Tem Sem
Tem Sem
Tem Sem
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electron gas filled proportional counter photomultiplier tube semiconductor detector (Si or Ge)
Invented: =============================== Zworykin et al., 1942
=============================== Ruska, 1933
Commercially Available: Cambridge Instr., 1965 Design: 2 CRTs, with synchronized ebeams scanning raster patterns. Electron gun, 2 lenses 1 aperture, sample and movable stage, various detectors. See below. Large. Allows for sample tilt & rotation. May also allow electrical connections and mechanical test apparatus.
Electron gun, 4 lenses, 2 apertures, sample & movable stage. Half the lenses & apertures are above & half below the sample. Small. Allows for sample tilt and rotation.
Sample Chamber:
Typical 1 to 50 kV Voltage & 30 Ang. or more, depends on Resolution: sample. Great depth of field. Display: CRT #2 provides a TV-like display. Display brightness is determined by detector output, adjusted for brightness & contrast. Take photo of the CRT display or capture image digitally for analysis. Secondary e- (<50 eV) uses scintillator & PMT. Gives good topographical contrast.
50 to 300 kV, even a million volts! 10 Ang. or more. atomic planes visible
A fluorescent screen inside the electron column at the bottom. ... or an area detector
Load film cartridge inside the ecolumn under the fluorescent screen. Flip up screen to expose the film. Just the fluorescent screen and photographic film.
Standard Detector:
Optional Detectors:
Backscattered e- (same energy Electron energy loss spectrometer as incident beam) uses SCD detects lighter elements using or scintillator & PMT. Gives quadrupole magnetic detector in good compositional contrast. the transmitted beam. Energy dispersive X-ray uses SCD, detects heavy elements. Energy dispersive X-ray. Wavelength dispersive x-ray uses crystal diffractometer Secondary e- detector, plus raster with GFPC. Detects lower scan capability. concentrations, lighter elements and avoids peak convolution. Works slow. Photoemission (a.k.a. cathodolumin-
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escence) uses a mirror & PMT. Good for non- or semi-conductors. Specimen current to ground = beam - secondary - backscatter. Voltage contrast uses a slightly modified secondary e- detector to image regions of varying potential. Ideal for IC chips. Strobe the beam off & on to "freeze" periodic signals. Electron beam induced current, flows between two contacts to the sample, not to ground. Good for semiconductors. Thermal wave uses a piezoelectric microphone to detect acoustic noise generated in sample by pulsing (blanking) the e- beam. Good for imaging features which conduct heat poorly. Sample form: Sample prep: Almost any clean solid. Big, thick samples are OK. First clean off dirt & grease. Insulators must be coated with a conducting layer ~100 Ang thick. Sputter or evaporate metal or C. Sample prep is usually Foil or powders < 1000 Ang. thick. or surface replicas. Use ion mill, focused ion beam, electropolishing, jet polishing, dimpling, etc. Sample prep is usually a lot of work and may irreversibly change the material.
simple. Most useful for: Fracture, wear or corrosion surfaces, powders, polished & etched microstructures, IC chips, chemical segregation. Selected area e- diffraction, imaging of dislocations, tiny precipitates, grain boundaries and other defect structures in solids.
Both SEM and TEM are useful in biology and geology, as well as in materials science.
Bibliography: ============= 1) Goldstein, Newbury, Echlin, Joy, Fiori & Lifshin; Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis, Plenum, 1984 2) Hirsch, Howie, Nicholson, Pashley & Whelan, Electron Microscopy of Thin Crystals, Krieger, 1977 3) ASM, Metals Handbook, 9th Edition, vol. 9, p. 89-122, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy. 4) ASM, Metals Handbook, 9th Edition, vol. 10, p. 427-546, Electron Optical Methods.