LecP EEE105 2 Fl2020
LecP EEE105 2 Fl2020
LecP EEE105 2 Fl2020
Course Rationale:
Programming skills are necessary in many areas of electrical & electronic engineering, such as –
numerical analysis, signal processing, control systems analysis and design, microprocessor-based
systems design, embedded systems design etc. Therefore, programming has become an
inextricable part of electrical & electronic engineering. This course introduces students to the
fundamental concepts of programming, algorithm development and problem solving, data types,
control structures, functions, arrays etc., as well as program testing, and debugging.
Course Objectives:
The objectives of the course are to –
1. Develop the ability to write pseudo codes, flow charts effectively to solve problems
2. Enable the students to use appropriate conditionals, iteration constructs, control structures, and
functions to solve programming tasks
3. Enable the students to use memory addressing techniques and data structures in programming
4. Develop the ability to write and debug programs to solve practical problems
5. Enable students to use object-oriented programming techniques to solve problems
Learning Outcomes and Mapping with Program Outcomes: Assessment Tool Taxonomy
A student successfully completing this course will be able to: Domain/ Level
Text Book:
Reference Books:
Exam Schedule:
Marks Allocation:
• Class Participation/Attendance 5%
• Quiz 15%
• Assignment 5%
• Project 15%
• Lab 24%
• Mid 1 12%
• Mid 2 12%
• Final 12%
Total 100%
Grading Policy:
Marks GPA Grades Marks GPA Grades
>97 4.0 A+ 73 - <77 2.3 C+
90 - <97 4.0 A 70 - <73 2.0 C
87 - <90 3.7 A- 67 - <70 1.7 C-
83 - <87 3.3 B+ 63 - <67 1.3 D+
80 - <83 3.0 B 60 - <63 1.0 D
77 - <80 2.7 B- <60 0.0 F
8:30 – 10:00 10:10 – 11:40 11:50 – 1:20 1:30 – 3:00 3:10 – 4:40 4:50 – 6:00
EEE 105(1)
Mon (M) EEE 105(1)
EEE 105(2)
Wed (W) EEE 105(1)
EEE 101(1)
Thu (R)
8:00 – 10:00 10:10 – 12:10 1:30 – 3:30 4:50 – 6:50