OPTAVIA Lean and Green
OPTAVIA Lean and Green
OPTAVIA Lean and Green
Healthy Fats
Every day, incorporate up to two (2) servings of healthy fats into your Lean & Green
meal. Healthy fats are important because they help your body absorb vitamins like A,
D, E and K. They also help your gallbladder work properly. Reference page 20 to view
our complete Healthy Fats List.
7 oz. of protein Fish: cod, flounder, haddock, orange roughy, grouper,
tilapia, mahi mahi, tuna (yellowfin steak or canned in
+ Add 2 servings water), wild catfish
of Healthy Fats* Shellfish: crab, scallops, shrimp, lobster
Game meat: buffalo, elk, deer
Ground turkey or other meat: ≥ 98% lean
Turkey: light meat
Meatless options: 14 egg whites, 2 cups of liquid egg
substitute or liquid egg whites, 5 oz. seitan,
12 oz. (1 ½ cups) 1% cottage cheese, 12 oz. non–fat
(0%) plain Greek yogurt (≤ 15g carb per 12 oz.)
6 oz. of protein Fish: swordfish, trout, halibut
Chicken: breast or white meat, without skin
+ Add 1 serving Ground turkey or other meat: 95% – 97% lean
of Healthy Fats* Pork: pork chop or pork tenderloin
Meatless options: 2 whole eggs plus 4 egg whites,
2 whole eggs plus 1 cup liquid egg substitute,
1 2 oz. (1 ½ cups) 2% cottage cheese, 12 oz. low–fat
(2%) plain Greek yogurt (≤ 15g carb per 12 oz.)
5 oz. of protein Fish: salmon, tuna (bluefin steak), farmed catfish,
mackerel, herring
0 servings Lean beef: steak, roast, ground
of Healthy Fats Lamb
Ground turkey or other meat: 85% – 94% lean
Chicken or turkey: dark meat
Meatless options: 15 oz. Mori–nu extra firm or
firm tofu (bean curd), 3 whole eggs (up to two times
per week), 4 oz. (1 cup) shredded reduced–fat or
part–skim cheese, 8 oz. (1 cup) part–skim ricotta cheese
(2–3g fat per oz.), 5 oz. tempeh
* To view our complete Healthy Fats List please refer to pages 20-22.
Lower Carbohydrate
Collards (fresh/raw) spinach (fresh/raw)
1 cup
Lower Carbohydrate
celery arugula
cucumbers nopales
white mushrooms escarole
radishes jalapeño (raw),
sprouts (alfalfa, mung bean) Swiss chard (raw)
turnip greens bok choy (cooked)
Moderate Carbohydrate
asparagus kale
cabbage portabella mushrooms
½ cup
Higher Carbohydrate
broccoli peppers (any color)
red cabbage scallions (raw)
chayote squash summer squash (crookneck or straightneck)
collard or mustard greens (cooked) tomatoes
green or wax beans turnips
kabocha squash spaghetti squash
kohlrabi hearts of palm
leeks (cooked) jicama
okra Swiss chard (cooked)
All vegetables promote healthful eating. But on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan,
we eliminate the highest–carbohydrate vegetables (such as carrots, corn, peas,
potatoes, onions, edamame and Brussels sprouts) to enhance your results.
Once you’ve achieved your healthy weight, we encourage you to include ALL
vegetables for long–term healthy eating.