Models of Organizational Behavior For
Models of Organizational Behavior For
Models of Organizational Behavior For
1. Autocratic
2. Custodial model
3. Supportive Model
4. Collegial model
5. System model
Autocratic Model
For example, Managers have the ability, authority to control their employees and the employee’s
performance in this stage will be much lower than expected.
Autocratic Model
1. Depends on power
2. Managerial orientation is authority
3. Employee orientation is obedience
4. Employee psychological result depends on boss
5. Employee need met is subsistence
6. Performance result is minimum
Custodial Model
For managers can simulate their employees by offering them facilities, and benefits, but in this model
the employee’s wont work as a team (less sharing with others) because everyone will depend on his self
to get more benefits than the others.
Supportive Model
1. Depends on leadership
2. Managerial orientation is support
3. Employee orientation is job and performance
4. Employee psychological result is participation
5. Employee needs met is status and recognition
6. Performance result is awakened drives
Collegial Model
Employees depend on each other cooperatively and work as a team to do the task.
Everyone will be having a normal enthusiasm self-discipline, and responsible behavior towards their
1. Depends on partnership
2. Managerial orientation is teamwork
3. Employee orientation is responsible behavior
4. Employee psychological result is self-discipline
5. Employee need met is self-actualization
6. Performance result is moderate enthusiasm
System Model
This model is based on trust, self-motivation and the performance results will be more than expected,
because employees will be committed to do their tasks as expected, and as well as organizational goals
Organizational behavior models are theoretical frameworks for understanding, predicting, and
managing employee behavior within organizations. Each model represents a different approach
to management, employee motivation, and organizational effectiveness. The five primary models
of organizational behavior are:
1. Autocratic Model
2. Custodial Model
3. Supportive Model
4. Collegial Model
5. System Model
1. Autocratic Model
The autocratic model is based on power and authority. It is the oldest and most traditional model
of organizational behavior.
Depends on power: The model relies on the power of the manager or leader to control
Managerial orientation is authority: Managers make decisions unilaterally and expect
employees to follow orders without question.
Employee orientation is obedience: Employees are expected to obey and comply with
managerial directives.
Employee psychological result depends on boss: Employee behavior and satisfaction
are highly dependent on the boss's actions and decisions.
Employee need met is subsistence: Employees work primarily to meet their basic needs
for survival.
Performance result is minimum: Since employees are not motivated beyond the
minimum requirements, overall performance tends to be low.
2. Custodial Model
The custodial model focuses on providing economic security and benefits to employees.
3. Supportive Model
The supportive model emphasizes leadership and support to encourage employee performance
and development.
Depends on leadership: The model relies on the leadership qualities of managers to
support and motivate employees.
Managerial orientation is support: Managers focus on supporting employees in their
tasks and personal development.
Employee orientation is job and performance: Employees are oriented towards their
job roles and performing well.
Employee psychological result is participation: Employees feel a sense of participation
and involvement in their work.
Employee needs met are status and recognition: Employees' needs for status and
recognition are addressed.
Performance result is awakened drives: Employees are motivated and show increased
initiative and performance.
4. Collegial Model
The collegial model fosters a sense of partnership and teamwork among employees.
5. System Model
The system model is based on trust, community, and understanding within the organization.
Each model of organizational behavior offers a different approach to managing and motivating
employees. The autocratic model relies on authority and power, leading to minimal performance.
The custodial model focuses on economic security but results in passive cooperation. The
supportive model emphasizes leadership and support, awakening employee drives and increasing
performance. The collegial model fosters teamwork and responsible behavior, resulting in
moderate enthusiasm. The system model builds on trust and community, leading to passionate
commitment and alignment with organizational goals. Understanding these models helps
managers choose the most appropriate approach for their organization's culture and objectives.