Agriculture Data Book
Agriculture Data Book
Agriculture Data Book
Agricultural information resource is pivotal for planned growth and sustainable development
of agriculture in the country. Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) being the
apex organization, plays a crucial role in promoting and accelerating agricultural research,
education, extension and dissemination of new technologies to various stakeholders,
thereby supporting generation of huge information/data resource. The data thus generated
on different aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, is being used by various stakeholders
such as policy makers, statisticians, economists, researchers, students, extension workers,
entrepreneurs, industrialists, progressive farmers and the general public. Agricultural
Research Data Book (ARDB) is an important ICAR publication, which provides valuable
information in the form of comprehensive compendium regularly on annual basis. This
publication is widely used as a reference book for data on various aspects of agriculture
and its allied sector. The ARDB is a reliable source of data on area, production, productivity
of crops, land-use statistics, horticulture, animal husbandry, fishery etc. The present issue
of Agricultural Research Data Book 2022 has been updated with the available data.
I trust that this publication will continue to serve as a reliable source of information on
various aspects of agriculture. I welcome the comments/suggestions from users to improve
the quality of this publication. I compliment the Education Division of ICAR especially the
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (ICAR-IASRI) for their efforts in
bringing out this Agricultural Research Data Book 2022.
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Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is an apex body for organization and management
of agricultural research and education in the country which plays an important and effective role
towards overall growth of agriculture since independence.
Information pertaining to agricultural research, education and related aspects available from
different sources is scattered over various types of published and unpublished records. These
scattered information are being compiled since 1995 in Agricultural Research Data Book (ARDB)
through joint efforts of the ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (ICAR-IASRI) and
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). This ARDB 2022 is twenty fifth edition in the series.
It is divided into 10 sections for the purpose of convenience of the users. It provides information
on natural resources, agricultural inputs, animal husbandry, dairying, fisheries, horticulture,
production, productivity, agricultural engineering, export, import, place of India in world agriculture
and human resources. It has 178 tables on different aspects of agriculture. The ARDB 2022
contains the latest information/data as available by the end of June 2022 in the country.
The first edition of the ARDB was published in 1996 consisting of the information up to the end
of 1995. Subsequently, an updated version of ARDB is being brought out every year regularly.
The ARDB 2022 has some value additions like predicting the future year production of foodgrains,
pictorial/graphical representations of data, depicting state-wise data and thematic maps using
Geographical Information System (GIS). This issue of the publication has been enriched with
latest available information on emerging areas in agriculture sectors. Being a wider acceptability
among the users, a soft copy of the ARDB has also been uploaded at our Institute website: https:// We are very confident that the information presented in this ARDB 2022 will be
useful for users. Efforts have been made to incorporate the comments and suggestions received
from various users in this ARDB 2022. Further, we welcome suggestions of the users on the
content in ARDB 2022 which will help to enrich the future issues. Suggestions may please be
sent to:
Dr. Rajender Parsad, Director,
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute Library Avenue,
Pusa, New Delhi-110 012
Fax: 011-25841564, Ph.: 011-25841479,
The contributions made in compilation of ARDB 2022 by officials of various SMDs of the Council
particularly Education Division, ICAR, compilation team of ICAR-IASRI and various organizations
for supplying requisite information are highly acknowledged.
Page No.
Page No.
1.17 Crop-wise irrigated area 27
1.18 Source-wise irrigated area 27
1.19 State-wise net area irrigated by 28
source during 2018-19
Page No.
2.2 Commodity-wise indent and 42
production of breeder seeds during
2016-17 to 2020-21
2.3 List of field crops varieties/hybrids 43
released and notified in 2021
Page No.
2.15 State-wise crop area insured under all 106
insurance schemes
Page No.
3.13 State-wise number of Veterinary 130
Institutions (as on 31.03.2021)
Page No.
3.30 Outlays and expenditure for fishery 157
development over different plan
Page No.
4.14 State-wise area and production of 184
flowers (loose)
4.15 State-wise area and production of 186
major spices in India
Page No.
5.7 All India area, production and yield 206
of Rice
Page No.
5.20 State-wise area, production and yield 225
of nine oilseeds during 2019-20 and
2020-21 along with coverage under
5.21 Production of oilseeds/oils and net 227
domestic availability of edible oils
6.1 Improved selected farm implements 247
and machines
6.2 Agricultural engineering inputs status 258
in India
6.3 Production and sale of tractors in 259
Page No.
6.4 Horse power-wise tractor production 261
in India
6.5 State–wise annual sale of tractors 262
6.6 Cumulative deployment of various 264
renewable energy systems/devices in
India (as on 30.04.2022)
6.7 Solar pump set installed/energisation 265
up to 31.03.2022
Page No.
7.4 Value of export & import of selected 294
commodities in agriculture
Page No.
8.5 Fertilizer consumption and yield of 313
principal crops in selected countries
in 2019 (provisional)
Page No.
9.5 Percentage expenditure on Research 331
and Development (R&D) by major
scientific agencies under the central
sector to the total research and
development expenditure
9.6 Division-wise break up of Revenue 332
Receipts targets and actual
achievement as per SH. 8 sales/
services, SH. 10-fee/subscription and
SH. 12- royalty/publication only
9.7 Total budget and expenditure of State 333
Agricultural Universities
000’ Thousand
000’ t Thousand tonnes
cm Centimeter
ha Hectare
kg Kilogram
kg/ha Kilogram/ hectare
kW Kilowatt
kWh Kilowatt hour
mm Milimeter
Mw Megawatt
million ha Million hectare
MJ Mega Joules
ppm Parts per million
ppbv Parts per billion by volume
ppmv/year Parts per million by volume per year
N Nitrogen
B Boron
Fe Iron
Zn Zinc
Cu Copper
Mn Manganese
Mo Molybdenum
SPM Solid Particulate Matter
CWC Central Water Commission
DAP Draught Animal Power
HSD High Speed Diesel
HYV High Yielding Varieties
SPV Solar Photo Voltaic
R&D Research and Development
GNP Gross National Product
NNP Net National Product
PM Particulate Matter
CFC Chloro-Fluoro-Carbons
CIAE Central Institute of Agricultural
Conversion Factors between Important Primary and
Secondary Agricultural Commodities
Commodity Conversion Factor
Rice (Cleaned) Production 2/3 of Paddy Production
Cotton Lint Production 1/3 of Kapas Production
Cotton Seed Production 2/3 of Kapas Production
2 times of Cotton Lint Production
100 Yards of Hessian 54 lbs of Raw Jute
4148 Yards of Hessian 1 Ton of Raw Jute
5.55 Bales of Raw Jute (of 180 kg. Each)
1 Ton of Sacking 1.11 Tons of Raw Jute
6.17 Bales of Raw Jute (of 180 kg. Each)
1 Ton of Hessian Sacking etc. 1.05 Tons of Raw Jute
5.85 Bales of Raw Jute (of 180 kg. Each)
Kernel to Nuts in Shell 70 per cent
Oil to Nuts in Shell 28 per cent
Oil to Kernels Crushed 40 per cent
Cake to Kernels Crushed 60 per cent
Oil to Seeds Crushed 40 per cent
Cake to Seeds Crushed 60 per cent
Rapseed and Mustard
Oil to Seeds Crushed 33 per cent
Cake to Seeds Crushed 67 per cent
Oil to seeds Crushed 33 per cent
Cake to Seeds Crushed 67 per cent
Castor Seed
Oil to Seeds Crushed 37 per cent
Cake to Seeds Crushed 63 per cent
Cotton Seed
Oil to Seeds Crushed 14 to 18 per cent
Cake to Seeds Crushed 82 to 86 per cent
Copra to Nuts One Ton of Copra = 6773 Nuts
Oil to Copra Crushed 62 per cent
Cake to Copra Crushed 38 per cent
Oil to Seeds Crushed 28 per cent
Cake to Seeds Crushed 72 per cent
Kardi Seed
Oil to Seeds Crushed 40 per cent
Cake to Seeds Crushed 60 per cent
Mahua Seed
Oil to Seeds Crushed 36 per cent
Cake to Seeds Crushed 64 per cent
Neem Seed
Oil to Kernels Crushed 45 to 50 per cent
Cake to Kernels Crushed 50 to 55 per cent
Soybean Seed
Oil to Soybean Seed Crushed 18 per cent
Meal to Soybean Seed Crushed 73 per cent
Hull from Soybean Seed Crushed 8 per cent
Wastage from Soybean Seed
1 per cent
Gur from Cane Crushed 11.20 per cent to 11.50 per cent
Crystal Sugar from Gur Refined 62.5 per cent
(Gur Refineries)
Crystal Sugar from Cane Crushed
10.20 per cent
(Cane Factories)
Khandasari Sugar (Sulpher and
Non-sulpher) from standard Gur 46 per cent
Molasses from Cane Crushed 4.0 per cent to 4.5 per cent
Cane-Trash* from Cane Harvested 8.0 per cent to 12.0 per cent
Seed Lac 66.0 per cent of Stick Lac
Shell Lac 57.4 per cent of Stick, or 87.0 per cent of Seed Lac
Cashew Kernel 25 per cent of Cashewnuts
Note : * This consists of leaves and portion of the top of stalk which are removed from the cane stalk, while harvesting and
before sending the cane for milling.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers
Welfare, Govt. of India.
Area Weight
= 2.47100 acres = 2204.7 pounds
= 0.98421 long ton
1 ha
= 100 x 100 sq m 1 metric tonne = 1 .10231 short ton
= 1000 kg
= 0.40468 ha = 10 q
= 4840 sq yd 1q = 100 kg
1 acre = 43560 sq ft = 2.240 pounds
1 long ton
= 0.00156 sq miles = 1.01605 metric tons
= 2.000 pounds
1 short ton
= 640 acres = 0.90781 metric ton
1 sq mile = 259 ha 1 kg = 2.20462 pounds
= 2.59 sq km 1 pound = 0.45359 kg
1 sq kilometer = 0.3861 sq miles 1 ounce = 0.0283 kg or 28.35 gm
100 sq ft = 9.290 sq m 16 ounce = 1 pound
10 Marlas = 0.0253 ha 10 pounds = 4.54 kg
= 0.8440 ha = 81.2857 pounds
10 Bighas 1 mound
= 2.0830 acre = 37.32410 kg
10 Biswas = 0.0420 ha Distance
8 furlongs or 1760 yards or
20 Biswas = 1 Bigha =
5280 ft
1 mile
20 Biswani = 1 Biswa = 1.609344 km
4.8 Bighas = 1 acre = 1609.344 m
= 220 yards
640 acre = 1 sq mile
= 660 ft
10 Kanals = 0.5058 ha 1 furlong = 0.201168 km
1 Kanal = 20 Marla = 201.168 m
Yield = 0.125 mile
1.4869 bushels (60 lb) 5/8 mile = 0.6213712 mile =
100 kg per ha = =
per acre 4.97097 furlong
1 bushel (60 lb) per
= 67.253 kg per ha 1 km = 3280.83 ft
1 kg per ha = 0.892169 lb per acre = 1000 m
1 lb per acre = 1.120864 kg per ha = 1093.613 yards
Energy = 1.0936 yards
= 251.9958 calorie = 3.28089 ft
1 meter
0.0003930148 horse
= = 100 cm
1 BTU = 1055.056 Joule = 25.4 mm
0.0002930711 kilo watt- 1 inch
= = 2.54 cm
= 0.2930711 watt hour = 30.48 cm
1 foot
= 0.003968321 BTU = 0.3048 m
1 calorie = 4.1868 Joule = 91.44 cm
1 yard
= 0.001163 watt-hour = 0.9144 m
Atmosphere to lbs per sq inch 14.73
British thermal unit to kilo calorie 0.252
Cubic centimeter to cubic inch 0.061103
Cubic feet to cubic metre 0.02832
Cubic feet to gallons 6.228
Cubic inch to litre 0.01639
Cubic metre to cubic yard 1.308
Foot lbs per second to horse power 0.001818
Foot lbs to kilogram metre 0.1383
U.S. Gallons to litre 3.785
Barrels to gallons 42.00
Grams to ounces 0.03527
Grams to lbs 0.002205
Horse power to kWatts 0.746
Source : Fertiliser Statistics 2020-21, The Fertiliser Association of India, New Delhi.
Natural Resources
(c) Culturable waste land 22.94 16.74 15.00 13.63 12.65 12.39 12.42 12.29 12.24 12.29 12.22
(8.1) (5.5) (4.9) (4.5) (4.1) (4.0) (4.1) (4.0) (4.0) (4.0) (4.0)
4. Fallow land (a+b) 28.12 24.55 23.37 25.04 24.60 24.85 26.18 26.72 26.36 26.43 26.16
(a) Fallow land other than current fallow 17.45 9.72 9.66 10.27 10.32 10.69 11.09 11.31 11.3 11.6 11.6
(6.1) (3.2) (3.2) (3.4) (3.4) (3.5) (3.6) (3.7) (3.7) (3.8) (3.8)
(b) Current fallow 10.68 14.83 13.70 14.78 14.28 14.15 15.09 15.41 15.09 14.81 14.53
(3.8) (4.9) (4.5) (4.8) (4.6) (4.6) (4.9) (5.0) (4.9) (4.8) (4.7)
5. Net area sown 118.75 140.29 143.00 141.34 141.56 141.43 140.13 139.51 139.42 139.18 139.35
(41.8) (46.1) (46.9) (46.3) (46.0) (45.9) (45.5) (45.3) (45.2) (45.2) (45.3)
6. Area sown more than once 13.15 34.63 42.74 44.00 56.12 59.52 58.25 57.55 60.79 60.81 57.97
7. Gross cropped area (5+6) 131.89 172.63 185.74 185.34 197.68 200.95 198.38 197.05 200.20 199.99 197.32
8. Cropping intensity* 111.07 123.05 129.89 131.13 139.64 142.09 141.57 141.25 143.60 143.69 141.60
III. Net irrigated area 20.85 38.72 48.02 55.20 63.67 68.12 68.38 67.30 68.65 69.48 71.55
IV. Gross irrigated area 22.56 49.78 63.20 76.19 88.94 95.77 96.75 96.78 98.15 100.08 102.67
Note : 1. #: Provisional, 2. *: Cropping intensity is percentage of the gross cropped area to the net area sown, 3. Figure in parentheses indicate percentage share to the reporting area.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (
Natural Resources
Zone 6 Trans Gangetic plain region Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan
Zone 7 Eastern plateau and hills region Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Odisha, West Bengal
Zone 8 Central plateau and hills region Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh
Zone 10 Southern plateau and hills region Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu
Zone 11 East coast plains and hills region Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Puducherry,
Tamil Nadu
Zone 12 West coast plains and Ghat region Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra,
Tamil Nadu
Zone 13 Gujarat plains and hills region Gujarat, Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu
Source : Planning Commission (Khanna, 1989) has identified 15 resource development regions in the country,
14 in the main land and remaining one in the islands of Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.
Natural Resources
Natural Resources
Source : Fertiliser Statistics 2020-21, The Fertiliser Association of India, New Delhi.
Natural Resources
Natural Resources
and above) (2.4) (1.6) (1.2) (1.0) (0.8) (0.7) (0.57) (23.0) (17.3) (14.8) (13.2) (11.9) (10.6) (9.07)
All size 88883 106637 115580 119931 129222 138348 146454 163797 165507 163355 159436 158323 159592 157817
classes (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100)
Note : 1. Figures in parentheses indicate per cent contribution, 2. *: Excluding Jharkhand.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare , Govt. of India. (
Natural Resources
Table 1.7: State-wise distribution of number of operational holdings and area operated-all social groups
(Number: 000’, Area: 000’ ha)
States/ Agriculture Marginal Small Semi-medium Medium Large All Holdings
Union Territories Census No. Area No. Area No. Area No. Area No. Area No. Area
Andaman & Nicobar 2010-11 5 2 2 3 3 8 2 7 Neg. 1 12 22
Islands 2015-16 5 2 3 4 3 8 1 6 Neg. 1 12 21
Andhra Pradesh 2010-11* 8425 3727 2918 4120 1399 3685 397 2209 36 552 13175 14293
2015-16 5904 2336 1646 2334 770 2020 189 1038 15 276 8524 8004
Arunachal Pradesh 2010-11 21 12 19 26 34 94 28 155 7 97 109 384
2015-16 27 14 24 31 29 77 26 153 7 104 113 380
Assam 2010-11 1831 775 497 687 304 818 85 437 4 282 2720 2999
2015-16 1868 785 495 696 295 806 79 410 4 279 2742 2976
Bihar 2010-11 14744 3669 948 1186 415 1073 81 415 3 45 16191 6388
2015-16 14971 3728 944 1178 414 1076 81 431 3 45 16413 6457
Chandigarh 2010-11 Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. 1 1
2015-16 Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. 1 1
Chhattisgarh 2010-11 2183 953 831 1179 503 1348 202 1153 28 451 3746 5084
2015-16 2434 1040 879 1238 493 1316 181 1026 23 372 4011 4992
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 2010-11 8 4 4 5 2 5 1 4 Neg. 2 15 20
2015-16 9 5 4 5 2 5 1 4 Neg. 2 15 21
Daman & Diu 2010-11 8 2 Neg. 1 Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. 8 3
2015-16 7 2 Neg. 1 Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. 8 3
Delhi 2010-11 11 5 5 6 3 8 2 9 Neg. 2 20 30
2015-16 11 5 5 8 3 7 1 7 Neg. 2 21 29
Goa 2010-11 60 28 10 18 6 17 2 12 1 14 78 89
2015-16 59 23 8 13 4 14 2 14 1 17 75 82
Gujarat 2010-11 1816 885 1429 2075 1080 2989 513 2930 49 1020 4886 9898
Natural Resources
2015-16 10 2 Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. 10 3
Madhya Pradesh 2010-11 3891 1915 2449 3466 1655 4510 789 4545 89 1400 8872 15836
2015-16 4835 2372 2725 3836 1674 4522 707 4008 63 933 10003 15670
Maharashtra 2010-11 6709 3186 4052 5739 2159 5765 711 3993 68 1084 13699 19767
2015-16 7816 3449 4339 5771 2327 6026 734 4099 70 1162 15285 20506
Manipur 2010-11 77 40 49 63 22 55 3 13 Neg. Neg. 151 172
2015-16 77 40 49 63 22 55 3 13 Neg. Neg. 150 172
Meghalaya 2010-11 103 46 58 77 41 113 8 47 Neg. 4 210 287
2015-16 123 56 60 80 40 109 9 51 Neg. 4 232 300
Mizoram 2010-11 50 30 30 38 10 24 2 9 Neg. 4 92 105
2015-16 45 27 27 35 14 32 3 15 Neg. 4 90 112
Nagaland 2010-11 6 3 20 23 48 125 78 481 25 442 178 1074
Natural Resources
Telangana 2015-16 3840 1706 1409 1977 564 1467 126 688 9 135 5948 5972
Tripura 2010-11 499 140 55 76 22 54 3 14 Neg. 1 578 285
2015-16 504 149 48 70 19 49 2 13 Neg. 1 573 282
Uttar Pradesh 2010-11 18532 7171 3035 4243 1334 3629 398 2199 25 380 23325 17622
2015-16 19100 7298 3008 4175 1314 3560 377 2075 23 343 23822 17450
Uttarakhand 2010-11 672 296 157 225 65 175 17 94 1 25 913 816
2015-16 659 283 149 206 58 156 14 79 1 23 881 747
West Bengal 2010-11 5853 2891 980 1557 267 731 23 110 1 222 7123 5510
2015-16 5998 2929 971 1553 256 700 18 84 1 220 7243 5487
All India Total 2010-11 92826 35908 24779 35224 13896 37705 5875 33828 973 16907 138348 159592
2015-16 100251 37923 25809 36151 13993 37619 5561 31810 838 14314 146454 157817
Note : 1. Total may not tally due to rounding off figures, 2. Neg.: Negligible (i.e. less than 500 units/hectare), 3. *: Undivided Andhra Pradesh
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (
Natural Resources
Table 1.8: State-wise percentage distribution of number of operational holdings and area operated-all social groups
States/ Agriculture Marginal Small Semi-medium Medium Large
Union Territories Census No. Area No. Area No. Area No. Area No. Area
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 2010-11 39.19 9.25 20.46 15.85 26.58 37.71 13.49 31.62 0.28 5.57
2015-16 43.12 11.18 21.19 17.61 24.05 37.11 11.41 28.88 0.23 5.22
Andhra Pradesh 2010-11* 63.94 26.08 22.15 28.82 10.62 25.78 3.02 15.45 0.27 3.87
2015-16 69.26 29.19 19.31 29.16 9.03 25.23 2.22 12.97 0.17 3.45
Arunachal Pradesh 2010-11 19.63 3.09 17.69 6.75 31.14 24.47 25.56 40.34 5.97 25.34
2015-16 23.98 3.78 21.24 8.06 25.62 20.38 23.25 40.33 5.91 27.45
Assam 2010-11 67.31 25.83 18.25 22.91 11.16 27.27 3.12 14.58 0.15 9.39
2015-16 68.13 26.37 18.07 23.39 10.77 27.09 2.89 13.78 0.14 9.37
Bihar 2010-11 91.06 57.44 5.86 18.56 2.56 16.80 0.50 6.50 0.02 0.71
2015-16 91.21 57.73 5.75 18.25 2.52 16.66 0.50 6.67 0.02 0.69
Chandigarh 2010-11 63.45 22.58 18.63 20.64 10.92 24.15 6.58 29.03 0.42 3.60
2015-16 64.17 22.61 18.58 20.92 10.83 25.77 6.15 27.21 0.27 3.49
Chhattisgarh 2010-11 58.26 18.74 22.18 23.20 13.43 26.51 5.39 22.68 0.74 8.88
2015-16 60.69 20.83 21.93 24.81 12.29 26.36 4.51 20.55 0.58 7.45
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 2010-11 55.54 20.38 26.51 26.33 12.27 24.63 4.98 20.73 0.71 7.92
2015-16 56.47 21.81 25.40 24.81 12.52 25.04 4.95 20.85 0.66 7.49
Daman & Diu 2010-11 92.35 56.81 5.48 19.78 1.64 11.15 0.43 7.18 0.13 5.08
2015-16 92.59 58.11 5.28 19.78 1.63 12.38 0.42 6.99 0.07 2.75
Delhi 2010-11 55.17 16.20 22.04 20.14 14.53 27.05 7.53 28.95 0.73 7.66
2015-16 55.12 17.97 26.08 26.35 12.41 25.08 5.80 23.86 0.58 6.74
Goa 2010-11 78.82 26.61 11.16 16.80 6.22 18.36 2.98 17.89 0.82 20.34
2015-16 79.76 28.60 10.84 16.36 5.78 17.08 2.81 17.19 0.81 20.77
Gujarat 2010-11 36.89 8.58 29.12 20.08 22.00 28.92 10.48 28.41 1.51 14.00
2015-16 37.94 10.76 30.37 23.43 21.62 31.79 9.32 28.11 0.75 5.91
Haryana 2010-11 48.11 9.89 19.47 12.69 17.55 22.34 12.04 32.52 2.83 22.56
Natural Resources
2015-16 48.33 15.14 27.24 24.48 16.74 28.86 7.07 25.58 0.63 5.95
Maharashtra 2010-11 48.98 16.06 29.56 28.90 15.75 29.04 5.18 20.10 0.53 5.90
2015-16 51.13 16.82 28.39 28.14 15.22 29.38 4.80 19.99 0.46 5.66
Manipur 2010-11 50.95 23.36 32.43 36.47 14.76 32.11 1.83 7.80 0.03 0.26
2015-16 50.97 23.40 32.39 36.46 14.80 32.13 1.82 7.76 0.03 0.25
Meghalaya 2010-11 52.22 21.29 29.13 33.35 15.28 30.61 3.24 13.00 0.12 1.55
2015-16 52.82 18.64 25.93 26.52 17.15 36.29 3.98 17.13 0.11 1.41
Mizoram 2010-11 54.65 28.79 32.38 36.00 10.80 22.94 1.88 8.47 0.29 3.80
2015-16 50.08 24.16 30.61 31.18 15.41 28.16 3.57 13.26 0.32 3.25
Nagaland 2010-11 4.29 0.37 11.47 2.19 26.45 11.42 43.65 44.64 14.14 41.39
2015-16 4.18 0.48 15.16 3.85 32.22 17.72 37.54 45.08 10.90 32.87
Odisha 2010-11 72.17 39.53 19.68 30.81 6.67 18.90 1.36 7.84 0.12 2.92
Natural Resources
Uttar Pradesh 2010-11 79.23 39.27 13.14 24.58 5.79 21.10 1.73 12.82 0.11 2.23
2015-16 80.18 41.82 12.63 23.92 5.51 20.40 1.58 11.89 0.10 1.97
Uttarakhand 2010-11 73.65 36.23 17.24 27.60 7.10 21.50 1.90 11.55 0.12 3.11
2015-16 74.78 37.93 16.89 27.60 6.59 20.81 1.64 10.55 0.10 3.12
West Bengal 2010-11 82.16 52.47 13.76 28.26 3.75 13.26 0.32 1.99 0.01 4.02
2015-16 82.81 53.39 13.41 28.31 3.53 12.76 0.24 1.54 0.01 4.00
All India Total 2010-11 67.04 22.24 17.93 22.07 10.05 23.59 4.25 21.18 0.73 10.92
2015-16 68.45 24.03 17.62 22.91 9.55 23.84 3.80 20.16 0.57 9.07
Natural Resources
Table 1.9: India’s major natural disasters since 1990
Loss (no. of
Year Type Affected population location Loss to crops & property
human life)
1990 Cyclone Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu 928
1991 Earthquake Uttar Kashi, Uttar Pradesh 768
₹ 22.47 billion
hectare crop damaged.
Property worth ₹ 22.0 billion and 20.0 million
1996 Cyclone Andhra Pradesh 1058 0.3 million houses fully and a similar number
partially damaged. 0.1 million hectare crop damaged.
Loss (no. of
Year Type Affected population location Loss to crops & property
human life)
2000 Floods Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, West 3048
Bengal, Bihar, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal crores.
Estimated value of public properties ₹ 1957.82
2009 Floods Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka 300 N.A.
Drought 252 districts in 10 States N.A. N.A.
2010 Cloud-burst Leh, Ladakh in Jammu & Kashmir N.A. N.A.
2011 Earthquake North Eastern India with epicenter near Nepal 97 N.A.
Border and Sikkim
Floods 19 districts of Odisha 45 N.A.
Earthquake Sikkim, West Bengal, Bihar 60 N.A.
Cyclone Thane Tamil Nadu, Puducherry 47 N.A.
2012 Floods Assam N.A. N.A.
Floods Uttarkashi, Rudraprayag and Bageshwar district 52 N.A.
& of Uttarakhand
Cyclone Nilam Tamil Nadu 65 N.A.
Natural Resources
Loss (no. of
Year Type Affected population location Loss to crops & property
human life)
2013 Cyclone Mahasen Tamil Nadu 8 N.A.
Floods/Land- Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh 4094 N.A.
Cyclone Phailin Odisha and Andhra Pradesh 23 N.A.
Floods Andhra Pradesh 53 N.A.
Floods Odisha 21 N.A.
2014 Cyclone Hud Hud Andhra Pradesh & Odisha N.A. N.A.
Floods Jammu & Kashmir N.A. N.A.
2015 Cyclonic Storms West Bengal N.A. N.A.
Floods and Heavy Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat N.A. N.A.
2016 Cyclonic Storm Tamil Nadu N.A. N.A.
2017 Lightning Odisha and Maharashtra N.A. N.A.
2018 Floods and Heavy Kerala and Uttar Pradesh N.A. N.A.
2019 Floods and Heavy Bihar, Maharashtra and Kerala N.A. N.A.
2020 Lighting &/Or Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand N.A. N.A.
Cold Wave Bihar and Uttar Pradesh N.A. N.A.
Note : N.A.: Not available.
Source : EnviStats India 2021, Central Statistics Office, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govt. of India.
Natural Resources
Natural Resources
Natural Resources
1991 6.36 33.89 2.70 5790.20 1134 1804.20 41 1187 7288.90 14883.30
1992 2.64 19.26 1.75 10275.80 687 3082.80 79 1533 20106.70 33445.30
1993 11.44 30.41 3.21 13086.30 1926 5283.20 211 2864 14455.30 33824.90
1994 4.81 27.55 3.96 8886.20 915 1652.10 52 2078 7407.60 17945.90
1995 5.24 35.93 3.24 17147.90 2002 13078.90 62 1814 6796.30 37023.10
1996 8.05 44.73 3.83 11244.90 727 1765.90 73 1803 8613.90 30057.40
1997 4.57 29.66 2.26 6927.40 505 1525.00 28 1402 19859.30 28311.80
1998 10.85 47.44 7.50 25941.70 1933 11087.80 107 2889 51577.70 88607.20
1999 7.77 27.99 1.75 18508.70 1613 12990.60 91 745 4628.30 36127.60
2000 5.38 45.01 3.58 42466.20 2629 6809.40 123 2606 39369.80 88645.40
2001 6.18 26.46 3.96 6884.80 716 8164.70 33 1444 56044.60 71094.20
2002 7.09 26.32 2.19 9130.90 762 5993.70 22 1001 10620.80 25745.40
Natural Resources
Year Area Population Damage to crops Damage to house Cattle Human Damage to Total damages
affected affected lost lives lost public to crops, houses
utilities & public
(million (million) Area Value Nos. Value Nos. Nos. (₹ million) (₹ million)
ha) (million ha) (₹ million) (’000) (₹ million) (‘000)
2003 6.12 43.20 4.27 7307.23 775 756.48 15 2166 3262.15 11325.87
2004 5.31 43.73 2.89 778.69 1664 879.60 134 1813 1656.09 3529.71
2005 12.56 22.93 12.30 2370.92 716 380.53 120 1455 4688.22 7660.49
2006 1.10 25.22 1.82 2850.67 1497 3636.85 267 1431 13303.93 21546.29
2007 7.14 41.40 8.79 3121.53 3280 2113.11 89 3389 8049.04 13425.34
2008 3.43 29.91 3.19 3401.56 1567 1141.89 102 2876 5046.48 9595.34
2009 3.84 29.54 3.59 4232.61 1236 10809.80 63 1513 17509.35 32554.77
2010 2.62 18.30 4.99 5887.38 294 875.95 40 1582 12757.25 19520.59
2011 1.90 15.97 2.72 1393.85 1153 410.48 36 1761 6053.57 7857.89
2012 2.14 14.69 1.95 1534.11 175 240.57 32 933 9169.97 10944.65
2013* 3.64 21.15 3.64 3214.99 662 526.12 157 2137 3938.12 11094.96
2014* 10.24 9.25 5.09 1439.15 169 459.22 17 1402 4740.34 6638.27
2015* 0.26 22.70 2.42 12693.08 870 7998.93 26 963 8343.79 29099.93
Total 442.53 1981.17 236.67 84890.97 75918 42598.16 5930 102986 136395.50 268551.11
Average 7.02 31.45 3.76 1347.48 1205.05 676.16 94.12 1634.70 2165.01 4262.72
Maximum 17.05 70.45 12.30 12693.08 3507.54 10809.80 618 11316 17509.35 32551.76
(Year) (1978) (1978) (2005) (2003) (1978) (2009) (1979) (1977) (2009) (2009)
Note : *: Tentative.
Source : Compendium of Environment Statistics India 2016, Central Statistics Office, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govt. of India.
Natural Resources
2009-10 689.8 892.2 -22.7 135.5 125.9 7.6 24.6 43.8 -43.8 122.9 133.7 -8.1 972.8 1195.6 -18.6
2010-11 912.8 893.2 2.2 153.2 126.3 21.3 31.9 40.9 -22.0 114.4 131.3 -12.9 1212.3 1191.7 1.7
2011-12 899.9 887.5 1.4 65.7 127.2 -48.3 38.8 40.9 -5.8 90.3 131.3 -31.2 1094.7 1186.9 -7.8
2012-13 819.5 886.9 -7.6 100.6 127.2 -20.9 51.4 40.9 25.7 101.9 131.3 -22.4 1073.4 1186.3 -9.5
2013-14 936.7 886.9 5.6 149.5 127.2 17.5 46.2 40.9 13.0 130.0 131.3 -1.0 1262.4 1186.3 6.4
2014-15 777.5 886.9 -12.3 85.2 127.2 -33.0 37.6 41.4 -9.2 181.5 131.5 38.0 1081.8 1187.0 -8.9
2015-16 760.6 887.5 -14.3 97.8 127.2 -23.1 17.9 41.4 -56.8 131.0 131.5 -0.40 1007.3 1187.6 -15.2
2016-17 862.0 887.5 -2.9 69.7 127.2 -45.2 39.3 41.4 -5.1 128.4 131.5 -2.4 1099.4 1187.6 -7.4
2017-18 841.3 887.5 -5.2 112.7 127.2 -11.4 15.4 41.4 -62.8 117 131.5 -11.0. 1086.4 1187.6. -8.5.
2018-19 804.0 887.5 -9.4 71.2 127.2 -44.0 51.4 41.4 24.2 99 131.5 -24.7 1025.6 1187.6 -13.6
2019-20 968.3 880.6 10.0 160.0 123.8 29.2 40.2 41.4 -1.4 158.5 131.7 20.3 1327.0 1176.9 12.8
2020-21 957.6 880.6 8.7 124.6 123.8 0.6 27.8 40.8 -32.0 155.2 131.7 18.0 1265.2 1176.9 12.8
2021-22 874.6 880.6 -1.0 177.8 123.8 44.0 58.7 40.8 44.0 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Natural Resources
Note : 1. *: Provisional, 2. Figures in parentheses indicate percentage electricity consumption in different sectors,
3. CAGR: Compound annual growth rate.
Source : Energy Statistics 2022, Central Statistics Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Govt. of India.
Natural Resources
Natural Resources
Natural Resources
Natural Resources
Table 1.20: All-India cultivated and irrigated area under food grains with
land man ratio
Year Gross area under food % Share of area % Share of irrigated Land man ratio
grains (’000 ha) under food grains to area under food grains
Cultivated Irrigated Gross area sown to Gross irrigated area
1965-66 114887 24032 74.0 77.8 0.29
1970-71 124910 30117 75.3 78.9 0.28
1975-76 128538 34093 75.0 78.6 0.26
1980-81 127608 37851 73.9 76.0 0.24
1985-86 128756 40407 72.1 74.4 0.22
1990-91 127948 44866 68.9 71.0 0.20
1991-92 122520 45790 67.2 69.7 0.20
1992-93 125234 46855 67.4 70.2 0.19
1993-94 124782 48261 66.9 70.7 0.19
1994-95 125949 49894 67.0 70.6 0.19
1995-96 123463 49543 65.9 69.4 0.18
1996-97 125101 52175 66.0 68.6 0.16
1997-98 125716 52440 66.2 69.3 0.16
1998-99 126879 54957 66.2 69.9 0.17
1999-00 124719 55661 66.2 70.3 0.17
2000-01 122680 53609 66.2 70.4 0.17
2001-02 124222 54131 66.1 69.1 0.16
2002-03 115254 50043 66.3 68.5 0.16
2003-04 124971 53242 65.9 68.2 0.16
2004-05 122710 54715 64.2 67.5 0.16
2005-06 123610 56489 64.1 67.0 0.15
2006-07 124106 58550 64.5 67.5 0.15
2007-08 125859 59512 64.5 67.6 0.15
2008-09* 124635 60415 63.8 68.0 0.15
2009-10* 121467 58107 64.2 68.3 0.15
2010-11* 126938 61003 64.2 68.6 0.14
2011-12* 123549 61549 63.1 67.1 0.14
2012-13* 120361 61742 62.0 66.9 0.14
2013-14* 125113 64959 62.3 67.8 0.14
2014-15* 123520 65545 62.3 67.7 0.14
2015-16* 121300 63880 61.6 66.0 0.13
2016-17* 127671 66595 63.8 67.9 0.13
2017-18* 127956 67815 64.0 67.8 0.13
Note : 1. *: Provisional, 2. Land man ratio = Arable land and land under permanent crops/population.
Source : Fertiliser Statistics 2020-21, The Fertiliser Association of India, New Delhi.
Natural Resources
Table 1.21: All India cultivated and irrigated area–gross and net along with
cropping intensity
(million ha)
Year Area sown Irrigated area Intensity of Cropping
gross irrigated intensity
Gross Net More than Gross Net More than
area to gross (%)
once once
sown area (%)
1960-61 152.77 133.20 19.57 27.98 24.66 3.32 18.3 114.7
1965-66 155.28 136.20 19.08 30.90 26.34 4.56 19.9 114.0
1970-71 165.79 140.86 24.93 38.20 31.10 7.09 23.0 118.2
1975-76 171.30 141.65 29.64 43.36 34.59 8.77 25.3 120.9
1980-81 172.63 140.29 32.34 49.78 38.72 11.06 28.8 123.3
1985-86 178.46 140.90 37.56 54.28 41.87 12.42 30.4 126.7
1990-91 185.74 143.00 42.74 63.20 48.02 15.18 34.0 129.9
1995-96 187.47 142.20 45.27 71.35 53.40 17.95 38.1 131.8
1996-97 189.50 142.93 46.57 76.03 55.11 20.91 40.1 132.6
1997-98 189.99 141.95 48.04 75.67 55.21 20.46 39.7 133.9
1998-99 191.65 142.75 48.90 78.67 57.44 21.23 41.0 134.3
1999-00 188.40 141.06 47.33 79.22 57.53 21.69 42.0 133.6
2000-01 185.34 141.34 44.01 76.19 55.21 20.98 41.1 131.1
2001-02 188.01 140.73 47.28 78.37 56.94 21.44 41.7 133.6
2002-03 173.89 131.94 41.95 73.06 53.90 19.16 42.0 131.8
2003-04 189.66 140.71 48.95 78.04 57.06 20.99 41.1 134.8
2004-05 191.10 140.64 50.46 81.08 59.23 21.85 42.4 135.9
2005-06 192.74 141.16 51.58 84.28 60.84 23.44 43.7 136.5
2006-07 192.38 139.82 52.56 86.75 62.75 24.01 45.1 137.6
2007-08 195.22 141.02 54.21 88.06 63.19 24.87 45.1 138.4
2008-09 195.33 141.90 53.43 88.90 63.64 25.26 45.5 137.7
2009-10 189.19 139.17 50.02 85.09 61.95 23.14 45.0 135.9
2010-11* 197.68 141.56 56.12 88.94 63.67 25.28 45.0 139.6
2011-12* 195.80 140.98 54.82 91.79 65.71 26.08 46.9 138.9
2012-13* 194.22 139.94 54.29 92.24 66.29 25.96 47.5 138.8
2013-14* 200.95 141.43 59.53 95.76 68.12 27.64 47.7 142.1
2014-15* 198.38 140.13 58.25 96.75 68.38 28.37 48.8 141.6
2015-16* 197.05 139.51 57.55 96.78 67.30 29.48 49.1 141.3
2016-17* 200.20 139.42 60.79 98.15 68.65 29.50 49.0 143.6
2017-18* 199.99 139.18 60.81 100.08 69.48 30.61 50.0 143.7
2018-19* 202.08 139.50 62.57 103.25 71.58 31.67 51.1 144.9
Note : 1. *: Provisional, 2. Cropping intensity = Gross/Net sown area x 100.
Source : Fertiliser Statistics 2020-21, The Fertiliser Association of India, New Delhi.
Natural Resources
Table 1.22: Distribution of land use, number and area of holdings in India by irrigation status and
size classes for all social groups as per Agriculture Census 2015-16*
(Number: 000’, Area: 000’ ha)
Sl. Size Class Total Holdings Wholly Irrigated Wholly Partially Irrigated Holdings Holdings Net Area Area Net Area Uncultivated
No. (in ha.) Holdings Unirrigated Receiving Sown Under Cultivated area
Holdings Irrigation Current
No. Area No. Area No. Area No. Total Irrigate Numb Net Fallows
Area d Area er Irrigate
1 Below 0.5 70469 16473 32732 7783 25670 5589 7833 1418 756 40565 8539 1075 86 1161 39
2 (0.5-1.0) 29783 21450 12434 8553 12748 8582 3493 2347 1277 15927 9830 1969 168 2138 75
Marginal 100251 37923 45165 16336 38418 14170 11326 3765 2033 56492 18369 3045 254 3299 114
3 (1.0-2.0) 25809 36151 9161 12117 11837 15259 4055 5229 3036 13215 15153 3721 288 4009 192
Small 25809 36151 9161 12117 11837 15259 4055 5229 3036 13215 15153 3721 288 4009 192
4 (2.0-3.0) 9828 23375 3344 7504 4408 9521 1809 3883 2230 5153 9735 2564 235 2799 172
5 (3.0-4.0) 4166 14245 1399 4514 1778 5457 878 2647 1548 2277 6062 1457 169 1625 156
Semi-medium 13993 37619 4743 12018 6186 14978 2687 6530 3779 7430 15797 4021 403 4424 328
6 (4.0-5.0) 2366 10458 810 3413 956 3760 535 2068 1205 1345 4617 1069 145 1214 142
7 (5.0-7.5) 2352 14147 761 4359 947 5001 577 2997 1691 1338 6050 1319 210 1529 208
8 (7.5-10.0) 843 7206 264 2129 345 2520 213 1540 856 476 2985 654 118 773 119
Medium 5561 31810 1835 9901 2247 11281 1324 6605 3751 3159 13652 3042 473 3515 469
9 (10.0-20.0) 693 9067 202 2508 299 3216 174 1881 965 376 3473 680 164 844 164
10 20 & Above 145 5247 36 1327 71 1990 34 924 462 70 1790 310 62 372 54
Large 838 14314 238 3836 370 5206 208 2804 1427 446 5263 990 226 1216 218
All Classes 146454 157817 61142 54208 59059 60894 19600 24933 14026 80742 68234 14818 1645 16463 1322
Natural Resources
Natural Resources
Natural Resources
Rice husk 52.7 52.6 53.3 52.7 52.2 54.9 56.4 58.2 59.4 61.1
Wheat straw 126.2 124.4 127.5 115.1 122.7 131.0 132.8 137.8 143.5 145.7
Maize cobs 6.5 6.7 7.3 7.3 6.8 7.8 8.6 8.3 8.6 9.5
Pearl millet straw 17.1. 14.5 15.4 15.2 13.4 16.2 15.3 14.4 17.2 18.0
Sugarcane bagasse 119.1 112.6 116.2 119.6 115.0 101.0 125.4 133.8 117.4 122.3
Groundnut shell 2.3 1.6 3.2 2.4 2.2 2.5 3.1 2.2 3.3 3.4
Cotton stalks 36.5 35.9 35.9 38.5 36.9 32.5 37.8 37.7 40.4 39.0
Jute sticks 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 2.0
Note : 1. *: Provisional,
2. N.A.: Not Available
2. The conversion factors used are listed below:
Rice husk = yield of clean rice x 0.5
Wheat straw = grain yield x 1.33
Maize cobs = grain yield x 0.3
Straw from pearl millet = grain yield x 1.66
Bagasse = weight of cane x 0.33
One coconut = 135 g shell, 164 g fibre, and 246 g pith
Groundnut shell = kernel yield x 0.33
Cotton stalks = 3 tonnes / hectare
Jute sticks = 3 tonnes / hectare
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.(
Natural Resources
Natural Resources
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)a at constant 4918533 8736329 9213017 9801370 10527674 11369493 12308193 13144582 13992914# 14515958@ 13558473*
prices ( ₹ Crore)
36202 63462 65538 68572 72805 77659 83003 87586 92133# 94270@ 85110*
prices ( ₹ Crore)
Per capita Incomeb (at constant prices ₹
Rate of Gross Capital Formation to GDP at 36.5 39.0 38.7 33.8 33.5 32.1 32.0 33.9 33.8# 30.7@ 27.3*
current pricesC (percentage)
Rate of Gross Savings to GDP at current 33.7 34.6 33.9 32.1 32.2 31.1 31.3 32.1 31.8# 29.9@ 28.2*
pricesC (percentage)
Index of agricultural productiond 121.0 124.3 124.0 129.8 124.0 120.8 132.8 139.4 138.1 145.5 137.2
Index of agricultural production(IIP)e 165.5 170.3 103.3 106.7 111.0 114.7 120.0 125.3 130.1 129 118.1
Wholesale Price Index (WPI)e 143.3 156.1 106.9 112.5 113.9 109.7 111.6 114.9 119.8 121.8 123.4
Consumer Price Index for industrial 180.0 195.0 215.0 236.0 251.0 265.0 276.0
284.4 299.9 323.0 333.0
workers (CPI-IW)f
(a) Food grains (million tonnes) 244.5 259.3 257.1 265.0 252.0 251.6 275.1 285.0 285.2 297.5 308.6**
(c) Coal and lignite (million tonnes) 570.4 582.3 602.9 610.0 657.4 683.0 703.1 722.7 773.0 772.9(P) N.A.
(d) Crude oil (million tonnes) 37.7 38.1 37.9 37.8 37.5 36.9 36.0 35.7 34.2 32.2 30.5
(e) Electricity generator (utilities only) 844.8 922.5 964.5 1026.6 1105.1 1167.6 1235.4 1303.3 1371.76 1383.44 1373.15
(billion kWh)
1136964 1465959 1634318 1905011 1896348 1716384 1849434 1956515 2307726 2219854 2159043
(i) Export
US$ million 249816 305964 300401 314405 310338 262291 275852 303526 330078 313361 291808
₹ Crore
1683467 2345463 2669162 2715421 2736677 2490304 2577675 3001033 3594675 3360954 2915958
(ii) Import
US$ million 369769 489319 490737 450198 447964 381007 384357 465581 514078 474709 394436
₹ Crore
Foreign exchange reservesg 1224883 1330511 1412630 1660910 1985460 2219060 2244939 2597569 2665564 3333815 3924168
(excluding gold, SDRs and US$ million 274330 260069 259726 276359 317324 336104 346319 399442 385356.9 442212.72 536693.4
₹ Crore
Population(Million)h 1186.0 1220.0 1235.0 1251.0 1267.0 1283.0 1299.0 1314 1327 1341 1355
Birth rate Per 1000 21.8i 21.6i 21.4i 21.0i 20.8i 20.4i 20.2i N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Death rate Per 1000 7.1i 7.0i 7.0i 6.7i 6.5i 6.4i 6.3i N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Life Expectation at birth (In years) 67.0 67.5 67.9 68.3 68.7 69.0 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
(a) Male In years 65.4 65.8 66.4 66.9 67.4 67.8 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
(b) Female In years 68.8 69.3 69.6 70.0 70.2 70.4 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Education literacy rate (%)j 73.0 N.A N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
(a) Male (%) 82.1 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
(b) Female (%) 65.5 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
st nd
Note : 1. *: 1 Revised Estimates, 2. #: 2nd Revised Estimates, 3. N.A.: Not Available, 4. @: 2 Revised Estimates (New Series) ** As per 4th Advance Estimates, 5. a: GDP
figures prior to 2011-12 are at factor cost based on 2004-05 series. Figures from 2011-12 onwards are based on 2011-12 series, 6. b: Per capita Income prior to 2011-12
are based on constant (2004-05) prices and from 2011-12 onwards are based on constant (2011-12) prices, 7. c: Figures upto 2010-11 are percentages of GDP at market
prices (2004-05 series) and from 2011-12 onwards are percentage of GDP at market prices (2011-12 series), 8. d: Base year for data till 2000-01 is Triennium ending
(T.E.) 1981-82 and for data from 2010-11 onwards is T.E. 2007-08, 9. e: IIP and WPI from 2012-13 onwards are as per Base Year: 2011-12=100 and earlier data is
based on old base years. 10. f: Figures from 2010-11 onwards are based on Base Year: 2001=100 and earlier data is based on old base years, 11. g: As on end-March, 12.
h: Relates to mid-financial year (as on October 1) based on estimated population figures of C.S.O., 13. i: Estimates from Sample Registration System (SRS) Statistical
Report, Office of RGI, 14. j: The figures for 1951 1961 and 1971 relate to population aged 5 years and above and those for 1981, 1991, 2001 and 2011 to population
aged 7 years and above. 15. P-Provisional
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.(
Agricultural Inputs
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Agricultural Inputs
Table 2.2: Commodity-wise indent and production of breeder seeds during 2016-17 to 2020-21
Crops 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Indent Prod. Indent Prod. Indent Prod. Indent Prod. Indent Prod.
49729.40 69928.10 42954.30 62336.60 39459.20 66988.50 40163.10 70246.60 40751.60 72485.20
17670.50 18470.40 18595.60 26399.80 16470.40 20771.80 15284.50 18178.90 15448.30 17590.40
35658.90 33134.20 35414.70 28596.30 27148.80 28949.50 29499.60 27135.00 24027.60 24638.80
160.40 229.90 120.90 189.90 90.40 121.20 86.20 180.10 14.80 32.60
Fibre crops
826.40 853.60 962.40 1143.20 523.00 940.70 719.40 832.60 696.50 770.20
Forage crops
104045.70 122616.20 98047.90 118665.90 83691.02 117771.60 85752.80 116573.30 80938.60 115517.10
Source : ICAR-Indian Institute of Seed Science, Mau, Uttar Pradesh.
Agricultural Inputs
Table 2.3: List of field crop varieties/hybrids released and notified during 2021
Rice Jammu Basmati 118 (IET S.K. University of Agricultural 4.8 t/ha Jammu and Kashmir Suitable for medium duration cultivation, maturity 130-135 days,
27733) (SJBR 118) Sciences & Technology of Jammu, aromatic/scented rice, lodging resistance due to short stature
Chatha, (Jammu & Kashmir)
Jammu Basmati 123 (IET S.K. University of Agricultural 4.4 t/ha Jammu and Kashmir Suitable for late duration cultivation, late maturity (150-155 days),
27718) (SJBR 123) Sciences & Technology of Jammu, aromatic/ scented rice, moderately resistant to BLB, leaf blast and
Chatha, (Jammu & Kashmir) brown spot
Jammu Basmati 138 (IET S.K. University of Agricultural 4.5 t/ha Jammu and Kashmir Suitable for late duration condition, late maturity (150-155 days),
27725) (SJBR 138) Sciences & Technology of Jammu, aromatic/scented rice, moderately resistant to bacterial leaf blight,
Chatha, (Jammu & Kashmir) leaf blast and brown spot
Kau Pournami (MO 23) Rice Research Station, Moncompu, 7.4 t/ha Kerala Suitable for irrigated mid early condition, maturity 115 to 120 days,
[(KAU M 109-1-2-1 (IET Thekkekara, P.O. Alappuza red colour kernel, moderately resistant to sheath blight, sheath rot,
23739)] (Kerala) gall midge and brown plant hopper (BPH), high temperature, acidity
and salinity stress tolerant
Kau-VTL-10 (Lavanya) Rice Research Station, Vyttila 4.2 t/ha Kerala Suitable for irrigated mid early condition, maturity 110 to 115 days,
KAU-VTL-51-5 Kochi (Kerala) red colour kernel, tolerant to acidity, salinity and submergence stress
(IET 25083)
Kau Manu Rathna (HS-16) Agricultural Research Station, 4.5-5.7 t/ha Kerala Suitable for low land and kole cultivation as well as for irrigated early
Mannuthy Thrissur (Kerala). condition, short duration (95-99 days), tolerant to stem borer, leaf
folder, whorl maggot and moderately tolerant to blast
Kau Akshya [(PTB 62) Regional Agricultural Station, 5.5 t/ha Kerala Suitable for irrigated early condition, maturity 100-105, red colour
(Kau PTB 0615-01-25-17) Pattambi, Palakkad kernel, tolerant to salinity stress
(Cul 06-14)]
Agricultural Inputs
Gujarat and Bihar
DRR Dhan 59 (IET ICAR- Indian Institute of Rice 5.5 t/ha Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Suitable for Irrigated Medium ecology conditions. MAS derived,
27280) Research, Hyderabad (Telangana) Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and bacterial blight resistant high-yielding rice variety in the genetic
Jharkhand background of Akshyadhan (having the wild rice derived, major
bacterial blight resistance gene, Xa33), with seed to seed maturity of
125-130 days.
DRR Dhan 60 (IET ICAR- Indian Institute of Rice 3965 kg/ha Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Suitable for medium to low soil Phosphorous regions and Bacterial
28061) Research, Hyderabad (Telangana) (under normal Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, blight endemic areas. Seed maturity of 125-130 days.
condition) Jharkhand, Odisha,
3764 kg/ha Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra,
(under stress Gujarat and Bihar
Agricultural Inputs
Chhattisgarh and Andhra leaf blast, neck blast and BPH, Medium slender, straw glume. Maturity
Pradesh. 140 days
Swarna Unnat Dhan ICAR Research Complex for 5303 kg/ha Odisha, Bihar, West Bengal, Suitable for cultivation under irrigated transplanted condition,
(IET 27892) Eastern Region, Patna (Bihar) Madhya Pradesh and Moderately resistant to Bacterial leaf blight, sheath rot, leaf blast and
Maharashtra. brown spot, under natural screening, BPH, stem borer and gallmidge
under natural screening, lodging and shattering. Maturity duration:
115-120 days
MTU 1281 Regional Agricultural Research 63.07 q/ha, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Suitable for irrigated condition. Resistant to Moderately resistant to
Station, Maruteru, ANGRAU, West Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and leaf blast, neck blast and BPH, non lodging and low grain shattering.
Godavari (Andhra Pradesh) Paducherry and Odisha. Medium slender, straw glume. Average grain yield 70 q/ha Maturity
140 days
Agricultural Inputs
(IET 27869) (JGL (Telangana) discolouration. Short duration 116 days. Early variety
MTU 1212 RARS, Maruteru, ANGRAU, 7970 q/ha Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Suitable for irrigated transplanted conditions, moderately resistant to
(IET 26819) (Andhra Pradesh) leaf blast, neck blast, sheath blight, sheath rot and BLB. Maturity 140
MTU 1280 RARS, Maruteru, ANGRAU, 6070 kg/ha Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Suitable for irrigated ecosystem, non lodging, low grain shattering with
(Andhra Pradesh) Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. fertilizer responsiveness Maturity 135 days (seed to seed)
Kalinga Dhan - 1201 Odisha University of Agriculture 5722 kg/ha Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Moderate resistance to Stem borer, Leaf folder and gall midge, Blast
and Technology, Bhubaneswar Odisha. and BLB Maturity: 123-130 days
Kalinga Dhan - 1202 Odisha University of Agriculture 6052 kg/ha Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Moderately resistant to Sheath rot, Stem Borer, Leaf folder and WBPH,
and Technology, Bhubaneswar Odisha. non lodging, Non shattering. Maturity: 130 days
Agricultural Inputs
lentil/chickpea after the harvest of this variety, moderately tolerant to
most of the diseases including blast & blight.
CO 54 (CB 12588) Tamil Nadu Agricultural 63.54 q/ha Tamil Nadu Suitable for Irrigated condition. Moderately resistant to Blast, Sheath
University, Coimbatore rot, Brown spot and BPH White medium slender rice with high milling
(Tamil Nadu). (66.5%) and head rice recovery (60.7%). Intermediate amylose content,
gelatinization temperature and soft gel consistency Maturity : 115-118
ADT 55 Tamil Nadu Rice Research 59.29 q/ha Tamil Nadu Suitable for Irrigated (wet) condition, Medium slender, Resistant to
Institute, TNAU, Aduthurai bacterial blight (xa5, xa13 and Xa21)-developed through MAS
Thanjavur District Moderately resistant to blast, sheath rot and leaf folder Maturity: 115
(Tamil Nadu). days (114-118 days)
Rice TRY 4 (TR 05031) Anbil Dharamlingam Agriculture 5730 kg/ha Tamil Nadu Suitable for irrigated condition, Medium slender, white rice Resistant
College and Research Institute, to: leaf folder, stem borer and gall midge, blast and brown spot,
Agricultural Inputs
2833 kg/ha spot, Sheath blight, RTD, glume discoloration, False smut under
(drought natural screening. Moderately resistant to stem borer, leaf folder, BPH
condition) & whorl maggot under natural screening. Resistant to lodging and
shattering Multistage drought tolerant
Chhattisgarh Dhan 1919 Indira Gandhi Krishi 55-60 q/ha Chhattisgarh Suitable for rainfed and irrigated condition, resistant to gall midge,
Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur Tolerance to Neck blast and Brown spot. Maturity: 130-135 days (seed
(Chhattisgarh). to seed).
CR Dhan 702 (IET ICAR-National Rice Research 70-75 q/ha Odisha Suitable for Irrigated and Rainfed Shallow Lowland. Maturity: 140-145
25231) Institute, Cuttack (Odisha). (Kharif) days. Resistant to False smut, MR to BLB, leaf blast, neck blast, field
75-80 q/ha tolerant to Gall Midge, BPH and WBPH. Tolerant to (Sustain 10-15
(Rabi) days submergence at seedling stage, low light insenstive).
Agricultural Inputs
stagnant flooding, non-lodging plant type. Maturity: 140 days (135-145
CR Dhan 413 ICAR-National Rice Research 59.76q/ha Odisha Suitable for Rain-fed shallow lowlands. Resistance to BPH, WBP, stem
(Reeta-Panidhan) Institute, Cuttack (Odisha). borer (dead heart) & moderate resistance to white ear head, leaf, plant
hopper, leaf folder and case worm. Tolerant to abiotic stress:
submergence tolerance Maturity: 145-150 days
CR Dhan 512 ICAR-National Rice Research 39.23 q/ha Odisha Suitable for semi-deep water ecology. It is moderately tolerant to leaf
(Satrughan) Institute, Cuttack (Odisha). blast, neck blast, sheath blight and bacterial blight disease. It is
resistant to whorl maggot and rice thrips while moderately resistant to
stem borer (dead heart & white ear head. Tolerant to Water logging
tolerant, high yielding and fodder yield Maturity- 150-155 days
CR Dhan 803 ICAR-National Rice Research 5040 kg/ha Odisha Suitable for Rainfed Shallow Lowland Ecology. Resistant to stem
(Trilochan, IET 26398) Institute, Cuttack (Odisha). borer (dead heart) and BPH and moderately resistant to white ear head
Agricultural Inputs
(WGL-962) (IET 26094) Station, PJTSAU Warangal blast and tolerant to stem borer. Matured in 125 days (Short duration)
Kunaram Vari – 2 (KNM Agricultural Research Station, 7.6-8.5 t/ha Telangana Suitable for irrigated ecology. Resistant to gall midge biotype 1, 3 and
1638) (IET No. 26245) PJTSAU, Kunaram Peddapalli dist. 4; Resistant to leaf blast and moderately resistant to neck blast.
(Telangana). Maturity: 120-125 days (Kharif); 130-135 days (Rabi)
Kampasagar Vari-1 (IET Agricultural Research Station, 6389 kg/ha Telangana Suitable for cultivation during kharif season in the state of Telangana.
27816) PJTSAU, Kampasagar, Nalgonda Moderately resistant to leaf blast and neck blast, tolerant to BPH and
dist. (Telangana). salinity stress. Maturity Seed to seed: 135 - 140 days
VL Dhan 210 (VL ICAR-Vivekananda Parvatiya 2,157 kg/ha Uttarakhand Suitable for Spring Sown Rainfed Upland Organic Conditions.
11364) Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan, Resistant to leaf blast, neck blast, brown spot, stem borer and leaf
Almora (Uttarakhand). folder. Maturity seed to seed: 140 – 150 days
Agricultural Inputs
Pradesh). 140- 145 days) Medium
Sikkim Dhan-1 (IET ICAR-National Organic Farming 35.0 q/ha Sikkim Suitable for both rainfed upland and Irrigated for Organic conditions.
22984) Research Institute, Tadong, (upland) Resistant to leaf and neck blast, moderately resistant to Sheath blight,
Gangtok (Sikkim). 45.0 q/ha Bacterial Leaf Blight, Brown spot and moderately susceptible to Sheath
(irrigated Rot. Maturity : 135 days
Sikkim Dhan-2 (IET ICAR-National Organic Farming 47.0 q/ha. Sikkim Suitable for Irrigated Organic conditions. Moderately resistant to leaf
26579) Research Institute, Tadong, blast, resistant to sheath rot, brown spot, sheath blight and false smut
Gangtok (Sikkim). disease. Tolerant to prevalent pests in Sikkim i.e Leaf folder, Stem
borer, Maturity: 135 days Suitable for rainfed unpland. Resistant to leaf
blast, sheath rot and brown spot disease of rice. Tolerant reaction to
leaf folder.
Agricultural Inputs
Limited), 8-2-418, 4th Floor, adapted, drought and lodging tolerant, medium maturity (95-100 days),
Krishnama House Road No. 7, long cobs with orange flint grains, excellent shelling percentage (83%),
Banjara Hills, Hyderabad resistant to TLB, DM and ESR
BRMH-1 Varietal Research and Development 7.0-7.2 t/ha Karnataka (irrigated Late maturity (118-120 days), good shelling percentage (80-82%),
Centre (VRDC), Karnataka state conditions) yellow kernel, moderately resistant to TLB
Seeds Corporation Ltd., Dharwad
RCRMH-2 Department of Genetics and Plant 6.2 t/ha Karnataka (rainfed regions Medium duration, stay green, heat and drought tolerant, tolerant to
Breeding, College of Agriculture, during kharif and high Curvularia leaf spot (CLP), Rajasthan downy mildew (RDM), PFSR,
Bheemarayanagudi, Yadgir Dist, temperature areas during TLB, Polysora rust, Common rust (CR) and Charcoal rot (ChR)
(Karnataka) summer) diseases
Agricultural Inputs
Punjab, Haryana, Delhi,
Uttarakhand (Plain), Uttar
Pradesh (Western region);
(NEPZ) Bihar, Jharkhand,
Odisha, Uttar Pradesh (Eastern
region), West Bengal; (PZ)
Maharashtra, Karnataka,
Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,
Tamil Nadu and (CWZ)
Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,
Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan.
Agricultural Inputs
ADV 7132 (ADV 765) UPL Ltd, 8-2-418, 4th Floor, N.R. Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Suitable for irrigated/rainfed condition. Moderate Resistance to
Krishnama House, Banjara Hills, Uttarakhand (Plain) and Maydis Leaf Blight (MLB), Turcicum Leaf Blight (TLB), Charcoal
Hyderabad (Telangana) Western Uttar Pradesh. Rot, Sorghum Downey Mildew (SDM), Fusarium Stalk Rot (FSR) and
Polysora Rust (PR), Chilo partellus.
fodder yield : 101.54q/ha
Maturity* days : 95-100 days
L 315 (Him Palam CSK HPKV, Hill Agricultural Potential yield Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Resistant to Turcicum leaf blight (3.2), Moderately resistant to
Maize Composite1) Research and Extension centre, 6362 kg/ha Kashmir and Uttarakhand. Bacterial leaf and sheath disease (4.9) Resistant to TLB and
Bajaura, Kullu (Himachal Pradesh) Moderately resistant to BLSB
Maturity 101.2 days
Agricultural Inputs
PMH 13 Punjab Agricultural University, N.R. Punjab Protein % - 9.98, ß-carotene (ppm)-3.88
Ludhiana (Punjab).
JC 12 Punjab Agricultural University, 45.5 q/ha Punjab Suitable for under irrigated/rainfed conditions particularly in the
Ludhiana (Punjab). traditional maize growing areas of kandi belt.
Maturity: 99 days
Plant height: 203.1 cm
Protein Content: 9.72 %
β-carotene content: 2.94 ppm
Thousand kernel weight of new composite JC 12 is 279.3 g
Agricultural Inputs
quality with higher per cent crude protein and EE (Fat) Less incidence
of stem borer as compared to popular check variety GNJ-1.
Jaicar Raseela- CSV ICAR- Indian Institute of Millet N.R. Maharashtra, Telangana, Suitable for Rainfed/Irrigated conditions and timely sown conditions,
49SS (SPV 2600) Research, Hyderabad (Telangana) Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, resistant to downy mildew, rust, leaf blight and rough leaf spot
Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Madhya diseases. Tolerant to shoot fly and stem borer. Fresh stalk yield- 45.4
Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and t/ha. Juice yield-16508 L/ha. Computed ethanol yield-1254 L/ha.
Punjab. Maturity-123 days
Jaicar Urja- CSV 48 ICAR- Indian Institute of Millet N.R. Maharashtra, Telangana, Rainfed/Irrigated conditions and timely sown conditions. Resistant to
(SPV 2402) Research, Hyderabad (Telangana) Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, leaf blight, Superior to the checks for lower shoot fly and stem borer
Punjab and Uttarakhand. dead heart formation. Fresh biomass yield- 56 t/ha. Dry biomass yield-
21 t/ha. Ethanol yield (2G)-374 L/ha. Maturity-140 days
Agricultural Inputs
CSV 45 (SPV 2504) Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi 33.45 q/ha Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh Suitable for Rainfed, timely sown (Kharif season) Maturity 110 days,
Vidyapeeth, Akola (Maharashtra) and Tamil Nadu. Water absorption capacity is higher (80.0 ml/100) crude protein % is
8.72%, Soluble protein % is higher (0.87) Resistant to insect pests-
Promising performance for the shootfly dead hearts % at 28 days, stem
borer leaf injury rating at 35 days, stem borer dead hearts % at 45
days, aphid damage rating.
Pearl Millet MBP-2 (MalnoorBajra Agriculture Research Station, 2.7 t/ha Karnataka Suitable kharif sowing, medium maturity, compact panicle, pale
Population-2) Malnoor, University of Agricultural yellow, obovate seeds with high iron(72 ppm)and zinc (48 ppm )
Sciences, Raichur, (Karnataka) content, tolerant to major diseases and pests
PA 9385 Bayer Bio Science Pvt. Ltd. 48.7-52.4 q/ha Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Suitable for Irrigated and timely sown also early to late sown.
(MSH 353 (PB 1877) Pradesh, Punjab, Maharashtra Resistant to downy mildew tolerant to high temperature and lodging
and Tamil Nadu. Average fodder yield 81.0-88.3 q/ha. Maturity 88 days. Plant height
170 cm Quality traits Iron (Fe): 53 ppm Zinc (Zn): 36 ppm. Grain
characteristics grain size Bold, Grain colour Grey.
HHB 67 Improved 2 CCS Haryana Agricultural 20.0 q/ha Rajasthan, Haryana and Suitable for early, timely as well as late planting. Resistant to downy
University, Hisar (Haryana) Gujarat. mildew, blast, smut, rust and ergot, tolerant to drought.
Maturity 76 days
NBH 5929 (MH 2423) Nuziveedu Seeds Limited, 15.5 q/acre Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana, Suitable for Rainfed (onset of monsoon), Highly Resistant to DM,
Medchal- Malkajigiri Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Blast disease. Maturity 85-87 days
Secunderabad (Telangana) Pradesh, Punjab and Delhi.
RHB 228 (MH 2098) SKNAU, Rajasthan Agricultural 2672 Kg/ha. Rajasthan Suitable for Rainfed, Kharif, both high and low fertility, resistance to
Research Institute, Durgapura, downy mildew, blast and resistant to smut. RHB 228 matures, on an
Jaipur (Rajasthan). average in 75 days and flowers in 45 days. It contains 9.4% of Protein.
Agricultural Inputs
Kodo Millet
Tamil Nadu Agricultural Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, cropping systems. Tolerant to Brown spot, Leaf blight and Head smut
University, Athiyandal Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu diseases. Maturity (106 - 110 days)
(Tamil Nadu) and Telangana.
Dahod Kodo (CKMV 2) Hill Millet Research Station, Anand 28.92 q/ha. Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Suitable for rainfed situation. Medium maturity duration (105-110
Agricultural University. Dahod, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and days). Moderately resistant to Head smut (%), banded blight (PDI),
(Gujarat) Tamil Nadu. Leaf blight (G) and brown spot (G). Moderately resistant to shoot fly
damage (16.6%).Found at par in respect to Protein (6.2%), Zinc (2.6
mg/100gm), Iron
Chhattisgarh Kodo-03 S G College of Agriculture and 26.39 q/ha Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Suitable for well drained, rainfed, upland, early sown under both high
(BK-36) Research Station, Jagdalpur Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, and low soil fertility conditions. Moderate resistant to shoot fly.
IGKV, Raipur, (Chhattisgarh) Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Tolerant to banded blight and smut disease, moisture stress and
Nadu. moderate drought spells. Maturity 105-110 days
Agricultural Inputs
University, Athiyandal Chittirai Pattam (April, May). Resistant to: leaf, neck and finger blast.
(Tamil Nadu) Tolerant to Drought, Maturity: 105-110 days
Dapoli-3 (DPLN-2) College of Agriculture, Dr. B.S. N.R. Maharashtra Protein content 7.52 percent, Calcium content 264 ppm,
Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Iron content 121 ppm
Dapoli, Ratnagiri (Maharashtra)
Birsa Marua 3 Birsa Agricultural University, 26.9 q/ha Jharkhand Suitable for Rainfed Upland ecology /Timely sowing, Moderately
Ranchi (Jharkhand) Resistant to Neck & Finger Blast and resistant to Brown spot, Banded
sheath blight & Foot rot. Resistant to major insect/pest viz.,
Myllocerus weevil, ear head caterpillars, stem borers and
grass hoppers, Tolerant to Moisture stress tolerant during dry spell.
Average Fodder Yield: 69.7 q/ha, Maturity days : 110-112days
Agricultural Inputs
Soybean RVSM 2011-35 (RVSM Rajmata Vijayraje Scindia Krishi 2.20 q/ha, Madhya Pradesh, Budelkhand Suitable for irrigated and rainfed conditions, maturity 98 days, 19.1%
35) Visvavidhyalaya, Gwalior Region of Uttar Pradesh, oil, moderately resistant to PB(ct), YMV and TLS.
(Madhya Pradesh) Marathwada and Vidarbh
Region of Maharashtra,
Rajasthan and Gujarat
NRC 138 ICAR-Indian Institute of Soybean 17.9 q/ha, Madhya Pradesh, Budelkhand Suitable for irrigated and rainfed conditions, maturity 93 days, 21.1%
Research, Indore Region of Uttar Pradesh, oil content, moderately resistant to PB(ct), TLS and YMV
(Madhya Pradesh) Rajasthan, Gujarat,
Marathwada and Vidarbh
Region of Maharashtra
AMS 100-39 (PDKV Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi 20.5 q/ha, Madhya Pradesh, Budelkhand Suitable for irrigated and rainfed conditions, maturity 97 days,
Amba) Vishwavidhyalaya, Akola Region of Uttar Pradesh, moderately resistant to Charcoal rot and MLS; Slight antixenosis
(Maharashtra) Rajasthan, Gujarat, reaction for defoliators, resistant to defoliators, stem fly and R-HY/S-
Marathwada and Vidarbh HY reaction to pest complex
Region of Maharashtra
MACSNRC 1667 Agarkar Research Institute, Pune 20.5 q/ha Southern Maharashtra, Suitable for irrigated and rainfed conditions, maturity 96 days, MAS
and ICAR-Indian Institute of Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra derived EDV of MACS 450 for null KTI. Moderately susceptible to
Soybean Research, Indore Pradesh and Tamil Nadu PB, PSS susceptible to Rust,
(Madhya Pradesh) excluding rust prone areas on
bank of river Krishna like
Southern Maharashtra, entire
area of Belagavi, Dharwad,
Haveri Bidar & Bagalkot
KBVS 1 (Karune) University of Agricultural Science,, 10.64 t/ha Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Vegetable soybean variety, suitable for irrigated and rainfed
Bengaluru, (Karnataka) Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and conditions, 68 days to pod harvest, moderately resistant to PB,
Southern part of Maharashtra Moderately susceptible to rust and PSS.
Raj Vijay Soybean [RVS Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi 2.07 t/ha Madhya Pradesh, Budelkhand Suitable for irrigated and rainfed conations, maturity 101 days,
76] Visvavidhyalaya, Gwalior Region of Uttar Pradesh, resistant to charcoal rot
(Madhya Pradesh) Marathwada and Vidarbh
Region of Maharashtra,
Rajasthan and Gujarat
Agricultural Inputs
Institute, New Delhi Delhi content 20.7% and protein 32.14%, maturity 124 days, resistant to
YMV, RAB, BP, moderately resistant to stem fly, defoliators
Phule Durva (KDS 992) Agricultural Research Station, N.R. Southern Maharashtra, Highly resistant to purple seed stain and moderately resistant to rust.
Mahatama Phule Krishi Karnataka Telangana, Andhra Resistant to defoliators. Oil content 19.3%. Average yield 26.6 q/ha
Vidyapeeth, Kasbe Digraj, Sangli Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. and maturity 101 days.
AISb 50 (Adilabad Agricultural Research Station, 21-30 q/ha Telangana Suitable for Rainfed and irrigated condition. Resistant to Pod blight
Indore Soya Chikkudu- Adilabad, PJSTAU (Telangana). (ct), Frog eye leaf spot, Alternaria leaf spot and moderate resistant to
1) charcoal rot. Moderately resistant to defoliators and stem girdler,
tolerant to shattering even on delayed harvestings up to 8-10 days
Maturity: 99-104 days
Agricultural Inputs
TAG 73 (TAG 14-73) Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi 25-28 q/ha Vidarbha region of Suitable for summer with irrigated condition. Moderate resistance to
Vidyapeeth, Akola and BARC, Maharashtra major diseases (Tikka, Collar rot and Stem rot) and pests (Jassid,
Mumbai (Maharashtra). Thrips & Aphids). Maturity days :- 110-115 days
Sesame SVT-222 Shakti Vardhak Hybrid Seeds Pvt, 6-7 q/ha Haryana Shinning white seed colour, oil content: 46-47%, maturing in 84-90
Ltd, Hisar (Haryana) (high or low fertility rainfed days, suitable to early/ timely sown conditions, moderately resistant to
areas) macrophomina stem and root rot, phyllody and powdery mildew
diseases and leaf webber and capsule borer
Gujarat Til 11 (AT 324) Junagarh Agricultural University, 8.4-8.5 q/ha Telangana, Maharashtra, Suitable for Irrigated/timely sown summer season, black seeded,
Junagarh (Gujarat). Karnataka, West Bengal, moderately resistant to Macrophomina stem & root rot and resistant to
Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Alternaria leaf spot, Cercospora leaf spot and
Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu phyllody.oil content: 47-48%, Maturity: 92 days
Agricultural Inputs
JNS 521 Zonal Agricultural Research 550-600 kg/ha Madhya Pradesh Suitable for rainfed as well as irrigated hills and plain condition.
Station, JNKVV, Chhindwara Shining black seed, tolerant to Alternaria leaf spots & powdery mildew
(Madhya Pradesh). diseases under field condition. Tolerant to aphids, semilooper and
caterpillar. Maturity 99 – 109 days, oil content 37-38%
Sunflower TilhanTech SUNH-1 ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds 20.02 q/ha Uttarakhand, Jammu & Suitable for both Kharif and Rabi seasons under rainfed and irrigated
Research, Hyderabad (Telangana). Kashmir, Gujarat, Maharashtra, condition, Resistant to downy mildew, Moderately resistant to
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Alternariaster leaf blight and powdery mildew. Maturity : 90-100 days
Tamil Nadu, Telangana.
PSH 2080 Punjab Agricultural University, 10.81 q/ha Punjab Suitable for cultivation during spring season. Medium maturing
Ludhiana (Punjab).
Agricultural Inputs
Phule Chetak Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, 10-12 q/ha Maharashtra Moderately resistant to major diseases (Powdery Mildew, Mungbean
(PM-707-5) Rahuri (Maharashtra). Yellow mosaic virus) under field conditions. Tolerance to pod borer
pest under field condition. Early maturing (average maturity 69 days
Madhira pesara-01 Prof. Jaishankar Telangana State 12-13 q/ha Telangana Suitable for Rainfed/Irrigated and timely sown conditions.
(MGG 385) Agricultural University, Hyderabad Resistance to leaf crinkle, leaf curl, moderate resistance to YMV and
(Telangana). pod borer. Less damage due to pod borer and pod fly under field
conditions. Maturity: 70-75 days. Protein content of the seed is 29.05%
ML 1808 Punjab Agricultural University, 11-12 q/ha Punjab Suitable for Irrigated conditions, Resistant to yellow mosaic disease
Ludhiana (Punjab). (YMD). Medium sized shining grains with good culinary properties
Maturity: 70 – 75 days
Urd bean/ Pant Urd 12 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture 1427 kg/ha Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Suitable for Rainfed / Irrigated conditions of Kharif season. Resistance
Black gram and Technology, Pantnagar Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi, against MYMV, web blight, leaf crinkle, leaf curl virus and root rot
(Uttarakhand). Uttarakhnad and Jammu and diseases. White fly, pod borer, pod bug, maruca and pod fly. Matures :
Kashmir. 79 days
Kalinga Urd 41 Centre for Pulses Research, OUAT, 1101 kg/ha Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Suitable for rainfed condition. Resistance against MYMV, leaf crinkle
(OBG 41) Berhampur, Ganjam (Odisha). Nadu and Karnataka. virus and CLS and mod resistant to Web blight, Powdery Mildew.
Potential yield - 1927 kg/ha, Maturity 72 days
Kota Urd 5 Agriculture University, Kota 1650 kg/ha Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Moderately resistance to Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus (MYMV),
(KPU 52-87) (Rajasthan). Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Cercospora Leaf Spot (CLS), Powdery Mildew, Web blight,
Orissa. Anthracnose. Exhibited less incidence of aphids, defoliators, bod borer
& pod bug. Maturity Duration: 74 days
Mash 1137 Punjab Agricultural University, 10-12 q/ha Punjab Suitable for Timely sown during Kharif season in entire Punjab.
Ludhiana (Punjab). Resistant to (diseases and insect pests). Moderately resistant against
root knot nematodes, Maturity : 73-74 days, Plant height : 55-60 cm
Quality traits : Protein 24.16 % Grain characteristics : Attractive
brownish black seed colour, medium large seeds (3.35 g/100 seeds)
Agricultural Inputs
(Karnataka) Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh
Pant Arhar 7 (PA 477) G.B. Pant University of Agriculture 1.3-1.5 t/ha Uttarakhand plains under Suitable for timely sown, irrigated/rainfed condition, matures in about
and Technology, Pantnagar timely sown rainfed conditions 145 days, resistant to sterility mosaic disease
Pusa Arhar 2017-1 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research 1.3-1.5 t/ha National Capital of Region of Suitable for irrigated/rainfed condition, matures in 125 days,
Institute, New Delhi Delhi moderately resistant to wilt
Pusa Arhar 2018-2 ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research 1.6-1.7 t/ha National Capital of Region of Suitable for irrigated/rainfed condition, matures in about 128 days,
Institute, New Delhi Delhi moderately resistant to wilt
Phule Damayanti Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, 1585 kg/ha Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Suitable for Rainfed and Irrigated conditions. Duration: 172-
(Phule Tur-0723-1-2-3) Rahuri (Maharashtra) Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and 177 days. (Mean 175 days), Moderately Resistant to Wilt and SM
Telangana. diseases. Tolerant to Helicoverpa, Maruca and pod fly. Bold seeded
with mean 100 seed weight of 11.21g.
High Protein Content (20.87%).
Agricultural Inputs
Gujarat Tur 106 (Mahi) Pulses Research Station, Vadodara. 1842 kg/ha Gujarat High yield potential with resistant to wilt & moderately resistance to
Anand Agricultural University, (Middle SMD under the natural field condition. Green stem and green foliage,
(Gujarat). Gujarat) Yellow flower, Green constricted pod having 4-6 seeds per pod.
1853 kg/ha
(North Gujarat)
Birsa Arhar-2 Birsa Agricultural University, 25-30 q/ha Jharkhand Suitable for Rainfed condition, resistant to wilt and tolerant to Pod
(BAUPP09-22) Ranchi (Jharkhand). borer complex, perform good under moisture stress. Maturity: 240-250
days. Plant height: 195-200 cm. Protein content: 22.48
BDN 2013-41 Agricultural Research Station, 1950-2450 Maharashtra Resistant to Wilt & SMD, White seeded, Days to maturity: 160-165
(Godawari) Badnapur, Vasantrao Naik kg/ha days.
Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth,
Agricultural Inputs
PDKV Rutuja Punjarao Deshmukh Krishi 80-85 q/ha Maharashtra Suitable for Kharif and Summer season. Moderately resistant to
(AKCP 8-2-2) Vidyapeeth, Akola (Maharashtra). Yellow mosaic vairus). Maturity 45 days for first picking. Plant height
110 cm. Quality traits (Protein content in pod- 4.77%)
Horse Gram Sabri Kulthi (BSP 17-3) BTC College of Agricultural & 17.0-18.0 q/ha Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Maturity is 100-103 days. Resistant to dry root rot & yellow mosiac
Research Station, IGKV, Bilaspur Rajasthan, West Bengal and virus, resistant to leaf hopper & white fly.
(Chhattisgarh) Maharashtra.
Alakh Kulthi BTC College of Agricultural & 16.0-17.0 q/ha Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Maturity is 100-105 days. Protein content is 26.1 %. Resistant to dry
(BSP 17-1) Research Station, IGKV, Bilaspur Rajasthan, West Bengal and root rot & YMV.
(Chhattisgarh). Maharashtra.
AnanthaVulava-1 Agricultural Research Station, 8.0-11.0 q/ha Rajasthan, Maharashtra, West Maturity is 105-110 days. Highly resistant to dry root rot and
(ATPHG-11) ANGRAU, Ananthapuramu Bengal Chhattisgarh and moderately resistant to YMV.
(Andhra Pradesh). Jharkhand.
Agricultural Inputs
(270g/1000 seed), pod length 4.0-4.5 cm, and sweetness of the mature
seeds is 10.9 TSS
HFB-2 CCS Haryana Agricultural 25.17 q/ha Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Suitable for Irrigated/timely sown condition, Moderately resistant to
University, Hisar (Haryana) Pradesh, Chhattisgarh. Alternaria leaf blight and root rot disease under field conditions,
genotype is tolerant to stresses. Maturity days: 131-143 days (seed to
seed) Plant height (cm): 79-87. Quality traits: Good Protein content
(24.13%), Flower ground color-white with black melanin spots/streaks
on keels, Pod color- green. Grain characteristics : Seed hilum color –
black, Seed colour: greenish brown, 100
Broadbean SJBB-01 SKUAST, Jammu 80-100 q/ha Jammu and Kashmir Tolerant to major diseases and insect-pests prevalent in the region.
(UT of Jammu & Kashmir). Maturity 95-100 days
Agricultural Inputs
Cotton BS 30 Regional Research and Technology 18.85 q/ha Maharashtra, Gujarat, South Suitable for irrigated/ rainfed ecosystem, crop maturity 150-160 days,
(Irrigated/ Rainfed Transfer Station (OUAT), Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh Moderately resistant to Bacterial leaf blight and grey mildew and to
conditions) Bhawanipatna (Odisha) and Odisha in irrigated sucking pests
condition under high density
planting system.
Phule Mahi (RHB-1122) Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidhyapeeth 20.27 q/ha High fertilizer responsive and Extra Long Staple HxB hybrid suitable for irrigated ecosystem,
(SZ) (CZ) Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar timely sown conditions of maturity 170-180 days
(Maharashtra) Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,
Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra,
Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat
CICR-B Cotton 37 ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton 12.37 q/ha Irrigated conditions of Andhra Extra Long Staple G. barbadense variety suitable for irrigated
(CCB-51) Research, Regional Station, Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka ecosystem, maturity 165-170 days
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) and Tamil Nadu
KR-111 Shakti Vardhak Hybrid Seeds Pvt, 2.47t/ha Haryana (irrigated conditions Suitable for irrigated conditions under high and low fertility, maturity
Ltd, Hisar (Haryana) under high and low fertility) 160-165 days, non spinnable desi cotton hybrid
RS 2827 Agricultural Research Station, S.K. 3054 kg/ha Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana. Suitable for timely sown Irrigated conditions. Resistant to Showed
Rajasthan Agriculture University, relatively better disease reactions (tolerance) against CLCuD and BLB
Sriganganagar (Rajasthan). (Bacterial leaf Blight). Par tolerance with checks against white fly,
Leaf hopper and cotton boll worm complex. Maturity : 165-175 days
RS 2818 Agricultural Research Station, S.K. 3090 kg/ha Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana. Suitable for timely sown Irrigated conditions. Resistant to better
Rajasthan Agriculture University, disease reactions (tolerance) against CLCuD and BLB (Bacterial leaf
Sriganganagar (Rajasthan). Blight). Par tolerance with checks against white fly, Leaf hopper and
cotton boll worm complex. Maturity : 165-175 days
Suvarna Shubhra Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi 1300-1600 Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Suitable for timely sown condition in kharif season under rainfed
(AKH-09-5) Vidyapeeth, Akola (Maharashtra). kg/ha Gujarat, Rajasthan and Odisha. situation. Tolerant to Jassids, Myrothecium leaf spot, grey mildew and
(Rainfed) Bacterial Leaf Blight diseases. Maturity duration - 150-160 days
Agricultural Inputs
(CNH 1111) Research Nagpur. Gujarat, Rajasthan and Odisha. days
CICR-H Cotton 48 ICAR- Centre Institute for Cotton 13.99 q/ha. Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Suitable for rainfed condition, Tolerant to jassids. Maturity: 150-165
(CNH 1128) Research Nagpur. Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. days
CICR-H NC Cotton 53 ICAR- CICR, Nagpur, 14.95 q/ha. Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Suitable for rainfed condition, Tolerant to sucking pests. Maturity: 160-
[ICAR-CICR 16301 DB (Maharashtra). Pradesh and Tamil Nadu 165 days
DSC 1651 University of Agricultural Sciences, 16.88 q/ha. Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Suitable for rainfed condition, Compact variety. Maturity: 145-160
Dharwad (Karnataka) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu days
ARBC- 1651 University of Agricultural Sciences, 16.28 q/ha. Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Suitable for rainfed condition, Compact variety. Tolerant to jassids.
Agricultural Research Station, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Orissa, Maturity: 140-160 days
Dharwad Farm. Dharwad- 580007, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,
Karnataka. Telangana and Tamil Nadu.
Agricultural Inputs
Dharwad Farm. Dharwad, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Bolls/plant 50.2; Boll weight (g) 3.1; Micronaire (µg/inch) 3.3
(Karnataka). Madhya Pradesh.
ARBC- 1601 University of Agricultural Sciences, 19.55 q/ha. Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Suitable for irrigated condition, Compact variety. Tolerant than the
Agricultural Research Station, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Orissa checks to Bacterial blight and Myrothecium. Maturity: 145-165 days
Dharwad Farm. Dharwad- 580007,
ARBB-1502 University of Agricultural Sciences, 9.76 q/ha. Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh Suitable for irrigated condition, Tolerant to jassids. Maturity: 160-170
Agricultural Research Station, and Gujarat, days
Dharwad Farm. Dharwad- 580007,
CICR B Cotton 45 (CCB ICAR- CICR, Regional Station, 14.62 q/ha. Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh Suitable for irrigated condition, Maturity: 166-170 days
143B) Coimbatore- 641003. and Karnataka.
Agricultural Inputs
SRCH 207 BG II Sri Rama Agrigenetics (I) Pvt. Ltd., 17.04 q/ha Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh Bt cotton hybrid with cry 1Ac and cry 2Ab gene suitable for irrigated
Kurnool (Andhra Pradesh) and Gujarat ecosystem, maturity 140-145 days
YC 7963 Bt2 Yaaganti Seeds (P) Ltd., Medchal- 10.97 q/ha Gujarat, Maharashtra and Bt cotton variety with cry 1Ac and cry 2Ab gene suitable for irrigated
Makajgiri Distt. (Gujarat) Madhya Pradesh. ecosystem, maturity 140-150 days
(JBG-4 BG-II) Junagadh Agricultural University, 21.43 q/ha Irrigated (Central zone) areas Bt cotton hybrid with cry 1Ac and cry 2Ab gene suitable for irrigated
(G.Cot.Hy-24 BG II : Junagadh (Gujarat). of Gujarat, Maharashtra and ecosystem, maturity 155-175 days
Sorath Swet Kanak) Madhya Pradesh.
Neo 1635 BG II (SZ) Research & Development, Neo 18.21 q/ha All types of cotton growing Bt cotton hybrid with cry 1Ac and cry 2Ab gene suitable for rainfed
seeds India Private Limited, soils of Andhra Pradesh, ecosystem, maturity 125-130 days
Hyderabad, Telangana. Telangana, Karnataka and
Tamil Nadu.
Agricultural Inputs
Maturity 140 – 150 days
Pravir (MC5403 BGII) Rallis India Limited, Bangalore 36.7 q/ha Punjab and Haryana. Suitable for Irrigated with medium to high management conditions.
(Karnataka). Tolerance to important insect Viz. Leaf hopper, Thrips, White fly,
bollworm and Helicoverpa.
Maturity 150- 155 Days
ARCH 045 Ankur seeds Pvt, Ltd, Nagpur. 25.01 q/ha Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra Bt cotton hybrid with cry 1Ac and cry 2Ab gene suitable for irrigated
BG II and Gujarat. ecosystem, maturity Mid late
ARCH 888 Ankur seeds Pvt, Ltd, Nagpur. 25.12 q/ha Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra Bt cotton hybrid with cry 1Ac and cry 2Ab gene suitable for irrigated
BG II and Gujarat. ecosystem, maturity Mid late
G.Cot.Hy-26 BG-II: Junagadh Agricultural University- 19.69 q/ha Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Bt cotton hybrid with cry 1Ac and cry 2Ab gene suitable for irrigated
Sorathswet Kanchan 362001 (Gujarat). Pradesh. ecosystem, maturity 160-170 days
PAU Bt 1 PAU, Ludhiana. 2722 kg/ha Punjab and Rajasthan Suitable for North Zone, maturity 160-165 days
Agricultural Inputs
C 331 BG II Mahyco Pvt Ltd. 20.56 q/ha Gujarat Bt cotton hybrid with cry 1Ac and cry 2Ab gene suitable for rainfed
ecosystem, maturity 150-160 days
Solar 106 BG II Solar Agrotech Pvt Ltd. 18.37 q/ha Gujarat, Maharashtra and Bt cotton hybrid with cry 1Ac and cry 2Ab gene suitable for irrigated
Madhya Pradesh, ecosystem, maturity 155-160 days
Solar 108 BG II Solar Agrotech Pvt Ltd. 19.12 q/ha Gujarat, Maharashtra and Bt cotton hybrid with cry 1Ac and cry 2Ab gene suitable for irrigated
Madhya Pradesh, ecosystem, maturity 160-165 days
ICAR-CICR Bt 9 ICAR-CICR, Nagpur 29.34 q/ha Maharashtra Bt cotton variety with cry 1Ac suitable for rainfed ecosystem,maturity
(ICAR-H Bt Cotton 49) (Maharashtra). 150-170 days
ICAR-CICR Bt 14 ICAR-CICR, Nagpur 26.99 q/ha Maharashtra Bt cotton variety with cry 1Ac suitable for rainfed ecosystem,
(ICAR-H Bt Cotton 50) (Maharashtra). maturity 160-170 days
ICAR-CICR Bt 21 ICAR-CICR, Nagpur 9.97 q/ha Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh Bt cotton variety with cry 1Ac suitable for rainfed ecosystem,
(ICAR-H Bt Cotton 51) (Maharashtra). and Gujarat. maturity 150-160 days
Agricultural Inputs
over J 1006 and African Tall, respectively.
J 1007 possesses better fodder nutritional characters
CG Makka Chari 1 Indira Gandhi Krishi Vidyapeeth, 345.2 q/ha Chhattisgarh Suitable for Rainfed and /or Irrigated, Medium fertility. Resistant to
(IAFM 2015-48) Raipur (Chhattisgarh). MR for Leaf blight and Banded leaf & Leaf blight & stem borer.
Tolerant to Generally tolerant. Maturity - 90-95 days (seed to seed) &
50-55 days (Green fodder). Height - 185-190 cm. Grain characteristics
– White, Flint, Medium
Forage CSV 46F (Tapi Chari) Regional Station, Navsari 596.41 q/ha Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, Suitable for Rainfed condition during Kharif season. Tolerant to major
Sorghum Agricultural University, Surat (green fodder) Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, leaf disease viz., Anthracnose, Leaf blight, Zonate leaf spot, Gray leaf
(Gujarat) 163.42 q/ha Uttarakhand. spot, Rust, Mold-PGS and Mold-TGS, Plant Height: 249.80 cm. Days
(dry fodder) to 50% flowering: 79.75 days, (Protein Yield), 8.07 % (DDM yield).
Agricultural Inputs
Napier Bajra DHN-15 ICAR- IGFRI RRS Dharwad 200-250 t/ha Karnataka Suitable for irrigated condition. Tolerant to medium moisture stress.
Hybrid Maturity: Does not apply as it is a perennial crop.
Sugarcane Haryana Ganna 160 Sugarcane Section, CCS HAU 85.0 t/ha. Haryana Suitable for Autumn and Spring planting.
Regional Research Station, Uchani, Maturity & duration in days: Early group & 300 days
Karnal-132001 (Haryana) It is non lodging and multi ratooner.
Reaction against red rot was resistant (R).
Suitable for Autumn and Spring planting, average cane yield 85.0 t/ha
Early maturity group (300 days), resistant to red rot, non-lodging and
multi ratooner variety
CoVC 16061 University of Agricultural Sciences, 140-150 t/ha Karnataka Suitable for wide row planting. Resistant to leaf spot and grassy shoot
Bangalore (Karnataka) disease & moderately resistant to yellow leaf disease. Less susceptible
Agricultural Research Station, to early and top shoot borer & moderately susceptible to internode
Mahatama Phule Krishi borer. Maturing in 10 months
Vidyapeeth, Kasbe Digraj Dist.
Sangli (Maharashtra)
CoLK 14204 (IKSHU-8) ICAR- Indian Institute of 92.73 t/ha Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Suitable for irrigated normal condition.
Sugarcane Research, Lucknow Rajasthan, Central and Western Resistant to diseases and insect pests:
(Uttar Pradesh). Part of Uttar Pradesh. Moderately Resistant reaction against smut disease. It recorded Less
Susceptibility'(LS) reaction to major insect pests of the subtropical
zone. Tolerant to major abiotic stresses (Drought, Water-logging)
Agricultural Inputs
Ludhiana (Punjab).
CoPb 95 Punjab Agricultural University, N.R. Punjab Suitable for irrigated condition. Moderately susceptible reaction to red
Ludhiana (Punjab). rot pathotype CF 08 and CF 09 under artificial inoculation by plug
method, whereas resistant reaction under artificial inoculation by
nodal/cotton swab method, Maturity 8-10 months
Kalinga Sugarcane - 346 Sugarcane Research Station, 112.66 t/ha. Odisha Resistant to ESB, IB and Scale insects. High tonnage of cane yield,
OUAT, Panipoila, Nayagarh, high sucrose resistant / tolerant to red rot and resistant, abiotic stresses,
(Odisha). water logging and moisture stress, Potential yield 153.00 tonnes/ha,
Maturity 300 days
CoVC 16062 Zonal Agricultural Research 170-180 t/ha Karnataka Suitable for wide row planting and high tillering potential. Tolerance to
Station, VC Farm, Mandya, moisture stress situation, resistant to leaf spot and grassy shoot disease
University of Agricultural Sciences, & moderately resistant to yellow leaf disease. Less susceptible to early
Bangalore (Karnataka). and top shoot borer and moderately susceptible to internode borer.
Agricultural Inputs
Wheat DBWH 221 (DBW 221) ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat & 62.8 q/ha Haryana Suitable for timely sown, irrigated conditions of Haryana, plant height
Barley Research, Karnal (Haryana) (95-100 cm), maturity (135-149 days), highly tolerant to heat stress and
resistance to yellow rust
AAI- W 15 Sam Higginbotton University of 19.86 q/ha Entire Uttar Pradesh for rainfed Suitable for timely sown, rainfed conditions of Uttar Pradesh, plant
(SHUATS – W15) Agriculture, Technology and areas. height (110-115 cm), maturity (105-110 days), terminal heat tolerant at
Science, Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh). grain filling stage and resistance to brown & black rust
UP 2944 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture 50.71 q/ha Irrigated late sown conditions Suitable for late sown, irrigated conditions of Uttarakhand plains, plant
and Technology, Pantnagar of Uttarakhand plains height (101-103 cm), maturity (119-127days), high protein content
(Uttarakhand) (14.5 %) and, resistance to brown rust
UP 2938 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture 53.81 q/ha Irrigated timely sown Suitable for timely sown, irrigated conditions of Uttarakhand plains,
and Technology, Pantnagar conditions of Uttarakhand plant height (93-104 cm), maturity (136-139 days) and resistance to
(Uttarakhand) plains brown rust
Agricultural Inputs
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi Rajasthan, (excluding Kota and brown rust and also has superior grain quality, Days to maturity: 148
(Uttar Pradesh) Udaipur division), western (143-151), Plant height (cm): 100 (97-102), High Zinc content (41.8
Uttar Pradesh (except Jhansi ppm), Yield potential :77.3.0q/ha, sDays to heading : 98 (95-99)
division), Jammu and kathua
district of Jammu and Kashmir,
Paonta Valley and Una district
of Himachal Pradesh and Tarai
region of Uttarakhand.
Agricultural Inputs
district of Himachal Pradesh
Tarai region of Uttarakhand.
MP (JW ) 1358 Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi 56.1 q/ha Maharashtra, Karnataka, Plains Suitable for restricted irrigation, timely sown, Days to maturity: 105
Vishvidayalaya, Jabalpur (Madhya of Tamil Nadu. (102-107), Plant height (cm): 83 (74-88), Tolerant to heat (HSI=0.78)
Pradesh) and drought stresses (0.90), Resistant to black and brown rust, Rich in
protein 12.1%, iron(40.6 ppm)
DBW327 (Karan ICAR-Indian Institute of wheat and 79.4 q/ha Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Suitable for irrigated, early sown, high fertility condition of NWPZ,
Shivani) Barley Research, Karnal (Haryana) Rajasthan (except Kota and Yield potential: 87.7q/ha. Days to maturity: 155 days. Plant height
Udaipur division) and Western (cm): 98 cm. Tolerant to heat (HSI=0.81) and drought stresses (0.78)
Uttar Pradesh (except Jhansi Resistant to yellow and brown rust, Zinc (40.6 ppm), good chapati
division), parts of (Jammu and score (7.67/10)
Kathua distt. of Jammu and
Kashmir Panota valley and Una
Agricultural Inputs
MP (JW) 1323 Zonal Agricultural Research 61.52 q/ha Madhya Pradesh Suitable for irrigated timely sown condition. Maturity 117 days ( 93-
Station, JNKVV, Powarkheda 131 days). Resistant against brown and black rusts, higher protein
Hoshangabad (Madhya Pradesh). content (14.5%).
HUW 711 (Malviya 711) Institute of Agricultural Science, 21.85 q/ha Uttar Pradesh Suitable for Rainfed/Limited Irrigation, resistant to leaf and stripe
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi rusts, tolerant to water stress, Maturity 110-120 days
(Uttar Pradesh).
PBW 1 chapati Punjab Agricultural University, 45.1 q/ha Punjab Suitable for Irrigated Timely Sown, resistant to brown rust and
Ludhiana (Punjab). moderately resistant to stripe rust pathotypes, Good chapati quality,
higher protein content (12.72%).
Sunehri (PBW766) Punjab Agricultural University, 64.3 q/ha Punjab Suitable for Irrigated Timely Sown, days to maturity: 155days,
Ludhiana (Punjab). resistant to leaf rust and moderate resistance to stripe rust
PBW 803 Punjab Agricultural University, 62.02 q/ha, South western Punjab Suitable for Irrigated Timely Sown, high grain iron concentration (41.5
Ludhiana (Punjab). ppm), resistant to brown rust and moderately resistant to stripe rust
PBW 824 Punjab Agricultural University, 63.0 q/ha Punjab Suitable for Irrigated timely sown, moderate resistance to rusts under
Ludhiana (Punjab). natural and artificial conditions over the years. Maturity 156 days
PBW 869 Punjab Agricultural University, 63.1q/ha Punjab For Irrigated timely sown conditions, high level of resistance to leaf
Ludhiana (Punjab). rust under natural and artificial conditions over the years.
Barley KB 1425 Chandra Shekhar Azad University 33.07 q/ha Uttar Pradesh Suitable for Saline/Alkaline Soils-Irrigated, resistant to - yellow and
(Azad Barley- 33) of Agriculture & Technology, brown rust, leaf blight, Maturity: 120 days
Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh).
Indian Radhika (DRMR 2017- ICAR- Directorate of Rapeseed 16.86-18.47 Rajasthan (Northern and Suitable for irrigated late sown conditions (November), high seed & oil
Mustard 15) Mustard Research Sewar, Bharatpur q/ha Western Parts), Punjab, yield, oil content 40.7%, maturity 131 days, tolerant to high
(Rajasthan) Haryana, Delhi, Western Utter temperature at terminal stage
Pradesh, Plains of Jammu &
Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh
Brijraj (DRMRIC 16-38) ICAR- Directorate of Rapeseed 17.33 q/ha, Irrigated areas of Jammu, Suitable for irrigated late sown conditions (November), high seed & oil
Mustard Research Sewar, Bharatpur Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and yield, oil content 37.6-40.9%, maturity 120-149 days
(Rajasthan) northern Rajasthan
Agricultural Inputs
Azad Mahak [(KMR (E) C.S.A University of Agricultural & 20.47 q/ha Uttar Pradesh Suitable for timely sown irrigated conditions, Tolerant to high
15-2)] technology, Kanpur- 208002 (U.P.) temperature, it escapes from diseases, Alternaria blight, white rust
and fog., Maturity 120-125 days, Oil content 41.60%
RCH 1 Punjab Agricultural University, 26.66 q/ha Jammu, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi Suitable for timely sown irrigated conditions. Moderately tolerant to
Ludhiana (Punjab). and northern Rajasthan. moisture stress. Maturity- 149-155 days
Diseases and pest reaction: Resistant to white rust.
At par with checks for tolerance to Alternaria light, sclerotinia stem rot,
powdery and downy mildew and aphid attack
Pusa Double Zero ICAR- Indian Agricultural 26.44 q/ha Jammu, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi Suitable for Timely sown, irrigated, Resistant to white rust disease,
Mustard 33 Research Institute New Delhi. and Northern Rajasthan. tolerant to water stress, Maturity: 141 days, Plant height : 205 cm
Pusa Double Zero Mustard 33 has low erucic acid (1.13%) in its oil and
low glucosinolates in the seed meal (15.17 PPM) possessing 38.0% oil
content. It has yellow seeds
TAM 108-1 BARC, Trombay Mumbai, AICRP 3241 kg/ha Maharashtra Suitable for timely sown condition in Rabi season under restricted
on Linseed and Mustard, College of irrigation, Resistant to Aphid.
Agriculture, Nagpur (Maharashtra).
PHR 126 Punjab Agricultural University, 22.7 q/ha Punjab Suitable for Timely sown Irrigated ecologies.
Ludhiana (Punjab). Maturity- 142-148 days
Quality traits: Conventional quality
Seed characteristics: seed colour- brown, seed size-3.9 g/1000 seed
Diseases and pest reaction:
At par with checks for tolerance to Alternaria blight, white rust and
aphid attack
BirsaBhabha Mustard Birsa Agricultural University, 1556 kg/ha Jharkhand Suitable for Rainfed medium land ecology /Timely sowing
1(BBM1) Ranchi (Jharkhand). Moderately Resistant to Alternaria blight, White Rust and Powdery
Mildew, Moderately Tolerant to Mustard Aphids.Tolerant to Moisture
stress tolerant/Drought tolerant. Maturity days : 114-121days
Trombay Him Palam CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi 10.8 q/ha Himachal Pradesh Suitable for Timely sown, irrigated conditions in low & mid-hill zone
Mustard 1 (THPM-1) Vishwavidyalaya, Palampur of Himachal Pradesh MS reaction against Alternaria blight at leaf stage
(Himachal Pradesh). and MS to S reaction against white rust. Maturity days : 153 (144-160)
Agricultural Inputs
Station, AAU, Shillongani, Nagaon Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, Alluvial Sandy loam soil regime. Sandy loam and other light soils are
(Assam). West Bengal, Odisha and suitable for cultivation. Maturity 85-95 days
Linseed SHUATS - ALSI 2 Sam Higginbotton University of 11.10 q/ha Uttar Pradesh Suitable for irrigated conditions in high/ low fertility soils of Uttar
(SHA-2) Agriculture, Technology and Pradesh during rabi season; oil content 37.40%; maturity:123-125
Science, Allahabad, (Uttar Pradesh) days; resistant to powdery mildew & rust and moderately resistant to
wilt and Alternaria blight
Sabour Tisi-3 (BRLS Bihar Agricultural University, 5.47 q/ha UP (Excluding Budelkhand), Suitable for Utera cultivation for high/ low fertility regions during rabi
107-1) Sabour, Bhagalpur (Bihar). Bihar, Jharkhand, WB, Assam, season, oil content 38.2%, maturity: 118 days, resistant to wilt and
Nagaland, Bundelkhand of UP, powdery mildew; moderately resistant to rust; moderately susceptible
MP, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, to Alternaria blight.
Chhattisgarh, Odisha and
Agricultural Inputs
(Maharashtra). Madhya Pradesh and Maturity -124 days.
DSAF-1 (ANG-18-02) Agricultural Research Station, 18.02 q/ha Karnataka, Maharashtra, Suitable for both irrigated and rainfed condition, resistant/ moderately
Annigeri, UAD, Dharwad Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. resistant to Fusarium wilt, tolerant to abiotic stresses. Maturity days:
(Karnataka). 125-127 days.
Annigeri- 2020 (ANG- Agricultural Research Station, 18 q/ha Maharashtra, Karnataka, Suitable for both irrigated and rainfed condition, Resistant to diseases
17-102) Annigeri, UAS, Dharwad Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. and insect pests, tolerant to abiotic stresses)
(Karnataka). Maturity days : 123-130 days
Oil content- 28.6%
RVSAF 14-1 College of Agriculture, RVSKVV, 17.50 q/ha Madhya Pradesh Suitable for Irrigated & Rainfed Condition. High yielding, spiny bold
(Raj Vijay Safflower 14- Indore (Madhya Pradesh). seeded early maturing tolerant to aphids
1) Maturity 127-135 days
Oil content-30%
Agricultural Inputs
IPCL 4-14 (IPCMAS-1) ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses 16.64 q/ha Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Suitable for Timely sown; rainfed condition. Maturity: 128-133 days
Research, Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) Pradesh, Plains of Uttarakhand. (131 day) 100 seed weight: 16.6 g, Protein content: 18.1%
Pant Gram 8 (PG 170) G.B. Pant University of Agriculture 16.30 q/ha Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Suitable for rainfed/irrigated conditions, It is tolerant to wilt, It matures
and Technology, in 144 days. 100 seed weight: 20.45g
Pantnagar (Uttarakhand)
Pant Gram 9 (PG 158) G.B. Pant University of Agriculture 17.26 q/ha Uttar Pradesh and Plains of Suitable for rainfed/irrigated conditions. It is tolerant to pod borer. It
and Technology, Pantnagar Uttarakhand. matures in 142 days. 100 seed weight 22.41g,tolerant to wilt
Gujarat Kabuli Gram 1 Pulses Research station, Junagadh 13.83 q/ha Punjab, Haryana, North Suitable for Irrigated condition, moderate resistance against Wilt. A
(GJGK 1617) Agricultural University, Junagarh Rajasthan and plains of bold seeded line with beige colour attractive seeds with a protein
(Gujarat) Uttarakhand. content of 18.01%, maturity (144 days), 100 seed weight 42.2g.
Agricultural Inputs
Pusa Chickpea 4005 ICAR- Indian Agricultural 16.18 q/ha Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Suitable for Rabi, timely sown and rainfed conditions; Maturity (days):
Research Institute New Delhi Pradesh and Rajasthan. 119 days; Tolerance to abiotic stresses: tolerant to drought.
Quality traits: Protein content 17.17 %.; Grain characteristics: Medium
bold, yellowish brown seeds with seed size (100-seed wt. of 24.1g).
Karan Kabuli- 4 (CSJK Rajasthan Agricultural Research 14.72 q/ha Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Suitable for timely sown in prevalent cropping system. Attractive
174) Institute, Sri Karan Narendra Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. beige-coloured medium-large seeds (32.13 g/ 100 seed weight).
Agricultural University, Jaipur Medium Maturity (99 days)
Kota Kabuli Channa-3 Agriculture University, Kota 17.8 q/ha Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Suitable for Timely sown, irrigated conditions, medium tall (65cm),
(RKGK 13-414) (Rajasthan). Gujarat, Rajasthan and Uttar semi erect, single white flowers, medium bold, cream, wrinkled seed,
Pradesh. resistant to wilt. Maturity 110-115 days; 100 seed weight: 27.26g
Nandyal Gram 857 Regional Agricultural Research 8.2 q/ha Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, High yielding desi chickpea, attractive light brown-coloured seeds;
(NBeG 857) Station, ANGRAU Nandyal Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. average maturity: 90-105 days; 100 seed weight of 23.4g; protein
(Andhra Pradesh). content of 21.7%. Tolerant to wilt.
IPC 2010-134 (Shiva) ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses 17.06 q/ha Uttar Pradesh Suitable for Irrigated; Timely sown, 100 seed weight: 23g; Maturity
Research, Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh). :124-138 days (124 day); moderately resistant against Fusarium wilt
IPC 2007-28 (Atal) ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses 16.83 q/ha Uttar Pradesh Suitable for Irrigated; Timely sown, Resistant against Fusarium wilt.
Research, Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh). 100 seed weight : 18.5g; Maturity : 112-138 days (127 day)
Sabour Chana-2 Bihar Agricultural University, 18-20 q/ha Bihar Suitable for Late sown condition, time of sowing. Maturity duration
Sabour (Bihar). (120 - 125 days); 100 seed weight 14.5g.
Keshav (GNG-2261) Agricultural Research Station, S.K. 20.72 q/ha Rajasthan Suitable for Late Sown Irrigated conditions. Yellowish brown seed
Rajasthan Agricultural University, colour; grain yield; Maturity: 128 days; protein content: 21.09%; 100
Sriganganagar (Rajasthan). seed weight: 15.0 g
PBG 8 (GL 13042) Punjab Agricultural University, 21.00 q/ha Punjab Suitable for Irrigated conditions, moderately resistant to Botrytis grey
Ludhiana (Punjab). mould and Fusarium wilt diseases; Maturity:154-160 days; 100 seed
weight :16.5g
Phule Vishwaraj (Phule Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, 16.28 q/ha Maharashtra Suitable for rainfed condition; Maturity: 95-105 days; 100 seed weight:
G-15109) Rahuri (Maharashtra). 22-23g; Protein content- 22.91
Agricultural Inputs
Pant Pea – 195 (Pant P G.B. Pant University of Agriculture 1479 kg/ha Uttarakhand Plains Suitable for Uttarakhand Plains under timely sown rainfed/ irrigated
195) and Technology, Pantnagar condition, maturity 114-136 days. It is resistant to powdery mildew
(Uttarakhand) &rust diseases and moderately resistant to pod borer.
IPFD 16-3 ICAR- Indian Institute of Pulses 16-17 kg/ha Uttar Pradesh Irrigated as well as rainfed conditions during Rabi season. Round,
Research, Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh). smooth and creamish white colour and yellow cotyledon. Resistant to
powdery mildew, rust and ascochyta blight disease.Exhibited less
incidence of pod borer, leaf miner. Maturity Duration: 115-125 days
Oat OL 1874 (OL14) Punjab Agricultural University, N.R. Irrigated areas of North West Rabi season fodder crop suitable for multicut system. High green
Ludhiana (Punjab) Zone (Punjab, Haryana, fodder and dry matter yield. High crude protein and quality. moderately
Rajasthan and Terai part of resistant against leaf blight
Agricultural Inputs
White Him Palam White CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi 350-450 q/ha Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Suitable for pastures, grassland, wastelands and orchards of hill zones,
Clover Clover-1 (PWC-25) Visvavidyalaya, Palampur Kashmir, Uttarakhand. Sub-temperate and temperate climate. Moderately resistant to powdery
(Himachal Pradesh). mildew disease and no major insect pest has been observed, tolerant to
cold and frost Maturity 180-200 days (seed to seed). Plant height 25-30
cm, Quality traits (If any) Green fodder contains 19-20 % crude protein
on dry matter basis and is very nutritive for grazing animals
Berseem BL 44 (PC 91) Punjab Agricultural University, 81.95 t/ha All fodder growing irrigated Rabi season fodder crop multicut system irrigated condition. High
Ludhiana (Punjab) (NWZ) areas of North West zone green and dry fodder production as well as very high seed yield and
41.01 t/ha (Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, crude protein yield. Moderately resistant against stem rot and leaf
(NEZ) Uttarakhand, West Bengal, blight. Multicut fodder variety suitable for irrigated condition during
Jharkhand, Bihar, Eastern Uttar Rabi season, crude protein (18%), moderately resistant against stem rot
Pradesh and Orissa and leaf blight.
Agricultural Inputs
Note : N.R.: Not Reported, SZ: South Zone, CZ: Central Zone, NEPZ: North Eastern Plain Zone, NWPZ: North Western Plain Zone, PZ: Plain Zone
Source : Division of Crop Science, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi
Agricultural Inputs
Table 2.4: List of horticultural crops varieties/ hybrids notified/released/identified during 2021
Name of crop Variety Reccomended Area Sponsoring Authority
Chilli Arka Swetha (MSH 149) Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. ICAR-IIHR, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore, Karnataka
Gujarat Anand Vegetable Gujarat Research Science (Veg.), Main Vegetable Research Station Anand Agricultural
Chilli 141 University, Anand, Gujarat
(GAVC 141: Anand Tej)
PDKV Hirkani (AKC-406) Maharashtra Junior Breeding Cum Horticulturist, Dr. PDKV, Akola, Maharashtra.
Him Palam Mirch-1 Himachal Pradesh Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi
(DPCh-27) Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh.
Him Palam Mirch-2 Himachal Pradesh Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi
(DPCh-38) Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh.
Tomato Punjab Sona Cherry Sikkim, Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, Department of Vegetable Science, PAU, Ludhiana, Punjab.
(Punjab Yellow Cherry) Mizoram, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh,
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Punjab, Uttar
Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Haryana, Delhi,
Rajasthan and Gujarat.
Gujarat Anand Tomato 8 Gujarat Research Science (Veg.), Main Vegetable Research Station Anand Agricultural
(GAT 8: Anand Roma) University Anand, Gujarat.
Pusa Rakshit (DTPH-60) NCT of Delhi ICAR-IARI, New Delhi.
Pusa Tomato (Protected-1) NCT of Delhi Centre for Protected cultivation Technology, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi.
Cherry Tomato SJCT01/ Jammu Cherry Jammu and Kashmir Division of Vegetable Science and floriculture, SKUAST-Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir.
Him Palam Cherry Yellow Himachal Pradesh CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh.
Tomato (DDCTY1)
Pusa Golden Cherry NCT of Delhi Centre for Protected cultivation Technology, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi.
Onion PRO-7 Punjab Department of Vegetable Science, PAU, Ludhiana, Punjab.
POH-1 Punjab Department of Vegetable Science, PAU, Ludhiana, Punjab.
PYO-1 Punjab Department of Vegetable Science, PAU, Ludhiana, Punjab.
PWO-2, (PWO-35) Punjab Department of Vegetable Science, PAU, Ludhiana, Punjab.
Him Palam Shweta Himachal Pradesh Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi
DPWO-1 Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh.
( Palam White)
Agricultural Inputs
PDKV-Pragati (AKOV- Maharashtra Junior Breeding Cum Horticulturist, Dr. PDKV, Akola, Maharashtra.
Gujarat Anand Okra 8 Gujarat Research Science (Veg.), Main Vegetable Research Station Anand Agricultural
(GAO 8: Anand Komal) University Anand, Gujarat
Potato Kufri Kiran (HT/7-1329) West Bengal, East Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute, Regional Station, Modipuram, Meerut, Uttar
Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh plains, Punjab, Pradesh.
Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat.
Brinjal Arka Avinash Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. ICAR-IIHR, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore, Karnataka
Punjab Himmat (PBL-234) Punjab, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Uttar Department of Vegetable Science, PAU, Ludhiana, Punjab.
Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, Madhya
Pradesh and Goa.
Pusa Krishna (DBR-03) Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. ICAR-IARI, New Delhi.
Kashi Brinjal Green Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. ICAR-IIVR, Shahanshahpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.
Round (IVBR-17)
Kashi Manohar Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Goa ICAR-IIVR, Shahanshahpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.
GAB 6: Anand Doli Gujarat Main Vegetable Research Station, Anand Vegetable University Anand, Gujarat.
Birsa Chianki Baigan-1 Jharkhand Zonal Research Station Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Chianki, Palamau,
(CB-1) Jharkhand.
Sorath Ravaiya Gujarat Research Scientist (Garlic-Onion), Vegetable Research Station, Junagadh Agricultural
Agricultural Inputs
Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana and
Cabbage (Red) Pusa Red Cabbage Hybrid- NCT of Delhi ICAR-IARI, Regional Station, Katrain, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Pakchoi/ Cabbage Pusa Pakchoi-1 NCT of Delhi Centre for Protected cultivation Technology, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi.
Cauliflower Sabour Mukta Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh. BAU, Sabour Bhagalpur, Bihar
(BRECF 117/13)
Pusa Cauliflower Hybrid Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. ICAR-IARI, New Delhi.
101 (DCH-1467)
Pusa Snowball Hybrid-2 NCT of Delhi ICAR-IARI, New Delhi.
Pusa cauliflower Hybrid 3 NCT of Delhi ICAR-IARI, New Delhi.
Agricultural Inputs
Pusa Sem Lal (DB-5) Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh West ICAR-IARI, New Delhi.
Bengal and Assam.
Sponge Gourd Kashi Kalyani Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, ICAR-IIVR, Shahanshahpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.
(VRSG-195) Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana and Delhi.
Punjab Nikhar (PSG-111) Punjab Department of Vegetable Science, PAU, Ludhiana, Punjab.
Pusa Spong Gourd- 29 NCT of Delhi ICAR-IARI, New Delhi.
Longmelon Thar Sheetal (AHLM-2) Rajasthan ICAR- CIAH, Beechwal, Bikaner, Rajasthan.
Ridge Gourd Thar Karni Rajasthan ICAR- CIAH, Beechwal, Bikaner, Rajasthan.
Spine gourd/ Teasel
Arka Neelachal Shanti Odisha Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
Cluster bean GVG 11: Anand Bahar Gujarat Anand Vegetable University, Anand, Gujarat
Agricultural Inputs
Guava Megha Magenta (RCGH 4) Meghalaya and Uttarakhnad ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya.
Jack Fruit AH 10 Tamil Nadu Vegetable Research Station, TNAU, Palur, Tamil Nadu.
(Jack Fruit PLR 3)
Mango Arka Neelachal Kesari Odisha Central Horticultural Experiment Station, (ICAR-IIHR), Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
Papaya TNAU Papaya CO 8 Tamil Nadu Department of Fruit Science, Horticultural College & Research Institute, Tamil Nadu
Agricultural University Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
Watermelon NWMH-945 Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Nirmal Seeds Pvt. Ltd., Bhadgaon Road, Pachora, Jalgaon, Maharashtra
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Goa.
Grape Manjari Medika Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana and Tamil ICAR-National Research Centre for Grapes, Majari Farm, Solapur Road, Pune,
Nadu. Maharashtra.
Manjari Shyama Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana and Tamil ICAR-National Research Centre for Grapes, Majari Farm, Solapur Road, Pune,
Nadu. Maharashtra.
Manjari Kishmish Maharashtra, Karnataka, Telangana and Tamil ICAR-National Research Centre for Grapes, Majari Farm, Solapur Road, Pune,
Nadu. Maharashtra.
Agricultural Inputs
Lam Ajowan-2 (LTA- Andhra Pradesh AICRP on Spices, Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural University, Horticultural Research Station,
26/APHU Ajowan-1) Lam, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.
Turmeric Dr. YSRHU Lam Swarna Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Tamil Nadu AICRP on Spices, Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural University, Horticultural Research Station,
(Lam Turmeric-1/LTS-2) Lam, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
Garlic Ooty 2 Tamil Nadu Horticultural Research University, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Ooty, Tamil
(Garlic- As 72-05) Nadu
Source: Division of Horticultural Science, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
Agricultural Inputs
Table 2.5: All India consumption of plant nutrients per unit of gross cropped area
during 1970-71 to 2020-21
Year Gross cropped Consumption (kg) per hectare
area (000’ ha) N P2O5 K2O Total
1970-71 165,791 8.92 3.26 1.43 13.61
1971-72 165,186 10.88 3.38 1.82 16.08
1972-73 162,150 11.34 3.58 2.14 17.07
1973-74 169,872 10.77 3.82 2.12 16.71
1974-75 164,191 10.75 2.87 2.05 15.67
1975-76 171,296 12.54 2.73 1.62 16.89
1976-77 167,334 14.68 3.79 1.91 20.38
1977-78 172,232 16.91 5.03 2.94 24.88
1978-79 174,802 19.56 6.33 3.38 29.27
1979-80 169,589 20.63 6.79 3.58 30.99
1980-81 172,630 21.31 7.03 3.61 31.95
1981-82 176,750 23.02 7.48 3.83 34.33
1982-83 172,748 24.56 8.29 4.20 37.06
1983-84 179,560 28.98 9.64 4.32 42.94
1984-85 176,330 31.11 10.70 4.76 46.57
1985-86 178,464 31.72 11.24 4.53 47.48
1986-87 176,405 32.40 11.78 4.82 49.01
1987-88 170,738 33.48 12.81 5.16 51.45
1988-89 182,277 39.78 14.93 5.86 60.57
1989-90 182,269 40.52 16.54 6.41 63.47
1990-91 185,742 43.06 17.34 7.15 67.55
1991-92 182,241 44.15 18.22 7.47 69.84
1992-93 185,618 45.40 15.32 4.76 65.48
1993-94 186,595 47.10 14.31 4.87 66.27
1994-95 188,053 50.56 15.59 5.98 72.13
1995-96 187,471 52.40 15.46 6.17 74.02
1996-97 189,502 54.36 15.71 5.43 75.50
1997-98 189,988 57.38 20.60 7.22 85.20
1998-99 191,649 59.24 21.46 6.95 87.65
1999-00 188,396 61.53 25.47 8.91 95.91
2000-01 185,340 58.92 22.74 8.46 90.12
2001-02 188,014 60.16 23.31 8.87 92.33
2002-03 173,889 60.23 23.11 9.21 92.55
2003-04 189,661 58.40 21.75 8.43 88.57
2004-05 191,103 61.30 24.20 10.78 96.27
2005-06 192,737 66.01 27.00 12.52 105.53
2006-07 192,381 71.59 28.81 12.14 112.54
2007-08 195,223 73.86 28.25 13.50 115.61
2008-09 195,328 77.26 33.31 16.96 127.53
2009-10 189,118 82.35 38.45 19.20 140.00
2010-11* 197,683 83.76 40.72 17.78 142.26
2011-12* 195,796 88.36 40.42 13.15 141.93
2012-13* 194,246 86.60 34.25 10.61 131.46
2013-14* 200.951 83.35 28.03 10.44 121.83
2014-15* 198,378 85.44 30.74 12.77 128.95
2015-16* 197,054 88.16 35.42 12.19 135.76
2016-17* 200,203 83.59 33.49 12.53 129.62
2017-18* 199,988 84.80 34.27 13.90 132.97
2018-19* 202,077 87.28 34.20 13.26 134.74
2019-20* N.A. 94.52 37.92 12.90 145.34
2020-21* N.A. 100.97 44.43 15.61 161.01
Note : 1.*: Provisional, 2. Figures of consumption and gross cropped area refer to the same year, except last three
years, where gross cropped area is for the year 2015-16, 3. N.A.: Not available
Source : Fertiliser Statistics 2020-21, The Fertiliser Association of India, New Delhi.
Agricultural Inputs
Note : 1. Consumption of Plant Nutrients/ hectare have been worked out on the basis of gross cropped area available
for the year 2018-19 ; 2. N.A.: Not Available
Source : Fertiliser Statistics 2020-21, The Fertiliser Association of India, New Delhi.
Agricultural Inputs
Agricultural Inputs
Agricultural Inputs
Programme 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1. Seeds (lakh q)
I. Production of 1.23 1.10 0.82 0.86 0.90 1.11 1.05 1.04 0.92 0.91
breeder seeds
II. Production of 22.26 16.17 17.43 15.76 14.95 22.09 19.54 18.00 22.25 24.12
foundation seeds
III. Distribution of 294.85 313.44 301.39 303.12 304.04 348.58 352.01 320.41 383.72 421.09
certified/quality seeds
I. Nitrogenous (N) 173.00 168.21 167.50 169.46 173.72 167.35 169.58 176.28 191.00 204.04
II. Phosphatic (P) 79.14 66.53 56.33 60.98 69.79 67.05 68.54 69.68 76.62 89.78
III. Potassic (K) 25.76 20.62 20.99 25.32 24.02 25.08 27.79 27.79 26.07 31.54
Total (I+II+III) 277.90 255.36 244.82 255.76 267.53 259.49 265.91 273.75 293.69 325.36
Per hectare (kg) 142.33 130.79 125.39 127.45 131.84 124.41 127.88 132.57 133.44 137.15
3. Consumption of pesticides 52.98 45.62 60.28 56.12 56.72 58.63 63.41 59.67 61.70 N.A.
(technical grade material)
(000’ t)
Agricultural Inputs
Agricultural Inputs
Agricultural Inputs
N P K Total N P K Total
East Zone 2505.50 1080.22 589.99 415.71 2577.38 1213.64 676.89 4467.91
North Zone 6534.91 1952.80 317.10 8804.81 6849.18 2207.43 380.80 9437.41
North-East 207.07 59.65 52.82 319.54 194.92 63.65 53.43 312.00
South Zone 3653.98 1689.46 851.24 6194.68 4230.34 2090.83 1079.49 7400.66
West Zone 6199.03 2879.63 795.84 9874.50 6552.16 3402.41 963.09 10917.66
All India 19100.49 7661.76 2606.99 29369.24 20403.98 8977.96 3153.7 32535.64
Source :Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (
Agricultural Inputs
Table 2.13: State-wise area coverage under micro irrigation in India during
2019 and 2020
(Area in Ha.)
States As on 31.03.2020 As on 31.03.2021
Drip Sprinkler Total Drip Sprinkler Total
Andhra Pradesh 1388126 519165 1907291 1388126 519165 1907291
Pradesh 613 0 613 4017 3494 7511
Assam 2374 11320 13694 4208 16217 20425
Bihar 12488 106979 119467 13763 106979 120742
Chattisgarh 27504 316456 343960 31311 331283 362594
Goa 1336 1264 2600 1386 1346 2732
Gujarat 800720 728843 1529563 865959 764933 1630892
Haryana 35812 592221 628033 40018 600461 640479
Himachal 7934 6403 14337
Pradesh 6900 5386 12286
Jammu & 1779 280 2059
Kashmir 93 57 150
Jharkhand 25081 17298 42379 25686 17713 43399
Karnataka 723178 1048906 1772084 788981 1304281 2093262
Kerala 23954 8922 32876 24168 9096 33264
Madhya 330335 258600 588935
Pradesh 322181 249036 571217
Maharashtra 1314779 561647 1876426 1349979 576325 1926304
Manipur 358 2584 2942 358 7039 7397
Meghalaya 308 307 615 308 307 615
Mizoram 5088 1688 6776 5551 1744 7295
Nagaland 2424 5855 8279 3589 6210 9799
Odisha 26134 105095 131229 29425 115396 144821
Punjab 36025 13704 49729 36416 14055 50471
Rajasthan 264298 1685006 1949304 287619 1730876 2018495
Sikkim 6350 5260 11610 6667 7943 14610
Tamil Nadu 686572 252573 939145 805282 348010 1153292
Telangana 195831 71009 266840 203279 74871 278150
Tripura 444 1651 2095 444 1651 2095
Uttar Pradesh 32442 178624 211066 41273 227897 269170
Uttrakhand 10965 7944 18909 12737 10300 23037
West Bengal 10329 78182 88511 10347 92984 103331
All India 5962707 6576982 12539689 6320945 7155859 13476804
Source : 1. Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture
& Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Agricultural Inputs
Banks 1303500 1438030 1318800 1361020 1427500 1482870 5581210 4625010
Regional Rural
Banks 893260 1015790 1050010 1197900 1256540 1380690 1792670 1345790
Banks 4157360 4199300 4525760 4973220 4838050 5387950 1563690 1236560
Sub-total (A) 6354120 6653120 6894570 7532140 7522090 8251510 8937570 7207360
Regional Rural 131570 176810 182150 214260 240130 272570 114150 124840
Commercial 1886400 2230240 3472050 3737580 4710170 5312410 336430 275170
Sub-total (B) 2099160 2501970 3762980 4094030 5046200 5675790 6816410 4763690
Regional Rural 1024830 1192600 1232160 1412160 1496670 1653260 1906820 1470640
Commercial 6043760 6429540 7997810 8710800 9548230 10700360 1900120 1511730
Grand total 8453280 9155090 10657550 11626170 12568300 13927290 15753980 11971050
Agricultural Inputs
Table 2.15: State-wise crop area insured under all insurance schemes
(lakh ha)
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
States/ Gross Area % of Gross Area % of Gross Area % of
Union Territories Area Insured Area Area Insured Area Area Insured Area
Sown* Insured Sown* Insured Sown* Insured
Andhra Pradesh 74.18 18.89 25.47 74.18 19.87 26.79 74.18 N.A. N.A.
Andaman &
Nicobar Islands 0.44 0.01 1.26 0.44 0.00 0.14 0.44 0.00 0.59
Arunachal Pradesh 3.13 N.A. N.A. 3.13 N.A. N.A. 3.13 N.A. N.A.
Assam 40.87 0.49 1.20 40.87 5.61 13.74 40.87 9.23 22.58
Bihar 76.54 N.A. N.A. 76.54 N.A. N.A. 76.54 N.A. N.A.
Chandigarh 0.01 N.A. N.A. 0.01 N.A. N.A. 0.01 N.A. N.A.
Chhattisgarh 56.73 22.75 40.09 56.73 24.35 42.91 56.73 24.76 43.64
Dadra & Nagar
Haveli 0.23 N.A. N.A. 0.23 N.A. N.A. 0.23 N.A. N.A.
Daman & Diu 0.03 N.A. N.A. 0.03 N.A. N.A. 0.03 N.A. N.A.
Delhi 0.57 N.A. N.A. 0.57 N.A. N.A. 0.57 N.A. N.A.
Goa 1.55 0.00 0.18 1.55 0.00 0.09 1.55 0.00 0.01
Gujarat 119.94 26.11 21.77 119.94 29.44 24.54 119.94 N.A. N.A.
Haryana 64.52 20.55 31.85 64.52 22.50 34.87 64.52 18.85 29.22
Himachal Pradesh 9.59 0.90 9.38 9.59 0.94 9.81 9.59 0.80 8.36
Jammu & Kashmir 11.77 1.11 9.40 11.77 N.A. N.A. 11.77 N.A. N.A.
Jharkhand 20.45 6.32 30.93 20.45 6.45 31.54 20.45 N.A. N.A.
Karnataka 117.79 22.38 19.00 117.79 21.67 18.40 117.79 16.12 13.69
Kerala 25.84 0.43 1.67 25.84 0.37 1.44 25.84 0.44 1.71
Lakshdweep 0.02 N.A. N.A. 0.02 N.A. N.A. 0.02 N.A. N.A.
Madhya Pradesh 242.14 129.30 53.40 242.14 116.50 48.11 242.14 127.22 52.54
Maharashtra 239.47 88.62 37.01 239.47 79.22 33.08 239.47 68.10 28.44
Manipur 4.69 0.01 0.16 4.69 0.03 0.54 4.69 N.A. N.A.
Meghalaya 3.09 0.01 0.28 3.09 0.00 0.10 3.09 0.00 0.03
Mizoram 1.86 N.A. N.A. 1.86 N.A. N.A. 1.86 N.A. N.A.
Nagaland 5.21 N.A. N.A. 5.21 N.A. N.A. 5.21 N.A. N.A.
Odisha 48.84 14.85 30.41 48.84 18.54 37.96 48.84 11.89 24.35
Puducherry 0.26 0.08 31.52 0.26 0.09 36.07 0.26 0.07 28.82
Punjab 78.04 N.A. N.A. 78.04 N.A. N.A. 78.04 N.A. N.A.
Rajasthan 260.36 77.83 29.89 260.36 96.94 37.23 260.36 113.67 43.66
Sikkim 1.46 0.00 0.07 1.46 0.00 0.00 1.46 0.00 0.01
Tamil Nadu 51.29 14.16 27.62 51.29 14.20 27.70 51.29 17.01 33.18
Telangana 59.70 9.92 16.62 59.70 11.35 19.01 59.70 N.A. N.A.
Tripura 4.91 0.00 0.06 4.91 0.06 1.24 4.91 0.30 6.17
Uttar Pradesh 269.49 51.34 19.05 269.49 35.56 13.20 269.49 31.53 11.70
Uttarakhand 10.82 1.09 10.07 10.82 1.14 10.50 10.82 9.84 90.97
West Bengal 96.18 17.67 18.37 96.18 N.A. N.A. 96.18 N.A. N.A.
Total 2002.03 524.84 26.22 2002.03 504.84 25.22 2002.03 449.86 22.47
Note : 1. Latest data for Gross Area Sown (also known as Gross Cropped Area) is available till 2016-17 and the same has
been used for 2016-17 to 2020-21 for estimation purpose, 2. N.A.: Not Available.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Cattle 178.30 180.00 192.45 199.69 204.58 198.88 185.18 199.08 190.90 193.46
Buffalo 57.40 62.00 69.78 75.97 84.21 89.92 97.92 105.34 108.70 109.85
Sheep 40.00 41.00 48.76 45.70 50.78 57.49 61.47 71.56 65.07 74.26
Goat 67.50 75.60 95.25 110.21 115.28 122.72 124.36 140.54 135.17 148.88
Horses &Ponies 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.80 0.82 0.83 0.75 0.61 0.63 0.34
Camel 1.10 1.10 1.08 1.00 1.03 0.91 0.63 0.52 0.40 0.25
Pig 6.90 7.60 10.07 10.63 12.79 13.29 13.52 11.13 10.29 9.06
Mule 0.08 0.09 0.13 0.17 0.19 0.22 0.18 0.14 0.20 0.08
Donkey 1.00 1.00 1.02 0.96 0.97 0.88 0.65 0.44 0.32 0.12
Yak/Mithun 0.04 0.13 0.13 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.06
Total livestock 353.60 369.00 419.59 445.29 470.86 485.39 485.00 529.70 512.06 536.76
Poultry (Chicken & 138.50 159.20 207.74 275.32 307.07 347.61 489.01 648.83 729.21 851.81
Note : 1. NC: Not collected, 2. Totals may not tally due to rounding off the figures, 3. Total livestock: Cattle +
Buffalo + Yaks + Mithun + Sheep + Goats + Horses & Ponies + Mules + Donkeys + Camels + Pigs.
Source : 1. Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2020, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of
Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India. (Website:
2. Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Department of
Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Cattle 0.34 1.19 0.95 6.92 3.76 2.45 -2.79 -6.89 7.50 -4.10 1.34
Buffaloes 3.52 8.30 8.01 12.55 8.87 10.85 6.78 8.90 7.58 3.19 1.06
Sheep 5.47 -5.66 2.50 18.93 -6.28 11.12 13.21 6.92 16.41 -9.07 14.13
Goats 6.08 4.49 12.00 25.99 15.71 4.60 6.45 1.34 13.01 -3.82 10.14
Horses & Ponies -15.38 -18.18 0.00 0.00 -11.11 2.50 1.22 -9.64 -18.60 2.12 -45.22
Camels 11.11 10.00 0.00 -1.82 -7.41 3.00 -11.65 -30.77 -18.20 -22.63 -37.05
Pigs -3.85 38.00 10.14 32.50 5.56 20.32 3.91 1.73 -17.66 -7.54 -12.03
Mules 60.00 0.00 12.50 44.44 30.77 11.76 15.79 -18.18 -22.10 43.07 -57.09
Donkeys 0.00 -9.09 0.00 2.00 -5.88 1.04 -9.28 -26.14 -32.62 -27.17 -61.23
Yak 50.00 33.33 225.00 0.00 -69.23 50.00 0.00 0.00 28.00 -7.64 -24.90
Total livestock 2.59 2.76 4.36 13.71 6.13 5.74 3.09 -0.08 9.22 -3.33 4.82
Poultry 1.05 20.02 14.95 30.49 32.53 11.53 13.20 40.68 32.68 12.39 16.81
Dog N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. -3.18 21.28 17.04 13.92 14.20 -38.85 N.A.
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Category Population 2012 Population 2019 % Change
Exotic/Crossbred 3.78 4.09 8.12
Exotic/ Crossbred Male 1.21 0.83 -31.32
Exotic/ Crossbred Female 2.57 3.26 26.85
Indigenous/Non-Descript 61.29 70.17 14.50
Indigenous/ Non-Descript Male 13.92 12.53 -9.94
Indigenous/ Non-Descript Female 47.37 57.64 21.67
Total sheep 65.07 74.26 14.13
Category Population 2012 Population 2019 % Change
Male 37.62 32.1 -14.65
Female 97.56 116.78 19.71
In-milk 36.25 41.83 15.38
Dry 25.31 27.82 9.95
Milch animals (In Milk + Dry) 61.56 69.65 13.15
Total goat 135.17 148.88 10.14
Category Population 2012 Population 2019 % Change
Exotic/Crossbred 2.46 1.90 -22.76
Indigenous/Non-Descript 7.84 7.16 -8.66
Total pig 10.29 9.06 -12.03
Category Population 2012 Population 2019 % Change
Male 0.19 0.08 -56.40
Female 0.21 0.17 -19.46
Total camel 0.40 0.25 -37.05
Category Population 2012 Population 2019 % Change
Horses & Ponies 0.62 0.34 -45.22
Mules 0.20 0.08 -57.09
Donkeys 0.32 0.12 -61.23
Total 1.14 0.55 -51.74
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Category Population 2012 Population 2019 % Change
Male 1.30 1.70 33.65
Female 1.70 2.10 26.36
Total mithun 3.00 3.80 29.52
Category Population 2012 Population 2019 % Change
Male 35.11 26.02 -25.88
Female 41.56 31.55 -24.08
Total Yak 76.66 57.57 -24.90
Category Population 2012 Population 2019 % Change
Backyard poultry 217.49 317.07 45.79
Commercial poultry 511.72 534.74 4.50
Total poultry 729.21 851.81 16.81
Source : Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2020, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries,
Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India.
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Table 3.4: State-wise total number of livestock and poultry during 20th Livestock Census 2019*
Bihar 15397980 7719794 213377 12821216 343434 32176 1491 11264 88 0 0 36540820 16525349
Chhattisgarh 9983954 1174722 180229 4005657 526901 675 21 142 1 0 0 15872302 18711824
Delhi 86433 162142 932 30470 76346 2694 136 1087 157 0 0 360397 43831
Gujarat 9633637 10543250 1787263 4867744 658 21811 5 11286 27620 0 0 26893274 21773392
Haryana 1928682 4368023 288370 334640 108240 9683 2499 800 5154 0 0 7046091 46294965
Himachal Pradesh 1828017 646565 791345 1108413 2477 8851 20415 4797 26 1940 0 4412846 1341951
Jammu &
2539240 690829 3247503 1730218 1215 63335 16722 9563 466 26221 12 8325324 7366308
Jharkhand 11223052 1350313 641183 9121173 1276973 1378 73 400 0 0 0 23614545 24832906
Karnataka 8469004 2984560 11050728 6169392 323836 7018 51 8790 33 0 0 29013412 59494481
Madhya Pradesh 18750828 10307131 324585 11064524 164616 13260 2543 8135 1753 0 0 40637375 16659898
Maharashtra 13992304 5603692 2680329 10604883 161000 18892 681 17572 465 0 0 33079818 74297765
Manipur 224472 36230 5921 38697 235255 1083 0 2 0 0 9059 550719 5897637
Mizoram 45701 2109 485 14820 292465 159 8 0 0 0 3957 359704 2047810
Punjab 2531460 4015947 85560 347949 52961 14243 1644 471 120 0 0 7050355 17649984
Rajasthan 13937630 13693316 790385 20840203 154808 33679 1339 23374 212739 0 0 56800945 14622975
Sikkim 148010 1144 2016 90506 27320 115 0 2 0 5219 0 274332 580864
Tamil Nadu 9518660 518795 4500491 9888746 66772 5417 305 1428 7 0 0 24500621 120781100
Telangana 4232539 4226306 19063058 4934673 177992 3878 91 2031 71 0 0 32640639 79999404
Uttar Pradesh 19019641 33016785 984725 14480025 408678 75718 8933 16016 2424 0 0 68012945 12515704
Uttarakhand 1852123 866318 284615 1371971 17659 7452 26293 589 15 54 0 4427089 5018684
West Bengal 19077916 630921 952886 16279340 540356 1593 26 94 45 61 0 37483238 77322602
All India 193462871 109851678 74260615 148884786 9055488 342226 84261 123587 251956 57570 386305 536761343 851809931
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Daman & Diu 141 244 73.05 1955 1596 -12.21 430 374 -13.02
Delhi 60987 60987 0.00 25446 25446 0.00 162142 162142 0.00
Goa 17526 27529 57.08 39954 32718 4.81 31798 27207 -14.44
Gujarat 1926703 3407189 76.84 8057250 6226448 -3.51 10385574 10543250 1.52
Haryana 996103 979141 -1.70 812013 949541 6.67 6085312 4368023 -28.22
Himachal Pradesh 983928 1068935 8.64 1165331 759082 -14.95 716016 646565 -9.70
Jammu & Kashmir 1469687 1443227 -1.80 1328639 1096013 -9.26 738989 690829 -6.52
Jharkhand 256173 626193 144.44 8473910 10596859 28.56 1185942 1350313 13.86
Karnataka 2912517 3908162 34.19 6603967 4560842 -11.01 3470505 2984560 -14.00
Kerala 1251582 1259304 0.62 77045 82692 1.01 102269 101504 -0.75
Lakshadweep 842 1196 42.04 2257 1297 -19.55 0 16 NA
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Milch Cows
States/ Milch Buffaloes
Exotic/Crossbred Indigenous/Non-Descript
Union Territories
2012 2019 % Change 2012 2019 % Change 2012 2019 % Change
Madhya Pradesh 840977 1694975 101.55 18761389 17055853 -4.34 8187989 10307131 25.88
Maharashtra 3650877 4607730 26.21 11833330 9384574 -9.63 5594392 5603692 0.17
Manipur 44307 17926 -59.54 219536 206546 -14.92 66369 36230 -45.41
Meghalaya 35247 33405 -5.23 860753 870165 0.84 22059 15714 -28.76
Mizoram 11296 21455 89.93 23277 24246 32.19 5174 2109 -59.24
Nagaland 128952 18401 -85.73 106022 59895 -66.68 32720 15654 -52.16
Odisha 1305773 1580380 21.03 10315499 8323590 -14.78 726306 458324 -36.90
Puducherry 57444 66239 15.31 2452 5745 20.18 2109 2395 13.56
Punjab 2064629 2105587 1.98 363085 425873 4.27 5159734 4015947 -22.17
Rajasthan 1735072 2323033 33.89 11589390 11614597 4.60 12976095 13693316 5.53
Sikkim 126519 116850 -7.64 13948 31160 5.37 703 1144 62.73
Tamil Nadu 6354494 7724719 21.56 2459548 1793941 7.99 780431 518795 -33.52
Telangana 458494 610813 33.22 4421799 3621726 -13.27 4160419 4226306 1.58
Tripura 133107 128837 -3.21 815687 610194 -22.11 10806 7131 -34.01
Uttar Pradesh 3579015 6122628 71.07 15978052 12897013 -2.75 30625334 33016785 7.81
Uttarakhand 497592 576820 15.92 1508461 1275303 -7.67 987775 866318 12.30
West Bengal 2796419 3393152 21.34 13717820 15684764 15.52 597379 630921 5.61
All India 39731810 51356405 29.26 151172295 142106466 1.34 108702122 109851678 1.06
Note : 1. Milch animals include animals in milk and dry, 2. 0: Negligible with respect to thousands/not reported.
Source : Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2020, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India.
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Table 3.6: All India production of fish, milk, eggs, wool and meat
Fish Milk Eggs Wool Meat
(lakh t) (million t) (million no.) (million kg) (million t)
1984-85 28.01 41.50 14,252 38.00 N.A.
1985-86 28.76 44.00 16,128 39.10 N.A.
1986-87 29.42 46.10 17,310 40.00 N.A.
1987-88 29.59 46.70 17,795 40.10 N.A.
1988-89 31.52 48.40 18,980 40.80 N.A.
1989-90 36.77 51.40 20,204 41.70 N.A.
1990-91 38.36 53.90 21,101 41.20 N.A.
1991-92 41.57 55.70 21,983 41.60 N.A.
1992-93 43.65 58.00 22,929 38.80 N.A.
1993-94 46.44 60.60 24,167 39.90 N.A.
1994-95 47.89 63.80 25,975 40.60 N.A.
1995-96 49.49 66.20 27,198 42.40 N.A.
1996-97 53.48 69.10 27,496 44.40 N.A.
1997-98 53.88 72.10 28,689 45.60 N.A.
1998-99 52.98 75.40 29,476 46.90 1.90
1999-00 56.75 78.30 30,447 47.90 1.90
2000-01 56.56 80.60 36,632 48.40 1.90
2001-02 59.56 84.40 38,729 49.50 1.90
2002-03 62.00 86.20 39,823 50.50 2.10
2003-04 63.99 88.10 40,403 48.50 2.10
2004-05 63.05 92.50 45,201 44.60 2.20
2005-06 65.72 97.10 46,235 44.90 2.30
2006-07 68.69 102.60 50,663 45.10 2.30
2007-08 71.27 107.90 53,583 43.90 4.00
2008-09 76.16 112.20 55,562 42.80 4.20
2009-10 79.98 116.40 60,267 43.10 4.50
2010-11 82.31 121.80 63,024 43.00 4.90
2011-12 86.66 127.90 66,450 44.70 5.50
2012-13 90.40 132.40 69,731 46.10 5.90
2013-14 95.79 137.70 74,752 47.90 6.20
2014-15 102.60 146.31 78,484 48.14 6.69
2015-16 107.62 155.49 82,929 43.58 7.02
2016-17 114.31 165.40 88,137 43.54 7.39
2017-18 125.90 176.35 95,217 41.46 7.66
2018-19 135.73 187.75 1,03,318 40.42 8.11
2019-20 141.64 198.41 1,14,383 36.74 8.60
Note : N.A.: Not available.
Source : 1. Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2020, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of
Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India.
2. Handbook on Fisheries Statistics 2020, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and
Dairying, Govt. of India.
3. Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2020, Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Department of Agriculture,
Cooperation & Farmers Welfare Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Table 3.7: All India estimates of per capita availability of milk and
egg during 1984-85 to 2019-20
Human Population Per capita availability Per capita availability of
(March to
(million no.) of milk (g/day) egg (number/annum)
1984-85 739 154 19
1985-86 755 160 21
1986-87 771 164 22
1987-88 788 162 23
1988-89 805 165 24
1989-90 822 171 25
1990-91 839 176 25
1991-92 856 178 26
1992-93 872 182 26
1993-94 892 186 27
1994-95 910 192 29
1995-96 928 195 29
1996-97 946 200 29
1997-98 964 205 30
1998-99 983 210 30
1999-00 1001 214 30
2000-01 1019 217 36
2001-02 1040 222 37
2002-03 1056 224 38
2003-04 1072 225 38
2004-05 1089 233 42
2005-06 1106 241 42
2006-07 1122 251 45
2007-08 1138 260 47
2008-09 1154 266 48
2009-10 1170 273 51
2010-11 1186 281 53
2011-12 1210 290 55
2012-13 1212 299 57
2013-14 1228 307 60
2014-15 1244 322 62
2015-16 1260 337 66
2016-17 1275 355 68
2017-18 1290 375 73
2018-19 1305 394 79
2019-20 1334 406 86
Source : Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2020, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries,
Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India. (Website:
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Table 3.12: Species wise incidence of livestock diseases in India during 2021
Disease Species Outbreak Attack Death
Foot and Mouth Disease Bovine 176 47,429 2,558
Swine 177 29,212 2,322
Total 353 76,641 4880
Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Bovine 73 871 91
Buffalo 8 31 5
Ovine/Caprine 27 161 2
Total 108 1063 98
Anthrax* Bovine 3 82 82
Ovine/Caprine 2 2 2
Total 5 84 84
Enterotoxaemia Ovine/Caprine 2 14 3
Sheep & Goat Pox Ovine/Caprine 9 226 52
C.C.P.P. Ovine/Caprine 2 10 1
Swine Fever Swine 6 65 51
Salmonellosis Avian 22 51693 1676
Coccidiosis Avian 6 7987 260
Ranikhet Disease Avian 566 566 85
Fowl Pox Avian 4 7685 264
I.B.D. Avian 15 9150 5755
CRD Avian 21 56496 2285
Trypanosomosis Bovine 4 212 6
Buffalo 6 341 0
Total 10 553 6
PPR Ovine/Caprine 25 784 268
Brucelliosis Bovine 0 0 0
Theileriosis Bovine 1 3 0
Amphistomiasis Ovine/Caprine 1 2536 1
Glanders# Equine 5 55 55
Source : Annual Report 2021-22, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of
Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India. (Website:
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Chandigarh 5 9 0 14
Ladakh -- -- -- --
Dadra and Nagar
Haveli and Daman and 1 2 3 6
Delhi 50 26 0 76
Lakshadweep 0 9 1 10
Puducherry 0 17 74 91
Total 11959 25850 27949 65828
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Note : 1. Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand started reporting separately from 2003-04, 2. DCS: Dairy Cooperative Societies,
3. N.A.: Not available.
Source : Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2013, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry
of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Jammu & 0.21 0.00 0.21 2.23
0.20 0.00 0.20 0.21 0.00 0.21 0.21 0.00
Jharkhand 1.45 0.00 1.45 1.90 0.00 1.90 2.08 0 2.08 2.23 0 6.32
Karnataka 1.59 3.99 5.57 1.88 4.14 6.03 1.98 3.9 5.88 2.29 4.03 6.8
Kerala 1.61 4.31 5.93 1.48 4.14 5.63 1.92 6.09 8.01 2.05 4.75 2
Madhya Pradesh 1.39 0.00 1.39 1.43 0.00 1.43 1.73 0 1.73 2 0 5.61
Maharashtra 2.00 4.63 6.63 1.31 4.75 6.06 1 4.68 5.68 1.18 4.43 0.32
Manipur 0.32 0.00 0.32 0.33 0.00 0.33 0.32 0 0.32 0.32 0 0.14
Meghalaya 0.12 0.00 0.12 0.12 0.00 0.12 0.13 0 0.13 0.14 0 0.07
Mizoram 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.07 0 0.07 0.07 0 0.09
Nagaland 0.09 0.00 0.09 0.09 0.00 0.09 0.09 0 0.09 0.09 0 8.18
Odisha 4.55 1.53 6.08 5.34 1.51 6.85 6 1.59 7.59 6.6 1.58 1.51
Punjab 1.33 0.00 1.33 1.37 0.00 1.37 1.35 0 1.35 1.51 0 1.16
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0 0.32
Chandigarh 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Dadra & Nagar 0 0.28 0.28 0 0.32 0.01
Haveli & Daman 0.01 0.23 0.24 0.00 0.24 0.25
& Diu
0 0 0 0.01 0 0.21
Delhi 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01
0 0.22 0.22 0 0.2 0
Lakshadweep 0.00 0.30 0.30 0.00 0.21 0.21
Puducherry 0.04 0.46 0.50 0.07 0.42 0.50 0.07 0.4 0.47 0.07 0.44 0.2
All India 78.06 36.25 114.31 89.02 36.88 125.90 97.2 38.53 135.73 104.37 37.27 0.51
Source : Handbook on Fisheries Statistics 2020, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India. (Website:
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
P/NP/T Andhra Goa Gujarat Karnataka Kerala Maharashtra Odisha Tamil West A & N Daman & Puducherry All India
Pradesh Nadu Bengal Islands Diu
2000-01 P 17162 2284 53983 2913 58275 28206 14585 20257 11760 298 196 3316 213235
NP 8181 N.A. N.A. 8951 10892 70051 3887 4594 5900 53 395 1177 114081
T 25343 2284 53983 11864 69,167 98257 18472 24851 17660 351 591 4493 327316
2001-02 P 16450 2483 48773 2248 49151 33654 15105 21079 11700 434 135 3312 204524
NP 7729 N.A. N.A. 6496 3615 75875 4064 4671 6000 100 379 N.A. 108929
T 24179 2483 48773 8744 52766 109529 19169 25750 17700 534 514 3312 313453
2002-03 P 1160 2284 6710 15251 53490 45442 18398 13151 12730 418 89 3430 171553
NP 1061 N.A. 42794 318 3342 56965 2213 10875 6110 71 302 1560 125611
T 2221 2284 49504 15569 56832 102407 20611 24026 18840 489 391 4990 298164
2003-04 P 1160 2284 46330 10826 53437 45442 21228 16848 13050 560 46 2398 213609
NP 1061 N.A. 9150 464 3364 56965 3023 11755 7950 128 126 1072 95058
T 2221 2284 55480 11290 56801 102407 24251 28603 21000 688 172 3470 308667
2004-05 P 21507 7703 9302 11841 57252 31537 23398 18636 23780 560 33 2348 207897
NP 12185 N.A. 53303 N.A. 12655 68634 2031 4263 20000 128 89 1435 174723
T 33692 7703 62605 11841 69907 100171 25429 22899 43780 688 122 3783 382620
2005-06 P 157094 5837 15683 11690 47752 58670 22790 42096 63297 568 127 1386 426990
NP 28769 N.A. 57378 1398 11713 67696 2429 1250 57000 128 207 270 228238
T 185863 5837 73061 13088 59465 126366 25219 43346 120297 696 334 1656 655228
2006-07 P 22160 10250 18449 7500 58008 42519 24968 44454 52,001 407 103 79 280898
NP 9834 N.A. 58217 351 11592 51801 3161 1342 27,967 158 107 255 164785
T 31994 10250 76666 7,851 69600 94320 28129 45796 79,968 565 210 334 445683
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
P/NP/T Andhra Goa Gujarat Karnataka Kerala Maharashtra Odisha Tamil West A & N Daman & Puducherry All India
Pradesh Nadu Bengal Islands Diu
2007-08 P 24987 9545 19088 8251 55619 45352 26255 21701 54044 412 103 1674 267031
NP 11745 N.A. 54980 549 11582 53869 2820 949 32851 173 107 609 170234
T 36732 9545 74068 8800 67201 99221 29075 22650 86895 585 210 2283 437265
2008-09 P 27742 8693 13509 9071 68016 55956 28879 29863 43452 416 113 1578 287288
NP 18494 N.A. 27591 741 N.A. 36231 2774 7982 25596 172 117 648 120346
T 46236 8693 41100 9812 68016 92187 31653 37845 69048 588 230 2226 407634
2009-10 P 24329 11029 17488 16443 67573 38657 25603 30085 49734 349 139 1743 283172
NP 19860 N.A. 30383 166 N.A. 68743 3974 8062 20988 150 34 717 153077
T 44189 11029 47871 16609 67573 107400 29577 38147 70722 499 173 2460 436249
2010-11 P 28324 8584 22223 19873 70677 35091 27095 31947 67194 468 367 1018 312861
NP 18884 N.A. 37182 3366 N.A. 67936 5281 8539 25105 184 110 467 167054
T 47208 8584 59405 23239 70677 103027 32376 40486 92299 652 477 1485 479915
2011-12 P 36795 9179 16122 25088 NR 37561 27391 96272 79795 492 NR 2074 330769
NP 16150 N.A. 41806 2557 NR 63186 4235 21443 27091 188 NR 680 177336
T 52945 9179 57928 27645 0 100747 31626 117715 106886 680 0 2754 508105
2012-13 P 41922 8614 16605 NR 68399 42297 33199 32309 80122 520 466 2061 326514
NP 20842 N.A. 42228 NR 1659 55964 4657 8636 31532 193 101 610 166422
T 62764 8614 58833 0 70058 98261 37856 40945 111654 713 567 2671 492936
2013-14 P 43537 10230 16705 NR 60403 45373 28513 32314 85334 518 NR 2144 325071
NP 21566 N.A. 42365 NR 1652 64263 5492 8686 34700 192 NR 847 179763
T 65103 10230 59070 0 62055 109636 34005 41000 120034 710 0.00 2991 504834
2019-20 P 108000 5000 12000 22000 40000 43000 40000 2000 7000 NA NA 3000 282000
NP 18000 NA 41000 NA 3000 49000 4000 38000 3000 NA NA NA 156000
T 126000 5000 53000 22000 43000 92000 44000 40000 10000 0 0 3000 438000
Note : 1. P: Penaeid (Penaeidae), 2. NP: Non-penaeid (Sergestidae), 3. T: Total, 4. NR: Not reported, 5. N.A.: Not available.
Source : Handbook on Fisheries Statistics 2020, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
2005-04 54.68 3.9 3.3 0.24 2.84 0.34 0.01 0.17 0.26 65.74
2006-07 55.59 3.96 3.44 0.24 2.95 0.36 0.01 0.14 0.15 66.84
2007-08 60.37 4.24 3.67 0.25 3.34 0.14 0.01 0.16 0.15 72.33
2008-09 58.04 3.78 3.35 0.31 3.13 0.45 0.01 0.17 0.15 69.39
2009-10 59.55 4.35 3.47 0.33 2.91 0.61 0 0.19 0.47 71.88
2010-11 61.18 7.33 4.11 0.47 2.83 0.74 0.01 1.37 1.83 79.87
2011-12 53.64 7.61 4.72 0.39 2.98 0 73 0.63 1.71 144.68
2012-13 58.11 9.48 3.32 0.42 3.01 0 1.51 0.71 1.68 78.24
2013-14 40.25 3.98 2.52 0.44 3.24 0 0.76 0.2 2 53.39
2014-15 46.17 4.59 2.45 0.43 3.33 0 0.9 0.21 2.18 60.26
2015-16 49.34 4.62 2.58 0.52 3.21 0 1.06 0.22 0.2 61.75
2016-17 56.12 4.61 2.67 0.5 3.25 0 1.2 0.29 2.4 71.04
2017-18 64.94 7.03 2.9 0.36 3.33 0 1.89 0.38 2.39 83.22
2018-19 74.23 9.36 6.38 1.02 3.28 2.28 0 0.05 1.43 98.03
2019-20 91.43 16.81 5.2 0.36 3.38 3.04 0.08 0.05 1.44 121.79
Source: Handbook on Fisheries Statistics 2020, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India.
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Jharkhand 2.23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.23
Karnataka 4.72 0.69 0.41 0.15 0.03 0 0.03 0 0.03 6.06
Kerala 4.98 1.27 0 0 0 0 0.55 0 0 6.80
Madhya Pradesh 2.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.01
Maharashtra 4.91 0 0.62 0.05 0.04 0 0 0 0 5.62
States/ Marketing Freezing Curing Canning Reduction Offal for Miscellaneous Unspecified Others Total
Union Territories fresh reduction
Tripura 0.77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.77
Uttarakhand 6.98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.98
Uttar Pradesh 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.05
West Bengal 16.19 0.37 0 0 0.53 0 0.06 0 0 17.15
Andaman & Nicobar 0.33 0.01 0.06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.40
Chandigarh 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0.29 0.03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.32
& Daman & Diu
Delhi 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01
Jammu & Kashmir 0.21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.21
Ladakh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lakshadweep 0.16 0.01 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.19
Puducherry 0.29 0.05 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.36
India 91.43 16.81 5.20 0.36 3.38 0.08 3.04 0.05 1.44 121.79
Source : Handbook on Fisheries Statistics 2020, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India. (Website:
NA: In Punjab all catch is market Fresh
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Table 3.20: State-wise preserved and processed fish commodities in 2019-20 (In Lakh tonnes)
Tuna Marine Fish dried Fish dried & Shark fins, Frozen Shrimp & Dried Frozen Fish
frozen fish frozen unsalted salted or dried, salted whole prawn prawn/ cuttlefish Meals
smoked etc. cooked frozen shrimp fillets Soluble
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Andhra Pradesh 0.01 0.05 0 0 0 0 3.35 0 0.01 0.01
Arunachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Assam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bihar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chhattisgarh 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0
Goa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gujarat 0 1.32 2.20 1.36 0 0 0.06 0 0 0
Haryana 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Himachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jharkhand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Karnataka 0.03 0.32 0.08 0.19 0 0 0.04 0 0 0
Kerala 0 0.60 0.13 0.52 0 0 0.64 0.01 0 0
Madhya Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Maharashtra 0 1.04 0.10 0.04 0 0.21 0 0.04 0.06 0.06
Manipur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Meghalaya 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mizoram 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nagaland 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0
Odisha 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.65 0 0 0
Punjab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rajasthan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sikkim 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tamil Nadu 0.11 0.47 0 0 0 0 0.8 0 0.04 0.04
Telangana 0 0 0.09 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tripura 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Uttar Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Uttarakhand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
West Bengal 0 0.05 0.04 0 0.07 0 0.77 0 0.05 0.05
Andaman and 0 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nicobar Islands
Chandigarh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
States/ Frozen Dried Yellowfin Mackerels, Fish, salted Lobsters, Jellyfish, dried, Miscellaneous Over all
Union Territories squids squids tuna, frozen frozen & dried whole, frozen salted or in brine Total
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Andhra Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.07 3.49
Arunachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Assam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bihar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chhattisgarh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01
Goa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gujarat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.56 5.5
Haryana 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Himachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jharkhand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Karnataka 0.08 0 0 0.18 0.01 0 0 0 0.99
Kerala 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.9
Madhya Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Maharashtra 0.16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.65
Manipur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Meghalaya 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mizoram 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nagaland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01
Odisha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.66
Punjab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rajasthan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sikkim 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tamil Nadu 0.05 0 0 0 0.36 0 0 0.12 1.95
Telangana 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.09
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Tripura 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Uttar Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Uttarakhand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
West Bengal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.14 1.12
Andaman and Nicobar 0 0 0 0 0.07 0 0 0 0.09
Chandigarh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Daman and Diu, D & 0.03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.26
Nagar Haveli
Delhi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jammu & Kashmir 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ladakh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02
Puducherry 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0.02
India 0.32 0 0 0.18 0.45 0 0 0.89 17.76
Source: Handbook on Fisheries Statistics 2020, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India. (Website:
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Source : Handbook on Fisheries Statistics 2018, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and
Dairying, Govt. of India. (Website:
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Jharkhand 17.27 28.71 28.71 77.11 540.50 630.70 649.70 1108.48 1702.39 4150.10 10334.91 10362.90 10569.24
Karnataka 215.72 195.43 228.70 206.80 296.50 1158.41 1216.61 529.96 591.52 499.88 248.11 629.80 581.65
Kerala 12.48 12.70 12.70 12.70 12.70 12.70 12.70 123.93 166.88 177.09 173.04 94.44 128.20
Madhya Pradesh 438.62 485.87 496.58 5235.22 5489.62 619.87 1500.99 1001.88 952.05 1111.33 1117.23 1372.98 1459.21
Maharashtra 85.40 549.73 200.61 149.43 188.90 190.89 1396.89 65.18 98.96 189.55 625.00 281.09 1366.27
Manipur 123.00 129.00 125.00 125.00 127.00 134.00 134.00 167.00 219.00 215.00 250.00 406.08 249.48
Meghalaya 0.77 0.77 0.93 1.13 1.21 2.96 2.96 7.05 11.07 7.56 9.70 0 0.3
Mizoram 18.00 18.20 18.20 16.50 17.00 16.60 17.30 30.00 30.00 31.00 42.60 40.66 40.00
Nagaland 43.00 48.00 48.00 48.50 48.10 47.50 49.50 47.70 47.80 48.00 48.10 76.0 7.95
Odisha 321.40 546.72 640.00 2957.85 730.00 6087.04 6087.04 709.37 898.53 705.23 687.83 896.24 947.16
Punjab 139.03 153.38 145.58 256.08 174.82 168.04 164.63 229.74 234.75 237.50 277.98 297.74 264.24
Rajasthan 299.00 342.00 350.38 350.38 349.57 455.26 449.69 826.26 871.84 1098.86 1065.30 1032.93 1226.41
Sikkim 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.20 3.80 3.00 3.00 2.95 2.02 2.32 0.65 1.63 1.63
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Tamil Nadu 529.28 529.28 529.28 529.28 529.28 291.82 431.84 449.80 415.66 573.24 557.28 1300.87 1942.69
Telangana - - - - - - - 39.79 38.19 187.60 417.90 650.00 550.00
Tripura 546.53 420.00 506.00 305.50 301.00 602.00 730.00 328.56 298.76 313.70 435.00 0 0
Uttarakhand 31.69 28.21 37.42 38.32 34.47 100.44 100.16 48.57 62.90 74.69 67.88 65.56 28.96
Uttar Pradesh 1085.75 1091.56 1182.99 1304.18 1147.48 1302.26 1476.40 1661.54 1829.93 2753.56 2712.87 2934.21 3028.78
West Bengal 12200.33 13200.00 13572.00 14181.00 12566.00 13453.00 13826.00 16717.00 17521.00 11570.00 12455.00 12455.00 12455.00
Andaman & 0.71 0.58 0.51 1.50 1.00 0.56 0.56 1.21 10.74 1.28 1.47 0 0
Nicobar Islands
Chandigarh 0.70 0.80 3.20 0.80 1.60 0.80 2.40 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.08 0.08
Dadra & Nagar 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
Haveli & Daman
& Diu
Delhi 2.34 2.25 2.27 2.32 1.39 1.30 1.30 1.62 1.62 1.63 2.00 0.2 1.50
Jammu & 17.07 17.30 17.12 18.12 20.10 26.00 26.00 54.00 62.00 77.00 71.20 20.56 20.97
Ladakh 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
Lakshadweep 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
Puducherry 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
India 21988.30 23647.95 24143.57 32177.21 29313.17 34110.83 36566.43 39350.39 41824.23 42803.61 52261.89 48197.44 52170.61
Source : Handbook on Fisheries Statistics 2020, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India. (Website:
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Tamil Nadu 10.00 28.00 2.80 8849.00 43622.00 4.93 N.A. 90.00 N.A.
Maharashtra 0.00 0.00 0.00 1291.00 6073.00 4.71 N.A. 1463.00 N.A.
Goa 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.00 78.00 2.47 N.A. 0.00 N.A.
Total 59099.00 57691.00 0.98 93496.00 622327.00 6.66 N.A. 9983.00 N.A.
Note : N.A.: Not Available
Source : Handbook on Fisheries Statistics 2018, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India. (Website:
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Gujarat 33 120,900 110,085 167,858 159,848 6,38,72,399 16,930
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 3 2,807 946 12,024 10,164 4,17,036 8,647
Ladakh 2 22 NA NA NA 2,89,023 11
Number of Fishermen Population engaged in Marine Fisheries activities, 2019-20
State/UT Full Time Part Time Occasional Unspecified Deep Sea
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 13,369 112 1,058 300 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Gujarat 71,777 36,840 19,348 12,362 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Karnataka 56,871 43,030 55,599 39,662 5,973 3,684 57,139 44,655 21,388 NA
Kerala 295,787 255,502 27,178 23,477 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Maharashtra 91,766 34,948 29,262 38,761 20,539 20,343 3,318 9,954 10,913 NA
Tamil Nadu 208,201 NA 24,253 201,286 12,815 17,645 65,170 248,663 25,000 NA
Daman and Diu 6,553 NA 82 NA 60 NA NA NA NA NA
Lakshadweep 2,348 NA 2,134 NA 562 1,380 NA NA NA NA
Puducherry 24,534 11,915 6,234 4,310 1,000 800 2,814 10,056 15,084 25
All India 1,153,553 485,306 84,801 441,769 72,410
Daman and Diu 335 390 265 420 136 135 NA NA
Delhi 270 NA 519 NA 32 NA NA NA
Jammu & Kashmir 17,396 NA 1,342 NA 1,187 NA 326 NA
Puducherry 1,500 500 500 200 250 100 100 50
All India 1,626,088 1,750,449 703,446 5,373,044
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Rivers and Small Reservoirs Medium & Large Tanks and Brackish Beels/ Oxbow Lakes/ Any other than rivers
States/ Canals (Km) Reservoirs Ponds (Ha) Water (Ha) Derelict Water (Ha) and canals (Ha)
Union Territories
Number Area(ha) Number Area(ha)
Andhra Pradesh 11,514 90 34,693 26 1,30,898 3,33,634 53,830 0 0
Arunachal Pradesh 10,957 1 136 0 0 29,122 0 3,277 56,000
Assam 4,820 0 0 2 1,096 77,250 0 1,54,650 4,62,382
Bihar 3,200 0 0 37 26,304 93,218 0 9,000 0
Chhattisgarh 3,570 1,757 43,681.85 13 39,035.75 1,09,003.64 0 0 0
Goa 250 4 484 1 2,964 87.7 108.46 0 0
Gujarat 3,865 1,547 92,705 88 2,54,954 22,000 1,87,000 0 0
Haryana 7,197 0 0 0 0 17,244 0 0 0
Himachal Pradesh* 3,000 0 0 5 43,785 845.34 0 0 0
Jharkhand* 1,800 412 28,789.63 23 1,04,363 79,010 0 0 19,936
Karnataka 5,853 33 7,195 49 2,65,063 2,91,627 8,000 0 0
Kerala 3,220 37 12,039 10 21,707 27,625 65,213 0 0
Madhya Pradesh 17,088 3,315 1,24,486 25 2,28,321 76,982 0 0 0
Maharashtra 29,530 5,273 12,27,089 411 3,02,830 66,50,013 2,699 41,288 450
Manipur 14,788 5 960 1 1,182 11,622.8 0 24,433 0
Meghalaya* 4,200.87 7 717.53 0 0 3,465.37 0 284.78 66.94
Mizoram 1,750 3 10 2 8,000 5,492.04 0 0 0
Nagaland 1,600 0 0 1 2,258 3,474.13 0 1,110 0
Odisha* 24,878.72 603 34,608 8 1,65,771 1,33,786 3,84,950 1,80,000 0
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Rivers and Small Reservoirs Medium & Large Tanks and Brackish Beels/ Oxbow Lakes/ Any other than rivers
States/ Canals (Km) Reservoirs Ponds (Ha) Water (Ha) Derelict Water (Ha) and canals (Ha)
Union Territories
Number Area(ha) Number Area(ha)
Punjab 868 12 686.73 1 3,525 16,730 0 0 0
Rajasthan 5,290 346 82,396 48 2,54,475 93,909 0 0 0
Sikkim 1,600 3 850 0 0 1,466 0 0 0
Tamil Nadu 7,420 69 19,948 9 42,067 2,53,975 56,000 7,000 3,85,218.2
Telangana 4,818 56 23,146 26 1,91,763 3,95,828 0 0 0
Tripura 2,975.8 0 0 1 3,049.34 18,530.12 0 0 12,161.01
Uttarakhand* 2,686 0 0 7 20,587 862.32 0 297 50*
Uttar Pradesh 39,542 53 12,899.59 29 1,32,655 1,72,859.33 0 12,034.15 0
West Bengal 2,526.00 52 28,050.00 0 0 2,63,372.00 2,10,000 42,082 26,925
Andaman and Nicobar 0 7 367 0 0 202.26 0 0 0
Chandigarh 0 0 0 3 300 2.06 0 0 0
Note : 1. *Uttarakhand : 50 waterlogged , Raceways – 1.7 Ha, 2. *Meghalaya : Beels = 220.83 Lakes = 63.95, swamps and low-lying areas = 66.94, 3. *Jharkhand : 19,936 Ha
(check dams, Ahar, coalpits and Mines), 4. *Himachal Pradesh : Raceways – 4.2068 Ha, 5. *Odisha : Brakishwater area suitable for culture – 32587 Ha , Backwater – 8100 Ha ,
Brakishwater chilika lake – 79000 Ha, Estuaries – 297850 Ha, 6. *Jammu and Kashmir : Raceways – 11.69 Ha
Source : Handbook on Fisheries Statistics 2020, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India. (Website:
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
Table 4.1: All India area, production and productivity of horticulture crops
Year Plantation Crops Spices Total
Area Production Productivity Area Production Productivity Area Production Productivity
2001-02 2984 9697 3.25 3220 3765 1.17 16592 145785 8.79
2002-03 2984 9697 3.25 3220 3765 1.17 16270 144380 8.87
2003-04 3102 13161 4.24 5155 5113 0.99 19208 153302 7.98
2004-05 3147 9835 3.13 3150 4001 1.27 18445 166939 9.05
2005-06 3283 11263 3.43 2366 3705 1.57 18707 182816 9.77
2006-07 3207 12007 3.74 2448 3953 1.61 19389 191813 9.89
2007-08 3190 11300 3.54 2617 4357 1.66 20207 211235 10.45
2008-09 3217 11336 3.52 2629 4145 1.58 20662 214716 10.39
2009-10 3265 11928 3.65 2464 4016 1.63 20876 223089 10.69
2010-11 3306 12007 3.63 2940 5350 1.82 21825 240531 11.02
2011-12 3577 16359 4.57 3212 5951 1.85 23243 257277 11.07
2012-13 3641 16985 4.66 3076 5744 1.87 23694 268848 11.35
2013-14 3675 16301 4.44 3163 5908 1.87 24198 277352 11.46
2014-15 3534 15575 4.41 3317 6108 1.84 23410 280986 12.00
2015-16 3680 16658 4.53 3474 6988 2.01 24472 286188 11.69
2016-17 3598 17972 4.99 3671 8122 2.21 24851 300643 12.10
2017-18 3744 18082 4.83 3878 8124 2.09 25431 311714 12.26
2018-19 4069 16592 4.08 4067 9500 2.34 25737 311052 12.09
2019-20 4143 16116 3.89 4291 10137 2.36 26482 320471 12.10
2020-21* 4190 16602 3.96 4528 10679 2.36 27586 331048 12.00
Note : * Figures are as per 3rd Advance Estimates
Source : 1. 2001-02 to 2010-11: Indian Horticulture Database, National Horticulture Board.
2. 2011-12 to 2017-18: Horticultural Statistics at a Glance 2018, Horticulture Statistics Division, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation &
Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India.
3. Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW),
Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India.
327.31 2803.66 8.57 336.96 4043.47 12.00 363.00 4373.61 12.05
Assam 4.62 46.15 9.99 4.66 47.15 10.12 4.68 48.44 10.34
0.05 0.03 0.50 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Bihar 149.14 1464.93 9.82 149.96 1472.38 9.82 149.28 2443.47 16.37
Chhattisgarh 71.52 420.61 5.88 74.17 434.32 5.86 77.03 461.73 5.99
Gujarat 153.18 1241.59 8.11 161.27 1424.87 8.84 162.77 1207.78 7.42
Haryana 9.26 89.97 9.72 9.34 96.79 10.37 9.35 98.60 10.54
41.52 37.63 0.91 41.77 48.24 1.16 41.99 31.35 0.75
Jammu &
12.67 23.74 1.87 12.74 24.15 1.90 12.96 30.35 2.34
Jharkhand 50.41 393.67 7.81 50.56 438.54 8.67 54.53 435.86 7.99
Karnataka 181.70 1725.67 9.50 180.60 1719.73 9.52 183.23 1760.60 9.61
Kerala 70.12 382.52 5.46 70.41 388.14 5.51 83.12 439.20 5.28
27.89 371.48 13.32 43.42 586.24 13.50 45.52 654.79 14.38
Maharashtra 162.08 463.17 2.86 156.84 603.83 3.85 166.76 791.36 4.75
Mizoram 0.87 4.18 4.80 0.89 4.18 4.70 0.91 4.19 4.60
Nagaland 0.57 3.74 6.61 0.64 4.23 6.60 0.64 4.24 6.61
Odisha 199.29 778.72 3.91 199.42 817.91 4.10 199.08 805.77 4.05
Punjab 6.74 113.50 16.83 6.75 113.69 16.85 6.90 116.52 16.90
Rajasthan 5.00 82.27 16.45 5.16 154.79 29.97 4.97 87.37 17.58
Tamil Nadu 125.98 975.11 7.74 176.42 1282.44 7.27 152.57 1234.00 8.09
Telangana 194.05 1778.32 9.16 111.65 482.46 4.32 115.99 1080.14 9.31
Tripura 11.75 59.06 5.02 10.64 57.03 5.36 10.33 54.93 5.32
263.28 4512.71 17.14 264.94 4341.00 16.38 265.62 4551.83 17.14
Uttarakhand 35.91 149.73 4.17 36.42 150.14 4.12 36.48 152.71 4.19
West Bengal 96.74 693.39 7.17 99.22 736.90 7.43 103.25 918.35 8.89
Others 6.91 27.00 3.91 7.40 33.58 4.54 7.17 35.14 4.90
Total 2208.56 18642.53 8.44 2212.24 19506.20 8.82 2258.13 21822.32 9.66
5.42 31.64 5.84 2.45 17.47 7.14 2.21 14.08 6.37
Andhra Pradesh 75.72 3570.62 47.16 88.17 4672.75 53.00 88.96 5003.07 56.24
Assam 51.10 882.71 17.27 49.27 854.85 17.35 53.08 913.27 17.20
Bihar 34.80 1535.30 44.12 35.07 1527.85 43.57 31.07 1396.39 44.94
Chhattisgarh 25.76 587.42 22.80 26.12 609.21 23.33 26.57 745.78 28.07
Gujarat 64.69 4185.52 64.70 66.31 4293.23 64.75 68.15 4472.32 65.63
0.09 0.42 4.80 0.08 0.35 4.18 0.08 0.35 4.25
Jharkhand 12.53 33.28 2.66 9.06 31.63 3.49 9.17 32.06 3.49
Karnataka 96.63 2370.95 24.54 99.46 2446.03 24.59 110.55 2328.90 21.07
Kerala 84.56 1292.41 15.28 84.98 1250.55 14.72 109.26 1119.16 10.24
28.35 1758.05 62.01 26.97 1876.45 69.58 26.38 1834.03 69.54
Maharashtra 69.55 3025.15 43.49 81.34 3888.90 47.81 80.88 4209.27 52.05
Meghalaya 7.11 88.71 12.47 7.24 94.32 13.03 7.37 96.90 13.15
Manipur 6.95 93.95 13.51 8.19 109.82 13.40 6.93 93.48 13.48
Mizoram 10.91 141.03 12.93 11.00 141.04 12.82 11.21 143.84 12.83
Nagaland 7.25 108.51 14.96 8.32 116.98 14.07 8.34 117.04 14.03
Odisha 24.47 462.71 18.91 24.46 466.44 19.07 24.20 449.82 18.59
Punjab 0.11 6.43 57.37 0.09 5.27 57.93 0.09 5.27 57.95
Rajasthan 0.03 0.41 11.91 0.04 0.35 9.58 0.03 0.68 20.61
Sikkim 1.15 3.56 3.09 1.21 3.87 3.20 1.28 3.71 2.90
Tamil Nadu 94.61 4331.65 45.78 94.98 3499.48 36.85 82.63 3205.04 38.79
Telangana 4.65 183.70 39.47 2.06 73.00 35.47 2.29 90.02 39.38
Tripura 14.62 153.62 10.51 10.80 115.28 10.67 10.29 109.40 10.63
Uttar Pradesh 67.00 3061.21 45.69 69.10 3160.82 45.74 69.38 3172.33 45.73
West Bengal 48.07 1172.34 24.39 48.07 1172.34 24.39 49.30 1200.00 24.34
Others 5.03 53.55 10.65 5.16 48.97 9.49 4.07 51.29 12.60
Total 841.19 29134.82 34.64 859.97 30477.22 35.44 883.77 30807.50 34.86
Source : Horticultural Statistics at a Glance 2018, Horticulture Statistics Division, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW),
Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India. (Website:
77.94 1265.16 16.23 81.95 1638.94 20.00 82.89 2003.11 24.17
Assam 0.46 4.76 10.28 0.14 1.89 14.00 0.14 1.98 14.12
Bihar 0.50 5.50 11.00 0.50 5.50 11.00 0.40 4.40 11.00
Chhattisgarh 0.41 2.19 5.38 0.42 2.25 5.34 0.47 2.37 5.09
1.69 2.22 1.31 1.75 2.78 1.59 1.81 2.77 1.53
Jammu &
1.77 2.60 1.47 N.A. N.A. N.A. 3.16 5.72 1.81
Karnataka 1.70 27.43 16.10 1.73 25.65 14.80 1.52 25.77 16.95
3.04 43.48 14.29 12.20 200.73 16.46 6.43 111.72 17.39
Maharashtra 54.26 659.15 12.15 32.33 372.81 11.53 55.18 684.80 12.41
Mizoram 1.96 4.55 2.32 1.59 4.94 3.11 1.59 4.94 3.11
Nagaland 0.27 2.06 7.61 0.29 2.25 7.68 0.22 1.65 7.55
Punjab 2.72 22.42 8.24 2.81 23.25 8.27 3.00 25.09 8.35
Rajasthan 0.19 2.35 12.23 23.55 499.11 21.19 0.20 2.69 13.45
Tamil Nadu 0.13 2.20 17.31 0.11 2.34 22.24 1.67 17.53 10.49
Telangana 95.30 1420.30 14.90 30.53 423.73 13.88 24.76 368.60 14.89
Tripura 1.33 1.64 1.24 1.26 3.17 2.52 1.12 2.59 2.32
Others 0.08 0.13 1.58 0.08 0.10 1.19 0.08 0.11 1.43
Total 243.76 3468.14 14.23 191.23 3209.40 16.78 184.62 3265.83 17.69
Source : Horticultural Statistics at a Glance 2018, Horticulture Statistics Division, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare
(DAC&FW), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India. (Website:
Table 4.10: State-wise area and production of vegetables
Table 4.11: State-wise area, production and productivity of Potato in
Major Producing States
(Area-000' Hectares, P,roduction- 000'tonnes)
States/ Union Territories 2019-20 2020-21*
Area Production Productivity Area Production Productivity
Uttar Pradesh 570 13000 22.81 620.44 15811.31 25.48
West Bengal 435 12563 28.88 487 13201 27.11
Bihar 258 7710 29.88 327.58 9041.91 27.60
Gujarat 118 3616.5 30.65 125.47 3890 31.00
Madhya Pradesh 151 3457.3 22.90 156.39 3566.94 22.81
Punjab 106 2870 27.08 107.09 2948.55 27.53
Assam 104.75 756.22 7.22 115.75 985.4 8.51
Jharkhand 48.88 705.63 14.44 49.12 767.91 15.63
Haryana 25 626 25.04 30.75 807.37 26.26
Chhattisgarh 43.54 586.53 13.47 42.57 611.58 14.37
Others 191.19 2670.75 13.97 185.91 2597.77 13.97
All India 2051.36 48561.93 23.67 2248.07 54229.74 24.12
Note : * Figures are as per 3rd Advance Estimates
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2020, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW),
Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India.
Table 4.14: State-wise area and production of flowers (loose)
(Area: 000’ ha, Production: 000’ Mt)
States/ Union 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21*
Area Production Area Production Area Production
Andhra Pradesh 28.04 302.53 26.31 517.80 19.84 384.39
Arunachal Pradesh 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Assam 5.20 34.89 5.20 34.89 5.25 35.24
Bihar 1.41 10.13 0.86 7.33 1.21 10.95
Chhattisgarh 13.06 54.94 14.57 67.31 13.05 59.63
Gujarat 20.50 195.86 20.38 195.99 19.99 191.06
Haryana 5.96 72.85 3.48 39.00 1.98 17.62
Himachal Pradesh 0.64 12.35 0.71 5.67 0.63 4.87
Jammu & Kashmir 0.28 27.00 0.28 27.00 0.10 0.21
Jharkhand 0.81 4.45 1.04 4.62 2.04 4.10
Karnataka 24.76 178.03 31.86 257.18 34.48 288.42
Kerala 53.26 0.08 53.26 0.08 53.26 0.08
Madhya Pradesh 31.42 375.62 32.52 380.41 35.56 411.02
Maharashtra 11.36 57.61 11.46 57.24 13.44 71.64
Manipur 0.05 0.02 0.06 0.00 0.07 0.01
Meghalaya 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 12.53 0.00
Mizoram 0.17 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.08 0.00
Nagaland 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.02 4.32 0.00
Odisha 6.61 24.91 4.55 25.43 5.66 31.50
Punjab 2.09 13.07 2.12 13.25 2.18 13.70
Rajasthan 4.10 7.60 3.91 12.88 3.69 8.87
Sikkim 0.24 16.50 0.24 16.50 0.24 16.50
Tamil Nadu 39.80 521.78 36.11 486.67 42.38 544.40
Telangana 4.60 20.71 4.80 24.79 3.31 47.99
Uttar Pradesh 21.33 46.70 22.36 48.44 22.58 49.26
Uttarakhand 1.55 2.55 1.61 3.04 1.64 3.06
West Bengal 29.10 77.42 28.63 73.51 29.32 70.92
Others 6.54 1.12 0.29 0.87 0.18 0.74
Total 312.93 2058.72 306.77 2299.93 329.00 2266.16
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW), Directorate of
Economics & Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India.
Table 4.18: State-wise area and production of aromatics & medicinal plants
(Area: 000’ ha, Production: 000’Mt)
States/ 2018-19 2019-2020 2020-21*
Union Territories Area Production Area Production Area Production
Andhra Pradesh 6.50 11.00 7.24 10.81 6.39 13.25
Arunachal Pradesh 0.24 0.16 0.24 0.16 0.24 0.16
Assam 4.53 0.17 4.55 0.19 4.58 0.18
Bihar 6.79 2.68 7.74 2.5 10.25 21.19
Chhattisgarh 9.67 67.53 9.49 65.99 6.99 49.61
Haryana 0.32 1.08 3.7 20 0.27 0.25
Himachal Pradesh 1.12 0.91 1.12 0.91 1.12 0.91
Jammu & Kashmir 3.83 0.01 3.83 0.01 3.83 0.01
Karnataka 1.708 9.470 1.21 5.99 1.19 7.03
Kerala 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00
Madhya Pradesh 38.16 90.79 40.46 101.97 42.96 108.41
Maharashtra 0.41 0.22 0.62 1.02 0.62 1.02
Manipur 0.04 0.12 0.04 0.12 0.04 0.12
Mizoram 0.77 0.78 0.76 0.78 0.77 0.78
Nagaland 0.13 0.88 0.13 0.88 0.11 0.86
Odisha 1.92 0.61 1.92 0.61 1.92 0.61
Punjab 13.20 2.79 13.2 2.79 13.37 3.02
Rajasthan 416.14 382.98 438.01 302.11 411.63 326.40
Tamil Nadu 15.14 232.73 15.41 229.78 17.28 226.32
Telangana 0.05 0.44 0.07 1.05 0.31 5.65
Uttar Pradesh 135.04 13.53 135.04 13.53 135.04 13.53
Total 655.72 818.89 684.78 761.20 658.89 779.30
Map not to scale
Table 4.21: Production of Horticulture vis-à-vis Foodgrains
Production and productivity
Table 5.1: Production and productivity in Indian agriculture during past seven decades
(Area: million ha, Production & Consumption: million t, Yield: kg/ha)
Crops 1950-51 1960-61 1970-71 1980-81 1990-91 2000-01 2010-11 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21*
All foodgrains Area 97.32 115.58 124.32 126.67 127.84 121.05 126.67 124.30 123.22 129.23 127.52 124.78 126.99 129.34
Production 50.82 82.02 108.42 129.59 176.39 196.81 244.49 252.03 251.54 275.11 285.01 285.21 297.50 308.65
Yield 522 710 872 1023 1380 1626 1930 2028 2042 2129 2235 2286 2343 2386
Rice Production 20.58 34.58 42.22 53.63 74.29 84.98 95.98 105.48 104.41 109.70 112.76 116.48 118.87 122.27
Yield 668 1013 1123 1336 1740 1901 2239 2391 2400 2494 2576 2638 2722 2713
Wheat Production 6.46 11.00 23.83 36.31 55.14 69.68 86.87 86.53 92.29 98.51 99.87 103.60 107.86 109.52
Yield 663 851 1307 1630 2281 2708 2988 2750 3034 3200 3368 3534 3440 3464
Nutri cereals Production 15.38 23.74 30.55 29.02 32.70 31.08 43.40 42.86 38.52 43.77 46.97 43.06 47.75 51.15
Yield 408 528 665 695 900 1027 1531 1703 1579 1750 1934 1944 1991 2146
Sugarcane Production 57.05 110.00 126.37 154.25 241.05 295.96 342.38 362.33 348.45 306.07 379.90 405.42 370.50 399.25
Yield 33422 45549 48322 57844 65395 68577 70091 71512 70720 69001 80198 80105 80497 82205
Pulses Production 8.41 12.70 11.82 10.63 14.26 11.08 18.24 17.15 16.32 23.13 25.42 22.08 23.03 25.72
Yield 441 539 524 473 578 544 691 728 655 786 853 757 823 892
Oilseeds Production 5.16 6.98 9.63 9.37 18.61 18.44 32.48 27.51 25.25 31.28 31.46 31.52 33.22 36.10
Yield 481 507 579 532 771 810 1193 1075 968 1195 1284 1271 1224 1254
Milk Production 17.00 20.00 22.00 31.60 53.90 80.60 121.80 146.31 155.49 165.40 176.35 187.75 198.44 N.A.
Fish Production 0.75 1.16 1.76 2.44 3.84 5.66 8.42 10.26 10.76 11.43 12.59 13.57 14.16 N.A.
Gross cropped area 131.89 152.77 165.79 172.63 185.74 185.34 197.68 198.38# 197.05# 200.20# 199.99# 197.32# N.A. N.A.
# # # # #
Gross irrigated area 22.56 27.98 38.20 49.78 63.20 76.19 88.94 96.75 96.78 98.15 100.08 102.67 N.A. N.A.
Fertiliser consumption 0.07 0.29 2.18 5.52 12.55 16.70 28.12 25.58 26.75 25.95 26.59 27.29 29.37 32.54
Table 5.2: Season-wise all India normal estimates of area, production and yield of major crops
(Area: million ha, Production: million t, Yield: kg/ha)
Area Production Yield
Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total
Rice 39.54 4.35 43.90 99.44 15.01 114.45 2515 3448 2607
Wheat N.A. 30.28 30.28 N.A. 102.46 102.46 N.A. 3384 3384
Jowar 1.91 2.98 4.89 1.92 2.49 4.41 1005 833 900
Bajra 7.40 N.A. 7.40 9.49 N.A. 9.49 1283 N.A. 1283
Ragi 1.03 N.A. 1.03 1.59 N.A. 1.59 1550 N.A. 1550
Maize 7.54 1.86 9.40 19.47 8.31 27.78 2582 4463 2955
Nutri Cereals 18.39 5.47 23.86 32.87 12.52 45.39 1787 2290 1902
Total Cereals 57.93 40.10 98.03 132.30 129.99 262.29 2284 3242 2676
Arhar 4.71 N.A. 4.71 4.09 N.A. 4.09 868 N.A. 868
Gram N.A. 9.86 9.86 N.A. 10.44 10.44 N.A. 1059 1059
Total Pulses 14.17 14.94 29.11 8.73 14.69 23.42 616 983 805
Total Foodgrains 72.10 55.03 127.13 141.03 144.68 285.71 1956 2629 2247
Groundnut 4.25 0.69 4.95 6.85 1.49 8.35 1612 2158 1688
Rapeseed & Mustard N.A. 6.26 6.26 N.A. 8.68 8.68 N.A. 1387 1387
Soybean 11.21 N.A. 11.21 12.15 N.A. 12.15 1084 N.A. 1084
Sunflower 0.14 0.15 0.29 0.09 0.13 0.22 661 890 781
Castor seed 0.86 N.A. 0.86 1.50 N.A. 1.50 1744 N.A. 1744
Total Nine Oilseeds 18.22 7.43 25.65 21.36 10.51 31.87 1172 1414 1242
Other Cash Crops
Sugarcane 4.71 N.A. 4.71 365.47 N.A. 365.47 77609 N.A. 77609
Cotton@ 12.38 N.A. 12.38 32.37 N.A. 32.37 445 N.A. 445
Jute & Mesta$ 0.72 N.A. 0.72 10.17 N.A. 10.17 2540 N.A. 2540
Note : 1. @: Production in million bales of 170 kg each, 2. $: Production in million bales of 180 kg each, 3. N.A.: Not available, 4. Normal estimates = Average of
estimates from 2016-17 to 2020-21.
Source : Normal Estimates of Area, Production and Yield of Selected Principal Crops, April 2022, Agricultural Statistics Division, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Department of
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Production and productivity
XIth Five Year Plan XIIth Five Year Plan 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20*
Targets Achievements Targets Achievements Targets Achievements Targets Achievements Targets Achievements
Rice 494.50 486.24 529.60 531.48 108.50 112.76 114.00 116.48 116.00 118.43
Wheat 399.00 421.80 465.75 466.69 97.50 99.87 102.20 103.60 100.50 107.59
Nutri Cereals 208.60 200.03 215.55 207.88 45.65 46.97 48.10 43.06 48.30 47.48
Pulses 81.00 79.32 97.54 94.19 22.90 25.42 25.95 22.08 26.30 23.15
Foodgrains 1183.10 1187.43 1308.44 1300.85 274.55 285.01 290.25 285.21 291.10 296.65
Oilseeds 160.15 144.85 165.50 147.73 35.50 31.46 36.00 31.52 36.10 33.42
Sugarcane 1655.00 1628.94 1747.00 1710.19 355.00 379.90 385.00 405.42 385.50 355.70
Cotton# 134.00 140.38 176.15 167.52 35.50 32.81 35.50 28.04 35.75 35.49
Jute & Mesta@ 57.00 55.42 58.60 55.23 11.70 10.03 11.20 9.82 11.20 9.91
Note : 1. *: Fourth Advance estimates, 2. #: Million Bales of 170 kg each, 3. @: Million Bales of 180 kg each.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2020, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Production and productivity
Total Foodgrains 5.22 13.80 16.26 19.30 20.28 20.42 21.29 22.35 22.86 23.43 23.86
Sugarcane 334.22 653.95 685.78 700.91 715.12 707.95 690.01 801.98 801.05 804.97 822.05
Groundnut 7.75 9.04 9.77 14.11 15.52 14.65 13.98 18.93 14.22 20.63 16.76
Rapeseed & Mustard 3.68 9.04 9.36 11.85 10.83 11.83 13.04 14.10 15.11 13.31 15.11
Soybean 4.26 10.15 8.23 13.27 9.51 7.38 11.77 10.58 11.92 9.21 10.07
Sunflower 6.53 5.35 6.05 7.01 7.36 6.08 6.60 7.82 8.26 8.31 10.23
Nine oilseeds 4.81 7.71 8.10 11.93 10.75 9.68 11.95 12.84 12.71 12.24 12.54
Cotton 0.88 2.25 1.90 4.99 4.62 4.15 5.12 4.43 3.78 4.55 4.62
Tobacco 7.31 13.53 13.18 16.87 18.42 17.81 20.16 23.17 16.10 16.10 N.A.
Table 5.5: All India area, production and yield of total foodgrains
Area Production Yield % Coverage
Year (million ha) Growth (million t) Growth (kg/ha) Growth under
rate (%) rate (%) rate (%) irrigation
1997-98 124.07 0.4 192.26 -3.6 1552 -3.8 40.8
1998-99 125.17 0.9 203.61 5.9 1627 4.8 42.4
1999-00 123.10 -1.7 209.80 3.0 1704 4.7 43.9
2000-01 121.05 -1.7 196.81 -6.2 1626 -4.6 43.4
2001-02 122.78 1.4 212.85 8.2 1734 6.6 43.0
2002-03 113.86 -7.3 174.77 -17.9 1535 -11.5 42.8
2003-04 123.45 8.4 213.19 22.0 1727 12.5 42.2
2004-05 120.08 -2.7 198.36 -7.0 1652 -4.3 44.2
2005-06 121.60 1.3 208.60 5.2 1715 3.8 45.5
2006-07 123.71 1.7 217.28 4.2 1756 2.4 46.3
2007-08 124.07 0.3 230.78 6.2 1860 5.9 46.8
2008-09 122.83 -1.0 234.47 1.6 1909 2.6 48.3
2009-10 121.33 -1.2 218.11 -7.0 1798 -5.8 47.8
2010-11 126.67 4.4 244.49 12.1 1930 7.3 47.8
2011-12 124.75 -1.5 259.29 6.1 2078 7.7 49.8
2012-13 120.78 -3.2 257.13 -0.8 2129 2.5 51.2
2013-14 125.05 3.5 265.05 3.1 2120 -0.4 51.9
2014-15 124.30 -0.6 252.02 -4.9 2028 -4.3 53.1
2015-16 123.22 -0.9 251.54 -0.2 2042 0.7 52.7
2016-17 129.23 4.9 275.11 9.4 2129 4.3 52.2
2017-18 127.52 -1.3 285.01 3.6 2235 5.0 53.0
2018-19 124.78 -2.1 285.21 0.1 2286 2.3 54.3
2019-20 126.99 1.8 297.50 4.3 2343 2.5 N.A.
2020-21* 129.34 1.9 308.65 3.7 2386 1.8 N.A.
2021-22$ 282.26-324.31
Note : 1. N.A.: Not available, 2. *: Fourth Advance Estimates, 3. $: Projections are based on statistical models using
past years data since 1950-51.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Production and productivity
Table 5.6: State-wise area, production and yield of total foodgrains during 2019-20 and 2020-21
along with coverage under irrigation
(Area: million ha, Production: million t, Yield: kg/ha)
2020-21# 2019-20 Area under
State % to all % to all % to all % to all irrigation (%)
Area Production Yield Area Production Yield 2018-19*
India India India India
Uttar Pradesh 19.93 15.41 58.32 18.89 2926 19.95 15.71 56.17 18.88 2816 81.3
Madhya Pradesh 15.41 11.91 31.96 10.36 2074 15.25 12.01 33.52 11.27 2199 61.6
Punjab 6.46 5.00 29.77 9.65 4606 6.60 5.19 29.86 10.04 4527 98.7
Rajasthan 15.53 12.01 24.31 7.88 1566 15.81 12.45 23.23 7.81 1469 33.1
West Bengal 6.61 5.11 20.11 6.51 3040 6.47 5.10 18.79 6.32 2904 52.8
Haryana 4.59 3.55 18.27 5.92 3984 4.59 3.62 17.86 6.00 3891 92.6
Maharashtra 11.33 8.76 16.07 5.21 1418 11.03 8.68 12.82 4.31 1163 18.1
Bihar 6.36 4.91 15.85 5.13 2493 6.18 4.87 14.23 4.78 2302 74.9
Karnataka 8.13 6.28 14.19 4.60 1745 7.71 6.07 12.78 4.30 1658 25.3
Tamil Nadu 3.83 2.96 11.45 3.71 2990 3.69 2.91 11.27 3.79 3052 54.4
Andhra Pradesh 4.08 3.15 11.42 3.70 2801 4.09 3.22 12.36 4.15 3022 60.5
Telangana 3.38 2.62 10.32 3.34 3051 3.19 2.52 11.13 3.74 3483 72.2
Others 23.71 18.33 46.61 15.10 1966 22.44 17.67 43.48 14.62 1938 N.A.
All India 129.34 100.00 308.65 100.00 2386 126.99 100.00 297.50 100.00 2343 54.3
Note : 1. States have been arranged in descending order of percentage share of production during 2020-21, 2. *: Provisional, 3. #: Fourth Advance Estimates, 4. N.A.: Not available.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Table 5.8: State-wise area, production and yield of Rice during 2019-20 and 2020-21
along with coverage under irrigation
(Area: million ha, Production: million t, Yield: kg/ha)
2020-21# 2019-20 Area under
State % to all % to all % to all % to all irrigation (%)
Area Production Yield Area Production Yield 2018-19*
India India India India
West Bengal 5.58 12.38 16.65 13.62 2984 5.49 12.58 15.88 13.36 2892 51.1
Uttar Pradesh 5.68 12.60 15.66 12.81 2759 5.74 13.14 15.52 13.05 2705 86.3
Punjab 2.79 6.19 12.18 9.96 4366 2.92 6.69 11.78 9.91 4034 99.7
Odisha 4.03 8.95 8.77 7.17 2173 3.94 9.03 8.36 7.03 2122 31.5
Andhra Pradesh 2.32 5.16 7.89 6.45 3395 2.30 5.27 8.66 7.28 3765 96.9
Telangana 2.31 5.14 7.70 6.30 3327 2.01 4.61 7.43 6.25 3694 99.3
Tamil Nadu 2.04 4.52 7.28 5.96 3574 1.91 4.37 7.17 6.03 3760 93.2
Chattisgarh 3.79 8.41 7.16 5.86 1889 3.67 8.40 6.77 5.70 1848 37.0
Bihar 3.02 6.71 6.88 5.63 2276 2.89 6.61 6.30 5.30 2182 72.1
Assam 2.36 5.24 5.26 4.30 2224 2.29 5.25 4.98 4.19 2176 15.9
Others 11.13 24.70 26.84 21.95 2411 10.51 24.08 26.02 21.89 2475 N.A.
All India 45.07 100.00 122.27 100.00 2713 43.66 100.00 118.87 100.00 2722 62.7
Note : 1. States have been arranged in descending order of percentage share of production during 2020-21, 2. *: Provisional, 3. #: Fourth Advance Estimates, 4. N.A.: Not available.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Table 5.10: State-wise area, production and yield of Wheat during 2019-20 and 2020-21
along with coverage under irrigation
(Area: million ha, Production: million t, Yield: kg/ha)
2020-21# 2019-20 Area under
State % to all % to all % to all % to all irrigation (%)
Area Production Yield Area Production Yield 2018-19*
India India India India
Uttar Pradesh 9.85 31.16 35.50 32.42 3604 9.85 31.42 33.82 31.35 3432 99.0
Madhya Pradesh 6.39 20.20 17.62 16.08 2758 6.55 20.89 19.61 18.18 2993 96.3
Punjab 3.53 11.15 17.14 15.65 4862 3.52 11.23 17.62 16.33 5003 99.1
Haryana 2.56 8.08 12.36 11.28 4836 2.53 8.08 11.88 11.01 4687 99.9
Rajasthan 3.00 9.50 11.04 10.08 3676 3.12 9.94 10.92 10.12 3501 99.8
Bihar 2.22 7.02 6.34 5.79 2855 2.15 6.86 5.58 5.17 2595 95.0
Gujarat 1.02 3.22 3.26 2.98 3204 1.02 3.25 3.33 3.08 3268 90.8
Maharashtra 1.31 4.13 2.33 2.13 1782 1.06 3.37 1.79 1.66 1697 73.9
Others 1.75 5.54 3.94 3.60 2250 1.55 4.96 3.33 3.09 2141 N.A.
All India 31.61 100.00 109.52 100.00 3464 31.36 100.00 107.86 100.00 3440 95.3
Note : 1. States have been arranged in descending order of percentage share of production during 2020-21, 2. *: Provisional, 3. #: Fourth Advance Estimates, 4. N.A.: Not available.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Table 5.12: State-wise area, production and yield of Jowar during 2019-20 and 2020-21
along with coverage under irrigation
(Area: million ha, Production: million t, Yield: kg/ha)
2020-21# 2019-20 Area under
State % to all % to all % to all % to all irrigation (%)
Area Production Yield Area Production Yield 2018-19*
India India India India
Maharashtra 1.94 45.63 1.76 36.85 911 2.29 47.49 1.81 37.88 789 9.5
Karnataka 0.74 17.52 0.88 18.43 1187 0.83 17.14 0.99 20.68 1194 9.7
Rajasthan 0.56 13.20 0.59 12.35 1055 0.64 13.33 0.46 9.55 709 0.5
Tamil Nadu 0.41 9.69 0.45 9.41 1096 0.45 9.33 0.52 10.90 1156 9.9
Andhra Pradesh 0.12 2.83 0.37 7.70 3070 0.16 3.21 0.39 8.15 2510 34.2
Uttar Pradesh 0.17 4.10 0.27 5.74 1578 0.17 3.48 0.23 4.75 1349 6.1
Telangana 0.10 2.43 0.19 4.00 1855 0.09 1.82 0.12 2.60 1407 20.9
Madhya Pradesh 0.11 2.55 0.18 3.69 1636 0.11 2.24 0.17 3.46 1529 1.3
Others 0.09 2.06 0.09 1.82 998 0.09 1.96 0.10 2.03 1024 N.A.
All India 4.24 100.00 4.78 100.00 1128 4.82 100.00 4.77 100.00 989 10.1
Note : 1. States have been arranged in descending order of percentage share of production during 2020-21, 2. *: Provisional, 3. #: Fourth Advance Estimates, 4. N.A.: Not available.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Table 5.14: State-wise area, production and yield of Bajra during 2019-20 and 2020-21
along with coverage under irrigation
(Area: million ha, Production: million t, Yield: kg/ha)
2020-21# 2019-20 Area under
State % to all % to all % to all % to all irrigation (%)
Area Production Yield Area Production Yield 2018-19*
India India India India
Rajasthan 4.32 57.10 4.53 41.71 1049 4.29 56.84 4.69 45.22 1093 4.7
Uttar Pradesh 0.91 11.99 2.01 18.54 2221 0.92 12.16 1.94 18.72 2115 15.1
Haryana 0.57 7.52 1.35 12.43 2372 0.49 6.53 1.02 9.83 2068 34.9
Gujarat 0.46 6.04 1.00 9.22 2192 0.44 5.77 0.91 8.81 2098 22.3
Madhya Pradesh 0.33 4.32 0.74 6.79 2256 0.30 3.92 0.66 6.34 2219 2.7
Maharashtra 0.64 8.42 0.64 5.88 1003 0.67 8.92 0.51 4.94 761 5.0
Karnataka 0.22 2.92 0.29 2.65 1303 0.32 4.27 0.37 3.54 1140 15.4
Others 0.13 1.69 0.30 2.77 2360 0.12 1.59 0.27 2.60 2249 N.A.
All India 7.57 100.00 10.86 100.00 1436 7.54 100.00 10.36 100.00 1374 9.4
Note : 1. States have been arranged in descending order of percentage share of production during 2020-21, 2. *: Provisional, 3. #: Fourth Advance Estimates, 4. N.A.: Not available.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Table 5.16: State-wise area, production and yield of Maize during 2019-20 and 2020-21
along with coverage under irrigation
(Area: million ha, Production: million t, Yield: kg/ha)
2020-21# 2019-20 Area under
State % to all % to all % to all % to all irrigation (%)
Area Production Yield Area Production Yield 2018-19*
India India India India
Karnataka 1.68 17.00 5.18 16.45 3092 1.42 14.88 4.26 14.80 2990 29.2
Madhya Pradesh 1.46 14.82 3.58 11.37 2451 1.40 14.67 4.07 14.15 2899 3.2
Maharashtra 1.15 11.62 3.44 10.91 3000 1.13 11.77 1.96 6.81 1740 12.7
Tamil Nadu 0.40 4.04 2.72 8.63 6820 0.33 3.49 2.48 8.61 7424 28.7
West Bengal 0.37 3.70 2.45 7.76 6702 0.30 3.16 2.01 6.98 6647 85.7
Rajasthan 1.00 10.09 2.27 7.20 2281 0.89 9.31 1.21 4.20 1355 1.7
Bihar 0.65 6.58 2.22 7.06 3427 0.67 7.03 2.00 6.96 2975 71.6
Andhra Pradesh 0.30 3.07 1.95 6.19 6438 0.30 3.15 2.02 7.01 6701 71.8
Uttar Pradesh 0.77 7.85 1.80 5.72 2331 0.73 7.62 1.69 5.89 2323 47.7
Telangana 0.26 2.64 1.75 5.55 6721 0.56 5.86 3.00 10.43 5347 37.8
Others 1.83 18.59 4.14 13.15 2259 1.82 19.06 4.07 14.16 2234 N.A.
All India 9.86 100.00 31.51 100.00 3195 9.57 100.00 28.77 100.00 3006 26.3
Note : 1. States have been arranged in descending order of percentage share of production during 2020-21, 2. *: Provisional, 3. #: Fourth Advance Estimates, 4. N.A.: Not available.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Table 5.17: All India area, production and yield of total pulses
Year Area Production Yield % Coverage
(million ha) Growth (million t) Growth (kg/ha) Growth under
rate (%) rate (%) rate (%) irrigation
1997-98 22.87 1.9 12.98 - 8.8 567 - 10.7 11.3
1998-99 23.50 2.8 14.91 14.9 634 11.8 12.1
1999-00 21.12 - 10.1 13.42 - 10.0 635 0.2 16.1
2000-01 20.35 - 3.6 11.08 - 17.4 544 - 14.3 12.5
2001-02 22.01 8.2 13.37 20.7 607 11.6 13.3
2002-03 20.50 - 6.9 11.13 - 16.8 543 - 10.5 14.4
2003-04 23.46 14.4 14.91 34.0 635 16.9 13.6
2004-05 22.76 - 3.0 13.13 - 11.9 577 - 9.1 14.0
2005-06 22.39 - 1.6 13.39 2.0 598 3.6 14.5
2006-07 23.19 3.6 14.20 6.0 612 2.3 15.4
2007-08 23.63 1.9 14.76 3.9 625 2.1 15.9
2008-09 22.09 - 6.5 14.57 -1.3 659 5.4 16.5
2009-10 23.28 5.4 14.66 0.6 630 -4.4 16.2
2010-11 26.40 13.4 18.24 24.4 691 9.7 14.9
2011-12 24.46 -7.3 17.09 -6.3 699 1.2 16.1
2012-13 23.26 -4.9 18.34 7.3 789 12.9 18.5
2013-14 25.21 8.5 19.25 5.0 764 -3.2 19.7
2014-15 23.55 -6.6 17.15 -10.9 728 -4.7 19.9
2015-16 24.91 5.8 16.32 -4.8 655 -10.0 19.3
2016-17 29.45 18.2 23.13 41.7 786 20.0 18.8
2017-18 29.81 1.2 25.42 9.9 853 8.5 22.9
2018-19 29.16 -2.2 22.08 -13.1 757 -11.3 23.2
2019-20 27.99 -4.0 23.03 4.3 823 8.7 N.A.
2020-21* 28.83 3.0 25.72 11.7 892 8.4 N.A.
2021-22$ 21.14-27.81
Note : 1. N.A.: Not available, 2. *: Fourth Advance estimates, 3. $: Projections are based on statistical models using
past years data since 1950-51.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Production and productivity
Table 5.18: State-wise area, production and yield of total pulses during 2019-20 and 2020-21
along with coverage under irrigation
(Area: million ha, Production: million t, Yield: kg/ha)
2020-21# 2019-20 Area under
State % to all % to all % to all % to all irrigation (%)
Area Production Yield Area Production Yield 2018-19*
India India India India
Madhya Pradesh 4.89 16.95 5.30 20.60 1084 4.76 17.00 4.11 17.84 864 45.4
Rajasthan 6.15 21.32 4.31 16.75 701 6.34 22.65 4.50 19.53 709 23.3
Maharashtra 4.47 15.49 4.30 16.71 962 4.19 14.98 3.74 16.23 891 11.0
Uttar Pradesh 2.38 8.24 2.56 9.97 1079 2.37 8.47 2.45 10.63 1033 27.6
Karnataka 3.12 10.82 2.12 8.25 680 3.11 11.12 2.16 9.36 693 9.6
Gujarat 1.38 4.80 1.76 6.86 1275 0.90 3.22 1.06 4.59 1172 16.0
Andhra Pradesh 1.24 4.31 1.09 4.22 873 1.25 4.47 1.17 5.07 932 2.6
Jharkhand 0.86 2.99 0.94 3.64 1084 0.79 2.83 0.81 3.54 1030 6.0
Others 4.35 15.07 3.34 12.98 768 4.27 15.26 3.04 13.21 712 N.A.
All India 28.83 100.00 25.72 100.00 892 27.99 100.00 23.03 100.00 823 23.2
Note : 1. States have been arranged in descending order of percentage share of production during 2020-21, 2. *: Provisional, 3. #: Fourth Advance Estimates, 4. N.A.: Not available.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Table 5.19: All India area, production and yield of nine oilseeds
Year Area Production Yield % Coverage
(million ha) Growth (million t) Growth (kg/ha) Growth under
rate (%) rate (%) rate (%) irrigation
1997-98 26.12 - 0.8 21.32 - 12.6 816 - 11.9 24.3
1998-99 26.23 0.4 24.75 16.1 944 15.7 23.2
1999-00 24.28 - 7.4 20.72 - 16.3 853 - 9.6 25.2
2000-01 22.77 - 6.2 18.44 - 11.0 810 - 5.0 23.0
2001-02 22.64 - 0.6 20.66 12.0 913 12.7 24.3
2002-03 21.49 - 5.1 14.84 - 28.2 691 - 24.3 22.7
2003-04 23.66 10.1 25.19 69.7 1064 54.0 24.5
2004-05 27.52 16.3 24.35 - 3.3 885 - 16.8 27.0
2005-06 27.86 1.2 27.98 14.9 1004 13.4 28.4
2006-07 26.51 -4.8 24.29 -13.2 916 -8.8 29.0
2007-08 26.69 0.7 29.76 22.5 1115 21.7 27.2
2008-09 27.56 3.3 27.72 -6.9 1006 -9.8 27.1
2009-10 25.96 -5.8 24.88 -10.2 959 -4.8 25.9
2010-11 27.22 4.9 32.48 30.5 1193 24.5 24.9
2011-12 26.31 -3.3 29.80 -8.3 1135 -4.9 27.5
2012-13 26.48 0.6 30.94 3.8 1168 3.1 28.2
2013-14 28.05 5.9 32.75 5.9 1168 0.0 27.3
2014-15 25.59 -8.8 27.51 -16.0 1075 -8.0 27.4
2015-16 26.09 2.0 25.25 -8.2 968 -10.0 28.5
2016-17 26.18 0.3 31.28 23.9 1195 23.5 27.8
2017-18 24.51 -6.4 31.46 0.6 1284 7.4 30.2
2018-19 24.79 1.1 31.52 0.2 1271 -1.0 31.4
2019-20 27.14 9.5 33.22 5.4 1224 -3.7 N.A.
2020-21* 28.79 6.1 36.10 8.7 1254 2.5 N.A.
2021-22$ 30.68-40.07
Note : 1. N.A.: Not available, 2. *: Fourth Advance estimates, 3. $: Projections are based on statistical models using
past years data since 1950-51.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Production and productivity
Table 5.20: State-wise area, production and yield of nine oilseeds during 2019-20 and 2020-21
along with coverage under irrigation
(Area: million ha, Production: million t, Yield: kg/ha)
2020-21# 2019-20 Area under
State % to all % to all % to all % to all irrigation (%)
Area Production Yield Area Production Yield 2018-19*
India India India India
Rajasthan 5.19 18.04 7.94 22.00 1529 5.42 19.98 6.77 20.38 1248 70.0
Maharashtra 4.81 16.70 6.69 18.52 1391 4.53 16.68 5.18 15.58 1144 1.8
Madhya Pradesh 8.13 28.23 6.68 18.50 822 7.47 27.52 6.45 19.42 864 7.9
Gujarat 3.35 11.65 6.18 17.11 1842 2.87 10.57 6.65 20.03 2320 30.1
Haryana 0.65 2.27 1.31 3.63 2005 0.66 2.43 1.18 3.54 1783 84.8
Uttar Pradesh 1.20 4.16 1.26 3.49 1054 1.26 4.65 1.15 3.45 908 41.8
Karnataka 1.19 4.13 1.20 3.33 1012 1.01 3.74 1.04 3.13 1025 31.8
West Bengal 0.93 3.23 1.17 3.24 1260 0.96 3.53 1.02 3.06 1060 88.1
Tamil Nadu 0.48 1.65 0.99 2.73 2073 0.41 1.51 1.07 3.24 2626 68.1
Others 2.87 9.95 2.69 7.44 938 2.55 9.40 2.72 8.18 1065 N.A.
All India 28.79 100.00 36.10 100.00 1254 27.14 100.00 33.22 100.00 1224 31.4
Note : 1. States have been arranged in descending order of percentage share of production during 2020-21, 2. *: Provisional, 3. #: Fourth Advance Estimates, 4. N.A.: Not available.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Table 5.21: Production of oilseeds/oils and net domestic availability of edible oils
(in lakh t)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21*
Vegetable Oils
Oilseeds Oils Oilseeds Oils Oilseeds Oils Oilseeds Oils Oilseeds Oils Oilseeds Oils
A. Primary source
Groundnut 67.33 15.27 79.17 24.74 84.30 25.81 92.56 28.97 91.24 28.28 101.12 31.37
Rapeseed & Mustard 67.97 21.08 131.59 22.1 109.33 17.59 132.68 22.09 112.26 17.97 128.97 20.66
Soybean 85.70 13.73 74.62 17.16 92.53 20.82 67.27 15.18 99.52 22.90 102.10 23.16
Sunflower 2.96 0.98 2.51 0.8 2.22 0.70 2.16 0.73 2.13 0.72 2.30 0.76
Sesamum 8.50 2.65 7.47 2.45 7.55 2.34 6.89 2.36 6.58 2.34 8.11 2.53
Niger seed 0.74 0.21 0.85 0.24 0.70 0.21 0.45 0.19 0.41 0.12 0.39 0.11
Safflower 0.53 0.15 0.94 0.22 0.55 0.14 0.25 0.07 0.44 0.09 0.39 0.11
Castor 17.52 6.16 13.76 4.99 15.68 5.51 11.97 4.27 18.42 6.50 16.51 5.80
Linseed 1.25 0.32 1.84 0.39 1.74 0.44 0.99 0.40 1.21 0.28 1.12 0.28
Sub-total 252.50 60.55 312.76 73.09 314.59 73.56 315.22 74.26 332.19 79.20 361.01 84.78
B. Secondary source
Coconut 4.32 5.20 6.01 5.90 5.95 5.95
Palm oil 1.98 2.30 2.20 2.70 2.77 2.77
Cotton seed 10.05 12.24 12.64 11.23 12.71 12.26
Rice bran 9.90 10.31 10.69 10.68 10.68 10.68
Solvent extracted oils 3.50 2.85 3.50 3.25 3.50 3.50
Tree & forest origin 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
Sub-total 31.25 34.40 36.54 35.26 37.11 36.66
Total (A+B) 91.80 107.49 110.10 109.52 116.31 121.44
C. Less: Exports & 5.50 6.50 6.30 6.00 9.76 9.80
industrial use
D. Net domestic availability of 86.30 100.99 103.80 103.52 106.55 111.64
edible oils
E. Import of edible oils$ 148.50 153.17 145.92 155.70 134.09 134.52
F. Total availability/ 234.80 254.16 249.72 259.22 240.71 246.16
consumption of edible oils
Note : 1. *: Fourth advance estimates, 2. $: As per data from Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence & Statistics, Department of Commerce.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Production and productivity
Table 5.22: All India area, production and yield of commercial crops
(Area: million ha, Production: million t, Yield: kg/ha)
Crops 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21*
Area 4.77 4.60 5.34 4.89 4.73 4.83 6.09
Groundnut Production 7.40 6.73 7.46 9.25 6.73 9.95 10.21
Yield 1552 1465 1398 1893 1422 2063 1676
Area 5.80 5.75 6.07 5.98 6.12 6.86 6.69
Rapeseed & 10.11
Production 6.28 6.80 7.92 8.43 9.26 9.12
Yield 1083 1183 1304 1410 1511 1331 1511
Area 0.59 0.49 0.38 0.28 0.26 0.23 0.22
Sunflower Production 0.43 0.30 0.25 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.23
Yield 736 609 660 782 826 931 1023
Area 10.91 11.60 11.18 10.33 11.13 12.19 12.81
Soybean Production 10.37 8.57 13.16 10.93 13.27 11.23 12.90
Yield 951 738 1177 1058 1192 921 1007
Area 25.60 26.09 26.18 24.51 24.79 27.14 28.79
Nine 36.10
Production 27.51 25.25 31.28 31.46 31.52 33.22
Yield 1075 968 1195 1284 1271 1224 1254
Area 12.82 12.29 10.83 12.59 12.61 13.48 13.01
Cotton@ Production 34.80 30.01 32.58 32.81 28.04 36.07 35.38
Yield 462 415 512 443 378 455 462
Area 0.81 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.70 0.67 0.66
Jute & 9.56
Production 11.13 10.52 10.96 10.03 9.82 9.88
Mesta **
Yield 2473 2421 2585 2435 2508 2641 2595
Area 5.07 4.93 4.44 4.74 5.06 4.60 4.86
Sugarcane Production 362.33 348.45 306.07 379.90 405.42 370.50 399.25
Yield 71512 70720 69001 80198 80105 80497 82205
Area 2.08 2.12 2.18 2.14 2.17 2.05 2.25#
Potato Production 48.01 43.42 48.60 51.31 50.19 48.56 54.23 #
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
% Share of Cumulative %
Crops States Production production to all share of
India production
Cotton @ Maharashtra 9.59 27.10 27.10
Gujarat 7.27 20.55 47.65
Telangana 5.99 16.94 64.59
Jute & Mesta $ West Bengal 7.61 79.68 79.68
Bihar 0.98 10.20 89.88
Assam 0.80 8.33 98.21
Note : 1. @: Production in million bales of 170 kg each, 2. $: Production in million bales of 180 kg each, 3. *: Fourth
advance estimates.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers
Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Table 5.24: Area, production and yield of principal condiments and spices
(Area: '000 ha; Production: '000 t, Yield: kg/ha)
Crops 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21*
Pepper Area 129.00 128.59 132.35 134.29 245.00 259.00 260.00
Production 65.00 54.64 72.25 66.26 137.00 104.00 120.00
Yield 504.00 425.00 546.00 493.00 559.00 402.00 462.00
Cardamom Area 100.00 85.66 84.68 84.20 81.00 85.00 84.00
Production 24.00 24.07 27.66 28.24 23.00 21.00 34.00
Yield 240.00 281.00 327.00 335.00 284.00 247.00 405.00
Coriander Area 553.00 581.60 674.00 532.00 470.00 529.00 662.00
Production 462.00 584.98 883.00 709.84 592.00 701.00 832.00
Yield 835.00 1006.00 1310.00 1333.00 1260.00 1325.00 1257.00
Chillies Area 761.00 811.14 840.11 751.61 780.00 626.00 729.00
(Dried) Production 1605.00 1520.39 2096.10 2149.23 1743.00 1835.00 2092.00
Yield 2109.00 1874.00 2495.00 2860.00 2235.00 2931.00 2870.00
Cumin Area 890.00 808.00 781.00 966.00 1027.00 1276.00 1241.00
Production 486.00 503.00 493.00 689.00 699.00 912.00 856.00
Yield 546.00 623.00 631.00 713.00 681.00 715.00 690.00
Turmeric@ Area 184.00 185.90 221.78 237.96 253.00 296.00 291.00
Production 830.00 943.30 1056.10 1132.72 961.00 1153.00 1064.00
Yield 4511.00 5074.00 4762.00 4760.00 3798.00 3895.00 3656.00
Garlic Area 262.00 280.95 320.93 316.98 358.00 352.00 391.00
Production 1425.00 1617.34 1693.20 1610.62 2910.00 2925.00 3185.00
Yield 5439.00 5757.00 5276.00 5081.00 8128.00 8310.00 8146.00
Ginger# Area 142.00 163.62 167.59 160.14 164.00 178.00 176.00
Production 760.00 1109.18 1069.55 1118.16 1788.00 1868.00 1887.00
Yield 5352.00 6779.00 6382.00 6982.00 10902.00 10494.00 10722.00
Note : 1. *: 3rd Advance Estimate, 2. @: Data in terms of Dry Turmeric, 3. #: Data in terms of Fresh Ginger.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Table 5.26: Per capita net availability of foodgrains (per day) in India
(g per day)
Year Rice Wheat Cereals Pulses Foodgrains
1951 158.9 65.7 109.6 334.2 60.7 394.9
1961 201.1 79.1 119.5 399.7 69.0 468.7
1971 192.6 103.6 121.4 417.6 51.2 468.8
1981 197.8 129.6 89.9 417.3 37.5 454.8
1991 221.7 166.8 80.0 468.5 41.6 510.1
2001 190.5 135.8 56.2 386.2 30.0 416.2
2002 228.7 166.6 63.4 458.7 35.4 494.1
2003 181.4 180.4 46.7 408.5 29.1 437.6
2004 195.4 162.2 69.3 426.9 35.8 462.7
2005 177.3 154.3 59.4 390.9 31.5 422.4
2006 198.0 154.3 60.5 412.8 32.5 445.3
2007 194.0 157.8 55.5 407.4 35.5 442.8
2008 175.4 145.1 54.1 394.2 41.8 436.0
2009 188.4 154.7 63.9 407.0 37.0 444.0
2010 182.0 168.2 51.4 401.7 35.4 437.1
2011 181.6 163.6 65.5 410.7 43.0 468.2
2012 190.2 158.4 60.0 408.6 41.7 463.8
2013 197.4 183.1 52.7 433.2 43.3 491.9
2014 198.0 183.0 61.8 442.9 46.4 489.3
2015 186.0 168.0 77.7 421.4 43.8 465.1
2016 184.2 199.7 71.6 443.7 43.0 486.8
2017 183.0 182.7 80.6 434.0 54.7 488.7
2018 189.5 168.4 83.8 441.9 51.2 493.4
2019 186.3 178.1 75.1 439.7 42.5 482.2
2020 197.3 175.9 84.7 458.1 43.8 501.6
2021(P) 197.0 183.3 82.5 462.7 44.9 507.9
Note : 1. Net availability of foodgrains is estimated to be Gross Production (-) seed, feed & wastage (-) export (+) import
(+/-) change in stocks, 2. The net availability of foodgrains divided by the population estimates for a particular
year indicates per capita availability of foodgrains in terms of kg/year. Net availability, thus, worked out further
divided by the number of days in a year i.e. 365 days, which is taken as net availability of foodgrains in terms of
gram/day, 3. Figures in respect of per capita net availability given above are not strictly representative of actual
level of consumption in the country especially as they do not take into account any change in stocks in possession
of traders, producers and consumers, 4. Cereals include rice, wheat and other cereals, 5. Pulses include all Kharif
and Rabi pulses, 6. Foodgrains includes rice, wheat, other cereals and all pulses, 7. P: Provisional figures based on
Fourth Advance Estimates of production for 2020-21. Net imports during Apr 2020- Mar 2021 and Stock position
as on 27-10-2021.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Continued …
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
Production and productivity
2016-17 2017-18
Crops Area % share to total Area % share to total
('000 ha) cropped area ('000 ha) cropped area
Sweet potato 71 0.04 46 0.02
Onion 1,091 0.55 1,001 0.50
Others 3,512 1.75 3,494 1.75
5. Other food crops 210 0.10 216 0.11
II. Non-food crops 52,254 26.10 51,813 25.91
1. Oilseeds 28,582 14.28 26,592 13.30
Groundnut 5,276 2.64 4,870 2.44
Castor seed 790 0.39 811 0.41
Sesamum 1,851 0.92 1,738 0.87
Rapeseed & Mustard 5,651 2.82 5,571 2.79
Linseed 215 0.11 165 0.08
Coconut 1,910 0.95 1,911 0.96
Nigerseed 173 0.09 163 0.08
Safflower 113 0.06 77 0.04
Soybean 11,825 5.91 10,832 5.42
Sunflower 354 0.18 263 0.13
Others 424 0.21 190 0.10
2. Fibres 11,403 5.70 13,105 6.55
Cotton 10,587 5.29 12,311 6.16
Jute 701 0.35 680 0.34
Mesta 74 0.04 73 0.04
Sunhemp 16 0.01 20 0.01
Others 26 0.01 21 0.01
3. Dyes & tanning material 47 0.02 47 0.02
Indigo 1 0.000 1 0.000
Others 46 0.02 46 0.02
4. Drugs, narcotics & 2,925 1.46 3,009 1.50
plantation crops
Opium 9 0.004 6 0.003
Tobacco 395 0.20 411 0.21
Cinchona 11 0.005 9 0.004
Indian hemp 0.02 Neg. 0.001 Neg.
Tea 668 0.33 668 0.33
Coffee 358 0.18 362 0.18
Rubber 687 0.34 693 0.35
Others 798 0.40 861 0.43
5. Fodder crops 8,135 4.06 7,877 3.94
6. Green manure crops 89 0.04 84 0.04
7. Other non-food crops 1,072 0.54 1,098 0.55
Total area sown under all crops (I+II) 200,203 100.00 199,988 100.00
Note : Neg. - Negligible.
Source : Fertiliser Statistics 2020-21, The Fertiliser Association of India, New Delhi.
Table 5.30: Minimum support prices of various agricultural commodities
(₹ /q)
in 2021-
Commodity Variety 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 22 over
Kharif Crops
Common 1550 1750 1815 1868 1940 72(3.9)
Grade ‘A’ 1590 1770 1835 1888 1960 72(3.8)
Hybrid 1700 2430 2550 2620 2738 118(4.5)
Maldandi 1725 2450 2570 2640 2758 118(4.5)
Bajra 1425 1950 2000 2150 2250 100(4.7)
Ragi 1900 2897 3150 3295 3377 82(2.5)
Maize 1425 1700 1760 1850 1870 20(1.1)
Arhar (Tur) 5450^ 5675 5800 6000 6300 300(5)
Moong 5575^ 6975 7050 7196 7275 79(1.1)
Urad 5400^ 5600 5700 6000 6300 300(5)
Medium staple 4020 5150 5255 5515 5726 211(3.8)
Long staple 4320 5450 5550 5825 6025 200(3.4)
Groundnut in shell 4450^ 4890 5090 5275 5550 275(5.2)
Sunflower Seed 4100* 5388 5650 5885 6015 130(2.2)
Soybean 3050^ 3399 3710 3880 3950 70(1.8)
Sesamum 5300* 6249 6485 6855 7307 452(6.6)
Nigerseed 4050* 5877 5940 6695 6930 235(3.5)
Rabi Crops
Wheat 1735 1840 1925 1975 2015 40(2)
Barley 1410 1440 1525 1600 1635 35(2.2)
Gram 4400@ 4620 4875 5100 5230 130(2.5)
Masur (Lentil) 4250* 4475 4800 5100 5500 400(7.8)
Rapeseed/Mustard 4000* 4200 4425 4650 5050 400(8.6)
Safflower 4100* 4945 5215 5327 5441 114(2.1)
Toria 3900 4190 4425 4650 5050 400(8.6)
Other Crops
Copra Milling 6500 7511 9521 9960 10335 375(3.8)
(Calendar year) Ball 6785 7750 9920 10300 10600 300(2.9)
De-husked Coconut
1760 2030 2571 2700 2800 100(3.7)
(Calendar year)
Jute 3500 3700 3950 4225 4500 275(6.5)
Sugarcane$ 255 275 275 285 290 5(1.8)
Note : 1. $: Fair and remunerative price, 2. *: Including Bonus of ₹ 100 per quintal, 3. ^: Including Bonus of ₹ 200 per
quintal, 4.@: Including Bonus of ₹ 150 per quintal, 5. #: Figures in parenthesis indicate percentage increase.
Source : Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers
Welfare, Govt. of India. (Website:
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
1. Inclined Plate Planter
Suitability: It is suitable for precision planting of single seed
of crops like mustard, sorghum, soybean, cotton seed, pigeon
pea, maize, groundnut, okra etc. at predetermined spacing.
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Weight : 245 kg
Power source : 6 hp diesel engine
17. Tractor Operated Straw Reaper-cum-Trailer
This design has the provision of trolley over the straw reaper
for collecting the straw. It harvests straw of combine harvested
wheat field, gathers shattered ear heads as uncut plants from
the field, threshes straw into fine quality bhusa and separates
collected grains. Simultaneously it blows bhusa (fine straw)
in the in-built overhead trailer. Thus the work of harvesting,
threshing, loading and unloading is done with only one tractor
while in the existing system additional tractor and trailer is
required to collect the straw.
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Source : 1. Equipment from 1-27, ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Nabi Bagh, Berasia Road,
2. Equipment from 28-35, ICAR- Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering & Technology,
Ludhiana, Punjab.
3. Equipment from 36-44, ICAR- Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology, Adenwala Road,
Matunga, Mumbai 400 019.
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Production Sale
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Andhra Pradesh 12203 11263 10626 16615 22448 35613 43758 38417 34730 35173 53175 63275 74920 37028 30243 18335
Assam 571 499 493 385 771 1120 1296 1588 3583 2430 2057 2099 2408 3557 5669 8513
Bihar 14028 13115 12235 14636 9946 11824 13104 17572 29050 26621 25987 28260 30187 36090 35402 43246
Chhatisgarh 4939 7129 6570 8790 10192 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 11134 9254 9221 12139 20011 16861 25184
Gujarat 13700 8434 10086 17078 23100 29651 25255 20179 24323 44099 41958 30765 44163 46411 39792 55411
Haryana 13697 11504 11688 12408 14709 20385 23627 22573 28671 28403 31533 23741 30599 30626 22685 38705
Himachal Pradesh 577 652 521 512 758 1117 891 907 1201 1404 1398 1255 1530 1519 1354 2367
Jharkhand 2349 2961 2897 3643 5676 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 6524 6697 6756 8349 8169 8118 8674
Jammu & 1071 1271 1506 1135 1296 1178 1328 1115 1608 2128 2618 3577 3794 2601 2324 3659
Karnataka 8984 6512 8595 15560 25316 22455 17230 13835 23849 27244 29162 34861 40437 33758 32804 40301
Kerala 348 135 148 125 765 1848 493 374 582 671 631 570 385 268 332 747
Madhya Pradesh 29818 24344 29568 33733 23828 19378 18242 24306 33342 48435 50597 70822 87831 63744 48375 87621
Maharashtra 8586 4867 7112 11545 17173 26070 29815 25610 34186 40951 56664 43245 46669 49839 42125 61870
Odisha 2622 3076 2933 4957 6683 7214 4993 5099 7909 12861 13277 15831 24277 10878 12668 15897
Punjab 19626 15484 13906 11715 12052 16201 18062 20027 28608 24122 26040 27900 35290 26074 17829 21399
Rajasthan 16228 10914 18241 23830 27949 34583 29456 25763 31822 53604 57191 44221 65405 64565 61193 68563
Tamil Nadu 6053 4896 6487 12470 18294 21880 16894 14609 15768 20638 26298 18448 9865 8072 14667 22436
Telangana N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 13153 41658
Uttarakhand 1345 2861 2479 1869 2321 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 3893 5377 4600 4969 2205 2769 2394
Uttar Pradesh 48165 39724 38842 46326 44307 48184 39682 51513 73686 76981 82613 84559 95653 92219 71527 120664
West Bengal 2510 2169 2001 3085 4337 5595 5354 6096 9186 13045 12187 12752 13756 12751 12934 20624
Others 7263 12798 12100 1340 2418 1768 1522 1983 2315 1876 2172 876 1220 1078 945 737
Export N.A. N.A. 4567 20076 28097 33766 43553 41142 37622 62872 70772 62890 62677 75376 77485 76054
Total 214683 184608 203601 261833 302436 339830 334555 332708 422041 545109 607658 590524 696523 626839 571249 785059
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Total 111399.00
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
1 Andhra Pradesh 34045
2 Arunachal Pradesh 22
3 Assam 45
4 Bihar 2813
5 Chhattisgarh 61970
6 Goa 45
7 Gujarat 11981
8 Haryana 33901
9 Himachal Pradesh 231
10 Jammu & Kashmir 142
11 Jharkhand 11387
12 Karnataka 7734
13 Kerala 818
14 Madhya Pradesh 25047
15 Maharashtra 13741
16 Manipur 68
17 Meghalaya 54
18 Mizoram 37
19 Nagaland 3
20 Orissa 10308
21 Punjab 11079
22 Rajasthan 75748
23 Tamil Nadu 6646
24 Telangana 424
25 Tripura 572
26 Uttar Pradesh 35492
27 Uttarakhand 26
28 West Bengal 653
29 Andaman & Nicobar 5
30 Chandigarh 12
31 Delhi 90
32 Puducherry 21
33 Others states 4621
Total 349781
Note : 1. Some of the states data is based on old data as they are not furnishing regularly.
Source : 1. Accessed on 31.05.2022.
2. Information received from ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Nabi Bagh, Berasia Road,
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Table 6.8: State-wise and source-wise installed capacity of grid interactive renewable power
(2020 and 2021)
Bio-Power- Waste to Growth Rate
Small Hydro Power Wind Power Solar Power Total
States/ UTs BM Power/Cogen Energy (2019-20 to
2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020-21)
Andhra Pradesh 162.11 162.11 4092.45 4096.65 477.18 483.67 23.16 23.16 3610.02 4203.00 8364.92 8968.59 7.2%
Arunachal Pradesh 131.11 131.11 - - 0.00 - 5.61 5.61 136.72 136.72 0.0%
Assam 34.11 34.11 - - 2.00 - 41.23 42.99 75.34 79.10 5.0%
Bihar 70.70 70.70 - 121.20 124.70 - 151.57 159.51 343.47 354.91 3.3%
Chhatisgarh 76.00 76.00 - 244.50 244.90 - 231.35 252.48 551.85 573.38 3.9%
Goa 0.05 0.05 - - 0.00 0.34 0.34 4.78 7.44 5.17 7.83 51.5%
Gujarat 68.95 82.69 7541.52 8561.82 77.30 77.30 - 2948.37 4430.82 10636.14 13152.63 23.7%
Haryana 73.50 73.50 - 205.66 210.66 - 1.20 252.14 407.83 531.30 693.19 30.5%
Himachal Pradesh 911.51 936.11 - 7.20 9.20 - 32.93 42.73 951.64 988.04 3.8%
Jammu & Kashmir 180.48 185.98 - - 0.00 - 19.30 20.73 199.78 206.71 3.5%
Jharkhand 4.05 4.05 - 4.30 4.30 - 38.40 52.06 46.75 60.41 29.2%
Karnataka 1280.73 1280.73 4790.60 4938.60 1881.80 1887.30 1.00 1.00 7277.93 7355.17 15232.06 15462.80 1.5%
Kerala 222.02 230.02 62.50 62.50 0.72 2.27 - 142.23 257.00 427.47 551.79 29.1%
Madhya Pradesh 95.91 99.71 2519.89 2519.89 105.35 107.35 15.40 15.40 2258.46 2463.22 4995.01 5205.57 4.2%
Maharashtra 379.58 379.58 5000.33 5000.33 2516.10 2584.40 12.59 12.59 1801.80 2289.97 9710.40 10266.87 5.7%
Manipur 5.45 5.45 - - 0.00 - 5.16 6.36 10.61 11.81 11.3%
Meghalaya 32.53 32.53 - 13.80 13.80 - 0.12 0.12 46.45 46.45 0.0%
Mizoram 36.47 36.47 - - 0.00 - 1.52 1.53 37.99 38.00 0.0%
Nagaland 30.67 30.67 - - 0.00 - 1.00 1.00 31.67 31.67 0.0%
Odisha 64.63 88.63 - 59.22 59.22 - 397.84 401.72 521.69 549.57 5.3%
Punjab 173.55 173.55 - 317.10 473.45 10.75 10.75 947.10 959.50 1448.50 1617.25 11.6%
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Delhi - - - 52.00 52.00 165.16 192.97 217.16 244.97 12.8%
Lakshwadeep - - - - 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.0%
Puducherry - - - - 5.51 9.33 5.51 9.33 69.3%
Others - 4.30 4.30 - - - 4.30 4.30 0.0%
All India Total 4683.16 4786.81 37743.75 39247.05 9875.31 9778.31 147.64 168.64 34627.82 40085.37 87077.68 94433.79 8.4%
Distribution (%) 5.4% 5.1% 43.3% 41.6% 11.3% 10.4% 0.2% 0.2% 39.8% 42.4% 100.0% 100.0%
Note : 1. -: Not available, 2. Bagasse Cogeneration available for 2018-19, 3. The potential of Solar Power (100 GW) is estimated at 30-50 MW/ of open, shadow
free area, 4. Solar potential As per NISE.
Source : 1. Energy Statistics 2022, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
2. Information received from ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Nabi Bagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal.
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Jharkhand 7890 5051 13916 9450 790515 3770 -
Karnataka 512755 7496 5069 52638 7781 7854 13.62
Kerala 153666 818 1735 41912 54367 16078 0.23
Madhya Pradesh 379154 25047 14258 7920 529101 3654 4.90
Maharashtra 931313 11315 10420 3497 239297 3858 35.16
Manipur 2128 40 22367 24583 9058 1581 -
Meghalaya 11156 19 5800 14874 40750 2004 -
Mizoram 5857 37 10117 12060 107217 3865 -
Nagaland 7953 3 15125 1045 6766 1506 -
Odisha 271752 9661 17955 5274 99843 2192 -
Punjab 187145 5689 43448 8626 17495 2066 7.45
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Delhi 578 90 301 0 4807 1269 -
Lakshadweep 0 0 4465 600 5289 2190 -
Puducherry 17541 21 417 25 1637 121 -
Others* 0 4621 9150 140273 125797 23885 -
Total 5080616 286830 830373 1723479 7948219 216408 219
Note : 1. *: Others include installations through NGOs/IREDA in different states, 2. SLS = Street Lighting System, 3. HLS = Home Lighting System, 4. SL = Solar Lantern,
5. PP = Power Plants, 6. SPV = Solar Photovoltaic, 7. SHP = Small Hydro Power, 8. MW = Mega Watt, 9. KWP = Kilowatt peak, 10. -: Not available.
Source : 1. Energy Statistics 2022, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
2. Information received from ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Nabi Bagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal.
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Source Wind Solar Biomass Bagasse Others Total
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Agricultural Engineering and Produce Management
Export & Import
Note : *: Provisional.
Source : 1. Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture
& Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
2. Pocket Book of Agricultural Statistics 2020, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture
& Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (
Export & Import
Export & Import
Export & Import
Floriculture 6374.47 17409.48 7313.92 22964.11 3959.21 16037.52
Animal products
Buffalo Meat 0.95 18.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Export & Import
Non Basmati 6870.91 3217.57 5638.47 7875.46 4763.09 2467.25
Wheat 2746.56 544.48 1884.51 463.27 2.66 1.03
Export & Import
Product description
2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
Fish and crustaceans molluscs and other aquatic 438321.88 436269.49 387956.39 514206.82 7451.25 9163.12 11200.57 12567.28
Products of animal origin not elsewhere specified or 9276.15 6644.93 7160.45 20024.86 3096.10 2530.40 2197.56 3291.23
Live trees & other plants; bulbs; roots and the like; 5714.33 5416.11 5759.88 7714.15 1740.95 2296.41 1603.75 2585.31
cut flowers and ornamental foliage
Edible vegetables & certain roots and tubers 90902.04 77622.78 97027.34 110794.85 83743.43 111895.86 124708.35 173058.33
Edible fruits & nuts; peel or citrus fruit or melons 112922.71 106047.50 99950.52 114800.34 253239.31 233729.22 234143.97 278694.56
Coffee tea mate & spices 223360.02 233790.89 289164.53 298212.12 50369.85 55280.25 59028.72 70321.12
Cereals 568285.50 473334.89 747835.98 960114.45 5101.22 13063.48 3571.56 4202.96
Products of milling industry malt; starches; inulin; 22494.00 23686.53 32168.80 49326.22 5172.07 5225.66 4928.39 5710.87
wheat gluten
Oilseeds & oleaginous fruits; misc. grains; seeds and 114499.12 125850.42 134935.45 130288.92 39858.39 54641.07 55798.78 67333.92
fruit; industrial or medicinal plants; straw and
Lac gums resins & other veg. saps and extracts 73758.20 58303.28 53928.50 70417.18 17811.05 19598.67 18914.34 21226.96
Vegetable plaiting materials veg. products not 3788.71 3356.84 3266.13 3990.07 3519.53 5720.99 7956.09 7861.68
elsewhere specified or included
Animal or vegetable fats & oils and their cleavage 76627.00 82506.80 120831.14 115253.78 697498.55 699340.18 837436.56 1442392.47
products; pre edible fats; animal or vegetable waxex
Prep. of meat of fish or of crustaceans molluscs or 30304.27 34085.94 47236.26 57547.86 401.97 534.21 584.26 914.10
other aquatic invertebrates
Sugars & sugar confectionery 114047.07 155824.66 233208.92 379737.23 38380.02 32087.83 55747.82 22423.28
Cocoa & cocoa preparations 13508.62 12746.89 11083.84 11454.77 18458.88 18339.74 20212.65 27139.30
Preparations of cereals flour starch or milk; 37427.41 37641.39 45674.34 47181.12 6584.41 7292.41 8771.34 11574.36
pastrycooks products
Preparations of vegetables fruit nuts or other parts of 41205.26 44274.78 52030.50 56038.32 8225.26 7912.89 6485.85 9970.64
Misc. edible preparations 53870.44 59150.18 69055.90 82408.82 15234.67 14198.56 14508.98 18835.85
Export & Import
Pulp of wood or other fibrous cellulosic material; 247.67 624.85 800.81 152.95 183214.43 165336.12 145608.43 257236.41
waste and scrap of paper or paperboard
Paper & paperboard articles of paper pulp of paper 139151.76 138216.48 143534.61 236876.81 216461.60 192316.66 130962.24 168833.58
or of paperboar
Source : Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India. (
Export & Import
All groups (total) 363931.91 365437.93 309680.50 299730.95 342714.89 65810.83 70678.83 63418.26 39375.81 55823.47
Source : 1. Department of Commerce Ministry of Commerce & Industry Govt. of India. (
Export & Import
Export & Import
Export & Import
Export & Import
Export & Import
Table 7.10: Quantity of marine products exported and foreign exchange earned
(Quantity: 000’t, Value: million ₹ )
Annual growth rate (%)
Year Quantity Value
Quantity Value
1993-94 257.98 25518.90 22.39 46.40
1994-95 320.91 35366.40 24.39 38.59
1995-96 327.37 33811.30 2.01 -4.40
1996-97 394.55 40076.30 20.52 18.53
1997-98 398.20 44867.60 0.93 11.96
1998-99 311.26 43685.50 -21.83 -2.63
1999-00 390.74 51245.60 25.53 17.31
2000-01 502.60 63672.90 28.63 24.25
2001-02 468.03 58983.40 -6.88 -7.36
2002-03 527.87 69280.50 12.79 17.46
2003-04 409.49 61056.30 -22.43 -11.87
2004-05 483.52 64692.20 18.10 5.96
2005-06 554.20 70359.10 14.60 8.76
2006-07 611.55 80010.40 10.35 13.71
2007-08 490.06 69266.70 -19.87 -13.43
2008-09 464.90 70663.70 -5.13 2.02
2009-10 678.44 100485.30 45.93 42.20
2010-11 813.09 129014.70 19.85 28.39
2011-12 862.02 165972.30 6.02 28.65
2012-13 928.22 188562.60 7.68 13.61
2013-14 983.76 302132.60 5.98 60.23
2014-15 1051.24 334416.06 6.86 10.69
2015-16 945.89 304208.30 -10.02 -9.03
2016-17 1134.95 378709.00 19.99 24.49
2017-18 1377.24 451068.90 21.35 19.11
2018-19 1392.56 465893.70 1.11 3.29
2019-20 1289.65 466628.50 -7.39 0.16
2020-21 1149.51 437209.80 -10.87 -6.30
Source : 1.
Export & Import
Table 7.11: Quantity and value of export and import of natural resins and gums
Export Import
(Quantity: t, Value: Lakh ₹ )
4. Karaya gum 337.99 662.36 890.34 1376.56 1170.45 1945.47 2664.39 2180.86 2155.47 1561.10 2987.44 2196.57
Indian tragacanth
5. Tragacanth (Adracanth) 4.72 8.58 0.01 0.05 1.24 4.40 0.40 14.28 0.05 0.79 0.00 0.00
6. Xanthum gum 0.06 0.19 0.16 0.59 1.00 2.16 47.16 109.67 20.31 82.48 2.88 21.56
7. Other natural gums 504.14 912.84 258.01 428.05 528.19 935.79 892.48 2435.81 771.03 1856.29 316.51 1878.56
Total 2007.08 4022.11 2094.63 4269.74 3795.12 6278.99 35381.10 23339.68 35674.59 22032.05 30640.72 21208.29
C. Gum resins
1. Asafoetida 1314.78 6557.72 1054.77 6118.87 1496.20 9241.36 1325.09 78044.44 1539.80 94243.62 1398.76 78941.66
2. Myrrh 3.86 21.40 1.45 8.43 2.05 17.01 26.15 55.21 22.09 84.95 34.45 157.25
3. Oilbanum or Frankincence 163.74 226.32 97.39 255.81 169.86 353.54 105.38 478.42 172.55 239.46 618.29 938.92
4. Other gum resins 34.94 56.88 29.07 122.13 32.11 187.98 895.07 1845.19 396.57 1126.68 334.94 1160.53
Total 1517.32 6862.32 1182.68 6505.24 1700.22 9799.89 2351.69 80423.26 2131.01 95694.71 2386.44 81198.36
D. Seed Gums
1. Guar gum refined split 84828.84 77467.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 1.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2. Guar gum treated and 278072.94 331330.87 235604.00 263980.70 167308.23 163743.01 200.96 472.08 484.08 1956.39 323.32 1079.18
Export & Import
Export Import
S. 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Name of product
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
3. Cassia tora seeds 16853 6510 33049 9624 38476 16384 168.00 32.66 192.00 89.72 2485.05 593.93
4. Psyllium seed 2274 3845 1696 2775 1449 2432 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5. Flour meal & powder of 291.33 243.21 151.74 194.36 775.25 370.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 382319.45 419396.75 270500.17 276573.20 208008.22 182928.76 369.16 505.75 676.08 2046.11 2808.37 1673.11
Grand Total 394829.96 456323.10 281439.69 328341.58 221662.76 257350.64 100178.17 153322.79 103463.14 166532.25 98773.77 154338.23
Source : 1. Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence & Statistics, Kolkata.
2. Information received from ICAR-Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Namkum, Ranchi.
Table 7.12: Quantity and value of export and import of Lac and its value added products
Export Import
(Quantity: t, Value: Lakh ₹ )
Shellac & Dewaxed
Grade→ Seedlac Aleuritic Acid Bleached lac Gasket shellac Shellac wax Other Total Lac
button lac shellac
Quantity 3261.44 2690.29 183.02 181.12 142.89 N.A. 15.2 95.22 6569.17 367.02
Value 14650.36 8770.25 1250.94 5909.11 1048.13 N.A. 116.28 504.52 32249.58 447.39
Quantity 3798.80 3091.06 150.57 168.50 225.34 6.48 14.20 213.49 7668.42 100.71
Value 11619.82 6225.18 775.23 3669.51 1275.90 16.50 64.21 1108.83 24755.18 92.31
Quantity 3273.16 3151.45 274.81 151.76 385.06 N.A. 4.49 0.05 7240.78 309.00
Value 8556.63 6109.30 1268.07 2658.47 2068.67 N.A. 28.7 0.08 20689.92 767.63
Quantity 3315.99 2925.65 185.23 157.23 291.07 3.46 10.88 0.00 6889.48 300.00
Value 9573.36 6961.16 985.45 3216.44 1700.17 10.05 90.71 0.00 22590.00 250.00
Quantity 3730.68 3515.60 352.31 155.75 306.16 5.18 5.70 154.00 8225.39 600.00
Value 10100.7 7939.59 1864.49 3537.8 1830.6 14.32 53.58 24.23 25365.37 720.00
Quantity 3107.64 3577.14 308.50 81.02 216.02 N.A. 3.15 0.01 7293.47 840.64
Value 15164.15 18730.29 2462.89 2079.99 2077.79 N.A. 35.90 0.69 40551.69 2172.26
Quantity N.A. N.A. N.A. 183.16 N.A. N.A. 9.39 1.14 7691.96 632.27
Value N.A. N.A. N.A. 7315.30 N.A. N.A. 51.41 26.09 57641.20 1877.56
Note : N.A.: Not available.
Source : 1. Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence & Statistics, Kolkata. (
2. Shellac and Forest Products Export Promotion Council, Kolkata.
3. Information received from ICAR-Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Namkum, Ranchi.
Export & Import
All fertilizers (NPK)
Production 9045 14704 14707 16024 16338 16515 17810 17949 18109 17938 18476 18454
Imports 2758 2091 7583 8698 6731 9135 10009 7835 8530 10497 9884 10846
Consumption 12546 16703 22570 25536 24482 25576 26753 25949 26591 27375 29369 32536
C & F Values of 1335.82 N.A. 8334.65 15980.22 14987.95 12035.26 13984.93 7024.32 8350.94 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Urea Imports (₹
Note : 1. Figures relate to imports made on government account only, 2. The imports made after decanalization of phospahtic fertilizers (w.e.f. 17 september 1992) and potassic fertilizers
w.e.f. 17 June 1993) include the quantities imported by private parties also, 3. N.A.: Not available, 4. # : There was no import of Urea in 2000-01 in Government account.
Source : 1. Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2021, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
2. Fertilizer Statistics 2020-2021, The Fertilizer Association of India, New Delhi.
Export & Import
India’s Position in World Agriculture
India’s Position in World Agriculture
Table 8.2: Area and production of principal crops in the World and
India's share
(Area: million ha, Production: million t)
Crop Area Production
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Rice 160.21 161.77 164.12 165.75 161.77 731.95 734.07 747.41 759.07 749.19
(27.08) (26.70) (26.67) (26.64) (27.06) (21.39) (22.3) (22.54) (23.02) (23.71)
Wheat 223.34 219.16 218.3 213.94 215.90 741.85 748.44 772.29 732.14 764.98
(14.09) (13.88) (14.10) (13.86) (13.58) (11.66) (12.33) (12.76) (13.64) (13.54)
Maize 191.31 196.52 198.20 195.38 196.36 1052.72 1127.45 1138.72 1124.26 1141.36
(4.54) (5.04) (4.86) (4.80) (4.60) (2.14) (2.30) (2.27) (2.56) (2.43)
Total cereals 722.98 728.21 728.43 724.05 721.49 2833.66 2912.62 2961.46 2906.51 2963.81
(13.77) (13.6) (13.67) (13.55) (13.20) (10.03) (10.23) (10.49) (11.06) (10.94)
Total pulses 82.65 90.25 97.00 95.68 89.41 76.77 83.94 94.79 90.42 84.69
(32.66) (34.22) (35.88) (36.08) (34.56) (22.55) (21.64) (25.07) (28.21) (25.44)
Groundnut in 26.51 28.37 29.29 29.76 29.82 45.01 46.20 48.44 51.47 49.54
shell (17.2) (18.72) (18.22) (16.43) (15.87) (14.96) (16.15) (15.40) (17.98) (13.58)
Tobacco 3.69 3.45 3.43 3.35 3.46 6.72 6.27 6.29 6.12 6.46
unmanufactured (11.67) (12.63) (12.70) (13.20) (12.84) (10.98) (11.93) (11.96) (12.64) (11.74)
Sugarcane 26.59 26.67 26.31 26.58 26.92 1875.00 1881.40 1835.89 1935.21 1955.31
(19.06) (18.56) (16.86) (17.82) (18.80) (19.32) (18.52) (16.67) (19.63) (20.73)
Note : Figures in parenthesis denote India's share to World area and production of principal crops.
Source : FAOSTAT website as on 03.06.2022 (
India’s Position in World Agriculture
India’s Position in World Agriculture
Note : Figures in parenthesis indicate fertilizer consumption per hectare of gross cropped area. Data for gross cropped
area pertains to 2018-19.
Source : Fertilizer Statistics 2020-21, The Fertilizer Association of India, New Delhi.
India’s Position in World Agriculture
India’s Position in World Agriculture
Table 8.6: Major cereals and pulses producing countries in the World in 2019
(Area: million ha, Production: million t, Yield: t/ha)
Country Cereals Country Pulses
Area Production Yield Area Production Yield
China 97.78 612.79 6.27 India 30.90 21.54 0.70
USA 52.57 420.87 8.01 Canada 3.51 7.19 2.05
India 95.24 324.30 3.40 China 2.71 4.86 1.79
Brazil 22.78 121.20 5.32 Myanmar 4.24 4.03 0.95
Russian Fed. 43.43 117.88 2.71 Nigeria 4.53 3.61 0.80
Argentina 15.30 84.53 5.52 Russian Fed. 2.08 3.34 1.61
Indonesia 14.83 77.19 5.21 Brazil 2.64 2.92 1.11
Ukraine 14.95 74.44 4.98 Ethiopia 1.51 2.88 1.91
France 9.39 70.38 7.49 USA 1.26 2.49 1.97
Canada 15.33 61.47 4.01 Niger 5.87 2.47 0.42
Others 339.88 998.75 2.94 Others 30.16 29.37 0.97
World 721.49 2963.81 4.11 World 89.41 84.69 0.95
India’s Position in World Agriculture
Table 8.7: Major selected crops producing countries in the World in 2019
(Area: million ha, Production: million t, Yield: t/ha)
Country Rice Country Wheat
Area Production Yield Area Production Yield
China 29.69 209.61 7.06 China 23.73 133.60 5.63
India 43.78 177.65 4.06 India 29.32 103.60 3.53
Indonesia 10.68 54.60 5.11 Russian Fed. 27.56 74.45 2.70
Bangladesh 11.52 54.59 4.74 USA 15.13 52.58 3.47
Viet Nam 7.45 43.50 5.84 France 5.24 40.60 7.74
Thailand 9.81 28.62 2.92 Canada 9.66 32.67 3.38
Myanmar 6.92 26.27 3.80 Ukraine 6.83 28.37 4.16
Philippines 4.65 18.81 4.04 Pakistan 8.68 24.35 2.81
Cambodia 2.96 10.89 3.67 Germany 3.12 23.06 7.40
Japan 1.47 10.53 7.16 Argentina 6.05 19.46 3.22
Others 32.84 114.13 3.48 Others 80.59 232.24 2.88
World 161.77 749.19 4.63 World 215.90 764.98 3.54
India’s Position in World Agriculture
India’s Position in World Agriculture
Table 8.8: Major fruits and vegetables producing countries in the World in 2019
(Area: million ha, Production: million t, Yield: t/ha)
Country Fruits Country Vegetables
Area Production Yield Area Production Yield
China 15.13 245.80 16.24 China 23.13 584.81 25.29
India 7.08 104.05 14.69 India 8.99 137.40 15.28
Brazil 2.09 40.18 19.19 USA 0.86 32.98 38.35
USA 1.09 25.44 23.43 Turkey 0.72 25.38 35.25
Mexico 1.55 23.76 15.36 Viet Nam 0.99 16.67 16.82
Turkey 1.38 23.32 16.96 Egypt 0.65 16.01 24.73
Indonesia 0.83 20.90 25.22 Nigeria 4.16 15.78 3.79
Spain 1.56 18.32 11.77 Mexico 0.67 15.13 22.48
Iran (IR)* 1.13 17.75 15.65 Russian Fed. 0.58 14.15 24.44
Italy 1.11 17.25 15.50 Spain 0.32 13.26 40.93
Others 31.84 345.40 10.85 Others 16.45 258.10 15.69
World 64.80 882.16 13.61 World 57.53 1129.67 19.64
India’s Position in World Agriculture
Table 8.9: Major selected fruits producing countries in the World in 2019
(Area: million ha, Production: million t, Yield: t /ha)
Country Banana Country Grapes
Area Production Yield Area Production Yield
India 0.87 30.46 35.17 China 0.74 14.20 19.10
China 0.35 11.66 33.68 Italy 0.70 7.90 11.32
Indonesia 0.13 7.28 55.52 USA 0.38 6.31 16.69
Brazil 0.46 6.83 14.79 Spain 0.94 5.75 6.13
Ecuador 0.18 6.58 35.91 France 0.76 5.49 7.27
Philippines 0.19 6.05 32.54 Turkey 0.41 4.10 10.11
Guatemala 0.09 4.34 48.10 India 0.14 3.04 21.72
Angola 0.16 4.04 24.90 Chile 0.20 2.70 13.83
Tanzania* 0.30 3.41 11.25 Argentina 0.22 2.52 11.71
Colombia 0.11 2.91 27.60 Iran (IR)# 0.16 1.95 12.54
Others 2.30 33.96 14.79 Others 2.29 23.05 10.07
World 5.13 117.53 22.90 World 6.91 77.00 11.14
India’s Position in World Agriculture
India’s Position in World Agriculture
Table 8.10: Major selected vegetables producing countries in the World in 2019
(Area: million ha, Production: million t, Yield: t/ha)
Country Potato Country Tomato
Area Production Yield Area Production Yield
China 4.04 75.60 18.73 China 1.09 62.87 57.85
India 2.17 50.19 23.10 India 0.78 19.01 24.34
Russian Fed. 1.24 22.07 17.82 Turkey 0.18 12.84 71.18
Ukraine 1.31 20.27 15.49 USA 0.11 12.16 109.80
USA 0.38 19.25 50.75 Egypt 0.17 6.81 39.00
Germany 0.27 10.60 39.04 Italy 0.10 5.78 58.35
Bangladesh 0.47 9.66 20.61 Iran (IR)# 0.12 5.46 44.57
France 0.21 8.56 41.32 Spain 0.06 5.00 87.82
Netherlands 0.17 6.96 42.00 Mexico 0.09 4.27 48.59
Poland 0.30 6.48 21.43 Brazil 0.05 3.92 71.82
Others 5.92 125.17 21.13 Others 2.24 44.89 20.00
World 16.48 354.81 21.54 World 5.00 183.01 36.61
India’s Position in World Agriculture
India’s Position in World Agriculture
Table 8.11: Yield per hectare of different crops in selected countries in 2019
Country Rice Wheat Maize Total cereals Total pulses Potato Soybean Sugarcane
Algeria 17.87 19.63 41.54 17.67 11.42 318.01 N.A. N.A.
Argentina 64.92 32.16 78.62 55.24 15.32 320.60 33.34 388.84
Australia 87.71 16.92 55.51 17.69 9.48 378.02 11.30 819.81
Austria N.A. 57.37 104.17 69.54 21.96 313.42 31.47 N.A.
Bangladesh 47.40 30.78 80.19 48.11 11.11 206.13 17.73 387.60
Belgium N.A. 93.36 88.24 89.89 41.64 410.19 N.A. N.A.
Bolivia (PS) 32.04 11.99 21.10 20.30 12.09 71.52 21.55 547.36
Brazil 60.63 26.58 57.73 53.22 11.07 317.66 31.85 746.57
Bulgaria 60.00 52.72 72.38 57.75 18.95 212.50 19.61 N.A.
Cameroon 11.63 13.30 17.75 16.53 10.94 163.71 14.63 90.39
Canada N.A. 33.84 92.36 40.11 20.50 387.76 27.07 N.A.
Chile 66.65 62.86 121.00 71.59 18.54 278.05 N.A. N.A.
China 70.60 56.30 63.17 62.67 17.93 187.29 19.46 786.55
Colombia 56.71 20.80 37.42 48.51 8.67 233.87 28.13 713.50
Cuba 33.46 N.A. 23.94 28.33 12.19 204.94 N.A. 432.68
Ecuador 42.74 16.44 45.84 43.29 6.10 139.95 14.62 760.00
Egypt 87.58 65.00 49.51 60.46 42.45 292.88 29.25 1108.77
Ethiopia 29.64 29.71 42.37 28.32 19.08 131.40 23.03 467.47
France 54.68 77.43 85.29 74.92 31.87 413.23 26.16 N.A.
Germany N.A. 73.96 88.10 69.52 24.78 390.36 29.10 N.A.
India 40.58 35.33 30.70 34.05 6.97 230.97 11.92 801.05
Indonesia 51.14 N.A. 54.41 52.05 9.09 192.70 14.63 704.51
Iran (IR)* 47.41 19.21 67.89 20.79 6.43 338.26 23.08 839.50
Italy 67.84 38.41 99.86 53.36 21.20 285.93 38.15 N.A.
Japan 71.61 49.01 26.77 65.40 22.38 322.45 15.18 531.22
Lao PDR# 43.79 N.A. 52.30 45.13 14.94 314.29 17.50 614.80
India’s Position in World Agriculture
Tajikistan 85.88 31.71 137.34 36.37 32.95 192.81 3.39 N.A.
Thailand 29.16 11.40 43.46 30.22 9.51 178.21 16.73 713.88
Turkey 79.10 27.81 94.03 32.01 13.68 353.77 42.50 N.A.
Ukraine 51.97 41.57 71.95 49.81 20.43 154.87 22.93 N.A.
USA 83.76 34.75 105.10 80.06 19.74 507.52 31.88 783.98
Uruguay 82.76 36.67 76.26 53.29 9.89 232.91 29.28 641.39
Uzbekistan 48.47 46.49 97.00 46.11 36.83 346.39 35.04 N.A.
Venezuela^ 34.39 29.47 32.21 32.67 7.68 193.00 12.00 470.52
World 46.31 35.43 58.13 41.08 9.47 215.35 27.67 726.38
Note : 1. N.A.: Not available, 2. *: Iran (Islamic Republic of), 3. #: Lao People's Democratic Republic, 4. ^: Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).
Source : FAOSTAT website as on 04.06.2022 (
Investment in Agricultural Research & Education
Note : 1. TRE: Third Revised Estimates, SRE: Second Revised Estimates, FRE: First Revised Estimates and
PE: Provisional Estimates, 2. N.A. : Not available.
Source : 1. Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2014, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and
Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
2. Central Statistics Office.
Investment in Agricultural Research & Education
Investment in Agricultural Research & Education
Investment in Agricultural Research & Education
Defence Research & Development 6810.0 33593.2 52833.5 84753.8 133171.2 133820.5 151958.7
Department of Atomic Energy 2755.4 10055.2 17525.0 38582.1 46359.5 47503.9 52080.1
Ministry of New &Renewable Energy 160.2 122.7 96.2 265.1 231.1 323.5 345.0
Ministry of Earth Sciences* 278.0 842.3 2354.8 4482.4 8392.5 9512.4 11235.8
Department of Science & Technology 1198.2 3114.6 12370.5 19860.1 28007.6 31615.4 35266.4
Indian Council of Medical Research 445.4 1491.2 3310.0 5835.0 9180.2 10738.3 14687.0
Ministry of Environment & Forest 1620.9 2728.6 2353.1 4155.7 1928.4 2202.1 2608.7
Note : 1. Not including Public Sector Research and Development Expenditure,2. *: Formerly Department of Ocean
Development, 3. Data includes both Plan and Non Plan R&D Expenditure.
Source : Research and Development Statistics 2019-20, Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science
and Technology, Govt. of India.
Investment in Agricultural Research & Education
Investment in Agricultural Research & Education
Note : 1. *: These include Income from Sales of Farm produce/livestock, Income from Services, Fee/Subscriptions
and Income from Royalty, Publications etc. 2. $: Since de-linking of ASRB from ICAR, revenue generation
target has not been set for it from 2019-2020 onwards.
Source : ICAR-Budget Book 2019-20.
Investment in Agricultural Research & Education
Investment in Agricultural Research & Education
Investment in Agricultural Research & Education
Investment in Agricultural Research & Education
Investment in Agricultural Research & Education
Investment in Agricultural Research & Education
Investment in Agricultural Research & Education
Note : 1.*: Un-audited/Tentative/Provisional, 2.**:The budget accounts are yet to be finalized, 3. ***: It will be furnished
after the compilation of accounts for all schemes and audit. 4. a: Allocation includes pay and allowances and
contingencies, 5. b: Includes salary, capital, revenue Plan & Non-Plan expenditure, 6. c: Includes the funding support
from ICAR under Education, AICRP, KVK etc., 7. d: Includes the amount received from DBT, DST etc. 8. #: Sum
of Head- salary and non-salary.
Source : This information is collected from respective State Agricultural Universities through Dy. Director General (Agri.Edn.),
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
Investment in Agricultural Research & Education
Table 9.8: Details of financial outlay of Department of Agricultural Research and Education
Central Sector Schemes/Projects
2. Agricultural Extension 242.50 ... 242.50 237.49 ... 237.49 328.00 ... 328.00
3. Agricultural Engineering 70.00 ... 70.00 58.55 ... 58.55 65.00 ... 65.00
4.Management of Natural Resources
4.1 Natural Resource Management ...
Institutes including Agro-Forestry 174.00 174.00 173.38 ... 173.38 195.00 ... 195.00
4.2 Climate Resilient Agriculture ...
52.00 52.00 49.83 ... 49.83 55.00 ... 55.00
Total-Management of Natural ...
226.00 226.00 223.21 ... 223.21 250.00 ... 250.00
5. Crop Sciences
5.1 Crop Science 715.50 ... 715.50 612.25 ... 612.25 708.00 ... 708.00
Investment in Agricultural Research & Education
7.3 National Agricultural Higher
230.00 ... 230.00 180.00 ... 180.00 225.00 225.00 230.00
Education project
Total-Agricultural Education 740.00 ... 740.00 629.90 ... 629.90 613.00 613.00 740.00
Total - Central Sector Schemes 2729.00 ... 2729.00 2305.00 2305.00 2686.00 2686.00 2729.00
Other Central Sector Schemes/Projects
Autonomous Bodies
1.1 ICAR Headquarter 5137.75 ... 5137.75 4997.15 ... 4997.15 5322.02 5322.02 5137.75
1.2 Central Agricultural Universities 459.80 ... 459.80 428.52 ... 428.52 470.95 470.95 459.80
1.3 National Academy of Agricultural
1.60 ... 1.60 1.60 ... 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60
1.4 Agricultural Scientists
20.58 ... 20.58 17.00 ... 17.00 19.00 19.00 20.58
Recruitment Board
Investment in Agricultural Research & Education
2.1 North Eastern Areas 534.93 ... 534.93 497.64 ... 497.64 648.60 648.60 534.93
Total -Others 534.93 ... 534.93 497.64 ... 497.64 648.60 648.60 534.93
Grand Total 8362.58 ... 8362.58 7762.38 ... 7762.38 8513.62 8513.62 8362.58
Source : DARE/ICAR Annual Report 2021–22, Ministry of Agriculture& Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
Human Resources
Human Resources
Human Resources
Human Resources
Human Resources
Human Resources
Table 10.6: Total number of employees in the ICAR and its research institutes and number of Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and PwD Employees during 2021-22
Sl. Class of posts Total posts Total Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes OBC employees PwD employees
No. sanctioned employees employees employees
in position Number % to total Number % to total Number % to total Number % to total
employees employees employees employees
1. Scientific posts
Scientist 4451 3752 537 14.31 217 5.78 1053 28.07 28 0.75
Senior Scientist 1295 883 59 6.68 16 1.81 112 12.68 0 0.00
Principal Scientist 665 242 13 5.37 3 1.24 24 9.92 1 0.41
RMP Scientist 175 97 1 1.03 0 0 5 5.15 0 0.00
Total 6586 4974 610 12.26 236 4.74 1194 24 29 0.58
2. Technical posts
Category-I 3974 1997 357 17.88 215 10.77 418 20.93 27 1.35
Category-II 2708 1595 265 16.61 133 8.34 353 22.13 23 1.44
Category-III 755 268 28 10.45 42 15.67 65 24.25 1 0.37
Total 7437 3860 650 16.84 390 10.1 836 21.66 51 1.32
3. Administrative posts
(a) Category “A” Post 597 279 45 16.13 18 6.45 37 13.26 4 1.43
O/F&AO/ Legal
(b) Category “B” Post 3060 1849 317 17.14 143 7.73 233 12.6 39 2.11
OL) /
Sales Assistant/JAO/ALA
(c) Category “C” Post 1251 958 181 18.89 83 8.66 228 23.8 15 1.57
Total 4908 3086 543 17.6 244 7.91 498 16.14 58 1.88
4. Supporting Skilled Staff 5536 3960 1038 26.21 444 11.21 744 18.79 57 1.44
Source : DARE/ICAR Annual Report 2021-22, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.