Sociology Mcqs

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Agha Zuhaib Khan

Past and Important Solved MCQS

1) When the researcher asks the respondent face to face question, this method is called:
(a) Interview Schedule
(b) Questionnaire
(c) Observation
(d) Interview guide
(e) None of these

2) Power that people consider legitimate is known as:

(a) Force
(b) Right
(c) Authority
(d) Previlege
(e) None of these

3) Social Structure of a society is the network of:

(a) Institutional relations
(b) Value System
(c) Traditions
(d) Compliance to Norms
(e) None of these

4) WID approach believes in:

(a) Gender mainstreaming
(b) Gender Segregation
(c) Incorporating women in development activities
(d) None of these

5) Geronotology is the study of:

(a) Human Beings
(b) Special Groups
(c) Aged and Aging
(d) All of these

6) The most pervasive of the social processes are:

(a) Cooperation
(b) Over Conflict
(c) Competition
(d) None of these

7) Abstract Sentiments are:

(a) Closer to the center of the self than moral rules
(b) Provide a focus for allegiance
(c) Are compellers of action
(d) None of these

8) The creative potential of personality is accounted for by:

(a) Stimulus-response psychology
(b) Drive psychology
(c) Trait psychology
(d) None of these

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Agha Zuhaib Khan
9) The country with better record for gathering population statistics then any other is:
(a) Japan
(b) Sweden
(c) USA
(d) None of these

10) The exception to the typical application of endogamy is:

(a) Tribe
(b) Kinship
(c) Race
(d) None of these

11) Stratified samples fall under:

(a) Probability sampling design
(b) Non-Probability sampling design
(c) Multi-stage sampling design
(d) None of these

12) Egoistic, the special type of suicide presented by Emile Durkheim spring from:
(a) Excessive regulation
(b) Excessive individualism
(c) Over migration with group
(d) None of these

13) A close connection between religion and economic forces was presented by:
(a) Max Weber
(b) Karl Max
(c) Emile Durkheim
(d) C. Wright Mill
(e) None of these

14) A large kinship group whose members inhabit one geographic area and believe they are descendent from a common
area is known as:
(a) Clan
(b) Tribe
(c) Kin group
(d) Class
(e) None of these

15) A social condition in which values are conflicting, weak or absent is:
(a) Assimilation
(b) Hawthrone effect
(c) Invasion
(d) Anomie

16) In theoretical field social research aims at:

(a) finding problems of human being
(b) identifying delinquent behaviour
(c) reducing social conflict
(d) None of these

17) Survey Means:

(a) Overlooking
(b) Organizing social data
(c) Observation
(d) None of these

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18) Independent variables are:

(a) Experimental Groups
(b) Study of social investigation
(c) Study of social life
(d) None of these

19) Qualitative Data Means:

(a) Expressed in number
(b) Expressed in words
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these

20) A Likert scale emphasizes:

(a) Reproducibility
(b) Uni-dimensinality
(c) None of these

Year 2009
Q.1 select the best option/answere and fill in the appropriate box on the answere sheet.

1) Ferdinand Tonnies used the term --------------. To refer to societies dominated by impersonal relationships, individual
and self-interests.
(a) Society (b) Gesellschaft
(c) Community (d) Gemeinschaft

2) When the researcher asks the respondent face to face questions, this method is called
(a) Interview Schedule (b) Questionnaire
(C) Observation (d) interview guide

3) ----------- Is the process by which people learn all patterns of social life.
(a) Interaction (b) Communication
(c) Socialization (d) Dissemination

4) According to ------- all societies across the world are stratified.

(a) Anthropologists (b) Sociologists
(C) Economists (d) Political Scientists

5) Biological characteristics distinguishing male from female is called ------

(a) Heterosexuality (b) Gender
(c) Sex (d) Homosexuality

6) A family consisting of step relations is called :

(a) Plural family (b) Joint family
(C) Extended family (d) Compound family

7) Power that people consider legitimate is known as

(a) Force (b) Right
(C) Authority (d) Privilege

8) Mugging, rape and burglary are examples of ------- crimes.

(a) Organized crimes (b) general crimes
(c) Street crimes d) Modern crimes

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9) A norm is always enforced by sanctions.
(a) True (b) False

10) Society is the largest and most complex group that sociologists study.
(a) True (b) False

11) Endogamy is the marriage among certain relatives.

(a) True (b) False

12) Social structure of a society is the network of -------------

(a) Institutional Relations (b) Value system
(c) Traditions (d) Compliance to norms

13) Polygamy means ------------------

(a) Several Husbands (b) Several Wives
(C) Several Marriages (d) Single Marriage

14) Demography means -------------:

(a) Male Population (b) Human Population
(c) Women population (d) Adult Population

15) ------------ is striving for equal treatment of women and men and for abolishing inequality.:
(a) Feminism (b) Gender Studies
(C) Political Science (d) Law

16) WID approach believes in:

a) Gender mainstreaming b) Gender Segregation
c) Incorporating women in development activities d) None of these

17) Is Pakistan a signatory of CEDAW?

(a) Yes (b) No

18) Human Rights pertain to caring for the rights of;

a) Women b) Men
c) Minorities d) All of these.

19) Symbolic behavior of a person means ------------

a) Meaningful behavior b) Covert behavior
c) Overt behavior d) Significant behavior

20) Gerontology is the study of ---------------

a) Human beings b) Special groups
c) Aged and aging d) all of these

Year 2008
Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (20)
i)Human and animal societies share all but one of the following characteristics:
a.Population and common territory
b.Shared beliefs and collective destiny
c.Both sexes and all ages
d.None of these

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ii)The essential function of punishment in society is:
c.Affirmation of moral standards
d.None of these

iii)The most pervasive of the social processes are:

b.Overt Conflict
d.None of these

iv)One of the following is alien to the concept of culture:

a.Religious ritual
c.Idealized ways of thinking and doing
d.None of these

v)A human being deprived of all communication with other humans from birth would lack all but one of the followings:
a.Rudimentary personality
d.None of these

vi)Abstract sentiments are :

a.Closer to center of self than moral rules
b.Provide a focus for allegiance
c.Are compellers of action
d.None of these

vii)A person is conciously motivated primarily by his:

a.Social values
b.Real traits
c.Picture of himself
d.None of these

viii)Role confusion in modern society is engendered by all but one of the following:
a.Broadening of role specification
b.Plurality of moralities
c.increase in number of achievable positions
d.None of these

ix)The creative potential of personality is accounted for by:

a.Stimulus- response psychology
b.Drive psychology
c.Trait psychology
d.None of these

x)Once formed the self is:

d.None of these

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xi)In modern society, cultural change is most likely to be the by product of:
c.Social struggle
d.None of these

xii)The country with better record for gathering population statistics than any other is:
d.None of these

xiii)The population of the world is expected to double in the next :

a.35 years
b.75 years
c.100 years
d.None of these

xiv)In 2014, the estimated world population would reach

a.3.7 billion
b.6.0 billion
c.9.0 billion
d.None of these

xv)Economic growth will keep pace with population growth only if there is :
a.Available acreage
b.Improved technology
c.Motivation to achieve
d.None of these

xvi)The price paid for increased mobility includes a decrease in :

b.Loyalty to superior
c.Personal responsibility
d.None of these

xvii)The trend toward urbanization is most advanced in :

d.None of these

xviii)In a highly intra-competitive situation, individual can guarantee the trust of peers by :
a.Self modesty
b.Genuine goodwill
c.Withholding praise of superior
d.None of these

xix)The item alien to the concept of mass is :

d.None of these

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xx)The exception to the typical application of endogamy is :
d.None of these

Year 2007
Q.8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) Etnocentricism means:
(a) Evaluating other cultures with the Yardstick of your own values.
(b)Taking other nations as good as your own one but disowned
(c)No other society is like your's and your society or group is superior to
(d) None of these.
(2) Social facts have thier independent existence and must be studied
likewise. Who remarked above when discussing scientific method:
(a)Ibn-i-Khaldun (b)Emile Durkhiem
(c)Auguste Comte (d) None of These

(3) An exploratory research design the major focus is on:

(a) Experimentation (b) Hypothesetesting
(c) Profile development and description (d) None of these

(4) Diffusion of innovations among cultures means:

(a) Traveling of traits and patterns in space/territory
(b) Transmission of trait complexes in time.
(c) Both(a) and (b)
(d) None of these

(5) Social institutions are ;

(a) God-given and cannot be changed
(b) Buildings and people who operate there
(c) Consultellation of folkways and moresaround some important functions(s)
of society.
(d) None of these.

(6)A counter culture:

(a) Has to be against the existing cultural ethos/values
(b) May not be against the existing cultural ethos/values
(c) If different from the existing culture may never succeed to survive
(d) None of these.

(7) Family Laws Ordinance was passed for the first time in:
(a) 1961 (b) 1973
(c) 1985 (d) None of these.

(8) Demographic Transition exhibits:

(a) High birth rate and low death rate in its first phase
(b) high death rate and low birth rate in its first phase.
(c) High birth rate and high death rate in its first phase.
(d) None of these.

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(9) As a conquence of rural urban migration:

(a) more and more urbanization is takling place successfully
(b) ruralization of urban areas is takling place
(c) ruralization of urban areas and ribbon growth seem to be the result
(d) None of these

(10) In a patriarchal family the major decision are taken by the:

(a)Old men and women
(b)The male or female head of the family
(c)The male head of the family who weilds all powers
(d)None of these.

(11) Sociobiologists believe that:

(a) biology being the major constraints does not allow any change in human
nature hence socialization does not change much of human individual
nature.(b) Individaul is the product of social group within which he is socialized
(c)The-nature controversy has ended in favour of nurture and the
bio-sociologists have failed to promote thier thesis.
(d) None of these

(12)A double-barrelle question has the potential of having:

(a) Two acceptable responses/answers
(b)Two answers but incompatible with each other
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these .

(13) Those who cannot compete have no right for higher learning and must be refused accordingly who believed in the
above thesis?
(a) Auguste comte (b)Spencer
(c) Karl max (d) None of these

(14) Whose theorizing social change is depicted/comes closer to Iqbal's verse

"AA tujh ko bataon main taqdeer umam kia hai
shamsher w sanna awwal taoos w rabab aakhir"
(a) Karl- Marx
(b) Ibn-i-Khaldun
(c)George Hegel
(d) None of these.

(15) The lowest density of population per square kilometer is found in:
(a) Sindh (b) N.W.F.P
(c)Baluchistan (d) None of these

(16) Alteration is the state of affairs in which:

(a) the society has no norms and if there are any nobody follows the
(b) the individual has no claim over the product that he has finished
(c) the worker is least emotionally related to the product that he develops, the co-workers and the work

(17) The rate of return for a mailed questionaire is usually:

(a) very high (b) very low
(c) it can be both (a) and(b) (d) None of these

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(18) According to Emile Durkhiem the Mechanical Solidarity is based on:

(a) blood relations and neighbourhood
(b) division of labour and specialization
(c) The contribution individuals make to each other
(d) None of these

(19) Cultural Shock is caused by:

(a) Playing is different role and getting role strain
(b) finding values, norms and customs against ones cultural socialization
usually opposite to what one has been socilizad in and they turn out to
be dysfunctional.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

(20) Standard deviation in statistics is the measure that indicates in essence the :
(a) Central tendency
(b) Spread of the sample means/values
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

Year 2006
Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) Any method of data collection that directly removes the researcher from research site
(a) Erosion measure (b) Accretion measure
(c) Unobtrusive measure (d) None ofthese

2. Commonly used measure of variability whose size indicates the dispersion of a

distribution is: .
(a) Standard deviation
(c) Standard score
(b) Co-efficient of variation
(d) Variance

3. In sample selection a threat that occurs when individuals have been assigned to the experimental group on the basis of
their extreme score
on dependent variable is
(a) Experimental mortality (b) Regression artifact (c) Maturation (d) None of these

4. An overall scheme of scientific activities in which scientists engage in order to produce knowledge is a:
(a) Research process (b) Research model
(c) Research methodology (d) Research design

5. When there is an inherent causal link between dependent and independent variables, the relationship is:
(a) Non-spurious
( b) significant relationship
(c) Spurious (d) None of these

6. Questions that are relevant to some respondents, may be irrelevant to others are known as:
(a) Double barreled questions (b) Leading questions
(c) Contingency questions (d) Matrix questions

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7. Stratified sample falls under:
(a) Probability sampling design (b)Non probability sampling
(c) Multi-stage sample design (d) None of these

8)Egoistic, the special type of stucide presented by Emile Durkheim, springing from:
(a) Excessive irregulation (b) Excessive individualism
(c) over integration with group (d) None of these

9)To Simmel, a mean of maintaining or increasing integration within groups is:

(a) Co-operation (b) Competition
(c) Coercion (d) Conflict

10)Sociology is introduced as an academic discipline by:

(a) Ibn-e-Khaldun (b) Auguste Conte (c) George Simmel (d) Herbert Spencer

11)Society as a complex organization of parts that functions to fulfill the requirement a..'1d promote the needs of the
whole, is a concept of:
(a) Structural Functionalism (b) Interaction School of thought
(c) Phenomology (d) None of these

12)The concepts of "Protestant" and "Bourgeoise" were presented by:

(a) Talcat parson (b) Karl Marx
(c) Max Weber (d) Emile Durkheim

13)In "The Division of Labor in Society", Emile Durkheim presented the idea of:
(a) Mechanical & organic solidarity (b) Social & psychologica! solidarity
(c) Physical & social solidarity (dJ Psychological & mechanica.: solidarIty
(e) None of these

14)A large kinship group whose members inhibit one geographical area and believe the: are descendent from a common
ancestor is known as:
(a) clan (b) Tribe
(d) Class (e) None of these
(c) Kin group

15)The process by which cultural traits spread from one group or society to another is called:
(a) Folkways
(b) Cultural diffusion
(c) Counter culture
(d) Cultural complexes
(e) None of these

16) The phenomena when educated and highly skilled people emigrate to a new country, their home country loses, is
referred as:
(a) Chain migration (b) Life-time migration (c) Brain Drain
(d) Mover (e) None of these

17) A social condition in which values are conflicting, weak or absent is called:
(a) Assimilation (b) Hawthrne effect (c) invasion
(d) Anomie (e.) None of these

18)The psychological stress caused when a person faces rapid cultura: change is called~
(a) Cultural shock (h) R~ ~ -c- n_"- ~.

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Year 2004
Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) Man is a social animal, who said:
(a) Aristotle (b) Ibn-i-Khaldun (e) Max Weber (d) AI-Ghazali (e) None of these

(2) Who has written the book "Das KapitaP".

(a) Lewis Morgan (b) Max Weber (c) Karl Marx (d) August Comte (e) None of these

(3) Who mainly presented the idea of Social Conflict?

(a) Herbert Spencer(b) Emile Durkheim (c) Karl Marx (d) Talcott Parsons (e) None of these

(4) Who advocated the philosophical approach called idealism for understanding society: (a) August Comte (b) Max
Weber (c) George Simmel (d) Robert Park (e) None of these

(5) Who is really the founder of Sociology?

(a) Amam Ghazali (b) Ibh-i-Khaldun (c) Parsons (d) Wright Mills (e) None of these

(6) In the division of labour in the society which one of two types of solidarity identified by Durkheim:
(a) Mechanical and Organic Solidarity
(b) Mechanical and Physical Solidarity
(c) Physical and Spiritual Solidarity
(d) Physical and Organic Solidarity
(e) None of these

(7) Who mainly advocated that "the economic structure of the society is the real foundation of the society":
(a) Karl Marx (b) Charlus Coaley (c) Robert Merton (d) August Comte (e) None of these

(8) Which one is first step of knowledge:

(a) Theory (b) Law (c) Assumption (d) Intuitive (e) None of these

(9) Concept of Co-variation means:

(a) When two variables vary together
(b) Remain Unchanged
(c) One variable changes, other remains unchanged
(d) None of these

(10) Age is a:
(a) Nominal variable (b) Ordinal variable (c) Interval (d) Ratio (e) None of these

(11) Stratified Random Sampling technique is a:

(a) Probability Sampling technique (b) Non-probability (c) None of these

(12) Polyandry means:

(a) A form of marriage that joins one female with more than one male.
(b) A form of marriage that joins one female with one male.
(c) A form of marriage that joins more than one female with one male
(d) None of these

(13) Which one is a basic institution for socialization of children:

(a) School (b) Religion (c) Family (d) Community (e) None of these

(14) Population change is mainly based on:

(a) Fertility and Mortality (b) Fertility and migration (c) Mortality and migration (d) Fertility, Mortality and migration
(e) None of these

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(15) The infant mortality level in Pakistan is around:

(a) 10 (b) 25 (c) 60 (d) 160 (e) None of these

(16) Demography is a scientific study of human population with respect to:

(a) Size of population (b) Structure of population (c) Composition of population
(d) Size, structure and composition of population (e) None of these

(17) Dispersion and Variation can be examined through calculating:

(a) Mean (b) Standard deviation (c) Correlation Co-efficient (d) Regression Co-efficient (e) None of these

(18) How many people in Pakistan are living below .poverty line, around:
(a) 10 percent (b) . 20 percent (c) 32 percent (d) 58 percent (e) None of these 4

(19) Norms and values are components of:

(a) Society (b) Religion

Year 2003
Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) The term society in sociology is used to refer to:
(a) The person living in an area
(b) The persons professing the same religion.
(c) The system of social relationship
(d) The organized relations between individuals
(e) None of the these.
2) Herbert Spencer classified the society into:
(a) Four classes (b) Eight classes (c) Two classes (d) Three classes (e) None of these.

(3) 'The bourgeoisie type of society was compounded by:

(a) Max Weber (b) Karl Marx (c) Hegel (d) T.H. Green (e) None of these.

(4) Language is important to society because:

(a) It makes social contracts easy.
(b) It raised man from a savage to a noble being
(c) It is an invention of society
(d) It easily satisfies man's need of expression (e> None of these. .

(5) Socialization is a process involving:

(a) Setting up the social norms
(b) Gradual changing of an organism
(c) Declaring everything as belonging to society
(d) Training to adapt id society
(e) None of these.

(6) According to Hegel assimilation is:

(a) a person not a result
(b) a person as well a result
(c) a result and not a process
(d) All of these.
(e) None of these.

(7) *An association is characterized by:

(a) Norms (b) Customs (c) Folk ways (d) Usage (e) None of these.

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(8) 'The research process occurs:
(a) Sometime quickly, sometimes slowly
(b)^ With a very high degree of familiarization and rigour
(c) Always through the interaction. of several scientists
(d) Only irf the scientist's imagination
(e) None of these.

(9) Operational definitions:

(a) Are composed of primitive and derived terms
(b) Represent concepts that can be directly observed
(c) Are sets of procedures that describe measurement activities
(d) Specify the meaning of concepts through obstensive definitions
(e) None of these.

(10) If we-develop a system that describe a cily}s. traffic flow by setting up a simulated road network, traffic signals and
vehicles, we have constructed a/an: .
(a) Axiomatic theory (b) Model (c) Ad-hoc classificatory system (cl) Taxonomy (e) None of these.

(11) In principle, the age of a person is a:

(a) Control variable (b) continuous variable (c) discrete variable (d) spurious variable (e) None of these.

(12) If a change in X produces a change in Y then:

(a) X is not casually related to Y
(b) X and Y do not ovary /
(c) X 'could he cause of Y
(d) Y is a cause of X (c) None of these.

(13) What is the lowest Level of measurement in which numbers or symbols are used to classify objects:
(a) Nominal (b) Ordinal (c) Internal (d) Ratio (e) None of these.

(14) Population of Pakistan is around:

(a) 150 million (b) 140 million (c) 160 million (d) 130 million (e) None of these.

(15) Population of Pakistan has been increasing at the rate of:

(a) 3 percent (b) 2.1 percent (c) 1.5 per cent (d) 2.6 percent (e) None of these.

(16) Average life of a Pakistani woman is:

(a) Equal to men (b) Shorter than man
(c) Longer than man
(d) None of these.

(17) Status may be:

(a) ascribed
(b) achieved
(c) Both ascribed and achieved
(d) None of these,

(18) An achieved status is: i

(a) shared by caste-minded people
(b) inherited from parents
(c) derived from abilities and skills
(d) dependent upon biological condition
(e) None of these.

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(19) Role conflict -in society emerges out of the fact that:
(a) Performers do not know the nature of Vole performed «
(b) There is lack of balance in the system of the role performed
(c) They do not observe the desired standards, (d) They do not get adequate award -for the roleperformed, . . (d) Nonen
of these.

(20). "Bourgeoisie is a.term used by:

(a) 'Aristotle (b) Karl MarX
(c) Max Weber (d) Maclur
(d) None of these

 In 1998 census,what was literacy rate of Pakistan?_________45%

 When material culture advances faster than the non material culture,it is called?____Cultural lag
 Population welfare program was implemented in?_____1981
 Population density means?_____population per square mile
 Population density of Balochistan Province?______18 person
 Lynching is an example of?____collective behaviour
 The "herd mentality" was the idea of?____Charles Mackay
 Richard Berk coined the term?_____minimax strategy
 The development of new norms to cope with a new situation is?____emergent norms
 A temporary pattern of behaviour that catches people's attention is a?___Fad
 Social movements that seek to change people totally are______Redemptive social movements
 Max Weber identified as the core reason for the development of capitalism_____Religion
 Three processes of cultural innovation were identified by_____William Ogburn
 The adaption of natural items for human use is_____Primitive technology
 According to Karl Marx,the change over to the factory system produced____Alienation
 Cyclical theories were developed by______Arnold Toynbee
 Failure to fuction normally, and even fleeing is the result of____Panic
 Sociologists refer to unfounded information spread among people as____Rumor
 Social change is a process of struggle between social classes over control of the forces of production.This view
is found in____Marx
 Collective behaviour requires a background of______Social unrest
 Microsociology____places the focus on social interaction.
 Macrosociology____is the study of social class and how groups are related to one another.
 According to_______theorists,the basic motivation in human behaviour is seeking pleasure and avoiding
 pain____Exchange
 Social interaction is the name of?_____social process
 Sociology is the study of social action,said by_____Max Weber
 The term dyad was coined by____Emile Durkheim
 The term primary group was coined by____Charles H.Cooley

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Important CSS, PMS Sociology Past Papers MCQS

Important CSS, PMS Sociology Past

Papers MCQS

Here, you will have some important one-liner CSS Sociology MCQS Past Papers.

_Sociology MCQs by CSSMCQs_

According to sociologists, a society is a collection of people with a common area,

interactions, and culture. Social associations consist of two or more people who
communicate and recognise with one another. Society is important because it
presents us with a system and a program to work together for the betterment of
the world. With the combined efforts of society, we are able to improve our living
and social conditions. Sociology is of great importance in the solution of social
problems. The present world is suffering from many problems that can be solved
through scientific study of society. It is the task of sociology to study social
problems through the methods of scientific research and to find out solutions to

Here, you will have some most important Sociology MCQs with answers. This will
help you to learn about objective type MCQs on sociology with answers which is

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Important CSS, PMS Sociology Past Papers MCQS

more likely to be asked in CSS, PMS Civil Services Exams. Besides, these are also
important for all exams of FPSC, PPSC, KPPSC, SPSC and Nts exams etc

Important CSS, PMS Sociology Past

Papers MCQS

1. The system under which boys and girls are allowed to mix with each
other and are given maximum permissible mixing facility by society
before marriage is known as:

A. probationary marriage

B. experimental marriage

C. compassionate marriage

D. none of these

Ans. A.


2. If in a family, the offspring’s inherit the mother’s name, the family is


A. matronymic

B. patronymic

C. matripotestal

D. matrilineal

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Ans. C.

3. Which family is formed by an individual when he marries and has


A. Family of orientation

B. Family of pro-creation


C. Nuclear family

D. Conjugal

Ans. C.

4. The eldest male member of the Tarwad is known as____________.

A. patriarch

B. Karnavan

C. Nokna

D. None of the above

Ans. B.

5. When the offsprings inherit the father’s name, the family is called-

A. patronymic

B. patrilineal

C. patriarchal

D. conjugal

Ans. A.

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6. Who among the following follow the matrilineal family system?

A. Nairs of Kerala

B. Bhils

C. Kadars

D. Muslims

Ans. A.

7. In ______ family the husband goes to live in the house of his wife.

A. matrilineal

B. matriarchal

C. joint family

D. matripotestal

Ans. B.

8. In______ family, the wife goes and lives in the house of her husbanD.

A. patrilocal

B. patrilineal

C. bilateral

D. joint family

Ans. A.

9. One’s wife’s brother is one’s_________.

A. primary kin

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B. tertiary kin

C. affinal secondary kin

D. secondary kin

Ans. D.

10. The Sema Naga use_________ for mother, father’s, brother’s wife and
mother’s sister.

A. hepu

B. aja

C. ami

D. shi

Ans. B.

11. If in a kinship system, maternal uncle enjoys a pre-eminent place in

the life of his nephews and nieces as a matter of convention, the
kinship usage is called_____________.

A. avunculate

B. amitate

C. couvade

D. matriliny

Ans. A.

12. Which one of the following statements about kinship is NOT true?

A. Its usages create group of kins

B. It creates relationship structure

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C. It defines role of different relationships

D. It indicates expected behaviour of kins

Ans. C.

13. The principle or set of principles by which ego’s consanguineal

relatives are determined is technically known as-

A. rules of residence

B. rules of kinship

C. rules of descent

D. None of the above

Ans. C.

14. The Child Marriage Act amended in___________ (year) raised the
minimum age of marriage for girls from 15 to 18 years.

A. 1986

B. 1976

C. 1929

D. 1991

Ans. B.

15. A world Conference on the issues of women was organised by the

United Nations in 1975.

Which among the following was the venue?

A. Mexico

B. Beijing

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C. Copenhagen

D. Nairobi

Ans. A.

16. Mark out the factor contributing to high maternal mortality rate-

A. Antenatal Care

B. Education

C. Increase in the number of working women

D. Early Marriage

Ans. D.

17. Dialectic of Sex was authored by-

A. Shulamith Firestone

B. Babuef

C. Farah Naqvi

D. Deepa Mehta

Ans. A.

18. Who was the chairperson of the National Commission on Self

Employed Women and Women in Informal Sector in 1987?

A. Vina Mazumdar

B. Ela Bhat

C. Madhuri Shah

D. Armati Desai

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Ans. B.

19. Who maintained that those who perform successfully in terms of

society’s values will be ranked highly and they will be likely to receive
a variety of rewards.

A. Parsons

B. Davis

C. Durkheim

D. Redcliffe Brown

Ans. A.

20. Which of the following is employed to mean the numerous sub-

divisions of a varnal?

A. Jati

B. Caste

C. Gotra

D. None of the above

Ans. A.

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from Past Papers for Lecturer Test Preparation.
Which one of the following is not one of the four migration trends identified by
Castles and Miller (1993) ?
A. acceleration
B. diversification
C. globalization
D. regionalization
E. feminization

New style terrorism differs from old style terrorism in three main ways Which of
the following is not one of the three ?
A. it is global in the scope of its aims
B. it has a nationalist ideology
C. it adopts a loose international type of organization
D. it is more ruthless in the recourse to violent means

Agriculture accounts for 25% value added and _________% of work force?
A. 40%
B. 305
C. 20%
D. None of these

The most all-encompassing type of collective behavior is_____________?

A. public opinion
B. social movements
C. rumors
D. crowds

What is defined as the cultural practices and outlooks of a given community of

people that set them apart from others ?
A. racism
B. ethnicity
C. identity
D. stereotyping

The right to govern in England flows through the legislature to_____________?

A. The prime minister
B. The cabinet
C. The court of law
D. None of them

Which method of identifying social classes views social class as a statistical

category formed by sociologists or statisticians or statisticians on the basis of
income occupation education or some combination of these ?
A. the combined approach
B. the reputational method
C. the self-placement method
D. the objective method

The nuclear family means______________?

A. a group of people sharing living accommodation and meals
B. a network of relatives extended within or between generations
C. the new family created when an adult leaves home and gets married
D. a two-generation unit of parents and their-children

Lombroso claimed that______________?

A. criminals were socialized into an underworld of crime
B. no act is intrinsically deviant
C. biological failings drove some people into crime
D. women were less likely to be arrested than men

If a particular social change promotes a harmonious equilibrium it

A. None functional
B. Functional
C. Ineffective
D. None of these

“Perspective “means____________?
A. A working set of assumptions
B. an approach
C. both a & b
D. None of these

The term “Sociology” was first coined by____________?

A. Karl Marx
B. Max Weber
C. August Comte
D. None of these

According to Durkheim social facts are_____________?

A. ways of behaving that are external to individuals
B. only things that have been shown to be true
C. social insights into collective behavior
D. information captured by official statistics

Women have been excluded from the public sphere because_____________?

A. industrial capitalism separated the middle-class home from the workplace
B. those who enter paid employments have been sidelined into particular fields
C. it is difficult to succeed in malestream politics without compromising their femininity
D. all of the above

Why do many sociologists use scare quotes when discussing race ?

A. it,s a complex concept with multiple meanings
B. to reflect the fact that the number of races is disputed
C. the concept has no scientific basis but is still widely used
D. to distinguish the science of race from discussions of ethnicity

Science is based on_______________?

A. Mere observation
B. Individual experiences
C. Verifiable evidence
D. None of these

Divorce ?
A. appears to lead to greater family disorganization
B. has little or no new effect on the lives of children
C. no longer displaces homemakers in these days of women’s liberation
D. is less likely in second marriages

The term assets refers to_______________?

A. the culturally valued commodities and standards of living that make the poor feel
relatively deprived
B. the flow of money a person receives from their salary or wage
C. a stock of economic resources including land shares and bank deposits
D. the slices of the population who own differing amounts of wealth

The psychological stress caused when a person faces rapid cultural change is
A. Cultural shock
B. role strain
C. role conflict
D. None of these

Chodorow (1978) argued that gender socialization occurred

A. both boys and girls being closely attached to their mothers, but then boys breaking
B. girls being attached to their mothers but then breaking away
C. boys being attached to their fathers and girls to their mothers
D. both boys and girls being closely attached to their fathers, but girls breaking away

“Positive Philosophy the work of August Comte was published

A. 1938
B. 1838
C. 1883
D. All of above

Pre-testing a naira is useful for_____________?

A. finding out which topics are important to the respondents
B. testing out your computer and printer
C. identifying any problems with the wording and routing
D. deciding which respondents to leave out of the final sample

Ludwig Feuerbach,s views on the alienation involved in transferring human

values and ideas onto gods and spirits as distinct from human societies
influenced the ideas of which classical sociologist ?
A. Max Weber
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Vilfredo Pareto
D. Karl Marx

In biology the senescence is______________?

A. the process of growth
B. the process of aging
C. infant period
D. None of these

Which of the following is not a term for work that takes place outside the formal
paid employment sector ?
A. the casual economy
B. the parallel economy
C. the black economy
D. the informal economy

Which sociological perspective points out that while pure monopolies are not a
basic element of the economy of the United States competition is much more
restricted than one might expect in what is called a free enterprise system ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labeling theory

Which sociological perspective examines human activities on the micro level by

focusing on how day-to-day social behavior is shaped by the distinctive norms,
values and demands of a particular society ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. None of these

A child who is repeatedly criticized as being lazy and lacking intelligence

eventually accepts these criticisms and uses them to justify poor performance in
school. This is an example of_____________?
A. the contact hypothesis
B. a self-fulfilling prophecy
C. scapegoating
D. reverse discrimination

White-collar and corporate crimes______________?

A. are committed by relatively affluent people often in the course of business activities
B. are not very costly compared to the dollar cost of other crimes
C. are crimes the average person is less likely to experience than street crime
D. usually result in severe punishment for those who are caught

The term Second World societies refers to______________?

A. countries that industrialized after those in Europe
B. countries that industrialized less successfully than Europe
C. countries that industrialized under state central planning
D. countries that have yet to proceed to industrialize

According to contagion theory the “mob mind” develops

A. imitation suggestibility and circular reaction
B. precipitating factors structural strain and structural conduciveness
C. norms of the status quo emergent norms and new norms
D. fashions fads and crazes

In a patriarchal family the major decisions are taken be the____________?

A. Old men and women
B. the male or female head of the family
C. the male head of the family who wields all the powers
D. None of these

Sociologists like Bordo (1993) have attributed the epidemic of anorexia in

Western cultures to_____________?
A. a generally ascetic frugal lifestyle that can be taken to extremes
B. traditional images of women as emotional domesticated and unassertive
C. the social construction of mental illness through which normal patterns of behaviour are
D. the new ideal of independent self-assured femininity combined with cultural values of
achievement and control

Authority generated by the personality or personal appeal of an individual is

referred as______________?
A. traditional authority
B. charismatic authority
C. rational domination
D. Patrimonialism

Merton’s term for the hidden or forgotten reason for a particular behavior
A. middle-range function
B. consumption function
C. latent function
D. structural function

Which of the following is true regarding social mobility ?

A. Social mobility occurs only when shifts occur in the availability of different types of
talent in the work force
B. Social mobility can occur when societies change altering the division of labor
C. Social mobility is controlled by those in the higher strata through control of
opportunities for training and education
D. none of above

How do sociologists describe former Third World societies that have moved
towards an economic base in industrial production ?
A. developing countries
B. peripheral countries
C. globalizing countries
D. newly industrializing countries

Between 1968 and 1998 global life expectancy at birth has______________?

A. risen from 56 to 67 years
B. fallen from 50 to 47 years
C. risen from 50 to 61 years
D. fallen from 54 to 50 years
The smallest unit of a culture is_____________?
A. Complex
B. Laws
C. Trait
D. None of these

Which term describes the process whereby religion loses its influence over
various spheres of social life ?
A. secularization
B. evangelicalism
C. fundamentalism
D. alienation

Which of the following is NOT an example of a pre-modern social form ?

A. agrarian society
B. ancient society
C. Industrial society
D. pastoral society

When a research is not deceptive about the field research that he/she is this
person is probably assuming the role of____________?
A. secondary observer
B. participant-as-observer
C. complete participant
D. ethnographer
E. social scientist

Division of labor is a characteristic of_______________?

A. Horticulture
B. Agriculture
C. Industrialization
D. None of these
According to United nations estimates by 2025 the worlds average life
expectancy will have reached_________________?
A. 46
B. 54
C. 71
D. 80

Sutherlands study of the professional thief suggested that_______________?

A. people are socialized into a life of crime by associating with others who define it in
positive terms
B. the majority of crime is committed by middle class people in professional occupations
C. those who were arrested and charged with theft did not define themselves as thieves
D. the most dangerous criminals on the street were those who were highly skilled thieves

Both the functionalist and conflict perspectives agree that ?

A. if ethnic stratification continues in a society conflict will decrease as people are
socialized into the stratification system
B. ethnic stratification will persist as long as it is in the best interests of those in power
C. conflicts will be particularly likely and severe if class and ethnic cleavages coincide
D. none of the above

Those aspects of social life that have to do with order, stability and social
organization that allow societies and groups to hold together and endure are
A. social statics
B. social dynamics
C. social absolutes
D. constructed reality

Which one of the following is an economic system that is typically found in

contemporary societies ?
A. socialism
B. feudalism
C. slavery
D. all of these

Cultural restructuring has involved ?

A. regenerating cities in economic decline
B. turning industrial landscapes into tourist attractions
C. selling sites and images through the symbolic economy of media advertising
D. all of the above

Mobility oriented behavior education Work habits are______________?

A. Individual factor
B. Structural
C. both a and b
D. None of these

Symbolic interactionists ?
A. view “sickness” as a condition to which we attach socially devised meanings
B. are not interested in how the medical profession defines certain conditions as diseases
C. refer to the rising geriatric prisoner population in need of medical treatment as the
“medicalization of deviance
D. none of the above

Which of these is not a criticism that critical realists make of social

constructionist approaches to the environment ?
A. social constructionism reminds us that all environmental issues have an important
social aspect and context
B. social constructionism remains agnostic about the scientific reality of environmental
C. social constructionism tells us more about social interactions than the relationship
between society and the environment
D. social constructionism applies standard which demand new theorizing and approaches
Rate of mobility in modern societies is determined by (1) structural factor and
(2) ?
A. Individual factors
B. Social factors
C. Class factor
D. None of these

Social revolutions_______________?
A. involve the gradual evolution of existing state and class structures into new social
B. are most likely to occur when political
C. appear to follow no “natural history”
D. often begin with intellectuals withdrawing their support of the existing regime

Role-learning theory suggests that______________?

A. we internalize and take on social roles from a pre-existing framework
B. we create and negotiate our roles through interaction with others
C. social roles are not fixed or stable but fluid and pluralistic
D. roles have to be learned to suppress unconscious motivations

Who first introduced the notion of anomie into sociology ?

A. Comte
B. Marx
C. Weber
D. Durkheim

If the information needed has already been written down somewhere it is

looked up. It is called_____________?
A. Observational studies
B. Sociological analysis
C. Statistical Comparative studies
D. None of these
Downward mobility factors are______________?
A. Opposite to those of upward mobility
B. Same
C. different from those
D. None of these

Which sociologist introduced the concept of culture lag ?

A. William F. Ogburn
B. Talcott Parsons
C. Auguste Comte
D. Thorstein Veblen

For Thomas Robert Malthus the appropriate way to control population was
A. use artificial means of birth control
B. postpone marriage
C. pass legislation prohibiting families from having more than one child
D. do all of the above

One of the ethical problems with covert participant observation

A. not being able to write comprehensive field notes or record conversations
B. deceiving the respondents as to the reason for your presence
C. observing people outside of their natural setting
D. subjecting the participants to physical harm

Which of the following is true regarding the functionalist and conflict theories of
social stratification ?
A. Conflict theory is better at explaining inequality
B. Only functionalist theory has merit when discussing social structure
C. Some sociologists have tried to synthesize the conflict and functionalist perspectives to
argue that stratification systems are institutions that have evolved in order to reduce
D. none of the above

Sociology is introduced as an academic discipline by______________?

A. Ibn-e-Khaldun
B. Auguste Comte
C. George Simmel
D. Herber Spencer

Which type of theorists would argue that relentless class conflict between
capitalists and workers boom and bust economic cycles and intercorporate
conflict place limits on the ability of the capitalist class to manipulate political
institutions at will?
A. instrumental conflict theorists
B. reactionary conflict theorists
C. structural conflict theorists
D. dysfunctional conflict theorists

In the past, history, politics philosophy and sociology were______________?

A. Separate Disciplines
B. Same discipline
C. Not studied
D. None of these

If a deviant act is ‘normalized’ it is______________?

A. recognized as breaking an important norm of behavior
B. seen a temporary aberration from an otherwise normal character
C. the first step in establishing a deviant career
D. attributed to the person’s genetic or anatomical make up

Conflict Perspective was revived in 20th Century by_______________?

A. Meads
B. C.Wright Mills
C. Lewis Coser
D. B & C

Which of the following is not a characteristic of totalitarian societies ?

A. indoctrination and propaganda
B. freedom of movement for citizens
C. one-party rule
D. a centrally planned economy

Which of the following statements about norms is correct ?

A. People do not follow norms in all situations in some cases they evade a norm because
they know it is weakly enforced
B. In some instances, behavior that appears to violate society’s norms may actually
represent adherence to the norms of a particular group
C. Norms are violated in some instances because one norm conflicts with another
D. all of the above

Mobility taking place in personal terms within the lifespan of the same person is
A. Inter-generational mobility
B. Intra-generational mobility
C. Structural mobility
D. None of these

Which equation can be used to represent amalgamation ?

A. A+B+C=A
B. A+B+C=A+B+C
C. A+B+C=D
D. A+B+C=A+B+D

What proportion of world trade is accounted for by transnational corporations ?

A. four fifths
B. two thirds
C. one quarter
D. half

Which is the most recently established of the greatest world religions ?

A. Judaism
B. Islam
C. Hinduism
D. Christianity

According to Wright some class locations are contradictory because

A. their holders do not believe in the notion of class
B. they share features of the positions above and below them
C. there is disagreement about how to interpret them
D. they are impossible for sociologists to measure and classify

Totalitarianism ?
A. is the authoritative formulation of policies that are binding and pervasive throughout the
B. is a state in which the government is concerned with satisfying the needs of the total
C. is a state in which the government seeks to control all subordinate governmental units
all institutions and even personal associations and individual families
D. can incorporate only in a socialist society

How do market and command economies differ ?

A. Market economies rely on free markets whereas command economies rely on consumer
B. Market economies rely on cooperation whereas command economies rely on conflict
C. Market economies rely on privately held property whereas command economies rely
on publicly-held property
D. Market and command economies do not differ substantially, but their political
institutions do
Primary groups are judged by them______________?
A. efficiency
B. emotional Satisfaction
C. task
D. none of these

Social constructionism studies the processes which create and sustain ?

A. social structures
B. social space
C. social reality
D. social inequality

Which one of the following is a pull factor in emigration ?

A. political oppression
B. employment opportunities
C. food shortages
D. population pressures

The term ______ refers to the socially shared and organized ways of thinking
feeling and acting that concern ultimate meanings about the existence of the
supernatural or “beyond” ?
A. animism
B. religion
C. socialization
D. totemism

In his study of suicide Emile Durkheim was primarily concerned

A. suicide rates and how they varied from country to country
B. personalities of individual suicide victims
C. means people used to take their own lives
D. effects of suicide on the families of victims
Representative democracy is best described as system ?
A. where those elected simply represent the views of the electors
B. which ensures political equality and protects liberty
C. where decisions are taken by people elected by the community as a whole
D. where decisions are made communally by those affected by them

The al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attacks on American targets on 11th
September 2001 In what year did al-Qaeda bomb a nightclub on the Indonesian
island of Bali Killing more than 200 people ?
A. 1999
B. 2004
C. 2004
D. 2002

What is multiculturalism ?
A. the existence of cultural diversity within a society
B. policies encouraging ethnic groups to live together in harmony
C. new immigrants adopting the values and norms of the host culture
D. ethnic group cultures exist separately within a society

Economic standing includes______________?

A. wealth that which people own (have)
B. job security
C. both a and b
D. none of the above

Which sociological perspective views race from the macro level and sees the
economic structure as a central factor in the exploitation of minority groups ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labeling theory
The acceptance of preventive medicine is an example of the process that
Parsons called______________?
A. differentiation
B. value generalization
C. inclusion
D. adaptive upgrading

The newest factor in the development equation is______________?

A. Media
C. Civil Society
D. None of these

When sociologists study the structure of layers in society and people’s

movement between them they call this____________?
A. social stratification
B. social control
C. social conflict
D. social solidarity

Which of the following is a nation without a state ?

A. Tibet
B. Israel
C. Belgium
D. all of these

When a person uses more than one substance to maintain his dependence is
A. mono abuse
B. poly drug abuse
C. multi use
D. None of these
Weber said that all knowledge is value-relevant, because____________?
A. sociologists like to put a value on different theories
B. Knowledge refers to people and their values
C. theorists interpret the world in terms of their own values
D. attempts to provide knowledge about the world are always valuable

To compliment your professor for delivering a particularly inspiring lecture

would be to comment on his/her ?
A. role modelling
B. ascribed status
C. status conception
D. role performance

How are genetically modified foods different from previous techniques ?

A. the genes used cannot spread into the wider environment
B. they involve transplanting genes from one organism to another
C. we can say with certainty that they are risk-free
D. they have been accepted by consumers in all countries

Which of the following is not a mode of production ?

A. feudalism
B. communism
C. capitalism
D. liberalism

In a sense xenocentrism is a reverse form of_________________?

A. cultural integration
B. cultural relativism
C. ethnocentrism
D. culture shock

The study of the interracial friendships conducted by the Tom Smith who heads
up the General Social Survey is an example of________________?
A. observation research
B. a survey
C. content analysis
D. an experiment

Which of the following can be classified as a charismatic leader ?

A. Joan of Arc
B. Malcolm X
C. Adolf Hitler
D. all of the above

In idealized views of science the experimental method is said to involve ?

A. testing out new research methods to see which one works best
B. isolating and measuring the effect of one variable upon another
C. using personal beliefs and values to decide what to study
D. interpreting data subjectively drawing on theoretical paradigms

According to Marx_____________?
A. an economic crisis in the capitalist system would force factory owners into the ranks of
the unemployed
B. an excess of the working-class population depends on the availability of employment
opportunities not on fixed supply of food.
C. the problems associated with population growth are a function of the scarcity of wealth
D. self-control would restrain population growth.

when we shift from primary to secondary group we also shift

A. Formal to informal control
B. Informal to formal
C. General to specialized
D. None of these
In studying inequalities in education which skills did Bernstein concentrate upon
A. reading
B. numeracy
C. emotion
D. speech

Which of the following statements accurately describes the importance of

groups in social life ?
A. The social support and feedback of others hinders us as we try to confront difficulties
B. Accidents alcoholism psychiatric disorders tuberculosis and even death rates are higher
among people who live with more than seven others in a group living situation
C. The most effective strategy for undergraduate success is to abstain from group
interaction because it slows down one’s individual learning process
D. Support groups have been found to add an average of 18 months to the lives of
women in advanced stages of cancer

Which of the following is NOT a function of education ?

A. completing socialization
B. social integration
C. research and development
D. procreation

In what type of society have human beings lived for the majority of the time
humans have been on planet Earth ?
A. agrarian societies
B. pastoral societies
C. hunter-gatherer societies
D. industrial societies

World systems analysis is closely aligned with_________________?

A. the concentric zone theory
B. the multiple -nuclei theory
C. new urban sociology
D. zone sector theory

What does the functionalist perspective see as crucial for the maintenance of
social order ?
A. strong class-based identities
B. multiculturalism
C. moral consensus
D. a strong state

In order to genuinely reflect a broad range of the population a survey must be

based on precise___________?
A. representative sampling
B. experiments
C. surveys
D. hypotheses

Ascribed status as the name explains is one______________?

A. Achieved through effort
B. Ascribed to use by society
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

In western world urbanization has accompanied________________?

A. Trade
B. Progress
C. Industrialization
D. None of these

Deviant is an agent of___________?

A. Change
B. no change
C. neutrality
D. None of these

In modern societies members perform different tasks and are highly

interdependent this kind of solidarity is called______________?
A. Organic solidarity
B. Mechanical solidarity
C. Interdependence solidarity
None of these

Two basic types of economic systems distinguish contemporary industrial

societies ?
A. capitalism and communism
B. capitalism and socialism
C. socialism and communism
D. capitalism and dictatorships

Pierre Bourdieu,s theoretical perspective makes use of the concept of capital

Which of the following is not part of his scheme ?
A. political
B. economic capital
C. social capital
D. cultural capital

_____________ is the term commonly used to describe the early days of a social
movement characterized by a general mood of discontent ?
A. Bureaucratization
B. Decline
C. Coalescence
D. Incipience
E. Arousal

Subcultures which oppose the dominant culture are_______________?

A. New Cultures
B. cultural relativism
C. Countercultures
D. None of these

Europeans gave firearms whiskey and small pox to India in exchange of corn
potatoes tobacco This is an example of_____________?
A. cultural Exchange
B. Diffusion
C. Imperialism
D. None of these

It is useful to have a diversity of theories in sociology

A. human behavior is so complicated that no single theory would be adequate
B. sociologists can choose the theory that best fits the data they have collected
C. it removes the need to assess a theory according the empirical evidence
D. innumerable theories have been developed in the many fields of sociology

Sociology is study of________________?

A. Human political life
B. Human economic life
C. Human social life
D. None of these

The term sociology was coined by________________?

A. Max Weber
B. August Comte
C. Emile Durkheim
D. None of these

Which of the following would be an example of a random sample? A

A. administers a naira to every fifth woman who enters a business office
B. examines the attitudes of residents of a city by interviewing every twentieth name in the
city,s telephone book
C. studies the attitudes of Democratic voters by choosing every tenth name found on a
city,s list of registered Democrats
D. None of the above

Sociologist Alvin Goldner sees Erving Goffman’s work on social behavior as

implicitly reaffirming the status quo especially social class inequalities
Gouldner,s critique is associated with the_____________?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. psychoanalytic perspective

According to Gerald Suttles a gated community would be an example of

A. edge city
B. defended neighborhood
C. urban enclave
D. ethnic village

According to Emily Durkheim the mechanic solidarity is based

A. Blood relation and neighborhood
B. divine of labor and specialization
C. the contribution individuals make to each other
D. None of these

When a subordinate person breaks the tacit rules of everyday interaction this is
called what ?
A. a response cries
B. unfocused interaction
C. interactional vandalism
D. impression management

What is the term that describes repeat offending by those who have been in
prison ?
A. rehabilitation
B. deterrence
C. reform
D. recidivism

While predictions are not always reliable sociologists and labor specialists
foresee a workforce increasingly composed of_____________?
A. women
B. racial minorities
C. ethnic minorities
D. all of the above

in Durkheim,s work the term collective representations refers

A. effervescent ceremonies that create a feeling o belonging
B. images of gods or totems that are widely recognized
C. shared ideas and moral values often symbolized by an object or figurehead
D. ideological tools used to obscure class divisions

__________ movements advocate for progressive change using different

methods than those that have previously failed and are often considered to be
anti-government ?
A. Reactionary
B. Redundant
C. Reformist
D. Radical
E. Revolutionary

In the library Louanne observes a woman sitting at a table by herself A man

comes up and sits at the other end of the table the woman frowns and shakes
her head no The man gets up and moves to another table Lounne concludes
that the woman did not want to share a study table The theoretical perspective
Louanne is using is_______________?
A. the conflict perspective
B. the functionalist perspective
C. the interactionist perspective
D. none of the above

New-style terrorism differs from the old-style in that______________?

A. it is less predictable than previous manifestations
B. it has ambitions that are global in scope
C. it is rooted in religious ideologies
D. it concerns local territorial disputes

The correspondence principle (Bowles & Gintis) suggests

A. schools prepare children work by teaching them to be obedient
B. teachers and parents tend to have similar attitudes to learning
C. children who write lots of letters develop a better grasp of language
D. boys’ and girls’ educational achievements have recently become similar

What is the main role of the International Monetary Fund ?

A. to reduce levels of global inequality
B. to generate economic activity in the developing countries
C. to maintain stability in the world financial system
D. to provide funds for education programmed across the world

The term ‘secondary deviation refers to_________________?

A. The punishment or stigmatization of deviant acts
B. the labelling of an act as deviant through social reaction to it
C. the ways in which taking on a deviant role affects future action
D. All of the above

Which of the following is NOT part of the criminal justice system ?

A. police
B. military
C. prisons
D. courts

Pakistan ranks ________ out of 173 in the UNDP, s Human Development index ?
A. 120th
B. 138th
C. 110th
D. None of these

The term culture industry used by members of the Frankfurt School referred
A. the globalization of cultural through new technologies
B. the way in which culture products were bought and sold for profit
C. the development of subcultures and counter-cultures society
D. the way in which industrialization had created new means of communication

Which one of the following is NOT associated with the materialist conception of
history ?
A. the mode of production
B. the motor of history
C. the history of class struggle
D. the spirit of capitalism

All civilizations are in an endless cycle of three cultural systems this theory was
presented by_____________?
A. Oswald Spengler
B. Arnold Toynbee
C. Pitirim Sorokin
D. None of these

Communism is a form of government in which _____________?

A. Means of production are owned by the community
B. by the capitalist
C. by the representatives of proletariat
D. None of these

Marxist-oriented theorists_____________?
A. have found that American race and ethnic relations have little connection to global
B. contend that racism serves the economic interests of the capitalist class
C. argue that prejudice discrimination and racism operate outside of social structures
D. conclude that racist notions serve the economic interests of people of color world-wide

Robert Merton’s contributions to sociology include____________________?

A. successfully combining theory and research
B. an analysis of deviant behavior that focuses on societal goals and means
C. an attempt to bring macro-and micro level analyses together
D. all of the above

A. is the preferred type of marriage in more than 40 per cent of societies?
B. is generally available to all men in societies where it is permitted
C. tend to be favored where large families are advantageous and women make
substantial contributions to subsistence
D. usually involves the right of younger brothers to have sexual access to their brothers’

The ideas of right and wrong attached to folkways makes them____________?

A. Mores
B. Norms
C. Customs
D. None of these

Norbert Elias argued that effective communication systems have an

evolutionary survival value How did he illustrate this in humans ?
A. by studying whole body language
B. by studying the face
C. by studying sign language
D. by studying small tribal groups

The main agent in primary socialization is______________?

A. school
B. family
C. television
D. peer group

Change is the only ______ in the universe?

A. Variable
B. Constant
C. Problem
D. None of these

Which of the following is a true statement ?

A. human beings have existed on earth for about half a million years
B. agriculture is only around twelve thousand years old
C. civilizations date back around six thousand years
D. all of the above

Which one of the following is exposed to an independent variable ?

A. the control groups
B. the representative group
C. the experimental group
D. none of the above

Laud Humphreys study Tearoom Trade (1970) is an example

A. historical research
B. survey research
C. participant observation
D. experimental design

Which of these ethnic groups has the greatest proportion of households below
60 per cent of median income ?
A. Whites
B. Indians
C. Black Caribbean’s
D. Bangladeshis

Family is the basic point of _______ for the children ?

A. enculturation and socialization
B. Protection
C. Learning and growing
D. None of these

Which theoretical perspective sees the family as benefiting some people more
than others ?
A. conflict
B. functionalist
C. interactionist
D. structuralist

De Gournay coined the phrase an illness of bureau mania to describe ?

A. the chaos of informal organizations
B. the compulsion to work in offices
C. the developing power of officials
D. politicians abuse of power and influence

Which of the following did NOT restrict the size of postindustrial cities ?
A. the clash of values and culture of people who came together
B. poor transportation
C. difficulty securing large areas from outside threats
D. Sewage-polluted water supplies

Which equation can be used to represent pluralism ?

A. A+B+C=A
B. A+B+C=A+B+C
C. A+B+C=D
D. A+B+C=A+B+D

Which of the following does NOT account for the rise in the cost of health care ?
A. Classical rules that govern marketplace exchanges have been applied to the health
care industry for decades
B. Labor costs have risen sharply
C. The continual upgrading in the scope and intensity of medical services is costly
D. The concept of “health” has been expanded to include mental and psychological
difficulties and “condition” such as infertility

Which of these is most closely associated with Marx,s thinking ?

A. integration
B. conflict
C. social facts
D. consensus

New age movements are an example of which type of religious movement ?

A. world-affirming
B. world-rejecting
C. world-enhancing
D. world-accommodating

When sociologists study the structure of layers in society and people’s

movement between them, they call this_____________?
A. social stratification
B. social control
C. social conflict
D. social solidarity

Which sociological perspective would note that poor and rural sections of the
United States tend to be underserved because medical service concentrate
where people are numerous or wealthy ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. neo-Malthusian view

Sociology differs from common sense in that_______________?

A. it focuses on the researchers own experiences
B. it makes little distinction between the way the world is and the way it ought to be
C. its knowledge is accumulated from many different research contexts
D. it is subjective and biased

Which term describes families in which at least one adult has children from a
previous marriage or relationship ?
A. beanpole families
B. cohabiting families
C. reconstituted families
D. horizontal families

There are three basic sources of power within any political system?
A. force influence and authority
B. force influence and democracy
C. force influence and charisma
D. influence charisma and bureaucracy

Which of the following was an early Black sociologist active in the struggle for a
racially egalitarian society who was critical of theorists who semmed content
with the status quo ?
A. Harriet Martineau
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Booker T Washington
D. W, E.B Du Bois

Erving Goffman made a distinctive contribution to sociology by popularizing a

particular type of interactionist method known as_________________?
A. macrosociology
B. the dramaturgical approach
C. Verstehen
D. I,m O.K, you,re O.k

Which one of the following concepts did Max Weber introduce to the field of
sociology ?
A. dramaturgy
B. ideal types
C. functionalism
D. macro sociology

The work of Smart suggested that_____________?

A. the rates of violent crime were similar for men and women
B. women’s sexual delinquency was more likely to be normalized than men’s
C. women’s criminal behavior tended to reflect traditional gender roles
D. all of the above
The multiple-nuclei theory of urban growth was presented by______________?
A. Ernest Burgess
B. Homer Hoyt
C. Ferdinand Tonnies
D. C.D Harris and Edward L. Ulman

In Primitive societies everyone performed similar tasks and so their was

A. Organic solidarity
B. Mechanical solidarity
C. both a & b
D. None of these

Environmental issues were central to the work of_____________?

A. Karl Marx
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Max Weber
D. None of these

Which of these key early figures in sociology had an interest in issues of labor
and the economy ?
A. Karl Marx
B. Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim
C. Karl Marx and Max Weber
D. All three of them

Some of hallmarks of socio-economic change in Pakistan can be enlisted as

A. Migration after Independence
B. Green Revolution
C. Urbanization and Islamization of Zia ere
D. All of the above
Social mobility is______________?
A. from lower to higher
B. In both directions
C. from higher to lower
D. None of these

According to Castells Which of the following is a world city ?

A. Frankfurt
B. Madrid
C. Buenos Aires
D. Moscow

Socialization is a continuous lifelong process and self develops as a result of

social interactions this is_______________?
A. Role theory
B. Reinforcement theory
C. Symbolic interactionism
D. None of these

Which term does John Thompson use to describe the sort of social relations
created by the mass media ?
A. face-to-face interaction
B. mediated interaction
C. mediated quasi interaction
D. mediated multiple -interaction

Which one of the following is a pull factor in emigration ?

A. political oppression
B. employment opportunities
C. food shortages
D. population pressures

Which of the following did Max Weber see as a potentially serious problem with
the advance of modern bureaucracies ?
A. bureaucratic organization could become prohibitively expensive to run
B. social organization could become too efficient
C. democracy could become a sham if bureaucrats held real power
D. bureaucratic officials may be able to abuse their power

The term sociological imagination was first coined by_____________?

A. Durkheim
B. Blumer
C. Lemert
D. Berger
E. Mills

Which approach framed their analysis of crime and deviance in terms of this
preservation of power by the ruling class ?
A. New Left Realism
B. Right Realism
C. new criminology
D. interactionism

Which of the following is not a reason why corporate crime is more difficult to
prosecute compared with individual crimes ?
A. victims may not realise that a crime has been committed
B. it is more difficult to apportion blame to corporate criminals
C. legal systems are founded on individual not collective responsibility
D. corporate offences cause less harm than crimes against an individual

What is the optimum group size for problem solving ?

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
The socializer is also called socializing agent and socialize is also
A. object of socializing process
B. novice
C. principal
D. None of these

Which of these aspects of organization is most associated with the work of

Michel Foucault ?
A. surveillance
B. meritocracy
C. bureaucracy
D. transnational organization

Which of the following is a leading exponent of the view that the criminal justice
system serves the interests of the powerful ?
A. Richard Quinney
B. Edwin Sutherland
C. Stanley Milgram
D. William Chambliss

According to Strain theory, ____ are those individuals who have traditional
success goals but substitute deviant means by which to achieve them ?
A. ritualists
B. ret realists
C. rebels
D. innovators
E. conformists

Which of the following does John Scott identify as belonging to the middle class
A. senior executives
B. industrial entrepreneurs
C. finance capitalists
D. none of the above

A system in which people have great difficulty changing their status is called a(n)
A. objectified system
B. social differentiation
C. open system
D. closed system

A social system in which social position is fixed for a lifetime What type of social
stratification does this describe ?
A. slavery
B. Social class
C. caste
D. estates

Those who cannot compete have on right for higher learning and must be
refused accordingly who believed in the above thesis ?
A. Auguste Comte
B. Spencer
C. Karl Max
D. None of these

Social mobility may be experienced by_____________?

A. Only by individuals
B. Only groups
C. By individual or by entire group
D. None of these

The process of looking glass self consists of __________ steps?

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. None of these

Which of the following is NOT one of the three main types of social control
processes ?
A. conformity with norms
B. internalization of norms
C. the structure of social experience
D. formal and informal sanctions

Which one of the following is the odd one out _______________ ?

A. George Herbert Mead
B. Antonio Gramsci
C. Erving Goffman
D. Howard Becker

A great deal of leadership and authority rests upon the skillful manipulation of
the group as a___________?
A. Source of power
B. Source of help
C. control device
D. None of these

Karl Marx held that a social movement the revolt of the proletariat would help
workers overcome feelings of____________?
A. class consciousness
B. false consciousness
C. socialist consciousness
D. surplus value

Of what is the failure of companies to adhere to legal regulations that apply to

them an example ?
A. white-collar crime
B. corporate crime
C. victimless crime
D. organized crime

What theory of social movement development currently dominates academic

though ?
A. Contagion
B. Conflict
C. Resource Development
D. Frame Alignment
E. Linear Evolutionary

Which of the following is a nation without a state ?

A. Tibet
B. Kurds
C. none of them
D. both of above

Which of the following statements about small groups is correct ?

A. All small groups are primary groups
B. All small groups are secondary groups
C. Many small groups differ from primary groups in that they do not necessarily offer the
intimate personal relationships of primary groups
D. both b and c

For Thomas Robert Malthus the appropriate way to control population was
A. use artificial means of birth control
B. postpone marriage
C. pass legislation prohibiting families from having more than one child
D. do all of the above
A change in occupational position or role without involving any change in its
position in the social hierarchy is called____________?
A. Vertical mobility
B. Horizontal mobility
C. social mobility
D. None of these

Demographic Transition exhibits_____________?

A. High birth rate and low death rate in its first phase
B. High death rate and low birth rate in its first phase
C. High birth rate and high death rate in its first phase
D. None of these

In past Pakistanis population had relatively ________ growth rate?

A. Low
B. Medium
C. High
D. None of these

ideological notions of equality of opportunity are irrelevant in deciding the

positions of individuals to different statuses in a __________________ system
of mobility?
A. Open
B. Broad
C. closed
D. None of these

Which of the following statements is not correct ?

A. Sociologists use the term negotiated order to underscore the fact that social order is
continually being constructed and altered through negotiation
B. Negotiation is a cultural universal
C. Most elements of social structure are not static and are therefore subject to change
through bargaining and exchanging (negotiation)
D. Negotiation is a macro-level process that does not usually involve interactions
between small groups such as families

The trend toward urbanization is most advanced in ?

A. America
B. England
C. Japan
D. None of these

Which of the following positions is NOT associated with the hyper globalizers ?
A. citizens lose faith in existing systems of governance
B. globalization needs to happen much more quickly
C. individual countries no longer control their own economies
D. regional institutions are becoming as powerful as nation-states

Conflict theory emphasizes the use of humor as a________________?

A. means by which to present the self
B. political tool
C. defense mechanism
D. means by which to bind culture
E. source of negativity towards women

Which group of sociologists note that developers’ bankers and other powerful
real estate interests view housing as an investment and are primarily concerned
with maximizing profit not with solving social problems?
A. urban ecologists
B. new urban sociologist
C. functionalists
D. human ecologists

Ibne Khaldun conceived a theory of______________?

A. Social conflict
B. Social change
C. Solidarity
D. All of the above

In observational studies the scientist observes_______________?

A. the things that happen by themselves
B. Are arranged knowingly
C. both a and b
D. None of these

Paul du Gay’s (2000) In Praise of Bureaucracy makes two important points in

defense of bureaucratic forms of organization Which two points are they? A
bureaucratic ethos ?
A. is compatible with private sector values and includes impartial and equal treatment
for all
B. ensures administrative responsibility for the public interest and includes impartial and
equal treatment for all
C. ensures that politicians goals can be met even against opposition and ensures
administrative responsibility for the public interest
D. is compatible with private sector values and ensures that politicians goals can be met
even against opposition

What is applied social research _________________?

A. research that tries to contribute to the development of theory
B. research that is always multidisciplinary
C. research that aims to intervene in and improve social life
D. research based on government priorities

Which of the following is a true statement ?

A. Human beings have existed on earth for about half million years
B. agriculture is only around twelve thousand years old
C. civilizations date back around six thousand years
D. all of the above
Which sociological perspective emphasizes that patients should not always be
viewed as passive but instead as an actor who often shows a powerful intent to
see the physician ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labeling theory

Which of the following is not a characteristic of ideology according to the critical

conception of ideology ?
A. neutral
B. misleading
C. illusory
D. distorting

Which of the following is NOT one of the properties of a minority group ?

A. racial or cultural self-consciousness
B. hereditary membership
C. a high degree of marriage outside of the group (exogamy)
D. oppression at the hands of a dominant group

According to Freud______________?
A. man seeks consensus and harmony
B. man lacks a constraining force
C. man is inherently evil
D. man feels the need to dominate others
E. man is driven by biological needs

Great civilizations of world developed in________________?

A. Mountainous Areas
B. Great deserts
C. Lowlands of great river basins
D. None of these

The activity of measuring and explaining the size of populations is known

A. Malthusianism
B. demography
C. forecasting
D. official statistics

Which of these is most closely associated with Marx,s thinking ?

A. integration
B. conflict
C. social facts
D. consensus

According to the World Bank which of these is a middle-income country ?

A. India
B. China
C. Indonesia
D. Vietnam

Psychological positivism stresses the key role that _______ plays in the
development of conformist of criminal belief systems?
A. pre-natal nutrition
B. hormones
C. genetic abnormalities
D. early childhood
E. adolescence

Ritzer presented a theory that the different components of social life work
together to influence society and behavior This theory is
A. Integration theory
B. Cohesion theory
C. Role theory
D. None of these

The purpose of a reference group is to serve a(n) ?

A. normative function by enforcing standards of conduct and belief
B. comparison function by serving as a standard against which people can measure
themselves and other
C. elimination function by dissolving groups that no longer have a social purpose
D. both a and b

Weber said that all knowledge is value-relevant because_____________?

A. sociologists like to put a value on different theories
B. knowledge refers to people and their values
C. theorists interpret the world in terms of their own values
D. attempts to provide knowledge about the world are always valuable

The salient features of Horticulturalist society are______________?

A. cultivation of crops
B. Dense populations
C. Food surplus and division of labor
D. All of above

In primary groups social contacts are____________?

A. formal
B. informal
C. Social
D. None of these

Which of these is a front region of social life ?

A. a restaurant kitchen
B. a clothing store payment counter
C. a football ground dressing room
D. a nightclub toilet

When in sociology we speak of researchers using controls, we

A. being as precise as possible in defining an initial hypothesis
B. holding some variables constant to look at the effects of others
C. supervising the data collection process as closely as possible
D. seeking to manipulate the outcomes of a research process

____________involves the transformation of raw data into numbers to make it

suitable for further analysis ?
A. Coding
B. Conceptualization
C. Factoring
D. Classification
E. Enumeration

Post-modernist writers have argued that____________?

A. we live in a world of superficial fragmented images
B. no theory is better than any other anything goes
C. society has changed, and we need new kinds of theory
D. all of the above

Which of the following was the earliest example of an international organization

A. the Pan-Arab League
B. the Hanseatic League
C. the Football League
D. the League of Nations

communities can be categorized terms of______________?

A. Geography
B. Culture
C. Organizations
D. All of above

Drug is a very wide term and can be used for both medicinal
A. Surgical
B. non-medicinal
C. treatment
D. None of these

A researcher examines the literature written by Black novelists during the

“Negro Renaissance” (1913-1935) to see if they reflect the political movements
going on in the Black community in the United States at that time What type of
research methodology is being used in this example ?
A. secondary analysis
B. interviews
C. observation
D. content analysis

According to Castles and Miller which ONE of these is NOT a developing

tendency in migration ?
A. deceleration
B. diversification
C. globalization
D. feminization

What do separatist movements around the world seek to achieve ?

A. recognition of the equal rights of an ethnic group within a nation state
B. the creation of an independent nation state
C. the expulsion of an ethnic group from a disputed region
D. acceptance of an ethnic groups that to use a separate minority language
Which term describes societies where the family name and the inheritance of
property passes down the male line ?
A. matrilineal
B. androlineal
C. homolineal
D. patrilineal

Ayub Government brought ____ in 1950s and 60s which changed agricultural
infrastructure to greater extent ?
A. agricultural reforms
B. Green Revolution
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

Peer involvement in adolescence is generally thought to be______________?

A. overly-superficial
B. over-rated
C. negative
D. positive

According to Steve Bruce (1996) which of the following was a factor in

generating strong religious commitment in the USA as compared to Europe ?
A. an evangelical strand of Christianity
B. a non-established church
C. a variety of new religious movements
D. late and very rapid industrialization

Which of the following is not part of karl Marx,s theory of capitalism ?

A. capitalist production exploits the working class
B. class conflict is inevitable in capitalist societies
C. industrial workers are the revolutionary class
D. class struggle only occurs under capitalism
A pastoralist society depends upon ?
A. domesticated livestock
B. agriculture
C. Trade and business
D. None of these

Which of these countries has the smallest proportion of people living on less
than $1 a day_______________?
A. Bangladesh
B. Mozambique
C. China
D. Pakistan

In developing nations which of the following influence(s) social change towards

the liberal Western democratic style of society ?
A. literacy education and communication
B. a centrally dominated social order
C. extreme social inequalities
D. homogenous social groups and organizations

A data collection method in which the researcher does not interact with the
subject(s) being studied is called_______________?
A. an unobtrusive
B. field research
C. qualitative analysis
D. content analysis
E. ethnography

Positivism is most accurately described as the belief that__________________?

A. social research should highlight the positive aspects of social life
B. knowledge should be produced based on evidence from observations
C. sociologists should make more use of official statistics
D. none of the above

Which of the following was supported by Durkheim,s study of suicide ?

A. Catholics had higher rates of suicide than protestants
B. Rates of suicide were higher in times of war than in times of peace
C. Rates of suicide were lower in times of economic stability
D. Individuals who were enmeshed in meaningful social bonds were less inclined to
commit suicide

Education is undergoing a transformation in which the boundary between

schooling and the outside world is breaking down allowing for workplace
education beyond the confines of the classroom and at many different times
How is this broad change usually described ?
A. lifelong learning
B. extended education
C. e-learning
D. de-schooling

Which of the following would be an example of a random sample? A

A. administers a naira to every fifth woman who enters a business office
B. examines the attitudes of residents of a city by interviewing every twentieth name in the
city’s telephone book
C. studies the attitudes of Democratic voters by choosing every tenth name found on a
city’s list of registered Democrats
D. None of the above

A. has been to study social interaction for over 500 years.
B. Is the scientific study of social interaction and organization?
C. has little bearing on public policy
D. is most useful when applied to abstract -as opposed to practical matters
The caste system is generally associated with______________?
A. Hinduism
B. Islam
C. Judaism
D. Buddhism

Which of these distinguishes modern nation-sates from traditional civilizations ?

A. a national identity with an associated set of symbols and beliefs
B. governmental authority over a clearly demarcated territory
C. the granting of citizenship rights to the relevant population
D. all of the above

A plumber whose father was a physician is an example of_________________?

A. downward intergenerational mobility
B. upward intergenerational mobility
C. downward intergenerational mobility
D. upward intergenerational mobility

Sociologists using Evolutionary Perspective look for________________?

A. Patterns of Change and development
B. Causes of social change
C. None of these
D. both of these

In Pakistan society no laws were made for the protection of elderly citizens the
major cause was the belief_____________?
A. That they can look after themselves
B. The sons are responsible
C. The daughters are responsible
D. None of these

The value-added model of collective behavior ?

A. presents three preconditions for collective behavior
B. states that each determinant expands the range of potential final outcomes
C. is of little use in understanding the complexity of collective behavior.
D. none of the above

Robert Merton’s ideas on crime and deviance make use of the concept of
anomie. What does anomie mean in Merton’s work ?
A. Normlessness
B. meaninglessness
C. social strain
D. social adaptation

Of the two types of religious organizations that have a negative relationship

with society which one accepts pluralistic legitimacy ?
A. a cult
B. a sect
C. a church
D. a denomination

The first step in any sociological research project is to_________________?

A. collect data
B. define the problem
C. review previous research
D. formulate a hypothesis

All societies confront three basic economic problems Which of the following is
NOT one of them ?
A. determining what goods and services to produce
B. determining how to employ limited resources
C. determining how much each individual should be paid
D. determining for whom goods and services should be produced

Science aims to be both______________?

A. philosophical and progressive
B. complex and against commonsense
C. experimental and statistical
D. valid and reliable

Which pioneer of sociology first directed researchers to the significance of

bureaucratic structure ?
A. Emile Durkheim
B. Max Weber
C. Karl Marx
D. Ferdinand Tonnies

Pakistanis net primary enrolment is significantly below than its neighbors

specially ?
A. Bangladesh
B. India
C. Sri Lanka
D. None of these

According to Strain theory, retreatants are likely to engage in what type of

deviant activity ?
A. Sexual assault
B. terrorism
C. counterfeiting
D. drug abuse
E. robbery

Selves without bodies don,t make much sense in human terms (Jenkins 1996)
What is Jenkins alluding to in this quotation ?
A. the need to bring biological knowledge into sociology
B. the need to theorize the embodiment of the social self
C. the need for sociologists to understand the natural sciences
D. the need for a new science of sociobiology
The sequence of Rostow,s stages of economic growth are____________?
A. traditional take-off drive to maturity high mass consumption
B. traditional drive to maturity high mass consumption take-off
C. traditional state intervention high mass consumption take-off
D. traditional dependency modernization take-off

Robert Merton,s contributions to sociology include______________?

A. successfully combining theory and research
B. an analysis of deviant behavior that focuses on societal goals and means
C. an attempt to bring macro- and micro
D. all of the above

Aalia aged 7 lives in a private home with her parents her grandmother and her
aunt Alice,s family is an example of a(n)?
A. nuclear family
B. dysfunctional family
C. extended family
D. polygynous family

An important aspect of labelling theory is the recognition that some people or

groups have the power to define labels and apply them to others This view
recalls the emphasis placed on the social significance of power by
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. anomie theory of deviance

The shift from custodial to joint parenthood after divorce means

A. fathers are more likely to be absent from their children’s lives
B. one parent has total responsibility for the child’s welfare and socialization
C. both parents are expected to co-operate in the continued care of their children
D. parents must provide for all of their children in equal measure

Theories of racialized discourse suggest that________________?

A. race is an objective way of categorizing people on biological grounds
B. the idea of race is socially constructed through powerful ideologies
C. race relations in Britain and America can be traced back to colonial times
D. people choose their racial identity, and this becomes fixed

The Communist Manifesto was written by____________?

A. Karl Marx and Georg Hegel
B. George Herbert Mead and Jane Addams
C. Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx
D. Talcott Parsons and Robert Merton

A social condition in which values are conflicting weak or absent is

A. Assimilation
B. Hawthorne affect
C. invasion
D. anomie

Which one of the following crime rates was higher in the United States than in
Europe during the 1980s and 1990s ?
A. murder
B. rape
C. robbery
D. all of the above

________ is the process by which a society moves from traditional to industrial

social and economic arrangements?
A. Development
B. Evolution
C. Modernization
D. Social change

Emergent norm theory argues that collective behavior arises when expectations
regarding how to act are_____________?
A. clear
B. explicit
C. encouraged
D. vague
E. repeated

Ethnic groups_______________?
A. are groups identified on cultural grounds
B. are based solely on nationality
C. occupy a small territory
D. unlike racial groups are socially constructed

The middle classes that developed over the nineteenth century

A. an urban set involved in civic bodies and voluntary associations
B. too diverse to have a strong sense of class consciousness
C. often involved in white collar work
D. all of the above

The social condition in which people find it difficult to guide their behavior by
norms they experience as weak unclear or conflicting is called______________?
A. social disorganization
B. anomie
C. deviance
D. none of the above

According to Durkheim social facts are________________?

A. ways of behaving that are external to individuals
B. only things that have been shown to be true
C. social insights into collective behavior
D. information captured by official statistics

What is the concept used by Karl Marx to explain workers loss of control over
their labor power in capitalist societies ?
A. anomie
B. pauperization
C. de-skilling
D. alienation

The case of the former Soviet Union supports Kerr et al,s (1960) claims
A. totalitarian regimes are incompatible with the requirements of advanced industrial
B. democratic governments serve the interests of a ruling elite
C. advanced industrial technology strengthens the power of totalitarian regimes
D. communist societies disperse power between various political parties

By the year 2020 it is projected that less than 2 percent of the entire global
labor force will be engaged in ?
A. farming
B. service jobs
C. factory work
D. high-tech jobs

The first stage of the demographic transition is called the________________?

A. Pre-transition stage
B. transition stage
C. post transition stage
D. initiation stage

The capitalist class of the mid-twentieth century were said to join the upper
class because them___________?
A. Participated in the same leisure pursuits and events of the social calendar
B. emulated the lifestyle and cultural values of the traditional aristocracy
C. owned companies and financial assets that generated wealth through corporations
D. had direct personal ownerships of land and businesses as physical assets

Sociological definitions of deviance consist of behaviors, beliefs,

A. attributes
B. realities
C. Choices
D. records
E. Conditions

Downward mobility factors are_________________?

A. Opposite to those of upward mobility
B. Same
C. different from those
D. None of these

The process of social interaction by which people acquire the knowledge

attitudes values and behaviors essential for effective participation in society is
A. culture
B. definition of the situation
C. social communication
D. socialization

Martha and Susan work at the local factory ten hours a day five days a week
They make the minimum wage with no overtime pay insurance or benefits One
day they discuss their situations over lunch and express frustration over the fact
that they never seem to make enough money to “get ahead “By the end of the
conversation they have motivated each other to volunteer to work on Sundays
They figure that if they work just a little harder they will make enough money to
increase their social status Marx would say these women are demonstrating ?
A. the dedication necessary to get ahead in life
B. class consciousness
C. capitalist enthusiasm
D. false consciousness

Cultural relativism is the idea that societies have to be studied in terms of

A. own meanings and values
B. family and kin relationships
C. artistic and literary production
D. religious and spiritual beliefs

The determinants of social class are______________?

A. Birth
B. Money
C. Education and occupation
D. All of above

Wallerstein’s world-systems theory is inspired by______________?

A. Marxism
B. interaction ism
C. Functionalism
D. Post structuralism

Durkheim defined social facts as___________?

A. ways of acting thinking and feeling that are collective and social in origin
B. the way scientists construct knowledge in a social context
C. data collected about social phenomena that are proven to be correct
D. ideas and theories that have no basis in the external physical world
Which of the following is NOT an INGO ?
A. Greenpeace
B. international Telegraph Union
C. Amnesty International
D. The Red Cross

Which term describes a society in which women can marry more than one
husband at a time but men may marry only one wife at a time ?
A. monogamy
B. polygamy
C. polygyny
D. polyandry

Which theorist is most associated with world-systems theory ?

A. Walt Rostow
B. Immanuel Waller-stein
C. Amartya Sen
D. none of the above

Gambling public drunkenness prostitution and smoking marijuana are often

considered ?
A. white-collar crimes
B. violent crimes against people
C. “victimless” crimes
D. organized crime

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that the relationship between

females and males has been one of unequal power with men in a dominant
position over women ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. dramaturgical perspective

According to Bourdieu cultural capital exists in three forms Which one of the
following is not one of the three ?
A. an objectified state
B. an institutionalized form
C. a symbolic form
D. an embodied state

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding evolutionary

perspectives on social change ?
A. Lenski argues that evolution depends largely on changes in a society’s level of
technology and made of economic production
B. Social Darwinists like Spencer see evolution as inevitably leading to the downfall of
C. Contemporary approaches take a unilinear view of evolution and assume all change
equals progress
D. Parsons suggested that societies tend become simpler over time

Agriculture cannot absorb the population concentration of human activities and

settlements around the downtown areas when the residential area shifts
outward this is called____________?
A. Other occupations
B. Urbanization
C. Development
D. None of these

According to Max Weber the ideal type refers to______________?

A. the best possible outcome available
B. a perspective emphasizing the primacy of ideas
C. a model based on certain features of a phenomenon
D. the social agenda of political idealists
According to Gerald Suttles a gated community would be an example of
A. edge city
B. defended neighborhood
C. urban enclave
D. ethnic village

Among which occupational group are infant mortality rates the

A. professional
B. managerial and technical
C. skilled non-manual
D. skilled manual

Aging is an important phenomenon in developed countries specially

A. Europe
B. Japan
D. Both A and B

In contemporary Britain which ethnic group has the lowest proportion of one-
parent families ?
A. India
B. White
C. Black Caribbean
D. Chinese

Heroine was discovered in 1878 but its use was limited till_____________?
A. 1880
B. 1898
C. 1898
D. None of these

Karl Marx,s view of the struggle between social classes inspired the
contemporary ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. dramaturgical approach

A group with which we identify and to which we belong is called a(n) ?

A. in-group
B. reference group
C. secondary group
D. relationship

Which of the following is not identified by Fulcher & Scott as a criterion of

community ?
A. a shared sense of identity and belonging together
B. common activities involving all -round relationships
C. a fixed geographical location
D. collective action based on common interests

Wallflowers are people who came to believe early in life that they
A. make conversation
B. not make conversation
C. Sometimes they are good speakers
D. None of these

Urban recycling is shorthand for______________?

A. encouraging existing residents to move out of an area
B. introducing local environmental strategies to an area
C. the refurbishment or replacement of old buildings and land
D. providing incentives for urban dwellers to use public transport

Family is a haven form the world where basic ingredients are_______________?

A. Love and trust
B. Intimacy
C. Absolute fulfilment
D. All of the above

Embracing language and ethnic and cultural difference is thought to be a core

Canadian value called______________?
A. belief in equality and fairness
B. importance of accommodation and tolerance
C. support for diversity
D. belief in consultation and dialogue
E. compassion and generosity

In which type of city does religion become fragmented and there is greater
openness to new religious faiths ?
A. preindustrial city
B. industrial city
C. postindustrial city
D. edge cities

A survey should avoid asking_____________?

A. fixed-choice questions s
B. short questions s
C. leading questions
D. funneled questions s

Civil society in Pakistan has gone through_____________?

A. Two stages
B. Three stages
C. Four stage
D. None of these

Invention can be further divided into material inventions and social inventions
democratic government is an example of____________?
A. material invention
B. Social Invention
C. both of these
D. None of these

The earliest theoretical perspective in sociology______________?

A. Conflict Perspective
B. The Functionalist Perspective
C. The Evolutionary Perspective
D. None of these

Which of the following factors is associated with the high divorce rate in the
United States ?
A. the liberalization of divorce laws
B. divorce is easier to work out since contemporary families have fewer children than
earlier families
C. the increase in family incomes
D. all of the above

What is an education system in which children achieve their status based on

their own worth called ?
A. comprehensive
B. meritocratic
C. selective
D. elitist

In Merton’s terms, a person who has abandoned the goal of material success
and become compulsively committed to the institutional means is a
A. ritualist
B. retreatism
C. rebel
D. innovator

The rise of globalization was greatly facilitated by_____________?

A. wealthy aristocrats
B. sixteenth-century population growth
C. industrialization
D. developments in transportation and communication
E. international migration

The term hegemony refers to_____________?

A. the tendency for the working class not to realize their own interests
B. a dominant ideology that legitimates economic political
C. a form of dual consciousness based on ideology and everyday experiences
D. a mode of payment given for outstanding topiary

Which nation(s) has(have) witnessed a significant decline in voter turnout in

recent elections ?
A. Japan
B. Great Britain
C. the United States
D. all of the above

The final stage in demographic transition is marked by_______________?

A. high birthrates and death rates
B. high birthrates and low death rates
C. low birthrates and high death rates
D. low birthrates and low death rates

Which of these bests describes Islamic revivalism in the contemporary world ?

A. traditional practices and modes of life have been revived but combined with concerns
that relate specifically to modern times
B. a growing belief in literal interpretations of sacred texts
C. a uniquely political phenomenon associated with introducing Islamic principles into laws
and government
D. traditional practices and modes of life have been revived without any reference to
recent historical events involving external non-Islam countries

The global dominance of American film exports raises s about_____________?

A. cultural imperialism
B. rise of digital media
C. virtual communities
D. the US is not the largest global exporter of films

Which of these is NOT viewed as a strength of surveys ?

A. they are often undertaken by specialist agencies
B. they offer an appearance of precision
C. the data is easy to quantify and analyses
D. large numbers of people can be studied

The emphasis on the relationship between religion and which ONE of the
following is distinctive to Weber’s study of religion ?
A. social inequality
B. social change
C. social solidarity
D. social conflict

According to Herbert Gans residents who remain in the city to take advantage of
the unique cultural and intellectual benefits of the city are
A. cosmopolites
B. ethnic villagers
C. urban villagers
D. the trapped

Durkheim,s famous definition of religion includes three main elements Which of

these is not one of the three ?
A. religion is a form of culture
B. religion involves belief in God
C. religion provides a sense of purpose
D. religion involves beliefs and ritual practices

In modern societies social status is typically measured by a

A. age
B. income
C. verbal fluency
D. occupation

Freud divided self into three parts the id the superego and
A. ego
B. sub-ego
C. le
D. None of these

In the middle teens the most important reference group

A. Family
B. Peer group
C. Teachers
D. None of these

You are a student at XYZ College and You have your sociology and history final
exams on the same morning Your know that preparing for both exams at the
same time is going to lead to lower grades in one or both of the exams The
conflict that you are experiencing as you try to fulfill both of your
responsibilities at the college is an example of_________________?
A. role conflict
B. role exit
C. role strain
D. role dissonance

Oops! is an example of______________?

A. a response cry
B. netiquette
C. interactional vandalism
D. civil inattention

Demographers who once believed that the U.S population would stabilize
between 290 and 300 million people now believe that it will stabilize at around
390 million people because its________________?
A. overall birth-rate will increase significantly in the early part of the new century
B. life expectancy at birth will shortly increase to nearly 100 years of age
C. immigration rate is expected to remain high
D. all of the above

According to Merton the most common adaptation in the anomie theory of

deviance is_____________?
A. conformity
B. innovation
C. ritualism
D. rebellion

The people of the same class share for the most part ?
A. Same income level
B. Way of life values
C. Both of the values
D. None of these

Labelling theory encourages ________ as a way to completely avoid the

stigmatization process?
A. restitution
B. legalization
C. radical non-intervention
D. decriminalization
E. retribution

When a number of researchers use the same operational definition to measure

a variable and achieve the same results the measure is said to
A. valid
B. reliable
C. factual
D. internally consistent
E. instrumental

In order to genuinely reflect a broad range of the population a survey must be

based on precise ?
A. representative sampling
B. experiments
C. surveys
D. hypotheses

Extreme climatic conditions are_____________?

A. obstacle to cultural development
B. Helpful in cultural development
C. have no effect
D. None of these
The part which is the complex of social ideals and values which one has
internalized, and which form the conscience is______________?
A. id
B. Superego
C. ego
D. None of these

Spread of cultural traits from group to group is called______________?

A. Intercultural harmony
B. Cultural contacts
C. diffusion
D. None of these

Which of the following research methods uses existing records ?

A. survey research
B. naire research
C. archival research
D. observational research

Sociology emerged in________________?

A. Mid seventeenth Century
B. In Eighteenth Century
C. In early 19th Century
D. None of these

In the late eighteenth century what was Jeremy Bentham,s Panopticon ?

A. an army barracks
B. a prison
C. an asylum
D. a school

The term feminist standpoint, suggests_______________?

A. taking a stand on the issues neglected by feminism
B. studying society from the perspective of women
C. the recognition of difference and diversity in women’s lives
D. a tendency to ignore the gendered nature of knowledge

The most pervasive of the social processes are________________?

A. Religious ritual
B. changelessness
C. idealized ways of thinking and doing
D. None of these

Pakistanis urban and rural literacy rates are respectively ?

A. 63% and 34%
B. 34%and 63%
C. 50,505
D. None of these

Since the 1990s the rate of teenage pregnancy among Black women in the
United States has_________________?
A. increased dramatically
B. decreased
C. increased slightly
D. remained steady

According to demographic transition theory, both birth and death rates are high
in which stages of demographic transition ?
A. the first stage
B. the second stage
C. the third stage
D. the first and third stage

Research indicates that effective schools______________?

A. foster the expectation that order will prevail in the classroom
B. leave discipline up to the individual teacher
C. emphasize the “whole student” over academic concerns
D. foster an atmosphere in which students are carefully monitored to ensure that they
meet their obligations

Mass-society theory suggests that______________?

A. the content of the media is determined market forces
B. the subordinate classes are dominated by the ideology of the ruling class
C. the media manipulate the masses as vulnerable passive consumers
D. audiences make selective interpretations of media messages

Comte believed that society developed in______________?

A. two stages
B. four stages
C. three stages
D. None of these

Socialization is______________?
A. the formation of an attachment bond between an infant and its carer
B. a tendency of social theorists to explain everything in terms of social causes
C. the process of becoming part of a society by learning its norms and values
D. the historical process by which societies change from traditional to modern

Human behavior is guided by expectations held both by the individual and by

other people is the basic notion of_____________?
A. conflict theory
B. Structural functionalism
C. role theory
D. None of these

In order to qualify as a random sample______________?

A. at least 100 people must be selected
B. every sub-sample of the population must be represented
C. every member of the population must have an equal chance of being chosen
D. a phone book must be used to generate random names.
E. the researcher must pre-test the subjects

Carolyn supported her family by working as an administrative assistant She also

attended law school and passed the bar she took a job with a small firm
specializing in family law Carolyn experienced______________?
A. horizontal mobility
B. transgenerational mobility
C. vertical mobility
D. geographic mobility

Social sciences comprise the application of scientific method

A. laboratory experiments
B. field experiment
C. human aspect of the world
D. None of these

Career and mobility patterns for men and women are_____________?

A. Quite different
B. all alike
C. Growing more nearly alike
D. None of these

The term collective consumption (Castells 1977) refers to____________?

A. the privatization of public services by the Conservative government
B. the lifestyle practice of shopping in peer groups
C. the form of tuberculosis suffered by those who collect stamps
D. the provision of health housing and education services by the state

The theorist who associated city life with the development of a blase attitude
A. Tonnies
B. Simmel
C. Weber
D. Wirth

Ibne Khaldun was born in______________?

A. North America
B. North Asia
C. North Africa
D. None of these

A decline in which of the following does Putnam link to the spread of television
A. rational through
B. social capital
C. cultural capital
D. political awareness

Sociology is concerned with_______________?

A. patterns of human behavior
B. the behavior of an individual
C. random human actions
D. all of the above

__________ groups often emerge in the workplace among those who share
special understandings about their occupation ?
A. primary
B. secondary
C. out-groups
D. formal organizations

Which of the following would not be a good example of a counterculture ?

A. Toronto Raptors fans
B. motorcycle gangs
C. racist groups
D. terrorism
E. organized crime

Critics of the concept of relative poverty argue that______________?

A. it concentrates too much on kinship ties
B. the government should be raising benefit levels
C. in modern affluent societies no one is truly poor
D. it is wrong to make comparisons between countries

The biggest difference between the theories of Freud and Erikson is that Erikson
believed ?
A. That culture rather than biology plays the biggest part in socialization
B. that psychology is the dominant theory the social sciences
C. that biology/genetics explains everything
D. that there is no such thing as a superego
E. that men lacks a system of checks and balances in his life

The concepts of protestant and Bourgeois were presented

A. Talcat parson
B. Karl Marx
C. Max Weber
D. Emile Durkheim

Which of the following is not a new social movement ?

A. resource mobilization theory
B. labor movement
C. environmental movement
D. anti-nuclear movement

Social exclusion refers to ways in which people are cut off from full involvement
in society How has Veit-Wilson (1998) distinguished the main variants of this
concept ?
A. primary/secondary
B. weak/strong
C. general/specific
D. old/new

The process by which cultural traits spread from one group of society to another
is called_____________?
A. Folkways
B. counter culture
C. cultural complexes
D. cultural diffusion

Which of the following argued that a capitalist society has a dominant ideology
that serves the interests of the ruling class ?
A. Max Weber
B. Talcott Parsons
C. Karl Marx
D. Margaret Mead

Nineteenth-century theories of social change reflect the pioneering work in

biological evolution done by____________?
A. Albert Einstein
B. Charles Darwin
C. Harriet Martineau
D. Benjamin Franklin

Alice aged 7 lives in a private home with her parents her grandmother and her
aunt Alice,s family is an example of a (n)_____________?
A. nuclear family
B. dysfunctional family
C. extended family
D. polygynous family

Women of which ethnic group are least likely to have a white partner ?
A. India
B. Pakistan
C. Bangladeshi
D. Chinese

Which of the following is predicted to be a major influence on cities during the

next 50 years ?
A. Pollution
B. The internet
C. Urban renewal
D. Deindustrialization

Which of the following is not identified by Fulcher & Scott as a criterion of

community ?
A. a shared sense of identity and belonging together
B. common activities involving all-round relationships
C. a fixed geographical location
D. collective action based on common interests

Which group of learners does the university of the third age serve ?
A. teenagers
B. travelles
C. workers
D. pensioners

The main cause of unhappiness in the working class according to Marx

A. Alienation from the results of production
B. low wages
C. Job insecurity
D. None of these

The adage that its not what you know its who you know emphasizes the
importance of connections This is most relevant the concept
A. de-differentiation
B. network economy
C. political corruption
D. social capital

A new combination or a new use of existing knowledge is termed

A. Invention
B. discovery
C. Social Change
D. None of these

Structural-Functionalists describe society as_____________?

A. a complex network of interaction at a micro-level
B. a source of conflict inequality and alienation
C. an unstable structure of social relations
D. a normative framework of roles and institutions

The essential function of punishment in society is_______________?

A. reform
B. revenge
C. affirmation of moral standards
D. None of these

The secularization thesis______________?

A. states that sacred considerations gain ascendancy over secular considerations
B. considerations trends toward modernization
C. is assumed to accompany the transformation of human societies from simple to complex
D. none of the above

The statement that “the social relations of work find expression in the social
relation of school” reflects ?
A. the correspondence principle
B. credentialism
C. the hidden curriculum
D. structural dyspepsia

In order for field research to be successful the researcher must

A. tactful
B. creative
C. unobtrusive
D. fluent in several languages
E. discreet

According to________________ theory unique customs develop and persist

because they are adaptive?
A. Conflict
B. Symbolic Interactionism
C. Functionalism
D. Radical
E. Feminism

White-collar crime is low in visibility because______________?

A. it involves only small amounts of money
B. the proletariat can outsmart the bourgeoisie
C. the police turn a blind eye to corporate crime
D. it goes undetected in the context of everyday business transactions
Which one of these is NOT one of the newly industrializing countries ?
A. Brazil
B. South korea
C. Taiwan
D. Hungary

Which political figure first called for a Untied States of Europe ?

A. Adolf Hitler
B. Winston Churchill
C. Charles De Gaulle
D. Harry S Truman

Material Culture consists of_______________?

A. physical objects
B. Non-physical objects
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

Which theoretical approach emphasizes racism not as a deviation from the non-
racist norm but rather as the everyday normal experience for people of color ?
A. critical race theory
B. conflict theories
C. ethnocentrism
D. primordialism

What was the system of forced racial segregation in South Africa known as
A. apartheid
B. ethnic cleansing
C. multiculturalism
D. assimilation

The term “Socio Cultural” Change refers to______________?

A. Overlapping of two concepts
B. That there is no distinction between both
C. Changes of both kind
D. None of these

Which of the following is an accurate statement about a population pyramid ?

A. A population pyramid portrays the sex and age composition of a population
B. A population pyramid must be based on absolute numbers.
C. A population pyramid is of interest solely to academics.
D. A population pyramid requires complex statistical calculation to understand the
interrelationship between age and sex in a given population.

Formulating the hypothesis is the _________ step in the scientific method?

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth

Th market model of state welfare is based on the principle of_____________?

A. individuals buying welfare privately with some means-tested benefits
B. regular benefit payments to men as earners of the family wage
C. a universalist system of welfare for all regardless of income
D. recommodifying social welfare through state provision

Eyeballing is a technique that involves________________?

A. reading a textual document quickly to understand the gist of it
B. gathering a sample from whoever you can see in a public place
C. scanning a table to identify general patterns and significant figures
D. keeping your eyes on research participants at all times

Marx proclaimed that religion would disappear when ?

A. a new trend of moral individualism became established
B. a socialist revolution removed the need for capitalist ideology
C. church attendance dropped below 15%
D. people came to believe more in science and technology

White-collar crime is low in visibility because_____________?

A. it involves only small amounts of money
B. the proletariat can outsmart the bourgeoise
C. the police turn a blind eye to corporate crime
D. it goes undected in the context of everybody business transactions

According to Durkheim an important component of social life

A. Social solidarity
B. Social alienation
C. Individualism
D. None of these

In Which year did the urban areas of the world become more populous than
rural areas ?
A. 1950
B. 1975
C. 1999
D. 2007

Freuds notion of the ego referred to________________?

A. the unconscious mass of instinctive drives that may be repressed
B. the self as a whole an unstable mix of conscious and unconscious elements
C. the conscious part of the mind that regulates emotional drives on a practical rational
D. the neurotic part of the mind that longs for belonging and may suffer an inferiority

The approach to crime prevention based on increased surveillance (such as

CCTV and Neighborhood Watch schemes) and target hardening (such as a car
immobilizers and better home security) is known as what ?
A. the new criminology
B. broken windows theory
C. situational crime prevention
D. deviance reduction theory

Which is the JK,s largest university ?

A. University of Cambridge
B. The Open University
C. London Metropolitan University
D. University of Manchester

The internet rearranges our experience of space-time by making it possible

A. communicate instantly with people far away
B. experience what its like to be a different gender
C. interact in an unreal and alienated way
D. communicate without non-verbal cues

Education of women is the most important step in_____________?

A. coping illiteracy
B. Eradicating poverty
C. Controlling Population
D. None of these

Which one of the following is an economic system that is typically found in

contemporary societies ?
A. socialism
B. feudalism
C. slavery
D. all of the above

Global economic inequality refers primarily to_____________?

A. systematic differences in wealth and income between global firms
B. systematic differences in wealth and income between countries
C. systematic differences in wealth and income within countries
D. systematic differences in wealth and income between poorer countries

Karl Marx,s view of the struggle between social classes inspired the
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. dramaturgical approach

The shift from custodial to joint parenthood after divorce means that
A. fathers are more likely to be absent from their children’s lives
B. one parent has total responsibility for the child’s welfare and socialization
C. both parents are expected to co-operate in the continued care of their children
D. parents must provide for all of their children in equal measure

What is the most common reason people give for not reporting a crime ?
A. fear of reprisal
B. dislike of the police
C. too trivial for the police
D. best dealt with privately

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a post-industrial society ?

A. Increasing numbers of workers are employed in the service sector
B. Many processes in the work place are automated
C. Economic self-sufficiency is displaced by complex divisions of labour exchange
relationships and national and international market systems
D. Changes are accompanied by the knowledge explosion based on the creation processing
and distribution of knowledge
Search for ways of using scientific knowledge to solve practical problems is
termed as_____________?
A. Pure science
B. Applied Science
C. both a & b
D. None of these

The conflict Perspective is mostly based upon the work of______________?

A. C.H Cooley
B. G.H Meads
C. Karl Marx
D. None of these

Over population is also one of the major causes of_______________?

A. unemployment
B. Inflation
C. Poverty
D. All of the above

Main types of agriculture are_______________?

A. Industrial agriculture
B. Subsistence agriculture
C. both a and b
D. None of the above

Sociology is well-equipped to uncover the truth about social problems because

A. its reliance on surveys
B. its theoretical grounding
C. its emphasis on careful reliable empirical research
D. its desire to solve problems
E. its reliance on government funding
Under what type of arrangement do people reckon descent and transmit
property through the mother’s side of the family ?
A. bilineal
B. neolocal
C. patrilineal
D. matrilineal

Which of these is a feature of the Japanese style of management arrangements

A. merging of work and private lives
B. job security
C. group-oriented production
D. all of the above

social aggregations that emerge from the (Inter)Net when enough people carry
on…. public discussions long enough with sufficient human feeling to form webs
of personal relationships What is Rheingold (2000) describing here ?
A. cyberspace
B. the worldwide web
C. virtual communities
D. chatrooms

In many societies newlyweds move into the husbands house at marriage This
arrangement is referred to as a _________ pattern?
A. poly-local
B. neo-local
C. patrilocal
D. matrilocal
E. communal

An instance of focused interaction is called______________?

A. a meeting
B. an event
C. a moment
D. an Encounter

A mean, median and mode are all examples of_______________?

A. measures of variation
B. measures of central tendency
C. measures of enumeration
D. measures of correlation
E. measures of coefficients

Margaret Mead suggested that______________?

A. adolescence and gender roles varied between societies and so were culturally
B. gender roles in three New Guinea societies were identical and so must be biologically
C. adolescence in the USA is a time of relative calm compared to the experience in Japan
and Europe
D. anthropological fieldwork can be problematic because the researcher’s values affect the
way they interpret their observations

Societal Reaction theory begins with the fact that deviation is created by
labelling an act as______________?
A. Inconsistent
B. Deviant
C. Normless
D. None of these

Which of the following is an accurate statement about global cities ?

A. Global cities are major urban centers of commerce on which corporations rely.
B. Global cities are characterized by centralized manufacturing and production activities.
C. Global cities result from decentralized managerial and financial operations.
D. Global cities result from changes in world population
According to Jean Baudrillard What is hyper reality ?
A. modern theme parks such as Disneyland
B. the merging of reality and media representations
C. the virtual world made possible by the Internet
D. people, s affinity with soap characters rather than real people

The conflict theory holds that stratification exists because____________?

A. its benefits individuals and groups who have the power to dominate and exploit others
B. privilege prestige and power are equally distributed in society
C. the capitalist drive to distribute wealth equitably is the foundation of modern society
D. capitalists and workers are class conscious

Which of the following is an ascribed status ?

A. daughter
B. long-distance runner
C. doctor
D. each of the above

A major disadvantage of using mail naires to collect data is____________?

A. the cost of the stamps
B. the response rates
C. the inability to follow-up
D. some respondents are paranoid
E. the mail is slow

The major advantage of interviews is________________?

A. that people are more likely to be honest
B. they are not time consuming
C. the interviewer can guess the age of the respondent
D. the response rate is high
E. that the researcher can ask more detailed s
Which of these is a broadly Weberian idea ?
A. the main dynamic of modern development is capitalist economics
B. modern societies are in transition towards a socialist model
C. rationalization is bound to progress further in all spheres of life
D. all history is the history of class struggles

Which country has the world,s largest concentration of Jews ?

A. Israel
B. Russia
D. Poland

The compulsion of proximity describes____________?

A. wanting to meet face-to-face whenever possible
B. seeking experience of intimacy on the Internet
C. traveling to see foreign locations for holidays
D. creating feelings of security in on-line settings

The term vested interests was coined by social economist ?

A. William F. Ogburn
B. Talcott Parsons
C. Auguste Comte
D. Thorstein Veblen

which of these concepts is addressed in Foucault’s work ?

A. sexuality
B. discipline
C. discourse
D. all of the these

Which of these is not a reason why the rate of urban growth is larger in
developing countries ?
A. living in closely connected settlements is a social feature common in developing
B. fertility rates are generally higher in developing countries including among city dwellers
C. greater job opportunities encourage large-scale internal migration from rural areas to
D. reverse migration (from cities back to rural communities) can be harder in developing
societies once a livelihood in a rural community is lost

According to Edward T Hall which of the following zones of personal space is the
one normally used in interaction with friends and close acquaintances ?
A. intimate distance
B. personal distance
C. social distance
D. public distance

Which of these is not a critique of attempts to measure relative deprivation ?

A. the personal experience of poverty is not the concern of sociologists
B. there is an arbitrary nature to how items are selected for a deprivation index
C. it may be choice not poverty that means some people do not qualify for some of the
items on a deprivation index
D. the subjective nature of such indices means it is difficult to make comparisons between
different studies and time periods

Who coined the term sociology and is generally considered to be the founder of
sociology ?
A. Karl Marx
B. Auguste Comte
C. Max Weber
D. Emile Durkheim

The identification of a new moon of Saturn was an act of_______________?

A. invention
B. discovery
C. diffusion
D. cultural integration

The global economy and the concept of global interdependence is often accused
of having_______________?
A. too many rules and regulations that weigh progress down
B. a disregard for cultural assimilation
C. a positive influence on multicultural development
D. too much concern for non-material culture
E. few boundaries

The growth rate is the difference between______________?

A. immigration and emigration rates.
B. births and deaths
C. fertility and fecundity
D. none of the above

The solution Marx gave to the problem of alienation was______________?

A. Democracy
B. Communism
C. Dictatorship
D. None of these

Who described urbanism as a way of life _____________?

A. Park
B. Hawley
C. Wirth
D. Burgess

Governance theory is mainly occupied with institutional change and it involves

______ agency.
A. Political agency
B. Human agency
C. Public agency
D. None of these

The interaction between physician and patient ?

A. is rooted in a tradition of equality
B. is based on the physician ability to reduce the “competence gap” between the physician
and patient
C. may be evolving into a new type of relationship based on consumerism
D. is governed by the patient who manages the direction of the discussion

Durkheim defined social facts as______________?

A. ways of acting thinking and feeling that are collective and social in origin
B. the way scientists construct knowledge in a social context
C. data collected about social phenomena that are proven to be correct
D. ideas and theories that have no basis in the external physical world

Which of the following statements concerning roles is FALSE ?

A. A single status may have multiple roles attached to it
B. A role does not exist in isolation but is integrated with the activities of other people
C. Roles define duties but only statuses define rights
D. Groups consist of complexes of interlocking roles

Japanese industry progressed because its workers managers and stockholders

share a common interest This group sentiment is best illustrated
A. Functionalist approach
B. Conflict theorists
C. Interactionism
D. None of these

Proponents of the family planning approach to fertility reduction argue

A. economic development will lead to a reduction in fertility
B. governments consider modern contraceptive measures to be a threat to the
preservation and continuation of their way of life.
C. if contraceptives are made available and if information about the value and need for
birth planning is disseminated people will reduce their fertility
D. people can be coerced into using family planning techniques

Which of the following is considered a white-collar crime ?

A. consumer fraud
B. bribery
C. income tax evasion
D. each of the above

A Group of people affiliated by consanguinity affinity and co-residence

A. Neighborhood
B. Class
C. Family
D. None of these

Which of these constitute the three worlds of welfare capitalism ?

A. social democratic socialist communist
B. social democratic corporatist liberal
C. social democratic Christian-democratic nationalist
D. none of above

In Marx,s theory the made of production means_____________?

A. the way in which products are made in a factory
B. the average measure of productivity under capitalism
C. the organization of a society’s technical and human resources
D. an integral part of the superstructure of a society

GM crops are different from anything that has existed before because
A. they are produced by techniques of cross-breeding
B. they are capable of drastically improving agricultural yields
C. they involve transplanting genes between different organisms
D. they have become front-page stories in the news everyday

Cross-cultural research on infant care has found the following______________?

A. All cultures agree on the importance of exclusive mother-infant interaction to encourage
bonding in the first 15 to months of life.
B. Methods of caring for babies are linked to other elements of a society’s culture
C. No culture supports waking a sleeping infant
D. Pediatricians are trained to teach parents the one universally accepted set of best
practices for raising an infant

The validity of laboratory experiment is doubtful in sociology because the

people being observed are_____________?
A. unconscious
B. conscious and behave artificially
C. behave naturally
D. None of these

Which of the following is not part of ecological modernization theory ?

A. environmental protection and economic growth are incompatible aims
B. environmental protection cannot be achieved without high tech solutions
C. an ecological form of economic growth is possible
D. consumer demand and market mechanisms can bring about ecologically benign

Personal distance and gestures are examples of forms of_______________?

A. folkways
B. non-verbal communication
C. cultural integration
D. values
E. material culture
Changes of relationships are primarily___________________________?
A. Individual changes
B. Social Change
C. Cultural Change
D. None of these

The theoretical perspective that views social life as similar to performances

staged in a theater is called_______________?
A. impression management
B. the Thomas theorem
C. the looking -glass self
D. the dramaturgical approach

What is gentrification ?
A. the movement of the middle classes into suburban areas
B. a policy aimed at renovating inner-city council housing stock
C. building shopping centers in cities to create employment
D. renovation of run-down city neighborhoods to attract high income groups

Structural-Functionalists describe society as_______________?

A. a complex network of interaction at a micro-level
B. a source of conflict inequality and alienation
C. an unstable structure of social relations
D. a normative framework of roles and institutions

The current debate on sociobiology focuses on the work of Harvard University

A. Jean Piaget
B. Edward O.Wilson
C. Erving Goffman
D. Harry Harlow

The coexistence of diverse groups is called_______________?

A. gatekeeping
B. pluralism
C. assimilation
D. continued subjugation

A highly conformist culture is less prone to_______________?

A. Change
B. Cultural diffusion
C. both a and b
D. None of these

of those in the United States who obtain a divorce about what percent later
remarry ?
A. two-thirds of divorced men
B. three-fourths of divorced women
C. two-thirds of divorced women
D. 80 percent of divorced women

What is the process by which schools help to perpetuate social and economic
inequalities across the generations called ?
A. cultural reproduction
B. passive consumption
C. conceptual abstraction
D. formal communication

According to Marx the fruit of labor should go to________________?

A. the capitalist
B. the working class
C. equally distributed
D. to none of these

Closed-ended s increase the return rate of the naire because___________?

A. the s is clearly worded
B. they cover the return postage
C. the answers are mutually exclusive
D. they are easy and quick to answer
E. they involve no thought on the part of the respondent.

Bowlby’s maternal deprivation thesis claimed that_______________?

A. mothers who are living in poverty cannot afford to give their children the resources that
other children enjoy
B. children deprived of an early secure attachment to their mother are prone to suffer
physically intellectually and socially in later life
C. mothering is a socially constructed activity identified in the narratives of new mothers
D. deprivation is something children inherit usually through their mothers’ side

Whose theorizing according societal change comes closer to lqbal,s verse. Tujh
ko bataoon taqdeer-e-huma kia hai shamsheer o Sannan Awwal taus o rabab
akhir ?
A. Karl Max
B. Ibn-e-Khaldum
C. George Hegel
D. None of these

According to Mead the earliest stage of socialization is called the ___________

A. play
B. maturation
C. game
D. infancy
E. preparatory

Erik Erikson a German scholar trained in Freudian psychoanalysis presented a

theory of life-cycle socialization through ?
A. five stages
B. Seven stages
C. Eight stages
D. None of these

Crowds have three characteristics in common Which of the following is NOT one
of those characteristics ?
A. deindividualization
B. invulnerability
C. suggestibility
D. transformation

According to the World Bank Which of these is a middle-income country ?

A. India
B. China
C. Indonesia
D. Vietnam

The application of rules and regulations in an unimaginative and mechanical

fashion refers to_____________?
A. the iron law of oligarchy
B. Parkinson’s law
C. the peter principle
D. trained incapacity

The conflict perspective would note that____________?

A. Physicians serve as gatekeepers for the sick role either verifying a patient’s condition as
illness or designating the patient as recovered.
B. Patients play an active role in health care by failing to follow a physician’s advice
C. Multinational corporations based in industrialized countries have reaped significant
profits dumping unapproved drugs on unsuspecting Third World countries.
D. The designation healthy or ill generally involves social definition by others

Labelling theory came into prominence during which decade of the twentieth
century ?
A. 1950s
B. 1980s
C. 1940s
D. 1960s
E. 1970s

Sociology can be considered a social science because_______________?

A. its theories are logical explicit and supported by empirical evidence
B. sociologists collect data in a relatively objective and systematic way
C. ideas and research findings are scrutinized by other sociologists
D. all of the above

A combination of many traits a trait is______________?

A. Trait
B. Complex
C. Family
D. None of these

Which of the following statements is true according to the sociological study of

deviance ?
A. Deviant behavior is an anomaly in social life
B. Deviance is a property conferred upon particular behaviors by social definitions
C. Deviance exists independently of a culture’s norms
D. none of the above

Characteristics of Scientific observation are____________?

A. Accuracy
B. Precision and objectivity
C. Systematic and recorded
D. All of the above

Role confusion in modern society is engendered by all but one of the

A. Broadening of role specification
B. Plurality of moralities
C. Increase in number of achievable positions
D. None of these

The number of intonational non-governmental from less than 200 at the start of
the twentieth century to how many in 2006 ?
A. 5,164
B. 8,898
C. 51,509
D. 123,305

An instructor wants to determine if giving essay tests increases student learning

In one class that the instructor teaches she continues to test as she has always
done In another class She then measures the differences in learning if any
between the two classes The class that is given essay s is the______________?
A. control group
B. representative group
C. experimental group
D. correlation group

Horticultural societies______________?
A. have no specialized and enduring work groups governments, or standing armies
B. exhibit increased power of the state and size of the territory it controls
C. experience the emergence of social stratification due to production of a social surplus
D. have complex divisions of labor and exchange relationships

Which of these terms is the odd one out ______________?

A. causation
B. correlation
C. association
D. connection
Approximately what percentage of the global population currently lives outside
their country of birth ?
A. 3%
B. 15%
C. 25%
D. 40%

Comte gave the law of_______________?

A. Four phases
B. three phases
C. Two phases
D. All of above

Which one of the following is an example of a ‘third generation’ or true

cybercrime ?
A. international drug dealing via email
B. The global trade in online pornography
C. the vandalizing of virtual environments
D. theft of goods sold via online action websites

Which one of the following is the most basic manifest function of education ?
A. bestowing status
B. transmitting knowledge
C. promoting social and political change
D. all of the above

Institutional discrimination ?
A. does not include environmental racism
B. occurs because equality of opportunity causes equality of outcome
C. occurs in part when gatekeepers admit others like themselves to positions of privilege
prestige and power
D. none of the above
Middle classes tend to be the main beneficiaries of social benefits and service
aimed at poor This is called as____________?
A. Class factor
B. Mathew effect
C. Cultural Cause
D. None of these

Deviance is dysfunctional in that it_______________?

A. can impair and undermine organized social life
B. increases our willingness to play our roles
C. increases our willingness to contribute to the larger social enterprise
D. enhances our trust of one another

Which one of these is NOT a version of the sick role as identified by Friedson ?
A. conditional
B. unconditionally legitimate
C. modified legitimate
D. illegitimate

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that school in the United States

foster competition through built-in systems of reward and punishment ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. psychological perspective

Which of these is Steven Lukes,s third dimension of power _____________?

A. the ability to influence decisions in a conflict situation
B. the ability to manipulate others desires
C. the ability to control the issues discussed
D. the ability to appeal to legal-rational authority

When so much attention is focused on group survival the group often

experiences __________ which is a loss of focus regarding its original intent?
A. immanence
B. anomie
C. hysteria
D. goal displacement
E. cultural lag

Which of these is NOT an example of target hardening ?

A. anti-social behavior orders
B. Steering locks
C. burglar alrams

________ is a relatively permanent change in behaviour or capability that

results from experience ?
A. Insight
B. Education
C. Learning
D. Manipulated cognition

It is the fourth week of the semester and your class has decided that your
sociology instructor Rashid Mukhtar is excellent! Professor Rashid Mukhtar is a
disabled middle-aged male. For students in this class Professor Rashid Mukhtars
master status is_____________?
A. excellent instructor
B. disabled
C. middle-aged
D. male

Why do sociologists use the category race ?

A. it distinguishes between biological and social factors
B. it denotes something fixed and unchanging
C. it is social category which has real effects on people’s lives
D. it enables comparisons between groups in different countries

According to Weber rationalization meant that_______________?

A. there are no absolutes concerning social life
B. all though would eventually lead to justifying human action
C. early philosophers were too concerned with creating a utopian society
D. sociologists should be primarily concerned with solving problems
E. humans would eventually seek out the most efficient means to accomplish a particular

In survey research the group of respondents targeted for the naira is

A. sample
B. respondents
C. focus group
D. population

The crude birth rate______________?

A. is the annual number of live births per 1000-woman age 15-44?
B. Is the potential number of children that could be born if every woman of childbearing
age bore all the children she possibly could?
C. is the number of live births per 1000 members of a population in a given year
D. enables researchers to see important difference among races. ethnic groups, classes,
age groups, and other categories with in the population

Which of the following was not identified as one of the four conditions that
must be met before a researcher can say that an independent variable or
variables caused the change in the dependent variable ?
A. internal consistency
B. correlation
C. theory
D. time order
E. elimination of spuriousness

Which policy is supported by the theory of broken windows ?

A. restorative justice
B. zero tolerance
C. target hardening
D. deterrent sentencing

What was the system of forced racial segregation in South Africa known as
A. apartheid
B. ethnic cleansing
C. multiculturalism
D. assimilation

Which of the following is an aspect of culture ?

A. a comic book
B. patriotic attachment to the flag of the United States
C. burial of a family pet in a cemetery plot
D. all of the above

Which of the following shape our ideas more than the other __________ ?
A. Hereditary traits
B. Social groups interaction
C. Both ‘a & b’
D. None of these

Which of the following is most closely associated with the concept of the
sociological imagination ?
A. Emile Durkheim
B. Max Weber
C. Karl Marx
D. Wright Mills
Cooley presented the idea of”looking glass self” a personality type in which self
is discovered through ?
A. Persons,s own image about himself/herself
B. Reactions of others
C. Mixture of both
D. None of these

A person’s overall position in society is called_______________?

A. achieved status
B. ascribed status
C. master status
D. status set

Social relations are directly proportional to_____________?

A. social Class
B. Social status
C. Caste system
D. None of these

Which of the following is an achieved status ?

A. senior citizen
B. member of the female sex
C. bank robber
D. Native American

Extreme poverty is often defined as living on less than US$1 per day how has
extreme poverty changed between 1981 and 2004 ?
A. stayed the same around 1.5 billion people
B. rose from 1.5 billion people to 3 billion
C. fell form 1.5 billion people to 1 billion
D. rose from 1.5 billion people to 2.5 billion
A child who is repeatedly criticized as being lazy and lacking intelligence
eventually accepts these criticisms and uses them to justify poor performance in
school This is an example of___________?
A. the contact hypothesis
B. a self-fulfilling prophecy
C. scapegoating
D. reverse discrimination

One strength of ethnography is that______________?

A. the influence of specific variables can be controlled by the investigator
B. it usually generates richer and more in-depth information than other methods
C. it is essential when a study is primarily historical or has a historical dimension
D. it can only be used to study relatively small groups or communities

Social inequality is a structured aspect of contemporary life That means

A. inequality occurs in a random fashion
B. inequalities are passed from generation to generation
C. inequality is regulated by the government
D. none of the above is true

Post-modernist writers have argued that______________?

A. we live in a world of superficial fragmented images
B. no theory is better than any other anything goes
C. society has changed, and we need new kinds of theory
D. all of the above

A list of cultural universals was compiled by anthropologist_______________?

A. Max Weber
B. George Murdock
C. Margaret Mead
D. William F. Ogburn
s that are relevant to some respondents may irrelevant to others are known
A. double barreled questions
B. leading questions
C. contingency questions
D. Matrix questions

Conflict theory’s primary suggestion for reducing crime and deviance involves
A. Substantial reduction of economic inequality
B. Subordination of the agents of social control
C. redefinition of acts that are currently defined as criminal
D. amelioration of social welfare activities
E. repression of lower-class gang activities

Which of the following is not recognized as a level of society ?

A. the household
B. the office
C. the global village
D. the nation states

Social constructionism studies the processes which create and sustain ?

A. social structures
B. social space
C. social reality
D. social

Which of the following theorists described the family as the ultimate source of
social inequality because of its role in the transfer of power property and
privilege ?
A. Friedrich Engels
B. Talcott Parsons
C. Margaret Mead
D. George Murdock

The pragmatist philosophy used in Symbolic interactionist theory teaches

A. theory must be augmented by straightforward plausible methods
B. we can find true objective knowledge of the world through our senses
C. Knowledge is produced in everyday practical situations
D. the best social theory was developed in Prague

The dual economy mobility aids barriers and occupational structure

A. individual factor
B. Structural factor
C. Both a & b
D. None of these

Positivism was first proposed by ___________ ?

A. Augustus Comte
B. Emily Durkheim
C. Herbert Spencer
D. None of these

Our demographic situation provides us with an extraordinary opportunity we

A. educate and use this resource
B. Send educated abroad
C. both a and b
D. None of these

The Functionalist view on social change sees development and modernization

A. necessary and functional
B. slow and adaptive
C. responsive but counterproductive
D. humanistic and rational
E. abnormal and troublesome

The fourth major perspective in sociology is ___________________________

A. political economy
B. symbolic interactionist
C. conflict
D. feminist
E. functionalist

All early sociologists emphasized that_____________?

A. sociology should follow scientific method
B. Sociology should be on personal theories
C. Sociology is not a science
D. None of these

Iron cage of bureaucracy was the perception of_______________?

A. Emile Durkhiem
B. Max Weber
C. August Comte
D. Karl Marx

In demographic terms what is the main argument associated with

Malthusianism ?
A. population growth creates the conditions for the spread of disease
B. all countries must pass through the demographic transition
C. population growth tends to outstrip food production
D. birth control is irrelevant for the control of population growth
Which statement below most accurately describes the global unemployment
rate ?
A. the unemployment rate has decreased significantly since the 1970s
B. the unemployment rate remains historically low
C. the unemployment rate remains historically high
D. the unemployment rate in not known

What term describes the fixed and inflexible characterizations of social groups ?
A. stereotypes
B. prejudice
C. scapegoating
D. discrimination

Pure Sociology is a search for knowledge without primary concern for

A. Basic understanding
B. Practical use
C. Applied use
D. None of these

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that patients should not always be

viewed as passive but instead as an actor who often shows a powerful intent to
see the physician ?
A. Functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labelling theory

An instructor wants to determine if giving essay tests increases student learning

one class that the instructor teaches she continues to test as she has always
done In another class she gives the students essay s She then measures the
differences in learning if any between the two classes The class that is given
essay s is the_______________?
A. control group
B. representative group
C. experimental group
D. correlation group

New age movements are an example of which type of religious movement ?

A. world-affirming
B. world-rejecting
C. world-enhancing
D. world-accommodating

Social institutions are_____________?

A. God-given and cannot be changed
B. Buildings and people who operate them
C. Constellation of folkways and mores
D. None of these

The term ethnomethodology was coined by______________?

A. Harold Garfinkel
B. Max Weber
C. Erving Goffman
D. Anthony Giddens

Which one of the following does Wilkinson identify as the main determinant of
relative health in a society ?
A. social integration
B. lifestyle choices
C. social inequality
D. work patterns

A subculture ?
A. is always at odds with the ways of the larger society
B. is a set of patterned and recurrent aspects of life that appear in all known societies?
C. includes members of a group that participate in the main culture while sharing another
D. uses a value-free approach that views people from the perspective of their own culture

Weber,s view that sociologists must not allow their personal biases to affect the
conduct of their research is called______________?
A. verstehen
B. dialectical materialism
C. social facts
D. value-free sociology

Which of the following has NOT been identified as a potential consequence of

global warming ?
A. falls in agricultural yields
B. the spread of disease
C. the use of unclear energy
D. a rise in sea levels

Which term describes marriage patterns in contemporary Britain ?

A. flexible monogamy
B. serial monogamy
C. liquid monogamy
D. reflexive monogamy

Human and animal societies share all but one of the following characteristics ?
A. population and common territory
B. shared beliefs and collective destiny
C. Both sexes and all ages
D. None of theses

A ___________ is a substantial number of people who interact on the basis of

loosely defined norms ?
A. craze
B. group
C. contagion
D. collectivity
E. mob

Role ascription by merit has also restricted the social statuses to those who
A. Mental and physical proficiency
B. inherited and good early environment
C. (a)mainly depending on (b)
D. None of these

The Nation of Islam group appealed to ?

A. British-born second-generation immigrants from the Asian subcontinent
B. White Americans who wanted to convert to Islam
C. African-Americans who felt excluded from the ethnic melting pot in the USA
D. African-Caribbean’s who lived in the inner cities and had a distinctive youth culture

The population of the world is expected to double in the next________?

A. 35 years
B. 75 years
C. 100 years
D. None of these

Secondary groups are judged by them ?

A. Sociability
B. Performance
C. Emotional satisfaction
D. None of these

Dahrendorf Rex and Habermas focused their attention on_____________?

A. social solidarity and cohesion
B. the interpretive understanding of action
C. women’s experiences and gendered knowledge
D. Power domination and conflict

Robert Park and Ernest Burgess are associated with________________?

A. the functionalist perspective
B. the conflict perspective
C. the linear-development model
D. Urban ecology

Which of the following is not part of a sociological definition of a minority group

A. the minority group is disadvantaged compared to the more powerful and dominant
B. minority groups are always non-white
C. the minority group has a strong sense of group solidarity
D. the minority group often experiences prejudice and discrimination

Now a days more women are joining different fields and making their own
status in society This provides women a mobility ladder apart
A. Their father’s status
B. Marriage
C. Their children’s status
D. None of these

In its study of language, which sociological perspective focuses on how people

rely on shared definitions of phrases expressions in both formal speech
everyday conversation ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. ethnocentric perspective

Which of the following is an accurate statement about segregation ?

A. Segregation in always an involuntary process
B. Segregation is the encroachment by one group on an area occupied by another group
C. Segregation can be prevented by the practice of redlining
D. Segregation is the process by which natural areas are formed by the clustering of
individuals or groups on the basis of common traits or activities

World-systems theory distinguishes between core peripheral and semi-

peripheral countries Which one of the following countries is part of the semi-
periphery ?
A. Brazil
B. Japan
C. Ethiopia
D. Spain

According to Riley Dunlap which one of the following is not a basic function that
the natural environment serves for humans ?
A. the environment provides the resources essential for life
B. the environment serves as a waste depository
C. the environment provides a natural setting for social inequalities
D. the environment “houses our species

To Simmel a mean of maintaining or increasing integration with groups

A. Co-operation
B. Competition
C. Coercion
D. Conflict

Older people living in housing for the elderly workers in an offshore oil rig rodeo
cowboys and circus performers-all are examples of what sociologists refer to
A. subcultures
B. countercultures
C. cultural universals
D. argot

A Hispanic woman and a Jewish man working together as computer

programmers for an electronics from overcome their initial prejudices and come
to appreciate each other,s strengths and talents This is an example
A. the contact hypothesis
B. a self-fulfilling prophecy
C. amalgamation
D. reverse discrimination

Multinational corporations______________?
A. maintain strong national identities in spite of operating abroad
B. may need to avoid alienating non-American workers and customers
C. provide preferential treatment for American employees
D. play an increasingly important role in the structuring of the division of labor in the
world economy

In his study of suicide Emile Durkheim was primarily concerned

A. suicide rates and how they varied from county to country
B. personalities of individual suicide victims
C. means people used to take their own lives
D. effects of suicide on the families of victims

In 2013 which world region had the lowest proportion of Internet users per
head of population but also the fastest rate of growth users ?
A. Middle East
B. Asia
C. Oceania/Australia
D. Africa

Urbanization occurred in the nineteenth century because_______________?

A. commuters started moving out of villages and into cities
B. towns and cities were becoming increasingly planned and managed
C. industrial capitalism led to a shift of population from rural to urban areas
D. transport systems were not provided so it was easier to live in the city

The root cause of destabilized political structure in Pakistan is_____________?

A. Military interventions
B. Feudal system
C. Industrialists
D. None of these

In the United States often formalize norms into_______________?

A. folkways
B. mores
C. values
D. laws

Role and status are two aspects of same____________?

A. personality
B. Phenomenon
C. Situation
D. None of these

Parsons argued that the two main functions of the modern family were ?
A. secondary socialization and strict discipline
B. emotional support and sexual gratification
C. primary socialization and personality stabilization
D. oppressing women and reproducing the labor force

The application of evolutionary notions and the concept of the survival of the
fittest to society is called_______________?
A. class conflict
B. Dialectical materialism
C. Social dynamics
D. Social Darwinism

When a status may have many roles to play It is known as______________?

A. Role playing
B. Role sets
C. Role adjustment
D. None of these

Which of the following was not identified as a major research design ?

A. surveys
B. ethnography
C. field research
D. secondary research
E. experiments

A rising suicide rate associated with normlessness and a lack of social regulation
can be described as______________?
A. egoistic suicide
B. altruistic suicide
C. fatalistic suicide
D. anomic suicide

Judiciary has also played a part in destabilizing political structure of country

A. remaining silent
B. Approving unconstitutional intervention
C. discapproving military actions
D. None of these

Who stated that war is the continuation of political intercourse by other means
A. Carl von Clausewitz
B. Martin Shaw
C. Karl Marx
D. Mary Kaldor

The ecological approach to urban sociology involved studying ?

A. how social groups colonized different areas of the city and competed for resources
B. the forms of wildlife and natural habitats that could be found on the edges of the city
C. the way in which people organized collective protests about environmental issues
D. how men and women used the city’s public spaces differently

A researcher can obtain a higher response rate by using which type of survey ?
A. interviews
B. nares
C. representative samples
D. observation techniques

Human Rights Commission of Pakistan is Fighting for_________________?

A. Organizational development
B. Human rights
C. Social integrity
D. None of these

Which sociological perspective argues that to whatever extent religion actually

does influence social behavior it reinforces existing patterns of dominance and
inequality ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. each of the above

Which sociology perspective emphasizes that societies literally could not

function if massive numbers of people defied standards of appropriate conduct
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labelling theory

Diffusion of innovations among the cultures means______________?

A. Travelling of traits and patterns space/territory
B. Transmission of trait complexes time
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

Which of the following is NOT one of the ethical religions ?

A. Buddhism
B. Confucianism
C. Hinduism
D. Taoism

According to lllich which one of the following is NOT transmitted through the
hidden curriculum ?
A. curiosity
B. passivity
C. conformity
D. hierarchy

How is terrorism different from the types of crime described by the Chicago
School ?
A. it is a committed on a larger, often global, scale, and is well organized
B. it is associated with political conflict between states and their citizens
C. it can have far-reaching effects upon international relations
D. all of the above

Which sociological perspective argues that to whatever extent religion actually

does influence social behavior it reinforces existing patterns of dominance and
inequality ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. each of the above

International human solidarity day is observed annually on _____________?

A. 20 December
B. 10 November
C. 15 October
D. None of These

According to Conflict theory, culture is maintained through the_________ of

A. Proletariat
B. cultural universals
C. language
D. dominant ideology
E. popular culture

Resistance to certain aspects of development and social change in an effort to

neutralize their efforts is called________________?
A. countermovement
B. social amelioration
C. counter modernization
D. countenance
E. post modernization

Social distance is measured either by direct observation of people interacting or

A. Interviews
B. Questionnaire
C. Case studies
D. None of these

Which of these terms is the odd one out ?

A. causation
B. correlation
C. association
D. connection

The shift form civil religion to common religion means that________________?

A. the increasing bureaucracy of the state has made religion only a marginal part of our
B. despite the weakening of traditional authority our everyday lives and common sense
remain shaped by religious beliefs and values
C. religious participation in collective worship may have declined but people still practise
their faiths in private
D. people are much more likely to discuss their religious beliefs in public informal settings

According to Foucault carceral organizations________________?

A. emphasized human relations and employee satisfaction
B. increased the amount of power held by managers
C. stripped inmates of their previous identities
D. isolated people and put them under surveillance

Which of the followings are included in primary goals of a social science

A. Experimentation
B. Generalization
C. Prediction
D. All of these

Weber said that the spirit of capitalism could be traced back

A. the movement towards religious pluralism
B. inspirational Protestant groups who revived religious ideas
C. new religious movements who rejected traditional forms of labor
D. Calvinists who engaged in ascetic practices to gain signs of salvation

Which of the following was not identified as one of the four major social bonds
in Hirschi’s Social Control theory ?
A. religiosity
B. commitment
C. involvement
D. belief
E. attachment

A person’s overall position in society is called______________?

A. achieved status
B. ascribed status
C. master status
D. status set

Material and Non-material culture are_________________?

A. not related to each other
B. complementary
C. slightly related
D. None of these

Which of the following theorists argued that conflict is a normal and desirable
aspect of social change ?
A. Karl Marx
B. Talcott Parsons
C. Emile Durkheim
D. each of above

In participant observation research the role of the “complete” participant forces

the researcher to be_______________?
A. with the group for months and sometimes years
B. discreet about his/her research
C. close to the leadership of the group that he/she is studying
D. open and honest about his/her intentions
E. taking copious notes

The term informal economy is used to describe_____________?

A. work where no money changes hands
B. the activities of small businesses
C. transactions outside the sphere of regular employment
D. organizations with less rigid rules and procedures

Over all, new management strategies over the past decade have emphasized all
of the following except____________?
A. less hierarchy and less authoritarianism
B. more worker participation in decision making
C. self-managed teams
D. larger work groups

What percentage of the global population lives in What the World Bank
describes as high-income countries ?
A. 50%
B. 22%
C. 35%
D. 15%
Which approach holds that deviance is not a feature of a group or individual a
process of interaction through which one group becomes defined as deviant ?
A. labelling theory
B. control theory
C. functionalist theory
conflict theory

The practice of legally enforced marriage within caste is called_____________?

A. endogamy
B. endogeny
C. exegesis
D. exclusion

An ecclesia is___________________?
A. a religious organization that claims total spiritual authority over its members
B. a church organized around voluntary rather than compulsory membership
C. a sect or cult with a very small following
D. a hierarchy of priests or other spiritual leaders

The purpose of a reference group is to serve a (n)_________________?

A. normative function by enforcing standards of conduct and belief
B. comparison function by serving as a standard against which people can measure
themselves and others
C. elimination function by dissolving groups that no longer have a social purpose
D. both a and b

__________________ groups often emerge in the workplace among those who

share special understandings about their occupation ?
A. primary
B. secondary
C. out-groups
D. formal organizations
Which sociological perspective would be especially interested in studying how
people communicate with other and develop relationships through MUDS
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labeling theory

The creative potential of personality is accounted for by______________?

A. Stimulus-response psychology
B. Drive psychology
C. Trait psychology
D. None of these

One of the Basic Conflicts, in conflict theory is_____________?

A. conflict between countries
B. conflict between individuals
C. Class conflict
D. None of these

In modern society people belong to so many groups that a number of their in-
group and out-group relationships overlap It has given the members of society a
wide spectrum of___________?
A. behavior learning
B. socialization
C. both a & b
D. None of these

Secondary groups are______________?

A. formal
B. Impersonal
C. both a & b
D. None of these

Constructionist studies of old age view it as_______________?

A. a medical condition
B. a period of life
C. a state of mind
D. a social category

The decentralized city can be identified by____________?

A. the shift of employment and services away from the inner city towards multiple centers
in smaller towns and rural areas
B. the degendering of public space as women use local facilities more
C. gentrification the movement of middle-class people back into the inner city
D. all of the above

While a role is the behavior expected of one in a particular status role behavior
A. Actual behavior
B. Supposed behavior
C. Ascribed behavior
D. None of these

Suicide is the work of_____________?

A. Max Weber
B. Karl Marx
C. Emile Durkheim
D. None of these

Homogeneity farming and subsistent economy are salient features

A. Urban Community
B. Rural community
C. None of these
D. All of these

Meyer and Rowan,s assertion that roman rules are often myths means ?
A. that the rules were written down a long time in the past
B. that the rules never in fact existed in the first place
C. that the rules have little actual substance in reality
D. that rules are a hindrance in large organization

The most common master statuses are based on what ?

A. gender and race
B. class and income
C. education and occupation
D. family and peer groups

The of “who defines deviance” has principally been addressed by what

sociological theory ?
A. Differential Association
B. Conflict
C. Positivism
D. Social Control
E. Functionalism

The use of terms such as flaming and chat rooms by the subculture of early
Internet users is an example of____________?
A. charisma
B. argot
C. equilibrium
D. virtual reality

We are not equally involved in all our in-groups To measure the degree of
closeness or acceptance we feel toward other groups Bogardus developed a
concept called______________?
A. Measuring acceptance
B. closeness degree
C. Social distance
D. None of these

August Comte viewed cultural development in_____________?

A. Three Stages
B. Four Stages
C. Two stages
D. None of these

Which of the following vehicles emits the most carbon per passenger per
kilometer ?
A. single-occupancy light truck
B. high-occupancy city bus
C. long-haul aero plane
D. high-speed coal-fired train

Formulating the hypothesis is the _____________ step in the scientific method?

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth

Which sociological perspective views race from the macro level and sees the
economic structure as a central factor in the exploitation of minority groups ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labelling theory

Which of these is not an ethical issue for researchers ?

A. assessing the potential risks for research subjects
B. selecting a relevant theoretical perspective
C. protecting the anonymity of participants
D. safe storage of the raw data collected in the process

Which one of the following is exposed to an independent variable ?

A. the control groups
B. the representative group
C. the experimental group
D. none of the above

Which of the following is NOT a function of a primary group ?

A. socialization
B. meeting important personal needs
C. social control
D. accomplishing a specific practical purpose

Walt Disney Sony and Time Warner are examples of________________?

A. transnational corporations
B. multi-media empires
C. ownership concentrated within one medium
D. government-owned companies

Blended families are also known as_____________?

A. family structures
B. families of orientation
C. Brady Bunch families
D. reconstituted families
E. bi-lateral families

What proportion of the world’s societies today are thought to be authoritarian

rather than democratic ?
A. about half
B. one fifth
C. one third
D. one tenth

The decentralized city can be identified by______________?

A. the shift of employment and services away from the inner city towards multiple centers
in smaller towns and rural areas
B. the degendering of public space as women use local facilities more
C. gentrification the movement of middle-class people back into the inner city
D. all of the above

Which of the following have expressed particular concern about the longevity of
union leaders who are not always responsive to the needs and demands of
membership ?
A. functionalists
B. conflict theorists
C. interactionists
D. classical theorists

“Underclass “refers to____________?

A. the poor who are concentrated in isolated rural areas
B. individuals who experience occasional poverty but who move back into the
“mainstream” of economic life within 12 months
C. the persistently poor who exist mainly because of a sharp climb in joblessness due to a
redistribution of jobs in the inner city
D. both b and c

The Interventionist Perspective was developed by________________?

A. Spencer
B. G.H Meads and C.H Cooley
C. Marx
D. None of these

Conflict theory is often criticized for failing to account for______________?

A. minority rights
B. women
C. consensus
D. latent functions
E. the rights of workers

Which of these trends did the New Right not suggest as evidence of declining
family values ?
A. the tendency for cohabitation before marriage
B. the rising divorce rates
C. the absence of fathers in many households
D. the increasing number of single parent families

Sometimes we feel happy to pay more for imported goods It shows

A. Ethnocentrism
B. Xenocentric Approach
C. Quality consciousness
D. None of these

The most all-encompassing type of collective behavior is_______________?

A. public opinion
B. social movements
C. rumors
D. crowds

Which of the following statements about values is correct ?

A. Values never change
B. Values of a culture may change but most remain relatively stable during any one
person’s lifetime
C. Values are constantly changing sociologists view them as being very unstable
D. All of the above statements are correct
The authors explain that feminist research methodology_____________?
A. is an approach to research which emphasizes inclusion fairness and humaneness?
B. places its main emphasis on concrete theories
C. stresses that all human emotions are to be ignored all of the above
D. all of the above

According to Weber the driving force of society was_____________?

A. rationality
B. Cultural pursuits
C. Increased development
D. None of these

Which approach to audience studies emphasizes the ways in which different

audiences use the media to meet their needs ?
A. hypodermic model
B. gratification model
C. reception theory
D. interpretative model

Diffusion is a _______ way process?

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. None of these

Which of the following theorists rejects the notion of essential categories of

male and female through her discussion of the performative aspect of gender ?
A. Joan Acker
B. Judith Butler
C. Helene Cixous
D. Simone de Beauvoir

_________ is a model whereby public funds are extensively used to promote

economic development?
A. A welfare states
B. Democracy
C. State capitalism
D. Neo-democracy
E. A liberation government

Critics of the spread of Western cultural products across the globe argue that a
cultural empire has been created What term do they use to describe this
A. media saturation
B. media globalization
C. media penetration
D. media imperialism

Patterns of drug use in Britain reveal that____________?

A. it has increased and is no longer confined to a hedonistic youth subculture
B. the most commonly used recreational drug is Ecstasy
C. teenage girls are more likely to experiment with hard drugs than teenage boys
D. despite a series of moral panics, the use of illegal drugs is very rare

Power legitimated by the sanctity of age-old customs is called ________

authority ?
A. characteristic
B. charismatic
C. legal-rational
D. traditional

According to sociologists’ Canadian culture has been shaped by_____________?

A. political incompetence
B. sports
C. our Aboriginal history
D. an intricate and diverse set of circumstances
E. immigration

Some conflict theorists argue that the state is an instrument that is manipulated
by the capitalist class This manipulation is accomplished through ?
A. lobbying campaign financing and corruption
B. socialization outside the capitalist class to enforce discriminatory norms
C. class warfare economic cycles and intercorporate conflict
D. corporate corruption through interlocking directorates

According to durkheim the greater rates of suicide in protestants were due to

more emphasis on____________?
A. Social Conesion
B. Individualism
C. Economic problem
D. none of these

Which branch of science according to comte would ultimately include all other
A. Biology
B. History
C. Sociology
D. Economics

Feminist perspectives are distinctive in sociology because_______________?

A. only women can write from a feminist perspective
B. other theoretical perspectives have not researched women
C. they emphasize the centrality of gender in social analysis
D. men and women view the world in different ways

Which of the following conducted observation research on two groups of high

school males-the Saints and the Roughnecks-and concluded that social class
played an important role in the varying fortunes of the two groups ?
A. Richard Quincy
B. Edwin Sutherland
C. Emile Durkheim
D. William Chambliss

What is urban recycling ?

A. renovating inner-city buildings for occupation by the middle classes
B. a new domestic waste reduction strategy for inner-city areas
C. councils buying up cheap housing to turn into commercial developments
D. refurbishing old buildings and finding new uses for previously used land

When was the World Wide Web invented at a Swiss physics laboratory ?
A. 1980
B. 1985
C. 1990
D. 1995

Punishments, or negative sanctions, are especially important at the _______

A. informal
B. societal
C. traditional
D. formal
E. adolescent

In Karl Marx,s view the destruction of the capitalist system will occur only if the
working class first develops______________?
A. bourgeois consciousness
B. false consciousness
C. class consciousness
D. caste consciousness

The systematic widespread withdrawal of investment in basic aspects of

productivity such as factories and plants are called ?
A. deindustrialization
B. downsizing
C. post industrialization
D. “banana time”

In an experiment two groups are identical except for the change that
researchers introduce into one group That group is called______________?
A. the contaminated group
B. the control groups
C. the experimental group
D. the neutral standard

Karl Marx is Best known for_______________?

A. Conflict theory
B. Social change
C. Society and science
D. None of these

What is defined as the dispersal of an ethnic population from an original

homeland into foreign areas often in a forced manner ?
A. migration
B. globalization
C. colonialism
D. diaspora

Bourgeoisie refers to______________?

A. the capitalist
B. the working class
C. the middle man
D. None of these

The unique sense of identity that distinguishes each individual from all other
individuals is called ________ by sociologists?
A. personality
B. self
C. ego
D. the I
E. the me

According to Marxian view each stage contained within itself the seeds
A. progress
B. it’s won destruction
C. next stage
D. both b and c

“The division between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is the key to
stratification in capitalist societies “This statement is consistent with the
thinking of which theorist ?
A. Marx
B. Weber
C. Parsons
D. Lincoln

The Scientific study of human social life is termed as______________?

A. Society
B. Sociology
C. Anthropology
D. None of these

The destructive consequences of tensions between in-groups and out-groups

are stressed by ?
A. functionalists
B. conflict theorists
C. interactionists
D. classical theorists

Socialist theory was defined in the writings of karl Marx and______________?

A. Emile Durkheim
B. Adam Smith
C. Friedrich Engels
D. the Marx

What is the systematic elimination of one ethnic group at the hands of another
called ?
A. ethnic cleansing
B. institutional racism
C. genocide
D. scapegoating

A social stratum is_______________?

A. a level in the social hierarchy comprising people with shared life chances
B. a methodological tool used to identify a person’s social class
C. the boundary between two levels of the social hierarchy
D. a symbol of status used to differentiate between social classes

Scientific theories in the nineteenth century tried to explain race in naturalistic

terms Which of the following ideas was not considered ?
A. genetics
B. evolution
C. height
D. brain size

According to Marshall McLuhan which of the following is being created by the

electronic media ?
A. global village
B. global network
C. global flows
D. global cities

Biological positivists have tended to focus on what type of crime ?

A. Violent
B. juvenile
C. drug-related
D. white collar

In the developed countries more people are employed in the service sector than
manufacturing with a tiny percentage working in agriculture Globally which
sector now employs the fewest people ?
A. services
B. industrial manufacture
C. agriculture
D. none of the above

Which theoretical perspective in sociology emphasizes the inter-dependence of

component parts of society ?
A. Structural Functionalism
B. Feminism
C. Conflict
D. Staples
E. Symbolic Interaction ism

Which sociological perspective argues that a common culture serves to maintain

the privileges of some groups while keeping others in a subservient position ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. each of the above
Horticulture and agriculture developed_____________?
A. 10,000 to 80,00, B.C.E
B. 1000 to 8000 B.C.C
C. 100 to 800 B.C.E
D. None of these

We internalize the norms of our culture and come to share values goals
sentiments through ?
A. Individual activities
B. Families
C. Group activities
D. None of these

Of all of the steps in the research process the one that typically takes the most
time is_____________?
A. formulating the problem
B. selecting a research method
C. developing a hypothesis
D. evaluation of the results
E. data collection

Dahrendorf Rex and Habermas focused their attention on_____________?

A. social solidarity and cohesion
B. the interpretive understanding of action
C. women’s experiences and gendered knowledge
D. power domination and conflict

Noam Chomsky,s work is an example of which theoretical approach to the

media ?
A. functionalism
B. symbolic interactionism
C. postmodernism
D. political economy
In modern society cultural change is most likely to be the by-product
A. Planning
B. Diffusion
C. Social struggle
D. None of these

Modern day sociologists have applied Erikson,s model to_______________?

A. early childhood
B. adolescence
C. infancy
D. young adulthood
E. later life

Which one of the following is not an example of non-verbal communication ?

A. smiling
B. talking
C. frowning
D. waving

Prohibiting intermarriage across ethnic groups the physical separation of groups

and restrictions on contact between ethnic groups are examples
A. resource allocation
B. ethnocentrism
C. discrimination
D. group closure

“Geme in schaft”refers to a social system in which most relationships are

A. Personal or traditional
B. Impersonal
C. Organizational
D. None of these

Students at Bailey University staged a sit-in to protest the University’s decision

to cancel its longstanding policy of exempting graduating seniors from final
exams Which strongest framework for analyzing this situation?
A. Interactionist because the University and the students didn’t share the same
understanding about final exams
B. Conflict, because this is an example of a power struggle between two groups with
conflicting ideas an interest
C. Functionalist because teaching college students to protest is a manifest function of
D. none of the above

The importance of socialization has been drawn upon few cases of children who
were through neglect____________?
A. Not socialized by adults while they were growing
B. Were given extremely protected environment
C. Were over socialized
D. None of these

The primary function of the family is to reproduce______________?

A. Childer
B. Society
C. Biological and social evolution of society
D. None of these

“” Anomie” is a French word means___________?

A. chaos
B. Solidarity
C. Harmony
D. None of these
In their study of deviance control theory advocates ask ?
A. Why are people deviant?
B. why are people not deviant?
C. How does labeling contribute to deviance?
D. How does structural strain contribute to deviance

Weber,s famous study The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904/5)
was part of a larger project to study what ?
A. Christianity,s influence in the West
B. the influence of the world religions on social development
C. how salvation beliefs have shaped the modern world economy
D. the impact of capitalism on the world religions

According to Durkheim stronger social ties and religious

A. Increase the suicide rates
B. Decrease them
C. Have no effect upon them
D. None of these

Which of the following is not a function the family discussed by William Ogburn
A. providing of social status
B. reproduction
C. economic
D. protection

What is the approach to ethnic integration which requires immigrants to adopt

the culture and values of the majority called ?
A. assimilation
B. melting pot
C. cultural pluralism
D. multiculturalism

Which sociological perspective examines human activities on the micro level by

is shaped by the distinctive norms values and demands of a particular society ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. psychological perspective

What term is used to describe the phenomenon whereby newspapers can be

read online radio stations accessed on digital televisions and mobile phones
enable internet access ?
A. mediatization
B. convergence
C. globalization
D. cloud computing

The iron law of oligarchy refers to_____________?

A. regimes that use repression against their population
B. the exclusion of women from the highest levels of politics
C. the tendency for power inevitably to flow towards top
D. the legal system of the former communist countries

In pre-Communist China the aged were______________?

A. Authority figures
B. Retired in isolation
C. Honored but restrained
D. None of these

The first book with the term sociology in its title was written
A. Max Weber
B. Karl Marx
C. Herbert Spencer
D. None of these

Which pioneer of sociology first directed researchers to the significance of

bureaucratic structure ?
A. Emile Durkheim
B. Max Weber
C. Karl Marx
D. Ferdinand Tonnies

The four ideal types of social action that Weber identified were as follows
instrumentally-rational value-rational traditional and____________?
A. affectual
B. affective
C. effective
D. infected

The standard food intake for an adult male is_____________?

A. 1000-1500 calories
B. 1500-2000
C. 2000-2500
D. None of these

Abstract sediments are________________?

A. closer to the center of the self than the moral rules
B. provide a focus for allegiance
C. are compellers of action
D. None of these

Parsons argued that the two main functions of the modern family were ?
A. secondary socialization and strict discipline
B. emotional support and sexual gratification
C. primary socialization and personality stabilization
D. oppressing women and reproducing the labor force

Structural functionalism draws its inspiration primarily from the ideas

A. Marx
B. weber
C. Durkheim
D. All of these

The feeling of aimlessness or despair often associated with unsettling conditions

A. alienation
B. amorality
C. anomie
D. ascription

The form of capitalism that thrives in some developing countries is

characterized by a high degree of____________?
A. repression
B. anomie
C. success
D. relative depression
E. solidarity

The family structure has been profoundly altered by the twin processes of
_______ and __________ ?
A. industrialization/vertical mobility
B. industrialization/urbanization
C. urbanization/vertical mobility
D. industrialization /horizontal mobility
E. horizontal mobility /vertical mobility
Which of the following would experience role exit ?
A. retired person
B. a recovering alcoholic
C. nun who leaves her religious order
D. each of the above

Social mobility may be experienced by______________?

A. Only by individuals
B. Only by groups
C. By individual or by entire group
D. None of these

Which of the following was not a key development leading to the birth of
sociology ?
A. Enlightenment thinkers/philosophers
B. The Industrial Revolution
C. Globalization
D. Renaissance thinkers/philosophers
E. The rapid expansion of colonialism

Why is force not he most effective means for political rule ?

A. Force is very efficient but also very costly
B. Honor is denied to those who rule by force alone
C. The elite’s ideals are fulfilled but tainted by use of force
D. Force is the most effective means for political rule

Which of the following is NOT one of the seven characteristics of Weber,s ideal
type of bureaucracy ?
A. clear-cut division of labor
B. pyramidal hierarchy of authority
C. qualifications based on “whom you know”
D. written record of decisions rules procedures and activities
In larger groups each person has ?
A. less time to speak
B. more points of view to absorb
C. a more elaborate structure within which to function
D. all of the above

socialization in children takes place___________?

A. In the same class
B. among the children of different classes
C. between lower and middle classes
D. both a and c

Unverified information that is passed on from person to person is called

A. metaphor
B. contagion
C. convention
D. rumor
E. gossip

According to Scott (1990) a document is authentic if it________________?

A. is a sincere and accurate account free from political bias
B. is representative of all the similar documents that did not survive
C. has both a literal and an interpretable meaning
D. is a sound original, or reliable copy of known authorship

A survey that asks the respondent to indicate their level of education and
includes response categories of some high school high school and university
violated which important rule for constructing close-ended items for naires ?
A. exhaustive
B. mutually exclusive
C. comprehensive
D. tangible
E. relevant

Evolutionary theory is of the view that society like biological organisms moves
A. simple to complex
B. complex to simple
C. Complex to more complex
D. None of these

The preoccupation with eating habits following the Atkins diet is an example of
a(n) _____________?
A. fad
B. craze
C. interest
D. fashion
E. resistance

Social norms are______________?

A. creative activities such as gardening cookery and craftwork
B. the symbolic representation of social groups in the mass media
C. religious beliefs about how the world ought to be
D. rules and expectations about interaction that regulate social life

Which of the following statements about small groups is

A. all small groups are primary groups
B. all small groups are secondary groups
C. many small groups differ from primary groups in that they do not necessarily offer the
intimate personal relationships characteristic of primary groups
D. both b and c

According to __________ a variety of life experiences can come to be viewed as

illnesses or not?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labelling theory

Domestic violence is physical abuse by one family member against another

which two of the following are most likely to be victims of such abuse ?
A. female partners/spouses and older relatives
B. male partners/spouses and children
C. female partners/spouses and children
D. older relatives and children

According to sociologists the critical agent of socialization is thought to

A. peers
B. the family
C. formal religion
D. schools
E. the media

Compared With the sate formation process in industrialized countries which one
of the following created major problems for developing societies ?
A. the lack of a strong work ethic
B. the legacy of economic mismanagement by local leaders
C. the lock of a democratic culture
D. the legacy of colonialism

What proportion of malnourished children under the age of five in the world,s
low-and middle-income countries live in countries that actually produce a food
surplus ?
A. less than 10%
B. around 25%
C. around 50%
D. more than 75%

What is the idea that racism pervades all of society’s structures in a systematic
way called ?
A. new racism
B. cultural racism
C. ethnocentrism
D. institutional racism

An association between two variables which is in fact caused by other factor(s)

is called a_____________?
A. multiple regression
B. causal mechanism
C. spurious correlation
D. multinomial distribution

Which term describes the process whereby religion loses its influence over
various spheres of social life ?
A. secularization
B. evangelicalism
C. fundamentalism
D. alienation

The depression that occurs when the last child leaves the home is
A. the nurturing complex
B. empty-nest syndrome
C. childless anxiety
D. the fear of singularity
E. post-partum depression
What is cosmopolitan democracy ?
A. a form of world government with global citizenship
B. rule by the worlds educated elites
C. democratic government at the level of the city
D. democratic government that is representative of a multicultural society

_______ is the term for the science dealing with the size, distribution
composition and the changes in population ?
A. Demography
B. Ecology
C. Popology
D. Stratification

The new racism refers to______________?

A. a subtler form of prejudice masked by nationalist pride
B. a post-modern deconstruction of racist ideas to reveal their lack of depth
C. racist practices found in newly emerging areas of social life such as cyberspace
D. an anti-fascist movement which challenges nationalist politics

Suicide rate was higher in Protestants because they had higher emphasis
A. Individualism
B. solidarity
C. Harmony
D. None of these

There are some important gender inequalities in paid employment and the
chapter identifies three of these Which one of the following is not one of the
three ?
A. the division of household labor
B. occupational segregation
C. the wage gap in favor of men
D. women’s concentration in part-time jobs

The interventionist Perspective studies_______________?

A. Society
B. State
C. People and their interactions
D. None of these

Bringing music and movies into Canada from another country would be a good
example of __________ diffusion ?
A. adaptive
B. relativistic
C. indirect
D. direct
E. integrative

Political parties ?
A. are organizations designed to gain control of the government but not necessarily by
putting their own people in office
B. tend to be pulled to the “right”
C. must appeal to a broad base of the electorate in order to win
D. tend to be barriers between citizens and the government

According to Durkheim the division of labor in industrial societies brings

A. organic solidarity
B. a loss of social solidarity
C. mechanical solidarity
D. communal solidarity

Socialization is extended to every part of human life As a result every one

becomes both a socializer and a socialize in all encounters with others This
concept leaves socialization without a social home. This is the approach
A. Arnett
B. Long & Hadden
C. Henslin
D. None of these

The systematic widespread withdrawal of investment in basic aspects of

productivity such as factories and plants are called______________?
A. deindustrialization
B. downsizing
C. post industrialization
D. “banana time”

The intellectual tradition at the heart of conflict theory begins principally with
the work of_____________?
A. Max Weber
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Erving Goffman
D. Karl Marx

Marxist feminists explain patriarchy in terms of_________________?

A. a lack of equal rights and opportunities for men and women
B. sex classes through which men oppress women economically politically and sexually
C. women’s domestic labor being exploited by the capitalist econorny
D. the dual systems of capitalist and male domination

Which of the following ins NOT a key theme in Michel Foucault’s writing ?
A. the hyperreality of media imagery
B. the significance of expert discourses
C. societies use of surveillance and discipline
D. the archaeology of scientific knowledge
Which term describes a society in which women can marry more than one
husband at a time but men may marry only one wife at a time ?
A. monogamy
B. polygamy
C. polygyny
D. polyandry

According to Marx Capitalism replaced feudalism and itself will be displaced

A. Feudalism
B. communism
C. Economic equalitarianism
D. None of these

The groups in which we come to know people intimately as individual

personalities are called______________?
A. Primary groups
B. Secondary groups
C. Tertiary groups
D. None of these

Economic growth will keep pace with population growth only if there
A. Available acreage
B. Improved technology
C. Motivation to achieve
D. None of these

Which of the following in NOT associated with functionalism ?

A. Talcott Parsons
B. Ralf Dahrendorf
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Robert Merton

Cultural restructuring has involved________________?

A. regenerating cities in economic decline
B. turning industrial landscapes into tourist attractions
C. selling sites and images through the symbolic economy of media advertising
D. all of the above

New communications technologies have revolutionized social life in the last 30

years or so Which of the following is not one of the four most significant
technological trends making this revolution possible ?
A. robotics
B. the capability of computers
C. the digitization of data
D. satellite communications
E. fiber optics

According to Manuel Castells which is the defining organizational structure of

our age ?
A. bureaucracy
B. networks
C. hierarchy
D. conglomerates

Herbert Gans called urban residents who prefer to live in their own tight-knit
A. communities
B. ethnic villagers
C. the trapped
D. gentrofiles

Occupational gender segregation is used to explain ?

A. the belief that women control the private sphere
B. women increasing labor market participation
C. the allocation of men and women to different types of job
D. relations between men and women in the workplace

The Frankfurt School built upon the work of Marx but the importance of which
of the following did its members argue that he under emphasized ?
A. globalization
B. work
C. economics
D. culture

Marx swa capitalism leading to____________?

A. Increasingly happy individuals
B. Increasingly unhappy individuals
C. Equality in society
D. None of these

Theories must be____________?

A. testable
B. formulated prior to research
C. based on pre-existing facts
D. exclusively sociological
E. issue driven

Murray though that the underclass consisted of people who______________?

A. formed an inferior race with low levels of intelligence
B. lived morally unsound lives of crime and squalor
C. were too reliant upon welfare benefits
D. all of the above

Which of the following is not likely to explain differences in exclusion rates from
school between pupils from different social class and ethnic backgrounds ?
A. anomie
B. privatization
C. institutional racism
D. ethnocentrism

The rate of rate of return or a mailed naire is usually_____________?

A. very high
B. it can be both A and C
C. very low
D. None of these

The term culture industry used by members of the Frankfurt School referred
A. the globalization of culture through new technologies
B. they way in which cultural products were bought and sold for profit
C. the development of subcultures and counter-cultures in society
D. they way in which industrialization had created new means of communication

North America and Europe have less than 12% of the world’s population but
their share of the worlds private consumption is approximately ?
A. 30%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. 60%

The institution most closely associated with the process of socialization is

A. family
B. Peer group
C. school
D. state

Which city is forecast to become the largest megacity by 2025 ?

A. New York
B. Mumbai
C. Beijing
D. Tokyo

Karl Marx saw religion as________________?

A. a vehicle by which we reveal to one another that we share a common mental state
B. a vehicle through which we create a shared consciousness that contributes to social
C. creating a pool of individuals with the attitudes and values necessary to function as
D. producing another-worldly focus that diverts the oppressed from seeking social change
in this world

Which one of the following is not part of Bowles and Ginits,s (1976) Marxist
thesis on schooling under capitalism ?
A. head teachers often encourage working class children to be ambitious
B. the structures of school life correspond to the structures of working life
C. education is a great divider not a leveler
D. schools provide the right kind of future workers for capitalist employers

Sociology has been said to be the product of______________?

A. the French and Industrial Revolutions
B. the Chinese and Agricultural Revolutions
C. the Russian and Scientific Revolutions
D. the American and Democratic Revolutions

Mobility of women was usually decided in the past through ?

A. Status of women in society
B. Status of their husbands
C. Both a and b
D. None of these
It is useful to have a diversity of theories in sociology
A. human behavior is so complicated that no single theory would be adequate
B. sociologists can choose the theory that best fits the data they have collected
C. It removes the need to assess a theory according to the empirical evidence
D. innumerable theories have been developed in the many fields of sociology

The distinction between elements of material and nonmaterial culture was

made by sociologist ?
A. Max Weber
B. George Murdock
C. Margaret Mead
D. William F. Ogburn

Which one of the following is the most basic manifest function of education ?
A. bestowing status
B. transmitting knowledge
C. promoting social and political change
D. all of the above

Main source of social control is through ?

A. Social norms and traditions
B. Law enforcing agencies
C. Clan System
D. None of these

In-groups and out-groups_______________?

A. can be thought of as “we-groups” and “they -groups ” respectively
B. highlight the importance of family ties
C. are almost always based on territory (e.g. a neighborhood or nation-state)
D. are easily bridged by those who wish to share the other groups identity

Which term describes societies where the family name and the inheritance of
property passes down the male line ?
A. matrilineal
B. androlineal
C. homolineal
D. patrilineal

How has the global human population grown between the Industrial Revolution
of around 1750 and 2013 ?
A. 771 million to 7.1 billion
B. 1.65 billion to 7.1 billion
C. 771 million to 8.2 billion
D. 1.65 million to 8.2 billion

Max Weber,s work made use of ideal types What are they ?
A. the most commonly found type of social organization
B. conceptual or analytical models of social phenomena
C. philosophical models of an ideal human society
D. models of society based on up to date statistical evidence

In a democracy ?
A. the powers of government derive from the consent of the governed
B. the procedures for changing government officials may change with each administration
C. the people govern directly
D. the government tolerates little opposition

Which sociological perspective argues that stratification is universal, and that

social inequality is necessary so that people will be motivated to fill socially
important positions ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labelling perspective
A film star whose parents were both factory workers illustrate ?
A. upward intergenerational mobility
B. upward intergenerational mobility
C. downward intergenerational mobility
D. downward intergenerational mobility

Charismatic leaders build a following based upon which of the following ?

A. traditional authority
B. rational argument
C. personal qualities
D. collective wealth

When workers organized unions and forced management to recognize that they
were not object, theorists of formal organizations began to revise
A. classical theory
B. scientific management approach
C. human relations approach
D. both a and b

In larger groups each person has_____________?

A. less time to speak
B. more points of view to absorb
C. a more elaborate structure within which to function
D. all of the above

Which sociological perspective makes the distinction between instrumental and

expressive roles ?
A. function perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labeling theory
A close connection between religion and economic forces has been presented
A. Max Weber
B. Karl Max
C. Emile Durkheim
D. C-Wright Mills

Which of the following is not one of Perlmutter,s (1972) types of transnational

corporations ?
A. polycentric
B. ethnocentric
C. heliocentric
D. geocentric

Which of these can sociology not help us with ?

A. predicting likely weather patterns in the future
B. understanding how human societies put pressure on the environment
C. understanding how environmental problems are distributed
D. evaluating policies for tackling environmental problems

Which of these is not a concept associated with Left Realist explanations of

criminal subcultures ?
A. social exclusion
B. individual pathology
C. political marginalization
D. relative deprivation

What approach focuses on the ever-changing relationship over time between

social movements and macro-level economic and political systems ?
A. Globalization
B. Political Process
C. Postmodernism
D. Linear Evolutionary
E. Counter-modernization

A system of stratification where positions are partly achieved, and mobility is

common is one based on ?
A. slavery
B. caste
C. class
D. status

Modern Interactionists are______________?

A. Erving Goffman
B. Herbert Blumer
C. Both a & b
D. None of these

Louis Wirth argued that a relatively large and permanent settlement leads to
distinctive patterns of behavior which he called_______________?
A. squatting
B. linear development
C. urbanism
D. gentrification

What is the term for associations that members enter and leave freely ?
A. coercive organizations
B. total institutions
C. utilitarian organizations
D. voluntary organizations

Which of these statements is correct ?

A. causes and correlations are essentially the same
B. correlations always lead to causal explanations
C. causation cannot be inferred directly from correlation
D. correlations are one-way causal relationships

To a major degree the study of deviant behavior is the study

A. abnormal behavior
B. Criminal behavior
C. Social problem
D. None of these

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that the performance of major social

institutions is generally efficient and desirable ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. each of the above

Occupational gender segregation is used to explain ?

A. the belief that women control the private sphere
B. women’s increasing labor market participation
C. the allocation of men and women to different types of job
D. relations between men and women in the workplace

Social and economic change in Pakistan has been so enormous that it can be
termed as Revolutionary The process of change began with_____________?
A. Green Revolution
B. Migration after Independence
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

Which sociological theory emphasizes the meanings that people attach to

various aspects of reality ?
A. Symbolic Interactionism
B. Feminism
C. Conflict
D. Radical
E. Structural Functionalism

Tearoom Trade is typical of the s asked by sociologists

A. it takes place outside the university campus
B. it makes use of covert research methods
C. it investigates working of society that are different from official accounts
D. the investigator is sympathetic to the activities that he is investigating

Society cannot be studied in the same way as the natural world

A. human behavior is meaningful and varies between individuals and cultures
B. it is difficult for sociologists to gain access to a research laboratory
C. sociologists are not rational or critical enough in their approach
D. we cannot collect empirical data about social life

Which of the following suggested that the punishments established within a

culture help to define acceptable behavior and thus contribute to stability ?
A. William Chambliss
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Richard Quinney
D. Stanley Milgram

The concept of collective consumption is most closely associated

A. Hervey
B. Molotch
C. Castells
D. Saunders
Which accounts of the worth of education stress that it enables individuals to
think freely and rationally which makes social progress and innovation possible
A. postmodern
B. modernist
C. traditional
D. vocational

In the United States we often formalize norms into_____________?

A. folkways
B. mores
C. values
D. laws

Which of the following in NOT a criterion for groupthink to emerge ?

A. Members demand conformity and apply pressure to those who express doubts about a
proposed course of action
B. Members withhold dissent and exercise self- censorship
C. Members share an illusion of invulnerability
D. Members share a common socioeconomic background

Who became the first ever Professor of Sociology ?

A. George Herbert Mead
B. Talcott Parsons
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Robert Merton

A process through which cultural elements become closely connected and

mutually interdependent is also known as______________?
A. cultural relativism
B. cultural lag
C. cultural proscriptions
D. cultural genocide
E. cultural integration

A child learns behaviors values and actions from his family It

A. Primary socialization
B. Secondary
C. Developmental
D. None of these

Jean Piaget found that although newborns have no self in the sense of a looking
glass image they are quiet ?
A. ethnocentric
B. self-centered
C. other-directed
D. deterministic

Which conception of welfare refers to the provision of a “safety net” for

disadvantaged populations ?
A. behaviorist
B. egalitarian populist
C. residua list
D. social insurance

Which of the following is an accurate statement about rumors ?

A. Rumors are effective ways to disseminate reliable information
B. Rumors are easy to verify
C. Rumors are transmitted from person to person in a relatively rapid fashion
D. Rumors typically arise when people trust official sources of information

What is religious fundamentalism ?

A. strict or literal adherence to basic religious principles and beliefs
B. acceptance and use of violent means to transform secular societies
C. commitment to the fundamental beliefs of charismatic leaders
D. religious beliefs associated with new age sects

Each social class is a subculture with a system of______________?

A. Behavior
B. Set of values
C. Way of life
D. All of above

A. is one social phenomenon that has changed little over time
B. is less bureaucratic than it was in the past
C. is a biological event with no associated social reality?
D. requires a new definition of self

The principle of laissez-faire was expounded and endorsed by the British

economist ?
A. John Maynard Keynes
B. Adam Smith
C. Paul Samuelson
D. Arthur Scargill

The first stage that existed in Pre-British era was when civil society existed in the
form of______________?
B. Baradaris
C. Rural Notables
D. Both b and c

The four principles of McDonaldization are_____________?

A. efficiency calculability affordability consistent decor
B. efficiency calculability uniformity automation
C. efficiency dehumanization automation high calories
D. efficiency Big Mac large fries’ milkshake
What does Berger (1963) describe as a metaphor for social reality ?
A. a fairground rides
B. a circus
C. a puppet theatre
D. a ballet

which of the following is NOT a feature of all socially stratified systems ?

A. people share characteristics without necessarily identifying with each other
B. people’s life-chances and experiences depend heavily on their social ranking
C. the ranks of different social categories tend to change very slowly over time
D. stratification occurs because of inequalities in assets or property

Lombroso claimed that_____________?

A. criminals were socialized underworld of crime
B. no act is intrinsically deviant
C. biological failings drove some people into crime
D. women were less likely to be arrested than men

According to Sassan which of these is NOT a necessary trait of a global city ?

A. they are centers of direction and policy-making for the global economy
B. they are visited by large numbers of tourists from across the world
C. they are the key locations for financial and specialized service firms
D. they are markets for the exchange of the products of financial service

Which of the following is with 20 million adherents the largest non-Christian

faith in Europe ?
A. Judaism
B. Buddhism
C. Islam
D. Hinduism

Mobility of women was usually decided the past through ?

A. Status of women in society
B. Status of their husbands
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

Max Weber_______________?
A. recognized that it is impossible for scholars to prevent their personal values from
influencing their work
B. stressed that researchers had to maintain the confidentiality of their subjects
C. emphasized that under no conditions could a researcher allow his or her personal
feelings to influence the interpretation of data
D. all of the above

Which sociologist introduced the concept of culture lag ?

A. William F. Ogbum
B. Talcott Parsons
C. Auguste Comte
D. Thorstein Veblen

Ibne Khaldun is best known for______________?

A. Muamlla
B. Muqaddimah
C. Muzakira
D. None of these

Culture is usually assumed to be_______________?

A. fixed and static
B. a subjective entity
C. always changing
D. insulated against technology
E. mutually exclusive

In which sector do two-thirds of the world’s working children perform their

labor ?
A. Wholesale and retail
B. manufacturing
C. agriculture
D. services

society is seen as a stable system in_______________?

A. Evolutionary Perspective
B. Conflict Perspective
C. Functionalist Perspective
D. None of these

Two basic types of economic systems distinguish contemporary industrial

societies ?
A. capitalism and communism
B. capitalism and socialism
C. socialism and communism
D. capitalism and dictatorships

Which term describes families in which at least one adult has children from a
previous marriage or relationship ?
A. beanpole families
B. cohabiting families
C. reconstituted families
D. horizontal families

Which of the following is a factor that has contributed to the rise of the dual
income model of the family ?
A. increase in the number of men with a college education
B. increasing birth-rate
C. shift in the economy of the United States from manufacturing to service industries
D. all of the above
The first stage of the demographic transition is called the_____________?
A. pretransition stage
B. transition stage
C. post transition stage initiation stage
D. initiation stage

Which one of these is NOT one of the newly industrializing countries ?

A. Brazil
B. South Korea
C. Taiwan
D. Hungary

While predictions are not always reliable sociologists and labor specialists
foresee a workforce increasingly composed of ?
A. women
B. racial minorities
C. ethnic minorities
D. all of the above

Secularization involves the two related ideas of__________________?

A. disappointment and disproportion
B. disbelief and disintegration
C. disengagement and disenchantment
D. distribution and distillation

Informal control exists in______________?

A. Primary groups
B. Secondary groups
C. In social settings
D. None of these

Which term was used by Talcott Parsons in asserting that society tends toward a
state of stability or balance ?
A. charisma
B. magnetism
C. equilibrium
D. status quo

Fred is a intelligent student Last year he was on the honor roll This year he
began hanging out with friends who spend more time playing video games than
studying they routinely earn C, s and D, s Over time Fred slowly stops doing his
homework and turning in work for extra credit. He drops out of his honors
classes and his grades drop out from mostly A, s to C, s Which theory of
deviance best explains what has happened here ?
A. structural strain theory
B. social control theory
C. differential association theory
D. Each of these theories explains the situation equally well

With the exit of the Hindus and Sikhs Pakistan became a_____________?
A. Uni-religious state
B. Multi-ethnic state
C. Multi-lingual state
D. None of these

Wirth (1938) said that social relationships in the urban way of life were
segmental because______________?
A. they were confined to particular areas of the city
B. people knew each other only through specific situational roles and not as whole
rounded individuals
C. there were distinctive patterns of activity of each social class
D. they were based on face to face interaction with close friends and family

In Pakistan civil society is in developmental stages and ye has little influence in

A. Social issues
B. Political affairs
C. Policy making
D. None of these

Which perspective on environmental issues tends to adopt an agnostic stance

towards the severity of the problem itself ?
A. critical realism
B. social constructionism
C. structural Marxism
D. ecofeminism

The rise in patriotism following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, is
an example of what function of deviance ?
A. Warning
B. Solidarity
C. Unification
D. Authoritarian
E. Boundary setting

Once formed the self is________________?

A. interactive
B. proactive
C. rigid
D. None of these

The thesis of glocalization is associated with which theorist ?

A. Ulrich Beck
B. Kenichi Ohmae
C. Roland Robertson
D. Judith Butler

Cultural lag________________?
A. refers to new forms of social disintegration
B. is the adjustment gap between material and nonmaterial culture?
C. occurs when the dominant group forces change upon the subordinate group which lags
D. is society’s way of avoiding the social problems that ensue from social change

A group of people with the same or related occupations is usually termed

A. Professional community
B. Workplace community
C. Secondary group
D. None of these

A person does poorly on a college chemistry test and later tells a friend “The
exam wasn’t fair! There were trick s and it covered material that we weren’t
assigned! “This is an example of______________?
A. reverse socialization
B. face-work
C. studied nonobservance
D. anticipatory socialization

Functionalists accept “Change” as a _____________?

A. Function
B. Constant
C. Change
D. None of these

The act of moving from one social class to another is termed as_____________?
A. Social class
B. social groups
C. social mobility
D. None of these
The use of terms such as flaming and chat rooms by the subculture of early
internet users is an example of______________?
A. charisma
B. argot
C. equilibrium
D. virtual reality

Merton describes types of response to a situation where there are widely

socially endorsed values but limited means of achieving them Which of his types
describes an acceptance of the values but willingness to use any means to
achieve them ?
A. conformists
B. innovators
C. ritualists
D. retreatists

Non-material culture consists of______________?

A. Customs and beliefs ideas
B. tools and domestic items
C. Books and written material
D. None of these

Comets final stage was______________?

A. Scientific Stage
B. Theological stage
C. Metaphysical Stage
D. None of these

Mass hysteria ?
A. involves contained anxiety
B. is usually associated with some mysterious force
C. never involves physical symptoms
D. none of the above

Which of these is not an example of social exclusion ?

A. tax avoidance
B. gated communities
C. homelessness
D. none of these

Who famously stated the medium is the message_______________?

A. Manuel Castells
B. Marshall McLuhan
C. Howard Rheingold
D. Karl Marx

In stage 3 of the health transition the main causes of illness and death
A. acute infectious diseases such as typhus measles and cholera
B. respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and asthma
C. chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer heart disease and strokes
D. too diverse to put into one category

What theory argues that only certain people will be attracted by the
opportunity to participate in a given episode of collective behavior ?
A. Contagion
B. Convergence
C. Emergence
D. Structural
E. Reformist

Which of the following is TRUE of interactionists ?

A. Interactionist believe that groups will experience conflict only if they are of two distinct
ethnic groups
B. Interactionists downplay the role of communication in ethnicity
C. Interactionists believe the world we experience is socially constructed
D. all of the above

When conducting social research what is the next step in the scientific method
after a review of the literature ?
A. collecting data
B. choosing a research design
C. selecting a researchable problem
D. formulating a hypothesis

Pakistan with a population of 160 million stands as the _______ largest

population country?
A. Fifth
B. Sixth
C. Seventh
D. None of these

Which of the following was not identified as a defining feature of culture ?

A. Culture is symbolic
B. Culture is transmitted
C. Culture is cumulative
D. Culture is shared
E. Culture is learned

The sociological perspective on race_______________?

A. begins with the assumption that race is based on easily classified differences
B. considers race a social construct not an absolute
C. neither nor b
D. both a and b

In idealized views of science the experimental method is said to

A. testing out new research methods to see which one works best
B. isolating and measuring the effect of one variable upon another
C. using personal beliefs and values to decide what to study
D. interpreting date subjectively drawing on theoretical paradigms

Comte argued that knowledge passed through which three stages ?

A. theological metaphysical positive
B. ignorance understanding truth
C. philosophical biological sociological
D. functionalist marxist interactionist

What is the compulsion of proximity ?

A. the dominance of spoken language in interactions
B. the need to meet each other face to face
C. the ability to read peoples body language
D. the desire for intimacy in personal relationships

The feeling of aimlessness or despair often associated with unsettling conditions

A. alienation
B. amorality
C. anomie
D. ascription

The second stage when people understand society as natural was

A. Theological
B. Metaphysical
C. Scientific
D. None of these

A country becomes over populated when_____________?

A. Its population exceeds set limit
B. Its resources fail to cope with its requirement
C. None of these
D. Both of these

The socially defined expectations that a person in given status follows are
A. a position
B. a role
C. a performance
D. an impression

Which term was introduced by Charles Per row to refer to failures that are
inevitable given the manner in which human and technological systems are
organized ________________?
A. the Per row principle
B. the Peter principle
C. the school principal
D. normal accidents

The print revolution of the nineteenth century resulted in_____________?

A. mass production mass circulation and the decline of serious content
B. the public ownership of newspapers as a shared resource
C. more people going to the cinema as a new leisure activity
D. a reduction of virtual communities on the internet

Which policy is supported by the theory of broken windows ?

A. restorative justice
B. zero tolerance
C. target hardening
D. deterrent sentencing

The word stratification derives from the geological concept “Strata “meaning ?
A. class
B. groups
C. Rock layers
D. None of these

Which of the following is NOT an example of an American folkway ?

A. the custom of chewing food with one,s mouth closed
B. the practice of shaking hands when greeting someone for the first time
C. the courtesy of arriving on time for a religious service
D. the habit of driving on the right-hand side of the road

The global spread of democracy is probably the most striking trend in

geopolitics but in the established Western democracies what has now become a
source of major concern ?
A. electoral fraud
B. the expanding number of small political parties
C. the decline in voter turnout
D. security problems with-e-voting

Which of the following perhaps the first sociologist to recognize the critical
importance of religion in human societies stressed the social impact of religion ?
A. Max Weber
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Karl Marx
D. Talcott Parsons

William F Whyte’s study of a low-income Italian neighborhood in Boston was a

classic example of_____________?
A. participant observation research
B. a survey
C. content analysis
D. an experiment

Which theorist sees power as the chance that you will get your way even against
opponents ?
A. Steven Lukes
B. Max Weber
C. Michel Foucault
D. Jean Baudrillard

Which of the following used the phrase looking-glass self to emphasize that the
self is the product of our social interactions with other people ?
A. George Herbert Mead
B. Charles Horton Cooley
C. Erving Goffman
D. Harry Harlow

Hunter Gatherer way of life is based on________________?

A. a settled system of life
B. a mobile system
C. large populations
D. exploitation of wild animals and plants

In many contemporary conflict’s attempts are made to protect soldiers often at

the expense of civilian lives in order to minimize political problems from media
coverage of fatalities How are such conflicts described ?
A. degenerate wars
B. genocides
C. illegal wars
D. risk-transfer wars

In reviewing capitalism worldwide following the downfall of communism in the

Soviet Union some observers suggest that_____________?
A. capitalist nations fully agree on the merits of capitalism practiced by all developed
B. Russia Eastern Europe Latin America and Asia have fully accepted and are practicing the
style of capitalism practiced in the United States
C. in dynamic Asian nations (e.g. Japan Singapore Hong Kong South Korea and Taiwan)
government intervention in economic life has resulted in a “government-business
symbiosis ” different from that in Europe and the United States
D. the performance of the Asian economy and financial institutions in late 1997 and early
1998 strongly supports the “government-business /state capitalism/communal capitalism
economic arrangement

Proletariat refers to____________?

A. the capitalist
B. the working class
C. the middle man
D. None of these

Children living in poverty tend to be more likely______________?

A. to be killed in road accident
B. to have a diet consisting primarily of vegetables
C. to live in male-headed households
D. none of the above

Nineteenth-century theories of social change reflect the pioneering work in

biological evolution done by ____________?
A. Albert Einstein
B. Charles Darwin
C. Harriet Martineau
D. Benjamin Franklin

Society cannot be studied in the same way as the natural world

A. human behavior is meaningful and varies between individuals and cultures
B. it is difficult for sociologists to gain access to a research laboratory
C. sociologists are not rational or critical enough in their approach
D. we cannot collect empirical data about social life
The socially defined expectations that a person in a given status follows are
A. a position
B. a role
C. a performance
D. an impression

Approximately how long on average did a Victorian marriage last

A. 12 years
B. 22 years
C. 32 years
D. 42 years

The term secondary deviation refers to________________?

A. the punishment or stigmatization of deviant acts
B. the labelling of an act as deviant through social reactions to it
C. the ways in which taking on a deviant role affects future action
D. all of the above

Which of the following is most closely associated with the concept of the
sociological imagination ?
A. Emile Durkheim
B. Max Weber
C. Karl Marx
D. C Wright Mills

Urban gentrification is an example of____________?

A. segregation
B. invasion
C. redlining
D. none of these
British rule restricted the autonomy of Baradaris and in turn
A. Corporate structures
B. Formal institutions
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

Which model of city growth describes the city as a central business district
surrounded by a zone in transition than a zone of workingmen’s homes
residential zones, and the commuters. zone ?
A. the multiple nuclei model
B. the sector models
C. the concentric circle models
D. the social area analysis model

Which one of the following statements is true ?

A. sociologists use both quantitative and qualitative methods
B. sociologists no longer use quantitative methods
C. sociologists always prefer to use qualitative methods
D. sociologists cannot use a mixed methods approach

Sometimes the scientist personally participates in some experiment to observe

it fully It is Known as_____________?
A. Personal studies
B. Participant-observer studies
C. Observational studies
D. None of these

If an individual fails to comply with the rules and regulations of the society
he/she is usually termed as________________?
A. Obedient
B. Abnormal
C. Deviant
D. None of these

Harry Harlow conducted study of______________?

A. Isabelle and the impact of social isolation on the socialization process
B. Nell and the impact of social isolation on the socialization process
C. rhesus monkeys that had been raised away from their mothers
D. nature versus nurture that focused on sociobiology

According to the functionalist perspective what are the four functions served by
the state ?
A. enforcement of norms planning and direction arbitration of conflicting interests and
protection against other societies
B. oppression of minorities enforcement of norms planning and direction protection
against enemies within society
C. enforcement of norms planning and direction protection against other societies
protection against enemies within society
D. arbitration of conflicting interests maintaining social contracts distributing goods and
services protection against internal threats

What is Howard Becker’s famous definition of deviance ?

A. deviant behavior is behavior that is labelled so by the law
B. deviant behavior is behavior that people so label
C. deviant behavior is that labelled by the perpetrators
D. deviant behavior is that which causes public offence

The human action and interaction are understandable only through the
exchange of meaningful communication or symbols, this is the basic assumption
A. conflict theory
B. Role theory
C. Symbolic interactionism
D. None of these

According to the World Health Organization which of these is NOT a main cause
of chronic disease and long-term impairments in developing countries ?
A. poor education
B. poor diet
C. poor sanitation
D. poor housing

Which regions of the world currently have the highest and lowest proportions
respectively of population living in cities ?
A. Highest Asia Lowest Africa
B. Highest Europe Lowest Oceania
C. Highest North America Lowest Africa
D. Highest Europe Lowest Africa

Close friends who have known each other since childhood would be an example
of a(n) ?
A. primary group
B. secondary group
C. out-group
D. formal organization

The process of learning one’s culture and how to live within it is

A. Culture
B. Socialization
C. Association
D. None of these

The sociology was simply the Science of Social facts is the view
A. Marx
B. Weber
C. Durkheim
D. All of above

According to recent findings from across Europe which of the following

statements best characterizes cohabitation ?
A. an experimental stage before marriage
B. a family form only found among st younger people
C. a short-lived experiment from the 1960 s that is now in decline
D. an alternative to traditional marriage

In most instances how well a student does on a test is determined by how much
the student studies for it in this example studying for an exam is a (n) ?
A. correlation
B. independent variable
C. dependent variable
D. sample

Suicide by Durkheim was published in____________?

A. 1878
B. 1797
C. 1897
D. None of these

Which of the following is predicted to be a major influence on cities during the

next 50 years ?
A. pollution
B. the internet
C. urban renewal
D. deindustrialization

Which of these statements best represents C. Wright-Mills,s idea of the

sociological imagination ?
A. understanding the differences between the classical theorists
B. bringing together private troubles and public issues
C. seeing the social world as one made up of Social facts
D. avoiding explanations based on individual psychology

Why does Mike Davis (1990) describe Los Angeles as a city of quartz ?
A. it has more millionaires than any other city
B. it has been hardened against the poor
C. it has been hardened against than any other US city
D. it has a policy of promoting opportunity for all

Which term was introduced by Charles Per row to refer to failures that are
inevitable given the manner in which human and technological systems are
organized ?
A. the Per row principle
B. the Peter principle
C. the school principal
D. normal accidents

In most instances how well a student does on a test is determined by how much
the student studies for it in this example studying for an exam is
A. correlation
B. independent variable
C. dependent variable
D. sample

The third age of the life course is said to involve ?

A. active non-work and independence after retirement
B. full time employment family-building and adult responsibility
C. illness isolation and increasing dependence on others
D. the transition from education to work and distinctive youth cultures

Talcott Parsons,s structural functionalism attempted to tackle ?

A. the problem of class conflict
B. the problem of economic restructuring
C. the problem of social welfare
D. the problem of social order

Median earnings are a better benchmark for poverty than mean earnings
A. the mean is distorted by a few people at the very top of the distribution
B. they lead more people to be defined as in poverty
C. the median is a more accurate measurement of earning than the mean
D. all of the above

One of the root causes of suicide, according to Durkheim was______________?

A. Decrease in social solidarity
B. Increased development
C. Industrialization
D. None of these

Constructed reality is________________?

A. the ability to control the behavior of others
B. the principle that meaning derives from social interaction in daily life
C. the observed consequences that permit the adaptation or adjustment of a system
D. and artificial explanation of culture that exists apart from any social reality or shared
social meaning

Critics of the concept of relative poverty argue that_______________?

A. it concentrates too much on kinship ties
B. the government should be raising benefit levels
C. in modern affluent societies no one is truly poor
D. it is wrong to make comparisons between countries
In open class society mobility is_____________?
A. high
B. medium
C. low
D. None of these

The terms crisis of the 1970s is used to refer to_______________?

A. declining profits and rising unemployment
B. the eradication of the welfare state
C. rising divorce rates and the decline of the traditional family
D. an unfortunate twist in fashion sensibility

When was the World Wide Web invented at a Swiss physics laboratory ?
A. 1980
B. 1985
C. 1990
D. 1995

Which of the following offered pioneering insights regarding professional

criminals by publishing an annotated account written by a professional thief ?
A. Robert Merton
B. Emile Durkhieim
C. Howard S Becker
D. Edwin Sutherland

Reading a number of books and journals regarding crime in Canada is a good

example of______________?
A. qualitative research
B. ethnography
C. secondary research
D. field research
E. non-participant observation
Which of the following are viewed by sociologists as analytically distinct
components of stratification ?
A. conformity deviance and social control
B. class status and power
C. class caste and age
D. class prestige and esteem

A detailed plan or method for obtaining data scientifically called a

A. sample
B. experiment
C. research design
D. scientific method

A minority group is one that is both disadvantaged and______________?

A. has some sense of collective or group solidarity
B. numerically small compared to the main social group
C. identifiably different from others in a society
D. holds views contrary to the social norm

Judith Butler (1999) suggested that_______________?

A. sexual characteristics are the biological determinants of gender
B. heterosexuality and homosexuality are essential opposing identities
C. the tow-sex model replaced the one-sex model in the eighteenth century
D. gender is performed through bodily gestures and styles to create sex

A series of complexes centering upon an important activity

A. Institution
B. Trait
C. Religion
D. None of these
A society which is socially isolated but still provides for all the needs of its
members, is called______________?
A. Total institution
B. Isolated Society
C. Closed society
D. None of these

Which of the following nations has the lowest infant mortality rate ?
A. the United States
B. Mozambique
C. Canada
D. Sweden

Sociology comes from a Latin word Socius means______________?

A. Neighbor
B. Associate
C. Friend
D. None of these

What is social role ?

A. an achieved occupational status
B. a persons overall social status within their family
C. a social position that becomes a master status for the person occupying it
D. socially defined expectations of people in a given social position

Who is most closely associated with the view that the equal and impartial
treatment of each case is a strength of bureaucracies ?
A. Michel Foucault
B. Paul Gay
C. Zygmunt Bauman
D. Robert Michels
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic in Glidden’s account in
Transformations of Intimacy of intimate relationships in post-traditional
societies ?
A. confluent love
B. social reflexivity
C. liquid desire
D. plastic sexuality

Some of the institutions of a society are______________?

A. Family and Religion
B. State and economic institutions
C. both a and b
D. None of these

Max Weber_____________?
A. recognized that it is impossible for scholars to prevent their personal values from
influencing their work
B. stressed that researchers had to maintain the confidentiality of their subjects
C. emphasized that under no conditions could a researcher allow his or her personal
feelings to influence the interpretation of data
D. all of the above

The compulsion of proximity describes_______________?

A. wanting to meet face-to-face whenever possible
B. seeking experience of intimacy on the internet
C. travelling to see foreign locations for holidays
D. creating feelings of security in on-line settings

According to Quinine, crimes of “domination and repression” are committed by

A. People who aspire to the upper class
B. The ruling elite
C. white collar businessmen
D. gang members
E. the lower socio-economic strate

According to Readers Digest Dictionary the one which causes euphoria in the
taker and pre-disposes hint to addiction is______________?
A. medicine
B. Drug
C. Cure
D. None of these

Functionalists argue that even though ethnic conflict is dysfunctional it my still

serve some important functions in society Which of the following is NOT one of
those important functions ?
A. Conflict promotes group formation and cohesion
B. Conflict may function as a safety valve for society by enabling hostilities to be channelled
toward permissible targets known as permissible targets known as scapegoats
C. A multiplicity of conflicts between large numbers of differing groups within a society may
be conducive to a democratic as opposed to a totalitarian society
D. Conflict attributable to ethnic stratification problems may reach an unacceptable
frequency and intensity

Which of the following is NOT an INGO ?

A. Greenpeace
B. International Telegraph Union
C. Amnesty International
D. The Red Cross

The process that enables a culture to maintain equilibrium despite fluctuations

in their culture is known as______________?
A. enculturation
B. ethnocentrism
C. diffusion
D. cultural integration
E. adaptation

It is difficult to ascertain the true extent of domestic violence

A. there is a large dark figure of unreported incidents
B. the changing definitions of legal categories have made it harder to convict offenders
C. researchers are not allowed access to official statistics
D. there is no valid or reliable way of researching such a sensitive topic

Sociological studies of colonialism suggest that____________?

A. colonialism has largely disappeared
B. colonialism was for the most part beneficial for poor uncivilized countries
C. colonialism was inevitable and necessary for human civilization
D. colonialism is perpetuated to this day by practices known as neo-colonialism

In Hagerman’s account where did the public sphere as an arena of public debate
first develop?in____________?
A. salons
B. newspapers
C. universities
D. television

The career mobility of married women is still greatly handicapped

A. men
B. household duties
C. other rival women
D. None of these

Life chances are________________?

A. the magnitude and manner of consumption of goods and services.
B. the likelihood that individuals and groups will enjoy desired goods and services
experiences and opportunities for living long and healthy lives
C. the respect admiration and recognition associated with a social status
D. the view that the poor possess self- perpetuating lifeways

The idea that classes vary according to their possession of cultural capital is
associated with________________?
A. Max Weber
B. John Goldthorpe
C. Karl Marx
D. Pierre Bourdieu

Conflict theorists_____________?
A. emphasize that the values of society serve all members of society
B. see the capitalist ruling class as protecting the masses
C. argue that criminal acts are acts which the ruling class brands as criminal
D. None of the above reflects the thinking of conflict theorists

What did Auguste Comte mean by positivism in sociology ?

A. sociological research must contribute to a governments social policy
B. sociology should be optimistic about human achievements
C. sociology should make use of statistical evidence
D. sociology should adopt the same methods as the natural sciences

Who theorized that we might be witnessing the clash of civilizations ?

A. Giles Kepel
B. Amartya Sen
C. Samuel Huntington
D. Michel Maffesoli

The classic sociological study of two juvenile groups called the “Saints” and the
“Roughnecks” was conducted by______________?
A. Chambliss
B. Lynch
C. Merton
D. Bentham
E. Turk

Supporters of sustainable development are arguing for_____________?

A. more resource to be directed towards economic growth
B. more resources to be put into Third World development
C. growth that minimizes resource depletion and pollution
D. fewer resources to be directed towards economic growth

Merton’s term for the hidden or forgotten reason for a particular behavior
A. middle-range function
B. consumption function
C. latent function
D. structural function

Which of the following is a polytheistic religion ?

A. Christianity
B. Hinduism
C. Islam
D. Judaism

A stratum of people of similar positions in the social status continuum are

termed as_____________?
A. Social class
B. clan or tribe
C. Community
D. None of these

People waiting for a bus are an example of a(n) ?

A. group
B. aggregate
C. subculture
D. transitory collective

Durkheim introduced the ideas of Anomic which means________________?

A. Solidarity
B. Enemy
C. Chaos
D. None of theses

The traditional urbanization exhibits a concentration of human activities and

settlements around the downtown areas when the residential area shifts
outward this is called_____________?
A. Suburbanization
B. Network city
C. Postmodern city
D. All of the above

The term inter-generational mobility refers to______________?

A. movement into a different occupational category over a person’s lifetime
B. movement into different occupational categories between generations
C. movement into a higher occupational category
D. movement into an occupation that generates a lower income

Change is nearly always____________?

A. Priceless
B. Costly
C. Ineffective
D. None of these

In “Gesellschaft” the society of tradition is replaced with the society of

A. Impersonal relations
B. Contract
C. Modern ideas
D. None of these

The terms “Primary “and “Secondary “thus describe a type of relationship and
do not imply that one is more____________ than other?
A. formal
B. Informal
C. Important
D. None of these

Which of the following statements is true of reference groups ?

A. They are membership groups
B. They provide comparative but not normative functions
C. Those which do not match membership groups may create feelings of relative
D. They are groups to which we refer in our conversations

The four principles of McDonaldization are________________?

A. efficiency calculability affordability consistent decor
B. efficiency calculability uniformity automation
C. efficiency dehumanization automation high calories
D. efficiency Big Mac large fries’ milkshake

A network of roles according to which each person accepts certain duties

towards others makes ?
A. Social background
B. Social Order
C. Social stratification
D. None of these

Tonnies divided the social structure into Gemeinschaft and Gesellschafts The
tighter and cohesive social entity was the salient feature of___________?
A. Gemeinschaft
B. Gesellschafts
C. Both of them
D. None of these

Which of the following is NOT one of the ethical religions ?

A. Buddhism
B. Confucianism
C. Hinduism
D. Taoism

A system of stratification where positions are partly achieved, and mobility is

common is one based on_____________?
A. slavery
B. caste
C. class
D. status

What sociologist was responsible for developing the concept of anomie ?

A. Comte
B. Rousseau
C. Mead
D. Locke
E. Durkheim

If we fail to respect and obey social norms we may face punishment through
informal or formal ?
A. techniques of neutralization
B. deviance
C. cultural transmission
D. sanctions

The distribution of power in society is a concern for______________?

A. microsociology
B. interactionism
C. macrosociology
D. ethnomethodology

Which of the following statements about norms is correct ?

A. People do not follow norms in all situations In some cases they evade
B. In some instances behavior that appears to violate society,s norms the norms of a
particular group
C. Norms are violated in some instances because one norm conflicts with another
D. all of the above

The division of labor among physicians into obstetricians’ internists surgeons

and so forth is an example of the process that Talcott Parsons
A. differentiation
B. value generalization
C. inclusion
D. adaptive upgrading

Division of labor social class formal government institutions and system of trade
and commerce all are peculiar to any_____________?
A. Urban Community
B. Rural Community
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

In a society with a (n) ___________ the political and religious institutions often
act in harmony and mutually reinforce each other,s powers over their relative
spheres of influence ?
A. denomination
B. ecclesia
C. cult
D. sect
In which century was anorexia was first identified as a disorder ?
A. 17th
B. 18th
C. 19th
D. 20th

Scientific method has following steps_______________?

A. observation solution theory
B. Problem observation hypothesis data experiment conclusion
C. Problem hypothesis observation conclusion
D. None of these

Of the following nations life expectancy at birth is highest in______________?

A. Japan
C. Gambia
D. unknown

Socialization is a series of stages in which the individual learns to participate in

various levels of organization of society and internalizes a cognitive frame of
reference for interpersonal relations It is____________?
A. Internalization theory
B. Role theory
C. Symbolic theory
D. None of these

Which of these constitute the three worlds of welfare-capitalism ?

A. social democratic socialist communist
B. social democratic corporatist liberal
C. social democratic Christian-democratic nationalist
D. none of the above
A social stratum is________________?
A. a level in the social hierarchy comprising people with shared life chances
B. a methodological tool used to identify a person’s social class
C. the boundary between two levels of the social hierarchy
D. a symbol of status used to differentiate between social classes

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that in comparison with women men

can drw on larger social networks that are useful in locating employment
opportunities ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. clinical perspective

Which of the following is not recognized as a level of society ?

A. the household
B. the office
C. the global village
D. the nation states

We all for most of the time try to be a model personality A model personality is
one that represents ?
A. All possible cultural traits
B. Most of the cultural traits
C. None of the cultural traits
D. None of these

The decentralized city can be identified by______________?

A. the shift of employment and service away from the inner city towards multiple centers
in smaller towns and rural areas
B. the degendering of public space as women use local facilities more
C. gentrification the movement of middle-class people back into the inner city
D. all of the above
The writings of Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim are examples
A. cyclical theory
B. unilinear theory
C. multilinear theory
D. conflict theory

Pakistanis population was only_______ million at the time of Independence?

A. 33
B. 40
C. 25
D. None of these

Which of the following positions is NOT associated with the hyper globalizers ?
A. citizens lose faith in existing systems of governance
B. globalization needs to happen much more quickly
C. individual countries no longer control their own economies
D. regional institutions are becoming as powerful as nation-states

A person is consciously motive primarily by his_______________?

A. Social values
B. Real traits
C. Picture of himself
D. None of these

Through association with people who are meaningful to us we achieve a sense

of security love acceptance companionship and personal worth This is a(n) ?
A. anticipatory bond
B. expressive tie
C. family tie
D. instrumental bond
Which one of the following statements is not part of the Code of Ethics
developed by the American Sociological Association? Researchers
A. acknowledge research collaboration and assistance
B. preserve the confidentiality of their subjects
C. protect their subjects from personal harm
D. make all research notes available for public scrutiny

Interventionist Perspective emphasizes that________________?

A. People interact mainly through symbols
B. People perceive the world mostly subjectively
C. All reality is not subjective
D. All of the above

The institution most closely associated with the process of socialization is

A. family
B. peer group
C. school
D. state

_________ refers to the fundamental alterations in the patterns of culture

structure and social behavior over time ?
A. cultural lag
B. diffusion
C. social change
D. modernization

Karl Pearson said “The unity of all science consists alone in its methods not in its
material It relates to the importance of______________?
A. Scientific research
B. Scientific method
C. Science unity
D. None of these

Coercive and punitive measures to reduce fertility have aroused considerable

indignation among many citizens in Western nations. Such measures have
A. Italy’s practice of punishing couples who have two or more children.
B. china’s practice of fining a woman who is pregnant with a second child 20 per cent of
her pay if she refuses to have an abortion.
C. France’s elimination of tax deductions for families with more than two children.
D. Brazil’s refusal to grant a divorce to couples with children

Goldthorpe identified the Service class as______________?

A. those in non-manual occupations exercising authority on behalf of the state
B. people working in consultancy firms who were recruited by big businesses
C. the young men and women employed in domestic service in the nineteenth century
D. those who had worked in the armed services

In developed countries the official definition of poverty used for statistical

purposes is based on_____________?
A. Absolute poverty
B. Relative poverty
C. both a and b
D. None of these

In the division of Labor in Society Emile Durkheim presented the idea

A. Mechanical and organic solidarity
B. Physical and social solidarity
C. physiological and mechanical solidarity
D. None of these
The functionalist theory of inequality suggests that_____________?
A. high rewards and incentives ensure that the most skilled individuals will take the most
important social positions
B. inequality is inevitable, and we are born into poverty or wealth
C. there are no social functions of inequality, so it should be eradicated
D. the idea of a meritocracy is a dangerous ideology

Which sociological perspective argues that a common culture serves to maintain

the privileges of some groups while keeping others in a subservient position ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. each of the above

Secularization involves the two related ideas of__________________?

A. disappointment and disproportion
B. disbelief and disintegration
C. disengagement and disenchantment
D. distribution and distillation

Which perspective does not come under the umbrella of interactionism ?

A. ethnomethodology
B. symbolic interactionism
C. feminism
D. phenomenology

_______________ Of what is the failure of companies to adhere to legal

regulations that apply to them an example ?
A. white-collar crime
B. corporate crime
C. victimless crime
D. organized crime
The term informal economy is used to describe ?
A. work where no money changes hands
B. the activities of small businesses
C. transactions outside the sphere of regular employment
D. organizations with less rigid rules and procedures

Which one of the following concepts did Mix weber introduce to the field of
sociology ?
A. dramaturgy
B. ideal types
C. functionalism
D. macrosociology

Bourdieu attributed the reproduction of class to______________?

A. cults of the capital
B. capital culture
C. cultural capital
D. culpable capture

Which of the following is a criticism of the sick role ?

A. Patients judgments regarding their own state of health may be related to their gender
age social class and ethnic group
B. The sick role may be more applicable to people experiencing short-term illnesses than
those with recurring long -term illnesses
C. Even simple factors such as whether a person is employed or not seem to affect
willingness to assume the sick role
D. all of the above

Who first introduced the notion of anomie into sociology ?

A. comte
B. Marx
C. Weber
D. Durkheim
The term vested interests was coined by social economist______________?
A. William F. Oghurn
B. Talcott Parsons
C. Auguste Comte
D. Thorstein Veblen

The Bretton Woods institutions are_______________?

A. The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank
B. The World Trade Organization and the World Bank
C. The international Monetary Fund and the World Health Organization
D. The United Nations and the World Trade Organization

Which sociologist distinguished between significant others and generalized

others ?
A. George Herbert Mead
B. Charles Horton Cooley
C. Erving Goffman
D. W.I Thomas

The approximately 2 million Native Americans represent a diverse array of

cultures distinguishable by_____________?
A. language
B. family organization
C. religion
D. all of the above

Many sociologists argue that older theories of inherited intelligence and IQ tests
have been discredited What concept did Gillborn and Youdell (2001) find had
replaced of IQ in many Uk schools ?
A. skill
B. talent
C. capacity
D. ability

Pluralist theories suggest that_______________?

A. the state,s power can be exercised through several different administrative structures
B. the ruling elite is composed of people from various class backgrounds
C. political parties must compete for the votes of consumers in the electorate
D. there is a close alignment between class background and party preference

Which term describes religious organization of a loosely knit and transient kind
A. church
B. denomination
C. sect
D. cult

Bernstein thought that using restricted codes of language disadvantaged pupils

at school because____________?
A. this pattern of speech made them the target of bullying
B. they referred to explicit context independent meanings
C. they prevented children from communicating outside of their peer groups
D. they involved short simple sentences with a small vocabulary

When individuals work in groups they ?

A. work harder than when they work alone
B. may engage in social loafing
C. feel they must work harder to prove their value to the group
D. may engage in intergroup relativism

In Symbolic Interactionist Theory Mead defined the generalized other

A. the group of structural theories of society that he was reacting against
B. the overall impression of ourselves that we try to give off to others
C. a significant figure in early childhood who teaches us the general values of society
D. an image of how people in the wider society might perceive our behavior

One of the difficulties in open rationalizing concepts like social class is

A. definitions and indicators can vary making valid comparisons problematic
B. there are no reliable indicators of such widely contested ideas
C. it takes all the fun out of armchair theorizing
D. it has little use for applied empirical research about the topic

A sect is organized around_______________?

A. beliefs that can be challenged by members a charismatic leader and openness to new
B. tolerance towards other religions and the separation of church and state
C. voluntary membership democratic leadership and high levels of emotional
D. the idea of the secular world itself as being sacred

Mostly the drugs are used for a number of causes a few_________________?

A. Peace of mind
B. Unemployment
C. Fun-Pleasure
D. All of the above

Which research technique would sociologists who adhere to the symbolic

interactionist perspective use? most likely to employ ?
A. interviews
B. experiments
C. quantitative measurement
D. observation
E. surveys

Which country is currently experiencing a negative birth-rate ?

A. China
B. Bangladesh
C. Iran
D. Tunisia

When in sociology we speak of researchers using controls we

A. being as precise as possible in defining an initial hypothesis
B. holding some variables constant to look at the effects of others
C. supervising the data collection process as closely as possible
D. seeking to manipulate the outcomes of a research process

Experiments are of two types_____________?

A. Laboratory
B. Field
C. both A & B
D. None of these

Chinese social control is done mainly through group pressure Every individual is
a member of a small group called_____________?
A. Danwie
B. Communis
C. Nessar
D. None of these

Which one of the following does Chodorow NOT argue is a consequence for
boys and men of separating from their early attachment to their mother ?
A. feeling their self-esteem threatened by the lack a close relationship
B. learning that to be a man is to reject being like a woman
C. feeling endangered by close intimate emotional relationships
D. developing a detached and analytical approach to the world

Causes of necrosis includes ________ ?

A. Injury
B. Cancer
C. Infection
D. All of above

Labeling theorists________________?
A. focus on why individuals engage in deviant behavior
B. contend that some acts such as rape are inherently criminal
C. contend that labeling people as deviant has no effect on their behavior
D. contend that in many cases those labeled deviant identity and pursue a career of

Which of the following is true regarding culture ?

A. Culture is genetic
B. Culture is passed down generation to generation
C. Culture includes physical artifacts not abstract creations
D. none of the above

The potential number of children that women are capable of bearing is

A. fertility
B. fecundity
C. femininity
D. facticity

Which approach holds that deviance is not a feature of a group or individual but
a process of interaction through which one group becomes defined as deviant ?
A. labelling theory
B. control theory
C. functionalist theory
D. conflict theory

The development of computers and the increased use of the internet are
examples of what source of social change ?
A. clashes over resources and values
B. diffusion
C. the mass media
D. innovation

Which of the following theorists described the family as the ultimate source of
social inequality because of its role in the transfer of power property and
privilege ?
A. Friedrich Engels
B. Talcott Parsons
C. Margaret Mead
D. George Murdock

According to Davis (1995) women may seek cosmetic surgery

A. they have a deep-rooted sense of ineffectiveness and are striving for control
B. they are in pursuit of the perfect body fueled by images of beauty
C. they perceive a part of their body as stigmatizing in relation to a cultural ideal
D. their male partners pressurize them to look like supermodels

There are many legal limits that are attached to age a few examples
A. voting age
B. age of consent
C. drinking age
D. All of the above

The emergence of a consolidated network of business leadership is most

compatible with which ideal-type of capitalism ?
A. family capitalism
B. managerial capitalism
C. welfare capitalism
D. institutional capitalism

As a consequence of rural-urban migration____________?

A. More and more urbanization is taking place successfully
B. ruralisation of urban areas is taking place
C. Ruralisation of urban areas and ribbon growth seem to be the result
D. None of these

In modern societies social status is typically measured by a

A. age
B. income
C. verbal fluency
D. occupation

Auguste Comte was a_______________?

A. French thinker
B. American
C. British
D. None of these

In Gerhard Lenski,s theory of sociocultural evolution a society’s level of

__________ is critical to the way it is organized?
A. agriculture
B. health care
C. technology
D. all of the above

Urbanization is a ______ process ?

A. Straight lined
B. Cyclical
C. Social
D. None of these

Prayer mat is_____________?

A. material culture
B. Non-material culture
C. Out of culture
D. None of these

Put these stages in the evolution of citizenship in chronological order

A. civil rights political citizenship social citizenship environmental citizenship
B. social citizenship political citizenship environmental citizenship civil rights
C. political citizenship social citizenship environmental citizenship civil rights
D. civil rights environmental citizenship social citizenship political citizenship

Punjabi and Sindhi cultures are_________________?

A. Subcultures
B. Counter Cultures
C. Relative Cultures
D. None of these

According to _____________ a variety of life experiences can come to be

viewed as illnesses or not ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labeling theory

A detailed plan or method for obtaining data scientifically called a (n) ?

A. sample
B. experiment
C. research design
D. scientific method
Who wrote the first book on the methodology of social research How to
Observe Manners and Morals ?
A. Herbert Spencer
B. Emily Post
C. Harriet Martineau
D. Emile Durkheim

Which of the following is considered a total institution ?

A. a university
B. a mental hospital
C. a factory
D. each of the above

Among the approaches that seek to explain the causes of social movements
which one states that revolutions are most likely to take place when a
prolonged period of social and economic betterment is followed by a period of
sharp reversal ?
A. the resource mobilization approach
B. the deprivation approaches
C. the capitalist collapse approach
D. none of the above

Which of these research projects would count as intersectional? A comparative

study of employment based on______________?
A. social class and gender
B. gender and ethnicity
C. ethnicity and sexuality
D. all of them

How does racial and ethnic stratification differ from other forms of stratification
A. Racial and ethnic groups often have the potential for carving out their own
independent nations from the existing state
B. Racial and ethnic stratification is harder to eliminate than are other forms of
C. All other forms of stratification grow out of racial and ethnic stratification
D. All of the above

Which of the following is not part of the argument made against globalization by
sceptics ?
A. regionalization is occurring not globalization
B. economic globalization is occurring not political globalization
C. trading blocs are effective not a global economy
D. national governments are most significant not international institutions

Ethnographic research produces qualitative data because_____________?

A. the findings are amenable to statistical analysis
B. it is conducted over a period of several years
C. it uncovers rich detailed accounts from an insider’s perspective
D. it compares findings from a number of different cases

What name did Norbert Elias give to the dynamic of competition between social
units that eventually gave rise to a nation state ?
A. the absolutist mechanism
B. the decivilizing process
C. the monopoly mechanism
D. the courtizaion process

Kaleem walks into the classroom just as another student has told the punchline
to a very funny joke The room explodes in laughter Kaleem quickly checks to see
that his shirt is buttoned correctly and that there is no toilet tissue clinging to
her shoe Once he realizes the class isn,t laughing at him he settles down in his
seat and asks the classmate to re-tell the joke This is an example
A. esoteric social readjustment
B. an egocentric bias
C. the looking -glass self
D. the formation of the self

What is the idea that racism pervades all of society’s structures in a systematic
way called ____________?
A. new racism
B. cultural racism
C. ethnocentrism
D. institutional racism

A researcher can obtain a higher response rate by using which type of survey ?
A. interviews
B. naires
C. representative samples
D. observation techniques

Which of the following is a characteristic of a society ?

A. Members of a society possess a wide variety of values and norms based on their social
B. A group must have at least 1,500 members to be considered a society
C. Another term for “society” is nation-state
D. Members of a society comprise a more or less self-sufficient social unit

Ellis Lee and Peterson developed a research exploring how parents raise their
children relative to their class They viewed that lower class parents were more
likely to emphasize____________ in their children?
A. Creativity
B. Self-reliance
C. Conformity
D. None of these
There are three basic sources of power within any political system ?
A. force influence and authority
B. force influence and democracy
C. force legitimacy and charisma
D. influence charisma and bureaucracy

In which of these regions is public education expenditure lowest?

A. Central Asia
B. North America and Western Europe
C. Latin America and the Caribbean
D. Arab States

Which of the following used the phrase looking-glass self to emphasize that the
self is the product of our social interactions with other people?
A. George Herbert Mead
B. Charles Horton Cooley
C. Erving Goffman
D. Harry Harlow

The birthplace of sociology is generally considered to be_______________?

A. the United States
B. Canada
C. Europe
D. Australia

A group of people who live within the same territory and share a common
culture is called______________?
A. a culture
B. an iconoclastic enclave
C. a society
D. none of the above
The sociologist responsible for the modern-day adaptation of strain theory
A. Weber
B. Cohen
C. Marx
D. Merton
E. Chambliss

In order for a deviant act to be considered a crime______________?

A. the state must undertake a political process of criminalizing it
B. it must be committed by someone labelled a criminal
C. it must involve the violation of a person or property
D. the majority of the population must consider the act criminal

The term feminist standpoint suggests______________?

A. taking a stand on the issues neglected by feminism
B. studying society from the perspective of women
C. the recognition of difference and diversity in women’s lives
D. a tendency to ignore the gendered nature of knowledge

Which Black person wrote the acclaimed novel Invisible Man ?

A. Malcolm X
B. James Baldwin
C. Alice Walker
D. Ralph Ellison

Broad socialization is intended to promote_____________?

A. Independence and self-expression
B. Obedience and Conformity
C. both a and b
D. None of these

Ethnic identity refers to______________?

A. the objective categories of ethnicity used in the census
B. a felt sense of group of group membership on basis of religion language or history
C. the imposition of a racial label on a minority by a powerful majority
D. the fragmented and pluralistic nature of ethnicity

The life-course model views aging as______________?

A. a process that continues from birth to death
B. a process shaped by the forces of capitalism
C. a process of adapting to changing social roles
D. a process shaped by psychological decline

Who described urbanism as a way of life ?

A. Park
B. Hawley
C. Wirth
D. Burgess

Comte,s term positivism refers to________________?

A. a theory that emphasizes the positive aspects of society
B. the precise scientific study of observable phenomena
C. a theory that posits difficult s and sets out to answer them
D. an unscientific set of laws about social progress

Erving Goffman made a distinctive contribution to sociology by popularizing a

particular type of interactionist method known as____________?
A. macrosociology
B. the dramaturgical approach
C. Verstehen
D. None of these

In studying the strategies that students employ to create appearances after

grades have awarded sociologists Daniel Albas and Cheryl Albas drew upon the
concept of impression managements developed by______________?
A. George Herbert Mead
B. Charles Horton Cooley
C. Erving Goffman
D. Jean Piaget

Disciplinary power was exercised in the 19th century factories

A. the use of corporal punishment by employers
B. excluding women from participating in waged labor
C. punctuality uninterrupted work and the threat of dismissal
D. making routine tasks less monotonous

Many people sincerely accept their goals and values, but their attitude is not in
consistency with the requirements of their goals This hypothesis is
A. artful presentation of self
B. Differed Gratification pattern
C. The value-Stretch hypothesis
D. None of these

The sequence of Rostow’s stages of economic growth are_____________?

A. traditional take-off drive to maturity high mass consumption
B. traditional drive to maturity high mass consumption take-off
C. traditional state intervention high mass consumption take-off
D. traditional dependency modernization take-off

Urbanism is the study of________________?

A. Cities
B. human communities’ rural areas
C. Transition
D. None of these

“Principles of Sociology” was written in 1876 by______________?

A. August Comte
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Max Weber
D. None of these

What proportion of employment in nonurban counties in the United States is

accounted for by agriculture ?
A. 9 per cent
B. 22 per cent
C. 41 per cent
D. 63 per cent

The ecological approach to urban sociology involved studying ?

A. how social groups colonized different areas of the city and competed for resources
B. the forms of wildlife and natural habitats that could be found on the edges of the city
C. the way in which people organized collective protests about environmental issues
D. how men and women used the city’s public spaces differently

Social Control theory attempts to explain_____________?

A. conformity
B. corporate crime
C. Psychologically-based crime
D. lower-class crime
E. white-collar crime

What is defined as non-conformity to a given set of norms that are accepted by

a significant number of people in a community or society ?
A. criminality
B. deviance
C. recidivism
D. degeneracy

Theoretical approaches can only be said to be valid if______________?

A. the theorist has researched the literature thoroughly
B. they have been tested out by means of factual research
C. they are written in such a way as to be impossible to disprove
D. they are shared by a large enough number of theorists

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that government has a strong

interest in encouraging adoption ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labelling theory

Which one of the following is a strategy for restorative justice ?

A. community service
B. imprisonment
C. electronic tagging
D. curfews

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the rising divorce rate in the West ?
A. women have become less economically dependent
B. a reduction in the stigma attached to divorce
C. marriage is seen in terms of personal satisfaction
D. increased acceptance of same-sex relationships

The collective value of all social networks (who people know) and the
inclinations that arise from these networks to do things for each other (the
norms of reciprocity) is called ____________ ??
A. Social cohesion
B. Social Capital
C. Social bond
D. None of these

Which one of these statements is NOT a definition of the knowledge economy ?

A. much of the workforce in now involved in physical production of goods
B. the economy is dominated by the constant flow of information and opinions
C. this is a phase of development beyond industrialism
D. investment in public education and software development is more significant

_____________ uses multiple data collection methods on the same area of

A. Triangulation
B. Ethnography
C. Field research
D. Variation
E. Cluster sampling

How is terrorism different from the types of crime described by the Chicago
School ?
A. it is committed on a larger often global scale and is well organized
B. it is associated with political conflict between states and their citizens
C. it can have far-reaching effects upon international relations
D. all of the above

The price paid for increased mobility includes a decrease in__________?

A. Conformity
B. Loyalty to superior
C. Personal Responsibility
D. None of these

What term is used to describe the movement of individuals up or down the

social scale during the course of their working lives ?
A. open mobility
B. lateral mobility
C. intragenerational mobility
D. intergenerational mobility
naire and interview studies are systematic ways of asking s
A. Experiment situation
B. Scientific control
C. Normal circumstances
D. None of these

What percentage of the Nepalese workforce is employed in agriculture ?

A. 28
B. 45
C. 63
D. 81

Which model of migration admits immigrants to a country on a temporary basis

often for economic reasons without giving citizenship rights ?
A. classic
B. colonial
C. guest worker
D. illegal

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that ethnocentrism that

ethnocentrism serves to maintain a sense of solidarity by promoting group pride
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. dramaturgical perspective

Median earnings are a better benchmark for poverty than mean earnings
A. the mean is distorted by a few people at the very top of the distribution
B. they lead more people to be defined as in poverty
C. the median is a more accurate measurement of earnings than the mean
D. all of the above

Laws are___________________?
A. actions that others can legitimately insist that we perform
B. actions that we can legitimately insist that others perform
C. rules that are enforced by a special political organization composed of individuals who
enjoy the right to use force
D. none of the above

Max Weber,s pioneering work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
is an example of______________?
A. Macro-level analysis
B. micro-level analysis
C. resurgent fundamentalism
D. the interactionist approach to religion

A preference for foreign culture and products is called________________?

A. Xenocentrism
B. Ethnocentrism
C. Cultural Adjustment
D. None of these

Class conflict is the basic theory of_______________?

A. Weber
B. Marx
C. Comte
D. All of above

Which of the following is true regarding discrimination ?

A. In order for a person to discriminate he or she must hold prejudicial attitudes
B. Discrimination is an action
C. Discrimination is not a form of racism
D. none of the above

Place the three largest producers of films globally in order______________?

A. USA India Nigeria
B. India USA Nigeria
C. India China USA
D. India Nigeria USA

Which of the following is not an example of a manufactured risk ?

A. genetic modification of crops
B. volcanic eruptions
C. global warming
D. the threat of nuclear war

Of which of the following according to Marx does religion provide an example ?

A. alienation
B. anomie
C. authority
D. animism

Falling in love and marrying someone similar to your self is generally referred to
A. selective perception
B. homogamy
C. heterogeneity
D. self-selection
E. homogeneity

The ____ is the increase or decrease that results from immigration or

emigration per 1000 member of the population in a given year ?
A. emigration rate
B. growth rate
C. immigration rate
D. net migration rate

Research on the family life course indicates that_____________?

A. women with a first child are more likely than women without a child to report that
their husbands do not pay enough attention to them
B. the marital adjustment rating rises after the birth of a first child
C. most couples consider parenthood a crisis
D. the psychological well-being of parents is a little better than that of childless couples

An instance of focused interaction is called_________________?

A. a meeting
B. an event
C. a moment
D. an Encounter

Herbert Gans called urban residents who prefer to live in their own tight-knit
communities ?
A. cosmopolites
B. ethnic villagers
C. the trapped
D. gentrifies

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the rising divorce rate in the West ?
A. women have become less economically dependent
B. a reduction in the stigma attached to divorce
C. marriage is seen in terms of personal satisfaction
D. increased acceptance of same-sex relationships

In 50s and 60s the national affairs of the country were controlled
A. Industrialist
B. Feudal
C. Intelligentsia
D. None of these

Which sociologist distinguished between significant others and generalized

others ?
A. George Herbert Mead
B. Charles Horton Cooley
C. Erving Goffman
D. W.I. Thomas

When workers organized unions and forced management to recognize that they
were not objects theorists of formal organizations began to revise
A. classical theory
B. scientific management approach
C. human relations approach
D. both A and B

According to Weeks et al which ONE of the following is a characteristic of gay

and lesbian partnerships ?
A. fixed domestic roles
B. shared emotional labor
C. limited relational commitment
D. significant power imbalance

Scientific or positive phase is the____________?

A. First phase
B. Second Phase
C. Last Phase
D. None of these

Individual learns socialization______________?

A. in infancy
B. in childhood
C. throughout the life
D. None of these

One purpose of education is to help students acquire the skills they need to be
successful in society This is an example of a(n) ?
A. constructed reality
B. latent function
C. manifest function
D. entrenched function

Which sociological theory emphasizes the role of language and literacy in

fighting against cultural subordination ?
A. Functionalism
B. Conflict
C. Feminism
D. Radical
E. Symbolic Interactionism

Which sociological perspective emphasizes that ethnocentrism serves to

maintain a sense of solidarity by promoting group pride ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. dramaturgical perspective

The model minority stereotype of Asian Americans contains an implicit critique

of Blacks Hispanics and others for failing to succeed as well as the model
minority has Which sociological perspective would view this as yet another
instance of blaming the victim ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. dramaturgical approach

While vacationing in Great Britain an American discover that the British drive on
the “Wrong” side of the road are critical of his United States accent and will not
accept dollars in stores He feel disoriented and out of place and thus are
experiencing ?
A. xenocentrism
B. the Hawthorne effects
C. the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
D. culture shock

Rumors about a bizarre event that supposedly happened to someone far

removed from the individual telling the story are often
A. legendary tales
B. urban legends
C. sports legends
D. schoolyard tales
E. rural legends

“Division of Labor in Society” increased emphasis on_____________?

A. Interdependence
B. Specialization
C. Occupational Friendships
D. All of these

A university that serves as a meeting ground for people seeking marital partners
is performing_______________?
A. a manifest function
B. a latent function
C. a dysfunction
D. a manifest dysfunction

Feminist perspectives are distinctive in sociology because______________?

A. only women can write from a feminist perspective
B. other theoretical perspectives have not researched women
C. they emphasize the centrality of gender in social analysis
D. men and women view the and world in different ways

Which of these does not include income earned by individuals or corporations

outside a country ?
A. Gross National Product
B. Gross Domestic Product
C. Purchasing Power Parity
D. Gross National Income

Principles such as efficiency calculability and predictability are all part of what
Ritzer called____________?
A. McDonaldization
B. post-modernization
C. the service industry
D. the culture of commerce
E. post-industrialization

Which sociologist writing in 1906 noted that individuals make distinctions

between members of their own group (thein-group) and everyone else (the out-
group) ?
A. Charles Horton Cooley
B. Emile Durkheim
C. William I. Thomas
D. William Graham Sumner

Socialist theory was defined in the writings of Karl Marx and ?

A. Emile Durkheim
B. Adam Smith
C. Friedrich Engels
D. the Marx Brothers

A large kinship group whose members inhibit one geographical area and believe
that they are descendent from a common ancestor is known as
A. Clan
B. Tribe
C. Kin group
D. class

A useful distinction between conformity and obedience was made by social

psychologist ?
A. Richard Quinney
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Edwin Sutherland
D. Stanley Milgram

What sociological approach argues that religions can be fruitfully understood as

organization in competition with one another for followers ?
A. religious economy
B. religious culture
C. religious ritual
D. religious polity

The “looking-glass self” essentially explains ?

A. our reflections on our own personal shortcomings
B. our sense of knowledge from all of the agents of socialization
C. our sense of individuality
D. our self-concept both positive and negative
E. our imagination of how others see us
According to Smelser’s model which of the following determinants of collective
behavior occurs first ?
A. growth of a generalized belief
B. precipitating factors
C. structural conduciveness
D. structural strain

Simple supernaturalism_______________?
A. is prevalent in industrial societies
B. entails the notion of mana
C. is centered upon the belief in powerful gods interested in human affairs
D. is illustrated by Buddhism

Which of the following is not an example of an institution or organization of

global governance ?
A. United States of America
B. the European Union
C. the United Nations
D. the International Criminal Court

Arnett proposed an interesting distinction of types of

A. high and low
B. broad and narrow
C. old and new
D. None of these

Standard deviation in statistics is the measure that indicates in the essence

A. Central tendency
B. spread of the sample means/values
C. Both A an B
D. None of these

Evolutionary Perspective is based on the work of_______________?

A. Comte and Spencer
B. Marx and Weber
C. All of above
D. None of these

In Society in America which early sociologist gave special attention to status

distinctions and to such factors as gender and race ?
A. Emile Durkheim
B. Max Weber
C. Auguste Comte
D. Harriet Martineau

What term describes ties between individuals established through marriage or

blood ?
A. family
B. kinship
C. network
D. tribe

What is the main consequence of well-defined ethnic existing within established

nations states ?
A. nations without states
B. multiculturalism
C. a cultural melting Pot
D. separate institutions

Which of these is not an example of social exclusion ?

A. tax avoidance
B. gated communities
C. homelessness
D. none of the above

The use of scientific research procedures to measure the effectiveness of an

action program is called____________?
A. Evaluation research
B. analytical research
C. Scientific research
D. None of these

Marx said that the development of the labor movement through factory-based
production would turn the working class into____________?
A. a class in itself
B. a-class by itself
C. a class for itself
D. a ruling class

Which of the following is NOT a feature of all socially stratified systems ?

A. people share characteristics without necessarily identifying with each other
B. people’s life-chances and experiences depend heavily on their social ranking
C. the ranks of different social categories tend to change very slowly over time
D. stratification occurs because of inequalities in assets or property

Which one of these would not be regarded as a dysfunction of bureaucracy

according to Merton ?
A. the rules could be upheld at all cost even in the face of a better solution
B. people know they should be guaranteed fair and consistent treatment
C. adherence to the rules takes precedence over organizational goals
D. workers are not encouraged to be flexible in making decisions

A researcher was able to prove that, on average as age increases eyesight

declines In research terminology this is called a (n) ?
A. variation
B. correlation
C. observation
D. measure of central tendency
E. spurious relationship

The writings of Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim are examples

A. cyclical theory
B. unilinear theory
C. multilinear theory
D. conflict theory

It was estimated 148.72 million according to______________?

A. 2003 census
B. 2004 census
C. 2005 census
D. None of these

Traditional working-class identity was based around_________________?

A. shared working conditions in the manufacturing industry
B. the class consciousness of members of the proletariat
C. local communities extended kinship networks and shared leisure pursuits
D. collective aspirations to move into the middle class

In contrast to Marxian theory structural functionalism views different parts of

A. Performing their respective functions
B. Contributing in social equilibrium
C. Beneficial to the society
D. All of the above

The process of turning the class concept into something measurable is

A. operational research
B. modus operandum
C. operationalization
D. operant conditioning

Groups are of two types the more close and intimate groups is_____________?
A. Secondary
B. Primary
C. Both a &
D. None of these

What is education ?
A. the process of delivering relevant skills and knowledge
B. a knowledge and understanding of society’s high culture
C. a social institution promoting the acquisition of skills and knowledge
D. the skills and knowledge required for employment in a relevant field

The final stage in demographic transition is marked by_____________?

A. high birth-rates and death rates
B. high birth-rates and low death rates
C. low birth-rates and high death rates
D. low birth-rates and low death rates

What is the approach to ethnic integration which requires immigrants to adopt

the culture and values of the majority called ?
A. assimilation
B. melting pot
C. cultural pluralism
D. multiculturalism

totality of behavior of an individual with a given tendency system interacting

with a sequence of situations” is termed as____________?
A. Behavior
B. Role
C. Personality
D. None of these

What is the name of the process by which we acquire a sense of identity and
become members of society ?
A. rationalization
B. colonization
C. McDonaldization
D. socialization

Which of these groups of countries had the least telephone mainlines per 1,000
people in 1999 ?
A. Latin America
B. South Asia
C. Arab States
D. East Asia

The world urbanization rate is rising highly It was 49% in 2005 and is likely to be
60% till_____________?
A. 2015
B. 2020
C. 2030
D. None 0f these

What is ethnomethodology ?
A. the study of sociological research methods
B. the study of the methods people uses to make sense of the world
C. the study of language in everyday conversations
D. the use of experiments in sociological research

Care for the elderly_____________?

A. is provided by the family in 40 percent of cases
B. falls mostly on the eldest son
C. is provided by the sandwich generation
D. none of the above

The destructive consequences of tensions between in-groups and out-groups

are stressed by____________?
A. functionalists
B. conflict theorists
C. interactionists
D. classical theorists

the level of public spending on Education has regrettably reduced from 2.6% in
1990, s to _____ in 2002-03 ?
A. 1.8%
B. 2%
C. 1.5%
D. None of these

Asabiyah is an Arabic concept modernly referring to_______________?

A. Culture
B. Nationalism
C. Social groups
D. All of above

Weber said that the spirit of capitalism could be traced back

A. the movement towards religious pluralism
B. inspirational Protestant groups who revived religious ideas
C. new religious movements who rejected traditional forms of labor
D. Calvinists who engaged in ascetic practices to gain signs of salvation

A. refers to hostile behaviors exhibited by someone who has been offended by a member
of a group
B. is an attitude of aversion and hostility toward the members of a group simply because
they belong it
C. cannot not exist in someone who does not discriminate
D. is a feeling a minority individual has toward his or her own minority?

which definition best describes the process of globalization ?

A. capitalist companies are spreading across the planet
B. we all now live in a single society
C. individuals’ groups and nations are becoming more interdependent
D. human beings now live on every continent of the planet

Educational self-fulfilling prophecies_______________?

A. exist where children fail to learn because teachers cannot teach.
B. are unlikely to exist when teachers’ assessments of students are grounded by the
stereotype’s teachers hold of various classes and racial groups
C. may result in student alienation and failure
D. none of the above

Which of the following did the pst-war welfare state of 1948 not aim to provide
A. free health care and education for all
B. a minimum wage
C. full employment
D. universal welfare

Urbanization Causes many Social problems as___________?

A. Inflation
B. Poverty
C. Unemployment
D. All of the above
Which of these is not part of Judith Butlers theory of gender identity ?
A. gender is performative
B. people, s biological sex underpins their gendered identity
C. gender is about what we do not who we are
D. there is no essential or biological basis to gender

Which sociologist cofounded the famous Chicago settlement house Hull House ?
A. Charles Horton Cooley
B. Jane Addams
C. George Herbert Mead
D. Wright Mills

The Muqaddimah is an early Muslim view of______________?

A. society
B. social Change
C. universal History
D. all of above

Karl Marx emphasized ____________ as a major factor in shaping social life ?

A. psychology
B. geography
C. economics
D. communism
E. social psychology

Learning behavior in a social institution or developing social skills is

A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Developmental socialization
D. None of these

The demographic transition refers to______________?

A. an increase in the birth rate
B. an increase in the death rate
C. an exponential growth in population
D. a change in the ratio of births to deaths

__________ are the alterations over time in social structures culture and
behavioral patterns ?
A. Reformist movements
B. Social changes
C. Collective behaviors
D. Modernization movements
E. Social movements

Which of these is not a feature of an ideal type bureaucracy according to Weber

A. a clear-cut hierarchy of authority
B. co-ownership among all workers of the material resource with which they operate
C. fixed salaries associated with each role
D. written rules governing conduct

Career and mobility patterns for men and women are_______________?

A. quite different
B. all alike
C. growing more nearly alike
D. none of these

A set of behavioral expectations that are linked to chronological and biological

age that change as we get older are referred to as____________?
A. maturational motivations
B. activity norms
C. age grades
D. continuity contingencies
E. disengagement techniques
The potential number of children that women are capable of bearing is
A. fertility
B. fecundity
C. femininity
D. facticity

The Prisoners Dilemma Game simulates a situation in which_____________?

A. both partners can benefit if each play competitively
B. both partners can benefit if each plays cooperative
C. you are more likely to employ a cooperative strategy if your partner exhibits cooperation
early and consistently
D. neither you nor your partner can win

A double barreled has the potential of having______________?

A. two respectable responses/answers
B. two answers but incompatible with each other
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

According to Wright some class locations are contradictory

A. their holders do not believe in the notion of class
B. they share features of the positions above and below them
C. there is disagreement about how to interpret them
D. they are impossible for sociologists to measure and classify

The major development task(s) in middle adulthood

A. sex
B. love and work
C. socialization
D. preparation for death

The survival of the fittest was the concept presented by_______________?

A. Marx
B. Durkheim
C. Herbert Spencer
D. None of these

A moral panic occurs when_______________?

A. the media exaggerate reports of deviant groups generating hostile reactions
B. children watch violent or sexually explicit films and then copy the behavior
C. audiences challenge the ethnic stereotypes represented by the media
D. elitists express concern with the Americanization of culture

Addition of new words in a language is a______________?

A. Social Change
B. Cultural Change
C. Language Change
D. None of these

Social Sciences are pejoratively known as_______________?

A. Soft sciences
B. hard sciences
C. Theoretical
D. None of these

In contemporary societies social institutions are_______________?

A. highly specialized interrelated sets of social practices
B. disorganized social relations in a post modem world
C. virtual communities in cyberspace
D. no longer relevant to sociology

A social group of organisms sharing an environment normally with shared

interests is a______________?
A. Colony
B. Society
C. Community
D. None of these

According to Herbert Gans residents who remain in the city to take advantage of
the unique cultural and intellectual benefits of the city are
A. cosmopolites
B. ethnic villagers
C. urban villagers
D. the trapped

In contemporary societies social institutions are_______________?

A. highly specialized interrelated sets of social practices
B. disorganized social relations in a postmodern world
C. virtual communities in cyberspace
D. no longer relevant to sociology

Religion defines the spiritual world and gives meaning to the divine These are
___________ functions or religion?
A. manifest
B. latent
C. positive
D. negative

Ideological notions of equality of opportunity are irrelevant in deciding the

positions of individuals to different statues in a_____________ system of
mobility ?
A. Open
B. Broad
C. closed
D. None of these

A form of learning in which the consequences of behavior determine the

probability of its future occurrence is called______________?
A. conditioning
B. personal efficacy
C. reflexive behavior
D. egocentric bias

In comparison with industrial cities preindustrial cities had ?

A. relatively open class systems
B. extensive social mobility
C. a much more rigid division of labor by gender
D. all of the above

Research by Lakoff showed that there are some distinct communication

differences between men and women In general men tend to_____________?
A. talk more over the course of the relationship
B. be politer in their speech patterns
C. use a greater range of words
D. not appreciate or encourage self-disclosure as much
E. use tags the end of sentences

The four principles of McDonaldization are_______________?

A. efficiency calculability affordability consistent decor
B. efficiency calculability uniformity automation
C. efficiency dehumanization automation high calories
D. efficiency Big Mac large fries’ milkshake

Princess is an _______ status?

A. Ascribed
B. Achieved
C. both a and b
D. None of these

If labor market changes may lead to the rise of an occupational group within the
social hierarchy it is_____________?
A. Structural mobility
B. Inter-generational
C. Intra-generational
D. None of these

Isabelle was___________?
A. reared in an interracial family
B. kept in almost total seclusion for the first six years of her life
C. subjected to mistreatment in a mental institution
D. a child whose language skills were of genius calibre

How did the Brundtland Commission (1987) define sustainable development ?

A. development that protects the environment for future generations even at the expense
of the present generation
B. development which meets the needs of the present generation without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
C. a type of development which put the interests of developing countries ahead of the
interests of the rich nations
D. development that is capable of maintaining sustainable economic growth for all
countries of the world

Mass-society theory suggests that_______________?

A. the content of the media is determined by market forces
B. the subordinate classes are dominated by the ideology of the ruling class
C. the media manipulate the masses as vulnerable passive consumers
D. audiences make selective interpretations of media messages

Dignity personal integrity and inviolability of body and mind are all examples
A. adaptive mechanisms
B. constitutional law
C. cultural givens
D. human rights
E. cultural relativism

The Frankfurt School built upon the work of Marx but the importance of which
of the following did its members argue that he under emphasized ?
A. globalization
B. work
C. economics
D. culture

The most extreme form of legalized social inequality for individuals or groups is
A. slavery
B. open class system
C. closed caste systems
D. caste systems

Socialization is the process through which an individual internalizes ?

A. Cultural norms
B. Social processes
C. Sense of interaction
D. None of these

Which concept has the work of Robert Putnam helped to popularize in the social
sciences ?
A. cultural capital
B. economic capital
C. social capital
D. symbolic capital
How has Grace Davie (1994) characterized the general religious position within
Western Europe ?
A. religious pluralism with many gods
B. believing without belonging
C. secularization against religion
D. belonging without believing

The Main aspect of Conflict Perspective is_____________?

A. Religion is a driving force in society
B. Class conflict and class exploitation is prime force history
C. Equilibrium drives the society
D. None of these

Mead presented the idea that each individual is a composite of expectations

one believes others hold toward one Mead named it as_____________?
A. looking glass self
B. Self-perception
C. generalized other
D. None of these

Polyandry means_____________?
A. allowing a marriage only within the social class
B. allowing a man to have several birds
C. allowing a man to have several wives
D. allowing a woman to have several husbands
E. allowing a family to live in a commune

In a sense xenocentrism is a reverse form of_________________?

A. cultural integration
B. cultural relativism
C. ethnocentrism
D. culture shock
Feminism is often criticized on the grounds that_____________?
A. it doesn’t pay attention to male victims
B. it lacks objectivity
C. it is too extreme
D. it is not testable
E. it is not really a theory

Ethnic identity refers to_____________?

A. the objective categories of ethnicity used in the census
B. a felt sense of group membership on the basis of religion language or history
C. the imposition of a racial label on a minority by a powerful majority
D. the fragmented and pluralistic nature of ethnicity

Symbolic racism_____________?
A. can also be termed racial reconciliation
B. is the same as traditional racial prejudice
C. is a reflection of whites concern that further reductions in racial inequality will result in
loss of the special status that whites in the United States have enjoyed over the years
D. has no impact on whites racial policy attitudes

The demographic transition is social trend that involves____________?

A. a reduction in population size caused by a higher rate of emigration than immigration
B. a change in the principal causes of death and disease since industrialization
C. increased birth and death rates resulting in a relatively young population
D. a decline in the birth rate greater life expectancy and an ageing population

A. provide explicit indications of which behaviors are acceptable and which are not.
B. are narrow ideas about what is desirable correct and good
C. are defined by symbols
D. are general and abstract and do not explicitly specify which behaviors are acceptable
and which are not
Which of the following is a personal document with closed access ?
A. government white paper
B. confidential medical records
C. household account book
D. the shares register of a business

What is behavior towards a group or individual which treats them differently

from other groups or individuals called ?
A. Prejudice
B. discrimination
C. racism
D. projection

During the Second World War Christians living in Nazi Germany had to choose
between trying to protect Jewish friends and associates and turning them in to
the authorities This is an example of____________?
A. cultural universalism
B. role strain
C. functional prerequisites
D. role conflict

__________ is the political process that has to do with the authoritative

formulation of policies that are binding and pervasive throughout society ?
A. Democracy
B. Power
C. Government
D. Totalitarianism

Lifespan is usually divided into seven or eight sages Adulthood legally begins at
the age of____________?
A. sixteen
B. Seventeen
C. Eighteen
D. None of these

Socialization is a life process generally divided into two parts primary and
secondary socialization Primary refers to_____________?
A. Socialization at primary school level
B. Socialization at home
C. Socialization in early life, as a child
D. None of these

The concepts in a hypothesis are stated as______________?

A. variables
B. populations
C. ideas
D. indices
E. theories

What major contribution did W.E.B DuBois make to sociology ?

A. He developed a theoretical understanding of racial inequality
B. He conducted research on the upper classes of Philadelphia
C. He chaired the first Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago
D. None of the above

The Communist Manifesto was written by_______________?

A. Karl Marx and Georg Hegel
B. George Herbert Mead and Jane Addams
C. Friedrich Engels and karl Marx
D. Talcott Parsons and Robert Merton

Dependency theorists from low-income countries drew on the ideas

A. Walt Rostow
B. Karl Marx
C. Immanuel Wallerstein
D. Bretton Woods

Japanese emphasize on conformity in their culture This is an example

A. Broad Socialization
B. Narrow Socialization
C. cultural impact
D. None of these

Stones research suggests that prior to industrialization the nuclear family ?

A. a did not exist in any form
B. had begun to disappear as extended networks of kin became more important
C. had begun to emerge through the separation of work and home life
D. was simply another institution of patriarchal control?

Which of the following is considered a total institution ?

A. a university
B. a mental hospital
C. a factory
D. each of the above

Which of these does not include income earned by individuals or corporations

outside a country ?
A. Gross National Product
B. Gross Domestic Product
C. Purchasing Power Parity
D. Gross National Income

When Comet wrote of sociology as a positive science he meant ?

A. that it should show people in the best possible light
B. that it should attempt to appeal to as many people as possible
C. that it should apply the same methods as physics or chemistry
D. that it should progress by positing new concepts and theories

A person’s self-esteem – low or high -is mainly a function of________________?

A. introspective rejuvenation
B. self-ethnography
C. social comparisons
D. none of the above

Stratified sample falls under______________?

A. probability sampling design
B. non-probability sampling design
C. multi-stage sample design
D. None of these

Which of the following is likely to occur as a result of the computer revolution in

the United States ?
A. a restriction in the amount of information available to the general public
B. a plateauing of the amount of automation the workplace
C. a centralized accumulation of power in the hands of those who have access to
D. an increased involvement in society by people with disabilities

Western countries have a larger percentage of aged that is_____________?

A. 19.4%
B. 12%
C. 20%
D. None of these

Which of the following is a leading exponent of the view that the criminal justice
system serves the interests of the powerful ?
A. Richard Quinney
B. Edwin Sutherland
C. Stanley Milgram
D. William Chambliss

Society refers to a group of people_____________?

A. Who share a defined territory
B. Who share a common culture
C. Who have different cultures
D. a& b both

Which of these is NOT an explicit feature of Third Way politics ?

A. the strengthening of civil society
B. retrenchment in welfare spending
C. the maintenance of a mixed economy
D. environmentally sustainable economic growth

Which of the following was an early Black sociologist active in the struggle for a
racially egalitarian society who was critical of theorists who seemed content
with the status quo ?
A. Harriet Martineau
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Booker T Washington
D. W,E,B, Du Bois

Bernstein though that using restricted codes of language disadvantaged pupils

at school because_____________?
A. this pattern of speech made them the target of bullying
B. they referred to explicit context independent meanings
C. they prevented children from communicating outside of their peer groups
D. they involved short simple sentences with a small vocabulary

What did Max Weber understand by the spirit of capitalism ?

A. the exploitation of the working class
B. the desire for more material wealth
C. the continual reinvestment of profits back into businesses
D. the belief in free markets

Subsistence Agriculture fulfils the needs of_________________?

A. Agriculturist and his/her family
B. The population on village level
C. The larger part of population
D. None of these

Ogburn distinguished three forms of the social effects of inventions One is

Dispersion or multiple effects of a single mechanical invention for example ?
A. Automobile
B. Radio
C. both a and b
D. None of these

Which sociological perspective minimizes change ?

A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. each of the above

The media has started playing is vibrant role more vigorously after
A. Launching of private news channels
B. Masharruf Regime
C. Globalization phenomenon
D. None of these

The social construction of childhood can be traced back to_____________?

A. the introduction of compulsory education
B. increasingly emotional ties between parents and children
C. new consumer goods for children such as clothes toys and books
D. all of the above

Personality is formed in_______________?

A. Primary group
B. Secondary group
C. Both groups
D. None of these

Contemporary sociology includes______________?

A. evolutionary relativism
B. liberal feminism and explicit examination of women’s social roles and experiences
C. postmodernism feminism and critical theory
D. a combination of biological theory conflict theory and evolutionary theory

The Most Prominent spokesmen of Functionalist Perspective

A. Talcott Parsons
B. Kingsley Davis
C. Robert Merton
D. All of above

The term ethnocentrism was coined by sociologist____________?

A. William F. Ogburn
B. William Graham Sumner
C. George Murdock
D. Max Weber

To what does the term the new migration refer ?

A. movement from Britain to commonwealth countries
B. movement from former colonies to European countries
C. movement from European countries to Africa
D. movement between European countries
What is the process by which schools help to perpetuate social and economic
inequalities across the generation called______________?
A. cultural reproduction
B. passive consumption
C. conceptual abstraction
D. formal communication

In a study of styles of grand parenting sociologists Andrew Cherlin and Frank

Furstenberg Jr concluded that the most common style was for grandparents to
A. be actively involved in everyday routine care of their grandchildren and exercise
substantial authority over them
B. carry on a “ritualistic”(primarily symbolic) relationship with their grandchildren
C. never see their grandchildren
D. function as “specialists in recreational care-giving”

The embourgeoisement thesis suggests that_____________?

A. capitalists are being replaced by salaried managers with bureaucratic authority
B. the affluent working class is adopting middle class values and ways of life
C. white collar occupations are being deskilled by the introduction of new technologies into
the workplace
D. the class structure has fragmented and there are no longer any distinct social classes

What is meant by reflexivity in sociological research ?

A. research findings feed back into society and as a result may change it
B. research findings empower the general public making them more confident
C. research funders have control over research findings and who has access
D. sociologists learn more about the society they live in

Impressionistic studies are____________?

A. fully controlled
B. less controlled
C. uncontrolled
D. None of these

Arlie Hochschild,s The Managed Heart is an influential application

A. emotional labor
B. symbolic interactionism
C. social action
D. symbiosis

The four ideal types of social action that Weber identified were as follows
instrumentally-rational, value-rational traditional and_____________?
A. affectual
B. affective
C. effective
D. infected

Early theories of collective behavior emphasized ________ a view that crowd

behavior is like a mental illness that a person cannot resist ?
A. contagion
B. convention
C. group thinks
D. expressiveness
E. reformation

The distinction between elements of material and nonmaterial culture was

made by sociologist ?
A. Max Weber
B. George Murdock
C. Margaret Mead
D. William F Ogburn

The Great Migration of 1916-1919 meant that Chicago became an ethnically

diverse city The consequence of this was_____________?
A. assimilation all racial boundaries were dissolved by the ethnic melting pot
B. multiculturalism all ethnic identities were celebrated equally
C. most ethnic groups were integrated into mainstream society, but the black population
remained in the city’s ghettos
D. racism the white host population were hostile and prejudiced towards migrants

An association between two variables which is in fact caused by other factor(s)is

called a______________?
A. multiple regression
B. causal mechanism
C. spurious correlation
D. multinomial distribution

The and purpose of Evolutionary theory is_____________?

A. An anarchist society
B. A perfect man in a perfect society
C. An industrial society
D. None of these

Weber defined a class situation as____________?

A. the exploitation of the working class by their capitalist employers
B. a social groups consciousness of their status and life chances
C. a person’s position in the capital product and labor markets based on their economic
D. the lifestyle of a social class as defined by patterns of consumption

The Functionalist Perspective says that_______________?

A. A society is an organized network
B. All groups operate in a fairly orderly manner
C. There are set of rules and values shared by all
D. All of above
Who wrote The Metropolis and Mental Life (1903) ?
A. Louise Wirth
B. Robert Park
C. Georg Simmel
D. Max Weber

The scientific study of aging is called______________?

A. gerontology
B. gerontocracy
C. the maturational method
D. maturational reform
E. global greying

The communism developed in USSR and china is_______________?

A. Same as Marx envisioned
B. is different from Marxian view
C. opposite to Marxian view
D. None of these

Which one of the following is NOT associated with the materialist conception of
history ?
A. the mode of production
B. the motor of history
C. the history of class struggle
D. the spirit of capitalism

The most dramatic population trend in the United States throughout the
twentieth century has been_______________?
A. urbanization
B. suburbanization
C. the move to the sunbelt
D. the move to the “old homestead” in rural areas
One the positive side population also provides ?
A. Low cast labor
B. Work force
C. technological advancement
D. None of these

The Mafia is an example of____________?

A. White collar crime
B. organized crime
C. none-criminal deviance
D. global terrorism

Which sociological perspective views society as a network of connected parts

each of which contributes to the maintenance of the system as a whole ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. dramaturgical approach

According to Piaget the phase at which children master abstract logical notions
are able to grasp causality and can recognize false reasoning is the ?
A. sensorimotor stage
B. preoperational stage
C. concrete operational phase
D. formal operational stage

“Self develops as a result of cognitive evaluations of costs and benefits “this

A. Symbolic interactionism
B. Role theory
C. Reinforcement theory
D. None of these
Peer approval of your actions would be a good example of_____________?
A. age-specific support
B. informal social control
C. internalization of norms
D. formal social control
E. positivism

According to Malthus____________?
A. human populations tend to increase more slowly than their ability to increase the food
B. agricultural production increases in a geometric fashion.
C. people could use “moral restraint” to reduce the birth rate.
D. famine war and pestilence are social problems that a population can overcome.

Language is usually considered to be_______________?

A. a flexible system of symbols
B. essential for cultural integration
C. a cultural barrier
D. a key cultural marker
E. a cultural universal

Marx saw conflict between ________ as the primary source of social change ?
A. classes
B. ethnic groups
C. nations
D. religions

The item alien to the concept of mass is______________?

A. vastness
B. anonymity
C. responsibility
D. None of these
A statistical norm is______________?
A. What is expected to exist
B. The common conduct
C. What actually exists
D. None of these

According to Mead the socialized self means that_____________?

A. we are constantly learning
B. we are capable of achieving at a maximum capacity
C. we are shaped by the primary agents of socialization in our life
D. we think before we act
E. we have learned enough to function independently

The study of the interracial friendships conducted by the Tom Smith who heads
up the General Social Survey is an example of____________?
A. observation research
B. a survey
C. content analysis
D. an experiment

Conflict theory explains________________?

A. Harmony among classes
B. Dependence-among classes
C. Struggle to dominate
D. None of these

Now a days more women are joining different fields and making their own
status in society This provides women a mobility ladder apart
A. Their father’s status
B. Marriage
C. Their children’s status
D. None of these
A human being deprived of all communication with other humans from birth
would lack all but one of the following ?
A. Self
B. rudimentary personality
C. Language
D. None of these

Total inhabitants of an area at a given time is termed as_____________?

A. community
B. Society
C. Population
D. None of these

Merton describes types of response to a situation where there are widely

socially endorsed values but limited means of achieving them. Which of his
types describes an acceptance of the values but willingness to use any means to
achieve them?
A. Conformists
B. innovators
C. ritualists
D. retrealists

Conflict theorists contend that_______________?

A. organizational goals reflect the priorities of those who occupy the top positions
B. bureaucracies are arenas for cooperation in which the dominant social values of justice
and equality take precedence
C. factories are organized and operate independently of market pressures
D. bureaucracies result from the centralizing tendencies of socialism and help to
redistribute wealth and power

Ethnocentrims means_____________?
A. Evaluating other cultures with the yardstick of your own values
B. Taking other nations as good as your own one but disowned
C. no other society is like yours and your society is superior to the others
D. None of these

The conflict perspective would note that____________?

A. Physicians serve as “gatekeepers” for the sick role either verifying a patient’s condition
as “illness” or designating the patient as “recovered”
B. Patients play an active role in health care by failing to follow a physician’s advice
C. Multinational corporations based in industrialized countries have reaped significant
profits by “dumping” unapproved drugs on unsuspecting Third World countries
D. The designation “healthy ” or “ill” generally involves social definition by others

The number of registered NGOs in Pakistanis_____________?

A. 8000 and above
B. below 5000
C. 10,000 to 12.000
D. None of these

Values traditions, and beliefs are all examples of_______________?

A. popular culture
B. customs
C. material culture
D. non-material culture
E. culture relativism

The first stage, according to Comte was_______________?

A. Theological
B. Metaphysical
C. Scientific stage
D. None of these

Which of the following was not a common feature of ancient cities ?

A. walled boundaries
B. relatively small populations
C. a strong influence over external
D. geographically small in size

Which of the following has not been central to feminist theorizing ?

A. male domination in society
B. male bias in sociological theory
C. the gendered character of knowledge
D. the experience of black women

Species being means_______________?

A. Self-actualization
B. Self-denial
C. None of these
D. both of these

Literacy rate in 1951 was_____________?

A. 10%
B. 16%
C. 20%
D. None of these

What term is used to describe the way that the varied aspects of an individual’s
identity-such as class ethnicity gender disability and location -interact to
produce complex patterns of inequality poverty and discrimination ?
A. intersectionality
B. ascription
C. mobility
D. meritocracy

The behavior expected of one who holds a particular status is usually termed
A. Role
B. Status
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

What proportion of the world’s annual wealth output is concentrated in high-

income countries ?
A. 15%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 75%

Max Weber,s pioneering work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
is an example of_______________?
A. macro-level analysis
B. macro-level analysis
C. resurgent fundamentalism
D. the interactionist approach to religion

Social occasions in which individuals act out formal roles are

A. front regions
B. back regions
C. public regions
D. social regions

Sociological research frequently focuses on______________?

A. religious integration
B. immigration
C. globalization
D. suicide
E. disadvantaged groups
According to feminists an androcentric bias in research is the direct result
A. the funding of certain projects
B. assuming that men and women are the same
C. women not being objective
D. using males as the accepted norm
E. a lack of female researchers

The first step in scientific method is________________?

A. Observation
B. Recollection
C. Addition to already experimented material
D. None of these

In pre-industrial societies solidarity was maintained due to____________?

A. Religion
B. Sense of Community
C. both a & b
D. None of these

Agriculture and horticulture was developed in______________?

A. Fertile crescent Region of Middle East
B. East Asia
C. Central and South America
D. Southeast Asia

Meads work is an example of_______________?

A. functionalism
B. symbolic interactionism
C. psychoanalysis
D. cognitive theory

A social class is a group of people who stand in a common relationship to the

means of production Whose perspective does this definition describe ?
A. Max Weber
B. Erik Olin-Wright
C. John Goldthorpe
D. Karl Marx

What is defined as ‘non-conformity to a given set or norms that are accepted by

a significant number of people in a community or society ?
A. criminality
B. deviance
C. recidivism
D. degeneracy

Which of the following is NOT an example of a pre-modern social form ?

A. agrarian society
B. ancient society
C. industrial society
D. pastoral society

The distribution of power in society is a concern for_____________?

A. microsociology
B. interactionism
C. macrosociology
D. ethnomethodology

The difference between horticulture and agriculture is________________?

A. Agriculture employs machinery but horticulture not
B. Horticulture employs machinery and other tools
C. Horticulture only depends on humans for cultivation
D. a and c both

According to functionalist’s society must be concerned with motivation because

the duties associated with various statuses ?
A. are not equally pleasant
B. are equally important
C. offer individuals varying degrees of personal growth
D. are usually not defined

The Green revolution resulted in 1970s in the establishment of____________?

A. Light engineering industry
B. Heavy industry
C. Medium
D. None of these

All the perspectives are______________?

A. quite opposing to each other
B. complementary each other
C. basically, the analysis of society from different angles
D. B and C

Which of the following are NOT factors involved in whether or not people define
a situation as crowded ?
A. duration and predictability
B. frame of mind and environmental setting
C. the sex and race of individuals present
D. intensification of people’s definition of the situation

Which one of these is a measure of dispersion ?

A. parameter
B. range
C. median
D. mean

Sreberny-Mohammadi (1996) argues that national cultures can resist American

cultural domination of the media by_____________?
A. domesticating its content including more home-produced programmes
B. controlling the distribution of imported products by banning satellite dishes
C. creating reverse flows of their own programmes back to imperial societies
D. all of the above

The Bretton Woods institutions are______________?

A. The international Monetary Fund and the World Bank
B. The World Trade Organization and the World Bank
C. The International Monetary Fund and the World Health Organization
D. The United Nations and the World Trade Organization

The idea that classes vary according to their possession of cultural capital is
associated with_____________?
A. Max Weber
B. John Goldthorpe
C. Karl Marx
D. Pierre Bourdieu

The adage that it’s not what you know it,s who you know emphasizes the
importance of connections This is most relevant to the concept
A. De-differentiation
B. Network economy
C. Political corruption
D. Social capital

The World Bank defines extreme poverty as living on less

A. 1 dollar per day
B. 2 dollars per day
C. 3 dollar per day
D. None of these
Sociology differs from common sense in that_______________?
A. it focuses on the researchers own experiences
B. it makes little distinction between the way the world is and the way it ought to be
C. its knowledge is accumulated from many different research contexts
D. it is subjective and biased

The president of the United States need not be a good typist a surgeon need not
be able to fill a cavity This is because of the bureaucratic characteristic
A. division of labor
B. impersonality
C. employment based on technical qualifications
D. written rules and regulations

Which one of these is a measure of dispersion ?

A. parameter
B. range
C. median
D. mean

Inter-generational mobility is______________?

A. When position changes within same generation
B. When the next generation remains same
C. When next generation goes upward than previous one
D. None of these

Older people living in housing for the elderly, workers in an offshore oil rig
rodeo cowboys and circus performers-all are examples of what sociologists refer
to as_____________?
A. subcultures
B. countercultures
C. cultural universals
D. argot

Which of the following statements about values is correct ?

A. Values never change
B. Values of a culture may change but most remain relatively stable during any one
person,s lifetime
C. Values are constantly changing sociologists view them as being very unstable
D. All of the above statements are correct

Wirth (1938) said that social relationships in the urban way of life were
segmental because______________?
A. they were confined to particular areas of the city
B. people knew each other only through specific situational roles and not as whole
rounded individuals
C. there were distinctive patterns of activity for each social class
D. they were based on face to face interaction with close friends and family

The third age of the life course is said to involve ?

A. active non-work and independence after retirement
B. full time employment family-building and adult responsibility
C. illness isolation and increasing dependence on others
D. the transition from education to work and distinctive youth cultures

__________ refers to the reputation that a specific person has earned within an
A. prestige
B. esteem
C. status
D. power

The societies which strictly follow caste systems the people mostly adopt the
occupations of their ancestors and live on the same statuses such society
A. Open society
B. Caste society
C. Closed society
D. None of these

Which of these classification terms when in use would never have been used to
describe for example Ghana in Africa ?
A. developing
B. global South
C. majority world
D. second World

Supporters of sustainable development are arguing for________________?

A. more resources to be directed towards economic growth
B. more resources to be put into Third World development
C. growth that minimizes resource depletion and pollution
D. fewer resources to be directed towards economic growth

A group whose members are related by ancestry marriage or adoption is a(n) ?

A. family
B. institution
C. kinship group
D. none of the above

World-affirming religions_______________?
A. embrace conventional cultural values but offer new means of achieving them
B. react against the loss of any meaningful religious content in the teachings of churches
C. adopt an attitude of mild disapproval towards mainstream social values
D. reject both the goals and means of conventional society and provide utopian

Which theoretical perspective defines the ecological environment as an

ecosystem exhibiting a tendency toward equilibrium ?
A. the interactionist perspective
B. the conflict perspective
C. the relativist perspective
D. the functionalist perspective

Which is the most recently established of the great world religions ?

A. Judaism
B. Islam
C. Hinduism
D. Christianity

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the state ?

A. The state has existed throughout human history
B. The existence of the state requires that some people are able to devote time and
energy to organizing power resources
C. External factors such as threats and trading partners played no part in the rise of the
D. The production of a social surplus hindered the rise of the state

The practice of legally enforced marriage within caste is called____________?

A. endogamy
B. endogeny
C. exegesis
D. exclusion

The native people of Tasmania a large island just south of Australia are now
extinct because they failed to______________?
A. teach new recruits
B. preserve order
C. replace personnel
D. provide and maintain a sense of purpose
Marriage appears to be in decline because_____________?
A. the proportion of people living alone has fallen to 29%
B. many people are cohabiting in long term relationships
C. the upward curve of remarriages compensates for the drop in first marriages
D. all of the above

In 2001 in England and Wales what was the average age at first marriage for
men ?
A. 24.6
B. 25.4
C. 27.5
D. 30.6

Which of these NOT viewed as a strength of surveys ?

A. they are often undertaken by specialist agencies
B. they offer an appearance of precision
C. the data is easy to quantify and analyses
D. large numbers of people can be studied

First Industrial Revolution took place______________?

A. in Europe during 18th and 19th centuries
B. in America in 20th century
C. in Asia in 17th century
D. None of these

Alteration is the state of affairs in which_____________?

A. the society has no norms and if there are any nobody follows them
B. the individual has no claim over the product that he has finished
C. the worker is least emotionally related to the product that he develops the co-workers
and the work environment
D. None of these

The Macpherson Report highlighted the increasing problem of_____________?

A. hate crimes violence against ethnic minorities simply because of their race
B. institutional racism systematic forms of disadvantage built into the routines and
practices of social institutions
C. overt racism in the police force that must be tackled by institutional reforms
D. growing numbers of asylum seekers in need of long-term accommodation

Which of the following is NOT associated with functionalism ?

A. Talcott Parsons
B. Ralf Dahrendorf
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Robert Merton

According to peter Saunders in modem societies stratification depends

A. Cultural groups
B. Social and economic classes
C. Ethnic groups
D. None of these

The principle of laissez-faire was expounded and endorsed by the British

A. John Maynard Keynes
B. Adam Smith
C. Paul Samuelson
D. Arthur Scargill

Which of the following was not identified as a major theoretical perspective on

social change ?
A. Functional theory
B. interactionist theory
C. Conflict theory
D. Cyclical theory
E. Evolutionary theory
Critics of the culture of poverty thesis point out that________________?
A. the poor simply do not want the same things that other members of society want
B. the poor have had their access to achievement blocked by the social order
C. the theory is too cultural and fails to take into account psychological implications
D. not enough research has been done to come to any meaningful conclusion

Which of the following is not identified as a new form of community ?

A. ethnic communities based on shard identity and experiences of discrimination
B. gay villages which are formed in certain parts of large cities
C. sociological communities formed by unpopular lectures
D. virtual communities that exist only in cyberspace

If a deviant act is normalized it is_______________?

A. recognized as breaking an important norm of behavior
B. seen a temporary aberration from an otherwise normal character
C. the first step in establishing a deviant career
D. attributed to the persons genetic or anatomical make up

The internet rearranges our experience or space-time by making it possible

A. communicate instantly with people far away
B. experience what it,s like to be a different gender
C. interact in an unreal and alienated way
D. communicate without non-verbal cues

The abbreviation “NIMBY” stands for “not in my backyard” a cry often heard
when people protest____________?
A. landfills
B. prisons
C. nuclear power facilities
D. all of the above
Weber (1919) said that the states monopoly of the use of force was legitimated
A. charismatic authority
B. rational -legal authority
C. traditional authority
D. value-rational authority

The use of language label people can lead to a_______________?

A. self-fulfilling prophecy
B. sense of ethnocentrism
C. cultural lag
D. cultural adaptation
E. development of a subculture

In positive philosophy Comte noted that_____________?

A. Sociology should be based on speculation
B. On systematic observation and classification
C. On authority
D. None of these

The destruction of a culture through conquest is referred to by anthropologists

A. infanticide
B. homicide
C. pesticide
D. cultural extinction
E. ethnocide

The rise of new social movements indicates that______________?

A. people vote according to pragmatic issues and concerns
B. consumer identities are more important than class identities
C. personal cultural and environmental issues can mobilize political consciousness just as
much as economic interests
D. all of the above

Ibne Khaldun in his theories is near to______________?

A. Kurkheim
B. Comte
C. Marx
D. All of above

People who are open to new experience and who tend to reject traditional
patterns of authority are said to be experiencing ?
A. hysteria
B. countenance
C. modernity
D. a cultural hangover
E. anomie

Basic personality characteristics of the individual are formed

A. family
B. Friends
C. Classroom
D. None of these

The nuclear family means_____________?

A. a group of people sharing living accommodation and meals
B. a network of relatives extended within or between generations
C. the new family created when an adult leaves home and gets married
D. a two-generation unit of parents and their children

Which of the following theorists argued that conflict is a normal and desirable
aspect of social change ?
A. Karl Marx
B. Talcott Parsons
C. Emile Durkheim
D. each of the above

Conflict and feminist theories both focus on______________?

A. consensus
B. subjective meanings
C. manifest functions
D. negotiated social orders
E. structured social inequality

In the on-going climate change debates which of these groups is least likely to
be identified as having an interest in overemphasizing the need for global action
on climate change ?
A. the media
B. fossil fuel corporations
C. academic climate change researchers
D. countries such as the Maldives at risk of rising sea levels

Scientific theories in the nineteenth century tried to explain race in naturalistic

terms Which of the following ideas was not considered ?
A. genetics
B. evolution
C. height
D. brain size

In identifying social classes the reputational method is best suited for

investigating social distinctions in_____________?
A. large densely populated areas
B. small groups
C. highly transient communities
D. none of the above
Global economic inequality refers primarily to______________?
A. systematic difference in wealth and income between global firms
B. systematic differences in wealth and income between countries
C. systematic differences in wealth and income within countries
D. systematic differences in wealth and income between poorer countries

According to Durkheim religion separates objects and symbols into the sacred
and which of the following ?
A. the profound
B. the profuse
C. the profitable
D. the profane

The class polarization that Marx predicted referred to________________?

A. the division of each social class into the more or less privileged.
B. a growing gap between rich and poor resulting in class consciousness
C. the growth of intermediate strata in the middle classes
D. the tendency for the working class to live in very could places

A counter culture_______________?
A. Has to be against the existing ethos/values
B. May not be against the existing culture ethos/values
C. if different from the exiting culture may never survive
D. None of these

The customary normal and habitual ways a group does things are
A. Norms
B. Folkways
C. Customs
D. None of these

The demographic transition refers to_____________?

A. an increase in the birth rate
B. an increase in the death rate
C. an exponential growth in population
D. a change in the ratio of births to deaths

Due to urbanization Pakistanis urban population increased from six million in

1951 to_____________?
A. 40 million today
B. 57 million
C. 60 million
D. None of these

Which one of the following religious denominations is most likely to report the
experience of being “born again” ?
A. Baptists
B. Roman Catholics
C. Episcopalians
D. Unitarians

Spengler and Toynbee deny_____________?

A. existence of upward progress
B. cyclic
C. cultural growth from simple to complex
D. None of these

Which of the following nations has the lowest infant mortality rate ?
B. Mozambique
C. Canada
D. Sweden

An overall scheme of scientific activities which scientists engage in order to

produce knowledge is a________________?
A. Research process
B. Research model
C. Research methodology
D. Research design

A survey that asks the respondent to indicate their age and includes response
categories of age 20-30 age 30-40 age 40 50 and age 50+ violates which
important rule for constructing closed-ended items for naires ?
A. exhaustive
B. tangible
C. comprehensive
D. relevant
E. mutually exclusive

Which one of these statements is correct _______________?

A. global warming is simply another term for the greenhouse effect
B. global warming is a problem caused mainly by unregulated industrialization in the
developing countries
C. global warming is the rise in average temperature at Earth’s surface
D. global warming is an entirely natural phenomenon

What is the initial element of sociological research ?

A. review the evidence
B. define the research problem
C. create a research design
D. carry out a research design

The concept of collective consumption is most closely associated

A. Harvey
B. Moloch
C. Castells
D. Saunders
Which of these statements does not reflect the conventional position in class
analysis ?
A. class inequalities govern gender stratification
B. women’s pay is often essential to the family’s economic position
C. women’s paid work is not as significant as that of men
D. women should be seen as being the same class as their husbands/partners

Why do sociologists use the category race ?

A. it distinguishes between biological and social factors
B. it denotes something fixed and unchanging
C. it is a social category which has real effects on people lives
D. it enables comparisons between groups in different countries

The career mobility of married women is still greatly handicapped

A. men
B. household duties
C. other rival women
D. None of these

Social occasions in which individuals act out formal roles are

A. front regions
B. back regions
C. public regions
D. social regions

Which of the following sociology never wrote a book and about whose thoughts
most of our knowledge is presented in an edited volume of his lectures
published by his students after his death ?
A. George Herbert Mead
B. Karl Marx
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Max Weber

In order for a variable to be measured, a researcher must provide a (n) ?

A. operational definition
B. quantitative theorem
C. theory
D. hypothesis
E. scale

Charismatic leaders build a following based upon which of the following ?

A. traditional authority
B. rational argument
C. personal qualities
D. collective wealth

Sorokin emphasizes that the group difference is mainly affected by differences

A. biological factor
B. Physical environment
C. Culture
D. None of these

Which of the following -perhaps the first sociologist to recognize the critical
importance of religion in human societies stressed the social impact of religion ?
A. Max Weber
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Karl Marx
D. Talcott Parsons

The social world is_______________?

A. Stagnant
B. Changing
C. Both a & b
D. None of these

Selective confinement_______________?
A. cannot keep “hard core” criminals off the street
B. does keep “hard core” criminals off the street
C. is an effort to address the problem of one-time criminals
D. maximizes effective use of prison bed space

Technological forms of surveillance have made it easier to_____________?

A. access and exchange private information about consumers
B. reduce prison overcrowding by the use of electronic tagging
C. monitor employees’ activities at work
D. all of the above

It is very important to Sammi to do well in school, so she regularly cheats on

tests According to Merton’s structural strain theory Sammi is a(n) ?
A. conformist
B. innovator
C. ritualist
D. retreatist

In sociology_______________?
A. theory always precedes research
B. theory can be developed independent of research
C. research always precedes theory
D. the relationship between theory and research is cyclical
E. research is dictated by the theoretical perspective

The theory pictures social movements as operating within a competitive field of

movements __ a “social movement industry” ____ within which they compete
not least for members and activists Which theory of social movements is this
A. new social movement theory
B. collective behavior theory
C. social strain theory
D. resource mobilization theory

The Maasai of Kenya is an example of_______________?

A. Hunter gatherer society
B. Pastoralist society
C. Agrarian society
D. None of these

In comparison with industrial cities preindustrial cities had_____________?

A. relatively open class systems
B. extensive social mobility
C. a much more rigid division of labor by gender
D. all of the above

What is the name of the process by which we acquire a sense of identity and
become members of society____________?
A. rationalization
B. colonization
C. McDonaldization
D. socialization

According to which theory two different personality traits that are the
counterparts of each other provide a sense of completeness when they are
joined ?
A. complementary needs
B. matching hypothesis
C. exchange
D. mutual co-dependence
The term manufactured risk refers to_______________?
A. risks which result from human interaction with the natural world
B. risks associated with the activities of manufacturing industries
C. risks that have been exaggerated by the output of the media
D. risks that only affect advanced industrial economies

Turning points, a which people change direction in the course of their lives
A. age norms
B. life events
C. social clocks
D. remarkably similar for men and women

In sociological terms Which of the following constitute group ?

A. members of a hospitals business office
B. all residents of the city of Lahore
C. women in the Pakistan 50 years and over
D. all of the above

In What year did the 15 constituent republics of the USSR declare independence
thereby ending the Soviet Union as a functioning state ?
A. 1989
B. 1998
C. 2001
D. 1991

Herberg,s (1955) study of religion in America suggested that ?

A. ethnic minorities practised religion to achieve social acceptance in the culture
B. mainstream faiths were becoming increasingly identified with national identity
C. the moral teachings of the main religions were becoming relatively similar
D. all of the above

Which of the following can be classified as a charismatic leader ?

A. Joan of Arc
B. Malcolm X
C. Adolf Hitler
D. all of the above

The first stage according to Comte is that of_______________?

A. Guided by supernatural wisdom
B. Stage of disbelief
C. Stage of scientific progress
D. None of these

Put the GDPs of these countries in descending order ______________?

A. Sweden Switzerland Norway Portugal
B. Sweden Norway Switzerland Portugal
C. Portugal Switzerland Norway Sweden
D. Switzerland Norway Portugal Sweden

Which is the oldest of the world religions being at least 6,000 years old ?
A. Islam
B. Confucianism
C. Buddhism
D. Hinduism

The absolute poverty line is drawn to show_____________?

A. the most extreme level of poverty that is found in a society
B. the estimated minimum level of income needed for subsistence
C. households that are poor relative to the norms and values of their culture
D. the areas of a city in which poverty is concentrated

Which of the following statements about the status of women around the world
is correct _____________?
A. it is estimated that women grow half the world’s food but they rarely own land.
B. Women constitute one-third of the world’s paid labor force but are generally found in
the lowest paying jobs
C. Single-parent households headed by women which appear to be on the increase in many
nations -are typically found in the poorest section of the population
D. all of the above

The _______ is the number of deaths per 1000 inhabitants in specific age group
A. crude death rate
B. age-specific death rate
C. infant mortality rate
D. targeted mortality rate

Amjad must finish writing a report for work that is due the next day His son,s
school just called and said the child must be picked up from school because he is
sick Amjad,s wife is out of town on business As a result Amjad is experiencing ?
A. role strain
B. role conflict
C. role hypersensitivity
D. role reversal

The first step in any sociological research project is to_____________?

A. collect data
B. define the problem
C. review previous research
D. formulate a hypothesis

Of the following nations life expectancy at birth is highest in____________?

A. Japan
B. United States
C. Gambia
D. unknown

Which sociological perspective acknowledges that it is not possible to change

gender drastically without dramatic revisions in a cultures social structure ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. both a and b

What is the term used to describe the stages from one’s birth into a family with
a specific status through formation of a new family unit ?
A. intergenerational mobility
B. socioeconomic life cycle
C. vertical mobility
D. none of the above

The dependency ratio describes______________?

A. the size of working population supporting the young and the old
B. the number of children dependent upon the adults in a family
C. the amount of care both give and received by older people
D. the number of welfare professionals that support a population

The media-themes model of media influence claims that_____________?

A. audiences selectively interpret what they want to hear
B. content analysis is the best way to identify the themes covered by the media
C. audiences passively absorb whatever messages they are given
D. social interaction reinforces the ideas and images that audiences select

According to World Bank in 2030 larger proportion of poor will be living

A. Asia
B. Africa
C. South America
D. None of these

Conflict theory is heavily indebted to the work of_____________?

A. Abell
B. Mead
C. Marx
D. Pareto
E. Parsons

The society which lacks consistent guidelines for people to learn is termed
A. Inconsistent society
B. Incoherent society
C. Anomic Society
D. None of these

An attempt to understand the social world by situating social events in their

corresponding environment is called_____________?
A. Social work
B. Sociology
C. Society
D. None of these

Biological inheritance physical environment culture and group experience are

various factors which play a role in the development of_______________?
A. Personality
B. Society
C. Community
D. None of these

Absolute poverty refers to a set standard which is consistent over time

A. in a county
B. between countries
C. for a decade
D. None of these
Which country is currently experiencing a negative birthrate ?
A. China
B. Bangladesh
C. Iran
D. Tunisia

Sociologists believe that_______________?

A. Biology being the major constraints does not allow any change in human nature hence
socialization does not change much of human individual nature
B. Individual is the product of social group within which he is socialized
C. The nature-nurture controversy has ended in favor of nurture and the bio-sociologists
have failed to promote their thesis
D. None of these

Social norms are_____________?

A. creative activities such as gardening cookery and craftwork
B. the symbolic representation of social groups in the mass media
C. religious beliefs about how the world ought to be
D. rules and expectation about interaction that regulate social life

What is the term used by Francis Fukuyama (1992) to describe the triumph of
Western-style democracy has over other forms of government ?
A. the end of history
B. the rise of neoliberalism
C. the fall of communism
D. the birth of nationalism

Songs languages and orchestral performances are examples

A. nonmaterial culture
B. material culture
C. mores
D. proprietary culture

How do fashions differ from fads ?

A. Fashions are norms fads are not
B. Fashions are long-lived fads are short-lived
C. Fashions enjoy widespread acceptance within society fads enjoy acceptance only
among a segment of the population
D. Fashions include crazes fads do not Mass hysteria

Which one of the following statements in not a key charge of postcolonial

critiques against mainstream sociology ?
A. standard accounts of the origins of sociology focus on the industrial and French
revolutions giving no weight to the significance of colonialism in shaping modern societies
B. the sociological gaze is Eurocentric failing to incorporate the experience of formerly
colonized societies
C. sociology has described Western societies as developed or modem in opposition to the
notion of non-Western societies as pre-modern traditional inferiors
D. the sociological imagination has always encouraged and enabled the voices of people
across the world to be heard in sociological theorizing

Which term was used by Talcott Parsons in asserting that society tends toward a
state of stability or balance ?
A. charisma
B. magnetism
C. equilibrium
D. status quo

What research method is popular because it is comparatively inexpensive and

well-suited to studying large numbers of people ?
A. interviews
B. participant observation
C. experiments
D. content analysis
E. surveys

Sutherland’s Differential Association theory emphasizes that crime and deviance

are basically______________?
A. due to poor parenting
B. learned
C. psychotic
D. biological
E. the result of being labelled

My husband and my daughters constitute my____________?

A. extended family
B. family of orientation
C. family of procreation
D. none of the above

A university that serves as a meeting ground for people seeking marital partners
is performing______________?
A. a manifest function
B. a latent function
C. a dysfunction
D. a manifest dysfunction

Society is a complex organization of parts that function to fulfil the

requirements and promote the needs of the whole is a concept
A. structural functionalism
B. interaction school of thought
C. Phenom ology
D. None of these

While vacationing in Great Britain you discover that the British drive on the
“wrong” side of the road are critical of your United States accent and will not
accept dollars in stores You feel disoriented and out of place and thus are
experiencing ?
A. xenocentrism
B. the Hawthorne effects
C. the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
D. culture shock

Dependency theorists from low-income countries drew the ideas___________?

A. Walt Rostow
B. Karl Marx
C. Immanuel Wallerstein
D. Bretton Woods

Grandparents aunts and uncles and cousins are all examples of a (n) _____
family ?
A. bilateral
B. extended
C. polyandry
D. nuclear
E. distant

Social facts have their independent existence and must be studied likewise Who
remarked above when discussing scientific method ?
A. Ibn-e-khaldun
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Auguste Conte
D. None of these

The kuznets hypothesis states that as economic development proceeds

inequality ?
A. first decreases then increases before remaining high
B. first increases then decreases before remaining low
C. first increases then flattens out, before rising again
D. first increases then decreases then increases then decreases

Which sociological perspective minimizes change?

A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. each of the above

Which of the following describes a central change in contemporary life that has
been identified by futurists ?
A. The United States is being restructured from an agrarian to an industrial society
B. Modern societies are increasingly shifting from a national to a global economy
C. High tech industries are becoming energy-and materials-intensive
D. all of the above

The process of turning the class concept into something measurable is

A. operational research
B. modus operandum
C. operationalization
D. operant conditioning

Civil society includes______________?

A. Voluntary civic and social organizations
B. State institutions
C. Masses
D. None of these

Dropout rate in Pakistan is_____________?

A. 40%
B. 50%
C. 60%
D. None of these

A minority group is one that is both disadvantaged and_______________?

A. has some sense of collective or group solidarity?
B. numerically small compared to the main social group
C. identifiably different from others in a society
D. holds views contrary to the social norm

What is the systematic elimination of one ethnic group at the hands of another
called ______________?
A. ethnic cleansing
B. institutional racism
C. genocide
D. scapegoating

The patterned and recurrent aspects of life that appear in all known societies
are called_____________?
A. cultural relativism
B. requisite societal composition
C. cultural universals
D. ethnocentrism

The Mafia is an example of_______________?

A. white collar crime
B. organized crime
C. non-criminal deviance
D. global terrorism

One strength of ethnography is tha______________?

A. the influence of specific variables can be controlled by the investigator
B. it usually generates richer and more in-depth information than other methods
C. it is essential when a study is primarily historical or has a historical dimension
D. it can only be used to study relatively small groups or communities

In West marriage appears to be in decline because________________?

A. the proportion of people living alone has fallen to 29%
B. many people are cohabiting in long term relationships
C. the upward curve of remarriages compensates for the drop in first marriages
D. all of the above

The rank and position of a person in a group or of a group in relation to other

groups is termed as_____________?
A. Role
B. Status
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

Which of these types of industrial conflict is the odd one out ?

A. sabotage
B. strike
C. overtime ban
D. work to rule (working only ones contracted hours noting more or less)

Which sociological perspective would be especially interested in studying how

people communicate with each other and develop relationships through MUDS
(multi -user domains) and electronic chat rooms ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labeling theory

Which of the following sociologists never wrote a book and about whose
thoughts most of our knowledge is presented in an edited volume of his lectures
published by his students after his death ?
A. George Herbert Mead
B. Kari Marx
C. Em-ile Durkheim
D. Max Weber

Snowballing is an example of_______________?

A. probability sampling
B. non-probability sampling
C. cluster sampling
D. using the Christmas vacation constructively

The shift from civil religion to common religion means that_______________?

A. the increasing bureaucracy of the state has made religion only a marginal part of our
B. despite the weakening of traditional authority our everyday lives and common sense
remain shaped by religious beliefs and values
C. religious participation in collective worship may have declined but people still practice
their faiths in private
D. people are much more likely to discuss their religious beliefs in public informal settings

In Which of these countries is Orthodox Christianity the dominant religion ?

A. Finland
B. Greece
C. Ireland
D. Spain

Gossip usually consists of information about a person ?

A. family
B. personal affairs
C. crimes
D. military record
E. work
Which of the following argued that a capitalist society has a dominant ideology
that serves the interests of the ruling class ?
A. Max Weber
B. Talcott Parsons
C. Karl Marx
D. Margaret Mead

Which of the following statements about crime and deviance is false ?

A. the concept of ‘deviance’ is much broader than ‘crime’
B. deviance and crime very often overlap
C. the concept of deviance can be applied to individuals and groups
D. deviance is normally sanctioned by law

According to the United States Department of Labor about _______ percent of

“downsized “employees find new jabs ?
A. 75
B. 14
C. 19
D. 28

An experiment can be defined as______________?

A. an attempt to test a hypothesis under controlled conditions
B. a piece of research conducted in a laboratory
C. a piece of research trying out new methods
D. an attempt to deceive participants about the research’s true purpose

The lower class is often considered to be living in_______________?

A. culture of poverty
B. Culture of lower class
C. Mere poverty
D. None of these

Sociology is concerned with__________________?

A. Patterns of human behavior
B. the behavior of an individual
C. random human actions
D. all of the above

The conscious and rational part of the self is______________?

A. id
B. ego
C. Superego
D. None of these

Sociology can be considered a social science because________________?

A. its theories are logical explicit and supported by empirical evidence
B. sociologists collect data in a relatively objective and systematic way
C. ideas and research findings are scrutinized by other sociologists
D. all of the above

Pakistanis share in the Worlds total adult illiterate is____________?

A. 10%
B. 5%
C. 8%
D. None of these

Social Location is the group membership that people have because of their
__________ ?
A. Status in society
B. Location in history and society
C. Location in a town
D. None of these

According to Riley Dunlap which one of the following is not a basic function that
the natural environment serves for humans ?
A. The environment provides the resources essential for life
B. The environment serves as a waste depository
C. The environment provides a natural setting for social inequalities
D. The environment “houses” our species

________________ view standards of deviant behavior as merely reflecting

cultural norms whereas __________ and _______________ theorists point out
that the most powerful groups in a society can shape laws and standards and
determine who is (or is not) prosecuted as a criminal ?
A. conflict theorists’ functionalists labelling
B. labelling theorists conflict functionalist
C. functionalists conflict labelling
D. conflict theorists’ labelling functionalist

What term describes ties between individuals established through marriage or

blood ?
A. family
B. kinship
C. network
D. tribe

Comte,s term positivism refers to_____________?

A. a theory that emphasizes the positive aspects of society
B. the precise scientific study of observable phenomena
C. a theory that posits difficult s and sets out to answer them
D. an unscientific set of laws about social progress

Who thought that within organizations there exists an iron law of oligarchy ?
A. Max Weber
B. Zygmunt Bauman
C. Michel Foucault
D. Robert Michel’s
A split labor market ?
A. Underlies the development of ethnic tensions
B. results in more well-defined norms and roles
C. divides managerial and line workers
D. none of the above

Which of these is a broadly Weberian idea ?

A. the main dynamic of modern development is capitalist economics
B. modem societies are in transition towards a socialist model
C. rationalization is bound to progress further in all spheres of life
D. all history is the history of class struggles

How do industrial sociologists characterize Fordism and Taylorism ?

A. high risk systems
B. high trust systems
C. low trust systems
D. low risk systems

In survey research the group of respondents targeted for the naire is called
A. sample
B. respondents
C. focus group
D. population

Which of these is not a key factor behind the potential economic catch-up of
developing nations according to Willem Buiter ?
A. a young population
B. good healthcare system
C. education
D. careful policy planning

What concept does Durkheim use to explain how religious ceremonies generate
social solidarity ?
A. collective consciousness
B. collective interaction
C. collective effervescence
D. class consciousness

The term feminization of poverty refers to_____________?

A. the critical deconstruction of poverty by feminist theorists
B. women’s increased chances of being in poverty due to low pay and greater welfare
C. the way in which managing a budget and avoiding poverty tends to be a women’s
responsibility within the home
D. the disproportionate number of female sociologists who do research on poverty

Which of the following is an aspect of culture ?

A. a comic book
B. patriotic attachment to the flag of the United States
C. burial of a family pet in a cemetery plot
D. all of the above

Central to the concept of social movement is the idea that _____________?

A. social movements appear only in times of controlled slow social change
B. social movements occur inside the institutional framework of everyday life
C. people intervene in the process of social change
D. people do not readily undertake joint activity

Theoretical approaches can only be said to be, valid. if______________?

A. the theorist has researched the literatures thoroughly
B. they have been tested out by means of factual research
C. they are written in such a way as to be impossible to disprove
D. they are shared by a large enough number of theorists

Bias in research practice refers to_____________?

A. the investigator being committed to a particular ideology
B. the research team prejudging the meaning of the data
C. the data being unbalanced by the design or execution of the research
D. interpretations being applied to the results

How people behave towards one another when they meet is referred to as
___________ by sociologists ?
A. social interaction
B. sociobiology
C. social psychology
D. socialization
E. psychometrics

The form of transnational organization where overseas subsidiaries are

managed by local firms in each country is called ?
A. polycentric
B. egocentric
C. geocentric
D. ethnocentric

Put the GDPs of these countries in descending order _______________?

A. Switzerland Sweden Norway Portugal
B. Sweden Norway Switzerland Portugal
C. Portugal Switzerland Norway Sweden
D. Switzerland Norway Portugal Sweden

Groups deliberately created for the achievement of specific objectives are

A. bureaucracies
B. formal organizations
C. informal organizations
D. task hierarchies
Everything which is socially learned and shared is called______________?
A. society
B. Culture
C. behavior
D. None of these

Which of the following social groups do occupational class schemes not have
difficulty accommodating ?
A. students
B. manual working class
C. the unemployed
D. retired people

Collecting information regarding crime control from several countries would be

a good example of a(n)_________________?
A. ethnography
B. field research
C. an international approach
D. content analysis
E. comparative approach

The largest single economic fact of Pakistan is______________?

A. Industry
B. Agriculture
C. manufacturing
D. None of these

Which of these ethnic groups has the greatest proportion of its members in the
bottom income quintile ?
A. Whites
B. Indians
C. Black Caribbean
D. Pakistan /Bangladeshis
A decline in which of the following does Putnam link to the spread of television
A. rational though
B. social capital
C. cultural capital
D. political awareness

Urbanization in preindustrial cities was restricted by_____________?

A. reliance on animal power as a source of energy
B. the high levels of surplus produced by the agricultural sector
C. the ease of migration to the city
D. all of the above

The notion of citizenship rights is associated with______________?

A. T.H Huxley
B. A.H Halsey
C. T.H Marshall
D. E.H Carr

What is defined as the cultural practices and outlooks of a given community of

people that set them apart from others ?
A. racism
B. ethnicity
C. identity
D. stereotyping

Changes in the social structure of a society is called_______________?

A. Social Change
B. Cultural Change
C. Structural Change
D. None of these
Auguste Comte described _________________?
A. Four stages of social change
B. Two stages
C. Three stages
D. None of these

The theory of relative deprivation is an example of what ______________?

A. macro sociological theory
B. feminist sociological theory
C. micro sociological theory
D. middle-range sociological theory

An experiment can be defined as_______________?

A. an attempt to test a hypothesis under controlled conditions
B. a piece of research conducted in a laboratory
C. a piece of research trying out new methods
D. an attempt to deceive participants about the research’s true purpose

Which of the following is not a reason for the rise in single households in Europe
A. social resistance to cohabitation
B. the trend towards later marriages
C. the high rate of divorce
D. an ageing population with a growing number of households made up of

Which of these distinguishes modern nation-states from traditional civilizations

A. a national identity with an associated set of symbols and beliefs
B. governmental authority over a clearly demarcated territory
C. the granting of citizenship rights to the relevant population
D. all of the above
The tourist gaze is socially organized by professional experts and puts the tourist
in search of_____________?
A. the familiar
B. the exotic
C. the historic
D. the amusing

Cultural change can also occur through______________?

A. mass media and adaptation
B. invention and discovery
C. multiculturalism and assimilation
D. language and symbols
E. diffusion and technology

The Thomas theorem states that________________?

A. nonverbal communication constitutes the majority of a message in communication
B. verbal communication is more important than touch and touch is more important than
artifacts in communicating a message
C. definitions of the situation differ, and common understanding is impossible
D. if situations are defined as real they are real in their consequences

Cyclical theorists_______________?
A. try to predict the course of a civilization or society
B. focus on analyzing a single society at a time
C. believe that cultures pass through stages of growth quite different from the ones
individuals pass through
D. postulate that each culture possesses a life span of approximately 200 years

A person does poorly on a college chemistry test and later tells a friend “The
exam wasn’t fair! There were trick s and it covered material that we weren’t
assigned “This is an example of____________?
A. reverse socialization
B. face-work
C. studied nonobservance
D. anticipatory socialization

A. are exempt from the considerations of research ethics that govern biological researchers
B. have not been able to agree on a code of ethics
C. enjoy the same privileges as attorneys in protecting subject’s privacy
D. should obtain informed consent in cases where subjects may be exposed to risks of
research that are greater than the risks of everyday life

According to Manual Castells which is the defining organizational structure of

our age ?
A. bureaucracy
B. networks
C. hierarchy
D. conglomerates

In the process of social change new traits appear through_____________?

A. discovery
B. invention
C. diffusion
D. All of the above

Lapiere observed social control as primarily a process growing out of the

individuals ?
A. Self-discipline
B. Egoist behavior
C. Need for group acceptance
D. None of these

Which of the following is not a research purpose ?

A. triangulation
B. explanation
C. description
D. exploration

Which field of study was originally developed in the 1930s as an increasing

number of social scientists became aware of the plight of the elderly ?
A. geriatrics
B. gerontology
C. gerontocracy
D. silicide

When Berger & Luckman said that reality is socially constructed they meant ?
A. scientists are guided in their work by social values and interests, so they define and
measure phenomena that will support their theories
B. people negotiate shared definitions of their situation and live according to these often
forgetting that these social worlds are not fixed and external
C. sociologists decide what constitutes social reality and measure only that
D. terms like reality have no deeper meaning beyond the level of discourse

which sociological perspective emphasizes that government has a strong

interest in encouraging adoption ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labeling theory

The current level of urbanization 32% in Pakistan is in SAARC Countries ?

A. Lowest
B. Normal
C. Highest
D. None of these

An open society is one that_____________?

A. grants every member equal status
B. does not have any official secrets in its government
C. has permissive attitudes towards sexual behavior
D. allows people to move between levels of the hierarchy

The view of things in which ones won group is superior to others

A. Counter Culture
B. Ethnocentrism
C. Xenocentrism
D. None of these

Functionalists view social control as_______________?

A. operating to favor powerful groups at the expense of others
B. an indispensable functional requirement for social survival
C. a source of social chaos
D. both b and c

Sociologists believe that no behavior is____________?

A. Without a deal of grate variation
B. inherently deviant
C. totally in keeping with tradition
D. Without a corresponding judgment
E. Completely irrelevant

The term ethnocentrism was coined by sociologist_____________?

A. William F. Ogburn
B. William Graham Sumner
C. George Murdock
D. Max Weber

Who wrote The Metropolis and Mental Life (1903) ?

A. Louise Wirth
B. Robert Park
C. Georg Simmel
D. Max Weber

Which of the following is a criticism of the sick role ?

A. Patients judgments regarding their own state of health may be related to their gender
age social class and ethnic group
B. The sick role may be more applicable to people experiencing short-term illnesses than
those with recurring long-term illnesses
C. Even simple factors such as whether a person is employed or not seem to affect
willingness to assume the sick role
D. all of the above

Close friends who have known each other since childhood would be an example
of a (n)_______________?
A. Primary group
B. secondary group
C. out-groups
D. formal organizations

Tearoom Trade is typical of the s asked by sociologists

A. it takes place outside the university campus
B. it makes use of covert research methods
C. it investigates workings of society that are different from official accounts
D. the investigator is sympathetic to the activities that he is investigating

Judicial decisions are a part of_____________?

A. Convention
B. British constitution
C. American constitution
D. None of them

Which of these is not an example of a qualitative research method ?

A. survey research
B. ethnography
C. focus groups
D. biographical research

Freud saw self and society in basic conflict not in harmony He named this self
A. Antisocial self
B. Generalized other
C. looking glass self
D. None of these

Which of the following is not a characteristic of ideology according to the critical

conception of ideology ?
A. neutral
B. misleading
C. illusory
D. distorting

Cultural relativism is the idea that societies have to be studied in terms of them
A. own meanings and values
B. family and kin relationships
C. artistic and literary production
D. religious and spiritual beliefs

Which sociologist saw that the “definition of the situation “could mold the
thinking and personality of the individual ?
A. Philip Zimbardo
B. Herbert Blumer
C. William I. Thomas
D. Erving Goggman
Which one of the following does not apply to social class systems ?
A. class systems are relatively fluid
B. class position is entirely subjective
C. class is economically based
D. class positions are in part achieved

The activity of measuring and explaining the size of populations is know

A. Malthusianism
B. demography
C. forecasting
D. official statistics

Urbanization in preindustrial cities was restricted by___________?

A. reliance on animal power as a source of energy
B. the high levels of surplus produced by the agricultural sector
C. the ease of migration to the city
D. all of the above

Immigration tourism and globalization all mean that_____________?

A. cultural diversity is increasing
B. cultural relativism is now the norm
C. cultural lag doesn,t last as long
D. culture shock is increasing
E. cultures are becoming more stable

Karl Marx,s view of the struggle between social classes inspired the
contemporary ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. dramaturgical approach
A. is one of the easiest tools for sociological inquiry because it requires only good note
B. is not subject to the same controls that are applied to other methods
C. requires the involvement of the researcher in the activity being studied
D. may be unobtrusive or participant

The “natural law” approach is essentially concerned with__________________?

A. civil law or torts
B. limiting the powers of wealthy businessmen
C. family law
D. limiting the powers of government
E. the protection of universal human rights

________ usually last longer are better organized more goal-oriented and have
a longer lasting impact than fads or crazes ?
A. Social movements
B. Developments
C. Conventions
D. Hysterias
E. Protests

What sociological theory of crime and deviance emphasizes sub-cultural belief

systems as a major contributor to crime ?
A. Social Control theory
B. Anomie theory
C. Lower Class Focal Value theory
D. Social Process theory
E. Strain theory

In _______ authority rules are obeyed because their commands are within the
impersonal formally defined scope of their office ?
A. charismatic
B. legal-rational
C. state
D. traditional

Social stratification is_______________?

A. a system in which people can change their status with relative ease.
B. the ranking or grading of individuals and groups into hierarchical layers
C. based entirely on self-classification
D. none of the above

In the twentieth century, the family’s protective function has increasingly been
transferred to outside agencies such as______________?
A. hospitals
B. mental health clinics
C. insurance companies
D. all of the above

Which sociological perspective emphasizes the integrative power of religion in

human society ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. each of the above

Some groups are neither clearly primary nor secondary but are intermediate
with some features of each usually formed for performing some task They are
A. Intermediate groups
B. Tertiary groups
C. Task-groups
D. None of these
New urbanism was a movement started in 1980s decreasing dependency
A. each other
B. Vehicular transportation
C. State
D. None of these

Which of the following influenced the theoretical approach known as symbolic

interactionism ?
A. Georg Hegel
B. George Herbert Mead
C. Talcott Parsons
D. Ralf Dahrendof

Weber said that the spirit of capitalism could be traced back

A. the movement towards religious pluralism
B. inspirational Protestant groups who revived religious ideas
C. new religious movements who rejected traditional forms of labor
D. Calvinists who engaged in ascetic practices to gain signs of salvation

The term terrorism has its origins in_____________?

A. the Roman Empire
B. Revolutionary France
C. Nazi Germany
D. the English Civil War

In laboratory experiments the sociological research is done while people

A. brought into laboratory
B. Kept in their homes and observed
C. are not told about experiment
D. None of these

The limitation of symbolic interactionism is that________________?

A. It overlooks micro-level interaction
B. It overlooks macro-level interaction
C. It cannot count for culture
D. None of these

The effect of the Internet upon the public sphere has been to_____________?
A. repress it by promoting only the interests of elite groups
B. revive it by reaffirming a commitment of freedom of speech
C. reproduce it by emphasizing face-to-face contact with peer groups
D. replace it with a superior form of communication

Spencer presented the theory of_______________?

A. Social Evolution
B. Social Cohesion
C. Social Solidarity
D. None of these

The correspondence principle (Bowles & Gintis) suggests

A. schools prepare children for work by teaching them to be obedient
B. teachers and parents tend to have similar attitudes to learning
C. children who write lots of letters develop a better grasp of language
D. boys and girls educational achievements have recently become similar

Power whose basis is the threat or application of punishment is

A. charismatic authority
B. traditional authority
C. authority
D. force
Which sociological perspective views society as a network of connected parts
each of which contributes to the maintenance of the system as a whole ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. dramaturgical approach

Sociological perspective means __________ ?

A. Understanding human behavior in broader context of society
B. Understanding human behavior in narrower context of society
C. Both ‘a & b’
D. None of these

The general fertility rate fell between 1964 and 2000 because
A. increases in the age of marriage and the age at which childbearing begins
B. there being fewer women of childbearing age than there were in the first half of the
C. errors in the measurement of birth rates and production of statistics
D. the risk diseases caused by poverty poor housing and bad sanitation

Mary Kaldor (2006) argues that globalization processes lie at the heart of many
new wars Which of the following is not an example of the increasing
globalization of conflict ?
A. the presence of diaspora volunteer fighters
B. the recourse of combatants to small -scale guerrilla tactics
C. the involvement of international NGOs
D. the role of multinational United Nations peacekeeping troops

Disengagement theory holds that it is functional for society if as people reach

old age they_____________?
A. take on full-time paid employment
B. take on less taxing and important roles
C. take one new and demanding civic roles
D. take on more active political roles

Bias in research practice refers to_____________?

A. the investigator being committed to a particular ideology
B. the research team prejudging the meaning of the data
C. the data being unbalanced by the design or execution of the research
D. interpretations being applied to the results

What is an education system in which children achieve their status based on

their own worth called ____________?
A. comprehensive
B. meritocratic
C. selective
D. elitist

The teacher-expectancy effect is most closely associated with

A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. anomie theory

Informal organization________________?
A. consists of the interpersonal networks that arise in a formal organization
B. is defined and prescribed by the formal organization
C. develops because rules are too specific to provide workable solutions for general
D. increases the hassle of red tape

In 1971 in England and Wales what was the average age at first marriage for
women ?
A. 22.6
B. 23.1
C. 25.52
D. 28.4

What is behavior towards a group or individual which treats them differently

from other groups or individuals called ?
A. prejudice
B. discrimination
C. racism
D. projection

The emergence of a consolidated network of business leadership is most

compatible with which ideal-type of capitalism ?
A. family capitalism
B. managerial capitalism
C. welfare capitalism
D. institutional

Karl Marx held that a social movement-the revolt of the proletariat -would help
workers overcome feelings of_______________?
A. class consciousness
B. false consciousness
C. socialist consciousness
D. surplus value

The key concept in labelling theory is that of____________________?

A. stigma
B. commitment
C. aspiration
D. motivation
E. acceptance
Which sociological perspective emphasizes the integrative power of religion in
human society ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. each of the above

A sect is organized around______________?

A. beliefs that can be challenged by members a charismatic leader and openness to new
B. tolerance towards other religions and the separation of church and state
C. voluntary membership democratic leadership and high levels of emotional
D. the idea of the secular world itself as being sacred

In less developed countries this percentage is far less It is_____________?

A. 10%
B. 7.7%
C. 6.5%
D. None of these

The pragmatist philosophy used in Symbolic interactionist Theory teaches

A. theory must be augmented by straightforward plausible methods
B. we can find true objective knowledge of the world through our senses
C. knowledge is produced in everyday practical situations
D. the best social theory was developed in Prague

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