Keywords: The global classroom is an emerging technology-based pedagogy used internationally by educational institutions.
Global classroom To evaluate a global classroom, we conducted a qualitative study using written reflections and semi-structured
Engagement theory interviews of global classroom participants, based on two theoretical frameworks: Kearsley and Shneiderman’s
Experiential learning theory
engagement theory and Kolb’s experiential learning theory. We analyzed student reflections and transcribed
Student engagement
Technology-based pedagogy
interviews, using the software package, NVivo, with two objectives: (1) to evaluate if global classroom is
engaging and experiential to students and (2) to elucidate how student engagement is fostered in the global
classroom through experiential learning. Results illustrated a complex relationship between student engagement
and experiential learning. During the experiential learning cycle, engagement theory (relate-create-donate)
principles contributed to student engagement at varying levels and for different purposes. Based on the results of
this study, we created a framework that demonstrates the interactivity of engagement theory and experiential
learning theory to describe how student engagement featured in experiential learning during this global class
room, with strategies to maximize student engagement in experiential learning.
* Correspondence to: Faculty of Health Sciences, Western University, 1151 Richmond Street, London, Ontario, Canada.
E-mail addresses: selina.quibrantar@utoronto.ca (S.M. Quibrantar), oezezika@uwo.ca (O. Ezezika).
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000–0001-7832–0483
Received 20 July 2021; Received in revised form 17 August 2022; Accepted 7 July 2023
Available online 26 July 2023
0191-491X/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.M. Quibrantar and O. Ezezika Studies in Educational Evaluation 78 (2023) 101290
tackle real-world problems. Reflecting on this global classroom experi frameworks suitable to elucidate student engagement and experiential
ence, Wiek et al. (2013) described favorable criteria for providing stu learning in this global classroom experience are Kearsley and Shnei
dents with global learning opportunities. More recently, Naicker et al. derman’s engagement theory and Kolb’s experiential learning theory.
(2021) investigated an adaptation of the global classroom in the context Thus, with the support of these two theoretical frameworks, this study
of a Collaborative Online International Learning course involving uni had two objectives: (1) to evaluate if global classroom pedagogy is
versity students from the Netherlands and South Africa. engaging and experiential to students and (2) to elucidate how student
Despite the extensive utilization of global classroom pedagogy, its engagement is fostered in the global classroom through experiential
impacts on the learning process are absent. Two aspects of the learning learning. Through these objectives, this study aims to propose a novel
process that can be used as markers for pedagogical quality are student theoretical framework that demonstrates the interactivity between
engagement and experiential learning due to their joint association with engagement and experiential learning.
enhanced learning outcomes. Student engagement is an exemplary
reflection of learning processes, is associated with high-quality learning 2. Theoretical background
outcomes in higher education (Krause & Coates, 2008), is considered a
valid indicator of institutional merit (Axelson & Flick, 2010) and is a 2.1. Engagement theory
positive marker of student achievement (Siddiq et al., 2020; Tolley et al.,
2012). Engagement theory is a conceptual framework for implementing and
Moreover, there is scholarly agreement that student engagement is enhancing students’ participation in classroom activities. It states that
required for experiential learning (Burch et al., 2014), which is the engagement is fostered through three components: relate (collaborative
creation of knowledge and meaning from real-life experiences (Yardley group settings), create (project-based learning activities), and donate
et al., 2012). Research has demonstrated that experiential learning could (real-outside focus) (Kearsley & Shneiderman,1998). Examples of
increase student engagement through actively involving the learner in learning activities grounded in engagement theory include, personal
the learning process (Beckem & Watkins, 2012; Li et al., 2019; Winsett capstone projects, which involves creating presentations about topics of
et al., 2016). personal significance and relating it to class content (Lee et al., 2020).
Presently, there are limited studies on how student engagement Another example described by Lee et al. (2020), is an activity called
features in different types of experiential learning opportunities. Thus, deep appreciations, which is an opportunity for students to provide and
providing experiential opportunities that are instructionally appropriate receive feedback from their peers (Lee et al., 2020). Considering the
and engaging to students, continues to be a challenge for the increasing technology-based delivery of the global classroom, engagement theory
number of educators who have become interested in experiential is the most appropriate theoretical framework to utilize in this study, as
learning (Beckem & Watkins, 2012; Lock, 2015). Furthermore, Burch it provides guidelines specifically for fostering engagement with tech
et al. (2014), noted that there is an increasing demand to measure stu nology (Marshall, 2007), and is the only theory of engagement focusing
dent engagement in pedagogy across disciplines and argued that existing specifically on cultivating engagement in the virtual context, among the
student engagement surveys do not adequately address the dimensions many engagement frameworks that exist (Pittaway, 2012).
of student engagement necessary for experiential learning. While an Engagement theory has been used as a guide to foster engagement in
attempt was made to create a survey that evaluates the role of experi the digital classroom, (Lee et al., 2020), as an evaluation tool for
ential learning on student engagement, the criterion-related validity of engagement in online courses (Hew et al., 2018) and as a framework to
the survey could not be confirmed due to the lack of previous research launch a school-university partnership (Payne, 2016). Considering this,
on student engagement in experiential learning (Burch et al., 2014). In we used engagement theory to evaluate if the global classroom was
addition, Axelson and Flick (2010) stated that while research confirms engaging to students and how it is differentially featured in the experi
student engagement is important for learning, more research needs to be ential learning cycle.
conducted on the interaction between engagement and learning to Studies have reported variations in the significance of relate-create-
elucidate the different types of engagement in the various forms of donate in student experiences (Miliszewska & Horwood, 2006) and
learning. To date, some researchers have studied student engagement in Kearsley and Shneiderman (1998) encourage researchers to conduct
various experiential learning curriculums. For example, in the context of evaluation studies to test relate-create-donate in various educational
internship-based learning, Perrin (2014) determined three important experiences. Thus, we aim to explore these statements further by eval
aspects of experiential learning that fostered engagement and empow uating the global classroom in light of engagement theory. We assumed
erment. Furthermore, in the context of group experiential learning ac that evidence of relate-create-donate in the global classroom indicated
tivities, Winsett et al. (2016) defined four dimensions of engagement that learners were “meaningfully engaged in learning activities”
such as, emotional engagement, physical engagement, cognitive (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1998, p. 20). Therefore, we examined how
engagement in class, and cognitive engagement outside the classroom. engagement theory featured in the global classroom in the different
Despite these examples, there is a gap in current literature regarding experiential learning stages.
how student engagement is fostered in the global classroom through
experiential learning. Additionally, a literature review on project-based 2.2. Kolb’s experiential learning theory
learning outcomes suggested that more research was needed to discern
the benefits of project-based learning (Guo et al., 2020). Thus, consid Kolb’s experiential learning cycle involves four components: con
ering the project-based nature of the global classroom, there is a need to crete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and
understand the benefits of this pedagogical approach. active experimentation. Concrete experiences ensue when students are
This study aims to address the following gaps as noted above; the actively involved in novel experiences that encompass all circumstances
lack of research on how student engagement features in the global and situations of life. Following, reflective observation arises when
classroom and the paucity of studies around associations between learners observe and reflect on the experience from various perspectives.
experiential learning and student engagement confirmed by Burch et al. Next, abstract conceptualization transpires when students aggregate
(2014). These gaps are addressed through an analysis of student expe their observations to construct concepts, that generate rational theories.
riences during an undergraduate food security, food sovereignty and Subsequently, active experimentation occurs when students use these
health course that included a global classroom component. The global theories to solve problems and make decisions (Kolb, 1984).
classroom component consisted of a group project in which students Kolb’s experiential learning theory is a widely accepted framework
connected with an external expert from sub-Saharan Africa and were for pedagogical innovation and design, used in different disciplines for
tasked to create an intervention related to nutrition. Two theoretical the purpose of evaluating experiential learning activities (Kolb & Kolb,
S.M. Quibrantar and O. Ezezika Studies in Educational Evaluation 78 (2023) 101290
2017). For example, a quantitative analysis on laboratory education analysis. Subsequently, student participants were scheduled for an in
based on Kolb’s cycle showed an enhancement in learning outcomes, dividual online interview following the analysis of their reflection.
compared to a control group that received laboratory education without Interested experts were sent a consent form and were scheduled for an
foundations in experiential learning (Abdulwahed & Nagy, 2009). individual online interview. Recruitment emails were sent repeatedly
Furthermore, Chan (2012) conducted a qualitative study to evaluate a until a definite response regarding participation was acquired.
community service experiential project using Kolb’s cycle and demon
strated how components of Kolb’s cycle resulted in various learning 3.3. Study participants
outcomes, skill development and profound learning in students. Given
these studies, we mapped the global classroom on Kolb’s experiential 18 out of the 19 students replied to the recruitment emails. One
learning cycle to evaluate if it was experiential to students and to un student declined to participate, and one student expressed interest after
derstand its impact on the learning process through student the first recruitment email but was not responsive to subsequent emails.
engagement. Therefore, in total, 16 students participated in the study and 16 student
reflections were used. As for interviews, 12 out of the 16 students were
3. Methodology interviewed. Three students refused to be interviewed and one student
was a no-show to their scheduled interview. The one student who did
3.1. Student groups and tasks not attend their scheduled interview was emailed to reschedule, how
ever no response was received. All experts replied to the recruitment
In an online food security, food sovereignty, and health course, 19 emails and expressed interest to participate; however one expert did not
students from a university in Canada were randomly divided into four respond to subsequent emails. Therefore, three out of the four experts
groups and each group was assigned one of the following countries: were interviewed (for results from experts, please refer to Supplemen
Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. Student groups were tasked to tary File 1).
create an intervention to circumvent the negative health impacts of the
nutrition transition within their assigned country. This task was part of a 3.4. Data collection
mandatory assessment towards the course module. The global classroom
feature in this class was the cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary This study was approved by the Research Ethics Board. The data used
collaboration between the student groups and an external expert affili in this study consisted of student reflections that were completed at the
ated with an agricultural organization in their assigned country. The culmination of the course and online semi-structured interviews. Upon
experts collaborated with the student groups by providing them with receiving consent forms from interested student participants, a total of
information to create their intervention. Each expert provided their 16 reflections were disclosed for qualitative analysis. For students who
student group with a pre- recorded virtual tour of an agricultural land agreed to also be interviewed online, an individual online interview was
scape within their respective country and participated in an interview scheduled approximately one week after analysis of their reflection, this
for their assigned student group to ask them questions. Due to sched was the case for 12 out of the 16 students. Semi-structured interviews
uling difficulties, in lieu of an interview, one student group received a occurred virtually, using video conferencing and were audio recorded
document from their expert that comprised of answers to questions. with the permission of each participant. Each interview ranged between
Students then submitted an intervention proposal and received feedback 11 and 21 min and were anonymized to ensure participant confidenti
from their professor for their final presentation. During the final pre ality. Questions that were asked of the students and experts are shown in
sentation, students were given 10-minutes to present the key compo Table 1. In addition, student participants were also asked additional
nents of their proposal and asked a series of questions from their peers questions pertaining to their written reflection.
and professor. The final projects (the proposal and presentations) were
sent to the experts for consideration. At the commencement of the
3.5. Data analysis
course, students were assigned a 300–500 words reflection adapted from
another course (Ezezika & Johnston, 2022). Students had to reflect on
The data in this study consisted of written student reflections and
their global classroom experience, particularly the interactions they had
interviews with students and experts, transcribed verbatim. Data was
with the experts and the concepts they learned from these interactions.
analyzed by the first author in three-steps starting with student re
Students were prompted to reflect on implications the global classroom
flections, followed by transcribed interviews and then jointly, using
had on their future career plans, personal life, and knowledge. The re
NVivo. NVivo is a qualitative data analysis software recognized for
flections were an opportunity for students to openly reflect on any aspect
significantly improving research quality, by providing researchers with
of the global classroom and together with the interviews helped answer
an advantageous coding tool to strategically identify themes in an
our research questions.
Participants comprised of students and experts who participated in Student Interview Questions Expert Interview Questions
the global classroom in a food security, food sovereignty, and health 1. Tell me about your experience doing 1. How would you describe your
course. There were four experts in total, consisting of the following: a the global classroom project. Can experience participating in the global
program officer for a non-profit agricultural organization in Nigeria, a you take me through what you did classroom project?
for the project? 2. Did you find the final projects
technology transfer officer for an international agricultural organization 2. What prior knowledge did you use completed by the students useful to
in Kenya, an agricultural officer for an organization in Tanzania, and a to complete the global classroom you? Explain.
program manager and agronomist for a non-profit organization in project? 3. What are some potential
Uganda. Students were health studies students in their fourth year of 3. What lessons did you take away improvements to the global classroom
from the global classroom project? project, and would you recommend it
undergraduate study or beyond.
4. How did the global classroom to others? Explain.
Approximately one-month preceding the completion of the course, project influence your virtual 4. Are there any other thoughts you have
participants were first informed about the study through an email. learning experience in [this course]? about global classrooms that you
Students and experts who were interested in participating were 5. What part(s) of the global classroom would like to share?
instructed to respond. Interested students were then sent a consent form project was most significant to you
and why?
to provide permission for their reflection to be used for qualitative
S.M. Quibrantar and O. Ezezika Studies in Educational Evaluation 78 (2023) 101290
efficient manner (Hilal & Alabri, 2013). Thus, NVivo was an ideal like 5 of us, and it’s always like good to work together as like a team,
software to ensure accuracy in the analytic process of this study. The and like, you get like different opinions, and people from different
coding process involved going through approximately 80 pages of text like backgrounds and different situations, and when they share their
and cataloguing significant quotes under the broad categories which ideas and you know, we’ll like go back and forth, and this idea is
included tenets of engagement theory and the experiential learning good, and [your] idea is not that good, and we improve on it, helping
cycle. To maintain quality assurance, analyzed data was organized and each other and when one person isn’t – if they’re struggling with
reviewed by a second author. Both authors met to discuss and further something, we would, a different person would come and help out,
reorganize codes and themes. To avoid issues of bias, participants were and we’ll all work together, so I really enjoyed that, I would say.
provided an opportunity to review the preliminary analyses of the data (Participant 15, Interview).
collected. This included a completed report summarizing the study’s
Many students echoed similar sentiments as they recalled how
methods and results. Upon labeling texts into the aforementioned cat
working in a group with other students to solve a problem, mirrored
egories, they were filtered further through a thematic analysis in which
workplace settings, brought in different perspectives and allowed
repeated themes, words or phrases mentioned by participants, were
development of effective group communication skills. In narratives of
grouped under more specific nodes. These specific nodes were created
students describing their interactions with the external experts, feelings
considering the similar experiences described by students in their re
of engagement stemmed from being able to connect with someone on-
flections and/or interviews. Through NVivo, texts filed in the nodes
ground in another country and not necessarily from being in a group
designated for engagement theory and experiential learning theory were
setting, even though all interactions with the external expert occurred in
further analyzed and grouped into the specific nodes. After, these spe
a group context. Students also described developing their cultural
cific nodes were then thematically grouped and organized into a 3 × 4
competency when speaking with the experts. It should be noted that one
table that merged the nodes into intersecting categories of the theoret
student, when describing their experience felt that although it was
ical frameworks.
interactive because they were able to work with people they’ve never
worked with before, the virtual experience was deficient in comparison
3.6. Limitations
to in-person projects. In addition, some students described how they
wished they were able to have more interactions with the experts.
Interviews were conducted approximately two-months after the
commencement of the course; thus, there is a possibility that students
4.1.2. Engagement theory: create
and experts had difficulty recalling certain aspects of their global
Create focuses on facilitating engagement through project-based ac
classroom experience. To resolve this, during the interview, in
tivities that are purposeful and innovative. Through create, students
terviewees were assured that if they required more time to respond,
have control over their learning, define a problem and concentrate on
more clarification and/or wanted a question to be repeated, that it
applying concepts to specific settings. In the global classroom, students
would be provided. In addition, prior to asking questions to students
were tasked to create an intervention for a specific country in sub-
during their interviews, they were read their respective reflections to
Saharan Africa. Based on the analysis of student reflections and in
encourage recall of their experience. Another limitation was that some
terviews, this task contributed to the engagement of students and
students refused to be interviewed, thus only their reflections were used
underlined components of create, as students depicted this activity as
in the analysis. Consequently, particular features of their experience
purposeful due to the real-life nature of the project. In addition, many
were absent in the study. However, this was only the case for four out of
students described how after viewing the virtual tour and conducting an
the 16 student participants. Due to the greater proportion of interviewed
interview with the external expert, their group was then able to identify
students and the common findings within these interviews, the appli
a problem and create a context specific intervention to that problem.
cability of this data can be generalized to all students.
While students were given guidance on the parameters of the global
classroom project with respect to the country they were assigned and the
4. Results
overarching problem (nutrition transition) to be addressed, students
described how they still felt a sense of control over what they could
4.1. Objective 1 – evidence of student engagement and experiential
incorporate into their project. As described by one student,
I really appreciate that we […] weren’t restricted so much in terms of
The first objective was to evaluate if global classroom pedagogy was
what we could really implement with the initiative, we weren’t told
engaging and experiential to students. Based on the results, examples of
to think about sustainability, or cultural competency or ethical
student engagement and experiential learning in light of the theoretical
guidelines, we weren’t pushed to think about those things, we really
frameworks used were evident in the 16 student reflections and 12 in
had our own time to independently consider: “OK, what’s really good
terviews. The results were first analyzed based on Kearsley and Shnei
about or what should we, should, really include within our broader
derman’s engagement theory and subsequently, Kolb’s experiential
initiative that’s effective?” Besides like the [expert], which really
learning theory.
helped us a lot, like there was no construction in terms of the
assignment guidelines and I think that’s really important to help
4.1.1. Engagement theory: relate
build independent thinking. […]. I also appreciate I got to choose our
Relate posits that engagement is facilitated in learning activities that
own topic because I worked more in child and maternal health,
occur in groups where students develop skills through communicating
which is an interest of mine. (Participant 3, Interview).
with others. The global classroom involved a group-based project where
students worked with team members and an external expert. Based on This quote demonstrates how giving students a sense of control
the analysis of student reflections and interviews, relate was apparent in during the creation of their intervention, allowed them to focus on what
the data, as many participants described feelings of engagement and they were most interested in, which in turn fostered critical and inde
connection, grounded in discussing ideas with their group members. As pendent thinking. Similar to this student, other students described the
described by one student, purposeful nature of the global classroom and how it motivated them to
create effective interventions.
[The most significant part of the global classroom] would be working
together as a team for, to create a solution, to create a plan for the 4.1.3. Engagement theory: donate
problem, I would say, because, it was good, it was a bunch of, I think Donate involves learning activities with a real outside focus such as a
S.M. Quibrantar and O. Ezezika Studies in Educational Evaluation 78 (2023) 101290
partnership with a community or organization. Comparatively, in the importance of working from “within the country” and being cognizant of
global classroom, students partnered with an external expert and were unique, social, economic, geographic, and cultural contexts. This, in
assigned a specific country within sub-Saharan Africa. Through turn, enabled students to reflect on the implications this experience had
analyzing the data, donate was represented as students placed great on their future careers. The various manifestations of reflective obser
emphasis on gaining a deep understanding of the food security issues vation are evident in the following student reflection,
within their assigned country, to ensure that the intervention they
created, would be applicable and practical. This was highlighted during "Given the stakeholder interview, my group and I were able to create
an interview with a student in which they describe their critical thought an intervention using already existing data as well as information of
process while creating their intervention. gender inequalities in Tanzania that focuses on empowering women
which are the main farmers there in order to obtain food security and
“So, we really thought that education might be the best way, because reduce poverty. This has provided me a new perspective on my
education improves a lot of stuff, so we picked that first, and then we career path, that I should focus on and understand unique gender
tried to like expand on it, changing it up, so how it would be helpful inequalities to truly tackle a problem at the source and create an
for the community and not just like theoretically, but how would it effective intervention.” (Participant 7, Reflective Assignment).
be like if you’re actually there, like in that culture, in that country, in
Moreover, the global classroom enabled six participants to reflect on
that area, like we tried to implement it so like, as if we were there,
the cultural knowledge they had from their homelands or countries
how would we want to access it.” (Participant 9, Interview).
previously visited. This reflection allowed these students to make con
The data demonstrated how the inclusion of an outside focus nections that aided their understanding of food security in a country
(country in sub-Saharan Africa) enabled students to critically think they were unacquainted with.
about sustainability and long-term outcomes. Students also considered
the interactions they had with the external experts as a central compo 4.1.6. Kolb’s experiential learning theory: abstract conceptualization
nent of the global classroom that made their learning experience Abstract conceptualization is the process of drawing upon concepts
worthwhile. Many students talked about how the expert interactions and previous knowledge to explain observations of the learning expe
were vital in creating real-life solutions because it provided a set of rience by creating new theories. Based on the analysis of student re
expectations they needed to address in their interventions. This in turn, flections and interviews, all students recounted an example of abstract
motivated students to make practical interventions, not just for grades conceptualization. This was most prevalent in relation to the virtual
but for authentic learning and philanthropy. classroom interactions that took place between students, the external
expert, and the professor. Firstly, students were able to conceptualize
4.1.4. Kolb’s experiential learning theory: concrete experiences country specific theories on approaches to address food security, as they
A concrete experience is a novel experience in which students are were introduced to new food security concepts and perspectives, during
entirely and actively involved. Based on the thematic analysis, all stu interactions with the external expert. During the process of abstract
dent participants related concrete experiences to the different compo conceptualization, participants clearly stated how they were able to
nents of the global classroom. This primarily included interacting with integrate new information from the experts with course material. Sec
the external experts through an online interview or reading a document ondly, many students exhibited abstract conceptualization through a
of responses in lieu of an interview. In all participants’ interviews and/or transformation of their previous food security knowledge. This trans
reflections, it was evident that the fundamental experience for students formation occurred as students were able to make connections between
was connecting with an expert on-the ground. Students described this the global classroom experience, course material, and previously
particular experience as “engaging”, “eye-opening”, “enlightening” and learned food security concepts. Students described this transformation
“insightful”. As succinctly described by one student, as a “reinforcement”, “change” or “reiteration” of previously learned
concepts. One student unfolds the abstract conceptualization process
"I actually really enjoyed the global classrooms initiative, I thought it during the global classroom through describing how they were able to
was really amazing that we could talk to somebody who is across the build on concepts from other classes, with the new knowledge they
world and especially during [the COVID-19 pandemic], it really al gained from the course and the external expert on- ground,
lows you to connect with others and to learn about other people’s
experiences …" (Participant 10, Interview). "The knowledge that I have learned in other classes in terms of food
insecurity, but those were really broad, way broader than this class
Some students also related a concrete experience with viewing the
exposed me to, because most of the classes or knowledge that I had
virtual tour video, working with team members, creating an interven
on trying to produce like solutions to food insecurity were very
tion proposal, getting feedback from their professor and/or external
theoretical and more of a top-down approach. But this class, changed
expert, and presenting their intervention to the class. 13 out of the 16
the existing knowledge that I had and that I thought I had, by
participants explicitly discussed how the global classroom simulated a
introducing new concepts that we learned, like the feminism that we
real-life experience, provided them with a first-hand account of global
learned and nutrition transition that we learned, but also how its
issues in another country, and allowed them to be more hands-on.
impacted them on-ground, so that was very very interesting."
(Participant 5, Interview).
4.1.5. Kolb’s experiential learning theory: reflective observation
During reflective observation, students can reflect and observe on Lastly, abstract conceptualization was evident when students clas
their experience from various perspectives. Reflective observations were sified different concepts required for efficacious intervention imple
well-defined in the data, as students were given the opportunity to mentation based on their experience of creating an intervention in the
reflect on their global classroom experience, specifically the interactions global classroom.
they had with the external expert, through a reflection completed at the
end of the course. 4.1.7. Kolb’s experiential learning theory: active experimentation
Independent of writing a compulsory reflection, students exhibited Active experimentation is the stage students attempt to try out the
intuitive reflective observation after consulting with the experts, as they theories they constructed based on their experience, by solving problems
contemplated how to integrate information they received into the design or making decisions. Based on the analysis, active experimentation was
of their interventions. Students also considered the unique challenges evident when students stated how they applied the concepts they
and complexities of scaling up global health interventions, such as the learned from the global classroom, in the following areas: the project
S.M. Quibrantar and O. Ezezika Studies in Educational Evaluation 78 (2023) 101290
proposal, other courses, their personal life, career and future plans. As Table 2
mentioned by one student in their reflection, Overview of common themes of student engagement within different stages of
the experiential learning cycle.
"In the future, I will use the knowledge from this class and keep in Relate Create Donate
mind the [experts] indications of a successful program when study Principles to Principle 1: Principle 2: Project Principle 3:
ing health programs launched by major institutions to truly think foster Designation of focused on tackling Context specific
critically about the effectiveness of these programs. […] I will use the engagement student groups and current global issue and real-
knowledge I have learned through the [expert] interview and course partnership with an where students are outside
external expert. given a broad topic focus
material to help me develop healthcare programs and policies that
Facilitation of domain and clear embedded in
address social determinants of health in a sustainable way, and that continuous goal, to promote the design of
also promote community engagement." (Participant 3, Reflective interactions learner’s autonomy. the project, and
Assignment). throughout course in aspects of
required for relate and
Majority of students described how they used the knowledge they meaningful create.
gained from the expert and course concepts, to construct their inter collaboration.
Engagement Concrete experience
vention. In addition, student participants also discussed how this expe
outcomes in n = 12 n=5 n=3
rience was applicable to their future career planning and mentioned how experiential Intercultural Appreciation for Real-life focus
they wanted to use what they learned through the global classroom in learning awareness project flexibility and appreciated and
their personal lives. Engagement with expert mentorship fostered deep
external experts Enhanced course insight and
Working in groups involvement, interest, thought
4.2. Objective 2 – interactivity of student engagement and experiential appreciated and motivation from
learning Improved project practicality
classroom Confidence to apply
connections and skills in real-life
The second objective was to elucidate how student engagement is active learning
fostered in the global classroom through experiential learning. Building Reflective
on the analyses of the results from objective one, we aggregated the observation
n = 11 n=6 n=3
evidence of engagement theory and the experiential learning cycle from
Cross-cultural Intervention Importance of
student quotations and determined common themes. Table 2 gives an connections implementation prioritizing the
overview of the common themes of student engagement within the Plans for challenges and needs and
different stages of the experiential learning cycle, with the number of application of implications on future perspectives of
students who mentioned a particular theme under relate-create-donate. global insights to career the external
different contexts Reflection on focus
A detailed table with participant quotations is presented in Supple
individual privilege population
mentary File 2. Abstract
When student quotations were grouped into relate-create-donate, conceptualization
with correspondence to a stage in the experiential learning cycle, it n = 11 n = 11 n=5
Appreciation for Important aspects of Importance of
was found that relate was the most significant principle of engagement
feedback building interventions involving the
theory in concrete experience and reflective observation. For example, Broadening and for an external recipient
one student described an appreciation for the opportunity to work in reinforcement of recipient community community
groups, which coincides with the relate principle of engagement theory: existing knowledge Contextual theories
Perspectives on constructed
"… we had to collaborate with our team members you know, kind of populations
getting to introduce one another, and I appreciated you know the Improved
teamwork aspect. I don’t think, you know in undergraduate educa communication
tion, I’ve ever, especially in my major, you know I’ve never really and teamwork
had the chance to do a ton of group projects and so, I like the aspect
working in a group ’cause I know, you know the workforce, you experimentation
actually have to work in groups." (Participant 3, Interview). n=7 n=9 n=5
Impact on future Use of expert insights Inspiration to
This quotation demonstrates the interactivity between engagement career paths and course concepts learn more and
theory and experiential learning, whereby the student describes the Implementation to into intervention make genuine
value of working in a group (relate), as it was reflected by the student as personal life project change in other
preparation for real life scenarios in the workforce, making it an expe countries
riential learning experience. Note. This table demonstrates themes derived from student experiences in the
In abstract conceptualization, student quotations echoed themes of global classroom, categorized under engagement theory and experiential
relate and create equally, with 11 students mentioning both themes of learning (see supplemental material for comprehensive chart with student
create and relate. As reported by one student: quotations). n = number of student participants who mentioned themes cate
gorized under relate-create-donate.
"Researching for our proposal revealed that cash crops are a typical
solution in developing countries to enhance food security as selling theories through researching for their proposal (intervention), an indi
their surplus production generates income that would improve ac cation of create present in the global classroom, while also utilizing the
cess to food. However, our stakeholder interview shed light on the external expert insights, an indication of relate.
risks associated with cash crop production. He reiterated my un Furthermore, in active experimentation themes of create were highly
derstanding of how biophysical aspects of crops such as long matu represented in student quotations relative to relate and donate. There
ration period, sensitivity and exposure to pests and diseases affect were very few themes of donate during the stages of the experiential
their revenues and income." (Participant 2, Reflective Assignment). learning cycle present in student quotations. While donate was not
significant as a stand-alone contributor to student engagement, it was
Here, the student describes how they conceptualized food security
S.M. Quibrantar and O. Ezezika Studies in Educational Evaluation 78 (2023) 101290
significant as a companion to create and relate. As expressed by a stu engagement with external expert, (3) working in groups appreciated and (4)
dent in their reflection, improved classroom connections and active learning. These themes mirror
the results of an experiential learning study that examined the impact of
"Crucially, Dr. ’s breakdown highlighted the disadvantaged situation entrepreneurial pitches on global health pedagogy using Kolb’s experi
of Tanzanian women in agriculture […]. Bearing this in mind, our ential learning theory, particularly around engaging with external
first goal was to search literature for Tanzania’s status in the nutri stakeholders and active classroom interactions (Ezezika and Gong.,
tion transition model, gaps in their national food security, and pre 2020). The themes demonstrate how relate provided students with a
viously carried out agricultural intervention studies in Sub-Saharan concrete experience in which they could actively collaborate and learn
Africa, Asia, and North America." (Participant 9, Reflective with other students through a global connection with an external expert.
Assignment). In doing so, students gained intercultural awareness, and felt more
connected to their class and a foreign country, which lead to active
This student focuses on the collaboration they had with the external
learning and a greater sense of accomplishment.
expert (relate) and then described how it shed light on the agricultural
Subsequently, in reflective observation, two themes of relate that
situation of women in Tanzania (donate), which then directed how they
surfaced included: (1) cross- cultural connections and (2) plans for
were going to create their intervention.
application of global insights to different contexts. These themes display
how in the global classroom, relate enables students to reflect on their
5. Discussion
learning through a global lens adopted from the experience of engaging
with an external expert. In reflective observation, relate facilitated the
Considering, the growing preference towards technology-based
making of cross-cultural connections by students, aiding their compre
pedagogy and the extensive utilization of the global classroom in
hension of new information. In addition, students acknowledged the
educational institutions worldwide, we utilized the theoretical frame
significance of relate during the reflective observation stage, as they
works of engagement theory and experiential learning theory in the
valued the global perspective that was provided by the external expert
analysis of the results in this study, to evaluate how student engagement
and planned to apply it to different contexts in the real-world.
is fostered in the global classroom through experiential learning.
Moving on to the abstract conceptualization stage in the experiential
The interactivity between engagement and experiential learning can
learning cycle, themes of relate included: (1) appreciation for feedback,
be understood through a complementary relationship, in which
(2) broadening and reinforcement of existing knowledge, (3) perspec
engagement theory differentially contributes to each stage of the expe
tives on different populations, and (4) improved communication and
riential learning cycle. In this study, it was found that students appre
teamwork skills. These themes explain how in abstract conceptualiza
ciated the components of engagement theory at varying intensities and
tion, relate was appreciated by students in the form of receiving feed
in different ways as they progressed through the stages of experiential
back from their professor, other students, and external expert. Through
collaborative feedback, students made insightful realizations due to
Together, the theoretical frameworks of Kearsley and Shneiderman’s
distinct perspectives of those involved in the global classroom. These
engagement theory and Kolb’s experiential learning theory, demon
insightful realizations were also a result of students bringing together,
strate how student engagement enhances learning experiences in the
concepts, theories, and previous knowledge with the support of group
global classroom through experiential learning. Here, we discuss themes
members to explain observations, which broadened and reinforced their
derived from student experiences in the global classroom, illustrating
existing knowledge. As a result of the collaborations (between students,
student engagement outcomes in experiential learning, summarized in
their professor, and the experts), students gained communication and
Table 2. These themes provide the empirical groundwork for principles
teamwork skills.
to guide instructors and course designers on how they can establish
Lastly, in the active experimentation stage of the experiential
student engagement in global classroom pedagogy for experiential
learning cycle, themes of relate included: (1) impact on future career
learning education (See Table 2).
paths and (2) implementation to personal life. These themes demon
Firstly, relate was the most prominent component of engagement
strate that students were able to readily identify the relevance of relate
theory present in the experiential learning cycle, demonstrating its sig
to real-life situations. Through gaining teamwork skills (i.e., communi
nificant role in fostering student engagement within the global class
cation, social skills, and planning) and new global knowledge from the
room. Specifically, relate was highly saturated in concrete experience,
global classroom via relate, students were confident in applying these
reflective observation, and abstract conceptualization.
aspects of relate into their personal lives and future career plans. Despite
In these stages, through relate, students were able to make global
the contributions of relate to the experiential learning cycle, some par
connections, reflect through a global perspective and build their global
ticipants stated that more student-expert interaction time was desired,
knowledge. This was accomplished through an exchange of information
as the one-off engagement was not enough. As described by Lock (2015),
during virtual interactions between student groups and the external
“the nature and degree of interaction among members of the global
expert, as well as among group members while students worked on their
classroom is a critical component” (p. 148) and for global classroom
intervention project.
pedagogy to be sustained, the knowledge-building experience needs to
Comparatively, the importance of classroom collaboration in
occur through continuous, ongoing collaborations and conversations,
fostering student engagement was elucidated by Dixson (2010), who
instead of one-off events.
surveyed 186 students from 6 Midwestern universities. Dixson (2010)
Secondly, create was the most significant component of engagement
found that students working on group projects, were more likely to be
theory in the active experimentation stage of the experiential learning
engaged in their courses, and determined a strong positive correlation
cycle, relative to its counterparts. In addition, create was also prominent
between student engagement and student-student communication, as
in the abstract conceptualization stage, to the same extent as relate.
well as student- instructor communication. Similarly, a study conducted
Thus, in experiential learning, student engagement is especially
by Pietarinen et al. (2014) found that cognitive engagement was directly
endorsed through the mechanisms of create during the active experi
regulated by interactions with instructors and indirectly by peers,
mentation and abstract conceptualization stage. Create was established
thereby supporting the importance of collaboration (relate) in fostering
in the global classroom through the assignment of a problem-based
project focused on tackling the nutrition transition in sub-Saharan Af
Through the experiential learning cycle, different themes of relate
rica. During this project, students were given authority over the specific
emerged. Firstly, in the concrete experience stage of experiential
problem they wanted to solve within the scope of the nutrition transition
learning the following themes surfaced: (1) intercultural awareness, (2)
in sub-Saharan Africa and which concepts they would use to solve this
S.M. Quibrantar and O. Ezezika Studies in Educational Evaluation 78 (2023) 101290
problem. This was an important aspect of create in the global classroom, Thirdly, donate was mainly appreciated by students in light of the
as it shaped a purposeful and meaningful learning environment for other components of engagement theory. When students referred to
students to build their knowledge and critically think about a practical donate, it was often in the context of relate and create, and rarely as a
solution. single central component. Donate is employed through the inclusion of a
The main features of create in the global classroom that increased real outside focus in the project-based learning activity, thus, in the
course involvement, interest and motivation among students were the global classroom this was established through assigning a specific
following: project flexibility, external expert mentorship, and project country of focus for the intervention project and a partnership with an
practicality. Similarly, Perrin (2014) determined that learners’ auton external expert on-ground. Donate was shown to be important for stu
omy, peer support and accountability were among the components that dent engagement, as it shifted the perspective of students beyond
promoted student engagement in educational programs. As described by viewing their project and learning as solely for grades but also for an
Perrin (2014), learning environments that are autonomous and sup authentic recipient community, ultimately giving students a greater
portive, foster deep engagement, increase student determination, and sense of satisfaction.
better learning outcomes. In the experiential learning cycle, various This phenomenon is parallel to the notion of community knowledge
themes of student engagement as a result of create surfaced. These building, which Jacobsen et al. (2013) explains as learning through the
themes demonstrate the mechanisms in which create fosters student exchange of information and knowledge between people, with the
engagement during experiential learning. Firstly, themes of create that intention to benefit the community and improve existing knowledge.
emerged in concrete experience included: (1) appreciation for project With this intention embedded in the learning process, Jacobsen et al.
flexibility and expert mentorship, (2) enhanced course involvement, (2013) contend that students are actively and consciously engaged in
interest and motivation enhanced from project practicality and (3) knowledge building and learning, as it stems from purposeful reasons. In
confidence to apply skills in real-life. Create transformed the global the experiential learning cycle, donate can be regarded as a stimulus for
classroom into a meaningful experience through assigning students with students to apply theories to real-life situations. Essentially, donate
a project to tackle a real-life problem with minimal direction, alongside empowered students to think beyond the context of the global class
an expert in the field. room, allowing them to adopt a strong global social conscience.
These features of the global classroom mimicked authentic circum Within each stage of the experiential learning cycle, engagement was
stances, thereby driving students to be involved, interested, and moti fostered through donate for different reasons. In concrete experience,
vated during the course, while also providing them with the confidence the main theme of donate was an appreciation for a real-life focus, as it
to apply what they learned, outside the global classroom. In reflective made the global classroom distinct from traditional higher education
observation, two themes of create that emerged included: (1) interven pedagogy. The chance to speak to an external expert (relate) and create a
tion implementation challenges and implications on future career, and solution for a tangible population (create) was highly valued by students
(2) reflection on individual privilege. In reflective observation, create because it provided them with deep insight and allowed them to think
prompted students to think about their experience of creating an inter about realistic solutions instead of theoretical approaches. In reflective
vention for a recipient country across the globe, and the various chal observation, the main theme of donate was centered on the importance of
lenges associated with this process. In addition, create elicited prioritizing the needs and perspectives of the external focus population. This
reflections on implications this project had on their future careers, form of reflection took place multiple times in the course of the global
whereby students mentioned strategies on how to effectively approach classroom, as students were encouraged to actively reflect on how their
global problems. Furthermore, create incited reflexivity through re decisions (create) would impact their country of focus.
flections on individual privilege relative to countries outside the stu In abstract conceptualization, the main theme of donate was the
dents’ microcosm, demonstrating the expansion of their global importance of recipient community involvement. Donate enabled students
perspective through create in the experiential learning cycle. to make specific food security theories relative to their assigned country,
Subsequently, in abstract conceptualization the following themes of from their meeting with the external expert (relate), which was
create emerged: (1) important aspects of building interventions for an considered a more engaging method to acquire information compared to
external recipient community and (2) contextual theories constructed. reading literature – this experience emphasized the importance of
Through create, students were tasked to solve a real-world problem and involving the outside focus during intervention planning.
through this, they were able to grasp important aspects of building in In active experimentation, the main theme of donate was the inspi
terventions through active learning. Students conceptualized the lessons ration to learn more and make genuine change in other countries. Students
they learned about building interventions in direct relation to their own described making an effort to integrate the information they gained from
experience in the global classroom. Furthermore, the theories that stu the external expert into their intervention (relate), as they felt a sense of
dents constructed were specific and contextually sensitive to the foreign responsibility to deliver a practical intervention for their country of
country they were focusing on, demonstrating the role of global class focus (create). This sense of responsibility extended beyond their
room in facilitating diverse learning outcomes thorough cross-cultural intervention project, as students expressed interest in learning more
connections. In the active experimentation phase, create was exceed about global issues, to make genuine change in other countries.
ingly represented in student experiences relative to the other compo In this discussion we described the relationship between engagement
nents of engagement theory. and experiential learning through the experiences of students in a global
The main theme of create within active experimentation, that arose classroom. Fig. 1 encapsulates the results of this study into a novel
from student experiences in the global classroom was use of expert in framework that depicts the interconnectivity of engagement theory and
sights and course concepts into intervention project. This theme stem the experiential learning cycle. As shown in Fig. 1, relate-create-donate
med from the opportunity create provided for students to immediately differentially contribute to the experiential learning cycle, thus careful
apply their learning into the intervention they were constructing. Woo consideration must be taken to select instructional strategies that
et al. (2007) states that challenging students with realistic tasks that emphasize certain aspects of engagement theory. This framework can be
push them to utilize, adjust and reinterpret information creates a used as a guide for instructors and course designers to maximize student
meaningful learning environment, which Lock (2015) considers an engagement and experiential learning in the global classroom.
important aspect for creating authentic learning opportunities that Note. Circle sizes are based on the number of students who
involve technology and international external experts. By establishing mentioned a theme associated with either relate, create, or donate in an
these features in the global classroom through create, learners are able experiential learning stage during interviews and/or in reflections.
to develop an awareness, connection and extensive perspective of other n = number of student participants who mentioned a theme categorized
cultures around the globe, through technology. under relate-create-donate.
S.M. Quibrantar and O. Ezezika Studies in Educational Evaluation 78 (2023) 101290
Fig. 1. Theoretical Framework for Interactivity Between Engagement Theory and Experiential Learning.
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