Second Periodical Test DISS 2022-23
Second Periodical Test DISS 2022-23
Second Periodical Test DISS 2022-23
Department of Education
G11 HUMSS – Generosity, Modesty, Peace
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully. Shade the letter of your choice. If you think the
correct answer is NOT in the given choices, shade E.
2. In capitalism, the buyer/seller, producer/consumer meet in the market and create the primary driving
force of capitalism. This pertains to:
a. Tax b. Supply c. Price d. Demand
3. In this type of capitalism, markets are free to move on their own without or with very little
intervention of the State.
a. Liberal Market c. Coordinated Market
b. Socialist Market d. Communist Market
4. In this type of capitalism, markets are bound to trade unions and associations that regulate the flow
of the market.
a. Liberal Market c. Coordinated Market
b. Socialist Market d. Communist Market
5. In this type of capitalism, the government invests in various sectors to foster growth.
a. big-firm capitalism c. state-guided capitalism
b. oligarchic capitalism d. entrepreneurial capitalism
10. For Marx, history was driven by the opposition of forces. On one hand, the most powerful group is
known as the thesis. In the case of capitalism, which is this dominant group?
a. the State c. the bourgeoisie
b. the proletariat d. the Police Force
11. Which is the anti-thesis, the enemy so to speak, of your answer to #2?
a. the State c. the bourgeoisie
b. the proletariat d. the Police Force
12. Which of the following elements of production did Marx highlight and protect in his critique of
capitalist oppression?
a. Land c. Capital
b. Labor d. Entrepreneurship
13. Marx explained that the ruling class fails to give workers the just value for their labor. He called this
value as:
a. Surplus value c. Exploitation
b. Intensity value d. Class Struggle
14. For Marx, the proletariat must use all possible means to cause the downfall of the capitalists,
including armed rebellion. Shade A if the preceding statement is true, and B if false.
15. Which of the following features of capitalism widens the margin between the rich and the poor?
a. Concentration of capital
b. Outright rejection of religion
c. Dictatorship of the proletariat
d. Complete disappearance of the State
16. In Marxist critique, the State is viewed as a protector of capitalism. Shade A if the preceding
statement is true, and B if it is false.
17. In rational choice theory, it is assumed that the actor knows all relevant consequence of his/her
choices. Shade A if the preceding statement is true, and B if it is false.
18. The rational choice theory gives premium on “self-interest” as the sole basis of decision-making.
Which of the statements below shows the effect of this line of thinking?
a. Ethics and moral sentiments are left out/not considered in decision-making.
b. Ethics and moral sentiments are greatly considered in the decision-making process.
c. Considerations for the decision-making process will be consistent throughout one’s life.
d. Considerations for the decision-making process will not be consistent throughout one’s life.
19. The prevalence of fake news and political mudslinging during election periods and their undeniable
effects on the voting public invalidate which assumption of the rational choice theory?
a. that an individual is fully informed about his or her choices
b. that an individual will consistently choose the same option repeatedly
c. that an individual does not know fully the consequences of his or her choices
d. that an individual will consider his maximum net gain in the decision-making process
20. The rational choice theory is often faulted for assuming that actors have complete information about
their choices. Which phrase best describes this?
a. asocial agent b. super-calculable capabilities c. amorality d. lack of innovation
21. Which of the following is NOT an assumption of the rational choice theory?
a. An actor determines all relevant consequences of his/her actions
b. An actor has a repertoire of options that are possible and unambiguously known
c. An actor ultimately has his/her maximum net gain in mind when deciding things
d. Ac actor is compelled most of all by his moral and ethical drives in deciding things
22. In 1920, the 19th Amendment was passed in the United States granting women the right to vote. This
success is part of which wave of feminism?
a. 1st wave b. 2nd wave c. 3rd wave d. 4th wave
23. The inclusion of Black women in the fight for equal rights and the eventual globalization of
feminism belongs to which wave of the movement?
a. 1st wave b. 2nd wave c. 3rd wave d. 4th wave
24. This wave of feminism redefined women and girls as assertive, powerful, and in control of their own
sexuality and produced iconic women such as Madonna, Queen Latifah, and many other animated
cultural icons such as Mulan.
a. 1st wave b. 2nd wave c. 3rd wave d. 4th wave
26. This brand of feminism is important in as much as it informs lawmakers who push for the equal
rights in terms of education, labor, employment, etc.
a. ecofeminism b. liberal feminism c. Marxist feminism d. radical feminism
27. This brand of feminism advocates for the overturning of societal structures and the replacement of
patriarchy by matriarchy so that laws can be made by women for women and with women.
a. ecofeminism b. liberal feminism c. Marxist feminism d. radical feminism
28. This form of feminism seeks to free women from the two-fold yoke of oppressive capitalism and
a. ecofeminism b. liberal feminism c. Marxist feminism d. radical feminism
29. This form of feminism sees the struggle of women as something similar and related to the
exploitation of Mother Earth for the sake of so-called “economic progress”.
a. ecofeminism b. liberal feminism c. Marxist feminism d. radical feminism
31. Which term was replaced by “persons with different sexual development” as a more politically
correct term?
a. male b. female c. intersex d. transgender
32. Gender expression is independent of sexual orientation. Shade A if the preceding statement is true
and B if false.
33. Michel Foucault believed that sexuality is a social construct built upon the process of control and
regulation done by parents on their children. He called this process as
a. construct b. deviance c. norms d. surveillance
34. Judith Butler believed that for gender to be perpetuated as a reality, it has to be an act, a rehearsed
script. In this sense, gender becomes:
a. a construct b. a performance c. a little narrative d. a site of power
36. A person whose enduring capacity for romantic, emotional and physical feelings are reserved for
people of the opposite sex is said to be:
a. hetero- b. homo- c. bi- d. cis-
37. Which Republic Act expressly prohibits sexual microaggressions and harassment in public spaces?
a. RA 9262 b. RA11313 c. RA 13278 d. RA 6721
38. Persons whose gender expression isn’t feminine or masculine is said to be:
a. pan- b. a- c. androgynous d. monogamous
39. The terms cis-, trans-, and queer all pertain to gender identity which should be properly understood
a. the biological/medical trait ascribed by the doctor at birth
b. their enduring capacity for romantic, physical, and/or emotions
c. their internal experience of gender versus their sex characteristics
d. the way persons act and present themselves in the society
40. During flag ceremony, Alec bluntly asked Yuji if he was gay. This microaggression is known as:
a. treachery c. denying lived realities
b. forcing people out d. sexist jokes or comments
42. It refers to the creation of new transcultural forms within the contact zone produced by
colonization”. More simply, it is the global mixing of cultures and identities.
a. othering b. hybridity c. subalternity d. decolonization
45. In both Marxism and postcolonial studies, the concept of cultural hegemony is used. Which
statement below properly describes cultural hegemony?
a. the return to native, pre-colonial structures
b. the admixture of cultures of both the colonizer and the colonized
b. the process of creating people who are like but not the same, like but below them
c. the indoctrination and control of the capitalist/colonizer of the proletariat/colonized
46. It is the ongoing attempt of disenfranchised populations to assert an identity distinct from the larger
and colonizing entity.
a. alterity b. nativism c. strategic essentialism d. othering
47. E. Said believed that the West/Occident/colonizer used language and discourse to control the
East/Orient/colonized. Which set of words did the Occident use to describe the Orient?
a. inferior, passive, lazy
b. central, complex, dynamic
c. superior, active, masculine
d. modern, civilized, industrious
48. This pertains to a romantic view that the colonies were in much better shape before colonization and
therefore be restored somehow to status quo before colonization.
a. alterity b. nativism c. strategic essentialism d. othering
49. It is the further development of capitalism that enables capitalist powers (both nations and
corporations) to dominate subject nations through the operations of international capitalism rather
than by means of direct rule.
a. decolonization b. internal colonization c. neocolonialism d. mimicry
50. It is the imitation of the invading culture that is never complete, and consequently, often has
subversive, rebellious elements.
a. decolonization b. internal colonization c. neocolonialism d. mimicry
Prepared by:
Teacher III
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