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G.O.Ms - No.596 Revenue (Lands.) Dept

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Lands- Executive Instructions to the Revenue officers on grant of Freehold

Rights to assigned lands in terms of Act 35 of 2023 other important Revenue


G.O.Ms.No.596 Dt.19.12.2023
Read the following:

1)CCLA's Ref . N o. Assn' I/ 227 463 L | 2023, dated : 23 I 1 I I 2023'

2) C.R 405/2O23, Dated i 15/L2/2O23.


commissioner of Land Administration, Andhra Pradesh has submitted a report
Including minutes of a state level workshop held on 21-11-2023, to the
Governrient with a request to issue Executive Instructions to the Revenue
officers on Freehold rights to assigned lands in terms of Act 35 of 2023 as well
as other important revenue matters.

2. The Government after careful examination of the matter hereby issue the
following Executive Instructions to the Distrlct collectors and all the Revenue

A, Dotted Lands:
About 1,12,000 Acres of Dotted Lands are assigned lands and hence were
placed in 22(A)(1) (a) list of prohibited properties' Most of these
assignments aie'more'than 20 years old, since the lands were marked as
dottid lands in the RSR several decades ago. The list of such lands shall
be pushed to the login of the VRo who shall enter the year of asslgnment,
wirich snall thereafter be verified by the Tahsildar, RDO and Joint
collector. The ccLA shall thereafter centrally amend the electronic
revenue records for lands eligible under Act 35 of 2023, so as to reflect
their freehold nature and removal from 22A list. Thereafter, the records
shall be sent to the Tahsildar, who shall electronically sign them'

Further, District collectors have already removed more than 2 Lakh Acres
of dotted lands from the list of prohibited properties( U nde r section
Act Z6il'. i6u CC14 shall centrally amend the electronic revenue records
of these lands so as to reflect their removal from 22A list and the fact that
they are patta lands. Thereafter, these records shall be sent to the
Tahsildar concerned, who shall electronically sign them.
( Contin ued... )
B. village Service Inams:
Collectors have already completed the task of making village service Inam Lands
freehold, after following the process prescribed using the online mechanism
(Verified by VROs, Tahsildars, RDOS and Joint Collectors).
The CCLA shall centrally amend the electronic revenue records of these lands so
as to reflect their removal from 22A list and the fact that they are patta lands.
Thereafter, these records shall be sent to the Tahsildar concerned, who shall
electronically sign them
C. Joint LPMS:
No Joint LPMs shall be created in any village where resurvey shall be taken up.
In case any Joint LPM is requested by some ryots, the Tahsildar may record the
statement of Landholders or their representatives and thereafter create the loint
LPM. Any request for splitting of loint LPMs already created shall be promptly
carried out following due procedure.
D. Mortgage:
Ifany assigned lands/house sites are otherwise eligible to be made freehold
under Act 35 of 2023, the same shall not be denied merely on the ground that
the said land is mortgaged.
E. Provisional Pattas:
Assigned Lands/House sites covered by previously issued provisional Pattas,
which are eligible under Act 35 of 2023. shall be made freehold, irrespective of
whether or not regular DKT Pattas have been subsequently issued, provided the
assignees or their legal heirs are in physical possession of the said assigned
La n ds.

F. Lands under examination for eligibility in terms of Act 35 of 2023:

1. For a given land to be eligible under Act 35 of 2023, such land should find
place as assigned land in any of the revenue records, including but not limited to
Web-land Adangal/POLR/22A GOs of 2OLTlOld Adangal entries/Entries in 10(1)
Reg isters/Entries in RoH maintained by the Registration Dept/Any other record
available with the Revenue Dept/Pattadar Pass Book issued more than 20 years
ago etc. Such assigned lands shall be made freehold in terms of Act 35 of 2023,
if the assignee/legal heir is'in physical possession of the said Iand. Districts
should not deny the benefit bf Act 35 of 2023 to assignees on the ground of any
one record not being available in the Tahsild a r's/Collector's office, since several
records have been misplaced during the tumultuous changes that have taken
place in Revenue Administration over the years.

2. If Ayan conversion. has already taken place for water body/

To pe/Rasth a/Grazing porambokes, and if the same lands are eligible under Act
35 of 2023, such assigned lands/house sites shall be made freehold in terms of
the Act. Even in cases where Ayan conversion has not been done, assigned lands
eligible in terms of Act 35 oF 2023 and falling under any of the exception clauses
of the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court and orders of the Hon.ble High Court
in WP(PIL) 740/2022, shall be made freehotd.
3. In cases where D-Patta has been issued, but there is mismatch in survey
number in possession & on record, the survey number of actual land in
possession should be recorded in the assignment patta as well the revenue
records. The date of assignment shall remain the old date of assignment for the
purpose of making them freehold in terms of Act 35 of 2023.

4. Lands with Khata number > 10,O0O/notional khatas and recorded as "Migulu"
or any expression other than name of pattadar and not recorded as assigned,
shall be re-verified to check whether they were assigned. If any such land is
found to be assigned land and is eligible under Act 35 of 2023, the same shall be
made freehold and name of pattadar be inducted into the electronic revenue

5. In cases where the fact of some lands being assigned has not been recorded
in the online revenue records, provision shall be made in the AP-Seva system to
receive applications for inclusion of such lands in the list of assigned Iands,
subject to verification. Verification of these lands shall thereafter be taken up as
prescribed to check iF the said lands are indeed assigned lands and whether they
are eligible to be made freehold in terms of Act 35 of 2023. Eligible lands shall
thereafter be made freeho ld.
6. Land recorded as forest in RSR, but where the said land is already assigned to
landless poor for Agricu ltu re/h ouse-site purpose, and the same fact is also
recorded in the Revenue records, and where notification under the AP Forest Act
OR the Forest( Co nse rvatio n ) Act 1980 of the Government of India has not been
issued- may be made freehold, if they are otherwise eligible in terms of Act 35
of 2023.
7. In cases of assigned lands eligible under Act 35 of 2O23, which were
mistakenly recorded as patta land, but however continued in 22A list, the
Collector shall remove them from 22A list and record the expression, "Assigned
prior to 2003 made freehold" in the remarks column of the online revenue

The entire exercise shall be completed within 4 weeks and the electronic revenue
records in respect of assigned lands made freehold in terms of Act 35 of 2023,
shall be centrally amended to reflect the same and shall be removed from the
lists of prohibited properties under section 22A of the Registration Act 1908.
Thereafter, the Tahsildar concerned shall electronically sign them

( Conti nu ed... )
3. Verification of eligibility of assigned lands under Act 35 of 2023 shall be
carried out 100o/o by VROs, 100o/o by Tahsildars and 10o/o by RDOs, at which
level verification shall be concluded. Collectors and Joint Collectors shall
supervise the Task.
4. Board Standing Orders shall be suitably amended in accordance with the
above instructions. The Special Chief Secretary & CCLA, all District Collectors
and all Revenue officers in the state shall take further necessary action
accord ing ly.


The Spl. CS & Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, A.P. 1st and 3rd
Floors, APIIC Towers, Plot No,1, IT Park, Mangalagiri, 522 503, Guntur
The Commissioner, Appeals.
The Commissioner, Survey, Settlements and Land Records, Nagarjuna Nagar,
Currency Nagar, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh - 520007.
. All the District Collectors in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
All Revenue Officers in the State.
Copy to:
All Government Pleaders (Revenue).
The P.S. to Addl. Secretary to Hon'ble C.M.
The O.S.D. to Hon'ble Minister (Revenue).
The O.S.D to Chief Secretary.
The P.S. to Spl. Chief Secretary, Revenue (Lands) Department.


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