Hamza Iqbal Resume

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Hamza Iqbal


Frontend Developer
Strong in problem-solving skills and adaptive to Lahore, Pakistan
learning new technologies quickly. Proficient in
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and React JS,. Passionate
about implementing and launching new projects.
Ability to translate business requirements into
technical solutions. github.com/hamzaiqbal01


Software Engineering React js Redux JavaScript HTML5 CSS3
Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University -
PMAS AAUR Bootstrap Tailwind Css Material-UI SASS/SCSS
09/2019 - 10/2023, 3.49 / 4.0 Rawalpindi
Git GitHub GraphQL Scrum
OOP, Data structure, Databases, Networking, Project Management,
FYP : " Wheat Disease
Detection and Medication
system" using MERN stack
Paramount Liquor (10/2023 - 04/2024)
Intermediate Paramount Liquor is a leading online retailer offering a vast selection of
Superior College Mianwali wines, spirits, and beverages, catering.
07/2017 - 06/2019, 84% I contributed as a frontend engineer to a new version of the product The
updated version is still in development and not yet live. You can view the old
Technologies: React js, Tailwind CSS, GraphQL, webpack
WORK EXPERIENCE Wheat Buddy (FYP) (10/2023)
Front-end Developer This project is Wheat Disease Detection and Medication System, It is a web-
based system. The system will detect the diseases in wheat crops through
Webizsol image recognition and recommend the treatments, also provide help to the
07/2023 - 05/2024, Lahore farmers, through consultation with crop advisors. This system also facilitates
Webizsol is a Web Site Design Company that is located in USA (Miami) having the user to search diseases by name and symptoms
its head office and a regional office in Punjab Lahore, Pakistan. Technologies: React js, SCSS/SASS ,Node js, MogoDB, AI CNN Model, Fast
Learn React js, Get deep understanding of CSS
I worked here as a Front-end developer, my responsibility is Plusz.com (07/2022 - 07/2022)
develop websites using HTML, CSS, JS and React js Alrigh Tech
This is the gaming site, where user can access the different online casino
Front-end Developer(Intern) games, I designed fronted from scratch using HTML, CSS3 and Js
link : https://plusz.netlify.app/
Alright Tech Technologies: HTML5 ,CSS3, JS
07/2022 - 10/2022, Rawalpindi
Alright Tech is a leading development and design company packed with Central Sports (Ecommerce website) (09/2022 - 10/2022)
professional developers and designers
Its a ecommerce site to buy the sports products
INTERN link: https://central-sprorts.netlify.app/
I worked here as a Front- end developer Intern, my
responsibility was to convert attractive Figma or Adobe XD
design into a website
Freelance (Front-end Development) The Complete JS Course From Zero to Expert
Fiverr Udemy
link: https://fiverr.com/hamzaiqbal0
React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)
4.9 reviews Udemy
I provide web development services on Fiverr, where I have
successfully completed over 10 orders, achieving a 4.9 rating Complete Intro to Web Development, v2
based on 10+ reviews. My work focuses on delivering high- (Frontend Masters)
quality, responsive, and dynamic web solutions that meet client
requirements with precision and efficiency. Clients consistently JavaScript: The Hard Parts, v2
commend my ability to leverage modern technologies to create (Frontend Masters)
exceptional web experiences.
National Freelance Training Program
Web Development (NFTP)

English Urdu
Limited Working Proficiency Full Professional Proficiency

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