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Baser O, Samayoa G, Yapar N, Baser E, Mete F.

Use of open claims vs closed claims in health

outcomes research. JHEOR. 2023:10(2):45-52. doi:10.36469/jheor.2023.87538

Journal of Health Economics

and Outcomes Research
Methodology and Healthcare Policy

Use of Open Claims vs Closed Claims in Health Outcomes Research

Onur Baser1,2,3*, Gabriela Samayoa4, Nehir Yapar4, Erdem Baser5, Fatih Mete5
City University of New York, New York, USA
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
John D. Dingell VA Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan, USA
Columbia Data Analytics, New York, New York, USA
Mergen Analytics, Bilkent Cyberpark, Ankara, Turkey


Background: Closed claims are frequently used in outcomes research studies. Lately, the availability of
Article history:
Accepted August 22, 2023
open claims has increased the possibility of obtaining information faster and on a larger scale. Howev-
er, because of the possibility of missing claims and duplications, these data sets have not been highly
Keywords: open claims, closed claims, utilized in medical research.
MarketScan®, PharMetrics® Plus,
Objective: To compare frequently used healthcare utilization measures between closed claims and
Kythera, outcomes research
open claims to analyze if the possibility of missing claims in open claims data creates a downward bias
in the estimates.
*Corresponding author:
Methods: We identified 18 different diseases using 2022 data from 2 closed claims data sets (Mar-
Email address: Onur.Baser@sph.cuny.edu
ketScan® and PharMetrics® Plus) and 1 open claims database (Kythera). After applying an algorithm
that removes possible duplications from open claims data, we compared healthcare utilizations such as
inpatient, emergency department, and outpatient use and length of stay among these 3 data sets. We
applied standardized differences to compare the medians for each outcome.
Results: The sample size of the open claims data sets was 10 to 65 times larger than closed claims data
sets depending on disease type. For each disease, the estimates of healthcare utilization were similar
between the open claims and closed claims data. The difference was statistically insignificant.
Conclusions: Open claims data with a bigger sample size and more current available information
provide essential advantages for healthcare outcomes research studies. Therefore, especially for new
medications and rare diseases, open claims data can provide information much earlier than closed
claims, which usually have a time lag of 6 to 8 months.

INTRODUCTION in RCTs. In contrast, real-world evidence (RWE) does not have these
limitations; therefore, there is a growing interest among regulatory and
An individual’s specific needs and desired health outcomes are the driv- payor organizations to use nonrandomized RWE to supplement RCT
ing forces behind all healthcare decisions and quality measurements. evidence and aid in clinical and economic decision-making.3
Collecting data that clearly guide patients’ actions along their health- RWE studies focus on the benefits and harms of treatments us-
care journey is crucial for health economics and outcomes research ing real-world data; that is, routinely collected data relating to patients
(HEOR) companies to provide patient-centered care. health status and/or the delivery of health care.3 Sources of real-world
Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) can answer many questions data, such as health insurance claims, electronic health records (EHR),
concerning treatments and health care. However, the volume of clinical and patient registries, are becoming increasingly consolidated, stan-
questions greatly outweighs the available resources to conduct RCTs. A dardized, and accessible for research on therapeutics. RWE studies
number of other limitations are also associated with RCTs.1 The results relying on existing data can often be implemented more rapidly than
of an RCT might not reflect the effects of the treatment in real-world RCTs, providing an important advantage in the context of a new, rap-
settings because they often assess efficacy in controlled, standardized, idly spreading disease with high morbidity and mortality.
and highly monitored settings and usually among a highly selective Real-world data can capture hospitalizations, causes of death,
sample of patients.2 Adherence or overdose are not at issue in patients medication dispensing, and tests performed. Measurement of

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (CCBY-4.0). View this license’s legal deed at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 and legal code at
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode for more information.
Baser O, et al.

dispensed outpatient medication is typically well‐captured through two different hospitals, and has a prescription filled from two different
pharmacy claims.4 An exception is out‐of‐hospital deaths, which are pharmacists. However, the diagnosis date was prior to enrollment in
captured poorly in data sources not linked to administrative or other that insurance plan. We can see a comprehensive view of patient’s ac-
death records. Also, while test results are also not typically recorded tions through closed claims (Figure 1).
in claims, a positive result may be inferred from a test followed by an In all settings of care, closed payers’ claims can provide a robust
International Classification of Disease, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) diag- timeline of all events, which is critical for many types of outcomes
nosis code. research studies. Therefore, these types of claims have been used as a
Two kinds of data collection are available when providing RWE standard for RWE.
of a patient’s care journey: closed-payer claims and open claims. Out- Despite their advantages, closed claims data have some drawbacks.
comes research studies have typically used closed-payer claims for First, most outcomes research looks for continuous care, which requires
RWE. Open claims, on the other hand, are currently not commonly continuous enrollment of patients for the analysis. Although continu-
used in outcomes research but have lately risen in prominence. The ous enrollment is not typically a problem with government claims such
utilization of open- and closed-payer claims is crucial for comprehend- as Medicare, it does decrease the sample sizes significantly for com-
ing the current condition and undertakings of patients throughout mercial claims. The average person in the US changes their insurance
their healthcare journey. Both data types offer distinct advantages for provider regularly. Approximately 1 in 5 members is disenrolled from a
outcomes research companies to assess the economic effectiveness of commercial insurer each year, and, on average, patients change insurers
recently introduced medication, study rare diseases, or enhance the re- every 18 months.5 Sixty-five percent of Americans change jobs within
cruitment process for clinical trials. This article will describe open and 3 years.6 These changes directly affect sample size. The total sample
closed claims and compare some of the healthcare utilization values size for MarketScan® closed claims, which receives its information from
derived from both types. health claims shared by employers, decreased from 39 million to 17
million with a 3-year continuous enrollment requirement; PharMet-
Closed Claims vs Open Claims rics® closed claims, which receives its information mainly from one of
Claims data refer to the information derived from the processing of a the biggest insurance companies in the US, decreased from 45 mil-
healthcare claim. While claims are handled primarily for the purpose lion to 14 million with a 3-year continuous enrollment requirement.
of payment, the data obtained from these claims are also utilized for Since most RWE studies require 1-year identification periods, a 1-year
secondary healthcare research. pre-index period, and a 1-year post-index period, this could result in
Closed-payer claims data refers to information from payers that a significant decrease in diseases diagnosed or medications dispensed
can be provided directly by health insurance companies or a collection where there is a small number of patients to start with.
of employers sharing their employees’ health claims with consulting Another disadvantage of closed claims is the lack of data recen-
services, revealing nearly all of a patient’s healthcare activities within a cy, which refers to the freshness or timeliness of the data in a system.
fixed period of enrollment. PharMetrics® Plus, MarketScan®, Optum, Most commercial closed claims sources have a lag time of 6 months.
and Premier are some of the examples of commercial closed claims The latest available Medicaid data from the Centers for Medicare and
databases. Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Affairs, and Department of Medicaid Services has a 3-year lag time, and Medicare data has a 2-year
Defense data sets are examples of government closed claims databases. lag. Current patient data are essential for accurate diagnosis, treatment
The data are generated directly from the insurer. Therefore, when pa- decisions, and health trend monitoring. The US Food and Drug Ad-
tients visit different doctors, hospitals, and testing centers, all these ac- ministration frequently approves medication with postmarketing com-
tions can be captured if patient is enrolled with a healthcare insurer. mitments that show a serious risk related to the use of the drug or that
Over-the-counter medications and medications paid for in cash may identify unexpected serious risks using real-world data sets. Therefore,
not be captured in the closed claims. With the enrollment file and eli- the agency and public may have to wait several years for a pharmaceu-
gibility information, the data also reveals when a patient does not visit tical company to use commercial closed claims to conduct the research,
the doctor or fill a prescription; therefore, adherence to treatment can when the sample size is large enough to analyze its recently approved
be estimated. medication. Most pharmaceutical companies are eager to show the ad-
Suppose Patient A is enrolled for health coverage between Janu- vantage of their product to providers and payers once their medication
ary 2020 and December 2022 and sees a primary care physician, visits is on the market, and closed claims may delay these studies.

Figure 1. Patient’s Journey in Closed-Payer Claims


Baser O, et al.

Closed claims are rarely nationally representative. If a closed-claim (some can cover >300 million patients) and nationally representative,
feeder was a payer predominant in certain areas of the US, the results and contain more variables for robust statistical analysis. For example,
will be biased toward the populations represented in those regions. This open claims can capture cash payment information and can be used to
will be true if the closed-claim feeder was a collection of employers pro- analyze such transactions not covered by plans. A recent study showed
viding employee health insurance data clustered in certain regions of that more than 20% of the statin claims were missing in a closed claims
the US. Since demographics, socioeconomic status, and health status file because payments were made by an alternate third party program,
change are not randomly distributed across the country, the estimates in cash, or with coupons or discount cards.7
will not be nationally representative. Among the closed claims, the most Further, closed claims data do not include clinical metrics, which
nationally representative data sets in terms of geography are the govern- are necessary for robust estimates in outcomes research studies. Disease
ment data sets such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans Affairs (VA) severities are usually proxied by several comorbidity indices, which can-
of the US Department of Defense. However, Medicare is mostly repre- not capture the true severity of a disease.8 In a cloud environment, open
sentative of ages over 65, Medicaid is representative of the economically claims can be deterministically (not probabilistically) linked with other
disadvantaged population, VA is representative of mostly males. data sets such as EHR or doctors’ charts and de-identified to enhance
Open claims, on the other hand, are captured through practice the capability of the data set. We can analyze how severity plays a role
management systems (the information systems that manage medical on disease burden, treatment choices, initiation of treatment, and pro-
practices’ scheduling, billing, and other internal functions), “switches” vider and patient behavior with linked data sets.
or “clearinghouses” (the companies that route claims from healthcare However, open claims have several challenges. Therefore, be-
providers to US insurers), or pharmacy benefit managers (companies fore deciding to use open claims data, researchers should ask several
that provide the link between pharmacies and insurance companies). questions:
Kythera, Komodo, IQVIA’s Longitudinal Prescription Data (LRx), and
Medical Claims Data (Dx) are some of the examples of open claims • Will they have access to raw data, or will they use the data on
databases. The recency of open claims is a key differentiator. These a platform? Platforms do not give enough flexibility to model
organizations often receive claims information within days of a pa- typical HEOR. Moreover, assumptions of the query tools can be
tient’s medical or pharmacy encounter; as such, open claims provide hidden and not validated in published research. Working on open
a near-real‐time view of patient activity. Most open claims data are claims requires significant computing power and knowledge to
updated daily or weekly and provide the most up-to-date information process because the application of these claims to outcomes re-
about the care. search is new.
Open claims data provide a glimpse into the patient journey • What is the average longitudinal patient view? Observing patients
across several data sources over an open-ended period. Since open over several years is important for HEOR (baseline, identifica-
claims data contain information from a variety of healthcare settings tion, follow-up times); therefore, marketed sample sizes can be
and do not rely on a patient maintaining the same insurance plan or misleading.
job, the patient can be studied over a longer period. Thus, if Patient • What is the data lag time? Open-source databases from pharma-
A had 2 visits to a primary care physician under Insurance A and 2 cies, practice management systems, and clearinghouses usually
others from Insurance B, closed claims that capture the information have a 1- to 3-week lag time. If the vendor’s data are fed from
from Insurance A would not include the last 2 visits since the enroll- payers as well, that portion would typically have a 5- to 6-month
ment with that insurer ended. In open claims, all of these claims would lag time. The payers will need to deliver reconciled data, which
be captured (Figure 2). can take several months to engineer.
Open claims include much of the same information content as • What are the rates of missing values for the key variables? If there
closed claims—diagnosis codes, procedure codes, and drug identifi- is no mandate on the variables that need to be filled in, and if
ers. These data sets can be used for recent launches of medication and those variables are crucial for the research, the sample size on the
market updates, burden-of-disease analysis, comparative effectiveness final model will be much smaller than the initial sample size.
studies, managed market impact analysis, physician targeting and mes- • What are the linkage capabilities with the data? If the research
saging, source of business, diagnosis allocation, and patient journey. requires additional variables, such as lab data, race and socio-
These data sets, relative to closed claims data, are significantly larger economic status variables, vital statistics, survival information,

Figure 2. Patient’s Journey in Open Claims


Baser O, et al.

or cause of death, is it possible to link the open claims file in a though closed claims provide an enrollment file that can be used
cloud space with other data sets, allowing for additional variables to establish a denominator, open claims are more like EHR data
in your research? in that they do not carry enrollment information. As such, the
• Is it possible to replicate the study with closed claims for valida- relevant denominator must be estimated through, for example,
tion purposes? Open claims will capture patient visits to differ- evidence of activity (ie, any patient on whom activity is observed
ent doctors, hospitals, and testing centers. All these actions will within a specific time is included in the denominator). To avoid
be captured, regardless of their insurance provider, as long as the biases due to underinclusion of healthy individuals, definitions of
providers use the same clearinghouses. Although it is very rare for activity that are more sensitive rather than more specific are rec-
providers to change their clearinghouses, if a provider changes the ommended.9 For a particular patient, the eligible person‐time can
clearinghouse that the patient frequently visits or if the patient be established similarly, where activity indicates that a patient’s
visits different provider that belongs to a different clearinghouse information would be expected to be captured, and lack of activ-
that does not feed the open claims, those interactions will be ity would exclude that patient’s person‐time.
missed. Changing a clearinghouse is an infrequent occurrence for
providers, as changing clearinghouses can be a time-consuming Figure 3 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of open
process that involves updating systems and reestablishing con- and closed claims. If the issues related with open files are resolved, open
nections with insurance companies. A recent survey showed that claims would significantly contribute to health outcomes research as
30% of patients, mostly younger ones, have changed providers in they provide larger, more detailed, and more recent information than
2021. Therefore, it is often difficult to know what percentage of closed claims. In this study, we used an open claims file, applied an
interactions are captured in open claims. Claims-level complete- algorithm to remove possible duplications, and compared healthcare
ness can also be time dependent or disease dependent. Nearly all utilization estimates ranging from common to rare for 18 different dis-
open pharmacy claims are observable within several days. Among eases with those using closed claims data.
medical and other claims that accrue, the majority are expected
to be available within 21 days. One objective of this article is to METHODS
compare healthcare utilization of selected diseases between closed
claims and open claims to determine if missing interactions affect Data Sets
the estimates. We used 2 closed claims (PharMetrics® Plus, MarketScan®) and 1 open
• Is there any duplication in the data set? Open claims data have claims file (Kythera). PharMetrics® Plus and MarketScan® data have
the possibility of duplication. Since the claims are captured from been used in many outcomes research studies. Kythera is a relatively
the back-and-forth between the provider and the payer from the new open claims data set. It allowed us to work with raw data; had a
claim adjudicator as well as from revenue cycle managements and long patient view, only a 1-week lag time, and no missing values on our
directly from providers, it is possible to see the same person, same variables; and could be linked with other EHR data sets in a Datavant
procedure, and same dates with multiple records in the source environment.10
but with different claim IDs on the record. This would create an
overestimation of healthcare utilization and costs. In terms of es- MarketScan® Data Set
timating and incidence of prevalence of the disease, the absence MarketScan® databases are constructed by collecting data from employ-
an enrollment file in open claims could also be problematic. Al- ers, health plans, and state Medicaid agencies who are our customers

Figure 3. Open vs Closed Claims

Adapted from: Franklin JM, Lin KJ, Gatto NM, et al. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2021;109:816-828.


Baser O, et al.

and have agreed to be data contributors. It is a closed claims data set. private sources and by integrating metadata from our transactional
Data comprise service-level claims for inpatient and outpatient ser- data. This approach ensures the most accurate data and a tight fit be-
vices and outpatient prescription drugs. All claims have been fully paid tween the transactional and reference/directory information.
and adjudicated, and financial, clinical, and demographic fields are Understanding how the procedure and episodes get billed is key
all standardized. Drug detail (eg, therapeutic class, therapeutic group, to mapping the patient journey because data scientists know what to
manufacturer’s average wholesale price, a generic product identifier) look for in the claims, such as inpatient, outpatient, pharmacy, anes-
and clinical detail (eg, disease episode grouper) are available. A unique thesia, and physician information. Using every claim possible enriches
enrollee identifier is assigned to each individual in a MarketScan® da- a data set with additional variables and ensures to build events for mul-
tabase. Data are collected for the MarketScan® annual database releases ticlaim healthcare encounters. Open claims data sets use several sources
when nearly 100% of claims have been paid; this removes the need to make sure that they have all the locations for health care.
for completion factors and helps improve the reliability and accuracy For example, Dr. X utilizes a primary facility location (123 Main
of the data. In the most recent full data year, MarketScan® data sets Street) for specific claims, while for other claims, the address may be a
contain healthcare data for more than 39.7 million covered individuals. post office box or an alternative address, depending on the payer. Given
that the facility address is known, it may be inferred that the remaining
PharMetrics® Plus Data Set addresses pertain to the billing office. In the scenario where a female
PharMetrics® Plus contains fully adjudicated medical and pharmacy patient, born in 1964, was attended to by Dr. X and the billing infor-
claims data for approximately 40 million patients in any given recent mation provided included a post office box, it is possible to establish a
year across all 50 US states, with an average length of health plan enroll- connection between this patient and the facility address. Consequently,
ment of 36 months. Commercial insurance is the most frequent plan the address where the medical care was administered can be accurately
type captured (the database is generally representative of the under-65, entered.
commercially insured population in the US), but other types can also Figure 4 illustrates the process through which the patient journey
be found, including Medicare, and self-insured employer groups (as is mapped from a combination of multiple claims. The initial encounter
managed by a health plan). The database contains information on pa- consisted of a primary care wellness visit, during which a diagnosis of
tient demographics, plan enrollment, inpatient and outpatient medical arthritis was established. Subsequently, the primary care provider initi-
claims, and outpatient pharmacy claims. ated a referral for an orthopedic consultation (in orange). The ortho-
pedic doctor confirmed the diagnosis and proceeded to conduct x-rays
Kythera Data Set in their office. Additionally, they ordered magnetic resonance imaging
Kythera is an open claims database, updated daily, containing over 310 (MRI) and afterward made a referral for joint replacement. The initial
million patients and 9.7 billion healthcare claims, with 79% coverage two bills are for professional expenses related to data processing. There is
of all US patients. The data cover 3 million practitioners, 400 000 or- no institutional claim for the visits. Following MRI, there are two claim
ganizations, and 1.2 million facilities. Of 310 million patients, 140 types: one institutional and the other professional. Therefore, there are
million have closed claims. The closed claims portion of Kythera has two chances to identify MRI. This patient, then, had an urgent care visit
a lag time of 2 to 3 months. When a claim is transacted with a pay- unrelated with joint replacement. For the episode analysis, that claim
er, Kythera captures the back-and-forth between the provider and the would be dropped. A patient receiving a joint replacement may trigger
payer from the claim adjudicator—the technology vendor during the 4 to 7 claims. However, it is sufficient to have just one claim to confirm
claim communication process. A small portion of transactions are also that the patient underwent the procedure. If all the claims pertaining
captured from revenue cycle management (point of sale) systems and to institutions, professionals, and anesthesia are included in the data
directly from providers. Kythera’s transactional data covers 70% to set, the data will comprehensively encompass all relevant information
95% of all medical events and 50% to 65% of all prescription events on the process, ranging from referrals to the actual execution of the
in the US since 2016. Reference data (eg, diagnosis, procedure, drug) procedure. Nevertheless, even in the scenario where there is only a single
is acquired from industry standard sources such as the Food and Drug claim for anesthesia, it is still possible to extract data regarding the type
Administration and American Medical Association. Directories (eg, of operation, the location of the procedure, the entity responsible for
provider, payer) are built in-house from a combination of public and payment, and the recipient of the service.
Figure 4. Typical Claims in Kythera Data


Baser O, et al.

The construction of the patient journey in Kythera effectively tients were identified with alcohol dependence in open claims data
detects appropriate referrals. The other data sets, following common compared with only 36 287 patients in the closed claims data in Mar-
patient logic, list last the specialist doctor seen as a referring provider. ketScan® and 14 174 patients in PharMetrics® Plus. Comparing health-
In the context of joint replacement, it is possible to consult either the care utilization, we found comparable results: 19.28% of the patients
radiologist who conducted the MRI or the physicians in an urgent in Kythera were hospitalized with a diagnosis of alcohol abuse, which
care facility as referring practitioners, provided that they were the most was between the percentages from the closed claims databases (16.76%
recent specialists visited. The Kythera data ensures that physicians who and 21.69%).
visit MRI facilities or urgent care centers are not erroneously classified When we compared healthcare utilization before diagnosis, we
as referral doctors, as shown in red in Figure 4. The claim submitted found comparable results. The percentage of hospitalized alcohol abuse
to urgent care was for influenza, and it is important to note that the patients identified in open claims data (19.28%) was between the per-
MRI radiologist cannot be categorized as a referral. Thus, it applies the centages found between the closed claims PharMetrics® Plus and Mar-
business rule to correctly identify referrals. ketScan® data (16.76% and 21.69%, respectively). Of the alcohol abuse
The data do not rely on a single claim to understand a healthcare patients in the ED, 37.16% were identified in open claims, which was
encounter, and since the entire data set contains the patient journey between the percentages found from PharMetrics® Plus and MarketS-
by stage and age/gender bands for half of the population seeking care can® (30.10% and 35.71%, respectively), and 98.04% of the alcohol
every year, the likelihood of accuracy to identify the patients that have abuse patients identified were outpatients in open claims, which was
full records from the open claims is significantly high. between the percentages found in the closed claims PharMetrics® Plus
All of these data sets are de-identified and compliant with the and MarketScan® data (95.58% and 96.45%, respectively).
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Similar results were found in other dependence disorders, such
We used MarketScan® and PharMetrics® Plus data as closed as opioid dependence (785 702 patients were identified with opioid
claims for 18 diseases using 2022 data as an identification period. After dependence in open claims data vs 24 773 patients in MarketScan® and
identifying each disease, we calculated the percentage of patients with 9190 in PharMetrics® Plus). There were similar results in the compari-
hospitalization, ED, and outpatient visits. Patients were continuously son between the claims regarding healthcare utilization. We found that
enrolled from January 2021 to December 2022. for outpatient data only, the difference was remarkably close (98.17%,
Since enrollment data available from these 2 different closed 98.11%, and 97.64%, for Kythera, MarketScan®, and PharMetrics®
claims capture more than 80 million of the US population (dropping Plus, respectively).
<5% possible overlap between those 2 claims), for each disease by age, Similar trends were found in other chronic diseases such as chron-
gender and stages (proxied by comorbidity scores, prediagnosis health- ic kidney disease, cirrhosis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, lupus,
care costs and utilization), one can match these patient journeys to multiple sclerosis, myositis, and rheumatoid arthritis. For outpatient
open Kythera claims to identify the patients with closed claims. This data, the difference between them was remarkably close. Furthermore,
would minimize the bias due to possibility of missing claims resulting in the other aspects of healthcare utilization data (such as inpatient and
from the open structure of the data set. ED visits), the open-claim percentage will always be between the closed
In the Kythera data, to identify possible duplications within the claims percentages.
data set we matched patients with different IDs on gender, state, birth In childhood diseases such as type 1 diabetes mellitus, we found
year, Charlson comorbidity score, comorbid disease score, total in- a similar trend: 611 653 patients were identified with Kythera, where-
patient, ED, and physician visits 6 months prior to the index date. as 53 499 patients were identified with MarketScan®, and 17 725 were
Among the patients that matched on these variables, one was consid- identified with PharMetrics® Plus, and 20.88% of identified patients
ered for final analysis and the rest would be dropped. The same out- had ED visits, which was between the percentages found in the 2 closed
come variables were created with the data. claims data sets (17.77% and 23.87 % for PharMetrics® Plus and Mar-
We used standardized differences to compare the estimates from ketScan®, respectively).
the closed claims data set to the open claims data set. Standardized dif- We compared our estimates from closed claims with open claims
ferences are important to distinguish practical (ie., clinical) from statis- using standardized differences. Particular estimates from MarketScan®
tical significance. For example, some variables may be statistically signif- and PharMetrics® Plus data were compared with open claims Kythera
icant (as indicated by p values) due to a large sample size, although the data separately. In statistics, standardized differences of 0.2 to 0.5 are
practical significance is small (as indicated by standardized differences). considered small, 0.5 to 0.8 are considered medium, and values greater
The standardized difference was calculated as: than 0.8 are considered large.12 All of the differences in the health-
(%&! − %&# ) care utilization estimates were negligible between the closed claims and
!= Kythera open claims file (Table 2).
)*!$ + *#$ /2
for continuous variables; and DISCUSSION
(%! − %" )
!= RCTs are deemed the ideal evaluation technique for health care and
([ %! (1 − %! ) + %"( 1 − %" )] /2 treatments. However, randomization is often not feasible or permissi-
for dichotomous variables, where !"! is the average value for patients in ble, such as in the following circumstances:
group i, Si is the corresponding standard error, and pi is the percentage
of patients in group i.11 Outcomes were compared using standardized • Treatment is in its early stages and may need frequent adjustments
differences. to perfect operation and delivery.
• Enrollment demand is minimal, which may occur when few
RESULTS patients express consent to potential treatment or when diver-
sion of a subset of potential patients to control status may be
The results are shown in Table 1. The sample size of open claims data unacceptable.
was 10 to 65 times larger than closed claims data, with 613 823 pa-


Baser O, et al. 50
Table 1. Sample Sizes and Overall Ratio from Open vs Closed Claims
Kythera MarketScan® PharMetrics® Plus
Diagnosis n Inpatient ED (%) Outpatient LOS n Inpatient ED (%) Outpatient LOS n Inpatient ED (%) Outpatient LOS
(%) (%) (days) (%) (%) (days) (%) (%) (days)
Alcohol dependence 613 823 19.28 37.16 98.04 3.01 36 287 21.69 35.71 96.45 3.87 14 174 16.76 30.10 95.58 2.29
Ankylosing spondylitis 69 811 6.29 16.50 98.36 0.81 7875 6.03 24.86 99.06 0.45 2495 5.13 16.95 98.88 0.40
Bladder cancer 142 627 12.59 20.06 98.98 1.77 3883 11.82 25.83 99.38 0.97 2201 13.86 22.49 99.05 1.43
Cirrhosis 24 481 8.50 16.68 98.46 1.17 1509 9.34 25.51 99.54 0.88 582 7.39 19.07 99.48 1.37
Chronic kidney disease 2 447 280 19.16 27.54 99.21 3.85 82 017 15.64 27.43 99.02 2.03 35 926 14.45 22.70 98.72 1.97
Crohn’s disease 254 126 9.01 19.39 98.09 1.22 26 586 10.28 26.19 98.65 0.96 9075 9.31 19.79 98.28 0.88
Cystic fibrosis 22 704 9.30 14.24 96.47 1.59 1649 13.46 24.01 99.03 2.08 525 11.05 17.33 98.29 1.14
Endometriosis 187 539 5.32 22.95 98.56 0.40 31 405 6.17 30.43 99.18 0.36 8461 4.72 21.34 98.83 0.30
Hepatitis B 98 414 5.88 12.53 97.95 0.94 8175 4.24 14.45 95.11 0.43 2411 3.94 9.00 94.53 0.52
Leiomyoma of uterus 460 347 5.55 20.22 98.75 0.57 92 494 4.37 24.58 98.74 0.30 21 672 3.74 15.85 98.33 0.28
Lupus 51 794 8.46 20.60 98.75 1.26 5333 7.43 27.66 98.93 0.72 1500 7.47 20.00 98.87 0.85
Multiple sclerosis 231 609 8.75 17.16 97.93 2.63 19 881 7.08 23.99 98.80 0.62 6182 5.95 17.26 98.56 0.58
Myositis 94 037 9.99 21.12 98.67 1.66 16 338 6.33 24.95 98.07 0.64 5750 5.17 16.28 97.74 0.60
Opioid dependence 785 702 13.59 30.77 98.17 2.06 24 773 16.77 34.63 98.11 3.14 9190 13.88 28.05 97.64 1.94
Rheumatoid arthritis 267 057 7.73 17.34 98.94 1.02 25 622 6.05 23.17 99.55 0.48 8994 5.85 16.47 99.29 0.45
Schizophrenia 334 399 25.48 36.64 97.90 9.38 4357 29.97 39.84 97.13 6.93 1246 26.48 36.12 96.31 5.24
Type 1 diabetes mellitus 611 653 12.06 20.88 98.08 2.39 53 499 10.42 23.87 98.48 0.97 17 725 8.72 17.77 98.38 0.83
Ulcerative colitis 274 323 9.55 19.14 97.88 1.52 31 775 8.59 23.93 98.17 0.83 10 504 7.60 18.30 97.83 0.78
Abbreviations: ED, emergency department; LOS, length of stay.


Baser O, et al.
Table 2. Standardized Differences between Open Claims (Kythera) and Closed Claims Data Sets
Kythera vs MarketScan® (Std. Diff.) Kythera vs PharMetrics® Plus (Std. Diff.)
Diagnosis Inpatient Emergency Outpatient LOS Inpatient Emergency Outpatient LOS
Alcohol dependence 0.0818 0.0345 0.3371 0.0967 0.0940 0.1750 0.4631 0.0833
Ankylosing spondylitis 0.0250 0.2841 0.3120 0.1605 0.1195 0.0178 0.2131 0.1769
Bladder cancer 0.0395 0.1806 0.2777 0.1572 0.0610 0.0799 0.0365 0.0652
Cirrhosis 0.0570 0.2962 0.4690 0.0874 0.0843 0.0900 0.4106 0.0576
Chronic kidney disease 0.1353 0.0031 0.1171 0.1648 0.1866 0.1422 0.2700 0.1694
Crohn’s disease 0.0803 0.2145 0.1939 0.0769 0.0196 0.0141 0.0587 0.0972
Cystic fibrosis 0.2297 0.3549 0.7261 0.1053 0.1055 0.1286 0.4082 0.0968
Endometriosis 0.0864 0.2119 0.3094 0.0296 0.0704 0.0514 0.1146 0.0877
Hepatitis B 0.1893 0.0907 0.4946 0.1911 0.2321 0.2042 0.4600 0.1534
Leiomyoma of uterus 0.1388 0.1387 0.0041 0.1771 0.2278 0.1633 0.1619 0.1799
Lupus 0.0779 0.2136 0.0861 0.1517 0.0746 0.0206 0.0534 0.1125
Multiple sclerosis 0.1265 0.2321 0.3035 0.2732 0.2290 0.0037 0.2028 0.2720
Myositis 0.2736 0.1192 0.2061 0.2261 0.3924 0.1764 0.2958 0.2257
Opioid dependence 0.1366 0.0969 0.0164 0.1782 0.0138 0.0722 0.1433 0.0195
Rheumatoid arthritis 0.1449 0.2002 0.4713 0.1889 0.1651 0.0343 0.2205 0.1945
Schizophrenia 0.1239 0.0749 0.1776 0.0901 0.0288 0.0124 0.3213 0.1524
Type 1 diabetes mellitus 0.0906 0.0950 0.1311 0.2115 0.1990 0.1102 0.0923 0.2279
Ulcerative colitis 0.0645 0.1568 0.0844 0.1628 0.1378 0.0305 0.0131 0.1714
Abbreviations: ED, emergency department; LOS, length of stay; Std. Diff., standardized difference.

• Physicians have ethical qualms about denying treatment to those once cleaned, they can provide estimates close to closed claims. Com-
perceived to be in need. pared with closed claims data regarding healthcare utilization, open
• Schedules and budgets are limited, as RCTs often require an ex- claims data were found to be close to the range, regardless of the etiol-
tensive management process that require a large amount of time ogy of the disease. Therefore, especially for new medications and rare
and money. diseases, open claims data can provide information much earlier than
• RCT may be less generalizable to the population of interest. closed claims, which usually have a small sample size and have a time
• The integrity of the evaluation may be easily threatened, especially lag of 6 to 8 months.
through failure of treatment or control group members to follow
protocol, morbidity or mortality, or other reasons for dropping REFERENCES
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