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Ke y Fact State me nt

Name of th e Re gu late d e n tity:

Applican t Name : Pratik Santosh
D ate : 06/05/2024 Branch International Financial Bangar
Services Private Limited

Paramate r D e tails

(i) Loan amount (amount disbursed/to be disbursed to the borrower) 1500.0

(in Rupees)
(ii) Total interest charge during the entire tenor of the loan (in Rupees) 90.0

(iii) Other up-front charges, if any (break-up of each component to be 176.0

given below) (in Rupees)
(a) Processing fees, if any (in Rupees) 149.0
(b) Insurance charges, if any (in Rupees) -
(c) Others (if any) (in Rupees) GST: 27.0
(iv) Net disbursed amount (in Rupees) 1324.0
(v) Total amount to be paid by the borrower (sum of (i), (ii) and (iii)) (in 1766.0
Annual Percentage Rate - Effective annualized interest rate (in
(vi) percentage) (computed on net disbursed amount using IRR 157.49%
approach and reducing balance method)
(vii) Tenor of the Loan (in months/days) 62 days
(viii) Repayment frequency by the borrower Monthly
(ix) Number of instalments of repayment 2
(x) Amount of each instalment of repayment (in Rupees) 795.0
D e tails abou t Con tin ge n t Ch arge s

(xi) Rate of penal charges in case of delayed payments 3% on the outstanding overdue
O th e r disclosu re s

During the cooling-off/look-up period, borrowers will not incur any

(xii) penalties for prepaying the loan. However, processing fees and GST 3 days
will not be refunded in case of prepayment during this period. Refer
to FAQ for more details.

1. Striker - SFS ALLIANZ PVT. Ltd

2. Pacesetters - Pace Setters
Business Solutions Private Limited
(xiii) Details of LSP acting as recovery agent and authorized to approach 4. Creditmate - Fincollect Services
the borrower
Private Limited
5. Credgenics - ANALOG
6. Spocto - Spocto Solutions Private
Name: Vishal Kaushik
Designation: Operations Manager
Name, designation, address and phone number of nodal Address: 01, AWFIS, Space Solutions, 4th Floor,
grievance redressal officer designated specifically to VIOS Towers, Off Eastern Express Highway,
deal with FinTech/ digital lending related complaints/ Sewri-Chembur Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra
issues 400037
Email: gro@branch.co
Phone number: +91 8655937427

D e taile d Re payme n t Sch e du le

O u tstan din g
Prin cipal ( in In te re st ( in In stalme n t ( in
In stalme n t No. Prin cipal ( in
Ru pe e s) Ru pe e s) Ru pe e s)
Ru pe e s)

1 1500.0 750.0 45.0 795.0

2 750.0 750.0 45.0 795.0

Digitally accepted by Pratik Santosh Bangar. Terms Accepted at: 06/05/2024 11:18:39.

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