Co 970 2021
Co 970 2021
Co 970 2021
WHEREAS, Section 4 and 5, Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution states that , "The
prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people, and that the maintenance of
peace and order, protection of life, liberty and property, and the promotion of general welfare are
essential for the enjoyment by all the people of the blessings of democracy";
WHEREAS, the frequency natural disasters and the threat to peace and order posed by
the criminality and other disturbances require the dedicated efforts of both the government and
the private sector;
WHEREAS, there is a need to improve public safety services and existing peace and order
and public safety mechanisms by providing a clear command structure for responsibility and
accessibility and by encouraging and facilitating the prompt deployment of a seamless emergency
WHEREAS, there is a need to establish a centralized system that will strengthen the
emergency response of Bacolod City to further increase the survival rate of its constituents and
maximize existing logistics and manpower;
Section 1. TITLE. This Ordinance shall be known as the Bacolod 911 Ordinance.
Section 2. COVERAGE. The Bacolod 911 Ordinance shall be implemented within the
whole jurisdiction of Bacolod City and shall include all medical , emergency, disaster, peace and
order response personnel whether volunteers or not.
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City Ordinance No. 970
November 3, 2021 Page 2
6. Private Sector- the key actor in the realm of the economy where the central social
concern and process are the mutually beneficial production and distribution of goods
and services to meet the physical needs of human beings.
7. Response - any concerted effort by two (2) or more agencies, public or private, to
provide assistance or intervention during or immediately after a disaster to meet the life
preservation and basic subsistence needs of those people affected and in the
restoration of essential public activities and facilities .
Section 4. 911 NUMBER. The number designated for all emergency, medical , calamity ,
disaster, peace and order concerns. The BDRRMO shall appeal to network providers to make the
911 calls from Bacolod City free so that it will encourage our indigent fellowmen to use the service.
Section 6. ON-SCENE FIRST RESPONDERS. Private volunteers who are first on-scene
during crisis/emergency can help the victims right away however they will need to coordinate to
the BDRRMO or 911 system for proper documentation and to avoid response redundancy.
Section 7. DATABASE. The MERC shal l have a digital database that will store every
important information in every distress call such as and not limited to the number of the caller, the
name of the caller, nature of incident, the names of the responders and the date and time of the
incident. The information will be stored for five years and can only be disclosed if by a court order
in compliance to Republic Act 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012.
Section 9. INFORMATION DRIVE. The Bacolod City Public Information Office shall
promote the "911 number" and MERC through all social and mass media agencies especially to
the Bacolod City website and Bacolod City Government controlled social media pages. The
volunteer emergency response teams are also urged to promote the same to their respective
reach. All Punong Barangays are also enjoined to promote the same to their respective
Section 11. TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP. There shall be a Technical Working Group
that shall be establ ished for the implementation of this ordinance and continuous updating of the
national emergency and disaster response guidelines. The TWG will be composed of the
following :
The TWG shall meet at least once every three months or if by required by the Chairman.
Section 12. BUDGET. The City shall appropriate an initial budget of Five Hundred
Thousand Pesos (Php 500,000.00) to be taken from the DRRMO Fund to defray all the expenses
it may incur to implement this ordinance.
Section 14. REPEALING CLAUSE. All previous ordinances inconsistent with this
ordinance shall be deemed repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 15. EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon
its approval.
Negative : None.
Passed :
Comments :
November 3, 2021 (122 nd Regular Session of the 10th Council)
Passed .
b I
Vice Mayor
Presiding Officer
This is to certify that CITY ORDINANCE NO. 970, Series of 2021 passed by the
Sangguniang Panlungsod of the City of Bacolod on November 3, 2021 entitled :
was published in Journal Visayas on November 24 , 2021 and posted on November 11 , 2021, in
the following conspicuous places in the City of Bacolod , to wit: