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Criteria for identifying and assessing sports training periodization models

(Criterios para identificar y evaluar modelos de periodización de
entrenamiento deportivo)

Article in Retos · April 2022

DOI: 10.47197/retos.v45i0.90837


5 792

7 authors, including:

Estélio Henrique Martin Dantas Michael Douglas Bispo

Universidade Tiradentes Universidade Tiradentes


Cristiane Kelly Aquino Dos Santos Gabriel Gastélum-Cuadras

Universidade Tiradentes Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua


All content following this page was uploaded by Michael Douglas Bispo on 27 May 2022.

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2022, Retos, 45, 174-183
© Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF) ISSN: Edición impresa: 1579-1726. Edición Web: 1988-2041 (

Criteria for identifying and assessing sports training periodization models

Criterios para identificar y evaluar modelos de periodización de entrenamiento deportivo
*Estélio Henrique Martin Dantas, **Juan Cristóbal Barrón-Luján ***Michael Douglas Celestino Bispo,
****Erik Salum de Godoy, ***Cristiane Kelly Aquino dos Santos, *****Maria de Nazaré Dias Bello, **Gabriel
*Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), **Autonomous University of Chihuahua (México),
***Tiradentes University (Brazil), ****University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), *****Federal University of Rio
de Janeiro (Brazil)

Abstract. Periodization is a methodological system that distributes training contents.With the evolution of sports, several periodization
models were developed based on Matveev’s classic periodization,Verkhoshansky’s Blocks periodization model,Vorobiev’s Modular,Arosiev
and Kalinin‘s Pendular, Tschiene‘s High Load,Valdivielso’s ATR, Platonov’s Multicyclical, and Bompa’s Priority, among others.The vast
majority of models - and even their variations - have made it difficult to classify and select which periodization to use.To that end, the aim of
the present study was to create criteria to identify sports training periodization models and, with the use of analysis and discussion of their
characteristics, propose a classification and indicate the applicability of the most widely cited models in the literature. In the methodology of
this study, a group technique known as direct discussion was used.The group consisted of 20 Master’s students, all researchers of the models
proposed and sports training students at the Science of Human Motricity Course of Castelo Branco University, in addition to four discussion
mediators. Despite a number of conceptual differences, the results show that most of the contemporary periodization training models derive
from Matveev’s model, in an attempt to meet the demands currently imposed by sports.We analyzed the models investigated and concluded
that despite their diversity, some characteristics are common and help distinguish each of them in terms of structure, load variation, number
of peaks, sports level and applicability.
Keywords. SportsTraining; Sports training periodization; Sports training planning; Periodization models.

Resumen. La periodización es un sistema metodológico que distribuye los contenidos formativos. Con la evolución de los deportes, se
desarrollaron varios modelos de periodización basados en la periodización clásica de Matveev, el modelo de periodización de Bloques de
Verkhoshansky, Modular deVorobiev, Pendular de Arosiev y Kalinin, Carga de alto deTschiene,ATR deValdivielso, Multicíclico de Platonov
y Prioridad de Bompa, entre otros. La gran mayoría de modelos, e incluso sus variaciones, han dificultado la clasificación y selección de qué
periodización utilizar. Para ello, el objetivo del presente estudio fue generar criterios para identificar modelos de periodización del entrenamiento
deportivo y, con el uso del análisis y discusión de sus características, proponer una clasificación e indicar la aplicabilidad de los modelos más
citados en la literatura. En la metodología de este estudio se utilizó una técnica grupal conocida como discusión directa. El grupo estuvo
integrado por 20 estudiantes de maestría, todos investigadores de los modelos propuestos y estudiantes de formación deportiva del Curso de
Ciencia de la Motricidad Humana de la Universidad Castelo Branco, además de cuatro mediadores de discusión. Los resultados muestran que
la mayoría de los modelos de entrenamiento de periodización contemporáneos derivan del modelo de Matveev, en un intento de satisfacer las
demandas impuestas actualmente por los deportes.Analizamos los modelos investigados y concluimos que a pesar de su diversidad, algunas
características son comunes y ayudan a distinguir cada uno de ellos en cuanto a estructura, variación de carga, número de picos, nivel deportivo
y aplicabilidad
Palabras clave: Entrenamiento deportivo; Periodización del entrenamiento deportivo; Planificación de entrenamiento deportivo; Modelos
de periodización.

Introduction been a need to organize training models (Hernandes et

al., 2000).
Physical activity has been inherent to mankind since A model is a theoretical framework of a system or
the dawn of time when humans ran to escape danger or reality, created to facilitate its understanding, study and
threw stones as a means of defense. organization. The origin of work intended to increase
For thousands of years, human beings have used the output of physical activity is as old and important as
games to display their skills. Some of them were sports itself (Augustsson et al., 2011).
commemorative, and others religious rituals. A priori, According to Dantas (2021), periodization is the
these games sought to reproduce survival activities, overall and detailed planning of the time available for
such as hunting and warrior skills. Since then, there has training, according to the established intermediate
objectives, and adhering to the scientific principles of
sports exercise.
Fecha recepción: 21-12-21. Fecha de aceptación: 23-02-22
Juan Cristóbal-Barrón Gomes (2002), reported that, in the second half of the 20th century, sports training periodization changed

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frequently as different sports modalities evolved. widely disseminated and became the framework for
Stone et al. (1999), suggested that well planned other models.
periodization programs may enable a more rigorous With the evolution of sports, as it became highly
control of training variables, a reduction in the potential professionalized, capitalized and commercialized, several
of overtraining, superior performance adaptations, and megaevents were created, generating the need for
generally better performance in the appropriate time, equally significant performances.Thus, in order to meet
such as peak phases. current demands, a number of periodization models
According to De La Rosa and Farto (2017), and were developed. Matveev’s Classic Periodization led to
Garzón and Fajardo (2017) sports training periodization the development of other models such asVerkhoshansky’s
can be understood as the organized division of the annual Blocks periodization model,Vorobiev’s Modular,Arosiev
or bi-annual training of athletes, with a view to preparing and Kalinin‘s Pendular,Tschiene’s High Load,Valdivielso’s
them to achieve certain previously established goals ATR, Platonov’s Multi-cyclical, and Bompa’s Priority,
and obtain a good result at a certain culminating point among others.
of a competitive season, requiring that the fitness Although these models are based strongly on the
obtained be the result of adjusting training load dynamics biological dimension paradigm established by the
at their maximum level for the competitive moment. theories of Hans Seyle, they result from interactions
Based on a number of references, we suggest that between this paradigm and intuition, beliefs and the
periodization is a methodological system that distributes experience of trainers, as well as with socioeconomic
training contents as a function of the availability of and technological dimensions (Kiely, 2018; Cunanan et
resources, founded on knowledge of the laws and sports al., 2018).
training principles, and providing the possibility of The large number and variation of these models has
achieving certain intermediate goals which culminates made it difficult to classify and select which periodization
in the best athletic fitness possible in previously selected to use.The trend has been to choose a method based on
competitive events. highly subjective criteria, often obtaining a result by
Historically, records of the first training cycles come chance, without definitively knowing which model is
from Ancient Greece. The Hittites, reporting on horse best suited to achieve the desired objectives.
training, described the use of cycles consisting of 3 days
of stimuli and 1 day of rest (Dantas, 2021; Lopez et al., Objective
This marked the start of training periodization. The aim of the present study was to establish criteria
Current sports phenomenon has steadily been to identify sports training periodization models, analyze
increasing due to its commercialization, and as a result and discuss their characteristics, propose a classification
of media exposure. Sports discussions are no longer and indicate the applicability of the models most widely
restricted to groups of scientists but have spread cited in the literature.
worldwide and are debated by different classes of society,
age ranges, trainers and athletes. Methodlogy
With the evolution of science, specialists have strived
to develop a more effective training methodology (Ba- The methodology of the present study used a group
rrero & Matinez-Cabrera, 2019; Romero-Caballero et technique called directed discussion (Brasil, 1997).
al., 2022). Kiely (2018) reported that, to develop The group consisted of 20 Master’s students, all
periodization models, it is particularly important to researchers of the proposed models, and sports training
understand and transfer the framework proposed by students at the Science of Human Motricity course of
Hans Seyle, namely, his theory of stress and the general Castelo Branco University, in addition to four discussion
adaptation syndrome, to the field of sports. mediators.
In the 1950s, Matveev developed his classic The directed discussion mediators handed out a
periodization model, a training methodology aimed at document to each group containing the main
all sports, in order to obtain excellent Olympic Games characteristics of each model, which are described in
results which, at the time, was the most important the literature review of this article. After listening to a
sporting competition in the world, a relatively short lecture on the main points of these models, the 20
event held every four years. This periodization was Master’s students were divided into 5 groups of 4

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individuals. Each group was instructed to examine the The cycle-based structure (micro, meso and
proposed topic and fill out the working script as a function macrocycles) was conceived with well-defined
of its structure, load variation, number of peaks, athlete characteristics regarding the means, methods and
level and applicability (table 1), all in one hour. Next, manipulation of training loads, which are better
under the supervision and moderation of the mediators, understood in the new technologies used to create more
the students were encouraged to freely and critically specific training plans suited to contemporary sport
express their ideas and. at the end of the discussion, a (Owen, et al., 2017).
summary was prepared with the main ideas and results. The classic model is also applicable, primarily in the
Table 1. initial phases of the sport expectation plan, youth
Working script to fill out.
Models Structure Load Peaks Level Applicability categories and in situations with a relatively long training
MATVEEV (Classic)
VERKOSHANSKI (Blocks) period, in order to obtain good performance in a short
VOROBIEV (Modular) competition. Santos, Castelo and Silva (2011), proposed
PLATONOV (Multicyclical)
TSCHIENE (High Loads) applying this model to soccer, since they associated the
BOMPA (Priority) description of planning structures with preparation
periods, divided into a basic and specific phase, and a
competition and transition period, obtained as a result
Theoretical Foundation for the Study of their study and characteristics of the Matveev model.
Athlete preparation is an object of study of the Figure 1 shows the annual planning structure of
greatest interest. Several training periodization models Matveev’s model (Lacórdia et al., 2011; Santos et al.,
have been proposed to solve problems related to training 2011)
application and control, management of variables and
related resources, as well as to obtain the best athletic
fitness possible in previously established competitive
events. The most significant characteristics of the main
periodization models found in the literature are described Figure 1. Matveev’s Classic Periodization Model. Source: Forteza (1986).

Godoy et al. (2002) concluded that «Classic
a. Matveev Classic Periodization. Periodization was efficient in obtaining significant
According to Granell and Cervera (2003), the first Olympic results.»
methodology proposed and scientifically developed to The model is easy to understand because the phases
organize training contents was the Annual Planning are established according to load distribution and used
Structure of L.P. Matveev or Classic Periodization in several sports (Godoy et al., 2002).
(1958). Created in a highly politicized environment,
this model was developed to rationalize and determine b. Blocks (Verkhoshansky)
training loads. It aims to achieve and maintain sports Block training, presented by professor (Dr) Iuri V.
fitness in order to obtain sports excellence. Verkhoshansky in the early 1980s, proposed significant
The models currently applied in high-performance changes in sports training periodization. According to
sports were created based on the Olympic cycle. The Forteza, it was designed especially for strength sports
training cycle was divided into preparation periods, and (Stone et al. 1999).
subdivided into basic, specific, competition and transition Verkhoshansky presented his ideas in a book entitled
phases (Fernandes, 2011; Oliveira, et al., 2004). «Planning and Organization of Sports Training»,
The preparation period is relatively longer with a published in Moscow in 1985. According to Marques
predominance of load volume. The relatively shorter Junior (2020), this model began to be disseminated after
and more concentrated competition period involves a the success obtained by athletes in sports involving
change in the loads used as well as a transition period to explosive strength at the 1980 Olympic Games and was
enable the athlete to rest and recover.13 later adopted by other athletes. This gave rise to the
The dynamics of manipulating training loads is va- idea of contemporary periodization, as an alternative to
riable, alternating between the volume and intensity of the Matveev model (Marques Junior et al., 2019;
workloads in each phase of the training process (Black Verkhoshansky, 2005).
et al., 2017; Enoksen et al., 2011). The Blocks model, represented in figure 2, involves

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during the season (Marques Junior, 2019; Manso et al.,
Figure 4 shows that there is no transition phase and
that its application allows for a number of macrocycles
during the year.
Figure 2. Verkhoshansky’s Block Periodization Model. Source: Forteza (2005). Currently, the ATR model is widely applied to
facilitate the planning, prescription, application and con-
concentrated training loads aimed at improving strength, trol of training, and does not overlap or replace the
power and speed, qualities directly related to intensity basic phase (accumulation). It is ideal for situations in
in two or more training blocks every two and a half which the competition is short and involves meets, and
months (Matveev, 1986). was very successful in Spanish swimming events, but is
Verkhoshansky does not include the transition stage, also feasible in team sports if the competition is organized
since it would reduce the athlete’s performance curve as previously described (Manso et al., 2010).
due to the shorter training time available, which also Macrocycles are quite short in this type of
precludes separating the basic and specific stage. This organization. Thus, as shown in figure 3 and 4, the
optimizes the training time available by overlapping principle of concentrated loads is used to obtain optimal
the basic stage and its specific counterpart in training performance in different competitive events during the
blocks specific to the sport, obtaining several significant season. Currently, this model is widely applied.
peaks in different competitions during the season Mallo investigated the effects of ATR periodization
(Granell & Cervera, 2003). model on physical fitness of professional soccer athletes
It does not achieve the same performance as that and relates high satisfactory improvements on physical
obtained with Matveev’s periodization model, which fitness. So, it can be said that ATR model is useful to
produces a more prominent peak in the cycle, but makes situations with short conditioning periods and long and
it possible to obtain significant peaks in the different / or multiplecompetitons during a sort season (Azevedo
events on the calendar of some sports. & Godoy, 2004).

c. ATR (Valdivielso) d. Modular (Vorobiev)

This model, created in 1986 by Issurin and Kaverin, Vorobiev was an Olympic medal winner in
got its name because it uses 3 types of mesocycles: weightlifting in the 1960s. After retiring from
Accumulation, Transformation and Realization (ATR). competition, he became a coach in that sport, and
These are short periods where the loads applied are created Vorobiev’s modular.
concentrated, making it possible to obtain several peaks Despite not predominating, the loads oscillate and
remain above 80% most of the time.This large variation
is used as a resource to obtain increasingly higher
adaptations, since the body responds uniformly to a
uniform stimulation (Azevedo & Godoy, 2004).
The basic phase is not considered because it is
regarded as not promoting rapid athletic development,
Figure 3. Physical qualities developed in each mesocycle. Source: Manso (2010).
and specific preparation is therefore prioritized. Thus,
according to Azevedo et al., this emphasis on specific
training is used to adapt the body to the demands of the
sport in question (Azevedo & Godoy, 2004).
It is important to underscore that this model -

Figure 5. Voobiev’s Modular Periodization Model. Source: Manso (2010).

Figure 4. Valdivielso’s ATR Periodization Model. Source: Manso (2010).

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originally created for an individual Olympic sport, with subsequently withstand the specific demands of the sport
intense performances, no variations in techniques and (Chevrier et al., 2016).
of short duration - is suitable for sports with similar This model allows athletes to participate in 2 to 4
characteristics. Due to the specific preparation and high Olympic cycles. The increase in athletic career length
loads used, primarily in terms of intensity, this helps organize the preparation structure into 4 Olympic
periodization model is aimed at training athletes that cycles. In order to promote this longevity, all preparation
have mastered the technique, generally high-perfor- planning should be long-term, preventing early depletion
mance individuals (Azevedo & Godoy, 2004). of the adaptive resources of young athletes, and enhanced
assimilation of all the components of athletic preparation;
e. Multicyclical (Platonov) that is, the physical, technical, tactical, psychological,
This consists of a prolonged application of the classic cognitive and social components (Tavares Junior, 2014;
model, aimed at enabling athletes to obtain good results Portal, et al., 2004; Konaski et al., 2012). Figure 6
throughout their competitive career. It requires better summarizes the Platonov Multicycle Model.
organization and control of the contents and leads to a
gradual increase in specificity, allowing athletes to realize f. High Load Model (Tschiene)
their maximum potential. Given the need of athletes to maintain a high output
The gradual increase in specificity results in a decrease level in several events or in prolonged events for an
in the basic phase and over time in the training entire season, the German author Peter Tschiene
periodization of elite athletes. The preparation period organized the High-Output Structural Training Scheme
is gradually shortened and the competitive phase De La Rosa and Farto (2017).
occupies most of the season, in contrast to the demands The author systematized structure, alternating
on beginner athletes. The concern about beginners volume and intensity without lowering the 80%
demonstrates the scope of the model, characterizing its maximum potential levels, as shown in Figure 7.
adaptation to the individual performance expectation
plan (Dantas, 2021).
The choice of system is based on factors that deter-
mine the duration of preparation periods and stages,
including the length of the season, demands of the sport
and stage of the plan (Portal, et al., 2004; Platonov &
Boslhakova, 2013).
The competitive calendar is the primary factor that
governs the organization of training periods, adapting
all basic and specific preparation to the events selected.
Another factor is the demand of the sport, which Figure 7. Tschienne’s High-Load Periodization Model. Source: Forteza (2004).

determines the manipulation and adaptation of specific Under this organizational method training is
loads. A third factor is the stage of the performance considerably taxing, creating the need to alternate high-
expectation plan, since beginner athletes in the youth intensity cycles with active recovery, using a strategy
categories need greater attention to acquire technical to maintain output performance throughout the season
skills and reach basic performance levels to be able to (Portal, et al., 2004).
The demand for good performance in different
events, or over a season, requires predominantly specific
work, including that of the event. As such, in this model,
the competition itself is used as a training element to
develop the highest sports fitness level possible at the
most crucial time of the season (Manso et al., 2010;
Driggers et al., 2017).
All the characteristics, from the loads applied to
training specificity, indicate the use of the model in high-
performance athletes who participate in several events
Figure 6. The Platonov Multicycle Model. Souce: Platonov (2004).
over a short period of time, or simultaneously over

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prolonged periods (more than 2 months), requiring good not be a suitable parameter for sports in specific
performances throughout the season. situations, such as prolonged competition and/or events
predominantly requiring strength (Sequeiros et al.,
g. Pendular Model (Arosiev and Kalinin) 2004).
This model was created by the Russian Arosiev and Bompa also sought to solve the problem with sim-
Kalinin, in 1971. It is an improvement of the Matveev ple, double, triple and multiple training cycles, as
model, but with shorter macrocycles. As with ATR, it depicted in figure 10.
was created to meet the demands of contemporary The traditional structure is maintained even in
sports, in which athletes need to display the best Bompa’s multiple periodization, but how the variation
competitive fitness possible several times during the in loads is applied is not determined.
season. «Simple periodization is reserved for beginner
Alternating between basic and specific loads to athletes and youth categories, double periodization for
achieve better competitive skills was recommended in experienced athletes, who qualify at the national level,
the Matveev model and referred to as pendular training and triple and multiple periodization for high-perfor-
because specific loads grow at each training cycle, unlike mance or international levels only» (Bompa &
basic loads, which decrease until they become Buzzichelli, 2018).
significantly lower. This is based on the premise of
adaptation and continuity, whereby individuals constantly
undergoing training react by adapting to stimuli, forming
a foundation that enables alternating loads with greater
emphasis on high-intensity loads.
The shorter the duration of the pendulums, the more
Figure 9. Bompa Priority Periodization Model. Source: Bompa (2010).
often the athlete will be fit to compete. If the pendulums
are longer, sports fitness will be sustained longer.
This is one of the models that solves the current
problem of obtaining peaks in several events, but it
Figure 10. Bompa Priority Periodization Model for tennis players. Source: Bompa (2004).
should be understood that it is restricted to the need
for several peaks during the season. If the situation allows
a considerable preparation period for a competitive Results and Discussion
event whose duration is less than the preparatory period,
the performance achieved in Matveev’s periodization Despite some conceptual differences, most of the
will be significantly higher. contemporary training periodization models derive
It is reasonable to suppose that a pendular structure from the Matveev model, seeking to meet the demands
can be successively applied in several sports (individual currently imposed by sports and exhibiting the following
and/or team, cyclical, non-cyclical and/or combined common characteristics:
non-cyclical). 1. Less time for basic or general preparation, in
order to increase the time spent on specific preparation.
2. Specialization per modality, or per characteristics
of the sport demands.
3. Preponderance of intensity over volume.
4. Adaptation of the recovery processes to the tem-
Figure 8. Arosiev and Kalinin`s pendular periodization model. Source: Granell and Cervera (2003). poral structure of the sports calendar.
5. Greater structural flexibility, with systems
h. Priority (Bompa) exhibiting increasingly individualized aspects.
This periodization model seeks to solve a serious 6. Larger number of peaks per season.
problem, namely, the need to obtain several peaks in In addition to these aspects resulting from the
different events throughout the season. directed discussion, Konarski et al. (2012) and Marques
It was originally applied to sports involving power Junior (2020), also describe the integration of physical
and speed whose events are typically of short duration. training, tactical techniques and greater control over
Thus, without the necessary precautions the model may the occurrence and prevention of lesions.

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In the sports training literature, Gomes (2002), The aims and results of this study differ from others
proposed dividing models into traditional and found in the literature since the focus on model
contemporary, based on historical classification. classification contributes to the selection of the planning
A trial conducted by Barbosa et al (2004), structure to be applied by trainers.
determined the relevant aspects to be used as Comparing periodization models in search of the
methodological classification criteria. These included best option without understanding the classification
being specific regarding structure; a specific type of presented here, and analyzing only the results obtained
activity; load distribution; macro, meso and microcycle from manipulating training loads, demonstrates that the
format; meeting the level of demand; being in line with concepts of periodization models are used
the athlete’s performance; achieving the objectives; and interchangeably, lack proven results, reports and/or
the stage of the performance expectation plan. control of intervening factors, and compromise the
Based on this preliminary framework, the present findings due to individual variations. As such, they
study sought to establish the identification/classification contribute little to the aforementioned selection
criteria of periodization models using a knowledgeable process.
directed discussion (table 2). Studied the effects of 3-weeks intensified training,
Table 2. similar to block model, on female age group basketball
Classification criteria for periodization models.
Identification criteria for periodization models
players and describe benefits on performance readiness.
Periodization structure Traditional Adapted Undefined (Lukonaitiené et al., 2020).
Load variation in the cycle Emphasis on volume Emphasis on intensity Variation
Sport level High performance Amateur Beginner In another longer study, during four consecutive
Performance duration
No. of peaks per season
Up to 3 peaks
Multiple Long
More than 3 peaks
seasons in professional soccer, Mallo observed that ATR
Model applicability Monastic Eclectic model promoted greater performances during
Realizations phases (Mallo, 2011).
The debate culminated in the creation of a table Although there is evidences of improvements of
with the characteristics of each model identified. Other performance with short periods of high intensity training,
classification criteria do not lose their importance, since sometimes this not occurs. Barbosa did not obtained
they increasingly identify the models historically and improvements in swimming performance, after four
chronologically, among others. Moreover, the weeks of higher intensity using hand paddle, suggesting
classification criteria created facilitates better that there are another parameters involved (Barbosa,
understanding of the exact function of each model and is et al., 2020).
applicable to any existing periodization model. Despite not naming the periodization model applied,
This allowed us to form a clear picture, segmented a recent study by Black et. al. (2017), demonstrates
by several viewpoints, of the use, structure, and that a variation in basic, specific and competition
application of the different periodization models. preparation cycles is suitable for rugby teams and that
In addition, they help create new proposals regarding the prescription of external loads can be better optimized
sports training structures, according to the goals using current technologies such as GPS to control loads
established, as illustrated in table 3. during training and competition. The use of technology
goes beyond the simple control of external
loads, since, according to Owens et al.
Table 3.
Summary of main ideas and results. (2017), it is possible to determine internal
Models Structure Load variation Peaks Level Applicability
Up to 3 All
Eclectic and external load specificities in order to
(Classic) Vol X Int Short performance
Variation Up to 3
High performance
Monastic better plan training regimes.
(Blocks) Vol X Int Multiple performance
VALDIVIELSO Variation Eclectic
Adapted More than 3 High performance
(ATR) Vol X Int Multiple performance
Predominance of
More than 3 High performance
Monastic Conclusion
(Modular) intensity Multiple performance
PLATONOV Variation Eclectic
Traditional Both All
(Multicycle) Vol X Int Short, long or multiple performance
More than 3 High performance
Eclectic Analysis of the periodization models
(High Loads)
Vol X Int
Predominance of
Long or multiple performance
Eclectic investigated reveals that despite their
Adapted More than 3 High performance
KALININ (Pendular) intensity
Predominance of
Multiple performance
variety, there are some common
High variation
Both All
Short, long or multiple performance
characteristics that help distinguish one
Vol X Int
from another, such as structure, load
variation, number of peaks, sports level

- 180 - Retos, número 45, 2022 (3º trimestre)

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