Fabula Ultima Third Party Tabletop License 1.0

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Need Games S.r.l. (“NDG”) and Rooster Games – Emanuele Galletto (“EG”) have Tabletop License 1.0. Fabula Ultima is a roleplaying game created by Emanuele
created the Fabula Ultima tabletop roleplaying game published by NDG in 2021. Galletto and published by Need Games. Fabula Ultima is © Need Games and
This license agreement (“Third-Party Tabletop License agreement”, “license” Rooster Games.” If your Work is compatible with Fabula Ultima, You must state
or “agreement”) grants an author or publisher (“You”) a worldwide, perpetual, that your Work requires the Fabula Ultima official rules (e.g. “[Your Work]
non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-sublicensable right to create, publish, sell and requires the Fabula Ultima Core Rulebook”. You must also include a notice on
distribute in printed or digital form (e.g. PDF, character generators, etc.), as well your Work if it contains any kind of AI-generated content (e.g. text, art, videos,
as virtual tabletop modules (“VTT”), their own tabletop roleplaying game content etc.). You must also include a copy or a working link of this Fabula Ultima Third-
based on or compatible with Fabula Ultima (“Work”). This license agreement does Party License with each Work you create under this license.
not grant any translation or adaptation rights (e.g. derivative works like comic
books or graphic novels). The Work is a publication that includes rules additions, 7. RESTRICTIONS. You cannot use this license to create, produce, or distribute
adventures, equipment, creatures, enemy profiles or setting material. By creating a Work that includes, is associated with, referred to or expressly endorsed/
such a Work, You indicate your acceptance of the terms of this agreement: sponsored by other preexisting trademarks or companies – whether or not
they're part of the game industry. You remain free to trademark your Work, once
1. RESERVED MATERIAL, LICENSE IRREVOCABILITY AND TERMINATION. Fabula You've created it (e.g. a Campaign Sourcebook logo), provided that this does not
Ultima trademarks, including its name, artwork, text, materials and trade dress, are harm or hinder NDG or EG in any way.
NDG and EG reserved material. You cannot reproduce or include such elements in
your Work – except as set forth in section 3, below – although making reference 8. LIMITATIONS & EXCLUSIONS. The title of your Work may not include the words:
to Fabula Ultima in the Work cover or text is allowed (e.g. “Compatible with “Fabula”, “Fabula Ultima”. For the purposes of this agreement, VTTs do not include
Fabula Ultima”, “Powered by Fabula Ultima”). As long as You comply with all the non-fungible tokens games (NFT) or video games, only virtual tabletop modules.
terms of this agreement the license is to be considered as irrevocable. However, it
terminates automatically should You breach any term of this agreement. 9. OWNERSHIP OF FABULA ULTIMA. You agree that NDG and EG own all
rights in Fabula Ultima and that you will not contest those rights. NDG and EG
2. PURPOSE OF THIS LICENSE AND TYPES OF WORK. NDG and EG encourage expressly reserve all rights not expressly granted in this agreement.
third-party publications compatible with or powered by the Fabula Ultima
game system. Your Work must fall into one of two categories: “Compatible with” 10. OWNERSHIP OF YOUR WORK. You own all rights in any Work You make
Fabula Ultima means that your Work is an unofficial Fabula Ultima compatible under this license. NDG and EG may not use or copy your Work without your
game content, fully adherent to this license, and relies on the official rules (i.e. permission, but you acknowledge that NDG and EG may autonomously create
it is not a stand-alone content) to be used or played. Conversely, “Powered by” something similar to your Work, and that they are not prohibited from doing so
Fabula Ultima means that your Work is a stand-alone product based on the unless they knowingly and intentionally copied your original Work.
Fabula Ultima game system and mechanics.
11. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. You represent and warrant that You
3. RULES AND SYSTEM REFERENCES. Your Work may include additions/ have full capacity to enter into this Third-Party Tabletop License agreement,
modifications to the Fabula Ultima rules (e.g. new Classes, Heroic Skills, NPCs, that your Work does not violate nor infringe the rights of any third party,
etc.) as well as rules for anything not expressly covered by the official rules. and that it complies with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in every
You may reference the Fabula Ultima rules, text, and mechanics (from the Core jurisdiction in which it is created, published, sold and distributed.
Rulebook or any official publication by NDG and EG) in your Work, including
using the exact same terminology and full extended entries and descriptions 12. DISCLAIMER, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION. NDG AND
for what concerns: (i) Basic Weapons, (ii) Basic Armor and Shields, (iii) default EG ARE PROVIDING FABULA ULTIMA “AS IS”, MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS NOR
Inventory items, (iv) the rules and mechanics (e.g. Class Skills) of each Class, WARRANTIES, EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND
(v) Heroic Skills, (vi) Rare Item Qualities, (vii) NPC Spells, as long as You do not DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES – EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE.
use them in the Work title. Your Work may also include, although this is not NDG and EG have no liability for Your use of Fabula Ultima, as indeed You
recommended, page references to official Fabula Ultima rules and other Fabula expressly waive any claim for any direct, indirect, punitive, social, incidental or
Ultima official publications. consequential damages. You agree to indemnify, and keep indemnified, NDG and
EG, their officers, directors, agents, licensors, successors and assigns against all
4. LOGOS. If your Work is compatible with Fabula Ultima, You are allowed to liabilities, claims, losses, costs, damage and expenses including legal fees incurred
use the attached “Fabula Ultima Mod” Logo on your Work. It’s permitted, but by NDG and EG should You breach any of the terms of this agreement.
nowhere is it required, to use the attached “Powered by Fabula Ultima” Logo on
your Work, if it is a stand-alone product. 13. THIRD-PARTY TABLETOP LICENSE UPDATE AND FINAL NOTES. NDG and
EG may update this Third-Party Tabletop License agreement at their sole
5. STYLE GUIDE. Although Fabula Ultima’s trade dress is expressly reserved discretion. In such an event You will continue to have the right to create,
material, You may wish to refer to the attached Style Guide in your Work, to publish, sell and distribute your Work under the terms of this agreement or
harmonize your Work’s layout and wording with Fabula Ultima’s trade dress and any subsequent version of this agreement at your discretion. You acknowledge
writing conventions, especially if your Work is compatible with Fabula Ultima. and admit that You have not relied on any terms or representations other than
those expressly stated in this agreement. You also acknowledge and expressly
6. NOTICE. You must include a notice on your Work, on your website or admit that no business, employment nor agency relationship at all exists
advertising material associated therewith, stating that your Work is not between You and NDG and EG as a result of this license agreement. NDG and
endorsed or sponsored in any way by NDG or EG (e.g. “[Your Work] is an EG's inertia, inactivity or failure to exercise any right/provision in this Third-
independent production by [Author or Publisher] and is not affiliated with Need Party Tabletop License agreement shall not constitute a waiver unless expressly
Games or Rooster Games. It is published under the Fabula Ultima Third-Party acknowledged and agreed to by NDG and EG in writing.

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