Wali's 4 T's For Leaders
Wali's 4 T's For Leaders
Wali's 4 T's For Leaders
Walis 4 Ts for Leaders By Wali Zahid Leaders: 1. Tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty 2. Tolerate mistakes 3. Tolerate failure 4. Tolerate dissent/challenge to their ideas and leadership
What are the situations you may term as ambiguous and uncertain in your department or teams work? What are likely factors behind this: You? Your team members? Or external factors?
Can you come up with at least one or two examples of the above? Cause: You Cause: Your Team Members Cause: external Factors
How can you deal with this ambiguity and uncertainty without losing your credibility as a leader?
What kind of mistakes do you make? What kind of mistakes do your team members make? Can you come up with at least one or two examples of routine and non-routine mistakes you and they make? You Routine Mistakes They
Non-routine Mistakes
How can you deal with your and their mistakes without losing your credibility as a leader?
What are the work or team situations in which you may fail? What are likely factors behind this: You? Your team members? Or external factors? Can you come up with at least one or two examples of the above? Cause: You Cause: Your Team Members Cause: external Factors
Type of Failure 1
How can you deal with your own and their failure without losing your credibility as a leader?
What are likely challenges to your leadership and ideas from your team members? Can you come up with at least one or two examples? What could be expected? What could come as a surprise?
How can you deal with this dissent and challenge without losing your credibility as a leader? Type of challenge/dissent Expected How will you deal with this positively?
Unexpected/ surprise