T Proc Notices Notices 025 K Notice Doc 21645 816090712
T Proc Notices Notices 025 K Notice Doc 21645 816090712
T Proc Notices Notices 025 K Notice Doc 21645 816090712
(This should be written in the Letterhead of the Bidder. Except for indicated
fields, no changes may be made in this template.)
Dear Sir/Madam:
We, the undersigned, hereby offer to supply the goods and related services required for
[insert: title of goods and services required as per ITB] in accordance with your Invitation to Bid
No.BLR/271/2015 dated 08/04/2015. We are hereby submitting our Bid, which includes the
Technical Bid and Price Schedule.
a) All the information and statements made in this Bid are true and we accept that any
misrepresentation contained in it may lead to our disqualification;
b) We are currently not on the removed or suspended vendor list of the UN or other such lists
of other UN agencies, nor are we associated with, any company or individual appearing on
the 1267/1989 list of the UN Security Council;
c) We have no outstanding bankruptcy or pending litigation or any legal action that could
impair our operation as a going concern; and
d) We do not employ, nor anticipate employing, any person who is or was recently employed
by the UN or UNDP.
We confirm that we have read, understood and hereby fully accept the Schedule of
Requirements and Technical Specifications describing the duties and responsibilities required of
us in this ITB, and the General Terms and Conditions of UNDP’s Standard Contract for this ITB.
We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to initiate the supply of goods and provision of
related services not later than the date indicated in the Data Sheet.
We fully understand and recognize that UNDP is not bound to accept this Bid, that we
shall bear all costs associated with its preparation and submission, and that UNDP will in no
case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
We remain,
Yours sincerely,
Date: [insert date (as day, month and year) of Bid Submission]
ITB No.BLR/271/2015
2. In case of Joint Venture (JV), legal name of each party: [insert legal name of each party in JV]
9. Value and Description of Top three (3) Biggest Contract for the past five (5) years
11. Brief description of litigation history (disputes, arbitration, claims, etc.), indicating current status and
outcomes, if already resolved.
The Bidder shall fill in this Form in accordance with the instructions. Apart from providing additional information, no
alterations to its format shall be permitted and no substitutions shall be accepted.
Authorized Signature [In full and initials]:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
[please mark this form with your corporate seal, if available]
Joint Venture Partner Information Form (if Registered)3
Date: [insert date (as day, month and year) of Bid Submission]
ITB No.BLR/271/2015
9. Value and Description of Top three (3) Biggest Contracts for the past five (5) years
11. Brief description of litigation history (disputes, arbitration, claims, etc.), indicating current status and
outcomes, if already resolved.
Technical Bids not submitted in this format may be rejected.
ITB No.BLR/271/2015 for the
supply and delivery of one (1) reed harvester
1.1 Brief Description of Bidder as an Entity: Provide a brief description of the organization / firm submitting the Bid,
its legal mandates/authorized business activities, the year and country of incorporation, and approximate annual
budget, etc. Include reference to reputation, or any history of litigation and arbitration in which the organisation /
firm has been involved that could adversely affect or impact the delivery of goods and/or performance of related
services, indicating the status/result of such litigation/arbitration. Provide printed brochures and/or product
catalogues (in English, Russian or Belarusian) relevant to the goods being procured with technical information and
general views.
1.2. Financial Capacity: Based on the latest Audited Financial Statement (Income Statement and Balance Sheet)
describe the financial capacity (liquidity, stand-by credit lines, etc.) of the bidder to engage into the contract. Include
any indication of credit rating, industry rating, etc.
1.3. Track Record and Experiences: Provide the following information regarding corporate experience within at least
the last three (3) years which are related or relevant to those required for this Contract (at least 3 contracts).
2.1. Scope of Supply: Please provide a detailed description of the goods to be supplied, indicating clearly how they
comply with the technical specifications required by the ITB (see below table); describe how the organisation/firm
will supply the goods and any related services, keeping in mind the appropriateness to local conditions and project
Item to be Q-ty Description / Specifications of Goods Description / Specifications of
Supplied (required) Goods (offered)
Please indicate parameters of the offered
Self- 1 Please indicate model, manufacturer, country
propelled unit of origin of the offered goods:
tracked ORIGIN Manufacturer:_______________
reed Country of origin:_____________
harvesting 1. Type: Self-propelled tracked reed
machine harvesting machine (reed harvester) with
(reed reed cutter and binder. Stacking/loading of
harvester) reed bundles into the rear cargo body (and
Please indicate conformity with the type,
onto the towed cargo sled) to be terrain, temperature requirements:
performed manually. The reed harvester is
intended for the operation on the
peatlands and marshlands at ambient
temperature from -30 to +35°C;
Please indicate the year of manufacture and
confirm that the machine is brand new, not
2. Year of manufacture: 2015 (brand used (operated), is not a sample or
new); experimental batch, and shall not be
assembled from the restored or rehabilitated
parts, units or items:
Please indicate model, manufacturer, country
3. Engine: of origin:
3.1. Type: Diesel, turbocharged; Please indicate type:
3.2. Emission standard compliance: Not
Please indicate emission standard:
less than EU Stage II or equivalent;
3.3. Power, kW: Not less than 45; Please indicate engine power:
Please indicate if the machine is fitted with
3.4. Engine starting preheater: Available; the engine starting preheater:
4. Ground clearance, mm: Not less than
Please indicate ground clearance:
5. Fuel tank capacity, l: Not less than 100; Please indicate fuel tank capacity:
6. Undercarriage: Crawler track system; Please provide details of undercarriage:
6.1. Track width, mm: Not less than 500; Please indicate track width:
7. Cabin: All-weather, enclosed, equipped
Please provide details of cabin:
with a heater and a windscreen wiper;
8. Steering control: Joystick control of all
directional movements and speed Please provide details of control:
9. Work lights: Front and rear work lights; Please provide details of work lights:
10. Adjustment: Adjustment of height of
reed cutting, cutting and binding systems Please provide details of all adjustments
and other machine mechanisms available:
depending on the type of terrain;
11. Reed cutting system: Available; Please provide details of the system:
11.1. Width of cut row, mm: Not less
Please indicate width:
than 1400;
12. Binding system: Available; Please provide details of the system:
12.1. Output: Not less than 10 bundles
Please indicate output:
per minute;
13. Cargo body: Available; Please provide details of the payload area:
13.1. Cargo body capacity: Not less than Please indicate capacity:
100 bundles;
14. Payload, kg: Not less than 700; Please indicate capacity:
Please indicate if the machine is equipped
15. Rear tow hook with clevis: Available; with the rear tow hook with clevis:
16. Front coupling gear: Towing device Please indicate if the machine is equipped
(tow hook); with the front coupling gear:
17. Painting: Resistant to chemical agents Please state conformity with the
and mechanical impacts; requirement:
18. Toolkit: Standard toolkit; Please provide details of the toolkit:
19. Warranty: Standard Supplier warranty
on parts and services which shall not be Please provide details of the warranty
less than 12 months or 2000 machine offered:
hours whichever comes first;
20. Operating and maintenance manual:
Set of manuals in English or Russian Please indicate language:
language (supplied with the Goods);
21. Documents confirming quality of
offered Goods: The offered goods must
be from the manufacturers adhering to
ISO 9001 quality system (quality
Please indicate all that applies and attach to
certification systems equivalent to ISO the bid the copies of the documents:
will also be considered) and/or the
proposed goods have valid product
quality/conformity certificate(s) or
product conformity marking.
Warranty, Warranty requirements: The warranty
after-sales period will commence from the date of
and spare signing the Goods acceptance certificate
parts by the Purchaser. During warranty period
requireme all maintenance and services under
nts warranty shall be performed by the
Supplier/Supplier’s authorized
representative at the Supplier’s cost and
shall cover labour, materials and
parts/units. The Supplier shall provide Please state conformity with the
warranty repairs and replacement of requirement:
faulty parts of the supplied Goods at the
request of the Purchaser (or the End-
user) within thirty (30) calendar days
upon receipt of such request (if and when
required the Supplier’s qualified
specialist(s) shall be send to the reed
harvester location in Berezovsky Raion,
Brestskaya Oblast, Republic of Belarus for
the rectification of faults);
After-sales requirements: The Supplier Please state conformity with the
shall provide after sales servicing of the requirement:
reed harvester for a minimum period of
five (5) years from the date of handing
over the machine to the Purchaser.
Post-warranty fault diagnoses and
maintenance of the reed harvester, if
required, shall be provided by the
Supplier’s qualified specialist(s) within
reasonable time upon written request by
the Purchaser at the location of the reed
harvester following purchase orders of
the Purchaser or the End-user.
The Supplier shall ensure product
support service (in normal business
hours), which include provision of
responses to all field questions,
recommendations for field actions,
classification of problems and
formulation of recommendations online,
by phone or other means of
Spare parts requirements: The Supplier
shall warranty supply of spare and
component parts and consumables
following purchase orders of the
Purchaser or the End-user for a minimum
period of five (5) years. The supplied Please state conformity with the
spare parts shall be carefully packed for requirement:
long-term storage under the site
conditions. Each item of spare parts shall
be clearly marked or labeled on the
outside of its packing with its description
and number.
A supporting document with full details is to be annexed to this section. In the case of any discrepancy between
specifications of the required goods under item 2.1. above and Technical Specifications of Section 3a the
data/information contained in the Technical Specifications of Section 3a shall prevail.
2.2. Technical Quality Assurance Mechanisms: The bid shall also include details of the Bidder’s internal technical and
quality assurance review mechanisms, all the appropriate quality certificates, export licenses and other documents
attesting to the superiority of the quality of the goods and technologies to be supplied.
2.3. Anti-Corruption Strategy (Optional): Define the anti-corruption strategy that will be applied in this project to
prevent the misuse of funds. Describe the financial controls that will be put in place.
2.4 Statement of Full Disclosure: This is intended to disclose any potential conflict in accordance with the definition
of “conflict” under Section 4 of this document, if any.
Bidders are requested to specify their offered delivery time (in days from the date of signing contract/Purchase
Order). Bidders are requested to propose earliest possible delivery time. The total period elapsing from the date of
signing the Purchase Order to delivery shall not exceed ninety (90) calendar days (alternate delivery schedule may
also be considered if found acceptable)
Item Description Quantity, Requested Delivery Incoterms 2010 and Proposed
No. Unit of Schedule Place Delivery
Measure Schedule
1 Supply and 1 unit Not more than DAP village
delivery of one ninety calendar Vysokoe,
(1) reed days (90) after Berezovsky Raion,
harvester signing the Brestskaya Oblast,
Purchase Order Republic of Belarus
The Bidder is required to prepare the Price Schedule as indicated in the Instruction to Bidders.
The Price Schedule must provide a detailed cost breakdown of all goods and related services to
be provided, from unit price to lot prices. Separate figures must be provided for each functional
grouping or category, if any.
Any estimates for cost-reimbursable items, such as travel of experts and out-of-pocket
expenses, should be listed separately.
The format shown on the following pages is suggested for use as a guide in preparing the Price
Schedule. The format includes specific expenditures, which may or may not be required or
applicable but are indicated to serve as examples.
Deliverables Expected Date of Percentage of Total Price
Delivery/Completion Price (Lump Sum, All
1. Advanced payment ___%
2. Reed harvester – 1 unit ___%
* This shall be the basis of payment tranches
No deletion or modification may be made in this form. Any such deletion or modification may lead to the
rejection of the Bid.
B. Cost Breakdown by Cost Component:
The Bidders are requested to provide the cost breakdown for the above given prices for each
deliverable based on the following format. UNDP shall use the cost breakdown for the price
reasonability assessment purposes as well as the calculation of price in the event that both
parties have agreed for additional set of goods and/or related services.
*Unit price and total price should be based on terms of delivery: DAP village Vysokoe, Berezovsky Raion,
Brestskaya Oblast, Republic of Belarus (Incoterms 2010).
**The price proposals of the companies, non-residents of the Republic of Belarus shall not include VAT. In
the price proposals of the companies, residents of the Republic of Belarus, VAT, if included, shall be
clearly indicated in the price proposal. In such a case, VAT, if any, will be paid to the supplier and
reimbursed to UNDP by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus. The price proposals of the
Bidders will be compared without VAT.
We hereby declare and confirm that the Goods offered hereinabove are brand new, of 2015 year make,
not used (operated), shall not be a sample or experimental batch, and shall not be assembled from the
restored or rehabilitated parts, units or items.
C. Optional services, parts and consumables for the reed harvester (not included in the
Bid price):
Item (a) (b) (c )=(a)x(b)
Quantity Unit Price* Total Cost of Goods* /
Currency:____ Services
1. Reed harvester towed cargo sled for 1 unit
stacking and transportation of reed
bundles (sledge trailer specifications to
be provided with the bid)
2. Training of the Purchaser/End-user - -
staff in the operation and maintenance
of reed harvester in Berezovsky District
(Brest Region, Republic of Belarus) as
per ITB Section 3a (including travel,
accommodation expenses, daily
3. Field commissioning of the supplied - -
Goods by the Supplier’s authorized
representative (as per ITB Section 3a,
(including travel, accommodation
expenses, daily allowance)
4. Optional parts and consumables as
proposed by the Bidder:
Item 1
Item 2…
Note: The price proposals of the companies, non-residents of the Republic of Belarus shall not include
VAT. In the price proposals of the companies, residents of the Republic of Belarus, VAT, if included, shall
be clearly indicated in the price proposal. In such a case, VAT, if any, will be paid to the supplier and
reimbursed to UNDP by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus.
*Unit price and total cost should be based on terms of delivery: DAP village Vysokoe, Berezovsky Raion,
Brestskaya Oblast, Republic of Belarus (Incoterms 2010).
We hereby declare and confirm that the Goods offered hereinabove are brand new, not used (operated),
shall not be a sample or experimental batch, and shall not be assembled from the restored or
rehabilitated parts, units or items.
The Contractor’s Bank must issue the Guarantee using the contents of this template.
_____________________________ [Bank’s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office]
Beneficiary: _________________ [Name and Address of UNDP]
Date: ________________ ++++++++++++++
ADVANCE PAYMENT GUARANTEE No.: _________________
We have been informed that [name of Company] (hereinafter called "the Contractor") has entered into
Contract No. [reference number of the contract] dated [insert: date] with you, for the provision of [brief
description of ITB requirements] (hereinafter called "the Contract").
Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, an advance payment in
the sum of [amount in words] ([amount in figures]) is to be made against an advance payment
At the request of the Contractor, we [name of Bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum
or sums not exceeding in total an amount of [amount in words] ([amount in figures])7 upon receipt by
us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Contractor is in
breach of its obligation under the Contract because the Contractor has used the advance payment for
purposes other than toward providing the goods and related services under the Contract.
It is a condition for any claim and payment under this guarantee to be made that the advance payment
referred to above must have been received by the Contractor on its account number ___________ at
[name and address of Bank].
The maximum amount of this guarantee shall be progressively reduced by the amount of the advance
payment repaid by the Contractor as indicated in copies of certified monthly statements which shall be
presented to us. This guarantee shall expire, at the latest, upon our receipt of the monthly payment
certificate indicating that the Consultants have made full repayment of the amount of the advance
payment, or on the __ day of ___________, 2___, 20__ whichever is earlier. Consequently, any demand
for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at this office on or before that date.
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 458.
Note: All italicized text is for indicative purposes only to assist in preparing this form and shall be
deleted from the final product.
We [insert complete name of Manufacturer], who are official manufacturers of [insert type of goods
manufactured], having factory(ies) at [insert full address of Manufacturer’s factory(ies)], do hereby
authorize [insert complete name of Bidder] to submit a bid the purpose of which is to provide the
following goods manufactured by us [insert name and brief description of goods] under ITB
No.BLR/271/2015, and to subsequently negotiate and sign the Contract.
We hereby extent our full guarantee and warranty with respect to the Goods offered by the above firm
under ITB No.BLR/271/2015.