Mathematics 1st Year & 2nd Year
Mathematics 1st Year & 2nd Year
Mathematics 1st Year & 2nd Year
Semester :I,II
Unit –I
De’ Moivre’s theorem and its applications, Trigonometric functions for multiple arguments.
Exponential, Circular and Hyperbolic functions for complex variables and their identities, Euler’s
Theorem, Relations between circular and Hyperbolic functions.
Logarithm of complex quantities, Separations of Logarithmic, Inverse circular and Inverse hyperbolic
functions into real and imaginary parts.
1. S. L. Loney: Plane Trigonometry, Part I and II, Mc Millan and Co. London.
4. N.P.Bhamore and et al: College Aadhunik Ganit shastra, Popular Prakashan, Surat.
Unit –I
Rolle’s Theorems and its geometrical interpretation, Lagrange’s Theorem and its geometrical
interpretation, Cauchy theorem, Maclaurin and Taylor series expansions
Curvature and radius of curvature (except Polar form), Increasing and Decreasing functions,
Asymptotes, Concavity and Convexity
5. M. R. Spigel: Theory and Problems of Advanced Calculus, Schaum’s Publishing Co., New
6. N. P. Bhamore and et al: College Aadhunik Ganit shastra, Popular Prakashan, Surat.
Row-reduced echelon forms, Inverse of matrix by Row –Reduced Echelon form. Row rank of a
matrix, Quadratic forms.
Trace of matrix and its properties, Solution of homogeneous system of linear equations using row –
reduced echelon forms.
Characteristic equation of a matrix, Method to find Characteriastic equation using determinant and
minors of a matrix, Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a matrix, Cayley-Hamilton theorem and its
application to find an inverse of a matrix, Method of diagonalization.
1. Krishnamurthy, Mainra and Arora: An Introduction to linear Algebra, Affiliated West Press
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Erwin Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley India (P) Ltd., 2009.
3. B.S.Vasta and Suchi Vasta: Theory of Matrices; 4rd Edition -2014, New Age International (P)
Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi.
6. N.P.Bhamore and et al: College Aadhunik Ganit shastra, Popular Prakashan, Surat.
Application of Integral calculus: Length of a curve, Intrinsic equation (except polar coordinates).
Bernoulli’s equation, Exact differential equation, Differential equations of first order and higher
degree : Solvable for , , and Lagrange’s equation, Clairaut’s equation.
2. Shantinarayan: Integral Calculus, Revised Edition-2009, S.Chand and Co., New Delhi.
5. Frank Ayres: Theory and problems on Differential Equations, Mc Graw Hill Book Co., New
6. N.P.Bhamore and et al: College Aadhunik Ganit shastra, Popular Prakashan, Surat.
Semester: III, IV
Effective from July 2015
Unit I:
Limits and Continuity of a function of two variables, Partial Differentiation,
Total Differential, Composite function, Homogeneous functions,
Euler’stheorem for Homogeneous functions.
Unit II:
Taylor’s theorem for functions of two variables, Maclaurian’s expansions in
power series, Jacobian.
Unit III:
Double and Triple Integrals, Change of order of Double integrals, Computation
of area using double integrals.
Unit IV:
Vector point function, Differentiation of vector point function, Gradient,
Divergence and Curl, their properties.
Unit I:
Linear Differential Equations with constant coefficients, Complimentary
functions, Particular Integral, General Solution,Methods for finding Particular
Unit II:
Linear Differential Equations with variable coefficients, Homogeneous
Differential Equations, Legendre’s Differential Equation.
Unit III:
Second order Differential Equations: Solution in terms of known Integral,
Method of Variation of Parameters.
Unit IV:
Second order Differential Equations: Solution by method of removal of first
order derivatives, Method of Changing Independent Variable.
Unit I:
Error estimation: Errors and their computations, A general error formula.
Unit II:
Numerical Solutions of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations: Bisection
Method, Method of False position, Iteration Method, Newton-
Unit III:
Forward Differences, Backward Differences, Central Differences, Symbolic
relation and separation of symbols, Differences of Polynomials.
Unit IV:
Newton’s Forward and Backward Formulae, Gauss’s Interpolation formulae.
Unit I:
Notations of finite difference calculus, Operators E, Δ, ∇,, Relations between
different operators and their prosperities, Relation between difference and
differential operators, Method of constructing difference tables, Finding the
missing terms.
Unit II:
Factorial notation, Expression of polynomials in factorial notation by using
finite differences, Method of unknown coefficients.
Unit III:
Difference Equations, Order and degree of a difference equation, Solution of
linear difference equations, homogeneous differenceequations, homogeneous
difference equations with constant coefficients.
Unit I:
Definition of a group, its elementary properties, Order of a group, Order of an
element of a group, Group multiplication tables, Examples of groups including
finite groups, Infinite groups, Abelian groups, Cyclic groups.
Unit II:
Subgroup, Condition that a subset is a subgroup, Examples of subgroups.Basic
concept of symmetry, Symmetry elements and symmetry operations in a space,
Identity symmetry operation.
Unit III:
Symmetry planes and reflection symmetry, Inversion centre and inversion
symmetry, Rotation axes and rotation symmetry, Improper axes and improper
rotation symmetry, product of symmetry operations.
Unit I:
Maxima-Minima for functions of two variables, Necessary and sufficient
conditions for extreme points.
Unit II:
Beta-Gamma functions: Relation between Beta and Gamma functions,
Properties, Applications of Beta and Gamma functions.
Unit III:
Laplace Transform of elementary functions, Properties of Laplace Transform,
Differentiation and Integration of Laplace Transform.
Unit IV:
Laplace Transform of derivatives and integrals, Inverse of Laplace Transform,
Method of Partial fractions, Properties of inverse Laplace Transform.
Unit I:
Formation of Partial Differential Equation, Solution of Partial Differential
Equations, Equations solvable by direct integral.
Unit II:
Partial Differential Equations of first order, Nonlinear Partial Differential
Equations of first order, Some special methods.
Unit III:
Homogeneous linear Partial Differential Equations with constant coefficients,
Rules of finding the Complimentary functions and Particular Integral for
solving Partial Differential Equations, Working methods to solve the
homogeneous linear equations of any order.
Unit IV:
Non-homogeneous linear Partial Differential Equations, Non-linear equations of
the second order.
Unit I:
Finite difference with unequal interval, Lagrange’s Interpolation Formula,
Divided Differences, Newton’s General Interpolation Formula.
Unit II:
Numerical Differentiation: 1st and 2ndorder derivatives based on Newton’s
forward difference interpolation formula, Newton’s backward difference
interpolation formula and Gauss’s formulae.
Unit III:
Numerical Integration: General Integration formula, Trapezoidal Rule,
Simpson’s 1/3-Rule, Simpson’s 3/8-Rule.
Unit IV:
Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations by Taylor’s series method, Picard’s
approximation method, Euler’s method.
Unit I:
Mathematical modelling through ordinary differential equations of first order,
Linear growth models, Linear decay models, Models for growth of Science &
Unit II:
Non-linear growth & decay models, Model of Logistic law of population,
Spread of technological innovation, Spread of infectious diseases.
Unit III:
Mathematical models of geometrical problems through ordinary differential
equation of first order, Simple geometrical problems, Orthogonal trajectories.
Unit I:
Formation of groups of symmetries (in space) of the following Plane figures
(regarded as rigid objects):
1. An isosceles triangle (cyclic group C2 of order 2)
2. An equilateral triangle (the group S3 of order 6)
3. A rectangle (the group V4)
4. A square (the group D4)
Unit II:
Formation of groups of symmetries of the following Chemical Molecules
(Configuration of atoms).
1. H2O (the group V4)
2. H2O2
3. Trans- N2 – F2 (the group V4)
4. NH3, PCl3, CHCl3(the group S3)
Unit III:
Concept of isomorphism of groups, Isomorphism of multiplicative group with
the group C2of the symmetries of an isosceles triangle, Isomorphism of
multiplicative group with the group V4of the symmetries of a rectangle,
Isomorphism of group V4 of the symmetries of a rectangle with the group of
symmetries of H2O, Isomorphism of group S3of the symmetries of an equilateral
triangle with the group of symmetries of NH3, PCl3, CHCl3.