Long Quiz - Etech No. 1
Long Quiz - Etech No. 1
Long Quiz - Etech No. 1
DATE: ____________
SCORE:___________ ________1. Invented the a. Information
World Wide Web b. Web 2.0
________2. An act of c. Symbian
LONG QUIZ IN EMPOWERMENT TECHOLOGY transmitting messages d. Tim-
________3. The magazine BernersLee
I. Direction: Choose the best answer. that declared Makati City, e. Folksonomy
Write your answer on your paper. Philippines as the selfiest city f. Social Media
around the world. g. Time Magazine
________4. This refers to the h. Web 1.0
1. This media is designed to help people who have
knowledge obtained from i. Communication
visual and hearing impairments. reading, investigation, study j. Windows
a. Assistive media b. Long tail or research. Mobile
c. Facebook d. Blogger ________5. This dynamic
webpage focuses on user
2. It is dubbed as the ICT hub of Asia. participation.
________6. Users are just
a. Hongkong b. Philippines c. merely readers of the content
Singapore d. Vietnam of the webpage.
________7. This enables
3. An interconnected system of public webpages users to find information
accessible through the internet. through tagging.
a. World Wide Web b. Browser ________8. An operating
system that is used by Nokia
c. Website d. URL
4. This is a type of social media that allow users to ________9. An operating
post their own news items or links to other news system for pocket PCs.
sources. ________10. This allows
users to interact,
a. Social networks b. Social news communicate, and share
c. Blogs d. Forums information in a virtual
5. This is the operating system used in iPhones.
a. Android b. Symbian III. Identify the type of social media that
c. Blackberry OS d. iOS is being asked in the following:
6. Twitter is a social media site that can be __________1. Twitter
classified as
___________6. Wordpress
a. Media sharing b. Microblogging
c. Blog d. Social news __________2. Blogger
7. A feature of Web 2.0 in which a user can give a
feedback to a certain product. __________3. Facebook
___________8. Instagram
a. User participation b. Rich user
experience c. Mass participation d. Folksonomy __________4. Pinterest
___________9. Tumblr
8. This type of social media allows user to
download videos from a website. __________5. Youtube
___________10. Flicker
a. Blogs and forums b. Bookmarking sites
c. Social News d. Media sharing IV. Give the differences of the following.
9. Facebook is a type of social media website that WEB 1.0 WEB 2.0 WEB 3.0
can be classified as (2pts.) (4pts.) (4pts.)