TAG Valuation Jordan
TAG Valuation Jordan
TAG Valuation Jordan
Thank you very much for your interest in cooperating with our company to prepare a
feasibility study for establishing a glass factory in Iraq.
Project goal
o Any business plans for the project (available)
o Entities to which the study will be submitted (the government to obtain
licenses and/or banks and/or investors)
o Location of the targeted project in Iraq (province and region)
o Is the project within development areas that have customs, tax or other
o A profile of the project owners to be included in the study or sent to their
Capital items
o Land - the required land area - is it available or will it be purchased or
o Buildings and Hangars - building area in square metres
o Any offers or contacts - for production lines and machines (available)
o Project time-line Before operation
Financing structure (owners, source and other details)
Operational items:
Thank you,