admin,+Journal+manager,+R DEVESWARAN
admin,+Journal+manager,+R DEVESWARAN
admin,+Journal+manager,+R DEVESWARAN
The Tamarind seed polysaccharide (TSP) possesses properties like high viscosity, broad pH tolerance, no
carcinogenicity, mucoadhesive nature, and biocompatibility. Since suspensions are thermodynamically
unstable, it requires a suspending agent which reduces the rate of settling and permits easy redispersion of
any settled particulate matter. So an attempt was made to use this polysaccharide as suspending agent in
the formulation of Nimesulide suspension. The formulations were prepared and compared with the
marketed product. All the formulations were redispersed uniformly without any deposits. The average
size of the particles in the suspension was found to be 35.4 µm and the minimum and maximum particle
size were 17.3 and 70.3 µm respectively. The drug content of all the formulations was in the range of 95-
98.3%. The rheological study of the formulation F3 indicated that as the RPM increases the viscosity
decreases, confirming the shear thinning nature of the suspension. The suspension was found to be stable
during the entire period of study. Hence the present work confirms that the isolated TSP powder can be
used as an effective suspending agent. But the feasibility of isolation of TSP powder in large scale needs
to be studied in future.
INTRODUCTION . Nimesulide is a non steroidal anti-inflammatory
A pharmaceutical suspension, like other disperse drug that is useful in the treatment of pain
systems, is thermodynamically unstable, thus, associated with fever. It is highly effective in
making it necessary to include in the dosage form, reducing pain associated with osteoarthritis,
a stabilizer or suspending agent which reduces rheumatoid and other degenerative joints
the rate of settling and permits easy redispersion disorders, low back pain, dysmenorrheal,
of any settled particulate matter both by protective gynecological condition, thrombophlebitis, dental
colloidal action and by increasing the consistency pain and inflammations. It has some severe side
of the suspending medium1. Plant Mucilage are effects such as epigastria pain, heartburn, nausea,
pharmaceutically important polysaccharide with wide diarrhea, vomiting, peptic ulcer and hepatic
rang of applications such as thickening, binding, impairments. Nimesulide is having half-life 1.56
disintegrating, suspending, emulsifying, stabilizing, to 4.95 hr which requires frequent dosing to
and gelling agents. They have been also used as maintain plasma concentration4. Various works
matrices for sustained and control release drugs2. have been reported with respect to usage of
Mucilage because of its colloidal nature and Nimesulide for paediatric purpose5, 6. Tamarind
viscosity can be used to suspend insoluble seed polysaccharide which is obtained from the
substances in liquids and help in preventing seed kernel of Tamarindus indica possesses
sedimentation. Drugs that are insoluble or poorly properties like high viscosity, broad pH tolerance,
soluble in water are ideal candidates for noncarcinogenicity, mucoadhesive nature, and
formulating into suspension. It also prevents biocompatibility. It is used as stabilizer,
degradation of drug and improves stability of drug suspending agent, thickener, gelling agent, and
Parameters Observed values 0.8
0.6 F3
Bulk Density 0.24 F4
0.4 Market sample
Tap density 0.363