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Scheme of Teaching and Examinations and Syllabus

(Effective from Academic year 2020 - 21)


Scheme of Teaching and Examinations – 2020 - 21
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Teaching Hours

Total Marks

Duration in

SEE Marks
CIE Marks
Cours Course

Field work/
N Course Title


e Code

Advanced Engineering
1 PCC 20ELD11 04 -- 03 40 60 100 4
2 PCC 20EVE12 ASIC Design 04 -- 03 40 60 100 4
3 PCC 20EVE13 Advanced Embedded System 04 -- 03 40 60 100 4
4 PCC 20EVE14 VLSI Testing 04 -- 03 40 60 100 4
5 PCC 20EVE15 Digital VLSI Design 04 -- 03 40 60 100 4
6 PCC 20EVEL16 VLSI & ES Lab-1 - 04 03 40 60 100 2
7 PCC 20RMI17 Research Methodology and IPR 02 -- 03 40 60 100 2
TOTAL 22 04 21 280 420 700 24
Note: PCC: Professional core.
Internship: All the students have to undergo mandatory internship of 6 weeks during the vacation of I and II semesters and
/or II and III semesters. A University examination shall be conducted during III semester and the prescribed credit shall be
counted for the same semester. Internship shall be considered as a head of passing and shall be considered for the award of
degree. Those, who do not take-up/complete the internship shall be declared as fail in internship course and have to
complete the same during the subsequent University examination after satisfying the internship requirements.
Note: (i) Four credit courses are designed for 50 hours Teaching – Learning process.
(ii) Three credit courses are designed for 40 hours Teaching – Learning process.


Scheme of Teaching and Examinations – 2020 - 21
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Teaching Hours

Total Marks
Duration in

SEE Marks

CIE Marks
. Cours Course

Field work/
Course Title


N e Code


Design of Analog and

1 PCC 20EVE21 04 -- 03 40 60 100 4
Mixed Mode VLSI Circuits
Real Time Operating
2 PCC 20EVE22 04 -- 03 40 60 100 4
3 PCC 20EVE23 System Verilog 04 -- 03 40 60 100 4
4 PEC 20XXX24X Professional elective 1 04 -- 03 40 60 100 4
5 PEC 20XXX25X Professional elective 2 04 -- 03 40 60 100 4
6 PCC 20EVEL26 VLSI & ES Lab-2 -- 04 03 40 60 100 2
7 PCC 20EVE27 Technical Seminar -- 02 -- 100 -- 100 2
TOTAL 20 06 20 340 360 700 24
Note: PCC: Professional core, PEC: Professional Elective.
Professional Elective 1 Professional Elective 2
Course Code Course title Course Code Course title
under under
20XXX24X 20XXX25X
20EVE241 Advances in VLSI Design 20EVE251 Low Power VLSI Design
20EVE242 Nanoelectronics 20EVE252 SoC Design
20EVE243 Static Timing Analysis 20ELD253 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
20EVE244 Reconfigurable Computing 20EVE254 High Frequency GaN Electronic Devices

1. Technical Seminar: CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee comprising of HoD as Chairman, Guide/co-
guide, if any, and a senior faculty of the department. Participation in the seminar by all postgraduate students of the
same and other semesters of the programme shall be mandatory.
The CIE marks awarded for Technical Seminar, shall be based on the evaluation of Seminar Report, Presentation skill
and Question and Answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.
2. Internship: All the students shall have to undergo mandatory internship of 6 weeks during the vacation of I and II
semesters and /or II and III semesters. A University examination shall be conducted during III semester and the
prescribed credit shall be counted in the same semester. Internship shall be considered as a head of passing and shall
be considered for the award of degree. Those, who do not take-up/complete the internship shall be declared as fail in
internship course and have to complete the same during the subsequent University examination after satisfying the
internship requirements.


Scheme of Teaching and Examinations – 2020 - 21
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome-Based Education(OBE)
Teaching Hours

Total Marks
Field work/
Duration in
Sl Course

SEE Marks

CIE Marks
Course Title
No Code


04 -- 03 60
1 PCC 20EVE31 CAD of Digital Systems 40 100 4
03 -- 03 60
2 PEC 20XXX32X Professional elective 3 40 100 3
3 PEC 20XXX33X Professional elective 4 03 -- 03 40 60 100 3
4 Project 20EVE34 Project Work phase -1 -- 04 -- 100 -- 100 2
5 Project 20EVE35 Mini-Project -- 04 03 40 60 100 2
(Completed during
the intervening
vacation of I and II
6 INT 20EVEI36 Internship 03 40 60 100 6
semesters and /or
II and III
TOTAL 10 08 15 300 300 600 20
Note: PCC: Professional core, PEC: Professional Elective.
Professional elective 3 Professional elective 4
Course Code Course title Course Code Course title
under under
20XXX32X 20XXX33X
20EVE321 Machine Learning in VLSI CAD 20EVE331 VLSI Design for Signal Processing
20EVE322 CMOS RF Circuit Design 20ESP332 Pattern Recognition & Machine
20EVE323 Embedded Linux System Design 20ECS333 Internet of things
and Development
20EVE324 Advanced Computer Architecture 20EVE334 Long Term Reliability of VLSI

1. Project Work Phase-1: Students in consultation with the guide & co-guide if any, shall pursue
literature survey and complete the preliminary requirements of selected Project work. Each student
shall prepare relevant introductory project phase-I report, and make a project presentation.
CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee comprising of HoD as Chairman, Guide/co-guide if any,
and a senior faculty of the department. The CIE marks awarded for project work phase -1, shall be
based on the evaluation of Project Report, Project Presentation skill and Question and Answer session
in the ratio 50:25:25.
SEE (University examination) shall be as per the University norms.
2. Mini-Project: Each student shall involve in carrying out the Mini-project work in constant
consultation with internal guide, prepare the project report as per the norms avoiding plagiarism. A
mini project is an assignment that you try to complete at the end of semester to strengthen the
understanding of his/her fundamentals through effective application of theoretical concepts .
3. Internship: Those, who have not pursued /completed the internship shall be declared as fail in
internship course and have to complete the same during subsequent University examinations after
satisfying the internship requirements. Internship SEE (University examination) shall be as per the
University norms.


Scheme of Teaching and Examinations – 2020 - 21
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Teaching Hours



Viva voce

in hours
Field work/
N Course Course Title






1 Project 20EVE41 Project work phase -2 -- 40 03 40 60 100 20
TOTAL -- 40 03 40 60 100 20

1. Project Work Phase-2:
CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee comprising of HoD as Chairman, Guide/co-guide, if any, and a Senior faculty
of the department. The CIE marks awarded for project work phase -2, shall be based on the evaluation of Project Report
subjected to plagiarism check, Project Presentation skill and Question and Answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.
SEE shall be at the end of IV semester. Project work evaluation and Viva-Voce examination (SEE), after satisfying the
plagiarism check, shall be as per the University norms.


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Course Code 20ELD11 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Linear Algebra-I
Introduction to vector spaces and sub-spaces, definitions, illustrative example. Linearly independent and
dependent vectors- Basis-definition and problems. Linear transformations-definitions. Matrix form of linear
transformations-Illustrative examples (Text Book:1).
Linear Algebra-II
Computation of eigen values and eigen vectors of real symmetric matrices-Given’s method. Orthogonal vectors
and orthogonal bases. Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process (Text. Book:1)
Calculus of Variations
Concept of functional- Eulers equation. Functional dependent on first and higher order derivatives, Functional on
several dependent variables. Isoperimetric problems-variation problems with moving boundaries. (Text.Book:2)
Probability Theory: Review of basic probability theory. Definitions of random variables and probability
distributions, probability mass and density functions, expectation, moments, central moments, characteristic
functions, probability generating and moment generating functions-illustrations. Poisson, Gaussian and Erlang
distributions examples. (Text Book: 3)
Engineering Applications on Random processes: Classification. Stationary, WSS and ergodic random process.
Auto-correlation function - properties, Gaussian random process. (Text Book: 3)

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Understand vector spaces, basis, linear transformations and the process of obtaining matrix of linear
transformations arising in magnification and rotation of images.
2. Apply the technique of singular value decomposition for data compression, least square approximation in
solving inconsistent linear systems.
3. Utilize the concepts of functional and their variations in the applications of communication systems, decision
theory, synthesis and optimization of digital circuits.
4. Learn the idea of random variables (discrete/continuous) and probability distributions in analyzing the
probability models arising in control systems and system communications.
5. Analyze random process through parameter-dependent variables in various random processes.

Question paper pattern:

The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.

Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Linear Algebra and its Applications David C.Lay, Steven R. Pearson Education 5th Edition,
Lay and J.J.McDonald Ltd. 2015
2 Advanced Engineering Mathematics E. Kreyszig Wiley 10th edition,
3 Probability and Random Process with Scott L.Miller, Donald Elsevier Academic 2nd Edition,
application to Signal Processing G. Childers Press 2013

Reference Books
1 Schaum’s Outlines of Theory and Richard Bronson McGraw-Hill 1988
Problems of Matrix Operations
2 Differential Equations and Calculus Elsgolts L MIR Publications 3rd Edition,
of Variations 1977
3 Probability, Statistics and Random T.Veerarajan TataMcGraw Hill 3rd Edition,
Process Co. 2008


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Course Code 20EVE12 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Introduction to ASICs: Full custom, Semi-custom and Programmable ASICs, ASIC Design flow, ASIC cell
CMOS Logic: Data path Logic Cells: Data Path Elements, Adders: Carry skip, Carry bypass, Carry save, Carry
select, Conditional sum, Multiplier (Booth encoding), Data path Operators, I/O cells, Cell Compilers.
ASIC Library Design: Logical effort: Predicting Delay, Logical area and logical efficiency, Logical paths, Multi
stage cells, Optimum delay and number of stages, library cell design.
Programmable ASIC Logic Cells:
MUX as Boolean function generators, Acted ACT: ACT 1, ACT 2 and ACT 3 Logic Modules, Xilinx LCA:
XC3000 CLB, Altera FLEX and MAX, Programmable ASIC I/O Cells: Xilinx and Altera I/O Block.
Low-level design entry: Schematic entry: Hierarchical design, The cell library, Names, Schematic Icons &
Symbols, Nets, Schematic Entry for ASICs, Connections, vectored instances & buses, Edit in place, attributes,
Netlist screener.
ASIC Construction: Physical Design, CAD Tools System partitioning, Estimating ASIC size.
Partitioning: Goals and objectives, Constructive Partitioning, Iterative Partitioning Improvement, KL, FM and
Look Ahead algorithms.
Floor planning and placement: Goals and objectives, Measurement of delay in Floor planning, Floor planning
tools, Channel definition, I/O and Power planning and Clock planning.
Placement: Goals and Objectives, Min-cut Placement algorithm, Iterative Placement Improvement, Time driven
placement methods, Physical Design Flow.
Routing: Global Routing: Goals and objectives, Global Routing Methods, Global routing between blocks, Back-
annotation. Detailed Routing: Goals and objectives, Measurement of Channel Density, Left-Edge Algorithm,
Area-Routing Algorithms, Multilevel routing, Timing –Driven detailed routing, Final routing steps, Special
Routing, Circuit extraction and DRC.

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Describe the concepts of ASIC design methodology, data path elements, logical effort and FPGA
2. Analyze the design of FPGAs and ASICs suitable for specific tasks, perform design entry and explain the
physical design flow.
3. Design data path elements for ASIC cell libraries and compute optimum path delay.
4. Create floor plan including partition and routing with the use of CAD algorithms.
5.Design CAD algorithms and explain how these concepts interact in ASIC design.
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks

Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Application - Specific Integrated Michael John Sebastian Addison- Wesley 2005
Circuits Smith Professional

Reference Books
1 CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Neil H.E. Weste, David Addison Wesley/ 3rdedition,
Systems Perspective Harris, and Ayan Pearson education 2011
2 VLSI Design: A Practical Guide for Vikram Springer, ISBN: 2011
FPGA and ASIC Implementations ArkalgudChandrasetty 978-1-4614-1119-2.
3 An ASIC Low Power Primer Rakesh Chadha, Bhasker Springer, ISBN:
J 978-14614-4270-7


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Course Code 20EVE13 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Embedded System: Embedded vs General computing system, classification, application and purpose of ES. Core
of an Embedded System, Memory, Sensors, Actuators, LED, Opto coupler, Communication Interface, Reset
circuits, RTC, WDT, Characteristics and Quality Attributes of Embedded Systems (Text 1: Selected Topics
from Ch -1, 2, 3).
Hardware Software Co-Design, embedded firmware design approaches, computational models, embedded
firmware development languages, Integration and testing of Embedded Hardware and firmware, Components in
embedded system development environment (IDE), Files generated during compilation, simulators, emulators
and debugging (Text 1: Selected Topics from Ch-7, 9, 12, 13).
ARM-32 bit Microcontroller: Thumb-2 technology and applications of ARM, Architecture of ARM Cortex M3,
Various Units in the architecture, General Purpose Registers, Special Registers, exceptions, interrupts, stack
operation, reset sequence (Text 2: Ch 1, 2, 3)
Instruction Sets: Assembly basics, Instruction list and description, useful instructions, Memory Systems,
Memory maps, Cortex M3 implementation overview, pipeline and bus interface (Text 2: Ch-4, 5, 6).
Exceptions, Nested Vector interrupt controller design, Systick Timer, Cortex-M3 Programming using assembly
and C language, CMSIS (Text 2: Ch-7, 8, 10).

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Understand the basic hardware components and their selection method based on the characteristics and
attributes of an embedded system.
2. Explain the hardware software co-design and firmware design approaches.
3. Understand the suitability of the instruction sets of ARM processors to design of embedded systems.
4. Acquire the knowledge of the architectural features of ARM CORTEX M3, a 32-bit microcontroller including
memory map, interrupts and exceptions.
5. Apply the knowledge gained for Programming ARM CORTEX M3 for different applications.

Question paper pattern:

The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Introduction to embedded systems K. V. Shibu TMH education 2009
Pvt. Ltd.
2 The Definitive Guide to the ARM Joseph Yiu Newnes, (Elsevier) 2ndedn, 2010.
Reference Books
1 Embedded systems - A contemporary James K. Peckol John Wiley 2008
design tool


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Course Code 20EVE14 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Faults in digital circuits: Failures and Faults, Modeling of faults, Temporary Faults. (Text 1)
Logic Simulation: Applications, Problems in simulation based design verification, types of simulation, The
unknown logic values, compiled simulation, event-driven simulation, Delay models, Element evaluation, Hazard
detection, Gate-level event-driven Simulation. (Text 2)
Test generation for Combinational Logic circuits: Fault Diagnosis of digital circuits, Test generation
techniques for combinational circuits, Detection of multiple faults in Combinational logic circuits.
(Text 1)
Testable Combinational logic circuit design: The Read-Muller expansion technique, Three level OR-AND-OR
design, Automatic synthesis of testable logic. (Text 1)
Testable Combinational logic circuit design: Testable design of multilevel combinational circuits, Synthesis of
random pattern testable combinational circuits, Path delay fault testable combinational logic design, Testable
PLA design. (Text 1)
Test generation for Sequential circuits: Testing of sequential circuits as Iterative combinational circuits, state
table verification, Test generation based on Circuit Structure, Functional Fault models, test Generation based on
Functional Fault models. (Text 1)
Design of testable sequential circuits: Controllability and observability, Ad-Hoc design rules for improving
testability, design of diagnosable sequential circuits, the scan-path technique for testablesequential circuit design,
Level Sensitive Scan Design (LSSD), Random Access Scan Technique, Partial scan, testable sequential circuit
design using Nonscan Techniques, Cross check, Boundary Scan. (Text 1)
Built-In Self Test: Test pattern generation for BIST, Output response analysis, Circular BIST, BIST
Architectures. (Text 1)
Testable Memory Design: RAM Fault Models, Test algorithms for RAMs, Detection of pattern-sensitive faults,
BIST techniques for RAM chips, Test generation and BIST for embedded RAMs. (Text1)

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Analyze the need for fault modeling and testing of digital circuits
2. Generate fault lists for digital circuits and compress the tests for efficiency
3. Create tests for digital memories and analyze failures in them
4. Apply boundary scan technique to validate the performance of digital circuits
5. Design built-in self tests for complex digital circuits
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Students have to conduct the following experiments as a part of CIE marks along with other Activities:

The experiments constitute

a. Designing the RAMS and combinational circuits using Virtuso (cadence)
b. Generating functional patterns to verify the correctness of the circuit
c. Induce faults (opening/shorting the nodes)
d. Generating patterns to find the faulty nodes
i. Each pattern considers one faulty node at a time

1. Design a 2-BIT SRAM using 6T cells
a. Generate patterns to test if the SRAM is working fine

b. Generate patterns to find the strong open (By connecting a wire to very high resistance)
c. Generate patterns to find short of any wire in the SRAM.

2. Design 3-bit adder

a. Generate patterns to find the Stuck@0 and Stuck@1 for all the wires

Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Digital Circuit Testing and Lala Parag K New York, 1997
Testability Academic Press
2 Digital Systems Testing and Testable Abramovici M, Breuer Wiley 1994
Design M A and Friedman A D
Reference Books
1 Essential of Electronic Testing for Vishwani D Agarwal Springer 2002
Digital, Memory and Mixed Signal
2 VLSI Test Principles and Wang, Wu and Wen Morgan Kaufmann 2006


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Course Code 20EVE15 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
MOS Transistor: The Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Structure, The MOS System under External Bias,
Structure and Operation of MOS Transistor, MOSFET Current-Voltage Characteristics, MOSFET Scaling and
Small-Geometry Effects.
MOS Inverters-Static Characteristics: Introduction, Resistive-Load Inverter, Inverters with n_Type MOSFET
MOS Inverters-Static Characteristics: CMOS Inverter.
MOS Inverters: Switching Characteristics and Interconnect Effects: Introduction, Delay-Time Definition,
Calculation of Delay Times, Inverter Design with Delay Constraints, Estimation of Interconnect Parasitics,
Calculation of Interconnect Delay, Switching Power Dissipation of CMOS Inverters.
Semiconductor Memories: Introduction, Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM), Static Random Access
Memory (SRAM), Nonvolatile Memory, Flash Memory, Ferroelectric Random Access Memory (FRAM)
Dynamic Logic Circuits: Introduction, Basic Principles of Pass Transistor Circuits, Voltage Bootstrapping,
Synchronous Dynamic Circuit Techniques, Dynamic CMOS Circuit Techniques, High
Performance Dynamic CMOS circuits.
BiCMOS Logic Circuits: Introduction, Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT): Structure and Operation, Dynamic
Behavior of BJTs, Basic BiCMOS Circuits: Static Behavior, Switching Delay in BiCMOS Logic Circuits,
BiCMOS Applications.
Chip Input and Output (I/O) Circuits: Introduction, ESD Protection, Input Circuits, Output Circuits and
L(di/dt) Noise, On-Chip Clock Generation and Distribution, Latch-Up and Its Prevention.
Design for Manufacturability: Introduction, Process Variations, Basic Concepts and Definitions, Design of
Experiments and Performance Modeling.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Analyse issues of On-chip interconnect Modelling and Interconnect delay calculation.
2. Analyse the Switching Characteristics in Digital Integrated Circuits.
3. Use the Dynamic Logic circuits in state-of-the-art VLSI chips.
4. Study critical issues such as ESD protection, Clock distribution, Clock buffering, and Latch phenomenon
5. Use Bipolar and Bi-CMOS circuits in very high speed design.
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Sung Mo Kang & Yusuf Tata McGraw-Hill Third Edition
Analysis and Design Leblebici
Reference Books
1 Principles of CMOS VLSI Design: A Neil Weste and K. Pearson Education Second
System Perspective Eshraghian (Asia) Pvt. Ltd Edition, 2000
2 Modern VLSI Design: System on Wayne, Wolf Prentice Hall PTR/ Second
Silicon Pearson Education Edition, 1998
3 Basic VLSI Design Douglas A Pucknell& PHI 3rdEdition
Kamran Eshraghian


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
VLSI & ES Lab-1
Course Code 20EVEL16 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 0:0:4 SEE Marks 60
Credits 02 Exam Hours 03
Sl. Experiments
Part – A: VLSI Digital Design
Experiments to be done using
2. FPGA/CPLD Boards with Xilinx or any other equivalent
ASIC-Digital Design Flow

I. Write Verilog Code for the following circuits and their Test Bench for verification, observe the wave
technological library (constraints to be given). Do the initial timing verification with gate level simulation.

1. An inverter, Buffer, Transmission gate and basic gates

2. Flip flop - RS, D, JK, MS, T
3. 4-bit counter [Synchronous & Asynchronous counter]

Note: For the set of experiments listed above, students can make the following flow as a study:
- Core Constrained flow
- Creation of I/O pad frame
- Use the created I/O pad frame for Pad constrained design.
- CTS flow Only for designs which have clock


VLSI Front End Design programs:

Programming can be done using any compiler. Down load the programs on FPGA/CPLD boards and use
pattern generator (32 channels and logic analyzer)/Chipscope pro apart from verification by simulation

1. Write Verilog code for the design of 8-bit

i. Carry Ripple Adder
ii. Carry Look Ahead adder
iii. Carry Skip Adder

2. Write Verilog Code for 8-bit

i. Array Multiplication (Signed and Unsigned)
ii. Booth Multiplication (Radix-4)

3. Write Verilog code for 4/8-bit

i. Magnitude Comparator
ii. LFSR
iii. Parity Generator
iv. Universal Shift Register

4. Design a Mealy and Moore Sequence Detector using Verilog to detect Sequence. Eg 11101 (with and
without overlap) any sequence can be specified.

Part – B: Experiments to be done using ARM Cortex M3

ARM Cortex M3 Programs - Programming to be done using Keil uVision 4 and download the program
on to a M3 evaluation board such as NXP LPC1768 or ATMEL ARM

a) Write an Assembly language program to calculate the sum and display the result for the addition of first
ten numbers. SUM = 10+9+8+.........+1

b) Write an Assembly language program to store data in RAM

c) Write a C program to output the “Hello World” message using UART

d) Write a C program to operate a buzzer using Cortex M3

e) Write a C program to display the temperature sensed using Cortex M3.

f) Write a C program to control stepper motor using Cortex M3.

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Understand the features of CAD tool in VLSI design.
2. Design and verify the behavior of digital circuits using digital flow
3. Verify the design using a logic analyzer
4. Analyse physical design
5. Develop Assembly language programs and C language programs for different applications using ARM-
Cortex M3 Kit and Keil uVision-4 tool.
Conduct of Practical Examination:
All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
For examination, one experiment from Part-A and One experiment fromPart-B is to be set.
Students are allowed to pick one experiment from the lot.
Strictly follow the instructions as printed on the cover page of answerscript for breakup of marks.
Change of experiment is allowed only once and Marks allotted to theProcedure part to be made zero.


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)

Course Code 20RMI17 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 2:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 02 Exam Hours 03
Research Methodology: Introduction, Meaning of Research, Objectives of Research, Motivation in Research,
Types of Research, Research Approaches, Significance of Research, Research Methods versus Methodology,
Research and Scientific Method, Importance of Knowing How Research is Done, Research Process, Criteria of
Good Research, and Problems Encountered by Researchers in India.
Defining the Research Problem: Research Problem, Selecting the Problem, Necessity of Defining the Problem,
Technique Involved in Defining a Problem, An Illustration.
Reviewing the literature: Place of the literature review in research, Bringing clarity and focus to your research
problem, Improving research methodology, Broadening knowledge base in research area, Enabling contextual
findings, How to review the literature, searching the existing literature, reviewing the selected literature,
Developing a theoretical framework, Developing a conceptual framework, Writing about the literature reviewed.
Research Design: Meaning of Research Design, Need for Research Design, Features of a Good Design,
Important Concepts Relating to Research Design, Different Research Designs, Basic Principles of Experimental
Designs, Important Experimental Designs.
Design of Sampling: Introduction, Sample Design, Sampling and Non-sampling Errors, Sample Survey versus
Census Survey, Types of Sampling Designs.
Measurement and Scaling: Qualitative and Quantitative Data, Classifications of Measurement Scales, Goodness
of Measurement Scales, Sources of Error in Measurement Tools, Scaling, Scale Classification Bases, Scaling
Technics, Multidimensional Scaling, Deciding the Scale.
Data Collection: Experimental and Surveys, Collection of Primary Data, Collection of Secondary Data, Selection
of Appropriate Method for Data Collection, Case Study Method.
Testing of Hypotheses: Hypothesis, Basic Concepts Concerning Testing of Hypotheses, Testing of Hypothesis,
Test Statistics and Critical Region, Critical Value and Decision Rule, Procedure for Hypothesis Testing,
Hypothesis Testing for Mean, Proportion, Variance, for Difference of Two Mean, for Difference of Two
Proportions, for Difference of Two Variances, P-Value approach, Power of Test, Limitations of the Tests of
Chi-square Test: Test of Difference of more than Two Proportions, Test of Independence of Attributes, Test of
Goodness of Fit, Cautions in Using Chi Square Tests.
Interpretation and Report Writing: Meaning of Interpretation, Technique of Interpretation, Precaution in
Interpretation, Significance of Report Writing, Different Steps in Writing Report, Layout of the Research Report,
Types of Reports, Oral Presentation, Mechanics of Writing a Research Report, Precautions for Writing Research
Intellectual Property: The Concept, Intellectual Property System in India, Development of TRIPS Complied
Regime in India, Patents Act, 1970, Trade Mark Act, 1999,The Designs Act, 2000, The Geographical Indications
of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act1999, Copyright Act,1957,The Protection of Plant Varieties and
Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001,The Semi-Conductor Integrated Circuits Layout Design Act, 2000, Trade Secrets,
Utility Models, IPR and Biodiversity, The Convention onBiological Diversity (CBD) 1992, Competing
Rationales for Protection of IPRs, Leading International Instruments Concerning IPR, World Intellectual Property
Organisation (WIPO),WIPO and WTO, Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, National
Treatment, Right of Priority, Common Rules, Patents, Marks, Industrial Designs, Trade Names, Indications of
Source, Unfair Competition,
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), Advantages of PCT Filing, Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and
Artistic Works, Basic Principles, Duration of Protection, Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights(TRIPS) Agreement, Covered under TRIPS Agreement, Features of the Agreement, Protection of
Intellectual Property under TRIPS, Copyright and Related Rights, Trademarks, Geographical indications,
Industrial Designs, Patents, Patentable Subject Matter, Rights Conferred, Exceptions, Term of protection,
Conditions on Patent Applicants, Process Patents, Other Use without Authorization of the Right Holder,
Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits, Protection of Undisclosed Information, Enforcement of Intellectual
Property Rights, UNSECO.

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Discuss research methodology and the technique of defining a research problem
2. Explain the functions of the literature review in research, carrying out a literature search, developing
theoretical and conceptual frameworks and writing a review.
3. Explain various research designs, sampling designs, measurement and scaling techniques and also
different methods of data collections.
4. Explain several parametric tests of hypotheses, Chi-square test, art of interpretation and writing research
5. Discuss various forms of the intellectual property, its relevance and business impact in the changing
global business environment and leading International Instruments concerning IPR.

Question paper pattern:

 The question paper will have ten questions.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be 2full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions in one full question) from each
 Each full question with sub questions will cover the contents under a module.
 Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Sl Title of the book Name of the Publisher Name Edition and
No Author/s year
1 Research Methodology: Methods and C.R. Kothari, Gaurav New Age 4th Edition,
Techniques Garg International 2018
2 Research Methodology a step-by-step Ranjit Kumar SAGE 3rd Edition,
guide for beginners. (For the topic Publications 2011
Reviewing the literature under module 2)
3 Study Material Professional ProgrammeIntellectual Property Rights, Law
(For the topic Intellectual Property under and Practice, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India,
module 5) Statutory Body Under an Act of Parliament, September
Reference Books
1 Research Methods: the concise knowledge Trochim Atomic Dog 2005
base Publishing
2 Conducting Research Literature Reviews: Fink A Sage Publications 2009
From the Internet to Paper


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Design of Analog and Mixed Mode VLSI Circuits
Course Code 20EVE21 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Basic MOS Device Physics: General considerations, MOS I/V Characteristics, second order effects, MOS device
Single stage Amplifier: Basic Concepts, Common Source stage (Text 1)
Single stage Amplifier: Source follower, common-gate stage, Cascode Stage, choice of device models.
Differential Amplifiers: Single ended and differential operation, Basic differential pair, Common mode
response, Differential pair with MOS loads, Gilbert cell (Text 1)
Passive and Active Current Mirrors: Basic current mirrors, Cascode Current mirrors, Active Current mirrors.
Operational Amplifiers (part-1): General Considerations, One Stage OP-Amp, Two Stage OP-Amp, Gain
boosting (Text 1)
Operational Amplifiers (part-2): Common Mode Feedback, Slew rate, Power Supply Rejection.
Phase Locked Loops: Simple PLL, Charge pump PLLs, Non-ideal effects in PLLs, Delay-Locked Loops,
Applications (Text 1)
Data Converter Architectures: DAC & ADC Specifications, Current Steering DAC, Charge Scaling DAC,
Cyclic DAC, Pipeline DAC, Flash ADC, Pipeline ADC, Integrating ADC, Successive
Approximation ADC (Text 2)
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Use efficient analytical tools for quantifying the behaviour of basic circuits by inspection.
2. Design high-performance, stable operational amplifiers with the trade-offs between speed, precision and
power dissipation.
3. Design and study the behaviour of phase-locked-loops for the applications.
4. Identify the critical parameters that affect the analog and mixed-signal VLSI circuits’ performance
5. Perform calculations in the digital or discrete time domain, more sophisticated data converters to translate the
digital data to and from inherently analog world.
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Behzad Razavi TMH 2007
2 CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and R. Jacob Baker Wiley Second
Simulation Edition
Reference Books
1 CMOS Analog Circuit Design Phillip E. Allen, Douglas Oxford University Second
R. Holberg Press Edition


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Real Time Operating System
Course Code 20EVE22 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Real-Time Systems and Resources: Brief history of Real Time Systems, A brief history of Embedded Systems.
System Resources, Resource Analysis, Real-Time Service Utility, Scheduler concepts, Real-Time OS, State
transition diagram and tables, Thread Safe Reentrant Functions. (Text 1: Selected sections from Chap. 1, 2)
Processing with Real Time Scheduling: Scheduler Concepts, Preemptive Fixed Priority Scheduling Policies
with timing diagrams and problems and issues, Feasibility, Rate Monotonic least upper bound, Necessary and
Sufficient feasibility, Deadline –Monotonic Policy, Dynamic priority policies, Alternative to RM policy. (Text 1:
Chap. 2,3,7)
Memory and I/O: Worst case execution time, Intermediate I/O, Shared Memory, ECC Memory, Flash file
systems. Multi-resource Services, Blocking, Deadlock and live lock, Critical sections to protect shared resources,
Missed deadline, QoS, Reliability and Availability, Similarities and differences, Reliable software, Available
software. (Text 1: Selected topics from Chap. 4,5,6,7,11)
Firmware Components: The 3 firmware components, RTOS system software mechanisms, Software application
components. Debugging Components, Exceptions, assert, Checking return codes, Single-step debugging, Test
access ports, Trace Ports. (Text 1: Selected topics from Chap. 8,9)
Process and Threads: Process and thread creations, Programs related to semaphores, message queue, shared
buffer applications involving inter task/thread communication (Text 2: Chap. 11).
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Develop programs for real time services, firmware and RTOS, using the fundamentals of Real Time
Embedded System, real time service utilities,debugging methodologies and optimization techniques.
2. Select the appropriate system resources (CPU, I/O, Memory, Cache, ECCMemory,
Microcontroller/FPGA/ASIC to improve the system performance.
3. Apply priority based static and dynamic real time scheduling techniques forthe given specifications.
4. Analyze deadlock conditions, shared memory problem, critical sectionproblem, missed deadlines, availability,
reliability and QoS.
5. Develop programs for multithreaded applications using suitable techniquesand data structure
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Real-Time Embedded Systems and Sam Siewert Cengage Learning 2007
Components India Edition
2 Embedded/Real Time Systems, Dr. K.V.K.K Prasad Dream Tech Press New edition,
Concepts, Design and Programming, 2010
Black Book
Reference Books
1 Real Time System James W S Liu Pearson Education 2008
2 Programming for Embedded Systems Dream Tech Software John Wiley, India 2008
Team Pvt. Ltd.


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
System Verilog
Course Code 20EVE23 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Verification Guidelines:
The verification process, basic test bench functionality, directed testing, methodology basics, constrained random
stimulus, randomization, functional coverage, test bench components, layered testbench.
Data Types:
Built in Data types, fixed and dynamic arrays, Queues, associative arrays, linked lists, array methods, choosing a
storage type, creating new types with type def, creating user defined structures, typeconversion, Enumerated
types, constants and strings, Expression width.
Procedural Statements and Routines:
Procedural statements, Tasks, Functions and void functions, Task and function overview, Routine arguments,
returning from a routine, Local data storage, time values.
Converting the test bench and design:
Separating the test bench and design, The interface construct, Stimulus timing, Interface driving and sampling,
System Verilog assertions.
Introduction, Randomization in System Verilog, Constraint details, Solution probabilities, Valid constraints, In-
line constraints, Random number functions, Common randomization problems, Iterative and array constraints,
Random control, Random Number Generators.
Threads and Interprocess Communication:
Working with threads, Disabling threads, Interprocess communication, Events, semaphores, Mailboxes, Building
a test bench with threads and Interprocess Communication.
Functional Coverage:
Coverage types, Coverage strategies, Simple coverage example, Anatomy of Cover group and Triggering a Cover
group, Data sampling, Cross coverage, Generic Cover groups, Coverage options, Analyzing coverage data,
measuring coverage statistics during simulation.

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Write test benches for moderately complex digital circuits
2. Use System Verilog language
3. Appreciate functional coverage
4. Apply constrained random tests benches using System Verilog
5. Analyze a verification case and apply System Verilog to verify the design
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Students have to conduct the following experiments as a part of CIE marks along with other Activities:
1. Write a program to demonstrate two-state and four-state data types.
2. Write a program to demonstrate push_front, pop_front, push_back and pop_back with respect to Queues.
3. Declare four variables red, black, white and green through Enumerated type declaration, use the
keywords ‘first’ and ‘next’ to step through the variables and display the output.
4. Demonstrate Full adder with ‘Interface’ construct.
5. Write a program to demonstrate the difference between ‘rand’ and ‘randc’.
6. Demonstrate Random Control with randcase and $urandom_range.
7. Demonstrate 4-bit adder with the verification environment.

8. Design a UART using system Verilog

a. Design Transmitter logic.
b. Design Receiver logic.
c. Design a top level test bench

Textbook/ Textbooks

Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 System Verilog for Verification – A Chris Spear Springer Second
guide to learning the Test bench Publications Edition, 2010
language features
Reference Books
1 System Verilog for Design- A guide Stuart Sutherland, Simon Springer Second
to using system Verilog for Hardware Davidmann, Peter Flake Publications Edition, 2006
design and modeling


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Advances in VLSI Design
Course Code 20EVE241 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Implementation Strategies For Digital ICS: Introduction, From Custom to Semicustom and Structured Array
Design Approaches, Custom Circuit Design, Cell-Based Design Methodology, Standard Cell, Compiled Cells,
Macrocells, Megacells and Intellectual Property, Semi-Custom Design Flow, Array-Based Implementation
Approaches, Pre-diffused (or Mask-Programmable) Arrays, Pre-wired Arrays, Perspective-The Implementation
Platform of the Future.
Coping With Interconnect: Introduction, Capacitive Parasitics, Capacitance and Reliability-Cross Talk,
Capacitance and Performance in CMOS, Resistive Parasitics, Resistance and Reliability-Ohmic Voltage Drop,
Electromigration, Resistance and Performance-RC Delay, Inductive Parasitics, Inductance and Reliability-
Voltage Drop, Inductance and Performance-Transmission Line Effects, Advanced Interconnect Techniques,
Reduced-Swing Circuits, Current-Mode Transmission Techniques, Perspective: Networks-on-a-Chip.
Timing Issues In Digital Circuits: Introduction, Timing Classification of Digital Systems, Synchronous
Interconnect, Mesochronous interconnect, Plesiochronous Interconnect, Asynchronous Interconnect,
Synchronous Design — An In-depth Perspective, Synchronous Timing Basics, Sources of Skew and Jitter,
Clock-Distribution Techniques, Latch-Base Clocking, Self-Timed Circuit Design, Self-Timed Logic - An
Asynchronous Technique, Completion-Signal Generation, Self-Timed Signaling, Practical Examples of Self-
Timed Logic, Synchronizers and Arbiters, Synchronizers-Concept and Implementation, Arbiters, Clock Synthesis
and Synchronization Using a Phase-Locked Loop, Basic Concept, Building Blocks of a PLL.
Designing Memory and Array Structures: Introduction, Memory Classification, Memory Architectures and
Building Blocks, The Memory Core, Read-Only Memories, Nonvolatile Read-Write Memories, Read-Write
Memories (RAM), Contents-Addressable or Associative Memory (CAM), Memory Peripheral Circuitry, The
Address Decoders, Sense Amplifiers, Voltage References,Drivers/Buffers, Timing and Control.
Designing Memory and Array Structures: Memory Reliability and Yield, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Memory
yield, Power Dissipation in Memories, Sources of Power Dissipation in Memories, Partitioning of the memory,
Addressing the Active Power Dissipation, Data retention dissipation, Case Studies in Memory Design: The
Programmable Logic Array (PLA), A 4Mbit SRAM, A 1 Gbit NAND Flash Memory, Perspective:
Semiconductor Memory Trends and Evolutions.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Apply design automation for complex circuits using the different implementation methodology like custom
versus semi-custom, hardwired versus fixed, regular array versus ad-hoc.
2. Use the approaches to minimize the impact of interconnect parasitics on performance, power dissipation and
circuit reliability
3. Impose the ordering of the switching events to meet the desired timing constraints using synchronous, clocked
4. Infer the reliability of the memory
5. Understand the role of peripheral circuitry such as the decoders, sense amplifiers, drivers and control circuitry
in the design of reliable and fast memories.
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Edition and
No Name year
1 Digital Integrated Circuits-A Jan M Rabey, PHI 2ndEdition
Design Perspective AnanthaChandrakasan, Borivoje

Reference Books
1 Application Specific Integrated M. Smith Addison 1997
circuits Wesley
2 VLSI Test Principles and Wang, Wu and Wen Morgan 2006
Architectures Kaufmann
3 MOS ICs: From Basics to ASICs H. Veendrick Wiley-VCH 1992


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Course Code 20EVE242 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Introduction: Overview of nanoscience and engineering. Development milestones in microfabrication and
electronic industry. Moores’ law and continued miniaturization, Classification of Nanostructures,
Electronic properties of atoms and solids: Isolated atom, Bonding between atoms, Giant molecular solids, Free
electron models and energy bands, crystalline solids, Periodicity of crystal lattices,Electronic conduction, effects
of nanometer length scale, Fabrication methods: Top down processes, Bottom up processes methods for
templating the growth of nanomaterials, ordering of nanosystems (Text 1).
Characterization: Classification, Microscopic techniques, Field ion microscopy, scanning probe techniques,
diffraction techniques: bulk and surface diffraction techniques, spectroscopy techniques: photon, radiofrequency,
electron, surface analysis and dept profiling: electron, mass, Ion beam, Reflectrometry, Techniques for property
measurement: mechanical, electron, magnetic, thermal properties (Text1)
Inorganic semiconductor nanostructures: overview of semiconductor physics. Quantum confinement in
semiconductor nanostructures: quantum wells, quantum wires, quantum dots, super-lattices, band offsets,
electronic density of states (Text1).
Carbon Nanostructures: Carbon molecules, Carbon Clusters, Carbon Nanotubes, application of Carbon
Nanotubes (Text 2).
Fabrication techniques: requirements of ideal semiconductor, epitaxial growth of quantum wells, lithography
and etching, cleaved-edge over growth, growth of vicinal substrates, strain induced dots and wires,
electrostatically induced dots and wires, Quantum well width fluctuations, thermally annealed quantum wells,
semiconductor nanocrystals, colloidal quantum dots, self-assembly techniques.
Physical processes: modulation doping, quantum hall effect, resonant tunneling, charging effects, ballistic carrier
transport, Inter band absorption, intra band absorption, Light emission processes, phonon bottleneck, quantum
confined stark effect, nonlinear effects, coherence and dephasing, characterization of semiconductor
nanostructures: optical electrical and structural (Text1).
Methods of measuring properties: atomic, crystallography, microscopy, spectroscopy (Text 2).
Applications: Injection lasers, quantum cascade lasers, single-photon sources, biological tagging, optical
memories, coulomb blockade devices, photonic structures, QWIPs, NEMS, MEMS (Text1).
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Know the principles behind Nanoscience engineering and Nanoelectronics.
2. Apply the knowledge to prepare and characterize nanomaterials.
3. Know the effect of particles size on mechanical, thermal, optical and electrical properties of nanomaterials.
4. Design the process flow required to fabricate state of the art transistor technology.
5. Analyze the requirements for new materials and device structure in the future technologies.
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Nanoscale Science and Technology Ed Robert Kelsall, Ian John Wiley 2007
Hamley, Mark Geoghegan
2 Introduction to Nanotechnology Charles P Poole, Jr, Frank John Wiley Copyright
J Owens 2006, Reprint

Reference Book
1 Hand Book of Nanoscience Ed William A Goddard CRC press 2003
Engineering and Technology III, Donald W Brenner,
Sergey E. Lyshevski,
Gerald J Iafrate



Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)


Static Timing Analysis

Course Code 20EVE243 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Introduction: Nanometer Designs, What is Static Timing Analysis? Why Static Timing Analysis?, Crosstalk
and Noise,Design Flow, CMOS Digital Designs, FPGA Designs,Asynchronous Designs, STA at Different Design
Phases,Limitations of Static Timing Analysis, Power Considerations,Reliability Considerations
STA Concepts: CMOS Logic Design, Basic MOS Structure, CMOSLogic Gate, Standard Cells, Modeling of
CMOS Cells, SwitchingWaveform, Propagation Delay, Slew of a Waveform, Skew betweenSignals, Timing Arcs
and Unateness, Min and Max Timing Paths,Clock Domains, Operating Conditions
Standard Cell Library: Pin Capacitance, Timing Modeling, Linear Timing Model, Non-Linear Delay Model,
Example of Non-Linear,Delay Model Lookup, Threshold Specifications and Slew Derating
Timing Models - Combinational Cells, Delay and Slew Models, Positive or Negative Unate, General
Combinational Block, TimingModels - Sequential Cells, Synchronous Checks: Setup and Hold,Example of Setup
and Hold Checks, Negative Values in Setup andHold Checks, Asynchronous Checks, Recovery and
Pulse Width Checks, Example of Recovery, Removal and PulseWidth Checks, Propagation Delay,State-
Dependent Models XOR,XNOR and Sequential Cells, Interface Timing Model for a BlackBox, Advanced
Timing Modeling, Receiver Pin Capacitance,Specifying Capacitance at the Pin Level, Specifying Capacitance
atthe Timing Arc Level, Output Current, Models for Crosstalk NoiseAnalysis, DC Current, Output Voltage,
Propagated Noise, NoiseModels for Two-Stage Cells, Noise Models for Multi-stage andSequential Cells, Other
Noise Models, Power DissipationModeling, Active Power, Double Counting Clock Pin Power,Leakage Power,
Other Attributes in Cell Library, Area Specification, Function Specification, SDF Condition,Characterization and
Operating Conditions, What is the ProcessVariable, Derating using K-factors, Library Units.
Interconnect Parasitics: RLC for Interconnect, Wireload Models, Interconnect Trees, Specifying Wireload
Models, Representation ofExtracted Parasitics, Detailed Standard Parasitic Format,Reduced Standard Parasitic
Format, Standard Parasitic ExchangeFormat, Representing Coupling Capacitances, HierarchicalMethodology,
Block Replicated in Layout, Reducing Parasitics forCritical Nets, Reducing Interconnect Resistance, Increasing
WireSpacing, Parasitics for Correlated Nets.
Delay Calculation: Overview, Delay Calculation Basics, DelayCalculation with Interconnect, Pre-layout Timing,
Post-layoutTiming, Cell Delay using Effective Capacitance, InterconnectDelay, Elmore Delay, Higher Order
Interconnect DelayEstimation, Full Chip Delay Calculation, Slew Merging, DifferentSlew Thresholds, Different
Voltage Domains, Path DelayCalculation, Combinational Path Delay, Path to a Flip-flop, Inputto Flip-flop Path,
Flip-flop to Flip-flop Path, Multiple Paths, SlackCalculation.
Configuring the STA Environment: What is the STAEnvironment?
Specifying Clocks, Clock Uncertainty, Clock Latency, GeneratedClocks, Example of Master Clock at Clock
Gating Cell Output,Generated Clock using Edge and Edge_shift Options, GeneratedClock using Invert Option,
Clock Latency for Generated Clocks,Typical Clock Generation Scenario, Constraining Input Paths,Constraining
Output Paths, Example A, Example B, Example C,Timing Path Groups, Modeling of External Attributes,
ModelingDrive Strengths, Modeling Capacitive Load, Design Rule Checks,Virtual Clocks, Refining the Timing
Analysis, Specifying InactiveSignals, Breaking Timing Arcs in Cells, Point-to-PointSpecification, Path
Timing Verification: Setup Timing Check, Flip-flop to Flip-flop Path, Input to Flip-flop Path, Input Path with
Actual Clock, Flipflopto Output Path, Input to Output Path, Frequency Histogram,Hold Timing Check, Flip-flop
to Flip-flop Path, Hold SlackCalculation, Input to Flip-flop Path, Flip-flop to Output Path,Flip-flop to Output
Path with Actual Clock, Input to Output Path,Multicycle Paths, Crossing Clock Domains, False Paths, Half-
Cycle Paths, Removal Timing Check, Recovery Timing Check,Timing across Clock Domains, Slow to Fast
Clock Domains, Fastto Slow Clock Domains, Half-cycle Path - Case 1, Half-cycle Path -Case 2, Fast to Slow
Clock Domain, Slow to Fast Clock Domain,Multiple Clocks, Integer Multiples, Non-Integer Multiples,

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Evaluate the delay of any given digital circuits.
2. Prepare the resources to perform the static timing analysis using EDA tool.
3. Prepare timing constraints for the design based on the specification.
4. Generate the timing analysis report using EDA tool for different checks.
5. Perform verification and analyse the generated report to identify critical issues and bottleneck for the violation
and suggest the techniques to make the design to meet timing
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.

Students have to conduct the following experiments as a part of CIE marks along with other Activities:

In the following experiments, determine the parameters such as slack, critical path, Dynamic power, leakage
power, timing and area report. Also, generate Verilog netlist, SDF file and write SDC constraints after synthesis
based on the particular experiment.

1. Synthesize 4 bit counter & find the required parameters at 50 MHz

(Repeat using Xilinx library also).
2. Synthesize 8 bit Mux and find the required parameters at 25 MHz
(Repeat using Xilinx library also).
3. Synthesize synchronous 16 bit save carry adder for 100 MHz and find the required parameters.
4. Synthesize synchronous 16 bit save carry adder for 20 MHz and find the required parameters (Repeat the
experiment for 3 Vendor library, Altera library).
5. Compare the area report and timing report as per the vendor and tablet using Pi-chart or Bar chart for expt - 4
6. Synthesize 8-bit multiplier using Xilinx Defence standard / Automotive library to determine the required
7. For the given UART/Traffic signal controller, synthesize using 50 MHz clock and 100 MHz clock. Compare
the result for both the clocks and determine the required parameters.
8. Compare one of the designs through ASIC synthesis and FPGA synthesis to determine the required
Textbook/ Textbooks

Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Static Timing Analysis for J. Bhasker, R Chadha Springer 2009
Nanometer Designs: A Practical
Reference Books
1 Constraining Designs for Synthesis Sridhar Gangadharan, Springer 2013
and Timing Analysis – A Practical Sanjay Churiwala
Guide to Synopsis Design Constraints
2 Timing Analysis and Optimization of Naresh Maheshwari and Springer Science 1999
Sequential Circuits SachinSapatnekar and Business Media


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Reconfigurable Computing
Course Code 20EVE244 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Introduction: History, Reconfigurable vs Processor based system, RC Architecture.
Reconfigurable Logic Devices: Field Programmable Gate Array, Coarse Grained ReconfigurableArrays.
Reconfigurable Computing System: Parallel Processing on Reconfigurable Computers, A survey
ofReconfigurable Computing System. (Text 1)
Languages and Compilation: Design Cycle, Languages, HDL, High Level Compilation, Low level Design flow,
Debugging Reconfigurable Computing Applications. (Text 1)
Implementation: Integration, FPGA Design flow, Logic Synthesis.
High Level Synthesis for Reconfigurable Devices: Modelling, Temporal Partitioning Algorithms. (Text 2)
Partial Reconfiguration Design: Partial Reconfiguration Design, Bitstream Manipulation with JBits, The
modular Design flow, The Early Access Design Flow, Creating Partially Reconfigurable Designs, Partial
Reconfiguration using Hansel-C Designs, Platform Design. (Text 2)
Signal Processing Applications: Reconfigurable computing for DSP, DSP application building blocks,
Examples: Beamforming, Software Radio, Image and video processing, Local Neighbourhood functions,
Convolution. (Text 1)
System on a Programmable Chip: Introduction to SoPC, Adaptive Multiprocessing on Chip.(Text 2)
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Understand the fundamental principles and practices in reconfigurable architecture.
2. Simulate and synthesize the reconfigurable computing architectures.
3. Understand the FPGA design principles, and logic synthesis
4. Integrate hardware and software technologies for reconfiguration computing focusing on partial
reconfiguration design.
5. Design digital systems for a variety of applications on signal processing and system on chip configurations.
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Reconfigurable Computing: M. Gokhale and P. Springer, ISBN: 2005
Accelerating Computation with Graham 978-0-387-26105-8
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
2 Introduction to Reconfigurable C. Bobda Springer, ISBN: 2007
Computing: Architectures, 978-1-4020-6088-5
Algorithms and Applications
Reference Books
1 Practical FPGA Programming in C D. Pellerin and S. Prentice-Hall 2005
2 FPGA Based System Design W. Wolf Prentice-Hall 2004
3 Rapid System Prototyping with R. Cofer and B. Harding Newnes 2005
FPGAs: Accelerating the Design


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Low Power VLSI Design
Course Code 20EVE251 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Introduction: Need for low power VLSI chips, charging and discharging capacitance, short circuit current in
CMOS leakage current, static current, basic principles of low power design, low power figure of merits.
Simulation power analysis: SPICE circuit simulation, discrete transistor modeling and analysis, gate level logic
simulation, architecture level analysis, data correlation analysis in DSP systems, Monte Carlo simulation. (Text 1)
Probabilistic power analysis: Random logic signals, probability & frequency, probabilistic power analysis
techniques, signal entropy.
Circuit: Transistor and gate sizing, equivalent pin ordering, network restructuring and reorganization, special
latches and flip flops, low power digital cell library, adjustable device threshold voltage. (Text 1)
Logic: Gate reorganization, signal gating, logic encoding, state machine encoding, pre-computation logic (Text
Low power Clock Distribution: Power dissipation in clock distribution, single driver Vs distributed buffers,
Zero skew Vs tolerable skew, chip & package co design of clock network (Text 2).
Low power Architecture & Systems: Power & performance management, switching activity reduction, parallel
architecture with voltage reduction, flow graph transformation (Text 1).
Low power arithmetic components: Introduction, circuit design style, adders, multipliers, division (Text 2).
Low power memory design: Introduction, sources and reductions of power dissipation in memory subsystem,
sources of power dissipation in DRAM and SRAM (Text 2).
Algorithm & Architectural Level Methodologies: Introduction, design flow, Algorithmic level analysis &
optimization, Architectural level estimation & synthesis (Text 2).
Advanced Techniques: Adiabatic computation, pass transistor, Asynchronous circuits (Text 1).
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Identify the sources of power dissipation in CMOS circuits.
2. Perform power analysis using simulation-based approaches and probabilistic analysis.
3. Use optimization and trade-off techniques that involve power dissipation of digital circuits.
4. Make the power design a reality by making power dimension an integral part of the design process.
5. Use practical low power design techniques and their analysis at various levels of design abstraction and
analyse how these are being captured in the latest design automation environments.
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Gary K. Yeap Kluwer Academic 1998
2 Low Power Design Methodologies Jan M.Rabaey, Kluwer Academic 2010
Reference Books
1 Low-Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Kaushik Roy, Sharat Wiley 2000
Design Prasad
2 Low power digital CMOS design A.P.Chandrasekaran and Kluwer Academic 1995
3 Low power VLSI CMOS circuit A Bellamour and M I Kluwer Academic 1995
design Elmasri


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
SoC Design
Course Code 20EVE252 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
ARM Organization and Implementation: 3-stage pipeline ARM organization, 5-stage pipeline ARM
organization, ARM instruction execution, ARM implementation, The ARM coprocessor interface.
The ARM Instruction Set: Introduction, Exceptions, Conditional execution, Branch and Branch withLink (B,
BL), Branch, Branch with Link and eXchange (BX, BLX), Software Interrupt (SWI), Dataprocessing
instructions, Multiply instructions, Count leading zeros (CLZ - architecture v5T only), Single word and unsigned
byte data transfer instruction, Half-word and signed byte data transfer instructions, Multiple register transfer
instructions, Swap memory and register instructions (SWP), Status register to general register transfer
instructions, General register to status register transfer instructions, Coprocessor instructions, Coprocessor data
operations, Coprocessor data transfers,Coprocessor register transfers, Breakpoint instruction (BRK - architecture
v5T only), Unused instruction space, Memory faults, ARM architecture variants.
Architectural Support for High-Level Languages: Abstraction insoftware design, Data types, Floating-point
data types, The ARM floating-point architecture, Expressions, Conditional statements,Loops, Functions and
procedures, Use of memory, Run-timeenvironment.
Architectural Support for System Development: The ARMmemory interface, The Advanced Microcontroller
Bus Architecture(AMBA), The ARM reference peripheral specification, Hardware system prototyping tools, The
ARMulator, The JTAG boundaryscan test architecture, The ARM debug architecture, EmbeddedTrace, Signal
processing support.
ARM Processor Cores: ARM7TDMI, ARM8, ARM9TDMI, ARM10TDMI, Discussion, Example and exercises.
Memory Hierarchy: Memory size and speed, On-chip memory, Caches, Cache design - an example, Memory
management, Examples and exercises.
Architectural Support for Operating Systems: An introduction to operating systems, The ARM system control
coprocessor, CP15 protection unit registers, ARM protection unit, CP15 MMU registers, ARM MMU
architecture, Synchronization, Context switching, Input/ Output, Example and exercises.
ARM CPU Cores: The ARM710T, ARM720T and ARM740T, The ARM810, The Strong ARM SA-110, The
ARM920T and ARM940T, The ARM946E-S and ARM966E-S, The ARM1020E, Discussion, Example and
Embedded ARM Applications: The VLSI Ruby II Advanced Communication Processor, The VLSI ISDN
Subscriber Processor, The One C™VWS22100 GSM chip, The Ericsson-VLSI BluetoothBaseband Controller,
The ARM7500 and ARM7500FE, The ARM7100 364, The SA-1100 368, Examples and exercises.
The AMULET Asynchronous ARM Processors: Self-timed design 375, AMULET1 377,AMULET2 381,
AMULET2e 384, AMULET3 387, The DRACO telecommunications controller 390, A self-timed future? 396,
Example and exercises.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Apply the 3- and 5-stage pipeline ARM processor cores and analyse the implementation issues.
2. Use the concepts and methodologies employed in designing a System- on-chip (SoC) based around a
microprocessor core and in designing the microprocessor core itself.
3. Understand how SoCs and microprocessors are designed and used, and why a modern processor is designed
the way that it is.
4. Use integrated ARM CPU cores (including StrongARM) that incorporate full support for memory
5. Analyze the requirements of a modern operating system and use the ARM architecture to address the same.

Question paper pattern:

The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.

 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 ARM System-On-Chip Architecture Steve Furber Addison Wesley 2ndedition
Reference Books
1 The Definitive Guide to the ARM Joseph Yiu Newnes, (Elsevier) 2ndedition,
Cortex-M3 2010
2 On-Chip Communication Sudeep Pasricha and Morgan Kaufmann 2008
Architectures: System on Chip NikilDutt Publishers
3 Reuse Methodology Manual for Michael Keating, Pierre Kluwer Academic 2ndedition,
System on Chip designs Bricaud Publishers 2008


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Course Code 20ELD253 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Overview of MEMS and Microsystems: MEMS and Microsystem, Typical MEMS and Microsystems
Products, Evolution of Microfabrication, Microsystems and Microelectronics, Multidisciplinary Nature of
Microsystems, Miniaturization. Applications and Markets.
Working Principles of Microsystems: Introduction, Microsensors, Microactuation, MEMS withMicroactuators,
Microaccelerometers, Microfluidics.

Engineering Science for Microsystems Design and Fabrication: Introduction, Atomic Structure of Matters,
Ions and Ionization, Molecular Theory of Matter and Inter-molecular Forces, Doping ofSemiconductors, The
Diffusion Process, Plasma Physics, Electrochemistry.
Engineering Mechanics for Microsystems Design: Introduction, Static Bending of Thin Plates, Mechanical
Vibration, Thermomechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Thin Film Mechanics, Overview on Finite Element Stress
Scaling Laws in Miniaturization:
Introduction, Scaling in Geometry, Scaling in Rigid-BodyDynamics, Scaling in Electrostatic Forces, Scaling of
Electromagnetic Forces, Scaling in Electricity, Scaling in Fluid Mechanics, Scaling in Heat Transfer.
Overview of Micro-manufacturing: Introduction, Bulk Micro-manufacturing, Surface Micromachining, The
LIGA Process, Summary on Micromanufacturing.
Microsystem Design: Introduction, Design Considerations, Process Design, Mechanical Design, Using Finite
Element Method.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Understand the technologies related to Micro Electro Mechanical Systems.
2. Relate to the scaling laws in miniaturization.
3. Analyse the MEMS devices and develop suitable mathematical models
4. Understand the various application areas for MEMS devices
5. Describe the design and fabrication processes involved with MEMS devices.
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 MEMS and Micro systems: Design, Tai-Ran Hsu John Wiley & Sons 2nd Edition,
Manufacture and Nanoscale ISBN: 978-0470- 2008
Engineering 08301-7
Reference Books
1 Micro and Nano Fabrication: Tools Hans H. Gatzen, Volker Springer 2015
and Processes Saile, Jurg Leuthold
2 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Dilip Cengage Learning.
(MEMS) KumarBhattacharya,
Brajesh Kumar Kaushik


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)

Course Code 20EVE254 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Introduction and Overview:
High Power High Frequency Transistors: A Material’s Perspective: Introduction, Johnson’s Figure of Merit,
Output Power Figure of Merit 2, Achieving Mobile Carriers for Wide Band Gap Semiconductors, Low Field
Mobility Considerations, Channel Temperature Considerations, Heterojunction Advantages (Chapter 2).

Isotope Engineering of GaN for Boosting Transistor Speeds: Introduction, Current Saturation, The Effect of
Non-equilibrium LO Phonons is Twofold, Derivation of the Electron-LO Phonon Interaction Hamiltonian,
Evaluating the Probability of Scattering into the LO Phonon Mode q, Evaluation of the Phonon Population in
Each Mode, Momentum Relaxation Time, Calculating Velocity vs. Field Dependence, Analysis, “Creative
Disorder”, Summary of the Theoretical Analysis, Experimental Feasibility of Introducing Isotopic Disorder in
GaN HEMTs (Chapter 3).
Linearity Aspects of High Power Amplification in GaN Transistors: “Creative Disorder”, Summary of the
Theoretical Analysis, Experimental Feasibility of Introducing Isotopic Disorder in GaN HEMTs, Overview of
Non-linearity and Its Impacts, Trade-Offs Against Other Metrics, Origins of Non-linearity in GaN HEMTs,
Transconductance, Capacitance, Self-heating, Trapping, Large-Signal Modelling, Special Concerns for GaN,
Available Models, Physically Derived Models, Circuit Models, Device-Level Design for Linearity, Linearizing
the Transconductance Profile, BRIDGE FET Technology, Field Plate Technology, Circuit-Level Techniques for
Linearity (Chapter 4).

III-Nitride Tunneling Hot Electron Transfer Amplifier (THETA):
Overview of the Chapter Analysis of Hot Electron Transport and Monte Carlo Simulation, Electron Transport
Scattering Mechanisms, Monte Carlo Simulation Small Signal Models for High-Frequency Performance ,Effect
of Base Thickness and Doping on β, gm, Delay Component, ft, and fmax, Effect of Emitter-Base Current Density
on Delay Component, ft, and fmax , Unipolar Transport in III-Nitride Alloys, Polarization-Engineered Vertical
Barriers, Leakage in Vertical AlGaN/GaN Heterojunctions, Polarization-Engineered Base-Collector Barriers,
Design, Growth, Fabrication, and Characterization of THETA ,Generation I: Common-Emitter Current Gain , Ga
Polar THETA with Current Gain >1, N Polar THETA Hot Electron Transport in Vertical AlGaN/GaN
Heterostructures, Negative Differential Resistance in III-Nitride THETA, Generation II: Current Gain > 10 in III-
Nitride HETs , Emitter-Base Barrier Engineering, Current Gain Above 10 in III-Nitride HETs, Effect of Barrier
Thickness on Current Gain (Chapter 5).

Plasma-Wave Propagation in GaN and Its Applications:
Electron PlasmaWaves: Physical Origin, Drude Conductivity and Distributed Models for HEMTs, Hydrodynamic
Transport Equations and Non-linear Effects, Electron PlasmaWaves in GaN Experimental Demonstration, Direct
Electrical Probing, Quasi-Optical Excitation, Prospective Applications, RTD-Gated HEMT (Chapter 6).

Numerical Simulation of Distributed Electromagnetic and Plasma Wave Effect Devices: Hydrodynamic
Modeling of the 2DEG Channel ,Electrodynamic Equations (or Maxwell’s Equation), Finite Difference Time
Domain (FDTD) Solution, Time-Space Discretization of HD Equations, Time-Space Discretization of Maxwell’s
Equation 4 Verification Using Analytical Models and Experimental Data , Model Validation Via Analytical
Method , Model Validation Via Prior Measurements 5 HEMT-Based Terahertz Emitters Using PlasmaWave
Instability , Modeling of HEMT-Based Terahertz Emitters, Full-Wave Hydrodynamic Modeling of Terahertz
Emissions from an Short Channel HEMT [24], Dyakonov-Shur Instability, Instability Mechanism , Instability in
Ungated InGaAs HEMT, Effects of Velocity Saturation and Reduced Mobility, RTD-Assisted Amplification of
Plasmons in HEMTs, Full-Wave Modeling of RTD-Gated HEMT: Validation and Results, Comparison of
Numerical and Analytical Solutions, Plasmon Propagation in RTD-Gated GaN/AlGaN Heterojunctions,
Experimental Work for Confirmation of Plasma Modes in 2DEG Sample, Capacitively-Coupled HEMT Device,
Fabrication and Measurements (Chapter 7).

Resonant Tunneling Transport in Polar III-Nitride:
Introduction, Background on Resonant Tunneling Devices, III-Nitride-Based Resonant Tunneling Devices, Polar
Double-Barrier Heterostructures, Molecular Beam Epitaxy of III-Nitride RTDs, GaN/AlN Resonant Tunneling
Diodes, Polar RTD Model,New Tunneling Features in Polar RTDs, Polar RTD at Resonance, Polarization-
Induced Threshold Voltage, Measurement of the Magnitude of the Polarization Fields,III-Nitride Resonant
Tunneling Diode Oscillators, High Current-Density RTDs, III-Nitride RTD-Oscillator (Chapter 8).

Fabrication and Characterization of GaN/AlN Resonant Tunneling Diodes: Introduction and Summary,
Material Growth and Fabrication, GaN/AlN RTDs ,In GaAs/AlAs RTDs, Characterization, Current-Voltage
Curves, GaN RTDs at Room Temperature, GaN RTDs at Cryogenic and High Temperatures, InGaAs RTDs,
High Current Density GaN RTDs, High-Speed Characterization, Switching, Switching Methods, Qualification
with InGaAs RTDs, GaN RTD Switching, Effect of GaN Growth Methods on Switching Speed, GaN RTD
Oscillations, A Spice Model for GaN RTDs, Electroluminescence, GaN RTDs, InGaAs RTDs, Explanation for
EL in GaN RTDs, Explanation for EL of InGaAs RTDs, Comparison of EL in GaN and InGaAs RTDs, Estimate
of Quantum Efficiency in GaN RTDs (Chapter 9).)

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Describe the role and impact of nitrogen isotopic selection in material growth and its impact on carrier
transport for increasing device speed and power.
2.Analyse two distinct perspectives on novel approaches for improving the linearity of GaN-based devices (a
key metric for emerging high-speed communications applications) in terms of unconventional device
concepts in the III-N material system.
3.Analyse hot-carrier injection-based devices, plasma-wave-based devices, and resonant tunneling diodes.
4.Understand the emergence of high-speed devices demands new techniques for characterization of devices and
also new approaches to numerical simulation of devices.
5. Describe emerging noncontact fabrication and characterization techniques for ultrahigh-speed devices.
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks

Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 High-Frequency GaN Electronic Editors: Patrick Fay, Springer 2020
Device Debdeep Jena, Paul Maki International


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
VLSI & ES Lab-2
Course Code 20EVEL26 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 0:0:4 SEE Marks 60
Credits 02 Exam Hours 03
Sl. Experiments
PART A: VLSI Design.
Experiments to be conducted using suitable CAD tool

1 Design an Inverter with given specifications*, completing the design flow mentioned below:
a. Draw the schematic and verify the following
i) DC Analysis
ii) Transient Analysis
b. Draw the Layout and verify the DRC, ERC
c. Check for XX
d. Extract RC and back annotate the same and verify the Design
e. Verify & Optimize for Time, Power and Area to the given constraint***

2 Design the following circuits with given specifications*, completing the design flow mentioned below:
a. Draw the schematic and verify the following
i) DC Analysis
ii) AC Analysis
iii) Transient Analysis
b. Draw the Layout and verify the DRC, ERC, LVS
c. Check for XX
d. Extract RC and back annotate the same and verify the Design
i) Single Stage differential amplifier
ii) Common source amplifier
iii) Design an op-amp with given specification* using differential amplifier Common
source amplifier in library**
iv) Design a 4 bit R-2R based DAC for the given specification**

3 Design an Integrator using OPAMP (First Order)

4 Design a Differentiator using OPAMP (First Order)

5 Design and characterize a basic Sigma delta ADC from the available designs.

(Any other experiments may be added in supportive of the course)

*Appropriate specification should be given.
** Applicable Library should be added & information should be given to the Designer.
*** An appropriate constraint should be given

PART B: RTOS programs using C language in LINUX OS.

1 Develop programs to (a) create child process and display its id and
(b) Execute child process function using switch structure

2 Develop and test program for a multithreaded application, where communication is through a buffer for
the conversion of lowercase text to uppercase text, using semaphore concept.

3 Develop and test program for a multithreaded application, where communication is through shared
memory for the conversion of lowercase text to uppercase text.

4 Develop program for inter-thread communication using message queue.

Data is to be input from the keyboard for the chosen application.

5 Create ‘n’ number of child threads. Each thread prints the message “I’m in thread number …” and sleeps
for 50 ms and then quits. The main thread waits for complete execution of all the child threads and then
quits. Compile and execute in Linux.

6 Implement the usage of anonymous pipe with 512 bytes for data sharing between parent and child
processes using handle inheritance mechanism.

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Design, implement and analyse analog, digital and mixed mode circuits
2. Learn the various issues in Mixed signal designs basically data converters.
3. Acquire hands-on skills of using CAD tools in VLSI design and Appreciate the design process in VLSI
through a mini-project on the design of a CMOS sub-system.
4. Implement different techniques of message passing and Inter task communication.
5.Implement different data structures such as pipes, queues and buffers in multithreaded programming and also
select a suitable task switching technique in a multithreaded application.

Conduct of Practical Examination:

All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
For examination, two questions using different tool to be set.
Students are allowed to pick one experiment from the lot.
Strictly follow the instructions as printed on the cover page of answer script for breakup of marks.
Change of experiment is allowed only once and Marks allotted to the procedure part to be made zero.


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Course Code 20EVE27 CIE Marks 100
Number of contact Hours/week (L:T:P) 0:0:2 SEE Marks --
Credits 02 Exam Hours --
Course objectives:
The objective of the seminar is to inculcate self-learning, face audience confidently, enhance communication
skill, involve in group discussion and present and exchange ideas.
Each student, under the guidance of a Faculty, is required to
 Choose, preferably through peer reviewed journals, a recent topic of his/her interest relevant to the
Course of Specialization.
 Carryout literature survey, organize the Course topics in a systematic order.
 Prepare the report with own sentences.
 Type the matter to acquaint with the use of Micro-soft equation and drawing tools or any such
 Present the seminar topic orally and/or through power point slides.
 Answer the queries and involve in debate/discussion.
 Submit two copies of the typed report with a list of references.
The participants shall take part in discussion to foster friendly and stimulating environment in which the
students are motivated to reach high standards and become self-confident.
The CIE marks for the seminar shall be awarded (based on the relevance of the topic, presentation skill,
participation in the question and answer session and quality of report) by the committee constituted for the
purpose by the Head of the Department. The committee shall consist of three faculties from the department with
the senior most acting as the Chairperson.

Marks distribution for CIE of the course 20XXX27 seminar:

Seminar Report: 50 marks
Presentation skill:25 marks
Question and Answer:25 marks


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Course Code 20EVE31 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 4:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Introduction to Design Methodologies: The VLSI Design Problem, The Design Domains, Design Actions, Design
Methods and Technologies.
VLSI Design Automation tools: Algorithmic and System Design, Structural and Logic Design, Transistor-level
Design, Layout Design, Verification Methods, Design Management Tools.
Algorithmic graph theory and computational complexity: Terminology, Data Structures for the Representation of
Graphs, Computational Complexity, Examples of Graph Algorithms.
Tractable and intractable problems: Decision Problems, Complexity Classes, NP-completeness and NP-hardness,
General purpose methods for combinational optimization: Backtracking and Branch-and-bound, Dynamic
Programming, Integer Linear Programming, Local Search, Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search, Genetic Algorithms,
A Few Final Remarks on General-purpose Methods.
Layout compaction: Design Rules, Symbolic Layout, Problem Formulation, Algorithms for Constraint-graph
Compaction, Other Issues.
Placement and partitioning: Circuit Representation, Wire-length Estimation, Types of Placement Problem,
Placement Algorithm, Partitioning.
Floor planning: Floor planning Concepts, Shape Functions and Floorplan Sizing.
Routing: Types of Local Routing Problems, Area Routing, Channel Routing, Introduction to Global Routing,
Algorithms for Global Routing.
Simulation: General Remarks on VlSl Simulation, Gate-level Modeling and Simulation, Switch-level Modeling and
Logic Synthesis and Verification: Introduction to Combinational Logic Synthesis, Binary-decision Diagrams, Two-
level Logic Synthesis
High level synthesis: Hardware Models for High Level Synthesis, Internal Representation of the Input Algorithm,
Allocation, Assignment and Scheduling, Some Scheduling Algorithm, Some Aspects of the Assignment Problem,
High-level Transformations.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Understand the various design methodologies.
2. Solve graph theoretic problems.
3. Evaluate the computational complexity of an algorithm.
4. Write algorithms for VLSI Automation.
5. Simulate and synthesize digital circuits using VLSI automation tools.
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Students have to conduct the following experiments as a part of CIE marks along with other Activities:

Implement the following in C/C++/NS3

1. Dijkstar’s algorithm to find the shortest routing path.
2. Depth first search (DFS) and breadth first search (BFS) graph traversal algorithm.
3. Prim’s algorithm to construct Minimum Spanning Tree.
4. Backtracking algorithm for space optimization.
5. Dynamic Programming and Linear Programming.

Textbook/ Textbooks

Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Algorithms for VLSI Design S H Gerez Wiley, India 2nd Edition
Reference Books
1 Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design N.A. Sherwani Springer 3rd Edition
Automation International edition


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)


Machine Learning in VLSI CAD

Course Code 20EVE321 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
A Preliminary Taxonomy for Machine Learning in VLSI CAD
Machine learning taxonomy, VLSI CAD Abstraction levels (Text Book:1 – 1.1, 1.2)
Machine Learning for Compact Lithographic Process Models
Introduction, Lithographic Patterning Process, Representation of Lithographic Patterning Process –
Mask, Imaging, Resist & Etch Transfer Function (Text Book:1 – 2.1, 2.2).
Machine Learning of Compact Lithographic Process Models (Cont.,)
Compact process model machine learning problem statement, CPM Task, CPM Training Experience,
Performance metrics, Supervised learning of a CPM (Text. Book:1 – 2.3)
Neural Network Compact Patterning Models
Neural Network Mask Transfer Function, Neural Network Image Transfer Function, Neural Network
Resist Transfer Function, Neural Network Etch Transfer Function (Text. Book:1 – 2.4).
Machine Learning for Mask Synthesis
Introduction, Machine Learning guided OPC, MLP Construction, ML-EPC, EPC Algorithm
(TextBook:1 – 3.1, 3.2,, 3.3.2,
Machine Learning in Physical Verification
Introduction, Machine Learning in Physical Verification – layout feature extraction & encoding,
models for hotspot detection.
(Text.Book:1 – 4.1, 4.2)
Machine Learning in Mask Synthesis and Physical Design:
Machine Learning inMask Synthesis – mask synthesis flow, Machine Learning for sub-resolution assist
features, Machine Learning for optical proximity correction.
Machine Learning inPhysical Design - for datapath placement, routability driven placement, clock
optimization, lithography friendly routing (Text Book: 1 – 4.3, 4.4).
Machine Learning for Manufacturing
Gaussian Process-Based Wafer-Level Correlation Modeling and Its Applications
(Text Book: 1 – 5.1).
Machine Learning for Yield and Reliability:
High-volume manufacturing yield estimation – Histogram with random sampling, Histogram with GP-
ST-PS, Kernel density estimation. (Text Book: 1 – 5.2.11).
Machine learning based aging analysis (Text Book: 1 – 9.1).
Learning from limited data in VLSI CAD, Iterative feature search (Text Book: 1 – 13.1, 13.2).
Comparative study of Assertion mining algorithms in GoldMine (Text Book: 1 – 20.1).

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Use machine learning technologies in VLSI CAD to further automate the design, verification and
implementation of the most advanced chips.
2. Relate to the usage of machine learning algorithms for Compact Lithographic Process Models.
3. Apply Machine Learning in Mask Synthesis and Physical Verification to bear on CAD problems such as hot-
spot detection, efficient test generation, post-silicon measurement minimization.
4. Predict the Yield and Reliability of VLSI chips using machine learning methods.
5. Comprehend the appropriate application of the various supervised, unsupervised and statistical learning in the
various layers of chip design hierarchy.

Question paper pattern:

The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.

Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Machine Learning in VLSI Editors: Ibrahim (Abe)M Elfadel, Springer 2019
Computer Aided Design Duane SBoning, Xin Li International
Reference Books
1 Machine Learning Tom M Mitchell McGraw-Hill 1997
2 Machine Learning Anuradha Srinivasaraghavan, Wiley 2019
Vincy Joseph


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
CMOS RF Circuit Design
Course Code 20EVE322 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Introduction to RF Design, Wireless Technology and Basic Concepts: A wireless world, RF design is
challenging, The big picture. General considerations, Effects of Nonlinearity, Noise, Sensitivity and dynamic
range, Passive impedance transformation. Scattering parameters, Analysis of nonlinear dynamic systems,
conversion of gains and distortion
Communication Concepts: General concepts, analog modulation, digital modulation, spectral re-growth,
coherent and non-coherent detection, Mobile RF communications, Multiple access techniques, Wireless
standards, Appendix 1: Differential phase shift keying.
Transceiver Architecture: General considerations, Receiver architecture, Transmitter architectures, Direct
conversion and two-step transmitters, RF testing for heterodyne, Homodyne, Image reject, Direct IF and sub
sampled receivers.
Low Noise Amplifiers and Mixers: General considerations, Problem of input matching, LNAtopologies:
common-source stage with inductive load, common-source stage with resistive feedback.
Mixers-General considerations, passive down conversion mixers, Various mixers- working and implementation.
VCO and PLLs- Oscillators- Basic topologies VCO and definition of phase noise, Noise power and trade off.
Resonator VCO designs, Quadrature and single sideband generators. Radio frequency Synthesizers- PLLS,
Various RF synthesizer architectures and frequency dividers, Power Amplifier design.

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Analyse the effect of nonlinearity and noise in RF and microwave design.
2. Exemplify the approaches taken in actual RF products.
3. Minimize the number of off-chip components required to design mixers, Low-Noise Amplifiers, VCO and
4. Explain various receivers and transmitter topologies with their merits and drawbacks.
5. Demonstrate how the system requirements define the parameters of the circuits and the impact on the
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 RF Microelectronics B. Razavi PHI second edition
Reference Books
1 CMOS Circuit Design, layout and R. Jacob Baker, H.W. Li, PHI 1998
Simulation D.E. Boyce
2 Design of CMOS RF Integrated Thomas H. Lee Cambridge 1998
Circuits University press
3 Mixed Analog and Digital Devices Y.P. Tsividis TMH 1996
and Technology


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Embedded Linux System Design and Development
Course Code 20EVE323 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Introduction: History of Embedded Linux, Why Embedded Linux, Embedded Linux Versus Desktop Linux,
Frequently Asked Questions, Embedded Linux Distributions, Porting Roadmap.
Getting Started: Architecture of Embedded Linux, Linux Kernel Architecture, User Space, Linux Start-Up
Sequence, GNU CrossPlatform Tool chain.
Board Support Package: Inserting BSP in Kernel Build Procedure, Memory Map, Interrupt Management, The
PCI Subsystem, Timers, UART, Power Management.
Embedded Storage: Flash Map, MTD—Memory Technology Device, MTD Architecture, Sample MTD Driver
for NOR Flash, The Flash-Mapping Drivers, MTD Block and Character Devices,Mtdutils Package, Embedded
File Systems, Optimizing Storage Space, Tuning Kernel Memory.
Embedded Drivers: Linux Serial Driver, Ethernet Driver , I2C Subsystem on Linux, USB Gadgets, Watchdog
Timer, Kernel Modules.
Porting Applications: Architectural Comparison, Application Porting Roadmap, Programming with Pthreads,
Operating System Porting Layer (OSPL), Kernel API Driver.

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Understand the embedded Linux development environment.
2. Understand and create Linux BSP for a hardware platform.
3. Understand the Linux model for embedded storage and write drivers and applications for the same.
4. Understand various embedded Linux drivers such as serial, I2C, and so on.
5. Port applications to embedded Linux from a traditional RTOS.
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Embedded Linux System Design And P.Raghavan, Amol Lad, Auerbach 2006
Development Sriram Neelakandan Publications, Taylor
& Francis Group
Reference Books
1 Building Embedded Linux Systems Karim Yaghmour, Jon O’Reilly 2ndedition
Masters, Gilad Ben- publications
Yossef, and Philippe


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Advanced Computer Architecture
Course Code 20EVE324 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Parallel Computer Models: The State of Computing, Multiprocessors and multicomputers, Multivector and
SIMD computers.
Program and Network Properties: Conditions of parallelism, Program Partitioning & Scheduling, Program
Flow Mechanisms.
Principles of Scalable Performance: Performance Metrics and Measures, Parallel Processing Applications,
Speedup Performance Laws, Scalability Analysis and Approaches.
Processors & Memory Hierarchy: Advanced processor technology, Super Scalars & Vector Processors,
Memory Hierarchy Technology, Virtual Memory Technology.
Bus, Cache and Shared Memory: Bus Systems, Cache Memory Organizations, Shared Memory Organizations,
Sequential & Weak Consistency Model.
Pipelining & Superscalar Technologies: Linear Pipeline Processors, Nonlinear Pipeline Processors, Instruction
Pipeline Design, Arithmetic Pipeline Design, Superscalar Pipeline Design.
Multivector& SIMD Computers: Vector Processing principles, Multivector Multiprocessors, Compound
Vector Processing, SIMD Computer Organization.
Scalable, Multithreaded and Data Flow Computers: Latency Hiding Techniques, Principles of Multithreading,
Fine Grain Multi Computers, Scalable and Multithreaded Architectures, Data Flow and Hybrid Architectures.
Parallel Models, Languages and Compilers: Parallel Programming Models, Parallel Languages & Compilers,
Dependence Analysis and Data Arrays, Code Optimization and Scheduling, Loop Parallelization and Pipelining.
Parallel Program Development and Environments: Parallel Programming Environments, Synchronization and
Multi Processor Modes, Shared Variable Program Structures.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Understand the basic concepts for parallel processing
2. Analyze program partitioning and flow mechanisms
3. Apply pipelining concept for the performance evaluation
4. Learn the advanced processor architectures for suitable applications
5. Understand parallel Programming
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Advanced Computer Architecture: Kai Hwang & Narendra McGraw Hill 3rd Edition,
Parallelism, Scalability, Jotwani Education, ISBN: 2016
Programmability 978-93-392-2092-1
Reference Books
1 Computer Architecture, Pipelined and M.J. Flynn Narosa Publishing 2002
Parallel Processor Design
2 Parallel programming in C with MPI Michael J Quinn Tata McGraw Hill 2013
and OpenMP
3 An Introduction to Parallel Ananth Grama Pearson 2nd Edition,
Computing: Design and Analysis of 2004


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
VLSI Design for Signal Processing
Course Code 20EVE331 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Introduction to DSP Systems: Typical DSP Algorithms, DSP Application Demands and Scaled CMOS
Technologies, Representations of DSP Algorithms.
Iteration Bounds: Data flow graph Representations, loop bound and Iteration bound. Algorithms for Computing
Iteration Bound, Iteration Bound of multi rate data flow graphs.
Pipelining and Parallel Processing: pipelining of FIR Digital Filters, parallel processing, Pipelining and parallel
processing for low power.
Retiming: Definition and Properties, Solving Systems of Inequalities, Retiming Techniques.
Unfolding: An Algorithm for Unfolding, Properties of Unfolding, Critical path, Unfolding and Retiming,
Application of Unfolding.
Folding: Folding Transformation, Register Minimization Techniques, Register Minimization in Folded
Architectures, Folding of Multirate Systems.
Systolic Architecture Design: systolic array design Methodology, FIR systolic array, Selection of Scheduling
Vector, Matrix-Matrix Multiplication and 2D systolic Array Design, Systolic Design forspace representation
containing Delays.
Fast convolution: Cook-Toom Algorithm, Winograd Algorithm, Iterated convolution, cyclic convolution Design
of fast convolution Algorithm by Inspection.
Pipelined and Parallel Recursive and Adaptive Filter: Pipeline Interleaving in Digital Filter, first order IIR
digital Filter, Higher order IIR digital Filter, parallel processing for IIR filter, Combinedpipelining and parallel
processing for IIR Filter, Low power IIR Filter Design Using Pipelining and parallel processing, pipelined
adaptive digital filter.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Illustrate the use of various DSP algorithms and addresses their representation using block diagrams, signal
flow graphs and data-flow graphs
2. Use pipelining and parallel processing in design of high-speed /low-power applications
3. Apply unfolding in the design of parallel architecture
4. Evaluate the use of look-ahead techniques in parallel and pipelined IIR Digital filters.
5. Develop an algorithm or architecture or circuit design for DSP applications
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 VLSI Digital Signal Processing Keshab K.Parthi Wiley 1999
systems, Design and implementation
Reference Books
1 Analog VLSI Signal and Information Mohammed Isamail Mc Graw-Hill 1994
Processing and Terri Fiez
2 VLSI and Modern Signal Processing S.Y. Kung, H.J. White Prentice Hall 1985
House, T. Kailath
3 Design of Analog - Digital VLSI Jose E. France, Yannis Prentice Hall 1994
Circuits for Telecommunication and Tsividis
Signal Processing
4 DSP Integrated Circuits Lars Wanhammar Academic Press 1stEdition
Series in Engineering


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Pattern Recognition & Machine Learning
Course Code 20ESP332 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Introduction: Probability Theory, Model Selection, The Curse of Dimensionality, Decision Theory, Information
Distributions: Binary and Multinomial Variables, The Gaussian Distribution, The Exponential Family,
Nonparametric Methods. (Ch.: 1,2)
Supervised Learning
Linear Regression Models: Linear Basis Function Models, The Bias-Variance Decomposition, Bayesian Linear
Regression, Bayesian Model Comparison
Classification & Linear Discriminant Analysis: Discriminant Functions, Probabilistic Generative Models,
Probabilistic Discriminative Mode (Ch.:3,4).
Supervised Learning
Kernels: Dual Representations, Constructing Kernels, Radial Basis Function Network, Gaussian Processes
Support Vector Machines: Maximum Margin Classifiers, Relevance Vector Machines
Neural Networks: Feed-forward Network, Network Training, Error Backpropagation (Ch:5,6,7).
Unsupervised Learning:
Mixture Models: K-means Clustering, Mixtures of Gaussians, Maximum likelihood, EM for Gaussian mixtures,
Alternative View of EM.
Dimensionality Reduction: Principal Component Analysis, Factor/Component Analysis, Probabilistic PCA,
Kernel PCA, Nonlinear Latent Variable Models (Ch.: 9,12).
Probabilistic Graphical Models: Bayesian Networks, Conditional Independence, Markov Random Fields,
Inference in Graphical Models, Markov Model, Hidden Markov Models (Ch.:8,13)
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Identify areas where Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning can offer a solution.
2. Describe the strength and limitations of some techniques used in computational Machine Learning for
classification, regression and density estimation problems.
3. Describe and model data.
4. Solve problems in Regression and Classification.
5. Discuss main and modern concepts for model selection and parameter estimation in recognition, decision
making and statistical learning problems.
Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Pattern Recognition and Machine Christopher Bishop Springer 2006


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Internet of Things
Course Code 20ECS333 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
What is IoT ?
Genesis, Digitization, Impact, Connected Roadways, Buildings, Challenges
IoT Network Architecture and Design
Drivers behind new network Architectures, Comparing IoT Architectures, M2M architecture, IoT world forum
standard, IoT Reference Model, Simplified IoT Architecture.
IoT Network Architecture and Design
Core IoT Functional Stack, Layer1(Sensors and Actuators), Layer 2(Communications Sublayer), Access network
sublayer, Gateways and backhaul sublayer, Network transport sublayer,IoT Network management.
Layer 3(Applications and Analytics) – Analytics vs Control, Data vs Network Analytics, IoT Data Management
and Compute Stack
Engineering IoT Networks
Things in IoT – Sensors, Actuators, MEMS and smart objects.
Sensor networks, WSN, Communication protocols for WSN
Communications Criteria, Range, Frequency bands, power consumption, Topology, Constrained Devices,
Constrained Node Networks
IoT Access Technologies, IEEE 802.15.4
Competitive Technologies – Overview only of IEEE 802.15.4g, 4e, IEEE 1901.2a
Standard Alliances – LTE Cat0, LTE-M, NB-IoT
Engineering IoT Networks
IP as IoT network layer, Key Advantages, Adoption, Optimization, Constrained Nodes, Constrained Networks, IP
versions, Optimizing IP for IoT.
Application Protocols for IoT – Transport Layer, Application Transport layer, Background only of SCADA,
Generic web based protocols, IoT Application Layer
Data and Analytics for IoT – Introduction, Structured and Unstructured data, IoT Data Analytics overview and
IoT in Industry (Three Use cases)
IoT Strategy for Connected manufacturing, Architecture for Connected Factory
Utilities – Power utility, IT/OT divide, Grid blocks reference model, Reference Architecture, Primary substation
grid block and automation.
Smart and Connected cities –Strategy, Smart city network Architecture, Street layer, city layer, Data center layer,
services layer, Smart city security architecture, Smart street lighting.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Understand the basic concepts IoT Architecture and devices employed.
2.Analyze the sensor data generated and map it to IoT protocol stack fortransport.
3.Apply communications knowledge to facilitate transport of IoT data overvarious available communications
4.Design a use case for a typical application in real life ranging fromsensing devices to analyzing the data
available on a server to performtasks on the device.
5. Apply knowledge of Information technology to design of IoT applications (OperationalTechnology).

Question paper pattern:

The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.

Textbook/ Textbooks
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 CISCO, IoT Fundamentals – David Hanes, Pearson Education, First edition,
Networking Technologies, Protocols, Gonzalo Salgueiro, ISBN: 978- 2017
Use Cases for IoT Patrick Grossetete, 9386873743
Robert Barton,
Jerome Henry
Reference Books
1 Internet of Things – A Hands on ArshdeepBahga and Orient Blackswan First edition,
Approach Vijay Madisetti Private Limited - 2015
New Delhi


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Long Term Reliability of VLSI Systems
Course Code 20EVE334 CIE Marks 40
TeachingHours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Electromigration Reliability
Why Electromigration Reliability?,Why system-level EM Reliability Management? Physics- based EM
Modeling, Electromigration Fundamentals, Stress based EM Modeling and stress diffusion equations,
Modeling for transient EM effects and Initial stress conditions, post voiding stress and void volume
evolution, compact physics based EM model for a single wire, other relevant EM models and analysis
methods. (Text Book:1 – 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 up to 2.6, 2.9).
Fast EM Stress Evolution Analysis
Introduction, The LTI ordinary differential equations for EM stress evolution, The presented Krylov
fast EM stress analysis, Numerical results and discussions (Text. Book:1 – 3.1 up to 3.4).
EM Assessment for Power Grid Networks
New power grid reliability analysis method, cross-layout temperature and thermal stress
characterization, impact of across-layout temperature and thermal stress on EM. (Text.Book:1 – 7.1,
7.2, 7.4, 7.5).
Transistor Aging Effects and Reliability:
Introduction, Transistor reliability in advanced technology nodes, Transistor Aging, BTI- Bias
Temperature Instability, HCI – Hot Carrier Injection, Coupling models for BTI and HCI degradations,
RTN – Random Telegraph Noise, TDDB – Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown. (Text Book: 1 –
13.1, 13.2).
Aging Effects in Sequential Elements:
Introduction, Background: flip flop timing analysis, process variation model, voltage droop model,
Robustness analysis, reliability-aware flip-flop design (Text Book: 1 – 16.1 up to 16.4).
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Comprehend the recent research in the area of interconnect and device reliability.
2. Determine the impact of device-level reliability on system performance, built upon physics-based
3. Understand the physics-based EM modeling.
4. Understand the underlying phenomena of BTI, HCI, TDDB leading to device-level reliability
5. Relate to considerations at the circuit-level with both combinational and sequential elements.

Question paper pattern:

The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.

Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Long-Term Reliability of Sheldon X. D. Tan, Springer 1st Edition,
Nanometer VLSI Systems Mehdi International 2019
BaradaranTahoori, Publishing ISBN: 978-3-
Taeyoung Kim, 030-26171-9
SamanKiamehr, Zeyu

Sun, Shengcheng Wang

Reference Books
1 Reliability Wearout Mechanisms in Alvin Wayne Strong, Wiley, Copyright © 2009
Advanced CMOS Technologies Rolf-Peter Vollertsen, the Institute of Print
Timothy D. Sullivan, Electrical and ISBN:978047
Ernest Y. Wu, Giuseppe Electronics 1731726
La Rosa, Jordi Sune Engineers, Inc.
2 Hot-carrier Reliability of MOS VLSI Yusuf Leblebici, S M Springer Science & 1st Edition,
Circuits Kang Business Media 1993
3 Fundamentals of Electromigration- Matthias Thiele, Jens Springer 2018
Aware Integrated Circuit Design Lienig International


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Course Code 20EVE34 CIE Marks 100
Number ofcontactHours/Week (L:T:P) 0:0:2 SEE Marks --
Credits 02 Exam Hours --
Course objectives:
 Support independent learning.
 Guide to select and utilize adequate information from varied resources maintaining ethics.
 Guide to organize the work in the appropriate manner and present information (acknowledging the
sources) clearly.
 Develop interactive, communication, organisation, time management, and presentation skills.
 Impart flexibility and adaptability.
 Inspire independent and team working.
 Expand intellectual capacity, credibility, judgement, intuition.
 Adhere to punctuality, setting and meeting deadlines.
 Instil responsibilities to oneself and others.
 Train students to present the topic of project work in a seminar without any fear, face audience
confidently, enhance communication skill, involve in group discussion to present and exchange ideas.
Project Phase-1 Students in consultation with the guide/s shall carry out literature survey/ visit industries to
 the
finalize ∎ topic of the Project. Subsequently, the students shall collect the material required for the selected
project, prepare synopsis and narrate the methodology to carry out the project work.
Seminar:Each student, under the guidance of a Faculty, is required to
 Present the seminar on the selected project orally and/or through power point slides.
 Answer the queries and involve in debate/discussion.
 Submit two copies of the typed report with a list of references.
The participants shall take part in discussion to foster friendly and stimulating environment in which the students
are motivated to reach high standards and become self-confident.
Revised Bloom’s L3 – Applying, L4 – Analysing, L5 – Evaluating, L6 – Creating.
Taxonomy Level
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
 Demonstrate a sound technical knowledge of their selected project topic.
 Undertake problem identification, formulation and solution.
 Design engineering solutions to complex problems utilising a systems approach.
 Communicate with engineers and the community at large in written an oral forms.
 Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a professional engineer.
Continuous Internal Evaluation
CIE marks for the project report (50 marks), seminar (30 marks) and question and answer (20 marks) shall be
awarded (based on the quality of report and presentation skill, participation in the question and answer session by
the student) by the committee constituted for the purpose by the Head of the Department. The committee shall
consist of three faculty from the department with the senior most acting as the Chairperson.


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Course Code 20EVE35 CIE Marks 100
Number of contact Hours/Week (L:T:P) (0:0:2) SEE Marks --
Credits 02 Exam Hours/Batch 03
Course objectives:
 To support independent learning and innovative attitude.
 To guide to select and utilize adequate information from varied resources upholding ethics.
 To guide to organize the work in the appropriate manner and present information (acknowledging the
sources) clearly.
 To develop interactive, communication, organization, time management, and presentation skills.
 To impart flexibility and adaptability.
 To inspire independence and team working.
 To expand intellectual capacity, credibility, judgment, intuition.
 To adhere to punctuality, setting and meeting deadlines.
 To instill responsibilities to oneself and others.
 To train students to present the topic of project work in a seminar without any fear, face the audience
confidently, enhance communication skills, involve in group discussion to present and exchange ideas.

Mini-Project: Each student shall involve in carrying out the project work jointly in constant consultation with
internal guide, co-guide, and external guide and prepare the project report as per the norms avoiding plagiarism.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
 Present the mini-project and be able to defend it.
 Make links across different areas of knowledge and generate, develop and evaluate ideas and
information so as to apply these skills to the project task.
 Habituated to critical thinking and use problem-solving skills.
 Communicate effectively and to present ideas clearly and coherently in both written and oral forms.
 Work in a team to achieve a common goal.
 Learn on their own, reflect on their learning and take appropriate actions to improve it.

CIE procedure for Mini - Project:

The CIE marks awarded for Mini - Project, shall be based on the evaluation of Mini - Project Report, Project
Presentation skill and Question and Answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks awarded for Mini - Project
report shall be the same for all the batch mates.


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Course Code 20EVEI36 CIE Marks 40
Number of contact Hours/Week 0:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Credits 06 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
Internship/Professional practice provide students the opportunity of hands-on experience that include personal
training, time and stress management, interactive skills, presentations, budgeting, marketing, liability and risk
management, paperwork, equipment ordering, maintenance, responding to emergencies etc. The objectives are
 To put theory into practice.
 To expand thinking and broaden the knowledge and skills acquired through course work in the field.
 To relate to, interact with, and learn from current professionals in the field.
 To gain a greater understanding of the duties and responsibilities of a professional.
 To understand and adhere to professional standards in the field.
 To gain insight to professional communication including meetings, memos, reading, writing, public
speaking, research, client interaction, input of ideas, and confidentiality.
 To identify personal strengths and weaknesses.
 To develop the initiative and motivation to be a self-starter and work independently.

Internship/Professional practice: Students under the guidance of internal guide/s and external guide shall take
part in all the activities regularly to acquire as much knowledge as possible without causing any inconvenience at
the place of internship.
Seminar: Each student, is required to
 Present the seminar on the internship orally and/or through power point slides.
 Answer the queries and involve in debate/discussion.
 Submit the report duly certified by the external guide.
 The participants shall take part in discussion to foster friendly and stimulating environment in which the
students are motivated to reach high standards and become self-confident.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
 Gain practical experience within industry in which the internship is done.
 Acquire knowledge of the industry in which the internship is done.
 Apply knowledge and skills learned to classroom work.
 Develop a greater understanding about career options while more clearly defining personal career goals.
 Experience the activities and functions of professionals.
 Develop and refine oral and written communication skills.
 Identify areas for future knowledge and skill development.
 Expand intellectual capacity, credibility, judgment, intuition.
 Acquire the knowledge of administration, marketing, finance and economics.

Continuous Internal Evaluation

CIE marks for the Internship/Professional practice report (20 marks), seminar (10 marks) and question and
answer session (10 marks) shall be awarded (based on the quality of report and presentation skill, participation
in the question and answer session by the student) by the committee constituted for the purpose by the Head of
the Department. The committee shall consist of three faculty from the department with the senior most acting as
the Chairperson.

Semester End Examination

SEE marks for the internship report (30 marks), seminar (20 marks) and question and answer session (10
marks) shall be awarded (based on the quality of report and presentation skill, participation in the question and
answer session) by the examiners appointed by the University.


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education(OBE)
Course Code 20EVE41 CIE Marks 40
Number of contact Hours/Week(L:T:P) 0:0:40 SEE Marks 60
Credits 20 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
 To support independent learning.
 To guide to select and utilize adequate information from varied resources maintaining ethics.
 To guide to organize the work in the appropriate manner and present information (acknowledging the
sources) clearly.
 To develop interactive, communication, organisation, time management, and presentation skills.
 To impart flexibility and adaptability.
 To inspire independent and team working.
 To expand intellectual capacity, credibility, judgement, intuition.
 To adhere to punctuality, setting and meeting deadlines.
 To instil responsibilities to oneself and others.
 To train students to present the topic of project work in a seminar without any fear, face audience
confidently, enhance communication skill, involve in group discussion to present and exchange ideas.

Project Work Phase - II: Each student of the project batch shall involve in carrying out the project work jointly
in constant consultation with internal guide, co-guide, and external guide and prepare the project report as per the
norms avoiding plagiarism.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
 Present the project and be able to defend it.
 Make links across different areas of knowledge and to generate, develop and evaluate ideas and
information so as to apply these skills to the project task.
 Habituated to critical thinking and use problem solving skills
 Communicate effectively and to present ideas clearly and coherently in both the written and oral forms.
 Work in a team to achieve common goal.
 Learn on their own, reflect on their learning and take appropriate actions to improve it.

Continuous Internal Evaluation:

Project Report: 20 marks. The basis for awarding the marks shall be the involvement of the student in the
project and in the preparation of project report. To be awarded by the internal guide in consultation with external
guide if any.
Project Presentation: 10 marks.
The Project Presentation marks of the Project Work Phase -II shall be awarded by the committee constituted for
the purpose by the Head of the Department. The committee shall consist of three faculty from the department
with the senior most acting as the Chairperson.
Question and Answer: 10 marks.
The student shall be evaluated based on the ability in the Question and Answer session for 10 marks.
Semester End Examination
SEE marks for the project report (30 marks), seminar (20 marks) and question and answer session (10 marks)
shall be awarded (based on the quality of report and presentation skill, participation in the question and answer
session) by the examiners appointed by the University.

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