Catalogue Honeycomb
Catalogue Honeycomb
Catalogue Honeycomb
Fireproofing Properties:
Tested by National Research Center of Testing Techniques For
Building Materials, the properties of Aluminium Honeycomb
Composite Panels meet the requirement of non-flammable
materials. According to GB-8624-1997 standard, the aluminium
honeycomb panels fireproofing grade is GB-8624-B 1 Grade.
Moisture resistance:
The Aluminium Honeycomb Panel surface skins are manufactured
through roller-coating techniques, thus anti-anodizing, color-stable
and no going moldy and deforming.
Environmentally friendly:
Aluminium Honeycomb Panels does not emit any hazardous gas
and easy to be cleaned and also easily recyclable.
Corrosion Resistant:
According to testing, the Aluminium honeycomb panel remains
intact after immersed in 2% HCL solution or in saturated Ca(OH)2
solution for 24 hours.
Easy installation:
We could supply the panels with installation purpose aluminium
alloy brackets. They are easily installed, thus saving time and
labour. Furthermore, they can be dismantled for installation in other