MT 12094
MT 12094
MT 12094
Thesis Committee
Prof. Ashwin Srinivasan (Chair)
Dr. Turbo Majumder
Dr. Sujay Deb
Dr. Shobha Sundar Ram
Dr. Subhasis Banerjee
This is to certify that the thesis titled “Design of Energy Efficient Future CMPs with
On-Chip Wireless Interconnects” submitted by Gade Narayana Sri Harsha for the
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology in Electronics &
Communication Engineering is a record of the bonafide work carried out by her / him under my
/ our guidance and supervision in the Security and Privacy group at Indraprastha Institute of
Information Technology, Delhi. This work has not been submitted anywhere else for the reward
of any other degree.
Power density and interconnect delay have emerged as the biggest challenges for Ultra Large
Scale Integration (ULSI) and System-on-Chip (SoC) designs particularly beyond 65nm gener-
ation. Leakage power has been traditionally non-critical in CMOS circuits, but with extensive
scaling, even it is increasing significantly. Dynamic Voltage/Frequency Scaling (DVFS) has been
demonstrated to be one of the effective ways to reduce the power consumption and power den-
sity across the chip. Network-on-Chip (NoC) architectures improve the performance over the
traditional bus based architectures. But with increasing chip sizes and long interconnects, the
delay due to wired interconnects extend to multiple hops. Long range wireless links in NoC have
been proven to improve the latency and energy performance tremendously.
In this work, we have designed and implemented a centralized controller that applies DVFS to
the processing cores. DVFS techniques reduce power consumption by scaling down voltage and
frequency when possible with a little impact on performance. The proposed controller observes
current state and utilization of the core and based on past state transitions, predicts the next
state to set the voltage and frequency. To further reduce the power consumption, the controller
also applies power gating method to the wireless interfaces used in the system. All wireless
interfaces that are not in any active communication are put in idle state. The biggest advantage
of centralized controller is the less overhead it adds to the system. But the delay associated with
control signal transmission, particularly to remote corners of the chip is very high and so affects
the performance of controller. To reduce this delay, we propose the use of wireless interface for
the same and a dual band transceiver is used for this purpose.
The use of wireless interfaces definitely reduces the delay significantly, but the delay values
used assume ideal operating conditions. Previous works have shown that the wave propagation
on chip deviates largely from ideal scenario and multiple propagation paths and wave components
exist. The delay in strongest component is much more than the delay of free space direct wave.
Hence the second contribution of the work is analyzing and modeling intra-chip wave propagation
mechanisms. A 2D model for on-chip components is developed and using FDTD simulations,
different propagation paths and modes are identified. It is observed that the free space direct
wave is canceled out and reflections from interconnect layers are the dominant component of the
signal. The delay in this component is almost twice the free space delay and is dependent on
materials used. Finally it is shown that even with increased delay, wireless interfaces still can
outperform the wired interconnects and the delay is within single cycle limits.
The work presented in this thesis would not have been possible without the help and support
of several individuals who assisted me in many ways.
First and foremost I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisers Dr. Sujay Deb
and Dr. Shobha Sundar Ram for their expert guidance and supervision. They inspired me to
do good work and supported me all along the way.
I am grateful to my thesis committee, Prof. Ashwin Srinivasan, Dr. Turbo Majumder and
Dr. Subhasis Banerjee for their valuable feedback. I also would like to thank Dr. Pankaj Jalote
for enabling such a wonderful work environment at IIIT Delhi.
I owe special thanks to my family for their endearing support and encouragement in my
pursuits. Without them none of this would not have been possible. Lastly, I thank my friends
and PhD students for providing needful assistance and fruitful discussions, all of which helped
me greatly.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Outline of the Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Literature Study 6
2.1 DVFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Wireless Channel Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4 Performance Evaluation 18
4.1 Power Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.1.1 DVFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.1.2 Power Gating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2 Thermal Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3 Interconnects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.3.1 Latency Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.3.2 Energy Per Bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.4 Overheads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6 Propagation Results 32
6.1 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6.1.1 Problem Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6.1.2 PML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6.1.3 Source and Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6.1.4 Step Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.1.5 Simulation Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.2 ρ = 100µm Problem Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.2.1 Free Space Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.2.2 Air-SiO2 -Si Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6.2.3 Air-SiO2 -Cu-Si Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6.2.4 Wave Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6.3 ρ = 1mm Problem Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.3.1 Variation with Passive Layer Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6.3.2 Variation with Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6.4 Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6.5 Computational Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6.5.1 Memory Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6.5.2 Execution Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
List of Figures
6.13 Variation of Received Electric Field with SiO2 Layer Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 43
6.14 Variation of Received Electric Field with Receiver Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6.15 Variation of Signal Delay with Receiver Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
List of Tables
Chapter 1
CMOS devices have been continuously scaled to achieve high performance, packaging densi-
ties and low power consumption. The number of transistors on a single chip has doubled for
every 18 months in accordance with Moore’s Law, allowing multiple cores to be embedded on
a single chip and enabling advancements in Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs). This has improved
the performance tremendously and reduced the cost of devices considerably.
As per the ideal scaling model, the power density in a chip remains constant with scaling.
But the observed trends show that the power density indeed increases with scaling and sub
threshold leakage power equals the dynamic power beyond 20nm technology generation as shown
in Figure 1.1 [37]. The increased power density leads to higher temperatures in the chip. Higher
temperatures degrade the functionality of the device. It reduces the reliability of the transistor
and the life time of the device. Hence in Deep Submicron (DSM) and Ultra Submicron (USM)
technologies, power becomes the major limiter of system performance.
Dynamic Voltage/Frequency Scaling (DVFS) methods are proposed to tackle large power
densities and to reduce the energy consumption of the chip. DVFS techniques exploit the
process insensitive idle phases of an application/task to reduce the supply voltage VDD and
frequency to achieve large reductions in the power with little performance loss. In case of tasks
with heavy core usage, DVFS can boost the voltage and frequency to execute the task faster if
needed. In this way, DVFS techniques can reduce energy consumption, boost performance and
balance workloads according to the specific requirements of the application.
Many DVFS algorithms have been proposed in the literature but they tend to be either
software based implementations or the actual hardware overheads and their performance have
Figure 1.1: Power Density vs Scaling
not been extensively studied. The DVFS hardware implementations can be either per core,
clustered or centralized approaches. Centralized and clustered methods, even though can be
complex, add less overhead to the total system. In a centralized system, a chip level controller
observes all required parameters and controls different parts of the system.
But, with scaling and increasing chip sizes, the interconnect delay increases as opposed to the
gate delay. The variation of delay with each technology generation is shown in Figure 1.2 [10].
With each scaling generation, the gate delay has decreased by 30%, whereas the interconnect
delay increases by 40%. These long delays become bottleneck for the communication between
controller and various modules of the chip. Large interconnect delays also increases the complex-
ity of communication architecture. So, reducing this delay can improve the overall performance.
Figure 1.2: Delay vs Scaling
The use of wireless links offer great improvements in delay and energy for NoC architectures.
But, the delay values used for evaluation purposes generally assume ideal free space transmission.
But previous works have shown that the delay in significant component of the signal is much
larger that that with free space case. Also the on-chip wireless interface is still an emerging
technology and faces significant challenges in design and implementation. There is extensive
research in development of integrated antennas, but the intra-chip wave propagation mechanisms
are not yet fully explored.
The wave propagation between two on-chip antennas is affected by different interference struc-
tures present on chip like metallic interconnects and substrates. They add huge antenna losses,
reduce the transmission gain and affect the delay of the signal. Multiple propagation paths
and modes exist for intra-chip wireless communications. And apart from this, the antenna and
underlying analog hardware themselves have their overheads. All these factors together reduce
the reliability of the signal compared to the ideal case. Owing to these challenges, the charac-
terization of the on chip wireless channel and analyzing its performance assumes importance to
further the implementation of on chip wireless links.
Summarizing the previous discussion, the work presented in this thesis can be described as a
twofold problem:
2. To model the behavior of the on chip channel and to observe the effects of substrate &
other chip components on the performance of wireless interconnects used in the system.
Chapter 2 presents the literature study on existing implementation of DVFS methods and the
work done in wave propagation mechanisms for on-chip wireless communications.
Chapter 3 discusses the proposed controller design and its implementation. Some of the issues
faced with centralized design approach and possible solutions are also presented.
Chapter 4 presents the experimental setup and performance of the proposed DVFS implemen-
tation and analyzes complete thermal profile of the system under normal and DVFS operating
Chapter 5 details the on-chip model used to characterize the intra-chip wireless channel and
presents a brief overview of FDTD simulation method used for this work.
Chapter 6 discusses the simulation setup, results and observations made on different compo-
nents of the wave propagation in multilayered chip structure.
Chapter 7, finally summarizes the work done and concludes with the contributions of this
thesis. The possible directions for extending the work in future is also briefly explored.
Chapter 2
Literature Study
2.1 DVFS
There is a significant work done in the domain of DVFS and many algorithms have been
proposed to achieve power savings on chip. Power management policies and algorithms are
integrated in current operating systems to make use of processor idle states and chip level power
gating techniques implemented into the systems. OS C-state [3] policies for both Windows and
Linux operating systems are one such example.
Task scheduling algorithms are developed to allocate tasks to individual cores to save power
with little impact on performance. [47] presents a two phase framework that assigns and orders
the tasks to maximize opportunities that can exploit lowering voltage levels. [45] developed a
learning based dynamic power management framework for multi-core processors to judiciously
allocate the tasks to achieve better trade-off between power and performance.
[17] proposes a machine learning prediction model and usage model to better predict and
apply processor C-states compared to current reactive OS policies. They used Dynamic Bayesian
Networks (DBNs) to predict CPU activity patterns for future time given all the observations
upto the present time. The developed model improves power savings by 12% and performance
by 2% over existing methods.
Most power management techniques operate by reducing performance capacity during idle/low
activity phases, but in multi-core systems aggregate monitoring obscures the underlying phases
on individual cores. To address these problems, a core level activity prediction method is
proposed and discussed in [8] [9]. A Periodic Phase Power Predictor (PPPP) makes use of
table-based prediction structures and repetitive nature of power phases to predict performance
demand and appropriate DVFS selection is made. This method predicts core activity level rather
react to the activity changes.
[36] [35] demonstrate a dual level DVFS for both processors and NoC to improve the power
and thermal profiles without significant impact on execution time. Wireless Network-on-Chip
(WiNoC), an emerging technology for low power and high bandwidth multi-core chips reduces
hop count between distant communicating cores. This attracts a significant amount of over-
all traffic. A history based DVFS is implemented, where each router predicts the future link
utilization based on previous short-term and long-term utilization.
Some other works include [23] analyzes the benefits of fine grained core level DVFS to multiple
VFIs using real workloads for different application classes. They demonstrate that core level
granularity offers little advantages. [31] proposed a clustered DVFS approach as intermediate
solution between per-chip and per-core DVFS methods to find trade off between flexibility
and incurred expenses. [20] presents a framework to compute theoretical bounds on DVFS
performance under the impact of technological constraints like reliability, temperature, process
variations and inductive noise. [38] models accurately the DVFS transition overheads for both
energy consumption and delay.
The use of on-chip antennas as viable interconnect options is an emerging technology for
Ultra Large Scale Integration (ULSI) or System-on-Chip (SoC) architectures. A large amount of
research is focused on design and development of integrated antennas for wireless interconnects,
but the propagation mechanisms and impact of integrated structures on chip are not yet fully
The characteristics of integrated antennas on bulk, SOI and SOS substrates are studied and
characterized in [30]. The measurements confirm signal transmission with reasonable gain at
high frequencies (> 15GHz). The gain with SOS substrate is higher than that with bulk and
SOI substrates. [22] and [42] investigate the impact of metal structures such as power grid and
data lines on on-chip antenna performance. It has been observed that input impedance and
phase of S12 is significantly changed and |S12 | is reduced for a pair of antennas. Based on the
evaluation, a set of guidelines have been developed to reduce the impact of the structures.
The propagation mechanisms of radio waves over intra-chip channels in the frequency range
of 10GHz to 110GHz were studied in [48]. By measuring the S-parameters, they found that the
Path Loss Exponent (PLE) of the channel is significantly lower that the free space channel PLE.
The time of first arrival of the signal is much later than that by free space transmission and
surface waves dominate the intra-chip channel propagation. Inter-chip wireless communications
are studied in [12].
Chapter 3
In this chapter, the controller design and its hardware implementation is presented. The
proposed design is a centralized controller which operates at the top level of the system. The
controller applies the DVFS mechanism to the processing cores and power gating to the wireless
interfaces used in the system. The DVFS algorithm makes use of core utilization information,
system thermal state and user inputs to achieve runtime voltage and frequency scaling. When
the wireless interfaces are not in use, power gating is applied to achieve energy savings. For this
purpose, we have considered a multi-core system with a Wireless NoC (WiNoC) architecture.
A brief overview of power consumption on chip and DVFS is first presented in the Section 3.1.
The DVFS and power gating algorithms are discussed in Section 3.2. Section 3.3 describes the
hardware implementation of the controller and the issues associated with centralized controller
and possible solutions are detailed in Section 3.4. The use of wireless interconnects to alleviate
some of the issues with centralized controller implementation and their design is discussed in
Section 3.4.1.
Traditionally, operating frequency and gate delay have been the major limiters of the design
performance in CMOS based systems. Through improvements in scaling and advancements in
CMOS manufacturing technologies, the gate delays have been considerably reduced and higher
performance is achieved. Developments in multi core designs have further improved the per-
formance beyond the normal capacity of multiple single core systems. But, in recent years,
particularly beyond the 65nm technology generation, power has emerged as the primary hin-
drance for the system performance. The power dissipation in the system limits the achievable
performance due to the caps on cooling capacities or increase the total cost of the system. Signal
integrity also becomes a major concern due to IR drops, inductance effect, etc.
3.1.1 Power
The total power dissipation in a CMOS design is mainly composed of two components, Dy-
namic power (Pdynamic ) and Static power (Pstatic ). Dynamic power is the power from charging
2 ∗f ,
and discharging during the switching activity of a device and is given by Pdynamic = α∗C∗VDD
where α is switching activity factor, C is the total switching capacitance, VDD is the supply
voltage and f is the operating frequency. Static power is due to the leakage in the device when
it is idle. It can be due to sub threshold conduction, tunneling in gate oxide and leakage current
through reverse biased diodes. It can be represented by Pstatic = IStatic ∗ VDD , where IStatic is
total static current in the device. The total power consumed in a chip has been dominated by
dynamic power, but there has been a steady increase in the leakage power with each generation.
One solution to reduce both the dynamic and static power is reduce the supply voltage VDD .
Keeping the supply voltage constant while scaling other parameters of the CMOS device increases
the power density of the chip. The dynamic power varies quadratically with VDD and the static
power varies linearly with VDD . Hence reducing the supply voltage provides a logical solution to
gain significant reduction in power consumption. The dynamic power can be further reduced by
scaling down the frequency. But if the execution time is assumed to be inversely proportional
to frequency, the energy consumed remains same.
3.1.2 DVFS
Dynamic Voltage/Frequency Scaling (DVFS) is one of the most widely used techniques to
reduce the supply voltage and frequency. DVFS methods reduce the voltage and frequency
during the idle phases of an application to reduce the power consumption. Since the frequency
is reduced, the application throughput decreases linearly with it. But as discussed earlier, the
dynamic power is quadratic in voltage and linear in frequency. Therefore, DVFS achieves cubic
reduction in dynamic power with a linear decrease in throughput. The static power is also
reduced since it is linear in voltage.
Any increase in the voltage/frequency (V/F) first increases the supply voltage VDD accom-
panied by the increase in frequency level. On the other hand, when the V/F level is to be
reduced, first the frequency is first locked to lower value and then the VDD is reduced. During
both transitions, the processor operation is paused when the system is being locked to the new
frequency to prevent inconsistencies in the data.
The DVFS algorithms can be broadly classified into two categories, Offline approaches and
Online approaches. Offline approaches are basically software implementations where the DVFS
algorithms are built into the operating system. Online approaches are hardware implementa-
tions designed into the chip hardware that performs the DVFS operations. Methods like task
scheduling, managing C-states, future workload predictions can be categorized under offline ap-
proaches. Online methods include Voltage/Frequency Islands (VFI), power gating techniques,
etc. The centralized controller proposed in this work falls under online methods and monitors
various system parameters to make decisions regarding VF levels.
The proposed DVFS algorithm uses a time slice based approach, wherein each core utilization
for a given time slice is observed and decisions are made to predict the state of the core for next
time slice. The algorithm also takes into consideration the runtime temperature of the system
and adjusts the voltage/frequency levels accordingly to prevent any damage to the system under
heavy usage. The duration of the time slice can be chosen depending upon the general run time
behavior of the system. Choosing a short slice duration may lead to increased operational over-
heads of the controller whereas choosing a very long duration may result in missing significant
state changes in the system.
In our design, in any given time slice, a core can be operating in one of the N states, where
each state represents a fixed operating voltage/frequency pair. At the end of each time slice,
the algorithm observes the utilization of each core for that time slice and the temperature of
the system. The core utilization is again divided into multiple levels. Using the past utilization
levels and corresponding state changes of a core for each time slice, a probabilistic state change
model assigns a probability to all possible changes between core states for each core. Using the
core busy/idle periods, the average duration for which a core is busy performing any task is
determined. Based on the state change probabilities for the current core state and mean busy
duration period of the core, the core state and utilization for the next time slice is predicted.
The corresponding operating voltage/frequency is then set for that core. At the next time slice,
the actual utilization level is observed and the state change probabilities and mean duration
values are updated accordingly at each slice to account for deviations from predicted values.
This defines the normal operation of the algorithm.
But based on the observed temperature of the system, the algorithm may deviate from this
operation. For each core state, we have defined three tolerable levels for the run time temper-
ature of the system; acceptable, moderately high and very high levels. If the observed system
temperature is within the acceptable levels for the particular core state, the predicted state is
applied for the next slice. If the temperature is in moderately high level, then any transition to
a higher powered state is prevented and core continues operating in same state for next slice.
But if the temperature is very high, then the core is operated at low powered state for next
slice irrespective of the predicted state. This is done to prevent damage to system from cores
continually operating at higher voltage/frequency levels. Finally, a manual user level input is
also incorporated which forces the system to operate either in high performance state or a low
power state. The normal algorithm operation is suspended as long as this input is active.
For implementation, we considered four core states, a low power state (SLP ), normal state
(SN ) and two high performance states (SHP1 and SHP2 ). The normal state corresponds to the
system operating at rated voltage/frequency. The core utilization for a time slice is also divided
into four levels as L1 (0 − 30%), L2 (30 − 50%), L3 (50 − 80%) and L4 (> 80%). The state
machine diagram representing the possible state changes and corresponding utilization levels is
shown in the Figure 3.1. On powering up, all the cores start in normal state, SN . Now, if a
core is currently operating in SN state, the predicted utilization is L1 and the probability for
core continue its normal operation is high, then the state SLP is assigned to the core for next
time slice. Similarly the general possible state transitions and utilization cases are shown in the
figure. We have prevented direct transitions from high performance states to low power state.
The system architecture we have considered uses a hierarchical network architecture with
wireless links as long rage shortcuts. The wireless links are strategically placed to reduce latency
in long distance communication across the chip. It has been shown in [16] that wireless links
provide energy savings along with latency improvement over conventional wired links. We further
reduce the energy in wireless interfaces by incorporating power gating technique.
The flow diagram for power gating algorithm for WIs is shown in the Figure 3.2. The system
has N WIs, named WI1 to WIN . At the system power up, all WIs are kept in sleep state
initially. The WIs are then operated in a round robin fashion. We use a token management
system, a token is passed through each WI from W I1 to W IN to check for availability of data
to be transmitted at any WI. If there is no data to be transmitted at present WI (PrstWI), the
the token is passed to next WI (NxtWI) and PrstWI is put in idle state. If data is available for
transmission, the transmitter WI sends the receiver address to the controller. If the receiver is
ready to receive the data, the corresponding transmitter and receiver WIs are turned on and the
data transmission is initiated. Once all the data flits are transmitted, both the WIs are again
put into sleep state and the token is then passed to the NxtWI. During data transmission, the
token remain the transmitting WI. Hence at any instant of time, only two WIs are active at
most. This method achieves energy savings by turning off WIs that are not in any active data
The centralized controller with core control and WI control modules is shown in the Figure
3.3. Core Control module implements the DVFS algorithm for the cores and WI Control unit
applies power gating to the WIs and controls their sleep mode operation according to availability
of data.
The core control unit implementation has four major modules; the Current State, State
Change Model, Busy/Idle Pattern and the Temperature Control modules. The core utiliza-
tion level is calculated as number of cycles for which the core is busy in any given time slice.
The Current State module counts the number of busy clock cycles to calculate the utilization of
the core in that slice and represents it as a two bit value pertaining to one of the four utilization
levels mentioned in the previous section. The Busy/Idle pattern module also reads in the core
busy/idle state at each clock cycle and updates the average duration in number of clock cycles
for which the core remains busy. The modules for calculation utilization and average duration
are all implemented as simple counters. The counters in current state block are all reset at each
time slice but busy/idle pattern counters operate independent of time slices.
The State Change Model module reads in the current utilization level and state of the core
from Current State module and using the state change probabilities estimates the state and
utilization of the core for next time slice. Initially we assume that the probability for a core to
continue in the same state to be one. Then as the core operation continues, the core utilization
levels are considered and the transition probabilities from one state to other states for different
utilization levels are updated at each slice. To prevent the use of floating point numbers for
representing transition probabilities, they are represented as number of transitions from one
state to another state for every 100 times the core is in a particular state. Using the data
from this block and busy/idle block, the state of a core for next time slice is predicted. The
Temperature Control block reads the temperature of the system at each time slice and compares
with the predefined tolerable limits for the current state. Depending temperature level, a control
signal is generated to assign the predict state or current state or the low power state to the core
for next slice.
Figure 3.3: DVFS Controller with Core Control and WI Control Modules
3.3.2 WI Controller
For WI control module, the controller sends a token signal to one of WIs in the system at
each clock cycle. If there is no response from the WI, the controller moves onto next WI. If it
receives an acknowledgement signal from the WI, the receiver info available with the transmitter
WI (TX ) is read in. The controller then sends a handshake signal to the corresponding receiver
WI (RX ) and if it receives an acknowledgement signal, the controller disables the transmitter
search operation. Then it sends control signals to the power gating modules at TX and RX to
turn on the WIs. Once the data transmission is completed, the TX and RX send done signals
to the controller and the controller resumes the TX search operation.
Since the core utilization is measured in terms of clock cycles, the status of each core needs
to be transmitted to the controller at each clock cycle. This adds a significant traffic overhead
to the system. To prevent this, the counters for calculating the utilization are placed with the
corresponding core and the utilization represented as one of the four levels is transmitted to the
controller at the end of each time slice. This reduces both the communication overhead and the
amount of data to be transmitted. Another aspect to be taken care of is scaling of controller
hardware with system size. In case of WI controller, the hardware does not change significantly
with the number of WIs. But the DVFS controller hardware scales up as the number of cores
in the system increases. For systems with large number of cores, the system is divided into
multiple clusters each containing a group of neighboring cores. Then we propose to use time
multiplexing of these clusters to keep the controller hardware in check. Instead of updating all
the cores at the same time, cores from different clusters are updated at different times. The
slice duration for each cluster remains the same, but each cluster is updated serially one after
the other. The time duration between each update is chosen to accommodate data transmission
delay from and to the controller and internal controller delay. This way the hardware required
for the controller is equivalent to the hardware required for maximum number of cores present
in any cluster.
One of the major issues with the centralized controller implementation is the delay in com-
munication between the controller and various cores/clusters in the system. As discussed in
the previous chapters, the delay spans multiple hops even with NoC architectures using wired
interconnects. The delay increases as the length of the interconnect increases. Hence, the farther
away, a core is from the controller, the longer the length of interconnect and so is the delay in
data transmission. Reducing this delay is needed for efficient implementation of a centralized
One of the solutions to reduce the interconnect delay is to use emerging interconnects like G-
lines [32] for control signal transmission in conjunction with conventional wired interconnects.
Global interconnect lines (G-lines) are multi-drop, broadcast capable and ultra low latency
communication lines that reduce power and improve latency. A capacitive feed-forward circuit
with voltage mode signaling method for global lines is proposed in [24] [25] that achieves single
cycle delay for long RC wires. G-lines improve the latency performance of the NoC considerable
but consume a lot more energy than metal interconnects and hence are generally not a viable
solution for many applications. Another alternative to reduce the delay is to use the wireless
interfaces for transmitting the control signals. Inserting long range wireless links in NoCs have
been shown to provide improvements in both delay and energy savings [16] [19].
The system architecture considered already uses wireless interfaces to transmit data signals
between various components on chip. We extend the use of these WIs for transmitting the
control signals between the controller and different cores/clusters in the system. To achieve this
goal, we use two different frequencies for data and control signal transmission.
In this section, we present a brief description of the WIs used with controller and associated
with the cores/clusters. The WI at the controller is only used for control signal transmission
and reception. So, a single band transceiver is used with a zigzag antenna for this purpose. The
zigzag antenna has near omni-directional radiation pattern and is ideal for controller WI since
it needs to communicate with different parts of the chip. It is designed with 60µm length, 10µm
trace width, and 30◦ bend angle. The single band transceiver design is adopted from [14]. The
controller WI is operated at 44GHz for control signals.
The dual band transceiver used for other WIs has been adopted from [39] [13] [27] as dis-
cussed in [34]. Non-coherent On-Off Keying (OOK) modulation scheme is used for low power
consumption. The transmitter consists of a pulse shaping filter, up-conversion mixer, and a
power amplifier as shown in the Figure 3.4. At the transmitter (TX ) side, the data and control
signals are fed into a pulse shape filter and the filtered signal is then amplified by a power ampli-
fier (PA). At the receiver (RX ) end, the received RF signals are fed into the Low Noise Amplifier
(LNA) and mixer through pulse shaping filter. Two LNA; LNA1 and LNA2 are required for the
two different frequencies of operation. Power hungry PLL can be replaced by injection-lock Volt-
age Controlled Oscillator (VCO) and direct conversion topology. The VCO is used to generate
the carrier frequencies; LNA1 , VCO1 are used for data and LNA2 , VCO2 are used for control
signals. To ensure high performance and energy efficient of WNoC, the transceiver circuit has
to offer wide bandwidth and low power consumption. A planar log-periodic antenna [40] at
millimeter wave range is used with these WIs. It is operated at 60GHz for data transmission.
Chapter 4
Performance Evaluation
In this chapter, the performance and overheads of the proposed DVFS controller is character-
ized using detailed full system evaluations. The controller is synthesized from a RTL level design
using Design Compiler and Design Vision tools from Synopsys. The 65nm standard library from
TSMC is used for synthesis. The design is driven at a clock frequency of 2GHz.
The GEM5 [7] simulator is used for evaluating the performance. GEM5 is a cycle accurate
full system simulator, which can simulate a complete system with devices and an operating
system in full system (FS) mode. A system of 16 ALPHA cores running Linux operating system
is considered for all evaluations. The cores are assumed to be independent of each other and
the voltage/frequency for each core can be adjusted separately. This setup provides us with all
statistics of the application running on the system including utilization, timing and hardware
The statistics from GEM5 are then fed into McPAT [33] to obtain core areas, run time
power and energy for each run. The technology node in McPAT is set to 65nm. The area
data from McPAT is used to create a floorplan layout and ArchFP [18] tool is used for this
purpose. Using the run time power and floorplan layout, HotSpot [26] thermal profiling tool is
used to evaluate the thermal profile of the system without and with DVFS incorporated. Three
PARSEC [6] benchmarks, BLACKSCHOLES, CANNEAL and DEDUP are considered in GEM5
FS mode [21] to study the system behavior. The benchmarks are run from beginning to end to
obtain the statistics.
The latency and energy performance of different interconnects for various interconnect lengths
is presented and the advantages of emerging interconnects over the traditional wires is discussed.
The wireless interfaces provide better results than other interconnects but the actual delay is
more compared to the ideal values. These values are presented in subsequent chapters and it
is shown that WIs are still better in terms of delay. The overheads of different components is
detailed in the last section.
4.1 Power Consumption
4.1.1 DVFS
The performance of the DVFS algorithms is evaluated under the presence of the three PAR-
SEC benchmarks as discussed earlier. The execution time and the energy consumption with
and without DVFS incorporated is shown in the Table 4.1.
Negative values in savings or penalty fields indicate the opposite i.e., the energy consumption
with DVFS is more than that with normal operation and execution time with DVFS is less
than that with normal operation. As shown in the table, the proposed DVFS method achieves
energy savings and the average reduction in energy is around 6.5% for all the benchmarks. The
execution time in case of BLACKSCHOLES benchmark is increased by 6.36% and for DEDUP,
the execution time is increased by 26%. In case of CANNEAL benchmark, the execution time
with DVFS is 28% more compared to that of normal operation. The energy consumption with
all cores operating at low power or high performance states is almost similar in all cases. The
increase in power consumption due to higher voltage and frequency is compensated by the
reduction in execution time.
The power gating technique is evaluated with 6 and 13 WIs present in the system. The
transceivers operate at normal voltage when active. When the WIs are operated without incor-
porating power gating, the total power consumption for 6 WIs is 440.4mW . With the proposed
power gating method applied, at any instant of time, a maximum of 147.35mW power is con-
sumed for single band wireless interfaces. Power savings of 66.54% can be achieved with this
method over the normal operation. The hierarchical wireless NoC architecture proposed in [14]
consumes 220.2mW for 6 WIs. Hence the proposed method improves the power consumption
upto 33.085% compared to this method. As the number of cores and the system size increases,
the required number of WIs for optimal performance also increases. The optimal number of WIs
for different system sizes is discussed in [15]. The savings in power vary from 33.085% for 6 WIs
to 69.12% for 13 WIs over the existing method.
(a) Blackscholes (b) Canneal
(c) Dedup
Figure 4.1: Thermal Profile Under Normal Operation for PARSEC Benchmarks
In this section, the overall thermal profile of the 16 core system is presented. With increasing
energy densities on multi-core chips, the temperatures soar to very high values. Implementing
DVFS can improve the thermal profile of the system.
The thermal profile of the system running PARSEC benchmark under normal operating con-
ditions is shown in the Figure 4.1. As can be seen, many cores in the system reach to higher
temperatures. Especially the cores at the center are affected by the heat spread from the sur-
rounding cores. The system will not be able to sustain high temperatures for longer duration
and its reliability is severely degraded.
There are many phases in the benchmark execution, where multiple cores are active only for a
small duration in the total time slot. It is also observed that the high/low active phases generally
occur continuously i.e., a core executes some task for some time and then goes into an idle state
(a) Blackscholes (b) Canneal
(c) Dedup
Figure 4.2: Thermal Profile Under DVFS Operation for PARSEC Benchmarks
due to stalls, etc. By applying DVFS to exploit these low active states, the temperatures can
be reduced to lower sustainable levels for all benchmarks. Figure 4.2 shows the thermal profile
of the chip with DVFS for all the benchmarks. Temperature reductions of 0.5%, 1.8% and
1.9% are observed for BLACKSCHOLES, CANNEAL and DEDUP benchmarks respectively.
The number of cores attaining higher temperatures is also lowered compared to the normal
operation. The spread from the hottest spot to neighboring cores is also significantly lower. The
DVFS method seems to balance out the energy dissipation in the cores improving the overall
temperature of the chip.
The thermal profile of the chip with all cores operating at low power or high performance
states is also observed. Even though the energy consumption in both cases is equal, the cores
reach to higher temperatures when operated at latter state. In fact, the coolest spot with high
performance operation is hotter than the hottest spot with low power operation.
4.3 Interconnects
Figure 4.3: Variation of Latency with Interconnect Length for Different Interconnects
Considering a system size of 20mm × 20mm, the maximum interconnect length between the
controller at center and different cores/clusters in the system can be 15mm. Using conventional
wired interconnects, the latency at this length is 917picosec, which requires more than once
clock cycle. The latency is reduced to 414picosec by using G-lines, but the energy per bit
consumption increases. Using the wireless interfaces for controller communication, the latency
for 15mm is 50picosec. The latency at different interconnect lengths using wired, G-line and
wireless interconnects is shown in the Figure 4.3.
Wireless interfaces also provide efficient performance in terms of energy per bit consumption
in data transmission. The energy per bit consumption in case of wired and G-line interconnects
is 5.025pJ/bit and 7.038pJ/bit respectively for transmitting data over 15mm length. With WIs,
it is 0.459pJ/bit for the same length. It is less than 10% compared to the wired energy and
less than 7% compared to that of G-lines. The variation in energy per bit with length is shown
in the Figure 4.4. As can be seen, the G-lines consume almost 50% more energy compared to
wired interconnects at all lengths. Also, in both cases, the energy per bit consumption increases
by more than 2 times as the length is doubled. The values are significantly lower with WIs and
they scale by the same amount as that of interconnect length.
Figure 4.4: Variation of Energy per Bit with Interconnect Length for Different Interconnects
4.4 Overheads
The proposed controller occupies an area of 0.16mm2 for a system with 16 cores. As the
number of cores in the system increases, the data sizes and controller area increases taking up
significant area of the total chip. To keep the area overhead to minimum, time multiplexing of
different clusters as described in the 3.3 section of chapter 3. In this case, the system is divided
into four clusters and cores in each cluster are updated serially in 4 steps. Hence the controller
area overhead remains the same. The controller consumes a total power of 0.5469mW of which
0.5384mW is the dynamic power and 0.008mW is the leakage power.
Chapter 5
Using Hybrid NoC architectures, as described in previous chapter certainly reduces the delay
for long distance communication on chip with very low energy per bit consumption. The results
presented in the previous chapter assume an ideal environment in the calculation of delay and
energy per bit. In an ideal scenario, we assume that the signal transmitted from a wireless
antenna will propagate through free space in the chip unhindered. But this is not the actual
case since the signal propagation is affected by different components present in a chip. In a real
chip environment, the signal propagation is affected by the silicon substrate and metal inter-
connects present in the chip. The delay associated with this signal is much different compared
to the free space propagation delay. Hence the propagation of wireless signal in a realistic chip
environment needs to be modeled and analyzed to obtain the actual improvements in delay over
wired interconnects.
To study and analyze the properties of on chip wireless channel, we characterize the chip
structure using a two dimensional multi-layered model as shown in the Figure 5.1. The entire
chip model is mainly comprised of four significant regions
1. Si Substrate Layer
2. Interconnect Layer
4. Free Space
Si Substrate Layer
• It represents the bulk of the silicon wafer into which the transistors and gates of the design
are embedded.
Figure 5.1: 2D Model Representing Different On Chip Components
• It is modeled as a single block of silicon with dielectric constant r = 11.9 and conductivity
σ = 0.
Interconnect Layer
• It represents the stack of metal interconnects in the chip. The interconnects in the chip
are stacked into multiple layers separated by a passive material like SiO2 .
• All the metal layers are characterized by a single entity in the model with dielectric constant
r = 3.9 (r of SiO2 ) and conductivity σ = 107 S/m.
• It represents a passive layer grown over the below layers to prevent grounding of the
antenna due to metal interconnects.
• The dielectric constant of the SiO2 layer is r = 3.9 and its conductivity is σ = 0.
Free Space
• It represents the vacuum of air present between the actual die of the chip and its packaging
• It is characterized by free space properties of zero conductivity and unit dielectric constant.
All the dimensions for the layers are chosen to be same as in [44]. The interconnect dimensions
used are obtained from PTM [2] 65nm technology models.
• A Hertzian dipole radiator with uniform radiation pattern in all directions is used as the
source antenna.
• A wide band Gaussian pulse is used as the source signal to analyze the propagation char-
acteristics at different frequencies.
• The source and receiver are placed just above the interface between free space and SiO2
passive layer.
• They are separated by a distance of 1µm from the interface to account for the dimensions
of the antenna.
The antenna is considered to be vertically polarized and hence only excites Transverse Mag-
netic (TM) modes in the structure. This is done to keep the propagation model simple so as
to identify different components easily. The 2D chip model assumes that the layered structure
is infinite in the third dimension unlike a real chip which has finite dimensions in all direc-
tions. There will be reflections and diffraction at these edges of the chip that effect the signal
propagation. But these effects are not studied in the scope of this work.
We use the two dimensional FDTD formulations to solve these equations within the on-chip
problem space as described in previous section. One of the compelling features of the FDTD
method is that its simplicity from one dimension is maintained in higher dimensions [41]. The
computational complexity, although increased with number dimensions, is not as substantial
as other numerical techniques. As we move to higher dimensions, multidimensional arrays are
required to represent and store the multidimensional grid data. The two dimensional computa-
tional complexity and memory requirements for different problem space sizes are discussed in
further sections.
In FDTD algorithm, the space and time are discretized so that the electric and magnetic fields
are staggered in both space and time. All the partial derivatives in the equations (5.1)-(5.4)
are replaced with finite differences. The resulting difference equations (5.5), (5.6) and (5.7) are
then solved to obtain future fields from past fields. The magnetic and electric fields in the next
future time step are evaluated alternatively till the end of simulation duration.
Dz (i, j, n) = Dz (i, j, n − 1) + [Hy (i, j, n) − Hy (i − 1, j, n) − Hx (i, j, n) + Hx (i, j − 1, n)]
Hx (i, j, n + 1) = Hx (i, j, n) + [Ez (i, j, n) − Ez (i, j + 1, n)] (5.6)
Hy (i, j, n + 1) = Hy (i, j, n) + [Ez (i + 1, j, n) − Ez (i, j, n)] (5.7)
The FDTD algorithm in two dimensions can be best illustrated using the leap frog diagram
shown in the Figure 5.2 [43].
After setting up the problems space parameters and initial values of the fields, the magnetic
field components are updated at current time instant are computed using field components at
nth time step as past fields. Then the electric field components are updated and the time step
is incremented to n + 1. This process is continued till the last time step iteration.
In order to descretize space and time, the terms ∆x, ∆y and ∆t needs to defined which
determine the resolution of the problem space. ∆x and ∆y are the smallest space measurements
that can be made in the x - and y-dimensions respectively. ∆t is the smallest time that can be
measured or observed. The space steps are chosen depending upon the wavelength corresponding
to the maximum frequency component present in the source signal. In general, for effective
implementation, equation (5.8) gives the ideal space step value.
∆x = ∆y = λmin /10 (5.8)
λmin = C0 /fmax
In case of non-homogeneous grids, ∆x and ∆y can be chosen to be different but must adhere to
the minimum conditions given in equation (5.8). Unless specifically specified, in the remainder
of this work, we consider ∆x = ∆y and is denoted by ∆x. Based on the chosen space step,
equation (5.9) gives the condition for the time step.
∆t ≤ ∆x/2C0 (5.9)
∆t ≤ ∆x2 + ∆y 2 /2C0 (5.10)
One of the long standing issues with the use of FDTD method is boundary conditions. In
numerical methods like FDTD, the size of the problem area that can be simulated is determined
the computational resources available. In the real life, the problem space is not confined. The
region of interest is surrounded by other mediums, like in case of on-chip model the chip is sur-
rounded by air or external components on board. But as wave propagates in FDTD simulation,
it eventually reaches the edge of the defined problem space and unpredictable reflections will be
generated and propagate inwards. And it is not possible to identify the unwanted components
from real signal. To alleviate this issue, Absorbing Boundary Conditions (ABCs) are defined
and the Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) [5] is one of the most flexible and efficient ABCs.
Figure 5.3: On-Chip Model Problem Space with PML
ηA − ηB
Γ = (5.11)
ηA + ηB
For this µ is changed with so that η remains constant and there is no reflection. And we want
the wave to decay completely before it hits the boundary. To accomplish this, and µ are made
complex [43] since imaginary part causes decay of the wave. The terms f and g shown in the
figure are the terms introduced into FDTD equations to accommodate the conductivity terms
in the imaginary part of and µ. These terms are varied as represented to vary conductivities
accordingly in the PML region.
Although PML offers an efficient solution for boundary conditions and works well in most
cases, it suffers from some unavoidable reflections. Once the wave is discretized for simulations,
some small numerical reflections appear. These reflections distort the actual signal slightly and
the effects are analyzed and discussed in the results section.
5.2.3 Memory Requirements
Based on the maximum frequency of operation, the upper bounds for the space and time
resolutions needed in effective implementation of FDTD are decided. FDTD method works
effectively in the domains where the characteristic dimensions of the problem space are of the
order of wavelength in size. Within these constraints, the space resolution, ∆x is chosen such
that the smallest dimension in the problem space can be modeled by minimum required number
of grid steps. The time step is then fixed according to the equality condition in equation (5.9).
So, the smallest dimension in the problem space decides the total number of grid steps required
to represent it and the number of time steps in the total simulation period. Since the electric
field, magnetic field and related variables need to be defined at all points in the problem space,
two dimensional arrays are required to store the field data in 2D FDTD simulations. And the
total memory requirement is decided by the resolution chosen and total number of grid steps.
Any variation in ∆x reflects in a corresponding quadratic change in memory requirements and
cubic change in execution time.
For example, if a new resolution is chosen such that ∆xnew = ∆x/2, the number of grid
steps to represent the same horizontal and vertical dimensions is twice the previous value. The
number of time steps required is also twice the previous value. The array sizes to represent the
field variables is four times the previous array size and so is the memory requirement. The total
execution period is eight times the previous time. Hence any change in the space-time resolution
results in a significant change in memory requirements and execution time.
In our 2D on-chip model case, the smallest dimension is the interconnect layer that represents
the metallic wires in the chip. Each metal wire is of the order of 1µm and the total layer thickness
is less than 10µm, whereas the SiO2 passive layer, free space layer are of order of tens of µm,
Si substrate is order of hundreds of µm and transmitter-receiver distance is of order thousands
of µm. Due to this disproportionate lengths, the total number of grid steps is significantly high
for our problem space; of the order of millions of steps. The actual values chosen and memory
requirements are discussed in the results section.
Chapter 6
Propagation Results
The FDTD method is implemented using the MATLAB [1] tool. We used the version R2011a
and R2013b versions of MATLAB. To keep the memory requirements and execution time within
tolerable limits in the initial stages, we have scaled down the dimensions in the original problem
space described in the section 5.1 of chapter 5. We present the results for these two problem
spaces. The dimensions used in each case are presented in the Table 6.1
Table 6.1: Dimensions of the Problem Space
6.1.2 PML
To keep the unwanted reflections from PML boundary to a minimum, we have tried different
PML thickness sizes. In both cases, thickness of 8µm has given us the best results. And to
reduce the effect of PML reflections on source, a separation of 75µm is maintained between
source and PML boundary layer in both the cases. The same is also maintained at the receiver.
The source used is a wide band Gaussian mono pulse. We have chosen a wide band signal
to analyze the propagation characteristics at different frequencies. The field is also analyzed at
different receiver distances to observe the effect of distance on received signal. The source signal
properties, step sizes and receiver distances used for both cases are presented in the Table 6.2.
Table 6.2: Source Signal Properties
The space step and time step used in both cases are shown in the Table 6.2. The values are
chosen to satisfy the conditions in equation (5.8) and to keep the array sizes within limits. With
the values chosen, all the fields should be calculated at 1064 × 368 steps for the problem space,
ρ = 100µm and at 2332 × 1400 steps for the problem space, ρ = 1mm.
The execution time is chosen such that all the components of the field reach the receiver point
and to meet the required frequency resolution. In case of scaled problem space, the execution
time is 2 picosec and for original problem space, it is 33.333 picosec.
To identify different components from each layer in the model, we have first run the simulations
using three variants of the model,
• Free Space Model, in which all the layers in the problem space are modeled as free space.
This give us an understanding of the direct wave traveling through free space.
• Air-SiO2 -Si Model, in which all layers except the interconnect layer are modeled. This
gives us the effect of reflections from SiO2 passive layer on the received signal.
• Air-SiO2 -Cu-Si Model, which contains all the layers and gives us the effect of interconnects
on received signal.
Figure 6.1 shows the received electric field at a distance of 100µm from the source and in
direct line of sight. The Direct Wave, shown in the figure, is the wave traveling through free
space at the speed of light (C0 = 3 × 108 m/sec) from source to receiver and is the desired
significant component of the received signal. The delay in received signal is the time taken by
the wave to travel 100µm in free space,
Figure 6.1: Received Field vs Time for Free Space Model
The source peak is at 0.03 picosec and hence received signal should have its peak at 0.363
picosec and the simulation results show approximately the same. Since the PML is not ideal,
the reflections from top, left and bottom boundaries eventually reach the receiver and are as
marked in the Figure 6.1.
The electric field at a distance of 100µm and 1µm above the Air-SiO2 interface is shown in the
Figure 6.2. The surface wave component is the field propagating along the Air-SiO2 interface.
There are multiple reflections from the SiO2 -Si interface within the SiO2 layer. These waves
reach the receiver much later because they travel at approximately half the speed of light in the
SiO2 medium. Finally, the direct wave component as can be seen from the figure is much weaker
as compared to the free space component, which is due to the reflection from Air-SiO2 interface.
This can be explained using the perpendicular polarized [4] wave incident at the interface of two
mediums as shown in Figure 6.3.
Figure 6.2: Received Field vs Time for Air-SiO2 -Si Model
p p
η2 cos θi − η1 cos θt µ2 /2 cos θi − µ1 /1 cos θt
Γ= =p p (6.2)
η2 cos θi + η1 cos θt µ2 /2 cos θi + µ1 /1 cos θt
Since for most dielectric media, µ1 ≈ µ2 , the equation in (6.2) is reduced to equation (6.3).
p p
cos θi − 2 /1 1 − (1 /2 ) sin2 θi
Γ|µ1 =µ2 = p p (6.3)
cos θi + 2 /1 1 − (1 /2 ) sin2 θi
Since the source separation from the Air-SiO2 interface is very small (1µm) compared to the
distance between source and receiver (100µm), the angle of incidence at the interface is θi ≈ 90◦ .
Substituting in equation (6.3), the reflection coefficient is Γ ≈ −1 irrespective of the mediums.
If Ei and Er are the incident and reflected fields, then Er = ΓEi . And the distance traveled by
the reflected wave (100.02µm) is approximately same as the direct wave and both components
reach the receiver at the same time. Hence, the total field in the incident medium, given by
E1 = Ei + Er , is almost zero near the interface of two mediums and the desired direct wave
component is completely canceled out by the equal and out-of-phase reflected wave component.
6.2.3 Air-SiO2 -Cu-Si Model
Finally in the scaled model with all layers modeled, the received electric field and its compo-
nents are as shown in the Figure 6.4. The direct wave component and the Air-SiO2 reflection
remain the same and cancel out each other as in the Air-SiO2 -Si case. Since the interconnect
layer is a conducting medium, the field incident on the SiO2 -Cu interface is completely reflected
and then transmitted to the the receiver through Air-SiO2 interface. Multiple reflections ex-
ist within SiO2 layer that eventually reach the receiver the same way. The residual surface
wave components from the field transmitted/reflected into the SiO2 layer propagates along the
interface to reach the receiver.
The different wave components in the received field can be represented as shown in the Figure
6.5. The first component is the direct source-to-receiver contribution and the second component
is the reflection from the Air-SiO2 interface. The third component is the sum of all residual
surface wave components along the interface. The fourth component represents the multiple
reflections from the interconnect layer and within the SiO2 layer. The propagation delay of each
of these components can be calculated using the reflection and transmission theory for oblique
incidence at the interface of two mediums.
The magnitude of the received electric field as a function of frequency is shown in the Figures
6.6, 6.7. The phase is shown in the Figure 6.8. Using range gating, we have separated different
wave components from the total field. As can be seen the surface wave and reflection wave
components dominate over the direct wave component. The trend remains the same over the
entire frequency range. At very high frequencies, beats exist in the reflection and surface wave
components, which can be due to the multiple reflections within the SiO2 layer that can interfere
destructively to give rise to nulls in the signal. The phase of the different wave components vary
linearly with frequency.
Figure 6.8: Phase of the Electric Field at the Receiver
The received electric field at a distance of 1mm from the source for SiO2 thickness of 30µm
is shown in the Figure 6.9. The direct wave component phenomenon remains the same and is
much more weaker (almost zero) as the field decays as 1/ρ with respect to distance ρ from the
source. The reflections from the SiO2 -Cu interface completely dominate the received electric
Figure 6.10: Received Electric Field at a Distance of 1mm from Source
The variation of the received field with respect to frequency is shown in the Figure 6.10. The
field variation with frequency can be divided into mainly three frequency regions. A significant
portion of the field lies in the very high frequency range above 1500 GHz. At lower frequency
ranges i.e., below 120 GHz, the field strength is low but varies almost linearly with frequency. In
the range between, the field is distributed into two small bands within which the field is mostly
linear. The field in the middle range is stronger than that at lower ranges, but still is much
lower than that at higher frequencies.
To investigate the effect of SiO2 passive layer on the received field, we varied the thickness of
SiO2 layer and observed the received electric field at a distance of 1mm from the source. The
thickness is varied from 2µm, 5µm, 10µm till 60µm. The variation of the field with respect to
frequency for different values of thickness is shown in the Figure 6.11.
It can be seen that as the thickness of the SiO2 layer increases, the strength of the received
field increases. The variation of the field with respect to frequency at all thickness is similar,
distributed into three separate frequency bands. But this is not the case for SiO2 thickness of
2µm. At frequencies below 1 THz, the variation remains the same, but the field falls off instead
of increasing. The same effect, if not so pronounced can be observed for thickness of 10µm and
Figure 6.11: Variation of Received Electric Field with Frequency for Different SiO2 Layer Thickness
As the thickness of SiO2 layer increases, the null present at higher frequencies becomes less
significant i.e., the strength of the field at the null increases with thickness. At 60µm and 45µm,
the variation of field in middle and higher frequency bands is not so clearly demarcated.
The variation of the normalized electric field with frequency is shown in the Figure 6.12. As
can be seen, the field is much stronger at high frequencies. As the SiO2 layer thickness increases,
the frequency band in which the significant portion of the energy is concentrated shifts towards
the lower frequencies. Also the bandwidth of the field increases with increasing thickness. But
Figure 6.12: Variation of Normalized Electric Field with Frequency for Different SiO2 Layer Thickness
for 2µm thickness case, as already discussed since the field falls at higher frequencies, the field
is concentrated in the middle frequencies.
The variation of the received field with respect to SiO2 layer thickness at different frequencies
is shown in the Figure 6.13. The field strength increases initially with thickness but saturates
beyond 25µm at all frequencies. At high frequencies, the field strength even starts decreasing
beyond 40µm thickness. From the figures, any value between 20µm and 30µm for SiO2 layer
thickness would give similar results at most frequencies.
Figure 6.13: Variation of Received Electric Field with SiO2 Layer Thickness
6.3.2 Variation with Distance
The variation of the received electric field with receiver distance for SiO2 thickness of 30µm
at different frequencies is shown in the Figure 6.14. The field strength falls with respect to the
distance from the source.
6.4 Delay
The primary advantage desired for using the wireless interfaces is their latency performance.
Using the wireless interfaces, single hop delays can be achieved for data transmission in long
distance communications on chip unlike wired interconnects which take multiple hops. But as
discussed in the previous sections, the direct wave which provides the shortest delay in signal
transmission is not the significant component of the received field. Hence, in this section, we
investigate if the delay of the significant component is within the limits of single hop delay and
still outperforms the wired interconnects.
Figure 6.15 shows the delay variation with respect to receiver distance. The signal delay
increases almost linearly with distance and for a distance of 1 mm, the delay is 8.2567 picosec.
Several previous papers provide a source-receiver separation of 5 mm [30] [48] [49]. Since the
variation is linear, the delay for 5 mm distance can be 41.2835 picosec, which is more than
double the delay assuming ideal wireless interfaces is around 17 picosec. But it still remains
considerably less than the single hop delay (even assuming a 4 GHz operating frequency). The
delay for 10 mm and 15 mm is 82.5670 picosec and 123.8505 picosec respectively. The delay
Figure 6.15: Variation of Signal Delay with Receiver Distance
for 15 mm case is more than the ideal delay of 50 picosec [34], but still provides better results
compared to wired interconnects (0.9 nanosec [34]).
The FDTD method requires properties of the problem space and field data at all points in the
problem space to calculate the field values at next time instant. MATLAB stores this data in two
dimensional arrays for each required field variable, dielectric constant and relative permeability
for the entire region. The memory required for storing these values is dependent on the problem
size and the space resolution chosen. For a given problem space, the array sizes and subsequently
the memory required varies as O(∆x−2 ) with space resolution ∆x. Hence as ∆x decreases, the
memory requirement increases quadratically. For our problem space, the memory required goes
upto tens of gigabytes for scaled problem and hundreds of gigabytes for original problem space
to save just the electric field data for the entire simulation period.
The time required to complete the execution of an FDTD simulation is depended on simulation
duration, time resolution and space resolution. Since the field at each time step needs to be
calculated at all points, the execution time varies quadratically with space resolution and linearly
with time resolution. But the time resolution is directly proportional to space resolution as shown
in equation (5.9). Hence the execution time varies as O(∆x−3 ) with ∆x. Any change in space
resolution results in corresponding cubic change in execution time. For the original problem
space, with MATLAB running on a server with two Intel Xeon E5 chips and 64GB of RAM,
the execution time for each each simulation is around 48 hours.
The space resolution chosen greatly affects both the memory requirements and execution time
of a FDTD simulation. Therefore it is of paramount importance to choose the value properly.
Chapter 7
In this work, two important problems pertaining to ULSI or SoC architectures, power con-
sumption and propagation characteristics of wireless interfaces are tackled. Firstly to reduce
the power consumption in the chip, a centralized controller that operates at the chip level is
implemented. The controller applies a DVFS method to tackle the power in cores and power
gating technique to the wireless interfaces in the system. The DVFS method sets the voltage
and frequency for next time slice based on the core state and utilization for current and all past
time slices. The power gating is applied to all the wireless interfaces on chip which are not in
any active data transmission. The performance of the controller is evaluated using GEM5 and
McPAT tools. A complete thermal profile of the system under different operating conditions is
analyzed using HotSpot tool. The controller is then synthesized using Synopsys tools and to
alleviate the issue of long delay in transmitting control signals, wireless interfaces are used for
this purpose.
Secondly, the propagation characteristics of the wireless interfaces are studied and analyzed
to see the impact of different interference structures on chip. Primarily, there are three major
components in the received signal, direct wave, surface wave and reflections from metallic inter-
connects. It is observed that the direct wave through free space is completely canceled out by
reflection from Air-SiO2 interface and is not the dominant component of wave propagation. The
reflections from underlying metallic interconnects contribute to the significant component to the
received signal. are received much later than the free space component. The impact of receiver
distance, passive layer thickness and material on signal strength and delay are studied. It is
verified that even with the increased delay, the values still are considerably less and outperform
the wired interconnect.
7.1 Future Work
The work presented in this thesis can be extended further in many possible directions.
The application of DVFS can be extended to wireless interfaces to vary their operating volt-
age/frequency according to network traffic and utilization. The design and implementation of
voltage regulators (VR) and frequency generators (FG) for centralized controllers can be ex-
plored. The pros and cons between using a single VR and FG or one VR and FG for each
cluster can be analyzed and proper design choices can be made. One other possible direction of
work is to look for other DVFS realizations that can be used in this scenario.
For channel propagation mechanisms, one most important direction of work can be to develop
proper mathematical model for different modes in the signal based on problem space and mate-
rials used for chip structures. This helps to develop appropriate methods to maximize the gain
of received signal.
As observed from results, the reflection from Air-SiO2 interface cancels out the free space
direct wave. So, the idea to use directional antenna to improve the strength of the direct wave
can be explored. Theoretically, an antenna with a directional pattern over the upper half of
antenna should improve the strength of direct wave. The STI guard bands used to separate
devices on chip can be used for placing the antennas since these regions are filled with higher
resistivity materials. We have used 2D model for the on-chip structures. To better model the
structures accurately, a 3D on-chip model can be developed.
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