Form Work Method Statement Nestle 2023

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Nama Perusahaan:

Work Method Statement Nama Supervisor:


WHAT WORK will we do?

LOCATION of work / Lokasi Pekerjaan :

DESCRIPTION of work / Deskripsi Pekerjaan :

Start Kerja (Tanggal & Waktu) Durasi Pekerjaan:

Scope Pekerjaan berdasarkan S & H Ya Tidak
Risk assessment lengkap dan Di review Ya Tidak
Nama Kontraktor performing authority

HOW will we do the work? / Bagaimana penyelesaian Pekerjaan?

DESCRIPTION of work/Deskripsi Pekerjaan (method and sequence)











Lampirkan gambar tahapan pekerjaan apabila dibutuhkan (Use sketches and drawings if possible)

Sketches and Drawings / Gambar langkah kerja

WHO will do the work?/ Siapa yang akan melaksanakan pekerjaan?

DESCRIPTION of work team/ Jelaskan team yang akan bekerja (numbers of people, job tasks, skills)
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Version 1.1
WHAT EQUIPMENT will we use?/Peralatan apa yang akan digunakan ?
Ladder/ Tangga Hoist
Mobile Scaffold Tower Material Handling Equipment, eg Forklift
Mobile Elevating Working Platform (MEWP) Excavator
Scaffolding Powered Hand Tools (specify below)
Crane (Tower crane / Mobile crane)

Additional equipment to be used:/ Tambahan Peralatan yang mungkin akan digunakan :

Will we need a PERMIT-TO-WORK..? / Apakah membutuhkan Ijin Kerja (PTW)?

Confined Hazardous Mode 4 Critical
Work at Hot hazard Ground
if Space Line Machinery Lifting Demolition
Height Work Electrical Disturbance
required Entry Breaking Intervention Operation

What services will need to be ISOLATED..? (Electricity, Compressed Air, Hydraulics, Gravity, Springs, Other stored energy)
SERVICES TO BE ISOLATED:/ Peralatan yang membutuhkan di isolasi

How will we prepare BEFORE STARTING THE JOB? / Persiapan pekerjaan

PRE-JOB MEASURES to be taken: / Tindakan Pre-Job yang akan dilakukan :

What precautions will we take DURING THE JOB?/ Tindakan pencegahan apa yang akan kita ambil selama
pekerjaan berlangsung
PRECAUTIONS required:/ Tindakan pencegahan yang dibutuhkan

WHAT PPE will we use? / APD apa yang akan digunakan

required Safety Reflective Eye Face Ear Protective Respiratory Respiratory Personal fall Protective
footwear vest protection protection) protection gloves protection protection arrest system clothing

If using gloves or respiratory protection, indicate type:

How will we PROTECT OTHERS?/ Bagaimana kita akan melindungi orang lain
Measures to protect OTHERS/ Langkah untuk melindungi orang lain (eg other workers, members of public)

Measures to prevent POLLUTION / Langkah untuk pencegahan Polusi (eg air, water, land)

Procedures for DISPOSAL OF WASTES / Prosedur untuk pembuangan limbah

Sign By

(Contractor ) (HSE Contractor) (HSE Project ) (Engineer Nestle)

Version 1.1

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