nader Zein
Andy Scott Ganesh Venkatesan Ruochen Zeng
Jonas Sedin Daniel Verenzuela Yan Zeng
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The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this amendment. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
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When the IEEE SA Standards Board approved this amendment on 5 June 2023, it had the following
David J. Law, Chair
Ted Burse, Vice Chair
Gary Hoffman, Past Chair
Konstantinos Karachalios, Secretary
*Member Emeritus
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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 802.11bb-2023, IEEE Standard for Information Technology—
Telecommunications and Information Exchange between Systems—Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—
Specific Requirements—Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)
Specifications—Amendment 6: Light Communicatons.
This amendment defines modifications to both the IEEE 802.11 physical layer (PHY) and the IEEE 802.11
medium access control (MAC) sublayer for operation of light communications in the 800 nm to 1000 nm
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2. Normative references ......................................................................................................................... 17
Annex C (normative) ASN.1 encoding of the MAC and PHY MIB ............................................................. 29
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Table 33-1—RF to LC IF Mapping for channels in the 5 GHz and 6 GHz bands ........................................ 22
Table E-1—Operating classes in the United States ....................................................................................... 30
Table E-2—Operating classes in Europe....................................................................................................... 31
Table E-3—Operating classes in Japan ......................................................................................................... 32
Table E-4—Global operating classes ............................................................................................................ 33
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Figure 33-1—Direct conversion LC TX........................................................................................................ 20
Figure 33-2—Up/down conversion LC TX................................................................................................... 20
Figure 33-3—Operation of an SSL device with DC bias .............................................................................. 20
Figure 33-4—Connecting the LC PHY TX to multiple optical TX antennas ............................................... 21
Figure 33-5—Spatial multiplexing with an LC PHY .................................................................................... 23
Figure 33-6—Wavelength division multiplexing with an LC PHY .............................................................. 24
Figure 33-7—An example of channel access with LC repetition.................................................................. 25
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IEEE Standard for Information Technology—
Telecommunications and Information Exchange between Systems
Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—
Specific Requirements
NOTE—The editing instructions contained in this amendment define how to merge the material contained therein into
the existing base standard and its amendments to form the comprehensive standard.
The editing instructions are shown in bold italic. Four editing instructions are used: change, delete, insert, and replace.
Change is used to make corrections in existing text or tables. The editing instruction specifies the location of the change
and describes what is being changed by using strikethrough (to remove old material) and underscore (to add new
material). Delete removes existing material. Insert adds new material without disturbing the existing material. Insertions
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instructions, change markings and this NOTE will not be carried over into future editions because the changes will be
incorporated into the base standard.
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IEEE Std 802.11bb-2023
IEEE Standard for Information Technology—Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Specific Requirements—
Part 11: Wireless LAN MAC and PHY Specifications—
Amendment 6: Light Communications
2. Normative references
IEC 60825-1 Ed. 3.0 b:2014, Safety of laser products—Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements.
3.1 Definitions
antenna connector: The measurement point of reference for radio frequency (RF) measurements in a
station (STA). The antenna connector is the point in the STA architecture representing the input of the
receiver (output of the antenna) for radio reception and the input of the antenna (output of the transmitter)
for radio transmission. In systems using multiple antennas or antenna arrays, the antenna connector is a
virtual point representing the aggregate output of (or input to) the multiple antennas. In systems using active
antenna arrays with processing, the antenna connector is the output of the active array, which includes any
processing gain of the active antenna subsystem. In systems using light communications, the antenna
connector is a virtual point representing the intermediate frequency (IF) interface of the light communication
(LC) optical antenna. In the receive direction, the signal at this virtual point is the output of the LC optical
RX antenna and includes any processing gain from the LC optical RX antenna.
optical front-end (OFE): Optoelectronic module that, in a transmitter, converts an intermediate frequency
(IF) electrical signal to an intensity modulated optical signal, and, in a receiver, converts the intensity
modulated optical signal to an IF electrical signal.
directional multi-gigabit (DMG): Pertaining to operation in a radio frequency (RF) frequency band
containing a channel with the channel starting frequency above 45 GHz.
light communications station (LC STA): A station (STA) that operates in the light band with wavelengths
in the range 800 nm to 1000 nm.
4. General description
An LC STA operates in the light band with wavelengths in the range of 800 nm to 1000 nm.
An LC STA has one of three levels of support: HT, VHT, or HE. An LC STA with an LC PHY that has HT
support is an HT STA (see 4.3.13) except that it operates in the light band. An LC STA with an LC PHY that
has VHT support is a VHT STA (see 4.3.15) except that it operates in the light band. An LC STA with an
LC PHY that has HE support is an HE STA (see 4.3.15a) except that it operates in the light band.
An LC STA has support for MAC features such as frame aggregation, block ack, beamforming, and fast
session transfer in a multi-band device.
Simultaneous use of multiple transmit chains and multiple receive chains within the LC PHY is supported
[see (Multiple transmit chains and multiple receive chains)].
Channels defined for 2.4 GHz operation of HT and HE PHYs do not apply to an LC PHY with HT and HE
support, respectively. The channels that apply to LC are defined in Table 33-1.
Insert new Clause 33 after Next Generation V2X (NGV) PHY specification, as follows:
33.1.1 Introduction
An LC STA supports the MAC functions defined in Clause 10 (MAC sublayer functional description), the
MLME functions defined in Clause 11 (MLME), and the security functions defined in Clause 12 (Security).
33.1.2 LC MAC
An LC STA with HT support shall follow HT MAC procedures and requirements with an LC PHY. An LC
STA with VHT support shall follow VHT MAC procedures and requirements with an LC PHY. An LC STA
with HE support shall follow HE MAC procedures and requirements with an LC PHY.
33.2.1 General
This subclause specifies the PHY entity for a light communications (LC) orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing (OFDM) system with an intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD) optical interface.
An LC PHY with HT support conforms to the requirements for an HT PHY as defined in Clause 19 except
where the requirements in 33.2 supersede those requirements.
An LC PHY with VHT support conforms to the requirements for a VHT PHY as defined in Clause 21 except
where the requirements in 33.2 supersede those requirements.
An LC PHY with HE support conforms to the requirements for an HE PHY as defined in Clause 27 except
for the requirements in 33.2 that supersede those requirements.
The LC PHY service is provided to the MAC through the PHY service primitive described in Clause 8 (PHY
service specification).
33.2.3 LC PHY Introduction
The procedure by which an LC PHY converts a PSDU into a PPDU is defined in 19.3 (HT PHY), 21.3
(VHT PHY), and 27.3 (HE PHY) for an LC PHY with HT, VHT and HE support, respectively, except for
the differences described in the remainder of 33.2.3 (LC PHY).
For the requirements in 21.3 (VHT PHY) and 27.3 (HE PHY), the term frequency segment applies to the LC
IF signal.
The transmitter block diagrams in 19.3.3 (Transmitter block diagram), 21.3.3 (Transmitter block diagram),
and 27.3.5 (Transmitter block diagram) show an Analog and RF block that is described as upconverting the
complex baseband waveform associated with each transmit chain to an RF signal.
In the LC PHY, the complex baseband waveform associated with each transmit chain is instead upconverted
to an LC IF signal, either directly or by up/down conversion. A DC bias is added to the LC IF signal which
is then fed into an optical front end (OFE). The OFE converts the DC biased LC IF signal into an intensity
modulated optical signal.
bias LC optical
LC PHY TX TX antenna
In some implementations, the complex baseband waveform might first be upconverted to an RF signal and
then downconverted to the LC IF signal as shown in Figure 33-2 (Up/down conversion LC TX). The
downconversion is defined to have unity gain.
In this example, the RF signal from the HPA, which is in the frequency range 5 GHz to 6 GHz, is
downconverted such that the center frequency aligns with the LC IF channel frequency defined in
(Channel numbering). The reference clock of the local oscillator for the downconversion at the LC optical
TX antenna is the same as in the LC PHY TX.
A DC bias is added to the LC IF signal before the signal is fed to the transmitting OFE because the current
through an SSL device can only be positive, as illustrated in Figure 33-3 (Operation of an SSL device with
DC bias).
Light Intensity
bias DC bias
0 Time
An LC PHY supports the use of multiple transmit chains and multiple receive chains. An example of the LC
PHY TX connected to multiple LC optical TX antennas is shown in Figure 33-4 (Connecting the LC PHY
TX to multiple optical TX antennas).
LC optical TX
antenna 0
LC optical TX
antenna 1
LC optical TX
antenna NTX -1
The LC IF signal is described by Equation (19-1), Equation (21-11), and Equation (27-1) for an LC PHY
with HT, VHT or HE support, respectively, where fc is the LC IF.
In systems using light communications, the frequency segment refers to the LC IF signal.
LC IF channel center frequencies are defined at integer multiples of 5 MHz above the LC IF channel starting
frequency. The relationship between LC IF channel center frequency and channel number nch is given in
Equation (33-1).
Equation (33-1) and the LC IF channel starting frequencies defined in Annex E divide the LC IF spectrum
into two segments: frequencies in the range 16 MHz to 176 MHz that map from the 5 GHz band and
frequencies in the range 176 MHz to 336 MHz that map from the 6 GHz band as shown in Table 33-1 (RF to
LC IF mapping for channels in the 5 GHz and 6 GHz bands).
Table 33-1—RF to LC IF mapping for channels in the 5 GHz and 6 GHz bands
A channel number or channel center frequency index from the 5 GHz band shall not be greater than 64. A
channel number or center frequency index from the 6 GHz band shall not be greater than 29.
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IEEE Std 802.11bb-2023
IEEE Standard for Information Technology—Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Specific Requirements—
Part 11: Wireless LAN MAC and PHY Specifications—
Amendment 6: Light Communications General
The LC PHY may use multiple transmit chains and multiple receive chains to support spatial multiplexing
and/or wavelength division multiplexing.
In an LC PHY that implements RF up/down conversion and has multiple transmit chains, the RF
downconverters shall be synchronized to a common reference clock. In an LC PHY that implements RF up/
downconversion and has multiple receive chains, the RF upconverters shall be synchronized to a common
reference clock.
For an LC PHY with multiple optical TX antennas and HT support, the LC PHY TX shall use the
procedures defined in 19.3 (HT PHY), where NTX transmit chains in the HT PHY shall be connected to NTX
LC optical TX antennas.
For an LC PHY with multiple optical TX antennas and VHT support, the LC PHY TX shall use the
procedures defined in 21.3 (VHT PHY), where NTX transmit chains in the VHT PHY shall be connected to
NTX LC optical TX antennas.
For an LC PHY with multiple optical TX antennas and HE support, the LC PHY TX shall use the
procedures defined in 27.3 (HE PHY), where NTX transmit chains in the HE PHY shall be connected to NTX
LC optical TX antennas.
Spatial multiplexing is supported when LC optical RX antennas and LC optical TX antennas are positioned
such that light transmitted by an LC optical TX antenna incident on an LC optical RX antenna is at least
partially isolated from the light transmitted by another LC optical TX antenna that is incident on another LC
optical RX antenna. The isolation might be achieved by directing the light at the optical TX antenna or
capturing light from a particular direction at the optical RX antenna. The isolation might also be achieved by
spatially separating the LC optical TX antennas and/or LC optical RX antennas. This principle is illustrated
in Figure 33-5 (Spatial multiplexing with an LC PHY).
Wavelength division multiplexing is supported when the wavelength of the light transmitted by one LC
optical TX antenna is different from the wavelength of the light transmitted by another LC optical TX
antenna and, correspondingly, one LC optical RX antenna is sensitive to the light of the first wavelength but
not the second wavelength and another LC optical RX antenna is sensitive to the light of the second
wavelength but not the first wavelength. This principle is illustrated in Figure 33-6 (Wavelength division
multiplexing with an LC PHY).
For example, with two transmit chains, one operating at 950 nm and the other at 850 nm, a shortpass dicroic
beam splitter with a cut-off wavelength of 900 nm can be used in front of both receive chains. The
wavelength of the first transmit chain is longer than the cut-off wavelength. It is reflected and detected by
the first receive chain. The wavelength of the second transmit chain is shorter than the cut-off wavelength. It
passes through and is detected by the second receive chain.
An LC STA with a single transmit chain is interoperable with an LC STA with multiple transmit and
multiple receive chains operating in wavelength division multiplexing mode. The sum of transmitted and
reflected signals from a dicroic beamsplitter is approximately the same, independent of the wavelength.
For example, a first LC STA with a single optical antenna supports a single stream. This stream can be
detected by both receive chains of a second LC STA with two optical antennas by combining their signals.
In the reverse link direction, both transmit chains of the second LC STA are used to transmit a single stream
which can be detected by the single receive chain of the first LC STA.
Note that when using LEDs with different wavelengths, their optical spectra might be wider and cause
residual crosstalk at a receive chain. The crosstalk might be minimized by using multiple-transmit multiple-
receive antenna processing.
In the above description, if the LC optical TX antennas are in one LC STA and the LC optical RX antennas
are in another LC STA the arrangement supports SU-MIMO. If the LC optical antennas (TX or RX) at one
end are in the same LC STA but the LC optical antennas (RX or TX) at the other end are in different LC
STAs then the arrangement supports MU-MIMO.
An LC optical RX antenna shall be sensitive to light in one of the following wavelength ranges:
— 800 nm to 900 nm
— 900 nm to 1000 nm
— 800 nm to 1000 nm
An LC PHY shall have at least one receive chain with an LC optical RX antenna sensitive to light in the
800 nm to 1000 nm range or at least two receive chains with one receive chain with an LC optical RX
antenna sensitive to light in the 800 nm to 900 nm range and the other receive chain with an LC optical RX
antenna sensitive to light in the 900 nm to 1000 nm range.
The maximum number of spatial streams supported by an LC PHY using wavelength division multiplexing
is 2.
The minimum receive sensitivity of an LC PHY shall be –15 dBmopt measured as the average incident
optical power in the range 800 nm to 1000 nm at the LC optical RX antennas.
The CCA requirements for the LC PHY apply to the LC IF signal as measured at the antenna connector.
The CCA requirements for the HT PHY in (CCA sensitivity) to detect a channel busy condition
are applicable to the LC PHY with HT support.
The CCA requirements for the VHT PHY in (CCA sensitivity) to detect a channel busy condition
are applicable to the LC PHY with VHT support.
The CCA requirements for the HE PHY in 27.2.6 (Support for non-HT, HT and VHT formats) and 27.3.20
(Receiver specification) to detect a channel busy condition are applicable to LC PHY with HE support. LC repetition
An LC STA transmission is directional, hence a non-AP LC STA might not be able to receive signals from
peer non-AP LC STAs. LC repetition is an optional feature in an LC AP that effectively extends the area
covered by a transmission from a non-AP LC STA to include the area covered by the LC AP. LC repetition
together with other mechanisms, such as the RTS/CTS mechanism defined in 10.3 (DCF), might reduce
collisions in an LC BSS.
An LC AP may transmit at the TX OFE a repeat of the signal it receives at the RX OFE. The delay between
the received signal and the repeated signal shall be less than 1 µs.
Figure 33-7 (An example of channel access with LC repetition) illustrates an example of channel access
with the LC repetition mechanism.
LC AP Repeated
Repeated Signal PPDU2
The LC AP receives PPDU1 from non-AP LC STA1 and repeats the signal to non-AP LC STAs in its
coverage area. The non-AP LC STA2 then detects a channel busy condition on receiving the repeated signal.
After retransmitting PPDU1, the LC AP sends PPDU2 to non-AP LC STA1 in response to PPDU1. Non-AP
LC STA2 sends PPDU3 to the LC AP after it detects an idle channel condition. The LC AP repeats the
signal and, as a result, non-AP LC STA1 finds the channel busy.
Wireless LANs (WLANs) implemented in accordance with this standard are subject to equipment
certification and operating requirements established by regional and national regulatory administrations. The
PHY specification establishes minimum technical requirements for interoperability, based upon established
regulations at the time this standard was issued. These regulations are subject to revision or may be
superseded. Requirements that are subject to local geographic regulations are annotated within the PHY
specification. Regulatory requirements that do not affect interoperability are not addressed in this standard.
Implementers are referred to the regulatory sources in Annex D and to IEC 60825-1 (or its relevant latest
version) for further information.
Annex B
LC light communications
Insert the following row in B.4.3 as follows (note that the entire table is not shown):
LCP3.1 5 GHz band mapping (Channel CFLC: O.2 Yes □ No □ N/A □
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IEEE Std 802.11bb-2023
IEEE Standard for Information Technology—Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Specific Requirements—
Part 11: Wireless LAN MAC and PHY Specifications—
Amendment 6: Light Communications
LCP3.2 6 GHz band mapping (Channel CFLC: O.2 Yes □ No □ N/A □
LCP4.1 More than one transmit chain (Multiple CFLC: O Yes □ No □ N/A □
transmit chains and
multiple receive chains)
LCP4.2 More than one receive chain (Multiple CFLC: O Yes □ No □ N/A □
transmit chains and
multiple receive chains)
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IEEE Std 802.11bb-2023
IEEE Standard for Information Technology—Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Specific Requirements—
Part 11: Wireless LAN MAC and PHY Specifications—
Amendment 6: Light Communications
Annex C
(llbb)dot11LCOptionImplemented OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This is a capability variable.
Its value is determined by device capabilities.
This attribute indicates whether the entity is LC capable."
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IEEE Std 802.11bb-2023
IEEE Standard for Information Technology—Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Specific Requirements—
Part 11: Wireless LAN MAC and PHY Specifications—
Amendment 6: Light Communications
Annex E
Change Table E-1 as follows (note that the entire table is not shown):
Channel Channel
Nonglobal Channel LC IF Channel
Operating operating starting spacing starting Channel set center Behavior limits set
class frequency frequency
class (GHz) (MHz) frequency (MHz) index
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IEEE Std 802.11bb-2023
IEEE Standard for Information Technology—Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Specific Requirements—
Part 11: Wireless LAN MAC and PHY Specifications—
Amendment 6: Light Communications
Global Channel Channel
Channel Channel
Operating operating starting Channel center
spacing starting Behavior limits set
class class (see frequency
set frequenc
Table 4) (GHz) y index
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12:56:47 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 802.11bb-2023
IEEE Standard for Information Technology—Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Specific Requirements—
Part 11: Wireless LAN MAC and PHY Specifications—
Amendment 6: Light Communications
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12:56:47 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 802.11bb-2023
IEEE Standard for Information Technology—Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Specific Requirements—
Part 11: Wireless LAN MAC and PHY Specifications—
Amendment 6: Light Communications
Nonglobal Channel Channel Channel
Operating operating starting starting Channel center
spacing Behavior limits set
class class(es) (see frequency frequency set frequency
NOTE 3) (GHz) (MHz) index
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July 15,2024 at reserved.
12:56:47 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 802.11bb-2023
IEEE Standard for Information Technology—Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Specific Requirements—
Part 11: Wireless LAN MAC and PHY Specifications—
Amendment 6: Light Communications
Nonglobal Channel Channel Channel
Operating operating starting starting Channel center
spacing Behavior limits set
class class(es) (see frequency frequency set frequency
NOTE 3) (GHz) (MHz) index
Authorized licensed use limited to: Lan Savodnik. © 2023on
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July 15,2024 at reserved.
12:56:47 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 802.11bb-2023
IEEE Standard for Information Technology—Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Specific Requirements—
Part 11: Wireless LAN MAC and PHY Specifications—
Amendment 6: Light Communications
Nonglobal Channel Channel Channel
Operating operating starting starting Channel center
spacing Behavior limits set
class class(es) (see frequency frequency set frequency
NOTE 3) (GHz) (MHz) index
Authorized licensed use limited to: Lan Savodnik. © 2023on
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July 15,2024 at reserved.
12:56:47 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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