Alternating Current
Alternating Current
Alternating Current
Physics Smart Booklet
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Alternating Current
AC Circuits
In the previous chapters, various circuits we have analysed were all direct current circuits. The source which drives
the current in dc circuits is a battery. The main element which controls the current through the circuit is the resistance.
It is a well known fact that almost all household and industrial power-distribution systems operate with alternating
current (ac) and not direct currents (dc). To drive an ac through a circuit a source of alternating emf or voltage is
In this chapter we only study the ac that varies sinusoidally with time. Such an alternating current is given by
i = io sin (t + ) ... (1)
In equation (1), ‘i’ gives instantaneous value of current i.e. magnitude of current at any instant of time t and i0 the
peak value or maximum value of ac. This is also called amplitude of ac. is the angular frequency of ac.
Further, = = 2f ,
where T is the time period of ac. It is equal to the time taken by the ac to go through one complete cycle of variation
(zero to maximum, maximum to zero; zero to maximum in opposite direction and finally maximum to zero). Again,
f is the frequency of ac. It is equal to the number of complete cycles of variation gone through by the ac per second.
A dc flows from +ve terminal to −ve through the external resistor. Magnitude of dc also remains almost constant.
But ac through a resistor changes its direction alternatively.
Characteristics of ac
Instantaneous current
This is given by i = i0 sin (t + ) at any time t.
Average current or mean current
The alternating current (ac) varies with time. Its mean value over a time interval o to t is given by
i dt 1
T 0
i= 0
= i dt
i02 sin(4 + 2) − sin 2 i 02
i =
2 0
= T − = 2
2T 2
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Root mean square current
Square root of mean square current is called root mean square current or rms current
ic = i0 sin(t + ) and is given by i rms = i 2 = 0
The equations for mean square current and root-mean-square current are obtained for one time period. They are also
valid if the average is calculated over a long period of time.
An alternating voltage which drives ac through a circuit (potential difference) may be written as
V = V0 sin (t + ).
This gives the instantaneous voltage. The mean value V over a complete cycle is zero, the mean square voltage over
V2 V
a cycle is 0 and the root-mean-square voltage (rms voltage or virtual voltage) is 0 .
2 2
The importance of rms current and rms voltage can be shown by considering a resistor of resistance R carrying a
current i
i = i0 sin (t + )
The voltage across the resistor is V = Ri = (i0R) sin (t + )
The thermal energy developed in the resistor during the time t to t + dt is
i2 R dt = i 02 R sin2 (t + )dt.
The thermal energy developed in one time period is
1 T
U = i 2 R dt = R i 02 sin 2 (t + )dt = RT i 02 sin 2 (t + )dt = i 2rms RT .
0 0 T 0
Thus, if we pass a direct current, irms passes through the resistor, it will produce the same thermal energy in a time
period as that produced when the alternating current I passes through it. Similarly, a constant voltage V rms applied
across a resistor produces the same thermal energy as that produced by the voltage
V = V0 sin (t + ).
We consider the following cases to understand how R, L and C control the current in an ac circuit
(a) A Resistor in an ac circuit
If an alternating voltage E = E0 sin t is applied across a resistance as shown in figure. Kirchhoff’s loop-rule at any
time t, gives R
E = I R i.e., I=
or I = 0 sin t [ as E = E0 sin t]
R ~
E = E0 sin t
From this it is evident that
1. The frequency of current in the circuit is and is same as that of the applied voltage.
2. In a resistance, applied voltage and the resulting current are in phase.
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3. Current in the circuit is independent of frequency and decreases with increase in R (similar to that in dc circuits)
(b) An inductor in an ac circuit
If an emf E = E0 sin t is applied across an inductor of inductance L as shown, applying Kirchhoff’s loop rule we
dI dI
E − L = 0 or, L = E 0 sin t
dt dt
dI E 0
or, = sin t
dt L
which on integration gives, I = − 0 cos t
i.e., I = I0 sin t − with I0 = 0 E = E0 sin t
2 L
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Phase factor
We have seen that the current and the emf are in general, not in phase in an ac circuit. If the emf is
= 0 sin t, the corresponding current may be written as I = i0 sin (t + ).
For a purely resistive circuit, = 0; for a purely capacitive circuit, = and for a purely inductive circuit,
= − . Constant is referred to as the phase factor.
Impedance Triangle
As already stated, R stands for ohmic resistance. It results an account of material of the conductor
(R = l/a).
The reactance (X) is the resistance that arises due to opposing e.m.f. induced due to change in the strength of current.
The inductive reactance XL = L is the resistance offered by the inductor coil. The capacitative reactance XC = 1/C
is the resistance due to the capacitor. As voltage across the inductor leads the current by a phase angle of 90 and
voltage across the capacitor lags behind the current by a phase angle of 90, XL and XC have opposite signs. Total
reactance can be taken to be (XL − XC).
The net opposition to the flow of current offered by the RLC circuit is referred to as impedance. It is represented by
From the three phasors, VR = I0 R;VL = I0 X L and VC = I0 X C , we define, what is known as impedance triangle.
The reciprocal of reactance is called susceptance of the ac circuit and reciprocal of impedance is called the
admittance. Both, the susceptance and admittance are measured in mho i.e., ohm −1.
R2 +
The direction of the resultant makes an angle with the x-axis where
tan = … (2)
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The steady state current in the circuit is i = sin(t + )
where Z and are given by equations (1) and (2).
The reactance of the circuit is . It is seen that the current leads the emf.
LR circuit
0 sin t
An inductor, a resistor and an ac source connected in series together with its sector diagram is shown above. The
resistance is represented by a vector of magnitude R along the X-axis and the inductive reactance by a vector of
magnitude L along the negative Y- axis. The impedance of the circuit is equal to the magnitude of the resultant of
these two.
Its value is
Z = R 2 + 2 L2 … (1)
The resultant is at an angle below the X-axis where
tan = .
The current in steady state is given by
i= sin(t − ) .
R + 2 L2
where is given by equation (ii). The reactance of the circuit is L. We see that the current lags behind the emf.
LCR Circuit
E0 sin t
(a) (b)
In this case an inductor, a capacitor and a resistor are connected in series with an AC source and the vector diagram
to find the steady-state current is also given.
The resultant of 1/C and L,
i.e., X = X c − X L = − L is along the positive Y-axis
This is the net reactance of the circuit.
The resultant of R and the reactance − L which has a magnitude given by
Z = R +2
− L … (1)
This is the impedance of the circuit. This resultant makes an angle with the X-axis given by
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− L
tan = C . … (2)
is the phase angle by which the current leads the voltage
The steady –state current in the circuit is given by
i= sin(t + ) … (3)
R +
− L
Power in AC Circuits
Power = voltage × current
The average power delivered by an ac source is
The average power delivered by the source is, therefore,
W 1 E i
P= = E 0i 0 cos = 0 0 (cos )
T 2 2 2
= E rmsi rms cos … (1)
This equation is obtained for the average power in a complete cycle. It also represents the average power in a complete
cycle in a long time.
The term cos is called the power factor for the circuit. For a purely resistive circuit, = 0 so that cos = 1 and P
= Ermsirms. For purely reactive circuits (no resistance, only capacitance and /or inductance), = / 2 0r − / 2 . In
these cases, cos = 0 and hence no power is absorbed in such circuits.
Wattless current
The current flowing in a circuit with pure inductance and capacitance but with zero resistance, results in zero power
consumption and hence called wattles current.
Series resonance circuit
A circuit in which inductance L, capacitance C and resistance R are connected in series, and the circuit allows
maximum current corresponding to a given frequency of ac to flow through and is called series resonance circuit.
The impedance (Z) of an RLC circuit is given by
Z= R 2 + L − … (1)
At very low frequencies, inductive reactance XL = L can be neglected, but capacitative reactance
(XC = 1/ C) is considerable.
As frequency of alternating emf applied to the circuit is increased, XL goes on increasing and XC goes on decreasing.
For a particular value of (= r, say)
1 1
we have XL = XC i.e., rL = or r =
r C LC
1 1
2fr = or fr =
At this particular frequency fr, as XL = XC, therefore, from (1) the impedance becomes
Z= R 2 + 0 = R which is minimum.
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E0 E0
When impedance of RLC circuit is minimum the current I0 = = becomes maximum. The corresponding
frequency is called resonance frequency. is called the natural frequency of oscillation of an LC circuit
2 LC
containing no resistance.
The variation of circuit current with the changing frequency of applied voltage is shown in figure. It is clear that for
frequencies greater than or less than r the values of current are less than the maximum value I0 of the current.
R = 10
I= R decreases
Q increases
R = 100
Further, when = r, maximum current is inversely proportional to R. For lower R values, I0 is large and vice-versa.
As series resonance circuit allows maximum current to pass through it at a particular frequency, it is called acceptor
circuit. The commercial application of series resonance circuit is in radio and TV receiver sets. When signals of
several frequencies from different transmitting stations are available, the receiver set picks up signal of that frequency
only which matches with the natural frequency of the set.
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LC oscillations
If the resistance R in an LCR circuit is zero, the peak current at resonance is, i = .
Meaning, there can be a finite current in the pure LC circuit even without any applied emf. This is the case when a
1 1
charged capacitor is connected to a pure inductor. There is a current in the circuit at frequency f = .
2 LC
The capacitor gets discharged driving a current in the inductor and induced emf in the inductor charges the capacitor
again. Thus, the energy oscillates between electric field energy in the capacitor and magnetic field energy in the
inductor. This phenomenon is called LC oscillation. In practice, these oscillations cannot continue indefinitely
because there will always be some resistance in the circuit.
Mechanical system Electrical system
1. Displacement, x Electric charge, q
dx dq
2. Velocity, v = Electric current, I =
dt dt
d2x d 2q
3. Acceleration, a = Rate of variation of electric current =
dt 2 dt 2
d2x k d 2q 1
4. + x = 0 + q = 0
dt 2 m dt 2 LC
1 k 1
5. Frequency of oscillation, f = Frequency of oscillation, f =
2 m 2 LC
6. Mass, m Inductance, L
7. Spring constant, k Inverse of capacitance,
1 1 2
8. K.E. stored in mass = mv 2 Magnetic energy stored in the inductor = Li
2 2
1 2 1 q2
9. PE stored in spring = kx Electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor =
2 2C
10. Instantaneous displacement, x = A sin ωt Instantaneous charge, q = q0 sin ωt
11. Instantaneous velocity, v = Aω cos ωt Instantaneous current in the inductor I = q0ω cos ωt
12. Maximum velocity of the mass = Aω Maximum current in the inductor = q0ω
Electric Generator
An electric generator or a dynamo is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
It is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction.
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Principle of a Generator
Consider a planar coil of a conducting wire held in a uniform magnetic field B , with the normal to its plane making
an angle with B . The area of the coil is represented by area vector A. If there are N turns in the coil, the magnetic
flux linked with the coil is
= NAB cos … (1)
When the coil is rotated (about an axis perpendicular to B ) with an angular velocity , then at a time t,
= t
The emf induced in the coil is
e=− = + NAB sin t … (2)
The voltage across the terminals of the coil is
V = V0 sin t … (3)
where V0 = NAB is the maximum value of voltage developed. From equation (3), we see that an alternating voltage
of frequency f = and amplitude V0 = NAB is developed in the coil.
The rotational mechanical energy given to the coil is converted into electrical energy. This voltage is maximum when
= 90 or the plane of the coil is parallel to the magnetic field.
AC Generator
An ac generator consists of a coil of insulated copper wire wound over a hollow
soft iron cylinder (called the armature) is mounted in between the pole pieces N
and S of a powerful permanent magnet. The ends of the coil are attached to two
rings R1 and R2 called slip - rings. Small blocks of carbon H supported by springs
make contacts with rings R1 and R2. When the coil is rotated from mechanical
energy supplied from outside an emf is developed in the coil. When the portion
ED is going down, and FG is going up, then according to Flemings right - hand
rule (dynamo rule) the induced current flows in the direction GFED, so that R1 is
at a + ve potential and R2 is at a −ve potential. In the other half of the cycle, R1
becomes −ve and R2 becomes +ve. Thus an alternating voltage of frequency equal
to that of rotation of the coil is developed between the ends of the coil. If external
load of resistance RL is connected to the contact heads H1 and H2 an alternating
current flows through the load.
If V0 is the emf developed in the coil in open circuit and Ra is the resistance of the armature, maximum current drawn
from the generator is I = a .
A transformer is a device to step-up or step-down ac voltage. It works on the principle of mutual induction.
A transformer consists of two coils of insulated wire wound separately over a laminated iron core. The ac voltage to
be altered is fed to the primary and the altered ac voltage is obtained across the secondary.
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When an alternating current flows in the primary, it sets up a changing magnetic flux which gets linked with the
secondary. Let NS and NP be the number of turns in the secondary and the primary respectively. ‘Then the induced
secondary voltage VS is related to the primary voltage V by the relation.
= … (1)
The ratio S = T and T is called the turns ratio.
For a step-up transformer, T > 1 as NS >NP. Hence VS > VP.
For a step-down transformer, T < 1 as NS < NP. Hence VS < VP.
At a power generating station, the voltage is stepped-up using a step-up transformer, while a step- down transformer
is used when power is to be delivered to the consumer.
In an ideal case, assuming that there is no loss of energy in a transformer,
output power = input power
ISVS = IPVP or S = P … (2)
Thus, as the voltage across the secondary increases, the current in it falls proportionately.
Energy loss in a transformer
The equation = holds good only in the case of an ideal transformer, in which there is no loss of energy. But
in an actual transformer, there will be loss of energy due to several reasons.
1. Loss of energy due to resistance of the windings: The wires used for the primary and secondary coils have some
resistance. Hence some energy is lost due to heat produced in the wire. This loss can be minimised by using wires of
proper thickness.
2. Flux Leakage: All the magnetic flux from the primary may not pass through the secondary due to improper coupling.
This results in some energy loss. This can be minimised by increasing coupling between the coils.
3. Hysteresis: As the ferromagnetic core of the transformer is subjected to repeated cycles of magnetisation, some
energy is lost due to hysteresis. This can be minimised by using a core material which has low hysteresis loss.
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4. Eddy currents: The core of the transformer is placed in a region of varying magnetic flux. This results in surface
currents known as eddy currents which contribute to some energy loss. This is can be minimised by using a laminated
Efficiency of a transformer
A measure of energy loss is done by determining the efficiency of a transformer.
Power output VSIS
Efficiency = = =
Power input VP IP
For an ideal transformer, = 1
For a practical transformer, < 1
A choke is an inductance coil of negligible resistance used to control current in ac circuits. It is based
on the principle of self induction. A choke coil consists of several turns of a insulated conducting
wire of material of low resistivity wound over a laminated soft iron core as in the figure.
The power consumed by a choke is given by P = Vrms Irms cos where and Vrms and Irms
are the rms values of voltage and current respectively and is the phase difference between
Vrms and Irms.
In the case of a choke, ; cos 0 i.e., P 0. Thus, choke regulates the current in AC circuits with minimum
power loss. Hence, chokes are preferred to resistors to limit alternating currents.
Types of chokes
A choke of high inductance offers high reactance to the low
frequency currents and is called low frequency (LF) choke. LF
chokes are usually soft iron core coils.
A variable choke is one whose self inductance can be varied, by
changing the length of the soft iron core inside the coil.
The reactance of the choke to the flow of ac is given by XL = 2fL. It depends both on frequency of ac and inductance
of the choke. Thus, a choke of small inductance offers high reactance to the flow of high frequency currents is called
high frequency (HF) choke. HF chokes are usually air core coils.
Uses of chokes
Chokes are used
1. to control alternating currents, in ac circuits.
2. to separate audio frequency signals from radio waves.
3. as filters in electronic power supply units.
4. to generate high voltage required for working of sodium and mercury vapour lamps.
5. in fluorescent lamps.
6. in tuner circuits in communications.
1. If the voltage applied to an ac circuit is represented by the equation V = 220 2 sin(314t − ) the peak value and rms
value of the voltage respectively are
(A) 311 V, 220 V (B) 220 V, 311 V (C) 622 V, 220 V (D) 220 V, 622V
Ans (A)
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Given equation is V = 220 2 sin(314t − ) . Comparing this with the equation V = V0 sin (t – ), peak value is
V0 = 220 2 V = 311 V
V0 220 2
Vrms = = = 220 V
2 2
2. A resistance of 200 and a capacitance of 15.0 F are connected in series to a 220 V, 50 Hz source. The current in
the circuit is
(A) 0.707 A (B) 0.755 A (C) 0.523 A (D) 0.100 A
Ans (B)
Vrms = 220 V, = 50 Hz, R = 200 , C = 15 F
i rms =
| Z | ; = 2 = 100 rad s–1
1 1
XC = = = 212
C 100 15 10−6 ,
Z = 2002 + 2122 = 291.5 irms =
; = 0.755 A
3. A pure inductance of 1 H is connected across 110 V, 70 Hz source. Find the reactance, and the peak value of current.
(A) 439.6 , 0.354 A (B) 489.7 , 0.423 A (C) 391.2 , 0.372 A (D) 350.0 , 0.472 A
Ans (A)
L=1H Vrms = 110 V , = 70 Hz ; = 2 = 439.6 rad s–1
X L = L = 439.6 1 = 439.6
V 110
i rms = rms =
X L 439.6
= 0.25A
( )
i 0 = i rms 2 = 0.354 A
4. When 100 volt dc is applied across a coil, a current of 1A flows through it. When 100 volt ac of 50 Hz is applied to
the same coil 0.5 A flows. The inductance of the coil is
(A) 0.75 H (B) 10.65 H (C) 0.55 H (D) 10.45 H
Ans (C)
V 100
When dc is applied R = = = 100
i 1
V 100
When ac is applied, Z = = = 200
i 1/ 2
Z = R 2 + (L) 2 R 2 + 2 L2 = Z2
(100)2 + (2 50)2L2 = (200)2 L = 0.55 H
5. A 50 W, 100 V electric lamp is to be operated on 200 V, 50 Hz electric mains. The capacitance required in series
with the lamp is
(A) 7.2 F (B) 8.2 F (C) 9.2 F (D) 10.2 F
Ans (C)
V 2 = VR2 + VC2 VC = V 2 − VR2 = 2002 − 1002
or VC = 100 3 V
In series combination current is same.
P 50 W
Current through the circuit is i = = = 0.5A
V 100 V
VC 100 3
XC = = = 200 3
i 0.5
1 1 1 1
XC = = C= = = 9.2 F
C 2fC 2fX C 2 ( 50 ) 200 3 ( )
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6. An alternating emf of frequency 50 Hz is applied to a series circuit of resistance 20 , an inductance of
100 mH and a capacitance of 30 F. Then
(A) voltage leads the current by tan−1 (3.73) (B) current leads the applied voltage by tan–1 (3.73)
(C) voltage leads the current by tan−1 (1.73) (D) current leads the applied voltage by tan−1 (1.73)
Ans (B)
X L = L = 2L = 2 50 0.1 = 31.4
1 1 1
XC = = = = 106.1
C 2C 2 50 30 10 −6
Vnet is lagging behind current I, X = XC − XL = 74.7
X 74.7
= tan −1 = tan −1 −1
= tan (3.73)
R 20
7. A capacitor of 10 F and an inductor of 1H are joined in series. An ac of 50 Hz is applied to this combination. The
impedance of the combination is
(A) 5.67 (B) 4.16 (C) 7.02 (D) 3.21
Ans (B)
XL = L = 2L = 2 50 1 = 100
1 1 1
XC = = = = 318.31
C 2C 2 50 10 10 −6
Z = R 2 + X2 = R 2 + ( XL ~ XC )
8. A 60 Hz, 230 V rms voltage is applied on an inductance of 0.265 H. At t = 0, voltage is also zero. The equation for
voltage is
(A) 230 sin 12 t (B) 230 2 sin 60t (C) sin 60t (D) 230 2 sin120t
Ans (D)
V0 = 2 Vrms = 230 2 V
= 2 = 2(60) = 120 rad s–1
V = V0 sin t = 230 2 sin 120 t volt
9. An LCR series circuit with 100 resistance is connected to an ac source of 200 V and angular frequency
300 rad s−1. When only the capacitance is removed, the current lags behind the voltage by 60°. When only the
inductance is removed, the current leads the voltage by 60°. Calculate the current in LCR circuit
(A) 2 A (B) 2.5 A (C) 3 A (D) 1.75 A
Ans (A)
When capacitance is removed, the circuit becomes L − R circuit
tan 1 = L X L = R tan 1 = 100 3
When inductance is removed, the circuit becomes C − R circuit
tan 2 = C X C = R tan 2 = 100 3
XL = XC the LCR circuit is in resonance
V V 200
i rms = rms = rms = =2A
Z R 100
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10. A series LCR circuit containing a resistance of 120 has resonance frequency 4 105 rad s−1. The voltages, at
resonance, across resistance and inductance are 60 V and 40 V respectively. The values of L and C respectively are
(A) 0.3 mH, 0.0195 F (B) 0.1 mH, 0.4525 F
(C) 0.2 mH, 0.03125 F (D) 0.4 mH, 0.5125 F
Ans (C)
V 60
At resonance X L = X C , i = R = = 0.5A
R 120
V 40
VL = iX L = i0 L L = L = = 0.2 mH
i0 0.5 4 105
1 1 1
0 = C= = −3
LC L 2
0 0.2 10 (4 105 ) 2
= F = 0.03125 F
11. An LCR circuit has inductance 10 mH resistance 3 and capacitance 1 F connected in series to a source of V =
15 cos t volt. The current amplitude, at a frequency that is 10 % lower than the resonance frequency, is
(A) 0.611 A (B) 0.523 A (C) 0.704 A (D) 0.821 A
Ans (C)
1 1
0 = = = 104 rad s −1
−2 −6
LC 10 10
= 0 − 10% of 0 = 104 − 10 4
100 = 9 103 rad s −1
1 1
X = = = 111.11
X L = L = 9 103 10−2 = 90 and ; C C 9 103 10−6
X = XC – XL = 111.11 – 90 = 21. 11
Z = R 2 + X 2 = 32 + (21.11) 2 = 21.32 V0 15
; i0 = = = 0.704 A
Z 21.32
12. A box B and a coil K are connected in series, with an ac source of variable frequency. The peak emf of source is
constant and 10 V. Box B contains a capacitance of 1 F in series with a resistance of
32 . Coil K has self inductance 4.9 mH and a resistance of 68 . The frequency is adjusted so that the maximum
current flows in B and K. Find the impedance of B at this frequency
(A) 88 (B) 99 (C) 66 (D) 77
Ans (D)
In this LCR circuit, current is maximum. Hence it is in resonance.
1 1 105
= = = rad s -1
LC 4.9 10−3 110−6 7
Impedance of B is ZB = R12 +
or ZB = (32) 2 + 5 −6
= 77
10 10
13. A current 4 A flows in a coil when connected to a 12 V dc source. If the same coil is connected to a 12 V ac source
( = 50 rad s−1) a current of 2.4 A flows in the circuit. The inductance of the coil is
(A) 80 m (B) 90 m (C) 60 m (D) 72 m
Ans (A)
Z = R 2 + 2 L2 and i = V i = V
Z R + 2 L2
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When dc is applied i = [ = 0]
i.e., R = = 3
V 12
When ac is applied Z = = = 5
i 2.4
R2 + 2L2 = Z2 32 + (50)2L2 = 52
L = 0.08 = 80 m
14. A choke coil is needed to operate an arc lamp at 160 V (rms) and 50 Hz. The arc lamp has an effective resistance of
5 when running at 10 A (rms). The inductance of the choke coil is
(A) 67.8 mH (B) 48.4 mH (C) 71.2 mH (D) 53.5 mH
Ans (B)
For lamp VR = 10 5 = 50 V
When lamp is connected to 160 V ac source through a choke in series,
V 2 = VR2 + VL2 VL = 1602 − 502 = 152 V
VL = iX L = i ( 2 ) L
VL 152
L= = = 0.0484 H
i 2 10 2 50
15. An ac circuit draws 550 W power from a 220 V, 50 Hz source. The power factor is 0.8, with the current lagging
behind the applied voltage. The capacitance required to be connected in series with this circuit, to increase the power
factor to 1.0, is
(A) 85.4 F (B) 75.4 F (C) 65.4 F (D) 55.4 F
Ans (B)
P = Vrms i rms cos = rms cos
( 220 ) 0.8
2 2
Z = rms .cos = ( )
P ( 550 )
Z = 70.4
cos = 0.8, sosin = 1 − ( 0.8 ) = 0.6
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Vrms R Vrms
or Pav = Vrms = .R
or Pav = 100 = 0.0575 W
Thermal capacity is mc = 2 J °C−1 and Q = Pt
mc = Pt
mc 2 10
t= = = 348 s = 5.8 min
P 0.0575
17. An L – C circuit (L = 0.01 H, C = 1 F) is connected to a variable frequency source as
shown in the figure. The best sketch that represents the current variation as the
frequency is changed from 1 kHz to 2 kHz is
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Ans (D)
Here, L and C are connected in parallel to the ac source, so resonance frequency is
1 1
= = = 1.6 kHz
2 LC 2 0.0110−6
In case of parallel resonance, current in LC circuit at resonance is zero.
18. For the circuit shown in figure, current in the inductor is 0.8 A and in the capacitor is 0.6 A
(both peak values). The current (peak) drawn from the source is
(A) 0.1 A (B) 0.2 A
(C) 0.3 A (D) 0.4 A
Ans (B)
iL = sin t − = −0.8 cos t and
iC = sin t + = +0.6 cos t
XC 2
So the current drawn from the source is i = i L + i C = −0.2cos t
| i0 | = 0.2A
2 800
19. A series LCR circuit contains a 50 resistance, H inductance and F capacitance connected across a 220
V, 50 Hz ac source. The net reactance of the circuit is
(A) 200 (B) 237.5 (C) 37.5 (D) 50
Ans (C)
X L = L = 2L = (100 ) = 200
1 19
XC = = = 237.5
C 2 50 800 10 −6
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Net reactance is X = XC − X L = 237.5 − 200 = 37.5
20. The transformer ratio S of a transformer is 50. The input power across the primary at 220 V is
17.6 kW. The resistance of the secondary coil is 3.7 . If the efficiency is 80%, the rate of heat loss in the secondary
(A) 4.06 W (B) 7.06 W (C) 5.06 W (D) 6.06 W
Ans (D)
Output power across secondary coil = 80% of 17.6 kW = 14.08 kW
Output voltage is VS = S .VP = 50 220 = 11000 V
output power 14.08 103
Current through the secondary is iS = = = 1.28 A
VS 11000
Rate of heat loss = iS2 R S = (1.28) ( 3.7 ) = 6.06 W
21. Which of the following graphs shown, correctly represents the variation of impedance Z of an L – R circuit with
frequency () of applied voltage?
Ans (D)
Z = R 2 + X 2L = R 2 + ( 2 ) L2
Z2 2 Z2 2
Z2 − 42 2 L2 = R 2 − =1 − =1
R2 R2 (R )
2 2
2 2
4 L 2L
This is the equation of a hyperbola
22. The variation of voltage across a pure capacitor with time is represented in figure. Which of the graphs shown
represents variation of current with time?
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Ans (A)
From the graph given, V = V0 cos t.
q = CV = CV0 cos t = −V0C sin t
or i=− sin t
correct option is (A)
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23. The equations of voltage and current corresponding to a series L–C–R circuit are V = 141.4 sin (3000 t) volt and i =
5 cos 3000t − ampere respectively. If the inductance is 10 mH, the resistance is
(A) 20 (B) 10 (C) 30 (D) 40
Ans (A)
i = 5 sin 3000t − + = 5sin 3000t +
4 2 4
V = 141.4sin ( 3000 t )
Phase difference, =
Impedance triangle is
From figure X = R; Z = R 2 + R 2 = R 2
V 141.4
Also Z = 0 = = 20 2 R 2 = 20 2 R = 20
i0 5
24. A current depends on time (t) as
i = i1 sin t + i2 cos t. What is its rms value for one complete cycle?
i12 + i 22 i12 + i 22 i12 − i 22
(A) i1i 2 (B) (C) (D)
2 3 2
Ans (B)
i = i1 sin t + i 2 sin t +
i 0 = i12 + i 22 + 2i1i 2 cos = i12 + i 22
= tan −1 2
i1 i = i 0 sin ( t + ) ; i = i 0 sin ( t + )
2 2 2
1 i +i
2 2
Average value of sin2 (t + ) for one complete cycle is i 2 = i 02 = 1 2
2 2 2
i12 + i 22
i rms = i2 =
25. The figure shows three circuits with identical batteries, inductors (L), and resistors (R). Rank the circuit in the
decreasing order, of the current through the battery
Physics Smart Booklet
(b) Initially i b = and after a long time i b =
(c) Initially i c = and after a long time i c =
2R R
26. In an oscillating LC circuit [L = 50 mH and C = 4 F], the current is initially maximum. How long will it take before
the capacitor is fully discharged for the first time?
(A) 0.5 ms (B) 0.6 ms (C) 0.7 ms (D) 0.8 ms
Ans (C)
T = 2 LC = 2 50 10−3 4 10−6 = 28 10−4 s
Required time = = 7 10−4 s
Each of the following questions consists of a statement−I and a Statement−II. Examine both of them and select one
of the options using the following codes
(A) Statement-I and Statement-II are true and Statement-II is the correct explanation of Statement-I.
(B) Statement-I and Statement-II are true, but Statement-II is not the correct explanation of Statement -I
(C) Statement-I is true, but Statement -II is false
(D) Statement-I is false, but Statement -II is true
1. Statement I: An alternating current is the current in which the magnitude of the current changes alternately.
Statement II: An alternating current is the current in which both the magnitude and direction of current changes
Ans (D)
2. Statement I: In a pure inductive circuit the current lags behind the applied ac emf by /2.
Statement II: In a pure capacitive circuit the current lags behind the applied ac emf by /2.
Ans (C)
3. Statement I: The average power dissipated through a pure inductor is zero.
Statement II: The inductive reactance is directly proportional to the frequency of ac.
Ans (B)
4. Statement I: With the increase in frequency of ac the impendence of a series LCR circuit first decreases, reaches a
minimum and then increases.
Statement II: With the increase in frequency of ac the impendence of a series LCR circuit first increases, reaches a
maximum and then decreases.
Ans (C)
5. Statement I: An ac circuit has a resistance and a high inductance. Its power factor is high.
Statement II: An ac circuit has a resistance and a high inductance. Its power factor is low.
Ans (D)
6. Statement I: At low frequencies, an inductor offers high resistance to the flow of ac.
Statement II: At low frequencies, an inductor offers low resistance to the flow of ac.
Ans (D)
7. Statement I: The potential difference across an inductor depends on the current passing through it.
Statement II: The potential difference across an inductor depends on the rate of change of current passing through it.
Ans (D)
8. Statement I: In a LC oscillating system, the capacitance is the electrical analogue of spring.
Statement II: In an LC oscillating system, the inductor is the electrical analogue of spring.
Ans (C)
Physics Smart Booklet
8. The analogue of displacement x in mechanical system (spring block) is P in electrical system (LC
oscillation). Then P is [NCERT Pg. 257]
(1) Inductance (L) (2) Charge (q)
(3) Current (I) (4) Capacitance (C)
Physics Smart Booklet
9. A capacitor (C), initially charged upto qm is connected to an inductor (L). The differential
equation of LC oscillator is (NCERT Pg. 255]
d 2q dq
(a) 2
+q =0 (b) +q =0
dt dt
dq q d 2q q
(c) + =0 (d) + =0
dt LC dt 2 LC
10. For pure resistive ac circuit the phase angle between voltage and current and power factor are
respectively. [NCERT Pg. 252]
(1) 0°,1 (2) 0°,0 (3) 90°, 1 (4) 90°, 0
11. A resistor of 100 is connected in series with series combination of inductor and capacitor. If XL
and Xc are the reactances of inductor and capacitor respectively, then reactance of circuit will be
[NCERT Pg. 245]
(1) X L + XC (2) X L − XC (3) X 2L + X C2 (4) XL XC
12. The quantity which measures the sharpness of resonance is [NCERT Pg, 249]
(1) Quality factor (2) Peak factor (3) Form factor (4) Ripple factor
13. A steady current of 2 A flowing through a resistor produces a heat of 100 W. To produce a heat
of 400 W by supplying an ac current through the same circuit, the value
of peak current will be [NCERT Pg. 235]
(1) 4 A (2) 5.6 A (3) 2.8 A (4) 8 A
14 The variation of impedance of an ac circuit (having one of the element) with frequency
of source is given for different elements. Choose the incorrect plot. (NCERT Pg. 246)
15. Consider a series LCR circuit in which reactance and resistance are 100 each. When the circuit is
connected to ac source 220 V, 50 Hz, then current drawn from the source is (NCERT Pg. 245)
(1) 2.2 2A (2) 1.1 2A (3) 3.3 2A (4) 2.2A
16. In the circuit shown in the figure. The voltmeter and ammeter reading will respectively be
(source, voltmeter and ammeter are ideal) (NCERT Pg. 245]
Physics Smart Booklet
Qm Q Q Q
1) 2) m 3) m 4) m
2 2 3 3
18. For an ideal transformer, which of the following option is correct?
(Symbols have their usual meaning) [NCERT Pg. 261]
1) S = S 2) S = S 3) VS IS = VP I P 4) S = P
19. A radio can tune over the frequency range (800 - 1200) kHz. If LC circuit has an effective
inductance of 200 H- What should be the range of its variable capacitor? [NCERT Pg. 266]
(1) 100 pF - 280 pF (2) 88 pF - 198 pF
(3) 4C pF - 80 pF (4) 200 pF - 400 pF
20. The figure shows a series LCR circuit connected to a variable frequency and 220 V source. The
source frequency which drives the circuit in resonance will be [NCERT Pg. 248]
Physics Smart Booklet
7. Which is true for series R-L-C circuit :
(1) The power rating of an element used in a.c. circuit refers to its average power rating.
(2) The power consumed in an a.c. circuit is never negative
(3) The power factor in a R-L-C circuit is a measure of how close the circuit is to
expanding the maximum power.
(4) All
8. A choke coil is used for limiting current in
(1) dc circuit only (2) ac circuit only
(3) in both ac and dc (4) electronic valves
9. Ohm’s law expressed as V = IR
(1) may never be applied to ac
(2) applied to ac in the same manner as to dc.
(3) always applies to ac circuits when z is substituted for R
(4) tell us that Veff = 0.707 Vmax for ac
10. To express AC power in the same from as DC power, a special value of current is defined and
used, is called
(1) root mean square current (Irms) (2) effective current
(3) induced current (4) both (1) and (2)
11. Which of the following figure shows that the current phasor I is behind the voltage phasor V.
Physics Smart Booklet
14. Figure shows the variation of im with in a
(1) R–L–C circuit (2) R–L circuit (3) R–C circuit (4) None of these
15. In tuning we vary the capacitance of a capacitor in the tuning circuit such that the resonant
frequency of the circuit becomes nearly equal to the frequency of the radio signal received.
When this happens, the ......A...... with the frequency of the signal of the particular radio
station in the circuit is maximum. Here, A refers to
(1) Resonant frequency (2) Impedance
(3) Amplitude of the current (4) Reactance
16. An alternating emf of frequency v = is applied to a series L–C–R circuit. For the
2 LC
frequency of the applied emf
(1) the circuit is at resonance and its impedance is made up only of a reactive part
(2) The current in the circuit is in phase with the applied emf and voltage across R equals the
applied emf.
(3) the sum of the potential difference across the inductance and capacitance equals the
applied emf which is 180° ahead of phase of the current in the circuit
L 1
(4) the quality factor of the circuit is or and this is measure of the voltage
magnification (produced by the circuit) at resonance as well as the sharpness of resonance of the
17. A value of w for which the current amplitude is times its maximum value. At this value the
power dissipated by the circuit becomes
(1) double (2) one-fourth (3) one-third (4) half
18. When a capacitor (initially charged) is connected to a inductor, the change on the capacitor and
the current in the circuit exhibit the phenomenon of
(1) electrical oscillations (2) induction
(3) power factor (4) All of these
19. Choose the incorrect
(1) Phasor diagram say nothing about the initial condition
(2) Any arbitrary value of t, draw different phasor which show the relative angle between
different phasors. The solution, so obtained is called the steady-state solution
(3) We do have a transient solution which exists even for v = 0. The general solution is the
sum of transient solution and the steady state solution
(4) None of the above
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20. Choose the INCORRECT options
(1) If the resonance is less sharp, not only is the maximum current less, the circuit is close to
resonance for a larger range of frequencies and the tuning of the circuit will not be good.
(2) Less sharp the resonance less is the selectivity of the circuit or vice-versa
(3) If quality factor is large i.e. R is low or L is large the circuit is more selective
(4) None of the above
21. L–C oscillation is not realistic for the following reasons. Which of following reasons is
(1) Every inductor has some resistance
(2) The effect of resistance is to introduce a damping effect on the charge and current in
the circuit and the oscillations finally dies away.
(3) Even if the resistance is zero, the total energy of the system would not remain constant. It is
radiated away from the system in the form of electromagnetic waves
(4) None of the above
22. Same current is flowing in two alternating circuits. The first circuit contains only inductance and
the other circuit contains only a capacitance. If the frequency of the e.m.f. of A.C. is increased,
the effect on the value of the current will be
(1) increase in the first circuit and decrease in the other
(2) increased in both circuits
(3) decrease in both circuits
(4) decrease in the first circuit and increase in the other
23. Non-resonant circuit, what will be the nature of circuit for frequencies higher them the resonant
frequency ?
(1) Resistive (2) Capacitive (3) Inductive (4) None of these
24. A choke is preferred over a resistance for limiting current in AC circuit because
(1) choke is cheap (2) there is no wastage of power
(3) choke is compact in size (4) choke is a good absorber of heat
25. Assertion : Average value of ac over a complete cycle is always zero.
Reason: Average value of ac is always defined over half cycle.
(1) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion.
(2) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
(3) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
(4) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.
26. The rms value of the function shown in figure if it is given that for 0 < t < 0.1, y = 10 (1 – e–
100t) and for 0.1 < t < 0.2, y = 10e–50(t–0.1) is
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28. Figure shows one cycle of an alternating current with the segments AB, BC, CD, DE being
symmetrical and parabolic. The root mean square value of this current over one cycle is x mA,
find x.
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(1) 100 V (2) 50 2 V (3) 50 V (4) 0 V
39. Assertion : When the frequency of the AC source in an LCR circuit equals the resonant
frequency, the reactance of the circuit is zero, and so there is no current through the
inductor or the capacitor.
Reason : The net current in the inductor and capacitor is zero.
(1) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion.
(2) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
(3) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
(4) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.
40. The current in resistance R at resonance is
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43. A coil of 40 henry inductance is connected in series with a resistance of 8 ohm and the
combination is joined to the terminals of a 2 volt battery. The time constant of the
circuit is
(1) 20 seconds (2) 5 seconds (3) 1/5 seconds (4) 40 seconds
44. A current of 4A flows in a coil when connected to a 12V dc source. If the same coil is connected
to a 12V, 50 rad/s a.c. source, a current of 2.4A flows in the circuit. Determine the inductance
of the coil.
(1) 0.08 H (2) 0.04 H (3) 0.02 H (4) 1 H
45. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
I. In LCR series ac circuit, as the frequency of the source increases, the impedence of the circuit
first decreases and then increases.
II. If the net reactance of an LCR series ac circuit is same as its resistance, then the current lags
behind the voltage by 45°.
III. Below resonance, voltage leads the current while above it, current leads the voltage.
(1) I only (2) II only (3) I and III (4) I and II
46. Assertion : In series LCR resonance circuit, the impedance is equal to the ohmic resistance.
Reason: At resonance, the inductive reactance exceeds the capacitive reactance.
(1) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion.
(2) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
(3) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
(4) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.
47. An inductance of negligible resistance whose reactance is 22 at 200 Hz is connected to 200
volts, 50 Hz power line. The value of inductance is
(1) 0.0175 henry (2) 0.175 henry (3) 1.75 henry (4) 17.5 henry
48. An inductive circuit contains resistance of 10 ohms and an inductance of 2 henry. If an A.C.
voltage of 120 Volts and frequency 60 Hz is applied to this circuit, the current would be nearly
(1) 0.32 A (2) 0.16 A (3) 0.48 A (4) 0.80 A
49. An inductive coil has a resistance of 100 . When an a.c. signal of frequency 1000 Hz is fed to
the coil, the applied voltage leads the current by 45°. What is the inductance of the coil ?
(1) 10 mH (2) 12 mH (3) 16 mH (4) 20mH.
50. In the given circuit, the current drawn from the source is
(1) 150 V and 2.2 A (2) 220 V and 2.0 A (3) 220 V and 2.0 A (4) 100 V and 2.0 A
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52. Assertion : The power is produced when a transformer steps up the voltage.
Reason : In an ideal transformer VI = constant.
(1) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion
(2) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
(3) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
(4) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.
Physics Smart Booklet
(1) L = C (2) L = 1/ C (3) L = C2 (4) L = C
12. An alternating current is given by i = i1 cos t + i2 sin t. The rms current is given by
i +i i1 + i 2 i12 + i 22 i12 + i 22
(1) 1 2 (2) (3) (4)
2 2 2 2
13. In an A.C. circuit, the current flowing in inductance is I = 5 sin (100 t – /2) amperes and the potential
difference is V = 200 sin (100 t) volts. The power consumption is equal to
(1) 1000 watt (2) 40 watt (3) 20 watt (4) Zero
14. The rms value of the function shown in figure if it is given that for 0 < t < 0.1, y = 10 (1 – e–100t) and for
0.1 < t < 0.2, y = 10e–50(t–0.1) is
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Topic 2: A.C. Circuits and Power Factor
21. In an L.C.R. series a.c. circuit, the current
(1) is always in phase with the voltage
(2) always lags the generator voltage
(3) always leads the generator voltage
(4) None of these
22. An inductor, a resistor and a capacitor are joined in series with an AC source. As the frequency of the source
is slightly increased from a very low value, the reactance of the
(1) inductor increases
(2) resistor increases
(3) capacitor increases
(4) circuit increases
23. In a LCR circuit at resonance which of these will effect the current in circuit
(1) R only (2) L and R only (3) R and C only (4) all L, C and R
24. An alternating voltage of frequency is induced in electric circuit consisting of an inductance L and
capacitance C, connected in parallel. Then across the inductance coil the
(i) current is maximum when 2 = 1/(L C)
(ii) current is minimum when 2 = 1/(L C)
(iii) voltage is minimum when 2 = 1/(L C)
(iv) voltage is maximum when 2 = 1/(L C)
(1) (i) and (iii) are correct
(2) (i) and (iv) are correct
(3) (ii) and (iii) are correct
(4) (ii) and (iv) are correct
25. If the frequency of an A.C. is made 4 times of its initial value, the inductive reactance will
(1) be 4 times (2) be 2 times (3) be half (4) remain the same
26. Two coils A and B are connected in series across a 240 V, 50 Hz supply. The resistance of A is 5 and the
inductance of B is 0.02 H. The power consumed is 3 kW and the power factor is 0.75. The impedance of
the circuit is
(1) 0.144 (2) 1.44 (3) 14.4 (4) 144
27. With increase in frequency of an A.C. supply, the impedance of an L-C-R series circuit
(1) remains constant
(2) increases
(3) decreases
(4) decreases at first, becomes minimum and then increases.
28. A coil of inductance 300 mH and resistance 2 is connected to a source of voltage 2V. The current reaches
half of its steady state value in
(1) 0.1 s (2) 0.05 s (3) 0.3 s (4) 0.15 s
29. An ideal coil of 10H is connected in series with a resistance of 5 and a battery of 5V. 2second after the
connection is made, the current flowing in ampere in the circuit is
(1) (1 – e–1) (2) (1 – e) (3) e (4) e–1
30. In an LR-circuit, the inductive reactance is equal to the resistance R of the circuit. An e.m.f. E = E 0 cos ( t )
applied to the circuit. The power consumed in the circuit is
Physics Smart Booklet
E 02 E2 E2 E2
(1) (2) 0 (3) 0 (4) 0
R 2R 4R 8R
31. An inductance L having a resistance R is connected to an alternating source of angular frequency . The
quality factor Q of the inductance is
2 1/2
(1) (2) (3) (4)
32. For the LCR circuit, shown here, the current is observed to lead the applied voltage. An additional capacitor
C’, when joined with the capacitor C present in the circuit, makes the power factor of the circuit unity. The
capacitor C’, must have been connected in :
(1) series with C and has a magnitude
( LC − 1)
1 − 2 LC
(2) series with C and has a magnitude
2 L
1 − 2 LC
(3) parallel with C and has a magnitude
2 L
(4) parallel with C and has a magnitude
( LC − 1)
33. In a series combination of R, L and C to an A.C. source at resonance if R = 200 hm, then impedance Z of
the combination is
(1) 200 hm (2) zero (3) 10 hm (4) 4000 hm
34. A coil of 40 henry inductance is connected in series with a resistance of 8 ohm and the combination is
joined to the terminals of a 2 volt battery. The time constant of the circuit is
(1) 20 seconds (2) 5 seconds (3) 1/5 seconds (4) 40 seconds
35. For a series RLC circuit R = XL = 2XC. The impedance of the circuit and phase difference between V and
I respectively will be
5R 5R
(1) , tan −1 ( 2 ) (2) , tan −1 (1/ 2 ) (3) 5X C , tan −1 ( 2 ) (4) 5R, tan −1 (1/ 2 )
2 2
36. A current of 4A flows in a coil when connected to a 12V dc source. If the same coil is connected to a 12V,
50 rad/s a.c. source, a current of 2.4A flows in the circuit. Determine the inductance of the coil.
(1) 0.08 H (2) 0.04 H (3) 0.02 H (4) 1 H
37. In series L-C circuit, the voltage across E and C are respectively 200 V and 300 V. The voltage E of the ac
source is :
(1) 150 Volt (2) 200 Volt (3) 100 Volt (4) 250 Volt
38. An e.m.f. of 15 volt is applied in a circuit containing 5 henry inductance and 10 ohm resistance. The ratio
of the currents at time t= and at t = 1 second is
e1/2 e2
(1) (2) (3) 1 − e −1 (4) e −1
e1/2−1 e 2−1
Physics Smart Booklet
39. An alternating voltage is connected in series with a resistance R and an inductance L. If the potential drop
across the resistance is 200 V and across the inductance is 150 V, then the applied voltage is
(1) 350 V (2) 250 V (3) 500 V (4) 300 V
40. The plot given below is of the average power delivered to an LRC circuit versus frequency. The quality
factor of the circuit is :
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46. An ac source of angular frequency w is fed across a resistor r and a capacitor C in series. The current
registered is I. If now the frequency of source is changed to /3 (but maintaining the same voltage), the
current in the circuit is found to be halved. Calculate the ratio of reactance to resistance at the original
3 2 1 4
(1) (2) (3) (4)
5 5 5 5
47. A coil of inductive reactance 31 has a resistance of 8 . It is placed in series with a condenser of
capacitive reactance 25 . The combination is connected to an a.c. source of 110 volt. The power factor of
the circuit is
(1) 0.64 (2) 0.80 (3) 0.33 (4) 0.56
48. In an A.C. circuit, a resistance of R ohm is connected in series with an inductance L. If phase angle between
voltage and current be 45°, the value of inductive reactance will be
(1) R/4 (2) R/2 (3) R (4) cannot be found with given data
49. A coil has an inductance of 0.7 henry and is joined in series with a resistance of 220 . When the alternating
emf of 220 V at 50 Hz is applied to it then the phase through which current lags behind the applied emf and
the wattles component of current in the circuit will be respectively
(1) 30°, 1 A (2) 45°, 0.5 A (3) 60°, 1.5 A (4) None of these
50. The power factor of an AC circuit having resistance (R) and inductance (L) connected in series and an
angular velocity is
(1) R/ L (2) R/(R2 + 2 L2)1/2 (3) L/R (4) R/(R2 – 2 L2)1/2
51. A resistor of resistance R, capacitor of capacitance C and inductor of inductance L are connected in parallel
to AC power source of voltage 0 sin t . The maximum current through the resistance is half of the
maximum current through the power source. Then value of R is
3 1 1
(1) (2) 3 − L (3) 5 − L (4) None of these
1 C C
C −
Topic 3: Transformers and LC Oscillations
52. A transformer is employed to
(1) convert A.C. into D.C.
(2) convert D.C. into A.C.
(3) obtain a suitable A.C. voltage
(4) obtain a suitable D.C. voltage
53. The transformer voltage induced in the secondary coil of a transformer is mainly due to
(1) a varying electric field
(2) a varying magnetic field
(3) the vibrations of the primary coil
(4) the iron core of the transformer
54. Eddy currents in the core of transformer can't be developed by
(1) increasing the number of turns in secondary coil
(2) taking laminated transformer
(3) making step down transformer
(4) using a weak a.c. at high potential
55. A transformer is used to light a 140 W, 24 V bulb from a 240 V a.c. mains. The current in the main cable
is 0.7 A. The efficiency of the transformer is
Physics Smart Booklet
(1) 63.8 % (2) 83.3 % (3) 16.7 % (4) 36.2 %
56. A generator supplies 100V to the primary-coil of a transformer of 50 turns. If the secondary coil has 500
turns, then the secondary voltage is
(1) 100V (2) 550V (3) 500V (4) 1000V
57. A transistor-oscillator using a resonant circuit with an inductor L (of negligible resistance) and a capacitor
C in series produce oscillations of frequency f. If L is doubled and C is changed to 4C, the frequency will
(1) 8f (2) f / 2 2 (3) f/2 (4) f/4
58. A capacitor in an LC oscillator has a maximum potential difference of 17 V and a maximum energy of 160
J. When the capacitor has a potential difference of 5V and an energy of 10 J, what is the energy stored
in the magnetic field?
(1) 10 J (2) 150 J (3) 160 J (4) 170 J
59. In an oscillating LC circuit with L = 50 mH and C = 4.0 F, the current is initially a maximum. How long
will it take before the capacitor is fully discharged for the first time :
(1) 7 × 10–4 s (2) 14 × 10–4 s (3) 28 × 10–4 s (4) none
60. An alternating current emf device has a smaller resistance than that of the resistive load, to increase the
transfer of energy from the device to the load, a transformer will be connected between two. Then
(1) NS should be greater than NP
(2) NS should be less than NP
(3) NS = NP
(4) none
61. A choke coil and capacitor are connected in resides and the current through the combination is maximum
for AC of frequency n. If they are connected in parallel, at what frequency the current through the
combination is minimum?
(1) n (2) n/2 (3) 2n (4) 5n
62. In an oscillation of L-C circuit, the maximum charge on the capacitor is Q. The charge on the capacitor,
when the energy is stored equally between the electric and magnetic field is
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 2 3 3
63. If the total charge stored in the LC circuit is Q0, then for t 0
(1) The charge on the capacitor is Q = Q0 cos +
2 LC
(2) The charge on the capacitor is Q = Q0 cos −
2 LC
d 2Q
(3) The charge on the capacitor is Q = −LC
dt 2
1 d 2Q
(4) The charge on the capacitor is Q = 2
LC dt
64. A transformer is used to light a 140 W, 24 V bulb from a 240 V a.c. mains. The current in the main cable
is 0.7 A. The efficiency of the transformer is
(1) 63.8 % (2) 83.3 % (3) 16.7 % (4) 36.2 %
65. In an ideal transformer, the voltage and the current in the primary coil are 200 V and 2 A, respectively. If
the voltage in the secondary coil is 2000 V, the value of current in the secondary coil will be
(1) 0.2 A (2) 2 A (3) 10 A (4) 20 A
Physics Smart Booklet
66. The tuning circuit of a radio receiver has a resistance of 50 , an inductor of 10 mH and a variable
capacitor. A 1 MHz radio wave produces a potential difference of 0.1 mV. The values of the capacitor to
produce resonance is (Take 2 = 10)
(1) 2.5 pF (2) 5.0 pF (3) 25 pF (4) 50 pF
67. A step down transformer is connected to 2400 volts line and 80 amperes of current is found to flow in
output load. The ratio of the turns in primary and secondary coil is 20 : 1. If transformer efficiency is 100%,
then the current flowing in the primary coil will be
(1) 1600 amp (2) 20 amp (3) 4 amp (4) 1.5 amp
68. The primary winding of a transformer has 100 turns and its secondary winding has 200 turns. The primary
is connected to an A.C. supply of 120 V and the current flowing in it is 10 A. The voltage and the current
in the secondary are
(1) 240 V, 5 A (2) 240 V, 10 A (3) 60 V, 20 A (4) 120 V, 20 A
69. A transformer has an efficiency of 80%. It works at 4 kW and 100 V. If secondary voltage is 240 V, the
current in primary coil is
(1) 0.4 A (2) 4 A (3) 10 A (4) 40 A
70. The output of a step-down transformer is measured to be 24V when connected to a 12 W light bulb. The
value of the peak current is
(1) 1 / 2 A (2) 2 A (3) 2 A (4) 2 2 A
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(1) P (2) P (3) P (4) P
6. A series R-C circuit is connected to an alternating voltage source. Consider two situations: [2015]
(1) When capacitor is air filled.
(2) When capacitor is mica filled.
Current through resistor is i and voltage across capacitor is V then :
(1) Va > Vb (2) ia > ib (3) Va = Vb (4) Va < Vb
7. A transformer having efficiency of 90% is working on 200V and 3kW power supply. If the current in the
secondary coil is 6A, the voltage across the secondary coil and the current in the primary coil respectively
are : [2014]
(1) 300 V, 15A (2) 450 V, 15A (3) 450V, 13.5A (4) 600V, 15A
8. The variation of EMF with time for four types of generators are shown in the figures. Which amongst
them can be called AC ? [NEET – 2019 (ODISSA)]
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1) 5 / 2 2) 4 3) 5 4) 4 2
14. A series LCR circuit containing 5.0 H inductor , 80 F capacitor and 40 resistor is connected to 230 V
variable frequency ac source . The angular frequencies of the source at which power transferred to the
circuit is half the power at the resonant angular frequency are likely to be : [NEET-2021]
1. 50 rad/s and 25 rad/s 2. 46 rad/s and 54 rad/s
3. 42 rad/s and 58 rad/s 4. 25 rad/s and 75 rad/s
15. A step down transformer connected to an ac mains supply of 220 V is made to operate at 11 V , 44 W
lamp. Ignoring power losses in the transformer, what is the current in the primary circuit ? [NEET-2021]
1) 0.4 A 2) 2 A 3) 4 A 4) 0.2 A
16. A series LCR circuit with inductance 10 H, capacitance 10 F, resistance 50 is connected to an ac
source of voltage, V = 200 sin(100 t) volt. If the resonant frequency of the LCR circuit is v and the
frequency of the ac source is v, then : [NEET-2022]
50 50 100
1) v = v = 50 Hz 2) v = v = Hz 3) v = Hz, v = 50 Hz 4) v = 100 Hz, v = Hz
0 0 0 0
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1) a 2) b 3) b 4) b 5) d 6) c 7) b 8) b 9) d 10) a
11) b 12) a 13) b 14) c 15) b 16) b 17) a 18) c 19) b 20) c
1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) 2 5) 1 6) 2 7) 4 8) 2 9) 3 10) 4
11) 2 12) 3 13) 1 14) 1 15) 3 16) 2 17) 4 18) 1 19) 4 20) 4
21) 4 22) 4 23) 3 24) 2 25) 2 26) 4 27) 2 28) 1 29) 3 30) 2
31) 1 32) 3 33) 4 34) 2 35) 2 36) 2 37) 1 38) 4 39) 4 40) 3
41) 3 42) 3 43) 2 44) 1 45) 4 46) 3 47) 1 48) 2 49) 3 50) 4
51) 2 52) 1
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6. (4) We know that in pure inductive circuit, current is lagging behind the voltage by 900 i.e. phase
difference (ϕ) between voltage and current is 900.
Average power dissipated, Pavg = o o cos
Pavg =
voi o
cos 900 = 0 ( cos 900 = 0 )
7. (1) AC is measured using half wave rectifier using diodes, which measures the rms value of the AC.
8. (4) I = 2sin t
V = 5cos t = 5sin − t
Since, there is a phase difference of between the current and voltage
Average power over a complete cycle is zero.
9. (4) V = 120sin100 t cos100 t V = 60 sin200 t
Vmax = 60V and v = 100Hz
10. (4) The instantaneous values of emf and current in inductive circuit are given by
[E=E0sinωt] and [i=i0sin(ωt−π/2)] respectively.
So, [Pinst=Ei=E0sinωt×i0sin(ωt− π/2)]
[=E0i0sinωt(sinωt cos π/2−cosωt sin π/2)]
[=E0i0 sinωt cosωt]
[= 2 E0i0sin2ωt]
[(sin2ωt=2sinωt cosωt)]
Hence, angular frequency of instantaneous power is [2ω].
11. (2) As we know,
power delivered by the source of the circuit becomes maximum when, load resistance equals to source resistance.
we know, in L-C-R circuit, load resistance is inductive reactance and source resistance is reactance of capacitor.
e.g., XL=XC or, L =
hence, Power delivered by the source of the circuit becomes maximum, when , L =
12. (3) i=i1 cosωt+i2 sinωt
Let i1= I sinθ...(1)
I = I sinθ cosωt +I cosθ sinωt
Physics Smart Booklet
form equation (1) and (2)
i12 + i 22 = I2(sin2θ+cos2θ)
or I = i12 + i 22
I i2 + i2
I rms = = 1 2
2 2
13. (4) Power, P = I r.m.s Vr.m.s cos
In the given problem, the phase difference between voltage and current is p/2. Hence
P = Ir.m.s Vr.m.s cos ( / 2 ) = 0
14. (4) Find , if y = 12 (1 − cos t ) , x = 10 ( t − sin t ) , − t
dx 2 2
15. (1) RMS value over one cycle = RMS value over AB.
0 t 15
5 t 4 dt
i ( t ) = 5 t 2 c i rms = i 2 = 0
= 1mA
16. (1) The current and potential difference are in phase with the resistance. So, the time taken would be same
as time for voltage to change from (t = 0) that is peak value to rms value.
Time taken by voltage to achieve its rms value of
= 200 cos (100t )
cos (100t ) = = cos
2 4
t= second = 2.5 × 10–3 sec
17. (1) E = 8sin t + 6sin 2 t
E peak = 82 + 62 = 10V E rms = = 5 2V
18. (1) On comparing the given source voltage with V=Vo sinwt
We get, Vo=200 volts
V 200
= o = = 100 2
Rms voltage of source Vrms = 2 2 volts
Thus rms current I rms = where R=100Ω
100 2
I rms = = 2 = 1.41A
19. (4) Time taken by alternating current to reach maximum from zero is 4 .
where T is the time period of the AC function.
T= f , Frequency (f)=50 Hz.
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T 1 1
= = = = 5 10−3 sec
So time taken to reach maximum 4 4f 4 50
I RMS = 0 , I0 =
2 Peak value of current
Peak value of current I0 = 2 IRMS = 2 10 = 14.14A
20. (2) V = V0 sin t
Voltage in r.m.s. value
V0 = 2 234 V = 331 volt
and t = 2 nt = 2 5 t = 100t
Thus, the equation of line voltage is given by V = 331 sin (100 t )
V − VL
21. (4) tan = C ( if VC VL )
V − VC
= L ( if VL VC )
P = 3000 =
27. (4) We have the formula for Impedance
Z = R 2 + ( X1 − X C )
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XC =
C ; X1 = L
And from the graph it can be easily seen that is Decreases first and then Increases.
28. (1) The charging of inductance given by,
t0 −
i = i 0 1 − e L
= i 0 1 − e e L =
2 2
Taking log on both the sides,
− = log1 − log 2
L 300 10−3
t = log 2 = 0.69 = 0.1sec
R 2
29. (1) I = I0 1 − e L
(When current is in growth in LR circuit)
E Rt
5 − 2
= (1 − e )
= 1 − e = 1 − e
L 10
R 5
E 0 I0 R
30. (3) P = e rmsi rms cos =
2 2 Z
E0 E0 R E2R
P= 0 2
2 Z 2 Z 2Z
E 02 R E 02
Given X L = R so Z = 2R P = =
4R 2 4R
31. (4) Quality factor = L = =
32. (3) Power factor
cos = 2
R 2 + L −
(C + C)
On solving we get,
L =
( C + C| )
1 − 2 LC
C| =
2 L
33. (1) At resonance, impedance Z=R
So, Z=R=20 ohm
34. (2) Time constant is L/R
Given, L = 40H & R = 8
= 40/8 = 5 sec.
35. (2) R = XL = 2XC
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37. (3) we know that the voltage of C & L are always in Opposite phase
So Net voltage i.e., VL & VC & resultant will be
( VL − VC ) = ( 300 − 400 ) V = 100V
2 2
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(1) Vrms = VR2 + ( VL − VC ) = 40 Volt
V0 = Vrms 2 = 40 2 Volt
Z = R (Purely resistance)
= 4 (Resonance)
V 40 2
i0 = 0 = = 10 2A
Z 4
42. (2) V = VR + ( VL − VC )
Z = R cos = 1
46. (1) i =
R +
I= -------------(i)
R + 2 2
and = -------(ii)
2 2 C2
R +
On simplifying above equations, we get
X L L 3
= =
R R 5
47. (2) Power factor = 2
L − +R
8 8 8
= = = = 0.8
( 31 − 25) + 82 6 +8 10
2 2 2
48. (3) tan = =
Given = 45°. Hence XL = R.
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49. (2) L=0.7H, R=220Ω, ε0=220V, v=50Hz
This is an L - R circuit
Phase difference,
X L 2vL
tan = L = =
X L = 2vL = 2 7 50 0.7 = 220
= =1
or = 45
50. (2) Reactance due to inductor = ωL
Z = R 2 + L2
cos =
Power factor : Z
cos =
R 2 + L2
iR 0 1
( iR 0 ) ( ) 2
+ i C0 − i L 0
51. (1)
0 / R 1
2 2
( 0 / R ) + 0 C − 0
C −
52. (3) A transformer is a device that is used to either raise or lower voltage, and currents in an electric circuit.
Thereby, we can suitably obtain the voltage and current.
53. (2) A varying induced magnetic field which is generated by primary coil
54. (2) Eddy currents are locally generated current loops in the transformer core. This happens because
transformer core is in close proximity of the varying magnetic field of the primary.Eddy current is a loss.
To reduce this loss, core is made from bundle of thin laminated sheets.
55. (2) Power of source = EI = 240 × 0.7 = 166
Efficiency = = 83.3%
N 500
56. (4) Vs = Vp s = (100V ) = 1.00 10 V
N 50
57. (2) We know that frequency of electrical oscillation in L.C. circuit is
Physics Smart Booklet
1 1
2 LC
Now, L = 2L & C = 4C
1 1 1 1 1 1
f| = = f| = f
2 2L.4C 2 LC 2 2 2 2
58. (2) Ue +Um = 160
Um = 160 – Ue
= 160 – 10 = 150μJ
59. (1) Time period, T = 2 LC = 2 (50 10 ) 4 10
−3 −6
= 28 × 10–4 s
Time taken by capacitor to charge fully,
t = = 7 10−4 s
60. (1) To increase transfer of energy, Vs and hence Ns should be greater than Np.
61. (1) When the XL is in resonance with XC then the current is minimum and the frequency is given as
We have been given series frequency as
f= =n
2 LC
By substituting the value in above equation we get
f = n LC
The current through a parallel LC circuit is given as
When the impedance is maximum the current through a circuit is minimum.
Hence the frequency will be n
62. (2) If q is the required charge, then
q 2 1 Q2 Q
= ; q =
2C 2 2C 2
63. (3) If Q is the instantaneous charge on the capacitor, then
Physics Smart Booklet
1 1 10−12
C= = = = 2.5pF
42 f 2 L 4 10 10−2 1012 4
I n 80 20
67. (3) s = p ; = or Ip = 4amp
Ip n s Ip 1
Es n s n
68. (1) = or Es = E p s
Ep n p n
E s = 120 = 240V
Ip n s n 100
= or Is = I p p Is = 10 = 5amp
Is n p ns 200
69. (4) As E p Ip = Pi
Pi 4000
Ip = = = 40A
E p 100
70. (1) As given that,
Secondary voltage (VS) is :
VS = 24 Volt
Power associated with secondary is :
PS = 12 Watt
As we know that PS = VSIS
P 12 1
IS = S = = A = 0.5amp
VS 24 2
Peak value of the current in the secondary
5 1
I0 = IS 2 = 0.5 2 = 2 I0 = Amp
10 2
( 50 ) + 314 20 10−3 −
2 1
314 100 10
Solving we get, P = 0.79 W
2. (2)
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Impedance, Z = R 2 + ( X C − X L )
Physics Smart Booklet
Zc = R +
Current i = =
Zc 1
R + 2
V 1
Vc = iX c =
1 C
R2 +
Vc =
( RC) +1
Physics Smart Booklet
d CV
=0 .A
dE A 0
0 C d
= . (V )
0 dt
=C (V0 sin wt )
= C V0 cos wt w
= cwV0 cos wt
Supply voltage, V = ( VL − VC ) + VR2
R + ( X L − X C ) = 2R 2
2 2
( X L − XC ) = R2
X L − XC = R
XC − X L = R L − =R
− L = R
P = Vp I p
44 = 220 ( I p )
Ip = 0.2 A
16. W = 100
2 r = 100
1 1 1 50
r0 = = = =
2 LC 2 10 10 10 −6
2 10 −4
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