Final Programme Esmo2024

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10:15 - 11:45 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Santander Auditorium -
Title: Bristol Myers Squibb - Therapeutic Hall 5
Advances in GI Cancers: Immuno-Oncology and Beyond
Chair(s): Sara Lonardi, IT

10:15 - 10:20 Welcome and Introduction

S. Lonardi, IOV - Istituto Oncologico Veneto IRCCS, Padova, IT

10:20 - 10:47 Colorectal Cancer: Novel Combination Therapies

S. Lonardi, IOV - Istituto Oncologico Veneto IRCCS, Padova, IT

10:47 - 11:14 Gastroesophageal Cancers: the Role of Immunotherapy

T. Fleitas, Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, ES

11:14 - 11:41 Hepatocellular Carcinoma: First-line Treatment Options in the Metastatic

T. Decaens, CHU Grenoble-Alpes - Le site nord à La Tronche - Hopital Michallon, La
Tronche, FR

11:41 - 11:45 Summary and Close

S. Lonardi, IOV - Istituto Oncologico Veneto IRCCS, Padova, IT

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Johnson & Johnson and Thermo Fisher 5
Scientific - Maximising the synergy of tumour tissue and liquid
biopsy testing in oncology clinical practice
Chair(s): Christian Rolfo, US

10:15 - 10:25 The state of the art of liquid biopsy for solid tumour molecular testing
C. Rolfo, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, US

10:25 - 10:40 Molecular testing in GU oncology: Addressing challenges and unmet needs
G. Roubaud, Institute Bergonié, Bordeaux, FR

10:40 - 10:55 Molecular testing in NSCLC: The role of liquid biopsy

F. Cappuzzo, IRCCS Istiuto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena (IRE), Rome, IT

10:55 - 11:00 Q&A - Oncologist perspective

C. Rolfo1, G. Roubaud2, F. Cappuzzo3, S. Pilotto4, B. Sipos5, 1Icahn School of Medicine
at Mount Sinai, New York, US, 2Institute Bergonié, Bordeaux, FR, 3IRCCS Istiuto
Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena (IRE), Rome, IT, 4UNIVR - Università di Verona, Verona,
IT, 5BAG für Pathologie und Molekularpathologie Stuttgart, Stuttgart, DE

11:00 - 11:15 Practical insights on NGS implementation in clinical routine

B. Sipos, BAG für Pathologie und Molekularpathologie Stuttgart, Stuttgart, DE

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

11:15 - 11:40 Navigating real-world challenges: Case studies in oncology practice
S. Pilotto, UNIVR - Università di Verona, Verona, IT

11:40 - 11:45 Conclusion

C. Rolfo, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, US

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: ImmunoGen - Platinum resistance in 3
ovarian cancer – is this the end of the line?
Chair(s): Ana Oaknin, ES

10:15 - 10:40 The unmet need in relapsed ovarian cancer: what do we need to do now?
A. Oaknin, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

10:40 - 11:00 Exploring FRα-targeted therapeutics in PROC

P. Harter, KEM | Evang. Kliniken Essen-Mitte gGmbH, Essen, DE

11:00 - 11:20 Exploring ADC development beyond FRα in PROC

K. Moore, Stephenson Cancer Center/University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, US

11:20 - 11:45 Digesting the data: reflections on ADCs

A. Oaknin1, K. Moore2, P. Harter3, 1Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES,
2Stephenson Cancer Center/University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, US, 3KEM | Evang.

Kliniken Essen-Mitte gGmbH, Essen, DE

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: Astellas - Guiding the future of mG/GEJ Hall 3
adenocarcinoma: Emerging biomarkers in the evolving treatment
Chair(s): Javier Sastre Varela, ES

10:15 - 10:20 Welcome and introduction

J. Sastre Varela, Hospital Clinico Universitario San Carlos, Madrid, ES

10:20 - 10:40 Scanning the horizon of biomarker-driven treatment for advanced G/GEJ
J. Sastre Varela, Hospital Clinico Universitario San Carlos, Madrid, ES

10:40 - 10:55 Shining a light on the potential challenges and solutions to integrating new
biomarker tests
F. Penault-Llorca, Jean Perrin Center, Clermont-Ferrand, FR

10:55 - 11:15 A look ahead into the practicalities of an evolving treatment paradigm
S. Klempner, MGH - Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, US

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11:15 - 11:40 Preparing for smooth sailing: panel discussion and Q&A
J. Sastre Varela1, F. Penault-Llorca2, S. Klempner3, 1Hospital Clinico Universitario San
Carlos, Madrid, ES, 2Jean Perrin Center, Clermont-Ferrand, FR, 3MGH - Massachusetts
General Hospital, Boston, US

11:40 - 11:45 Summary and close

J. Sastre Varela, Hospital Clinico Universitario San Carlos, Madrid, ES

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: Servier - Precision Medicine: From Early 3
Detection to Improved Outcomes in Patients with IDH Mutations
Chair(s): John Bridgewater, GB; Teresa Macarulla Mercade, ES

10:15 - 10:35 Role of IDH mutations in cancers

J. Bridgewater, UCL Cancer Institute - Paul O'Gorman Building, London, GB

10:35 - 10:50 IDH: A common mutation in a rare cancer: Focus on Glioma

G. Tabatabai, Crona Kliniken - Universitätsklinikum Tübingen, Tübingen, DE

10:50 - 11:00 IDH: A common mutation in a rare cancer: Focus on Chondrosarcoma

S. Stacchiotti, Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT

11:00 - 11:25 IDH: A rare mutation in common cancers: Focus on AML and CCA
T. Macarulla Mercade, Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology - Cellex Center, Barcelona,

11:25 - 11:40 Panel Discussion

J. Bridgewater1, T. Macarulla Mercade2, G. Tabatabai3, S. Stacchiotti4, 1UCL Cancer
Institute - Paul O'Gorman Building, London, GB, 2Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology -
Cellex Center, Barcelona, ES, 3Crona Kliniken - Universitätsklinikum Tübingen,
Tübingen, DE, 4Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT

11:40 - 11:45 Conclusion

T. Macarulla Mercade, Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology - Cellex Center, Barcelona,

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3

Title: Eisai Inc. - Charting the Path: Cutting Through the
Mysteries of Patient Characteristics for Precision in Endometrial
Cancer Treatment
Chair(s): Christian Marth, AT

10:15 - 10:20 Welcome

C. Marth, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, AT

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10:20 - 10:40 Endometrial Cancer: The Current Treatment Landscape
C. Marth, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, AT

10:40 - 11:00 Evolving Molecular Considerations in Endometrial Cancer

X. Matias-Guiu, IDIBELL - Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute, Hospitalet de
Llobregat, ES

11:00 - 11:25 Patient Characteristics and Optimized Sequencing

C. Marth, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, AT

11:25 - 11:45 Regional Specific Treatment Approaches

R. Eskander, University of California San Diego - UCSD, La Jolla, US

12:00 - 13:45 Type: Opening session Barcelona Auditorium -

Title: Opening session Hall 2

14:00 - 15:30 Type: Educational session Madrid Auditorium - Hall

Title: Treating KRAS-mutated NSCLC 2
Chair(s): Natasha Leighl, CA; Roberto Ferrara, IT

14:00 - 14:20 G12C targeted therapies

N. Leighl, UHN - University Health Network - Princess Margaret Cancer Center,
Toronto, CA

14:20 - 14:40 Combinations with IO

J. Naidoo, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, IE

14:40 - 15:00 Non-G12C mutations: Future perspectives

C. Lindsay, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, GB

15:00 - 15:20 Resistance and sequencing

M. Awad, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

15:20 - 15:30 Q&A and discussion

14:00 - 15:30 Type: Educational session Sevilla Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Metastatic colorectal cancer: Changing paradigms and the
relevance for patient care
Chair(s): Sara Lonardi, IT

14:00 - 14:20 Profiling the biology of CRC: Actionability and implementability

R. Corcoran, MGH - Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, US

14:20 - 14:40 Optimal sequencing of therapeutic strategies in immunogenic CRC

S. Lonardi, IOV - Istituto Oncologico Veneto IRCCS, Padova, IT

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14:40 - 15:00 Optimal sequencing of therapeutic strategies in molecularly-driven CRC
D. Modest, Charité - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, DE

15:00 - 15:20 Optimal sequencing of therapeutic strategies in biomarker unselected MSS

C. Cremolini, AOU Pisana - Stabilimento di Santa Chiara, Pisa, IT

15:20 - 15:30 Q&A and discussion

14:00 - 15:30 Type: Educational session Bilbao Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: New treatment algorithm in the treatment of metastatic
breast cancer in 2024
Chair(s): Barbara Pistilli, FR; Cristina Saura Manich, ES

14:00 - 14:25 Hormone-receptor positive breast cancer

L. Del Mastro, IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, Genova, IT

14:25 - 14:50 HER2 positive breast cancer

B. Pistilli, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

14:50 - 15:15 Triple negative breast cancer

G. Curigliano, IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Milan, IT

15:15 - 15:30 Q&A and discussion

14:00 - 15:30 Type: Educational session Granada Auditorium - Hall

Title: Therapeutic options beyond AR pathway 6
inhibitors: What do we choose next?
Chair(s): Dana Rathkopf, US; Gerhardt Attard, GB

14:00 - 14:25 Are cytotoxics still the next option?

E. Castro, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

14:25 - 14:50 Will theranostics become standard of care?

S. Gillessen, EOC - Ospedale Regionale Bellinzona e Valli - Istituto Oncologico della
Svizzera Italiana (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH

14:50 - 15:15 Novel therapeutic approaches for ARPI-resistant disease

G. Attard, University College London, London, GB

15:15 - 15:30 Q&A and discussion

14:00 - 15:30 Type: Mini Oral session Burgos Auditorium - Hall

Title: Mini oral session 1: Non-metastatic NSCLC 5
Chair(s): Jia Wu, US

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14:00 - 14:05 One LBA TBC

14:05 - 14:10 1786MO - BMS-986012 (anti-fucosyl-monosialoganglioside-1 [fuc-GM1]) with

carboplatin + etoposide + nivolumab (CE/NIVO) as first-line (1L) therapy in
extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC): interim analysis (IA) of a
randomized phase 2 study
E. Kalinka1, I. Bahce2, A. Navarro Mendivil3, N. Ready4, Q.S.-C. Chu5, S. Sugawara6, A.
Sibille7, M. Provencio Pulla8, M. Johnson9, J. Hiltermann10, T.-E. Ciuleanu11, R.
Dziadziuszko12, A. Santo13, Y. Zhang14, Y. Liu14, R. Sarmiento14, S. Tannenbaum-Dvir14,
L. Ojalvo14, J. Wu15, K. O'Byrne16, 1Polish Mother's Memorial Hospital-research
Institute, Łódź, PL, 2Amsterdam UMC - Vrije University Medical Centre (VUMC),
Amsterdam, NL, 3Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 4Duke Cancer
Institute, Durham, US, 5Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, CA, 6Sendai Kousei Hospital,
Sendai, JP, 7Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sart Tilman, Liège, BE, 8University
Hospital Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda, Majadahonda, ES, 9Tennessee Oncology
Nashville, Nashville, US, 10UMCG - University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen,
NL, 11Institutul Oncologic, Bucharest, RO, 12Medical University of Gdańsk, Gdansk, PL,
13Ospedale P. Pederzoli, Peschiera del Garda, IT, 14Bristol Myers Squibb, Princeton, US,
15Bristol Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJ, US, 16 Greenslopes Private Hospital, Brisbane,


14:10 - 14:25 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC and 1786MO

S. Liu, Lombardi Cancer Center Georgetown University, Washington, US

14:25 - 14:30 One LBA TBC

14:30 - 14:35 One LBA TBC

14:35 - 14:50 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC

F. Blackhall, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, GB

14:50 - 14:55 1910MO - ARTIMES: Automated Response evaluation to Treatment In

K. Groot Lipman1, R. Wittenberg1, M. De Oliveira Taveira2, I. Smesseim1, A. Schmitz1,
T. Boellaard1, K. Chupetlovska1, M. Abdelatty Elsayed1, L. Petrychenko1, N. Jain1, F.
Arico1, A. Bajaj3, D. Fennell4, A. Curioni-Fontecedro5, T.D.L. Nguyen-Kim6, R. Tissier1,
P. Baas1, S. Burgers1, D. De Gooijer1, S. Trebeschi1, 1NKI-AVL - Netherlands Cancer
Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, NL, 2MSKCC - Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US, 3University Hospitals of Leicester, Leicester,
GB, 4Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester, GB, 5Cantonal Hospital Fribourg, Villar sur
Glane, CH, 6Stadtspital Zürich, Zurich, CH

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14:55 - 15:00 1240MO - Quantitative radiomics for the detection of symptomatic pneumonitis
following chemoradiotherapy in patients with Stage III unresectable NSCLC
J. Naidoo1, V. Haakensen2, J. Bar3, F. Belmans4, A. Corsi5, M. Flechet5, L. Libert5, C. C.
Meca5, N. Tsoutzidis5, P. Chander6, K. Patwardhan7, J. Faria8, D. De Ruysscher9,
1Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, IE, 2Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, NO, 3Sheba Medical

Center and Tel Aviv University, Ramat Gan/Tel Aviv, IL, and KU Leuven,
Liège/Leuven, BE,, Liège, BE, 6AstraZeneca, Gaithersburg, US,
7AstraZeneca, Waltham, US, 8AstraZeneca, Cambridge, GB, 9Stichting Maastricht

Radiation Oncology, (“MAASTRO”), Maastricht, NL

15:00 - 15:15 Invited Discussant 1910MO and 1240MO

J. Wu, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US

14:00 - 15:30 Type: Educational session Salamanca Auditorium -

Title: Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs): Are Hall 5
there new therapeutic approaches in gynaecological cancers?
Chair(s): Susana Banerjee, GB

14:00 - 14:20 Visiting the basics: Rationale and MoA

S. Banerjee, The Royal Marsden Hospital - Chelsea, London, GB

14:20 - 14:40 ADCs in ovarian cancer

D. Lorusso, Humanitas San Pio X, Milan, IT

14:40 - 15:00 ADCs in endometrial and cervical cancer

T. Van Gorp, University Hospitals Leuven - Campus Gasthuisberg, Leuven, BE

15:00 - 15:20 How to manage safety

I. Colombo, EOC - Ospedale Regionale di Bellinzona e Valli, San Giovanni, Bellinzona,

15:20 - 15:30 Q&A and discussion

14:00 - 15:30 Type: Proffered Paper session Santander Auditorium -

Title: Proffered paper session 1: GU tumours, Hall 5
Chair(s): Manuela Schmidinger, AT; Petros Grivas, US

14:00 - 14:10 One LBA TBC

14:10 - 14:20 One LBA TBC

14:20 - 14:30 One LBA TBC

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14:30 - 14:40 Invited Discussant three LBAs TBC
M. Schmidinger, Vienna General Hospital (AKH) - Medizinische Universität Wien,
Vienna, AT

14:40 - 14:50 Q&A

14:50 - 15:00 1959O - BL-B01D1, an EGFR x HER3 Bispecific Antibody-drug Conjugate

(ADC), in Patients with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma
D. Ye1, X. Bian2, T. Yang3, S. Jiang4, M. Cao5, X. Hua6, S. Xiao6, H. Wang7, H. Zhu7, Y.
Zhu8, 1Fudan University Cancer, Shanghai, CN, 2Fudan University Shanghai Cancer
Center, Shanghai, CN, 3Henan Cancer Hospital/Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Zhengzhou
University, Zhengzhou, CN, 4Hunan Cancer Hospital, Changsha, CN, 5Zhujiang Hospital
of Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, CN, 6Baili-Bio (Chengdu) Pharmaceutical
Co., Ltd., Chengdu, CN, 7SystImmune Inc., Redmond, US, 8Sichuan Biokin
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Chengdu, CN

15:00 - 15:10 1690O - NKT2152, a novel oral HIF-2α inhibitor, in participants (pts) with
previously treated advanced clear cell renal carcinoma (accRCC): Preliminary
results of a Phase 1/2 study
E. Jonasch1, B. Mcgregor2, P. Msaouel1, T. Logan3, E. Hall4, M. Bilen5, G. Falchook6, B.
Shuch7, Y. Zakharia8, R. Hauke9, M. Gordon10, A.-R. Naqash11, C. Ryan12, R.
Srinivasan13, J. Xiao14, W. Sun14, M. Esguerra14, G. Lu14, J. Lager14, T. Choueiri2, 1The
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 2Dana Farber Cancer
Institute, Boston, US, 3Indiana University Simon Cancer Center, Indianapolis, US,
4University of Washington, Seattle, US, 5Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University,

Atlanta, US, 6Sarah Cannon Research Institute (SCRI) at HealthONE, Denver, US,
7UCLA - David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, US, 8University of Iowa

Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, US, 9Nebraska Cancer Specialists - Methodist
Estabrook Cancer Center, Omaha, US, 10HonorHealth Research Institute, Scottsdale,
US, 11Stephenson Cancer Center, Oklahoma University Health Science Center,
Oklahoma City, US, 12Oregon Health Science University, Portland, US, 13National
Cancer Institute, Bethesda, US, 14NiKang Therapeutics, Inc., Wilmington, US

15:10 - 15:20 Invited Discussant 1959O and 1690O

J. Rosenberg, MSKCC - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US

15:20 - 15:30 Q&A

14:00 - 15:30 Type: Special symposium Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Beyond coding neoantigens: What else is 5
there for T cells to see?
Chair(s): Yardena Samuels, IL; Sebastian Amigorena, FR

14:00 - 14:05 Introduction and scientific background

S. Amigorena, Institut Curie, Paris, FR

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14:05 - 14:20 Endogenous retroelements in cancer immunity
G. Kassiotis, The Francis Crick Institute, London, GB

14:20 - 14:35 Bacterial derived antigens

Y. Samuels, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IL

14:35 - 14:50 Noncoding regions as a source of targetable tumour-specific antigens

S. Amigorena, Institut Curie, Paris, FR

14:50 - 15:05 Neoantigens derived from tryptophan depletion

R. Agami, NKI-AVL - Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital,
Amsterdam, NL

15:05 - 15:25 Discussion

15:25 - 15:30 Conclusions and perspectives

Y. Samuels, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IL

14:00 - 15:30 Type: Special symposium Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: New endpoints in early clinical trials 3
Chair(s): Neeltje Steeghs, NL; Anastasios Stathis, CH

14:00 - 14:05 Introduction and scientific background

A. Stathis, EOC - Ospedale Regionale Bellinzona e Valli - Istituto Oncologico della
Svizzera Italiana (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH

14:05 - 14:20 Innovative imaging techniques to evaluate response

E.G.E. De Vries, UMCG - University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, NL

14:20 - 14:35 PK of complex drugs: Strategies to find recommended dosages

N. Steeghs, NKI-AVL - Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital,
Amsterdam, NL

14:35 - 14:50 Incorporating ctDNA into RECIST v1.1: Steps ahead

E. Garralda, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

14:50 - 15:05 PRO’s as endpoint in early phase clinical trials

M. Di Maio, Azienda Ospedaliera Ordine Mauriziano - Presidio Umberto I, Torino, IT

15:05 - 15:25 Q&A and discussion

15:25 - 15:30 Conclusions and perspectives

A. Stathis, EOC - Ospedale Regionale Bellinzona e Valli - Istituto Oncologico della
Svizzera Italiana (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH

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14:00 - 15:30 Type: Proffered Paper session Pamplona Auditorium -
Title: Proffered paper session: CNS tumours Hall 3

14:00 - 14:10 440O - First in human study of the mRNA-based cancer vaccine CVGBM in
patients (pts) with newly diagnosed and surgically resected MGMT-
unmethylated glioblastoma (GBM): first results from the dose escalation phase
G. Tabatabai1, P. Freres2, M. Glas3, P. Hau4, L. Von Baumgarten5, M. Van Den Bent6, M.
Burger7, C. Seidel8, U. Herrlinger9, I. Mildenberger10, B. Neyns11, H. Schafer12, A.
Wick13, M. Falk14, L. De Freitas Chama15, P. Kelemen14, F. Schwenke14, S. Koch15, P.
Romer Roche14, U. Gnad-Vogt 14, 1University Hospital Tübingen, Tübingen, DE, 2Liège
University Hospital, Liège, BE, 3University Medicine Essen, University Duisburg-Essen,
Essen, DE, 4University Hospital Regensburg, Regensburg, DE, 5LMU, Munich, DE,
6Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Rotterdam, NL, 7Goethe University Frankfurt,

University Hospital, Frankfurt, DE, 8University Leipzig Medical Center, Leipzig, DE,
9University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, DE, 10Heidelberg University, Mannheim, DE,
11Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Brussels, BE, 12University of Freiburg, Feiburg, DE,
13Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, DE, 14CureVac SE, Wiesbaden, DE,
15CureVac SE, Tübingen, DE

14:10 - 14:20 441O - A phase I clinical trial on the intracranial administration of autologous
CD1c(BDCA-1)+ /CD141(BDCA-3)+ myeloid dendritic cells (myDC) in
combination with ipilimumab (IPI) and nivolumab (NIVO) in patients with
recurrent high-grade glioma (rHGG)
B. Neyns1, I. Dirven1, L. Lescrauwaet2, M. Cammaert1, W. Geens2, X. Geeraerts1, L.
Stevens1, S. Brock2, M. Kockx3, H. Everaert1, A.-M. Van Binst1, S. Tuyaerts1, J.
Duerinck1, 1Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Faculty of Medicine & Pharmacy, Brussels, BE,
2UZ Brussel - Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Jette, BE, 3CellCarta, Antwerpen, BE

14:20 - 14:30 442O - A phase I clinical trial of intrathecal injection of allogeneic CAR-γδT
cells targeting B7H3 for the treatment of patients with recurrent glioblastoma
X. Li1, W. Ma2, Y. Gu3, Y. Sui2, X. Zhang1, C. Wang1, W. Gan4, J. Chen4, L. Wang4, Y.
Zhang4, Y. Zhang5, Y. Huang1, 1the fourth Hospital affiliated to Soochow University,
Suzhou, CN, 2Unicet Biotech, Beijing, CN, 3Soochow University, suzhou, CN, 4Dushu
Lake Hospital affiliated to Soochow University, Suzhou, CN, 5Tsinghua University,
Beijing, CN

14:30 - 14:40 Invited Discussant 440O, 441O and 442O

E. Tabouret, CHU La Timone Adultes, Marseille, FR

14:40 - 14:50 Q&A

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14:50 - 15:00 443O - A perioperative study of Safusidenib in Patients with IDH1 mutated
J. Whittle1, M. Rosenthal1, M. Spiteri2, S. Cain3, M. Topp1, S. Shaya1, J. Jones3, A.
Valkovic2, O. Fatunla2, J. Dimou3, R. Tobler2, S. Roberts-Thomson 3, D. Mcardle3, E. Lui3,
B. Nijagal4, S. Grimmond5, S. Best2, S. Freytag2, K. Drummond3, 1Peter MacCallum
Cancer Centre, Melbourne, AU, 2WEHI - Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical
Research, Parkville, AU, 3Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, AU, 4Bio21,
Melbourne, AU, 5University of Melbourne Centre for Cancer Research (UMCCR) -
Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Parkville, AU

15:00 - 15:10 444O - The prognostic impact of CDKN2A/B heterozygous deletions in IDH-
mutant glioma
F. Ippen1, T. Hielscher2, K. Göbel3, D. Friedel3, D. Reuss3, A. Von Deimling3, W. Wick1,
F. Sahm4, A. Suwala3, 1Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, DE, 2Department of
Biostatistics, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, DE, 3University
Hospital Heidelberg, Dept. of Neuropathology, Heidelberg, DE, 4University Hospital of
Heidelberg, Heidelberg, DE

15:10 - 15:20 Invited Discussant 443O and 444O

15:20 - 15:30 Q&A

14:00 - 15:30 Type: Special symposium Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: Why neoadjuvant immunotherapy is the 3
future for melanoma
Chair(s): Christian Blank, NL

14:00 - 14:05 Introduction and scientific background

14:05 - 14:20 Basic science rationale

S. Patel, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US

14:20 - 14:35 Summary of clinical trials so far

P. Ascierto, Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS - Fondazione G. Pascale, Napoli, IT

14:35 - 14:50 Personalised immunotherapy approach and future

C. Blank, NKI-AVL - Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital,
Amsterdam, NL

14:50 - 15:05 Which patients need surgery?

A. Van Akkooi, Melanoma Institute Australia, Wollstonecraft, AU

15:05 - 15:25 Q&A and discussion

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15:25 - 15:30 Conclusions and perspectives
C. Blank, NKI-AVL - Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital,
Amsterdam, NL

14:00 - 15:30 Type: Mini Oral session Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3

Title: Mini oral session 1: Haematological malignancies

14:00 - 14:05 799MO - The primary results from a randomized double-blind phase II study of
rovadicitinib versus hydroxyurea in patients with myelofibrosis
L. Pan1, Z. Xu2, W. Yu3, X. Shen4, Z. Zhang5, Z. Jiao6, X. Zhao7, M. Hou8, X. Du9, H.
Ma10, M. Duan11, H. Peng12, M. Yang13, W. Wang14, T. Gong15, D. Ding16, D. Wang16, Z.
Xiao17, 1West China Hospital of Sichuan University, chengdu, CN, 2Chinese Academy of
Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, tianjin, CN, 3Binzhou Medical
College Affiliated Hospital, binzhou, CN, 4Heping Hospital of Changzhi Medical College,
Changzhi, CN, 5Affiliated Hospital of ChengDe Medical University, chengde, CN,
6Xingtai People's Hospital, Xingtai, CN, 7Tianjin People's Hospital, Tianjin, CN, 8Qilu

Hospital of Shandong University, jinan, CN, 9Guangdong provincial people’s hospital,

Guangzhou, CN, 10Cangzhou People's Hospital, Cangzhou, CN, 11Peking Union Medical
College Hospital, beijing, CN, 12The Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University,
changsha, CN, 13The First Affiliated Hospital Of Anhui Medical University, Hefei, CN,
14The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao, CN, 15Hematology Research

Center of Harbin First Hospital, Harbin, CN, 16Chia Tai Tianqing Pharmaceutical Group
Co., Ltd., Nanjing, CN, 17Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union
Medical College, Tianjin, CN

14:05 - 14:10 800MO - First Report of BCL-2 Inhibitor TQB3909 in Pts with Relapsed or
Refractory Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML):
Data From a Phase 1 Study
J. Qi1, J. Li2, W. Xu2, X. Zhao3, Q. Yin4, Y. Li5, F. Xu6, H. Huang7, J. Li8, W. Qian9, Q.
Zhao10, J. Wang11, 1Institute of Hematology and Blood Disease Hospital, Chinese
Academy of Medical Sciences, Tianjin, CN, 2Jiangsu Province Hospital/The First
Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, CN, 3Tianjin People's
Hospital, Tianjin, CN, 4Henan Cancer Hospital/Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Zhengzhou
University, Zhengzhou, CN, 5Hunan Cancer Hospital & The Affiliated Cancer Hospital of
Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University, Changsha, CN, 6Mianyang
Central Hospital, Mianyang, CN, 7Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou,
CN, 8Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, jinan, CN, 9The First Affiliated Hospital of
Medical School of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, CN, 10CTTQ - Chia Tai Tianqing
Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. - Nanjing Site, Nanjing, CN, 11Institute of
Hematology&Blood Diseases Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences& Peking
Union Medical College, Tianjin, CN

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:10 - 14:15 801MO - Efficacy and Safety of a Phase 2 Study: Timdarpacept (IMM01)
Combined with Azacitidine (AZA) As the First-Line Treatment in Adults with
Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)
H. Tong1, S. Gao2, W. Yang3, J. Li4, Q. Yin5, X. Zhao6, X. Yan7, S. Tu8, F. Li9, H. Yang10,
R. Hu11, S. Wang12, L. Ma13, Z. Wang14, Z. Dong15, Q. Lu14, W. Tian14, Z. Xiao16, J.
Wang17, 1The First Aìliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou, CN, 2The First Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, CN, 3Shengjing
Hospital affiliated to China Medical University, Shenyang, CN, 4Renji Hospital Affiliated
to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, CN, 5Henan Cancer
Hospital/Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, CN, 6Tianjin
People's Hospital, Tianjin, CN, 7The First Hospital of China Medical University,
Shenyang, Liaoning Province, CN, 8Zhujiang Hospital of Southern Medical University,
Guangzhou, CN, 9The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang, CN,
10The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang,

CN, 11Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing, CN, 12Fujian Medical
University Union Hospital, Fuzhou, CN, 13The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang
University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, CN, 14ImmuneOnco Biopharmaceuticals
(Shanghai) Inc., Shanghai, CN, 15ImmuneOnco Biopharmaceuticals (Shanghai) Inc,
Shanghai, CN, 16Institute of Hematology and Blood Disease Hospital, Chinese Academy
of Medical Sciences, Tianjin, CN, 17Institute of Hematology&Blood Diseases Hospital,
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences& Peking Union Medical College, Tianjin, CN

14:15 - 14:30 Invited Discussant 799MO, 800MO and 801MO

14:30 - 14:35 802MO - Real-world Comparison of Overall Survival between BCMA - Bispecific
and CAR-T Therapies in Multiple Myeloma
J. Song1, G. Kim2, R. Memon1, K.-Y. Chi 1, Y. Chang3, A. Mehta1, 1Jacobi Medical Center,
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, US, 2Pusan National University Hospital,
Busan, KR, 3National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan City, TW

14:35 - 14:40 803MO - CAR T cells reside in the bone marrow and inhibits healthy
M. Ben Khelil1, J. Srikanthan1, R. Jelin1, A. Arbab2, L. Marcos-Kovandzic1, R. Amine-
Hneineh3, A. Pages2, V. Verge2, M. Aglave1, J. Baptiste Micol3, M. Sabourin-Cousin2, C.
Quivoron2, C. Marzac2, L. Zitvogel1, C. Castilla-Llorente3, C. Bigenwald1, 1Gustave
Roussy, Villejuif, FR, 2Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 3Gustave Rousy,
Villejuif, FR

14:40 - 14:45 804MO - Gut microbiota composition is predictive of CAR-T cells response and
its modulation enhances CAR-T cells activity
L. Marcos-Kovandzic1, J. Rengassamy2, G. Ferrere3, J. Srikanthan1, S. Durand4, L.
Derosa5, C. Bigenwald5, L. Zitvogel2, 1Gustave Rousy, Villejuif, FR, 2Institut Gustave
Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 3Gustave Roussy - Cancer Campus, Villejuif, FR, 4Gustave
Roussy - INSERM U1030, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 5Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, FR

14:45 - 15:00 Invited Discussant 802MO, 803MO and 804MO

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15:00 - 15:05 805MO - Real-world efficacy and safety of Tisagenlecleucel (CTL019) for
relapse or refractory follicular lymphoma patients included in the Early Access
Program through the French DESCAR-T registry
E. Bachy1, C. Thieblemont2, R. Houot3, S. Choquet4, G. Cartron5, G. Brisou6, O.
Casasnovas7, F.-X. Gros 8, F. Morschhauser9, F. Jardin10, L. Ysebaert11, D. Beziz12, C.
Droumaguet-Gregoire12, A. Filipovics12, P. Miquel12, C. Oprea12, 1Hôpital Lyon Sud –
HCL, Pierre-Bénite, FR, 2Hôpital Saint Louis AP-HP, Paris, FR, 3CHU de Rennes -
Hôpital Pontchaillou, Rennes, FR, 4Hôpital de la Pitié Salpetrière - AP-HP, Paris, FR,
5CHU de Montpellier, Montpellier, FR, 6Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Marseille, FR, 7Hôpital

François Mitterrand, Dijon, FR, 8CHU de Bordeaux - Hôpital Haut-Lévêque, Pessac, FR,
9Hopital Claude Huriez, Lille, FR, 10Centre Henri Becquerel, Rouen, FR, 11Institut

Universitaire du Cancer Toulouse Oncopole, Toulouse, FR, 12Novartis Pharma S.A.S.,

Rueil-Malmaison, FR

15:05 - 15:10 806MO - Phase 1b study of NT-I7 (efineptakin alfa), a long-acting IL-7, post-
CD19-directed CAR T cell therapy in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)
A. Ghobadi1, L. Budde2, K. Stermer3, S. Ferrando-Martinez3, B.H. Lee3, J. Dipersio1,
1Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, St. Louis, US, 2City of Hope

National Medical Center, Duarte, US, 3NeoImmuneTech, Inc., Rockville, US

15:10 - 15:15 807MO - High Efficacy and Safety of Interleukin-6-knockdown CD19-targeted

CAR T cells in relapsed/refractory B-ALL patients.
L. Yu1, L. Kang1, S. Xue2, X. Tang2, X. Lou1, C. Qian2, W. Gong2, M. Xu2, H. Zhou2, Z.
Yao2, W. Wang1, M. Li1, N. Xu1, Z. Yu1, S. Chen2, H. Qiu2, H. Dai2, Y. Xu2, D. Wu2,
1Shanghai Unicar-Therapy Bio-Medicine Technology Co.,Ltd, Shanghai, CN, 2The First

Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou, CN

15:15 - 15:20 808MO - Value of early post-treatment FDG PET/CT in diffuse large B-cell
lymphoma patients receiving chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy
S.A. Mirshahvalad, A. Kohan, R. Kulanthaivelu, Y. Chin, C. Chen, D. Hodgson, R. Kridel,
S. Bhella, U. Metser, P. Veit-Haibach, UHN - University Health Network - Princess
Margaret Cancer Center, Toronto, CA

15:20 - 15:35 Invited Discussant 805MO, 806MO, 807MO and 808MO

14:00 - 15:30 Type: Educational session Zaragoza Auditorium -

Title: Improving the assessment of citizens CC5
perception of risk
Chair(s): Amil Druzic, BA

14:00 - 14:25 Lessons from France's Cancer Barometers

J. Foucaud, INCa - Institut National du Cancer, Boulogne-Billancourt, FR

14:25 - 14:50 Social media intervention

A. Druzic, Clinical Centre University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, BA

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:50 - 15:15 Socio psychological impact and implementation issues
G. Evans, The University of Manchester, Manchester, GB

15:15 - 15:30 Q&A and discussion

14:00 - 15:30 Type: Special session Cartagena Auditorium -

Title: ESMO-MCBS: A practical tool with public Hall 7
health implications
Chair(s): Sjoukje Oosting, NL; Nathan Cherny, IL

14:00 - 14:05 Introduction

S. Oosting, UMCG - University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, NL

14:05 - 14:20 How to handle bias in study design and reporting for ESMO-MCBS grading
N. Cherny, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, IL

14:20 - 14:35 Progression-free survival: Should it be used as a primary end point for
registration of anticancer treatments and what is the role of the ESMO-MCBS?
B. Gyawali, KAHS - Karnali Academy of Health Sciences, Chandannath, NP

14:35 - 14:50 ESMO-MCBS coming of age: The indispensable context of guidelines

S. Oosting, UMCG - University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, NL

14:50 - 15:05 EU HTA Regulation: State of play for cancer medicines

M. Matthews, European Commission, Brussels, BE

15:05 - 15:30 Conclusions and perspectives

N. Cherny, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, IL

14:00 - 15:00 Type: Young Oncologists session Tarragona Auditorium -

Title: YO Vesalius talk - Becoming an Hall 7
independent investigator: The journey from a young oncologist to
leading your own team
Chair(s): Pablo Mando, AR

14:00 - 15:00 Becoming a leader: The journey from a young oncologist to leading your own
R. Dent1, F. André2, E. Smyth3, 1NCCS - National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore,
SG, 2Gustave Roussy - Cancer Campus, Villejuif, FR, 3Cambridge University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, GB

16:00 - 17:30 Type: Educational session Madrid Auditorium - Hall

Title: The rapidly changing treatment landscape 2
of early triple negative breast cancer
Chair(s): Marleen Kok, NL; Popi Siziopikou, US

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

16:00 - 16:25 Novel data in the field of immune checkpoint blockade for eTNBC
S. Tolaney, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

16:25 - 16:50 Treatments for eTNBC patients with non-pCR after chemo-immunotherapy
M. Kok, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, NL

16:50 - 17:15 How to treat stage I TNBC?

D. Cescon, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, CA

17:15 - 17:30 Q&A and discussion

16:00 - 17:30 Type: Proffered Paper session Sevilla Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Proffered paper session 1: GI tumours, upper digestive

16:00 - 16:10 One LBA TBC

16:10 - 16:20 One LBA TBC

16:20 - 16:30 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC

16:30 - 16:42 Q&A

16:42 - 16:52 One LBA TBC

16:52 - 17:02 One LBA TBC

17:02 - 17:12 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC

R. Shroff, University of Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson, US

17:12 - 17:24 Q&A

16:00 - 17:30 Type: Special symposium Bilbao Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Lung cancer interception: New approaches to lung cancer
screening and prevention
Chair(s): Pan-Chyr Yang, TW; Ugo Pastorino, IT

16:00 - 16:05 Introduction and scientific background

U. Pastorino, Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT

16:05 - 16:20 The current state-of-the-art in lung cancer screening

T. Blum, HELIOS Klinikum Emil von Behring Berlin-Zehlendor, Berlin, DE

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

16:20 - 16:35 Should we be screening in never smokers for NSCLC?
P.-C. Yang, NTUH - National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei City, TW

16:35 - 16:50 Immunotherapy and beyond for lung cancer prevention

J. Zhang, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US

16:50 - 17:05 Biomarker discovery for lung cancer early detection

17:05 - 17:25 Q&A and discussion

17:25 - 17:30 Conclusions and perspectives

U. Pastorino, Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT

16:00 - 17:30 Type: Special symposium Granada Auditorium - Hall

Title: Can we expand bladder preservation by 6
optimal use of systemic therapy and biomarkers?
Chair(s): Srikala Sridhar, CA; Leslie Ballas, US

16:00 - 16:05 Introduction and scientific background

L. Ballas, Keck School of Medicine - University of Southern California USC, Los Angeles,

16:05 - 16:20 Could optimal systemic therapy be adequate without locoregional therapy?
S. Sridhar, UHN - University Health Network - Princess Margaret Cancer Center,
Toronto, CA

16:20 - 16:35 Biomarkers and prediction of clinical complete response

E. Schaake, NKI-AVL - Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital,
Amsterdam, NL

16:35 - 16:50 Clinical responders: Option of chemoradiation?

L. Ballas, Keck School of Medicine - University of Southern California USC, Los Angeles,

16:50 - 17:05 The role of urologist in bladder preservation strategies

J. Catto, University of Sheffield Medical School, Sheffield, GB

17:05 - 17:25 Q&A and discussion

17:25 - 17:30 Conclusions and perspectives

S. Sridhar, UHN - University Health Network - Princess Margaret Cancer Center,
Toronto, CA

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

16:00 - 17:30 Type: Proffered Paper session Burgos Auditorium - Hall
Title: Proffered paper session: Investigational 5
Chair(s): Fiona Thistlethwaite, GB

16:00 - 16:10 988O - A phase I/II trial (LOKON003) evaluating tumor microenvironment
(TME) gene engineering using a viral vector combined with atezolizumab in
advanced malignant melanoma
O. Hamid1, V. Rydén2, I. Mehmi1, D. Wang3, M. Patel3, J. Krause4, L. Sandin5, H.
Grauers Wiktorin6, T. Lövgren6, E. Eriksson5, J. Leja Jarblad5, A. Loskog5, G. Ullenhag2,
1A Cedars Sinai Affiliate, Los Angeles, US, 2Uppsala University Hospital and Uppsala

University, Uppsala, SE, 3Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, US, 4Uppsala University
and Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, SE, 5Lokon Pharma AB, Uppsala, SE,
6Uppsala University, Uppsala, SE

16:10 - 16:20 989O - Novel gene therapy in advanced solid malignancies: a phase I/II clinical
A. Hahn1, S. Irenaeus1, J. Wenthe2, E. Eriksson2, A. Schiza1, H. Dahlstrand3, U. Olsson-
Strömberg4, J. Krause4, A. Sundin4, L. Sandin2, J. Leja Jarblad2, M. Liljefors3, A.
Loskog1, G. Ullenhag1, 1Uppsala University - Rudbeck Laboratory, Uppsala, SE, 2Lokon
Pharma AB, Uppsala, SE, 3Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, SE, 4Uppsala
University Hospital, Uppsala, SE

16:20 - 16:30 Invited Discussant 988O and 989O

16:30 - 16:40 Q&A

16:40 - 16:50 990O - Final results from Phase 1, first-in-human, dose escalation study of a
first-in-class anti-ILT2 antibody, SAR444881, alone and with pembrolizumab or
cetuximab, in patients with advanced solid tumors
R. Perets1, S.M. Stemmer2, R. Geva3, T. Golan4, M. Fakih5, J. Cohen6, C. Lieu7, Z. Jin8, P.
Lorusso9, I. Friedman10, M. Hakim11, D. Haves Ziv11, S. Hashmueli11, I. Mandel11, T.
Ben Moshe11, N. Crawford12, G. Abbadessa13, R. Perez12, M. Wu13, M. Borad14,
1Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, IL, 2Rabin Medical Centre-Beilinson Hospital, Petah

Tikva, IL, 3Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv, IL, 4Sheba Medical Center,
Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IL, 5City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer
Center, Duarte, US, 6Sharett Institute of Oncology, Hadassah Cancer Research Institute
and Wohl Institute for Translational Medicine, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical
Center, Jerusalem, IL, 7University of Colorado Cancer Center, Aurora, US, 8Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, US, 9Yale Comprehensive Cancer Center, Yale University School of Medicine,
New Haven, US, 10Previously employed at Biond Biologics Ltd, Misgav Industrial Park,
Misgav, IL, 11Biond Biologics Ltd, Misgav Industrial Park, Misgav, IL, 12Sanofi,
Bridgewater, US, 13Sanofi, Cambridge, US, 14Mayo Clinic Cancer Center, Scottsdale,

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16:50 - 17:00 991O - First-in-Human (FIH) Phase 1 Data of HST-1011, an Oral CBL-B
Inhibitor, in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors
R. Sanborn1, M. Patel2, J. Rodon3, K. Thein4, C. Friedman5, D. Levitz6, I.
Ngirailemesang7, A. Goodman8, P. Agarwal9, E. Friedman10, H. Danaee10, K. Robell10,
S. Jaeger10, H. Sun10, E. Debanne10, J. Dunn10, E. Wright10, T. Reilly10, J. Luke11, A.
Redig10, 1Earle A. Chiles Research Institute at the Robert W. Franz Cancer Center,
Portland, US, 2Florida Cancer Specialists, Fort Myers, US, 3The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center - Main Building, Houston, US, 4Comprehensive Cancer
Centers of Nevada, Las Vegas, US, 5Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New
York, US, 6Montefiore Medical Center - Moses Campus, Bronx, US, 7Providence Cancer
Institute Franz Clinic, Portland, US, 8University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Hillman
Cancer Center, Pittsburgh, US, 9Abramson Cancer Center - University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, US, 10HotSpot Therapeutics, Boston, US, 11University of Pittsburgh
Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, US

17:00 - 17:10 992O - Pembrolizumab for HPV-associated Recurrent Respiratory

S. Pai1, A. Muniappan2, J.C. Park3, A. Friedman4, N. Campbell5, S. Krantz5, K.-Y. Shin 6,
P. Song7, T. Carroll8, W. Faquin3, A. Oneill6, R. Franco7, 1Yale University School of
Medicine, New Heaven, US, 2Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, US, 3MGH - Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, US,
4University of Cincinnati Cancer Center, Cincinnati, US, 5NorthShore University

HealthSystem-Evanston Hospital, Evanston, US, 6Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston,

US, 7Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, US, 8Brigham and Women's
Hospital, Boston, US

17:10 - 17:20 Invited Discussant 990O, 991O and 992O

17:20 - 17:30 Q&A

16:00 - 17:30 Type: Educational session Salamanca Auditorium -

Title: Oncofertility: What every HCP involved in Hall 5
cancer care should know
Chair(s): Matteo Lambertini, IT; Christine Wyns, BE

16:00 - 16:20 Risk of gonadal toxicities with anticancer therapies with a focus on newer
I. Demeestere, ULB - Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, BE

16:20 - 16:40 Fertility preservation and beyond in female patients with cancer
M. Lambertini, IRCCS AOU San Martino - IST-Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul
Cancro, Genova, IT

16:40 - 17:00 Fertility preservation and beyond in male patients with cancer
C. Wyns, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc (UCLouvain Saint-Luc), Woluwe-Saint-
Lambert, BE

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

17:00 - 17:20 Addressing sexual health in female and male patients with cancer
C. Bergerot, Oncoclinicas&Co - Medica Scientia Innovation Research (MEDSIR), Sao
Paulo, BR

17:20 - 17:30 Q&A and discussion

16:00 - 17:30 Type: Proffered Paper session Santander Auditorium -

Title: Proffered paper session 1: Developmental Hall 5
Chair(s): Elena Garralda, ES; Lillian Siu, CA

16:00 - 16:10 603O - First Clinical Results from A Phase 1 Trial of PRT3789, a First-in-Class
Intravenous SMARCA2 Degrader, in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors with
a SMARCA4 Mutation
R. Guo1, A. Dowlati2, I. Dagogo-Jack3, J. Vibert4, A. Spira5, V. Moreno Garcia6, S.
Punekar7, E. Calvo8, G. Sonpavde9, M. Awad10, J. Riess11, T. Hernandez Guerrero12, B.
Herzberg13, A. Italiano14, A. Swalduz15, P. Lorusso16, E. Smit17, E. Garon18, W.
Novotny19, T.A. Yap20, 1Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Commack, US,
2University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center and Case Western Reserve University,

Cleveland, US, 3Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, US, 4Gustave Roussy, Villejuif,
Cedex, FR, 5Virginia Cancer Research (VCS) Research Institute, NEXT Oncology-
Virginia, Fairfax, US, 6START Madrid-FJD, Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez
Díaz, Madrid, ES, 7NYU Langone Health, New York, US, 8START Madrid-CIOCC, Centro
Integral Oncológico Clara Campal, Madrid, ES, 9AdventHealth Cancer Institute,
Orlando, US, 10Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US, 11UC Davis Comprehensive
Cancer Center, Sacramento, US, 12START Barcelona - HM Nou Delfos, Barcelona, ES,
13Columbia University Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, New York, US,
14Institute Bergonié, Bordeaux, FR, 15Léon Bérard Centre, Lyon, FR, 16Yale Cancer

Center, New Haven, US, 17Universiteit Leiden, Leiden, NL, 18David Geffen School of
Medicine at UCLA, Santa Monica, US, 19Prelude Therapeutics Incorporated,
Wilmington, US, 20The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

16:10 - 16:20 604O - Phase 1 dose escalation and initial dose expansion results of AMG 193,
an MTA-cooperative PRMT5 inhibitor, in patients (pts) with MTAP-deleted solid
A. Sacher1, M. Villalona-Calero2, B. O’Neil3, J. Rodon4, T. Doi5, S. Postel-Vinay 6, F.
Ghiringhelli7, N. Yamamoto8, S. Wahlroos9, L. Villaruz10, A. El-Helali11, Y. Fujiwara12, A.
Addeo13, C.-C. Lin14, E. Fontana15, C.-H. Chuang16, C. Liu16, T. Eggert16, N. Penel17, H.
Prenen18, 1UHN - University Health Network - Princess Margaret Cancer Center,
Toronto, CA, 2City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, US, 3Community Health
Network, Indianapolis, US, 4MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 5National
Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, JP, 6Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, FR,
7Platform of Transfer in Cancer Biology, Centre Georges François Leclerc, INSERM

LNC UMR1231, University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Dijon, FR, 8National Cancer

Center Hospital, Tokyo, JP, 9Chris O'Brien Lifehouse, Camperdown, AU, 10UPMC
Hillman Cancer Center, Pittsburgh, US, 11HKU - The University of Hong Kong, Hong
Kong, HK, 12Aichi Cancer Center Hospital, Nagoya, JP, 13HUG - Hopitaux Universitaires
de Geneve, Geneva, CH, 14National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, TW, 15Sarah
Cannon Research Institute SCRI UK, London, GB, 16AMGEN (Headquarters) - USA,
Thousand Oaks, US, 17Centre Oscar Lambret, Lille, FR, 18UZA - University Hospital
Antwerp, Edegem, BE

16:20 - 16:30 Invited Discussant 603O and 604O

C. Le Tourneau, Institut Curie, Paris, FR

16:30 - 16:40 Q&A

16:40 - 16:50 605O - YL201, a novel B7H3-targeting antibody-drug conjugate (ADC), in

patients (pts) with advanced solid tumors: Results from a first-in-human phase
1 study
H. Zhao1, Y. Ma1, X. Meng2, L. Wu3, Y. Fan4, Y. Zheng5, Z. Liu6, Y. Ji7, D. Lv8, S. Luo9, D.
Sommerhalder10, S. Fu11, Y. Huang12, Y. Yang12, W. Fang12, Y. Zhao12, Y. Wang5, S.
Chin13, T. Xue13, L. Zhang12, 1Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, CN,
2Shandong Cancer Hospital and Institute, Shandong First Medical University and

Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, Jinan, CN, 3Hunan Cancer Hospital/The

Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University,
Changsha, CN, 4Zhejiang Cancer Hospital - Cancer Research Institute, Hangzhou, CN,
5The First Affiliated Hospital of Medical School of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, CN,
6Jiangxi Cancer Hospital, Nanchang, CN, 7The First Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang

Medical University, Xinxiang, CN, 8Taizhou Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Taizhou, CN,
9Henan Cancer Hospital, Zhengzhou, CN, 10NEXT OncologyTM, San Antonio, US, 11The

University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 12Sun Yat-Sen

University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, CN, 13MediLink Therapeutics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd,
Suzhou, CN

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

16:50 - 17:00 606O - Initial results from a first-in-human study of the B7-H4–directed
antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) AZD8205 (puxitatug samrotecan) in patients
with advanced/metastatic solid tumors
F. Meric-Bernstam1, Y. Naito2, S. Gaillard3, T. Shimoi4, V. Chung5, A. Davis6, T. Proia7,
A. Ayyoub8, M. Kulkarni8, S. Upadhyay9, N. Miller9, N. Luheshi9, A. Varga9, D.-Y. Oh 10,
L. Mileshkin11, 1University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US,
2National Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, JP, 3Johns Hopkins University,

Baltimore, US, 4National Cancer Center Hospital, Chuo-ku, JP, 5City of Hope
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Duarte, US, 6Washington University School of Medicine
in St. Louis, St. Louis, US, 7AstraZeneca, Waltham, US, 8AstraZeneca, Gaithersburg,
US, 9AstraZeneca, Cambridge, GB, 10Seoul National University Hospital, Cancer
Research Institute, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, KR, 11Peter
MacCallum Cancer Centre, Parkville, AU

17:00 - 17:10 607O - Interim Results of a Phase 1 Study of SGN-PDL1V (PF-08046054) in

Patients with PDL1-Expressing Solid Tumors
M. Oliva1, S. Ochsenreither2, C. Le Tourneau3, S. Champiat4, R. Saleh5, K. Burkitt6, L.
Nabell7, N. Steeghs8, A. Spreafico9, A. Minchom10, A. Patnaik11, J. Call12, E. Fontana13,
N. Kotecki14, E. Garralda15, A. Zivi16, J. Riess17, S. Gupta18, R. Zhang18, M. Gillison19,
1Institut Catala d'Oncologia - Hospital Duran i Reynals (ICO L'Hospitalet), Hospitalet de

Llobregat, ES, 2Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, DE, 3Institut Curie, Paris,
FR, 4Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 5McGill University Health Centre - Royal
Victoria Hospital, Montreal, CA, 6University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center,
Cleveland, US, 7University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, US, 8Netherlands
Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL, 9UHN - University Health Network -
Princess Margaret Cancer Center, Toronto, CA, 10The Royal Marsden Hospital, London,
London, GB, 11The START Center for Cancer Research, San Antonio, US, 12The START
Center for Cancer Research, West Valley City, US, 13Sarah Cannon Research Institute
SCRI UK, London, GB, 14Institute Jules Bordet, Anderlecht, BE, 15Hospital Universitari
Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona, ES, 16Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata
Verona/Centro Ricerche Cliniche di Verona, Verona, IT, 17UC Davis Comprehensive
Cancer Center, Sacramento, US, 18Pfizer Inc, Bothell, US, 19University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US

17:10 - 17:20 Invited Discussant 605O, 606O and 607O

L. Siu, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, CA

17:20 - 17:30 Q&A

16:00 - 17:30 Type: Special symposium Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Personalised immunotherapy strategies for 5
head and neck cancers
Chair(s): Amanda Psyrri, GR; Ingeborg Tinhofer-Keilholz, DE

16:00 - 16:05 Introduction and scientific background

A. Psyrri, Attikon University Hospital, Haidari, GR

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16:05 - 16:20 Harnessing the immune system as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of head
and neck cancers
K. Lauber, LMU - Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Munich, DE

16:20 - 16:35 Cell-based immunotherapeutic approaches head and neck cancers

C. Hinrichs, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, New Brunswick, US

16:35 - 16:50 Latest developments in virus targeting approaches for the management of head
and neck cancers
A. Psyrri, Attikon University Hospital, Haidari, GR

16:50 - 17:05 Personalised anti-tumour vaccines

J.-P. Machiels, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc (UCLouvain Saint-Luc), Woluwe-Saint-
Lambert, BE

17:05 - 17:25 Q&A and discussion

17:25 - 17:30 Conclusions and perspectives

I. Tinhofer-Keilholz, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, DE

16:00 - 17:30 Type: Mini Oral session Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: Mini oral session: Sarcoma 3
Chair(s): Joanna Szkandera, AT; Aisha Miah, GB; Cesar Serrano, ES

16:00 - 16:05 One LBA TBC

16:05 - 16:10 1720MO - A phase II study of palbociclib combined with the PD-1 inhibitor
retifanlimab in patients with advanced dedifferentiated liposarcoma
E. Rosenbaum1, L.-X. Qin 2, M. Dickson3, S. Movva2, C. Kelly1, J. Chan1, P. Chi2, L.
Banks2, M.L. Keohan2, M. Gounder3, R. Maki2, J. Cho1, M. Biniakewitz1, R. Desir-
Camille1, J. Erinjeri2, R. Lefkowitz2, C. Antonescu1, S. Singer2, W.D. Tap2, S. D'Angelo2,
1Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US, 2MSKCC - Memorial Sloan

Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US, 3Memorial Sloan Kettering Evelyn H. Lauder
Breast Center, New York, US

16:10 - 16:15 1721MO - Safety and efficacy of olutasidenib, an IDH1 mutant inhibitor, for the
treatment of recurrent/relapsed or locally advanced or metastatic IDH1
mutated chondrosarcoma
R. Jones1, R. Groisberg2, J.-Y. Blay 3, H. Colman4, M. De La Fuente5, M. Milhem6, P.
Roxburgh7, M.M. Chao8, H. Tian8, F. Duffaud9, C. Massard10, B. Van Tine11, 1The Royal
Marsden Hospital - Chelsea, London, GB, 2Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, New
Brunswick, US, 3Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR, 4University of Utah Health - Cancer
Hospital, Salt Lake City, US, 5Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center - University of
Miami, Miami, US, 6University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, US, 7University
of Glasgow, School of Cancer Sciences, Bearsden, GB, 8Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc, S.
San Francisco, US, 9CHU La Timone Adultes, Marseille, FR, 10Gustave Roussy - Cancer
Campus, Villejuif, FR, 11Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, US

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16:15 - 16:30 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC, 1720MO and 1721MO
J. Szkandera, Medical University Graz-Center for Medical Research, Graz, AT

16:30 - 16:35 1722MO - Updated efficacy results of olverembatinib (HQP1351) in patients

with succinate dehydrogenase (SDH)-deficient gastrointestinal stromal tumors
(GIST) and potential mechanisms of action (MOA)
H. Qiu1, C. Yang2, Z. Zhou1, Y. Zhou3, X. Wan4, N. Li4, K. Tao5, Y. Li6, X. Wu7, Z. Chen2,
L. Men2, Y. Xiong2, E. Liang8, C. Wang8, D. Yang2, Y. Zhai2, R.-H. Xu9, 1Sun Yat-sen
University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, CN, 2Guangzhou Healthquest Pharma Co., Ltd.,
Guangzhou, CN, 3Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, CN, 4Henan
Cancer Hospital, Zhengzhou, CN, 5Union Hospital Medical College Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, CN, 6Guangdong Provincial People’s
Hospital, Guangzhou, CN, 7Chinese People’s Liberation Army General Hospital, Beijing,
CN, 8Ascentage Pharma Group Inc., Rockville, US, 9Sun Yat-sen University Cancer
Center, Guangzhou, CN

16:35 - 16:40 1723MO - Axitinib plus avelumab in patients with unresectable/metastatic

gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) after failure of standard therapy: single-
arm phase II study (AXAGIST)
P. Rutkowski1, A. Klimczak1, P. Teterycz1, T. Switaj1, P. Rogala1, M. Pantaleo2, K.
Kozak1, 1Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, PL,
2Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna, IT

16:40 - 16:45 1724MO - The Final Results of Pulmonary Resectable Metastases of

Osteosarcoma With Antiangiogenic and CHemotherapy (PROACH): An open-
label, single-arm phase 2 clinical trial
Q. Bao1, J. Wen2, Z. Zhang2, X. Yang2, Y. Shen2, W. Zhang3, 1Ruijin Hospital - Shanghai
Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, CN, 2Ruijin Hospital - Shanghai Jiao
Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai,China, CN, 3Shanghai Ruijin Hospital,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, College of Medicine, Shanghai, CN

16:45 - 17:00 Invited Discussant 1722MO, 1723MO and 1724MO

A. Miah, The Royal Marsden Hospital - Chelsea, London, GB

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17:00 - 17:05 1725MO - IMMUNOSARC II master trial (phase II of sunitinib and nivolumab):
results from the clear cell sarcoma (CCS) cohort. a GEIS, ISG, and UCL study.
J. Martin-Broto1, E. Palmerini2, C.M. Valverde Morales3, A. Sebio Garcia4, A. Redondo5,
S. Stacchiotti6, S. Strauss7, G. Grignani8, S. Aliberti9, R. Diaz Beveridge10, E. Gonzalez
Billalabeitia11, J. Cruz Jurado12, A. Gutierrez Garcia13, P. Ledesma14, D. Da Silva
Moura1, N. Hindi Muñiz1, 1Hospital Universitario Fundacion Jimenez Diaz, Madrid, ES,
2Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, IT, 3Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona,

ES, 4Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, ES, 5Hospital Universitario La
Paz, Madrid, ES, 6Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT,
7University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, GB, 8AOU Città

della Salute e della Scienza Torino, Torino, IT, 9IRCCS - Istituto di Candiolo - FPO,
Candiolo, IT, 10Hospital Universitario la Fe, Valencia, ES, 11Hospital Universitario 12 de
Octubre, Madrid, ES, 12Hospital Universitario de Canarias, San Cristobal de la Laguna,
ES, 13Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Palma de Mallorca, ES, 14Sofpromed, Palma
de Mallorca, ES

17:05 - 17:10 1726MO - Updated efficacy and safety of botensilimab plus balstilimab in
patients with refractory metastatic sarcoma from an expanded phase 1 study
B. Wilky1, J. Trent2, A.M. Tsimberidou3, M. Gordon4, A. El-Khoueiry5, A. Bullock6, B.
Henick7, M. Agulnik8, D. Mahadevan9, A. Singh10, W. Wu11, M. Avagyan11, J. Patel11, J.
Grossman11, S. O'Day12, G. Schwartz13, R. Jones14, 1UCHealth Cancer Care - Anschutz
Medical Campus - University of Colorado Cancer Center, Aurora, US, 2Sylvester
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Miami, US, 3The University of Texas MD Anderson
Cancer Center, Houston, US, 4HonorHealth Research Institute, Scottsdale, US, 5USC -
University of Southern California - Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, US, 6Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, US, 7Columbia University Medical Center
College of Physicians & Surgeons - New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, US,
8City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center, Duarte, US, 9UT Health San Antonio MD

Anderson Cancer Center, San Antonio, US, 10Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center at
UCLA, Los Angeles, US, 11Agenus Inc - Corporate HQ, R&D and Vaccine Manufacturing,
Lexington, US, 12Agenus Inc, Lexington, US, 13Case Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Cleveland, US, 14The Royal Marsden Hospital and Institute of Cancer Research,
London, GB

17:10 - 17:15 1727MO - Can proteomics predict metastatic relapse in leiomyosarcoma (LMS)?
Development of an 8 protein signature in a >350 sample study including a
validation cohort
E. Connolly1, D. Bucio-Noble1, S. Cai1, A. Singh1, J. Koh1, R. Karim2, A. Lazar3, R. Lim4,
R. Morey3, G. Ratnayake5, P. Hains1, L. Ye6, D. Ingram3, C. Scott4, P. Robinson1, H.
Barker4, E. Nassif Haddad7, L. Horvath6, P. Grimison6, R. Reddel1, 1Children’s Medical
Research Institute, Sydney, AU, 2Royal Prince Alfred Hospital-Labs-Anatomical
Pathology, Camperdown, AU, 3The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, US, 4WEHI - Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville,
AU, 5The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, Parkville, AU, 6Chris O'Brien Lifehouse,
Camperdown, AU, 7The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center - Main
Building, Houston, US

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17:15 - 17:30 Invited Discussant 1725MO, 1726MO and 1727MO
C. Serrano, Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO)-Cellex Center, Barcelona, ES

16:00 - 17:30 Type: Proffered Paper session Barcelona Auditorium -

Title: Proffered paper session: Breast cancer, Hall 2
Chair(s): Christos Sotiriou, BE; Karen Gelmon, CA

16:00 - 16:10 One LBA TBC

16:10 - 16:20 340O - Efficacy, safety and biomarker analysis of ICARUS-BREAST01: a phase 2
Study of Patritumab Deruxtecan (HER3-DXd) in patients (pts) with HR+/HER2-
advanced breast cancer (ABC)
B. Pistilli1, L. Pierotti1, M. Lacroix-Triki 1, C. Vicier2, J.-S. Frenel3, V. D'Hondt4, F.
Dalenc5, T. Bachelot6, A. Ducoulombier7, M.-A. Benderra8, D. Loirat9, D. Mayeur10, G.
Nachabeh11, A. Sporchia12, F. Suto13, S. Michiels14, N. Corcos11, M.F. Mosele1, F.
André1, G. Montagnac1, 1Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus, Villejuif, FR, 2IPC - Institut
Paoli-Calmettes, Marseille, Cedex, FR, 3ICO Institut de Cancerologie de l'Ouest René
Gauducheau, Saint-Herblain, FR, 4ICM - Institut du Cancer de Montpellier, Montpellier,
Cedex, FR, 5Oncopole Claudius Regaud- IUCT, Toulouse, FR, 6Centre Léon Bérard,
Lyon, FR, 7Centre Anticancer Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, FR, 8Hopital Tenon AP-HP,
Paris, Cedex, FR, 9Institut Curie, Paris, FR, 10Centre Georges-François Leclerc (Dijon),
Dijon, FR, 11Gustave Roussy - Cancer Campus, Villejuif, FR, 12Daiichi Sankyo Italia
S.p.A., Rome, IT, 13Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd. - Shinagawa R&D Center, Shinagawa-ku, JP,
14Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

16:20 - 16:30 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC and 340O

C. Saura Manich, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

16:30 - 16:45 Q&A

16:45 - 16:55 One LBA TBC

16:55 - 17:05 One LBA TBC

17:05 - 17:15 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC

K. Gelmon, BC Cancer Agency - Vancouver, Vancouver, CA

17:15 - 17:30 Q&A

16:00 - 17:30 Type: Mini Oral session Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: Mini oral session: NETs and endocrine Hall 3
Chair(s): Sophie Leboulleux, CH; Rocio Garcia-Carbonero, ES; Ivan Borbath, BE

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

16:00 - 16:05 1925MO - Regomune study : A phase II study of regorafenib + avelumab in
solid tumors. Results of the radioiodine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer
Y. Godbert1, S. Cousin2, C. Bellera3, J.-P. Guégan4, J. Hadoux5, C. Gomez-Roca6, P.
Cassier7, S. Hescot8, M. Vinches9, C. Cantarel10, J. Palussière11, M. Kind11, I.
Soubeyran12, A. Bessede4, A. Italiano1, 1Institute Bergonié - Centre Régional de Lutte
Contre le Cancer (CLCC), Bordeaux, FR, 2Institut Bergonie, Bordeaux, FR, 3Univ.
Bordeaux, Inserm, Bordeaux, FR, 4Explicyte, Bordeaux, FR, 5Institut Gustave Roussy,
Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 6IUCT - Institut Universitaire du Cancer de Toulouse - Oncopole,
Toulouse, Cedex, FR, 7Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR, 8Institut Curie, Paris, FR, 9ICM -
Institut du Cancer de Montpellier, Montpellier, Cedex, FR, 10Inserm CIC1401,
Bordeaux, FR, 11Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, FR, 12Institute Bergonié, Bordeaux, FR

16:05 - 16:10 1926MO - Radioiodine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer (RAI-R DTC)

patients treated with lenvatinib monotherapy: real-world treatment patterns
and clinical outcomes in Europe and Canada
L. Locati1, T. Alonso Gordoa2, L. Lamartina3, M. Luster4, O. Rajkovic-Hooley5, N.
Reynolds5, G. Milligan5, C. Cooper5, I. Brown6, H. Saal7, J. Borbolla Escoboza7, K.
Newbold8, 1University of Pavia, Pavia, IT, 2Ramón y Cajal University Hospital, Madrid,
ES, 3Gustave Roussy - Cancer Campus, Villejuif, FR, 4University Hospital Marburg,
Marburg, DE, 5Adelphi Real World, Bollington, GB, 6Eisai Europe Ltd. (UK), Hatfield,
GB, 7Eisai Inc., Nutley, US, 8The Royal Marsden Hospital - Chelsea, London, GB

16:10 - 16:25 Invited Discussant 1925MO and 1926MO

S. Leboulleux, HUG - Hopitaux Universitaires de Geneve, Geneva, CH

16:25 - 16:30 1145MO - CVM-005: Phase IIa study of CVM-1118, a novel oral anti-
vasculogenic mimicry (VM) agent, in advanced neuroendocrine tumors (NET)
after progression on prior therapy
C.J. Yen1, M.-H. Chen2, Y.Y. Chen3, L.-Y. Bai 4, J.-S. Chen5, J.C.-H. Hsieh6, Y.-H. Shih7, I.-
C. Wu8, Y.-L. Chen9, C.-M. Chen9, T.-Y. Chao 9, Y.-W. Chu 9, D.-S. Chien9, 1National Cheng
Kung University Hospital, Tainan City, TW, 2Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei
City, TW, 3Chang Gung Medical Foundation - Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial
Hospital, Kaohsiung City, TW, 4China Medical University Hospital , Taichung City, TW,
5Chang Gung Medical Foundation - Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan

City, TW, 6New Taipei Municipal Tucheng Hospital, New Taipei City, TW, 7Taichung
Veterans General Hospital, Taichung City, TW, 8Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho
Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung City, TW, 9TaiRx, Inc., Taipei City, TW

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

16:30 - 16:35 1146MO - Interim analysis of CABONEN – a multicenter phase II trial
investigating Cabozantinib in patients with advanced, low proliferative NEN G3
A.O. Koenig1, J. Reinecke1, J. Halfen2, K. Lang2, U. König1, R. Tostmann2, N. Kirchhof2,
T. Asendorf2, D. Hörsch3, A. Kröcher4, M. Quante5, V. Ellenrieder1, N. Schulte6, T.
Wirth7, A. Weich8, L. Apostolidis9, S. Krug10, A. Rinke11, M. Pavel12,
1Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, Goettingen, DE, 2UMG - Universitätsmedizin

Göttingen, Göttingen, DE, 3Zentralklinik Bad Berka GmbH, Bad Berka, DE, 4Dresden
University, Dresden, DE, 5Universitätsklinikum Freiburg - Klinik für Innere Medizin II,
Freiburg im Breisgau, DE, 6Zentrum für Geriatrische Onkologie und Biologie in der
Metropolregion Rhein Neckar (ZOBEL), Mannheim, DE, 7MHH - Medizinische
Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, DE, 8UKW - University Hospital Würzburg, Würzburg,
DE, 9National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg, Heidelberg, DE,
10University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, DE, 11UKGM - Uniklinikum Giessen und

Marburg - Standort Marburg, Marburg, DE, 12Universitätsklinik Erlangen -

Medizinische Klinik 1, Erlangen, DE

16:35 - 16:40 1147MO - Ramucirumab in combination with dacarbazine in patients with

progressive well-differentiated metastatic pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
(RamuNET): An AIO phase II multicenter single-arm study
S. Krug1, L. Apostolidis2, A.O. Koenig3, A. Rinke4, J. Schrader5, T. Ettrich6, H. Jann7, M.
Oberbeck8, D. Hörsch9, T. Gress4, T. Kegel10, M. Richter11, S. Behl8, J. Steighardt11, P.
Michl12, 1University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, DE, 2National Center for Tumor
Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg, Heidelberg, DE, 3Universitätsmedizin Göttingen,
Goettingen, DE, 4UKGM - Uniklinikum Giessen und Marburg - Standort Marburg,
Marburg, DE, 5University Hospital Hamburg, Hamburg, DE, 6University Hospital Of
Ulm - Oberer Eselsberg, Ulm, DE, 7Universitätsklinik Charité, Campus Virchow
Klinikum, Berlin, DE, 8University Hospital Halle/Saale, Halle/Saale, DE, 9Zentralklinik
Bad Berka GmbH, Bad Berka, DE, 10UKH - Universitätsklinikum Halle (Saale), Halle
(Saale), DE, 11University of Halle/Saale, Halle, DE, 12UKHD - Universitätsklinikum
Heidelberg, Heidelberg, DE

16:40 - 16:55 Invited Discussant 1145MO, 1146MO and 1147MO

R. Garcia-Carbonero, University Hospital 12 De Octubre, Madrid, ES

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16:55 - 17:00 1148MO - A Multivariate Efficacy Analysis of [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE in the
NETTER 2 Study
M. Pavel1, D. Ferone2, D. Halperin3, S. Myrehaug4, K. Herrmann5, P. Kunz6, B. Chasen3,
J. Capdevila Castillon7, S. Tafuto8, D.-Y. Oh 9, C. Yoo10, S. Falk11, T. Halfdanarson12, I.
Folitar13, Y. Zhang14, W. De Herder15, S. Singh4, 1Uniklinikum Erlangen, Friedrich
Alexander University Erlangen-Nuernberg, Erlangen, DE, 2IRCCS Policlinico San
Martino and DiMI, University of Genova, Genova, IT, 3MD Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, US, 4Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Center, Toronto, CA, 5University of Duisburg-
Essen, and German Cancer Consortium (DKTK)-University Hospital Essen, Essen, DE,
6Yale University, New Haven, US, 7Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO),

Barcelona, ES, 8Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS, Fondazione G. Pascale, Naples, IT,
9Cancer Research Institute, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, KR,
10University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, KR, 11University Hospitals Bristol

NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol, GB, 12Mayo Clinic, Rochester, US, 13Novartis Pharma
AG, Basel, CH, 14Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp, East Hanover, US, 15Erasmus MC,
Rotterdam, NL

17:00 - 17:05 1149MO - Carcinoid Heart Disease in Patients with Advanced Small-intestinal
Neuroendocrine Tumours and Carcinoid Syndrome: A Retrospective experience
of two Centers of Excellence
L. Algeri1, L. Falkman2, F. Spada1, V. Bagnardi3, S. Frassoni3, S. Boselli1, D. Cardinale4,
M. Zanobini5, J. Crona2, L. Benini1, D. Tamayo1, A. Russo6, G. Badalamenti6, S. Welin2,
N. Fazio1, 1European Institute of Oncology (IEO), IRCCS, Milan, IT, 2Uppsala University
Hospital, Uppsala, SE, 3University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, IT, 4IEO - Istituto Europeo
di Oncologia IRCCS, Milan, IT, 5Centro Cardiologico Monzino, Milan, IT, 6University of
Palermo, Palermo, IT

17:05 - 17:20 Invited Discussant 1148MO and 1149MO

I. Borbath, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc (UCLouvain Saint-Luc), Woluwe-Saint-
Lambert, BE

16:00 - 17:30 Type: Educational session Zaragoza Auditorium -

Title: The dark age of single cancer screening is CC5
Chair(s): Dario Trapani, IT; Nadir Arber, IL

16:00 - 16:25 Prevention

R. Benamouzig, Hopital Avicenne AP-HP, Bobigny, FR

16:25 - 16:50 Pan-cancer screening tests: Blood and beyond

C. Swanton, Francis Crick Institute, London, GB

16:50 - 17:15 Integrated Cancer Prevention Center: One Stop Shop

N. Arber, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center-(Ichilov), Tel Aviv, IL

17:15 - 17:30 Q&A and discussion

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

16:00 - 18:00 Type: Special session Cartagena Auditorium -
Title: 9th ESMO Designated Centres of Hall 7
Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care session and awards:
Specific considerations for integration of oncology and palliative
Chair(s): Jayne Wood, GB; Anna Reyners, NL

16:00 - 16:05 Introduction

J. Wood, The Royal Marsden Hospital (Chelsea) - NHS Foundation Trust, London, GB

16:05 - 16:15 DC stratification survey

J. Wood, The Royal Marsden Hospital (Chelsea) - NHS Foundation Trust, London, GB

16:15 - 16:30 Time toxicity of cancer treatment

R. Giusti, AOU Sant'Andrea, Rome, IT

16:30 - 16:35 Q&A

16:35 - 16:50 Early, integrated palliative care in older adults with cancer
G. Liposits, Regional Hospital West Jutland, Herning, DK

16:50 - 16:55 Q&A

16:55 - 17:10 Socioeconomic disparities in delivery of specialized palliative care at the end of
C. Zimmermann, UHN - University Health Network - Princess Margaret Cancer Center,
Toronto, CA

17:10 - 17:15 Q&A

17:15 - 17:35 Session conclusion and outline of next steps: DC community panel discussion
A. Reyners, UMCG - University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, NL

17:35 - 18:00 Designated Centres Awards

A. Reyners1, J. Wood2, 1UMCG - University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, NL,
2The Royal Marsden Hospital (Chelsea) - NHS Foundation Trust, London, GB

16:00 - 17:30 Type: Young Oncologists session Tarragona Auditorium -

Title: YO Mentorship session Hall 7

16:00 - 16:00 Career path: Tertiary or district hospital

L. Popovic, Oncology Institute of Vojvodina, Sremska Kamenica, RS

16:00 - 16:00 Career path: Academia

A.H. Partridge, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

16:00 - 16:00 Career path: Academia
M. Di Maio, Azienda Ospedaliera Ordine Mauriziano - Presidio Umberto I, Torino, IT

16:00 - 16:00 Career path: Clinician scientist

S. Turajlic, The Royal Marsden Hospital - Chelsea, London, GB

16:00 - 16:00 Career path: Clinician scientist

J. Mateo, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

16:00 - 16:00 Career path: Clinical trialist - Early phase clinical trials
G. Curigliano, IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Milan, IT

16:00 - 16:00 Career path: Policy making and public health

J. Tabernero, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

16:00 - 16:00 Career path: Industry

N. Denduluri, AstraZeneca, Phoenix, US

16:00 - 16:00 Clinics and research in LMIC

B. Gyawali, KAHS - Karnali Academy of Health Sciences, Chandannath, NP

16:00 - 16:20 EONS: Cancer nurses

J. De Munter, UZ Gent - Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent, Gent, BE

18:00 - 19:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Santander Auditorium -

Title: Johnson & Johnson - Optimising the Hall 5
personalisation of GU cancer care
Chair(s): Patrizia Giannatempo, IT; Alison Birtle, GB

18:00 - 18:10 Welcome and Introduction

P. Giannatempo1, A. Birtle2, 1Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan,
IT, 2Royal Preston Hospital, Preston, GB

18:10 - 18:18 Unveiling real-world evidence: Exploring the PSA Response in mHSPC
A. Birtle, Royal Preston Hospital, Preston, GB

18:18 - 18:26 Efficacy and QoL in mHSPC – finding the right balance
A. Rodriguez-Vida, Hospital del Mar - Parc de Salut Mar, Barcelona, ES

18:26 - 18:34 The significance of BRCA1/2 mutations in mCRPC outcomes

E. Verzoni, Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT

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18:34 - 18:47 Panel discussion
P. Giannatempo1, A. Birtle2, A. Rodriguez-Vida 3, E. Verzoni1, 1Fondazione IRCCS -
Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT, 2Royal Preston Hospital, Preston, GB, 3Hospital
del Mar - Parc de Salut Mar, Barcelona, ES

18:47 - 18:59 The evolving patient pathway in mUC: What do the changing guidelines mean
for treatment sequencing?
S. Crabb, Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, GB

18:59 - 19:12 FGFR testing: Why, how, when?

V. Gruenwald, University Hospital Essen Westdeutsches Tumorzentrum, Essen, DE

19:12 - 19:24 Optimising patient care: Managing adverse events

S. Crabb1, V. Gruenwald2, 1Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, GB,
2University Hospital Essen Westdeutsches Tumorzentrum, Essen, DE

19:24 - 19:30 Summary and Close

P. Giannatempo1, A. Birtle2, 1Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan,
IT, 2Royal Preston Hospital, Preston, GB

18:00 - 19:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Pfizer Oncology - Breaking new ground: 5
PARPi + ARPi combination therapy in mCRPC
Chair(s): Neal Shore, US

18:00 - 18:10 Welcome and Introductions

N. Shore, Atlantic Urology Clinics, LLC, Myrtle Beach, US

18:10 - 18:30 Beyond BRCA: examining the evidence for novel PARPi combinations in mCRPC
A. Merseburger, UKSH - Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein - Campus Lübeck,
Lübeck, DE

18:30 - 18:50 Harnessing the potential of HRR gene profiling to inform treatment decisions
E. Efstathiou, Houston Methodist, houston, US

18:50 - 19:15 Patient-centered approaches - who should we treat with PARPi and how?
N. Shore1, A. Merseburger2, E. Efstathiou3, 1Atlantic Urology Clinics, LLC, Myrtle
Beach, US, 2UKSH - Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein - Campus Lübeck, Lübeck,
DE, 3Houston Methodist, houston, US

19:15 - 19:25 Q&A

N. Shore1, A. Merseburger2, E. Efstathiou3, 1Atlantic Urology Clinics, LLC, Myrtle
Beach, US, 2UKSH - Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein - Campus Lübeck, Lübeck,
DE, 3Houston Methodist, houston, US

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19:25 - 19:30 Conclusion
N. Shore, Atlantic Urology Clinics, LLC, Myrtle Beach, US

18:00 - 19:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: Gilead Sciences - The Journey of ADCs in 3
Metastatic NSCLC: Past, Present and Future
Chair(s): Sanjay Popat, GB

18:00 - 18:05 Welcome and Introduction - The Journey of ADCs in Metastatic NSCLC: Past,
Present and Future
S. Popat, The Royal Marsden Hospital - NHS Foundation Trust, London, GB

18:05 - 18:20 The Unmet Needs and Limitations of Current Treatment Options in Metastatic
D. Planchard, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

18:20 - 18:50 ADCs in Metastatic NSCLC

M. Garassino, University of Chicago Department of Medicine - Section of
Hematology/Oncology, Chicago, US

18:50 - 19:15 The future of ADCs in Lung Cancer

M. Johnson, Sarah Cannon Research Institute-Cancer Centre, Nashville, US

19:15 - 19:30 Panel discussion and Q&A

S. Popat1, D. Planchard2, M. Johnson3, M. Garassino4, 1The Royal Marsden Hospital -
NHS Foundation Trust, London, GB, 2Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR,
3Sarah Cannon Research Institute-Cancer Centre, Nashville, US, 4University of Chicago

Department of Medicine - Section of Hematology/Oncology, Chicago, US

18:00 - 19:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: Servier - Advancements in Metastatic Hall 3
Pancreatic Cancer: Which perspectives for patients?
Chair(s): Eric Van Cutsem, BE; Teresa Macarulla Mercade, ES

18:00 - 18:05 Introduction

E. Van Cutsem, UZ Leuven - University Hospitals Leuven - Campus Gasthuisberg,
Leuven, BE

18:05 - 18:20 Navigating the latest news and guidelines in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer
G. Prager, Universitätskliniken der MedUni Wien - AKH Wien, Vienna, AT

18:20 - 18:40 Integrating new data into current clinical practice: Key learnings from Napoli 3
T. Macarulla Mercade, Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology - Cellex Center, Barcelona,

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18:40 - 18:55 Focusing on long term benefits: insights from NALLONG study
J.-L. Van Laethem, Erasme University Hospital-(Universite Libre de Bruxelles), Brussels,

18:55 - 19:05 Exploring Recent Clinical Data: Perspectives from the Japanese Experience
M. Ikeda, National Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, JP

19:05 - 19:25 Panel discussion

E. Van Cutsem1, T. Macarulla Mercade2, G. Prager3, J.-L. Van Laethem4, M. Ikeda5, 1UZ
Leuven - University Hospitals Leuven - Campus Gasthuisberg, Leuven, BE, 2Vall
d'Hebron Institute of Oncology - Cellex Center, Barcelona, ES, 3Universitätskliniken der
MedUni Wien - AKH Wien, Vienna, AT, 4Erasme University Hospital-(Universite Libre de
Bruxelles), Brussels, BE, 5National Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, JP

19:25 - 19:30 Conclusion

T. Macarulla Mercade, Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology - Cellex Center, Barcelona,

18:00 - 19:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: AstraZeneca - Strategies in motion: 3
improving NSCLC patient care across all stages
Chair(s): Martin Reck, DE; Lizza Hendriks, NL

18:00 - 18:10 Welcome address: charting a path forward in NSCLC care

M. Reck1, L. Hendriks2, 1LungenClinic Grosshansdorf, Grosshansdorf, DE, 2Maastricht
University Medical Center (MUMC), Maastricht, NL

18:10 - 18:23 Resectable NSCLC: navigating an expanding treatment landscape

M. Reck, LungenClinic Grosshansdorf, Grosshansdorf, DE

18:23 - 18:36 Unresectable NSCLC: guiding treatment decisions to optimise outcomes

A.R. Filippi, Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT

18:36 - 18:48 Expert perspectives on early-stage NSCLC: Panel discussion and live Q&A
M. Reck1, L. Hendriks2, 1LungenClinic Grosshansdorf, Grosshansdorf, DE, 2Maastricht
University Medical Center (MUMC), Maastricht, NL

18:48 - 19:01 Metastatic EGFRm NSCLC: re-defining possibilities through emerging

L. Hendriks, Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC), Maastricht, NL

19:01 - 19:14 Metastatic NSCLC without actionable genomic alterations: addressing unmet
needs in care
N. Reinmuth, Asklepios-Fachklinikum, Gauting, DE

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

19:14 - 19:26 Expert perspectives on metastatic NSCLC: Panel discussion and live Q&A
M. Reck, LungenClinic Grosshansdorf, Grosshansdorf, DE

19:26 - 19:30 Closing Remarks

L. Hendriks1, M. Reck2, 1Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC), Maastricht,
NL, 2LungenClinic Grosshansdorf, Grosshansdorf, DE

18:00 - 19:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3

Title: Stemline. A Menarini Group - Treatment Strategies and
Sequencing After CDK4/6 Inhibitors for Patients with ER+/HER2−
Advanced Breast Cancer
Chair(s): Peter Schmid, GB

18:00 - 18:10 Introduction

P. Schmid, Cancer Research UK Barts Centre - Barts and The London School of
Medicine and Dentistry, London, GB

18:10 - 18:30 Treatment Landscape for ER+/HER2− Advanced Breast Cancer

V. Kaklamani, Mays Cancer Center - UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer
Center, San Antonio, US

18:30 - 18:50 Emerging Biomarkers in Breast Cancer

F. Marmé, UMM - Universitaetsklinikum Mannheim - Medizinische Fakultaet,
Mannheim, DE

18:50 - 19:00 Key Takeaways

P. Schmid, Cancer Research UK Barts Centre - Barts and The London School of
Medicine and Dentistry, London, GB

19:00 - 19:30 Discussion and Q&A

P. Schmid1, V. Kaklamani2, F. Marmé3, 1Cancer Research UK Barts Centre - Barts and
The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, GB, 2Mays Cancer Center - UT
Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center, San Antonio, US, 3UMM -
Universitaetsklinikum Mannheim - Medizinische Fakultaet, Mannheim, DE

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Proffered Paper session Barcelona Auditorium -
Title: Proffered paper session: NSCLC metastatic Hall 2
Chair(s): Benjamin Besse, FR; Marina Garassino, US

08:30 - 08:40 One LBA TBC

08:40 - 08:50 One LBA TBC

08:50 - 09:00 One LBA TBC

09:00 - 09:10 Invited Discussant three LBAs TBC

M. Garassino, University of Chicago Department of Medicine - Section of
Hematology/Oncology, Chicago, US

09:10 - 09:20 Q&A

09:20 - 09:30 One LBA TBC

09:30 - 09:40 One LBA TBC

09:40 - 09:50 1253O - Phase 1/2 ALKOVE-1 study of NVL-655 in ALK-positive (ALK+) solid
A. Drilon1, J. Lin2, M. Johnson3, C. Baik4, L. Paz-Ares5, B. Besse6, J. Mazieres7, A.
Swalduz8, A. Minchom9, J. Reuss10, S. Gadgeel11, J. Riess12, G. Liu13, B. Solomon14,
D.R. Camidge15, W. Swe16, Y. Sun16, J. Shen16, V. Zhu16, E. Felip17, 1Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center & Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, US,
2Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, US, 3Sarah Cannon Research Institute-

Cancer Centre, Nashville, US, 4Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, US, 5Hospital
Universitario 12 de Octubre, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, ES, 6Institut
Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 7Institut Claudius Rigaud, Toulouse, FR, 8Centre
Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR, 9The Royal Marsden Hospital, London, GB, 10Lombardi Cancer
Center Georgetown University, Washington, US, 11Henry Ford Cancer Center/Henry
Ford Health, Detroit, US, 12UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, Sacramento, US,
13Princess Margaret Cancer Center, Toronto, CA, 14Peter MacCallum Cancer Center,

Melbourne, AU, 15University of Colorado Cancer Center, Aurora, US, 16Nuvalent, Inc.,
Cambridge, US, 17Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology, Universitat Autònoma,
Barcelona, ES

09:50 - 10:00 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC and 1253O

10:00 - 10:10 Q&A

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08:30 - 10:00 Type: Proffered Paper session Madrid Auditorium - Hall
Title: Proffered paper session 2: GI tumours, 2
upper digestive
Chair(s): Filippo Pietrantonio, IT; Tania Fleitas, ES

08:30 - 08:40 One LBA TBC

08:40 - 08:50 One LBA TBC

08:50 - 09:00 One LBA TBC

09:00 - 09:10 Invited Discussant three LBAs TBC

T. Fleitas, Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, ES

09:10 - 09:20 Q&A

09:20 - 09:30 1400O - Final overall survival for the phase 3, KEYNOTE-811 study of
pembrolizumab plus trastuzumab and chemotherapy for HER2+ advanced,
unresectable or metastatic G/GEJ adenocarcinoma
Y. Janjigian1, A. Kawazoe2, Y. Bai3, J. Xu4, S. Lonardi5, J.-P. Metges6, P. Yanez Weber7, L.
Wyrwicz8, L. Shen9, Y. Ostapenko10, M. Bilici11, H.C. Chung12, K. Shitara2, M.
Mahave13, E. Van Cutsem14, J. Tabernero15, L. Xu16, K. Sharan16, P. Bhagia16, S.Y.
Rha12, 1MSKCC - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US, 2National
Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, JP, 3Harbin Medical University, Harbin, CN,
4The Fifth Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital/Beijing 302 Hospital,

Beijing, CN, 5IOV - Istituto Oncologico Veneto IRCCS, Padova, IT, 6University Hospital of
Brest, Brest, FR, 7Clinica Alemana de Temuco S.A., Temuco, CL, 8Maria Sklodowska-
Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, PL, 9Peking University Cancer
Hospital and Institute, Beijing, CN, 10National Cancer Institute of the Ministry of Health
of Ukraine, Kiev, UA, 11Ataturk University Medical Faculty, Erzurum, TR, 12Yonsei
University College of Medicine, Seoul, KR, 13FALP - Fundacion Arturo Lopez Perez -
Instituto Oncologico, Providencia, CL, 14UZ Leuven - University Hospitals Leuven -
Campus Gasthuisberg, Leuven, BE, 15Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES,
16Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, US

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09:30 - 09:40 1401O - Trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) monotherapy and combinations in
patients (pts) with advanced/metastatic HER2-positive (HER2+) esophageal,
gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma (GEJA): DESTINY-
Gastric03 (DG-03)
Y. Janjigian1, H. Van Laarhoven2, S.Y. Rha3, V. Kozlov4, D.-Y. Oh 5, A. Gravina6, L.
Rapatoni7, H. Shoji8, R.D. Hofheinz9, L.-T. Chen 10, H. Ford11, M. Chenard-Poirier12, S.
Raoufmoghaddam13, C. Lloyd14, C. Zhang15, C. Mateo16, J. Lee17, 1Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US, 2Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, NL, 3Yonsei
Cancer Center, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, KR, 4Novosibirsk State
Medical University, Novosibirsk, RU, 5Seoul National University College of Medicine,
Seoul, KR, 6Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Napoli, IT, 7University of São Paulo, Ribeirao
Preto, BR, 8National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo, JP, 9University of Heidelberg,
Mannheim, DE, 10National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, TW, 11Cambridge
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, GB, 12CHU de Québec,
Québec, CA, 13AstraZeneca, Cambridge, GB, 14AstraZeneca, New York, US,
15AstraZeneca, Gaithersburg, US, 16AstraZeneca, Barcelona, ES, 17Samsung Medical

Center, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, KR

09:40 - 09:50 Invited Discussant 1400O and 1401O

F. Pietrantonio, Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT

09:50 - 10:00 Q&A

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Educational session Sevilla Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Addressing uncertainties in the management of urothelial
and renal cell carcinomas
Chair(s): Petros Grivas, US; Bernadett Szabados, GB

08:30 - 08:50 Circulating vs tissue-based biomarkers

B. Szabados, Cancer Research UK Barts Centre - Barts and The London School of
Medicine and Dentistry, London, GB

08:50 - 09:10 What is the role of rechallenge with the same class of agents in advanced
P. Grivas, University of Washington, Seattle, US

09:10 - 09:30 How to manage patients with durable response on systemic therapy? Optimal
therapy duration and role de-escalation?
D. Robbrecht, Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Rotterdam, NL

09:30 - 09:50 Building on standard therapies: Novel agents and promising combinations
B. Perez Valderrama, Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocio, Seville, ES

09:50 - 10:00 Q&A and discussion

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08:30 - 10:00 Type: Mini Oral session Bilbao Auditorium - Hall 2
Title: Mini oral session: Head and neck cancer
Chair(s): Ester Orlandi, IT; Makoto Tahara, JP

08:30 - 08:35 848MO - Phase II open-label randomized study of pembrolizumab with or

without bevacizumab in platinum-resistant recurrent/metastatic
nasopharyngeal carcinoma (R/M NPC)
W.Q. Chong1, J.L. Low1, K. Sooi1, R. Soo1, C. Le1, H.L. Teo2, J. Samol2, G. Goh3, L.R.
Kong3, R. Dasgupta4, S. Chia4, R. Wong3, A. Gopinathan5, J.K. Tay6, D. Eu6, R. Tsang6,
K.-S. Loh6, B.C. Tai7, Y.C. Lim3, B.-C. Goh1, 1National University Cancer Institute
Singapore, Singapore, SG, 2National Healthcare Group - Tan Tock Seng Hospital,
Singapore, SG, 3Cancer Science Institute (CSI) - National University of Singapore
(NUS), Singapore, SG, 4A*STAR - Agency for Science, Technology and Research,
Singapore, SG, 5NUH - National University Hospital (S) Pte. Ltd., Singapore, SG, 6NUS
- National University of Singapore, Singapore, SG, 7National University of Singapore
(NUS) - Faculty of Science, Singapore, SG

08:35 - 08:40 850MO - Phase II randomized trial of chemotherapy followed by surgery and
PORT versus surgery and PORT for organ preservation of T3 and T4a (selected
T4b) sinonasal squamous cell carcinoma (SNC): A trial of the ECOG-ACRIN
Cancer Research Group (EA3163)
N. Saba1, Y. Flamand2, D.T. Lin3, C. Chung4, M.W. Mcdonald5, S. Flampouri5, S.A.
Khan6, C.H. Snyderman7, E. Hanna8, Y.H. El-Sayed9, C.A. Solares1, F. Duan10, A. Ho11,
M.A. Samuels12, P.L. Swiecicki13, R.M. Subramaniam14, A. Chakravarthy15, B.
Burtness16, 1Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, Atlanta, US, 2Harvard
Medical School, Boston, US, 3Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, US, 4H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute -
Magnolia Campus, Tampa, US, 5Winship Cancer Institute/Emory University, Atlanta, US,
6Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, US, 7UPMC Hillman Cancer Center,

Pittsburgh, US, 8MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 9UCSF Helen Diller Family
Comprehensive Cancer Center, San Francisco, US, 10Brown University, Providence, US,
11Memorial Sloan Kettering Evelyn H. Lauder Breast Center, New York, US, 12Banner

MD Anderson Cancer Center, Gilbert, US, 13Rogel Cancer Center, Ann Arbor, US,
14University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle, AU, 15Vanderbilt University Medical

Center, Nashville, US, 16Yale University School of Medicine - Yale Cancer Center, New
Haven, US

08:40 - 08:45 867MO - Epigenetic therapy modulates the tumor microenvironment to

sensitize anti-PD-1 refractory head and neck cancers to immunotherapy
S. Pai1, T. Qin2, A. Mattox1, J. Campbell3, J.C. Park4, K.-Y. Shin 5, P. Sadow4, W. Faquin4,
R. Haddad5, M. Pittet6, C. Garris4, T. Mempel7, A. Oneill5, M. Sartor8, 1Yale University
School of Medicine, New Heaven, US, 2University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, US,
3University of Washington, Seattle, US, 4MGH - Massachusetts General Hospital,

Boston, US, 5Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US, 6University of Geneva - Faculty
of Medicine, Geneva, CH, 7Harvard Medical School, Boston, US, 8University of
Michigan Hospital, Ann Arbor, US

08:45 - 09:00 Invited Discussant 848MO, 850MO and 867MO

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09:00 - 09:05 851MO - Final Analysis of a Phase II/III Trial of Post-operative
Chemoradiotherapy Comparing 3-Weekly Cisplatin with Weekly Cisplatin in
High-risk Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck
M. Tahara1, N. Kiyota2, H. Fujii3, Y. Asada4, H. Mitani5, Y. Hirayama6, N. Nishio7, Y.
Onozawa8, N. Hanai9, A. Ohkoshi10, N. Monden11, M. Nagaoka12, S. Minami13, T.
Fujii14, K. Tanaka15, S. Yoshimoto16, T. Kodaira9, J. Mizusawa17, K. Nakamura18, R.
Hayashi1, 1National Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, JP, 2Kobe University
Hospital, Kobe, JP, 3Jichi Medical University Hospital, Shimotsuke, JP, 4Miyagi Cancer
Center, Natori, JP, 5The Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR, Koto-ku, JP, 6Hyogo Cancer
Center, Akashi, JP, 7Nagoya University Hospital, Nagoya, JP, 8Shizuoka Cancer Center,
Shizuoka, JP, 9Aichi Cancer Center Hospital, Nagoya, JP, 10Tohoku University Hospital,
Sendai, JP, 11NHO Shikoku Cancer Center, Matsuyama, JP, 12Jikei University School of
Medicine, Tokyo, JP, 13NHO Tokyo Medical Center, Tokyo, JP, 14OICI - Osaka
International Cancer Institute, Osaka, JP, 15Kindai University School of Medicine - Main
Campus, Osaka, JP, 16NCCH - National Cancer Center Hospital-Tsukiji Campus, Chuo-
ku, JP, 17National Cancer Center - Tsukiji Campus, Chuo-ku, JP, 18National Cancer
Center, Tokyo, JP

09:05 - 09:10 One LBA TBC

09:10 - 09:15 852MO - REWRITE–GORTEC 2018-02: Radiotherapy-durvalumab without

prophylactic neck irradiation in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
J. Castelli1, X. Sun2, E. Neveu3, T.V. Nguyen4, Y. Tao5, L. Martin6, U. Schick7, C. Sire8, T.
Leroy9, N. Vulquin10, B. Calderon11, J. Thariat12, S. Guihard13, X. Liem14, O. Arsene15,
L. Sinigaglia16, B. Campillo-Gimenez1, J. Bourhis17, 1Univ Rennes, CLCC Eugène
Marquis, Inserm, LTSI – UMR 1099, Rennes, FR, 2CHRU Besançon and HNFC,
Besançon, FR, 3Centre Eugene - Marquis, Rennes, FR, 4Gustave Roussy - Cancer
Campus, Villejuif, FR, 5Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 6Clinique des
Ormeaux, Le Havre, FR, 7CHRU Brest - Hopital Augustin Morvan, Brest, FR, 8Groupe
Hospitalier de Bretagne Sud - Site du Scorff, Lorient, FR, 9Centre de Cancérologie Les
Dentellières, Valenciennes, FR, 10Centre Georges-François Leclerc (Dijon), Dijon, FR,
11Institut Sainte-Catherine, Avignon, FR, 12Centre Francois Baclesse, Caen, Cedex, FR,
13Centre Paul Strauss Centre de Lutte contre le Cancer, Strasbourg, FR, 14Centre

Oscar Lambret, Lille, FR, 15Centre Hospitalier Simone Veil de Blois, Blois, Cedex, FR,
16GORTEC, Tours, FR, 17CHUV - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne,


09:15 - 09:30 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC, 851MO and 852MO
E. Orlandi, Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica - CNAO, Pavia, IT

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

09:30 - 09:35 853MO - Setanaxib plus pembrolizumab for the treatment of recurrent or
metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head & neck: Results of a
randomized, double-blind Phase 2 trial
J. Fayette1, G. Thomas2, A. Daste3, M. Rotarski4, B. Castelo5, A. Rullan6, A. Levine7, R.
Philipson7, K. Harrington8, 1Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR, 2University of Southampton,
Southampton, GB, 3CHU Bordeaux - Hopital St. André, Bordeaux, FR, 4Centre
Oncologie du Pays Basque, Bayonne, FR, 5Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, ES,
6The Royal Marsden Hospital - Chelsea, London, GB, 7Calliditas Therapeutics AB,

Stockholm, SE, 8Institute of Cancer Research/Royal Marsden, London, GB

09:35 - 09:40 One LBA TBC

09:40 - 09:45 854MO - Avelumab-cetuximab-radiotherapy (RT) versus standards of care in

patients with locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (LA-
SCCHN): final analysis of randomized phase III GORTEC 2017-01 REACH trial
Y. Tao1, A. Auperin2, X. Sun3, X. Liem4, C. Sire5, L. Martin6, Y. Pointreau7, C. Borel8, M.-
C. Kaminsky-Forrett9, J. Miroir10, F. Rolland11, A. Coutte12, F. Clatot13, L. Sinigaglia14,
J. Thariat15, C. Even16, E. Saada17, J. Guigay14, J. Bourhis18, 1Institut Gustave Roussy,
Villejuif, FR, 2Gustave Roussy - Cancer Campus, Villejuif, FR, 3CHRU Besançon and
HNFC, Besançon, FR, 4Centre Oscar Lambret, Lille, FR, 5South Brittany Hospital,
Lorient, FR, 6Clinique des Ormeaux, Le Havre, FR, 7ILC-Centre Jean Bernard, Le Mans,
FR, 8ICANS - Institut de Cancérologie Strasbourg Europe, Strasbourg, FR, 9Institut de
Cancérologie de Lorraine - Alexis Vautrin, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, FR, 10Centre Jean
PERRIN, Clermont-Ferrand, Cedex, FR, 11ICO Institut de Cancerologie de l'Ouest René
Gauducheau, Saint-Herblain, FR, 12CHU Amiens-Picardie - Site Sud, Amiens, FR,
13Centre Henri Becquerel, Rouen, FR, 14GORTEC, Tours, FR, 15Centre Francois

Baclesse, Caen, Cedex, FR, 16Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 17Centre
Anticancer Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, FR, 18CHUV - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire
Vaudois, Lausanne, CH

09:45 - 10:00 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC, 853MO and 854MO
M. Tahara, National Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, JP

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Special symposium Granada Auditorium - Hall

Title: Gynaecological cancer: How can technology 6
help the fight?
Chair(s): Florence Joly Lobbedez, FR

08:30 - 08:35 Introduction and scientific background

08:35 - 08:50 Digitalising the patient journey

F. Joly Lobbedez, Centre Francois Baclesse, Caen, Cedex 5, FR

08:50 - 09:05 Whole genome sequencing: What are the benefits?

C. Gourley, Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre, Edinburgh, GB

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09:05 - 09:20 Latest liquid biopsy techniques
N. Normanno, Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS - Fondazione G. Pascale, Napoli, IT

09:20 - 09:35 Artificial intelligence applications

T. Bosse, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, NL

09:35 - 09:55 Q&A and discussion

09:55 - 10:00 Conclusions and perspectives

F. Joly Lobbedez, Centre Francois Baclesse, Caen, Cedex 5, FR

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Special symposium Burgos Auditorium - Hall

Title: Precision medicine in NEN: Where we are 5
Chair(s): Annemiek Walenkamp, NL

08:30 - 08:35 Introduction and scientific background

A. Walenkamp, UMCG - University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, NL

08:35 - 08:50 The molecular landscape of neuroendocrine neoplasms

C. Thirlwell, University of Bristol - Bristol Medical School, Bristol, GB

08:50 - 09:05 The value of circulating tumour DNA in neuroendocrine neoplasms

A. Walenkamp, UMCG - University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, NL

09:05 - 09:20 Precision systemic therapy in NEN

J. Capdevila Castillon, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

09:20 - 09:35 Precision radionuclide therapy

A. Kjaer, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, DK

09:35 - 09:55 Q&A and discussion

09:55 - 10:00 Conclusions and perspectives

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Special symposium Santander Auditorium -

Title: Hot topics in sarcoma Hall 5
Chair(s): Breelyn Wilky, US

08:30 - 08:35 Introduction and scientific background

B. Wilky, UCHealth Cancer Care - Anschutz Medical Campus - University of Colorado
Cancer Center, Aurora, US

08:35 - 08:50 Landmark trials in soft tissue sarcomas (incl. LPS/LMS)

R. Jones, The Royal Marsden Hospital - Chelsea, London, GB

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:50 - 09:05 Landmark trials in bone and joint sarcomas
S. Stacchiotti, Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT

09:05 - 09:20 Landmark trials in immunotherapy

B. Wilky, UCHealth Cancer Care - Anschutz Medical Campus - University of Colorado
Cancer Center, Aurora, US

09:20 - 09:35 Landmark trials in GIST

S. Bauer, WTZ - Westdeutsches Tumorzentrum Essen, Essen, DE

09:35 - 09:55 Q&A and discussion

09:55 - 10:00 Conclusions and perspectives

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Educational session Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Exploiting the microbiome to improve 5
treatment outcomes
Chair(s): Bertrand Routy, CA; Göran Jönsson, SE

08:30 - 08:55 How the microbiome affects immunotherapy

B. Routy, CRCHUM - Centre de recherche du CHUM, Montreal, CA

08:55 - 09:20 Tumour antigens derived from bacteria

M. Rescigno, Humanitas University, Milan, IT

09:20 - 09:45 Improving anti-tumour immunity with engineered bacteria

J. Theys, Maastricht University, Maastricht, NL

09:45 - 10:00 Q&A and discussion

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Educational session Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: Common clinical problems in neuro- Hall 3
Chair(s): Martin McCabe, GB; Dieta Brandsma, NL

08:30 - 08:50 Rational molecular testing for treatment of gliomas

L. Schweizer, Institute of Neurology (Edinger Institute), Frankfurt am Main, DE

08:50 - 09:10 Comprehensive molecular profiling of AYA patients: An EORTC-SPECTA proof of

concept study
M. Mccabe, The University of Manchester, Manchester, GB

09:10 - 09:30 Assessing patient fitness for treatment of gliomas

J. Furtner, MedUni Wien - Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, AT

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

09:30 - 09:50 Radionecrosis and pseudoprogression
N. Galldiks, Universitätsklinikum Köln (AöR), Köln, DE

09:50 - 10:00 Q&A and discussion

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Educational session Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: Treatment of elderly patients with 3
haematological malignancies
Chair(s): Stefano Luminari, IT

08:30 - 08:50 AML/MDS

M. Heuser, MHH - Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, DE

08:50 - 09:10 Multiple myeloma

N. Van De Donk, Amsterdam UMC - Vrije University Medical Centre (VUmc),
Amsterdam, NL

09:10 - 09:30 Diffuse large B cell lymphoma

F. Peyrade, Centre Anticancer Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, FR

09:30 - 09:50 Follicular lymphoma

S. Luminari, Policlinico di Modena, Modena, IT

09:50 - 10:00 Q&A and discussion

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Special session Zaragoza Auditorium -

Title: POWG 1: Biomarkers in everyday clinical CC5
Chair(s): Mila Petrova, BG; Gabor Liposits, DK

08:30 - 08:50 Biomarkers in the treatment of breast cancer: Importance and pitfalls
F. André, Gustave Roussy - Cancer Campus, Villejuif, FR

08:50 - 09:10 How to read commercial NGS test: Tips and tricks for practicing oncologists
C.B. Westphalen, LMU Klinikum der Universität München, Munich, DE

09:10 - 09:30 Biomarkers for mCRPC: To test or not to test

E. Castro, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

09:30 - 09:50 Biomarkers in daily practice

R. Vidra, The Regional Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Cluj-Napoca, RO

09:50 - 10:00 Q&A and discussion

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:30 - 10:00 Type: EONS session Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7
Title: Opening session and Keynote lecture
Chair(s): Virpi Sulosaari, FI

08:30 - 08:40 Welcome address

V. Sulosaari, TUAS - Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, FI

08:40 - 08:50 Welcome from Spanish Oncology Nursing Society (Sociedad Española de
Enfermería Oncológica, SEEO)
J. Serra López, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, ES

08:50 - 08:55 Welcome from ESMO

A. Cervantes, Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, ES

08:55 - 09:15 Keynote lecture: Shaping the future of cancer nursing: The case for disruption
in the pursuit of meaningful and equitable innovation
A. Drury, DCU - Dublin City University, Dublin, IE

09:15 - 09:45 Panel discussion on past, present and future: Where are we going?
J. Serra López1, V. Sulosaari2, H. Ullgren3, J. De Munter4, 1Hospital de la Santa Creu i
Sant Pau, Barcelona, ES, 2TUAS - Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, FI,
3Karolinska University Hospital-Solna, Solna, SE, 4UZ Gent - Universitair Ziekenhuis

Gent, Gent, BE

09:45 - 10:00 Lifetime Achievement Award, RECaN Award, NRDA Award

09:00 - 09:45 Type: Challenge your Expert Salamanca Auditorium -

Title: How to optimally counsel my melanoma Hall 5
patients for adjuvant therapy
Chair(s): Helen Gogas, GR

09:00 - 09:20 Presentation by Expert

J. Larkin, The Royal Marsden Hospital - Chelsea, London, GB

09:20 - 09:45 Discussion led by Chair

H. Gogas, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - School of Medicine, Athens,

09:00 - 09:45 Type: Challenge your Expert Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: Pharmacologically manipulating evolution 3
Chair(s): Andrea Sottoriva, GB

09:00 - 09:20 Presentation by Expert

T. Graham, ICR - Institute of Cancer Research, London, GB

09:20 - 09:45 Discussion led by Chair

A. Sottoriva, The Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, GB

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

09:00 - 10:00 Type: Young Oncologists session Cartagena Auditorium -
Title: YO Boxing session Hall 7

09:00 - 09:10 Should we try immunotherapy for all patients with advanced cancer? - Yes
M. Chalabi, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, NL

09:10 - 09:20 Should we try immunotherapy for all patients with advanced cancer? - No
K.H.J. Lim, The Francis Crick Institute, London, GB

09:20 - 09:30 Discussion

09:30 - 09:40 Who should be responsible for cancer survivorship - Oncologists

M. Lustberg, Yale University School of Medicine, New Heaven, US

09:40 - 09:50 Who should be responsible for cancer survivorship - General practitioners
A. Indini, Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT

09:50 - 10:00 Discussion

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Mini Oral session Barcelona Auditorium -

Title: Mini oral session: Breast cancer, early Hall 2
Chair(s): Kevin Kalinsky, US; Lisa Carey, US; Fatima Cardoso, PT

10:15 - 10:20 233MO - Ovarian Function Suppression in HR-positive, HER2-positive Breast

Cancer: An Exploratory Analysis from the HERA Trial
S. Moon, S.J. Bae, Y. Kook, B. Seung Ho, L. Minji, S.G. Ahn, J. Jeong, Gangnam
Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, KR

10:20 - 10:25 234MO - Explaining the Relationships between Age, Endocrine Therapy
Persistence and Risk of Recurrence in Hormone-Positive Early Breast Cancer: A
Nationwide Cohort Study
E. Dumas1, F. Jochum2, F. Coussy2, A.-S. Hamy-Petit3, A. Majdling2, S. Houzard4, C. Le
Bihan-Benjamin4, F. Reyal2, P. Gougis2, M.J. Stensrud1, 1Ecole polytechnique Fédérale
de Lausanne, Lausanne, CH, 2Institut Curie, Paris, FR, 3Hopital René Huguenin -
Institut Curie, Saint-Cloud, FR, 4INCa - Institut National du Cancer, Boulogne-
Billancourt, FR

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:25 - 10:30 235MO - Efficacy and safety of ribociclib (RIB) + nonsteroidal aromatase
inhibitor (NSAI) in younger patients (pts) with HR+/HER2− early breast cancer
S. Loi1, E. Stringer-Reasor2, J.-S. Frenel3, M. Reinisch4, R. Oregan5, M. De Laurentiis6,
Y.H. Park7, A. O'Dea8, Y.-S. Lu9, V. Gonzalez10, M. Gao11, S. Waters12, H. Hu13, B. Xu14,
1Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, AU, 2O'Neal Comprehensive Cancer

Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, US, 3ICO Institut de

Cancerologie de l'Ouest René Gauducheau, Saint-Herblain, FR, 4Kliniken Essen Mitte,
Essen, DE, 5University of Rochester Cancer Center – Wilmot Cancer Institute,
Rochester, US, 6Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS - Fondazione G. Pascale, Napoli, IT,
7Samsung Medical Center (SMC) - Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine,

Seoul, KR, 8University of Kansas Medical Center, Westwood, US, 9NTUH - National
Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei City, TW, 10TRIO - Translational Research in
Oncology, Montevideo, UY, 11Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, CH, 12Novartis Ireland
Limited, Dublin, IE, 13Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, US,
14Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College - National

Cancer Center, Cancer Hospital, Beijing, CN

10:30 - 10:45 Invited Discussant 233MO, 234MO and 235MO

K. Kalinsky, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, Atlanta, US

10:45 - 10:50 236MO - Pathologic complete response and survival after neoadjuvant
chemotherapy in stage I TNBC: a registry-based study
M. De Graaf1, R. Gielen1, S. Balduzzi1, S. Siesling2, S. Linn1, M. Kok1, 1Netherlands
Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, NL, 2IKNL - Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer
Organisation, Utrecht, NL

10:50 - 10:55 237MO - TNBC-DX genomic test in early-stage triple-negative breast cancer
treated with neoadjuvant taxane-based therapy without immunotherapy
M. Martin Jimenez1, O. Gluz2, G. Villacampa3, S. Lopez-Tarruella Cobo 4, U. Nitz5, S.
Cobo6, F. Brasó-Maristany7, M. Christgen8, Y. Jerez Gilarranz4, S. Kummel9, B. Conte10,
I. Echavarria Diaz-Guardamino4, M.K. Graeser-Mayer11, H. Kreipe12, M. Del Monte-
Millan13, B. Herrero Lopez4, C. Perou14, L. Pare Brunet15, A. Prat10, N. Harbeck16,
1Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon, Madrid, ES, 2West German Study

Group, Monchengladbach Bethesda Klinik, Mönchengladbach, DE, 3Vall d'Hebron

Institute of Oncology (VHIO), Barcelona, ES, 4Hospital General Universitario Gregorio
Maranon, Madrid, ES, 5West German Study Group, Monchengladbach, Germany,
Mönchengladbach, DE, 6Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, Barcelona, ES, 7IDIBAPS -
Fundació de Recerca Clinic Barcelona - Institut d'Investigacions Biomediques August Pi
i Sunyer, Barcelona, ES, 8MHH - Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, DE,
9Hannover, Essen, DE, 10Hospital Clinic y Provincial de Barcelona, Barcelona, ES,
11West German Study Group, Monchengladbach, Mönchengladbach, DE, 12Hannover

Medical School, Hannover, DE, 13Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon -

Fundación Investigación Biomedica, Madrid, ES, 14UNC - Lineberger Comprehensive
Cancer Center, Chapel Hill, US, 15Reveal Genomics, S.L., Barcelona, ES, 16West
German Study Group, Monchengladbach, Munich, DE

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:55 - 11:00 238MO - PROMENADE: PembROlizuMab for early triple negative ER-low breast
caNcer, reAl worlD frEnch cohort
F. Cherifi1, L. Cabel2, C. Bousrih3, E. Volant4, F. Dalenc5, B. Mery6, M. Auvray Kuentz7,
M. Alexandre8, L. Benistant9, M. Leheurteur10, C. Bailleux11, M. Debled12, J.-S.
Frenel13, D. Loirat2, F.C. Bidard2, S. Aho14, A. Glenet15, J. Ribeiro Mourato16, F.
Christy1, G. Emile17, 1Centre Francois Baclesse, Caen, Cedex, FR, 2Institut Curie, Paris,
FR, 3Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 4Cancéropôle Grand Ouest - CHU
Nantes Immeuble Deurbroucq, Nantes, FR, 5Oncopole Claudius Regaud- IUCT,
Toulouse, FR, 6Center Leon Berard, Lyon, FR, 7Centre Eugène Marquis, Rennes, FR,
8ICM - Institut du Cancer de Montpellier, Montpellier, Cedex, FR, 9ICANS - Institut de

Cancérologie Strasbourg Europe, Strasbourg, FR, 10Centre Henri Becquerel, Rouen,

FR, 11Centre Anticancer Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, FR, 12Institute Bergonié - Centre
Régional de Lutte Contre le Cancer (CLCC), Bordeaux, FR, 13ICO Institut de
Cancerologie de l'Ouest René Gauducheau, Saint-Herblain, FR, 14Institut de
Cancérologie de Lorraine, Nancy, FR, 15IUCT Oncopole, Toulouse, FR, 16Gustave
Roussy - Cancer Campus, Villejuif, FR, 17Centre Francois Baclesse, Caen, FR

11:00 - 11:15 Invited Discussant 236MO, 237MO and 238MO

L. Carey, UNC - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - School of Medicine,
Chapel Hill, US

11:15 - 11:20 One LBA TBC

11:20 - 11:25 One LBA TBC

11:25 - 11:30 239MO - TILs and overall survival (OS) in HER2+ early breast cancer (eBC): 10-
year (yr) updated analysis of the ShortHER trial
M.V. Dieci1, G. Bisagni2, S. Bartolini3, A. Schirone4, L. Cavanna5, A. Musolino6, F.
Giotta7, A. Rimanti8, O. Garrone9, E. Bertone10, K. Cagossi11, S. Sarti12, A. Ferro13, F.
Piacentini14, E. Orvieto15, M. Sanders16, F. Miglietta1, S. Balduzzi17, R. D'Amico18, V.
Guarneri1, 1Università degli Studi di Padova - DiSCOG, Padova, IT, 2Department of
Oncology and Advanced Technologies, Azienda USL-IRCCS, Reggio Emilia, IT, 3AUSL
Bologna - Sede Legale, Bologna, IT, 4Arcispedale Sant'Anna - AOU di Ferrara, Ferrara,
IT, 5AUSL di Piacenza - Ospedale Guglielmo da Saliceto, Piacenza, IT, 6Università Degli
Studi Di Parma - Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Parma, IT, 7Istituto Oncologico Bari,
Bari, IT, 8Carlo Poma Hospital, ASST Mantova, Mantova, Italy, Mantova, IT, 9Fondazione
IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milano, IT, 10S. Anna Hospital,
Torino, Italy, torino, IT, 11Ospedale Ramazzini - AUSL Modena, Carpi, IT, 12IRST -
Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori Dino Amadori IRCCS S.r.l., Meldola, IT,
13Ospedale Santa Chiara - APSS, Trento, IT, 14Azienda Ospedaliero - Universitaria

Policlinico di Modena, Modena, IT, 15Ulss 5 Polesana, Rovigo, Italy, Rovigo, IT,
16Vanderbilt University Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, Nashville, US,
17University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy, Modena MO, IT, 18University

of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, IT

11:30 - 11:45 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC and 239MO

F. Cardoso, Champalimaud Foundation - Champalimaud Clinical Center, Lisbon, PT

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Educational session Madrid Auditorium - Hall
Title: Molecular characterisation and novel 2
targeted therapies in gastroesophageal and pancreatic cancer
Chair(s): Sarah Derks, NL; Rupert Langer, AT

10:15 - 10:40 New developments in molecular characterisation

R. Langer, Kepler Universitaetsklinikum - Med Campus III, Linz, AT

10:40 - 11:05 Molecular testing in gastric and oesophageal cancer

M. Kwon, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, KR

11:05 - 11:30 Novel targeted therapies for pancreatic cancer

D. Melisi, AOU Integrata di Verona - Ospedale Borgo Roma, Verona, IT

11:30 - 11:45 Q&A and discussion

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Educational session Sevilla Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Updates on the treatment of thymic epithelial tumours
Chair(s): Jordi Remon Masip, FR; Heather Wakelee, US

10:15 - 10:35 Emerging molecular targets

A. Roden, Mayo Clinic - Rochester, Rochester, US

10:35 - 10:55 The role of surgery in the treatment of thymic tumours

E. Ruffini, University of Turin, Torino, IT

10:55 - 11:15 Current standards and advances in radiation for thymic tumours
R. Dziadziuszko, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, PL

11:15 - 11:35 Systemic treatment for thymic tumours

J. Remon Masip, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

11:35 - 11:45 Q&A and discussion

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Special symposium Bilbao Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: What’s on the horizon for metastatic prostate cancer
Chair(s): Niven Mehra, NL

10:15 - 10:20 Introduction and scientific background

N. Mehra, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Nijmegen, NL

10:20 - 10:35 B7-H3 as therapeutic target for PC

J. Carmichael, The Royal Marsden Hospital - NHS Foundation Trust, London, GB

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:35 - 10:50 DLL-3 targeted therapy for neuroendocrine PC
H. Beltran, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

10:50 - 11:05 T cell engagers in prostate cancer

N. Agarwal, University of Utah Health - Huntsman Cancer Institute, Salt Lake City, US

11:05 - 11:20 Targeting epigenetic pathways

W. Zwart, Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL),
Amsterdam, NL

11:20 - 11:40 Q&A and discussion

11:40 - 11:45 Conclusions and perspectives

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Special symposium Granada Auditorium - Hall

Title: Are we targeting the right antigens? 6
Chair(s): Alena Gros, ES; Samra Turajlic, GB

10:15 - 10:20 Introduction and scientific background

10:20 - 10:35 Should we target surface vs intracellular antigens?

M. Butler, UHN - University Health Network - Princess Margaret Cancer Center,
Toronto, CA

10:35 - 10:50 Should we target single or multiple antigens?

C. Puig-Saus, UCLA, Los Angeles, US

10:50 - 11:05 Should we target shared or unique antigens?

S. Turajlic, The Royal Marsden Hospital - Chelsea, London, GB

11:05 - 11:20 Tumour or microenvironment target?

E. Sahai, The Francis Crick Institute, London, GB

11:20 - 11:40 Q&A and discussion

11:40 - 11:45 Conclusions and perspectives

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Educational session Burgos Auditorium - Hall

Title: Recent breakthroughs in the treatment of 5
endemic NPC
Chair(s): Brigette Ma, HK; Pierre Blanchard, FR

10:15 - 10:40 Changing the treatment paradigm in the treatment of recurrent/metastatic

B. Ma, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, HK

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:40 - 11:05 Individualising induction and concurrent systemic therapy in locally advanced
M.L.K. Chua, NCCS - National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore, SG

11:05 - 11:30 Biomarker driven adjuvant therapy in locally advanced NPC

P. Blanchard, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

11:30 - 11:45 Q&A and discussion

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Proffered Paper session Salamanca Auditorium -

Title: Proffered paper session: Melanoma and Hall 5
other skin tumours
Chair(s): Ivan Marquez-Rodas, ES

10:15 - 10:25 One LBA TBC

10:25 - 10:35 1076O - Primary analysis of the EORTC 1208 Minitub Trial: Prospective registry
of Sentinel Node (SN) positive melanoma patients with minimal SN tumor
A. Van Akkooi1, D. Massi2, M. Kicinski3, P. Brackley4, D. Gruenhagen5, M. Rastrelli6, M.
Signh7, H. Peach8, B. Peric9, C. Caracò10, V. Boecxstaens11, M. Moncrieff12, S.
Marreaud3, R. Louis3, G. De Schaetzen3, S. Koljenovic13, B. Van De Wiel14, M.
Mandalà15, M. Cook16, A. Eggermont17, 1Melanoma Institute Australia, Wollstonecraft,
AU, 2UniFI - Università degli Studi di Firenze, Firenze, IT, 3EORTC AISBL/IVZW -
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, Brussels, BE, 4Whiston
Hospital, Prescot, GB, 5Erasmus MC - Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, Rotterdam, NL,
6IOV - Istituto Oncologico Veneto IRCCS, Padova, IT, 7St George's Hospital, London, GB,
8Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds, GB, 9Institute of Oncology Ljubljana,

Ljubljana, SI, 10Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS - Fondazione G. Pascale, Napoli, IT,
11University Hospital Leuven, Leuven, BE, 12Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital,

Norwich, GB, 13UZA - University Hospital Antwerp, Edegem, BE, 14NKI-AVL -

Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, NL,
15Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, IT, 16University of Manchester,

Manchester, GB, 17UMC - University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, NL

10:35 - 10:45 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC and 1076O

10:45 - 10:55 Q&A

10:55 - 11:05 One LBA TBC

11:05 - 11:15 One LBA TBC

11:15 - 11:25 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC

I. Marquez-Rodas, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon - Fundación
Investigación Biomedica, Madrid, ES

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

11:25 - 11:35 Q&A

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Mini Oral session Santander Auditorium -

Title: Mini oral session: NSCLC metastatic Hall 5
Chair(s): Mariana Brandão, BE

10:15 - 10:20 One LBA TBC

10:20 - 10:25 1254MO - Safety and Antitumor Activity of Zipalertinib in NSCLC Patients (pts)
with EGFR Exon 20 Insertion (ex20ins) Mutations Who Received Prior
A. Passaro1, H.A. Yu2, D. Nguyen3, V. Lee4, R. Soo5, S.H. Kim6, H. Daga7, D.S.W. Tan8,
S.-W. Kim 9, O.J. Juan Vidal10, Z. Piotrowska11, E. Keeton12, T. Liu12, S. Li12, J. Jones12,
G. Ruiter13, 1European Institute of Oncology IRCCS, Milan, IT, 2Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US, 3City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Duarte, US, 4The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, HK, 5National University
Cancer Institute Singapore, Singapore, SG, 6Seoul National University Bundang
Hospital, Seongnam, KR, 7Osaka City General Hospital, Osaka, JP, 8NCCS - National
Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore, SG, 9Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan
College of Medicine, Seoul, KR, 10Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe, Valencia, ES,
11MGH - Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, US, 12Cullinan Therapeutics, Inc.,

Cambridge, US, 13Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, NL

10:25 - 10:30 1255MO - A Phase II Safety and Efficacy Study of PM8002/BNT327 in

Combination with Chemotherapy in Patients with EGFR-mutated Non-Small
Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
Y.-L. Wu1, Z. Wang1, Y. Cheng2, J. Fang3, X. Meng4, Y. Pan5, H. Zhao6, Y. Zhao7, H. Su8,
M. Sun9, T. Zhou10, P. Duan11, D. Lv12, Y. Wang13, Y. Du14, W. Zuo15, P. Zhang16, T.
Zhang17, 1Guangdong Province People's Hospital, Guangzhou, CN, 2Jilin Cancer
Hospital, Changchun, CN, 3Peking University Cancer Hospital, Beijing, CN, 4Shandong
Cancer Hospital and Institute, Shandong First Medical University and Shandong
Academy of Medical Sciences, Jinan, CN, 5The First Affiliated Hospital of USTC Anhui
Provincial Hospital, Hefei, CN, 6Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital, shanghai, CN,
7Henan Cancer Hospital/Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Zhengzhou University,

Zhengzhou, CN, 8The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an, CN, 9Cental Hospital
Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University, Jinan, CN, 10Changzhou Cancer
Hospital, Changzhou, CN, 11Chengdu Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and
Western Medicine, Chengdu, CN, 12Taizhou Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Linhai, CN,
13Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin, CN, 14The First

Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei, CN, 15The First Affiliated Hospital
of Nanchang University, Nanchang, CN, 16Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Shanghai, CN,
17The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, CN

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:30 - 10:35 1256MO - Phase 1/2 ARROS-1 study of zidesamtinib (NVL-520) in ROS1 fusion-
positive solid tumors
B. Besse1, A. Drilon2, B.C. Cho3, D.R. Camidge4, J. Neal5, C.-C. Lin6, S. Liu7, M.
Nagasaka8, S. Kao9, E. Felip10, A.J. Van Der Wekken11, C.C. Lin12, J. Bauman13, S.
Gadgeel14, M. Samant15, J. Shen15, Y. Sun15, V. Zhu15, V. Upadhyay15, J. Lin16, 1Institut
Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 2Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and
Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, US, 3Yonsei Cancer Center, Seoul, KR,
4University of Colorado Cancer Center, Aurora, US, 5Stanford Cancer Institute, Palo

Alto, US, 6National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, TW, 7Georgetown Lombardi
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Washington, US, 8University of California Irvine,
Orange, US, 9Chris O'Brien Lifehouse, Camperdown, AU, 10Vall d’Hebron University
Hospital and Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology, Barcelona, ES, 11University of
Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, NL, 12National Cheng
Kung University Hospital, Tainan, TW, 13Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, US,
14Henry Ford Cancer Center, Detroit, US, 15Nuvalent, Inc., Cambridge, US,
16Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, US

10:35 - 10:50 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC, 1254MO, 1255MO and 1256MO

10:50 - 10:55 One LBA TBC

10:55 - 11:00 One LBA TBC

11:00 - 11:05 1257MO - ABBV-400, a c-Met Protein–Targeting Antibody-Drug Conjugate

(ADC), in Patients (Pts) With Advanced EGFR Wildtype (WT) Non-Squamous
(NSQ) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): Results From a Phase 1 Study
M. De Miguel1, N. Yamamoto2, J. Raimbourg3, B.C. Cho4, M. Gottfried5, S. Stemmer6, J.
Goldman7, M. Blaney8, T. Jennaro8, A. Vasilopoulos8, R.R. Li8, K. Freise8, M. Neagu
Aristide8, G. Morrison-Thiele 8, Z. Hunter8, M. Burns8, D.R. Camidge9, 1CIOCC HM
Sanchinarro, Madrid, ES, 2National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo, JP, 3Institut de
Cancérologie de l'Ouest, Saint-Herblain, FR, 4Yonsei University College of Medicine,
Seoul, KR, 5Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IL, 6Institute of Oncology, Davidoff Center,
Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva, IL, 7David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los
Angeles, US, 8AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, US, 9University of Colorado Cancer Center,
Aurora, US

11:05 - 11:15 1258MO - Low dose versus standard dose pembrolizumab for treatment of stage
4 stage non-small cell lung carcinoma: Results of the pre-planned interim
analysis of the NVALT-30 clinical trial.
M. Van Den Heuvel1, V. Van Der Noort2, R. Ter Heine1, 1Radboud University Medical
Center, Nijmegen, NL, 2NKI-AVL - Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van
Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, NL

11:15 - 11:30 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC, 1257MO and 1258MO
M. Brandão, Institute Jules Bordet, Anderlecht, BE

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11:30 - 11:35 One LBA TBC

11:35 - 11:40 One LBA TBC

11:40 - 11:45 1259MO - Encorafenib plus binimetinib in patients (pts) with previously
untreated BRAF V600E-mutant advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC):
an open-label, multicenter phase 2 trial (IFCT-1904 ENCO-BRAF)
D. Planchard1, J. Mazieres2, C. Mascaux3, F. Guisier4, P. Tomasini5, M. Wislez6, D. Moro-
Sibilot7, S. Cousin8, A. Cortot9, S. Couraud10, V. Fallet11, C. Guguen12, A. Lagrange13,
A.-C. Madroszyk Flandin14, J. Otto15, M. Pérol16, B. Roch17, E. Amour18, F. Morin18, C.
Ricordel19, 1Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 2Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de
Toulouse, Toulouse, FR, 3Hopitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg - Nouvel Hopital Civil,
Strasbourg, FR, 4CHU de Rouen Normandie, Rouen, FR, 5Assistance Publique Hôpitaux
de Marseille, Marseille, FR, 6Hôpital Cochin (Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Centre),
Paris, FR, 7CHU Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, FR, 8Institut Bergonie, Bordeaux, FR,
9Institut Cœur Poumon, Lille, FR, 10Hôpital Lyon Sud, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Pierre-

Bénite, FR, 11Tenon Hospital, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris and GRC 4,
Theranoscan, Sorbonne Université, Paris, FR, 12Centre Hospitalier Général du Mans, Le
Mans, FR, 13Centre Georges-François Leclerc, Dijon, FR, 14IPC - Institut Paoli-
Calmettes, Marseille, Cedex, FR, 15Centre Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, FR, 16Centre
Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR, 17Arnaud de Villeneuve University Hospital, Montpellier, FR,
18French Cooperative Thoracic Intergroup (IFCT), Paris, FR, 19Hopital Pontchaillou,

CHU Rennes, INSERM, OSS, UMR_S 1242, Univ Rennes 1, Rennes, FR

11:45 - 12:00 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC and 1259MO

S.-H. Ou, UCI Health Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, Orange, US

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Special session Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Special session 5

10:15 - 11:30 Type: Multidisciplinary session Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: Cancer-associated thrombosis: 3
Management of pulmonary embolism
Chair(s): Karin Jordan, DE; Elene Mariamidze, GE

10:15 - 10:20 Presentation of case/condition

E. Mariamidze, Todua Clinic, Tbilisi, GE

10:20 - 10:40 Prevention strategies of venous thromboembolism

G. Gerotziafas, Institut Universitaire de Cancérologie AP-HP. Sorbonne Université,
Hôpital Tenon, Paris, FR

10:40 - 11:00 Treatment strategies and duration of anticoagulation in cancer-associated

pulmonary embolism
L. Jara-Palomares, Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocio, Seville, ES

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

11:00 - 11:20 Prevention and management of catheter-associated venous thrombosis in
adults with cancer
C. Ay, MedUni Wien - Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, AT

11:20 - 11:30 Discussion

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Special session Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3

Title: Dissecting Cancer of Unknown Primary: Case presentation
and expert insights
Chair(s): Linda Mileshkin, AU; Alwin Krämer, DE

10:15 - 10:20 Case Presentation: Patient with unfavourable visceral CUP- Part 1

10:20 - 10:35 Current and novel omics technologies for identifying the primary

10:35 - 10:50 Optimal workflows for diagnosis and management of CUP patients
L. Mileshkin, Peter MacCallum Cancer Center, Melbourne, AU

10:50 - 11:00 Q&A

11:00 - 11:05 Case Presentation: Patient with unfavourable visceral CUP- Part 2

11:05 - 11:20 Optimising trial design and therapeutic strategies targeting driver molecular
aberrations in CUP
A. Krämer, DKFZ - German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, DE

11:20 - 11:35 The elusive CUP biologic signature: are we missing a primary or a biology?
M. Esteller, Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC), Badalona, ES

11:35 - 11:45 Q&A

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Educational session Zaragoza Auditorium -

Title: ESMO and WHO: Tackling cancer CC5

10:15 - 10:40 Partnering with ESMO on game-changing tools to improve cancer prevention
and control worldwide
B. Mikkelsen, WHO - World Health Organization, Geneva, CH

10:40 - 11:05 Where does the world stand on achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2030?
A. Ilbawi, WHO - World Health Organization, Geneva, CH

11:05 - 11:30 The WHO Pandemic Accord and the review of the International Health
Regulations (IHR): The need to include cancer prevention and control
J. Martin-Moreno, Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, ES

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

11:30 - 11:45 Q&A and discussion

10:15 - 11:45 Type: EONS session Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7

Title: Health promotion, prevention and screening
Chair(s): Eugenia Trigoso Arjona, ES; Gulcan Bagcivan, TR

10:15 - 10:30 Innovations in cancer screening: Emerging technologies and their clinical
R. Albu, Association of European Cancer Leagues, Brussels, BE

10:30 - 10:45 The role of schools in cancer prevention: Strategies for involving school nurses
and teachers in promoting healthy habits
J. Jackson, RCC - Regionalt cancercentrum Stockholm - Gotland, Stockholm, SE

10:45 - 11:00 PrEvCan (Cancer Prevention across Europe): Key learning experiences and
L. Sharp, RCC - Regionalt cancercentrum Stockholm - Gotland, Stockholm, SE

11:00 - 11:10 CN82 - Nurses management of malnutrition risk in cancer patients: the
importance of screening tools
E. Favot1, S. Libriani2, C. Mazzega Fabbro1, 1CRO Aviano - Centro di Riferimento
Oncologico - IRCCS, Aviano, IT, 2Università degli Studi di Udine, Udine, IT

11:10 - 11:20 CN26 - Association of Life Satisfaction, Emotional Support, Social Isolation
with Lung Cancer Screening Adherence among US Adults
H. Poghosyan, S. Sarkar, Yale University, Orange, US

11:20 - 11:35 Q&A and discussion

10:15 - 11:45 Type: EONS session Segovia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Quality improvement in cancer care 7
Chair(s): Virpi Sulosaari, FI; Nikolina Dodlek, CY

10:15 - 10:35 Assessing oncology nurse practitioner students' clinical competency and
E. Furlong, National University of Ireland - University College Dublin, Dublin, IE

10:35 - 10:55 How to plan and implement quality improvement projects

V. Sulosaari, TUAS - Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, FI

10:55 - 11:15 Interact interprofessional training

N. Dodlek, Cyprus University of Technology - Nursing Science, Limassol, CY

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

11:15 - 11:25 CN59 - Activity and outcomes of a Translational Research Unit coordinated by
M.P. Andueza1, E. Navarcorena Zabalza1, Y. Iragorri Barberena1, M. Ayensa Burgui1, I.
Gracia Ilundain2, I. Navamuel Andueza1, A. Ojer Perea1, M. Navamuel Andueza1, M.F.
Sanmamed1, M. Rodríguez-Ruiz1, R. Pio1, A. Gonzalez Hernandez1, M.A. Fortuño1, J.P.
De Torres1, L.M. Seijo Maceiras1, M.D. Lozano1, I. Melero2, L. Montuenga1, J.L. Perez
Gracia1, M. Ocon1, 1CCUN - Cancer Center Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona,
ES, 2Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, ES

11:25 - 11:35 CN83 - Transforming Cancer Care: ​The Impact of Cancer@Home Initiatives:
Phase 1
D. Chiappetta, Alfred Health, Melbourne, AU

11:35 - 11:45 Q&A and discussion

10:45 - 11:30 Type: Challenge your Expert Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: Young onset of colorectal cancer: What do Hall 3
we need to know
Chair(s): Irit Ben-Aharon, IL

10:45 - 11:05 Presentation by Expert

K. Ng, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

11:05 - 11:30 Discussion led by Chair

I. Ben-Aharon, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, IL

10:45 - 11:30 Type: Challenge your Expert Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: Moving forwards with ADCs in advanced 3
Chair(s): Seock-Ah Im, KR

10:45 - 11:05 Presentation by Expert

A. Bardia, UCLA - David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, US

11:05 - 11:30 Discussion led by Chair

S.-A. Im, SNUH - Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, KR

10:45 - 11:30 Type: Young Oncologists session Cartagena Auditorium -

Title: YO Brunch 1 Hall 7
Chair(s): Maria Kfoury, FR; Pablo Mando, AR

10:45 - 10:45 How to utilise open data sources to start research projects?
R. Dienstmann, Grupo Oncoclinicas, Sao Paulo, BR

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

12:00 - 12:35 Type: Keynote lecture Madrid Auditorium - Hall
Title: DNA repair pathways: Leveraging science 2
in order to exploit the tumour Achilles Heel – A journey of
discovery and perseverance

12:00 - 12:05 Introduction

12:05 - 12:20 Team science to find and target an “Achilles Heel” through PARP inhibition
A. Tutt, ICR - Institute of Cancer Research, London, GB

12:20 - 12:35 Beyond PARP inhibition: New preclinical science entering the clinic
A. D'Andrea, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

12:00 - 13:30 Type: EONS Industry Satellite Symposium Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7
Title: MSD - Improving the experience of care for women with
gynaecological cancers: Lessons from cervical and endometrial
cancer policy
Chair(s): Silvija Piskorjanac, HR; Carlos Fernandes Cargaleiro, GB

12:00 - 12:05 Welcome and introduction

S. Piskorjanac, KBC Osijek - Clinical Medical Center Osijek, Osijek, HR

12:05 - 12:15 Patient perspective – a personal experience of living with cervical cancer
A. Gardiner, Mantis Entertainment Limited, Godalming, GB

12:15 - 12:35 What have we learned from 10 years’ progress in the prevention, diagnosis and
treatment of cervical cancers and where do policy makers and health systems
go next?
D. Kelly, Cardiff University - School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff, GB

12:35 - 13:05 Improving the future of care for women with endometrial cancer – IHE report
T. Hofmarcher, IHE-The Swedish Institute for Health Economics, Lund, SE

13:05 - 13:25 Panel discussion and Q&A

S. Piskorjanac1, C. Fernandes Cargaleiro2, A. Gardiner3, D. Kelly4, T. Hofmarcher5,
1KBC Osijek - Clinical Medical Center Osijek, Osijek, HR, 2Guy's Hospital, London, GB,
3Mantis Entertainment Limited, Godalming, GB, 4Cardiff University - School of

Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff, GB, 5IHE-The Swedish Institute for Health Economics,
Lund, SE

13:25 - 13:30 Conclusion remarks

S. Piskorjanac1, C. Fernandes Cargaleiro2, 1KBC Osijek - Clinical Medical Center Osijek,
Osijek, HR, 2Guy's Hospital, London, GB

12:00 - 13:00 Type: EONS session Segovia Auditorium - Hall

Title: EONS Rapid-fire session 1 7
Chair(s): Amanda Drury, IE

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

12:00 - 12:10 Opening remarks and instructions
A. Drury, DCU - Dublin City University, Dublin, IE

12:10 - 12:15 CN31 - Social disparities in the survival of women with breast cancer in Brazil
R.M. Pessanha1, L.S. Dell’Antonio1, C.S. Dellantônio2, W.R. Grippa1, L.C. Lopes-Júnior1,
1Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus de Maruípe, Vitoria, BR, 2Hospital

Sirio Libanes, Sao Paulo, BR

12:15 - 12:20 CN32 - Socioeconomic Status and Cancer: An Umbrella Review and Burden
Estimation Study
Y. He1, S. Li1, K. Chen2, K. Tao2, X. Ma1, 1West China Hospital and State Key
Laboratory Of Biotherapy of Sichuan University, Chengdu, CN, 2Sichuan University,
Chengdu, CN

12:20 - 12:25 CN71 - A Nurse-Led Clinic' Stepped-Care Intervention for rectal cancer
survivors with bowel problems
E. Pape1, Y. Van Nieuwenhove1, D. Van De Putte2, K. Geboes3, G. Van Ramshorst1, 1UZ
Gent - Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent, Gent, BE, 2Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, BE,
3UZ Gent - University Hospital Ghent, Gent, BE

12:25 - 12:30 CN72 - 'I thought I was probably going to die due to people's looking at me with
pity’: A Phenomenological Qualitative Study on the Lived Cancer Stigma
Experiences of Breast Cancer Patients
T. Pehlivan Saribudak1, E. Mertek2, D.K. Korkmaz2, G.D. Acar2, İ. Dogan2, 1Istanbul
Arel University, Istanbul, TR, 2Istanbul Arel University, İstanbul, TR

12:30 - 12:35 CN78 - The Effects of Lumbar Sympathetic Ganglion Block Therapy on
Secondary Lower Limb Lymphedema
H.-Q. Huang1, Y. Sun2, J. Lin2, H. Zheng1, 1Fujian Cancer Hospital, Fuzhou, CN,
2Clinical Oncology School of Fujian Medical University, Fujian Cancer Hospital, Fuzhou,


12:35 - 12:40 CN87 - Risk stratification for cardiotoxicity and follow-up in breast cancer
patients treated with anthracycline and/or trastuzumab: an exploratory analysis
of patient records
L.-M. Kinnaer1, J. Van Hulle1, E. Naert2, F. Tromp3, A. De Pauw2, H. Denys2, N. Van
Titelboom4, D. Serruys4, 1Ghent University, Gent, BE, 2UZ Gent - University Hospital
Ghent, Gent, BE, 3Ghent University Hospital, Gent, BE, 4AZ Sint-Lucas Gent - Campus
Sint-Lucas, Gent, BE

12:40 - 12:45 CN6 - Integration of Specialized Mobile Palliative Unit Care into Management
of Patients with Thoracic Malignancies – A Single Center Experience
A. Muratovic1, M. Lopuh2, K. Mohorcic1, E. Markocic Rojc3, U. Janzic1, 1University
Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik, Golnik, SI, 2General Hospital
Jesenice, Jesenice, SI, 3General Hospital Isola, Izola, SI

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

12:45 - 12:50 CN88 - The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Use in Cancer Patients: A
Systematic Review
T. Ucgun, E. Akgün Çitak, Baskent University, Ankara, TR

12:50 - 12:55 CN49 - Staying or Leaving the Pediatric Oncology Clinic: Nurses' Challenges in
Care and Voices of Struggle: A Qualitative Study
R. Semerci1, A. Akça Sümengen2, I. Ercan Koyuncu3, E.H. Savaş4, A. Ay3, M. Erkul5,
1Koc University Hospital, FATİH, TR, 2The University of Alabama at Birmingham,

Birmingham, US, 3Baskent University, Ankara, TR, 4Koc University - School of Nursing,
Istanbul, TR, 5Antalya Bilim University, Antalya, TR

12:30 - 14:00 Type: Patient Advocacy session Zaragoza Auditorium -

Title: Understanding the cancer journey CC5
Chair(s): Ines Vaz Luis, FR; Natacha Bolanos Fernandez, ES

12:30 - 12:45 The impact of a cancer diagnosis, advocacy and empowerment through the
cancer journey
N. Bolanos Fernandez, Lymphoma Coalition, Madrid, ES

12:45 - 13:00 Doctor / patient relationships (acted out): The right and wrong way of
I. Vaz Luis, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

13:00 - 13:15 The difficulties of moving from second to third line treatment
J. Pelouchova, Diagnoza leukemie, z.s, Prague, CZ

13:15 - 13:30 The fear of recurrence: Best practice in coping with the psychological burden
L. Travado, Champalimaud Foundation - Champalimaud Clinical Center, Lisbon, PT

13:30 - 13:45 It’s not that easy to survive!

S. Lavallé, Luxembourg Institute of Health, Luxembourg, LU

13:45 - 14:00 Discussion

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Burgos Auditorium - Hall

Title: Bristol Myers Squibb - Evolving Patient- 5
Centered Therapies for Metastatic NSCLC
Chair(s): Jarushka Naidoo, IE

13:00 - 13:05 Welcome and Introduction

J. Naidoo, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, IE

13:05 - 13:13 The Importance of Patient Empowerment During Their Journey

T. Conneran, KRAS Kickers, Charlotte, US

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

13:13 - 13:28 PD-L1 <1% in Metastatic NSCLC: Guiding Treatment Decisions for Potential
Durable Outcomes in a Patient Population With Unmet Needs
L. Paz-Ares, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

13:28 - 13:43 Kicking Off Targeted Medicine for Patients With KRAS G12C–Mutated
Metastatic NSCLC
J. Naidoo, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, IE

13:43 - 13:58 Next-Generation Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors: The Evolving Treatment Landscape
of Cancers With ROS1 or NTRK Fusions
A. Drilon, Memorial Sloan Kettering Evelyn H. Lauder Breast Center, New York, US

13:58 - 14:28 Panel Discussion: What Would Be Your Treatment Decision?

J. Naidoo1, L. Paz-Ares2, T. Conneran3, A. Drilon4, 1Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, IE,
2Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES, 3KRAS Kickers, Charlotte, US,
4Memorial Sloan Kettering Evelyn H. Lauder Breast Center, New York, US

14:28 - 14:30 Closing Remarks

J. Naidoo, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, IE

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Salamanca Auditorium -

Title: Pfizer - Maximising the Metastatic Breast Hall 5
Cancer Treatment Paradigm and Looking Ahead
Chair(s): Javier Cortés, ES

13:00 - 13:03 Welcome and Introduction


13:03 - 14:03 Interactive Grand Rounds: Clinical Decision-Making in 1L HR+/HER2- MBC

J. Cortés1, H. Rugo2, C. Criscitiello3, 1INTERNATIONAL BREAST CANCER CENTER,
IBCC, Barcelona, ES, 2UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, San
Francisco, US, 3IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia IRCCS, Milan, IT

14:03 - 14:18 What’s on the Horizon for Patients With MBC?

S. Tolaney1, C. Criscitiello2, 1Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US, 2IEO - Istituto
Europeo di Oncologia IRCCS, Milan, IT

14:18 - 14:28 Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A

J. Cortés1, H. Rugo2, C. Criscitiello3, 1INTERNATIONAL BREAST CANCER CENTER,
IBCC, Barcelona, ES, 2UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, San
Francisco, US, 3IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia IRCCS, Milan, IT

14:28 - 14:30 Closing Remarks


Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Santander Auditorium -
Title: AstraZeneca - Unfolding the future: The Hall 5
evolution of HR+ mBC with ET and ADCs
Chair(s): Komal Jhaveri, US

13:00 - 13:10 The changing treatment landscape: Considering the options

K. Jhaveri, Memorial Sloan Kettering Evelyn H. Lauder Breast Center, New York, US

13:10 - 13:25 A new ET era: Maximising benefits

F.C. Bidard, Institut Curie, Paris, FR

13:25 - 13:35 Case-based discussion: Role of biomarkers

K. Jhaveri1, F.C. Bidard2, P. Tarantino3, E. Ciruelos4, 1Memorial Sloan Kettering Evelyn
H. Lauder Breast Center, New York, US, 2Institut Curie, Paris, FR, 3Dana Farber Cancer
Institute, Boston, US, 4Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

13:35 - 13:50 Age of ADCs: What next after ET

P. Tarantino, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

13:50 - 14:00 Case-based discussion: Role of ADCs

K. Jhaveri1, F.C. Bidard2, P. Tarantino3, E. Ciruelos4, 1Memorial Sloan Kettering Evelyn
H. Lauder Breast Center, New York, US, 2Institut Curie, Paris, FR, 3Dana Farber Cancer
Institute, Boston, US, 4Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

14:00 - 14:10 The new paradigm: Considerations when tailoring treatment for HR+ mBC
E. Ciruelos, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

14:10 - 14:25 Optimizing care discussion and Q&A

K. Jhaveri1, F.C. Bidard2, P. Tarantino3, E. Ciruelos4, 1Memorial Sloan Kettering Evelyn
H. Lauder Breast Center, New York, US, 2Institut Curie, Paris, FR, 3Dana Farber Cancer
Institute, Boston, US, 4Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

14:25 - 14:30 close

K. Jhaveri, Memorial Sloan Kettering Evelyn H. Lauder Breast Center, New York, US

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Merck Healthcare KGaA - Sequencing is 5
Key: Unlocking Individualized Treatment in Bladder Cancer
Chair(s): Enrique Grande, ES

13:00 - 13:05 Welcome and introduction

E. Grande, MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid, Madrid, ES

13:05 - 13:25 Navigating first-line treatment approaches in la/mUC

S. Gupta, Taussig Cancer Center-Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, US

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

13:25 - 13:45 Improving outcomes with first-line maintenance therapy and exploring patient
S. Hussain, University of Sheffield Medical School, Sheffield, GB

13:45 - 14:05 Optimizing treatment sequencing: Learnings from Real-World Evidence and
Clinical Experience
P. Barthelemy, ICANS - Institut de Cancérologie Strasbourg Europe, Strasbourg, FR

14:05 - 14:20 Audience Q&A

E. Grande1, S. Gupta2, S. Hussain3, P. Barthelemy4, 1MD Anderson Cancer Center
Madrid, Madrid, ES, 2Taussig Cancer Center-Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, US,
3University of Sheffield Medical School, Sheffield, GB, 4ICANS - Institut de

Cancérologie Strasbourg Europe, Strasbourg, FR

14:20 - 14:30 Closing Remarks

E. Grande, MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid, Madrid, ES

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: Servier - Optimizing the continuum of care 3
for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer patients in 3L setting and
Chair(s): Michel Ducreux, FR; Lukas Weiss, AT

13:00 - 13:10 Introduction

M. Ducreux, Gustave Roussy - Cancer Campus, Villejuif, FR

13:10 - 13:30 Navigating the current treatment landscape in 3L mCRC and beyond
C. Cremolini, AOU Pisana - Stabilimento di Santa Chiara, Pisa, IT

13:30 - 13:45 Evolving strategies in 3L mCRC treatment

L. Weiss, Uniklinikum Salzburg - Landeskrankenhaus, Salzburg, AT

13:45 - 14:05 Patient cases: clinical insights and treatment options in 3rd and beyond
K. Heinrich, Hospital Munich Grosshadern - Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU),
Munich, DE

14:05 - 14:25 Panel discussion: Insights from experts’ perspectives on future therapies in
colorectal cancer management
M. Ducreux1, L. Weiss2, C. Cremolini3, K. Heinrich4, 1Gustave Roussy - Cancer Campus,
Villejuif, FR, 2Uniklinikum Salzburg - Landeskrankenhaus, Salzburg, AT, 3AOU Pisana -
Stabilimento di Santa Chiara, Pisa, IT, 4Hospital Munich Grosshadern - Ludwig-
Maximilians-University (LMU), Munich, DE

14:25 - 14:30 Conclusion

L. Weiss, Uniklinikum Salzburg - Landeskrankenhaus, Salzburg, AT

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Pamplona Auditorium -
Title: PeerView Oncology - How to Make Hall 3
Multifactorial Clinical Decisions in HR+, HER2- EBC and MBC:
Guiding Precision Amid Growing Complexity
Chair(s): Stephen Johnston, GB

13:00 - 13:05 Welcome, Introduction, and Goal Setting

S. Johnston, The Royal Marsden Hospital (Chelsea) - NHS Foundation Trust, London, GB

13:05 - 13:20 Conducting Risk Assessment to Identify Patients With High-Risk HR+, HER2-
EBC: Evolving Standards and Current Guidance
M. Goetz, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, US

13:20 - 13:35 Maximizing the Potential of Adjuvant CDK4/6 Inhibition to Reduce the Risk of
Recurrence in High-Risk HR+, HER2- EBC: Evidence and Practicalities

13:35 - 13:50 Managing Adverse Events and Improving Adherence/Persistence in High-Risk

HR+, HER2- EBC: Impactful Strategies to Help Patients Stay on Therapy
V. Guarneri, University of Padua, Padova, IT

13:50 - 13:55 Q&A With Focus on HR+, HER2- EBC

S. Johnston1, M. Goetz2, V. Guarneri3, 1The Royal Marsden Hospital (Chelsea) - NHS
Foundation Trust, London, GB, 2Mayo Clinic, Rochester, US, 3University of Padua,
Padova, IT

13:55 - 14:10 Analyzing the Latest Evidence on CDK4/6 Inhibitors in HR+, HER2- MBC:
Essential Updates and Implications for Practice
M. Goetz, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, US

14:10 - 14:25 Individualizing the Selection and Use of CDK4/6 Inhibitors in HR+, HER2-
MBC: Key Factors and Modern Practice Principles
M. Goetz, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, US

14:25 - 14:30 Q&A With Focus on HR+, HER2 - Synthesis, and Conclusions
S. Johnston1, M. Goetz2, V. Guarneri3, 1The Royal Marsden Hospital (Chelsea) - NHS
Foundation Trust, London, GB, 2Mayo Clinic, Rochester, US, 3University of Padua,
Padova, IT

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: Novartis - Preparing for the future: 3
Radioligand therapy as an essential pillar in oncology
Chair(s): Leonhard Schätz, CH

13:00 - 13:10 Opening Remarks: Introduction to Healthcare System Readiness (HCS)

Readiness for Radioligand Therapies (RLT) in Oncology
L. Schätz, Novartis Campus Basel, Basel, CH

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

13:10 - 13:40 Panelists’ insights - Multi-stakeholder Perspectives on Overcoming Barriers to
Establishing RLT in Oncology
L. Schätz1, K. Herrmann2, E. Briers3, E. Castro4, D. Deandreis5, 1Novartis Campus
Basel, Basel, CH, 2WTZ - Westdeutsches Tumorzentrum Essen, Essen, DE, 3Europa
Uomo - The European Prostate Cancer Coalition, Antwerpen, BE, 4Hospital
Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES, 5Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

13:40 - 14:10 Multi-Stakeholder Panel Discussion: A Multidisciplinary Approach to

Navigating Challenges and Embracing Opportunities to Unlock HCS Readiness
for RLT
L. Schätz1, K. Herrmann2, E. Briers3, E. Castro4, D. Deandreis5, 1Novartis Campus
Basel, Basel, CH, 2WTZ - Westdeutsches Tumorzentrum Essen, Essen, DE, 3Europa
Uomo - The European Prostate Cancer Coalition, Antwerpen, BE, 4Hospital
Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES, 5Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

14:10 - 14:20 Open Forum: Q&A Session

S. Schatz1, K. Herrmann2, E. Briers3, E. Castro4, D. Deandreis5, 1HpH - Institut für
Hämatopathologie Hamburg, Hamburg, DE, 2WTZ - Westdeutsches Tumorzentrum
Essen, Essen, DE, 3Europa Uomo - The European Prostate Cancer Coalition, Antwerpen,
BE, 4Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES, 5Institut Gustave Roussy,
Villejuif, Cedex, FR

14:20 - 14:30 Closing Session: Final Thoughts

L. Schätz1, E. Briers2, E. Castro3, D. Deandreis4, K. Herrmann5, 1Novartis Campus
Basel, Basel, CH, 2Europa Uomo - The European Prostate Cancer Coalition, Antwerpen,
BE, 3Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES, 4Institut Gustave Roussy,
Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 5WTZ - Westdeutsches Tumorzentrum Essen, Essen, DE

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3

Title: Gilead Oncology - There is another way: Utilising ADCs to
improve outcomes in patients with triple-negative and HR+/HER2-
negative mBC
Chair(s): Lisa Carey, US

13:00 - 13:05 Welcome and introduction

L. Carey, UNC - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - School of Medicine,
Chapel Hill, US

13:05 - 13:20 ADCs as a treatment option in previously treated triple-negative and

HR+/HER2-negative mBC
L. Carey, UNC - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - School of Medicine,
Chapel Hill, US

13:20 - 14:00 Optimising treatment outcomes with ADCs in previously treated mTNBC and
HR+/HER2-negative mBC
A. Llombart Cussac, Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, Valencia, ES

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14:00 - 14:20 Exploring ADCs as treatment options in earlier lines of mBC
S. Loi, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, AU

14:20 - 14:30 Q&A and closing remarks

L. Carey1, A. Llombart Cussac2, S. Loi3, 1UNC - The University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill - School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, US, 2Hospital Arnau de Vilanova,
Valencia, ES, 3Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, AU

13:00 - 14:00 Type: Special session Cartagena Auditorium -

Title: ESMO General Assembly Hall 7

14:00 - 15:30 Type: EONS session Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7

Title: ESMO-EONS collaborative session: Cancer and sexuality
Chair(s): Johan De Munter, BE; Eugenia Trigoso Arjona, ES

14:00 - 14:05 Welcome and opening remarks

E. Trigoso Arjona, Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe, Valencia, ES

14:05 - 14:25 Talking about sex after cancer: Adapting, testing and evaluating an eLearning
resource to enhance healthcare professional provision of sexual support for
patients with cancer and their partners
S. Bingham, Ulster University, Jordanstown, GB

14:25 - 14:45 Sexuality in cancer survivors

14:45 - 15:25 Discussion on cancer and sexuality

15:25 - 15:30 Q&A and discussion

14:00 - 16:00 Type: EONS session Segovia Auditorium - Hall

Title: N.U.R.T.U.R.E. - Time to invest in cancer 7
Chair(s): Nikolina Dodlek, CY; Grigorios Kotronoulas, GB

14:00 - 14:10 Welcome and opening remarks

N. Dodlek1, G. Kotronoulas2, 1Cyprus University of Technology - Nursing Science,
Limassol, CY, 2University of Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

14:10 - 14:30 Early signs and symptoms? Who is the silent one?
G. Kotronoulas, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

14:30 - 14:50 Building up resilience in cancer nursing: Strategies and skills

D. Protogiros1, S. Islamcevic2, 1Ministry of Health, Athens, GR, 2University Clinical
Center Zagreb - Gynecological Cancer Center, Zagreb, HR

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14:50 - 15:10 Coping strategies burnout and stress
A. Charalambous, Cyprus University of Technology - Nursing Science, Limassol, CY

15:10 - 15:30 Work-life balance workshop

C. Díez De Los Ríos De La Serna1, R. Semerci2, 1University of Glasgow, Glasgow, GB,
2Koc University Hospital, Istanbul, TR

15:30 - 15:50 NURTURE and prevention in cancer nursing

A. Kassianos, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus, GR

15:50 - 16:00 Q&A and closing remarks

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Special symposium Madrid Auditorium - Hall

Title: Next generation immunotherapies in 2
thoracic malignancies
Chair(s): Nathalie Chaput-Gras, FR; Lizza Hendriks, NL

14:45 - 14:50 Introduction and scientific background

L. Hendriks, Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC), Maastricht, NL

14:50 - 15:05 Targeting T cells beyond PD-1/PD-L1 axis: Other checkpoints inhibitors and
costimulatory receptors agonists
N. Chaput-Gras, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

15:05 - 15:20 Immune-cell engagers

A. Sacher, UHN - University Health Network - Princess Margaret Cancer Center,
Toronto, CA

15:20 - 15:35 Vaccines

J. Aerts, Erasmus MC - University Medical Center, Rotterdam, NL

15:35 - 15:50 Cellular therapies

M. Lotem, Hadassah Ein Kerem, Jerusalem, IL

15:50 - 16:10 Q&A and discussion

16:10 - 16:15 Conclusions and perspectives

N. Chaput-Gras, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Proffered Paper session Sevilla Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Proffered paper session: Gynaecological cancers
Chair(s): Charlie Gourley, GB

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:45 - 14:55 709O - Pembrolizumab plus chemoradiotherapy for high-risk locally advanced
cervical cancer: Overall survival results from the randomized, double-blind,
phase 3 ENGOT-cx11/GOG-3047/KEYNOTE-A18 study
D. Lorusso1, Y. Xiang2, K. Hasegawa3, G. Scambia1, M. Leiva Gálvez4, P. Ramos Elias5,
A. Acevedo6, M. Bednarikova7, A.J. Gomes8, F. Contreras Mejia9, A. Reiss10, F.
Zagouri11, J.-Y. Lee 12, V. Saevets13, A. Ayhan14, P. Liu15, K. Yamada15, M. Puglisi15, S.
Pignata16, L. Duska17, 1Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS and
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, IT, 2National Clinical Research Center
for Obstetric & Gynecologic Diseases, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing,
CN, 3Saitama Medical University International Medical Center, Saitama, JP, 4Instituto
de Oncologia y Radioterapia Clinica Ricardo Palma, Lima, PE, 5Edificio Integra Medical
Center, Guatemala City, GT, 6Oncocentro, Viña del Mar, CL, 7Masaryk University, Brno,
CZ, 8Liga Norte Riograndense Contra o Câncer, Natal, BR, 9Instituto Nacional de
Cancerologia, Bogota, CO, 10Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, IL, 11Alexandra General
Hospital, Athens, GR, 12Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, KR,
13Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Center of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine,

Chelyabinsk, RU, 14Baskent University, Ankara, TR, 15Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, US,
16Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS Fondazione G. Pascale, Napoli, IT, 17University of

Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, US

14:55 - 15:05 711O - Avelumab + methotrexate to eradicate low-risk gestational trophoblastic

tumors in 1st-line setting: TROPHAMET phase I/II trial.
B. You1, J.-P. Lotz2, P. Descargues3, F. Joly Lobbedez4, T. De La Motte Rouge5, C.
Lebreton6, L. Gladieff7, P. Follana8, M. Jamelot9, J. Massardier3, T. Hajri10, M. Alves-
Ferreira3, S. Bin3, C. Langlois-Jacques10, M. Bonjour3, A. Roux10, C. Desauw11, M.
Provansal Gross12, F. Golfier10, P.-A. Bolze10, 1Lyon Sud Hospital Center - HCL, Pierre-
Bénite, FR, 2Hopital Tenon AP-HP, Paris, Cedex, FR, 3Hospices Civiles de Lyon - HCL -
Lyon University Hospital Center, Lyon, FR, 4Centre Francois Baclesse, Caen, Cedex, FR,
5Centre Eugene - Marquis, Rennes, FR, 6Institute Bergonié - Centre Régional de Lutte

Contre le Cancer (CLCC), Bordeaux, FR, 7Institut Universitaire du Cancer -Toulouse-

Oncopole, Toulouse, FR, 8Centre Anticancer Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, FR, 9Institut
Universitaire de Cancérologie AP-HP. Sorbonne Université, Hôpital Tenon, Paris, FR,
10Hospices Civiles de Lyon - HCL - Lyon University Hospital Center, Pierre Benite

(Lyon), FR, 11C.H.U. Claude Huriez, Lille, FR, 12Institute Paoli Calmettes, Marseille, FR

15:05 - 15:15 One LBA TBC

15:15 - 15:25 Invited Discussant 709O, 711O and one LBA TBC
C. Marth, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, AT

15:25 - 15:35 Q&A

15:35 - 15:45 One LBA TBC

15:45 - 15:55 One LBA TBC

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15:55 - 16:05 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC
P. Harter, KEM | Evang. Kliniken Essen-Mitte gGmbH, Essen, DE

16:05 - 16:15 Q&A

14:45 - 16:00 Type: Multidisciplinary session Bilbao Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Mesothelioma and the role of multidisciplinary team
Chair(s): Alessandra Curioni-Fontecedro, CH

14:45 - 14:50 Presentation of case/condition

14:50 - 15:10 Advances in pathology and biomarker discovery in mesothelioma

F. Galateau-Sallé, Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR

15:10 - 15:30 Thoracic surgery for mesothelioma: The old and the new
E. Lim, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, GB

15:30 - 15:50 Systemic therapy for mesothelioma: A growing landscape

A. Curioni-Fontecedro, Cantonal Hospital Fribourg, Villar sur Glane, CH

15:50 - 16:00 Discussion

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Mini Oral session Granada Auditorium - Hall

Title: Mini oral session: GI tumours, lower 6
Chair(s): Claire Gallois, FR; Dirk Arnold, DE

14:45 - 14:50 507MO - Impact of lean body mass-based oxaliplatin dosage on neurotoxicity in
adjuvant treatment of stage III colorectal cancer. Final results of the phase II
randomized multicenter LEANOX trial
E. Assenat1, M. Ben Abdelghani2, S. Gourgou3, H. Perrier4, F. Khemissa Akouz5, R.
Desgrippes6, M.P. Galais7, C. Janiszewski1, Y. Rinaldi8, C. Lepage9, R. Tetreau1, P.
Senesse1, 1ICM - Institut du Cancer de Montpellier, Montpellier, Cedex, FR, 2ICANS -
Institut de Cancérologie Strasbourg Europe, Strasbourg, FR, 3ICM - Institut régional du
Cancer de Montpellier, Val d'Aurelle, Montpellier, Cedex, FR, 4Fondation Hôpital Saint
Joseph, Marseille, FR, 5Centre Hospitalier de Perpignan - Hôpital Saint Jean, Perpignan,
Cedex, FR, 6Saint Malo hospital, Saint Malo, FR, 7Centre Francois Baclesse, Caen,
Cedex, FR, 8Hopital Européen Marseille, Marseille, FR, 9CHU Dijon, Dijon, FR

14:50 - 14:55 One LBA TBC

14:55 - 15:10 Invited Discussant 507MO and one LBA TBC

C. Gallois, HEGP - Hopital Europeen Georges-Pompidou - AP-HP, Paris, FR

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:10 - 15:15 508MO - Organ preservation in early rectal adenocarcinoma: 5-year results of
the randomized opera trial
S. Ben Dhia1, N. Barbet2, T. Pace-Loscos3, R. Schiappa4, J.P. Gerard3, L. Mineur5, A.
Dhadda6, A. Sun Myint7, J. Doyen4, 1Antoine Lacassagne Center, Nice, FR, 2ORLAM -
Centre de Radiothérapie Bayard à Lyon Villeurbanne, Villeurbanne, FR, 3CLCC - Centre
Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, FR, 4Centre Anticancer Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, FR,
5institut du cancer Avignion, Avignion, FR, 6Castle Hill Hospital - Hull University

Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Cottingham, GB, 7University of Liverpool - School of

Medicine, Liverpool, GB

15:15 - 15:20 509MO - Total Neoadjuvant Treatment (TNT) with Non-Operative Management
(NOM) for Proficient Mismatch Repair Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer (pMMR
LARC): First Results of NO-CUT Trial
A. Amatu1, M.G. Zampino2, F. Bergamo3, S. Mosconi4, D. Sibio1, M. Gerardi2, A. Prete3,
F.R. Filippone4, G. Ferrari1, S. Borin2, S. Galuppo3, S. Mariano1, F. Tosi1, E. Bonazzina1,
G. Patelli5, S. Ghezzi1, L. Lazzari6, K. Bencardino1, A. Sartore Bianchi5, S. Siena5,
1ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milan, IT, 2IEO - Istituto Europeo di

Oncologia, Milan, IT, 3IOV - Istituto Oncologico Veneto IRCCS, Padova, IT, 4ASST Papa
Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo, IT, 5Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, IT, 6IFOM ETS -
The AIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology, Milan, IT

15:20 - 15:25 510MO - Long-Term Survival and Organ Preservation with Pembrolizumab in
Localized MSI-H/dMMR Solid Tumors
K. Ludford1, M. Lapelusa2, W. Qiao1, J. Thomas1, N. You2, S. Thirumurthi2, D. Maru1, B.
Iorgulescu1, S. Kopetz3, M. Overman3, 1MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US,
2University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 3The University of

Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center - Main Building, Houston, US

15:25 - 15:40 Invited Discussant 508MO, 509MO and 510MO

D. Arnold, Asklepios Klinik Altona - Hämatologie, internistische Onkologie,
Palliativmedizin und Rheumatologie, Hamburg, DE

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:40 - 15:45 511MO - Third line rechallenge with cetuximab (Cet) and irinotecan in
circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) selected metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC)
patients: the randomized phase II CITRIC trial.
C. Santos Vivas1, J. Vidal Barrull2, C. Fernandez Rodriguez2, F. Salvà Ballabrera3, V.
Alonso-Orduna4, R. Garcia-Carbonero5, F. Losa6, N. Tarazona Llavero7, M.J. Safont
Aguileria8, F. Rivera Herrero9, L. Layos Romero10, M.J. Ortiz Morales11, A. Salud12, J.
Alcaide-Garcia13, D. Paez14, X. Hernandez-Yagüe 15, R. Alvarez Gallego16, R. Vera17, B.
Bellosillo Paricio2, C. Montagut Viladot2, 1ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia l'Hospitalet
(Hospital Duran i Reynals), L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, ES, 2Hospital del Mar - Parc de
Salut Mar, Barcelona, ES, 3Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 4Hospital
Miguel Servet, Zaragoza, ES, 5University Hospital 12 De Octubre, Madrid, ES,
6Hospital de Sant Joan Despi Moisès Broggi, Sant Joan Despí, ES, 7Hospital Clinico

Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, ES, 8CHGUV - Consorcio Hospital General

Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, ES, 9HUMV - Hospital Universitario Marques de
Valdecilla, Santander, ES, 10ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia Badalona (Hospital
Universitario Germans Trias i Pujol), Badalona, ES, 11Hospital Universitario Reina
Sofía, Cordoba, ES, 12Hospital Arnau de Vilanova - Lleida, Alpicat, ES, 13Hospital
Regional Universitario Málaga Carlos Haya, Malaga, ES, 14Hospital de la Santa Creu i
Sant Pau, Barcelona, ES, 15ICO Girona - Institut Català d'Oncologia Girona, Girona, ES,
16CIOCC - Centro Integral Oncológico Clara Campal, Hospital Universitario HM

Sanchinarro, Madrid, ES, 17HUN - Hospital Universitario de Navarra - Navarrabiomed-

IdiSNA, Pamplona, ES

15:45 - 15:50 512MO - Adjuvant Aspirin Treatment in PIK3CA Mutated Colon Cancer Patients
– The Phase III, Prospective-Randomized Placebo-Controlled Multicenter SAKK
41/13 Trial
U. Güller1, S. Hayoz2, D. Horber3, S. De Dosso4, D. Koeberle5, S. Schacher Kaufmann6,
R. Inauen7, M. Stahl8, T. Delaunoit9, T. Ettrich10, G.M. Bodoky11, P. Michel12, T.
Kössler13, K. Rothgiesser2, S. Calmonte2, M. Joerger3, 1Spital STS AG -
Onkologiezentrum Thun-Berner Oberland, Thun, CH, 2Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer
Research (SAKK), Bern, CH, 3Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen, St. Gallen, CH, 4Oncology
Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (EOC), Bellinzona,
CH, 5St. Claraspital AG, Basel, CH, 6KSW - Kantonsspital Winterthur, Winterthur, CH,
7Spital Thurgau AG - Kantonsspital Muensterlingen, Muensterlingen, CH, 8KEM |

Evang. Kliniken Essen-Mitte gGmbH, Essen, DE, 9Centre Hospitalier Jolimont-Lobbes,

Haine-Saint-Paul, BE, 10Ulm University Hospital, Ulm, DE, 11St. László Hospital,
Budapest, HU, 12Rouen University Hospital, CHU Charles Nicolle, Rouen, FR,
13Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Geneva, CH

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:50 - 15:55 513MO - Amivantamab plus FOLFOX or FOLFIRI in metastatic colorectal
cancer: Results from OrigAMI-1, an open-label, phase 1b/2 study
F. Pietrantonio1, G.F. Ho2, Y.-L. Su3, E. Chen4, Y. Yuan5, P.-J. Voon6, X. Liang7, D.
Jonker8, F. Longo Muñoz9, J. Hecht10, S. Chandana11, D. Arnold12, R. Bhattacharya13, J.
Curtin14, S. Maul15, R. Iwasawa14, S. Chowdhury16, R. Schnepp14, M. Baig14, Y.S.
Hong17, 1Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT, 2Clinical Oncology
Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, MY, 3Kaohsiung Chang
Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung City, TW, 4Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
University Health Network, Toronto, CA, 5The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang
University College of Medicine, Hangzhou, CN, 6Department of Radiotherapy and
Oncology, Sarawak General Hospital, Sarawak, MY, 7Hubei Cancer Hospital, Wuhan,
CN, 8The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, CA,
9Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, ES, 10UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive

Cancer Center, Santa Monica, US, 11START Midwest, Grand Rapids, US, 12Asklepios
Klinik Altona, Hamburg, DE, 13Janssen Research & Development, Raritan, US,
14Janssen Research & Development, Spring House, US, 15Janssen Research &

Development, Los Angeles, US, 16Janssen Research & Development, Cambridge, US,
17Asan Medical Center, Seoul, KR

15:55 - 16:10 Invited Discussant 511MO, 512MO and 513MO

14:45 - 16:00 Type: Multidisciplinary session Burgos Auditorium - Hall

Title: Treatment of lobular breast cancer (ILC): 5
From pitfalls to opportunities
Chair(s): Jens Huober, CH; Ava Kwong, HK

14:45 - 14:50 Presentation of case/condition

J. Huober, Kantonsspital St. Gallen, St. Gallen, CH

14:50 - 15:05 Challenges and novel avenues of imaging ILC

T. Van Nijnatten, Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC), Maastricht, NL

15:05 - 15:20 Pitfalls in diagnosis of ILC

G. Floris, UZ Leuven - University Hospitals Leuven - Campus Gasthuisberg, Leuven, BE

15:20 - 15:35 Local treatment for ILC: Do’s and don’ts

A. Kwong, The University of Hong Kong - Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, Hong Kong,

15:35 - 15:50 Systemic treatment for ILCs

J. Huober, Kantonsspital St. Gallen, St. Gallen, CH

15:50 - 16:00 Discussion

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Proffered Paper session Salamanca Auditorium -
Title: Proffered paper session 1: Basic science & Hall 5
Translational research
Chair(s): Ana Vivancos, ES

14:45 - 14:55 1O - The somatic mutation landscape of the normal and malignant pancreas
P. Nicola1, A.R.J. Lawson1, P. Scott1, F. Abascal1, A. Cagan1, L. Harvey1, Y. Hooks1, H.
Savin1, K.T.A. Mahbubani2, B. Basu3, M. Stratton1, A. Paterson4, K. Saeb-Parsy4, I.
Martincorena1, 1Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, GB, 2University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, GB, 3Addenbrooke's Hospital and University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, GB, 4Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, Cambridge, GB

14:55 - 15:05 One LBA TBC

15:05 - 15:15 Invited Discussant 1O and one LBA TBC

A. Vivancos, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

15:15 - 15:25 Q&A

15:25 - 15:35 63O - Transcriptional features of stage IIT4N0/III colon cancer associated with
residual disease and ctDNA status after surgery in the PEGASUS trial
E. Medico1, F. Buffa2, C. Isella1, G. Skenderi2, L. Lazzari3, M. Prisciandaro4, S.
Lonardi5, N. Tarazona Llavero6, C. Montagut Viladot7, A. Sartore Bianchi8, M.G.
Zampino9, M.E. Elez Fernandez10, C. Santos Vivas11, M. Mandalà12, S. Tamberi13, A.
Calon14, A. Cervantes6, S. Siena8, A. Bardelli15, S. Marsoni3, 1Candiolo Cancer
Institute, FPO-IRCCS and University of Torino, Candiolo, IT, 2Università Bocconi; IFOM
ETS - The AIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology, Milan, IT, 3IFOM ETS - The AIRC
Institute of Molecular Oncology, Milan, IT, 4Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei
Tumori, Milan, IT, 5IOV - Istituto Oncologico Veneto IRCCS, Padova, IT, 6INCLIVA
Biomedical Research Institute, Valencia; CIBERONC, Instituto de Salud Carlos III,
Madrid, ES, 7Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, ES, 8Università degli Studi di Milano; ASST
Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milan, IT, 9IEO - Istituto Europeo di
Oncologia IRCCS, Milan, IT, 10Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 11ICO -
Institut Català d'Oncologia l'Hospitalet (Hospital Duran i Reynals), L'Hospitalet de
Llobregat, ES, 12University of Perugia, Santa Maria della Misericordia University
Hospital of Perugia, Perugia, IT, 13Ospedale degli Infermi - AUSL Romagna, Faenza,
Ravenna, IT, 14Hospital del Mar Research Institute, Barcelona, ES, 15Molecular
Biotechnology Center, University of Torino, Torino, IT

15:35 - 15:45 64O - Clinical validation of a tissue-agnostic genome-wide methylome

enrichment assay for MRD in Head and Neck cancers
G. Liu1, L. Ailles1, S.H. Huang1, K. Rey-Mcintyre1, B. Brown2, J.T. Jones2, Y. Wang2, C.
Melton2, J. Bergener3, J. Zhang2, O. Hall2, J. Min2, S.Y. Shen3, J. Provance2, E. Sosa2, B.
Allen2, A. Licon2, J. Zhang2, A.-R. Hartman2, D. De Carvalho3, 1UHN - University Health
Network - Princess Margaret Cancer Center, Toronto, CA, 2Adela, Inc., Foster City, US,
3Adela, Inc., Toronto, CA

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:45 - 15:55 65O - Cancer treatment monitoring using cell-free DNA fragmentomes
R. Fijneman1, L. Rinaldi2, Z. Skidmore3, B. Alipanahi2, L. Keefer3, I. Van 'T Erve4, K.
Lumbard3, J. Carey3, B. Chesnick3, S. Cristiano2, N. Dracopoli3, R. Scharpf5, G. Meijer1,
A. Leal2, V. Velculescu6, 1NKI-AVL - Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van
Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, NL, 2Delfi Diagnostics, Inc., Baltimore, US, 3Delfi
Diagnostics, Baltimore, US, 4Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, NL, 5Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, US, 6Johns Hopkins Medicine - The
Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baltimore, US

15:55 - 16:05 Invited Discussant 63O, 64O and 65O

16:05 - 16:15 Q&A

14:45 - 16:00 Type: Multidisciplinary session Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Biochemical failure post-local therapy: An 5
opportunity for tailored treatment?
Chair(s): Pierre Blanchard, FR; Derya Tilki, DE

14:45 - 14:50 Presentation of case/condition

P. Blanchard, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

14:50 - 15:10 Surveillance/minimal intervention for good risk disease

D. Tilki, UKE Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf KMTZ, Hamburg, DE

15:10 - 15:30 Intensification of systemic treatment for poor risk disease

D. Rathkopf, MSKCC - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US

15:30 - 15:50 PSMA PET as a game changer for decision making?

D. Oprea-Lager, Amsterdam UMC - Vrije University Medical Centre (VUmc),
Amsterdam, NL

15:50 - 16:00 Discussion

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Educational session Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: New developments in the treatment of 3
sarcomas in 2024
Chair(s): Joanna Szkandera, AT; Sandra Strauss, GB

14:45 - 15:05 New developments in pathology and molecular biology

E. Wardelmann, University Hospital Muenster-Gerhard Domagk Institute of Pathology,
Muenster, DE

15:05 - 15:25 New developments in the treatment of soft tissue sarcomas

K. Boye, Oslo University Hospital - The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo, NO

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:25 - 15:45 New developments in the treatment of GIST
C. Serrano, Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO)-Cellex Center, Barcelona, ES

15:45 - 16:05 New developments in the treatment of bone sarcomas

S. Strauss, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, GB

16:05 - 16:15 Q&A and discussion

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Proffered Paper session Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: Proffered paper session: Supportive and Hall 3
palliative care
Chair(s): Matteo Lambertini, IT

14:45 - 14:55 1814O - Breastfeeding after breast cancer: Results from the POSITIVE trial
H. Azim Jr1, S. Niman2, A.H. Partridge2, M. Ruggeri3, M. Colleoni4, C. Saura Manich5,
C. Shimizu6, A. Satersdal7, J. Kroep8, K. Gelmon9, F. Amant10, A. Mailliez11, H. Moore12,
T. Ferreiro13, S. El-Abed14, R. Gelber2, O. Pagani15, F. Peccatori16, 1Cairo Cure
Oncology Center, Cairo, EG, 2Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US, 3International
Breast Cancer Study Group, Bern, CH, 4IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Milan, IT,
5Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 6NCGM - National Center for Global

Health and Medicine, Shinjuku-ku, JP, 7Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, NO, 8LUMC-
Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, NL, 9BC Cancer Agency - Vancouver,
Vancouver, CA, 10UZ Leuven - University Hospitals Leuven - Campus Gasthuisberg,
Leuven, BE, 11Centre Oscar Lambret, Lille, FR, 12Taussig Cancer Center-Cleveland
Clinic, Cleveland, US, 13Soul Reconnect, Barcelona, ES, 14Breast International Group
(BIG) - AISBL, Brussels, BE, 15Interdisciplinary Cancer Service Hospital Riviera,
Geneva, CH, 16IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia IRCCS, Milan, IT

14:55 - 15:05 1815O - Breastfeeding after breast cancer in young BRCA carriers: results from
an international cohort study
E. Blondeaux1, V. Delucchi1, E. Mariamidze2, R. Bernstein Molho3, A.-S. Hamy-Petit4, A.
Ferrari5, S. Linn6, H.J. Kim7, E. Agostinetto8, S. Paluch-Shimon9, A. Toss10, A. Di
Meglio11, J. Balmaña12, R. Yerushalmi13, K. Rodriguez-Wallberg 14, I. Demeestere15, H.
Azim Jr16, F. Peccatori17, A.H. Partridge18, M. Lambertini1, 1IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico
San Martino, Genova, IT, 2Todua Clinic, Tbilisi, GE, 3Chaim Sheba Medical Center,
Ramat Gan, IL, 4Université Paris Cité, Institut Curie, Paris, FR, 5Fondazione IRCCS
Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, IT, 6Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI), Amsterdam, NL,
7Asan Medical Center - University of Ulsan, Seoul, KR, 8Institute Jules Bordet, Brussels,

BE, 9Hadassah University Hospital - Ein Kerem, Jerusalem, IL, 10Azienda Ospedaliero -
Universitaria Policlinico di Modena, Modena, IT, 11Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif,
Cedex, FR, 12Vall d´Hebron University Hospital, Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology
(VHIO), Barcelona, ES, 13Rabin Medical Center Davidoff Cancer Centre, Beilinson
Campus, Petah Tikva, IL, 14Karolinska Institute and Reproductive Medicine, Karolinska
University Hospital, Huddinge, SE, 15ULB - Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, BE,
16Cairo Cure Oncology Center, Cairo, EG, 17IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia IRCCS,

Milan, IT, 18Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

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15:05 - 15:15 Invited Discussant 1814O and 1815O
M.A. Franzoi, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

15:15 - 15:25 Q&A

15:25 - 15:35 One LBA TBC

15:35 - 15:45 1816O - A multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of

olanzapine-based triplet antiemetic therapy for prevention of delayed and
persistent nausea and vomiting induced by trastuzumab deruxtecan in patients
with metastatic breast cancer: ERICA study (WJOG14320B)
H. Sakai1, J. Tsurutani1, Y. Ozaki2, H. Ishiguro3, K. Nozawa4, T. Yamanaka5, H.
Kameoka6, K. Matsumoto7, T. Iwasa8, M. Tokiwa9, M. Tsuneizumi10, Y. Miyoshi11, C.
Kitagawa12, M. Yamamoto13, Y. Takano14, C. Imamura1, Y. Chiba15, D. Takiguchi16, T.
Ezumi16, T. Takano2, 1Showa University, Tokyo, JP, 2Cancer Institute Hospital of the
Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, Tokyo, JP, 3Saitama Medical University
International Medical Center, Hidaka, JP, 4Aichi Cancer Center Hospital, Nagoya, JP,
5Kanagawa Cancer Center, Yokohama, JP, 6National Hospital Organization Shikoku

Cancer Center, Matsuyama, JP, 7Hyogo Cancer Center, Akashi, JP, 8Kindai University
Faculty of Medicine, Osaka, JP, 9Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital, Kobe, JP,
10Shizuoka General Hospital, Shizuoka, JP, 11Hyogo College of Medicine, Nishinomiya,

JP, 12NHO Nagoya Medical Center, Nagoya, JP, 13Hokkaido Cancer Center, Sapporo, JP,
14Nagoya University Hospital, Nagoya, JP, 15Kindai University Hosipital, Osakasayama,

JP, 16Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd., Tokyo, JP

15:45 - 15:55 1476O - Haloperidol and Lorazepam for Agitated Delirium in Patients with
Advanced Cancer: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial
D. Hui1, A. Delarosa1, J.-S. Tsai2, S.-Y. Cheng 2, D. Urbauer3, E. Delfabbro4, A. Kuzhiyil5,
A. Azhar1, M. Tang1, K. Rowe5, T. Nguyen1, C.-A. Yao2, H.-L. Huang2, J.-K. Peng2, W.-Y.
Hu2, S. Admane1, R. Dev1, P. Bramati1, S. Shete3, E. Bruera1, 1The University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 2National Taiwan University, Taipei City, TW,
3University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 4Augusta University

Medical Center, Augusta, US, 5Virginia Commonwealth University Massey

Comprehensive Cancer Center, Richmond, US

15:55 - 16:05 Invited Discussant 1816O and 1476O

16:05 - 16:15 Q&A

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Mini Oral session Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: Mini oral session: Developmental 3
Chair(s): Teresa Amaral, DE; Alex A. Adjei, US

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:45 - 14:50 612MO - Preliminary Results from a Phase 1 Study of CFT1946, a Novel BIDAC
Degrader in Mutant BRAF V600 Solid Tumors
M. Vieito1, M. Mckean2, A. Spira3, E. Rosen4, J. Rodon5, V. Moreno Garcia6, V.
Gambardella7, O. Saavedra8, S. Cousin9, P. Cassier10, I. Korakis11, B. Van Tine12, V.
Ma13, A. Ali14, E. Hinojosa14, R. Lobbardi14, H. Liu14, E. Hurh14, L. Reyno14, E.
Buchbinder15, 1Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 2Sarah Cannon
Research Institute, Nashville, US, 3Virginia Cancer Specialist, Fairfax, US, 4Memorial
Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US, 5University of Texas MD Anderson
Cancer Center, Houston, US, 6Hospital Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid, ES, 7INCLIVA
Biomedical Research Institute, Valencia, ES, 8NEXT Oncology, Barcelona, Spain,
Barcelona, ES, 9Institut Bergonie, Bordeaux, FR, 10Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR,
11IUCT - Institut Universitaire du Cancer de Toulouse - Oncopole, Toulouse, FR,
12Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, US, 13University of Wisconsin

Carbone Cancer Center, Madison, US, 14C4 Therapeutics, Inc, Watertown, US, 15Dana
Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

14:50 - 14:55 613MO - A Phase 1 Clinical Trial Evaluating Exarafenib, a Selective Pan-RAF
Inhibitor in Combination with Binimetinib in NRAS-mutant (NRASMut)
Melanoma (Mel) & BRAF-Altered Solid Tumors
P. Cassier1, J. Mehnert2, R. Kim3, B. Chmielowski4, M. Millward5, C. Perez6, M.
Gonzalez Cao7, V. Gambardella8, M. Mckean9, M. Brose10, Y. Xing11, G. Long12, A.
Kelly13, G. Lee14, P. Severson14, R. Williams14, C. Gaudy Marqueste15, 1Centre Léon
Bérard, Lyon, FR, 2Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center, New York, US, 3H. Lee
Moffitt Cancer Center University of South Florida, Tampa, US, 4UCLA - David Geffen
School of Medicine, Los Angeles, US, 5University of Western Australia, Perth, AU,
6Florida Cancer Specialists, Fort Myers, US, 7Instituto Oncologico Dr Rosell, Dexeus

University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 8Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia,

Valencia, ES, 9Sarah Cannon Research Institute, Nashville, US, 10Sidney Kimmel
Cancer Center Jefferson Northeast, Philadelphia, US, 11COH - City of Hope
Comprehensive Center, Duarte, US, 12Melanoma Institute Australia, The University of
Sydney, and Royal North Shore and Mater Hospitals, Sydney, AU, 13Kinnate Biopharma,
San Diego, US, 14Kinnate Biopharma Inc., San Diego, US, 15AP-HM - CHU La Timone
Enfants, Marseille, FR

14:55 - 15:00 614MO - Type II RAF Inhibitor Tovorafenib in Recurrent/Refractory (R/R)

Melanoma or Other Solid Tumors with RAF Fusions and/or RAF1 Amplification
M. Vieito1, E. Garralda1, I. Mehmi2, C. Gaudy Marqueste3, B. O’Neil4, T. Medina5, A.
Body6, A.M. Arance7, S. Kummar8, Y. Najjar9, P. Bedard10, C. Chu11, C. Mckenna11, S.
Hume11, L. Kopp11, J. Lee12, 1Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 2The
Angeles Clinic & Research Institute, Inc., Los Angeles, US, 3CEPCM, Hopital de La
Timone - APHM, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, FR, 4Community Hospital Oncology
Physicians, Indianapolis, US, 5University of Colorado Cancer Center Anschutz Cancer
Pavilion, Aurora, US, 6Monash Medical Center and Monash University, Clayton, AU,
7Hospital Clinic y Provincial de Barcelona, Barcelona, ES, 8OHSU Knight Cancer

Institute - Center for Health and Healing Building 1 - South Waterfront, Portland, US,
9University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Hillman Cancer Cente, Pittsburgh, US,
10Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network, Toronto, CA, 11Day

One Biopharmaceuticals, Brisbane, US, 12Samsung Medical Center (SMC) -

Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, KR

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:00 - 15:15 Invited Discussant 612MO, 613MO and 614MO
T. Amaral, Skin Cancer Clinical Trials Center, University of Tuebingen, Tübingen, DE

15:15 - 15:20 615MO - Phase 1/2 study of D3S-001, a second generation KRAS G12C inhibitor
in advanced/metastatic solid tumors with KRAS G12C mutations
B.C. Cho1, S. Lu2, M.A. Lee3, Z. Song4, J. Park5, S.M. Lim6, Z. Li2, J. Zhao7, G.
Richardson8, Y. Zhang9, J. Zhang10, A. Liu11, C. Chen12, J. Wang12, J. Chen12, A.
Wang12, J. Zhang12, Z. Chen12, T.S.K. Mok13, M. Johnson14, 1Yonsei Cancer Center,
Seoul, KR, 2Shanghai Chest Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, CN,
3The Catholic University of Korea - Seoul St. Mary's Hospital - Catholic Medical Center,

Seoul, KR, 4Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, Hangzhou, CN, 5Macquarie University - Faculty
of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences, Sydney, AU, 6Yonsei University College of
Medicine, Seoul, KR, 7Beijing Cancer Hospital, Beijing, CN, 8Oncology Clinics Victoria -
Cabrini Malvern Hospital, Malvern, AU, 9Cancer Hospital Affiliated to Harbin Medical
University, Harbin, CN, 10Ruijin Hospital - Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of
Medicine, Shanghai, CN, 112nd Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang,
CN, 12D3 Bio, Shanghai, CN, 13Prince of Wales Hospital - Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics,
Sha Tin, HK, 14Sarah Cannon Research Institute, Nashville, US

15:20 - 15:25 616MO - Long-term follow-up of single-agent divarasib in patients with KRAS
G12C-positive solid tumors
E. Garralda1, M. Patel2, T.W. Kim3, A. Sacher4, M. Forster5, A. Santoro6, J. Desai7, L.
Paz-Ares8, A. Falcon Gonzalez9, M. De Miguel10, S. Bowyer11, R. Dziadziuszko12, S.H.
Kim13, S.-W. Han 14, M. Krebs15, P. Lorusso16, R. Cosman17, J. Chang18, T. Jun18, W.
Miller19, 1Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 2Florida Cancer
Specialists/Sarah Cannon Research Institute, Fort Myers, US, 3Asan Medical Center -
University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, KR, 4UHN - University Health Network -
Princess Margaret Cancer Center, Toronto, CA, 5University College London/University
College London Hospitals NHS Trust, London, GB, 6IRCCS Humanitas Research
Hospital- Humanitas Cancer Center, Milan, IT, 7Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Sir
Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology, Melbourne, AU, 8Hospital Universitario 12
de Octubre, Madrid, ES, 9Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocio, Seville, ES, 10CIOCC
- Centro Integral Oncológico Clara Campal, Hospital Universitario HM Sanchinarro,
Madrid, ES, 11Linear Clinical Research Ltd., Perth, AU, 12Medical University of Gdansk,
Gdansk, PL, 13Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, KR, 14Seoul
National University Hospital, Seoul, KR, 15The Christie NHS Foundation Trust,
Manchester, GB, 16Yale School of Medicine - Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, New
Haven, US, 17St Vincent's Hospital Sydney, Garvan Institute of Medical Research,
Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales, Darlinghurst, AU, 18Genentech,
Inc., South San Francisco, US, 19Jewish General Hospital McGill University, Montreal,

15:25 - 15:40 Invited Discussant 615MO and 616MO

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15:40 - 15:45 617MO - Safety and Tolerability of INCB123667, a Selective CDK2 Inhibitor, in
Patients (Pts) With Advanced Solid Tumors: A Phase 1 Study
M. Simonelli1, D. Lorusso2, K. Homicsko3, F. Seguy4, M. Kinder5, Q. Liu5, E. Croft5, S.
Kitano6, 1IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, IT, 2Fondazione Policlinico
Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS Rome and Humanitas San Pio X, Milan, IT,
3Ludiwg Institute for Cancer Research, UNIL and Centre Hospitalier Universitaire

Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, CH, 4Incyte Biosciences International Sàrl, Morges, CH,
5Incyte Corporation, Wilmington, US, 6The Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR, Tokyo, JP

15:45 - 15:50 618MO - Phase 1b/2 first-in-class novel combination trial of next generation
CDK4-selective inhibitor PF-07220060 and next generation CDK2-selective
inhibitor PF-07104091 in HR+ HER2- metastatic breast cancer and advanced
solid tumors
T.A. Yap1, F. Yan2, S. Sadeghi3, T.T. Lin4, F. Liu5, L. Malky6, M. Golmakani7, A. Moreau8,
H. Neumann9, L. Zhou7, D. Juric10, M. Sharma11, 1The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center - Main Building, Houston, US, 2Swedish Cancer Institute -
Medical Oncology - First Hill, Seattle, US, 3David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA -
Translational Oncology Research Laboratory (TORL), Santa Monica, US, 4Pfizer Inc.,
New York, US, 5Pfizer Inc., San Diego, US, 6Pfizer, Kirkland, CA, 7Pfizer, San Diego, US,
8Pfizer, Bridgewater, US, 9Pfizer Inc - USA, New London, US, 10MGH - Massachusetts

General Hospital, Boston, US, 11START Midwest, Grand Rapids, US

15:50 - 15:55 619MO - Camonsertib (cam) monotherapy in patients (pts) with advanced
cancers harboring ATM loss-of-function (LoF)
B. Carneiro1, E. Rosen2, E. Fontana3, E. Lee4, N. Mettu5, S. Lheureux6, R. Plummer7, I.
Silverman8, J. Schonhoft8, J. Yang8, G. Gomez8, K. Fei8, D. Ulanet8, P. Basciano8, T.A.
Yap9, M. Hoejgaard10, 1Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence,
US, 2Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US, 3Sarah Cannon Research
Institute SCRI UK, London, GB, 4Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US, 5Duke
University Medical Center, Durham, US, 6Princess Margaret Hospital, and PMHC,
Toronto, CA, 7Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, GB, 8Repare Therapeutics
Inc., Cambridge, US, 9The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
US, 10Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, DK

15:55 - 16:10 Invited Discussant 617MO, 618MO and 619MO

A.A. Adjei, Cleveland Clinic Main Campus, Cleveland, US

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Special symposium Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3

Title: CAR T cells and bispecifics
Chair(s): Eva Kimby, SE

14:45 - 14:50 Introduction and scientific background

14:50 - 15:10 Myeloma

P. Rodriguez-Otero, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Madrid, ES

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:10 - 15:30 Follicular lymphoma
E. Kimby, Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institute - Huddinge,
Stockholm, SE

15:30 - 15:50 Diffuse large B cell lymphoma

M. Hutchings, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, DK

15:50 - 16:10 Q&A and discussion

16:10 - 16:15 Conclusions and perspectives

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Patient Advocacy session Zaragoza Auditorium -

Title: Challenges in access to new oncology CC5
Chair(s): Natacha Bolanos Fernandez, ES; Eva-Maria Strömsholm, FI

14:45 - 15:00 Challenges for EU regulators

J. Garcia Burgos, EMA - European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, NL

15:00 - 15:15 Challenges for national HTA bodies

A. Schiel, Norwegian Medical Products Agency, Oslo, NO

15:15 - 15:30 Challenges for national policy makers

V. Voiculescu, MagiCAMP, Bucharest, RO

15:30 - 15:45 Inequalities across countries

L. Bowers, OECD, Paris, FR

15:45 - 16:00 A global perspective on access to oncology medicine: Where we do stand?

A. Ilbawi, WHO - World Health Organization, Geneva, CH

16:00 - 16:15 Discussion

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Special session Cartagena Auditorium -

Title: Special session Hall 7

15:00 - 15:45 Type: Challenge your Expert Santander Auditorium -

Title: Targeted therapies in biliary tract cancer: Hall 5
Emerging targets and strategies
Chair(s): Angela Lamarca, ES

15:00 - 15:20 Presentation by Expert

A. Vogel, MHH - Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, DE

15:20 - 15:45 Discussion led by Chair

A. Lamarca, Hospital Universitario Fundacion Jimenez Diaz, Madrid, ES

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:00 - 16:00 Type: Young Oncologists session Tarragona Auditorium -
Title: YO Medical students session: ESMO for Hall 7
medical students and young physicians
Chair(s): Andres Cervantes, ES; Matteo Lambertini, IT

15:00 - 15:15 ESMO-ESO Medical Students Course

A. Cervantes, Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, ES

15:15 - 15:30 Developing a career in medical oncology: From the ESMO Medical Student
Course to a successful career
A. Starzer, Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Vienna, AT

15:30 - 16:00 Guided poster walk

M. Moutafi1, A. Starzer2, R. Pihlak3, M. Kfoury4, 1Attikon University Hospital, Haidari,
GR, 2Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Vienna, AT, 3St. Bartholomew's Hospital - Barts
Health NHS Trust, London, GB, 4IPC - Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Marseille, Cedex 09, FR

16:15 - 17:45 Type: EONS session Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7

Title: Cancer nursing and precision health
Chair(s): Hazal Özdemir Koyu, TR; Lena Sharp, SE

16:15 - 16:30 Where is cancer nursing in precision health?

H. Ullgren, Karolinska University Hospital-Solna, Solna, SE

16:30 - 16:45 Genomic data management in precision oncology nursing

C. Díez De Los Ríos De La Serna, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

16:45 - 17:00 Optimizing the role of advanced practice nurses at the core of precision health:
Achieving comprehensive, patient-centred cancer services
S. Colomer-Lahiguera, Institute of Higher Education and Research in Healthcare -
IUFRS, CHUV, Lausanne, CH

17:00 - 17:10 CN28 - Racial Disparities in immune-related adverse events in patients with
lung cancer treated with Immune checkpoint inhibitors.
K. Uttam Chandani1, S. Agrawal2, M. Raval1, H. Khan3, 1New York Medical
College/Landmark Medical Center, Woonsocket, US, 2Smt. N.H.L Municipal Medical
College, Ahmedabad, IN, 3Lifespan Cancer Institute - Rhode Island Hospital,
Providence, US

17:10 - 17:20 CN64 - Three-year evaluation of an immunotherapy late effects screening clinic
J. Bird1, S. Danson2, D. Greenfield1, J. Brown3, 1Weston Park Hospital - Sheffield
Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield, GB, 2University of Sheffield,
Weston Park Hospital, Sheffield, GB, 3University of Sheffield Medical School, Sheffield,

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

17:20 - 17:30 CN90 - “To Get Through to Survive": Exploring the Symptom Cluster
Management Process During Oncological Treatment From the Perspective of
Patients With Lung Cancer.
K. Karlsson1, M. Larsson1, K. Ahlberg2, C. Olsson1, A. Erlandsson1, 1Karlstad
University, Karlstad, SE, 2Sahlgrenska Academy Institute of Health and Care Sciences
at the University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, SE

17:30 - 17:45 Q&A and discussion

16:15 - 17:45 Type: EONS Industry Satellite Symposium Segovia Auditorium - Hall
Title: AstraZeneca - Management of adverse 7
events in lung cancer antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) treatment
Chair(s): Fernanda Conceição, PT

16:15 - 16:20 Welcome and introduction

F. Conceição, Champalimaud Foundation - Champalimaud Clinical Center, Lisbon, PT

16:20 - 16:40 What are the ADCs and main AEs?

N. Girard, Institut Curie, Paris, FR

16:40 - 17:00 Pharmacovigilance in management of ADC related AEs

D. Van Balen, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, NL

17:00 - 17:20 Role of cancer nurse in prophylaxis, early detection, and management of ADC
related adverse events
A. Rodriguez-Ortega, ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia l'Hospitalet (Hospital Duran i
Reynals), Hospitalet de Llobregat, ES

17:20 - 17:40 Discussion and Q&A

F. Conceição1, N. Girard2, D. Van Balen3, A. Rodriguez-Ortega4, 1Champalimaud
Foundation - Champalimaud Clinical Center, Lisbon, PT, 2Institut Curie, Paris, FR,
3Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, NL, 4ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia

l'Hospitalet (Hospital Duran i Reynals), Hospitalet de Llobregat, ES

17:40 - 17:45 Conclusion remarks

F. Conceição, Champalimaud Foundation - Champalimaud Clinical Center, Lisbon, PT

16:30 - 18:00 Type: Proffered Paper session Barcelona Auditorium -

Title: Presidential Symposium 1 Hall 2

16:30 - 18:00 Type: Special symposium Sevilla Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Evolving biomarkers in metastatic disease: Liquid, solid or
Chair(s): Christos Sotiriou, BE

16:30 - 16:35 Introduction and scientific background

C. Sotiriou, Institute Jules Bordet, Brussels, BE

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16:35 - 16:50 Liquid biopsy: Promises and challenges
M. Ignatiadis, Institute Jules Bordet, Brussels, BE

16:50 - 17:05 Tissue biopsy: Capturing tumour microenvironment and beyond

F. Penault-Llorca, Jean Perrin Center, Clermont-Ferrand, FR

17:05 - 17:20 Novel imaging approaches: Towards a better estimation of response

G. Cook, King's College Hospital, London, GB

17:20 - 17:35 AI: Isn't a solution to all?

A. Grigoriadis, King's College London Guy's Hospital - NHS Foundation Trust, London,

17:35 - 17:55 Q&A and discussion

17:55 - 18:00 Conclusions and perspectives

16:30 - 17:45 Type: Multidisciplinary session Granada Auditorium - Hall

Title: MRD or molecular tumour board case 6
Chair(s): Sherene Loi, AU; Federica Di Nicolantonio, IT

16:30 - 16:35 Presentation of case/condition

F. Di Nicolantonio, IRCCS - Istituto di Candiolo - FPO, Candiolo, IT

16:35 - 16:55 Navigating the molecular tumour board and genomic reports
J. Mateo, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

16:55 - 17:15 MRD learning from breast cancer

S. Loi, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, AU

17:15 - 17:35 Liquid biopsies across the disease spectrum; learning from colorectal cancer
N. Starling, The Royal Marsden Hospital - Chelsea, London, GB

17:35 - 17:45 Q&A and discussion

16:30 - 18:00 Type: Educational session Zaragoza Auditorium -

Title: Can pragmatic clinical trials and CC5
optimisation of treatments support development, access and
Chair(s): Beate Wieseler, DE; Denis Lacombe, BE

16:30 - 16:50 The Cancer Medicine Forum of the EMA

F. Pignatti, European Medicines Agency - Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL

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16:50 - 17:10 Designing, running and funding deescalation clinical trials
D. Goldstein, Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva, IL

17:10 - 17:30 WHO Novel Medicine Platform

S. Garner, WHO - World Health Organization, Geneva, CH

17:30 - 17:50 RCT and RWD for HTA decision making

B. Wieseler, IQWIG, Köln, DE

17:50 - 18:00 Q&A and discussion

17:00 - 17:45 Type: Challenge your Expert Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: Is it possible to treat brain metastases 3
without RT in 2024?
Chair(s): Evangelia Razis, GR

17:00 - 17:20 Presentation by Expert

A.S. Berghoff, Universitätskliniken der MedUni Wien - AKH Wien, Vienna, AT

17:20 - 17:45 Discussion led by Chair

E. Razis, Hygeia Hospital, Marousi, GR

18:00 - 20:00 Type: EONS session Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7

Title: EONS Welcome & Networking

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Burgos Auditorium - Hall

Title: AbbVie Inc. - Targeting un-MET Needs in 5
Cancer: The Emerging Role of Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs)
Chair(s): Benjamin Besse, FR

18:30 - 18:33 Welcome and Introduction

B. Besse, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

18:33 - 18:40 History of c-Met: Lessons Learned

B. Besse, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

18:40 - 18:55 Rethinking c-Met as a Therapeutic Target in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
A. Passaro, IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia IRCCS, Milan, IT

18:55 - 19:15 Targeting c-Met in Advanced NSCLC with ADCs

N. Girard, Institut Curie, Paris, FR

19:15 - 19:30 Rethinking c-Met as a Therapeutic Target in Gastrointestinal Cancers (GI)

J. Strickler, Duke Cancer Center, Durham, US

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19:30 - 19:45 Emerging Evidence on c-Met Targeting in GI
E. Van Cutsem, UZ Leuven - University Hospitals Leuven - Campus Gasthuisberg,
Leuven, BE

19:45 - 19:55 Panel Discussion, Q&A, and Closing

B. Besse1, A. Passaro2, N. Girard3, J. Strickler4, E. Van Cutsem5, 1Institut Gustave
Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 2IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia IRCCS, Milan, IT,
3Institut Curie, Paris, FR, 4Duke Cancer Center, Durham, US, 5UZ Leuven - University

Hospitals Leuven - Campus Gasthuisberg, Leuven, BE

19:55 - 20:00 Closing

B. Besse, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Salamanca Auditorium -

Title: AstraZeneca - The emerging treatment Hall 5
landscape in advanced endometrial cancer
Chair(s): Nicole Concin, AT

18:30 - 18:45 Molecular heterogeneity in endometrial cancer: Current practice and future
N. Concin, Landeskrankenhaus - Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT

18:45 - 19:15 Addressing dMMR advanced endometrial cancer – advances, wins, challenges
M.R. Mirza, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, DK

19:15 - 19:45 Addressing pMMR advanced endometrial cancer – advances, wins, challenges
E. Van Nieuwenhuysen, UZ Leuven - University Hospitals Leuven - Campus
Gasthuisberg, Leuven, BE

19:45 - 20:00 Q&A Discussion

N. Concin1, M.R. Mirza2, E. Van Nieuwenhuysen3, 1Landeskrankenhaus -
Universitaetskliniken Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT, 2Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, DK, 3UZ
Leuven - University Hospitals Leuven - Campus Gasthuisberg, Leuven, BE

18:30 - 20:00 Type: ESMO Colloquium Santander Auditorium -

Title: ESMO Colloquim supported by Eli Lilly and Hall 5
Company - Hormone-receptor (+), HER2 (-) advanced breast
cancer: The biology and treatment landscape post-progression
after CDK4/6 inhibition
Chair(s): Joyce O'Shaughnessy, US; Cristina Saura Manich, ES

18:30 - 18:40 Welcome and introduction

J. O'Shaughnessy, Texas Oncology - Baylor Sammons Cancer Center, Dallas, US

18:40 - 18:55 Biological insights in the endocrine and CDK4/6 pathways of cellular signal
transduction and mechanisms of primary/acquired resistance in HR(+)/HER2(-)
breast cancer
E. Lim, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Darlinghurst, AU

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18:55 - 19:10 Presentation of a clinical case: State of the art management of patients with
HR(+)/HER2(-) advanced breast cancer progressing after aromatase
inhibitor+CDK4/6-inhibitor therapy
C. Saura Manich, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

19:10 - 19:25 HR(+)/HER2(-) advanced breast cancer: How can biology inform us on
optimising the precision therapeutic strategies in 1L and 2L post progression
after endocrine+CDK4/6i?
P. Aftimos, Institute Jules Bordet, Anderlecht, BE

19:25 - 19:40 A glimpse of the future: Ongoing research on novel therapeutics for advanced
breast cancer patients post-progression on endocrine+CDK4/6-inhibition
J. O'Shaughnessy, Texas Oncology - Baylor Sammons Cancer Center, Dallas, US

19:40 - 19:55 Q&A and discussion

19:55 - 20:00 Concluding remarks

C. Saura Manich, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: GSK - Optimizing long term patient 5
outcomes with PARPi treatment for advanced ovarian cancer
Chair(s): Antonio González-Martín, ES

18:30 - 18:32 Introduction

A. González-Martín, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Madrid, ES

18:32 - 18:47 Appraising the progress in the management of advanced ovarian cancer
D. Lorusso, Humanitas San Pio X, Milan, IT

18:47 - 19:07 Contextualizing clinical trials when evaluating the right treatment for patients
R. Coleman, The US Oncology Network, The Woodlands, US

19:07 - 19:27 Long term efficacy with PARPi monotherapy in maintenance treatment of
advanced ovarian cancer
A. González-Martín, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Madrid, ES

19:27 - 19:47 From data to clinical practice; understanding opportunities and challenges
T. Herzog, UCCI - University of Cincinnati Cancer Institute, Cincinnati, US

19:47 - 19:57 Panel duscussion

A. González-Martín1, D. Lorusso2, R. Coleman3, T. Herzog4, 1Clinica Universidad de
Navarra, Madrid, ES, 2Humanitas San Pio X, Milan, IT, 3The US Oncology Network, The
Woodlands, US, 4UCCI - University of Cincinnati Cancer Institute, Cincinnati, US

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19:57 - 20:00 Closing remarks
A. González-Martín, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Madrid, ES

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: Ipsen - Kidney cancer puzzles – from 3
insights to progress
Chair(s): Laurence Albiges, FR

18:30 - 18:35 Welcome and Introduction

L. Albiges, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

18:35 - 18:45 The adjuvant puzzle: how do we pick the right patient?
J. Bedke, Klinikum Stuttgart - Katharinenhospital (KH), Stuttgart, DE

18:45 - 19:15 How can you select the best 1L option for your patient?
S. Pal1, L. Albiges2, 1City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center, Duarte, US, 2Institut
Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

19:15 - 19:30 How can we simplify sequencing?

G.A. De Velasco Oria, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

19:30 - 19:55 Burning questions: what riddles remain?

L. Albiges1, J. Bedke2, G.A. De Velasco Oria3, S. Pal4, 1Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif,
Cedex, FR, 2Klinikum Stuttgart - Katharinenhospital (KH), Stuttgart, DE, 3Hospital
Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES, 4City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Duarte, US

19:55 - 20:00 Closing Remarks

L. Albiges, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: Eisai Inc. - Evolving Treatment Sequence Hall 3
for Renal Cell Carcinoma
Chair(s): Toni Choueiri, US; Manuela Schmidinger, AT

18:30 - 18:35 Welcome and Introduction

T. Choueiri, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

18:35 - 18:55 aRCC 1L treatment selection

B. Rini, Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center, Nashville, US

18:55 - 19:15 Managing response to IO-TKI combinations in 1L RCC

V. Gruenwald, University Hospital Essen Westdeutsches Tumorzentrum, Essen, DE

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19:15 - 19:35 New perspectives in the post IO setting
M. Schmidinger, Vienna General Hospital (AKH) - Medizinische Universität Wien,
Vienna, AT

19:35 - 19:55 Round table case discussions, Q&A

T. Choueiri, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

19:55 - 20:00 Summary and key takeaways

M. Schmidinger, Vienna General Hospital (AKH) - Medizinische Universität Wien,
Vienna, AT

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: Bristol Myers Squibb - A decade of anti— 3
PD-1—based therapies for melanoma: looking beyond the curves
Chair(s): Eva Muñoz-Couselo, ES

18:30 - 18:35 Welcome and introduction

E. Muñoz-Couselo, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

18:35 - 19:15 The past, present, and future for melanoma therapy
M. Postow, Memorial Sloan Kettering 60th Street Outpatient Center, New York, US

19:15 - 19:30 2024 treatment in focus: immuno-oncology for the neoadjuvant/perioperative

C. Hoeller, MedUni Wien - Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, AT

19:30 - 19:55 Navigating treatment in the neoadjuvant/perioperative setting: an interactive

E. Muñoz-Couselo1, M. Postow2, C. Hoeller3, 1Vall d'Hebron University Hospital,
Barcelona, ES, 2Memorial Sloan Kettering 60th Street Outpatient Center, New York, US,
3MedUni Wien - Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, AT

19:55 - 20:00 Summary and close

E. Muñoz-Couselo, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3

Title: Takeda - Navigating Later-Line Metastatic Colorectal
Cancer: The Latest Data Guiding Treatment Selection and
Chair(s): Howard Hochster, US

18:30 - 18:35 Chair Welcome and Introductions

H. Hochster, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, New Brunswick, US

18:35 - 18:45 Navigating Complexities in Patient Cases: What’s Your Next Refractory
S. Stintzing, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, DE

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18:45 - 19:10 Treatment Options in Refractory mCRC
R. Garcia-Carbonero, University Hospital 12 De Octubre, Madrid, ES

19:10 - 19:25 Factors Impacting Treatment Choice in Refractory Setting

H. Hochster, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, New Brunswick, US

19:25 - 19:50 Live Panel Q&A Session

H. Hochster, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, New Brunswick, US

19:50 - 20:00 Panel Discussion: Patient Case Study Review

H. Hochster, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, New Brunswick, US

22:00 - 22:59 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Sevilla Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: TEST - Company Name - Industry Satellite Symposium
Session Title
Chair(s): Test Chair, CH

22:00 - 22:20 Presentation 1

T. Speaker 1, Lugano, CH

22:20 - 22:40 Presentation 2

T. Speaker 2, T. Speaker 1, T. Speaker 3, Lugano, CH

22:40 - 22:55 Presentation 3

T. Speaker 1, T. Speaker 2, T. Speaker 3, Lugano, CH

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Mini Oral session Barcelona Auditorium -
Title: Mini oral session 1: Breast cancer, Hall 2
Chair(s): Christos Sotiriou, BE

08:30 - 08:35 341MO - Impact of aging on the genetic and transcriptional landscape of
advanced breast cancer: an AURORA Program (BIG 14-01) subanalysis
G. Zoppoli1, F. Ravera2, F. Santaniello3, L. Ferrando4, D. Venet5, J.A. Seoane6, F.
Richard7, E. Munzone8, S. Hatse7, A. Ballestrero1, T. Antoniolli Crestani9, V. Adam9, A.
Irrthum9, P. Aftimos10, A.L. Guerrero Zotano11, D. Cameron12, M. Piccart10, C.
Desmedt7, M. Benelli13, H. Wildiers7, 1Università degli Studi di Genova, Ospedale
Policlinico San Martino IRCCS, Gruppo Oncologico Italiano di Ricerca Clinica (GOIRC),
Genova, IT, 2Università degli Studi di Genova, Gruppo Oncologico Italiano di Ricerca
Clinica (GOIRC), Genova, IT, 3Università degli Studi di Firenze, Fondazione Sandro
Pitigliani per la lotta contro i tumori ONLUS, Prato, IT, 4Ospedale Policlinico San
Martino IRCCS, Gruppo Oncologico Italiano di Ricerca Clinica (GOIRC), Genova, IT,
5Institute Jules Bordet University Hospital, Brussels, BE, 6Vall d'Hebron Institute of

Oncology, Barcelona, ES, 7KU Leuven, Leuven, BE, 8IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia,
Milan, IT, 9Breast International Group (BIG) - AISBL, Brussels, BE, 10Institute Jules
Bordet, Anderlecht, BE, 11IVO - Fundación Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, Valencia,
ES, 12Institute of Genetics and Cancer, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, GB,
13Università degli Studi di Firenze,, Prato, IT

08:35 - 08:40 342MO - Metastatic Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Outcomes in

628 patients with BRCA1, BRCA2, or PALB2 pathogenic variants: Real World
Data Analysis of Genomics and Targeted Therapy Sequencing
G. Parkinson1, M. Lustberg2, S. Nazari3, A. Elliott3, G. Sledge4, R. Jeselsohn5, E. Hsu6,
R. Sobol7, A. Sandoval-Leon8, R. Gopalakrishnan9, I.(. Makhoul10, L. Nye11, A. Kurian12,
F. Lynce5, S. Graff13, 1Lifespan Cancer Institute - Rhode Island Hospital, Providence,
US, 2Yale University School of Medicine, New Heaven, US, 3Caris Life Sciences -
Headquarters, Irving, US, 4Caris Life Sciences, Phoenix, US, 5Dana Farber Cancer
Institute, Boston, US, 6Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence,
US, 7Brown University, Providence, US, 8Miami Cancer Institute, Baptist Health South
Florida, Miami, US, 9Mount Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Center, Miami Beach, US,
10CARTI Cancer Center, Little Rock, US, 11University of Kansas Medical Center,

Westwood, US, 12Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, US, 13Lifespan

Cancer Institute, Warren Albert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, US

08:40 - 08:45 One LBA TBC

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08:45 - 08:50 343MO - Unraveling the mechanisms of action and resistance to Trastuzumab
deruxtecan (T-DXd): supplementary biomarker analyses from DAISY trial
M.F. Mosele1, A. Lusque2, V. Dieras3, E. Deluche4, A. Ducoulombier5, B. Pistilli6, T.
Bachelot7, F. Viret8, C. Levy9, Y. Pradat10, N. Signolle10, L. Le Bescond11, D. Tran1, N.
Droin6, M. Kobayashi12, T. Kakewaga12, M. Deloger10, M. Jimenez13, M. Lacroix-Triki 14,
F. André10, 1Gustave Roussy - Cancer Campus, VILLEJUIF, FR, 2Institut Claudius
Regaud, Toulouse, FR, 3Centre Eugene - Marquis, Rennes, FR, 4CHU Limoges - Hopital
Dupuytren, Limoges, FR, 5Centre Anticancer Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, FR, 6Institut
Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 7Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR, 8IPC - Institut
Paoli-Calmettes, Marseille, FR, 9Centre Francois Baclesse, Caen, FR, 10Gustave Roussy
- Cancer Campus, Villejuif, FR, 11Institut Gustave Roussy - INSERM UMR 981, Villejuif,
FR, 12Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd., Tokyo, JP, 13Unicancer, Paris, Cedex, FR, 14Institut
Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, FR

08:50 - 09:05 Invited Discussant 341MO, 342MO, 343MO and one LBA TBC
C. Sotiriou, Institute Jules Bordet, Brussels, BE

09:05 - 09:10 344MO - ESG401, a novel Trop2 antibody-drug conjugate (ADC), and its efficacy
evidence in HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer with brain metastases
F. Ma1, F. Qiu2, Z. Tong3, J. Wang4, Y. Shi3, L. Li5, G. Yu6, H. Shi7, X. Wu8, A. Liu9, Y.
Zhang10, H. Wang11, Y. Cheng12, H. Yang13, H. Li14, J. Chang15, Q. Zhou16, 1Chinese
Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College - National Cancer
Center, Cancer Hospital, Beijing, CN, 2The Second Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang
University School of Medicine, Zhejiang, CN, 3TMUCIH - Tianjin Medical University
Cancer Institute and Hospital, Tianjin, CN, 4Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of
Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, CN, 5The Second Affiliated
Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, CN, 6Weifang People's
Hospital, Weifang, CN, 7First Affiliated Hospital of Gannan Medical university, Ganzhou,
CN, 8Hubei Cancer Hospital, wuhan, CN, 9The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang
University, Nanchang, CN, 10Beijing Hospital, Beijing, CN, 11Nanchang People’s
Hospital Affiliated of Nanchang Medical College, Nanchang, CN, 12Jilin Cancer
Hospital, Changchun, CN, 13Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University, Baoding, CN,
14Peking University Cancer Hospital and Institute, Beijing, CN, 15The Affiliated Hospital

of Guizhou Medical University, guizhou, CN, 16Shanghai Escugen Biotechnology Co.,

Ltd, Shanghai, CN

09:10 - 09:15 One LBA TBC

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09:15 - 09:20 345MO - IBI354 (anti-HER2 antibody-drug conjugate [ADC]) in patients (pts)
with advanced solid tumors and breast cancer (BC): results from a phase I
C. Lemech1, Y. Sun2, A. Nagrial3, X. Wu4, M. Morris5, F. Ning6, J. Yang7, Y. Pan8, J. Cai9,
P. Lu10, T. Zhang11, F. Qiu12, C. Hu13, M. Zhang14, Z. Liu15, G. Han16, J. Nie17, Q.
Ding18, H. Zhou19, D. Day20, 1Scientia Clinical Research, Randwick, AU, 2Shandong
Cancer Hospital and Institute, Shandong First Medical University and Shandong
Academy of Medical Sciences, Jinan, CN, 3Westmead Hospital, Westmead, AU, 4Hubei
Cancer Hospital, wuhan, CN, 5Sunshine Coast University Hospital, Birtinya, AU,
6Binzhou Medical College, Yantai, CN, 7The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong

University, Xi'an, CN, 8Anhui Provincial Hospital, Hefei, CN, 9Jingzhou First People's
Hospital, Jingzhou City, CN, 10The First Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical
University, Xinxiang, CN, 11The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical
University, Chongqing, CN, 12The Second Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School
of Medicine, Zhejiang, CN, 13Anhui Provincial Cancer Hospital, Hefei, CN, 14The
Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei, CN, 15Dongguan People's
Hospital, Dongguan, CN, 16Shanxi Cancer Hospital, Taiyuan, CN, 17Yunnan Cancer
Hospital, Kunming, CN, 18Jiangsu Province Hospital - The First Affiliated Hospital with
Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, CN, 19Innovent Biologics, Inc., Beijing, CN,
20Monash Health, Clayton, AU

09:20 - 09:25 346MO - Trastuzumab Deruxctecan (T-DXd) associated interstitial lung disease
(ILD) in a large real-world French cohort of patients with HER2-driven breast
cancer and other malignancies
A. Canellas1, L. Elu1, P. Du Rusquec2, M.-A. Benderra3, L. Drouin4, I. Cojean-Zelek5, A.
Vozy6, E. Assaf7, A. Teillet Benmaziane8, J. Medioni9, R. Cohen10, L. Zelek11, M.
Wislez12, J. Gligorov13, P.Y. Brillet11, N. Girard2, K. Bihan14, J. Cadranel15, 1Hopital
Tenon AP-HP, Paris, Cedex, FR, 2Institut Curie, Paris, FR, 3Institut Universitaire de
Cancérologie AP-HP Sorbonne Université, Paris, FR, 4Hopital Saint Louis AP-HP, Paris,
FR, 5Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Créteil, Créteil, FR, 6Hopital Pitié-
Salpêtrière AP-HP, Paris, FR, 7Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Henri-Mondor AP-HP,
Creteil, FR, 8Hopital Foch, Suresnes, FR, 9HEGP - Hopital Europeen Georges-Pompidou
- AP-HP, Paris, FR, 10Hopital Saint-Antoine, Paris, FR, 11Hopital Avicenne AP-HP,
Bobigny, FR, 12Hopital Cochin AP-HP, Paris, FR, 13Institut Universitaire de Cancérologie
AP-HP. Sorbonne Université, Hôpital Tenon, Paris, FR, 14Hopital Pitié Salpetrière AP-HP,
Paris, FR, 15Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Tenon, Paris, FR

09:25 - 09:40 Invited Discussant 344MO, 345MO, 346MO and one LBA TBC

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Educational session Madrid Auditorium - Hall

Title: Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) in lung 2
cancer: Ready for prime time?
Chair(s): Anne-Marie Dingemans, NL; Alona Zer, IL

08:30 - 08:50 Resistance and sequencing to ADCs

L. Ellisen, MGH - Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, US

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:50 - 09:10 Agnostic ADCs (TROP2 and other combinations)
P. Bironzo, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria San Luigi Gonzaga, Orbassano, IT

09:10 - 09:30 Specific ADCs: HER2, HER3, CEACAM5, MET

D. Planchard, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

09:30 - 09:50 Toxicity of ADCs

A.-M. Dingemans, Erasmus MC - University Medical Center, Rotterdam, NL

09:50 - 10:00 Q&A and discussion

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Proffered Paper session Sevilla Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Proffered paper session 1: GI tumours, lower
Chair(s): Jenny Seligmann, GB

08:30 - 08:40 One LBA TBC

08:40 - 08:50 502O - Pembrolizumab in combination with CAPOX and bevacizumab in

patients with microsatellite stable metastatic colorectal cancer and a high
immune infiltrate: preliminary results of FFCD 1703 POCHI trial
D. Tougeron1, J.-F. Emile2, A. Bodere3, E. Barbier4, J. Bez4, L.M. Dourthe5, H. Perrier6,
S. Corbinais7, V. Le Brun-Ly8, K. Bideau9, B. Chibaudel10, F. Khemissa Akouz11, J.
Hartwig12, M. Laly13, A. Lievre14, C. Toullec15, N. Lomenie16, P. Laurent-Puig16, C.
Lepage17, J. Taieb18, 1CHU Poitiers - Jean Bernard Hôpital, Poitiers, FR, 2Ambroise-Paré
Hospital, APHP, Paris-Saclay University, Versailles SQY University, Boulogne, FR, 3CH
Saint Malo, Saint-Malo, FR, 4Fédération Francophone de Cancérologie Digestive, Dijon,
FR, 5Clinique de l'Orangerie, Strasbourg, FR, 6Fondation Hôpital Saint Joseph,
Marseille, FR, 7Centre Francois Baclesse, Caen, FR, 8CHU Limoges - Hopital
Dupuytren, Limoges, FR, 9Centre Hospitalier de Cornouaille - Site de Laennec,
Quimper, Cedex, FR, 10HFB - Hopital Franco-Britannique - Fondation Cognacq-Jay,
Levallois-Perret, FR, 11Centre Hospitalier de Perpignan - Hôpital Saint Jean, Perpignan,
Cedex, FR, 12Infirmerie Protestante, Caluire et Cuire, FR, 13CHD Vendee - Hopital Les
Oudairies, La Roche-sur-Yon, FR, 14CHU de Rennes - Hopital Pontchaillou, Rennes,
Cedex, FR, 15Institut Sainte-Catherine, Avignon, FR, 16Université Paris Cité, Paris, FR,
17CHU Dijon, Dijon, FR, 18Hopital European George Pompidou, Paris, FR

08:50 - 09:00 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC and 502O

09:00 - 09:10 Q&A

09:10 - 09:20 One LBA TBC

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09:20 - 09:30 503O - Neoadjuvant nivolumab (nivo) plus relatlimab (rela) in MMR-deficient
colon cancer: Results of the NICHE-3 study.
P. De Gooyer1, Y. Verschoor1, L. Van Den Dungen1, S. Balduzzi1, A. Lent2, C.
Grootscholten1, S. Dokter1, A. Den Hartog1, J. Burger3, W. Verbeek1, T. Aukema4, E.
Hendriks5, S. Oosterling6, R. Beets-Tan 1, T. Schumacher1, J. Haanen1, K. Kuhlmann1, M.
Van Leerdam1, J. Van Den Berg1, M. Chalabi1, 1NKI - Netherlands Cancer Institute,
Amsterdam, NL, 2OLVG Hospital, Amsterdam, NL, 3Catharina Hospital Eindhoven,
Eindhoven, NL, 4Haga Hospital, Den Haag, NL, 5Tergooi MC, Hilversum, NL, 6Spaarne
Hospital Haarlem & Hoofddorp, Hoofddorp, NL

09:30 - 09:40 504O - IMHOTEP Phase II trial of neoadjuvant pembrolizumab in dMMR/MSI

tumors: results of the colorectal cancer cohort
C. De La Fouchardiere1, A. Zaanan2, R. Cohen3, S. Le Sourd4, D. Tougeron5, E.
Soularue6, O. Dubreuil7, N. Williet8, E. Samalin-Scalzi9, G. Piessen10, V. Hautefeuille11,
M. Jary12, M. Ben Abdelghani13, L. Evesque14, P. Rochigneux15, E. Blanc1, F. Bibeau16,
A. Demontfort1, C. Coutzac1, 1Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR, 2Hopital Europeen
Georges-Pompidou - AP-HP, Paris, FR, 3Hopital Saint-Antoine, Paris, FR, 4Centre Eugene
- Marquis, Rennes, FR, 5CHU Poitiers - Jean Bernard Hôpital, Poitiers, FR, 6Institut
mutualiste Montsouris, PARIS, FR, 7Gh Diaconesses Croix Saint-Simon, Paris, FR,
8Hopital Nord, St Priest En Jarez, FR, 9ICM - Institut du Cancer de Montpellier,

Montpellier, Cedex, FR, 10C.H.U. Claude Huriez, Lille, FR, 11CHU Amiens-Picardie - Site
Nord, Amiens, FR, 12CHU de Clermont-Ferrand - Site Estaing, Clermont-Ferrand,
Cedex, FR, 13ICANS - Institut de Cancérologie Strasbourg Europe, Strasbourg, FR,
14Centre Anticancer Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, FR, 15IPC - Institut Paoli-Calmettes,

Marseille, Cedex, FR, 16CHU de Besançon, Besançon, FR

09:40 - 09:50 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC, 503O and 504O
J. Seligmann, The University of Leeds, Leeds, GB

09:50 - 10:00 Q&A

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Mini Oral session Bilbao Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Mini oral session: GU tumours, non-prostate
Chair(s): Camillo Guglielmo Porta, IT; Aristotelis Bamias, GR

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:30 - 08:35 1963MO - JCOG1019: An Open-label, Non-inferiority, Randomised Phase 3
Study Comparing the Effectiveness of Watchful Waiting (WW) and Intravesical
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) in Patients (Pts) with High-grade pT1 (HGT1)
Bladder Cancer with pT0 on the 2nd Transurethral Resection (TUR) Specimen
H. Kitamura1, J. Mizusawa2, T. Shibata2, K. Sasaki2, K. Hashine3, K. Fujimoto4, K.
Hashimoto5, T. Kobayashi6, S. Narita7, T. Kimura8, M. Sugimoto9, Y. Matsui10, S.
Hatakeyama11, M. Eto12, H. Nishiyama13, 1University of Toyama, Toyama, JP, 2National
Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo, JP, 3NHO Shikoku Cancer Center, Matsuyama, JP, 4Nara
Medical University, Nara, JP, 5Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine, Sapporo,
JP, 6Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoyo, JP, 7Akita University Hospital,
Akita, JP, 8Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, JP, 9Kagawa University Faculty of
Medicine/Graduate School of Medicine, Miki, JP, 10NCCH - National Cancer Center
Hospital-Tsukiji Campus, Chuo-ku, JP, 11Hirosaki University Graduate School of
Medicine, Hirosaki, JP, 12Kyushu University - Graduate School of Medical Sciences -
Faculty of Medical Sciences, Fukuoka, JP, 13University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, JP

08:35 - 08:40 One LBA TBC

08:40 - 08:45 1964MO - Alliance A031501: AMBASSADOR Study of Adjuvant Pembrolizumab

(Pembro) in Muscle-Invasive Urothelial Carcinoma (MIUC) vs Observation
(Obs): Extended follow-up disease-free survival (DFS) results and metastatic
(met) disease recurrence distribution
A. Apolo1, K. Ballman2, G. Sonpavde3, S. Berg4, W. Kim5, R. Parikh6, M.Y. Teo7, R.
Sweis8, D. Geynisman9, P. Grivas10, G. Chatta11, Z. Reichert12, J. Kim13, M. Bilen14, B.
Mcgregor15, S. Srinivas16, S. Halabi17, G. Perez Burbano18, M. Morris7, J. Rosenberg7,
1National Cancer Institute, BETHESDA, US, 2Mayo Clinic Cancer Center, Rochester,

US, 3AdventHealth Cancer Institute, Orlando, US, 4Dana-Farber Cancer Institute,

Boston, US, 5UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, Chapel Hill, US, 6KUMC -
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, US, 7Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center, New York, US, 8The University of Chicago, Chicago, US, 9Fox Chase
Cancer Center - Main Campus, Philadelphia, US, 10University of Washington, Seattle,
US, 11Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, US, 12University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, US, 13Yale University School of Medicine - Yale Cancer Center,
New Haven, US, 14Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, Atlanta, US, 15Dana
Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US, 16Stanford Comprehensive Cancer Institute,
Stanford, US, 17Duke University Medical Center, Durham, US, 18Mayo Clinic -
Rochester, Rochester, US

08:45 - 09:00 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC, 1963MO and 1964MO

09:00 - 09:05 One LBA TBC

09:05 - 09:10 One LBA TBC

09:10 - 09:15 One LBA TBC

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09:15 - 09:30 Invited Discussant three LBAs TBC
C.G. Porta, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, IT

09:30 - 09:35 1965MO - Phase 2 study of futibatinib plus pembrolizumab in patients (pts)
with advanced/metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC): Final analysis of efficacy
and safety
V. Koshkin1, P. Barthelemy2, G. Gravis3, O. Goodman4, I. Duran5, R. Girones Sarrio6, C.
Hwang7, J. Garcia-Donas8, R. Morales Barrera9, S. Zanetta10, M. Chisamore11, M.
Liu12, M. Gil12, G. Tomlinson12, H. Elsayed12, Y. Loriot13, 1UCSF Medical Center at
Mission Bay, San Francisco, US, 2Institut de Cancérologie Strasbourg Europe,
Strasbourg, FR, 3IPC - Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Marseille, Cedex, FR, 4Comprehensive
Cancer Centers of Nevada - Sounthwest, Las Vegas, US, 5Hospital Universitario
Marques de Valdecilla, Santander, ES, 6Hospital Universitario y Politécnico la Fe de
Valencia, Valencia, ES, 7Henry Ford Cancer Institute-Henry Ford Health, Detroit, US,
8Hospital Madrid Norte San Chinarro - Centro Integral Oncologico Clara Campal,

Madrid, ES, 9Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 10Centre Georges-
François Leclerc (Dijon), Dijon, FR, 11Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, US, 12Taiho Oncology,
Inc., Princeton, US, 13Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

09:35 - 09:40 1966MO - EV-302: Exploratory Analysis of Nectin-4 Expression and Response to
1L Enfortumab Vedotin (EV) + Pembrolizumab (P) in Previously Untreated
Locally Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Cancer (la/mUC)
T. Powles1, M. Van Der Heijden2, S. Gupta3, B. Perez Valderrama4, M. Galsky5, J.
Bedke6, E. Kikuchi7, J. Hoffman-Censits8, J.P. Maroto Rey9, C. Vulsteke10, G. Iyer11, U.
Swami12, S.J. Shin13, A. Rodriguez-Vida 14, M. Wozniak15, B. Homet Moreno16, J. Lu17,
C. Yu17, L. Hogdal17, Y. Loriot18, 1QMUL, London, GB, 2Netherlands Cancer Institute,
Amsterdam, NL, 3The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, US, 4Hospital Universitario Virgen
del Rocio, Seville, ES, 5Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, US, 6Klinikum Stuttgart,
Stuttgart, DE, 7St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Kawasaki, JP, 8Johns
Hopkins Medical Center, Baltimore, US, 9Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau,
Barcelona, ES, 10Antwerp University, Antwerp, BE, 11Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Center, New York, US, 12University of Utah, Salt Lake City, US, 13Yonsei University
Health System, Seoul, KR, 14Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, ES, 15Astellas Pharma, Inc.,
Northbrook, US, 16Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, US, 17Pfizer Inc., San Diego, US,
18Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

09:40 - 09:45 1967MO - Preliminary Efficacy And Safety Of Disitamab Vedotin (DV) With
Pembrolizumab (P) In Treatment (Tx)-Naive HER2-Expressing, Locally
Advanced Or Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma (la/mUC): RC48G001 Cohort C
M. Galsky1, V. Koshkin2, M. Campbell3, A. Drakaki4, I. Bowman5, A. Rose6, J. Brown7, J.
Aragon-Ching8, S. Gadde9, A. Harandi10, J. Rosenberg11, N. Matsubara12, K.
Sokolowski13, M. Ichimaru13, S. Chan14, S. Franco15, T. Powles16, 1Mount Sinai Medical
Center, New York, US, 2UCSF Medical Center at Mission Bay, San Francisco, US, 3The
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 4David Geffen School of Medicine, Los
Angeles, US, 5Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center, Gilbert, US, 6Jewish General
Hospital McGill University, Montreal, CA, 7Case Western Reserve University /
University Hospitals, Cleveland, US, 8Inova Schar Cancer Institute, Fairfax, US, 9UT -
The University of Tennessee Medical Center, Knoxville, US, 10Florida Cancer
Specialists, Fort Myers, US, 11MSKCC - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New
York, US, 12National Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, JP, 13Pfizer Inc., South San
Francisco, US, 14Pfizer Inc., Bothell, US, 15Merck & Co. Inc, Rahway, US, 16Barts
Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, London, GB

09:45 - 10:00 Invited Discussant 1965MO, 1966MO and 1967MO

A. Bamias, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, GR

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Educational session Granada Auditorium - Hall

Title: Non-cutaneous melanoma and non- 6
melanoma skin cancers: There is much more we can do
Chair(s): Caroline Robert, FR

08:30 - 08:55 Uveal melanoma

J.M. Piulats Rodriguez, ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia l'Hospitalet (Hospital Duran i
Reynals), Hospitalet de Llobregat, ES

08:55 - 09:20 Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma

C. Robert, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

09:20 - 09:45 Novel targets in Merkel cell carcinoma

J. Becker, DKFZ - German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, DE

09:45 - 10:00 Q&A and discussion

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Mini Oral session Burgos Auditorium - Hall

Title: Mini oral session 1: Gynaecological cancers 5
Chair(s): Alexandra Leary, FR

08:30 - 08:35 One LBA TBC

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:35 - 08:40 710MO - Induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiation in locally
advanced cervical cancer: quality of life outcomes of the GCIG INTERLACE
G. Eminowicz1, S. Vaja2, D. Gallardo3, C. Kent4, M. Panades5, A. Anand6, M. Persic7, J.
Forrest8, R. Bhana9, M. Adusumalli10, A. Chan2, A.M. Hacker2, A. Hackshaw2, J.
Ledermann2, M. Mccormack1, 1UCLH - University College London Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust, London, GB, 2UCL - University College London, London, GB, 3IMSS -
Centro Medico Nacional Siglo XXI - Hospital de Oncologia, Ciudad de Mexico, MX,
4Leicester Royal Infirmary - University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester, GB,
5United Lincolnshire Hospitals - Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln, GB, 6Nottingham

City Hospital, Nottingham, GB, 7Royal Derby Hospital - University Hospitals of Derby
and Burton NHS Foundation Trust, Derby, GB, 8Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Hospital
(Wonford) - Royal Devon and Exeter Foundation Trust, Exeter, GB, 9Royal Stoke
University Hospital, Stoke-on-Trent, GB, 10The James Cook University Hospital,
Middlesbrough, GB

08:40 - 08:55 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC and 710MO

A. Leary, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

08:55 - 09:00 712MO - Final overall survival (OS) from the Phase III ATALANTE/ENGOT-ov29
trial evaluating atezolizumab (Atz) versus placebo with standard chemotherapy
(Cx) plus bevacizumab (bev) in ovarian cancer (OC) patients (pts) with
platinum-sensitive relapse (PSR)
J.E. Kurtz1, E. Pujade-Lauraine2, A. Oaknin3, L. Belin4, C. Grimm5, R. Kocian6, H.
Denys7, O. Rosengarten8, P. Follana9, J. Sehouli10, J. Martinez-Garcia11, J. Alexandre12,
A.-C. Hardy-Bessard13, J.-S. Frenel14, R. Sabatier15, L. Gladieff16, T. De La Motte
Rouge17, N. Bonichon Lamichhane18, E. Kalbacher19, F. Heitz20, 1ICANS - Institut de
Cancérologie Strasbourg Europe & GINECO, Strasbourg, FR, 2ARCAGY-GINECO, Paris,
FR, 3Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology, Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus &
GEICO, Barcelona, ES, 4INSERM, Institut Pierre Louis d’Epidémiologie et de Santé
Publique, AP-HP, Hôpital Pitié Salpêtrière, Paris, FR, 5Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna General Hospital Währinger Gürtel & AGO Austria, Vienna, AT, 6General
University Hospital in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University & CEEGOG,
Prague, CZ, 7University hospital Ghent, Corneel Heymanslaan & BGOG, Gent, BE,
8Shaare Zedek Medical Center & ISGO, Jerusalem, IL, 9Centre Anticancer Antoine

Lacassagne & GINECO, Nice, FR, 10Charité - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin & AGO Study
Group, Berlin, DE, 11Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, Biomedical Research
Institute of Murcia & GEICO, El Palmar, ES, 12Université de Paris Cité, AP-HP, Cochin
Port-Royal & GINECO, Paris, FR, 13CARIO - Centre Armoricain de Radiothérapie,
d’Imagerie Médicale et d’Oncologie & GINECO, Plérin, FR, 14ICO - Institut de
Cancerologie de l'Ouest René Gauducheau & GINECO, Saint-Herblain, FR, 15IPC -
Institut Paoli-Calmettes & GINECO, Marseille, Cedex, FR, 16Institut Universitaire du
Cancer -Toulouse- Oncopole & GINECO, Toulouse, FR, 17Centre Eugene - Marquis &
GINECO, Rennes, FR, 18Tivoli Ducos Clinique & GINECO, Bordeaux, FR, 19CHRU Jean
Minjoz & GINECO, Besancon, FR, 20Evang. Kliniken Essen-Mitte gGmbH & AGO Study
Group, Essen, DE

09:00 - 09:05 One LBA TBC

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09:05 - 09:10 713MO - Nivolumab and Ipilimumab combination treatment in advanced
gynaecological clear cell cancers: Results from the phase II MoST-CIRCUIT trial
O. Klein1, M. Carlino2, M. Michael3, C. Underhill4, J. So5, D. Kee1, Y. Antill6, W.-S. Lam7,
H. Chan8, R. Harrup9, A. Hamilton10, J. Palmer11, D. Thomas12, K. Wilkie11, J. Cebon13,
B. Gao14, 1Austin Health - Austin Hospital, Heidelberg, AU, 2Crown Princess Mary
Cancer Centre Westmead, Westmead, AU, 3Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre,
Melbourne, AU, 4Border Medical Oncology Murray Valley Private Hospital, Wodonga,
AU, 5Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, NZ, 6Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, AU,
7Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth, AU, 8Calvary Mater Hospital Newcastle, Waratah, AU,
9RHH - Royal Hobart Hospital, Hobart, AU, 10Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, East

Melbourne, AU, 11Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute, Heidelberg, AU,

12Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Darlinghurst, AU, 13Olivia Newton-John Cancer

Wellness & Research Centre, Heidelberg, AU, 14Blacktown Hospital, Blacktown, AU

09:10 - 09:25 Invited Discussant 712MO, 713MO and one LBA TBC

09:25 - 09:30 One LBA TBC

09:30 - 09:35 One LBA TBC

09:35 - 09:50 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Mini Oral session Salamanca Auditorium -

Title: Mini oral session: CNS tumours Hall 5
Chair(s): Giuseppe Lombardi, IT; Roger Stupp, US; Dieta Brandsma, NL

08:30 - 08:35 445MO - Dual inhibition of post-radiogenic angio-vasculogenesis in

glioblastoma: Results of the phase 1/2 GLORIA trial
F. Giordano1, J.P. Layer2, L.L. Friker3, R. Turiello2, T. Zeyen3, B. Pregler3, O. Mirallas4,
S. Kebir5, M. Renovanz6, P. Hambsch7, T. Pietsch3, E. Gkika2, M. Platten1, M.
Schneider3, O. Grauer8, G. Tabatabai6, M. Glas5, C. Seidel7, U. Herrlinger9, M. Hölzel2,
1Heidelberg University - Faculty of Medicine in Mannheim, Mannheim, DE, 2UKB -

Universitätsklinikum Bonn, Bonn, DE, 3University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, DE, 4VHIO -
Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology, Barcelona, ES, 5University Hospital Essen, Essen,
DE, 6Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, DE, 7University Hospital Leipzig, Leipzig, DE,
8UKM - University Hospital Muenster, Muenster, DE, 9Institute of Experimental

Immunology - UKB University of Bonn, Bonn, DE

08:35 - 08:40 446MO - SYHA1813, a vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) 1-
3/colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) inhibitor, in patients with
recurrent glioblastoma
W. Li1, Z. Kang1, F. Chen1, S. Li1, B. Zhang1, M. Huang1, X. Yang2, F. She2, S. Xiang2, G.
Liu2, M. Liu2, 1Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, CN, 2CSPC
Pharmaceutical Group Limited, Shijiazhuang, CN

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:40 - 08:45 447MO - A Clinical Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Anlotinib Hydrochloride
Combined with Temozolomide dose density scheme for the Treatment of
Recurrent High Grade Glioma
Y. Zhai, L. Wang, P. Ji, Y. Wang, J. Liu, S. Guo, The Second Affiliate Hospital of Air Force
Medical University/Tangdu Hospital, Xi'an, CN

08:45 - 09:00 Invited Discussant 445MO, 446MO and 447MO

G. Lombardi, IOV - Istituto Oncologico Veneto IRCCS, Padova, IT

09:00 - 09:05 448MO - A Clinical Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Toripalimab in
Combination with Anilotinib for the Treatment of Recurrent Glioblastoma
L. Wang, Y. Zhai, P. Ji, Y. Wang, J. Liu, S. Guo, The Second Affiliate Hospital of Air Force
Medical University/Tangdu Hospital, Xi'an, CN

09:05 - 09:10 449MO - Macrophage derived immunotherapy in Glioblastoma: Phase 1 TEM-

GBM-001 results (NCT03866109)
F. Ciceri1, F. Farina1, B. Gentner2, M. Eoli3, M. Barcella4, E. Anghileri3, Q.G.
D'Alessandris5, V. Ferla1, A. Franzin6, F. Gagliardi1, F. Legnani3, A. Capotondo7, S.
Mazzoleni7, A. Olivi5, R. Pallini5, M. Saini3, S. Snider1, L. Naldini4, C. Russo8, G.
Finocchiaro1, 1IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milano, IT, 2UNIL CHUV Ludwig Institute
for Cancer Research, Lausanne, CH, 3Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Neurologico Carlo
Besta, Milano, IT, 4San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy, Milano, IT,
5Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS​, Roma, IT, 6Fondazione

Poliambulanza Istituto Ospedaliero, Brescia, IT, 7Genenta Science Spa, Milano, IT,
8Genenta Science, New York, US

09:10 - 09:15 450MO - Characterization of Tumor-infiltrating Lymphocytes and Tumor-

Associated Macrophages within the Tumor Microenvironment of Primary
Tumors and Matched Brain Metastases
M. Kleinberger1, D. Cifci2, C. Paiato1, E. Tomasich1, M. Mair1, A. Steindl1, Z. Carrero3,
L. Berchtold1, J. Hainfellner4, L. Müllauer4, G. Heller1, M. Preusser1, J. Kather5, A.S.
Berghoff1, 1Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, AT, 2University Hospital RWTH
Aachen, Aachen, DE, 3Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, Technical University
Dresden, Dresden, DE, 4Medical University Vienna, Vienna, AT, 5Technische Universität
Dresden - Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine, Dresden, DE

09:15 - 09:30 Invited Discussant 448MO, 449MO and 450MO

D. Brandsma, NKI-AVL - Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Hospital, Amsterdam, NL

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

09:30 - 09:35 451MO - Final Results of Glasdegib in Combination with Temozolomide and
Radiotherapy in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma: Phase Ib/II
GEINO 1602 trial
M.A. Vaz Salgado1, S. Del Barco2, J.M. Sepúlveda3, M. Alonso4, E. Pineda5, C. Balana6,
M. Martínez-García7, R. Gironés8, S. López-Muñoz9, 1Hospital Universitario Ramón y
Cajal, Madrid, ES, 2Institut Català d'Oncologia Girona, Girona, ES, 3Hospital
Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES, 4Hospital Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla, ES,
5Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Barcelona, ES, 6Institut Català d'Oncologia, Badalona,

ES, 7Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, ES, 8Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe,
Valencia, ES, 9Hospital Universitario Rey Juan Carlos, Mostoles, ES

09:35 - 09:40 452MO - Early Experience with Azeliragon, a RAGE inhibitor, in Combination
with Temozolomide and Radiotherapy in Patients with Newly Diagnosed
Glioblastoma: Phase Ib/II CAN-201 NDG Trial
E. Pineda1, J.M. Sepúlveda2, M. Valiente3, M.Á. Vaz-Salgado4, M. Martínez-García5, M.
Ruiz Vico2, G. Velilla2, M.A. Mazariegos-Rubi1, I. Valduvieco1, M. Castro-Henriques5, L.
Cano5, S.G. Marcus6, 1Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Barcelona, ES, 2Hospital
Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES, 3Spanish National Cancer Research Center
(CNIO), Madrid, ES, 4Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, ES, 5Hospital del
Mar, Barcelona, ES, 6Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Florida, US

09:40 - 09:45 453MO - A Phase I study for safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and anti-
tumor activity of ABM-1310 in patients (pts) with BRAF V600 mutated
recurrent primary brain tumors: interim result
W. Li1, Z. Kang1, S. Li1, F. Chen1, B. Zhang1, M. Huang1, Z. Yang2, C. Chen2, Z. Yang3,
1Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, CN, 2ABM, Shanghai, CN,
3ABM, Irvine, US

09:45 - 10:00 Invited Discussant 451MO, 452MO and 453MO

R. Stupp, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, US

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Special symposium Santander Auditorium -

Title: Next generation of combinations in early Hall 5
clinical trials
Chair(s): Fernanda Herrera, CH; Elena Garralda, ES

08:30 - 08:35 Introduction and scientific background

F. Herrera, CHUV - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, CH

08:35 - 08:50 AI guided combinations using targeted therapy

U. Banerji, The Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, GB

08:50 - 09:05 How to exploit radiation-induced tumour microenvironment vulnerabilities?

F. Herrera, CHUV - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, CH

09:05 - 09:20 Moving on from PD-1-CTLA-4 blockade

S.Y.N. Wong, NCCS - National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore, SG

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

09:20 - 09:35 DDR inhibitor combinations
T.A. Yap, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center - Main Building, Houston,

09:35 - 09:55 Q&A and discussion

09:55 - 10:00 Conclusions and perspectives

E. Garralda, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Mini Oral session Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: Mini oral session 2: Haematological 3
Chair(s): Won Seog Kim, KR

08:30 - 08:35 809MO - Efficacy and safety results from the phase 2 study of Timdarpacept in
combination with tislelizumab, in prior anti-PD-1 failed classical Hodgkin
Y. Song1, K. Zhou2, S. Hou3, Y. Zhang4, F. Li5, W. Yang6, T. Yi7, N. Lin1, X. Liu8, W.
Meng9, Z. Wang9, Q. Lu9, W. Tian9, J. Zhu1, 1Peking University Cancer Hospital &
Institute, Beijing, CN, 2Henan Cancer Hospital, Zhengzhou, CN, 3Shanxi Bethune
Hospital, Taiyuan, CN, 4Shandong Cancer Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University,
Jinan, CN, 5The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang, CN,
6Shengjing Hospital affiliated to China Medical University, Shenyang, CN, 7Xiangyang

Central Hospital, Xiangyang, CN, 8Henan Cancer Hospital, Zhengzhou, CN,

9ImmuneOnco Biopharmaceuticals (Shanghai) Inc., Shanghai, CN

08:35 - 08:40 810MO - Combination of Mitoxantrone Hydrochloride Liposome with

Chidamide in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Peripheral T Cell
Lymphoma: A phase l/II Study
Z. Li1, P. Sun2, H. Yang3, B. Zhang4, Y. Wang3, 1State Key Laboratory of Oncology in
South China & Collaborative Innovation Center for Cancer Medicine Sun Yat-sen
University Cancer Centre, Guangzhou, CN, 2Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center,
Guangzhou, CN, 3Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, CN, 4GDPU -
Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou, CN

08:40 - 08:45 811MO - An Exploratory Study to Assess the Safety, Immunogenicity, and
Preliminary Anti-tumor Activity of the EBV mRNA vaccine (WGc-043 injection)
in Patients with NK/T Cell Lymphoma
X. Peng1, J. Ji2, M. Jing2, W. Zhang1, H. Huang3, Y. Chen1, X. Li3, H. Zheng3, J. Chen3, Y.
Wei1, X. Song1, 1Sichuan University, Chengdu, CN, 2West China Hospital, Sichuan
University, Chengdu, CN, 3WestGene Biopharma Co., Ltd, Chengdu, CN

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:45 - 08:50 812MO - Initial Results of the Multicenter Phase 2 Trial of a Novel
Hypofractionated Low-dose Radiotherapy for Indolent non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
X. Wang1, L.-R. Gao1, L. Wang2, X. Zhang3, K. Chen4, X. Feng5, R. Zheng5, Y.-X. Li 1, S.
Qi1, 1National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer
Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College,
Beijing, CN, 2Bejing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, CN, 3Tianjin
Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital, Tianjin, CN, 4The Affiliated People's
Hospital of Ningbo University, Ningbo, CN, 5National Cancer Center/Cancer Hospital,
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, CN

08:50 - 09:05 Invited Discussant 809MO, 810MO, 811MO and 812MO

W.S. Kim, Samsung Medical Center (SMC), Seoul, KR

09:05 - 09:10 813MO - Phase I trial of a personalized multi-peptide vaccine combined with
the TLR1/2 ligand XS15 under Bruton-Tyrosine-Kinase inhibitor (BTKi)
treatment in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients
C. Hackenbruch1, J.S. Heitmann1, S. Jung1, Y. Maringer2, M. Wacker2, A. Nelde2, M.
Marconato1, L. Zieschang2, C. Kammer2, M. Özbek2, M. Richter2, M. Denk2, H. Salih1,
J. Walz1, 1University Hospital Tübingen, German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Tübingen,
DE, 2University and University Hospital Tübingen, Tübingen, DE

09:10 - 09:15 814MO - Molecular Biology Study of Primary Immuno-privileged Lymphomas

C. Zhang1, Y. Song2, J. Deng2, L. Mi2, 1Peking University Cancer Hospital and Institute,
Beijing, CN, 2Peking University Cancer Hospital & Institute, Beijing, CN

09:15 - 09:20 815MO - A prospective study of orelabrutinib plus obinutuzumab (O2) in

treatment-naïve marginal zone lymphoma (MZL): preliminary analysis on
efficacy and safety
J.-D. Xu, L.-Y. Cheng , J. Li, J.-L. Zhuang, Z.-X. Cheng, Y.-H. Ren, Y.-A. Zhang, Y. Wang, P.
Liu, ZhongShan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai, CN

09:20 - 09:25 816MO - Two Hematological Precursors and Their Impact on Hematological
N. Boddicker1, R. Griffin1, E. Franke1, S. Achenbach1, K. Rabe1, J. Olson1, D. Obrien1,
A. Norman1, T. Ma1, T. Call1, M. Hoel1, E. Braggio2, P. Hampel1, C. Hanson1, J. Cerhan1,
C. Vachon1, S. Parikh1, T. Shanafelt3, S. Slager1, 1Mayo Clinic - Rochester, Rochester,
US, 2Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, US, 3Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, US

09:25 - 09:40 Invited Discussant 813MO, 814MO, 815MO and 816MO

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Special session Zaragoza Auditorium -

Title: POWG 2: Optimal perioperative systemic CC5
treatment in different tumours
Chair(s): Alberto Cunquero Tomas, ES; Benedetta Pellegrino, IT

08:30 - 08:50 Complexity of perioperative decisions in the era of novel therapies

A. Indini, Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:50 - 09:10 Breast cancer
J. Gligorov, Institut Universitaire de Cancérologie AP-HP. Sorbonne Université, Hôpital
Tenon, Paris, FR

09:10 - 09:30 Bladder cancer

L. Popovic, Oncology Institute of Vojvodina, Sremska Kamenica, RS

09:30 - 09:50 Rectal cancer

E. Van Cutsem, UZ Leuven - University Hospitals Leuven - Campus Gasthuisberg,
Leuven, BE

09:50 - 10:00 Q&A and discussion

08:30 - 10:00 Type: EONS session Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7

Title: Cancer patients and advocacy
Chair(s): Merel van Klinken, NL; Fernanda Conceição, PT

08:30 - 08:50 Difference between patient-centred and person-centred care: Patient advocate
R. Giles, VHL Europa, Vlaardingen, NL

08:50 - 09:10 EU-CAYAS-NET IDE toolkit: Youth Cancer Europe

K. Rizvi, YCE - Youth Cancer Europe, Cluj-Napoca, RO

09:10 - 09:30 Policy and advocacy at the European and member state level: A collaborative
A. Cardone, Cancer Patients Europe, Brussels, BE

09:30 - 09:40 CN65 - Quality of Endometrial Cancer Care from the Patients’ perspective – A
Cross-Sectional Study
C. Olsson1, M. Larsson1, E. Holmberg2, K. Stålberg3, C. Sköld4, A. Floter-Radestad5, M.
Bjurberg6, P. Dahm-Kähler7, K. Hellman8, P. Kjolhede9, B. Wilde Larsson1, E. Avall-
Lundqvist10, C. Borgfeldt11, 1Karlstad University, Karlstad, SE, 2Region Västra
Götaland, Göteborg, SE, 3Uppsala University, Uppsala, SE, 4University Hospital
Uppsala/Akademiska Sjukhuset, Uppsala, SE, 5Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, SE,
6Skane University Hospital, Malmö, SE, 7Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska

Academy, Gothenburg, SE, 8Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, SE, 9Linköping

University Linköping, Linköping, SE, 10LiU - Linköping University, Linköping, SE,
11Linköping University, Linköping, SE

09:40 - 09:50 CN66 - Healthcare needs, experiences of cancer care, and attitudes towards
cancer among ethnic Chinese immigrants in Scotland
L. Cheng1, G. Kotronoulas1, D. Cairns1, W.-P. Sham2, 1University of Glasgow, Glasgow,
GB, 2Chinese Association for Cancer Care, Surrey, GB

09:50 - 10:00 Q&A and discussion

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:30 - 10:00 Type: EONS Industry Satellite Symposium Segovia Auditorium - Hall
Title: Roche - Integration of subcutaneous 7
therapies in cancer care
Chair(s): Matthew Fowler, GB

08:30 - 08:35 Welcome and introduction

M. Fowler, Heartlands Hospital - University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation
Trust, Birmingham, GB

08:35 - 08:50 Current trends in subcutaneous therapy

S. Gomes, Instituto Portugues Oncologia de Coimbra Francisco Gentil E. P. E. (IPO
Coimbra), Coimbra, PT

08:50 - 09:05 Personalizing care delivery options for people with cancer
C. Ghione Mastry, Ghione Consulting, Vilassar De Mar, ES

09:05 - 09:20 Mastering the art: Nursing excellence in subcutaneous therapies

M. Fowler, Heartlands Hospital - University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation
Trust, Birmingham, GB

09:20 - 09:55 Panel discussion and Q&A

A. Silverio Pons, VHIR - Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca, Barcelona, ES

09:55 - 10:00 Key takeaways

S. Gomes, Instituto Portugues Oncologia de Coimbra Francisco Gentil E. P. E. (IPO
Coimbra), Coimbra, PT

09:00 - 09:45 Type: Challenge your Expert Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Radioligand theranostics in prostate 5
cancer: Status quo and new developments
Chair(s): Arun Azad, AU

09:00 - 09:20 Presentation by Expert

K. Herrmann, WTZ - Westdeutsches Tumorzentrum Essen, Essen, DE

09:20 - 09:45 Discussion led by Chair

A. Azad, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, AU

09:00 - 09:45 Type: Challenge your Expert Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: Advances in cancer vaccines Hall 3
Chair(s): Lana Kandalaft, CH

09:00 - 09:20 Presentation by Expert

I. Melero, CCUN - Cancer Center Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, ES

09:20 - 09:45 Discussion led by Chair

L. Kandalaft, CHUV - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, CH

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

09:00 - 09:45 Type: Challenge your Expert Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3
Title: Advanced thyroid cancer
Chair(s): Laura Locati, IT

09:00 - 09:20 Presentation by Expert

M. Brose, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center - Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, US

09:20 - 09:45 Discussion led by Chair

L. Locati, University of Pavia, Pavia, IT

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Proffered Paper session Barcelona Auditorium -

Title: Proffered paper session: Non-metastatic Hall 2
Chair(s): Jarushka Naidoo, IE

10:15 - 10:25 One LBA TBC

10:25 - 10:35 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC

10:35 - 10:40 Q&A

10:40 - 10:50 One LBA TBC

10:50 - 11:00 One LBA TBC

11:00 - 11:10 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC

11:10 - 11:15 Q&A

11:15 - 11:25 One LBA TBC

11:25 - 11:35 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC

11:35 - 11:40 Q&A

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Educational session Madrid Auditorium - Hall

Title: Focus on rare GU cancers: A common 2
Chair(s): Andrea Necchi, IT

10:15 - 10:35 Histology subtypes (variants) of bladder cancer

S. Hussain, University of Sheffield Medical School, Sheffield, GB

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:35 - 10:55 Controversies in testis cancer
A. Terbuch, LKH-Universitaetsklinikum Graz - Universitaetsklinik für Innere Medizin
(UKIM), Graz, AT

10:55 - 11:15 Updates in penile cancer

A. Necchi, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, IT

11:15 - 11:35 Non-clear cell RCC

P.M. Coelho Barata, University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center, Cleveland, US

11:35 - 11:45 Q&A and discussion

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Special symposium Sevilla Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Management of oligometastatic gastroesophageal cancer
Chair(s): Trevor Leong, AU; Radka Obermannova, CZ

10:15 - 10:20 Introduction and scientific background

T. Leong, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, AU

10:20 - 10:35 The OMEC project

H. Van Laarhoven, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL

10:35 - 10:50 The role of the surgeon in resecting oligometastases

S. Mönig, HUG - Hopitaux Universitaires de Geneve, Geneva, CH

10:50 - 11:05 Peritoneal metastases beyond surgery

J. So, NCIS - National University Cancer Institute Singapore, Singapore, SG

11:05 - 11:20 The role of the radiation oncologist in treating oligometastases

D. Chang, Michigan Medicine University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, US

11:20 - 11:40 Q&A and discussion

11:40 - 11:45 Conclusions and perspectives

R. Obermannova, Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, Brno, CZ

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Educational session Bilbao Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Neoadjuvant treatment for colon cancer: Building upon the
existing data
Chair(s): Eva Angenete, SE; Myriam Chalabi, NL

10:15 - 10:35 Rationale for neoadjuvant treatment of localised cancer: Biological insights
D. Pardoll, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, US

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:35 - 10:55 Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in colon cancer: Who, what and for how long?
J. Seligmann, The University of Leeds, Leeds, GB

10:55 - 11:15 Neoadjuvant immunotherapy in colon cancer: Are we there yet?

M. Chalabi, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, NL

11:15 - 11:35 What’s next? Clinical and translational opportunities in the neoadjuvant setting
J. Taieb, Hopital European George Pompidou, Paris, FR

11:35 - 11:45 Q&A and discussion

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Special session Granada Auditorium - Hall

Title: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines 1 6
Chair(s): Elizabeth Smyth, GB; Emanuela Romano, FR

10:15 - 10:30 Epithelial ovarian cancer: Case presentation

M. Kfoury, IPC - Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Marseille, Cedex 09, FR

10:30 - 10:45 Epithelial ovarian cancer: Discussion

A. González-Martín, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Madrid, ES

10:45 - 11:00 Epithelial ovarian cancer: Q&A

11:00 - 11:15 Metastatic colorectal cancer: Case presentation

D.C. Guven, Hacettepe University Oncology Hospital, Ankara, TR

11:15 - 11:30 Metastatic colorectal cancer: Discussion

E. Martinelli, Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Napoli, IT

11:30 - 11:45 Metastatic colorectal cancer: Q&A

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Educational session Burgos Auditorium - Hall

Title: Systemic treatment of anti PD-1 resistance 5
in advanced melanoma
Chair(s): Ana Maria Arance, ES

10:15 - 10:40 Leads for treating PD1 resistance

A. Ribas, Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center at UCLA, Los Angeles, US

10:40 - 11:05 Cellular therapies

I.M. Svane, Herlev Hospital - National Center for Cancer Immune Therapy (CCIT-DK),
Herlev, DK

11:05 - 11:30 Non-cellular therapies

O. Michielin, HUG - Hopitaux Universitaires de Geneve, Geneva, CH

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

11:30 - 11:45 Q&A and discussion

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Educational session Santander Auditorium -

Title: Deciphering the dark matter of the non- Hall 5
coding genome
Chair(s): Ana Vivancos, ES; Daniel Schramek, CA

10:15 - 10:40 Identification of non-coding cancer driver mutations

E. Rheinbay, Harvard Medical School, Boston, US

10:40 - 11:05 Recurrent UV-damage signatures in protein binding regulatory regions

11:05 - 11:30 Mouse models to study functional effects of non-coding mutations

D. Schramek, University of Toronto, Toronto, CA

11:30 - 11:45 Q&A and discussion

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Proffered Paper session Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Proffered paper session: Head and neck 5
Chair(s): Sjoukje Oosting, NL; Hisham Mehanna, GB

10:15 - 10:25 847O - Sequential chemoradiotherapy versus induction chemotherapy plus

concurrent chemoradiotherapy for locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal
carcinoma: A multicentre, open-label, non-inferiority, randomised, phase 3 trial
C. Hu1, F. Xue1, D. Ou1, C. Xie2, S. Lin3, J. Li4, X. Chen5, F. Zhang6, H. Ying1, X. Lu1, C.
Shen1, T. Xu1, X. Ou1, W. Li1, X. Zhou1, C. Du1, X. He1, 1Fudan University Shanghai
Cancer Center, Shanghai, CN, 2The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical
University - Gongyuanlu Site, Wenzhou, CN, 3Fujian Cancer Hospital and Fujian
Medical University Cancer Hospital, Fuzhou, CN, 4Jiangxi Provincial Cancer Hospital,
Nanchang, CN, 5Cancer Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences/
Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, Hangzhou, CN, 6Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan University
(Wuxi Fourth People's Hospital), Wuxi, CN

10:25 - 10:35 One LBA TBC

10:35 - 10:50 Invited Discussant 847O and one LBA TBC

H. Mehanna, The University of Birmingham - Institute for Cancer Studies, Birmingham,

10:50 - 11:00 Q&A

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

11:00 - 11:10 849O - Phase II study of trastuzumab deruxtecan in patients with HER2-
positive recurrent/metastatic salivary gland cancer: results from the MYTHOS
I. Kinoshita1, S. Kano1, Y. Honma2, N. Kiyota3, M. Tahara4, S. Takahashi5, Y. Ito1, Y.
Hatanaka1, Y. Matsuno1, H. Dosaka-Akita1, 1Hokkaido University Hospital, Sapporo, JP,
2National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo, JP, 3Kobe University Hospital, Kobe, JP,
4National Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, JP, 5The Cancer Institute Hospital of

JFCR, Tokyo, JP

11:10 - 11:20 One LBA TBC

11:20 - 11:35 Invited Discussant 849O and one LBA TBC

A. Spreafico, UHN - University Health Network - Princess Margaret Cancer Center,
Toronto, CA

11:35 - 11:45 Q&A

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Special session Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: Session in collaboration with ASCO: Novel 3
pathways for development of precision therapeutics in molecular
Chair(s): Andres Cervantes, ES; Robin Zon, US

10:15 - 10:20 Introduction

A. Cervantes, Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, ES

10:20 - 10:40 The promise of patient-derived organoids (PDOs) in functional precision

F. Jaulin, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, FR

10:40 - 11:00 Tumour-agnostic, biomarker-driven drug development: How and how often?
V. Subbiah, Sarah Cannon Research Institute, Nashville, US

11:00 - 11:20 Novel AI-enabled strategies in biomarker-informed clinical trials

R. Fehrmann, UMCG - University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, NL

11:20 - 11:40 Regulatory sandboxes: How to synchronize safe, timely regulation with
scientific breakthroughs in molecular ‘niches’
J. Gralow, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Alexandria, US

11:40 - 11:45 Conclusions

R. Zon, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Alexandria, US

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Mini Oral session Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3

Title: Mini oral session: Supportive and palliative care
Chair(s): Florian Scotté, FR; Shani Paluch-Shimon, IL

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:15 - 10:20 1817MO - Effect of a weight loss intervention (WLI) on exercise behaviors in
women with breast cancer: Results from the Breast Cancer Weight Loss (BWEL)
J. Ligibel1, K. Ballman2, L. Mccall3, P. Goodwin4, A.C. Weiss5, T. Crane6, M. Irwin7, C.
Thomson8, O. Hahn9, P. Spears10, D. Hershman11, E. Paskett12, J. Hopkins1, V.
Bernstein13, V. Stearns14, J. White15, T. Wadden16, E. Winer1, L. Carey17, A.H.
Partridge1, 1Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US, 2Mayo Clinic Cancer Center,
Rochester, US, 3Duke University Medical Center, Durham, US, 4Sinai Health System,
Toronto, CA, 5University of Rochester Cancer Center, Rochester, US, 6University of
Miami, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, Deerfield Beach, US, 7Yale University
School of Medicine - Yale Cancer Center, New Haven, US, 8University of Arizona Cancer
Center, Tucson, US, 9University of Chicago Department of Medicine - Section of
Hematology/Oncology, Chicago, US, 10UNC - Lineberger Cancer Center, Chapel Hill,
US, 11Columbia University Medical Center College of Physicians & Surgeons - New York
Presbyterian Hospital, New York, US, 12James Cancer Hospital, The Ohio State
University, Columbus, US, 13BC Cancer Agency - Victoria, Victoria, CA, 14Weill Cornell
Medical Center, New York, US, 15Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, US,
16University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, US, 17UNC - The University of North

Carolina at Chapel Hill - School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, US

10:20 - 10:25 1818MO - Development and validation of a predictive model of aromatase

inhibitor musculoskeletal toxicity (AIMT) among patients (pts) with early
breast cancer (EBC).
P. Lapidari1, M. Lustberg2, J. Havas1, M. Pagliuca3, C. Bousrih3, C. Jouannaud4, M.
Fournier5, W. Jacot6, L. Vanlemmens7, C. Kaderbhai8, O. Tredan9, C. Levy10, A.-L.
Martin11, C. Gaudin11, G. Menvielle1, M.A. Franzoi3, I. Vaz Luis3, A. Di Meglio3,
1Institut Gustave Roussy - INSERM UMR 981, Villejuif, FR, 2Yale University School of

Medicine, New Heaven, US, 3Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 4Institut Jean
Godinot, Reims, FR, 5Institute Bergonié - Centre Régional de Lutte Contre le Cancer
(CLCC), Bordeaux, FR, 6ICM - Institut du Cancer de Montpellier, Montpellier, Cedex,
FR, 7Centre Oscar Lambret, Lille, FR, 8Centre Georges Francois Leclerc, Dijon, FR,
9Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR, 10Centre Francois Baclesse, Caen, FR, 11Unicancer,

Paris, Cedex, FR

10:25 - 10:40 Invited Discussant 1817MO and 1818MO

S. Paluch-Shimon, Hadassah University Hospital - Ein Kerem, Jerusalem, IL

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:40 - 10:45 1819MO - Systemic inflammation, unhealthy behaviors, and cancer-related
fatigue (CRF) among survivors of breast cancer (BC)
A. Di Meglio1, J. Havas2, M. Pagliuca1, M.A. Franzoi1, D. Soldato2, B. Pistilli1, F. Joly
Lobbedez3, P. Cottu4, O. Tredan5, A. Bertaut6, P. Ganz7, J. Bower8, A.H. Partridge9, A.-L.
Martin10, S. Everhard11, S. Boyault5, S. Broutin12, S. Michiels1, C. Sarre-Pradon12, I.
Vaz Luis1, 1Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 2Institut Gustave Roussy -
INSERM UMR 981, Villejuif, FR, 3Centre Francois Baclesse, Caen, Cedex, FR, 4Institut
Curie, Paris, FR, 5Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR, 6Centre Georges-François Leclerc
(Dijon), Dijon, FR, 7Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center at UCLA, Los Angeles, US,
8UCLA - David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, US, 9Dana Farber Cancer

Institute, Boston, US, 10Unicancer, Paris, Cedex, FR, 11UNICANCER, Paris, FR,
12Gustave Roussy - Cancer Campus, Villejuif, FR

10:45 - 10:50 1820MO - Predisposition, clinical characteristics and management of immune

checkpoint inhibitor-induced nephritis: a series of 190 cases
A. Olsson-Brown1, D. Aje2, N. Garbutt3, J. Sacco4, 1Sussex Cancer Centre - University
Hospitals Sussex, Liverpool, GB, 2University of Liverpool - School of Medicine,
Worthing, GB, 3The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre - Liverpool, Liverpool, GB,
4Clatterbridge Cancer Center - NHS Foundation Trust, Wirral, GB

10:50 - 11:05 Invited Discussant 1819MO and 1820MO

11:05 - 11:10 1477MO - A multicenter, randomized controlled trial (RCT) on the efficacy of
specialized rehabilitation using the Op-reha Guide for terminal cancer patients
in palliative care units (PCUs)
N. Nishiyama1, Y. Matsuda2, N. Fujiwara3, N. Nakajima4, K. Narita5, S. Oyamada6, K.
Ariyoshi6, K. Ichimaru7, T. Kosugi7, K. Kushi8, I. Owan8, 1Osaka Metropolitan
University, Habikino, JP, 2NHO Kinki Chuo Chest Medical Center, Sakai, JP, 3IMSUT
Hospital of the Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JP,
4University of the Ryukyus Hospital, Okinawa, JP, 5Kyoto University, Kyoto, JP, 6JORTC

Data Center, Tokyo, JP, 7Saga-Ken Medical Centre Koseikan, Saga, JP, 8NHO Okinawa
Hospital, Okinawa, JP

11:10 - 11:15 1821MO - Predictive biomarkers of dyspnea response to dexamethasone in

cancer patients: A secondary analysis of the Alleviating Breathlessness in
Cancer Patients with Dyspnea (ABCD) trial
D. Hui1, S. Hanneman2, K. Jennings1, A. Ontai1, S. Cron2, E. Bruera1, 1The University of
Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 2The University of Texas Health
Science Center at Houston, Houston, US

11:15 - 11:30 Invited Discussant 1477MO and 1821MO

F. Scotté, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, FR

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Educational session Zaragoza Auditorium -

Title: Rare cancers CC5
Chair(s): Winette Van Der Graaf, NL

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:15 - 10:40 What has been done at the EU level: Cancer Mission and the EU Beating Plan
J. Arabadjiev, Acibadem City Clinic Tokuda Hospital, Sofia, BG

10:40 - 11:05 What is missing? The physician point of view

W. Van Der Graaf, NKI-AVL - Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Hospital, Amsterdam, NL

11:05 - 11:30 What is missing? The patient point of view

K. Rizvi, YCE - Youth Cancer Europe, Cluj-Napoca, RO

11:30 - 11:45 Q&A and discussion

10:15 - 11:45 Type: EONS session Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7

Title: Symptom management
Chair(s): Karin Dieperink, DK; Gulcan Bagcivan, TR

10:15 - 10:35 Quality of life and symptoms in cancer patients more than 80 years of age
E. Beisland, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, NO

10:35 - 10:55 Prevention and treatment of chronic pain in breast cancer survivors: A
transmural perspective
Y. Slaghmuylder, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium, BE

10:55 - 11:05 CN68 - From Surviving Cancer to Getting on With Life: Adult Testicular Germ
Cell Tumor Survivors’ Perspectives on Transition From Follow-Up Care to Long-
Term Survivorship
S. Van Geel-Weda 1, D. Zweers2, B. Suelmann2, R. Meijer2, S. Vervoort3, 1HU University
of Applied Sciences Utrecht,, Utrecht, NL, 2UMC - University Medical Center Utrecht,
Utrecht, NL, 3UMC-University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, NL

11:05 - 11:15 CN84 - Nursing intervention for self-management of symptoms in people

undergoing chemotherapy. Feasibility and acceptability test.
G.M. Carrillo González, L. Corredor Parra, J.E. García Forero, Universidad Nacional de
Colombia, Bogota, CO

11:15 - 11:25 CN67 - Health literacy and self-management behaviours among prostate cancer
survivors: A systematic review
S. Sheehan1, L. Bernués Caudillio2, A. De Brún3, A. Drury1, 1DCU - Dublin City
University, Dublin, IE, 2Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Madrid, ES, 3University
College Dublin, Dublin, IE

11:25 - 11:35 CN85 - Empowering patient education to enhance self-care of nutritional side-
effects during the chemotherapy
L. Tuominen, University of Turku, Turku, FI

11:35 - 11:45 Q&A and discussion

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10:15 - 11:00 Type: EONS Industry Satellite Symposium Segovia Auditorium - Hall
Title: Paxman - Achieving successful scalp 7
cooling – the importance of nursing in chemotherapy side effect
Chair(s): Annie Young, GB

10:15 - 10:17 Welcome and introduction

A. Young, University of Warwick, Coventry, GB

10:17 - 10:27 Clinical research and data on scalp cooling: Retention and regrowth
C. Van Den Hurk, IKNL - Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation, Utrecht, NL

10:27 - 10:37 Cancer nursing interventions: The importance of the role of nursing in
successful scalp cooling
A. Burke1, L. Marqués Jiménez2, 1UPMC Beacon Hospital, Dublin, IE, 2IOB - Insititute
of Oncology - Hospital Quironsalud Barcelona, Barcelona, ES

10:37 - 10:47 The patient perspective: The power of scalp cooling

B. Parrado, Paxman Coolers Ltd, Huddersfield, GB

10:47 - 10:57 Discussion and Q&A

A. Young1, C. Van Den Hurk2, A. Burke3, L. Marqués Jiménez4, B. Parrado5, 1University
of Warwick, Coventry, GB, 2IKNL - Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation,
Utrecht, NL, 3UPMC Beacon Hospital, Dublin, IE, 4IOB - Insititute of Oncology -
Hospital Quironsalud Barcelona, Barcelona, ES, 5Paxman Coolers Ltd, Huddersfield, GB

10:57 - 11:00 Conclusion remarks

A. Young, University of Warwick, Coventry, GB

10:45 - 11:30 Type: Challenge your Expert Salamanca Auditorium -

Title: Escalating and descalating strategies with Hall 5
immunotherapies in NSCLC
Chair(s): Benjamin Besse, FR

10:45 - 11:05 Presentation by Expert

N. Reguart Aransay, Hospital Clinic y Provincial de Barcelona, Barcelona, ES

11:05 - 11:30 Discussion led by Chair

B. Besse, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

10:45 - 11:30 Type: Challenge your Expert Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: How to treat very young patients with ER+, Hall 3
node positive BC?
Chair(s): Sibylle Loibl, DE

10:45 - 11:05 Presentation by Expert

A.H. Partridge, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

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11:05 - 11:30 Discussion led by Chair
S. Loibl, German Breast Group (GBG) Forschungs GmbH, Neu-Isenburg, DE

10:45 - 11:30 Type: Young Oncologists session Cartagena Auditorium -

Title: YO Brunch 2 Hall 7

10:45 - 10:45 Molecular profiling from panel NGS to WGS: Do YOs need special training?
C.B. Westphalen, LMU Klinikum der Universität München, Munich, DE

12:00 - 12:35 Type: Keynote lecture Madrid Auditorium - Hall

Title: How AI will transform cancer care 2

12:00 - 12:05 Introduction

12:05 - 12:20 Applications of artificial intelligence in precision oncology

J. Kather, Technische Universität Dresden - Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine,
Dresden, DE

12:20 - 12:35 Implementing artificial intelligence in oncology at scale

A. Abernethy, Verily Life Sciences, South San Francisco, US

12:00 - 13:30 Type: EONS Industry Satellite Symposium Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7
Title: BMS - Subcutaneous administration of immunotherapy in
different care settings
Chair(s): Lena Sharp, SE

12:00 - 12:05 Welcome and introduction

L. Sharp, RCC - Regionalt cancercentrum Stockholm - Gotland, Stockholm, SE

12:05 - 12:25 Use, benefits, and barriers of subcutaneous immunotherapy applications

G.A. De Velasco Oria, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

12:25 - 12:45 Safe administration of subcutaneous immunotherapy: Operating procedures for

Z. O’Neil, University Hospital Coventry - University Hospitals Coventry and
Warwickshire NHS Trust, Coventry, GB

12:45 - 13:05 Medication safety and management of side-effects in across care settings,
including home
E. Muñoz-Couselo, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

13:05 - 13:25 Discussion and Q&A

L. Sharp1, G.A. De Velasco Oria2, Z. O’Neil3, E. Muñoz-Couselo4, 1RCC - Regionalt
cancercentrum Stockholm - Gotland, Stockholm, SE, 2Hospital Universitario 12 de
Octubre, Madrid, ES, 3University Hospital Coventry - University Hospitals Coventry and
Warwickshire NHS Trust, Coventry, GB, 4Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona,

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

13:25 - 13:30 Conclusion remarks
L. Sharp, RCC - Regionalt cancercentrum Stockholm - Gotland, Stockholm, SE

12:00 - 13:00 Type: EONS session Segovia Auditorium - Hall

Title: EONS Rapid-fire session 2 7
Chair(s): Amanda Drury, IE

12:00 - 12:10 Opening remarks and instructions

A. Drury, DCU - Dublin City University, Dublin, IE

12:10 - 12:15 CN50 - Predictors of Safe handling precautions amongst Cancer Nurses in the
UK: A Cross Sectional Survey.
K. Campbell, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, GB

12:15 - 12:20 CN51 - A scoping review of interventions to enhance Cancer Nurses'

Psychological Well-being, Occupational Health and Resilience
N. Dodlek1, R. Semerci2, A. Charalambous3, G. Kotronoulas4, C. Díez De Los Ríos De La
Serna4, D. Protogiros5, S. Islamcevic6, V. Sulosaari7, 1Cyprus University of Technology,
Limassol, Cyprus, CY, 2Koc University Hospital, Istanbul, TR, 3Cyprus University of
Technology - Nursing Science, Limassol, CY, 4University of Glasgow, Glasgow, GB,
5Ministry of Health, Athens, GR, 6University Clinical Center Zagreb - Gynecological

Cancer Center, Zagreb, HR, 7TUAS - Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, FI

12:20 - 12:25 CN22 - Remote patient monitoring using mHealth technology in cancer care
and research: patients’ perspectives, willingness, and current use
D. Stuijt1, M. Kos2, E. Van Doeveren3, I. Dingemans4, C. Richel4, M. Eversdijk3, J.
Bosch1, A. Bins2, M. Bak3, M. Van Oijen5, 1CHDR - Centre for Human Drug Research,
Leiden, NL, 2Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL,
3Amsterdam UMC, locatie VUmc, Amsterdam, NL, 4NFK - Dutch Federation of Cancer

Patient Organisations, Utrecht, NL, 5Amsterdam University Medical Center (UMC)

locatie Academic Medical Center (AMC), Amsterdam, NL

12:25 - 12:30 CN52 - Nurses’comunication barriers about fertility preservation: an

integrative review
C. Mazzega Fabbro1, A. Coden1, S. Libriani2, 1CRO Aviano - Centro di Riferimento
Oncologico - IRCCS, Aviano, IT, 2Università degli Studi di Udine, Udine, IT

12:30 - 12:35 CN91 - Toxicities in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Immune
Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy: Insights from a Nurse Practitioner Perspective
A.B. Rodriguez Garcia1, Y. Torralba2, B. Walbaum1, E. Segui Solis1, O. Martinez Saez3,
N. Bartolome2, M. Alatamirano2, E. Carcelero1, G. Riu2, F. Schettini4, I. García-
Fructuoso1, R. Gómez Bravo3, P. Rivera2, T. Pascual1, B. Adamo1, M.J. Vidal Losada3, M.
Munoz3, A. Prat1, A. Domenech2, 1Hospital Clinic y Provincial de Barcelona, Barcelona,
ES, 2Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, Barcelona, ES, 3Hospital Clinic of Barcelona,
Barcelona, ES, 4Translational Genomics and Targeted Therapies in Solid Tumors Group,
August Pi I Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS) and Medical Oncology
Department, Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, Barcelona, ES

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12:35 - 12:40 CN53 - Healthcare professionals’ wellbeing in post-pandemic oncology settings:
a cross-sectional multisite study
G. Catania1, M. Zanini1, M.E. Musio1, L. Aiken2, L. Sasso1, A. Bagnasco1, 1University of
Genova, Genova, IT, 2University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, US

12:40 - 12:45 CN102 - Health-related quality of life of Brazilian cancer patients with an
indication for chemotherapy and associated factors
E.J.C.D.S. Minarini, R.M. Pessanha, N.S. D’Agostini, T.B. Santos, W.R. Grippa, L.C.
Lopes-Júnior, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus de Maruípe, Vitoria, BR

12:45 - 12:50 CN73 - The Impact of Mindfulness-Based Meditation and Yoga on Stress, Body
Image, Self- Esteem and Sexual Adjustment in Breast Cancer Patients
Undergoing Modified Radical Mastectomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial
M. Pehlivan1, S. Eyi2, 1Kutahya Health Science University, Kutahya, TR, 2ESOGÜ -
Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, TR

12:50 - 12:55 CN92 - Pain monitoring and assessment in oncology: a best practice
implementation project
H. Martins1, A. Pimenta2, D. Martins2, M. Martins2, M. Belchior2, P. Cabrita2, S.
Caldeira3, R. Rodrigues4, 1Polytechnical Institute of Beja, Beja, PT, 2Centro Hospitalar
Universitário do Algarve - Hospital de Faro EPE-SNS, Faro, PT, 3Universidade Católica
Portuguesa, Lisbon, PT, 4Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra, Portugal,
Coimbra, PT

12:55 - 13:00 CN54 - The empowering leadership approach in oncology nursing according to
work experience
C. Mazzega Fabbro1, R. Mea2, G. Micallo3, E. Vitale4, 1CRO Aviano - Centro di
Riferimento Oncologico - IRCCS, Aviano, IT, 2San Carlo Hospital, Potenza, IT, 3Istituto
Nazionale Tumori IRCCS - Fondazione G. Pascale, Napoli, IT, 4IRCCS Istituto Tumori
"Giovanni Paolo II", Bari, IT

12:30 - 14:00 Type: Patient Advocacy session Zaragoza Auditorium -

Title: Immunotherapy: New indications, hopes CC5
and perspectives
Chair(s): Anne-Marie Baird, IE; Agata Polinska, PL

12:30 - 12:45 New indications for immunotherapies and the difference they deliver: Lung,
breast, and other cancers. Does it work for all?
J.-P. Machiels, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc (UCLouvain Saint-Luc), Woluwe-Saint-
Lambert, BE

12:45 - 13:00 Patients’ involvement in immunotherapy trials design

A.-M. Baird, St. James's Hospital, Dublin, IE

13:00 - 13:15 Understanding resistance in immunotherapy

J. Naidoo, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, IE

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13:15 - 13:30 Side effects of immunotherapy, and how to deal with patients' health problems
M. Jarzab, National Oncology Institute Maria Sklodowskiej-Curie National Research
Institute, Gliwice Branch, Gliwice, PL

13:30 - 13:45 Access to immunotherapies in Poland and in Spain based on EMA and ESMO
A. Polinska, Alivia - Fundacja Onkologiczna Osób Mlodych (Alivia - Young People Cancer
Foundation), Warsaw, PL

13:45 - 14:00 Discussion

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Burgos Auditorium - Hall

Title: Medscape Global Oncology - Milestones 5
and Horizons in Hepatobiliary Carcinomas: The Unfolding Story of
Chair(s): Bruno Sangro, ES

13:00 - 13:05 Welcome and Introduction

B. Sangro, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, ES

13:05 - 13:15 Evolving Standards: Maximizing Outcomes in Advanced HCC with

L. Rimassa, IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, IT

13:15 - 13:30 Crafting the Future: Emerging Multimodal Strategies for Embolization-Eligible
B. Sangro, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, ES

13:30 - 13:45 Raising the Bar: Optimizing Curative Opportunities in Early HCC
S. Chan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Sino Building, Sha Tin, HK

13:45 - 14:00 Maximizing Potential: Integrating Immunotherapy into the Management of

A. Vogel, MHH - Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, DE

14:00 - 14:20 The Art and Science of Immunotherapy in Clinical Practice: A Case-Based
B. Sangro1, L. Rimassa2, S. Chan3, A. Vogel4, 1Clinica Universidad de Navarra,
Pamplona, ES, 2IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, IT, 3The Chinese
University of Hong Kong - Sino Building, Sha Tin, HK, 4MHH - Medizinische Hochschule
Hannover, Hannover, DE

14:20 - 14:30 Q&A and Concluding Remarks

B. Sangro, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, ES

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13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Salamanca Auditorium -
Title: Novartis - The Evolution of HR+/HER2− Hall 5
Early Breast Cancer Clinical Practice: Broadening the Impact of
CDK4/6 Inhibitors
Chair(s): César A. Rodríguez, ES

13:00 - 13:05 Welcome and Introduction

C.A. Rodríguez, University Hospital of Salamanca, Salamanca, ES

13:05 - 13:15 Risk of Recurrence in Patients With HR+/HER2− Early Breast Cancer
C.A. Rodríguez, University Hospital of Salamanca, Salamanca, ES

13:15 - 13:45 Efficacy of CDK4/6 inhibitors in Patients With HR+/HER2− Early Breast Cancer
S. Tolaney, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

13:45 - 14:20 Patient Management Considerations in HR+/HER2− Early Breast Cancer

P.A. Fasching, University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, DE

14:20 - 14:30 Live Q&A and Closing

C.A. Rodríguez1, P.A. Fasching2, S. Tolaney3, 1University Hospital of Salamanca,
Salamanca, ES, 2University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, DE, 3Dana Farber Cancer
Institute, Boston, US

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Santander Auditorium -

Title: Johnson & Johnson - Driving EGFR-mutant Hall 5
NSCLC care forward
Chair(s): Noemi Reguart Aransay, ES; Antonio Passaro, IT

13:00 - 13:10 Welcome and introductions

N. Reguart Aransay, Hospital Clinic y Provincial de Barcelona, Barcelona, ES

13:10 - 13:25 A new era for treatment-naïve patients with common EGFR mutations
A. Spira, Virginia Cancer Specialist, Fairfax, US

13:25 - 13:40 Breaking barriers upon EGFR treatment resistance

S. Popat, The Royal Marsden Hospital - NHS Foundation Trust, London, GB

13:40 - 13:55 Discussion

N. Reguart Aransay1, A. Passaro2, S. Popat3, A. Spira4, E. Felip5, 1Hospital Clinic y
Provincial de Barcelona, Barcelona, ES, 2IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia IRCCS,
Milan, IT, 3The Royal Marsden Hospital - NHS Foundation Trust, London, GB, 4Virginia
Cancer Specialist, Fairfax, US, 5Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

13:55 - 14:10 The evolving management of patients with EGFR exon20insertion mutations
E. Felip, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

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14:10 - 14:25 Discussion
N. Reguart Aransay1, A. Passaro2, S. Popat3, A. Spira4, E. Felip5, 1Hospital Clinic y
Provincial de Barcelona, Barcelona, ES, 2IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia IRCCS,
Milan, IT, 3The Royal Marsden Hospital - NHS Foundation Trust, London, GB, 4Virginia
Cancer Specialist, Fairfax, US, 5Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

14:25 - 14:30 Closing remarks

A. Passaro, IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia IRCCS, Milan, IT

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Astellas - New horizons: Priorities for 5
treatment intensification in managing HSPC
Chair(s): Eleni Efstathiou, US

13:00 - 13:05 Welcome and introduction

E. Efstathiou, Houston Methodist, houston, US

13:05 - 13:25 The importance of early treatment intensification in patients with nmHSPC
with high-risk BCR
S. Freedland, Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, New York, US

13:25 - 13:40 Practical considerations when selecting patients with high-risk BCR
E. Efstathiou1, S. Freedland2, A. Rodriguez-Vida 3, T. Steuber4, 1Houston Methodist,
houston, US, 2Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases, New York, US, 3Hospital del Mar
- Parc de Salut Mar, Barcelona, ES, 4UKE Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
KMTZ, Hamburg, DE

13:40 - 14:00 The importance of early treatment intensification in patients with mHSPC
A. Rodriguez-Vida, Hospital del Mar - Parc de Salut Mar, Barcelona, ES

14:00 - 14:25 Maximising QoL for patients with HSPC

T. Steuber, UKE Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf KMTZ, Hamburg, DE

14:25 - 14:30 Summary and meeting close

E. Efstathiou, Houston Methodist, houston, US

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: PeerVoice - Staying at the Forefront of 3
HER2- and TROP2-Directed Antibody-Drug Conjugate (ADC)
Advances in Breast Cancer
Chair(s): Peter Schmid, GB

13:00 - 13:05 Welcome and Introduction

P. Schmid, Cancer Research UK Barts Centre - Barts and The London School of
Medicine and Dentistry, London, GB

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13:05 - 13:20 Treating HER2- and HR-Positive Breast Cancers: An Era of Impressive Advances
P. Schmid, Cancer Research UK Barts Centre - Barts and The London School of
Medicine and Dentistry, London, GB

13:20 - 13:40 The Next Advances in ADC Strategies for HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast
C. Saura Manich, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

13:40 - 14:00 HR-Positive Breast Cancer: The Latest Updates and Clinical Implications of
HER2- and TROP2-Directed ADCs
A. Bardia, UCLA - David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, US

14:00 - 14:10 ADCs for High-Risk Early HER2-Positive Breast Cancer: Are the Data Showing
P. Schmid1, C. Saura Manich2, A. Bardia3, 1Cancer Research UK Barts Centre - Barts
and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, GB, 2Vall d'Hebron
University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 3UCLA - David Geffen School of Medicine, Los
Angeles, US

14:10 - 14:30 Ask-the-Faculty Roundtable Discussion and Take-Home Messages

P. Schmid1, C. Saura Manich2, A. Bardia3, 1Cancer Research UK Barts Centre - Barts
and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, GB, 2Vall d'Hebron
University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 3UCLA - David Geffen School of Medicine, Los
Angeles, US

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: F. Hoffmann - La Roche - Patient Matters: Hall 3
Innovation in Lung Cancer
Chair(s): Ben Solomon, AU

13:00 - 13:05 Welcome and introduction

B. Solomon, Peter MacCallum Cancer Center, Melbourne, AU

13:05 - 13:20 Detecting targets early: biomarkers and testing in lung cancer
F. Lopez-Rios, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

13:20 - 13:45 Targeting NSCLC: new developments in ALK+ and KRAS G12C NSCLC
B. Solomon1, J. Naidoo2, 1Peter MacCallum Cancer Center, Melbourne, AU, 2Beaumont
Hospital, Dublin, IE

13:45 - 14:15 Treatment experience matters: integration of subcutaneous immunotherapy in

the clinic
M. Majem1, J. Naidoo2, 1Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, ES,
2Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, IE

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14:15 - 14:25 Panel discussion and Q&
B. Solomon1, F. Lopez-Rios2, J. Naidoo3, M. Majem4, 1Peter MacCallum Cancer Center,
Melbourne, AU, 2Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES, 3Beaumont
Hospital, Dublin, IE, 4Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, ES

14:25 - 14:30 Meeting close

B. Solomon, Peter MacCallum Cancer Center, Melbourne, AU

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: Amgen - Innovation in lung cancer 3
treatment: unlocking the potential of precision medicine
Chair(s): Ernest Nadal, ES

13:00 - 13:05 Precision medicine in lung cancer today

E. Nadal, ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia l'Hospitalet (Hospital Duran i Reynals),
L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, ES

13:05 - 13:20 KRASG12C inhibitors: expanding outcomes from clinical studies to real-world
patient populations
M. Johnson, Sarah Cannon Research Institute-Cancer Centre, Nashville, US

13:20 - 13:40 Engaging T cells in SCLC: the DLL3-targeted approach

A.-M. Dingemans, Erasmus MC - University Medical Center, Rotterdam, NL

13:40 - 14:00 Expert perspectives: optimising care for patients receiving DLL3 T-cell
M. Pérol, Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR

14:00 - 14:10 Advancing lung cancer treatment: emerging targets and novel therapies
E. Nadal, ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia l'Hospitalet (Hospital Duran i Reynals),
L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, ES

14:10 - 14:25 Panel discussion and Q&A

E. Nadal1, M. Johnson2, A.-M. Dingemans3, M. Pérol4, 1ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia
l'Hospitalet (Hospital Duran i Reynals), L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, ES, 2Sarah Cannon
Research Institute-Cancer Centre, Nashville, US, 3Erasmus MC - University Medical
Center, Rotterdam, NL, 4Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR

14:25 - 14:30 Summary and close

E. Nadal, ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia l'Hospitalet (Hospital Duran i Reynals),
L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, ES

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3

Title: Bayer - Managing menopausal symptoms in patients
undergoing endocrine therapy due to hormone-receptor positive
breast cancer

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13:00 - 13:10 Welcome and introduction: Addressing menopause symptoms following
treatment for breast cancer
S. Loibl, German Breast Group (GBG) Forschungs GmbH, Neu-Isenburg, DE

13:10 - 13:25 The burden of induced menopause symptoms on women’s health

M. Kiechle, Klinikum Rechts der Isar - Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Munich, DE

13:25 - 13:45 KNDy neurons and science behind menopause

V. Navarro, Harvard Medical School, Boston, US

13:45 - 14:00 Options for symptoms management and unmet needs

D. Brennan, The Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin, IE

14:00 - 14:25 Round table discussion and Q&A

S. Loibl1, M. Kiechle2, V. Navarro3, D. Brennan4, 1German Breast Group (GBG)
Forschungs GmbH, Neu-Isenburg, DE, 2Klinikum Rechts der Isar - Technische
Universitaet Muenchen, Munich, DE, 3Harvard Medical School, Boston, US, 4The Mater
Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin, IE

14:25 - 14:30 Close

S. Loibl, German Breast Group (GBG) Forschungs GmbH, Neu-Isenburg, DE

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Proffered Paper session Madrid Auditorium - Hall

Title: Proffered paper session 2: GI tumours, 2
Chair(s): Michel Ducreux, FR

14:45 - 14:55 One LBA TBC

14:55 - 15:05 One LBA TBC

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:05 - 15:15 505O - Sotorasib (soto), panitumumab (pani) and FOLFIRI in the first-line (1L)
setting for KRAS G12C–mutated metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): Safety
and efficacy analysis from the phase 1b CodeBreaK 101 study
S. Siena1, K. Yamaguchi2, J. Ruffinelli Rodriguez3, E. Corral De La Fuente4, Y. Kuboki5,
C. Cremolini6, I. Victoria Ruiz7, M.E. Elez Fernandez8, J. Strickler9, M. Furqan10, B.
Bashir11, C. Nduka12, J. Hippenmeyer13, E. Chan14, C. Xia14, T. Masuishi15, 1Università
degli Studi di Milano and Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milan, IT, 2The
Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR, Koto-ku, JP, 3ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia
l'Hospitalet (Hospital Duran i Reynals), Barcelona, ES, 4Hospital Universitario Ramon y
Cajal, Madrid, ES, 5National Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, JP, 6University of
Pisa, Pisa, IT, 7Hospital Clinic y Provincial de Barcelona, Barcelona, ES, 8Vall d'Hebron
University Hospital and Institute of Oncology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,
Barcelona, ES, 9Duke Cancer Center, Durham, US, 10University of Iowa Hospitals and
Clinics, Iowa City, US, 11Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center - Thomas Jefferson University,
Philadelphia, US, 12Amgen - UK Uxbridge, Uxbridge, GB, 13Amgen (Europe) GmbH,
Rotkreuz, CH, 14AMGEN (Headquarters) - USA, Thousand Oaks, US, 15Aichi Cancer
Center Hospital, Nagoya, JP

15:15 - 15:25 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC and 505O

C. Montagut Viladot, Hospital del Mar - Parc de Salut Mar, Barcelona, ES

15:25 - 15:35 Q&A

15:35 - 15:45 One LBA TBC

15:45 - 15:55 506O - Evaluation of risk of disease progression in first-line therapy of

unresected metastatic colorectal cancer to guide intervals of radiological
assessment- an analysis of eleven randomized trials by AIO and GONO.
M. Germani1, V. Heinemann2, D. Rossini3, L. Fischer Von Weikersthal4, F. Morano5, K.
Heinrich6, A. Stahler7, F. Bergamo8, F. Kaiser9, T. Decker10, L. Salvatore11, L. Weiss12,
A. Russo5, M. Fuchs13, A. Prete8, C. Antoniotti14, G. Masi15, S. Stintzing16, C.
Cremolini15, D. Modest7, 1University of Pisa and Charité - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin,
Pisa - Berlin, IT, 2LMU Klinikum der Universität München, Munich, DE, 3University of
Florence, Firenze, IT, 4Klinikum St. Marien Amberg, Amberg, DE, 5Fondazione IRCCS -
Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT, 6Hospital Munich Grosshadern - Ludwig-
Maximilians-University (LMU), Munich, DE, 7Charité - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin,
Berlin, DE, 8IOV - Istituto Oncologico Veneto IRCCS, Padova, IT, 9VK&K, Landshut, DE,
10Onkologie Hamatologie Ravensburg, Ravensburg, DE, 11Fondazione Policlinico

Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS, Rome, IT, 12LMU University Hospital, LMU
Munich, Munich, DE, 13München Klinikum Bogenhausen, Munich, DE, 14AOU Pisana -
Stabilimento di Santa Chiara, Pisa, IT, 15University of Pisa, Pisa, IT, 16Charité -
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, DE

15:55 - 16:05 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC and 506O

M. Ducreux, Gustave Roussy - Cancer Campus, Villejuif, FR

16:05 - 16:15 Q&A

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Educational session Sevilla Auditorium - Hall 2
Title: Incorporating novel treatment insights for ER+ early BC
Chair(s): Stephen Johnston, GB; Petra Tesarova, CZ

14:45 - 15:10 CDK4/6 inhibitors for early breast cancer: State-of-the-art

S. Johnston, The Royal Marsden Hospital (Chelsea) - NHS Foundation Trust, London, GB

15:10 - 15:35 Prognostic and predictive factors for clinical decision making
N. Harbeck, Ludwig Maximilians University - Grosshadern, Munich, DE

15:35 - 16:00 Optimal treatment for elderly ER+ BC patients

E. Brain, Hopital René Huguenin - Institut Curie, Saint-Cloud, FR

16:00 - 16:15 Q&A and discussion

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Educational session Bilbao Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Personalisation of surgical and systemic approaches in
2024: Optimising cure and quality of life in gastroesophageal
Chair(s): Yelena Janjigian, US

14:45 - 15:10 To operate or not operate: Personalised surgical approaches in the curative
G. Piessen, C.H.U. Claude Huriez, Lille, FR

15:10 - 15:35 Personalised systemic approaches to improve survivorship and cure

Y. Janjigian, MSKCC - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US

15:35 - 16:00 How does surgery with curative intent impact quality of life?
J. Elliott, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, IE

16:00 - 16:15 Q&A and discussion

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Special session Granada Auditorium - Hall

Title: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines 2 6
Chair(s): Elizabeth Smyth, GB; Emanuela Romano, FR

14:45 - 15:00 Renal-cell carcinoma: Case presentation

C. Messina, Ospedale Civico (A.R.N.A.S.), Palermo, IT

15:00 - 15:15 Renal-cell carcinoma: Discussion

T. Powles, St. Bartholomew's Hospital - Barts Health NHS Trust, London, GB

15:15 - 15:30 Renal-cell carcinoma: Q&A

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:30 - 15:45 Management of venous thromboembolism: Case presentation
R. Sanchez Bayona, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

15:45 - 16:00 Management of venous thromboembolism: Discussion

G. Gerotziafas, Institut Universitaire de Cancérologie AP-HP. Sorbonne Université,
Hôpital Tenon, Paris, FR

16:00 - 16:15 Management of venous thromboembolism: Q&A

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Educational session Burgos Auditorium - Hall

Title: Gene modified T cells and new players 5
Chair(s): Katy Rezvani, US

14:45 - 15:10 Moving CAR-T beyond haemato-oncology

F. Locatelli, Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Rome, IT

15:10 - 15:35 CAR NK cells

K. Rezvani, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center - Main Building,
Houston, US

15:35 - 16:00 Bispecifics

E. Calvo, CIOCC - Centro Integral Oncológico Clara Campal, Hospital Universitario HM
Sanchinarro, Madrid, ES

16:00 - 16:15 Q&A and discussion

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Proffered Paper session Salamanca Auditorium -

Title: Proffered paper session 2: Developmental Hall 5
Chair(s): Alexander Drilon, US; Neeltje Steeghs, NL

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:45 - 14:55 608O - Preliminary safety and clinical activity of ASP3082, a first-in-class,
KRAS G12D selective protein degrader in adults with advanced pancreatic (PC),
colorectal (CRC), and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
W. Park1, A. Kasi2, A. Spira3, J. Berlin4, J. Wang5, B. Herzberg6, Y. Kuboki7, S. Kitano8,
M. Pelster9, J. Goldman10, D. Morgensztern11, S. Kondo12, P.A. Jänne13, H. Fujii14, H.-J.
Lee15, S. Gill16, A. Saci17, P. Lorusso18, A. Tolcher19, 1Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Center, New York, US, 2University of Kansas Medical Center, Westwood, US, 3Virginia
Cancer Specialists Research Institute, Fairfax, US, 4Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center,
Nashville, US, 5Florida Cancer Specialists/Sarah Cannon Research Institute, Sarasota,
US, 6Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA, New York, US,
7National Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, JP, 8The Cancer Institute Hospital of

Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, Koto-ku, JP, 9Sarah Cannon Research
Institute, Nashville, US, 10David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, US,
11Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, St. Louis, US, 12National

Cancer Center - Tsukiji Campus, Chuo-ku, JP, 13Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston,
US, 14Astellas Pharma USA, Northbrook, US, 15Astellas Pharma Inc., Northbrook, US,
16Astellas Pharma Global Development, Inc, Northbrook, US, 17Astellas Pharma Global

Development, Inc., Deerfield, US, 18Yale School of Medicine - Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, New Haven, US, 19South Texas Accelerated Research Therapeutics, San
Antonio, US

14:55 - 15:05 One LBA TBC

15:05 - 15:15 Invited Discussant 608O and one LBA TBC

A. Drilon, Memorial Sloan Kettering Evelyn H. Lauder Breast Center, New York, US

15:15 - 15:25 Q&A

15:25 - 15:35 609O - CLDN18.2 targeted antibody-drug conjugate (ADC), SHR-A1904, in

patients (pts) with gastric/gastroesophageal junction cancer (GC/GEJC): a
phase 1 study
R.-H. Xu1, D. Ruan1, S. Luo2, X. Liang3, Z. Niu4, Q. Dang4, Z. Pan5, Y. Zhang6, X. Li7, H.
Li5, X. Xiao8, S. Cai9, Y. Dong9, J. Zhang10, Z. Li10, H. Lan11, H. Lu12, S. Wang13, Q.
Wu13, J. Xie13, 1Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, CN, 2Henan Cancer
Hospital, Zhengzhou, CN, 3Hubei Cancer Hospital, Wuhan, CN, 4Shandong First
Medical University Affiliated Tumor Hospital, Jinan, CN, 5Tianjin Medical University
Cancer Institute & Hospital, Tianjin, CN, 6Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital,
Harbin, CN, 7The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, CN,
8Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, CN, 9The

First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, CN, 10ZhuJiang Hospital of
Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, CN, 11Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences
Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, Chengdu, CN, 12Shanxi Province Cancer
Hospital/Shanxi Hospital Affiliated to Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical
Sciences/Cancer Hospital Affiliated to Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan, CN,
13Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., Shanghai, CN

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:35 - 15:45 610O - Preliminary results from a Phase 1, first-in-human study of DS-9606a, a
Claudin 6 (CLDN6)-directed antibody–drug conjugate (ADC), in patients (pts)
with tumor types known to express CLDN6
M. Patel1, E. Hamilton2, S. Piha-Paul3, J. Henry4, U. Banerji5, M.N. Al-Hallak6, H.
Okada7, M. Qian7, X. Zhang7, N. Said7, V. Chatikhine7, E. Fontana8, 1Florida Cancer
Specialists, Sarasota, US, 2Sarah Cannon Research Institute, Nashville, US, 3The
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 4Sarah Cannon
Research Institute at HealthOne, Denver, US, 5The Institute of Cancer Research and
Royal Marsden Hospital, London, GB, 6Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, US, 7Daiichi
Sankyo, Inc., Basking Ridge, US, 8Sarah Cannon Research Institute SCRI UK, London,

15:45 - 15:55 611O - Updated results from BNT211-01 (NCT04503278), an ongoing, first-in-
human, Phase 1 study evaluating safety and efficacy of CLDN6 CAR T cells and
a CLDN6-encoding mRNA vaccine in patients with relapsed/refractory CLDN6+
solid tumors
J. Haanen1, A. Mackensen2, C. Schultze-Florey3, W. Alsdorf4, E. Wagner-Drouet5, D.
Heudobler6, P. Borchmann7, A. Busse8, S. Mielke9, S. Bins10, G. Ungerechts11, C.
Bokemeyer4, S. Klobuch1, N. Kutsch7, F. Müller2, A. Desuki5, W. Zhong12, L.
Preussner13, Ö. Türeci13, U. Sahin13, 1Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, NL,
2University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, DE, 3Hannover Medical School, Hannover, DE,
4University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, DE, 5University Medical

Center Mainz, Mainz, DE, 6University Hospital Regensburg, Regensburg, DE,

7University Hospital of Cologne, Köln, DE, 8Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin,

DE, 9Karolinska Institutet and University Hospital, Stockholm, SE, 10Erasmus MC

Cancer Institute, Rotterdam, NL, 11Heidelberg University Hospital, National Center for
Tumor Diseases (NCT) and German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, DE,
12BioNTech US, Cambridge, US, 13BioNTech SE, BioNTech Cell & Gene Therapies

GmbH, Mainz, DE

15:55 - 16:05 Invited Discussant 609O, 610O and 611O

C. Hierro Carbo, Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO- Badalona) Germans Trias i Pujol
University Hospital, Badalona, ES

16:05 - 16:15 Q&A

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Mini Oral session Santander Auditorium -

Title: Mini oral session 2: Gynaecological cancers Hall 5
Chair(s): Kathleen Moore, US; Antonio González-Martín, ES; Jean Emmanuel Kurtz, FR

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:45 - 14:50 714MO - Datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd) in patients with endometrial
(EC) or ovarian cancer (OC): results from the Phase 2 TROPION-PanTumor03
A. Oaknin1, J.E. Ang2, S.Y. Rha3, K. Yonemori4, R. Kristeleit5, C.-C. Lin6, T. Satoh7, P.
Estevez Garcia8, M.A.N. Sendur9, L. Medina Rodríguez10, A. Italiano11, I. Lugowska12,
I. Ray-Coquard13, A. Oza14, J. Zhao15, S. Gajavelli15, J. Filant16, S. Bodla17, Y.
Janjigian18, F. Meric-Bernstam19, 1Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES,
2Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, GB, 3Yonsei

University College of Medicine, Seoul, KR, 4National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo, JP,
5Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, GB, 6National Taiwan University

Hospital, Taipei, TW, 7Osaka University Hospital, Suita, JP, 8Hospital Universitario
Virgen del Rocio, Seville, ES, 9Ankara City Hospital, Oncology Hospital, Ankara, TR,
10Regional and Virgen de la Victoria University Hospitals, IBIMA, Malaga, ES,
11Institute Bergonié, Bordeaux, FR, 12Maria Sklodowska-Curie Institute-Oncology

Center, Warsaw, PL, 13Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR, 14Princess Margaret Cancer
Centre, Toronto, CA, 15AstraZeneca, New York, US, 16AstraZeneca, Warsaw, PL,
17AstraZeneca, Cambridge, GB, 18Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York,

US, 19MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, Houston, US

14:50 - 14:55 715MO - Safety and Efficacy of Sacituzumab Tirumotecan (sac-TMT) in Patients
(pts) with Previously Treated Advanced Endometrial Carcinoma (EC) and
Ovarian Cancer (OC) from a Phase 2 Study
D. Wang1, K. Wang2, R. An3, G. Yu4, K. Zhang5, D. Wang6, K. Jiang7, Y. Gao8, Y. Cheng9,
Y. Liu10, H. Qiu11, X. Wang12, T. Liu13, B. Akala14, E. Chartash14, Y. Li15, X. Li15, X.
Jin15, J. Ge15, J. Li16, 1Liaoning Cancer Hospital, Shenyang, CN, 2Tianjin Medical
University Cancer Institute & Hospital, Tianjin, CN, 3The First Affiliated Hospital of
Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, CN, 4Weifang People’s Hospital, Weifang, CN, 5Hunan
Cancer Hospital, Changsha, CN, 6Chongqing University Cancer Hospital, Chongqing,
CN, 7The Second Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian, CN, 8Beijing Cancer
Hospital, Beijing, CN, 9Jilin Cancer Hospital, Changchun, CN, 10The First Hospital of
China Medical University, Shenyang, CN, 11Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University,
Wuhan, CN, 12Xuzhou Central Hospital, Xuzhou, CN, 13Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan
University, Shanghai, CN, 14Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, US, 15Sichuan Kelun-Biotech
Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Chengdu, CN, 16Shanghai Gobroad Cancer Hospital,
Shanghai, CN

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:55 - 15:00 716MO - Efficacy and Safety of Sacituzumab Tirumotecan (sac-TMT) Plus
Pembrolizumab in Patients with Recurrent or Metastatic Cervical Cancer
J. Wang1, R. An2, Y. Huang3, J. Zhang4, J. Goh5, K. Jiang6, G. Yu7, L. Chen8, D.
Provencher9, Y. Tang10, G. Li11, H. Qiu12, B. Akala13, E. Chartash13, Y. Zhou14, X. Jin14,
J. Ge15, X. Wu16, 1The Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Xiangya School of Medicine, Central
South University/Hunan Cancer Hospital, Changsha, CN, 2The First Affiliated Hospital
of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, CN, 3Hubei Cancer Hospital, Wuhan, CN, 4Guangxi
Medical University Cancer Hospital, Nanning, CN, 5Icon Cancer Centre Wesley,
Chermside, AU, 6The Second Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian, CN,
7Weifang People’s Hospital, Weifang, CN, 8Shandong Cancer Hospital and Institute,

Shandong First Medical University and Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, Jinan,
CN, 9CHUM - Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, CA,
10Chongqing University Cancer Hospital, Chongqing, CN, 11Union Hospital, Tongji

Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, CN,

12Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan, CN, 13Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway,

US, 14Sichuan Kelun-Biotech Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Chengdu, CN, 15Sichuan

Kelun-Biotech Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd., CHENGDU, CN, 16Fudan University
Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, CN

15:00 - 15:05 717MO - SHR-A1921 in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer (PROC): data from a
first-in-human (FIH) phase 1 study
Z. Song1, L. Chen2, Q. Dang2, D. Tang3, T. Liu4, L. Wang5, J. Wang6, C. Liu7, X. Qu8, X.
Li9, J. Zhong10, S. Zhang11, N. Xing12, Y. Li13, Y. Wu14, Z. Lin14, Z. Zhang14, S. Wang14,
1Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, Hangzhou, CN, 2The First Affiliated Oncology Hospital of

Shandong Medical University, Jinan, CN, 3Hunan Cancer Hospital, Changsha, CN,
4Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai, CN, 5Renji Hospital, Shanghai

Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, CN, 6National Cancer

Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer Hospital, Beijing, CN,
7Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang, CN, 8The First Hospital of

China Medical University, Shenyang, CN, 9The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou
University, Zhengzhou, CN, 10The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical
University, Nanning, CN, 11Sichuan Cancer Hospital, Chengdu, CN, 12Shanxi Provincial
Cancer Hospital, Taiyuan, CN, 13The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University,
Nanchang, CN, 14Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., Shanghai, CN

15:05 - 15:20 Invited Discussant 714MO, 716MO, 717MO and one abstract TBC

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:20 - 15:25 718MO - Mirvetuximab Soravtansine (MIRV) in Recurrent Platinum-Sensitive
Ovarian Cancer (PSOC) with High Folate Receptor-Alpha (FRα) Expression:
Results from the PICCOLO Trial
A. Secord1, B. Corr2, S. Lewin3, E. Diver4, S.-M. Ayuk4, Y. Wang4, C. Murphy5, V.
Salutari6, A. Barquin Garcia7, F. Galvez Montosa8, I. Ray-Coquard9, C. Mathews10, G.
Konecny11, A. Oaknin12, M.J. Rubio Pérez13, A. Bonaventura14, S. Pignata15, 1Duke
University Hospital - Health System, Durham, US, 2University of Colorado Cancer
Center, Aurora, US, 3Holy Name Medical Center, Teaneck, US, 4ImmunoGen, Inc.,
Waltham, US, 5Bon Secours Hospital, Cork, IE, 6Fondazione Policlinico Universitario
Agostino Gemelli IRCCS, Rome, IT, 7HM University Sanchinarro Hospital, Madrid, ES,
8Hospital Universitario de Jaén, Jaén, ES, 9Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR, 10Women and

Infants Hospital of Rhode Island, Providence, US, 11UCLA Westwood Oncology

Hematology - Oncology Community Practice Group, Los Angeles, US, 12Vall d'Hebron
Institute of Oncology, Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, Barcelona, ES,
13Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía, Cordoba, ES, 14Newcastle Private Hospital,

Newcastle, AU, 15Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS - Fondazione G. Pascale, Napoli, IT

15:25 - 15:30 719MO - A Phase 1/2 study of Rinatabart Sesutecan (Rina-S) in Patients with
Advanced Ovarian or Endometrial Cancer
E. Lee1, O. Yeku2, I. Winer3, E. Hamilton4, D. Richardson5, J. Zhang6, G. Konecny7, I.
Anderson8, X. Wu6, D. Orr9, S. Patel10, A. Jewell11, J. Wang12, A. Spira13, A. Melnyk14,
L. Seamon15, E. Kavalerchik16, Z. Chen16, E. Song16, J. Call17, 1Dana-Farber Cancer
Institute, Boston, US, 2Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, US, 3Wayne State University and Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit,
US, 4Sarah Cannon Research Institute at Tennessee Oncology, Nashville, US,
5Stephenson Cancer Center/University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, US, 6Fudan

University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, CN, 7University of California Los

Angeles, Los Angeles, US, 8Providence Medical Group, Santa Rosa, US, 9Mary Crowley
Cancer Research, Dallas, US, 10University of California San Diego, San Diego, US,
11University of Kansas Medical Center, Westwood, US, 12Hunan Cancer Hospital,

Changsha, CN, 13Virginia Cancer Specialist, Fairfax, US, 14Texas Oncology-Abilene,

Abilene, US, 15START Midwest, Grand Rapids, US, 16ProfoundBio, Seattle, US, 17START
Mountain Region, West Valley City, US

15:30 - 15:45 Invited Discussant 718MO and 719MO

A. González-Martín, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Madrid, ES

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:45 - 15:50 720MO - IBI354 (anti-HER2 antibody-drug conjugate [ADC]) in patients (pts)
with advanced gynecological cancers (Gynecol C): results from a phase 1 study
J. Shu1, T. Zhu2, Y. Huang3, Q. Xu4, R. Guo5, H. Liu6, H. Zhao7, L. Zhu8, X. Wang9, X.
Xu10, W. Cheng11, J. Tang12, Q. Zhu13, X. Chen14, R. An15, J. Gao16, G. Li17, Z. Zhang18,
H. Zhou19, Q. Zhou1, 1Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Chongqing University, Chongqing,
CN, 2Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, Hangzhou, CN, 3Hubei Cancer Hospital, Wuhan, CN,
4Fujian Provincial Cancer Hospital, Fuzhou, CN, 5The First Affiliated Hospital of

Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, CN, 6Gansu Provincial Hospital, Lanzhou, CN,

7Shanxi Cancer Hospital, Taiyuan, CN, 8Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital - Nanjing

University, School Of Medicine, Nanjing, CN, 9The Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical
University, Xuzhou, CN, 10Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical
University, Beijing, CN, 11Jiangsu Province Hospital, Nanjing, CN, 12Hunan Cancer
Hospital, Changsha, CN, 13Jiangxi Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, Nanchang,
CN, 14Obstetrics & Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai, CN, 15The First
Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an,, CN, 16Jiangxi Cancer Hospital,
Nanchang, CN, 17Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of
Science and Technology, Wuhan, CN, 18The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University
of Science and Technology, Luoyang, CN, 19Innovent Biologics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.,
Suzhou, CN

15:50 - 15:55 721MO - Phase I, Two-Part, Multicenter First-In-Human (FIH) Study of TORL-1-
23, A Novel Claudin 6 (CLDN6) Targeting Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) In
Patient With Advanced Solid Tumors.
G. Konecny1, A. Wahner Hendrickson2, B. Winterhoff3, A.A. Adjei4, A. Kung5, L.-L.
Miller5, M. Press6, I. Qazi5, N. Scholler5, H. Dokainish5, S. Letrent5, D. Slamon7, 1UCLA
Westwood Oncology Hematology - Oncology Community Practice Group, Los Angeles,
US, 2Mayo Clinic, Rochester, US, 3University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, US, 4Cleveland
Clinic Main Campus, Cleveland, US, 5TORL Biotherapeutics, LLC, Culver City, US,
6Keck School of Medicine - University of Southern California USC, Los Angeles, US,
7UCLA - David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, US

15:55 - 16:10 Invited Discussant 720MO and 721MO

J.E. Kurtz, ICANS - Institut de Cancérologie Strasbourg Europe, Strasbourg, FR

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Proffered Paper session Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Proffered paper session: GU tumours, 5
Chair(s): Rana McKay, US

14:45 - 14:55 One LBA TBC

14:55 - 15:05 One LBA TBC

15:05 - 15:15 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC

15:15 - 15:25 Q&A

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:25 - 15:35 One LBA TBC

15:35 - 15:45 One LBA TBC

15:45 - 15:55 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC

R. Mckay, University of California San Diego - UCSD, La Jolla, US

15:55 - 16:05 Q&A

14:45 - 16:00 Type: Multidisciplinary session Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: Management and diagnostics of Hall 3
Chair(s): Gelareh Zadeh, CA

14:45 - 14:50 Presentation of case/condition

14:50 - 15:10 Molecular characteristics in meningioma

F. Sahm, University Hospital of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, DE

15:10 - 15:30 Treatment changes of meningioma

G. Zadeh, University of Toronto, Toronto, CA

15:30 - 15:50 Controversies in radiotherapy for meningioma

S. Short, UL - University of Leeds, Leeds, GB

15:50 - 16:00 Discussion

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Mini Oral session Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: Mini oral session: Melanoma and other 3
skin tumours
Chair(s): Jessica Hassel, DE; Bart Neyns, BE

14:45 - 14:50 One LBA TBC

14:50 - 14:55 One LBA TBC

14:55 - 15:00 One LBA TBC

15:00 - 15:15 Invited Discussant three LBAs TBC

J. Hassel, NCT - Nationales Zentrum für Tumorerkrankungen, Heidelberg, DE

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:15 - 15:20 1077MO - Adjuvant nivolumab v placebo in stage IIB/C melanoma: 3-year
results from CheckMate 76K
G. Long1, M. Del Vecchio2, C. Hoeller3, J. Weber4, J.J. Grob5, P. Mohr6, S. Grabbe7, C.
Dutriaux8, V. Chiarion Sileni9, J. Mackiewicz10, P. Rutkowski11, P. Arenberger12, G.
Quereux13, T. Meniawy14, P. Ascierto15, J. Taube16, A. Nassar17, W. Wang17, J.
Kirkwood18, 1Melanoma Institute Australia, University of Sydney, and Royal North
Shore and Mater Hospitals, Sydney, AU, 2Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei
Tumori, Milan, IT, 3Medizinische Universität Wien, Vienna, AT, 4NYU Langone Medical
Center, New York City, US, 5Hôpital de la Timone, Marseille, FR, 6Elbe Kliniken
Buxtehude, Buxtehude, DE, 7JGU - Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, DE, 8Hôpital
Saint-André, Bordeaux, FR, 9Istituto Oncologico Veneto IRCCS, Padova, IT, 10Poznan
University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, PL, 11Maria Skłodowska-Curie National
Research Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, PL, 12Charles University Third Faculty of
Medicine and University Hospital of Královské Vinohrady, Prague, CZ, 13Nantes
University Hospital, Nantes, FR, 14Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth, AU, 15Istituto
Nazionale Tumori IRCCS ‘Fondazione G. Pascale’, Naples, IT, 16Johns Hopkins Medical
Institutions, Baltimore, US, 17Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, US, 18UPMC Hillman
Cancer Center, Pittsburgh, US

15:20 - 15:25 1078MO - Pembrolizumab (pembro) vs placebo as adjuvant therapy for high-
risk stage II melanoma: Long-term follow-Up, rechallenge, and crossover in
J. Luke1, P. Ascierto2, M. Khattak3, P. Rutkowski4, M. Del Vecchio5, F. Spagnolo6, J.
Mackiewicz7, L. De La Cruz Merino8, V. Chiarion Sileni9, J. Kirkwood10, C. Robert11, D.
Schadendorf12, F. De Galitiis13, M. Carlino14, A. Odeleye-Ajakaye15, M. Kalabis16, C.
Krepler17, A. Eggermont18, G. Long19, 1UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, US, 2Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS - Fondazione G. Pascale,
Napoli, IT, 3Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth, AU, 4Maria Sklodowska-Curie National
Research Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, PL, 5Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei
Tumori, Milan, IT, 6IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino & Università degli Studi di
Genova, Genova, IT, 7Poznan University of Medical Sciences; Greater Poland Cancer
Center, Poznan, PL, 8Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, Seville, ES, 9Istituto
Oncologico Veneto, IOV-IRCCS, Padova, IT, 10UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, Pittsburgh,
US, 11Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 12WTZ - Westdeutsches
Tumorzentrum Essen, Essen, DE, 13IDI - Istituto dermopatico dell'immacolata - IRCCS,
Rome, IT, 14Crown Princess Mary Cancer Centre Westmead, Westmead, AU, 15Merck &
Co., Inc., Rahway, US, 16Merck & Co., Inc., North Wales, US, 17Merck & Co. Inc., North
Wales, US, 18University Medical Center Utrecht & Comprehensive Cancer Center
Munich or the Technical University Munich and Ludwig Maximiliaan University,
Utrecht, NL, 19Melanoma Institute Australia, The University of Sydney,Royal North
Shore and Mater Hospitals, Sydney, AU

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:25 - 15:30 1079MO - Survival before and after the Introduction of Adjuvant Treatment in
Stage III Melanoma: A Nationwide Registry-Based Study
H. Helgadottir1, L. Ny2, G. Ullenhag3, J. Falkenius4, R. Mikiver5, R. Olofsson Bagge6, K.
Isaksson7, 1Karolinska Institutet - Cancer Center Karolinska (CCK), Solna, SE,
2Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg, SE, 3University Hospital

Uppsala/Akademiska Sjukhuset, Uppsala, SE, 4Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SE,

5LiU - Linköping University, Linköping, SE, 6University of Gothenburg - The

Sahlgrenska Academy, Göteborg, SE, 7Lund University, Lund, SE

15:30 - 15:45 Invited Discussant 1077MO, 1078MO and 1079MO

15:45 - 15:50 One LBA TBC

15:50 - 15:55 1080MO - Sitravatinib Plus Tislelizumab for Metastatic Uveal Melanoma with
Liver Metastasis: The Open-Label, Multicenter, Phase II GEM-2101 Trial
L.P. De Carpio Huerta1, E. Espinosa2, L. De La Cruz Merino3, A. Berrocal-Jaime4, J.M.
Piulats1, 1Catalan Institute of Cancer (ICO), L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona,
Spain. Cancer Immunotherapy Group (CIT), Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute
IDIBELL—OncoBell, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, ES, 2Hospital Universitario La Paz -
CIBERONC, Madrid, ES, 3Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, Department of
Medicine, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, ES, 4Complejo Hospitalario General
Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, ES

15:55 - 16:00 1081MO - Phase 1 study of WNT974 in combination with spartalizumab in

patients with cutaneous melanoma
P. Ascierto1, J. Rodon2, F. De Vos3, V. Gambardella4, M. De Miguel5, I. Marquez-Rodas6,
M. Gil Martín7, C. Robert8, M. Del Vecchio9, V. Moreno Garcia10, D. Schadendorf11, R.
Jamal12, S. Sloan13, M. Mclaughlin14, S. Murray14, B. Gomez-Carrillo Ruiz15, E.
Hsiue14, S. Moody14, A.M. Arance16, 1Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS "Fondazione G.
Pascale", Napoli, IT, 2The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center - Main
Building, Houston, US, 3UMC - University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, NL,
4Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, ES, 5CIOCC HM Sanchinarro,

Madrid, ES, 6Hospital Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, ES, 7L'Hospitalet-Barcelona,

Hospitalet de Llobregat, ES, 8Saclay University, Villejuif, FR, 9Fondazione IRCCS -
Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT, 10University Hospital, Madrid, ES, 11University
Hospital Essen and German Cancer Consortium Partner Site, Essen, DE, 12CHUM -
Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, CA, 13Novartis, Basel, CH,
14Novartis, Boston, US, 15Novartis, CA, US, 16Hospital Clínic and IDIBAPS, Barcelona,


Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

16:00 - 16:05 1082MO - KEYMAKER-U02 substudy 02C: neoadjuvant pembrolizumab
(pembro) and investigational agents followed by adjuvant pembro for stage
IIIB-D melanoma
G. Long1, C. Robert2, A. Hill3, C. Gaudy Marqueste4, D. Portnoy5, R. Shapira-Frommer6,
J. Cohen7, M. Khattak8, C. Lebbe9, A. Menzies1, G. Markel10, G. Bar-Sela11, W.
Sharfman12, C. Pages13, O. Hamid14, J. Mehnert15, N. Jing16, M. Kalabis17, C. Krepler18,
R. Dummer19, 1Melanoma Institute Australia, The University of Sydney, Royal North
Shore and Mater Hospitals, Sydney, AU, 2Institut de Cancérologie Gustave Roussy,
Université Paris-Sud, and Paris- Saclay University, Villejuif-Grand Paris, FR, 3Tasman
Oncology Research, Southport, AU, 4CEPCM, APHM, Aix- Marseille Université,
Marseille, FR, 5West Cancer Center & Research Institute, Germantown, US, 6Sheba
Medical Center, Tel Aviv, IL, 7Hadassah Medical Centre, Jerusalem, PS, 8Fiona Stanley
Hospital/Edith Cowan University, Perth, AU, 9Université Paris Cité, Dermatolo-Oncology
AP-HP, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris, FR, 10Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva, IL, 11Emek
Medical Center, Afula, IL, 12Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns
Hopkins, Baltimore, US, 13Institut Claudius Regaud - IUCT Oncopole, Toulouse, Cedex,
FR, 14The Angeles Clinic and Research Institute, Los Angeles, US, 15New York
University Grossman School of Medicine,Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center at
NYU, New York, US, 16Merck & Co., Inc. - Rahway, Rahway, US, 17Merck & Co., Inc.,
North Wales, US, 18Merck & Co. Inc., Rahway, US, 19University hospital Zurich, Zurich,

16:05 - 16:20 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC, 1080MO, 1081MO and 1082MO
B. Neyns, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Faculty of Medicine & Pharmacy, Brussels, BE

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Special session Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3

Title: ESMO in collaboration with the MASCC: Shedding light on
the hidden microbiota
Chair(s): Matteo Lambertini, IT; Florian Scotté, FR

14:45 - 15:05 What is the microbiota-gut-brain-axis?

J. Bowen, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, AU

15:05 - 15:25 The gut microbiota & immune related adverse events
C. Ruhlmann, OUH - Odense University Hospital, Odense, DK

15:25 - 15:45 The gut microbiota & neurocognitive functioning in patients with cancer
L. Derosa, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, FR

15:45 - 16:05 Pre-habilitation interventions to improve outcomes in patients with cancer.

What is the evidence?
L. Buffart, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Nijmegen, NL

16:05 - 16:15 Panel discussion / Q&A

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Patient Advocacy session Zaragoza Auditorium -
Title: The future of cancer via patient expertise CC5
in research & innovation projects
Chair(s): Tanja Spanic, SI; André Deschamps, BE

14:45 - 15:00 How patient-centred research and innovation drives improved cancer care
J.W. Van De Loo, European Commission - CDMA - DG Research & Innovation, Ixelles, BE

15:00 - 15:15 Real world experience & patients' participation in multidisciplinary

B. Ryll, Melanoma Patient Network Europe MPNE, Uppsala, SE

15:15 - 15:30 The European Cancer Patient Digital Centre

P. Gunther, European Commission, Stockholm, SE

15:30 - 15:45 Understanding patient engagement in EU funded projects

K. Beyer, Erasmus University Rotterdam - School of Health Policy & Management,
Rotterdam, NL

15:45 - 16:00 Can artificial intelligence improve early detection of cardiotoxicity after breast
cancer treatment
T. Spanic, Europa Donna - Slovensko zdruzenje za boj proti raku dojk, Ljubljana, SI

16:00 - 16:15 Discussion

14:45 - 17:45 Type: Young Oncologists session Cartagena Auditorium -

Title: YO Masterclass: Designing v2.0 clinical Hall 7
Chair(s): Rille Pihlak, GB

14:45 - 15:10 New approaches to trial design to minimise costs and maximise benefit: The
oncologists perspective
R. Plummer, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, GB

15:10 - 15:25 Discussion

15:25 - 15:50 Are adaptive trial design and platform studies widely applicable? Tips from
S. Litiere, EORTC AISBL/IVZW - European Organisation for Research and Treatment of
Cancer, Brussels, BE

15:50 - 16:05 Discussion

16:05 - 16:25 Coffee break

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

16:25 - 16:50 Integrating digital technologies into clinical trials
I. Vaz Luis, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

16:50 - 17:05 Discussion

17:05 - 17:30 Integrating translational research into clinical trials: Understanding models
and their readouts
C. Sotiriou, Institute Jules Bordet, Brussels, BE

17:30 - 17:45 Discussion

15:00 - 15:45 Type: Challenge your Expert Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: New directions in liquid biopsy for 3
monitoring early stage NSCLC

15:00 - 15:20 Presentation by Expert

M. Diehn, Stanford University, Stanford, US

15:20 - 15:45 Discussion led by Chair

15:00 - 16:30 Type: EONS session Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7

Title: Advance care planning and palliative care
Chair(s): Hazal Özdemir Koyu, TR; Wendy Mcinally, GB

15:00 - 15:15 Providing palliative care in a hospital setting

H. Bergenholtz, University Hospital Sjællands Roskilde, Roskilde, DK

15:15 - 15:30 What is your last wish? A volunteer project led by an oncology nurse
S. Gomes, Instituto Portugues Oncologia de Coimbra Francisco Gentil E. P. E. (IPO
Coimbra), Coimbra, PT

15:30 - 15:45 A targeted discharge pathway to reduce hospital readmissions and dying in
hospital in cancer patients at the end of life
M. Van Klinken, Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-
AVL), Amsterdam, NL

15:45 - 15:55 CN1 - Nurses’ emotional affect when caring for cancer patients undergoing
deep sedation: Findings from a meta-synthesis
L. Cadorin1, E. Boccalon2, 1CRO Aviano - Centro di Riferimento Oncologico - IRCCS,
Aviano, IT, 2Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano (CRO) IRCCS, 33081 Aviano,
Italy, Aviano, IT

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:55 - 16:05 CN2 - An Updated Evidence on the Effects of Spiritual Interventions in Cancer:
A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis
N. Izgu1, Z. Gok Metin1, H. Eroglu2, R. Semerci3, H. Pars4, 1Hacettepe University -
Faculty of Nursing, Ankara, TR, 2Lokman Hekim University, Ankara, TR, 3Koc University
Hospital, Istanbul, TR, 4Hacettepe University Health Sciences Institute, Ankara, TR

16:05 - 16:15 CN3 - Existential distress in Head-and-neck male cancer patients. A

comprehensive study of demographic factors
L. Sanz Monge1, J. Garrido Gallego1, P. Palao Contell1, P.J. Gomez Garcia1, C. Pertusa
Gomez1, L. Santa Cruz Ramis1, A. Cunquero Tomas1, A. Berrocal2, 1CHGUV - Consorcio
Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, ES, 2Hospital General
Universitario Valencia, Valencia, ES

16:15 - 16:30 Q&A and discussion

15:00 - 16:30 Type: EONS Industry Satellite Symposium Segovia Auditorium - Hall
Title: Daiichi-Sankyo & AstraZeneca - The 7
guiding hand in patient care: Managing Antibody-Drug Conjugate
(ADC) related adverse events
Chair(s): Andreas Charalambous, CY

15:00 - 15:05 Welcome and introduction

A. Charalambous, Cyprus University of Technology - Nursing Science, Limassol, CY

15:05 - 15:20 The current context and use of ADC in metastatic breast cancer
C. Saura Manich, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

15:20 - 15:40 Managing ADC-related adverse events: How nurses contribute to improving
patient outcomes
D. Dohnal-Suvajac, Landesklinikum LK Thermenregion Moedling, Moedling, AT

15:40 - 16:00 Working together: Multidisciplinary management of real-world metastatic

breast cancer cases
M. Lapuente, St. Bartholomew's Hospital - Barts Health NHS Trust, London, GB

16:00 - 16:30 Panel discussion and Q&A

A. Charalambous1, C. Saura Manich2, D. Dohnal-Suvajac3, M. Lapuente4, 1Cyprus
University of Technology - Nursing Science, Limassol, CY, 2Vall d'Hebron University
Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 3Landesklinikum LK Thermenregion Moedling, Moedling, AT,
4St. Bartholomew's Hospital - Barts Health NHS Trust, London, GB

16:30 - 18:00 Type: Proffered Paper session Barcelona Auditorium -

Title: Presidential Symposium 2 Hall 2

16:30 - 18:00 Type: Educational session Granada Auditorium - Hall

Title: What we know and what we should know on 6
immunotherapy and endometrial cancer (EC)
Chair(s): Ana Oaknin, ES

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

16:30 - 16:50 Should IO be considered the new standard of care in advanced EC?
A. Oaknin, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

16:50 - 17:10 Digging into the biology: Who are the responders?
X. Matias-Guiu, IDIBELL - Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute, Hospitalet de
Llobregat, ES

17:10 - 17:30 Enhancing the checkpoints' activity in pMMR

V. Makker, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York City, US

17:30 - 17:50 Overcoming the resistance to IO: What can we do?

F. Marmé, UMM - Universitaetsklinikum Mannheim - Medizinische Fakultaet,
Mannheim, DE

17:50 - 18:00 Q&A and discussion

16:30 - 17:45 Type: Multidisciplinary session Santander Auditorium -

Title: Definition and clinical implication of Hall 5
response in localised sarcomas
Chair(s): Kjetil Boye, NO

16:30 - 16:35 Presentation of case/condition

16:35 - 16:50 How to define pathologic response?

J. Bovée, LUMC-Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, NL

16:50 - 17:05 The radiologist point of view

W. Kunz, LMU - Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Munich, DE

17:05 - 17:20 Impact on surgery: Extremities and other sites

S. Bonvalot, Institut Curie, Paris, FR

17:20 - 17:35 Impact on surgery: Other tumour locations

W. Van Houdt, NKI-AVL - Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Hospital, Amsterdam, NL

17:35 - 17:45 Discussion

16:30 - 18:00 Type: Special session Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: Current advances in clinical pharmacology Hall 3
within oncology, and its relevance for daily practice
Chair(s): Ron Mathijssen, NL; Emiliano Calvo, ES

16:30 - 16:35 Introduction

E. Calvo, CIOCC - Centro Integral Oncológico Clara Campal, Hospital Universitario HM
Sanchinarro, Madrid, ES

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

16:35 - 16:55 Implementation in clinical practice of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of
kinase inhibitors anno 2024
R. Mathijssen, Erasmus MC Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, Rotterdam, NL

16:55 - 17:15 The advantages of boosting studies to increase drug exposure of anticancer
N. Van Erp, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Nijmegen, NL

17:15 - 17:35 Cost-effectiveness of optimized immunotherapy dosing

M. Del Re, University of Pisa - DAM, Pisa, IT

17:35 - 17:55 Pharmacology and dose-selection of ADCs

E. Calvo, CIOCC - Centro Integral Oncológico Clara Campal, Hospital Universitario HM
Sanchinarro, Madrid, ES

17:55 - 18:00 Conclusions

R. Mathijssen, Erasmus MC Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, Rotterdam, NL

16:30 - 18:00 Type: Proffered Paper session Zaragoza Auditorium -

Title: Proffered paper session: Policy and CC5
preventive strategies
Chair(s): Dario Trapani, IT

16:30 - 16:40 1535O - Cost and value of EMA-registered checkpoint inhibitors for solid
tumours in the Netherlands
A. Huisman1, S. Koole2, M. Wymenga3, A. Pisters4, H. Gelderblom1, S. Van Waalwijk Van
Doorn-Khosrovani5, 1Leiden Univeristy Medical Center, Leiden, NL, 2Zilveren Kruis
Health Insurance, Zeist, NL, 3MST - Medisch Spectrum Twente, Enschede, NL, 4CZ,
Tilburg, NL, 5LUMC - Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, NL

16:40 - 16:50 1536O - Indication-specific pricing and weighted-average pricing: Estimated

price and cost savings for cancer drugs
D. Michaeli1, C. Michaeli2, 1National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg,
Heidelberg, DE, 2UMM - Universitaetsklinikum Mannheim, Mannheim, DE

16:50 - 17:00 1537O - Value of Immune Checkpoint Blockade (ICB) in Microsatellite

Stable/Mismatch Repair Proficient (MSS/pMMR) Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
B. Geisler1, S. Meltzer1, E. Burger2, E. Aas2, A. Ree1, 1Akershus University Hospital HF,
Lorenskog, NO, 2University of Oslo, Oslo, NO

17:00 - 17:10 Invited Discussant 1535O, 1536O and 1537O

D. Trapani, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, IT

17:10 - 17:20 Q&A

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17:20 - 17:30 1538O - Environmental Pollutants and Molecular Alterations in Non-Small Cell
Lung Cancer: Insights from the KBP-2020 Cohort Study
A. Cortot1, M. Genin1, F. Occelli2, L. Dauchet2, V. Leblanc2, E. Auvray3, M. Sabatini4, F.
Goupil5, C. Dussopt6, S. Thierry7, P. Masson8, M. Jaafar9, C. Marthy10, C. Maurer11, S.
Dehette12, E. Wasielewski1, A. Hamroun1, D. Debieuvre13, S. Leblanc1, 1CHU Lille -
Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Lille, Lille, FR, 2Univ. Lille, Lille, FR, 3CH
Aix-les-Bains, Aix-les-Bains, FR, 4Centre Hospitalier de la Côte Basque, Bayonne, FR,
5Hospital Center- Le Mans, Le Mans, FR, 6L'Hopital Nord Ouest - Villefranche-Sur-

Saone, Villefranche-Sur-Saone, FR, 7Centre Hospitalier d'Arras, Amilly, FR, 8CH Cholet,
Cholet, FR, 9CH Eure-Seine Evreux, Évreux, CEDEX, FR, 10CH Saint-Nazaire, Saint-
Nazaire, FR, 11Groupe Hospitalier Intercommunal Le Raincy Montfermeil, Montfermeil,
FR, 12Centre Hospitalier de Cannes, Cannes, FR, 13GHRMSA, Mulhouse, FR

17:30 - 17:40 Invited Discussant 1538O

17:40 - 17:50 Q&A

16:45 - 17:45 Type: EONS session Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7

Title: MASCC-EONS collaborative session: Nursing researchers’
role in supportive care implementation
Chair(s): Matthew Fowler, GB; Carlos Fernandes Cargaleiro, GB

16:45 - 17:00 Cancer nursing research priorities on supportive care in Europe: Results of a
mixed methods study
M. Dowling, NUI - National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, IE

17:00 - 17:15 The role of cancer nurse scientists in advancing supportive care
G. Kotronoulas, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

17:15 - 17:25 CN29 - Short term effects of self-care behaviours on quality of life for patients
on oral anticancer agents
M. Di Nitto1, F. Lacarbonara2, S. Ucciero2, T. Bolgeo3, V. Damico4, G. Ghizzardi5, S.R.
Zerulo6, R. Alvaro2, F. Torino7, E. Vellone2, 1University of Genoa, Genoa, IT, 2University
of Rome Tor Vergata - School of Medicine and Surgery, Rome, IT, 3Azienda Ospedaliero
Universitaria SS Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo, Alessandria, IT, 4Azienda Socio-
Sanitaria Territoriale di Lecco, Lecco, IT, 5Azienda Socio​ Sanitaria Territoriale di Lodi,
Lodi, IT, 6Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria - Ospedali Riuniti Foggia, Foggia, IT,
7University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, IT

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

17:25 - 17:35 CN47 - Consensus Research Priorities for Cancer Nursing in Europe: A Delphi
A. Drury1, M. Dowling2, S. Colomer-Lahiguera3, N. Efstathiou4, C. Semple5, P.
Fernández Ortega6, K. Dieperink7, E. Pape8, G. Kotronoulas9, S. Miguel10, G.
Bagcivan11, 1DCU - Dublin City University, Dublin, IE, 2NUI - National University of
Ireland Galway, Galway, IE, 3Institute of Higher Education and Research in Healthcare -
IUFRS, CHUV, Lausanne, CH, 4The University of Birmingham - Medical School,
Birmingham, GB, 5Ulster Hospital - South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust,
Dundonald, GB, 6ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia l'Hospitalet (Hospital Duran i
Reynals), L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, ES, 7Odense University Hospital, Odense C, DK,
8UZ Gent - Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent, Gent, BE, 9University of Glasgow, Glasgow,

GB, 10Instituto Portuguès de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil E.P.E. (IPO Lisboa),
Lisbon, PT, 11Koc University - School of Nursing, Istanbul, TR

17:35 - 17:45 Q&A and discussion

17:00 - 17:45 Type: Challenge your Expert Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: New horizons in T cell lymphoma: From 3
classification to clinic
Chair(s): Francesco D'Amore, DK

17:00 - 17:20 Presentation by Expert

W.S. Kim, Samsung Medical Center (SMC), Seoul, KR

17:20 - 17:45 Discussion led by Chair

F. D'Amore, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, DK

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Burgos Auditorium - Hall

Title: Exact Sciences - Tools to guide treatment 5
decisions in early breast cancer: Genomic testing and role of MRD
Chair(s): Nicholas Turner, GB

18:30 - 18:40 Welcome and Introduction

N. Turner, The Royal Marsden Hospital - Chelsea, London, GB

18:40 - 19:00 Tissue-based genomics to guide adjuvant therapy decisions in early breast
J. Walshe, St Vincent's University Hospital, Dublin, IE

19:00 - 19:15 Evolving role of genomic assays in early breast cancer

M. Martin Jimenez, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon, Madrid, ES

19:15 - 19:25 Potential of MRD in breast cancer

N. Turner, The Royal Marsden Hospital - Chelsea, London, GB

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19:25 - 19:40 Evolving role of MRD guided decision making in early breast cancer
S. Loi, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, AU

19:40 - 19:50 Optimizing the approach to MRD assay development

R. Baehner, Exact Sciences Corporation, Madison, US

19:50 - 20:00 Panel discussion

N. Turner1, M. Martin Jimenez2, S. Loi3, J. Walshe4, R. Baehner5, 1The Royal Marsden
Hospital - Chelsea, London, GB, 2Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon,
Madrid, ES, 3Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, AU, 4St Vincent's University
Hospital, Dublin, IE, 5Exact Sciences Corporation, Madison, US

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Salamanca Auditorium -

Title: PeerVoice - Innovation and Hall 5
Individualisation in mHSPC and nmCRPC: Optimising Patient
Outcomes and Experiences
Chair(s): Elena Castro, ES

18:30 - 18:33 Welcome and Introduction

E. Castro, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

18:33 - 19:18 Individualising Treatment Intensification in mHSPC: Why We Should and How
We Can
E. Castro1, F. Saad2, M. Boegemann3, 1Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid,
ES, 2Centre Hospitalier de Universite to Montréal (CHUM), Montreal, CA, 3UKM -
University Hospital Muenster, Muenster, DE

19:18 - 19:30 Audience Q&A: Seeking Solutions to Current Challenges in mHSPC

E. Castro1, F. Saad2, M. Boegemann3, 1Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid,
ES, 2Centre Hospitalier de Universite to Montréal (CHUM), Montreal, CA, 3UKM -
University Hospital Muenster, Muenster, DE

19:30 - 19:45 Improving Patient Outcomes While Prioritising the Patient Experience in
nmCRPC: Can We Do Both?
E. Castro1, F. Saad2, M. Boegemann3, 1Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid,
ES, 2Centre Hospitalier de Universite to Montréal (CHUM), Montreal, CA, 3UKM -
University Hospital Muenster, Muenster, DE

19:45 - 19:57 Audience Q&A: Expert Insights on Your Inquiries in nmCRPC

E. Castro1, F. Saad2, M. Boegemann3, 1Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid,
ES, 2Centre Hospitalier de Universite to Montréal (CHUM), Montreal, CA, 3UKM -
University Hospital Muenster, Muenster, DE

19:57 - 20:00 Final Remarks, Conclusions, and Closing

E. Castro, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Santander Auditorium -
Title: Pfizer Oncology - Setting a new benchmark Hall 5
for ALK+ aNSCLC targeted therapy
Chair(s): Tony S.K. Mok, HK

18:30 - 18:35 Welcome and introduction

T.S.K. Mok, Prince of Wales Hospital - Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics, Sha Tin, HK

18:35 - 19:00 A leap forward in the 1L ALK+ aNSCLC treatment landscape

J. Gainor, MGH - Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, US

19:00 - 19:20 Optimising 1L treatment in clinical practice

T.S.K. Mok, Prince of Wales Hospital - Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics, Sha Tin, HK

19:20 - 19:40 Practical strategies for managing adverse events

E. Felip, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

19:40 - 19:55 ALK+ aNSCLC treatment expectations now and in the future
T.S.K. Mok, Prince of Wales Hospital - Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics, Sha Tin, HK

19:55 - 20:00 Meeting close

T.S.K. Mok, Prince of Wales Hospital - Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics, Sha Tin, HK

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: MSD - Advancements in Women's Health: 5
Innovations in HPV Vaccination, Cervical Cancer, and Endometrial
Cancer Treatment
Chair(s): Ana Oaknin, ES

18:30 - 18:35 Introductions and Objectives

A. Oaknin, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

18:35 - 18:50 Innovations in Cervical Cancer and Endometrial Cancer: Current Treatment
A. Oaknin, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

18:50 - 19:00 Prevention: HPV Immunization and Cervical Cancer Elimination

M. Del Pino Saldrigues, Universitat de Barcelona - Facultat de Medicina, Barcelona, ES

19:00 - 19:20 Advancements in Cervical Cancer Management: Comprehensive Strategies for

Locally Advanced and First-line Metastatic Disease
D. Lorusso, Humanitas San Pio X, Milan, IT

19:20 - 19:40 Advancing the Frontiers: State-of-the-Art Approaches in Endometrial Cancer

R. Eskander, University of California San Diego - UCSD, La Jolla, US

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

19:40 - 19:50 Q&A
A. Oaknin1, D. Lorusso2, R. Eskander3, M. Del Pino Saldrigues4, 1Vall d'Hebron
University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 2Humanitas San Pio X, Milan, IT, 3University of
California San Diego - UCSD, La Jolla, US, 4Universitat de Barcelona - Facultat de
Medicina, Barcelona, ES

19:50 - 20:00 Closing

A. Oaknin, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: Boehringer Ingelheim - Emerging 3
therapies in clinical practice: What are the patient perspectives
on the future of lung cancer treatment?
Chair(s): Martin Wermke, DE

18:30 - 18:35 Welcome & Introducion

M. Wermke, Dresden University, Dresden, DE

18:35 - 18:50 Unmet needs and future perspectives for treatment of lung cancer
G. Ruiter, NKI-AVL - Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital,
Amsterdam, NL

18:50 - 19:10 Emerging targeted therapies in lung cancers of neuroendocrine origin: DLL3
M. Wermke, Dresden University, Dresden, DE

19:10 - 19:40 Selectively targeting HER2 in NSCLC

J. Zugazagoitia, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

19:40 - 19:55 Panel discussion and audience Q&A

M. Wermke1, G. Ruiter2, J. Zugazagoitia3, 1Dresden University, Dresden, DE, 2NKI-AVL -
Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, NL,
3Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

19:55 - 20:00 Chair’s closing remarks

M. Wermke, Dresden University, Dresden, DE

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: Illumina - Liquid biopsy-based biomarkers Hall 3
for cancer profiling and monitoring: current and future
Chair(s): Umberto Malapelle, IT

18:30 - 18:35 Welcome

U. Malapelle, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II - Scuola di Medicina e
Chirurgia, Napoli, IT

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

18:35 - 18:50 Introduction to the value of liquid biopsy testing in oncology
U. Malapelle, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II - Scuola di Medicina e
Chirurgia, Napoli, IT

18:50 - 19:05 National implementation of Liquid Biopsy testing for Non Small Cell Lung
Cancer – QuicDNA
M. Meissner, Velindre Cancer Centre - Velindre NHS University Trust - NHS Wales,
Cardiff, GB

19:05 - 19:20 Added value of Liquid Biopsy testing in advanced cancer – IMPRESS NORWAY
Å. Helland, Oslo University Hospital - The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo, NO

19:20 - 19:35 The Value of Liquid Biopsy Testing in Colorectal Cancer: The Patient Advocacy
S. Rowley, Inspire2Live, Amsterdam, NL

19:35 - 20:00 Panel discuss

U. Malapelle1, M. Meissner2, Å. Helland3, S. Rowley4, 1Università degli Studi di Napoli
Federico II - Scuola di Medicina e Chirurgia, Napoli, IT, 2Velindre Cancer Centre -
Velindre NHS University Trust - NHS Wales, Cardiff, GB, 3Oslo University Hospital - The
Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo, NO, 4Inspire2Live, Amsterdam, NL

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: Bristol Myers Squibb - Developments in 3
Genitourinary Cancer Management: Joint Decision Making in
MIUC and Advanced RCC
Chair(s): Michael Jewett, CA; Andrea Necchi, IT; Laurence Albiges, FR

18:30 - 18:40 Welcome and Introduction

M. Jewett, University of Toronto - St. George Campus, Toronto, CA

18:40 - 19:00 Clinical Considerations in Early Stages of Cancer: the MIUC Experience
A. Necchi, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, IT

19:00 - 19:20 Role of Long-term Efficacy, Safety Outcomes and Different Routes of
Administration in the Advance Disease Setting: the RCC Experience
L. Albiges, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

19:20 - 19:40 Improving Joint Decision Making in Genitourinary Cancers

M. Jewett, University of Toronto - St. George Campus, Toronto, CA

19:40 - 19:55 Q&A Session

M. Jewett1, A. Necchi2, L. Albiges3, 1University of Toronto - St. George Campus,
Toronto, CA, 2IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, IT, 3Institut Gustave Roussy,
Villejuif, Cedex, FR

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

19:55 - 20:00 Closing Remarks
L. Albiges, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3

Title: Merck Global Medical Oncology Team - Shaping the Future:
Breakthroughs and challenges in mCRC
Chair(s): Gerald Prager, AT

18:30 - 18:35 Welcome and opening

G. Prager1, C. Parseghian2, 1Universitätskliniken der MedUni Wien - AKH Wien, Vienna,
AT, 2MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US

18:35 - 18:50 Which treatment for which patient? Exploring selection in the RAS wt setting
M. Scartozzi, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, IT

18:50 - 19:05 Does age matter? Assessing treatment options for older and younger patients in
the adjuvant and metastatic settings
D. Papamichael, Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre, Nicosia, CY

19:05 - 19:20 Can we improve outcomes for KRAS mt and BRAF mt disease?
C. Parseghian, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US

19:20 - 19:35 Looking ahead: Exploring novel strategies with ongoing clinical trials
G. Prager, Universitätskliniken der MedUni Wien - AKH Wien, Vienna, AT

19:35 - 19:55 Time to ask your questions! Panel discussion

G. Prager1, M. Scartozzi2, C. Parseghian3, D. Papamichael4, 1Universitätskliniken der
MedUni Wien - AKH Wien, Vienna, AT, 2University of Cagliari, Cagliari, IT, 3MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 4Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre, Nicosia, CY

19:55 - 20:00 Meeting Close

G. Prager1, C. Parseghian2, 1Universitätskliniken der MedUni Wien - AKH Wien, Vienna,
AT, 2MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Mini Oral session Barcelona Auditorium -
Title: Mini oral session 2: Breast cancer, Hall 2
Chair(s): Carmen Criscitiello, IT; Sandra Ximena Franco Millan, CO

08:30 - 08:35 347MO - The safety and efficacy of ivonescimab in combination with
chemotherapy as first-line (1L) treatment for triple-negative breast cancer
Q. Ouyang1, X. Wang2, C. Tian1, X. Shao2, J. Huang2, Z.-H. Chen2, Y. Wang3, T. Sun4, T.
Yi5, X. Yu6, Z.M. Wang6, B. Li6, Y. Xia6, 1Hunan Cancer Hospital, Changsha, CN,
2Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, Hangzhou, CN, 3Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Shandong

First Medical University, Jinan, CN, 4Liaoning Cancer Hospital & Institute, Shenyang,
CN, 5Xiangyang Central Hospital, Xiangyang, CN, 6Akeso Biopharma Inc., Zhongshan,

08:35 - 08:40 348MO - A Phase Ib/II Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of
PM8002/BNT327 in Combination with Nab-Paclitaxel for First Line Treatment
of Locally Advanced or Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
J. Wu1, J. Zhang2, Z. Tong3, Q. Zhang4, Y. Wang5, Q. Cheng6, X. Chen7, Z. Li8, Y. Yin9, Y.
Du2, Y. Meng2, 1Fudan University Cancer Institute, Shanghai, CN, 2Fudan University
Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, CN, 3TMUCIH - Tianjin Medical University Cancer
Institute and Hospital, Tianjin, CN, 4Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital,
Harbin, CN, 5Shandong Cancer Hospital, Shandong University, Jinan, CN, 6The First
Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, CN, 7Yibin Second
People's Hospital, Yibin, CN, 8Jiangxi Medical College of Nanchang University - Donghu
Campus, Nanchang, CN, 9Jiangsu Province Hospital/The First Affiliated Hospital of
Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, CN

08:40 - 08:45 349MO - Results from a Phase Ia/Ib Study of ESG401, a Novel Trop2 Antibody-
Drug Conjugate, in Patients with Different Subtypes of Metastatic Breast
F. Ma1, F. Qiu2, Z. Tong3, J. Wang4, Y. Shi3, Y. Zhang5, G. Yu6, H. Shi7, X. Wu8, A. Liu9, Y.
Zhang10, H. Wang11, Y. Cheng12, H. Yang13, H. Li14, J. Chang15, X. Xing16, 1Chinese
Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College - National Cancer
Center, Cancer Hospital, Beijing, CN, 2The Second Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang
University School of Medicine, Zhejiang, CN, 3TMUCIH - Tianjin Medical University
Cancer Institute and Hospital, Tianjin, CN, 4Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of
Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, CN, 5The Second Affiliated
Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, CN, 6WEIFANG PEOPLE'S
HOSPITAL, Weifang, CN, 7First Affiliated Hospital of Gannan Medical university,
Ganzhou, CN, 8Hubei Cancer Hospital, wuhan, CN, 9The Second Affiliated Hospital of
Nanchang University, Nanchang, CN, 10Beijing Hospital, Beijing, CN, 11Nanchang
People’s Hospital Affiliated of Nanchang Medical College, Nanchang, CN, 12Jilin Cancer
Hospital, Changchun, CN, 13Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University, Baoding, CN,
14Peking University Cancer Hospital and Institute, Beijing, CN, 15THE AFFILIATED


Biotechnology Co., Ltd, Shanghai, CN

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:45 - 09:00 Invited Discussant 347MO, 348MO and 349MO
C. Criscitiello, IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia IRCCS, Milan, IT

09:00 - 09:05 One LBA TBC

09:05 - 09:10 320MO - Tibremciclib (BPI-16350) plus fulvestrant in patients with HR+/HER2-
advanced breast cancer after progressing on endocrine therapy: A randomized,
multicenter, double-blind, phase III study
X. Hu1, Z. Tao1, S. Wang2, J. Zhang1, Q. Zheng2, Y. Wang3, L. Cai4, H. Xu5, X. Xu6, X.
Kong7, S. Ding8, C. Hao9, H. Wang10, H. Zong11, X. Jin12, X. Wang13, Y. Li14, X. Yang15,
L. Ding16, P. Li16, 1Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, CN, 2Sun Yat-
sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, CN, 3Shandong Cancer Hospital, Jinan, CN,
4Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital, Harbin, CN, 5Weihai Municipal Hospital,

Weihai, CN, 6Yichang Central People's Hospital, Yichang, CN, 7Xingtai People's
Hospital, Xingtai, CN, 8The Central Hospital of Yongzhou, Yongzhou, CN, 9Tianjin
Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital, Tianjin, CN, 10Sichuan Cancer
Hospital, Chengdu, CN, 11The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University,
Zhengzhou, CN, 12The First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College, Bengbu, CN,
13The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang,

CN, 14The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, CN, 15The
First Affiliated Hospital of Nanyang Medical College, Nanyang, CN, 16Betta
Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, CN

09:10 - 09:15 350MO - Omission of chemotherapy and addition of the CDK4/6 inhibitor
ribociclib in HER2-positive and hormone-receptor positive metastatic breast
cancer– second interim efficacy analysis of the randomized Phase III DETECT V
W. Janni1, T. Fehm2, V. Mueller3, A. De Gregorio4, T. Decker5, A. Hartkopf6, M. Just7, J.
Sagasser8, M. Schmidt9, P. Wimberger10, T. Engler6, M. Banys- Paluchowski11, P.A.
Fasching12, B. Rack1, A. Schneeweiss13, J.-U. Blohmer14, J. Huober15, K. Pantel16, T.
Friedl1, F. Schochter17, 1Ulm University Hospital, Ulm, DE, 2UKD -
Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, DE, 3UKE Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-
Eppendorf KMTZ, Hamburg, DE, 4SLK Kliniken, Heilbronn, DE, 5Onkologie
Hamatologie Ravensburg, Ravensburg, DE, 6University Hospital of Tübingen,
Tuebingen, DE, 7Onkologische Schwerpunktpraxis, Bielefeld, DE, 8University Hospital
Augsburg, Augsburg, DE, 9Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Mainz, Mainz, DE, 10Universitaetsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden, Dresden, DE,
11UKSH - Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein - Campus Lübeck, Lübeck, DE,
12University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, DE, 13German Cancer Research Center -

National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT), Heidelberg, DE, 14Charité –

Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, DE, 15Kantonsspital St. Gallen, St. Gallen, CH,
16University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, DE,
17Universitätsklinikum Ulm, Ulm, DE

09:15 - 09:30 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC, 320MO and 350MO
S.X. Franco Millan, CTIC Centro de Tratamiento e Investigacion Sobre Cancer, Bogota,

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:30 - 09:45 Type: Multidisciplinary session Madrid Auditorium - Hall
Title: Improving outcome in long-term survivors 2
with metastatic NSCLC
Chair(s): Silvia Novello, IT

08:30 - 08:35 Presentation of case/condition

M. Gemelli, IRCCS MultiMedica, Milan, IT

08:35 - 08:55 Radionecrosis

L. Hendriks, Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC), Maastricht, NL

08:55 - 09:15 Consolidation in oligo-persistent

M. Guckenberger, USZ - University Hospital Zürich, Zurich, CH

09:15 - 09:35 Quality of life

S. Novello, Università Degli Studi Di Torino - Orbassano, Orbassano, IT

09:35 - 09:45 Discussion

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Proffered Paper session Sevilla Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Proffered Paper session 2: GU, non-prostate
Chair(s): Shilpa Gupta, US

08:30 - 08:40 One LBA TBC

08:40 - 08:50 One LBA TBC

08:50 - 09:00 One LBA TBC

09:00 - 09:10 1960O - Identification of bladder cancer patients that could benefit from early
post-cystectomy immunotherapy based on serial circulating tumour DNA
(ctDNA) testing: preliminary results from the TOMBOLA trial
J. Bjerggaard Jensen1, K. Birkenkamp-Demtröder1, I. Nordentoft1, R.V. Milling1, S.K.
Körner1, S.B. Brandt1, M. Knudsen1, G.W. Lam2, L. Dohn2, K. Fabrin3, A. Carus3, A.
Petersen3, U.N. Joensen4, H. Pappot4, P.S. Holt5, N.V. Jensen5, M. Agerbæk6, L.
Dyrskjot1, 1Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus N, DK, 2Herlev and Gentofte Hospital,
Herlev, DK, 3Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, DK, 4Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen,
DK, 5OUH - Odense University Hospital, Odense, DK, 6Aarhus University Hospital,
Aarhus, DK

09:10 - 09:20 Invited Discussant three LBAs TBC and 1960O

09:20 - 09:30 Q&A

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

09:30 - 09:40 1961O - Nivolumab plus chemoradiotherapy in patients with non-metastatic
muscle-invasive bladder cancer (nmMIBC), not undergoing cystectomy: a phase
II, randomized study by the Hellenic GU Cancer Group.
A. Kougioumtzopoulou1, K. Koutsoukos2, R. Zakopoulou1, K. Tzannis3, A. Kyriazoglou1,
A. Damatopoulou4, M. Liontos5, M. Pispirigkou6, K. Ntoumas7, K. Stravodimos8, D.
Mitropoulos8, A. Dellis9, A. Papatsoris10, M. Chrisofos11, D. Kardamakis6, A.
Zygogianni12, Z. Liakouli4, G. Pissakas4, A. Bamias13, V. Kouloulias14, 1Attikon
University Hospital, Haidari, GR, 2Metropolitan Hospital, Athens, GR, 32nd
Propaedeutic Department of Internal Medicine, Athens, GR, 4General Hospital of Athens
Alexandra, Athens, Greece, Athens, GR, 5Alexandra Hospital, Athens, GR, 6University
Hospital Patras, Patras, GR, 7General Hospital of Athens G.N.A. G. Gennimatas, Athens,
GR, 8National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Laiko Hospital, Athens, GR, 9School
of Medicine, Aretaieion Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Athens, Greece, Athens, GR, 10School of Medicine, Sismanoglio Hospital, National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, GR, 11Attikon University Hospital, School of
Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,, Athens, GR, 121st
Department of Radiology, Medical School, Aretaieion Hospital, National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, GR, 13National & Kapodistrian University of
Athens, University Hospital Attikon, Athens, GR, 14Radiotherapy Unit, National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens, Attikon University Hospital, School of Medicine,
Athens, Greece, Athens, GR

09:40 - 09:50 1962O - Health-related quality of life from the CheckMate 901 trial of
nivolumab as first-line therapy for unresectable or metastatic urothelial
J. Bedke1, W. Liao2, L. Shi2, S. Blum3, M. Patel3, T. Powles4, 1Eberhard Karls University
Tübingen, Tübingen, DE, 2Evidera, Bethesda, US, 3Bristol Myers Squibb, Princeton, US,
4Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, London, GB

09:50 - 10:00 One LBA TBC

10:00 - 10:10 Invited Discussant 1961O, 1962O and one LBA TBC
S. Gupta, Taussig Cancer Center-Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, US

10:10 - 10:20 Q&A

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Mini Oral session Bilbao Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Mini oral session: GI tumours, upper
Chair(s): Arndt Vogel, DE; James Harding, US

08:30 - 08:35 One LBA TBC

08:35 - 08:40 One LBA TBC

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:40 - 08:45 1402MO - An international study evaluating pathological response to guide
adjuvant FLOT chemotherapy in gastroesophageal cancer
D. Liu1, K. Hall1, D. Wong2, M. Lee3, C. Duong1, T. Bright4, A. Aly2, D. Watson4, 1Peter
MacCallum Cancer Center, Melbourne, AU, 2Austin Health - Austin Hospital,
Heidelberg, AU, 3Eastern Health Clinical School - Monash University, Box Hill, AU,
4FMC - Flinders Medical Centre, Bedford Park, AU

08:45 - 09:00 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC and 1402MO

09:00 - 09:05 One LBA TBC

09:05 - 09:10 1504MO - Phase 2 Trial of Pembrolizumab and OLApaRib (POLAR) Maintenance
for Select Patients (pts) with Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer (mPC) with (A)
Homologous Recombination Deficiency (HRD), (B) non-core HRD (ncHRD) and
(C) Exceptional Response to Platinum
W. Park1, C. Oconnor2, J. Chou3, C. Schwartz2, M. Larsen4, A. Varghese5, K. Yu5, F.
Balogun5, J. Yang2, S. Katz6, D. Kelsen3, S. Umeda3, C. Bandlamudi2, N. Riaz7, M.
Berger2, V. Balachandran8, D. Peer3, M. Capanu3, C. Iacobuzio-Donahue3, E. O'Reilly1,
1Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, David M. Rubenstein Center for Pancreatic

Cancer Research, Weill Cornell Medical College, Parker Institute for Cancer
Immunotherapy, New York, US, 2Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York,
US, 3Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, David M. Rubenstein Center for
Pancreatic Cancer Research, New York, US, 4Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center,
David M. Rubenstein Center for Pancreatic Cancer Research,, New York, US, 5Memorial
Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, David M. Rubenstein Center for Pancreatic Cancer
Research, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, US, 6MSKCC, New York, US,
7MSKCC - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US, 8Memorial Sloan

Kettering, David M. Rubenstein Center for Pancreatic Cancer Research, New York, US

09:10 - 09:25 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC and 1504MO

A. Vogel, MHH - Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, DE

09:25 - 09:30 One LBA TBC

09:30 - 09:35 One LBA TBC

09:35 - 09:40 One LBA TBC

09:40 - 09:45 One LBA TBC

09:45 - 10:00 Invited Discussant four LBAs TBC

J. Harding, Memorial Sloan Kettering Evelyn H. Lauder Breast Center, New York, US

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Educational session Granada Auditorium - Hall
Title: Protein degradation as a novel approach 6
for cancer therapy
Chair(s): Sophie Postel-Vinay, FR

08:30 - 08:55 Targeted protein degradation: Pharmacological aspects

J. Rodon, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center - Main Building,
Houston, US

08:55 - 09:20 Designing protein degraders for cancer treatment

Z. Rankovic, ICR - The Institute of Cancer Research - North Site, Sutton, GB

09:20 - 09:45 Degraders and molecular glues: Where are we in the clinic now?
S. Postel-Vinay, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, FR

09:45 - 10:00 Q&A and discussion

08:30 - 09:45 Type: Multidisciplinary session Burgos Auditorium - Hall

Title: Survivors of advanced melanoma: 5
Management and support
Chair(s): Karijn Suijkerbuijk, NL; Mora Guardamagna, ES

08:30 - 08:35 Case presentation

M. Guardamagna, Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria, Malaga, ES

08:35 - 08:55 Managing long-term treatment sequelae

C. Nardin, CHRU Besancon - Hopital Jean Minjoz, Besancon, FR

08:55 - 09:15 Psychological support and resilience

M. Van Der Lee, Helen Dowling Institute, Bilthoven, NL

09:15 - 09:35 Neuro-cognitive remediation in case of permanent neurological deficits

A. Rogiers, UZ Brussel - Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Jette, BE

09:35 - 09:45 Discussion

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Mini Oral session Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Mini oral session: Basic science & 5
Translational research
Chair(s): Angela George, GB; Göran Jönsson, SE; Daniela Thommen, NL

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

08:30 - 08:35 69MO - Organ-specific performance of a multi-analyte, multi-cancer early
detection (MCED) blood test in a prospectively-collected cohort
C. Douville1, V. Gainullin2, K. Arvai2, M. Gray2, M. Kumar2, M. Manesse2, X. Chen2, P.
Uren2, G. Cerqueira2, G. Silvestri3, D. Chesla4, R. Given5, A. Mazloom2, J. Garces2, T.
Beer2, F. Diehl2, 1Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, US, 2Exact Sciences
Corporation, Madison, US, 3Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, US,
4Corewell Health, Grand Rapids, US, 5Urology of Virginia, Virginia Beach, US

08:35 - 08:40 70MO - Cell-free DNA indicates potential preclinical detectability of cancer
signals up to 30 months prior to diagnosis
C. Vachon1, R. Jiang2, J. Youngren2, E. Fung2, E. Hubbell2, O. Venn2, X. Hou2, K.
Giridhar1, F. Couch1, B. Rybicki3, R. Korn4, Z. Alhilli5, D. Kurbegov6, 1Mayo Clinic -
Rochester, Rochester, US, 2GRAIL, LLC, Menlo Park, US, 3Henry Ford Health &
Michigan State University, Detroit, US, 4Southwest Medical Imaging, Scottsdale, US,
5Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, US, 6Sarah Cannon Research Institute, Nashville, US

08:40 - 08:45 1171MO - AI-Derived Diagnostic Criteria for Early Lung Cancer Screening
using Primary Care Health Records
A. Houston, S. Williams, W. Ricketts, C. Gutteridge, J. Conibear, Barts Health NHS
Trust, London, GB

08:45 - 09:00 Invited Discussant 69MO, 70MO and 1171MO

A. George, The Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, GB

09:00 - 09:05 71MO - Clinical and biomarker analyses of intratumoral CD40 agonist
sotigalimab in combination with pembrolizumab in metastatic melanoma: a
phase 1/2 trial
S.-E. Bentebibel1, D. Mcgrail2, R. Abdel Wahab1, V. Kochat1, E. Arslan1, B. Pazdrak1,
N.H. Tahon1, R. Amaria1, I. Glitza1, S. Patel1, M.K.K. Wong1, H. Tawbi1, J. Mcquade1, M.
Davies1, C. Bernatchez1, J. Burks3, K. Rai1, S. Ekmekcioglu1, L. Lizée1, A. Diab1, 1The
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 2University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 3The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer,
Houston, Texas, USA., Houston, US

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

09:05 - 09:10 72MO - Concurrent BRAF targeted therapy (TT) with dabrafenib and trametinib
and anti-PD-1 agent pembrolizumab (PD1) increased B cell signalling and
inflammatory pathways more effectively than when given sequentially or with
anti-PD-1 alone
J. Braden1, J. Conway1, A. Ramanathan1, L. Smith1, A. Menzies2, M. Carlino3, G. Au-
Yeung4, R. Rawson5, K. Shannon6, T. Pennington6, S. Ch'Ng6, R. Saw7, A. Spillane6, D.
Gyokri4, J. Howle8, J. Wilmott1, R. Scolyer6, G. Long9, I. Pires Da Silva10, 1The
University of Sydney, Camperdown, AU, 2Melanoma Institute Australia, The University
of Sydney, Royal North Shore and Mater Hospitals, Sydney, AU, 3Melanoma Institute
Australia and Westmead Hospital, Sydney, AU, 4Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre,
Melbourne, AU, 5Melanoma Institute Australia, Sydney, AU, 6Melanoma Institute
Australia, Wollstonecraft, AU, 7Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, AU, 8Crown
Princess Mary Cancer Centre Westmead, Westmead, AU, 9Melanoma Institute Australia,
The University of Sydney, and Royal North Shore and Mater Hospitals, Sydney, AU,
10Melanoma Institute Australia, The University of Sydney, Sydney, AU

09:10 - 09:15 73MO - Longitudinal probing of combinatorial immunotherapy (anti-VEGF/anti-

PD1) response in advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma, at single cell resolution
S. Chia1, N. Shirgaonkar1, Y.C. Lim2, J.K. Tay3, W.Q. Chong4, J.L. Low4, K. Sooi5, R.
Soo5, H.L. Teo6, J. Samol6, G. Goh2, L.R. Kong2, A. Gopinathan7, D. Eu3, R. Tsang3, K.-S.
Loh3, B.C. Tai8, H.C. Toh9, B.-C. Goh4, R. Dasgupta1, 1A*STAR - Genome Institute of
Singapore (GIS), Singapore, SG, 2Cancer Science Institute (CSI) - National University of
Singapore (NUS), Singapore, SG, 3NUS - National University of Singapore, Singapore,
SG, 4National University Cancer Institute Singapore, Singapore, SG, 5NCIS - National
University Cancer Institute Singapore, Singapore, SG, 6National Healthcare Group - Tan
Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore, SG, 7NUH - National University Hospital (S) Pte. Ltd.,
Singapore, SG, 8National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore, SG, 9NCCS -
National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore, SG

09:15 - 09:30 Invited Discussant 71MO, 72MO and 73MO

G. Jönsson, Lund University, Lund, SE

09:30 - 09:35 1172MO - Akkermansia muciniphila-based multi-omic profiling in advanced

non-small cell lung cancer
L. Belluomini1, A. Bonato2, A. Almonte3, F. Gattazzo4, I. Lebhar3, R. Birebent3, C.
Flament3, M. Xiberras3, M. Marques3, P. Ly3, C. Thelemaque3, C. Parisi5, J. Remon
Masip5, B. Besse5, D. Planchard5, C. Alves Costa Silva3, F. Barlesi5, L. Zitvogel3, L.
Derosa3, 1University of Verona and University and Hospital Trust (AOUI) of Verona,
Italy, Verona, IT, 2AOU Pisana - Stabilimento di Sanra Chiara, Pisa, IT, 3Gustave Roussy -
Cancer Campus, Villejuif, FR, 4Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, IT,
5Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

09:35 - 09:40 74MO - Impact of MTAP loss on prognosis and efficacy of immune check point
inhibitors across advanced solid tumors: SCRUM-Japan MONSTAR-SCREEN-1.
K. Seguchi1, T. Fujisawa1, S. Ikeda2, Y. Oyama3, S. Kadowaki4, C. Morizane5, M. Ueno6,
E. Oki7, W. Yamagami8, S. Yuki9, N. Nonomura10, H. Iwata4, H. Watari9, S. Okano1, K.
Namikawa11, H. Bando1, T. Yoshino1, Y. Nakamura1, 1National Cancer Center Hospital
East, Kashiwa, JP, 2Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, JP, 3Kameda Medical
Center, Kamogawa, JP, 4Aichi Cancer Center Hospital, Nagoya, JP, 5NCCH - National
Cancer Center Hospital-Tsukiji Campus, Chuo-ku, JP, 6Kanagawa Cancer Center,
Yokohama, JP, 7Kyushu University - Graduate School of Medical Sciences - Faculty of
Medical Sciences, Fukuoka, JP, 8Keio University School of Medicine, Shinjuku-ku, JP,
9Hokkaido University Hospital, Sapporo, JP, 10Graduate School of Medicine / Faculty of

Medicine, Osaka University, Suita, JP, 11NCCH - National Cancer Center Hospital, Chuo-
ku, JP

09:40 - 09:45 75MO - Atlas of Tertiary Lymphoid Structures in Solid Tumors: Genomic
Features and Prediction of Response to Immunotherapy
A. Italiano1, J. Trent2, G. Sledge3, J. Xiu3, E. Antonarakis4, G. D'Amato5, D. Hsieh6, A.
Elliott7, 1Institute Bergonié - Centre Régional de Lutte Contre le Cancer (CLCC),
Bordeaux, FR, 2Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, Miami, US, 3Caris Life
Sciences, Phoenix, US, 4Masonic Cancer Center - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
US, 5Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center - University of Miami, Miami, US, 6UCI -
University Of California Irvine - Health Manchester Pavilion, Orange, US, 7Caris Life
Sciences - Headquarters, Irving, US

09:45 - 10:00 Invited Discussant 1172MO, 74MO and 75MO

D. Thommen, NKI-AVL - Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Hospital, Amsterdam, NL

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Special session Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3

Title: ESMO-SIOG: Working together in the era of personalized
care for older adults with cancer
Chair(s): Ravindran Kanesvaran, SG; Rabia Boulahssass, FR

08:30 - 08:31 Introduction

R. Kanesvaran, NCCS - National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore, SG

08:31 - 08:31 MDT: Breast cancer - Case of an older adult with metastatic breast cancer

08:31 - 08:46 Case study and principles of GA (Geriatric Assessment)

E. Brain, Hopital René Huguenin - Institut Curie, Saint-Cloud, FR

08:46 - 08:56 Geriatrician perspective

R. Boulahssass, Centre Anticancer Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, FR

08:56 - 09:11 Medical oncologist perspective

L. Biganzoli, Nuovo Ospedale di Prato Santo Stefano - Azienda Usl Toscana Centro,
Prato, IT

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

09:11 - 09:15 Q&A and discussion

09:15 - 09:15 MDT: Prostate cancer - Case of an older adult with metastatic prostate cancer

09:15 - 09:30 Case study and principles of GA

R. Kanesvaran, NCCS - National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore, SG

09:30 - 09:45 Urologist perspective

A. Merseburger, UKSH - Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein - Campus Lübeck,
Lübeck, DE

09:45 - 09:55 Geriatrician perspective

R. Boulahssass, Centre Anticancer Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, FR

09:55 - 09:59 Q&A and discussion

09:59 - 10:00 Summary and close

E. Brain, Hopital René Huguenin - Institut Curie, Saint-Cloud, FR

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Educational session Zaragoza Auditorium -

Title: ESMO-CDDF – Regulatory challenges in CC5
clinical cancer drug development
Chair(s): Ruth Plummer, GB; Teresa Amaral, DE

08:30 - 08:50 Specifics of CHMP assessment of cancer drugs

A. Sosa Mejia, Danish Medicines Agency, Copenhagen, DK

08:50 - 09:10 Current status and implications of the In Vitro Diagnostics regulation
A. Wolf, EFPIA - European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations,
Brussels, BE

09:10 - 09:30 Initiatives for a joint EU HTA assessment

M. Guardian, Dierks + Company, Berlin, DE

09:30 - 10:00 Q&A and discussion

08:30 - 10:00 Type: Young Oncologists session Cartagena Auditorium -

Title: YO Forum - Finding your “X-factor”: Skills Hall 7
for professional development

08:30 - 08:50 What makes you stand out?

E. De Azambuja, Institute Jules Bordet, Brussels, BE

08:50 - 09:10 Understanding the support you need to build your career
A. Lamarca, Hospital Universitario Fundacion Jimenez Diaz, Madrid, ES

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

09:10 - 09:30 Do you need to be more assertive: How to benefit from opportunities in a
competitive environment?
S. Peters, CHUV - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, CH

09:30 - 09:50 Tips and techniques for people management at work

C. Hardy, Lancaster University Division of Health Research, Lancaster, GB

09:50 - 10:00 Discussion

08:30 - 10:00 Type: EONS session Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7

Title: Rehabilitation and survivorship care
Chair(s): Karin Dieperink, DK; Hazal Özdemir Koyu, TR

08:30 - 08:45 Optimizing cancer survivorship care plans: Empowering long-term survivors
and families beyond treatment
C. García-Vivar, Universidad de Navarra - Campus Pamplona, Pamplona, ES

08:45 - 09:00 A cent: A model for person-cantered care in allogenic stem cell transplantation
J. Winterling, Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, SE

09:00 - 09:15 Rehabilitation in radiotherapy

S. Faithfull, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, IE

09:15 - 09:25 CN48 - Pilot evaluation of RCC4Nurses to enhance nursing education and
practice in survivorship care of people with advanced renal cell carcinoma in
G. Kotronoulas1, C. Díez De Los Ríos De La Serna1, D. Kelly2, A. Drury3, W.
Oldenmenger4, C. Papadopoulou5, T. Wiseman6, 1University of Glasgow, Glasgow, GB,
2Cardiff University - School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff, GB, 3DCU - Dublin City

University, Dublin, IE, 4Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Rotterdam, NL, 5University of the
West of Scotland-UWS Paisley, Paisley, GB, 6The Royal Marsden Hospital - NHS
Foundation Trust, London, GB

09:25 - 09:35 CN69 - The Effect of an Empowerment Program on Ruminative Thoughts,

Fatigue and Psychological Resilience of Cancer Survivors: A randomized
controlled trial
S. Öcalan1, S. Üzar-Özçetin2, O. Dizdar3, C. Gürel4, 1Hacettepe University - Faculty of
Nursing, Ankara, TR, 2University College Dublin, Dublin, IE, 3Hacettepe University -
Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, TR, 4Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
Department of Mental Health and Diseases, Ankara, TR

09:35 - 09:45 CN86 - Review of Nursing Interventions for the Management of Psychosocial
Problems in Adults After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A
Systematic Review
A. Cetin Uceriz1, G. Bagcivan2, 1Department of Nursing, Halic University, Faculty of
Health Sciences;Koc University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Istanbul, TR, 2Koc
University - School of Nursing, Istanbul, TR

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

09:45 - 10:00 Q&A and discussion

08:30 - 10:00 Type: EONS Industry Satellite Symposium Segovia Auditorium - Hall
Title: Johnson & Johnson - Safeguarding Skin 7
Health in NSCLC with EGFR-targeted agents
Chair(s): Helena Ullgren, SE

08:30 - 08:35 Welcome and introduction

H. Ullgren, Karolinska University Hospital-Solna, Solna, SE

08:35 - 08:55 Use of EGFR targeted agents in lung cancer, now and future
I. Gil Bazo, IVO - Fundación Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, Valencia, ES

08:55 - 09:15 Management of skin toxicity with EGFR targeted agents – a patient’s
A. Terry, EGFR Positive UK, London, GB

09:15 - 09:35 Nursing care of patients with EGFR targeted agents: challenging side-effects
E. Nildén, Karolinska University Hospital, Helsingborg, SE

09:35 - 09:55 Panel discussion and Q&A

H. Ullgren1, I. Gil Bazo2, A. Terry3, E. Nildén4, 1Karolinska University Hospital-Solna,
Solna, SE, 2IVO - Fundación Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, Valencia, ES, 3EGFR
Positive UK, London, GB, 4Karolinska University Hospital, Helsingborg, SE

09:55 - 10:00 Conclusion remarks

H. Ullgren, Karolinska University Hospital-Solna, Solna, SE

09:00 - 09:45 Type: Challenge your Expert Salamanca Auditorium -

Title: New first-line ovarian cancer data: How Hall 5
this will impact first line and relapse treatment?
Chair(s): Nicoletta Colombo, IT

09:00 - 09:20 Presentation by Expert

I. Ray-Coquard, Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, FR

09:20 - 09:45 Discussion led by Chair

N. Colombo, IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Milan, IT

09:00 - 09:45 Type: Challenge your Expert Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: How to handle challenging patient factors Hall 3
in the treatment of head and neck cancer
Chair(s): Sjoukje Oosting, NL

09:00 - 09:20 Presentation by Expert

P. Szturz, CHUV - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, CH

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

09:20 - 09:45 Discussion led by Chair
S. Oosting, UMCG - University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, NL

09:00 - 09:45 Type: Challenge your Expert Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: Implementing and disseminating 3
guidelines in supportive and palliative care: Can technology/AI
Chair(s): Karin Jordan, DE

09:00 - 09:20 Presentation by Expert

M. Lustberg, Yale University School of Medicine, New Heaven, US

09:20 - 09:45 Discussion led by Chair

K. Jordan, Ernst von Bergmann Klinikum Potsdam, Potsdam, DE

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Proffered Paper session Barcelona Auditorium -

Title: Proffered paper session: Breast cancer, Hall 2
early stage
Chair(s): Elgene Lim, AU

10:15 - 10:25 One LBA TBC

10:25 - 10:35 231O - Locoregional hypo vs normofractionated RT in early breast cancer: 5

years results of the HypoG-01 phase 3 UNICANCER trial
S. Rivera1, R. Ghodssighassemabadi2, T. Brion3, Y. Kirova4, S. Racadot5, M. Benchalal6,
J.B. Clavier7, C. Brunaud8, M.-E. Fouche-Chand9, D. Argo Leignel10, K. Peignaux-
Casasnovas11, A. Benyoucef12, D. Pasquier13, P. Guilbert14, J. Blanchecotte15, G.
Phothirath16, A. Lamrani-Ghaouti16, M. Bergeaud16, G. Auzac3, S. Michiels1, 1Institut
Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 2Gustave Roussy INSERM 1018, Villejuif, FR,
3Gustave Rousy, Villejuif, FR, 4Institut Curie, Paris, FR, 5Center Leon Berard, Lyon, FR,
6Centre Eugene - Marquis, Rennes, FR, 7ICANS - Institut de Cancérologie Strasbourg

Europe, Strasbourg, FR, 8Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine - Alexis Vautrin,

Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, FR, 9CLCC - Centre Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, FR, 10Hôpital du
Scorff, Lorient, FR, 11Centre Georges François Leclerc, Dijon, FR, 12Centre Henri
Becquerel, Rouen, FR, 13Centre Oscar Lambret, Lille, FR, 14Institut Jean Godinot,
Reims, FR, 15ICO - Institut de Cancerologie de l'Ouest - Site Paul Papin, Angers, Cedex,
FR, 16Unicancer, Paris, Cedex, FR

10:35 - 10:45 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC and 231O

C. Coles, University of Cambridge - Clinical Oncology - R block (R4), Cambridge, GB

10:45 - 10:55 Q&A

10:55 - 11:05 One LBA TBC

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

11:05 - 11:15 232O - Effects of a high-intensity exercise intervention on recurrence and
survival: the OptiTrain breast cancer trial
H. Rundqvist1, M. Rietz1, S. Mijwel1, L. Lindström2, Y. Wengström1, 1Karolinska
Institutet, Huddinge, SE, 2Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SE

11:15 - 11:25 One LBA TBC

11:25 - 11:35 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC and 232O

E. Lim, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Darlinghurst, AU

11:35 - 11:45 Q&A

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Mini Oral session Madrid Auditorium - Hall

Title: Mini oral session: GU tumours, prostate 2
Chair(s): Niven Mehra, NL; Christopher Sweeney, AU

10:15 - 10:20 1595MO - Phenotypic and genomic characterization of de novo metastatic

prostate cancer: an ancillary study of the PEACE-1 phase 3 trial.
C. Pobel1, C. Bargain2, J. Scoazec1, E. Rouleau2, G. Roubaud3, P. Ronchin4, S. Supiot5,
A. Hasbini6, M. Silva7, A. Flechon8, B. Laguerre9, S. Abadie Lacourtoisie10, C. El
Kouri11, L. Mourey12, T. Maurina13, E. Martin14, H. Ribault15, S. Foulon2, K. Fizazi16, Y.
Loriot16, 1Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, FR, 2Gustave Roussy - Cancer Campus,
Villejuif, FR, 3Institute Bergonié, Bordeaux, FR, 4Centre Azuréen de Cancérologie,
Mougins, FR, 5ICO Institut de Cancerologie de l'Ouest René Gauducheau, Saint-
Herblain, FR, 6Clinique Pasteur, Brest, FR, 7Centre Francois Baclesse, Caen, Cedex, FR,
8Centre Leon Berard, Lyon, FR, 9Centre Eugene - Marquis, Rennes, FR, 10Centre Paul

Papin, Angers, FR, 11Centre Catherine de Sienne, Nantes, FR, 12IUCT - Institut
Universitaire du Cancer de Toulouse - Oncopole, Toulouse, FR, 13CHRU Besancon -
Hopital Jean Minjoz, Besancon, FR, 14Centre Georges-François Leclerc, Dijon, FR,
15Unicancer, Paris, FR, 16Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:20 - 10:25 1596MO - Decipher mRNA score for prediction of survival benefit from
docetaxel at start of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for advanced prostate
cancer (PC): an ancillary study of the STAMPEDE docetaxel trials
E. Grist1, P. Dutey-Magni2, L. Mendes3, M.A. Parry1, A. Sachdeva4, J. Proudfoot5, A.
Hamid6, C. Amos7, W. Cross8, S. Gillessen9, D. Berney10, M. Sydes11, M. Parmar11, F.
Feng12, N. Clarke13, E. Davicioni5, C. Sweeney14, N. James15, L. Brown2, G. Attard16,
1UCL Cancer Institute, London, GB, 2MRC - Medical Research Council Clinical Trials

Unit - University College London (UCL), London, GB, 3UCL - University College London,
London, GB, 4The University of Manchester, Manchester, GB, 5Veracyte, Inc. -
Headquarters, South San Francisco, US, 6Memorial Sloan Cancer Center, New York,
US, 7MRC Clinical Trials Unit at University College London, Institute of Clinical Trials
and Methodology, University College London; London, UK, London, GB, 8University of
Leeds - Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine (LIMM), Leeds, GB, 9EOC - Ospedale
Regionale Bellinzona e Valli - Istituto Oncologico della Svizzera Italiana (IOSI),
Bellinzona, CH, 10QMUL - Queen Mary University of London - Charterhouse Square,
London, GB, 11MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL, Institute of Clinical Trials and
Methodology, UCL, London, GB, 12UCSF Medical Center at Mission Bay, San Francisco,
US, 13The Christie and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trusts, Manchester, GB, 14The
University of Adelaide, Adelaide, AU, 15ICR - Institute of Cancer Research, London, GB,
16University College London, London, GB

10:25 - 10:30 One LBA TBC

10:30 - 10:35 One LBA TBC

10:35 - 10:50 Invited Discussant 1595MO, 1596MO and two LBAs TBC
N. Mehra, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Nijmegen, NL

10:50 - 10:55 One LBA TBC

10:55 - 11:00 One LBA TBC

11:00 - 11:15 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

11:15 - 11:20 1597MO - Clinical activity of BMS-986365 (CC-94676), a dual androgen
receptor (AR) ligand-directed degrader and antagonist, in heavily pretreated
patients (pts) with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC)
D. Rathkopf1, M. Patel2, A.D. Choudhury3, D. Rasco4, N. Lakhani5, J. Hawley6, S.
Srinivas7, A. Aparicio8, V. Narayan9, K. Runcie10, H. Emamekhoo11, Z. Reichert12, H.
Nguyen13, A. Wells14, R. Kandimalla13, S. Suryawanshi13, J. Wu13, V. Arora13, M.
Pourdehnad14, A. Armstrong15, 1MSKCC - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center,
New York, US, 2Florida Cancer Specialists, Fort Myers, US, 3Dana-Farber Cancer
Institute, Boston, US, 4The START Center for Cancer Care, San Antonio, US, 5START
Midwest, Grand Rapids, US, 6UW Division of Medical Oncology, Seattle, US, 7Stanford
Comprehensive Cancer Institute, Stanford, US, 8The University of Texas MD Anderson
Cancer Center, Houston, US, 9Abramson Cancer Center and Perelman School of
Medicine, Philadelphia, US, 10New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical
Center, New York, US, 11University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center, Madison, US,
12University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, US, 13Bristol Myers Squibb,

Princeton, US, 14Bristol Myers Squibb, San Francisco, US, 15Duke Cancer Center,
Durham, US

11:20 - 11:25 One LBA TBC

11:25 - 11:40 Invited Discussant 1597MO and one LBA TBC

C. Sweeney, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, AU

10:15 - 11:30 Type: Multidisciplinary session Sevilla Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Management of adjuvant/neoadjuvant HCC in 2024
Chair(s): Lorenza Rimassa, IT; Angela Lamarca, ES

10:15 - 10:20 Presentation of case/condition

A. Saborowski, MHH - Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, DE

10:20 - 10:40 Update on adjuvant treatment

T. Meyer, UCL Cancer Institute - Paul O'Gorman Building, London, GB

10:40 - 11:00 How are locoregional therapies evolving in HCC?

B. Sangro, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, ES

11:00 - 11:20 How to select first-line and what to do after progression to immunotherapy
L. Rimassa, IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, IT

11:20 - 11:30 Discussion

10:15 - 11:30 Type: Multidisciplinary session Bilbao Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Updates in the management of advanced renal cell
Chair(s): Cristina Suarez Rodriguez, ES

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:15 - 10:20 Presentation of case/condition
C. Suarez Rodriguez, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

10:20 - 10:40 The role of cytoreductive nephrectomy in the immunotherapy era

M.C. Mir Maresma, IVO - Fundación Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, Valencia, ES

10:40 - 11:00 Is there a role for radiation therapy in advanced RCC?

C. Tang, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center - Main Building, Houston,

11:00 - 11:20 Systemic treatment options

T. Alonso Gordoa, Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal, Madrid, ES

11:20 - 11:30 Discussion

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Mini Oral session Granada Auditorium - Hall

Title: Mini oral session: Investigational 6
Chair(s): Akseli Hemminki, FI

10:15 - 10:20 993MO - A phase 1, open-label, multicenter, dose escalation safety and
tolerability study of oncolytic virus OVV-01 in advanced solid tumors
Y. Hua1, C. Wang1, F. Li2, Y. Han3, D. Zuo1, Y. Lv1, Y. Peng4, J. Chen5, R. Yuan6, F.
Zhang7, Y. Wang8, H. Wu8, G. Zhou8, S. Wang3, N. Li9, Y. Lu10, Q. Lin11, 1First People's
Hospital Affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University / Shanghai general hospital,
China, CN, 2GoBroad Medical(Hematology)Beijing Research Center / Beijing GoBroad
Boren Hospital, Beijing, CN, 3National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center
for Cancer/Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking Union
Medical College, Beijing, CN, 4Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union
Medical College - National Cancer Center, Cancer Hospital, Beijing, CN,
5Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, US, 6Dowlin Biomed, New

Hampshire, US, 72047 SE Duncan Dr, Hillsboro, US, 8Joint Biosciences (SH) Ltd,
Shanghai, CN, 9National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for
Cancer/Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union
Medical College, Beijing, CN, 10The 302 medical Center of Peking University Health
Science Center, Beijing, CN, 11North China Petroleum Bureau General Hospital, Hebei
Medical University, Hebei Province, CN

10:20 - 10:25 994MO - The updated report of phase I trial of VG2025, a non-attenuated HSV-
1 oncolytic virus expressing IL-12 and IL-15/Rα payloads, in patients with
advanced solid tumors
Y. Shen1, S. Rahimian2, A. Qin3, Y. Qiu3, T. Fang1, X. Liang1, Y. Li1, Q. Tan3, R. Zhao3, X.
Bai1, T. Liang1, 1The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School Of Medicine,
Hangzhou, CN, 2Virogin Biotech, Jonesville, US, 3Virogin Biotech (Shanghai) Ltd,
Shanghai, CN

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:25 - 10:30 995MO - Association of SARS-COV-2 mRNA vaccines with tumor PD-L1
expression and clinical responses to immune checkpoint blockade
A. Grippin1, S. Copling1, A. Kim1, E. Young1, R. Lohray1, E. Chang1, R. Kouzy1, J.
Lewis1, X. Wei1, W. Rinsurongkawong1, J.J. Lee1, D. Gibbons2, A. Vaporciyan3, H. Tran2,
Y.S.B. Kim1, J. Heymach2, J. Zhang2, E. Sayour4, W. Jiang1, S.H. Lin1, 1University of
Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 2UT MD Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, US, 3MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 4University of Florida,
Gainesville, US

10:30 - 10:45 Invited Discussant 993MO, 994MO and 995MO

A. Hemminki, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, FI

10:45 - 10:50 996MO - Dazostinag (TAK-676) alone and in combination with pembrolizumab
(pembro) in patients (pts) with advanced/metastatic solid tumors: data from
phase 1 dose escalation
J. Luke1, X. Gao2, A. Olszanski3, R. Sanborn4, G. Falchook5, S. Patel6, P. Bedard7, D.
Orr8, J.P. Gibbs9, C. Li9, Y.-C. Huang9, R. Gregory9, R. Ramesh9, R. Xu9, B. Wu9, K.
Ding9, J. Raizer9, P. Lorusso10, 1UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, US, 2Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, US, 3Fox Chase Cancer
Center, Philadelphia, US, 4Earle A. Chiles Research Institute, Providence Cancer
Institute, Portland, US, 5Sarah Cannon Research Institute at HealthONE, Denver, US,
6University of California San Diego Moores Cancer Center, La Jolla, US, 7University

Health Network, Toronto, CA, 8Mary Crowley Cancer Research, Dallas, US, 9Takeda
Development Center Americas, Inc. (TDCA), Lexington, US, 10Yale Cancer Center, New
Haven, US

10:50 - 10:55 997MO - A First-In-Human Phase I/Ib study of ATG-037 Monotherapy and
Combination Therapy with Pembrolizumab in Patients with Advanced Solid
Tumors – STAMINA-01
G. Kichenadasse1, J. Lombard2, M.A. Khattak3, J. Lundy4, A. Tazbirkova5, Q. Zhou6, Y.
Li7, A. Kudva8, H. Cui9, E. Hoe8, K. Lynch8, M. Chisamore10, Y.-L. Wu11, 1Southern
Oncology Clinical Research Unit Pty Ltd, Adelaide, AU, 2Newcastle Private Hospital,
New Lambton Heights, AU, 3One Clinical Research, Nedlands, AU, 4Peninsula Health,
Frankston, AU, 5Pindara Private Hospital, Benowa, AU, 6Guangdong Provincial People’s
Hospital (Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences), Southern Medical University,
Guangzhou, CN, 7Chongqing Cancer Hospital, Chongqing, CN, 8Antengene, Melbourne,
AU, 9The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang, CN, 10Merck
& Co., Inc. - Corporate Headquarters, Rahway, US, 11Guangdong Provincial People’s
Hospital, Guangzhou, CN

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:55 - 11:00 998MO - Nivolumab and Ipilimumab combination treatment in advanced
dMMR/MSI-H noncolorectal cancers: Results from the phase II MoST-CIRCUIT
O. Klein1, B. Gao2, H. Chan3, M. Michael4, R. Zielinski5, J. So6, S. Harris7, D. Kee1, I.M.
Collins8, W.-S. Lam9, M. Lyle10, C. Underhill11, M. Brown12, R. Harrup13, S.F. Wong14, J.
Palmer15, D. Thomas16, K. Wilkie15, J. Cebon17, M. Carlino18, 1Austin Health - Austin
Hospital, Heidelberg, AU, 2Blacktown Hospital, Blacktown, AU, 3Calvary Mater Hospital
Newcastle, Waratah, AU, 4Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, AU, 5Orange
Health Service, Orange, AU, 6Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, NZ, 7Bendigo Health,
Bendigo, AU, 8South West Health Care, Warrnambool, AU, 9Fiona Stanley Hospital,
Perth, AU, 10Cairns Base Hospital, Cairns, AU, 11Border Medical Oncology Murray
Valley Private Hospital, Wodonga, AU, 12Royal Adelaide Hospital RAH Cancer Centre,
Adelaide, AU, 13RHH - Royal Hobart Hospital, Hobart, AU, 14Barwon Health - University
Hospital Geelong, Geelong, AU, 15Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute,
Heidelberg, AU, 16University of New South Wales, Sydney, AU, 17Olivia Newton-John
Cancer Wellness & Research Centre, Heidelberg, AU, 18Crown Princess Mary Cancer
Centre Westmead, Westmead, AU

11:00 - 11:15 Invited Discussant 996MO, 997MO and 998MO

11:15 - 11:20 999MO - HARE-40: A phase I/II trial of therapeutic HPV vaccine (BNT113) in
patients with HPV16 driven carcinoma
C. Ottensmeier1, E. King2, S. Crabb3, I. Karydis3, D. Graham4, K. Martin2, I. Eberhart2,
S. Ewings2, P. Lee2, K. Mccann5, L. Chudley6, L. Berry7, J. Dias8, R. Das9, J. Furlanetto8,
E. Johnson9, J. Setzer8, U. Sahin8, Ö. Türeci8, G. Griffiths2, 1University of Liverpool -
School of Medicine, Liverpool, GB, 2University of Southampton, Southampton, GB,
3Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, GB, 4The Christie NHS Foundation

Trust, Manchester, GB, 5University of Southampton - Cancer Research UK Centre,

Southampton, GB, 6University of Liverpool, Liverpool, GB, 7University Hospital
Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, GB, 8BioNTech SE, Mainz, DE,
9BioNTech US, Cambridge, US

11:20 - 11:25 1000MO - A phase 1/2, open-label study of the novel checkpoint IGSF8 inhibitor
GV20-0251 in patients with advanced solid tumors
K. Wentzel1, J. Peguero2, S. Kummar3, P. Lorusso4, J. Mehnert5, A. Spira6, A. Naing7, O.
Hamid8, I. Mehmi9, K. Benhadji10, L. Alland10, X. Hu10, H. Xiao10, X. Bao10, J. Chen10,
Y. Gong10, X.S. Liu10, 1The Angeles Clinic & Research Institute, LosAngeles, US,
2Oncology Consultants, Houston, US, 3OHSU Knight Cancer Institute - Center for

Health and Healing Building 1 - South Waterfront, Portland, US, 4Yale School of
Medicine - Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, New Haven, US, 5Laura and Isaac
Perlmutter Cancer Center, New York, US, 6Virginia Cancer Specialists, Fairfax, US,
7The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 8The Angeles

Clinic and Research Institute, Los Angeles, US, 9The Angeles Clinic & Research
Institute, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Santa Monica, US, 10GV20 Therapeutics, Cambridge,

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

11:25 - 11:30 1001MO - Initial safety, pharmacokinetics, and anti-tumor activity data of TCER
IMA401, a MAGEA4/8-directed half-life extended TCR Bispecific, in Phase 1
dose escalation
M. Wermke1, S. Ochsenreither2, M. Chatterjee3, S. Gröpper4, M.-F. Häring5, D.
Heudobler6, D. Jäger7, A. Bleckmann8, S. Spoerl9, S. Knop10, J. Hecker11, S. Bunk12, N.
Hilf12, M. Hutt12, A. Mayer-Mokler12, S. Missel12, O. Veremchuk12, C. Britten13, C.
Reinhardt13, 1Dresden University, Dresden, DE, 2Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
Berlin, DE, 3UKW - University Hospital Würzburg, Würzburg, DE, 4Marienhospital,
Düsseldorf, DE, 5Medical University Tuebingen, Tuebingen, DE, 6UKR - University
Hospital Regensburg, Regensburg, DE, 7NCT - Nationales Zentrum für
Tumorerkrankungen, Heidelberg, DE, 8UKM - University Hospital Muenster, Muenster,
DE, 9Uniklinikum Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU),
Erlangen, DE, 10Nuremberg General Hospital, Nürnberg, DE, 11Klinikum Rechts der
Isar - Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Munich, DE, 12Immatics Biotechnologies
GmbH, Tuebingen, DE, 13Immatics N.V., Tuebingen, DE

11:30 - 11:45 Invited Discussant 999MO, 1000MO and 1001MO

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Educational session Salamanca Auditorium -

Title: Differential diagnosis and management of Hall 5
clinical syndromes
Chair(s): Rachel Riechelmann, BR; Rocio Garcia-Carbonero, ES

10:15 - 10:35 Carcinoid syndrome

R. Riechelmann, A.C. Camargo Cancer Center - Unidade Antonio Prudente, Sao Paulo,

10:35 - 10:55 Functional pancreatic NETs syndromes

G. Kaltsas, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Athens, GR

10:55 - 11:15 Functioning paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma

A. Grossman, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, GB

11:15 - 11:35 Ectopic cushing and neuroendocrine neoplasms

S. Glasberg, Hadassah University Hospital - Ein Kerem, Jerusalem, IL

11:35 - 11:45 Q&A and discussion

10:15 - 11:30 Type: Multidisciplinary session Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Multidisciplinary team working in the 5
management of anal cancer: Current perspectives
Chair(s): Maria Antonietta Gambacorta, IT

10:15 - 10:20 Presentation of case

A. Gilbert, University of Leeds-Clinical Trials Research Unit, Leeds, GB

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:20 - 10:35 Anal cancer: Biological classifications and current thinking
M.A. Gambacorta, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, IT

10:35 - 10:50 The role of radiotherapy

A. Gilbert, University of Leeds-Clinical Trials Research Unit, Leeds, GB

10:50 - 11:05 The role of surgery

E. Angenete, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg, SE

11:05 - 11:20 The role of systemic treatment

S.P. Choo, NCCS - National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore, SG

11:20 - 11:30 Discussion

10:15 - 11:15 Type: Special session Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: ESMO in collaboration with SIOPE / ESMO Hall 3
AYA: The greatest need for better outcome of Adolescent and
Young Adult Cancer (AYA) with cancer
Chair(s): David Starks, US; Ivana Bozovic Spasojevic, RS

10:15 - 10:30 Delivering precision oncology to AYA patients with cancer

D. Thomas, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Darlinghurst, AU

10:30 - 10:45 What clinicians need to successfully treat AYA patient with cancer
A.H. Partridge, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

10:45 - 11:00 Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer: Important messages from patient’s
T. Spanic, Europa Donna - Slovensko zdruzenje za boj proti raku dojk, Ljubljana, SI

11:00 - 11:15 Q&A and discussion

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Special symposium Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3

Title: Cancer neuroscience in brain tumours and beyond
Chair(s): Frank Winkler, DE; Amélie Darlix, FR

10:15 - 10:20 Introduction and scientific background

A. Darlix, ICM Regional Cancer Institute of Montpellier, Montpellier, FR

10:20 - 10:35 Brain tumour cancer neuroscience

F. Winkler, University Hospital of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, DE

10:35 - 10:50 Neural influences on non-CNS malignancies

L. Li, The Francis Crick Institute, London, GB

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:50 - 11:05 Neural influences on immunotherapies
S. Talbot, Queen's University, Kingston, CA

11:05 - 11:20 Translation: Chances and challenges

U. Herrlinger, Institute of Experimental Immunology - UKB University of Bonn, Bonn,

11:20 - 11:40 Q&A and discussion

11:40 - 11:45 Conclusions and perspectives

F. Winkler, University Hospital of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, DE

10:15 - 11:45 Type: Educational session Zaragoza Auditorium -

Title: ESMO-IARC – Medical oncology and cancer CC5
prevention: The odd couple?
Chair(s): Elisabete Weiderpass, FR

10:15 - 10:40 The vital role of medical oncologists in primary, secondary, and tertiary cancer
N. Arber, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center-(Ichilov), Tel Aviv, IL

10:40 - 11:05 The value of IARC’s cancer prevention resources in daily clinical practice, and
how ESMO is supporting them
E. Weiderpass, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, FR

11:05 - 11:30 Are you really up-to-date on cancer prevention?

J. Tabernero, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

11:30 - 11:45 Q&A and discussion

10:15 - 11:45 Type: EONS session Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7

Title: eHealth and digital innovations
Chair(s): Amanda Drury, IE; Carlos Fernandes Cargaleiro, GB

10:15 - 10:35 Designing and evaluation of a novel, theory-driven eLearning resource to equip
professionals to support adults at end of life who have significant caregiving
responsibilities for children < 18 years
C. Semple, Ulster Hospital - South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust, Dundonald,

10:35 - 10:55 Use of digital symptom reporting in haematological patients

R. Cordoba Mascunano, Hospital Universitario Fundacion Jimenez Diaz, Madrid, ES

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:55 - 11:05 CN12 - Efficacy of Digital Health Intervention in Smoking Cessation: A
Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
S. Li1, C. Xu2, Y. Li3, S. Tao4, X. Ma1, 1West China School of Medicine/West China
Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, CN, 2West China School of Medicine, West
China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, CN, 3West China School of Medicine,
West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, Chengdu, CN,
4College of Biomass Science and Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China,

Chengdu, CN

11:05 - 11:15 CN13 - Impact of AI Clinical Trial Program on Screening, Matching, and
Enrollment of Patients Over 6 Months
D. Shepard1, S. Mallahan2, C. Osterman2, D. Skelly2, E. Patnaude2, M. Weiss3, B.
O’Neil4, A. Rao5, N. Abdulla6, A. Zarzour7, K. Kumar Sankhala8, M. Goldstein9, B.
Parsons10, P. La Porte11, A. Franzen2, E. Cohen2, M. Cooney2, 1Taussig Cancer Center-
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, US, 2Tempus AI, Inc., Chicago, US, 3Froedtert Hospital &
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, US, 4Community Health Network,
Indianapolis, US, 5Orange Coast Medical Center - MemorialCare, Fountain Valley, US,
6Cancer & Blood Specialty Clinic, Los Alamitos, US, 7Toledo Clinic Cancer Centers,

Toledo, US, 8Cedars-Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Center, Los Angeles, US, 9Center for
Cancer and Blood Disorders, Bethesda, US, 10Gundersen Health System, La Crosse, US,
11The Oncology Institute of Hope & Innovation, Cerritos, US

11:15 - 11:25 CN14 - Innovative Paths: A Qualitative Exploration of Nurses' Views on

Technology-Based Interventions in Pediatric Oncology Care
A. Ay1, E.H. Savaş2, A. Akça Sümengen3, I. Ercan Koyuncu4, M. Erkul5, R. Semerci6,
1Başkent University, Ankara, TR, 2Independent researcher, Istanbul, TR, 3The

University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, US, 4Baskent University, Ankara,

TR, 5Antalya Bilim University, Antalya, TR, 6Koc University Hospital, Istanbul, TR

11:25 - 11:35 CN15 - Mobile application-based intervention study in improving Treatment

Adherence and Quality of Life in Cancer Patients
G. Prakash1, S. Kumar D1, K. Pk1, V. Arun2, D. Yadav1, 1JSS Academy Of Higher
Education and Research, Mysore, IN, 2JSS Science and Technology University, Mysuru,

11:35 - 11:45 Q&A and discussion

10:15 - 11:45 Type: EONS session Segovia Auditorium - Hall

Title: ESMO-EONS collaborative session: Caring 7
for the carers
Chair(s): Fernanda Conceição, PT; Kok Haw Jonathan Lim, GB

10:15 - 10:35 Optimising well-being and tackling burnout in oncology

K.H.J. Lim, The Francis Crick Institute, London, GB

10:35 - 10:55 Cancer is a family affair

K. Dieperink, Odense University Hospital, Odense C, DK

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:55 - 11:05 CN30 - Scoping review of the interventions for promoting dyadic adjustment in
adult cancer patients and their partners
R. Gürel1, S. Kav1, Y. Eskigulek1, C. Akdag Topal1, P. Fernández Ortega2, 1Baskent
University, Ankara, TR, 2ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia l'Hospitalet (Hospital Duran i
Reynals), L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, ES

11:05 - 11:15 CN70 - Experiences and Needs of Carers of Patients with Head and Neck
Cancer: A Systematic Review
C. Semple1, M. Tsai2, G. Cherry3, J. Patterson4, S. Rogers5, 1Ulster University / South
Eastern Health and Social Care Trust, Northern Irealnd, GB, 2Royal Brisbane and
Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, Brisbane, AU, 3University of Liverpool, Liverpool, GB,
4Liverpool Head and Neck Centre, School of Health Science, Liverpool, GB, 5Wirral

University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Metropolitan Borough of Wirral,


11:15 - 11:25 CN4 - Parents’ lived experience of children with leukemia

Q. Alnasser1, A. Hussain2, Y. Musleh3, M. Abuamarah3, 1King Faisal Specialist Hospital
and Research Center, Riyadh, SA, 2King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre -
Riyadh (KFSHRC-R), Riyadh, SA, 3King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre -
Riyadh (KFSHRC-RC), Riyadh, SA

11:25 - 11:45 Q&A and discussion

10:45 - 11:30 Type: Challenge your Expert Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: Unlocking the potential of mRNA 3
Chair(s): Kevin Harrington, GB

10:45 - 11:05 Presentation by Expert

V. Balachandran, MSKCC - Memorial Sloan Kettering Westchester, West Harrison, US

11:05 - 11:30 Discussion led by Chair

K. Harrington, ICR - Institute of Cancer Research - Chester Beatty Laboratories,
London, GB

10:45 - 11:30 Type: Challenge your Expert Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: Desmoid-type fibromatosis: To treat or not 3
to treat?
Chair(s): Alessandro Gronchi, IT

10:45 - 11:05 Presentation by Expert

B. Kasper, UMM - Universitaetsklinikum Mannheim, Mannheim, DE

11:05 - 11:30 Discussion led by Chair

A. Gronchi, Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

10:45 - 11:30 Type: Young Oncologists session Cartagena Auditorium -
Title: YO Brunch 3 Hall 7

10:45 - 10:45 Frailty assessments and its impact on treatment decisions: What YOs need to
E. Brain, Hopital René Huguenin - Institut Curie, Saint-Cloud, FR

12:00 - 12:30 Type: Keynote lecture Madrid Auditorium - Hall

Title: The emerging global epidemic of young 2
age- onset cancer: Nature or nurture?

12:00 - 12:05 Introduction

12:05 - 12:30 The emerging global epidemic of young age- onset cancer: Nature or nurture?
S. Ogino, Harvard Medical School, Boston, US

12:00 - 12:45 Type: Challenge your Expert Zaragoza Auditorium -

Title: Histology independent cancer drug CC5
development: Is it truly a game changer for patients and society?
Chair(s): Nicolas Girard, FR

12:00 - 12:20 Presentation by Expert

R. Plummer, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, GB

12:20 - 12:45 Discussion led by Chair

N. Girard, Institut Curie, Paris, FR

12:00 - 13:00 Type: EONS session Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7

Title: Celebrating 40 years of EONS
Chair(s): Virpi Sulosaari, FI; Helena Ullgren, SE

12:00 - 12:15 European Cancer Nursing Index, 2022 update: The state of cancer nursing in
M. Fowler, Heartlands Hospital - University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation
Trust, Birmingham, GB

12:15 - 13:00 40 years of EONS: Panel discussion

S. Faithfull1, L. Sharp2, J. De Munter3, J. Serra López4, A. Khmaladze5, 1Trinity College
Dublin, Dublin, IE, 2RCC - Regionalt cancercentrum Stockholm - Gotland, Stockholm,
SE, 3UZ Gent - Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent, Gent, BE, 4Hospital de la Santa Creu i
Sant Pau, Barcelona, ES, 5New Vision University Hospital, Tbilisi, GE

12:00 - 13:30 Type: EONS Industry Satellite Symposium Segovia Auditorium - Hall
Title: Pfizer - Optimal biomarker testing in GU 7
Chair(s): Melanie Costin, GB

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

12:00 - 12:05 Welcome and introduction
M. Costin, Fight Bladder Cancer, Chinnor, GB

12:05 - 12:25 Where do we stand in biomarker for prostate- & bladder cancer
D. Demaeseneer, UZ Gent - University Hospital Ghent, Gent, BE

12:25 - 12:45 Comprehensive nursing care for prostate cancer patients: From diagnosis to
long-term outcomes
M. Varandas, Fundação Champalimaud, Lisbon, PT

12:45 - 13:05 Nursing management of late and long-term effects of bladder cancer
B.T. Jensen, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital Skejby, Aarhus,

13:05 - 13:25 Discussion and Q&

M. Costin1, D. Demaeseneer2, M. Varandas3, B.T. Jensen4, 1Fight Bladder Cancer,
Chinnor, GB, 2UZ Gent - University Hospital Ghent, Gent, BE, 3Fundação
Champalimaud, Lisbon, PT, 4Institute of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital
Skejby, Aarhus, DK

13:25 - 13:30 Conclusion remarks

M. Costin, Fight Bladder Cancer, Chinnor, GB

12:00 - 13:30 Type: Young Oncologists session Tarragona Auditorium -

Title: YO Fellowship session - Fellowships in Hall 7
Europe: Educational opportunities for Young Oncologists
Chair(s): Teresa Amaral, DE

12:00 - 12:15 Introduction

T. Amaral, Skin Cancer Clinical Trials Center, University of Tuebingen, Tübingen, DE

12:15 - 12:35 Best fellowship project 1

L. Nguyen, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, CA

12:35 - 12:55 Best fellowship project 2

M. Strach, Chris O'Brien Lifehouse, Camperdown, AU

12:55 - 13:30 Awards: Presentation of the 2024 Fellows and 2023 Best Exam

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Burgos Auditorium - Hall

Title: MSD - Treatment Modalities in Early-Stage 5
Chair(s): Federico Cappuzzo, IT

13:00 - 13:15 Opening Remarks and Current Treatment Landscape in Early-Stage NSCLC
F. Cappuzzo, IRCCS Istiuto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena (IRE), Rome, IT

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

13:15 - 13:35 Current Early-Stage Resectable Disease Data (neoadjuvant & perioperative)
F. Cappuzzo, IRCCS Istiuto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena (IRE), Rome, IT

13:35 - 13:55 Surgical considerations in Early-Stage Disease

J. Spicer, McGill University, Montreal, CA

13:55 - 14:15 Approaches to Treatment in the Medically Inoperable Patient

S. Jabbour, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, New Brunswick, US

14:15 - 14:30 Panel Q&A and Closing

F. Cappuzzo1, J. Spicer2, S. Jabbour3, 1IRCCS Istiuto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena
(IRE), Rome, IT, 2McGill University, Montreal, CA, 3Rutgers Cancer Institute of New
Jersey, New Brunswick, US

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Salamanca Auditorium -

Title: Novartis - Radioligand therapy for Hall 5
advanced prostate cancer: are we on target?
Chair(s): Kim Nguyen Chi, CA

13:00 - 13:05 Welcome and Introduction

K.N. Chi, BC Cancer Agency - Vancouver, Vancouver, CA

13:05 - 13:15 Where do we stand? Current recommendations for radioligand therapy (RLT) in
metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
K.N. Chi1, M. Eiber2, J.C. Galceran3, J. Walz4, 1BC Cancer Agency - Vancouver,
Vancouver, CA, 2TUM - Technical University of Munich, Munich, DE, 3Vall d'Hebron
University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 4IPC - Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Marseille, Cedex 09,

13:15 - 14:05 Who should we treat? Optimizing the impact of RLT in patients with metastatic
castration resistant prostate cancer
K.N. Chi1, M. Eiber2, J.C. Galceran3, J. Walz4, 1BC Cancer Agency - Vancouver,
Vancouver, CA, 2TUM - Technical University of Munich, Munich, DE, 3Vall d'Hebron
University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 4IPC - Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Marseille, Cedex 09,

14:05 - 14:25 Where are we going? Discussing the future of RLT in patients with advanced
prostate cancer
K.N. Chi1, M. Eiber2, J.C. Galceran3, J. Walz4, 1BC Cancer Agency - Vancouver,
Vancouver, CA, 2TUM - Technical University of Munich, Munich, DE, 3Vall d'Hebron
University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 4IPC - Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Marseille, Cedex 09,

14:25 - 14:30 Closing remarks

K.N. Chi, BC Cancer Agency - Vancouver, Vancouver, CA

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Santander Auditorium -
Title: Daiichi Sankyo - Advance, Deliver, Hall 5
Challenge: ADCs and the potential future of mNSCLC
Chair(s): Marina Garassino, US

13:00 - 13:05 Welcome and Introductions

M. Garassino, University of Chicago Department of Medicine - Section of
Hematology/Oncology, Chicago, US

13:05 - 13:25 ADC design and considerations for evolving clinical mNSCLC landscape
M. Garassino, University of Chicago Department of Medicine - Section of
Hematology/Oncology, Chicago, US

13:25 - 13:45 ADCs’ potential for non-AGA populations

P. Garrido Lopez, Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal, Madrid, ES

13:45 - 14:05 Potential applications of ADCs in NSCLC with AGAs

B. Besse, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

14:05 - 14:25 Audience Q&A and panel discussion

M. Garassino1, P. Garrido Lopez2, B. Besse3, 1University of Chicago Department of
Medicine - Section of Hematology/Oncology, Chicago, US, 2Hospital Universitario
Ramon y Cajal, Madrid, ES, 3Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

14:25 - 14:30 Meeting close

M. Garassino, University of Chicago Department of Medicine - Section of
Hematology/Oncology, Chicago, US

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: F. Hoffmann-La Roche LTD - How can we 5
PI3K the right treatment for every patient with HR+ breast
Chair(s): Carlos Barrios, BR

13:00 - 13:05 Welcome

C. Barrios, Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group, Porto Alegre, BR

13:05 - 13:25 PI3K: Unmet need has driven a succession of targeting attempts
K. Kalinsky, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, Atlanta, US

13:25 - 13:50 PI3Ki: Continued efforts are showing success

K. Jhaveri, Memorial Sloan Kettering Evelyn H. Lauder Breast Center, New York, US

13:50 - 14:10 PI3Ki: An evolving drug class with an exciting future

C. Barrios, Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group, Porto Alegre, BR

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:10 - 14:25 Q&A
C. Barrios1, K. Jhaveri2, K. Kalinsky3, 1Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group,
Porto Alegre, BR, 2Memorial Sloan Kettering Evelyn H. Lauder Breast Center, New
York, US, 3Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, Atlanta, US

14:25 - 14:27 Close

K. Kalinsky, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, Atlanta, US

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: MSD - Advancing Cancer Care: 3
Immunotherapy in Early Stage Cancers
Chair(s): Antonio Llombart Cussac, ES

13:00 - 13:05 Welcome and Introductions

A. Llombart Cussac, Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, Valencia, ES

13:05 - 13:25 Enhancing IO Approaches for Early Stage Disease: Exploring Rationales,
Recurrence Risks, and Lessons Learned
A. Llombart Cussac, Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, Valencia, ES

13:25 - 13:40 Synergistic Strategies for Early Stage Cancers: Integrating Radiotherapy in
Multidisciplinary Tumor boards
S. Senan, Amsterdam UMC - Vrije University Medical Centre (VUmc), Amsterdam, NL

13:40 - 13:55 Unleashing the Power of Collaboration: The Role of Surgeons in

Multidisciplinary Tumor boards
J. Gschwend, Klinikum Rechts der Isar - Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Munich, DE

13:55 - 14:25 Panel discussion

A. Llombart Cussac1, S. Senan2, J. Gschwend3, 1Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, Valencia,
ES, 2Amsterdam UMC - Vrije University Medical Centre (VUmc), Amsterdam, NL,
3Klinikum Rechts der Isar - Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Munich, DE

14:25 - 14:30 Closing remarks

A. Llombart Cussac, Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, Valencia, ES

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: Pfizer - Three Moves Ahead: Strategic Hall 3
Sequencing Approaches for Patients With HER2+ MBC
Chair(s): Eva Ciruelos, ES

13:00 - 13:05 Welcome and Introduction

E. Ciruelos, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

13:05 - 13:15 Opening Moves: How Has the Therapeutic Landscape Evolved for HER2+ MBC?
E. Ciruelos, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

13:15 - 13:35 What Is Your Defence Strategy? Clinical Decision-Making Against CNS
Involvement in HER2+ MBC
H. Mcarthur1, J.-S. Frenel2, 1UTSW - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,
Dallas, US, 2ICO Institut de Cancerologie de l'Ouest René Gauducheau, Saint-Herblain,

13:35 - 13:55 What Is Your Strategic Move? Clinical Decision-Making in 3L After T-DXd
Progression in HER2+ MBC
H. Mcarthur1, J.-S. Frenel2, 1UTSW - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,
Dallas, US, 2ICO Institut de Cancerologie de l'Ouest René Gauducheau, Saint-Herblain,

13:55 - 14:10 Mastering Future Moves: Opportunities in HER2+ MBC

G. Bianchini, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, IT

14:10 - 14:25 Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A

E. Ciruelos1, H. Mcarthur2, J.-S. Frenel3, G. Bianchini4, 1Hospital Universitario 12 de
Octubre, Madrid, ES, 2UTSW - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,
Dallas, US, 3ICO Institut de Cancerologie de l'Ouest René Gauducheau, Saint-Herblain,
FR, 4IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, IT

14:25 - 14:30 Closing Remarks

E. Ciruelos, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

13:00 - 14:30 Type: ESMO Colloquium Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: ESMO Colloquim supported by Novocure 3
GmbH - The role of alternating electric fields in the therapeutic
management of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer
Chair(s): Ticiana Leal, US

13:00 - 13:10 Welcome and introduction

T. Leal, Emory University, Atlanta, US

13:10 - 13:25 The mechanisms of action and principles of synergistic cancer cytotoxicity of
electric fields with antineoplastic agents and irradiation
C. Hagemann, UKW - University Hospital Würzburg, Würzburg, DE

13:25 - 13:40 Clinical evidence for efficacy & safety of electric fields therapeutic applications
for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer
T. Leal, Emory University, Atlanta, US

13:40 - 13:55 Emerging clinical evidence on the efficacy of electric fields in controlling
sanctuary metastatic site
M. Mehta, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, US

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

13:55 - 14:10 Research insights in future developments of electric field applications in
thoracic oncology and potential for combination with systemic agents and

14:10 - 14:25 Q&A and discussion

14:25 - 14:30 Concluding remarks

13:00 - 14:30 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3

Title: BeiGene - A new comprehensive approach to lung cancer
Chair(s): Silvia Novello, IT; Tony S.K. Mok, HK

13:00 - 13:05 Welcome and Introduction

S. Novello, Università Degli Studi Di Torino - Orbassano, Orbassano, IT

13:05 - 13:20 Resectable NSCLC – neo-adjuvant/adjuvant

M. Provencio Pulla, University Hospital Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda, Majadahonda,

13:20 - 13:50 Single agent IO is the only treatment option for NSCLC with PD-L1 high
expression (debate: PRO – M. Reck; CON – T. Mok)
T.S.K. Mok1, M. Reck2, 1Prince of Wales Hospital - Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics, Sha
Tin, HK, 2LungenClinic Grosshansdorf, Grosshansdorf, DE

13:50 - 14:05 What to do in NSCLC with low PD-L1 expression?

L. Paz-Ares, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

14:05 - 14:20 1L SCLC

S. Novello, Università Degli Studi Di Torino - Orbassano, Orbassano, IT

14:20 - 14:29 General panel discussion / audience Q&A

S. Novello1, M. Provencio Pulla2, T.S.K. Mok3, M. Reck4, L. Paz-Ares5, 1Università Degli
Studi Di Torino - Orbassano, Orbassano, IT, 2University Hospital Puerta de Hierro
Majadahonda, Majadahonda, ES, 3Prince of Wales Hospital - Li Ka Shing Specialist
Clinics, Sha Tin, HK, 4LungenClinic Grosshansdorf, Grosshansdorf, DE, 5Hospital
Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, ES

14:29 - 14:30 Take-home messages and farewell

T.S.K. Mok, Prince of Wales Hospital - Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics, Sha Tin, HK

13:15 - 14:15 Type: EONS session Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7

Title: Cancer care during exceptional circumstances
Chair(s): Matthew Fowler, GB; Wendy Mcinally, GB

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

13:15 - 13:30 Experience from cancer nursing during earthquake: The impact on cancer care
G. Bagcivan, Koc University - School of Nursing, Istanbul, TR

13:30 - 13:45 Experiences from the war in Ukraine from a patient perspective
N. Hrad, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Kyiv, UA

13:45 - 14:00 Nursing with limited resources during an ongoing conflict

T. Jafar, Augusta-Victoria Hospital CCC, East Jerusalem, PS

14:00 - 14:15 Q&A and discussion

14:30 - 15:30 Type: EONS session Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7

Title: SIOPE-EONS collaborative session
Chair(s): Eugenia Trigoso Arjona, ES; Johan De Munter, BE

14:30 - 14:45 Nurse as a transition leader: From paediatric to adults

E. Trigoso Arjona, Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe, Valencia, ES

14:45 - 15:00 It's skin cancer: A rollercoaster of a journey for young people and their
significant other
W. Mcinally, Open University, Edinburgh, GB

15:00 - 15:10 CN5 - Journeying Through the Landscape of Home-Based Pediatric Cancer
Care: Needs and Expectations from the Insights of Children and Parents
H. Özdemir Koyu, E. Kilicarslan, Gazi University - Faculty of Nursing, Ankara, TR

15:10 - 15:20 CN16 - Effectiveness of Technology-Based Intervention in Symptom

Management in Pediatric Oncology Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-
E.H. Savaş1, A. Akça Sümengen2, R. Semerci3, 1Independent researcher, Istanbul, TR,
2The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, US, 3Koc University Hospital,

Istanbul, TR

15:20 - 15:30 Q&A and discussion

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Proffered Paper session Madrid Auditorium - Hall

Title: Proffered paper session 2: Basic science & 2
Translational research
Chair(s): Federica Di Nicolantonio, IT

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:45 - 14:55 66O - Association of a blood T cell fitness gene signature with clinical benefit
from ImmTAC bispecific T cell engagers
J. Sacco1, R. Carvajal2, O. Hamid3, P. Kirk4, L. Collins4, M. Butler5, A. Shoushtari6, J.
Hassel7, A. Ikeguchi8, L. Hernandez-Aya9, P. Nathan10, J.M. Piulats Rodriguez11, H.
Shaw12, D. Davar13, C. Han14, M. Middleton15, F. Thistlethwaite16, F. Peck4, K.
Ranade17, T. Sato18, 1The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre and University of Liverpool,
Wirral, GB, 2Northwell Health Cancer Institute, New York, US, 3The Angeles Clinic and
Research Institute a Cedars-Sinai Affiliate, Los Angeles, US, 4Immunocore Limited,
Abingdon-on-Thames, GB, 5Princess Margaret Cancer Center, Toronto, CA, 6Memorial
Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US, 7University Hospital Heidelberg,
Heidelberg, DE, 8Stephenson Cancer Center/University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City,
US, 9University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, Miami Beach, US,
10Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, Northwood, GB, 11ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia

l'Hospitalet (Hospital Duran i Reynals), Barcelona, ES, 12UCLH - University College

London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, GB, 13University of Pittsburgh
Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, US, 14University of Auckland, Auckland, NZ, 15University
of Oxford, Oxford, GB, 16The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, GB,
17Immunocore LLC, Rockville, US, 18Jefferson University, Philadelphia, US

14:55 - 15:05 67O - Polygenic risk score associations with immune checkpoint inhibitors
related endocrine toxicity
C. Thorball1, Z. Quandt2, A. Saha3, L. Yao4, P. Midda5, Y. Xu4, C. Bejan4, F. Hodel1, A.
Stravodimou6, E. Shearer-Kang3, M. Aldrich4, E.J. Philips7, G. Liu8, A. Schoenfeld9, D.
Johnson4, E. Ziv10, J. Fellay11, R. Mohindra12, J. Balko4, G.S. Chandler13, 1Lausanne
University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, CH, 2UCSF, San Francisco,
CH, 3Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, US, 4Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
Nashville, US, 5University of California, San Francisco, US, 6Lausanne University
Hospital, Lausanne, CH, 7VUMC - Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, US,
8Princess Margaret Cancer Center, Toronto, CA, 9MSKCC - Memorial Sloan Kettering

Cancer Center, New York, US, 10UCSF, San Francisco, US, 11Lausanne University
Hospital and University of Lausanne; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne,
CH, 12F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Basel, CH, 13F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Basel, CH

15:05 - 15:15 Invited Discussant 66O and 67O

15:15 - 15:25 Q&A

15:25 - 15:35 One LBA TBC

15:35 - 15:45 68O - Frequency of clinical acquired RAS-MAPK pathway resistance alterations
in patients treated with KRASG12C inhibitors - an individual patient meta-
J. Riedl1, F. Fece2, B. Caughey2, H. Matsubara1, P. Patel1, A. Varkaris2, H. Barnes1, S.
Ehnstrom2, J. Schwartz2, J.J. Lin2, A. Parikh2, J. Gainor2, A. Hata2, R. Heist2, R.
Corcoran2, 1Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, US, 2MGH - Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, US

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:45 - 15:55 1942O - Application of GigaPath, an open-weight billion-parameter AI
foundation model based on a novel vision transformer architecture for cancer
mutation prediction and TME analysis
C. Bifulco1, H. Poon2, N. Usuyama3, H. Xu4, S. Wang4, B. Piening5, R. Leidner6,
1Providence Cancer Institute, Southfield, US, 2Microsoft Research, Redmond, US,
3Microsoft, Redmond, US, 4University of Washington, Seattle, US, 5Earle A. Chiles

Research Institute at the Robert W. Franz Cancer Center, Portland, US, 6Providence
Cancer Institute Franz Clinic, Portland, US

15:55 - 16:05 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC, 68O and 1942O
F. Di Nicolantonio, IRCCS - Istituto di Candiolo - FPO, Candiolo, IT

16:05 - 16:15 Q&A

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Mini Oral session Sevilla Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Mini oral session 2: Non-metastatic NSCLC
Chair(s): Heather Wakelee, US; Kersti Oselin, EE

14:45 - 14:50 1241MO - Osimertinib (osi) after definitive chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in

unresectable (UR) stg III EGFRm NSCLC: Analyses of CNS and distant
progression from the Phase 3 LAURA study
S. Lu1, M.-J. Ahn2, T. Baisamut3, M. Ozguroglu4, T. Kato5, J.C.-H. Yang6, M. Huang7, F.
Fujiki8, T. Inoue9, V.Q. Le10, V. Sriuranpong11, D. Vicente12, C. Fuentes13, R.N.
Darapureddi14, L. Poole14, E. Armenteros Monterroso14, T. Van Der Gronde15, Y.
Rukazenkov14, S. Ramalingam16, 1Shanghai Chest Hospital, School of Medicine,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, CN, 2Samsung Medical Center,
Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, KR, 3Faculty of Medicine
Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, TH, 4Istanbul University-
Cerrahpaşa, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, TR, 5Kanagawa Cancer Center,
Yokohama, JP, 6National Taiwan University Hospital and National Taiwan University
Cancer Center, Taipei, TW, 7Cancer Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University,
Chengdu, Sichuan, CN, 8Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, BR,
9Osaka International Cancer Institute, Osaka, JP, 10Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi,

VN, 11Chulalongkorn University and the King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital,

Bangkok, TH, 12Hospital Universitario Virgen de Macarena, Sevilla, ES, 13Centro
Médico Dra. De Salvo, Buenos Aires, AR, 14AstraZeneca, Cambridge, GB,
15AstraZeneca, New York, US, 16Emory University School of Medicine, Winship Cancer

Institute, Atlanta, US

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:50 - 14:55 1206MO - ALINA: exploratory biomarker analyses in patients (pts) with
resected ALK+ non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with adjuvant
alectinib vs chemotherapy (chemo)
B. Solomon1, Y.-L. Wu2, R. Dziadziuszko3, F. Barlesi4, M. Nishio5, J.S. Ahn6, H.
Horinouchi7, M. Hochmair8, F. De Marinis9, M.R. Migliorino10, A. Kurochkin11, H.
Harputluoglu12, D. Planchard4, K. Korphaisarn13, J.-Y. Han 14, T. Lohmann15, A. Cardona
Gavaldon15, V. Archer16, M. Nowicka15, J. Noe15, 1Peter MacCallum Cancer Center,
Melbourne, AU, 2Guangdong Lung Cancer Institute, Guangdong Provincial People’s
Hospital (Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences), Southern Medical University,
Guangzhou, CN, 3Medical University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, PL, 4University Paris Saclay &
Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, FR, 5Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foundation for
Cancer Research, Tokyo, JP, 6Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, KR, 7National Cancer
Center Hospital, Tokyo, JP, 8Klinik Floridsdorf, Karl-Landsteiner-Institute for Lung
Research and Pulmonary Oncology, Vienna, AT, 9European Institute of Oncology
(IRCCS), Milan, IT, 10San Camillo Forlanini Hospital, Rome, IT, 11RCI Sumy Regional
Clinical Oncological Dispensary, Sumy Region, Kharkiv Governorate, UA, 12Inonu
University Medical Faculty Turgut Ozal Medical Center, Malatya, TR, 13Faculty of
Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, TH, 14National Cancer Center,
Goyang, KR, 15F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Basel, CH, 16Roche Products Limited,
Welwyn Garden City, GB

14:55 - 15:00 One LBA TBC

15:00 - 15:05 1207MO - Neoadjuvant nivolumab monotherapy for high-risk clinical stage I
non-small cell lung cancer: A phase 2 POTENTIAL study.
Y. Tsutani1, Y. Sakairi2, N. Ikeda3, Y. Tanaka4, M. Tsuboi5, H. Ito6, K. Suzuki7, K.
Kushitani8, K. Aokage5, K. Yoshimura9, K. Awai8, G. Ishii5, Y. Takeshima8, M. Okada2,
1Kindai University - Faculty of Medicine, Osaka, JP, 2Research Institute for Radiation

Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, JP, 3Tokyo Medical University,
Shinjuku-ku, JP, 4Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, JP, 5National
Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, JP, 6Kanagawa Cancer Center, Yokohama, JP,
7Juntendo University Hospital, Bunkyo-ku, JP, 8Hiroshima University Hospital,

Hiroshima, JP, 9Graduate School of Medical Sciences Medical School, Nagoya City
University, Aichi, JP

15:05 - 15:20 Invited Discussant 1241MO, 1206MO, 1207MO and one LBA TBC
H. Wakelee, Standford University, Stanford, US

15:20 - 15:25 One LBA TBC

15:25 - 15:30 One LBA TBC

15:30 - 15:45 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:45 - 15:50 1242MO - The addition of belomethason propionate inhalation to radical
radiotherapy for patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a
randomized controlled, open-label phase II study
J. Zhang1, Q. Wu2, H. Wu1, W. Zhao2, M. Shi1, 1Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Shanghai,
CN, 2Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital - Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai,

15:50 - 15:55 1208MO - Phase III trial of perioperative pirfenidone therapy for lung cancer
with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF): NEJ034 study
Y. Goto1, Y. Sakairi2, I. Yoshino3, H. Suzuki4, M. Okada5, Y. Sato1, M. Tsuboi6, T.
Nakagawa7, T. Iwata2, J. Okami8, H. Takei9, H. Suzuki10, N. Ikeda11, Y. Sato12, K.
Kobayashi13, 1University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, JP, 2Chiba Cancer Center, Chiba, JP,
3International University of Health and Welfare School of Medicine, Chiba, JP, 4Chiba

University, School of Medicine, Chiba, JP, 5Department of Hiroshima University

Hospital, Hiroshima, JP, 6National Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, JP, 7Omagari
Kosei Medical Center, Daisen, JP, 8Osaka International Cancer Institute, Osaka, JP,
9Showa University School of Medicine, Tokyo, JP, 10Fukushima Medical University,

Fukushima, JP, 11Tokyo Medical University, Shinjuku-ku, JP, 12Kitasato University

Hospital, Sagamihara, JP, 13Saitama Medical University International Medical Center,
Saitama, JP

15:55 - 16:00 1243MO - A phase III study comparing weekly carboplatin plus nab-paclitaxel
and daily low-dose carboplatin for concurrent chemoradiotherapy in elderly
patients (≥75 years) with unresectable locally advanced NSCLC: JCOG1914
S. Omori1, H. Kenmotsu2, T. Takahashi2, S. Nomura3, H. Harada2, S. Ishikura4, M.
Ando5, H. Izumi6, Y. Shinno3, M. Oki7, T. Masuda8, T. Yokoyama9, Y. Hosomi10, T.
Shimokawa11, S. Murakami12, T. Kurosaki13, H. Yoshioka14, N. Mitome3, H. Fukuda3, Y.
Ohe3, 1Oita University Hospital, Oita, JP, 2Shizuoka Cancer Center, Shizuoka, JP,
3National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo, JP, 4St. Luke's International Hospital, St.

Luke's International University, Tokyo, JP, 5Nagoya University Hospital, Aichi, JP,
6National Cancer Center Hospital East, Chiba, JP, 7NHO Nagoya Medical Center, Aichi,

JP, 8Hiroshima University Hospital, Hiroshima, JP, 9Kurashiki Central Hospital,

Okayama, JP, 10Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer and Infectious Diseases Center Komagome
Hospital, Tokyo, JP, 11Yokohama Municipal Citizen's Hospital, Kanagawa, JP,
12Kanagawa Cancer Center, Kanagawa, JP, 13Kindai University Faculty of Medicine,

Osaka, JP, 14Kansai Medical University Hospital, Osaka, JP

16:00 - 16:15 Invited Discussant 1242MO, 1208MO and 1243MO

K. Oselin, North Estonia Medical Centre Foundation (SA Pohja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla),
Tallinn, EE

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Special symposium Bilbao Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: New technology, new ideas: What is on the horizon for
colorectal cancer?
Chair(s): Maria Elena Elez Fernandez, ES; Christopher Williams, GB

14:45 - 14:50 Introduction and scientific background

M.E. Elez Fernandez, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:50 - 15:05 Microbiome in colorectal cancer: Ready for primetime?
M. Giannakis, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

15:05 - 15:20 Sex and gender: First steps towards tailored treatment
K. Heinrich, Hospital Munich Grosshadern - Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU),
Munich, DE

15:20 - 15:35 Liquid profiling of molecular metastatic disease and impact on decision making
N. Tarazona Llavero, Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, ES

15:35 - 15:50 Novel systemic therapeutic approaches in mCRC

M.E. Elez Fernandez, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

15:50 - 16:10 Q&A and discussion

16:10 - 16:15 Conclusions and perspectives

C. Williams, UL - University of Leeds, Leeds, GB

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Special symposium Granada Auditorium - Hall

Title: Management of oligoprogressive disease 6
Chair(s): Lucia Del Mastro, IT; Karen Gelmon, CA

14:45 - 14:50 Introduction and scientific background

K. Gelmon, BC Cancer Agency - Vancouver, Vancouver, CA

14:50 - 15:05 Leptomeningeal disease

A. Fitzpatrick, King's College London, London, GB

15:05 - 15:20 CNS disease

N. Lin, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

15:20 - 15:35 Patients with bone metastases

R. Van Den Begin, Institute Jules Bordet, Anderlecht, BE

15:35 - 15:50 Patients with liver metastases

R. Adam, Hôpital Paul Brousse AP-HP, Villejuif, FR

15:50 - 16:10 Q&A and discussion

16:10 - 16:15 Conclusions and perspectives

L. Del Mastro, IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, Genova, IT

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:45 - 16:00 Type: Multidisciplinary session Burgos Auditorium - Hall
Title: How can we best manage locally-advanced 5
and persistent cervical cancers?
Chair(s): Jack Chan, SG

14:45 - 14:50 Presentation of case/condition

D. Najjari Jamal, ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia - Hospital Duran i Reynals, Hospitalet
de Llobregat, ES

14:50 - 15:10 The role of chemotherapy in concurrent chemoradiation

J. Chan, NCCS - National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore, SG

15:10 - 15:30 The role of immunotherapy plus concurrent chemoradiation

D. Najjari Jamal, ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia - Hospital Duran i Reynals, Hospitalet
de Llobregat, ES

15:30 - 15:50 Surgery for persistent cervical cancer after chemoradiation

N. Abu-Rustum, MSKCC - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US

15:50 - 16:00 Discussion

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Proffered Paper session Santander Auditorium -

Title: Proffered paper session: Sarcoma Hall 5
Chair(s): Bernd Kasper, DE

14:45 - 14:55 1718O - EREMISS Trial: a double-blind placebo (PBO)-controlled randomised

trial assessing efficacy/safety of Regorafenib (REGO) as maintenance therapy
after 1st line doxorubicin-based chemotherapy in advanced soft-tissue sarcoma
(ASTS) patients (pts).
N. Penel1, A. Italiano2, J. Wallet1, L. Chaigneau3, B. Verret4, N. Firmin5, S. Watson6, T.
Valentin7, E. Bompas8, F. Bertucci9, M. Brahmi10, A. Le Cesne11, A. Brunot12, M.
Spalato Ceruso2, M. Vanseymortier1, E. Decoupigny1, S. Taieb13, M.-C. Le Deley1, C.
Perrin12, J.-Y. Blay 10, 1Centre Oscar Lambret, Lille, FR, 2Institute Bergonié - Centre
Régional de Lutte Contre le Cancer (CLCC), Bordeaux, FR, 3CHRU Besancon - Hopital
Jean Minjoz, Besancon, FR, 4Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, FR, 5ICM Val D Aurelle,
Montpellier, FR, 6Institut Curie, Paris, FR, 7Institut Universitaire du Cancer -Toulouse-
Oncopole, Toulouse, FR, 8ICO Institut de Cancerologie de l'Ouest René Gauducheau,
Saint-Herblain, FR, 9IPC - Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Marseille, FR, 10Centre Léon
Bérard, Lyon, FR, 11Gustave Roussy - Cancer Campus, Villejuif, FR, 12Centre Eugene -
Marquis, Rennes, FR, 13CentreOscarLambret, Lille, FR

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:55 - 15:05 1719O - Multisarc: A randomized precision medicine study in advanced soft-
tissue sarcomas.
B. Verret1, C. Bellera2, P. Boudou Rouquette3, E. Bompas4, S. Watson5, N. Penel6, J.E.
Kurtz7, I. Desmoulins8, F. Bertucci9, E. Saada10, M. Brahmi11, N. Isambert12, J.-C.
Thery13, P. Dubray-Longeras14, J.-Y. Blay 11, Y. Laizet2, J.-F. Deleuze15, I. Soubeyran16, S.
Mathoulin17, A. Italiano2, 1Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, FR, 2Institute Bergonié -
Centre Régional de Lutte Contre le Cancer (CLCC), Bordeaux, FR, 3Hopital Cochin -
Site Port-Royal AP-HP, Paris, FR, 4ICO Institut de Cancerologie de l'Ouest René
Gauducheau, Saint-Herblain, FR, 5Institut Curie, Paris, FR, 6Centre Oscar Lambret,
Lille, FR, 7ICANS - Institut de Cancérologie Strasbourg Europe, Strasbourg, FR,
8Centre Georges-François Leclerc (Dijon), Dijon, FR, 9IPC - Institut Paoli-Calmettes,

Marseille, FR, 10Centre Anticancer Antoine Lacassagne, Nice, FR, 11Centre Léon
Bérard, Lyon, FR, 12CHU Poitiers - Jean Bernard Hôpital, Poitiers, FR, 13Centre Henri
Becquerel, Rouen, FR, 14Centre Jean PERRIN, Clermont-Ferrand, Cedex, FR, 15CNRGH
- Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine - CEA, Évry-Courcouronnes,
Cedex, FR, 16Institute Bergonié, Bordeaux, FR, 17Univ. Bordeaux, Inserm, Bordeaux, FR

15:05 - 15:15 Invited Discussant 1718O and 1719O

C.M. Valverde Morales, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

15:15 - 15:25 Q&A

15:25 - 15:35 One LBA TBC

15:35 - 15:45 One LBA TBC

15:45 - 15:55 Invited Discussant two LBAs TBC

T.W.-W. Chen, NTU - National Taiwan University - College of Medicine, Taipei City, TW

15:55 - 16:05 Q&A

14:45 - 16:00 Type: Multidisciplinary session Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Which patients should we treat beyond 5
progression and when should we stop?
Chair(s): Fiona Thistlethwaite, GB; Ignacio Melero, ES

14:45 - 14:50 Presentation of case/condition

F. Thistlethwaite, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, GB

14:50 - 15:10 What are the types of progression?

S. Champiat, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

15:10 - 15:30 Do we have clinical or radiological biomarkers to guide us?

R. Ferrara, UniSR - Università Vita e Salute San Raffaele Milano, Milan, IT

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

15:30 - 15:50 How do we manage patient progression?
F. Thistlethwaite, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, GB

15:50 - 16:00 Discussion

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Special session Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: How Real World Data (RWD) are 3
transforming oncology
Chair(s): Miriam Koopman, NL; Suzette Delaloge, FR

14:45 - 15:05 Predicting major outcomes from large cohorts: How is it actionable?
A.K. Clift, University of Oxford, Oxford, GB

15:05 - 15:25 How much do real world patients really differ from clinical trials?
C. Yap, ICR - The Institute of Cancer Research - North Site, Sutton, GB

15:25 - 15:45 How to overcome biases to build Real World Evidence

A. Valachis, Örebro University Hospital (Universitetssjukhuset Örebro), Örebro, SE

15:45 - 16:00 Future directions in the development and use of Real World Evidence
M. Koopman, UMC - University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, NL

16:00 - 16:15 Q&A and discussion

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Proffered Paper session Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: Proffered paper session: NETs and Hall 3
endocrine tumours
Chair(s): Chris Verslype, BE; Sara De Dosso, CH

14:45 - 14:55 1141O - Cabozantinib Versus Placebo for Advanced Neuroendocrine Tumors
(NET) after Progression on Prior Therapy (CABINET Trial/Alliance A021602):
Updated Results Including Progression Free-Survival (PFS) by Blinded
Independent Central Review (BICR) and Subgroup Analyses
J. Chan1, S. Geyer2, T. Zemla2, M. Knopp3, S. Behr4, S. Pulsipher2, J. Acoba5, A.
Shergill6, E. Wolin7, T. Halfdanarson2, B. Konda8, N. Trikalinos9, S. Shaheen10, N.
Vijayvergia11, N.A. Dasari12, J. Strosberg13, E. Kohn14, M. Kulke15, E. O'Reilly16, J.
Meyerhardt1, 1Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US, 2Mayo Clinic, Rochester, US,
3University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, US, 4University of California San Francisco, San

Francisco, US, 5University of Hawaii Cancer Center, Honolulu, US, 6University of

Chicago, Chicago, US, 7Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, US, 8The
Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus, US, 9Washington
University School of Medicine in St. Louis - Siteman Cancer Center, St. Louis, US,
10Stanford Comprehensive Cancer Institute, Stanford, US, 11Fox Chase Cancer Center -

Main Campus, Philadelphia, US, 12MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US, 13H. Lee
Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, Tampa, US, 14National Cancer Institute,
Bethesda, US, 15Boston University and Boston Medical Center, Boston, US, 16Memorial
Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

14:55 - 15:05 1142O - Multivariable Analysis of Streptozotocin plus 5-Fluorouracil and
Everolimus Sequences in Advanced Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor patients:
The SEQTOR Trial (GETNE-1206)
J. Capdevila Castillon1, S. Tafuto2, M. Krogh3, A. Teule4, R. Garcia-Carbonero5, H.J.
Klumpen6, B. Cremer7, I. Sevilla8, B. Eriksson9, E. Mitkina Tabaksblat10, J.-P. Metges11,
N.S. Reed12, J. Schrader13, S. Bozzarelli14, U. Knigge15, P. Jimenez-Fonseca16, M.
Benavent Viñuales17, M. Venerito18, V. Navarro19, R. Salazar Soler4, 1Vall Hebron
University Hospital, Vall Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), Barcelona, ES, 2Istituto
Nazionale Tumori IRCCS , Fondazione "G.Pascale" Naples, Napoli, IT, 3Odense
University Hospital, Odense, DK, 4Institut Català d'Oncologia Hospital Duran i Reynals,
Departament de Ciencies Clíniques, Campus Bellvitge, Universitat de Barcelona.
CIBERONC, Barcelona, ES, 5Hospital 12 de Octubre, Imas12, UCM, Madrid, ES,
6Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL, 7Köln

Universitätsklinikum Köln (AöR), Köln, DE, 8Investigación Clínica y Traslacional en

Cáncer / Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas de Málaga (IBIMA) / Hospitales
Universitarios Regional y Virgen de la Victoria de Málaga, Málaga, ES, 9University
Hospital, Uppsala, SE, 10Aarhus University Hospital, CoE, Aarhus, DK, 11Brest Hôpital
Augustin Morvan, Institut de Cancero-Hemato, Brest, FR, 12Beatson Oncology Centre,
Glasgow, GB, 13Hamburg Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Hamburg-Eppendorf, DE,
14Humanitas Cancer Center, Milano, IT, 15Rigshospitalet NET CoE, Copenhagen, DK,
16Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, ISPA, Oviedo, ES, 17University Hospital

Virgen del Rocío, Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBIS), Seville, ES, 18Hepatology
and Infectious Diseases, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Medical Faculty,
Magdeburg, DE, 19Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO), L’Hospitalet de Llobregat,
Barcelona, ES

15:05 - 15:20 Invited Discussant 1141O and 1142O

N. Fazio, IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia IRCCS, Milan, IT

15:20 - 15:30 Q&A

15:30 - 15:40 1143O - Refining molecular classification of neuroendocrine tumors from

diverse origins using multi-omic integration models. Unveiling novel
neuroendocrine subtypes and their clinical implications.
C. Carretero-Puche1, B. Antón Pascual2, A. Lens-Pardo3, M. Benavent Viñuales4, L.
Gomez-Izquierdo4, P. Jimenez Fonseca5, A. Teijo3, Y. Rodríguez3, B. Rubio-Cuesta3, A.
Lamas-Paz3, G. Gomez-Lopez6, B. Soldevilla1, R. Garcia-Carbonero7, 1Centro de
Oncología experimental. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Hospital 12 de Octubre
(i+12). CNIO, Madrid, ES, 2Doce de Octubre University Hospital, Madrid, ES, 3Instituto
de Investigación Sanitaria Hospital 12 de Octubre (i+12), Madrid, ES, 4University
Hospital Virgen del Rocío, Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBIS), Seville, ES,
5Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Oviedo, ES, 6CNIO - Centro Nacional de

Investigaciones Oncologicas, Madrid, ES, 7University Hospital 12 De Octubre, Madrid,


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15:40 - 15:50 1144O - Osteopontin (OPN) predicts the efficacy of anti-angiogenic therapy
with multikinase inhibitors (MKIs) in advanced neuroendocrine tumors (NETs):
underlying molecular mechanisms.
A. Lens-Pardo1, C. Carretero-Puche1, B. Antón Pascual2, J. Capdevila Castillon3, M.
Benavent Viñuales4, P. Jimenez Fonseca5, E. Grande6, C. Perna7, A. Caminoa7, B. Rubio-
Cuesta1, J. Sarmentero1, B. Gil-Calderón1, P. Llamas1, B. Soldevilla1, R. Garcia-
Carbonero2, 1Centro de Oncología experimental. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria
Hospital 12 de Octubre (i+12). CNIO, Madrid, ES, 2Doce de Octubre University
Hospital, Madrid, ES, 3Vall d'Hebron University Hospital. Vall d'Hebron Institute of
Oncology (VHIO). Universitàt Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, ES, 4University
Hospital Virgen del Rocío, Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBIS), Seville, ES,
5Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias. ISPA, Oviedo, ES, 6MD Anderson Cancer

Center Madrid, Madrid, ES, 7Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal. IRYCIS. Universidad
de Alcalá, Madrid, ES

15:50 - 16:05 Invited Discussant 1143O and 1144O

T. Dayton, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Barcelona, ES

16:05 - 16:15 Q&A

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Educational session Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: Treatment of difficult lymphomas 3
Chair(s): Cédric Rossi, FR; Maria Gomes da Silva, PT

14:45 - 15:05 Relapsed refractory Hodgkin’s lymphoma

C. Rossi, CHU Dijon, Dijon, FR

15:05 - 15:25 Primary CNS lymphoma

A. Ferreri, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, IT

15:25 - 15:45 Mantle cell lymphoma

G. Hess, JGU - Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, DE

15:45 - 16:05 HIV lymphoma

K. Hübel, Universitätsklinikum Köln (AöR), Köln, DE

16:05 - 16:15 Q&A and discussion

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Special symposium Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3

Title: Improving the management of toxicities from
Chair(s): Mario Mandalà, IT; Christina Ruhlmann, DK

14:45 - 14:50 Introduction and scientific background

M. Mandalà, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, IT

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14:50 - 15:05 Treatment beyond corticosteroids
C. Ruhlmann, OUH - Odense University Hospital, Odense, DK

15:05 - 15:20 Cardiovascular toxicities: Focus on myocarditis

E. De Azambuja, Institute Jules Bordet, Brussels, BE

15:20 - 15:35 Gastrointestinal disorders: Enterocolitis and beyond

M. Mandalà, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, IT

15:35 - 15:50 What about long-term toxicities?

E. Ghisoni, UNIL - Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research - Lausanne Branch, Epalinges,

15:50 - 16:10 Q&A and discussion

16:10 - 16:15 Conclusions and perspectives

14:45 - 16:15 Type: Mini Oral session Zaragoza Auditorium -

Title: Mini oral session: Policy and preventive CC5
Chair(s): Christine Chomienne, FR; Judith Balmaña, ES

14:45 - 14:50 1539MO - Oncologists’ voices in time of crisis: Findings from the ESMO
Resilience Task Force survey series on how members can be helped and
supported – a qualitative analysis
C. Hardy1, E. Thorne2, M. O'Connor3, M.E. Elez Fernandez4, K. Kamposioras5, K.
Punie6, C. Oing7, K. Murali8, J. Haanen9, K.H.J. Lim5, S. Banerjee10, 1Lancaster
University Division of Health Research, Lancaster, GB, 2Lancaster University, Lancaster,
GB, 3University Hospital Waterford, Waterford, IE, 4Vall d'Hebron University Hospital,
Barcelona, ES, 5The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, GB, 6ZAS - Ziekenhuis
aan de Stroom, Antwerpen, BE, 7Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, GB,
8Austin Health - Austin Hospital, Heidelberg, AU, 9NKI-AVL - Netherlands Cancer

Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, NL, 10The Royal Marsden

Hospital - Chelsea, London, GB

14:50 - 14:55 1540MO - The Patient Voice: An Analysis of Real-World Data using the
Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Foundation/CoRDS Patient Registry
S. Pai1, W. Ochieng2, N. Hedlund2, A. Martino3, N. Chohan3, M. Pawlak2, E. Morais4, K.
Mcclellan2, 1Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, US, 2Recurrent
Respiratory Papillomatosis Foundation USA, Lawrenceville, US, 3Merck & Co. Inc.,
Rahway, US, 4MSD France, Puteaux, FR

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14:55 - 15:00 1541MO - Leadership roles in oncology: gender is still a barrier. Results from
the new ESMO Women for Oncology Committee authorship and monitoring
H. Linardou1, J. Bajpai2, U. Dafni3, N. Battisti4, R. Berardi5, A. Bosch6, F. Cardoso7,
C.M. De Cerqueira Mathias8, S.P. Choo9, E. Felip10, K. Fizazi11, E. Fountzilas12, G.
Dimopoulou13, M. Garassino14, D. Mukherji15, J. Naidoo16, J.W.-H. Tsang17, S. Peters18,
C. Sessa19, P. Garrido Lopez20, 1Metropolitan Hospital, Athens, GR, 2Tata Memorial
Hospital - Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai, IN, 3National and Kapodistrian University of
Athens, Athens, GR, 4The Royal Marsden Hospital (Sutton), Sutton, GB, 5AOU -
Ospedali Riuniti Umberto I - G.M. Lancisi - G. Salesi, Torrette di Ancona, IT, 6Lund
University - Faculty of Medicine, Malmo, SE, 7Champalimaud Foundation -
Champalimaud Clinical Center, Lisbon, PT, 8NOB - Nucleo de Oncologia da Bahia -
Grupo Oncoclinicas, Salvador, BR, 9NCCS - National Cancer Centre Singapore,
Singapore, SG, 10Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 11Institut Gustave
Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 12Second Department of Medical Oncology, Euromedica
General Clinic, Thessaloniki, Greece, Thessaloniki, GR, 13FSF-H - Frontier Science
Foundation Hellas, Athens, GR, 14University of Chicago Department of Medicine -
Section of Hematology/Oncology, Chicago, US, 15Clemenceau Medical Center, Dubai,
AE, 16Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, IE, 17HKBOG - Hong Kong Breast Oncology Group,
Hong Kong, HK, 18CHUV - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, CH,
19EOC - Ospedale Regionale Bellinzona e Valli - Istituto Oncologico della Svizzera

Italiana (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH, 20Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal, Madrid, ES

15:00 - 15:15 Invited Discussant 1539MO, 1540MO and 1541MO

C. Chomienne, Hopital Saint Louis AP-HP, Paris, FR

15:15 - 15:20 1542MO - Mapping the scale of off-label use in oncology: an important step in
harmonising access
H. Timmer1, A. Huisman2, L. Fagereng3, H. Gelderblom1, S. Van Waalwijk Van Doorn-
Khosrovani4, 1Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden, NL, 2Health Insurers The
Netherlands, Zeist, NL, 3Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, NO, 4Medical Department, CZ
Health Insurance, Leiden/Tilburg, NL

15:20 - 15:25 1543MO - Analysis of concordance between trial and target populations for
cancer drugs in the US, EU, and Switzerland (2014-2023)
K. Vokinger1, C. Glaus1, M. Serra-Burriel2, A. Kesselheim3, 1University of Zurich,
Zurich, CH, 2UZH - University of Zurich - Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention
Institute (EBPI), Zurich, CH, 3Brigham and Women's Hospital - Pharmacoepidemiology
and Pharmacoecomonics Division, Boston, US

15:25 - 15:30 1544MO - Clinical trial design and treatment effects: A meta-analysis of
randomized-controlled and single-arm trials supporting 437 FDA approvals of
cancer drugs and indications
J.C. Michaeli1, C. Michaeli2, S. Albers3, D. Michaeli4, 1Breast Center and CCC Munich,
BZKF, Universitz Hospital Munich, LMU Munich, Munich, DE, 2UMM -
Universitaetsklinikum Mannheim, Mannheim, DE, 3Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische
Universität München, München, DE, 4German Cancer Research Center - National
Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT), Heidelberg, DE

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15:30 - 15:45 Invited Discussant 1542MO, 1543MO and 1544MO
P.G. Casali, Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT

15:45 - 15:50 One LBA TBC

15:50 - 15:55 1545MO - Personalised cancer prevention programme (Interception): A cost

analysis to inform public policy decision-making
F. Erdogan1, A. Bayle1, L. Veron2, O. Caron1, S. Delaloge1, J. Bonastre1, 1Institut
Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR, 2Gustave Roussy - Cancer Campus, Villejuif, FR

15:55 - 16:10 Invited Discussant one LBA TBC and 1545MO

J. Balmaña, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

15:00 - 15:45 Type: Challenge your Expert Salamanca Auditorium -

Title: Management of advanced urothelial Hall 5
carcinoma: Does chemotherapy hold or lose its position?
Chair(s): Michiel van der Heijden, NL

15:00 - 15:20 Presentation by Expert

P. Giannatempo, Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, IT

15:20 - 15:45 Discussion led by Chair

M. Van Der Heijden, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, NL

15:45 - 16:15 Type: EONS session Ronda Auditorium - Hall 7

Title: EONS closing session
Chair(s): Virpi Sulosaari, FI; Helena Ullgren, SE; Johan De Munter, BE

15:45 - 15:50 Highlights of EONS17

15:50 - 15:55 Best rated abstract

H. Ullgren, Karolinska University Hospital-Solna, Solna, SE

15:55 - 16:00 EONS Poster Awards

J. De Munter, UZ Gent - Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent, Gent, BE

16:00 - 16:05 ECND 2024 winner

V. Sulosaari, TUAS - Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, FI

16:05 - 16:15 Closing remarks and farewell

V. Sulosaari, TUAS - Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, FI

16:00 - 17:00 Type: Young Oncologists session Tarragona Auditorium -

Title: YO Clinical case discussions Hall 7

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16:00 - 16:00 Integrating precision medicine / ESCAT in your choice of treatment
J. Mateo, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

16:00 - 16:00 Multiple co-occurring cancers

E. Garralda, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

16:00 - 16:00 Use of ablative therapies in patients with oligometastatic disease

I. Meattini, AOUC - Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi, Firenze, IT

16:00 - 16:00 Cell therapy in solid tumours

J. Haanen, NKI-AVL - Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital,
Amsterdam, NL

16:00 - 16:00 Fertility and pregnancy in patients with gynaecological cancer

I. Colombo, EOC - Ospedale Regionale di Bellinzona e Valli, San Giovanni, Bellinzona,

16:30 - 18:00 Type: Proffered Paper session Barcelona Auditorium -

Title: Presidential Symposium 3 Hall 2

16:30 - 18:00 Type: Educational session Sevilla Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Promises and pitfalls in earlier stage NSCLC
Chair(s): Isabelle Schmitt-Opitz, CH; Laura Mezquita, ES

16:30 - 16:50 To resect or not to resect, and how? Advancing surgical management in early
stage NSCLC
I. Schmitt-Opitz, USZ - University Hospital Zürich, Zurich, CH

16:50 - 17:10 Incorporating systemic therapy in the perioperative setting

S. Peters, CHUV - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, CH

17:10 - 17:30 Oncogene-addicted earlier stage NSCLC: Current standards, debates, and open
L. Mezquita, Hospital Clinic y Provincial de Barcelona, Barcelona, ES

17:30 - 17:50 The role of radiotherapy in earlier stage NSCLC

S. Senan, Amsterdam UMC - Vrije University Medical Centre (VUmc), Amsterdam, NL

17:50 - 18:00 Q&A and discussion

16:30 - 17:45 Type: Multidisciplinary session Salamanca Auditorium -

Title: Controversies in the management and Hall 5
follow up of small localised neuroendocrine tumours
Chair(s): Els Nieveen van Dijkum, NL; Ivan Borbath, BE

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16:30 - 16:35 Presentation of case/condition
I. Borbath, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc (UCLouvain Saint-Luc), Woluwe-Saint-
Lambert, BE

16:35 - 16:55 Appendiceal NEN: When to recommend radical surgery?

E. Nieveen Van Dijkum, Amsterdam University Medical Center (UMC) - locatie
Academic Medical Center (AMC), Amsterdam, NL

16:55 - 17:15 Gastric NEN: When to recommend radical surgery?

J. Díaz Tasende, UCM - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, ES

17:15 - 17:35 Pancreatic NEN: Watchful wait vs radical surgery

M. Falconi, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, IT

17:35 - 17:45 Discussion

16:30 - 17:45 Type: Multidisciplinary session Santander Auditorium -

Title: The evolving diagnostic landscape of early Hall 5
phase trials
Chair(s): Michal Bassani-Sternberg, CH

16:30 - 16:35 Presentation of case/condition

16:35 - 16:50 Utility of more comprehensive sequencing to identify biomarkers for early
phase clinical trials
M. Berger, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US

16:50 - 17:05 Challenges of HLA, neoantigen, and immune biomarker testing for early phase
immunomodulatory therapy trials
M. Bassani-Sternberg, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Lausanne - DOF - UNIL,
Lausanne, CH

17:05 - 17:20 Expanding proteome interrogation to identify early phase clinical trial
J. Lehtiö, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, SE

17:20 - 17:35 AI and machine learning to identify early phase clinical trial biomarkers
J. Kather, Technische Universität Dresden - Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine,
Dresden, DE

17:35 - 17:45 Q&A and discussion

16:30 - 18:00 Type: Special symposium Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: New therapeutic approaches in 5
concomitant chemoradiotherapy
Chair(s): Jean Bourhis, CH

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

16:30 - 16:35 Introduction and scientific background
A. Spreafico, UHN - University Health Network - Princess Margaret Cancer Center,
Toronto, CA

16:35 - 16:50 Targeting cell death pathways

J. Bourhis, CHUV - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, CH

16:50 - 17:05 Targeting the DNA damage response

M. Dillon, ICR - Institute of Cancer Research - Chester Beatty Laboratories, London, GB

17:05 - 17:20 Targeting innate immune signalling pathways

S. Pai, Yale University School of Medicine, New Heaven, US

17:20 - 17:35 How to select patients? Models to predict response

I. Tinhofer-Keilholz, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, DE

17:35 - 17:55 Q&A and discussion

17:55 - 18:00 Conclusions and perspectives

J. Bourhis, CHUV - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, CH

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Burgos Auditorium - Hall

Title: Industry Satellite Symposium 53 5

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Salamanca Auditorium -

Title: Pierre Fabre Laboratories - Precision Hall 5
oncology for BRAF mutant cancers
Chair(s): Josep Tabernero, ES

18:30 - 18:40 Targeting oncogenic BRAF

R. Dummer, USZ - University Hospital Zürich, Zurich, CH

18:40 - 18:50 BRAF as a breakthrough in the treatment of BRAFV600-mutant metastatic

A. Hauschild, UK-SH, Campus Kiel, Kiel, DE

18:50 - 19:05 Same strategy, different challenge: Managing BRAFV600 disease in advanced
G. Riely, Memorial Sloan Kettering Evelyn H. Lauder Breast Center, New York, US

19:05 - 19:20 Different strategy, same target: Managing BRAFV600E-mutant metastatic

colorectal cancer
C. Cremolini, AOU Pisana - Stabilimento di Santa Chiara, Pisa, IT

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19:20 - 19:50 Interactive, case-based panel discussion: Optimal care of patients receiving
treatment with BRAF-targeted agents
J. Tabernero1, R. Dummer2, A. Hauschild3, C. Cremolini4, G. Riely5, 1Vall d'Hebron
University Hospital, Barcelona, ES, 2USZ - University Hospital Zürich, Zurich, CH, 3UK-
SH, Campus Kiel, Kiel, DE, 4AOU Pisana - Stabilimento di Santa Chiara, Pisa, IT,
5Memorial Sloan Kettering Evelyn H. Lauder Breast Center, New York, US

19:50 - 19:55 What's next for this target?

J. Tabernero, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Santander Auditorium -

Title: Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. - Transforming Hall 5
Precision Lung Cancer Care: Expert Guidance on HER2-, HER3-,
TROP2-, and B7-H3-Targeted ADCs
Chair(s): David Planchard, FR

18:30 - 18:35 Welcome, Introduction, and Baseline Assessment

D. Planchard, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

18:35 - 18:55 Brief Anatomical Review of ADCs: An Exploration of ADC Structure and
Mechanism of Action & ADCs in HER2-mutated NSCLC
E. Smit, LUMC-Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, NL

18:55 - 19:00 Panel Discussion: HER2-Targeted ADCs

D. Planchard1, H.A. Yu2, E. Smit3, 1Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR,
2MSKCC - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US, 3LUMC-Leiden

University Medical Center, Leiden, NL

19:00 - 19:15 ADCs in EGFR-mutated NSCLC

H.A. Yu, MSKCC - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US

19:15 - 19:35 Expanding the Applicability Beyond HER2m and EGFRm: TROP2-Targeted ADCs
D. Planchard, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

19:35 - 19:40 The Potential of ADCs to Transform Lung Cancer Care in Patients with SCLC
D. Planchard, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

19:40 - 19:45 Panel Discussion: TROP2-, and B7-H3-Targeted ADCs

D. Planchard1, H.A. Yu2, E. Smit3, 1Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR,
2MSKCC - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US, 3LUMC-Leiden

University Medical Center, Leiden, NL

19:45 - 19:54 Question & Answer Session

D. Planchard1, H.A. Yu2, E. Smit3, 1Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR,
2MSKCC - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, US, 3LUMC-Leiden

University Medical Center, Leiden, NL

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19:54 - 19:55 Closing Remarks
D. Planchard, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Valencia Auditorium - Hall

Title: Medscape Global Oncology - Redefining 5
Care for HR-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer: How to Navigate
Critical Decision Points
Chair(s): Javier Cortés, ES

18:30 - 18:40 Welcome and Introduction


18:40 - 18:50 New Frontiers in Estrogen Receptor Inhibition

S. Loibl, German Breast Group (GBG) Forschungs GmbH, Neu-Isenburg, DE

18:50 - 19:05 Novel Approaches to Targeting the PI3K/AKT/mTOR Pathway


19:05 - 19:20 Latest Insights on ADCs for HR-Positive/HER2-Negative Metastatic Breast

A. Bardia, UCLA - David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, US

19:20 - 19:35 Latest Insights on ADCs for HR-Positive, HER2-Low Metastatic Breast Cancer
P. Tarantino, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US

19:35 - 19:45 In the Hot Seat: Common Clinical Queries With ADCs
J. Cortés1, A. Bardia2, P. Tarantino3, S. Loibl4, 1INTERNATIONAL BREAST CANCER
CENTER, IBCC, Barcelona, ES, 2UCLA - David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles,
US, 3Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US, 4German Breast Group (GBG)
Forschungs GmbH, Neu-Isenburg, DE

19:45 - 19:50 Experts’ Key Takeaways From ESMO 2024

J. Cortés1, A. Bardia2, P. Tarantino3, S. Loibl4, 1INTERNATIONAL BREAST CANCER
CENTER, IBCC, Barcelona, ES, 2UCLA - David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles,
US, 3Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US, 4German Breast Group (GBG)
Forschungs GmbH, Neu-Isenburg, DE

19:50 - 20:00 Audience Q&A and Close


18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Alicante Auditorium - Hall

Title: F. Hoffmann - La Roche Ltd - Pioneering GI 3
cancer treatments and maximising outcomes for patients with
Chair(s): Richard Finn, US

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18:30 - 18:35 Welcome and introduction
R. Finn, UCLA - David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, US

18:35 - 18:50 Innovating to address unmet needs

R. Finn1, P. Chow2, 1UCLA - David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, US, 2NCCS -
National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore, SG

18:50 - 19:10 Current therapeutic approaches in HCC

P. Chow1, M. Allaire2, 1NCCS - National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore, SG,
2Hopital Pitié Salpetrière AP-HP, Paris, FR

19:10 - 19:30 The importance of surveillance and diagnosis

A. Saborowski1, A. Yopp2, 1MHH - Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, DE,
2UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, US

19:30 - 19:40 Experiences from the clinic: a dynamic case study discussion
R. Finn1, A. Yopp2, A. Saborowski3, M. Allaire4, P. Chow5, 1UCLA - David Geffen School
of Medicine, Los Angeles, US, 2UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, US, 3MHH -
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, DE, 4Hopital Pitié Salpetrière AP-HP,
Paris, FR, 5NCCS - National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore, SG

19:40 - 19:55 Audience Q&A and panel discussion

R. Finn1, A. Yopp2, A. Saborowski3, P. Chow4, M. Allaire5, 1UCLA - David Geffen School
of Medicine, Los Angeles, US, 2UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, US, 3MHH -
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, DE, 4NCCS - National Cancer Centre
Singapore, Singapore, SG, 5Hopital Pitié Salpetrière AP-HP, Paris, FR

19:55 - 20:00 Close

R. Finn, UCLA - David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, US

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Pamplona Auditorium -

Title: Industry Satellite Symposium 58 Hall 3

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Oviedo Auditorium - Hall

Title: Pfizer Inc. - Cancer Patients with Cachexia: 3
the Unmet Needs and Evolving Therapeutic Landscape
Chair(s): Jeffrey Crawford, US; Paula Jimenez Fonseca, ES

18:30 - 18:35 The Cancer Patient with Cachexia

J. Crawford1, P. Jimenez Fonseca2, 1Duke Cancer Institute, Durham, US, 2Hospital
Universitario Central de Asturias, Oviedo, ES

18:35 - 18:55 Overview of Cachexia in Cancer Patients: Epidemiology and Therapeutic

P. Bossi, IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, IT

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

18:55 - 19:15 Biological Basis of Potential Therapeutic Options for Cancer Patients with
D. Breen, Pfizer Inc, San Diego, US

19:15 - 19:35 Clinical Trials in Cancer Patients with Cachexia

J. Crawford, Duke Cancer Institute, Durham, US

19:35 - 19:55 Questions from Audience/Panel Discussion

P. Jimenez Fonseca, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Oviedo, ES

19:55 - 20:00 Concluding Remarks

J. Crawford1, P. Jimenez Fonseca2, 1Duke Cancer Institute, Durham, US, 2Hospital
Universitario Central de Asturias, Oviedo, ES

18:30 - 20:00 Type: Industry Satellite Symposium Toledo Auditorium - Hall 3

Title: Astellas - The Evolving Landscape of LA/mUC, from Data to
Clinical Practice
Chair(s): Jose Pablo Maroto Rey, ES

18:30 - 18:35 Welcome and introductions

J.P. Maroto Rey, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, ES

18:35 - 18:50 Transforming the management of LA/mUC patients

M. Van Der Heijden, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, NL

18:50 - 19:10 Changes in treatment paradigm, what is the optimal choice for my patients?
R. Jones1, M. Van Der Heijden2, 1MVLS - Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences College
- University of Glasgow, Glasgow, GB, 2Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, NL

19:10 - 19:20 Management of potential skin toxicities associated with new therapies for

19:20 - 19:50 Clinical pearls: LA/mUC, treatment and AE management

J.P. Maroto Rey1, M. Van Der Heijden2, R. Jones3, 1Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau,
Barcelona, ES, 2Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, NL, 3MVLS - Medical,
Veterinary and Life Sciences College - University of Glasgow, Glasgow, GB

19:50 - 19:58 Q&A

J.P. Maroto Rey1, R. Jones2, M. Van Der Heijden3, 1Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau,
Barcelona, ES, 2MVLS - Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences College - University of
Glasgow, Glasgow, GB, 3Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, NL

19:58 - 20:00 Summary and Close

J.P. Maroto Rey, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, ES

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

09:00 - 13:00 Type: Scientific Congress highlights Madrid Auditorium - Hall
Title: Scientific Congress highlights 1 2
Chair(s): Rebecca Dent, SG; Fabrice André, FR

09:00 - 09:20 Basic science & TR

P. Bedard, UHN - University Health Network - Princess Margaret Cancer Centre,
Toronto, CA

09:20 - 09:40 Breast cancer, early stage

F.C. Bidard, Institut Curie, Paris, FR

09:40 - 10:00 Breast cancer, metastatic

G. Bianchini, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, IT

10:00 - 10:20 Gynaecological cancers

L. Mileshkin, Peter MacCallum Cancer Center, Melbourne, AU

10:20 - 10:40 Policy and preventive strategies

S. Delaloge, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

10:40 - 11:00 Break

11:00 - 11:20 CNS tumours

A. Darlix, ICM Regional Cancer Institute of Montpellier, Montpellier, FR

11:20 - 11:40 Investigational immunotherapy

H.C. Toh, NCCS - National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore, SG

11:40 - 12:00 Developmental therapeutics

A. Stathis, EOC - Ospedale Regionale Bellinzona e Valli - Istituto Oncologico della
Svizzera Italiana (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH

12:00 - 12:20 Genitourinary tumours, prostate

U. Vogl, IOSI - Istituto Oncologico della Svizzera Italiana, Bellinzona, CH

12:20 - 12:40 Genitourinary tumours, non-prostate

I. Duran, HUMV - Hospital Universitario Marques de Valdecilla, Santander, ES

12:40 - 13:00 Close

09:00 - 13:00 Type: Scientific Congress highlights Sevilla Auditorium - Hall 2

Title: Scientific Congress highlights 2
Chair(s): Andres Cervantes, ES; Solange Peters, CH

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

09:00 - 09:20 Melanoma and other skin tumours
K. Suijkerbuijk, UMC-University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, NL

09:20 - 09:40 Sacroma

Z. Papai, MH Honvedkorhaz - Hungarian Army Health Center, Budapest, HU

09:40 - 10:00 Head and neck cancer, excluding thyroid

I. Braña, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, ES

10:00 - 10:20 Gastrointestinal tumours, lower digestive

D. Arnold, Asklepios Klinik Altona - Hämatologie, internistische Onkologie,
Palliativmedizin und Rheumatologie, Hamburg, DE

10:20 - 10:40 Gastrointestinal tumours, upper digestive

S. Derks, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, NL

10:40 - 11:00 Break

11:00 - 11:20 Supportive and palliative care

I. Vaz Luis, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Cedex, FR

11:20 - 11:40 Haematological malignancies

M. Gomes Da Silva, Instituto Portuguès de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil E.P.E.
(IPO Lisboa), Lisbon, PT

11:40 - 12:00 NETs and endocrine tumours

C. Verslype, UZ Leuven - University Hospitals Leuven - Campus Gasthuisberg, Leuven,

12:00 - 12:20 Non-metastatic NSCLC and other thoracic malignancies

A. Addeo, HUG - Hopitaux Universitaires de Geneve, Geneva, CH

12:20 - 12:40 NSCLC, metastatic

A. Zer, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, IL

12:40 - 13:00 Close

Last update: 25-07-2024 09:44:14am Programme

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