PSYCHIATRY (Medicalstudyzone - Com)
PSYCHIATRY (Medicalstudyzone - Com)
PSYCHIATRY (Medicalstudyzone - Com)
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Acute stress disorder is defined as an acute stress reaction that occurs in the first 4 weeks after
a person has been exposed to a traumatic event (threatened death, serious injury e.g. road
traffic accident, sexual assault etc). This is in contrast to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
which is diagnosed after 4 weeks.
Features include:
Agoraphobia is primarily describes a fear of open spaces but also includes related aspects, e.g.
the presence of crowds or the difficulty of escaping to a safe place
Alcohol withdrawal
• chronic alcohol consumption enhances GABA mediated inhibition in the CNS (similar to
benzodiazepines) and inhibits NMDA-type glutamate receptors
• alcohol withdrawal is thought to be lead to the opposite (decreased inhibitory GABA and
increased NMDA glutamate transmission)
• patients with a history of complex withdrawals from alcohol (i.e. delirium tremens,
seizures, blackouts) should be admitted to hospital for monitoring until withdrawals
• first-line: long-acting benzodiazepines e.g. chlordiazepoxide or
diazepam. Lorazepam may be preferable in patients with hepatic failure. Typically given
as part of a reducing dose protocol
• carbamazepine also effective in treatment of alcohol withdrawal
• phenytoin is said not to be as effective in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal seizures
Anorexia nervosa is associated with a number of characteristic clinical signs and physiological
abnormalities which are summarised below
Physiological abnormalities
• hypokalaemia
• low FSH, LH, oestrogens and testosterone
• raised cortisol and growth hormone
• impaired glucose tolerance
• hypercholesterolaemia
• hypercarotinaemia
• low T3
Antipsychotics are a group of drugs used in the management of schizophrenia and other forms
of psychosis, mania and agitation. They are usually divided into typical and atypical
antipsychotics. The atypical antipsychotics were developed due to the problematic
extrapyramidal side-effects which are associated with the first generation of typical
The rest of this section will focus on typical antipsychotics, with atypical antipsychotics covered
• Parkinsonism
• acute dystonia
o sustained muscle contraction (e.g. torticollis, oculogyric crisis)
o may be managed with procyclidine
• akathisia (severe restlessness)
• tardive dyskinesia (late onset of choreoathetoid movements, abnormal, involuntary,
may occur in 40% of patients, may be irreversible, most common is chewing and pouting
of jaw)
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has issued specific warnings when
antipsychotics are used in elderly patients:
Other side-effects
Atypical antipsychotics
Atypical antipsychotics should now be used first-line in patients with schizophrenia, according
to 2005 NICE guidelines. The main advantage of the atypical agents is a significant reduction in
extrapyramidal side-effects.
• weight gain
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has issued specific warnings when
antipsychotics are used in elderly patients:
• clozapine
• olanzapine: higher risk of dyslipidemia and obesity
• risperidone
• quetiapine
• amisulpride
• aripiprazole: generally good side-effect profile, particularly for prolactin elevation
Clozapine, one of the first atypical agents to be developed, carries a significant risk
of agranulocytosis and full blood count monitoring is therefore essential during treatment. For
this reason, clozapine should only be used in patients resistant to other antipsychotic
medication. The BNF states:
Clozapine should be introduced if schizophrenia is not controlled despite the sequential use of
two or more antipsychotic drugs (one of which should be a second-generation antipsychotic
drug), each for at least 6–8 weeks.
• sedation
• hypnotic
• anxiolytic
• anticonvulsant
• muscle relaxant
Patients commonly develop a tolerance and dependence to benzodiazepines and care should
therefore be exercised on prescribing these drugs. The Committee on Safety of Medicines
advises that benzodiazepines are only prescribed for a short period of time (2-4 weeks).
The BNF gives advice on how to withdraw a benzodiazepine. The dose should be withdrawn in
steps of about 1/8 (range 1/10 to 1/4) of the daily dose every fortnight. A suggested protocol
for patients experiencing difficulty is given:
If patients withdraw too quickly from benzodiazepines they may experience benzodiazepine
withdrawal syndrome, a condition very similar to alcohol withdrawal syndrome. This may occur
up to 3 weeks after stopping a long-acting drug. Features include:
• insomnia
• irritability
• anxiety
• tremor
• loss of appetite
• tinnitus
• perspiration
• perceptual disturbances
• seizures
GABAA drugs
Bulimia nervosa
Bulimia nervosa is a type of eating disorder characterised by episodes of binge eating followed
by intentional vomiting or other purgative behaviours such as the use of laxatives or diuretics or
• recurrent episodes of binge eating (eating an amount of food that is definitely larger
than most people would eat during a similar period of time and circumstances)
• a sense of lack of control over eating during the episode
• recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviour in order to prevent weight gain, such
as self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or other medications, fasting, or
excessive exercise.
• the binge eating and compensatory behaviours both occur, on average, at least once a
week for three months.
• self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body shape and weight.
• the disturbance does not occur exclusively during episodes of anorexia nervosa.
Charles-Bonnet syndrome
• Advanced age
• Peripheral visual impairment
• Social isolation
• Sensory deprivation
• Early cognitive impairment
CBS is equally distributed between sexes and does not show any familial predisposition. The
most common ophthalmological conditions associated with this syndrome are age-related
macular degeneration, followed by glaucoma and cataract.
Well-formed complex visual hallucinations are thought to occur in 10-30 per cent of individuals
with severe visual impairment. Prevalence of CBS in visually impaired people is thought to be
between 11 and 15 per cent.
Cotard syndrome
Cotard syndrome is a rare mental disorder where the affected patient believes that they (or in
some cases just a part of their body) is either dead or non-existent. This delusion is often
difficult to treat and can result in significant problems due to patients stopping eating or
drinking as they deem it not necessary.
De Clerambault's syndrome
Delusional parasitosis
Delusional parasitosis is a relatively rare condition where a patient has a fixed, false belief
(delusion) that they are infested by 'bugs' e.g. worms, parasites, mites, bacteria, fungus. This
may occur in conjunction with other psychiatric conditions or may present by itself, with
patients often otherwise quite functional despite the delusion.
• SSRIs are first line (adverse side-effect profile of TCAs more of an issue in the elderly)
• 'During the last month, have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed or
• 'During the last month, have you often been bothered by having little interest or
pleasure in doing things?'
A 'yes' answer to either of the above should prompt a more in depth assessment.
There are many tools to assess the degree of depression including the Hospital Anxiety and
Depression (HAD) scale and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9).
• asks patients 'over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the
following problems?'
• 9 items which can then be scored 0-3
• includes items asking about thoughts of self-harm
• depression severity: 0-4 none, 5-9 mild, 10-14 moderate, 15-19 moderately severe, 20-
27 severe
depressive symptoms Fewer than 5 symptoms
Mild depression Few, if any, symptoms in excess of the 5 required to make the
diagnosis, and symptoms result in only minor functional impairment
Moderate depression Symptoms or functional impairment are between 'mild' and 'severe'
Severe depression Most symptoms, and the symptoms markedly interfere with
functioning. Can occur with or without psychotic symptoms
Electroconvulsive therapy
Electroconvulsive therapy is a useful treatment option for patients with severe depression
refractory to medication (e.g. catatonia) those with psychotic symptoms. The only absolute
Short-term side-effects
• headache
• nausea
• short term memory impairment
• memory loss of events prior to ECT
• cardiac arrhythmia
Long-term side-effects
Anxiety is a common disorder that can present in multiple ways. NICE define the central feature
as an 'excessive worry about a number of different events associated with heightened tension.'
Always look for a potential physical cause when considering a psychiatric diagnosis. In anxiety
disorders, important alternative causes include hyperthyroidism, cardiac disease and
medication-induced anxiety (NICE). Medications that may trigger anxiety include salbutamol,
theophylline, corticosteroids, antidepressants and caffein
Drug treatment
Grief reaction
It is normal for people to feel sadness and grief following the death of a loved one and this does
not necessarily need to be medicalised. However, having some understanding of the potential
stages a person may go through whilst grieving can help determine whether a patient is having
a 'normal' grief reaction or is developing a more significant problem.
• Denial: this may include a feeling of numbness and also pseudohallucinations of the
deceased, both auditory and visual. Occasionally people may focus on physical objects
that remind them of their loved one or even prepare meals for them
• Anger: this is commonly directed against other family members and medical
• Bargaining
• Depression
• Acceptance
It should be noted that many patients will not go through all 5 stages.
Abnormal, or atypical, grief reactions are more likely to occur in women and if the death is
sudden and unexpected. Other risk factors include a problematic relationship before death or if
the patient has not much social support.
• delayed grief: sometimes said to occur when more than 2 weeks passes before grieving
• prolonged grief: difficult to define. Normal grief reactions may take up to and beyond 12
Mania Hypomania
• Lasts for at least 7 days - Causes A lesser version of mania
severe functional impairment in Lasts for < 7 days, typically 3-4 days. Can
social and work setting be high functioning and does not impair
• May require hospitalization due functional capacity in social or work setting
to risk of harm to self or others Unlikely to require hospitalization
• May present with psychotic Does not exhibit any psychotic symptoms
Therefore, the length of symptoms, severity and presence of psychotic symptoms (e.g.
delusions of grandeur, auditory hallucinations) helps differentiates mania from hypomania.
• predominately elevated
• irritable
• pressured
• flight of ideas: characterised by rapid speech with frequent changes in topic based on
associations, distractions or word play
• poor attention
• insomnia
• loss of inhibitions: sexual promiscuity, overspending, risk-taking
• increased appetite
Korsakoff's syndrome
Lithium is mood stabilising drug used most commonly prophylactically in bipolar disorder but
also as an adjunct in refractory depression. It has a very narrow therapeutic range (0.4-1.0
mmol/L) and a long plasma half-life being excreted primarily by the kidneys.
Adverse effects
• nausea/vomiting, diarrhoea
• fine tremor
• nephrotoxicity: polyuria, secondary to nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
• thyroid enlargement, may lead to hypothyroidism
• ECG: T wave flattening/inversion
• weight gain
• idiopathic intracranial hypertension
• leucocytosis
• hyperparathyroidism and resultant hypercalcaemia
• inadequate monitoring of patients taking lithium is common - NICE and the National
Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) have issued guidance to try and address this. As a result it
is often an exam hot topic
• when checking lithium levels, the sample should be taken 12 hours post-dose
• after starting lithium levels should be performed weekly and after each dose change
until concentrations are stable
• once established, lithium blood level should 'normally' be checked every 3 months
• after a change in dose, lithium levels should be taken a week later and weekly until the
levels are stable.
• thyroid and renal function should be checked every 6 months
• patients should be issued with an information booklet, alert card and record book
• hypertensive reactions with tyramine containing foods e.g. cheese, pickled herring,
Bovril, Oxo, Marmite, broad beans
• anticholinergic effects
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
An obsession is defined as an unwanted intrusive thought, image or urge that repeatedly enters
the person's mind. Compulsions are repetitive behaviours or mental acts that the person feels
driven to perform. A compulsion can either be overt and observable by others, such as checking
that a door is locked, or a covert mental act that cannot be observed, such as repeating a
certain phrase in one's mind.
It is thought that 1 to 2% of the population have OCD, although some studies have estimated 2
to 3%.
• genetic
• psychological trauma
• pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal
infections (PANDAS)
• depression (30%)
• schizophrenia (3%)
• Sydenham's chorea
• Tourette's syndrome
• anorexia nervosa
Notes on treatments
Othello's syndrome
Personality disorders
Disorder Features
Antisocial • Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as
indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest;
• More common in men;
• Deception, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning
others for personal profit or pleasure;
• Impulsiveness or failure to plan ahead;
• Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights
or assaults;
• Reckless disregard for safety of self or others;
Disorder Features
• Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain
consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations;
• Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing
having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another
Disorder Features
Histrionic • Inappropriate sexual seductiveness
• Need to be the centre of attention
• Rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions
• Suggestibility
• Physical appearance used for attention seeking purposes
• Impressionistic speech lacking detail
• Self dramatization
• Relationships considered to be more intimate than they are
Disorder Features
Schizoid • Indifference to praise and criticism
• Preference for solitary activities
• Lack of interest in sexual interactions
• Lack of desire for companionship
• Emotional coldness
• Few interests
• Few friends or confidants other than family
Post-concussion syndrome
• headache
• fatigue
• anxiety/depression
• dizziness
Post-partum mental health problems range from the 'baby-blues' to puerperal psychosis.
The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale may be used to screen for depression:
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop in people of any age following a traumatic
event, for example, a major disaster or childhood sexual abuse. It encompasses what became
known as 'shell shock' following the first world war. One of the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria is that
symptoms have been present for more than one month.
• depression
• drug or alcohol misuse
• anger
• unexplained physical symptoms
Schizophrenia: epidemiology
The strongest risk factor for developing a psychotic disorder (including schizophrenia) is family
history. Having a parent with schizophrenia leads to a relative risk (RR) of 7.5.
Schizophrenia: features
Schneider's first rank symptoms may be divided into auditory hallucinations, thought disorders,
passivity phenomena and delusional perceptions:
Thought disorder*:
• thought insertion
• thought withdrawal
• thought broadcasting
Passivity phenomena:
Delusional perceptions
• a two stage process) where first a normal object is perceived then secondly there is a
sudden intense delusional insight into the objects meaning for the patient e.g. 'The
traffic light is green therefore I am the King'.
• impaired insight
• incongruity/blunting of affect (inappropriate emotion for circumstances)
• decreased speech
• neologisms: made-up words
• catatonia
• negative symptoms: incongruity/blunting of affect, anhedonia (inability to derive
pleasure), alogia (poverty of speech), avolition (poor motivation)
Schizophrenia: management
Key points:
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) describes depression which occurs predominately around the
winter months. SAD should be treated the same way as depression, therefore as per the NICE
guidelines for mild depression, you would begin with psychological therapies and follow up with
the patient in 2 weeks to ensure that there has been no deterioration. Following this an SSRI
can be given if needed. In seasonal affective disorder, you should not give the patient sleeping
tablets as this can make the symptoms worse. Finally, the evidence for light therapy is limited
and as such it is not routinely recommended.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are considered first-line treatment for the
majority of patients with depression.
• citalopram (although see below re: QT interval) and fluoxetine are currently the
preferred SSRIs
• sertraline is useful post myocardial infarction as there is more evidence for its safe use
in this situation than other antidepressants
• SSRIs should be used with caution in children and adolescents. Fluoxetine is the drug of
choice when an antidepressant is indicated
Adverse effects
• the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) released a warning
on the use of citalopram in 2011
• it advised that citalopram and escitalopram are associated with dose-dependent QT
interval prolongation and should not be used in those with: congenital long QT
syndrome; known pre-existing QT interval prolongation; or in combination with other
medicines that prolong the QT interval
• the maximum daily dose is now 40 mg for adults; 20 mg for patients older than 65 years;
and 20 mg for those with hepatic impairment
• NSAIDs: NICE guidelines advise 'do not normally offer SSRIs', but if given co-prescribe a
proton pump inhibitor
• warfarin / heparin: NICE guidelines recommend avoiding SSRIs and considering
• aspirin: see above
• triptans - increased risk of serotonin syndrome
• monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) - increased risk of serotonin syndrome
When stopping a SSRI the dose should be gradually reduced over a 4 week period (this is not
necessary with fluoxetine). Paroxetine has a higher incidence of discontinuation symptoms.
Discontinuation symptoms
Serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI's) are a class of relatively new
antidepressants. Inhibiting the reuptake increases the concentrations of serotonin and
Sleep paralysis
SSRI: side-effects
Adverse effects
• the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) released a warning
on the use of citalopram in 2011
• it advised that citalopram and escitalopram are associated with dose-dependent QT
interval prolongation and should not be used in those with: congenital long QT
syndrome; known pre-existing QT interval prolongation; or in combination with other
medicines that prolong the QT interval
• the maximum daily dose is now 40 mg for adults; 20 mg for patients older than 65 years;
and 20 mg for those with hepatic impairment
• NSAIDs: NICE guidelines advise 'do not normally offer SSRIs', but if given co-prescribe a
proton pump inhibitor
• warfarin / heparin: NICE guidelines recommend avoiding SSRIs and considering
• aspirin: see above
• triptans: avoid SSRIs
When stopping a SSRI the dose should be gradually reduced over a 4 week period (this is not
necessary with fluoxetine). Paroxetine has a higher incidence of discontinuation symptoms.
Discontinuation symptoms
The risk stratification of psychiatric patients into 'high', 'medium' or 'low risk' is common in
clinical practice. Questions based on a patient's suicide risk are therefore often seen. However,
it should be noted that there is a paucity of evidence addressing the positive predictive value of
individual risk factors. An interesting review in the BMJ (BMJ 2017;359:j4627) concluded that
'there is no evidence that these assessments can usefully guide decision making' and noted that
50% of suicides occur in patients deemed 'low risk'.
Whilst the evidence base is relatively weak, there are a number of factors shown to be
associated with an increased risk of suicide
If a patient has actually attempted suicide, there are a number of factors associated with an
increased risk of completed suicide at a future date:
Protective factors
There are, of course, factors which reduce the risk of a patient committing suicide. These
• family support
• having children at home
• religious belief
Tricyclic antidepressants
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are used less commonly now for depression due to their side-
effects and toxicity in overdose. They are however used widely in the treatment of neuropathic
pain, where smaller doses are typically required.
Common side-effects
• drowsiness
• dry mouth
• blurred vision
• constipation
• urinary retention
• lengthening of QT interval
Choice of tricyclic
Unexplained symptoms
There are a wide variety of psychiatric terms for patients who have symptoms for which no
organic cause can be found:
Somatisation disorder
Conversion disorder
Dissociative disorder
Factitious disorder