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Document 1
Document 1
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7 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Michael Douglas Bispo on 27 May 2022.
Abstract. Periodization is a methodological system that distributes training contents.With the evolution of sports, several periodization
models were developed based on Matveev’s classic periodization,Verkhoshansky’s Blocks periodization model,Vorobiev’s Modular,Arosiev
and Kalinin‘s Pendular, Tschiene‘s High Load,Valdivielso’s ATR, Platonov’s Multicyclical, and Bompa’s Priority, among others.The vast
majority of models - and even their variations - have made it difficult to classify and select which periodization to use.To that end, the aim of
the present study was to create criteria to identify sports training periodization models and, with the use of analysis and discussion of their
characteristics, propose a classification and indicate the applicability of the most widely cited models in the literature. In the methodology of
this study, a group technique known as direct discussion was used.The group consisted of 20 Master’s students, all researchers of the models
proposed and sports training students at the Science of Human Motricity Course of Castelo Branco University, in addition to four discussion
mediators. Despite a number of conceptual differences, the results show that most of the contemporary periodization training models derive
from Matveev’s model, in an attempt to meet the demands currently imposed by sports.We analyzed the models investigated and concluded
that despite their diversity, some characteristics are common and help distinguish each of them in terms of structure, load variation, number
of peaks, sports level and applicability.
Keywords. SportsTraining; Sports training periodization; Sports training planning; Periodization models.
Resumen. La periodización es un sistema metodológico que distribuye los contenidos formativos. Con la evolución de los deportes, se
desarrollaron varios modelos de periodización basados en la periodización clásica de Matveev, el modelo de periodización de Bloques de
Verkhoshansky, Modular deVorobiev, Pendular de Arosiev y Kalinin, Carga de alto deTschiene,ATR deValdivielso, Multicíclico de Platonov
y Prioridad de Bompa, entre otros. La gran mayoría de modelos, e incluso sus variaciones, han dificultado la clasificación y selección de qué
periodización utilizar. Para ello, el objetivo del presente estudio fue generar criterios para identificar modelos de periodización del entrenamiento
deportivo y, con el uso del análisis y discusión de sus características, proponer una clasificación e indicar la aplicabilidad de los modelos más
citados en la literatura. En la metodología de este estudio se utilizó una técnica grupal conocida como discusión directa. El grupo estuvo
integrado por 20 estudiantes de maestría, todos investigadores de los modelos propuestos y estudiantes de formación deportiva del Curso de
Ciencia de la Motricidad Humana de la Universidad Castelo Branco, además de cuatro mediadores de discusión. Los resultados muestran que
la mayoría de los modelos de entrenamiento de periodización contemporáneos derivan del modelo de Matveev, en un intento de satisfacer las
demandas impuestas actualmente por los deportes.Analizamos los modelos investigados y concluimos que a pesar de su diversidad, algunas
características son comunes y ayudan a distinguir cada uno de ellos en cuanto a estructura, variación de carga, número de picos, nivel deportivo
y aplicabilidad
Palabras clave: Entrenamiento deportivo; Periodización del entrenamiento deportivo; Planificación de entrenamiento deportivo; Modelos
de periodización.
Godoy et al. (2002) concluded that «Classic
a. Matveev Classic Periodization. Periodization was efficient in obtaining significant
According to Granell and Cervera (2003), the first Olympic results.»
methodology proposed and scientifically developed to The model is easy to understand because the phases
organize training contents was the Annual Planning are established according to load distribution and used
Structure of L.P. Matveev or Classic Periodization in several sports (Godoy et al., 2002).
(1958). Created in a highly politicized environment,
this model was developed to rationalize and determine b. Blocks (Verkhoshansky)
training loads. It aims to achieve and maintain sports Block training, presented by professor (Dr) Iuri V.
fitness in order to obtain sports excellence. Verkhoshansky in the early 1980s, proposed significant
The models currently applied in high-performance changes in sports training periodization. According to
sports were created based on the Olympic cycle. The Forteza, it was designed especially for strength sports
training cycle was divided into preparation periods, and (Stone et al. 1999).
subdivided into basic, specific, competition and transition Verkhoshansky presented his ideas in a book entitled
phases (Fernandes, 2011; Oliveira, et al., 2004). «Planning and Organization of Sports Training»,
The preparation period is relatively longer with a published in Moscow in 1985. According to Marques
predominance of load volume. The relatively shorter Junior (2020), this model began to be disseminated after
and more concentrated competition period involves a the success obtained by athletes in sports involving
change in the loads used as well as a transition period to explosive strength at the 1980 Olympic Games and was
enable the athlete to rest and recover.13 later adopted by other athletes. This gave rise to the
The dynamics of manipulating training loads is va- idea of contemporary periodization, as an alternative to
riable, alternating between the volume and intensity of the Matveev model (Marques Junior et al., 2019;
workloads in each phase of the training process (Black Verkhoshansky, 2005).
et al., 2017; Enoksen et al., 2011). The Blocks model, represented in figure 2, involves
determines the manipulation and adaptation of specific Under this organizational method training is
loads. A third factor is the stage of the performance considerably taxing, creating the need to alternate high-
expectation plan, since beginner athletes in the youth intensity cycles with active recovery, using a strategy
categories need greater attention to acquire technical to maintain output performance throughout the season
skills and reach basic performance levels to be able to (Portal, et al., 2004).
The demand for good performance in different
events, or over a season, requires predominantly specific
work, including that of the event. As such, in this model,
the competition itself is used as a training element to
develop the highest sports fitness level possible at the
most crucial time of the season (Manso et al., 2010;
Driggers et al., 2017).
All the characteristics, from the loads applied to
training specificity, indicate the use of the model in high-
performance athletes who participate in several events
Figure 6. The Platonov Multicycle Model. Souce: Platonov (2004).
over a short period of time, or simultaneously over