Q1 English Week 1
Q1 English Week 1
Q1 English Week 1
Subject Matter Transportation sounds Transportation sounds
Answering Wh questions Answering Wh questions Animal sounds Musical Instrument Sounds
Classification of loud or soft High/Low Sound
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 1-3 p. 4 pp. 5-7 pp. 7-8
2. Learner’s Material pp. 2-5 pp. 5-6 pp. 7-9 pp. 10-13
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource portal
B. Other Materials
A. Review Listen to the sound made by How do you go to school? Mimic the transportation Listen to the animal sounds
what you see in the pictures. sounds and identify them as and identify them whether
Put a check mark if it is a loud or soft sound. high or low.
correct sound and cross if it
is not correct.
B. Establishing the purpose What sounds do you hear What other transportations What kind of pet do you
for the lesson when you go to school? Do do you know? have ? What is your favorite
you walk to school? What Plot animals mentioned by musical instrument?
kind of transportation do the pupil using bubble map.
you take?
C. Presenting Present pictures of vehicles. Today we shall have a game Look at the picture of the
example/instances of the say the words and let the Pupil A will choose a picture goat. What sound does it Let’s do the Orchestra
new lesson pupil repeat them. of transportation and ask make? Game. I will assign pupils to
pupil B to produce its sound. play instruments. As I point
on them, each pupil will
make the sound that the
instrument can produce.
D. Discussing new concepts Listen to the story of a grade This time mimic the sound of Listen as the teacher reads What instruments did they
and practicing new skill 2 boy. Find out how he goes transportation and ask your the story of “Five Little play? What sounds did you
#1 to school. seatmate to identify the Goats”. hear? Which has loud
transportation. sound? soft sound? high
sound?low sound?
E. Discussing new concepts Where was Lito going? Who Mimic the sound of the What animal was mentioned Listen to the sound and
and practicing new skill is Kuya Ben? How did Lito transportation in the picture in the story? What sound did Identify the instrument.
#2 get to school? and classify the sound they it make?
make as loud or soft.
F. Developing Mastery What sounds were heard by Check the picture if it makes Play a CD tape. Let the pupils Encircle the musical
(Lead to Formative Lito? loud sound and cross it if it identify the sound of animals instrument.
Assessment) makes soft sound. and classify them as loud or
soft sound.and soft sound.
G. Finding practica I Can Do it Group Activity Look at the picture of the Do the activity on “I Can Do
application of concepts Who said the ff. lines; Imitate the sounds of animal and produce the it” on p.12 of LM.
and skill in daily living 1. “I’m sorry Lito, there’s a transportation and let the sound it makes and classify
traffic jam again. group identify the them as loud or soft sound
transportation. or let the pupils do “ I Can Do
It on page 8 of LM.
H. Generalization What did you learn for Transportations make Remember this:
today’s lesson? different sounds.They make Different animals make Remember this:
loud and soft sounds. different sounds. Their Musical instruments have
sounds could be soft or loud. different sounds. Some
musical instrument produce
loud/soft, high/low sounds.
I. Evaluating Learning Answer Measure My Look at each pictures. Check Measure My Learning Measure My Learning
Learning (/) if the sound it makes is Connect the animals to the Connect the musical
Encicle the correct answer. loud or soft. sound they make on page 9 instruments to the sound it
1. Who went to school? of LM. makes. p 13 of LM
(Lito, Kuya Ben, Mario)
(2-5 written on the board)
J. Additional activities for Assignment: Complete the Agreement: Think of other Encircle the musical
application or following story. animals to take the place in instrument that makes loud
Remediation Hello. I’m ___________. I the story. Be able to mimic sound.
ride in a ___ in going to its sound.
IV. Remarks
V. Reflection
A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who
required remediation.
C. Did the remedia workl?
No. of learners who have
caught up.
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well