Grade 7 LP 2nd Quarter Week 7 Day 1
Grade 7 LP 2nd Quarter Week 7 Day 1
Grade 7 LP 2nd Quarter Week 7 Day 1
Department of Education
Region _____________
Division of _____________
_____________HIGH SCHOOL
The learners should have knowledge and understanding of sets and subsets, and the union and intersection of sets
using Venn diagrams.
By the end of the quarter, the learner is able to describe sets and their subsets, and the union and intersection of
sets. (NA).
1. Explicitation (Explore)
Begin the lesson by asking the learners if they have an idea of the term “set” in general and in a mathematical
context. Draw figure on a manila paper and post it on the board. Divide the class into 4 groups. Ask the group to
brainstorm on their understanding of sets. Let them write their answers in the box assigned to each group.
Introduce “Set” as “a collection of well-defined distinct objects. The objects contained in the set are called
elements.” Emphasize and explain the keywords: elements, collection, well-defined, and distinct.
Present examples of a set and let the students identify the elements of each set. Present examples of “well-
defined sets” and “not well-defined sets”.
Next, discuss the concepts that follow. Set notation is used in mathematics to essentially list numbers, objects, or
outcomes. Set notation uses curly brackets {}, which are sometimes referred to as braces. Objects placed within the brackets
are called the elements of a set, and do not have to be in any specific order. Sets are named using capital letters, with some
sets having predefined names, like N for natural numbers and W for whole numbers. A set can be named using capital letters
like A, B, C, D…Z and we use braces {} to group the elements of set separated by commas. If a set contains many elements,
we often use three dots, …, called ellipsis.
2. Worked Example
Example 1:
A is the set of prime numbers less than 10.
A = {2, 3, 5, 7}
B is the set of letters in the word “brain.”
B = {a, b, i, n, r}
C is the set of primary colors.
C = {blue, red, yellow}
N is the set of counting or natural numbers.
N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5...}
S is the set of perfect squares less than 100.
S = {0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81}
Example 2:
Examples of sets written using the verbal description method:
1. The set of colors in the Philippine Flag.
2. The set of odd numbers less than 10.
3. The set of Grade 7 subjects in the MATATAG curriculum.
1. Set A contains the surnames of women Presidents of the Republic of the Philippines.
2. Set B contains the surnames of male classmates born in the month of December.
3. Set C contains even integers between 10 and 20.
D. Making Generalizations
1. Learners’ Takeaway
Ask the learners to define sets based on their learnings from the discussion. Ask also the two different
methods in writing/expressing a set.
2. Reflection on Learning
Ask the learners to create an acronym for SETS based on their understanding.
B. Teacher’s Remarks
Materials Used
Learner Engagement/Interaction
C. Teacher’s Reflection
• Principles behind the teaching
What principles and beliefs informed my lesson?
• students
What roles did my students play in my lesson?
• Ways forward
What could I have done differently?